Smuggler's Run 2: Hostile Territory

Smuggler's Run 2: Hostile Territory

17.10.2013 02:35:38
"This document Copyright 2001-2002 Nathan Norris"

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Smuggler's Run 2: Playstation 2 version - FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.3
By: Minesweeper (Nathan Norris) Email:


Last updated: 8/14/02

Table of Contents

If you are looking for something in particular in this big guide, try Ctrl +

1: Introduction
2: Revision History
3: E-mail Policy
4: General Strategies
5: Walkthrough
(MISSIONS 10-22)
(MISSIONS 23-36)
6: Thanks
7: Copyright


1: Introduction

Smuggler's Run 2 is a great game. The graphics are spectacular, and so is
the sounds. It's also an extremely difficult game, with the local law
enforcement after you as you deliver your illegal cargo. Those police are
more persistent than mosquitoes on a warm summer night and sting like
African killer bees, a lot like the last game.

You may have seen my walkthrough for Smuggler's Run 1. I'm going to try to
give out the same help I did before. This guide is going to try to help
you get through this big, bad world of smuggling merchandise across borders
while everyone is trying to capture you. The journey will be difficult, but
your odds will hopefully go down a little after trying out my unofficial
mission walkthroughs.


2: Revision History

Version 1.0 1/01/02 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Anyway, this is the first edition.


Version 1.1 1/10/02 - When I looked at my FAQ online, I discovered that my
mission headings were messed up, so that's what I am trying to fix in this


Version 1.2 3/24/02 - All I'm really doing is fixing a massive error I made
on writing about maps. I got LEFT and RIGHT mixed up the wrong way on east
and west.


Version 1.3 8/14/02 I have a small copyright revision today and a new email
address. may now host my guides, and my new email
address is


3: E-mail Policy

I have received a lot of stupid e-mail in the past, but now it is starting
to get ridiculous so I am going to start enforcing what kinds of messages
will and will not get answered.

Please DO:

- read the whole document before sending a question. If you have time to
waste your life away on video games, then you have enough time to scan my
document for a few minutes for an answer to a problem.

- put the name of the game in the message topic. It makes it A LOT easier
for me to pick out which messages are on games and which are not. Also if
the name is not there, I might accidentally delete it, thinking it is junk

- use grammar correctly. I won't be able to understand you if you write
some garbage like: "hym an dou ha vecodez furt his game?"

- send a message in English. I can barely read Spanish, let alone translate
Japanese. You wouldn't believe how many messages I have received in some
foreign languages that I don't even know which continent they are from.

Please DO NOT:

- be too formal. I won't get mad or anything if you do, but I feel kind of
silly when I get overly formal messages that sound like business contracts.

- be too INformal. Don't use lots of slang, or get lax in your punctuation
and capitalization.

- write the title of the message as "About your walkthrough" or something
similar to that.

- forget to include the name of the game in the message or on the title. I
am not a psychic. I cannot tell what game you are after if you do not
include the name in it.


4: General Strategies


STEERING - Left analog stick
ACCELERATION - Press up on the right analog stick or press X
REVERSE - Hold back on the right analog stick or press Triangle
BRAKE - Press back on the right analog stick or press Square
HANDBRAKE - Press R3 or Circle
PAUSE - Start
CAMERA - Select

The HANDBRAKE is very important in this game, because you'll be spending a
lot of time with your wheels off the ground. The HANDBRAKE will level out
your wheels so you'll have a smooth landing instead of falling end over end.

The map you trigger on R1 will be your best friend in this game. You'll
need it to find the easiest route from pickup point to pickup point. The
map doesn't have a compass, but I will use north, south, east, and west
anyway. UP on the map is north, LEFT is west, DOWN is south, and RIGHT is
east. I will also use a lot of location names, from the maps in the manual.

USE your REARVIEW button in conjunction with your weapon COUNTERMEASURES to
get away from the cops. Look behind you with REARVIEW, then when you see a
big pack of cops behind you, use your speed boost/oil slick/smokescreen/bomb
to get away from them, at least temporarily...


On the map, red arrows are you and your allies, blue arrows are your rivals,
and flashing white arrows are law enforcement. In the
playfield, the arrow on the top of the screen guides you to the next
checkpoint. It will be red if you are going to drop off your contraband,
and it will be yellow if you are going to pick up more contraband.

However, arrows are often misleading. Don't follow the arrow in a straight
line to your destination or you won't last long. You need to use the map to
find better routes. Also, there are some missions where there will be
multiple pickup points. They don't always point to the best target. My
guide will tell you what I think is the best order to collect them in.

On the map, contraband is indicated by a yellow box. The box icon will
overlay the arrow of the vehicle that is carrying it. In the playfield, the
contraband will be indicated by a single yellow flare. If a vehicle is
carrying it, a box icon will appear over it. If it's a friend, the box will
be red. If it is an enemy, the box will be blue.

On the map, a red X will show your drop off point, a blue X will show your
rivals' drop off point. In the playfield, three red flares indicate your
drop-off point, and three blue flares indicate your rivals' drop off point.

Contraband could be anything: computer chips, jewels, radioactive
containers, etc. That part doesn't really matter. No matter what you have,
someone is almost always trying to take it away from you or damage it.
Everytime you collide with something, the value of your cargo decreases.

This is usually not a big deal unless you are going for a high score. It IS
a big deal if you are carrying a bomb, which is indicated by a silver
container with a radioactive symbol on it. This item's value drops a lot
faster than other cargo. If it goes all the way down, they're gonna be
scraping you off the hillsides.

CONTRABAND EXCHANGE - When you drive into the yellow smoke to pick up the
stuff, "CONTRABAND ACQUIRED" will flash across the bottom of the screen. If
a rival collides with you, "CONTRABAND LOST" will flash across the bottom of
the screen, telling you that the enemy has made off with your loot. Get the
loot back by crashing into him. "CONTRABAND SNAGGED" will flash, indicating
you have taken it back.

You can also give the contraband to another teammate if you want. Collide
into them and "CONTRABAND TRANSFERRED" will appear, indicating you have
given the goods to your ally, who will now (hopefully) take the loot to the
drop off point. You can also get it back by slamming them again. Transport
loot yourself as often as possible, because your computerized teammates are
not very reliable when it comes to keeping contraband from being stolen off.

If you do let you teammate carry cargo, keep a careful eye on him. Watch
them until they make it to the goal, otherwise your contraband might get
snagged when you're not looking. By the time you figure out what happened,
he's almost to his base! Stay alert constantly!

Cops cannot take loot away from you, no matter how much they hammer you into
the ground.

If you are getting tired of chasing your rivals all over the map and they
are still getting the cargo back first, then here is a cheap trick I made
around it in my Smuggler's Run 1 guide. Wait at the enemy dropoff point.
When they try to deliver the contraband, they may hit you instead of the
checkpoint! Now you have the cargo and should be able to easily deliver it
to your base since both bases are usually close together.

It seems that these guys in the game have been reading my Smuggler's Run 1
guide and will use this trick against you themselves. Fake one way, then
swerve the other direction. Counter this cheap trick by having one of your
own teammates wait at their dropoff point. Select a vehicle that has a team
role called CORNER and they will stay by the enemy base at all times,
waiting for a rival to try to make a dropoff.

Each vehicle has advantages and disadvantages over each other. Choosing the
right car in this game is quite important. It's also important in team
missions where you and your friends have to work together to beat the police
and your rival team. Below is a little explanation of the ratings and what
each category is for:

none of the ratings on any vehicles go below 6, so I think it's not
important to examine ratings below that number.

6 - pitiful

7 - below average

8 - decent

9 - pretty good

10 - awesome!

this is an explanation of each category a vehicle is based on.

SPEED - this is the vehicle's overall top speed. Speed's important in this
game, because cops will dog you for entire missions.

ACCELERATION - this stands for how fast a vehicle can get up to top speed.
This category is often more important than top speed because you WILL crash
constantly in this game, no matter how good you are at driving. You need to
get up to speed quickly to get away from the cops.

HANDBRAKE - this rates how well a vehicle can turn. Most of the vehicles
seem to turn just right for me, minus the ATV MONSTER and the SPECIAL DU
MONDE, so it doesn't matter much what number this category has, unless the
number is 6 or lower.

WEIGHT - this is how heavy and well armored your vehicle is. This category
is important because you will be crashing into a lot of stuff during the
game. It's also important your car is heavy because whenever you are
airborne you have no control over where you are going. You also lose at
least a little health every time you land. It's often not much, but it will
add up. Heavy-weights won't fly into the air a lot.

CLIMBING - I made up this category myself, even though the game never
bothers with this one. IMO the game should have covered it. I will say how
well the vehicle can climb. You're literally gonna be crossing mountains,
and it would be bad if your car should get stuck on the way up one.

This tells what role the vehicle will play when it is controlled by the
computer in a contraband race. A FORWARD will zoom out and try to collect
the contraband. A GUARD will try to protect the vehicle carrying the
contraband. A BACK will go around trying to wreck into opponents, favoring
FORWARDS. CORNERS will hide out at enemy bases and wait for enemies to try
to deliver their contraband there.

The best combo IMO for a contraband race is one FORWARD and one CORNER, and
you driving a fast vehicle. That way you have two people gathering up cargo
quickly, and one last vehicle to gather up the contraband that got snagged
by the enemy before you could take it.

This is a device that can be used to escape enemies. It differs depending
upon which vehicle is used. You'll be able to use a countermeasure only
five times per mission. You must unlock a countermeasure on a vehicle
before you can use it.

SPEED BURST - The first one, SPEED BURST, is used by the SUPER BUGGY and the
ATV MONSTER. This is the only countermeasure that does no harm to enemies.
It's self explanatory. You just get a massive burst of speed to propel you
away from enemies.

OIL SLICK - This drops a strip of oil behind you. It will cause vehicles
behind you to spin out and maybe have a crash. Quite handy in my opinion.
It's used by the D-5 HONDO and the SPECIAL DU MONDE.

SMOKE SCREEN - This drops a line of smoke, forcing enemies to turn so they
can see. This is the most worthless special of all, because it's only
useful on bridges and in narrow passageways. If used anywhere else it does
little good. I'm real sad it's used by one of my favorite cars, the SAHARA
SPECIAL. It's also used by the KAVOSTOV.

BOMBS - My favorite countermeasure. You'll release a bomb behind you. It
will explode when an enemy collides with it or after a few seconds pass,
whichever comes first. Don't release it when the enemy is close by or
you'll get thrown for a loop as well. By close I mean closer than several
car lengths away. It's used by the BAJA TRUCK and the GRENADIER.

Speed - 8
Acceleration - 8
Handling - 7
Weight - 7
Climbing - 6
Team role - forward
Countermeasure - speed burst

Hmph, I was never a fan of the BUGGY from the original Smuggler's Run, and
this so-called SUPER BUGGY doesn't catch my eyes either. It can't climb for
anything. You'll need a speed burst if you need to get up hills at anything
faster than a crawl.

It's a little speedy, and much easier to use than the original BUGGY, but I
still don't like it. Sadly, this is the only car we have at the start of
the game. You'll get another one soon, but in the meantime you'll still be
stuck with this.

One thing it is helpful for is in contraband races. Assign your teammates
this car and they will be useful in gathering up the cargo before the
enemies can.

Speed - 7
Acceleration - 7
Handling - 8
Weight - 7
Climbing - 9
Team role - guard
Countermeasure - oil slick

This little jeep is MUCH better than the SUPER BUGGY. It's a little
underpowered, but it's real useful, even in later stages. For having a
lawnmower engine it sure can climb! You can take on anything short of the
steepest slopes in it.

It's oil slick is real handy for losing pursuers, especially in later levels
in Vietnam and Russia in the winter.

Speed - 9
Acceleration - 9
Handling - 6
Weight - 6
Climbing - 7
Team role - forward
Countermeasure - speed burst

This is the fastest vehicle in the game realistically, because it has
acceleration to recover from crashes. It's light as a feather and quite
difficult to steer. Anything bigger than a box will send the rider flying.
It's a tad better than the SUPER BUGGY at climbing, but not by much.

Use it as a Forward in contraband races and it will serve you well.

Speed - 10
Acceleration - 6
Handling - 6
Weight - 7
Climbing - 6
Team role - corner
Countermeasure - oil slick

This is the true fastest car in the game, but because of it's awful
acceleration, handling, and climbing ability you won't get to enjoy the
speed much. Keep it far away from the mountains. The only place you should
use this car is on gently sloping plains and graceful roads, and easy hills
on occasion.

At least the cornering and jumping was improved from last year's RALLY CAR
model. I can actually keep it on course now, and it doesn't flip end over
end on every jump.

Speed - 8
Acceleration - 9
Handling - 9
Weight - 9
Climbing - 8
Team role - corner
Countermeasure - bombs

I LOVE this truck! It's awesome looking and has at a great rating in
everything except climbing. It also has my favorite countermeasure, bombs!
This will probably be a good friend of yours during the early part of the
game. As long as you stay away from steep slopes you should be okay.

Don't release those bombs too close to enemies or you'll be heading for the

Speed - 8
Acceleration - 8
Handling - 8
Weight - 9
Climbing - 10
Team role - guard
Countermeasure - smoke screen

This is the best climbing vehicle in the game. It goes up slopes like they
aren't even there. It's got considerable power too to motor down smooth
landscapes as well. It also has a lot of bulk and can push weaker cars

The one downside is that is has to have the smoke screen as a special
weapon... Smoke screen is worthless unless you are on a narrow bridge or
inside a small passageway.

Speed - 8
Acceleration - 7
Handling - 9
Weight - 10
Climbing - 8
Team role - back
Countermeasure - bombs

This is one freakin' huge monster! It will suprise you with it's
considerable speed though. Nothing save a KAVOSTOV will push this beast
around. Those bombs won't bounce around the BAJA TRUCK as much either, so
you can release them sooner. You'll become good friends in Russia Winter.
Overall this vehicle doesn't seem to have any real big weaknesses.

Speed - 6
Acceleration - 10
Handling - 10
Weight - 10
Climbing - 8
Team role - back
Countermeasure - smoke screen

This is also a mighty giant. The treads it has are pretty cool. It takes
on most hills easily. Unfortunately, it has one fatal weakness: it's just
too darn slow. Everybody will have a very easy time keeping up with you.
The smoke screen doesn't help much either in discouraging pursuers.

A big problem is that this is the last car you get, so by the time you
unlock it everyone will be faster than you and the time limits will be too
short for you to keep up with. We should have been able to access this
vehicle earlier.

You will follow the arrow constantly in this game. It always points in a
straight line at the next checkpoint. However, in this game, a straight
line is almost never the fastest way. There are often steep hills, rocks,
and buildings in the way. You need to get around them.

Usually, if you have a choice between heading over a steep hill and taking a
longer but faster road, you should go with the road. This will keep your
speed up and make it more difficult for the cops to stay with you. Always
take roads or follow railroad tracks when possible.

If there are several locations you could go, don't always trust the arrow.
There are often better targets to attack than the one the arrow focuses on.
My guide will ignore the arrow on occasion, but it is for the best I assure

Minefields are a new addition to this game. Unfortunately, there is no
minesweeper around except me. While I am THE Minesweeper, I'm afraid I
can't defuse them for you. Whenever you come close to a mine, it will
explode and send dark smoke into the air. If you hit this smoke right after
it appears, you're gonna be heavily damaged if not totally destroyed.

You have just enough time to react and get out of the way. Immediately
swerve left or right if you're headed straight for a blast. Maybe if you
get lucky the cops will hit one instead of you. You can avoid minefields by
learning where they are. You will seldom get blasted if you stick to the
perimeter of no man's land. Also, stay on roads. Mines are never planted
on roadways.

These are far less common than minefields. If you run into the rocks that
are rolling down the hill, expect to suffer quite a bit of damage in
addition to getting swept down the hill and off course. Learn where
rockslides will occur in levels. After you do that, you can anticipate when
to slow down to let one pass. Be careful, cops will take advantage of this
hesitation to get you.

The cops will be after you all throughout this game, and will stick to you
like shadows. They will damage you until you can't move anymore, then they
will come and arrest you. They even single you out of multiple gang cars
and will only come after you. You gotta think of some ways to get them off
your back. BTW, these tactics also apply when enemy gangs are after you.

NOTE: I know most of these guys in the game really are the army, but I like
to refer to the law enforcement generally as cops so there's less confusion.

Use the environment to your advantage. If a bridge is coming up, try
swerving one way and make it look like you'll go below the bridge. Suddenly
swerve back and you'll be on the bridge while the cops are trapped in the
valley below. If some ruins are coming up, then zig zag through the stones.
The cops follow you like lemmings wherever you go, so they may have

Make wide, long turns to keep your speed up. If you make sudden moves,
you'll lose all speed and cops will be on you in an instant. I have seen
this happen many times when I had to make a sudden move to evade a blast
from a mine.

When there is a cop oncoming against you, drift a little one way, then at
the last second brake then swerve the other direction. The cop will fly
right by you and maybe even take out some of your other pursuers behind you.

If a cop pulls up beside you, he's gonna try to sideswipe you off course.
Slam on the brakes and he'll fly right past and maybe spin out. If that
will not work, turn INTO him, not away. Turning away will only make his job
easier. Slam into him and maybe he'll back off a little.

Use your countermeasures to slow them down, but use them sparingly. In some
missions you must lose all pursuers after completing all other objectives.
This will often come with a tight time limit. The fastest way to escape is
to use countermeasures, so you had better save one or two ammo of them for
the end of the level just in case. I will warn when a level will require
you to lose enemies at the end.

If you are out of countermeasures, you will have a real hard time escaping.
The best places to lose pursuers is to draw them into a place with a large
amount of obstacles. Main Village in Vietnam is an excellent example.
After you draw them in, drive close to buildings and maybe turn onto
different streets. All your pursuers are bound to have collisions into the
buildings. Now, you can just casually drive away as the enemies are too
confused to follow.


5: Walkthrough

Before we begin our game, I'd like to talk about some of the characters you
will be meeting over the course of the storyline.

Luger is the leader of Exotic Imports, who you work for. He's gruff and
gravely voiced. At the start of the story he is met by Tan, an errand boy
of the Colonel. The Colonel offers him jobs to deliver supplies deep inside
Russia for his army of rebels, the Liberation Faction. His intentions are
unknown, so Frank is a little hesitant to accept these mystery jobs. After
being offered a large sum of money, Frank reluctantly agrees to help the
Colonel out.

The Colonel is the man who is organizing all these missions for you in the
game. He is an ex-Soviet general, but he has access to Russian arms. Since
being kicked out of the army, he's organized a group of rebels called the
Liberation Faction. He thinks he is untouchable, and that people are just
pawns for him to use in his games. The Colonel seldom shows himself.
Usually his offers and advice are delivered through Tan, his errand boy.

Shodi is a Russian border guard who will serve as the client contact
operative. He's very profreedom, especially for himself, and likes to bully
people into doing what he wants.

He's the errand boy for the Colonel, and handles his business. He presents
the Colonel's offer to Luger at the start of the story. He reports what the
Colonel wants Luger to do, and gives out bits of advice. Tan is very
devious sycophantic and manipulative. Tan cares about nothing but money and
has done many bad things apart from fighting. He has no respect for
anything or anyone, not even himself. He even sold his own sister for very

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OBJECTIVES - Clear five checkpoints

REWARD - Nothing


Your first training exercise is so easy it'll bore you to tears. The time
limit is so generous that you could do the mission three times! Head
northeast and tag the first checkpoint, then follow the trail of checkpoints
around the Oasis until you have all five. If you can't win here, then why
the heck are you playing videogames?


OBJECTIVES - Deliver three pieces of contraband

REWARD - Nothing


This second training exercise is also extremely easy. Drive north to
collect the contraband, then follow the road a little to where the
checkpoint is. Continue north into Hill Village where the next piece of
contraband is. Turn northeast and tag the next checkpoint.

Go northwest to find the next piece of contraband. Make a U-turn and go
south through the village again to deliver the final piece of contraband.


OBJECTIVES - Follow Luger to the base without losing him

REWARD - D-5 Hondo


This mission has many firsts in it. It's the first time you're driving at
night, it's the first mission where you have to pursue a target, and it's
also the first mission where you'll actually unlock something.

Despite the night conditions, it's not going to be that difficult to follow
Luger. Follow Luger northwest down the road. When he gets to the Oasis,
he'll suddenly go north. Pursue him as he travels beside the railroad
tracks. When you come up to the tunnel, he'll make another sudden turn to
the east.

After that, he will turn onto a trail and go north again. Follow him past
the snow packs and into Hill Village. After passing through Hill Village,
he'll turn onto another trail and go east. He'll curve this way and that
down the road, but the general direction he is heading is north.

When you reach the northeast corner of the map, he'll go west and you will
arrive at your base. You are now officially a member of Exotic Imports and
may do actual missions.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver three pieces of contraband

REWARD - Nothing


This is your first real mission against real cops. It's still not going to
be that difficult anyway. After the mission begins, turn south into Hill
Village to collect the contraband. Continue south over the hills to the
next checkpoint.

Keep going south towards the Oasis. Get the contraband here then go west
along the railroad tracks nearby. After tagging the checkpoint, turn
southwest to get another piece of contraband. Next, go west near the lake
to the final checkpoint at the border pass.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver four pieces of contraband

REWARD - Speed Boost for Super Buggy


This is your first mission where you must take contraband from a helicopter.
If you take too long to get to the helicopter's dropoff point, it will
move somewhere else to keep from getting targeted by the police. Aaargh,
moving checkpoints, one of an FAQ writer's worst nightmares.

The helicopter moves around too much, the dropoff points don't move at all.
I will list the dropoff locations below for you, and do the same for each
helicopter mission to follow:

1 - to the south of the Half Biscuits.

2 - to the west of Water Town, at the lakeside.

3 - to the southwest of the Pits, near the railroad tracks.

4 - in the Ridge Ruins.

After this mission, you will unlock your first countermeasure: the Speed
Boost for the Super Buggy.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver five pieces of contraband before the Free Trade
Faction can

REWARD - Nothing

- PARTNER - Super Buggy
- PARTNER - Super Buggy

This is your first contraband race. This kind of mission is usually quite
easy. All you have to do is deliver contraband before the rival team can do
the same. The Super Buggy's speed and extra Speed Boosts will serve you
well in this job. The checkpoints move around a lot so I can't give a

If you can't keep up with your rivals, hang out at their base and steal
their cargo when they deliver it. Watch out for the Baja Truck on the enemy
team, because he's gonna use this trick on you too.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver one piece of contraband
- Switch to Baja Truck
- Deliver two more pieces of contraband in Baja Truck

REWARD - Baja Truck


In this mission, you need to make a run to the base. There you will get a
new vehicle to pursue a plane's drop. Go north across the river and get the
contraband, then proceed northeast up the mountain to your base. Watch out
for a rock slide on the way up. When you get there, you will be shifted
over to the Baja Truck, one of my favorite vehicles in the game.

After getting into the Baja Truck, go west over the hill and past the trees
to find a piece of contraband. Go southwest down the mountain again and
cross the river twice to tag the dropoff point. After you do that, a plane
will fly over the plains and drop a piece of contraband by parachute.

It will land south of your position in the Half Biscuits. Take the cargo
then go southwest to Water Town where the final checkpoint is.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver six pieces of contraband
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Nothing


In this mission, a plane will drop multiple pieces of cargo. The parachutes
ALWAYS carry the cargo in the same direction every time, so you can
anticipate where it will land and cut seconds off your mission time.

At the start of the mission, the plane will fly past and drop two pieces of
contraband by parachute. Follow the parachute that drifts to the southwest,
then go east to the dropoff point. After dropping the contraband, go
northeast to get another piece of contraband, then go southwest to deliver

After doing that, the plane will drop three more pieces of contraband.
Follow after the one that heads northwest first. Go get the cargo, then
return it at the dropoff point to the southwest. Head south to get another
piece of contraband, then go north to deliver it. Get the final piece to
the southwest and return it at the pickup point.

The plane will drop one last parachute and it will drift southwest to Water
Town. Get the contraband, then go north to near the Burned Village to drop
the final piece of contraband. Now you gotta lose the cops. Turn into the
Burned Village and zip through the obstacles. Hopefully the cops will crash
into the walls and craters, allowing you to get away.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver 12 pieces of contraband before the Free Trade
Faction can

REWARD - Nothing

- PARTNER - Super Buggy
- PARTNER - Baja Truck

There was a bad air drop and you have to go clean up after it. This is
another contraband race. This time though there are several contraband
pieces at a time so you don't need to worry about arguing over just one.
Also, don't worry about stalking around the enemy bases, because the other
Baja Truck on your team has a team role of Corner. That means he will do
the stealing from the enemies at their bases for you.

Beware the Baja Truck on the other team though, because he's going to be
doing the exact same thing as your computer Baja. Also, the police are
gonna single you out and try to arrest you, beware of them.

When it's convenient, try to steal from the enemies carrying cargo. It
hurts them and gives your less-intelligent teammates a chance to get the
easy cargo that's still lying around.


OBJECTIVES - Destroy the spy's vehicle before he escapes

REWARD - Bombs for Baja Truck


You have to hunt down and stop the enemy spy before he can report his
information to his employers. This is a lot harder to do than it sounds,
believe me. His damage meter fills up slowly, so you'll really need to hit
him a lot.

A good way to get him to stop is to get alongside his rear tire then push
into him. This will cause him to spin out if properly executed. Sometimes
he'll even get trapped sideways on you front fender. If this happens,
you'll be able to inflict some real damage while you push into him. Every
second your vehicle is in contact with his it will cause damage.

Try to nudge him into obstacles like trees to stop him dead in his tracks.
This will inflict good damage, and if you run into him hard enough he'll
flip over. You'll be able to put a lot of hurt on him if he goes turtle.
After his damage meter is full, you'll win.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver five pieces of contraband

REWARD - Oil Slick for the D-5 Hondo


Begin by heading south over the hill and go to the island in the lake to get
the first piece of contraband. Continue south into Hill Village to the
checkpoint. After delivering the contraband, head west down the hill and
then back up another hill to get a piece of contraband.

Follow the train tracks south through the tunnel. After exiting the tunnel,
go southeast to deliver the cargo at the Oasis. Go up the mountain to the
northwest to find yet another piece of contraband. Next, go north past the
water basin up here to find another checkpoint.

Keep on going north, down the mountain to find another piece of contraband
near the river. Go west over the river, and drive to the pickup point past
the Ridge Ruins. After that, go southeast to find the last piece of
contraband. Head north to the Burned Village to tag the last checkpoint.
Now watch the cops get blasted by a mine.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver one piece of contraband
- Lure the cops into the trap
- Deliver one more piece of contraband
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Vietnam


Luger has become tired of these cops interfering with his operations. He
has laid a trap for them. You need to lure them into it. Drive northeast
to the Burned Village to gather up the cargo. Next, go south to Water Town.
Move fast because the time limit is tight. You can pretty much travel in
a straight line because there is not much in your way. Watch out for that
stupid perimeter fence though.

After making the delivery, go east from Water Town to the wooden bridge next
to the railroad bridge. Move quickly because the time limit in this part is
also short. Zoom across the bridge. A bomb will take out the bridge and
the cops with it. Don't relax yet though, because the mission's not over.

Head east past the border station to collect another piece of contraband.
Follow the river north. After you pass the little wooden bridge, take the
dirt road up to the final checkpoint. Now, you have to get away from the
cops again. The best way to do this is to go northwest down the mountain,
zip across the railroad bridge, and then cross through the Ridge Ruins and
then the Burned Village. The large amount of obstacles will stop the cops
in their tracks. You might wanna drop some bombs if there are survivors.

Well, you're done in Russia for now. It's time to pack your bags for

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OBJECTIVES - Follow Luger to the base without losing him

REWARD - ATV Monster


This is a little training run, to help get you aquainted with the new area.
You need to follow Luger until he thinks you're familiar enough with the
terrain. He'll start by going west through the Fishing Village, then turn
northwest along the river. After a little while, he'll go north through a
little valley between the mountains.

After that, he will go west onto a grassy field called the Jars. After
passing the last of the mountains on the left, he'll go southwest over the
river into what I call the Bridge Valley, because of those big bridges
overhead. Watch out for a rock slide on your way through. After he leaves
the Bridge Valley, he will turn east, traveling along the north edge of the
Rice Fields.

Once past the Rice Fields, you'll go southeast and catch a glimpse of Main
Village. You'll now go south and head through the Rice Fields. He'll make
a long curve here in the fields and you'll be heading north again on a dirt
road at the perimeter of the fields.

Next, he will decide to make a sharp turn south, and then another one west.
He will follow up with another swing to the south, then again to the west.
When you come to the area with the Smuggler's Camp, Luger will decide you've
had enough and you'll pass the mission.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver five pieces of contraband

REWARD - Nothing


Here, you must gather up cargo from a helicopter and deliver it, but
thankfully this helicopter doesn't move around like in the last helicopter
mission. To begin, drive northeast past your Smuggler's Camp to get the
first piece of cargo. Watch for mine explosions in the field.

Continue west through the wide valley, and into the Rice Fields. Be careful
driving in the fields because the muddy soil will slow down your truck some
and make it harder to turn. Drop the cargo here. Head southeast from your
position to the next pickup in another part of the farming fields area.
Next, get on the two-lane road nearby, and follow it to Main Village where
the next dropoff point is.

Keep going north on another two-lane road from Main Village to gather up the
third piece of contraband. Still staying on the trail, follow it's winding
path past a border station and over a bridge to where the dropoff point is.
Next, go west from here to the Bridge Valley to find the fourth piece of

Head south through the Bridge Valley. Keep an eye out for a rock slide.
When you are past the second bridge, turn right up the mountain to the
right. Deliver your cargo near the third, lower bridge. After making your
delivery, go east across the bridge. Here would be a good spot to deploy a
bomb. You will find the last piece of contraband somewhere on the other
side. A little down the road from you is a tunnel. Follow it north.

After exiting the tunnel, follow the road to the left. It will lead you to
another bridge. Cross north across it and go through the second tunnel
here. Here's another good spot to make use of your bombs. You will find
the finishing checkpoint next to the Temple ruins.


OBJECTIVES - Destroy seven radar towers

REWARD - Nothing


The Colonel wants to fly stuff in, but new radar towers have been installed
on the hilltops. You must ram each of these towers to complete the mission.
While you'll be encountering some serious hills here, you ought to use the
Baja Truck instead of the D-5 Hondo. Unless you're a good driver, you
won't be able to keep up with the time limit.

Go southwest and climb up the hill to destroy the first tower. You don't
have to crash head on into it. In fact it's better if you don't. Just
gently tapping it is enough to bring it down. Remember that you need to
keep your vehicle's damage meter low while the cops are after you.

Go south from here to take down radar tower #2 atop another hill. Head
southeast from this place to radar tower #3 up on yet another hill. Go
northeast down into the valley below. Continue northeast through the Temple
grounds. The easiest place to get by is on the staircases.

Go northeast up a hill and tag radar tower #4. Head north into the valley
and back up again to radar tower #5. Slow down before you hit it because
you'll need to make a quick 90 degree turn after hitting it. After you do
hit it, quickly jerk right and drop to the road below you. Follow it east
to radar tower #6. When you see the red smoke, leave the road and head for
the tower.

Go east some more to tag the final tower. Great, now the Colonel's planes
can finally start delivering here!


OBJECTIVES - Deliver six pieces of contraband
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Sahara Special


Here you will again be gathering loot dropped by parachute. Learn where
which piece will land first and go there. At the start of the mission, the
plane will fly past and drop three parachutes. In this first drop, chase
after the one that drifts to the southwest.

After you collect it, head to the east to drop it off. Go back to the
clearing where the cargo was dropped and head north to pick up that bit of
cargo. Go south again and dump it at the dropoff point. Return to the
clearing one last time and head northwest to collect the final piece of
contraband. Go back southeast on the road. If you get the one in the field
last, you should be aimed in the correct direction for the next drop.

Here, you must gather three pieces of loot in the Rice Fields. Head
southeast from the entrance to the fields to the farmers' houses. A piece
of loot should land there first. Next, go northeast to Main Village to drop
the cargo. After that, take the cargo to the northwest. Return southeast
to the village, then get the cargo to the northeast. Drop the final piece
of cargo at Main Village.

Now, you have to escape the cops. A quick lap through Main Village and some
bombs ought to take care of that. Now, say hello to the single best
climbing vehicle in the game, the Sahara Special! It ought to be a good
friend of yours in a few of these upcoming missions.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver 14 pieces of contraband before the Bac Kan can

REWARD - Speed Boost for ATV Monster

- PARTNER - ATV Monster
- PARTNER - Baja Truck

One of your gang's pilots accidentally scattered his plane and his cargo all
over Main Village and the surrounding area. You and your partners have to
clean up after this mess. Here we have another multi-piece contraband race.
Don't worry about stalking around the enemy bases, because the other Baja
Truck on your team has a team role of Corner. That means he will do the
stealing from the enemies at their bases for you.

Beware the Baja Truck on the enemy side, because he'll be waiting for you at
your base when you come to deliver cargo. Circle wide around your base
first to sneak past him. Also watch out for the rival Grenadier. He tends
to single you out and will hit you HARD. Even worse, the police will target
only YOU like last time.

When it's convenient, try to steal from the enemies carrying cargo. It
hurts them and gives your less-intelligent teammates a chance to get the
easy cargo that's still lying around.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver four pieces of contraband

REWARD - Nothing

RECOMMENDED CAR - Sahara Special

This is another mission where the helicopter moves around but the
destinations don't. You'll need the Sahara's speed and climbing power to
keep up with the helicopter's constant movements over the rough terrain.
The D-5 Hondo is just too darn slow for this mission. It does have a
countermeasure at this time when the Sahara doesn't, but it won't make up
for it's lack of power.

I can't really help you here because that helicopter moves around too much.
I can, however, provide all the locations for the dropoffs. This is where
you need to go once you get the stuff:

1 - To the southeast of the Temple ruins.

2 - Northwestern side of the Rice Fields.

3 - To the south of where the river begins.

4 - Southeastern corner of the Temple ruins.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver four pieces of contraband
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Nothing

RECOMMENDED CAR - Sahara Special

If it's necessary, you may also take the Baja Truck instead, because it has
bombs and good speed. You'll need these to elude the cops at the end. Go
north down the hill, and get on the road. Follow it to the first contraband
pickup. Use the ramp nearby to jump northwest to an island. Follow the
little road northwest to another ramp to jump to the next island. Again
follow the little road here to another ramp which will send you to another

On this next island, go to the border station and get on the road here.
Follow the road north across the iron bridge. After crossing the bridge,
turn left to tag the checkpoint in the Fishing Village. Next, go south
through the marsh to get another piece of contraband.

Follow the two-lane road here to the west where Main Village is. If you
want to, there should be a ramp in front of the buildings that you can use
to jump over them. Deliver your cargo here, then go west to the Rice
Fields. Turn southwest to the place where you get the cargo.

Continue southwest to the valleys. Get to your Smuggler's Camp via the
fields, and deliver the cargo. Be careful, there are mines everywhere and
it's difficult to enter the camp because of all the trees, trash and tents
in the way. Next, go north via the fields and small valleys between the
hills, when you can. At the clearing where the plane dropped the crates in
Mission 13. Take the cargo, then go west over a bridge. Down the hill from
you is a ramp with the dropoff point on top of it.

Now you have to escape all pursuers. There should be a road nearby that
goes south into Main Village. Lure the cops there, do a lap or two around
the inside of the town, and most if not all the cops in the immediate
vicinity should get stuck on the buildings. They'll get too slowed down to
keep up with you. You can now drive away scott free. If you used the Baja
Truck, use your bombs to slow down those that escape.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver two pieces of contraband
- Meet the boat
- Deliver one more piece of contraband from the boat
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Smoke Screen for Sahara Special


A shipment is coming in via a small boat in the marshes. You have to meet
this boat and protect the shipment. Start by going south along a two-lane
road to get to a flatbed transporting some cargo you need. Ram it, and you
will get the cargo. You HAVE to ram it otherwise you won't get the

The flatbed moves around. I'll assume you nailed him at the Rice Fields,
because that's where I usually get him. Head northwest across the fields.
Be sure to slow down over the ledges, because the damage you take from
thrashing the ground will add up. Dump the cargo at the farmers' houses,
and continue northwest over the fields.

At the northwest corner of the fields there is a road, and a second flatbed
to tag is traveling along this road. He is traveling the opposite
direction. If you hit him head on, you'll suffer heavy damage and the
police will likely get you. Let him pass, then turn around and hit him to
get the cargo. The flatbed will even somewhat cover you from the cops
because they'll crash into it while trying to get you. Follow this road
east along the edge of the fields to Main Village.

Here, deliver your cargo at the checkpoint. You'll get a quick scene of the
boat arriving at its delivery point in the Marsh. Before rushing to gather
up the cargo, make a quick run through Main Village to mess up your pursuers
so they'll crash. You gotta love Main Village.

Anyway, follow a two-lane road here, which will generally lead you east.
You will wind up at the marsh where the boat is waiting with the cargo.
Dive into the water going east and use the dead trees as cover from the
cops. After collecting the cargo, continue north while taking cover among
the tree trunks.

Note the small island next to the southernmost tip of the big island where
you need to dump the cargo. Drive up onto this island and you will find a
road. You can follow this road north over to the big island, and all the
way up the mountain to the dropoff point. Now you have to get away from

This shouldn't be too hard however. Continue following the trail west down
the hill. The long straight-away will end at a jump. This area is labeled
as the Ski Jump in the instruction manual. If you zoom down the Ski Jump
while releasing smoke screens, then you ought to be able to get away easily
as soon as you jump to the opposite shore.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver two pieces of contraband
- Switch to Special Du Monde
- Deliver two more pieces of contraband in Special Du Monde

REWARD - Special Du Monde

RECOMMENDED CAR - Sahara Special

Here, you will need to make a few deliveries from air drops, switch over to
another car, then make some more deliveries. When you start the mission,
you'll see the plane with the contraband fly by. DON'T chase after it
immediately. The parachute will drift down slowly. While you are waiting
for it to hit the ground, the cops can get in a free beating.

Instead, after the screen says "ACTIVATE!" stay right where you are until
the timer hits 1:26.50. When it does, zoom out and follow after the
parachute to the west. It should hit the ground right when you get to where
it will land. Do a wide U-turn to the left and turn into the small valley
on the right side of this field. Follow it south. Cross the river, and go
up the big hill directly in front of you. Drop the contraband here.

Turn left and go down the mountain towards Main Village. Don't go there
though, instead, move east along the perimeter of the valley Main Village is
in. In the distance, you may catch a glimpse of the parachute hitting the
top of the mountain, and yellow smoke coming up. Head up there and collect
the contraband. Jump down the opposite side of the mountain, and head
northeast over the water to where the dropoff point is near the Ruins. Here
you will switch over to the Special Du Monde.

This car is much better than last year's Rally Car in the original
Smuggler's Run. It's not quite as jumpy as the old model. But, it still
can't take a lot of abuse. Be careful with this little car. Go southwest
through the water to collect the contraband dropped from the plane.

Turn around and go north by following the two-lane road here. Circle around
the base of the mountain on the road so that you are facing west. When you
are facing west, go over the hillsides west, past Main Village. Drop the
cargo on the outskirts.

Turn northeast, and get to the next checkpoint. There's no distinct path
really, so just go whichever way here. Try to stay off the hills when you
can. You'll find the cargo near where you started the mission. Next, you
need to go south again to find the last checkpoint. There isn't any
distinct path here. Again try to stay away from the mountains if you can.
Move quickly because there is a short time limit.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver two bombs
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Nothing

RECOMMENDED CAR - Sahara Special

This will be your first mission where you will be carrying volatile
explosives. If you get struck too hard while carrying a bomb, then it will
go off. If the bomb explodes before it reaches the target, then you will
fail the mission. Take extra, extra care when you have the hot potato.
Avoid being hit at all costs, try not to catch air over jumps, and drive
more alertly.

To start, go to the left a little until you are in a valley. This valley
goes up and down a lot. Follow the valley north to collect the bomb. Okay,
you'll need to drive much more carefully now. The cops will try to ram you
like maniacs still, so watch for that. If only they knew what you were

After you have the bomb, go northwest to the farmer's houses at the Rice
Fields, and drop the bomb there. Whew, that's one bomb down, one more to
go. Remember where you started the last mission? The next dropoff point is
to the north of there. Go north all the way there and get the bomb. Watch
out, there will be a lot of cops on you about now. Use the field to make a
wide U-turn and go south back down the trail.

Remember where you got the Special Du Monde in the last mission? That is
where the bomb must be dropped. Cross over the water to the island with the
Ruins. The Ruins is where you must drop the bomb. Be careful not to hit
any of the stone buildings while delivering the cargo, because they are hard
to see with nightvision on.

Follow the trail that should be nearby you up the mountain. The cops will
have difficulty following you up the hill and get stuck. If there are still
people after you when you get to the top, use the Ski Jump like in the end
of Mission 17. That ought to get rid of everyone.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver 8 pieces of contraband before the Bac Kan can

REWARD - Nothing

- PARTNER - ATV Monster
- PARTNER - Baja Truck

It's time to reclaim the cargo that the Bac Kan took from you. You'll be
playing this contraband race in the Rice Fields while it's raining. That
means your tires are gonna sink down into deep mud, making it hard to steer
and hard to get up to speed. The Sahara Special is very good at traveling
in the mud, so you ought to use that. This mission's not that hard. It's
kind of a rest break from the hard missions you've had recently.

Don't worry about stalking around the enemy bases, because the other Baja
Truck on your team has a team role of Corner. That means he will do the
stealing from the enemies at their bases for you.

Beware the Special Du Monde on the enemy side, because he'll be waiting for
you at your base when you come to deliver cargo. Circle wide around your
base to sneak past him. Like always, the police will pick on you and nobody


OBJECTIVES - Destroy the black car before it escapes

REWARD - Oil Slick for Special Du Monde

RECOMMENDED CAR - Sahara Special

You have to hunt down and stop the black car to find out who he works for.
His damage meter fills up slowly, so you'll really need to hit him a lot.
That Special Du Monde of his is also quite fast, so you'll need to try hard
to keep up with him.

A good way to get him to stop is to get alongside his rear tire then push
into him. This will cause him to spin out if properly executed. Sometimes
he'll even get trapped sideways on you front fender. If this happens,
you'll be able to inflict some real damage while you push into him. Every
second your vehicle is in contact with his it will cause damage.

Try to nudge him into obstacles like trees to stop him dead in his tracks.
When he passes by the Temple, try making him crash into a wall. This will
inflict good damage, and if you run into him hard enough he'll flip over.
You'll be able to put a lot of hurt on him if he goes turtle.

It's kind of tricky to pull off, but if you are driving the Baja Truck, you
can dump bombs in his face if you get in front. It inflicts good damage,
but it's hard to hit him due to the fact he turns a lot. After his damage
meter is full, you'll win.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver two pieces of contraband
- Deliver one bomb
- Destroy Cio Bong hideout
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Russian Winter

RECOMMENDED CAR - Sahara Special

The man driving the black car was a CIA agent. He reveals that what you
were really transporting over the border in Russia was weapons-grade
plutonium. Luger is ready to pack up and head back to Russia, so he can
have a little chat with the Colonel about this. You can't leave until the
Cio Bong are taken care of, though. You are ordered to deliver a bomb to
their hideout in Main Village.

Start by going through the trees in front of you. You'll find a road.
Follow this road west onto a cliff face. Watch out for a big rock slide or
you'll get swept off the mountain. If you're lucky it might take out one of
the cops ahead of you. Pick up the contraband here and go into the tunnel
at the end of the mountain path.

You will pop out into a plain near the Temple. When you get close to the
Temple, turn right to the northwest. Continue northwest and you should see
the checkpoint on the other side of a field. After dumping the cargo, head
southwest over the hills to the next piece of cargo.

Go south across the fields. When you pass a large patch of trees on the
left that stretch into the fields, go southwest onto a mountain. Go over
the top of the mountain and you will find the next checkpoint at the
entrance to one of those big bridges.

Go east over the bridge while using a smoke screen. That ought to cause
most of the cops to fall off the bridge. Gather up the bomb on the other
side of the bridge, then continue to head east down the mountain. Slow down
over those jumps. As you near Main Village, the Cio Bong will come after
you. They will capture you like the police if they touch you while your
car's engine is stalled. Get inside Main Village and drop the bomb at their

You'll get a short scene of their headquarters being blown up. Now, you
must escape from all pursuers. Make a lap or two around Main Village then
drive away while everyone gets stuck on the buildings. Well, now you have
defeated Vietnam, it's time to return to Russia again, only this time it's


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OBJECTIVES - Deliver three pieces of contraband
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Nothing


This mission ought to be short and sweet. Start by going west down the road
into Hill Village. Go southwest from Hill Village up to where the railroad
tunnel is. Tag the checkpoint, then jump down into the railroad tunnel.
You can follow the tracks all the way to the next checkpoint. Follow them
south, then west. After hitting the checkpoint, continue following the
tracks to the west.

When you go over the bridge, the next piece of contraband should be right in
front of you. After tagging the cargo, go northwest across the plains to
the dropoff point. Next, head southwest to a mountain on the edge of the
plains. Grab the cargo here, then go southeast towards the last checkpoint.
After you hit it, it's time to lose the cops.

Make a quick run through Water Town to the east and that ought to shake them


OBJECTIVES - Deliver two pieces of contraband
- Switch to Grenadier
- Deliver two more pieces of contraband in Grenadier

REWARD - Grenadier

RECOMMENDED CAR - Sahara Special

Go east through the valley to Hill Village. Collect the contraband on the
other side of Hill Village. Watch out for the cop who will try to suprise
you from over the hill when you get it. Follow the road from Hill Village
southwest to the next checkpoint.

Next, head west from here to the iced-over lake. You can easily drive
across it to where the next piece of contraband is. The cops also seem to
have lots of trouble steering here, so you can slip away (bad pun intended).
Just watch out for places where the ice has broken up and you'll be fine.
After gathering the loot, continue west to the next checkpoint at Water

After making your delivery here, you will switch over to the Grenadier,
which I think is the best car in the game :) Nobody will pretty much be
able to shove you around in that big tank. Head northeast from Water Town
to pick up the cargo. Beware mine explosions.

You might be able to see red flares in the distance. Just north of you is a
road. Get onto it and follow it past the border station, then over a narrow
wooden bridge. Leave the road and climb east then, because I expect the
time limit is going short.

After dropping the loot, head south to the water basin in the middle of the
mountain. Get the cargo here, then head north to the final dropoff point
near your base.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver 6 pieces of contraband before the Liberation
Faction can

REWARD - Bombs for Grenadier

- PARTNER - ATV Monster
- PARTNER - Baja Truck

You'll need the Grenadier's ability to perform well in snow to beat this
level. Don't worry about stalking around the enemy bases, because the other
Baja Truck on your team has a team role of Corner. That means he will do
the stealing from the enemies at their bases for you.

Beware the other Baja Truck on the enemy side, because he'll be waiting for
you at your base when you come to deliver cargo. Circle wide around your
base to sneak past him. The police, again, will target only you. This
level, like all the other contraband race levels, will be relatively easy.
It's just a little break from tough missions.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver five pieces of contraband
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Nothing


Another shipment is coming in by air. Gather up the cargo the plane drops
like usual. At the start of the mission you will see the plane drop two
parachutes. The first one you should get will land a little to the
northwest of your starting position. Drive slowly to the northwest and nab
the package that falls there. Head northwest some more to deliver the
package down at the icy river.

After getting that one, head east up the hillside to get package number two.
Zoom back down the hill again to deliver the cargo. Crash through the
fence to the west and head in that direction. Follow the river under the
first railroad bridge, and go south. You should be led right to where the
package will land. Get back in the river and continue to follow it south.
You will come upon the next dropoff.

The plane will now drop the last two pieces of cargo over the lake. The
first piece of cargo to get is out in the middle of the lake, on an island.
Go south to get there, then go north again to deliver it. Next, get the one
that lands on the eastern side of the second railroad bridge. Bring it to
the dropoff. After delivering the final bit of cargo, make a quick run
through Water Town to lose anybody who is chasing you. If that will not
work, use a bomb or two.


OBJECTIVES - Destroy the intruder's vehicle before he escapes

REWARD - Kavostov


You have to hunt down and stop the intruder before he can get away. This
will probably be the easiest of the chases to finish due to the fact he is
driving a heavily-armored but slow Kavostov. His damage meter fills up
slowly, so you'll really need to hit him a lot.

A good way to get him to stop is to get alongside his rear tread then push
into him. This will cause him to spin out if properly executed. Sometimes
he'll even get trapped sideways on you front fender. If this happens,
you'll be able to inflict some real damage while you push into him. Every
second your vehicle is in contact with his it will cause damage.

Try to nudge him into obstacles like trees to stop him dead in his tracks.
This will inflict good damage, and if you run into him hard enough he'll
flip over. You'll be able to put a lot of hurt on him if he goes turtle.

If you are using the Grenadier or the Baja Truck, you can dump bombs in
front of him. It inflicts decent damage, but it hard to do because he turns
all over the place and you have to be in front of him. After his damage
meter is full, you'll win.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver 14 pieces of contraband before the Free Trade
Faction can

REWARD - Nothing

- PARTNER - ATV Monster
- PARTNER - Baja Truck

One of your helicopters has crashed and your goods are scattered everywhere
for your rivals to take them. You must gather up the goods before too many
get stolen off.

Don't worry about stalking around the enemy bases, because the Baja Truck on
your team has a team role of Corner. That means he will do the stealing
from the enemies at their bases for you.

Beware the Special Du Monde on the enemy side, because he'll be waiting for
you at your base when you come to deliver cargo. Circle wide around your
base to sneak past him. The police will single you out again. This is the
epitome of cheapness.

When it's convenient, try to steal from the enemies carrying cargo. It
hurts them and gives your less-intelligent teammates a chance to get the
easy cargo that's still lying around.


OBJECTIVES - Destroy 10 radar towers

REWARD - Smoke Screen for Kavostov


Radar towers have been set up recently, and they've become quite a problem.
You need to take them down. Remember to try to only give them a gentle tap
on the side. If you hit them head on you'll lose serious speed and get lots
of damage.

Head west down and up a hill to radar tower #1. Tag it, then go a little
southwest to the nearby radar tower #2. Go southwest some more, and destroy
radar tower #3. Head southwest even more. Go down the hill into the Burned
Village. Watch out here, because some of the rocks are almost as white as
the snow. They might as well be invisible.

Tag radar tower #4 here, then go southwest EVEN MORE! Tag radar tower #5 on
top of the mountain, then hit radar tower #6 again to the southwest. Head
east and hit radar tower #7. Go south over the mountain range to tag radar
tower #8. Go to the southeast down then up a high mountain for radar tower
#9. Now, go southeast to the tip of a cliff at the lake for final radar
tower #10. Feel free to just bash head on into the last one because the
mission will be complete after you hit it.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver four pieces of contraband
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Nothing


This is another mission where the helicopter moves around but the
destinations don't. You'll need the speed of the Grenadier to keep up with
the helicopter, because this time the pilot is really panicky and moves
around frequently. You'll also need its strength to survive being slammed
all over the map by the cops. Most everything else is too slow, too weak,
or both, to stand up to police beatings.

I can't really help you here because that helicopter moves around too much.
I can, however, provide all the locations for the dropoffs. This is where
you need to go once you get the stuff:

1 - Hill village.

2 - To the northeast of the one-car bridge, on the hill.

3 - To the east of the water basin, on top of the mountain.

4 - To the east of the northern railroad bridge.

After you have delivered the final bit of cargo, you need to lose all
pursuers. Make a quick run through the Ridge Ruins and the Burned Village
to lose them.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver one piece of contraband
- Deliver three more pieces of contraband
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Nothing


The first piece of contraband you must get is being transported in a
flatbed. Go west over the railroad bridge. After leaving the railroad
bridge, go straight west. If you hold that course, you ought to practically
run right into the flatbed.

Take the contraband and head north to the Ridge Ruins to drop the cargo.
Next, go west and tag the checkpoint there. You will get a scene of a plane
flying over the plains. The plane will now drop three parachutes. I say
you should go after the one that lands in the Burned Village first, because
it's the package that attracts the least attention from cops. Head west to
get there, then drive east again to drop it off at the railroad tracks.

The next one you should get is to the west, in a field by itself. Get it,
then do a wide U-turn and bring it back east to the dropoff. Now there's
one more box to get. It's to the southwest at Water Town. Go down there to
get it, then bring it back northeast to deliver it.

Now to lose your pursuers, again make a quick trip through the Ridge Ruins
and the Burned Village.


OBJECTIVES - Follow the Free Trade Faction ATV without being seen
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Nothing


In this mission, you must follow the Free Trade Faction agent back to his
base while he's making a delivery. This is so your gang can learn where to
go to steal their cargo back. If you get too close, he will see you and
abort his mission. Get too far away, and you'll lose him. It's a delicate

When you see the letters at the bottom of the screen read "YOU'RE TOO
NEAR!", slow down a little until the letters "TARGET IN RANGE!" appear. If
they say "YOU'RE TOO FAR!" then speed up until you get the message "TARGET
IN RANGE!" In either case, you have five seconds to catch up or drop out of
sight before you fail the mission. Watch out, this guy will take a long and
winding route, full of sudden stops, starts, and turns.

He'll start off by heading west from Water Town, towards the mountains.
After he enters the mountains region, he'll make a sudden turn to the north.
Slow down a bit for him there. He will now travel north for awhile. When
he crosses over the big hill in the valley, pass by it on the left and slow
down some, because he'll slow down too.

After crossing over a second smaller jump, he'll make a sudden turn to the
east, then gun it full speed across the plains. You need to be careful to
stay back far enough to stay out of sight during the turn, yet be able to
get to speed up fast enough when he gets up to speed on the flat terrain
that follows.

This part of the ride is kind of easy. You and him will just cruise across
the gently rolling plains at high speed. When he gets to the river, stop
because he'll slow down suddenly, almost to a crawl. He will make a slow
turn to the south. Let him get ahead a little, then and follow after him on
the shore. The ice is too slick to maintain tight control on. He'll make a
sudden southeast turn past the little wooden bridge.

After that, he'll start to go northeast up a hill. Be cautious, because
he'll slow down here and make sudden curves. Eventually, you will be led to
the water basin. Now, about two billion Free Trade Federation cars will
charge into the area to kick your butt. You must escape from them. Get out
of this area as fast as you can, then head for the lake. Dump bombs behind
you to discourage tailgaters, or use the broken-up ice as cover.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver 6 pieces of contraband before the Free Trade
Faction can

REWARD - Nothing

- PARTNER - ATV Monster
- PARTNER - Baja Truck

It's time to reclaim everything the leeching Free Trade Faction has stolen
from you. Grab everything you can and bring it back into your gang's

Don't worry about stalking around the enemy bases, because the other Baja
Truck on your team has a team role of Corner. That means he will do the
stealing from the enemies at their bases for you.

Beware the Baja Truck on the enemy side, because he'll be waiting for you at
your base when you come to deliver cargo. Circle wide around your base to
sneak past him. The police will single you out again. This is so cheap!
Oh well, this mission is a lot easier than the last one. Consider this
mission a rest break for the last few tough ones.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver three pieces of contraband
- Lose all pursuers

REWARD - Nothing


Just about every border guard, soldier, and trooper is here today, but you
still need to take care of a big shipment. Start by going west down the
steep slope. Take it slow so you don't lose health from a nasty fall. Snag
the contraband here. Head south towards the railroad tunnel. It should be
easy to find because you can clearly see the red smoke in all this white.
Deliver the cargo there. Next, drive a little to the southeast to get the
next piece of cargo.

Your next destination is near the water basin to the northwest. Head up the
mountain you come to past the railroad tracks, and travel along to where the
water basin is. Move fast, the time limit is tight. Drop the cargo near
the water, then go southwest down the hill. Your next pickup is near the
southern railroad bridge. When crossing the river, use the broken ice as

After you get the contraband, you need to drop the cargo on the other side
of the lake. Head southwest to get there. After you drop the cargo, I'm
betting you're surrounded by about three hundred very angry cops. You have
to lose them all. The best way to do it would be to drop bombs while
traveling across the ice of the lake. Again try to bait the cops into the
broken up ice.


OBJECTIVES - Deliver one bomb
- Destroy the Colonel's missile

REWARD - Nothing


Well, this is it. The Colonel's scheme has been revealed. The Colonel has
personally ordered you to transport a nuke over the border for his missile.
Luger has accepted the deal. But, his men don't want to be remembered as
being responsible for starting a war, no matter how much they're being paid
for it. So, you've been given a bomb to blow that missile up instead of the
real cargo. This mission will be short but painful.

At the start of the mission, you'll get a little scene showing you where to
deliver the "nuke." It's in the middle of the Oasis where the launcher has
been installed. Drive east to Water Town, where you will pick up the most
valuable cargo in the game. The bomb you have is worth one dollar short of
a million!

Anyway, continue east to the Oasis. Don't let ANYONE hit you. Like it says
in the briefing, "don't take your foot off the gas!" The safest path to the
Oasis is probably following the railroad tracks there. Take the railroad
bridge across the river, and follow the tracks east.

Travel along the hillside next to the tracks and most of the cars you should
fly right by. Eventually you should pass near the Oasis. Watch out for the
Colonel's Liberation Faction boys here. Leave the tracks and deliver your
deadly cargo there.

You'll escape just as the missile is destroyed by your bomb. Well, you've
done it, you've averted the Colonel's plan.


OBJECTIVES - Destroy Luger's vehicle before he escapes

REWARD - Nothing

RECOMMENDED CAR - Sahara Special

You may have destroyed the Colonel's plan, but Luger fled in a Sahara
Special while you were celebrating your victory. He has the passwords to
your gang's secret savings accounts. If you don't stop him he'll keep all
the money for himself! You have to take him down! In this mission, the
best way to fight fire is with fire. Use your own Sahara Special to keep up
with him, because the Grenadier is too slow.

A good way to get him to stop is to get alongside his rear tread then push
into him. This will cause him to spin out if properly executed. Sometimes
he'll even get trapped sideways on you front fender. If this happens,
you'll be able to inflict some real damage while you push into him. Every
second your vehicle is in contact with his it will cause damage.

Luger will drive around a lot of mines, so there's a chance he may run into
those and hurt himself bad. If he flips over DON'T let him get back on his
feet! Luger is a very good driver and hard to keep up with.

Try to nudge him into obstacles like trees to stop him dead in his tracks.
This will inflict good damage, and if you run into him hard enough he'll
flip over. You'll be able to put a lot of hurt on him if he goes turtle.
After his damage meter is full, you'll win.

Frank's plans have been taken care of and so have the Colonel's. You'll now
get your reward and fly off in a helicopter. Congratulations!!! You've
defeated Smuggler's Run 2!!!
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6: Thanks

- Thanks to myself because if it wasn't for me, this FAQ wouldn't exist!
- Thanks to my dad for giving me jobs to do to pay for my Playstation 2 and
this game!
- Thanks to Rockstar Games! Nice to know that Japan and England aren't the
only countries that can make terrific games.
- BIG, Big thanks to GameFaqs, THE best video game site on the net!


7: Copyright

This guide is the sole property of Nathan Norris, author of this guide.
Don't rip off this guide in part or whole, or I will be forced to act
against you. Don't rip off this guide then alter it to death and claim it
as your own. This guide may not be used for ANY profitable reasons
whatsoever, even if no money is made.

I'm tired of all these websites requesting my guides for their sites, so
from now on, these are the only sites which may use my guides:

This makes it very simple for me to keep track of what state each version is
in each site. If you find this guide on some other site, and it is
incomplete, go to before requesting help from me. Since is the first place I send every piece of my work, they are sure
to have the most up-to-date version of my guides.

Also, if you find this guide on, notify me immediately.
They have ripped off of me before and I'm not gonna let them do it again.

I bid you farewell.


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