Disney World Magic Racing Tour

Disney World Magic Racing Tour

11.10.2013 05:38:58

BY: Crash Bandicoot(AKA: Hoppy Wesley, CrashDaCoot, and Obi Wan)
Email: crashdacoot@excite.com
FAQ started: Saturday, April 15, 2000
FAQ completed and sent in: Saturday, April 22, 2000
Version: 9.5
Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour FAQ Version 9.5

----------------------------------Version 1.0---------------------------------
Main FAQ is up
Everything covered except:
How to get X.U.D 71
Percentage of game done: 103%
----------------------------------Version 2.0---------------------------------
Added how to get X.U.D 71 in "Awards"
Added new name to "Thank You" section
Added sites that have asked to use this FAQ
Version 2.0 made: Monday, April 24, 2000
----------------------------------Version 2.3---------------------------------
Added new name to "Thank You" section
Added a site that asked to use this FAQ
Version 2.3 made: Tuesday, April 25, 2000
----------------------------------Version 2.5---------------------------------
Made some minor changes
Added a site that asked to use this FAQ
Version 2.5 made: Monday, May 8, 2000
----------------------------------Version 3.0---------------------------------
Added a shortcut in Splash Mountain
Added a name to "Thanks" section
Version 3.0 made: Monday, May 15, 2000
----------------------------------Version 4.0---------------------------------
Did you miss me?
Added High Scores Table
Changed The Awards Section
Added 'Driver 2' to "More Me!" section
Added a shortcut in Splash Mountain
Added Crash Bandicoot name art
Version 4.0 made: Wednesday, June 29, 2000
----------------------------------Version 4.5---------------------------------
Added merlin2k to high scores lists
Added Andrew Schub to high scores lists
Version 4.5 made: Friday, July 7, 2000
----------------------------------Version 5.0---------------------------------
Added Bonus Level Strategies
Version 5.0 made: Friday, July 28, 2000
----------------------------------Version 5.5---------------------------------
Added Otto Plugnut to high scores lists
----------------------------------Version 6.0---------------------------------
Added a site that asked to use this FAQ
Added Jose Manuel to high scores lists
Added a name to thank you section
Version 6.0 made: Wednesday, September 13
----------------------------------Version 6.2---------------------------------
Added Darth Maul to high scores lists
Version 6.2 made: Tuesday, October 3, 2000
----------------------------------Version 6.3---------------------------------
Added Midnight Club to More Me! Section
Version 6.3 made: Sunday, December 17, 2000
----------------------------------Version 6.5---------------------------------
Added Holly's best times
Version 6.5 made: Friday, January 12, 2001
----------------------------------Version 7.0---------------------------------
Long time no see!
Added Ripper Roo's best times
Version 7.0 Made: Tuesday, March 13, 2001
----------------------------------Version 8.0---------------------------------
Long Long time no see!!!
Added Frank Davis's best times
Version 8.0 Made: Monday, June 18, 2001
----------------------------------Version 9.0---------------------------------
Added Two Sets of Best Times
----------------------------------Version 9.5---------------------------------
Happy New Year!
Added A Best Time
Version 9.5 Made: Monday, December 31, 2001
This document copywritten to Frank "Hoppy" Wesley IV AKA Crash Bandicoot. If
you want to copy it give me credit and ask me first!
(C) 2000-2001 Hoppy Wesley

Table of Contents:

Part 1: Introduction: Hi ya'll!!
Part 2: Controls: Or you could crash a lot.....
Part 3: Advanced Manuevers: Chipmunk tested!
Part 4: Story: Stupid lil chipmunks!
Part 5: Weapons: For your Chipmunk-like rage!
Part 6: Adventure Mode Trophy Locations: 'Mo Trophies!
Part 6A: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad: Gentlemen, start your engines!
Part 6B: Dinosaur: Disney's Dino Crisis!
Part 6C: Blizzard Beach: Save me! Giant snowwomen!!
Part 6D: Rock 'N' Roller Coaster: I love rock and roll, put another...
Part 6E: Jungle Cruise: Oh, yeah! The backside of water!
Part 6F: Haunted Mansion: I see dead people....
Part 6G: Tomorrowland Speedway: How beautiful! A giant Mickey balloon!
Part 6H: Pirates of the Carribbean: Where's Peter Pan?
Part 6I: Space Mountain: It's a small galaxy after all....
Part 6X: Splash Mountain(Secret) : Zip-a-de-dog-doodie-zip-a-dee-a
Part 7: Bonus Level Strategies : Show me the coins, baby!
Part 7A: Test Track: Gromit, where are my techno-trousers?!?
Part 7B: Typhoon Lagoon: Surf's up, Chipmunks!!
Part 7C: Disney Studios: Lights, Camera, Taco Bell Dog, Action!
Part 8: Secret Racers & Awards: You earned 'em! You chipmunk, you!
Part 9: Coming Soon: Can you handle it?
Part 10:Thanks to...: Credit where it's due..... I thank these chipmunks!
Part 11: More me!: Shameless plugging and self-promotion!!
Part 12: High Scores: Who're The REAL Chipmunk Shadies?
Part 1: Introduction: Hi ya'll!!
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My name is Crash Bandicoot and this is my first FAQ! Yahoo for me! Anyway, I
am here to help! Because I am like, the chipmunkiest person in the world!
MWAHAHAHAHAHA! I was just going through the requests for Playstation and I saw
this, so.... If I leave anything out, email me, capishe? My email is
crashdacoot@excite.com I check it VERY often I now have a High Scores list!!
Email me with your best times for the levels you're proud of! This brings kind
of a tournament to WDW and lengthens replay value. I am going completely on
trust, so please tell the truth. A complete course time of 47 seconds will NOT
get you recognized!
Part 2: Controls: Or you could crash a lot.....
If you've ever played Crash Team Racing, then you should catch on pretty
quickly. The biggest differance is that the "O" button honks your horn instead
of firing weapons. So without further ado, the controls:
D-pad left or right (<--or-->): Steer racer in respective direction
D-Pad up: Fire Teacup forward (See chapter 6)
D-pad down: reverse (after stopping)
Triangle (/\): Menu cancel/ Take camera closer or further from your racer
Circle (O): Honk your horn
Square (|_|): Brake
X: Select items on menu screens/ Gas (accelerate)
Start Button: Start game/pause
Select button: Not Used
L1: Shoot weapon/engage powerup
L2: Select between Speedometer and Track map
R1: Hop/ Powerslide (See chapter 3)
R2: Look behind you
Left Analog Stick: Steer (with analog button red)

Part 3: Advanced Manuevers: Chipmunk tested!
Alright. Here are some hints for getting the most out of your vehicle. Master
these..... and you'll almost be has chipmunkie has me!
-Hopping: In CTR, this was a task you _HAD_ to master! In this game, you sort
of do. The only place I actually used it was in Bonus rounds and finding
trophies to jump up and nab something. I wish you could get an airtime bonus
like in CTR, though.
-Powersliding: My little sister, Lesley, took the longest time to master this.
But once she did, she was unstoppable. This is the only decent thing with
hopping. Press R1 to hop and swerve at the same time. You will go into a
(hopefully controlled) slide. In CTR, when you powerslid you would slide
perfectly sideways. In this game, you kind of turn so be careful with it. You
always get a speed boost while doing this, so do it a lot!
-Pink Smoke: While powersliding, if you powerslide long enough, your exhaust
will turn from green to pink. If you release the button then, you will get a
super boost!
-Gold Coins: After collecting ten of these, your racer goes a lot faster. The
first nine aren't readily noticeable, but the tenth definitly ups your power.
-Lucky Fairies: The manuel says these will help get better powerups and other
racers mess up, but I haven't noticed. Once I got all eight and nothing seemed
to happen. I must be missing something...
-Blue Warps: If you go through three blue rings a path will open up nearby!
-Acorns=safety!: If you have acorns you can take hits from weapons without
anything happening. The only thing that stops you is frog potions. If you've
got acorns, you can also run into unprotected cars and spin them out.
Part 4: Story: Stupid lil Chipmunks!
Here's the story, straight out of the book:
Everyone knows that beautiful fireworks displays illuminate the skies
over the Walt Disney World resort. What everyone doesn't know is that near the
Magic Kingdom Park rests an enourmous contraption- the Fireworks Machine. Each
night fireworks explode from the top of the machine in an amazing shower of
Pixie Dust, creating a magical setting all around the Walt Disney World
Wouldn't you know, those inquisitive chipmunks, Chip 'n Dale were
determined to find the Fireworks Machine for themselves. Once they discovered
the machine, Dale decided he was ready for a snack. He took out some acorns
but accidently dropped them into the machine.
Suddenly, the Fireworks Machine groaned to life and began rumbling.
Smoke started spewing from its stacks. Uh oh! The rumbling got even louder...
Then BLAAAAAM! The whole thing exploded in a huge blast of smoke as pieces of
the machine flew skyward. Machine parts scattered all over the Walt Disney
World Resort.
If Chip 'n Dale don't find all the parts and put the machine back
together before the end of the day, there won't be any fireworks shows!
Chips idea is to race around the entire Walt Disney World Resort and
collect all the pieces of the Fireworks Machine. If they get some friends to
help too, they could find all the parts and put the machine back togethor in
no time !
But Chip 'n Dale need your help, so get busy! There are only a few
hours until dark and if the night skies over the Walt Disney World Resort
aren't filled with fireworks, Chip 'n Dale will really be in trouble!
Part 5: Weapons: For your chipmunk-like rage!
Here are all the weapons you will run across:
-Dumb-fire Acorns: These acorns fire straight ahead. When you have them: Since
they fire straight forward, they are almost completely useless for offensive
purposes. If you must use one, make sure you are perfectly lined up. If you
have to fire when going through a turn, be sure to shoot a little ahead of
your target. Also, see "Acorns=safety!" in chapter 3. When fired towards you:
Don't get directly in front of a person with these and you should be fine. Be
careful also not to run into somebody with these engaged. Also, sometimes
other racers fire these backwards.
-Homing Acorns: These acorns track thier target. When you have them: Just
shoot and there is a 99% chance they will hit the person in front of you.
Again, see "Acorns=safety!" in chapter 3. When fired towards you: Hope you
have your own acorns to protect you! These babies are lethal! If you swerve a
lot, you can sort of spoof it. It still has about a 90% chance though....
-Guided Bottle Rocket: These are pretty tough to hit with. They are nice for
when you have a nice big straitaway, though. If you are near the finish line
and you have to fire one of these to get first, hit your target quickly and
get back to driving. While you are aiming, the car steers itself, but it is a
less than adequate driver! So hit and get back to driving! *NOTE* The other
racers do not fire these.
-Teacup Mine: Teacups are dropped and give anybody who runs over them a twisty
ride! When you have one: Press the fire button to drop it out the back. Wait
until somebody appears in your view to insure a hit. Drop these in front of
speed pads to discourage others from taking the pads! Press up to fire a short
distance forward, say, if you were directly behind somebody.... When fired
towards you: If you have an acorn, you can run right over them. If you don't,
just avoid them!
-Turbo: Self explanatory. Use in conjunction with speed pads and really go
-Invincibility: A short period where you are not vulnerable to anything! Hit
other cars to make them spin!
-Frog Spell: The mother of all weapons! This baby makes everybody turn into a
frog! Run over the frogs to flatten them and knock thier coins away! The other
racers seem to have an endless supply of this, so be ready!!
Part 6: Adventure Mode Trophy Locations: 'Mo Trophies
Here, I will tell of all the trophy locations. I give the location, but you'll
have to come up with a strategy to get them all in time. If you can't get them
all in time with your strategy or if you don't understand or if you still
can't find on, email me! This can also be used to show where the shortcuts are
for regular races. Here are the locations of all the trophies. If you know of
any more shortcuts (without trophies), email me! *NOTE* Some of these might
take longer than the normal route.
-----Part 6A: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad: Gentlemen, start your engines!
Trophy 1: Near the beginning in a tunnel built into the wall on your right.
Drive slowly and keep an eye on the wall!
Trophy 2: Hidden on the opposite side of a teepee. Check behind them until you
find it!
Trophy 3: After you hit all three of the blue warps, a big pile of rubble
disappears on your left (it is right after the third warp). Drive in there and
go over the ramp. At the top of the ramp, hit jump to jump up and nab it!
Trophy 4: On the bridge that goes over the waterfall.
Trophy 5: On the waterfall. When approaching the waterfall, move has far right
has possible and you'll go over the waterfall.
Trophy 6: Near the TNT house, next to the boarded up path
Trophy 7: In the cave, on the right side of a rock formation (stalagmite)
press against the right wall in the cave to see it.
Trophy 8: Has soon has you emerge from the cave get right and ramp up on the
wooden sidewalk and keep driving through it until you get your eighth and
final trophy.
------Part 6B: Dinosaur: Disney's Dino Crisis!
Trophy 1: Near first dinosaurs, on low road to the left if you jump off main
Trophy 2: Near first dinosaurs, on main road
Trophy 3: After the pteradactyles has soon has you enter the lava cave, go up
the ramp against the right wall. Drive up the middle of the ramp to snatch the
Trophy 4: A little ways after the lava cave, there will be two purple
dinosaurs side by side next to a speed pad. Just after that is the trophy.
Trophy 5: Just before the HUGE striped purple dino, on the right, go up the
dirt mound and keep pressing right. You'll land in a hidden path. The trophy
us a little way down the path.
Trophy 6: On the main path after the HUGE striped purple dino that roars
really loud.
Trophy 7: After that big dino mentioned above on the main path, when you get
to the HUGE green dino (that stands on four legs) press against the left wall
and go around his fourpaws. There it is!
Trophy 8: After trophy 7, you will come to a harpin and you will go under the
green dino's head. There will then be another hairpin and a purple tusked
dino. Go to the left of it and you're done!
-----Part 6C: Blizzard Beach: Save me! Giant snowwomen!!
Trophy 1: At the beginning before you go through the tunnel, look closely on
the left. There is a tube there. Drive through it and jump at the end to get
Trophy 2: At the beginning if you don't take the tube path, go through the
small igloo.
Trophy 3: After hitting all three of the warps, go through the now opened
lodge. Go off the ski jump in the middle and get a trophy.
Trophy 4: After the ski jump, you will see two more tubes. Go to the right one
to get a trophy.
Trophy 5: After the ski jump, you will see two more tubes. Go to the left one
to get a trophy.
Trophy 6: After the dual tubes, has soon has you emerge into the large area
before the finish line, you will see one.
Trophy 7: On the main path, after the snow blowing machine.
Trophy 8: On the main path, just before you emerge into the large area before
the finish line.
*NOTE* Getting all of them in time is the second hardest in the game. If you
can't get a working strategy, email me and I'll tell ya how I did it.
-----Part 6D: Rock 'N' Roller Coaster: I love rock and roll, put another...
*NOTE* This track has no shortcuts. All the trophies are on the main path.
Trophy 1: Just before the flashing green tunnel with the highway sign over it.
Trophy 2: Directly after flashing green tunnel on left, before the ROCK ROLL
Trophy 3: Directly after Civic Center sign on the ramp on the left.
Trophy 4: After searchlights and flashing "Rock n Roll" over the speedbump.
Trophy 5: After the sign that says "V.I.P. Parking" on the right side of the
Trophy 6: After VIP tunnel, go up the ramp and through the middle of the video
Trophy 7: After the doughnut sign, jump through the middle of the Road
Construction sign.
Trophy 8: Just before the finish line, on the left side.
------Part 6E: Jungle Cruise: Oh, yeah! The backside of water!
Trophy 1: Directly after the beginning at the first turn on the left.
Trophy 2: In the elephant cave close to the end of the cave.
Trophy 3: After the three blue warps, a rock on the left will disappear. Go
through the now opened path and go up the ramp to get another trophy.
Trophy 4: If you don't take the blue warp path (or do and backtrack) on the
right of the large open area, go up the gently sloping grass and drive across
the dock.
Trophy 5: In the area with the ruins, on the waterfall.
Trophy 6: After the area with the ruins, you have a choice of going through a
tunnel or taking a shortcut up a ramp. Choose either, but has soon has you
take the path, get on the left wall and you will see a trophy.
Trophy 7: After trophy 6 keep going and you will come to an area with a tree
and a ramp. On the left of the area is a ramp. Go up that ramp. (This is just
before the huge waterfall.
Trophy 8: After the large waterfall near the end, go up the ramp to get in the
observatory. Drive through it and at the end is the next trophy.
Other shortcuts (no trophy): If you don't take the rock path, there is a small
cave in the left wall you can drive through.
-----Part 6F: Haunted Mansion: I see dead people....
Trophy 1: Right when you start, go to the right of the big circle before the
entrance walkway.
Trophy 2: Go under the changing picture through the fireplace right has you
get in the mansion.
Trophy 3: At the first grand staircase go right.
Trophy 4: On the left side of the rising casket just before the second blue
Trophy 5: After all three blue warps, right after the third, go right. The
fireplace will be opened up.
Trophy 6: After you come out of the ballroom (or after you come out of the
blue warp path) go straight down the left path until you see another picture
of the skeleton guy in a cranny where a window is (it will be on your left).
Go straight under the picture and you will be in a dusty, forbidden part of
the mansion. It is in here.
Trophy 7: In the attic, in the section with the heartbeat ghost. It is in
Trophy 8: After the hitchhikers, when you get to the mirrors, slow down and
look at the turn. There is #8! Great job!
Other shortcuts (no trophy): When you go up the stairs has soon has you get
out of the ballroom, instead of taking the long far left hall, slow down and
take a tighter turn and drive across the balcony. Go right through the
pointing hand at the end and you will hit a ramp and crash through the window.
Keep going straight and you will go straight through the wall in front of you!
Make a hard left and you will be in front of the attic stairs!
-------Part 6G: Tomorrowland Speedway: How beautiful! A giant Mickey
Trophy 1: At the very beginning, go up the right staircase and hit the speed
pad. You'll jump a little gap and land on an awning where the trophy is.
Trophy 2: At the first area with shrub sculptures, look in between the two
Trophy 3: After the sculptures, when you enter the orange tunnel, look on the
Trophy 4: After the tunnel, if you take the high ramp path, after the jump
there #4.
Trophy 5: If you take the lower right path, there is one near the grassy ramp
over the water in the sculpture area.
Trophy 6: In the narrow area before the finish line. You can't miss it.
Trophy 7: Just before the finish line take a left onto pit road. It is there
just in pit road in the grassy area. Email me for further info if you can't
find it.
Trophy 8: Instead of going left onto pit road, take a right and go behind the
building. Investigate the left wall and there will be a small hole where the
8th is.
-----Part 6H: Pirates of the Carribbean: Where's Peter Pan?
*NOTE* I expect a lot of emails about this level. Knowing where the trophies
are is easy... getting them all in time is hard. Many times you have to choose
between two paths and you don't have time to take a differant path each lap.
Email me for my startegy.
Trophy 1: After the beginning, you will come to many rocks on the left side of
the level. Go a little further and another area of jagged rocks is on the
left. the trophy is behind one of them.
Trophy 2: If you go up the waterfall after the first trophy, you will choose
between a ramp on the left and just plain water on the right. Take the ramp to
jump across the water route and land on an area with a trophy.
Trophy 3: After going over the ship (if you took a route that takes you over
it), you will come to wooden ramp with a large rock formation in front of it.
Press against the left side of the ramp and go up the sparkle. There is a
trophy in the formation.
Trophy 4: After the pirate skeleton that still steers the wheel, take the
skinny path on the wooden area to go across sparkle and get another trophy.
Trophy 5: When you get in the village where the pirates are dunking a guy,
slow to a halt and look on the left wall. Go up the ramp, across more
sparkles, then follow the path. After the first drop (after the prisoners)
stop and look down. There is the trophy. Line yourself up with the platform
and go!
Trophy 6: Alright. Back at the beginning, take the level path instead of the
waterfall. When you get to the skeleton on the beach with the sword in it's
back, pull next to the beach for a trophy.
Trophy 7: If you take the waterfall route again, go on the level water route
instead of the ramp. After you drop down to the area with the big island in
the middle, go to the left of the island. There is #7.
Trophy 8: Back in town, just before the fat broad being auctioned, there is a
small canal on the left wall. Drive through for #8.
*REMINDER* Email for help: Here is a hint: backtrack a lot!
------Part 6I: Space Mountain: It's a small galaxy after all....
Trophy 1: After the beginning, just before the "Lift Off" tunnel
Trophy 2: This one is tricky. After all the speed boosts, stay right in the
middle. At the edge, jump and you should fly into one. This could take
Trophy 3: In the middle of that path you land on after getting trophy 2.
Trophy 4: After that path, you will choose between two low roads and and a
high road. Take the right low road. Has soon has you turn there, you will see
the trophy.
Trophy 5: If you took the high road, you will eventually see the trophy. Or
take the shorter way, email me if you can't figure it out...
Trophy 6: After the above trophies you will choose between a high road and a
low road with blue warps. Take the high road to nab a trophy.
Trophy 7: After #6, keep going and you will come to a spot with speed pads and
meteors hitting. Go across the middle of the orange-black speed bump for #7.
Trophy 8: Take the left path through the space station. When you emerge, go up
the ramp to nab the 8th trophy, and hopefully Ned Shredbetter if this is your
last level!
Other Shortcuts (No Trophies): After getting all the blue warps, immediatly
look on your right. A large pile of rocks will disappear. Strangly, ther is no
trophy on this path. It must be to throw you off of taking that high road.
--To You-- GREAT JOB!! Email if you need a strategy on getting any of the
aforementioned trophies!
-----Part 6X: Splash Mountain (Secret): Zip-a-dee-dog-doodie-zip-a-dee-a!!
*NOTE* This level is opened after getting all the first place flags. There are
no trophies. All it is is a race. If you win, you get 3% more added to your
Other shortcuts (no trophy): If you get all three blue rings, the briar patch
near the first blue ring disappears. Cut through it. It is my experience that
sometimes (for some reason) it doesn't open. Strange........
Matt told me:
In your FAQ you stated that the blue rings that open the shortcut in Splash
Mountain don't work sometimes. I figured out that in order to get it to work
every time, you have to hit the blue ring in front of the shortcut entrance
FIRST, since the game recognizes it as the first ring, the third ring is the
one right before the checkered line, if you hit the two on the drop THEN the
one in front of the SC entrance, that resets the games ring counter and the
shortcut won't open.
Other shortcuts (no trophy): One shortcut is after the large tunnel with
fishing frogs, hit your brake and look on the left and there is an elevating
Other shorcuts (no trophy): After passing the bright tunnel where Briar Bear
is stuck in a net in a tree, you will enter a dark tunnel with vines all over
the wall. You will then find a lime green portion of water. Just has you touch
that, slam against the left wall to find a shortcut. If you have trouble, look
at the map. It clearly shows the path!! Thanks to Chele for this one!!!!!
Part 7: Bonus Level Strategies: Show me the coins, baby!
----Part 7A: Test Track: Gromit, where are my techno-trousers?!?
When your allowed to go, I usually go straight ahead and collect all those
coins. When I drop back into the area, I go straight and get any coins in my
way. At the wall, I hang left and take the other highway. When I get back in,
I go for that ramp that leads to the lift. If you ride up it, at the top is a
button. Drive over the button and the cage in the adjoining room will raise.
Head there now. Collect all the coins in here. One on the left wall, one where
the cage was. And one on the right wall. There is also one coin right in front
of the wall where the car crashes. Before leaving, go between the wall and the
two stopped cars for another. Once back in the main room, skirt the wall
first. Many are near the wall. Then move in and collect the ones wedged in
between the "V" in some obstacles. Wherever cars crash there is usually one,
and there is also one in between some of the obstacles. Need further help?
----Part 7B: Typhoon Lagoon: Surf's up, Chipmunks!!
This is the hardest of the three. Is still often lose this one. The main
sections are the inside of the cave, above it, near the dancing alligator, and
up on the elevated water area. I can't offer much help here, but remember to
use the sub has a ramp to get up in the cave. Also, don't forget the one near
the subs propeller.
----Part 7C: Disney Studios: Lights, Camera, Taco Bell Dog, Action!
This ones easy. Just take it in sections. Work your way in. No problem!!
Part 8: Secret Racers & Awards: You've earned 'em. You chipmunk you!
---All fireworks machine pieces: You get to see an ending movie and you unlock
Jiminy Cricket has a raceable character.
---All first place flags: You unlock Splash Mountain. If you race it and win,
you get 3% added to your score.
---Get all trophies: You unlock Ned Shredbetter has a raceable character.
---To get X.U.D 71, get all eight lucky fairies in every level. You can be
last place, so take it slow and careful. If you have all eight, the fairy sign
next to the level will be filled in. There aren't any in the bonus levels.
Thanks to Andrew Schub and Anne West for emailing me that solution!!
Part 9: Coming Soon: Can you handle it?
*Codes: Has soon has I find some, I'll post 'em. If you know any, email me.
*How to get up to 160%: Email me if you know! Getting up to 160% is just a
rumor. Thats
just what some people said they have.
*Anything else: Email me with any more helpful info!
Part 10:Thanks to...: Credit where it's due..... I thank these chipmunks!
Thanks to:
*Me: Because I wrote this and conquered the game!!
*CJayC: Because he put this on the best Gaming site on the net!
*GameFAQS: For being the best gaming site on the net!
*Lesley Wesley (AKA Cherrybomb & Gonzo the Great): My 8 year old sister helped
me out by letting me play her saved game after I beat the game to remember
where all the trophies are.
*Andrew Schub: He emailed me about how to get X.U.D 71. Thanks a lot!
*Anne West: Also emailed me about X.U.D 71. THANKS!
*Chele: For the second Splash Mountain shortcut. Thanks!
*Mommy and Daddy: For having me and buying me my Playstation!
*Whoever submitted the "Ask for a FAQ" about this game. That is where I got
the idea to do it.
*Eidos: For making this game and giving me a little taste of Disney to tide me
over til our family's next trip.
*Sony: For making the wonderful Sir Playstation and Playstation 2.
*Did I mention CJayC, Andrew Schub, Anne West, Chele, and Lesley?? Thanks
* My readers: Thanks a lot! If you send me any good advice, I'll post it up
and give you personal recognition here! You're the ones who make this FAQ
* All The People Who Gave Me High Scores: Thanks a lot!!! I think this could
be a new trend in FAQs!! Keep 'em comin'!
Part 11: More me!: Shameless plugging and self-promotion!!
I will update this whenever I begin working on a new FAQ or get one on
Currently working on:
Midnight Club Status: Online
Disney MRT Status: Online
Twisted Metal: Black Status: Possible
Metal Gear Solid 2 Status: Possible

Part 12: High Scores: *NEW!* Who're the REAL Chipmunk Shadies?
Got a really good time you wanna brag about?? Send your name or callsign (it
doesn't have to be 3 letters like in the game), level, and time in. You can
also send in a short quote (No longer than 31 characters including spaces
and odd symbols i.e. "':.) Also tell if it's a total time record or lap
record. My email is crashdacoot@excite.com

Total Time Records
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
1 | Malgorzata | 3:24.8 | Rockin', baby!
2 | Frank01420 | 3:25.6 | I'm a miner '39er!
3 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 3:35.5 | N/A
4 | Crash Badncicoot | 3:45.8 | Beat this top time!! Choo Choo!
5 | Andrew Schub | 3:47.3 | N/A

1 | Malgorzata | 2:48.4 | Away, dino!
2 | Frank01420 | 2:53.2 | What did you eat? Plants?
3 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 2:53.8 | N/A
4 | Andrew Schub | 3:00.5 | N/A
5 | Crash Bandicoot | 3:06.5 | Just imagine I'm a carnotaur!!

Blizzard Beach
1 | Josh | 2:06.6 | N/A
2 | Frank01420 | 2:08.7 | N/A
3 | Jose Manueal Almeida | 2:15.6 | N/A
4 | Otto Plugnut | 2:20.3 | N/A
5 | Holly | 2:24.7 | Brr! It's cold out here!

Test Track
1 | Crash Bandicoot | 1:34.8 |Both my wheels came off.. sweet!
2 | Holly | 1:40.6 | Coins can't hide from Chip!
3 | Andrew Schub | 2:06.1 | N/A
4 | Ripper Roo | 2:06.1 | VROOM VROOM!
5 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 2:55.6 | N/A

Rock 'N' Roller Coaster
1 | Malgorzata | 3:03.1 | Holy cow!
2 | Frank01420 | 3:05.3 | Rock on Aerosmith!!
3 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 3:19.8 | N/A
4 | Merlin2K | 3:20.6 |Is that a guitar in your pocket?
5 | Andrew Schub | 3:27.5 | N/A

Jungle Cruise
1 | Frank01420 | 2:05.4 | Ooo! Back of water!
2 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 2:11.7 | N/A
3 | Josh | 2.16.1 | N/A
4 | Crash Bandicoot | 2:28.1 | Just call me Crocodile Hunter!
5 | Andrew Schub | 2:28.4 | N/A

Haunted Mansion
1 | Josh | 3:04.0 | N/A
2 | Philip "Chronos" | 3:13.0 | N/A
3 | Frank01420 | 3:16.2 | No Hitchhikers!
4 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 3:20.7 | N/A
5 | Merlin2K | 3:20.7 | I think a spector came on to me

Typhoon Lagoon
1 | Crash Bandicoot | 1:40.4 | That red croc creeps me out!!
2 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 2:04.6 | N/A
3 | Ripper Roo | 2:08.4 | Surfin' FLA.
4 | Andrew Schub | 2:10.5 | N/A
5 | | |

Tomorrowland Speedway
1 | Malgorzata | 2:21.5 | Woahwee!
2 | Frank01420 | 2:24.5 | Go Speed Racer Go!!
3 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 2:29.0 | N/A
4 | Andrew Schub | 2:29.9 | N/A
5 | Crash Bandicoot | 2:39.4 | Oops. I ran over a hedge hippo!

Pirates of the Caribbean
1 | Frank01420 | 2:54.9 | I'll buy the red head!
2 | Philip "Chronos" | 3.09.7 | N/A
3 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 3:28.9 | N/A
4 | Crash Bandicoot | 3:21.5 | Yo Ho Yo Ho a really good time!
5 | Andrew Schub | 3:28:9 | N/A

Space Mountain
1 | Frank01420 | 4:02.0 | Can you get Space Sick?
2 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 4:10.7 | N/A
3 | Andrew Schub | 4:19.7 | To Dunkin' Donuts and Beyond!
4 | Ripper Roo | 4:47.3 | N/A
5 | Holly | 4:47.3 | 3, 2, 1 Lift Off!!

Disney Studios
1 | Crash Bandicoot | 1:23.2 | I'm ready for my closeup!
2 | Ripper Roo | 2:03.4 | And the Oscar goes to.... ME!
3 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 2:15.2 | N/A
4 | Andrew Schub | 2:15:0 | N/A
5 | | |

Splash Mountain
1 | Malgorzata | 2:41.4 | Swimmin' all day!
2 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 2:47.5 | N/A
3 | Crash Bandicoot | 2:50.3 | Your stomach will flip about it
4 | Andrew Schub | 2:54.6 | N/A
5 | Frank01420 | 4:33.4 |That's just once around the pond

Lap Records
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
1 | Malgorzata M. | 1:07.2 | I'm a rovin'!
2 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 1:09.2 | N/A
3 | Crash Bandicoot | 1:10.9 |Chug-a-Chug, the cricket's a bug
4 | Andrew Schub | 1:12.6 | N/A
5 | Ripper Roo | 1:21.9 | Go Ahead! Make my day!

1 | Malgorzata M. | 0:53.7 | Into a crazin' dinosaur!
2 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 0:56.0 | N/A
3 | Ripper Roo | 0:56.7 | Here lizard, lizard, lizard...
4 | Crash Bandicoot | 0:57.6 | Quick as a raptor!
5 | Andrew Schub | 0:58.9 | N/A

Blizzard Beach
1 | Josh | 0:37.9 | N/A
2 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 0:42.7 | N/A
3 | Otto Plugnutt | 0:46.1 | N/A
4 | Ripper Roo | 0:47.3 | Run, run Rudolph!
5 | Andrew Schub | 0:48.5 | N/A

Rock 'N' Roller Coaster
1 | Margorzata | 0:59.1 | What a sight!
2 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 1:O3.5 | N/A
3 | Merlin2K | 1:04.7 |Is that a guitar in your pocket?
4 | Andrew Schub | 1:06.1 | N/A
5 | Ripper Roo | 1:06.8 | I wanna Disco all night!

Jungle Cruise
1 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 0:41.8 | N/A
2 | Josh | 0:43.0 | N/A
3 | Crash Bandicoot | 0.45.4 | My boat... is... on fire....
4 | Ripper Roo | 0:45.7 | WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREEEEEE!
5 | Merlin2K | 0:48.2 | Is that a croc? No, it's my Mom

Haunted Mansion
1 | Josh | 0:59.3 | N/A
2 | Philip "Chronos" | 1:02.0 | N/A
3 | Malgorzata | 1:04.2 | AH! Scary!
4 | Merlin2K | 1:04.8 | I think a spector came on to me
5 | Crash Bandicoot | 1:05.0 | It holds 999 happy spectators!

Tomorrowland Speedway
1 | Darth Maul | 0.45.5 | I won, just as all Siths do.
2 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 0:47.0 | N/A
3 | Andrew Schub | 0:47.1 | N/A
4 | Crash Bandicoot | 0:48.7 | Where's the ejection seat?
5 | Andrew Schub | 0:53.4 | N/A

Pirates of the Caribbean
1 | Philip "Chronos" | 0:59.6 | N/A
2 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 1:01.6 | N/A
3 | Andrew Schub | 1:03.6 | N/A
4 | Crash Bandicoot | 1:06.8 | Pour a little rum in the engine
5 | Ripper Roo | 1:07.9 | Argh Matey!

Space Mountain
1 | Otto Plugnutt | 1:04.9 | N/A
2 | Ripper Roo | 1:21.7 | Beat that Han Solo!
3 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 1:23.3 | N/A
4 | Andrew Schub | 1:24.2 | N/A
5 | Crash Bandicoot | 1:41.2 | Houston, we have a problem

Splash Mountain
1 | Crash Bandicoot | 0:45.6 | Uncle Remus can't touch me!
2 | Malgorzata | 0:48.4 | Lets GOOOOO!
3 | Jose Manuel Almeida | 0:52.8 | N/A
4 | Andrew Schub | 0:53.5 | N/A
5 | Ripper Roo | 0:55.6 | Zip-a-de-a-way!

Thats all!! Go see how fast you can go!! Remember, my email is
crashdacoot@excite.com Sorry I bump ya off if you go below five, but
try some more and get back up there!! I'll update whenever I get a new
High Score!!
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