Valkyrie Fight

Valkyrie Fight

17.10.2013 05:21:39
Valkyrie Fight FAQ/Movelist

by Captain K. ( Copyright 2001

This FAQ has been submitted to and nowhere else. If you wish
to post it on another website or in a publication, please email the author

11-19-01 Version 1.2 Lots of new methods to evade attacks added.
11-1-01 Version 1.0 All movelists are complete at this point.

Things to do in future revisions: Add damage for all attacks. Add more strategy
comments and combos.

Valkyrie Fight is a fan-written fighting game for the PC designed by Amaginz of
Japan. It is based on the Enix/Tri-Ace RPG Valkyrie Profile for the
Playstation. It is a fairly standard 2-D fighter similar to Capcom's games.

Although the game is in Japanese, I've used the U.S. names in this FAQ. Each
character will be presented with their U.S. name followed by the Japanese
equivalent in parentheses. Where possible, I've used the same attack names as
the Valkyrie Profile game. For moves that are not in Valkyrie Profile, I've
just made up names with my artistic license. :)

The default controls for player one:
Up: up arrow
Down: down arrow
Left: left arrow
Right: right arrow
Light attack: Z
Medium attack: X
Heavy attack: C

The default controls for player two:
Up: I
Down: K
Left: J
Right: L
Light attack: Q
Medium attack: W
Heavy attack: E

These controls can be changed on the Config menu.

In this FAQ I will refer to "back" as pressing the direction key that moves you
away from your opponent and "forward" as pressing the direction key that moves
you towards your opponent. Obviously this direction will change depending on
your position on the screen. but it will always be either Right or Left.

The Main Screen

There are seven options on the main screen. Use the up and down arrow keys to
move the pointing hand and press Z to make your selection.

Arcade - This is the regular game. You fight several different enemies for 2
rounds each. Then you fight the powerful boss Hrist.

VS Battle - This is for two players to fight against each other.

Survival - You fight unending one-round battles. Your charge time carries over
from fight to fight, and you regain some health between fights.

Time Attack - This is identical to Arcade, except there are no credits at the
end and your progress is timed.

Practice - Here you can practice your moves. It's identical to VS Battle except
that a killed person just revives and the computer tells you how much damage
your moves do.

Config - This is a submenu where you can change the settings for the game. Use
the up and down arrow keys to move between options and the left and right arrow
keys to toggle the settings.

Exit - Quits the game.

Config Sub Menu
(Japanese letters) This lets you set the difficulty of the game.
(Japanese letters) This is the number of rounds a normal fight takes.
Time - Select how long each round lasts.
SE - Turn the sound effect on or off.
BGM - Turn the background music on or off.
Autoguard - Select which players Autoguard is active for. Autoguard will block
for the character if the player does not press any buttons during an enemy
Turbo Mode - You can increase the speed of the game. This feature must be
(Japanese letters) This is a submenu where you can change the default controls.
Press Z to access it.
Record - This shows various high scores for the different characters.
Exit - Returns to the main screen.

Record Sub Menu
Press the left and right arrow keys to scroll through the characters.

(Japanese letters) This is the number of times the character has been selected.
Includes all modes including Practice.
(Japanese letters) I'm not sure what this is. It may be a score of some sort.
Maybe it's the number of crystals you've obtained?
Survival - Best number of wins for that character in survival mode.
Time Attack - Best time for that character in Time Attack.
HIT - Largest number of hits you've done in a combo. My best is 197 with Janus.
(Japanese letters) - Most damage you've done in a hit or combo. My best is 2280
with Freya.

From the Japanese website comes this information for unlocking various options.
I don't know if it's correct or not because when I got the game Autoguard and
Hrist were already selectable and I got Janus when I beat Arcade mode with all
the other characters. I unlocked Turbo Mode also, but I had much more than 8000
in the "score".

to get Auto Guard mode: get 500 score in Arcade Mode
to get Hrist Playable : get 2000 Score in Arcade Mode
to get Jake Linas Playable : get 4000 Score in Arcade Mode
to get Turbo Mode : Get 8000 Score in Arcade Mode

Moves Standard to all Characters

Hold back to block an enemy attack. You can also block while in the air. If you
block too many attacks in a row you will suffer a "Guard Crush". In this case
you will be stunned and open to attack for a significant period of time. You
can see how close you are to being Guard Crushed by looking at the middle bar
at the top of the screen.

Tap back, then hold back to do a quick move backwards. The length of the move
and the way it looks will vary depending on the character.

Tap forward, then hold forward to dash or run forward. The length of the move
and the way it looks will vary depending on the character.

While blocking an attack, press down, down to dash out of the way. This is
called an "Avoid". Lucian and Brahms dash backwards, Arngrim hops in place
(useless?), and the other characters roll/teleport/surf forward.

Tap forward, forward when an attack is about to hit you to step into the
background and dodge it. This is only for a brief moment, so it won't help much
against multiple-hit moves.

Tap back, down when an attack is about to hit to do a roll/dash similar to the
Avoid above. This is rather difficult to do on command, so I'm not 100% sure
that's the right buttons to hit.

When knocked to the ground, press back, back or forward, forward to escape in
the direction pressed. Each character does this in a different way. Arngrim
hops, Valkyrie rolls, Lezard telports, etc. The forward escape can be used to
move through the opponent. Lucian CANNOT escape forward.

Press up to jump. You can also press up along with the left or right buttons to
jump diagonally. Once in the air, you can jump a second time.

Hitting an opponent who is on the ground will release a gem. This gem will
float to your character after a few seconds. Each gem reduces your Charge Time
by one.

Hitting an opponent who has been knocked into the air releases a crystal. I'm
not sure exactly what the crystals do. They may be for scoring purposes.

The Characters

For each character I will list some story information, followed by their moves,
some general strategy, and a strategy to beat Hrist, the last boss of the game.
I also will provide a rating on how good I think the character is overall. Note
that Hrist as a final boss is considerably stronger than the playable character
version. It is not currently known if the boss version is playable.

Moves that are marked with an asterisk (*) add Charge Time (CT) to the gauge.
If the gauge is full, doing these moves will produce the previous move listed
instead (the medium button version)

In order to use Purifications, you must have no Charge Time. (the meter will
say "charged")

Valkyrie (Valkyrie)

Lenneth Valkyrie is one of the three Goddesses who govern the souls of dead
humans. She takes the souls of those who may prove to be heroic fighters and
trains them. Those that are worthy are sent to Valhalla, where they serve in
Odin's army.


Jump Kick: (while running) medium
Sweeping Slash: (in air) hold down, heavy

Air Dash: (while jumping) forward, forward or back, back - dashes in the air.
She can dash once in each direction each time she jumps.

High Shield: down, back, light - produces a shield that absorbs attacks
Low Shield: down, back, medium - produces a shield that absorbs attacks
*Double Shield: down, back, heavy - uses 2 CT. produces two shields that rotate
around Valkyrie. These shields last until destroyed.

Arrow Shot: down, forward, light - fires an arrow forward
Tri-Blast: down, forward, medium - fires three arrows in a wide pattern
Low Shot: down, forward, heavy - fires an arrow that bounces off the ground

Leg Cutter: forward, down, forward, light - swings sword at enemy's legs
Vertical Raid: forward, down, forward, medium - an upward sword swing
*Spear Raid: forward, down, forward, heavy - uses 3 CT. knocks the enemy into
the air and impales them with three spears

Crystal Shot: (while jumping): down, forward, any attack - shoots a
short-ranged crystal. The button pressed determines the angle.

*Nibelung Valesti (Purification): back, down, forward, heavy - uses 6 CT. does
a sword combo, then knocks the enemy into the air and impales them with three
spears, followed by a giant spear.


Use the Double Shields! They're great for absorbing attacks. Activate them,
then rush down your opponent. Any counterattacks they make will hit the shields
instead. Just watch out for multi-hit moves like Arngrim's Fire Blast. They can
blow away the shield and hit you also.

Strategy vs. Hrist
A tough fight for Valk. Your best bet is to hit her from the air. That keeps
you above her deadliest moves. Try to keep your shields going, but don't expect
them to last long.

B+. The shields make her difficult to kill, and she has a strong air game. Good
up close or at a distance.

Arngrim (Aluze)

Arngrim is a knight of Artolia, and is considered to be one of the greatest
fighters in the world. His friends call him the "Genius of the Battlefield."
After uncovering a conspiracy and slaying the Royal Advisor Longrim, Arngrim
took his own life rather than raise his sword against the Knight Captain. Now
his soul belongs to Valkyrie.


Hilt Smash: (while running) light
Spinning Back-knuckle: (while running) medium
Tackle: (while running) heavy

Arrow Stream: down, forward, light - fires a short stream of arrows
Rapid Stream: down, forward, medium - fires a longer stream of arrows
*Fire Blast: down, forward, heavy - uses 3 CT. Fires an explosion that covers a
large area and hits many times

High Wind: down, back, light - swings sword in a downward arc
Wrenching Swing: down, back, medium - a backhanded swing with the sword
*Gut Wrencher: down, back, heavy - uses 3 CT. Impales the enemy and tosses them
over his head

*Final Blast (Purification): back, down, forward, heavy - uses 7 CT. Rushes
through the enemy with his sword, then drives them into the air.

Spinning Back-knuckle, heavy, Wrenching Swing

The main thing is to stick with the normal sword swings. Arngrim has pitifully
few special moves, and most aren't that great. Use the Fire Blast if you can
corner your enemy. It's great for getting a Guard Crush. Other than that, just
stay in close and keep pounding away.

Strategy vs. Hrist
Pray. Arngrim is horribly suited to fight Hrist. She's better at both long and
short range than he is.

C+. While his normal attacks are great, they're just not enough to give him the
edge in this projectile-crazy game. His slow movements make it difficult for
him to close with the enemy.

Brahms (Bamuth)

Brahms is the King of the Vampires. A brutal yet calculating undead combatant,
he wages an unending war against the forces of Asgard. He currently holds
prisoner the soul of Silmeria, sister of Lenneth and Hrist.


Jumping Knee: (while running) light
Gut Punch: (while running) medium
Tornado: (while running) heavy - dives into opponent while spinning

Terror Claw: down, forward, any attack - dashes across the screen and stabs
enemy. The heavy version uses 4 CT.

Deadly Raid: forward, down, forward, light or medium - does a jumping uppercut
to enemy
*Immortal Blow: forward, down, forward, heavy - uses 3 CT. Does multiple
jumping uppercuts

Darkness Wave (short): down, back, light - a blast of flame at close range
Darkness Wave (long): down, back, medium - a blast of flame at long range
*Power of Darkness: down, back, heavy - Uses 2 CT. A blast of flame that
travels along the ground and hits multiple times.

*Bloody Curse (Purification): back, down, forward, heavy - uses 6 CT. Does a
combo on opponent then blasts them with flames


Brahms is best in close. His running attacks are great and his Uppercuts are
deadly. The Terror Claw moves you across the screen almost instantly, so use it
to punish those pesky spellcasters.

Strategy vs. Hrist
Do not fight her hand-to-hand. Stay across the screen and block. After she uses
her Energy Fountain, do the Terror Claw to hit her. Then back off and repeat.
It's slow, but it works.

B. The best of the pure hand-to-hand fighters, Brahms is a solid package. He
can be dangerous in the right hands.

Mystina (Meltina)

Mystina was an exceptional yet vain student at the Academy of Magic in
Flenceburg. Her talent was exceeded only by her self-love and boredom with
everything. Her former schoolmate Lezard killed her while she was using a
device to travel in Astral form. Now she accompanies Valkyrie while she
continues her studies of the mythological world.


Kick: (while running) heavy

Dark Savior: back, down, light - three spears surround the enemy and strike.
Easily avoided by moving
Poison Blow: back, down, medium - a ball of poison appears beneath opponent's
*Super Poison Blow: back, down, heavy - uses 3 CT. A multiple hitting Poison

Mystic Cross: down, forward, light - fires four crosses across screen
Sacred Javelin: down, forward, medium - five javelins appear over enemy's head
and strike
*Super Sacred Javelin: down, forward, heavy - uses 4 CT. A stronger version of
Sacred Javelin

*Celestial Star (Purification): back, down, forward, heavy - beams of light
strike from the sky. More effective at close range.


Stay at range and mix up your different spells. Sacred Javelin is excellent and
very difficult for the enemy to avoid. Mystina is very fast, so occasionally
surprise your opponent by dashing in and comboing them in their face.

Strategy vs. Hrist
Stick with the Sacred Javelins, but watch out for her Energy Fountains. Block
them before you attack.

A. Like the other mages, she's ridiculously easy to use (and hard to fight
against). Her speed is her secret weapon and a dangerous one.

Freya (Frey)

Freya is the right-hand Goddess of Lord Odin. She governs life, but is also
capable of dealing death. As beautiful as she is, her heart can be cold and
icy. She loves Odin, and follows all of his commands faithfully.


Double Kick: (while running) light or medium
Move Through: (while running) heavy

Teleport: (in air) back, back or forward, forward, or down, down - teleports
int the direction pressed. Each direction can be used once per jump

Ether Shot (ground): down, forward, light or medium
*Thunder Sword: down, forward, heavy - uses 5 CT. Fires a powerful beam

Ether Shot (anti-air): down, back, light or medium
*Critical Flare: down, back, heavy - uses 3 CT. Fires a fan-shaped blast of

Ether Shot (air): down, down, light or medium
*Aerial Blast (from ground): down, down, heavy - uses 3 CT. Teleports into air
and fires multiple Ether Shots at ground

Ether Shot (in air): down, forward, light or medium
*Aerial Blast (in air): down, forward, heavy - uses 3 CT. Fires multiple Ether
Shots at ground

*Ether Strike (Purification): back, down, forward, heavy - uses 9 CT. Teleports
into air and fires a powerful blast

Running light, medium, heavy, Thunder Sword

Stick and move, stick and move. Critical Flare is your best general purpose
weapon. Teleport constantly to confuse and annoy your opponent.

Strategy vs. Hrist
Stay in the air and fire Aerial Blasts at her. Don't let her get in close on

B+. While possessing the most powerful attacks in the game, Freya is extremely
dependant on her Charge Time gauge and is somewhat lacking in the close combat

Lucian (Rucio)

Lucian was a young man living as a thief in Gerabellum. When he was a child,
his friend Platina died in a valley of poisonous flowers. This happened while
Lucian was running away with her so that she would not be sold to slavers.
After being killed by the city guards in a raid on the dens of thieves, Lucian
is taken to serve Valkyrie. Yet he sees something familiar in her. Could she
really be his childhood playmate Platina?


Impale: (while running) medium

Crash: down, forward, light or medium - runs quickly forward and tackles enemy
*Triple Crash: down, forward, heavy - uses 3 CT. Tackles enemy three times

Air Slash: forward, down, forward, light - a short jump with an upward swing
Slanting Blow: forward, down, forward, medium - a second slash after the jump
*Lightning Blade: forward, down, forward, heavy - uses 3 CT. Two jumping
slashes, followed by two projectiles from his sword.

Shining Bolt: down, back, any attack - a small burst of lightning that hits
many times. The *heavy version uses 3 CT.

*Round Rip Saber (Purification): back, down, forward, heavy - a 5-hit sword


Use the Crash a lot. It's very fast. Watch out for counterattacks. Shining Bolt
doesn't do much damage but it'll make sure you have plenty of CT.

Strategy vs. Hrist
Get in close and use Shining Bolt over and over. It's really all you can do
against her.

C. Although he's fun, he's really the worst character. As hand-to-hand guys go,
Arngrim's got better normal attacks, Brahms has better special attacks, and
everyone else is just better period. The fact that he can't roll forward will
leave you victim to many a corner trap.

Lezard (Rezard)

Lezard Valeth was the premier student at the Flenceburg Magic Academy. But he
was expelled by his headmistress Lorenta for practicing dark arts. Now a master
necromancer, Lezard adds to his power by discovering the Philosopher's Stone,
the legendary repository of all knowledge. With all the forbidden magics of the
world at his command, Lezard expands the scope of his plans considerably. What
does he have in store for Valkyrie?


Round Kick: (while running) heavy

Fire Lance: down, forward, light - fires two streams of fire horizontally
Mystic Cross: down, forward, medium - fires four crosses horizontally
*Prismatic Missile: down, forward, heavy - uses 3 CT. After a brief delay,
several colored missiles shoot out. These home in on the enemy

Dark Savior: down, back, light - three spears surround the enemy and strike.
Easy to avoid if you move
Frigid Damsel: down, back, medium - a woman made of ice surrounds the enemy and
strikes three times. Slightly harder to avoid than Dark Savior
*Shadow Servant: down, back, heavy - uses 4 CT. Skulls of darkness rise from
the ground and push the enemy upwards. This attack covers the whole screen

*Cosmic Spear (Purification): back, down, forward, heavy - uses 6 CT. A giant
spear forms in midair and strikes diagonally downward.

Crouching light, standing medium, crouching medium, running heavy, crouching
heavy, running medium, light, jump, light, medium, heavy, make a second jump in
the air, light, medium, heavy.

Lezard has the best ranged game of anyone in the game. Both Prismatic Missile
and Shadow Servant are excellent moves and can't really be avoided. Combine
that with conventional projectiles and tracking spells and he can beat you down
without you even getting close to him.

Strategy vs. Hrist
Block her semi-predictable Energy Fountains and start your Prismatic
Missile/Mystic Cross barrage. When she goes down, rush in and combo her for
more gems or add a Shadow Servant for more pain.

A+. He basically has the best spell selection of all the mages. Call him cheesy
if you like, but he is darned good.

Yumei (Yumeru)

Yumei is a mermaid, living off the coast of Hai-Lan. She comes from unusual
parentage. Her father was Shogun Koh, leader of Hai-Lan, who led a war against
the merfolk. When Koh fell off his ship, he was rescued by a mermaid who he
fell in love with. Yumei grew up with the merfolk, but her mother was
ostracized for consorting with a human. When her mother died, Yumei went to
search for her father. Finding that he was already dead, she hurled herself
into a whirlpool to kill herself. Through the intervention of a young human boy
named Fuyuki, her soul was rescued by Valkyrie.


Yumei Punch: (while running) medium
Tail Smack: (in air) hold down, heavy

Dolphin Leap: down, forward, light or medium - a dolphin flies across the
screen in an arc
*Dolphin Call: down, forward, heavy - uses 3 CT. Eight dolphins leap across the

Icicle Edge: down, back, light - three ice spears form in the air and strike
the ground. This attacks appears about half a screen's length in front of
Frigid Damsel: down, back, medium - a woman made of ice attacks the enemy three
times. Can be avoided by moving.
*Lightning Bolt: down, back, heavy - uses 4 CT. Fires a stream of lightning

*Crystal Strike (Purification): back, down, forward, heavy - uses 7 CT. A
pyramid of ice forms around the opponent.


Use the Icicle Edge to stop opponents that you expect to rush in. Use the
Dolphin Leaps frequently. When in doubt, use Dolphin Call!

Strategy vs. Hrist
Your best bet is to use Dolphin Call to blow through her shields and knock her
down. Then rush in and combo her.

A. While her spell selection isn't as good as the other mages, her Dolphin Call
and surprisingly good hand-to-hand attacks still make her one of the strongest

Janus (Jake Linas)

Janus was a knight in Crell Monferaigne. He loved his country, and to make his
father proud he followed all the orders the king gave him, even those that were
illegal or unethical. After the public discovered that he took part in an
assassination, Janus was exiled from Crell Monferaigne. He returned ten years
later to seek his father, but was killed by conspirators who needed a
scapegoat. Now in Valkyrie's service, he seeks to recover his lost honor.

Dashing Elbow: (while running) light
Hidden Dagger: (while running) medium
Restrain Flame: (while running) heavy

Bolt Shot: down, forward, light - fires a bolt horizontally
Triple Shot: down, forward, medium - fires three bolts horizontally
*Tri-Stinger: down, forward, heavy - uses 2 CT. Fires three stronger bolts in
direction of opponent.

Assassin Roll: down, back, light or medium - rolls and fires an arrow. Light
rolls backwards, while medium rolls forwards.
*Killing Slide: down, back, heavy - uses 3 CT. Slides under opponent and blasts
them into the air.

Arc Shot: forward, down, forward, light or medium - fires a bolt that arcs
*Bolt Hail: forward, down, forward, heavy - uses 3 CT. Fires dozens of bolts
into the air.

Raven Slayer: (in air) down, back, light - a single shot downward
Mage Slayer: (in air) down, back, medium - three shots downward
*Foul Slayer: (in air) down, back, heavy - uses 3 CT. A barrage of bolts

*Guilty Break (Purification): back, down, forward, heavy - uses 5 CT. A series
of shots that lift the opponent into the air

Infinite combo. You must have very little Charge Time to pull it off. Jump,
Foul Slayer. When you land, jump diagonally forward (don't double-jump), do
Foul Slayer again. Repeat. You'll start getting gems before the third time you
do it, so you can keep doing it indefinately. You can also tack on just about
any other move you want after a Foul Slayer connects, even a Guilty Break!

Killing Slide, then quickly do Bolt Hail. This one's tricky because you
directions will be reversed if you slide all the way under.

Foul Slayers and rolls will both serve you well.

Strategy vs. Hrist
Just keep using Foul Slayer. She won't even get a hit on you.

A+. Not only does he have the infinite, it's ridiculously easy to do and can be
done from anywhere on the screen. Even if you choose not to use that, his
rolling moves can frustrate an opponent in no time. Sure his moves don't do
much damage, but that just means it'll take a little longer to polish them off.

Hrist (Early)

Hrist Valkyrie is one of the three Goddesses that govern the dead souls of
humans. She is sister to Lenneth and Silmeria. Older and more brutal than her
sisters, her loyalty to Odin is unmatched. When Lenneth begins to question
Odin's motives, Hrist is reactivated to take her place.

Punch: (while running) light
Stab: (while running) medium
Power Slash: (while running) heavy
Sweeping Slash: (in air) hold down, heavy

Air Dash: (while jumping) forward, forward or back, back - dashes in the air.
She can dash once in each direction each time she jumps.

Energy Fountain: down, forward, any attack - a burst of energy from the ground
below the enemy. The *heavy version uses 4 CT.

Counter: down, back, any attack - blocks an incoming attack and stabs the enemy
in the gut. The light version counters jumping attacks and the medium and heavy
versions counter ground attacks. Doesn't seem to work against special moves.

Leg Cutter: forward, down, forward, light - swings sword at enemy's legs
Vertical Raid: forward, down, forward, medium - an upward sword swing
*Spear Raid: forward, down, forward, heavy - uses 3 CT. knocks the enemy into
the air and impales them with three spears

Spear Hurl: (in air) down, forward, any attack - hurls a spear to the ground.
The button used determines the angle.

*Nibelung Valesti (Purification): back, down, forward, heavy - uses 6 CT. Does
a sword combo, then knocks the enemy into the air and impales them with three
spears, followed by a giant spear.

Spear Raid, jumping medium, Sweeping Slash, Spear Hurl, and an Energy Fountain
when you land.

Use your maneuverability in the air to avoid enemy attacks. Learn how to do air

Strategy vs. Hrist
Just jump and throw spears. It's slow, but effective.

B. While her air game is excellent, she just doesn't have any oomph. Don't use
the Counter - it sucks.


Squall_Inverse for the Lezard combo and providing info from the Japanese site.
Lint Rides Again for the Arngrim combo
CjayC for providing such a tremendous service to the gaming community

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Engl. Moves

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
07.Июнь 2019