Atlantis 3: Beyond Atlantis

Atlantis 3: Beyond Atlantis

17.10.2013 08:56:42
Beyond Atlantis (PC) Walkthrough, version 1.0, January 7, 2002
by Adrean Issil,
copyright 2001 Adrean Issil
This document was prepared by me for the following websites and may not be
posted on any other websites or reprinted in any way without my permission:

INTRODUCTION: In Beyond Atlantis you assume the role of Ten, a bewildered young
man who contains one half of a mysterious entity who came to Earth long ago and
now needs to go back home. Ten is the only game hero in history not to have his
picture anywhere on the box to his own game and I bet some of you can guess
why, (that young feller ain’t quite right). Your objective is to guide Ten on
his search for the pieces to a portal that will allow him to find his other
half, reunite with it and travel back to his home in the stars. Of course you
won’t be able to do this if you have Windows XP (see below). Hampering your
quest are constant and repetitive CD changes, plus the typical
Dreamcatcher/Cryo hunt and click method of plot progression, which ensures that
you WILL hate this game eventually. Let me caution you by saying this game
includes partial nudity as well as blood and gore. Normally I wouldn’t
complain, but the ESRB rating for this game is E for everyone! I am just
warning the consumer that this game is probably not appropriate for 7-10 year
olds, even if the ESRB thinks it is. Beyond Atlantis was released by
Dreamcatcher in June of 2000. Beyond Atlantis is the sequel to an earlier
Atlantis game, and was apparently released as Atlantis II in Europe.

SPECIAL NOTE: Beyond Atlantis is not compatible with Windows XP. Though you may
be able to get the game to run, cut scenes and interactive puzzles won’t work
properly, which means you cannot advance beyond certain points in the game. I
know the box says “MINIMUM Requirements: Windows 95 or 98” but apparently that
also means “We at Dreamcatcher DO NOT accept that technology improves over
time.” This explains why all Dreamcatcher titles feel like they have been
released ten years too late. I couldn’t get the game to work right on my newer
computer, so I had to play it on my Pentium III with Windows 98, and that did
the trick. If you do not get the introductory sequence of Ten walking up a
snowy mountain when you start up, this game will not properly work on your
computer according to the technical support section of the Dreamcatcher

- At the START UP MENU five astronomical icons are displayed, each can be used
to represent a different player’s game. To start a game left-click on one of
the planets; the next time you start up the game click on the planet to resume
your most recent saved position.
- Beyond Atlantis does not utilize a continuous environment that your character
may freely move about in. Instead, Ten must MOVE ONE SCREEN AT A TIME, which
means you will spend most of your time searching for interactive zones on each
screen so you can figure out where to go next.
- The MOUSE controls almost all the interactivity of the game except for the
main menu, which is opened with Esc. Move the mouse to control your
perspective. The small white cross in the center of the screen is the focal
point of your perspective, when it moves over an interactive zone it will
change to a variety of different cursors depending on your options. To activate
an interactive zone LEFT-CLICK the cursor on it.
- When you can MOVE to a new screen the cursor looks like a spade with a blue
cross in it.
- When you can EXIT to a different area of the game the cursor looks like a
spade with a red cross in it.
- When you can PICK UP an object the cursor looks like four wedges coming
together to form a circle over the object, which has a green cross over it. The
same icon is used to push buttons.
- When you can USE AN OBJECT from your inventory on an interactive zone on the
screen the cursor will look like two swirling wings and a white cross. This
same icon is used to talk to people. The cross will turn purple if the
interactive zone is part of a PUZZLE.
- When you speak to a person DIALOG ICONS will appear next to them, left-click
an icon to discuss that topic. To clear the dialog icons left-click anywhere on
the shaded area around the icons.
- The INVENTORY design for this game is quite nice actually. RIGHT-CLICK to
open the inventory, then LEFT-CLICK on an object to take it out of your
inventory. To PUT AWAY an object in your hand, right-click twice. Objects in
your inventory do not interact with one another.
- The MAIN MENU (opened with Esc) gives you control of display and sound
options, as well as a place to save, load and exit the game. To save or load
select the icon that looks like a 3.5” disk, beneath it are two smaller 3.5”
disk icons, click the upper one to load a game and the lower one to save your
current position in the game. To exit the game click on the small door to the
bottom right of the screen. To exit the main menu press Esc again.

- Talk to everyone, this game is story driven, meaning some objects will only
appear on the screen or be given to Ten once he has learned more of the story
from the NPCs.
- The hardest part of the game is finding the interactive zones in each
environment where you are supposed to use the crystal ball. You will have to
search each screen within the environment very carefully. Keep the following
hints in mind: 1) There are 4 areas you must find, one each in Ireland, the
Yucatan, China and Tibet. 2) All the areas involve mountains or trees or
outside structures. 3) I have included the 4 locations as part of the
walkthrough, so if all else fails just cheat. Search under the appropriate
location in the walkthrough and look for the words CRYSTAL BALL.
- At the end of the game, wait through the credits to get an additional cut

- This walkthrough contains exact instructions on how to control your character
step by step to win “Beyond Atlantis”. When you first enter a new location the
walkthrough will guide you through the EXPLORATION of the environment screen by
screen with instructions such as go straight, go right, go left, turn around
and go. To go straight/forward, left-click on the interactive area directly in
front of you with the movement cursor. To go right or left, left-click the
movement cursor on the interactive area 90 degrees to your right or left
respectively. When you are instructed to turn around and go, left-click with
the movement cursor on the interactive area 180 degrees from your current
perspective (behind you). As you move through the environment the walkthrough
will reference characteristics of the screen to help you remember it in case
you need to come back, this way you can find your own way back without
redundant precise instructions.
- INTERACTION: You may also be instructed to look in a certain direction;
change your perspective to face that direction, but do not click the cursor on
anything. When instructed to select something or pick up an object or
talk/speak to a person, left-click on it. When instructed to put an item in
your inventory, right-click twice with the item in your hand. When instructed
to use an item from your inventory on an interactive area, right-click to open
your inventory, left-click on the object, then left-click on the interactive
- SUBHEADINGS: The walkthroughs of the complex locations were too big to be
easily searched in the event a reader only needed help with one of the puzzles
in that location. To facilitate finding the proper section I have broken up all
but one of the location walkthroughs into several portions, each portion with
its own descriptive heading. However, the entire text of the walkthrough is
still continuous like a story, you can read from one portion to the next, and
one location to the next, without a break in continuity.


Go straight toward the ship, then straight up the ladder. Go down the steps to
your left, pick up the triangular stone on your left and put it in your
inventory. (I call this stone the 3 Skulls Stone, try to remember what it looks
like). Turn around and go toward the door on your right, then go straight
through it. After the meeting cut scene, speak to the obligatory wise old man
to your right. Three dialog boxes open, select the picture of the old man to
receive the crystal ball. Put it away and speak to him about Ten’s hand, the
triangle shaped stone, and the crystal. Afterward exit through the door on your
right and return to the deck of the ship. Turn around and face the front of the
ship, take out the CRYSTAL BALL and hold it over the mountain behind the front
of the ship; the crystal ball’s lines will glow red, left-click to use the
crystal and you will be taken to the moon, select the earth to return to the
ship. (You have taken your first step on Ten’s semi-incredible journey and
hopefully saved yourself a couple of hours of searching.) Return to the old man
and speak to him about the crystal. Now go left toward the hammock. Turn around
and pick up the triangular stone beneath the desk. (I call this stone the
Celtic Stone, try to remember what it looks like.) Turn around and go left
towards the antechamber containing a portal. Pick up the triangular stone under
the hammock to your right. (I call this stone the Christmas Tree Stone, try to
remember what it looks like.) Now go towards the portal left of the hammock.
Take out and use the Celtic Stone (the second triangular stone you picked up)
on the area just above the bottommost small yellow arrow inside the dial on the
wall in front of you.


Finbar and the Manuscript:
Ten’s spirit has traveled to Ireland and taken over the body of a young monk
named Felim. Look left and pick up the brush in the cup above the open
manuscript. Look left again and go toward the area to the left of the head monk
Liam. Go through the door on the left to enter the altar room. Go right and
look at the bookshelf to the right of the door in front of you, pick up the
skull piece on the middle shelf of the bookshelf. Go through the door to the
left of the bookshelf and look at the weeping head to your right, be sure your
cursor passes over it but do not select it. (NOTE: This is the exit from this
environment, if you left-click on it you will return to Tibet.) Go through the
door on your left to the outside. Go toward the first path to your right,
toward the gate in the distance. Go through the gate on your left, turn left
and speak to brother Finbar. Now go back to the manuscript room (reverse
directions) and speak to the head monk about Finbar and the weeping head. Go
right toward the chair, now select the manuscript picture, then take out the
brush and use it on the center of the manuscript picture. Felim has entered a
pagan fairytale. Go right, then left, and talk to the large blue man on your
left, Dian, about himself, the king Nuada, the monster Bres and the statue
Airmid. Turn around and go straight toward the king twice, then speak to him.
Turn around and go straight twice, go right, then go straight, now look to the
left side of the wall in front of you and left-click on the word exit.
Left-click the manuscript, then use the brush on the picture of the king to the
right to paint his sword. Look left of the manuscript and left-click, now exit
the church.

The Skull Pieces:
Go left around the outside of the church and move your cursor over the etched
markings on the wall to your left. Return to the screen with the mute brother
Finbar and take the path to his left. Go through the fence on the left, and
then pick up the fork on the ground to the left. Exit left, go straight toward
Finbar, take the left path toward the stone building (the tomb) in the
distance, now go straight towards in twice. Facing the entrance of the tomb go
left, then go straight toward the beehives in the distance. Pick up the skull
piece in the beehive on your right. Go left, go straight (bearing slightly
right), go straight, go right, go toward the monolith on the left, now face it
and move your cursor over the symbols on it. Go left of the standing stone
horse monolith, go left toward the trees, look at the fox in its hole on the
right, left-click on it and wait for it to run away. Keep waiting until you
hear a chicken squawk in the distance. Go left of the fox den, go right, then
right again; look down and to the left in a nook created by two large rocks.
Pick up the skull piece in the nook and go right. Go right again and from here
you can find your way back to the door of the church. Facing the door, go
toward the well on your left, go towards the well again, now turn around and
look slightly to the right of the chicken on the ground to the left of the
well. Pick up the skull piece you find there. Turn around and go toward the
head monk, speak to him about the strange markings on the church wall and he’ll
give you Liam’s key. Put it away and talk to him about the standing stone. Look
right and use Liam’s key on the chest to open it, take Liam’s knife and the
vellum, left-click on the vellum while it is in your inventory to view the
trees on it, left-click again to put it away. Turn left and speak to the head
monk about the vellum. Now take out the vellum while facing the head monk and
left-click on the tree third from the left, he tells you that it is an oak.
Left-click on the tree third from the right and he tells you it is elder. Make
a personal note about the symbols of these two trees, you will need it later.
Turn around and enter the fenced area, go straight toward the ladder. Look in
the hole on the roof, take out the fork and use it on the skull piece atop the
wooden cross on the left. Turn around and climb down, go straight through the
fence, go left of head monk, look in the hut to your right and pick up the
pitcher to your right. Now return to the church and face the weeping head. Use
the pitcher on the water pouring from the head. Now return to the altar room in
the church and look on the floor behind the altar and to the right of the
cross, pick up the skull piece you knocked down. Now return to the entrance of
the stone building (the tomb you spotted earlier). Go straight into the tomb
three times and approach the broken skull. Use all five pieces one at a time on
the skull to rebuild it. Talk to Mr. Head. Now use the pitcher of water on him.
Speak to Mr. Head, Aillil, about himself and about the etched markings. Now
give him Liam’s knife. Return to the left side of the church where you found
the etched markings, face the symbols and take out the knife.

The Tree Puzzle:
Your goal is to alter the three sets of 5 lines so that the top set resembles
the symbol for the oak, the second set resembles the symbol for elder and the
third set is erased entirely. Left-clicking on a line will erase it, this must
be done from the bottom line of a set of five before the line above it can be
erased. Left-clicking on the space where an erased line was will cause the line
to reappear, this must be done from the topmost erased line of a set of five
before the line below it can be restored. Left-clicking to the left of one of
the three sets will cause that set to change the direction it is pointing. In
case you still can’t figure it out here are step by step instructions for
solving this puzzle: (Using the knife) Left-click on each of the five lines of
the bottommost set of five, starting with the very bottom line of the set and
working up; your goal is to erase the entire bottom set. Left-click once to the
left of the middle set of five lines to get it to slant downwards to the right.
Now left-click on the bottom 3 lines of the top set of five lines, to erase
those three. Now left-click twice to the left of the top set so that the two
remaining lines of the set face left. Now left-click on the swirling figure to
the bottom right of the wall until you get a cut scene of the wall sliding
away. Pick up the stick in the crevice to the left. Return to the standing
stone horse monolith and face the horse figure. Use the stick on the horse
figure and it jumps out and runs away. Go right, then left, then left of the
tomb of Mr. Head, and wait at this screen while facing the beehives in the
distance. Eventually, the horse comes running up to you, now pick it up. Go
left toward the water, go left again following the beach, turn right and use
the horse on the water. Left-click on the horse to ride it to another island.

The Whistling Blackbird Poet:
Go straight, go left toward the man in the tree. Talk to the man about himself
and he will whistle a song, listen carefully. To your right are 5 bird icons,
when you move your cursor over an icon a song will start playing, if you hold
your cursor over the icon the song loops, if you pull your cursor away from the
icon while it’s playing the song will stop once it has played through. Your
goal is to match the song the man whistles correctly three times, once for each
subject you can discuss with him. If you correctly match the song for each
topic the man will jump out of the tree and you can speak to him normally. The
song he whistles is different each time so I cannot give you a sequence, you
must do it yourself with the hints I have provided. This is not so much a
puzzle as it is a cruel joke directed at tone deaf game players. Talk to him
about the glass tower to get a divining rod, then put it away. Now talk to bird
man about himself and Aillil. Take out the divining rod and go left, then left
again, look right and face the stone wall. Search the ground between yourself
and the wall to find an interactive zone in a mossy area surrounded by 4 gravel
patches. Use the divining rod on this interactive area on the ground and a well
appears. Enter the well and swim down until the giant snake threatens you, then
turnaround and exit the well. Go back and talk to Fintan about the well and the
giant snake. Now leave this island via the horse and then return to the tomb
and speak to Aillil about Fintan.

The Glass Tower:
Return to the fairy tale world and speak to Dian about king Nuada, Dian’s
daughter Airmid the statue, Fintan the poet and the glass tower. Go and take
the king’s sword and then exit the fairy tale. Go back to Aillil and ask him
about the statue girl Airmid. Now go speak to the head monk Liam near the well
about the Ancient Sun in order to get the Brigid’s Cross. Go back to the
bookshelf in the altar room of the church and look at the tapestry to the
right. Take out the Brigid’s cross and use it on the interactive area between
the clock tower and the flying dragon in the sky, (above a set of three small
towers). This is the area that the peasants in the tapestry are pointing at.
Turn right and look up, now speak to Aine the antler-headed goddess about
herself, King Nuada, Aillil, and Fintan the poet. Reenter the fairy tale world
and head towards Dian, a cut scene shows Airmid has been restored. Speak to
Airmid about Aine, herself, the hand, Dian and finally the giant snake. Exit,
left-click on the manuscript, now use the brush on the image of Airmid as a
statue on the left side of the manuscript to draw a salmon for her. (This whole
experience has been like a fever dream). Reenter the manuscript and speak to
Airmid about the snake and she gives you a salmon amulet. Exit the fairy tale
and go and ride the horse back to Fintan’s island. Go toward the tree on your
right, take out the CRYSTAL BALL and slowly move it about on the branches of
the tree just above the wall; the crystal’s lines will glow red, left-click to
take your next journey, left-click on the earth to return. Now go back to the
well and swim down one level. From now on each time you swim down a level take
out the salmon and hold it in your hand, at the final level the snake attacks
and Felim fends it off. Ride the horse back to the church island and enter the
fairy tale again. Give Dian the glass tower and when he places it on the ground
to his left, use the sword to smash it, then pick up the hand. Give the hand to
Nuada the King and then give him his sword. Nuada defeats Bres and the
monster’s iron diaper falls to earth. Exit the fairy tale, then head for the
exit of the church to complete this quest. The dance sequence that follows
explains why the monks were exiled to this island in the first place. Back in
Tibet speak to the old man about yourself and the road to Shambala. Approach
the portal, face the dial and take out the dark gray triangle shaped stone you
received in Ireland (I call this stone the Cross Stone, try to remember what it
looks like.) Now use the Cross Stone on the area just beneath the topmost
yellow arrow, directly opposite the Celtic Stone, and it will snap into place.
Now take out the 3 Skulls Stone (the first stone you picked up) and use it on
the area on the dial to the left of the Celtic Stone and Ten is off to another
somewhat exotic locale.


The Jaguar Temple:
After Ten has possessed the young man Tepec, look up and go straight, then
straight again, then up the steps to the left. Go up the next set of steps in
front of you, go left and look at the Big Dipper diagram on the altar, remember
the seven stars. Turn around and go straight twice toward the jaguar god statue
and pick up the obsidian foot tile (his right foot). (Note: to the right is a
flaming cauldron, which is the way out of this board and back to Tibet. If you
want to leave approach it and left-click on it.) Turn around from facing the
statue and go straight, then go down the steps to your right to enter the
temple. Go left and examine the glyph on the wall. The left column of the glyph
shows you the symbol for the number 19, if you count the number of men beneath
the column they total 19. The middle column shows you the symbol for the number
20, and the third column shows you the symbol for the number 21. Remember
these. Turn around and go straight twice, then left, then straight, then look
at the glyph on the wall to the right. This glyph shows you that one dot equals
one man, two dots=two men, three dots=three men, four dots=four men and a bar
represents five men. Get the picture? Study the two glyphs on this level if you
become confused as this part of the game progresses. Turn around from the glyph
and go straight, now talk the guard on your right. Johnny Carson there tells
you that the jaguar’s number is the bat’s multiplied by itself. If you try to
go down the steps beside the guard you discover your way is blocked. Now go
left, and face the first math puzzle on your right. Your goal is to enter a
number into this puzzle that will satisfy the guard’s riddle and move him out
of the way of the steps. The correct number is the result of the a number being
multiplied by itself. I solved this puzzle without knowing the bat’s number
because I thought the player had to guess what the bat‘s number was. I started
with 1x1=1, then 2x2=4, then 3x3=9, and each time I came up with a result I
would represent that on the bottom section of the math puzzle. 9 was the
correct number; lucky me. Later on you can find the bat’s number, but when you
do you will be glad I saved you the time you would have wasted coming back
here. So let’s solve the first math puzzle. Left-click on the cup of bars to
the bottom right of the puzzle to pick up a bar. Now look at the math puzzle,
it contains 4 sections of 4 rows, we must build our answer from the bottom up.
To represent the number 9, left-click (with the bar in your hand) on the bottom
row of the bottom section to put it in place. Then left-click on the ball cup 4
times to pick up four balls, now left-click on the row above the bar you just
placed. You will here an unlocking sound telling you the way is clear. Go
right, then speak to the guard on the left, then go down the steps. Go right
and look at the wall on the right, here is the second math puzzle. To find the
clue for this puzzle, turn around and go straight twice, then left, then speak
to the guard on the right to find out that the jaguar’s number multiplied by
itself is the snake’s. Return to the second math puzzle. The jaguar’s number is
9, 9x9=81. To represent 81, left-click on the ball cup 4 times and enter them
into the bottom row of the second section (the section above the bottom
section). Now pick up one ball and enter it into the bottom row of the bottom
section. Another unlocking sound. Return to the second guard and speak to him,
then go down the steps. Go straight, now look left and press the button on the
wall. Enter the now open door on the right, go left and examine the glyph on
the wall. This glyph shows the symbols for larger numbers. The column on the
left represents 399. The middle column represents 400, and the right column
represents 401. Turn around and approach the lizard statue, left-click on the
third math puzzle. We are not told the hint for solving this puzzle but the
answer is obvious, we have done 3x3=9 and 9x9=81, so now we must multiply 81x81
to get the answer 6561. To represent this, enter three bars into the bottom
three rows of the third section of the math puzzle (this is above the second
section, which is above the bottom section.) Now enter one ball into the row
above the three bars you just placed in the third section. Now enter one bar
into the bottom row of the second section, and enter three balls into the row
above the bar you just placed. Now pick up one ball and place it in the bottom
row of the bottom section. The jaw of the lizard drops open, look up and take
the obsidian foot cube. Go left of the lizard twice; on either side of the wall
in front of you are two slots in the wall itself, put one obsidian foot in each
of the two slots and a secret passage opens at the bottom of the wall. Take the
two obsidian feet and exit through the secret passage.

The Feathered Serpent’s Temple:
Turn around and go right (between the two buildings). Now go straight for 5
screens and turn around and take out the crystal ball. Move the CRYSTAL BALL
slowly over the area in the sky between the Jaguar Temple in the distance and
the tree nearby and to the right, eventually the lines on the crystal will
flash red.
Left-click to take another space trip, then select the earth to return, and go
up the steps to the left. Enter the archway before you and you get an earful
from the high priest and the prince, afterward go straight towards them and
speak to the prince about himself, the corn crop and the king. Now turn right
and speak to the high priest about himself and the star. Turn around and go
straight twice, enter the door on the right and see a cut scene with the high
priestess of semi-nudity. Go through the door on the right twice and see a cut
scene with the king, approach him to the right, take out the bandages and give
them to him. Talk to the king about his brother, his daughter, the knife, and
the corn crop. Talk to the daughter about herself and her father. Turn left and
speak to the wise one about the king, the high priest and the star. Exit to
the left twice and you are given the bloody bandages. Go right, then give the
bloody bandages to the high priestess. Speak to her about the star, the
daughter, the king, the high priest, the prince, and finally the jaguar god.
Speak to her again and give her the thumbs up. Tepec is off to Xibalba, land of
hallucinogenic mushrooms. When you arrive you will witness a discussion with
the bat god, on his wing you will see three dots, guess his number was 3,
right? Turn right and talk to the bat about himself, the feathered serpent, the
king, the rainbow bridge and the dugout canoe. Go left, on the ground in front
of you is the probably the most infuriating puzzle of the game, left-click on

The Rainbow Bridge:
Before you are nine tiles that comprise a map of the jungle through which the
little man on the bottom right must travel to pick up and assemble the seven
pieces of the rainbow bridge. There are eight tiles whose positions may be
swapped. Seven of those tiles each contain one piece of the rainbow bridge, the
remaining tile is a blank tile that contains no piece. It is also possible to
rotate each tile on its axis, so that it faces a different direction. To
understand the solution to this puzzle we first must identify the tiles. The
tile with the little man, at the bottom right of the puzzle, is the start tile.
To its left is the blank tile (it contains no bridge piece). To the left of the
blank tile is the purple tile (it contains the purple bridge piece), above it
is the green tile. To the right of the green tile is the light blue tile, to
the right of the light blue tile is the red tile. Above the red tile is the
orange tile, to the left of the orange tile is the yellow tile, and to the left
of the yellow tile is the blue tile. Now follow these instructions to get the
tiles in their correct positions:
1) Left-click on the orange tile to pick it up, then left-click on the yellow
tile (while the orange tile is still in your hand). They have swapped
2) Swap the blue tile and the red tile.
3) Swap the blue tile and the green tile.
4) Swap the light blue tile and the blank tile.
5) Swap the light blue tile and the purple tile.
The tiles should be in this order: 1st row R-O-Y, 2nd row B-Blank-G, 3rd row
LB-P-Start. Now, to change the directions of the tiles we must follow these
1) Right-click the red tile once.
2) Right-click the orange tile twice.
3) Right-click the yellow tile three times.
4) Right-click the blank tile once.
5) Right-click the green tile twice.
6) Right-click the light blue tile three times.
*) Left-click on the start tile to set the little man running; he should now
pick up all 7 bridge pieces and cross the rainbow bridge.

The Jungle Stars:
Tepec automatically takes the canoe to the opposite shore. Navigating this
jungle can be tricky. Go left, take the path just to the left of the purple
spotted rocks. Look down, slightly to the right is the First Star, pick it up.
Look up and go straight toward the red leafed tree. Take the path slightly to
the left of the red leafed tree. Turn around and look all the way down,
slightly to the right is the Second Star, take it. Look up, turn around, and
take the path amidst the darkened trees. Look down and to the left, pick up the
Third Star, look up and take the path left toward the red speckled rocks. Take
the second path to the right, up a slight slope under some dark vines, then go
right and then left up the sunny hill. Look down, slightly to the right is the
Fourth Star, grab it. Look up and go straight down the path you are facing. Go
right, then right again, turn around and look down, pick up the Fifth Star.
Turn around and go straight, go down the path slightly to the left (the one
with the green speckled stone). Look down, pick up the Sixth Star slightly to
your left, look up and go straight. Go right, turn around and look down to pick
up the Seventh Star, look up and go straight, then right, then straight toward
the small statue in front of the blue speckled rocks. Look down at the statue
to the right and use the obsidian foot tile on the dark square hole at the base
of the statue. Turn around and go toward the constellation stone, look down to
the left. Your goal is to place the seven stars into this stone to form the Big
Dipper constellation you saw on the altar of the Jaguar Temple. To put a star
in a hole on the constellation stone, take it out of your inventory and hold it
slightly above the hole you want to put it in, then left-click. You can remove
a star from a hole by left-clicking slightly above it. To solve this puzzle,
think of the constellation stone as a map, the top of the stone is north, the
right side is east, the bottom is south and the left side is west. Now follow
these instructions to place the stars correctly:
1) Start by placing a star in the hole farthest to the left side of the
constellation stone.
2) Place the second star in the hole northeast of the first star you placed.
3) Move your cursor to the hole northeast of the second star, this hole remains
4) Place the third star in the hole directly southeast of the empty hole.
5) Place the fourth star in the hole directly southeast of the third star (be
careful not to put this star in the very close hole south-southeast of the
third star).
6) Place the fifth star in the second hole to the east of the fourth star (this
is all the way to the middle right side of the map).
7) Place the sixth star in the hole southwest of the fifth star.
8) Place the final star in the hole west of the sixth star and southeast of the
fourth star.
A cut scene shows a jaguar god statue rising from the ground. Turn around and
approach the statue, place the obsidian foot cube into the hole at the jaguar
god’s right foot. Tepec speaks to the jaguar god in a cut scene; when the
feathered serpent god appears speak to him about himself and the king. Put away
the feather he gives you, turn around and go straight, then right, then
straight, now take the second path to the right, go straight, go right, go
straight toward the giant mushrooms and then go right toward the reeds and you
arrive back at the boat. Look down at the river and left-click on it to get in
the canoe. In the river go right, then straight four times and land to the
left. On the shore go straight, then go left of the rock and climb the steps up
the tree in front of you.

The Three Spider Puzzles:
Tepec has found a giant spider web, he must now solve three puzzles in a row to
discover the secret the spiders are hiding. To solve the puzzles follow these
instructions when Tepec first arrives on the web:
1) Go straight toward the first spider, turn around and go straight, go left
past the hole in the web, go left again and then go straight three times to
pick up the caterpillar. Go straight 5 times to jump out of the web. Now go
back up the steps to your right.
2) Go straight toward the spider, then turn around and go straight, go left
past the hole in the web and go left again and you spot a second spider. Go
right, then right again, then turn left. Go straight 16 times to make a
complete circle around the outside of the web, then go left and then straight 2
times to pick up the grasshopper. Now go right, then right again, then straight
3 times to jump out of the web. Go right, go left and take the tree steps. You
should have reentered the web at a different angle; the hole in the web should
be to your left and the spider queen should be in front of you.
3) Take out the feather and left-click on the path to your left to put the
feather on the web in one corner of the hole. Now go toward the feather, go
straight, then right, then straight to pick up the sword. Turn right and use
the sword on the spider queen (in the area slightly beneath her). Now go left
and then straight to pick up the skulls. Go straight five times to jump out of
the web, now go back and exit to the river.
Go right, then straight twice, exit the river to your right, go straight twice
to approach Lord Chac the frog. I did not even know he existed until I had
already solved the spider puzzle (I had gone the opposite direction), then I
accidentally discovered him while searching for the way back to the star
jungle. Give Chac the caterpillar and the grasshopper to get some now useless
information and exit back out onto the river. Go right, go straight twice, and
then left-click on the darkened river bank to the left , exit the river to the

Go left, take the second left up the hill toward the giant mushrooms, go
straight, go left, go straight to the right of the speckled rocks, go left, go
left again toward the feathered serpent in the distance, then approach him and
give him the skulls. Ah ha! Chulel=Feathered Serpent Eye Blood, who wouldn’t
have guessed it? Reverse directions to exit to the river; on the river go left,
then land to the right, go straight and talk to the bat god about the chulel,
now left-click on the feather directly beneath the bat god to return to the
temple. Go right and view the cut scene of the king restored and his land
saved. Back in Tibet approach the dial and insert the larger gray triangular
stone you just received, (I call this stone the Yucatan Stone, try to remember
what it looks like), into the slot in the dial directly opposite the 3 Skulls
Stone Ten used to travel to the Yucatan; the new stone should snap into place.
Now take out the Christmas Tree Stone, (the stone from under the hammock), and
use it on the slot on the dial between the Cross Stone at the top and the 3
Skull Stone on the bottom left. Ten is off to China.


The Shadow Mystery:
Ten has possessed a Chinese bureaucrat named Wei Yulan. Turn around and go down
the steps, go straight and speak to the old master on the right about himself,
and about the bureaucrat. Turn around and go left of the urn, pick up the
mallet to the left of the gong, now go left of the gong. Go right, (Note: On
your right is a gong that can be used to exit this location and return to
Tibet, simply strike the gong with the mallet if you want to leave), go
straight to the door and move your cursor over the shadow lying across the
road. Turn around and go straight four times, turn right at the door, then left
around the corner of the building, turn around and speak to the frightened man
on your right about himself, the old master, and the shadow. Take the path to
the frightened man’s left, go right, and then go right again to enter the
monastery. Turn left into the office, go straight, and speak to Master Lo
(behind the desk on the right) about himself, the shadow, the old master, and
Tan Yun the immortal master. Go back outside and to speak to the old master
about the shadow and Tan Yun. Go right, go straight, left, straight 3 times and
enter the room on your right; you will view a cut scene with the old master,
you are given a turtle and the engraved plate.

The House of the Tiger and The Immortal’s Doll Collection:
Turn right and speak to the old master about the House of the Tiger. You will
have to take baby steps as you walk around the squares on the floor in this
room. Facing the old man, go straight three times, then go left, then straight,
and place the turtle on the pond to the left. Turn and speak to the old master
about the turtle and again about the House of the Tiger. He tells you to tell
him when you are ready, talk to him once more about the House of the Tiger to
begin the turtle’s journey. At each step around the grid on the floor the old
man gives you instructions, here are the condensed directions: start by facing
the wall, after the first instruction go right, then right, then left, then
left, then left, then right, then left, then straight; finally the dragon door
opens. Go left twice toward the chest and open it, open the three smaller
chests inside of it and take the wand. Go left, then left again, go straight,
then go left up onto the ritual platform. Surrounding the platform are 4
colored posts, use the wand on each to light them in this order: red, green,
blue, yellow. Watch as Wei Yulan shrinks. Go left and enter fantasy land, go
straight, then right towards the arch, then left and approach the mechanism.
Look down and to the left of the mechanism, pick up Tan Yun’s doll collection,
there are 6 in all. Exit fantasy land and go right to see Wei get big again.
Take out the blacksmith doll (guy with hammer in hand) and look down, place the
doll on the symbol of the mountain to your left on the floor of the ritual
platform. Take out the woodsman doll (guy with the ax) and place him on forest
symbol to the right of the mountain symbol. Take out the purse and place it in
the blank interactive zone between the forest and the river symbols. Take out
the water bearer (woman with two buckets) and place her on the river symbol to
the right of the forest symbol. Take out the cook (dwarf with a pan) and place
him on the cooking pot symbol to the right of the river symbol. Take out the
walking stick figurine and place her on the hills symbol to the right of the
cooking pot symbol. Now turn around and left-click on the entrance to the
fantasy land map. Wei has shrunk, have him pick up the purse in front of him.
Give a coin to the water bearer on the right and she will give you the mountain
disk. Turn right, give a coin to the cook and he will give you the metal disk.
Turn right, give a coin to the walking stick woman and she will give you the
fire disk. Turn right, give a coin to the blacksmith and he will give you the
wood disk. Turn right and give a coin to the woodsman and he will give you the
water disk. Try to remember what each disk looks like because I will refer to
them again in just a moment. Enter fantasy land to the right of the woodsman.
Return to the mechanism; you will need to place one disk on each of the five
pegs of the mechanism. From left to right, place the disks in this order:
Mountain, Metal, Water, Wood, Fire. The mechanism begins to function, afterward
pick up all the disks. You will now have to place them back on the pegs, left
to right, in this order: Water, Fire, Metal, Wood, Mountain. Again the
mechanism functions and the bridge connects to the island you are on.

The Dragon Puzzle and meeting Tan Yun
Turnaround and go straight, go left, go straight twice and you arrive at two
golden doors. Take out your CRYSTAL BALL and slowly look toward the left, drag
the ball over the mountain to the left of the corner of this building and the
lines of the crystal will flash red, left-click to go back into space. It is
time to complete Ten’s crystal transformation star trek. Turn around and go
toward the sun, next go to the right of the sun, now go towards to twin stars
on your right. Open your inventory, Ten’s crystal has changed. Now go left
through a dark patch amidst the many colored clouds. Turn around and go towards
the large planet, go right towards the small planet, now go right to the earth.
Face the golden doors to the left, left-click on the hunter so that the arrow
is pointing at him (it is essential that the arrow points at the hunter not the
fox). Now left-click on the crack between the doors above the arrow to open
them. Go slightly right towards the dragon, then go straight, and then go left.
Look at the clouds mechanism on the left wall. There are two large clouds
flanking a dragon in the upper portion of the puzzle, beneath this are 5
smaller clouds that must be locked into an up position. To do this you must
guess behind which of the two flanking clouds a pearl is hidden, the left or
right. Start the puzzle by left clicking on dragon until it starts moving. From
this point on you will have to select either the right or left cloud; for every
correct answer one of the five smaller clouds opens up, for every wrong guess
one drops down, your goal is to raise all five clouds. The correct sequence is
left, right, right, left, right. Once the fifth cloud raises pick up the pearl
it reveals. Go right, turn around and insert the pearl in the hole in the gold
plate to the right of the door. After you land go straight three times toward
the building with the red door, then left-click on the door. Turn around and
left-click on the door again, then do this one more time and you meet Tan Yun.
Speak to him about himself, the shadow, the star, the mushroom and the door. Go
left and then enter the door on your left.

The Immortal Mushroom
Speak to the cow on your right about the mushroom (put away the form), Tan Yun,
the spirits and the form. I will navigate you partially through the underworld
at this point, later on you will have to use the little maps I have included in
this section because the solution to the mushroom quest is randomized. Go left
of the cow, right, left, right, left twice, straight, right, left, right, left,
left, now speak to the woman (holding the fox mask) on your left, she will give
you a fan with a set of three symbols on it, these are the three symbols that
must be stamped onto your form, the left symbol is the first to be stamped, the
middle symbol is the second to be stamped and the right symbol is the third to
be stamped. The pattern on the fan is different in every game, (yet another
random puzzle). There are six animals in this maze and three of them will
provide you with the stamps you need. Once you have the form stamped you can
give it back to the cow and he will give you the mushroom. Let me navigate you
to one more location in the underworld before I give you the maps. Go left from
facing the fox woman, then right, right, left, right, left, left, straight and
left. To the right is a staircase that leads to the ceiling, if you look up and
to the left of the staircase you will see the upside down horse who is one of
the animals who can stamp your form. If you need to get to an upside down
animal on the ceiling use this staircase, then return to the ground floor when
you are done. Here is the list of animal paper pushers and the stamps they can
give you, find the three you need and get each of them to stamp your form in
proper order:
Ground Floor: Dog=red dragon head; Pig=blue dragon; Rat=red horse head
Ceiling: Horse=blue tiger head; Bunny Rabbit=blue horse, Goat=red tiger
__ __ XX __ __ __ __ XX __ __ XX=Staircase between floors
| |__ | | _H| | H= Horse
| F|__ | |_R| |__| | __| | F= Fox Lady, R= Rat
|__ _P|__ __ | | __ __|__ __| P= Pig
| _D| | | | | |__ | D= Dog
| |__ __| | | |__ __|G | G= Goat
|__ __ C|__ __| |__ _B|__ __ __| C= Cow, B=Bunny Rabbit
EE EE= Entrance/Exit
Follow the map to get your form stamped by the three necessary animals, then
return to the cow and give him the form and he gives you the mushroom, exit the
underworld through the door on the right. Turn around and go left toward Tan
Yun, turn around again and give him the mushroom, he gives you the lantern.
Ride the dragon again, then exit fantasy land, then head for the exit of the
monastery. The shadow is defeated and Ten returns to Tibet with another stone
(I call this stone the Dragon Stone, try to remember what it looks like).


Through the Lotus Room:
Speak to the old man about the spirit journeys and the crystal. Go face the
portal dial and place the Dragon Stone in the final slot on the dial. Now use
the crystal on the center of the dial and you enter the lotus room. There are
six tapestries in this room each bearing one of the symbols of the triangular
stones, you must now left-click on each tapestry in the order in which you
inserted the corresponding stones into the dial. The tapestries are displayed
in a circle around the room; to the right of the 3 Skulls is The Cross, to its
right are the Dragons, to the right of the Dragons is the Yucatan symbol, to
its right is the Celtic symbol, to the right of the Celtic symbol is the
Christmas Tree and to its right are the 3 Skulls. If you have followed my
walkthrough the correct order to left-click on the tapestries is: Celtic Stone,
Cross Stone, 3 Skulls Stone, Yucatan Stone, Christmas Tree Stone and Dragon
Stone. After you left-click on a tapestry, the lotus in front of it starts
spewing fairy dust. If you select all 6 tapestries correctly Ten will be
whisked away to Shambala, if not, nothing will happen, (in that case Ten must
exit this room by left-clicking on the portal above him, then reenter the lotus
room and try again until he gets it right). In Shambala go straight, then left
toward the purple tree, right around the pond and right toward the queen,
approach her and speak to her about the scenery. Ah, it is all becoming clear,
sort of. Continue talking to her about Ten, herself, the old man, the astral
journey, the dark half and the star. Turn around and go to the right of the
pond, go straight around the edge of the pond, go left, and then go straight
and drop off the edge of this reality.

The Flashback Puzzle:
Ten has entered a sort of prolonged flashback, he must seek an item and a place
to use that item in order to escape the flashback. You may explore all you like
and pick up any item you find, keep in mind that the people here speak in
riddles that give you hints about both the item and the exit. However, if you
would like to leave the flashback quickly, you might want to let me guide you.
Go right toward the glyph on the wall, turn around and go straight, turn around
and go to the right of the pond, go right of Dian, go straight toward the
rainbow puzzle, turn left and face the red door, look down and pick up the star
on the stone before you. Now look up and go through the red door, go left, go
left toward the throne, go straight, go right (by clicking on the lantern to
the dog’s right), go left, turn around and go through the door, go left between
two trees, look up and go straight through the hole in the temple ceiling, look
down at the church window, take out the star and left-click on the window to
leave the flashback. Ten takes his goofy-mobile on a trip to the submerged
ruins of Atlantis while his tape of the Lion King soundtrack plays in the

Atlantis: Go straight, go right, then left, turn around and go straight, then
turn around and go up the steps straight ahead, take the next left into the
space between the darkened slab in front of you and the pillar slightly to your
left. Go right, turn around and pick up the crystal. Turn around and go
straight, then turn around and go straight two more times and you will find a
tendril ball to your right, hold your crystal over it. Your goal is to use the
crystal to cut off the tendrils of your attacker until it is weak enough to be
subdued. Be careful, if you take too much damage Ten will die and you will have
to pilot him through the ruins of Atlantis all over again (you might want to
save before enter the tendril ball screen to battle it). When the crystal glows
white left-click rapidly hitting as many times as you can before the glowing
stops, this maneuver blocks the tendril’s attack and does damage to the tendril
ball at the same time. Time your blows to strike only when the crystal is
glowing, if you start striking too early or too late you will do no damage and
Ten will be injured by the tendril’s attack. The best place to hold the crystal
is slightly above the center of the ball. After it is defeated, Ten is reunited
with his other half and he returns to Tibet.

The Journey Home (Good Riddance)
Go face the dial and use the crystal on its center. Back in space go left
toward the sun, then go to the right of the sun, then go right toward the twin
stars, turn slowly right and look slightly upward and you will spot a black
hole surrounded by purple light, left-click on it. Turn around and left-click
on the bright white blur amidst the red clouds and you have won the game.

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