Project Zero

Project Zero

17.10.2013 12:23:02


Table Content:
1. Introduction
2. Controls
3. Walkthrough
-First Night
-Second Night
-Third Night
-Last Night
4. Contact Info
5. Credits


About this Walkthrough:
This walkthrough was written by me, Maul, and it's my first time writing a FAQS/Walkthrough, I’ve been wanting to write one for a long time, now I finally made it! Please note that this Walkthrough was my work and can be found at Gamefaqs, and few other sites. Please inform me first if anyone want to post this Walkthrough somewhere else. Thanks!

About the game:
Project Zero was my most favorite horror-survival game. Tecmo has done a really great job creating this game. This game was different from other horror-survival. No more shotguns to blast zombies into pieces and no more zombies to be blast into pieces. The graphics and sounds were done greatly, while the gameplay was awesome. I highly recommend this game to every PS2 owners.


Left Analog Stick = Character movement
Right Analog Stick = Torch light movement
X = Run
Circle = Actions/Take picture (Camera Mode)
Square = Menu
Triangle = Turn ON/OFF Camera Mode
R1 = Take picture (Camera Mode)
R2 = Special Ability (Must be obtain first)
L2 = Same as R2


All Items and places name used in this walkthrough were made by myself and was not the Official names. This is because I can’t read Japanese :P
This walkthrough was for the Normal difficulty but I think it still can be use as a reference for the Nightmare mode.
One more thing, please use this walkthrough as seldom as possible, this is because Project Zero was more enjoyable when u're playing it by yourself. Anyway, enjoy!


After the intro end, U’ll now in control of the character, there’s a 14film near a mask on the left corner, and on the right is the 1st Save Point. Now go through the only door there and through the corridor, there were doors on your both side, nevermind the left one because it was locked anyway, take the right door and U’ll be in the Clock room, go upstairs and U’ll find a note book. After defeating the ghost, go downstairs and back to the corridor with the big mirror, walk through the corridor and end the introduction chapter.

First Night

Now U’ll be using Miku instead of her brother, after U got control of her, take the Brown Bottle Medicine(B.B.M) near the mask on the left, then go to the next corridor, while opening the door, a ghost will appear, take picture of him and after he disappear, there’s a notes left on the floor, pick it up and continue through the corridor. Continue to the Clock room and there’s a B.B.M near the head statue and a 14film in the room next to the clock, then go upstairs and U’ll find that the door there was locked, there’s another B.B.M in the room at the end of the left corridor. Now go back downstairs, U’ll see a ghost walks through the wall, check out that wall. Take picture of it then U’ll see a door behind it, check it out again then proceed through it. There's a B.B.M at the end of the corridor, grab it and proceed through the only door that wasn't unlocked there. There's a 37film near the window. U'll hear a weird scary sound coming out from the locker, open it. Take the recorder and go through the door that just opened. Take the item near the window. After defeating the ghost, take item which was a cassette then walk back and u'll see the thing on the desk glowing. Take picture of it and u'll get a photo of the statue head at the Clock room before. Go back there and u'll find a mirror in the statue head mouth. Bring it back to the glowing desk. U'll get a photo and a key. Use that key to open the locked door on the second floor above the Clock room. Proceed in and there were 3 new doors awaits u (check map). The front one was a balcony, the one on your right has a 2nd save point in it, go there first. Take the red cassette on the cupboard and the 14film at the flower, u'll notice that there was a small door near the flower, just ignore it for now. Return to the room before and proceed through the door on the left corner. There's a big door on your left which was actually a cupboard. Open it and grab the 37film. Keep going, there's a B.B.M at the end of the corner, after grabbing it, go downstairs. After the ghost has been defeated, check your map, there's a door on the north, west and south of the corridor, check out the south one first and u'll find a Holy Water and another 14film. Now return to the corridor and continue your way through the north door. There's a 37film on your right. Here u'll find another 2 doors, one contains the 3rd save point, while the other was sealed with a spell-paper. Take the picture of that door and u'll get a photo of a cupboard. Remember the west door at the corridor before? Go back there. The door was locked with a clock-like lock with a japanese symbols on it. These symbols were actually a number. There's a notes explaining which symbol presents what number. Check the notes out and u'll know what number each symbols really are, then enter 1213. After unlocking the door, u'll find the cupboard just behind the ladder there. Take its picture then the seal will burnout unlocking the door before, proceed through it. Every doors here were locked. 2 of it were sealed, take both pictures and u'll should get a photo of a watermill for the first door and photo of dolls for the other. Now go through the only unlocked there(the one beside the small house). After taking the cassette , now take the picture of the watermill and the first sealed door will be unlock. There's a few lamp near the watermill and one of it wasn't lighted and glowing, take its picture. Now go back to the door u just unlock and proceed in. Inside, take a picture of a ghost near some of the dolls and the other sealed door before will be unlock. After defeating the ghost, proceed through the newly unlocked door. After u got a lighter, return to the watermill and lights the unlighted lamp and u'll get a Carved Stone. Now go back to the room where u got the lighter from and proceed through the north door, actually it's the only door that wasn't locked. After the ghost been defeated, enter 3669 as a password for the locked door and proceed. Here u'll find the 4th save point. Pick up all item here and continue your way. After the cutscene continue proceeding. The temple door was locked with a star-like puzzle. All u need to do was match up all the symbols on the Carved Stonewith the one on the wall. I will not help u solving this puzzle. Don't worry, it's easy! U'll be able to settle it in no time. Once inside the temple, picks up the cassette on the shelve and a ghost will fall slowly from above, quickly take picture of him. After defeating him, take a picture of the glowing shelve and u'll notice there's a missing dool on the center. U need to find that doll. Just go outside and check out the big gate's left pillar and u'll find the doll. Put the doll back to where it belong. Then take the picture of the glowing shelve again and u'll get a photo of the dolls being place on it. In case u still haven't got the idea how to solve this one, put the doll with blood on its right hand on the blood mark's right hand, then the doll with blood on its right leg goes to the blood mark's right leg, the center doll goes to the head, the fourth doll goes to the left leg and the last doll goes to the left hand. Just let the woman ghost catch u in order to proceed the game.

Second Night

After starting, take a picture of the glowing wall on your left and u'll get a photo of a scroll. There's 3 items around the room, grab all and then go outside. As soon as u open the door, a boy(the one that took your Magic Mirror piece) will passing by, follow him. He'll go to the well which was near the 4th save point. In your way there, there's a door sealed by the spell paper, take picture of it and u'll get a photo of the stairs just behind u. There's a ghost down the stairs, take picture of it and after the seal burned, continue your way. Now u need a new password for the next door, enter 1126. After defeating the ghost, take the Carved Stone and make your way back to the 3rd save point room. There's a door locked with the star-like puzzle. Unlock it then proceed through the corridor inside. The door at the end of the corridor was locked too. Take picture of it and u'll get a photo of a rock, it just near the watermill, go there. There's a bridge near the watermill and the rock just at the end of the bridge. Take the Carved Stone there back to the corridor and unlock the locked door. Now u're in the Sacrifice room. Go down and check out the big door, then a spirit of an old guy will appear beside u.After he disappear, take a picture of the glowing rock and u'll see a mask with a sharp things on its eyes. Go back up, there'll be a woman ghost on your way, defeat her and u'll get a photo of candles and a box of matches. Now continue your way back to the Candle room and check out the glowing candles there. Now u must lights only the red candles like the one showed in the photo u just got before. Here how to solve this one, light the red candle on the left, then the red candle on the right most, the the white candle on the right most and then the red candle on the right most again. That's it! U'll get a scroll, now bring the scroll to the Dolls room and put it on the wall where it belong(the wall on the left), then make your way back to the Clock room. After defeating it, u'll get the Magic Mirror piece back. Take the glowing clock picture(not important anyway) then go upstairs. Take the sealed door's picture and u'll get a photo of of the ceiling on the corridor(the one with ropes hanging), go there and take a picture of the ghost on that ceiling. The seal will burnout then, so proceed through it. Go to the small room on the left and take the glowing box's picture and u'll get a photo of a key. Now proceed through the door that just next to the room. At the corridor, turn left and take the sealed door's picture. With the pcture u've got, go downstairs and take the left path and u'll see the place. Take picture of it and the sealed door will be unlock. Continue through it and u'll see another cutscene. Take the key there and make your way back to the box and open it. After that, go to the balcony that just next to the room. Now go outside to that tree and pick up the item near the tree. After defeating the ghost,u'll get a photo of dolls(again), pick up the item on the ground first and go to the dolls room. Inside, take a picture of the glowing dolls and u'll notice that one was missing. The missing doll was just on the rack behind u, check it out. U need to choose the right doll, just pick up only the dolls that facing u. After getting it, put it back where it belongs and u'll get a mask. Now make all your way back to the 1st save point room. After u reach there, put the mask back at its place(the wood with japanese symbol)on the wall. After entering through the wall, take back the mask(the second option). Now take the other on the north most door(check your map)and take the picture of the glowing mask nearby. Then proceed through the door on the east and take out its mask once u inside. Go to the square pillar on the center of the room and check out the only mask there. After that, take out the mask from the pillar, proceed through the other door there. Now u'll see the 5th save point and check out the big rock near it for a Carved stone, then solve the next star puzzled door nearby. Once inside, pick up the fake mask and go back to the pillar and put all 4 mask there(including the one u just take out from the pillar). Now go back to the corridor where u got the first 2 mask and proceed through the newly unlocked door(the one with glowing mask before). Inside, open the cupboard just up the steps and u'll get the mask with sharp things on its eyes. Go back to the corridor and exit through the north door using the fake mask. Now return to the sacrifice room and use that new mask u just got. The big door will, so proceed in. Just let the woman ghost with many hands catch u in order to end this chapter.

Third Night

After waking up, go back inside the big door and continue your way inside until a cutscene. Then make all your way back to the 3rd save point room. Once there, u'll see the door to the candle room has been sealed. Take picture of it and u'll get a photo of something inside a collapse, the place was just behind u, take the picture of that thing and the seal will burn. Then continue your way to the room where u got the fake mask before. Here's the shortest way to go there, go outside to the garden, then take the door on the east(check map) and then take the door that next to the stairs. Once u're inside the room, check the big cupboard there and u'll get a bangle. Put the bangle on the first statue on the left, then the first one on the right, then the second one on the left and lastly the second one on the right. After putting it on all four statues, the big cupboard will open. Check it out and u'll get another Carved stone. Now go outside to the garden, and go to the small house placed on the left side of the garden. Solve the star puzzled door then proceed. Check out the cupboard on the center, and all four plates around it will glow. Take pictures of them all and u'll get pictures of four rocks at different places around the mansion. Visit all four of it and defeat each rock's ghost and take the books near each of it. The first rock just outside the house at the garden. The second one was at the end of the bridge near the watermill. The third was near the well at the 4th save point. There'll be a door locked with the clock likelock in your way to the third rock, just put in 1347 to unlock it. The fourth rock was at the 5th save point. After defeating all four ghost, return to the small house. Now check the first plate(the one just in front of u), there were four buttons on the plate, press the first button for the first plate, the last(4th)button for the second plate(the one on your left), the third button for the plate behind the cupboard and the for the last plate, press the second button. Then something will happen to the first plate, take picture of it and u'll see a blood. Now go back outside and follow the blood trace. It will end at the south-west most room on the map. After defeating the ghost inside the room, u'll get a black Carved stone. Now return to the small house and place the black Carved stone. Take the mirror near the statue.

Last Night

Take the music notes on the table and play the instrument and go through the opened door. On your way u'll see a small hole on the floor, check it out. After defeating the ghost continue your way. U'll find another hole nearby, check it out too. Continue your way and u'll see the 6th save point soon after. There were two items around, grab it and continue your way. Go inside the cage like room and take the item left on the floor. Exit the room and follow the girl. Don't fight the ghost, just run as fast as u can to the small house at the garden. Once inside, go down the hole. Then put hair pin on the statue. A door will be unlock, proceed through it. Just continue all your way to the next room. Defeat the ghost and continue your way. After walking a while, u'll see a rock, check it out and prepare for the last boss! After defeating her Now quickly take the last piece of the Magic Mirror near the rock, then place it on the rock.....Congratulation! U've finish Project Zero! Enjoy the ending.....

Contact Info

If u got any questions regarding to this game or this walkthrough, u can email me at or u can find me at Project Zero board here at Gamefaqs. Thank you!


- A really big thanks to Tecmo for making this awesome game. Although i didn't like horror-survival games before, but this game really got my attention. Hopefully there'll be a sequel for this game in the near future.

- Thanks to AB Lethal for helping me finishing this walkthrough, really appreciate it.

- Thanks to other people at Project Zero board for helping me understanding this game more, especially to cmazinger, thanks u guys!

- Thanks to Gamefaqs for posting this walkthrough at the site for everyone to check out.

- Thanks to for posting this walkthrough at their site too.

- Thanks to few other sites that involved in posting this walkthrough.

Copyright 2002 Maul
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