Star Trek - Armada 2

Star Trek - Armada 2

17.10.2013 02:13:16

Star Trek Armada 2-
By: KaBoom1701-
The game is called Star Trek Armada II, so of course you’ll
be dealing with a lot of starships (over 100). This booklet
has details and specifications on every ship you’ll encounter
in the game. You might want to print this document and keep
it handy to find in the heat of battle. Looking up the specs
of a particular ship can help you decide whether its more
advantageous to stay and fight or make a tactical retreat.-
To use this file in booklet form, just open it in MS Word
2000 and print document. Each page (8.5 x 11) will contain
one page (4.25 x 7) of the guild on it. You will need to
perforate and cut/separate the pages in order to create the
booklet. To conserve paper just print the first 30 pages
first. Then print the rest of the document on the opposite
side of the first printed pages. It would be a good idea
to experiment with the first couple of pages of the document
doing this before you print the whole document.-
General Ship Parameters-
The number of officers required to build the particular
ship. Note: Borg use NODES and Species 8472 use PILOTS. -
The standard crew complement of the ship. The full
complement must be available for the ship to be build.-
The relative amount of time required to build the ship.-
The amount of dilithuim and metal that a player must
have before construction of the ship can commence.-
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
The weapon systems available on the particular vessel.
* NOTE : SP= Special Weapons.-
The total shield strength of the ship.-
The points per second that the shields are recharged.-

The total amount of hull points of all primary systems
(shield generator, engines, weapons, life support and sensors).-
INSTALLATION & USE………………………………………...…………….2-
WHAT THE NUMBERS MEAN…………………………...………………….3-
General Ship Parameters………………………………..………….3-
Weapons/ Shields & Hull Strength…………………………….…..3-
THE FEDERATION FLEET……………………………………………...…....7-
NON-CAMBAT SHIPS…………………………………..………..7
Construction Ship………………………………….….7-
Repair Ship……………………………………………8-
Cargo Ship……………………………………...……..8-
Colony Ship……………………………………………8-
COMBAT SHIPS………………………………………………......9-
Venture Scout………………………….…………...….9-
Saber Class……………………………………….……9-
Defiant Class…………………………………....……10-
Akira Class…………………………………………...10-
Intrepid Class………………………………………...11-
Iwo Jima Class……………………………………….11-
Steamrunner Class……………………………………12-
Aegian Class……………………….…………………12-
Galaxy Class……………………….…………………13-
Saucer Section (Galaxy Class)…………………….....13-
Star Drive (Battle Section-Galaxy Class)……………14
Nebula Class………………………………….………15-
Sovereign Class………………………………....……15-
THE KLINGON FLEET……………………………………………...……….16-
NON-COMBAT SHIPS……………………………….…………16
Construction Ship……………………………….....…16-
Repair Ship………………………….……………..…17-
Cargo Ship……………………………………....……17-
Colony Ship……………………………….…….……17-
COMBAT SHIPS………………………………………..………..18-
NuQ’Duj Class…………………………………....….18-
B’rel Class (Bird of Prey)……………………………18-
Vor’Cha Class……………………………….……….19-
SuQ’Jagh Class……………………………………....19-
Chava’kal Class…………………………….………...20-
Chuq’Beh Class……………………………………....20-
Koloth Class……………………………………….....21-
Qeh’Ral Class………………………….………….….21-
Fek’Lhr Class……………………………………...…22-
Negh’Var Class………………………………………22-
Jach’Eng Class……………………………………….23-
THE BORG FLEET………...………………………...……………………….24-
NON-COMBAT SHIPS………………………………………..…24
Construction Ship……………………………….……24-
Colony Ship……………………………………..……25-
COMBAT SHIPS………………………………………………....25-
Detector Class Scout……………………………...….25-
Interceptor Class..…………………………………….26-
Spear Class.....…………………………………….….26-
Assimilator Class..…………………………………...27-
Wedge Class….……………………………………....27-
Harbinger Class.………………...…………………....28-
Harmonic Class…...……………………….………....28-
Cube Class…………………………………….……..29-
Diamond Cass……………………………………..…30-
Tactical Cube Class…….………………………....…31-
Fusion Cube Class……..……………………….…….32-
Tactical Fusion Cube Class………………………......33-
THE ROMULAN FLEET………………………..………………………...….34-
NON-COMBAT SHIPS…………………………………..………34
Construction Ship………………………………….…34-
Repair Ship………………………….……………..…35-
Cargo Ship……………………….……………...……35-
Colony Ship…………………………………….……35-
COMBAT SHIPS………………………………………………....36-
Talon Class………..………………………………….36-
Shrike Class………………….…….…………………36-
Griffin Class…………………………………....…….37-
Draconarius Class………………………………….....37-
Kestrel Class……………………….………………....38-
Raptor Class………..………………………………...38-
Veles Class……..……………………………….…....39-
Venator Class…………………………………….…..39-
Shadow Class….…………………………………..…40-
Warbird Class……...…………………………....……41-
Phoenix Class…….…………………….…………….41-
THE CARDASSIAN FLEET………………………………………………….42-
NON-COMBAT SHIPS………………………………..…………42
Construction Ship……………………………….…....42-
Repair Ship………………………………………...…43-
Cargo Ship……………………………………....……43-
Colony Ship………………………………….….……43-
COMBAT SHIPS………………………………………………....44-
Hideki Class Scout…………..……………….…...….44-
Sartan Class…………………….……………….……44-
Rasilak Class…………………………………...…….45-
Brinok Class…………….……………….…………...45-
Gul Vystan Class……………………………………..46-
Janissary Class………..……………………………...46-
Legate Class….……………………………………....47-
Vasad Class………...……………………………..….47-
Galor Class………………………………………...…48-
Kulinor Class…………………………………………48-
Keldon Class………...……………………………….49-
Dreadnought Missile Class……...…………………...49-
SPECIES 8472 FLEET…………………………………………………...……50-
NON-COMBAT SHIPS……………………………………..……50
Active Embryo……...………………………….….…50-
Passive Embryo...………………………………….…50-
COMBAT SHIPS…………………………………..……………..52-
Scout Class………..…………….………………...….52-
Destroyer Class………………………………………53-
Cruiser Class…...…………………………………….53-
Launcher Class….…………………………………....54-
Frigate Class…….…………………………………....54-
Battleship Class……………………………………....55-
Behemoth Class………….…..…………………….....56-
Mother Class…………………………………….…...57-
CUSTOMER SUPPORT…………………………………………………..….58-
LEGAL STUFF………………………………………………………………..58-
Freighter -
Officers/Crew Cost-1/100
Build Time-13 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Mining Beam-150 Capacity
Latinum Beam-75 Capacity
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-245
Construction Ship-
Officers/Crew Cost-2/150
Build Time-17 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-250/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Shield Strength-150
Shield Recharge Rate-3.5 per second
Hull Strength-150
Repair ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-2/50
Build Time-12 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-250/0/
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Repair Beam-25 points per second
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-240
Cargo Ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-4/100
Build Time-20 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-200/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Cargo hold-500 units max.
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-245
Colony Ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-4/100
Build Time-30 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-400/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Colonize-Colonizes planets
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-1.5 per second
Hull Strength-245
Venture-class scout General
Officers/Crew Cost-2/10
Build Time-6 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-55/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser-11 damage points
Cloak Detection (SP)-Can see cloaked ships
Shield Strength-55
Shield Recharge Rate-0.5 per second
Hull Strength-49
Sabre-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-6/80
Build Time-18 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-100/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser-22 damage points
Photon torpedoes-30 damage points
Shield Strength-80
Shield Recharge Rate-0.95 per second
Hull Strength-80
Defiant-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-7/80
Build Time-12 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-140/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser (4)-7 (28) damage points
Photon torpedoes-30 damage points
Anti-Matter Mines (SP)-350 damage points
Shield Strength-100
Shield Recharge Rate-0.75 per second
Hull Strength-100
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
*Note: Anti-Matter lifespan = 180 seconds
Akira-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-9/200
Build Time-12 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-175/100
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -40 damage points
Photon torpedoes-40 damage points
Chain Reaction pulsar (SP)-30 damage points per hit
Shield Strength-350
Shield Recharge Rate-1.5 per second
Hull Strength-295
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
*Note: The chain reaction pulsar gains a damage bonus of +20 per hit (I think :)). -
Intrepid-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-8/250
Build Time-25 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-225/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -55 damage points
Photon torpedoes-30 damage points
Shield Strength-216
Shield Recharge Rate-.75 per second
Hull Strength-215
Iwo Jima-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-4/500
Build Time-12 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser -34 damage points
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Transport Attack-Transport Marines
Shield Strength-500
Shield Recharge Rate-10 per second
Hull Strength-500
* NOTE: Transport attack will direct the ship to fire at an
enemy vessel until the shields are down, and then begin
transporting marines aboard.-
* -
* -
* -
* -
Steamrunner-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/250
Build Time-13 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-350/300
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -24 damage points
Artillery torpedoes-120 damage points
Warp Core Overload (SP)-Disable enemy engines
Shield Strength-300
Shield Recharge Rate-0.6 per second
Hull Strength-300
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Aegain-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-5/200
Build Time-17 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/33
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -30 damage points
Photon torpedoes-30 damage points
Shield-Emitter (SP)-Boost Allied Shields
Transport Attack-Transport Marines
Shield Strength-285
Shield Recharge Rate-1.0 per second
Hull Strength-226
Special Energy-600
Special Energy Recharge Rate-7
Galaxy-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/500
Build Time-30 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-350/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -100 damage points
Photon torpedoes-100 damage points
Saucer Separation (SP)-Splits Saucer from Star Drive Section
Shield Strength-720
Shield Recharge Rate-8 per second
Hull Strength-710
Saucer Section-Galaxy Class
Officers/Crew Cost*-2/360
Build Time*-27 sec
Dilithium/Metal Cost*-150/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -70 damage points
Galaxy Integrator (SP)-Combines Saucer & Star Drive Section
Transport Attack-Transport Marines
Shield Strength-150
Shield Recharge Rate-3.5 per second
Hull Strength-340
*Note: Saucer section is not build able.-
Star Drive (Battle Section) –Galaxy Class-
Officers/Crew Cost*-5/140
Build Time*-27 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost*-50/200
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -70 damage points
Photon torpedoes-60 damage points
Galaxy Integrator (SP)-Combines Saucer & Star Drive Section
Shield Strength-300
Shield Recharge Rate-3.5 per second
Hull Strength-340
*Note: Star Drive section is not build able.-
Nebula-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/300
Build Time-35 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-450/150
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -75 damage points
Photon torpedoes-50 damage points
Shield Harmonics Disruptor (SP)-Lowers Enemy Shields
Manheim Effect (SP)-Copies Target Ship
Point Defense Laser (SP)-Destroys Incoming Torpedoes
Engineering Team (SP)-Repairs target ships shields to 50%
Shield Strength-550
Shield Recharge Rate-3 per second
Hull Strength-600
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Sovereign-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-12/700
Build Time-22 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-450/100
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -60 damage points
Photon torpedoes-30 damage points
Corbomite Reflector (SP)-Reflects enemy torpedoes
Shield Strength-650
Shield Recharge Rate-10 per second
Hull Strength-650
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15

Officers/Crew Cost-1/100
Build Time-13 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -4 damage points
Mining Beam-150 Capacity
Latinum Beam-75 Capacity
Shield Strength-120
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-239
Construction Ship-
Officers/Crew Cost-2/150
Build Time-17 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-250/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser-4 damage points
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Shield Strength-150
Shield Recharge Rate-3.5 per second
Hull Strength-150
Repair ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-2/50
Build Time-12 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-300/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser-22 damage points
Repair Beam-25 points per second
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-235
Cargo Ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-4/100
Build Time-20 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-200/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser-13 damage points
Cargo hold-500 units max.
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-240
Colony Ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-4/100
Build Time-30 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-400/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser-4 damage points
Colonize-Colonizes planets
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-1.5 per second
Hull Strength-249
NuQ’Duj-class scout
Officers/Crew Cost-2/10
Build Time-6 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-50/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser-10 damage points
Cloak Detection (SP)-Can see cloaked ships
Shield Strength-40
Shield Recharge Rate-0.45 per second
Hull Strength-40
B’rel-class (Bird of Prey)
Officers/Crew Cost-7/40
Build Time-13 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-85/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser (2)-10 (20) damage points
Photon torpedoes-16 damage points
Gravity Mines (SP)*-Slows Enemy’s Movement
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Shield Strength-85
Shield Recharge Rate-0.675 per second
Hull Strength-68
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
*Note: Gravity Mines lifespan = 120 seconds-
Vor’Cha-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-9/180
Build Time-25 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-250/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -70 damage points
Polaron torpedoes (SP)-Bypasses Enemy’s Shields
and Hits Critical Systems.
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Shield Strength-300
Shield Recharge Rate-1.3 per second
Hull Strength-300
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
SuQ’Jagh-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-8/350
Build Time-12 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-215/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -40 damage points
Photon torpedoes-60 damage points
Commando Team (SP)-Pods Fired At Enemy Ships
Containing Klingons Which Attack From Within
Shield Strength-325
Shield Recharge Rate-1.5 per second
Hull Strength-315
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Chava’kal-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-4/500
Build Time-16 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser -25 damage points
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Shield Strength-400
Shield Recharge Rate-10 per second
Hull Strength-400
Chuq’Beh-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/250
Build Time-28 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-350/300
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser (2)-30 (60) damage points
Artillery torpedoes-120 damage points
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Shield Strength-260
Shield Recharge Rate-0.6 per second
Hull Strength-260
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Koloth-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-5/200
Build Time-18 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-160/400
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -25 damage points
Photon torpedoes-30 damage points
Weapon Enhancer (SP)-Increase Range & Effectiveness
of Allied Ships
Shield Strength-265
Shield Recharge Rate-1 per second
Hull Strength-265
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Qeh’Ral-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/300
Build Time-22 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-350/65
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -40 damage points
Photon torpedoes-60 damage points
Shield Strength-950
Shield Recharge Rate-8 per second
Hull Strength-950
Fek’lhr-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/270
Build Time-31 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-450/150
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -75 damage points
Photon torpedoes-30 damage points
Ion Storm (SP)-Create Ionic Nebulae
Death Chant (SP)-Increases Rate of Allied Fire and Crew
Repulsion Wave (SP)-Propels Targeted Ship in a
Direction, Damaging & Disabling its Engines.
Energy Dissipater (SP)-Drains Special Energy from Enemy Ships.
Shield Strength-200
Shield Recharge Rate-3 per second
Hull Strength-85
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Negh’Var-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-12/360
Build Time-25 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-400/100
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -110 damage points
Photon torpedoes-55 damage points
Ion Cannon (SP)-Powerful Blast of Ionized Energy
Shield Strength-1200
Shield Recharge Rate-7 per second
Hull Strength-1200
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Jach’Eng-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-5/50
Build Time-117 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-1167/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Subspace Shockwave (SP)-Subspace Shockwave Explosion
Shield Strength-400
Shield Recharge Rate-1.5 per second
Hull Strength-140
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10

Freighter (Resource Collector) -
Officers/Crew Cost-1/100
Build Time-15 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -4 damage points
Mining Beam*-300 capacity
Shield Strength-150
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-140
*Note: Carries & Mines both dilithium and metal.-
Construction Ship (Assembler)-
Officers/Crew Cost-2/150
Build Time-17 sec.
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Shield Strength-150
Shield Recharge Rate-3.5 per second
Hull Strength-150
Colony Ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-4/100
Build Time-30 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-600/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Borg Ion Beam*-200 damage points
Colonize Beam*-Colonizes planets
Shield Strength-400
Shield Recharge Rate-1.5 per second
Hull Strength-400
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-8
*Note: Colony ship can only attack planets.-
**Borg colony ship’s can be reused after colonization. -
Detector-class scout
Officers/Crew Cost-2/30
Build Time-5 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-50/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser-9 damage points
Cloak Detection (SP)-Can see cloaked ships
Shield Strength-50
Shield Recharge Rate-0.9 per second
Hull Strength-48
Officers/Crew Cost-6/100
Build Time-9 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-85/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -23 damage points
Regeneration (SP)-Temporarily Increases Repair and Shield Recharge Rate.
Shield Strength-135
Shield Recharge Rate-1.40625 per second
Hull Strength-68
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Officers/Crew Cost-8/250
Build Time-12 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-180/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -24 damage points
Polaron torpedoes (SP)-Bypasses Enemy’s Shields
and Hits Critical Systems.
Shield Strength-180
Shield Recharge Rate-2.8125 per second
Hull Strength-160
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Officers/Crew Cost-8/200
Build Time- 20 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-200/80
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Photon torpedoes-80 damage points
Auto Assimilator (SP)-Transports Crew from Enemy Ship
and Integrates Them into the Collective.
Shield Strength-295
Shield Recharge Rate-3 per second
Hull Strength-295
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Officers/Crew Cost-4/500
Build Time- 14 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-175/75
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser -40 damage points
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Shield Strength-500
Shield Recharge Rate-10 per second
Hull Strength-500
Harbinger-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/250
Build Time- 18 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-350/300
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Artillery torpedoes-120 damage points
Shield Strength-300
Shield Recharge Rate-0.6 per second
Hull Strength-300
Harmonic-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-5/200
Build Time-24 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-167/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -24 damage points
Photon torpedoes-30 damage points
Special Energy Recharger (SP)-Recharges Special Energy of Allied Ships.
Shield Strength-300
Shield Recharge Rate-1 per second
Hull Strength-300
Special Energy-600
Special Energy Recharge Rate-7
Cube-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/600
Build Time-38sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-550/150
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -270 damage points
Photon torpedoes-180 damage points
Holding Beam (SP)-Holds Enemy Ship in Place
While Transporting Drones Aboard.
Technology Assimilation Beam (SP)-Assimilates One
Special Weapon From Target Vessel.
Fusion Cube Integrator (SP)-Combines 8 Cubes
into Fusion Cube.
Shield Strength-1400
Shield Recharge Rate-8 per second
Hull Strength-1500
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-16
Diamond-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/350
Build Time-50 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-400/150
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -80 damage points
Photon torpedoes-40 damage points
Ultrium Burst (SP)-Fires Ultrium Beam at Multiple Targets.
Nanites (SP)-Scrambles Enemy’s Interface.
Computer Override (SP)-Allows Collective to
Temporarily take control of Targeted ship.
Shield Remodulation (SP)-Makes Target Ship
Shields Impervious to Attack.
Shield Strength-600
Shield Recharge Rate-3 per second
Hull Strength-600
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Tactical Cube-class
Officers/Crew Cost-12/700
Build Time-40 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-700/150
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -300 damage points
Photon torpedoes-180 damage points
Holding Beam (SP)-Holds Enemy Ship in Place While
Transporting Drones Aboard.
Technology Assimilation Beam (SP)-Assimilates up to Two
Special Weapon From Target Vessel.
Tactical Fusion Cube Integrator (SP)-Combines 8 Tactica
l Cubes into Tactical Fusion Cube.
Shield Strength-1800
Shield Recharge Rate-16 per second
Hull Strength-1680
Special Energy-2000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-32
Fusion Cube-class
Officers/Crew Cost*-80/4800
Build Time*-40 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost*-4400/800
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser (3)-540 (1620) damage points
Photon torpedoes (3)-360 (1080) damage points
Holding Beam (SP)-Holds Enemy Ship in Place While
Transporting Drones Aboard.
Technology Assimilation Beam (SP)-Assimilates up to
Three Special Weapon From Target Vessel.
Shield Strength-8000
Shield Recharge Rate-64 per second
Hull Strength-8000
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-32
*Note: Fusion Cube is not a build able unit.
Requires 8 Cubes to combine into one Fusion Cube.-
Tactical Fusion Cube-class
Officers/Crew Cost*-96/5400
Build Time*-40 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost*-5600/1200
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser (3)-600 (1800) damage points
Photon torpedoes (3)-360 (1080) damage points
Holding Beam (SP)-Holds Enemy Ship in Place While
Transporting Drones Aboard.
Technology Assimilation Beam (SP)-Assimilates up to
Four Special Weapon From Target Vessel.
Shield Strength-18000
Shield Recharge Rate-128 per second
Hull Strength-18000
Special Energy-2000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-64
Note: Tactical Fusion Cube is not a build able unit.
Requires 8 Tactical Cubes to combine into one Tactical Fusion Cube.-
Freighter -
Officers/Crew Cost-1/100
Build Time-13 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -4 damage points
Mining Beam-150 capacity
Latinum Beam-75 capacity
Shield Strength-120
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-235
Construction Ship-
Officers/Crew Cost-2/150
Build Time-17 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-250/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Shield Strength-150
Shield Recharge Rate-3.5 per second
Hull Strength-150
Repair ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-2/50
Build Time-12 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-250/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Repair Beam-25 points per second
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-240
Cargo Ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-4/100
Build Time-20 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-200/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Cargo hold-500 units max.
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-250
Colony Ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-4/100
Build Time-30 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-133/33
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Colonize-Colonizes planets
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-1.5 per second
Hull Strength-249
Talon-class scout
Officers/Crew Cost-2/10
Build Time-5 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-47/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser-10 damage points
Cloak Detection (SP)-Can see cloaked ships
Cloaking Device (SP)-Cloak
Shield Strength-45
Shield Recharge Rate-0.5 per second
Hull Strength-52
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15
Officers/Crew Cost-7/80
Build Time-10 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-90/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser (2)-15 (30) damage points
Romulan Spy (SP)*-Gives Line-of-sight on a Targeted
Enemy Ship or Station For a Short Period of Time.
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Shield Strength-120
Shield Recharge Rate-0.675 per second
Hull Strength-120
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15
Griffin-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-9/200
Build Time-16 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-130/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -32 damage points
Sensor Jammer (SP)-Temporarily Disables Enemies shield
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Shield Strength-135
Shield Recharge Rate-1.35 per second
Hull Strength-130
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15
Draconarius-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-8/200
Build Time-15 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser (2)-32 (64) damage points
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Shield Strength-125
Shield Recharge Rate-1.35 per second
Hull Strength-130
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15
Kestrel-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-4/500
Build Time-13 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser -20 damage points
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Shield Strength-425
Shield Recharge Rate-10 per second
Hull Strength-425
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-5
Raptor-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/250
Build Time-16 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-350/300
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Artillery torpedoes-120 damage points
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Myotronic Inhibitor (SP)-Temporarily Disables Enemies
Weapon Systems.
Shield Strength-280
Shield Recharge Rate-0.55 per second
Hull Strength-280
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15
Veles-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-5/200
Build Time-19 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -24 damage points
Photon torpedoes-30 damage points
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Cloak Enhancer (SP)-Gives Allied Ships Special
Cloaking Ability.
Shield Strength-270
Shield Recharge Rate-1 per second
Hull Strength-270
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15
Venator-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/400
Build Time-21 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-290/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -65 damage points
Photon torpedoes-50 damage points
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Shield Strength-900
Shield Recharge Rate-7 per second
Hull Strength-880
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15
Shadow-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/300
Build Time-33 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-450/150
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -75 damage points
Photon torpedoes-50 damage points
Psychonic Blast (SP)-Causes Enemy’s Crew to Temporarily
go Insane, Killing Members of Their Own Crew.
Phase Cloak (SP)-Allows Ship to Move Unseen Through
Physical Objects.
Holo-Emitter (SP)-Manipulates Enemy’s Sensors, Causes
Affected Ships to Target Their Allies.
Energy Shield Converter (SP)-Transfers Energy to
Allied Shields.
Shield Strength-300
Shield Recharge Rate-3 per second
Hull Strength-300
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15
Officers/Crew Cost-12/400
Build Time-23 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-350/100
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -80 damage points
Photon torpedoes-80 damage points
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Shield Inversion Beam (SP)-Drains Enemy’s Shields
and Transfers Them to the Warbird’s.
Shield Strength-1100
Shield Recharge Rate-10 per second
Hull Strength-1100
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-20
Phoenix-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-5/50
Build Time-100 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-1000/1000
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Spatial Rift (SP)-Large Expanding Explosion.
Shield Strength-200
Shield Recharge Rate-2 per second
Hull Strength-198
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-0
Freighter -
Officers/Crew Cost-1/100
Build Time-13 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Mining Beam-150 capacity
Latinum Beam-75 capacity
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-248
Construction Ship-
Officers/Crew Cost-2/150
Build Time-17 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-250/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Shield Strength-150
Shield Recharge Rate-3.5 per second
Hull Strength-150
Repair ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-2/50
Build Time-12 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-250/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Repair Beam-25 points per second
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-245
Cargo Ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-4/100
Build Time-20 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-200/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Cargo hold-500 units max.
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-240
Colony Ship General-
Officers/Crew Cost-4/100
Build Time-30 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-400/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Colonize-Colonizes planets
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-1.5 per second
Hull Strength-250
Hideki-class scout
Officers/Crew Cost-2/10
Build Time-10 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-39/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser-10 damage points
Cloak Detection (SP)-Can see cloaked ships
Cloaking Device (SP)-Cloak
Shield Strength-45
Shield Recharge Rate-0.45 per second
Hull Strength-42
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Officers/Crew Cost-6/70
Build Time-26 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-100/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser (2)-20 (40) damage points
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Shield Strength-80
Shield Recharge Rate-0.8 per second
Hull Strength-90
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15
Rasilak-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-7/70
Build Time-13 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-125/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser (2)-30 (60) damage points
Micro Organisms (SP)-Eats Away at Enemy’s Hull.
Shield Strength-100
Shield Recharge Rate-.675 per second
Hull Strength-110
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Brinok-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-9/200
Build Time-20 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-200/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser (2)-25 (50) damage points
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Drones (SP) -Remote Piloted Drones.
Shield Strength-130
Shield Recharge Rate-1.2 per second
Hull Strength-155
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Gul Vystan-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-8/350
Build Time-15 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-150/0
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -25 damage points
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Flux Wave (SP)-Disorients Enemy Ships
Shield Strength-120
Shield Recharge Rate-1.3 per second
Hull Strength-150
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Janissary-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-4/500
Build Time-13 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-110/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse-35 damage points
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Shield Strength-350
Shield Recharge Rate-10 per second
Hull Strength-350
Legate-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/250
Build Time-25 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-350/300
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Artillery torpedoes (2)-120 (240) damage points
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Shield Strength-260
Shield Recharge Rate-0.6 per second
Hull Strength-270
Vasad-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-5/200
Build Time-15 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-167/33
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -24 damage points
Plasmas Phaser-24 damage points
Sensor Scrambler (SP)-Scrambles Enemy’s Sensors.
Shield Strength-235
Shield Recharge Rate-1 per second
Hull Strength-235
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15
Galor-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/400
Build Time-24 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-400/100
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -90 damage points
Photon torpedoes-50 damage points
Shield Strength-1100
Shield Recharge Rate-8 per second
Hull Strength-1100
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Kulinor-class General
Officers/Crew Cost-10/300
Build Time-53 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-450/150
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -10 damage points
Plasma Cannon (SP)-Used for Planetary Bombardment.
Quantum Singularity Effect (SP)-Summons Species 8472
Ship from Fluidic Space to Destroy Nearest Ship.
Impulse Engine Boost (SP)-Temporary Speed Boost.
Shield Harmonics Disruptor (SP)-Lowers Enemy’s Shields Temporarily.
Shield Strength-600
Shield Recharge Rate-3 per second
Hull Strength-600
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Officers/Crew Cost-12/500
Build Time-33 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-300/50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -70 damage points
Plasma Phaser-60 damage points
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Missile Detonator (SP)-Creates Massive Anti-Matter Explosion.
Shield Strength-750
Shield Recharge Rate-7 per second
Hull Strength-750
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Dreadnought Missile-class
Officers/Crew Cost-0/0
Build Time-117 sec.
Dilithium/Metal Cost-1000/200
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Cloaking Device-Cloak
Spatial Rift (SP)-Large Expanding Explosion.
Shield Strength-200
Shield Recharge Rate-2 per second
Hull Strength-155
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Active Embryo -
Pilot Cost-0
Build Time-13 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-40
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Evolve -Transform Into; Scout, Destroyer, Cruiser, Launcher and Collector.
Shield Strength-150
Shield Recharge Rate-3.5 per second
Hull Strength-350
Passive Embryo -
Pilot Cost-0
Build Time-12 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-50
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Evolve -Transform Into; Mother, Transmuter, Enhancer,
Biogenesis Core, Metogenesis Core and Fluidic Gate.
Shield Strength-350
Shield Recharge Rate-3.5 per second
Hull Strength-340
Pilot Cost-1
Build Time-15 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-350
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Resource Extraction Beam-Coverts Enemy Ships &
Stations into Bio-Matter.
Cargo hold-Dilithium 500 units max.
Metal 150 units max.
Bio-Matter 150 units max.
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-239
Pilot Cost-1
Build Time-13 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-300
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Tractor Beam-Towing Beam
Constructs-Sentinels & Mines.
Shield Strength-250
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-239
Pilot Cost-1
Build Time-13 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-400
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Bio0Matter Converter -Converts any Collected Resource into Bio-Matter.
Shield Strength-1500
Shield Recharge Rate-2.5 per second
Hull Strength-1500
Scout Class-
Pilot Cost-1
Build Time-15 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-55
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -20 damage points
Cloak Detection (SP)-Can see cloaked ships
Clairvoyance (SP)-Temporally uses Enemy’s sensors to see.
Shield Strength-97
Shield Recharge Rate-0.8 per second
Hull Strength-97
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Destroyer Class-
Pilot Cost-1
Build Time-40 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-150
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -35 damage points
Clairvoyance Link (SP)-Temporally uses Enemy’s
line of sight (sensors) to see while Damaging the Ship.
Shield Strength-285
Shield Recharge Rate-0.9 per second
Hull Strength-285
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Cruiser Class-
Pilot Cost-1
Build Time-80 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-325
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -60 damage points
Psionic Disruption (SP)-Temporally Immobilizes Target Ship Systems.
Shield Strength-450
Shield Recharge Rate-3 per second
Hull Strength-97
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Launcher Class-
Pilot Cost-1
Build Time-80 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-800
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Artillery torpedoes -120 damage points
Shield Strength-500
Shield Recharge Rate-1.35 per second
Hull Strength-500
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Frigate Class-
Pilot Cost-1
Build Time-24 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-240
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -30 damage points
Bio-Pulse Conduit (SP)-Grouped With 4 to eight
Battleships to Produce a Bio-Pulse Conduit.
Shield Strength-490
Shield Recharge Rate-1 per second
Hull Strength-500
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-15
Battleship Class-
Pilot Cost-1
Build Time-33 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-650
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -110 damage points
Psionic Insanity-Makes Enemy Ships unable to
Determine who their Enemy is.
Bio-Pulse Conduit (SP)-Grouped With a Single
Frigate and 4 to eight Battleships Produces a Bio-Pulse Conduit.
Shield Strength-2000
Shield Recharge Rate-6 per second
Hull Strength-2000
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10

Behemoth Class-
Pilot Cost-1
Build Time-45 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-800
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Phaser -75 damage points
Nebula Generation (SP)-Creates Fluidic Nebula
Nebula Flux (SP)-Fired into any Nebula and Creates
a Destructive Chain Reaction.
Transient Rift (SP)-Allows for Instantaneous Travel
Between two Previously Explored Places on the Map.
Shield Strength-1000
Shield Recharge Rate-5 per second
Hull Strength-980
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
Pilot Cost-2
Build Time-200 sec.
Bio-Matter Cost-4500
Weaponry/ Shield & Hull Strength-
Pulse Phaser (8)-100 (800) damage points
Nebula Generation (SP)-Creates Fluidic Nebula
Constructs -Active & Passive Embryos
Shield Strength-2500
Shield Recharge Rate-4.2 per second
Hull Strength-3000
Special Energy-1000
Special Energy Recharge Rate-10
* NOTE: Although the mother is tetchily a space station, it is mobile.-

None…….LOL Just kidding. If you find any errors or
mistakes just contact me via e-mail or icq at:
ICQ# 122829268-

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Engl. Leitfaden

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Engl. Hinweise

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