James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire

James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire

15.10.2013 05:15:04
James Bond is 007 in...

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James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire - Playstation 2
By: Luke Fritz
GameFAQ's Username: Ml007
Copyright 2002 - Luke Fritz
E-mail: LukeFritz@aol.com
This is my first FAQ so if you need some clarification or have some suggestions
just e-mail me or AIM me at LukeFritz@aol.com. Do not e-mail me to ask if
I know any codes, because there are none. Also, do not e-mail me to ask if
there are secret levels or different endings. There are none. This FAQ
contains almost everything you could possibly want to know about AUF. I have
beaten the game on 00 Agent and have all of the medals. You can also post
in my help topic on GameFAQs.com. This FAQ may be used by anyone as long as
credit is given to me, the FAQ is in its complete form, it is not used for
profit, and you contact me first before using it. So far, here are the sites
that are allowed to use my FAQ. If you find that anyone else has it, please
e-mail me.
Some of the material found in this FAQ is other people's. I take no credit
for their work. Credit is given where credit is due. I would like to thank
all the people who helped me create this FAQ. Hope that you find this useful!
SPECIAL NOTICE: I need help completing the rest of the level walkthroughs.
If anyone would like to help me by making a walkthrough for a level that I
have not done yet, please e-mail me. The walkthroughs have to be very in-depth,
like the other level walkthroughs seen in this FAQ. Credit will be given to
you within the FAQ. I also need more multiplayer tips and tricks. Your help
is needed!
Version 1.0: 1/19/02 - Original FAQ. Includes: Game Information and
Characters, Controls, Level Walkthroughs, Bond Moves, 007 icons, Gold Reward
Tips & Tricks, and Multiplayer Tips & Tricks. I will try to get more Level
Walkthroughs done soon.
Version 1.1: 1/20/02 - Minor updates, mainly so that the FAQ is easier to
veiw online.
Version 1.2: 1/21/02 - Fixed (hopefully) that god-awful title, add some more
information on Bond Moves and 007 Icons. Also gave the FAQ a different format,
added a few touches, and listed sites that can have this FAQ.
Version 1.3: 1/22/02 - Added weapons descriptions, and some multiplayer tips
& tricks. Also updated sites which can use this FAQ.
Version 1.4: 1/28/02 - Completed two more walkthroughs, for Cold Reception
and Evil Summit. Also made general updates and asked for help with more
Version 1.5: 2/5/02 - WOW. This update is so massive it is unbeliveable. I
added a level walkthrough for Night of the Jackal, a new section dedicated
to finding hard to obtain 007 Icons, fixed a ton of spelling errors, added
some more multiplayer tips and tricks, and updated sites which can post this
FAQ. Sorry for the delay in the update, but I had a ton of stuff to work on.
The next update should be in a week or so.
Version 1.6: 3/3/02 - Well it has been a little more than a week hasn't it?
I added two more walkthroughs. One for Streets of Bucharest and one for
Mediterranean Crisis. Also added some more reader tips. Sorry for not
updating for a while, I have been very busy. But I will finish this FAQ! Only
three more levels to go!
Table of Contents:
1. Game Information, Characters, and Weapons
2. Controls
3. Level Walkthroughs (Some are just FAQ's right now)
A. Trouble in Paradise
B. Precious Cargo
C. Dangerous Pursuit
D. Bad Diplomacy
E. Cold Reception
F. Night of the Jackal
G. Streets of Bucharest
H. Fire & Water (Just FAQ)
I. Forbidden Depths (Just FAQ)
J. Poseidon (Just FAQ)
K. Mediterranean Crisis
L. Evil Summit
4. Bond Moves (from Ellefan)
5. 007 Icons (from Palador)
6. Gold and Platinum Points and Rewards
7. Gold Reward Tips & Tricks
8. Tips for for difficult 007 Icons
9. Multiplayer Tips & Tricks (from the readers!)
1. Game Information, Characters, and Weapons
007: Agent Under Fire is the first Bond game for Playstation 2. Many
online sites have given this game bad grades, but I think it is the sleeper
game of the year. Good graphics, OK gameplay, and great multiplayer. It is
definitely a buy, not a rent, I suggest that you try it if you haven't already.
The plot is a typical Bond one, I will just leave it at that. Now onto the
Good Guys
James Bond- Duh, the famous 007, main character in the game.
Zoe Nightshade- Woman CIA agent, also has an evil clone. 'Partners' with Bond.
Q- The famous gadget man. Gives Bond all of his fancy electronic gear. R is
his successor.
R- Gives Bond Q's gear. Talks to Bond during missions.
M- Head of MI6. Bond works directly for her.
Natalya Damescu- Woman who gives Bond information on the evil deeds of

Bad Guys
Adrian Malprave- The main antagonist. She is the head of Malprave Industries.
Nigel Bloch- Malprave's main henchman. Has a double.
The Twins- Identical twins who work for Malprave. One asks Bond to "Enjoy
the view."
Carla The Jackal- Woman who works for Malprave. She "falls" for Bond.
Reginald Griffin- Works for Malprave. Has a double. Had a setback in Hong
Most of these weapon descriptions are from Kyleman, who got the from
the AUF booklet, courtesy of EA. I modified the descriptons a bit, and added
the driving and rail guns, but most of this is Kyleman's work. Thanks Kyleman!

Wolfram P2K: Designed to be the next generation of sidearm for the German
police, this pistol sports a compact design and smooth single-action firing
mechanism. The P2K fires special lightweight 9mm bullets. While not the most
powerful rounds in Bond's world, they allow for rapid and precise firing.
Bond's Wolfram P2K can be fitted with a silencer that screws into the barrel.
Press select to arm the silencer.

Windsor Viper: This large, stainless steel pistol delivers a .44 magnum
bullet with a tremendous stopping power. The Windsor is limited by a heavy
recoil, which reduces its rate of fire.

IAC Defender: Developed for the Israeli military, the IAC fires the
powerful .44 Magnum round at a steady rate of fire, thanks to a gas-powered
blowback system. It's a powerful weapon, but the accuracy isn't that great.

Dartgun: For special missions, R provides this gas powered pistol capable
of firing non-lethal darts. Use this weapon to immoblize innocent guards in
the Night of the Jackal level.

Golden Gun: This special pistol is given as a reward for exceptional service
in your first mission. It has all of the advantages of the standard P2K, except
that it's more powerful. In multiplayer, the golden gun is capable of taking
an opponent down in one shot.

Submachine guns:
Koffler & Stock KS7: Developed for German border patrols, the Koffler & Stock
KS7 is an inexpensive lightweight machine gun, found in great numbers
throughout the world. It's low firepower, poor accuracy, and small clip size
make it effective only at close range.

Ingalls Type 20: Orginally designed for urban police use, the Ingalls Type
20 never achived popularity because of its poor accuracy. It immediately
caught on with the criminal underworld, where it's lack of finesse was viewed
as an advantage rather than liability. Compared to the KS7, the Ingalls has
a higher rate of fire and a larger clip size.

Calypso P-750: The large-capacity cylindrical magazine gives the Calypso
P-750 an unusual look, but it carries more rounds than any other submachine
gun. An additional grip gives it great accuracy than the Ingalls or the KS7,
and a high rate of fire makes it a formidable weapon.

Munitions Belgique PS100: Built for the Belgian military, the PS100 features
a dorsal magazine that holds more rounds than the Ingalls or KS7. Is's
superior rate of fire makes the PS100 the most lethal submachine gun in the

Kazakovich KA-57: The most recognizable assault rifle in the world, the KA-57
was developed for the soviet infantry during the Cold War. It's a sturdy rifle
with low stopping power and a slow rate of fire, more accurate than a
submachine gun, but lacking the punch of other assault rifles.

Windsor FSU-4: A version of the US Army's standard-issue assault rifle, the
windsor FSU-4 offers a decent rate of fire and accuracy with the added benefit
of a grenade launcher. Press select to switch to it.

Meyer-Westlicher UGW: While other nations preferred steel and aluminum alloy
weapons, the Austrian Army realized the possibilities of designs based on
plastics. The UGW features a good rate of fire and excellent accuracy, aided
by a 3x scope.

Koffler & Stock D17: This revolutionary design from Koffler & Stock may change
weapons forever. The D17 fires caseless ammunition which increases the
weapons accuracy. With a high rate of fire and a powerful 4x scope, the D17
ensures considerable firepower on a target with a high degree of accuracy.

Hand Attack: Your hand to hand combat training allows you to deliver a
devastating knockout blow with your bare hands. In certain situations, a
single strike can take down an opponent.

Frinesi Special 12: Used by police forces around the world, this 12-gauge
combat shotgun has limited range but tremendous firepower. In multiplayer
press select to make an automatic shotgun.

SWZ SSR4000: A bolt-action rifle, the SSR4000 can deliver powerful rounds
accuratly and at great ditances. A single shot from the SSR4000 neutralizes
almost any opponent, and in addition, the SSR4000 has the power to penetrate
armored helicopter glareshields. Press select to access the more powerful

Grenades: Grenades can be used to attack opponents while taking cover.

MRL-22: This compact, shoulder-launched weapon fires unguided rockets that
deliver tremendous firepower. Accuracy is not a premium to the MRL-22, since
collateral damage ensures neutralization of any nearby opponents. In
multiplayer press select, it allows MRL-22 to shoot guided rockets. The
rocket tracks your targeting cursor until it hits a solid object.

Driving Weapons: (Rail levels)
CH-6: This rocket launcher projects unguided missiles wherever you point it.

KA-57S: The S stands for "scope." With the scope attachment, this rifle
becomes a fine weapon for accurate long-distance shooting.

Shotgun: This 12-gauge weapon features pump-action relaoding. It can also
operate as a long-distance weapon, but with greatly diminished

RCH-1: User-guided rockets. When launched, the veiw switches to that of the
rocket until it impacts the target.

Driving Weapons: (In the car)
Machine Guns: All MI6 vehicles come equipped with standard, forward mounted
machine guns. These have unlimited ammunition, but are by no means the most
accurate weapon in your arsenal.

Rockets: These forward firing projectiles have no guidance systems, so use
with caution. (Yeah right).

Missiles: Vehicle mounted missiles that will lock onto the nearest target.
Allow sufficient time for target to lock before firing!
2. Controls

Regular Controls-
X- Fire
Circle- Use Gadget
Square- Action
Triangle- Jump
R1- Strafe Right
R2- Manual Aim
L1- Strafe Left
L2- Kneel
Control Pad Up/Down- Choose Weapon
Control Pad Left/Right- Choose Gadget
Right Analog- Look Up or Down
Left Analog - Move Around
Start- Menu
Select- Secondary Fire

Driving Controls-
X- Accelerate
Circle- Handbrake
Square- Brake
Triangle- Change View
R1- Fire
R2- Change Weapon
L1- Fire Machine Gun
L2- Look Behind

Rail Controls-
X- Fire
Square- Action
Control Pad Up/Down- Change Weapon
R2- Manual Aim
L2- Turn 180 Degrees
Right Analog- Look Around
Left Analog- Look Around
3. Level Walkthroughs
These walkthroughs are for just beating the levels, not getting the
rewards/medals. The walkthroughs are designed for Agent difficulty. I need
help completing these so if you can help me do an in-depth walkthrough for
any level that I have not fully covered yet, then e-mail me at
LukeFritz@aol.com. Hope these walkthroughs help you out!
A. Level 1: Trouble In Paradise
OK this level is so easy that I doubt anyone will need help on it
but here goes.
There are two ways to get into the facility.
The 1st way is to go up on the top using the Q-Claw. Switch to the
Q-Claw and claw up to the top. Then turn to your right and go down the walkway.
At the end of the walkway drop down, kneel, and then drop down again, behind
the guard typing on the computer. Kill him then turn 180 and go forward until
you get into the next room.
The 2nd way is to use your Q-Decryptor on the main door in front of
you at the start. When you go in, you will be caught on camera, the alarm
goes off, but it doesn't really matter. Turn right and go use the Q-Decryptor
on the door in front of you. Kill the guard in front of you, then go straight
into the next room.
Now you are in the same place if you go either way to get in. Turn
right and go into the elevator. Press action and then the game loads a new
room. As you "wake up" shoot the guard in front of you, as you descend. He
is behind a desk. Get out of the elevator, pick up the guards ammo and then
turn right, go up the steps, and use your Q-Laser to break the lock and open
the doors. Go straight until you get a cutscene showing the guards running
behind cover and then showing a car with a barrel on the back. Obviously from
the cutscene, shoot the barrel on the back of the car. You will kill all of
the guards. Now go down the ramp, collect their ammo, and continue down the
ramp on the right. Kill the guard hiding behind the box on the right, and
advance until you get the cutscene showing you the guards coming down the
hall and the body armor. Kill the guards (there are around four), get the
body armor and advance down the hall where the guards came from. You will
stop, as the game loads a new room.
When you wake up you are facing a room with plants and red and blue
lights. As you go into the room, the lights will turn off, leaving you in
the dark. In the right corner there is a guy throwing grenades, be sure to
take him out first. Kill all the other guards in the room. Be sure to duck
behind the rows of plants to avoid being shot. When you get out of that portion
of the room, turn left, there is a guy with a shotgun behind a box. Take him
out, and get the body armor behind the box. Then turn around and get the
briefcase on the shelf on the right, containing the vials you are looking
for. Open the door and the game pauses to load the final room.
As you wake up, go up the stairs to the next level. To your right
is the next set of stairs. Go up the stairs and advance. Shoot the sniper
on the platform across from you. The game will play a cutscene which is the
sniper dying in a crappy way ;). When you get to the main area, the game will
play another cutscene.
As the cutscene ends, there are two ways to get to the other side.
Go to the right (where the sniper was). Pick up his gun and you can test it
out right there or you can move along. Once you get to the far side, there
will be stairs leading down. Take them and go straight at the bottom. You
will probably heard one of the guards spot you, but don't worry, it doesn't
matter. Go into the elevator and press action.
When you get out, go forward, turn left, and then go forward again,
then turn right and go through the opening. Now, there is a guy hiding behind
the boxes in front of you. There is also a guy to your left, also behind some
boxes. Kill them and then advance. There is body armor on the wall to your
left. Kill guards until you are close to the corner. Then shoot the barrels
to kill the rest. Advance again, and Zoe (the girl) will say something like
"Watch out, its a trap James." A guard will come out around the next corner.
Kill him and then turn around the corner (to your right). Two guards will
come out of the elevator. Kill them and then advance, until you can go onto
the walkway to the sub (on your right). Go down the walkway and go to Zoe.
Go around the other side of her and use your Q-Laser to cut through the chain
holding her to the sub and then presto!
FAQ: How do you get the armory keycard?
A: Use the 1st method of getting in, once you drop behind the guard,
use your fists to kill him. He will leave the keycard on the desk.
B. Level 2: Precious Cargo
This level is rail level, meaning that you don't control where you
are going. So I will just tell you what to shoot. Remember always to use the
machine gun that you start with, except where I tell you to use the rocket
At the start, turn to your left. Zoe (who is driving) will say "Watch
out for that helicopter!" Sure enough a helicopter comes over the ridge to
your left. Shoot the guy hanging off the side for a Bond Move, then shoot
down the 'copter. Next, turn back forward and shoot the helicopter ahead.
It shoots missiles, so get it out of the way quickly. When you do that, soon
after where the 'copter was, Zoe says "They are right behind us." By now you
should think, note to self - listen to Zoe. Because she basically tells you
what to do. Anyway, turn around and a car races up to pursue you. You can
do one of two things to cars that have people shooting at you.
The first way is to shoot the tires out on the cars, they spin out
of control and they can't follow you. I recommend this version, rather than
the second, because it isn't that hard (but it is harder than the second
version), it gets rid of the cars (the second way doesn't) and it gives you
Bond Moves. The second way to take out cars is to shoot the guy that pops
out of the sunroof or to shoot the car until it explodes. This isn't that
hard but people keep on appearing out of the car and it takes lots of time.
Back to the walkthrough.
Shoot the car behind you after the helicopter. After that Zoe will
say "They're right in front of us!" And they are once again she is right.
There is an armored van in front of you. Shoot the tires out (you can't blow
it up). As you progress through the next part of the level be sure to spin
180 all the time, so that you can check the cars around you. Pretty soon Zoe
will say "James, there is a roadblock ahead" and then Bond says "Turn left
here, Zoey!" You will turn into an alley. Straight ahead is a guy with a rocket
launcher. Take him out and then you stop, as they have set a trap for you.
There are three different places that people are located. Left, Right,
and Straight. Shoot the barrels around the roadblocks. The way out is to the
right, but if you want to have fun shoot all the barrels, and see a lot of
explosions. After you get out of the trap, turn 180 degrees. A limo is chasing
behind you. Shoot it, and any other cars behind you. Then turn forward and
shoot the guy on the sidewalk around the next corner. Coming up is a big
Switch to the rocket launcher. Shoot the gas station and it should
blow up. Then shoot the helicopter. After that Zoe will say "Those cars are
in the way!" Look to your left and blow up the cars in the way. Zoe then says
"That's gotta hurt!" Ahead is the factory.
Shoot the guys (with the machine gun) outside the factory as you go
in. Once you stop inside the factory, shoot everyone on the left and above
you to advance. As you advance, shoot the guys with rocket launchers ahead
of you on the walkway. Also, shoot the guy on the right, next to the fan.
As you get out of that room, you are in the last room.
As you come to a stop, get rid of a lot of the guys by shooting the
barrels to your left. Once you have killed everyone, shoot the blinking red
light to your right. It moves the crane load under the target. Then shoot
the red block on the crane to drop the load on the target and then it is:
FAQ: Why does Zoe tell me everything? Kind of makes it pointless.
A: If you want to not know everything that is coming your way, then
put it on 00 agent and the game will not tell you everything.
C. Level 3: Dangerous Pursuit
It would be impossible to guide you through this entire level,
because there are many different roads to take. But I can tell you what you
need to do.
At the start, go straight. Follow the road and enjoy the great
graphics until you get to the roadblock ahead. Then use your rockets to shoot
the barrels on the left of the two cars. This blows everything up. It is also
a Bond Move. Keep on following the road. When you get into the tunnel shoot
the barrel ahead to blow everything up again, again getting a Bond Move. After
you get out of the tunnel it is up to you. I suggest that you take the road
to the left, and keep left until you get the Q-Booster in the middle of the
road. Then look at your radar in the top right of the screen. It will show
you a green dot on the top. That is where you have to head. Take any roads
(it doesn't matter which) to get to the dot on the radar.
Once you catch up to the dot (which is the van you have to disable)
follow it until you feel that you are close enough that you can use the
Q-Booster the get close to the van. Use the Q-Pulse when you are very close
to the van (almost touching it). The Q-Pulse takes a second or two to charge,
then it triggers and disables anything that touches it. You might have to
use the Q-Pulse twice, so be sure to pick up any that are in your path along
the way to the van. When you disable the van, it is then
FAQ: I can't get close enough to the van, what do I do?
A: Use any Q-Booster that you can find to catch up.
FAQ: How do I switch to the Q-Pulse?
A: Use R2 to switch weapons AND gadgets in driving mode. Use R1 to
set the Q-Pulse off. Remember, it takes time to trigger.
D. Level 4: Bad Diplomacy
This level you can't kill the guards, so you have to use the Dart
Gun for the entire level. If you run out of ammo, just use your fists until
you can get some more. Be sure to not let the guards see you, because if they
do they will run away from you and sound the alarm, ending the level.
At the start, there is one guard walking in front of you. Shoot him
with the dart gun before he sees you and sounds the alarm. Then advance forward.
Go to your left down the hall. Follow the hall. You will see an elevator to
your right, go past it for the moment. Around the corner, shoot the guard
walking down the hall away from you and then go into the room to the left
of where you killed the guard. Get the darts, next to the desk in the left
corner of the room. Once you get the darts then go back to the elevator, get
in and press action to go up to the next level.
Once you get out of the elevator, turn left and go down the hall until
you meet up with the guard in this area. Get rid of him and then turn around
and go back where you came from. This time go to the right of the elevator
and go through the doors at the end of the hall. When you open the door, make
your way through the kitchen until you make a noise, by knocking some bottles
over. A cutscene will play, it shows a guard hearing the noise and turning
towards the room. Quickly go to the door where the cutscene played and kill
the guard as he turns around. Then look forwards and shoot the guard walking
in front of you, down the hall. Advance down the hall. There are some lasers
on the floor. The lasers set off alarms if you touch them. Use your Q-Specs
to see the control panel in the wall. Open it and then use your Q-Laser to
disable it. You can do this with any lasers. Defeat the guard ahead, and
then turn around. There is a guard outside the window. Shoot him and then
turn around again. Go to the end of the hall and use your Q-Specs to see a
secret door on your left. This has ammo and body armor in it. Get the goods
and then go back to the open window and jump outside. A cutscene plays. Use
the Q-claw to go up to Griffin's Quarters. Drop down to the ground.
Walk through the window on your left. Then walk forward until you
see a door on your right. Open it to play the cutscene of Malprave and get
the keycard to open Griffin's off. Then walk forward until you see the first
door on the left. Enter the door and get the dart ammo. Then turn around and
use the keycard on the door in front of you. The cutscene plays. You see that
Griffin has an evil clone, and you have to fight him.
When you 'wake up' you will be facing the clone. Shoot him twice
anywhere with the dart gun. Pick up the password generator that he leaves
on the ground and head back towards the window. Go to the computer on the
desk and press the action button. You will finish an objective. Now you just
have to get out.
Go back to where you killed Griffin. Right behind where you defeated
him is another door. Use the keycard to go through it. A guard is just below
you, to the left, around the glass cases. Shoot him, then go on down the hall.
There is a laser that moves up and down. Just use your Q-Specs and Q-Laser
again to disable it. Shoot the guard in front of you, walking down the hall.
Walk past the elevator and shoot the guard at the end of the hall, then turn
around and head back to the elevator. Enter it and press action.
Once the elevator opens, turn left and walk down the hall. Go through
the door at the end, where you originally came in. Then go up to the doors
straight across from you. There is a guard at the door when it opens. If
you have any ammo left you can shoot him, or you can just run by him to end
the level.
FAQ: I run out of darts and the guards always run away when I try
to hit them. What should I do?
A: Try to sneak up behind them and strike fast, don't wait.
Level 5: Cold Reception
To beat this level, try staying inside vents, sniping people with
head shots. Don't alert the guards, they will set off alarms, bringing in
lots of people and making the level much harder.
OK, here goes. You start out in the reception room, just after talking
to the twins for the first and last time. To get out of the room, go up the
stairs to the desk on the right of you when you start. Press action on the
blinking green button next to the computer, and the door opens. If you press
either one of the other buttons, then they open doors with guards behind them.
As a cool extra (that I found out myself) you can go up to the piano in the
starting room and press action and it plays the Bond Theme.
As you go through the door on the right, there is a vent ahead and
a door on the right at the end of the hallway. Take the vent, by using the
Q-Laser to break the lock. Go into the vent and look to the right, through
the next vent that looks into the room. Put the silencer on the gun and kill
the guard in the room. Now turn left and continue down the vent until you
reach the next room. Kill the two guards in here from the vent. Across from
you is another vent. You need to go into it, but not right now. Get out of
the vent and go right, into the room where you just killed the guard from
the vent. Go over to the the blue drawing, across the room from the vent.
Get your Q-Camera out and photograph the drawing.
Turn around and go into the vent which you saw from the first vent.
There is one guard walking around the next room, so snipe him and then get
out of the vent. Go into the room in which the guard was in and photograph
the yellowish document. Now turn right and press action on the picture of
the tiwns. It opens up to reveal body armor, a rocket launcher, and a shotgun.
Turn around now, and go staight. Open the door, and then go down the hallway.
You can see an elevator ahead but don't go over to it. There is a guard waiting
to your right. Rush around the corner and take him out. Facing the same way
(the elevator to your left) go down the hall that the guard was in. On the
bookcase to your right is a keycard. Pick it up and then go to the elevator
and get in.
As you go down the elevator, get ready to shoot once the door opens.
When the elevator opens, shoot the guard across from you. Now advance and
turn left. Go through the door in front of you. turn to your left and go down
the stairs. This is the maiframe area. Go straight across to the other side
and turn left. Kill the guard walking here and then go back to the stairs.
Facing the stairs, turn right and go staight until you can see the guard ahead.
Kill him and now you have to turn off the alarm, using the keycard you got
on the boookcase upstairs.
Use the keycard on the computer on the right of the mainframe room,
straight ahead and to the left a little from the stairs. It disables the alarm.
Now to get out of the room. Use your Q-Decryptor on the three spots on the
green walls of the room to open the door on the far side.
Go over to the doot on the far side, diagonal on the left from the
stairs. Open it by pressing the green blinking button to the left of the door.
Now follow the hallway until you get to an elevator. Press action on the
blinking green button to go down.
After the game loads the next part to the level, get off the elevator
and follow the hallway until you get a cutscene, showing you a spot to use
your Q-Claw. Q-Claw up, then duck into the vent. Now here is the tricky part.
This room that you are now in is huge and has a ton of guards. If they set
off the alarm then you have to find a different way out. But it is not that
Before I start you have to know that here are mant different ways
to get around this room, and if the guards set off the alarm it doesn't matter,
you just have to get out a different way.
Look down on the grate opening in the floor of the vent that you are
in. Go across it and then look through it. Wait for a guard to come. You have
to act fast once you see him because they can, for some stupid reason, see
you in the vent. Shoot the guard then turn around and drop down out of the
vent. Now turn around and go up the stairs. Take the guards ammo and go look
for other guards to shoot. Turn right and go into the huge cavern, that is
fenced off in the middle. Kill any guards that you see in this room and then
quickly turn to your right and go into the next room. Kill any guards you
find here, so that there are now no more guards If the guards did not sound
the alarm then go through the open blast door into the next room. If the alarm
DID sound, go up the ladder near the blast door, facing the wall.
If you went through the blast door: Kill the sniper ahead of you,
and then turn right and go down the stairs. Kill everyone on the bottom by
blowing up the barrels, but don't go down there. Turn left and go into the
room ahead, up the stairs. Shoot the guard here, and then download the program
that is flashing green on the wall with your Q-Remote. Now re-trace your steps,
going up the stairs and going past where the sniper was. Follow the catwalk
to the door, where you download the program from your Q-Remote to open the
Once you open the door, be ready to fight. There are two super thugs
that you have to fight. I suggest using the shotgun, which should kill them
in two shots. Kill the thug in front of you, and then go foward and turn left
and kill the second thug. Now turn right and shoot the guard behind the open
door. Now advance quickly and take out the sniper to the left of you, across
the area. Now go right and go into the room. Go up the ladder on the right
of the room to get up to the tram line. Once you get off the ladder, turn
left and go over to the hook. Press the action button and then watch Bond
ride down the tram line to a nice getaway.
Level 6: Night of the Jackal
Wow, this level rules. One of my favorite levels in the game to be
sure. The level is also pretty tough the first time through, so follow the
walkthrough word for word.
As you start out, don't go forward immidiatly. Know your surroundings
- look around. Once you advance, a bus will pass by infront of you, and crash
into the front gates of the embassy. Now the chaos starts. Basically, there
are terrorists all around you. You have to shoot and move fast during this
portion of the level. In the same alley as you started out in, there is body
armor in a shop. Break the window and jump in to get it if you need it. Now
onto the terrorists.
Straight in front of you at the start, way down across the road, two
terrorists are behind a building, waitng for you to come. Shoot both of them
and then turn right and shoot the guy with grenades. Now advance in the same
direction, and shoot the two terrorists behind the fountain. DO NOT SHOOT
ANYONE INSIDE THE EMBASSY GATES! If you do, about five terrorists will turn
around and start wasting you. To get past the sniper, you can either just
run past in an area where the laser beam isn't close to, or shoot the sniper
until he dies. If you go straight into the alley ahead, there is a shot gun
and body armor in the shop windows. Get these, and then turn around and go
out of the alley, and then turn left. Advance and then turn left. Advance
again, and then shoot the guy in front of you. Get his ammo and then go right,
under the arch.
There are two more guards that will attack you once you get past the
arch. They come from opposite sides, so my suggestion would be to get behind
cover and kill the terrorists one at a time. Once you have killed them both,
advance until you are under the ledge on the right, so the sniper can't see
you. Now look up and advance into the snipers veiw. Shoot him fast, so he
can't get a shot off. Once you have killed him, use your Q-Claw to grapple
up to the ledge above you, on the side of the building. Now jump over to the
balcony where the sniper was, and get his gun. Face outwards, and Q-Claw over
to the building you just jumped from. Once you land on the ledge, follow it
to the right around a corner and into the safehouse. If you can't do this,
you can always break in through the windows.
Once you are in the safehouse, go forward and to the right. There
are two doors. The one on the right is locked, so go to the left and into
the bathroom. Advance until the cutscene plays (Yeah baby!)
Once the cutscene ends, advance through the shower and around the
corner to the back balcony. Use your Q-Claw to get across to the embassy.
Once you Q-Claw across, turn to your left and go forward until you fall off
the roof. Once you have landed turn around, go up the stairs, and turn left.
Use the Q-Card that R gave you to open the door. Go inside and the game stops
to load a new room.
Once you start playing again, get the body armor under the stairs
if you need it and then go up the stairs. Follow the walkway until you get
to the door. Now get ready to fight and save some hostages.
Open the door with your gun ready and wait until a hostage comes
running out of the room directly in front of you. Shoot the terrorist that
is holding her hostage, and then turn left. Go forward, but don't advance
around the corner yet. Ariound the corner is a hostage andf a terrorist.
Quickly take the terrorist out, and then advance forward to the final hostage
In the room coming up, to your right, there are three terrorists and
three hostages. If you wait long enough, the terrorists will say some cool
things. The terrorists are in a room with glass all around, so just shoot
through that. Kill the rightmost terrorist first, be sure not to hit any
hostages. Now take out the other two, one is across from you and the other
is tucked behind on the left. Once you are done killing all of them it should
say objective complete. If it does not, then you need to go back. If it does,
jump into the room with the three hostages, take the terrorists ammo and
advance in to the next room.
Behind the mainframe computer on the left is some body armor. Get
it by going around on the closest wall to you, and coming back the same way.
If you don't do this, it is OK, you will just get hurt by sparks a little.
Go and advance into the hallway. Follow it until the window on the
side blows open, to reveal a terrorist with greandes. Kill him and then
advance down the the hallway again. Ahead of you is the kitchen from earlier
in the game, but this time with aq lot of angry terrorist inside...
Actually, this room is easy. Open the door and kill the guy behind
the bar ahead. Turn to the left and fire rapidly at the three guys here. If
you need to, duck back behind the door it is bulletproof. Once you have killed
every body in the room, go over to the body of the first terrorist that you
killed sand pick up his ammo. Now go over to the right-most far corner. There
are sniper rifle bullets here. Pick them up and the turn around and go forward.
On the left side of the room is more sniper ammo. Pick it up and then go pick
up all of the other guards ammo. Now get out of the kitchen, through the door
on the left.
Advance down the hallway until you get to the center part, with the
burning elevator. Get ready to fight two guys as you advance around the corner.
Shoot them both, one is hiding on the left, and one is to the right. Once
they are dead and you have picked up their ammo, advance again. When you turn
to right, into the rotunda, shoot the terrorist ahead. Now you have to find
the escape route that M refers to.
You don't even have to put on the Q-Specs. The escape route should
be obvious to anyone who is British, and since I am half British, (but was
born in the good old USA, still live in Portland, Oregon) I found this quite
easy. The escape route is hidden behind the English flag on the right of the
rotunda. It is the first flag on the right, just a few feet from the doorway,
and it is red, white, and blue. The red part is a cross. Once you find it,
go up to it and press action on it. It opens up to reveal the secret room.
Go into the room and then follow the route to the left. Talk to Natalya
Damescu and get the ammo and armor to the right of the door. Then open the
door with the Q-Card and stop, as the game loads the next room.
The room you start out in is just before the boss. Once you start
out, look up and shoot the barrels on the top walkway, since a terrorist is
lurking there. Once you have killed him, go directly under where he was and
pick up the body armor and ammo. Now you are ready for Carla the Jackal.
Adavance into the next room with the sniper rilfe out. To kill Carla,
use the sniper rifle to deal damage to her fast. Hide behind the boxes on
the left. Shoot her in the head and shoot the barrels next to her on the left
of the room, on the walkway that she is on. Once she moves over to the claw
thing on the wall (three moves since the start) go over to the right of the
room and press the green button, sending her to her death.
Once you have killed her, go up the ladder on the left of the room.
Follow the walkway and get the ammo that Carla dropped. At the end of the
walkway is armor. To the left is the door to the final part of the level.
Go up the stairs and open the door to reveal the helipad. Let the
helicopter take off. Once it does, you can do one of two things to kill the
helicopter coming out. The first (and the easiest, and more fun way in my
opinion) is to man one of the four machine guns in each corner of the roof,
and shoot down the helicopter once it comes up each time. You have to move
each time the gun runs out of ammo. Man the gun by pressing action near it.
Once the helicopter explodes the mission is over.
OR, you can pull out your sniper rifle and shoot the helicopter pilot
in the head, once he comes into sight. This method is harder, but faster.
Once the pilot is hit, the helicopter will spin out of control and then crash
into the embassy, and land near the door you came in from. Get away from this
area, because you will die if the helicopter lands on you. The machine gun
in the left corner close to the wall from the door you came in from is in
range of the crash too. Go to the edge of the roof, if you want to be sure
not to even be close to the crash. Once the helicoper crashes the level is
Level 7: Streets of Bucharest
This level starts out with you in the car, then it changes in the
middle to a tank (rail). Thanks to littleleo for the walktrough, basically
the entire thing is his.
Car Section
OK. You start this level in your car on the streets. Head down the
first road, following the arrow pointing you the way to the locator. On the
way pick up the Q-slicks just a bit further down the road from the start of
the level and try to get in front of a car chasing you and use the Q-slicks
you just got to stop it and get a Bond Move. On your way to the train station
pick up the missiles and rockets and any other pick-ups you come across.
When you get to the train station avoid the armour unless you are
very low on it. Go between the trains and pick up the locator, which is on
the far side of the train station, and try and shoot down the two helicopters
that are either side of the train track with missiles to get another bond
move. If you haven't already got the armour get it now and leave the train
station driving down the middle road. There is some armour on the way and
some more missiles.
During the journey to the next objective on your map, shoot the enemy
vehicles that get in your way and a helicopter will shoot a hole in the bridge
you originally came across. If you successfully jump it you will be rewarded
with another Bond move and be one step closer to the chip. Continue to the
chip and pick it up. Now carry on full speed through the tunnel ahead and
you should go onto two wheels and get another bond move. If you want to get
full enemy count then turn and kill both cars that where in your way. Then
continue down the steps ahead and up a hill over a gap in the street. This
will earn you the last bond move in the car section.
Finally travel along the street a bit further until R contacts you.
He will tell you about a Q-booster. Look out for it just before the park.
If you miss it there is another one in the park. Now equip the Q-booster and
head towards the big flight of stairs ahead. Use the Q-booster at the bottom
of the stairs and you will go flying through the window of a tank storage
building! Note: You have to be going full speed and engage the booster on
the middle of the steps to make it over the river.

Tank Section
In this section you are on rails, as you were on mission 2 and you
have to shoot the enemy vehicles with a chain gun or a cannon that is attached
to the tank. I won't need to give directions for this section but just to
say shoot everyone you see. A lot of the people have rocket launchers and
if you are on a hard difficulty then you will get hurt quickly! The first
Bond Move is in a closed area with blockades on every exit. Look to the right
and shoot the barrels with your chain gun making sure not to hit any of the
people, or you wont get the Bond move.
Then turn to the right and destroy all the other blockades and then
you will get moving again. Soon after you will see a helicopter fly in. Destroy
it for another Bond move and then shoot the cars that chase you down again.
A short time later there will be a cut scene with a bridge and cars blocking
it and a helicopter hovering above it. For another Bond move shoot the
helicopter until it explodes and destroys the bridge.
Bond will then travel over the wrecked bridge and you will go into
night vision mode. In this part shoot anything that is white, the people are
standing on top of the buildings ahead of you. Only two vehicles will come
during this bit. For the final Bond move you have to shoot a barrel that is
next to a vehicle with a man standing to the left of it. You will see this
when M contacts you and tells you that Malprave's men have commandeered a
supply train. The barrel is to the left of the car next to the man.
After the night vision goggles have worn out there will be another
scene showing two tanks and a train above going across a bridge. To destroy
the tanks you have to equip the cannon and shoot one of the red train
compartments which will explode and crush the tanks.
NOTE: To destroy the tanks you have to equip the cannon and shoot
one of the red train compartments which will explode and crush the tanks.
To defeat the tanks, you have to switch to the tanks cannon, by pressing down
on the control pad, on the left of the controller, and then shoot one of the
red fuel cars on the train going across the bridge. Be sure to aim slightly
ahead of the red car, to give the shell time to get there. Once you do this
it is
FAQ: How do I defeat the tanks at the end, under the bridge with the
A: To defeat the tanks, you have to switch to the tanks cannon, by
pressing down on the control pad, on the left of the controller, and then
shoot one of the red fuel cars on the train going across the bridge. Be sure
to aim slightly ahead of the red car, to give the shell time to get there.
Level 8: Fire & Water
FAQ: How do I get out of the pump room?
A: To get out, you have to first go to the other side of the room,
go up the ladder, kill the guys inside, and then go over to the terminal on
your right and press action on the blinking green light. This starts the pumps
going up and down. Now you have to jump on top of the pump on your left and
ride it on to the next level. You can either jump or use your Q-Jet to get
Level 9: Forbidden Depths
FAQ: How do I beat the end, where I am going around in circles on
a track?
A: Use the machine gun on Nigel until you use the rocket launcher
at the end. You have to shoot Nigel until he goes inside. This can take a
while but basically just be sure to hit him, using the auto-aim with the
machine gun. After that, shoot the guys on the sides, they have rocket
launchers. Once you shoot ALL of the three guards and pick up their rocket
launchers, then you have to shoot the three glowing red things at the top
of the room. The rockets are fly by wire meaning you can control where they
go, even when they are in the air.
Level 10: Poseidon
FAQ: What's with the 'good' and the 'bad' ending? What is it?
A: The game starts you in a different position on Level 11 if you
beat Poseidon, in a good or bad way. If you want to start out the 'good' way,
you have to get the verification code in the control room in Poseidon (where
you push the green button to activate the lasers) the code is on the right
side as you come in. It doesn't do anything except make the ending different
and start you in a different place on Level 11.
Level 11: Mediterranean Crisis
All of the credit for this walkthrough goes to Todd Reynolds. Thank
you very, very, much!
If you started the level with the "good ending" you'll start on the
outside of the ship with a ladder in front of you and a shotgun and armor.
Climb the ladder being careful not to alert him of your presence. Shoot him
with your silenced P2K or if you want double points, punch him from behind.
Next go over to the door with your P2K out. Shoot the guard before he realizes
you're there and pick up his ammo. Go down the stairs and you will be presented
with a few different doors and choices. Take a left and open the unmarked
door. Wait in the doorway with your P2K out and go for a headshot when the
guard meanders along. Take his ammo, then go into his room and pick up the
extra P2K ammo, you'll need it.
Leave the room and take a left until you see a door labeled BRIG.
Standing to the left of the door, open it. Be ready to shoot the guard inside,
from now on assume I mean head shots, and to pick up their ammo. Use the Q-laser
on the lock on the left cell and both doors will open. Go into the right cell
and use the Q-Laser again on the second lock. Jump up and go into the vent.
Crawl along until you see an opening with a guard not facing you in
it. Look down the hall for another guard. Snipe the guard at the end of the
hall with your P2K, this might take a little practice. Next shoot the guard
directly in front of you. Do not open the lock. Continue through the vent
until you reach the last opening. Look out, on the far end of the room there
is a guard walking back and forth, if you shoot him quick enough a superguard
will notice and come running, being careful not to be shot yourself, shoot
him in his head twice. Cut the lock and drop down to get a message from M.
Now backtrack and get everyone's ammo. Then continue through the door
at the left side of the conference room. Underneath the stairs is armor and
2 grenades. Up the stairs there is a man typing at a computer oblivious to
you. Before you shoot him, and before he notices you, shoot the head of a
guard walking to the left through the glass (if this is too hard skip it)
this will of course alert the typing man who you will extinguish. Take out
the other two men in the room below from your position, being careful of men
rushing you. Once that is done use the Q-laser on the lock to your left.
Go through the vent and look out the exit, get a head shot of the
guard you see with the P2K. Drop down into the room and go to the right side
as far forward as you can. Look up to find a Q-Claw spot and pull yourself
up. Going in the door and taking a left will bring you to another typing man,
hopefully he will still be oblivious to you. If so, run up and punch him in
the back of the head, if not, bounce a grenade around the corner and take
him out. Get his ammo and the Harrier program from the room he was in.
The next part gets mildly tricky. Go out of the room and continue
on, you will see another window and more guards patrolling. Go outside from
there and standing behind the box, snipe the only visible guard with the P2K,
if you successfully get all headshots you won't alert anybody and everything
will be copasetic. Go back to the window and start by taking out the second
guard in the fenced in area thus breaking the glass.
Take your time and kill every guard in the next area BUT the sniper,
you'll need his gun and don't want it to disappear. When you're done, drop
off to the right and burn off the lock to the fence gate, but don't go thru.
Go along the edge of the ship again and look for another Q-claw spot. On top
there is armor and a door. Go thru and through a hall to another door, be
aware that when you open this next door the typing man is not going to be
a retard this time, so shoot him in his head, then shoot the sniper and take
his gun.
To your right there will be two more guards, both probably standing
right by barrels. So once you've blown them up, continue on across the bridge
and up the stairs at the end of it. You will get a message from Zoe and she's
in trouble. Ahead of you will be a hot water heater or whatever those are,
get into the corner directly behind it and in front of the stairwell, being
careful not to let the supersoldier around the bend see you. Bounce a grenade
around the corner to kill him, or go around the corner quickly, and then go
back and shoot the steam out, so it the guard runs into it.
Pick up the guys gun and go up to the door to bring up the next area.
There's armor if you need it right off. Wait at the bottom of the stairs for
a guard to wander out in front of you just asking to be sniped with your P2K.
At the top of the stairs use the Harrier program to fry the guys standing
outside. Go up the stairs and before you head outside, wait for a guard to
wander in front of you like a fool, blast him and continue outside and take
a right. At what seems like a dead end look up and to the left, snipe the
guy you see up there with the sniper rifle or your P2K, then use the claw
to go up to where he was. Once on top immediately get out your P2K and crouch
up against the wall right to the left of the door.
There will be guards positioning themselves inside, wait for one to
rush you outside, shoot him in the head. Then look up and there will be one
or two men standing up against the window inside, not shooting you, or
shooting and missing, take them in the head by popping up and aiming,
crouching quickly, then popping up to shoot. Many guards will come out, just
crouch and outside and snipe them, or when they come outside kill them fast
with the shotgun. Once all the guards inside are dead, go in and to the left,
pick up the armor and ammo, and go out the door to the right of the room.
Continue on until your at the bottom of an extensive stairway. This
part can be rough, there are two grenadiers above you, a supersoldier, and
a sniper. Underneath the stairs there is armor if you need it. Climb these
stairs in sections killing whoever you can see with quick headshots. The
supersoldier notices you when you get to the first landing, two headshots
and he's. Take out the next grenadier from wherever you can do it safely and
out of the snipers line of view. When you get to the platform the sniper
is eyeing walk backwards up the stairs until you can see his head but he can't
see you, take him out. Go to the top of the stairs. There's armor if you
need it there.
Opening the door will alert two guards, it shouldn't be hard to get
two headshots. There are more guards around the corner, but back out into
the top of the stairs. Throw a grenade through the entrance where the sniper
was standing and shots will be visible aimed at you, yet missing, it you bank
it well you will easily eliminate two guards you can't see. Get out your SR4000
and go into the next area, wait and a helicopter will appear you know what
to do, take out the pilot. If you can't do that, just hide until it goes away.
Continue on and there will be a ladder. Use the Q-laser to open the lock at
the top, but be on the ready for two guards to come running from behind you,
shoot them or escape up the ladder, your call. Going up the ladder will mean
a guard rushing you while another mans a mounted machine gun, take out the
rusher and shoot the barrels by the machine gunner. Continue on to another
ladder, on the right, use the Q-laser on the lock at its top and ascend it.
There will be a guard 5 feet from you directly in front of you, take
him out and then take out a guard to your right, once again point blank, be
careful not to shoot the lady in white. She will tell you that she can disarm
the nuke and that Zoe is being held below when you use the q-laser to unlock
her. Use the Q-remote to get the program in front of you then continue to
the next area. There is a hook you can slide on, use square to use it, but
hit square again quickly to get right back off, you will drop to a level that
is one lower than where you were. Burn off the lock on the floor and drop
through. Press the green button to operate the crane and get Zoe out, then
shoot any barrel to kill both guards. Zoe will tell you that you have to keep
the clone leaders from escaping and that she will pick you up in a harrier.
There is a door to the right of where you came from and a long ladder,
DON'T fall down, climb down. If you do fall there's armor there to fill you
back up, but you're killing off points. Through a door there is a spot to
use the missile program, it will eliminate a sniper, then take out a
supersoldier that will rush you. Continue forward and M will tell you that
the world leader clones are going to escape on the helicopter on the runway.
Run to the mounted gun quickly. Use the mounted machine gun to quickly destroy
it then Zoe will come out with a harrier and if you walk close to the railing
down about three stairs to your right you will mysteriously be on it and the
mission will be over.
FAQ: How do I rescue Zoe?
A: I usually snipe Zoe's captor's from the top of the ship. Just make
sure not to hit the explosive barrels that are all around her.
FAQ: How do I disarm the warhead?
A: At the end of the level, after you come out of the door, and before
you have to destroy the helicopter, there is a place that you can use your
Q-Remote on if you got the program earlier in the level. Download the program
and it disarms the warhead.
FAQ: How do I shoot down the helicopter at the end?
A: Man the machine gun (press B) overlooking the runway. If you run
there fast, before the cutscene starts, you have more time to shoot the
helicopter. Start shooting it right away, before it even takes off, to inflict
maximum damage.
Level 12: Evil Summit
NOTE: The base of this walkthrough was done by King9992 or gcrib89
on the gameFAQs message boards. I modified this walkthrough extensively, but
the original walkthrough was done by him. Thanks!
In the beginning you start off on a helipad. First off, go right,
straight through the door and then kill the guard that is behind it. Get the
sniper rifle out of the locked box to your right. Cut the lock with the
Kill two of the snipers with the rifle (the ones on the left are best),
and if you have Golden Accuracy on, then kill the other two with the P2K.
Then go out the way you came in, and go over to the right and use the elevator
to get up to the snipers platform. If you shot them with your P2K before,
then pick up their ammo, and if you didn't then shoot them both and then pick
up the ammo. Collect the ammo from both sniper towers.
Now you need to get the door program. Get the program from the left
sniper platform, using the Q-Remote. When you collect it then look down at
the helipad where you started. What seems like unlimited guards come out of
the door. Once you shoot someone then another one comes out, for about 3
minutes. Get out the sniper rifle and kill everyone that comes out of the
doors. If you kill them with head shots then you should end up with about
7 or 8 shots left but that's only if you don't miss.
Then go down to where the guards came out of and go collect their
ammo. If you are fast enough then you should have about 500-800 rounds with
the D17. (the ammo dissapears if it is not collected fast) Then go to the
bridge that you crossed to get to the sniper towers and use the Q-Remote to
open the door and kill the guard down the stairs, if you didn't kill him
already. Then make your way to the door at the end of the hall.
When the game stops loading the next room, open the door in front
of you. This is this main room in the level. It is huge, and can take awhile
to get accustomed to. In this room you need to save four of the G8 leaders.
Shoot all of the guards in the room to rescue the leaders. If you have any
ammo for your P2K left, kill as many guards as you can with it. Then use the
d17 from now on. BE SURE NOT TO HIT A LEADER! When they are all dead go and
get their ammo.
Now go up the ladder on the far side, on the same level and directly
across from where you came in. Get the armor and the ammo for the sniper rifle.
Then go down on to the bottom level and collect the Silo 1 program (the only
program that is flashing green) with your Q-Remote and then follow the colored
line on the floor to go into the silo. You have to do this procedure for each
Kill the guards in the silo to get their ammo and save the another
world leader. Try distracting the guards to come into veiw so that you can
easliy kill them. If you fall to the bottom of any silo, don't worry, there
is always a way up. Get the body armor on the side on the way out that are
in all of the silos.
Do the same for Silo 2 but this time there are four guards. Make sure
to kill all of them, there is one to kill even after you save the world leader.
Get the body armor if you need it and then continue on to Silo 3.
Gcrib89's srategy: In silo 3 you can go left or right. I recommend
left because if you go right then you have to time your jump so you land on
the MOVING platform. Going left you could use your jetpack or you can fall
and use the Q claw.
My srategy: Try distracting the guards again. In this silo you can
see a guard once you get in, between the missle and the ladder. If you get
the guards attenion with gunfire then they will either kill themselves by
going down the elevator or go down the stairs to the left, putting themselves
in easy range. If they don't, then follow the other srategy.
In Silo 4, shoot the guard that is clearly visible ahead and then
go up the stairs to the left to kill the other gaurd in the silo. Watch out
for the world leader though, because he will run around. Once you shoot the
last guard you save the President of the United States of America, but you
get locked in that silo. So go down to the bottom of the silo, by either jumping,
which uses health, or going down the ladder, close to the missle and where
the president was. Once you get to the bottom, go through the door, turn right
at the end of the hall and get the armor if you need it. Go up the elevator
and it is cutscene time.
Time to kill an old adversary. When you get to the part where Nigel
is jet packing around, you have to shoot him until he goes into the next room.
This is where you should use the sniper rifle to hurt him fast when he is
jumping around and shooting rockets. Try aiming where he is going to land
and then shooting, don't follow him with the scope. When you get him with
the sniper rifle then you save a whole bunch of ammo, and he goes away faster.
If you have the sniper rifle you can shoot him in the head 1 or 2 times (depends
on difficulty) or you could use a different gun and he will fly in to a little
hole in the top of the room that you have to follow him into.
To get to the hole you use your jetpack to fly to the broken catwalk,
that Nigel shot down. Get the body armor and re-fuel the Q-Jet. Now Q-Jet
up onto the catwalk and walk slowly up to the top. Don't miss, or you will
most likely fall into a pit of flames. Once you get up there, look directly
across from you and use the Q-Claw to get over there and go in to the hole.
When you play again, he will be floating in the air, in the starting
room of Cold Reception. When you land from the cutscene DON'T MOVE and you
will pick up rocket launcher. Don't move because you are on a moving platform
and if you go to the sides then you will fall and die. Shoot Nigel with the
rocket launcher or any other gun and he will die and you will watch the only
ending in the game.
Congratulations! You have just beat James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire! If you
beat it on agent or 00 agent then you get a movie at the end, showing most
of the Bond Moves. Yep, that is it. No secret levels or anything like that.
And the ending that you saw when you beat Evil Summit is the only ending.
I get a ton of questions about that. Now to get all of the medals and the
cheats. Read on to find tip on how to get those high medal scores.
4. Bond Moves
For those who don't know, Bond Moves are when you get that
Duh-Duh-Da-Da, in the middle of the game, for completing a Bond like action.
These Bond Moves give you points at the end and are also fun to get. A complete
list of Bond Moves is below.
These Bond Moves are ALL from Ellefan's FAQ (which I helped somewhat
with, but he did all the hard work). Thanks a lot Ellefan!

Level 1 - Trouble in Paradise
- Open the main door with your Q-Decryptor.
- Use the Q-Claw to get up to the roof.
* After getting onto the roof, drop down and punch the guard working at the
computer, he'll drop a keycard that you'll need.
- Open the locked door with the Q-Decryptor.
- Use the keycard you got from the guard to open the armory.
- Use the Q-Laser to cut the lock on the gates.
- Shoot the fuel tank on the back of the forklift.
- Shoot the rope that the crate is hanging from.

Level 2 - Precious Cargo
* While all of the following go in chronological order, the most important
Bond move to remember is to shoot out the tires of all the cars that chase
you throughout the level.
- Shoot the guy hanging out of the side of the first helicopter.
- Shoot the barrels next to guys on the right when Zoe says "James, we're
- Shoot the guy hanging out of the side of the helicopter at the roadblock.
- Shoot a rocket into one of the building columns behind the roadblock.
- Shoot the barrels on the left side (on the second level, there's one guy
above, and one below)
- Shoot the two guys on the catwalk above the entrance to the last room.
- Shoot the barrels on the forklift in the last room.

Level 3 - Dangerous Pursuit
- Shoot the barrels to the left of the first roadblock you encounter.
- Shoot the barrels on the right side of the tunnel leading out into the city.
- This next one needs some directions. Coming out of the tunnel into the city,
stay to the left. You'll enter an area where the sky is orange, keep going
until you pass a big building on the left with a skywalk going over the road.
A little ways further, on the corner on the right, you'll see a gas station
with two jerks in front of it shooting at you. Shoot the pumps to kill these
- Use the Q-Smoke to disable one of the cars accompanying the van.
- Disable the van with the Q-Pulse on the first try.
* BONUS BOND COOLNESS - This isn't a Bond move, and I'm not entirely sure
why, but it's still fun. From the gas station you blew up, go to the right.
You'll come to a bridge going across the road. Turn right just before the
bridge. You'll pass a large colorful sign on your left, keep going and turn
right. Follow this road and you'll see a building with an awning with flashing
lights and a Q-Booster in front of the doors. All I'll say is that you can
go smashing through those doors. The rest is up to you :)

Level 4 - Bad Diplomacy
- After going to the second floor and through the kitchen, you'll encounter
a laser tripwire thing. Don your Q-Specs to see the secret panel. Open it,
and cut the wires with the Q-Laser.
- Go around the corner and past the open window (watch out for the guard :P)
and you'll find another laser tripwire. Do the same thing you did for the
last one.
- Keep going around to the left and put your Q-Specs on to see a secret door
on the left side wall. Open it and go in.
- Go out the open window you passed before and use your Q-Claw to go up to
the second floor.
- Go through the room with the computer and open the door on your right. Watch
the cutscene long enough to see Bond pick up the keycard. (But if you don't
watch it all, you'll miss the jiggly show :P)
- Pick up the passcode generator Griffin drops after you beat him.
- On your way out, you'll hit another laser tripwire. Same as first two.

Level 5 - Cold Reception
- Cut the lock on the first vent cover you find after going through the left
door from the main room.
- Get the access card from the bookshelf behind the middle door.
- Use the access card on the computer up the small set of stairs to turn off
the data port alarms.
- Take a picture of the little model oil rig near the exit door.
- After using the Q-Claw to enter the first vent, go to the end of the vent
and use the Q-Claw again to enter the second vent.
- Use the Q-Remote to get the security door program.
- In the large room with the tanks, kill a guard with steam by shooting a
valve on one of the large tanks.
- Open the security door with the Q-Remote.

Level 6 - Night of the Jackal
* It's a good idea to save a couple rounds of sniper rifle ammo till the end
encounter with the gunship.
- After using the Q-Claw to go up to the ledge, jump over to the balcony where
the sniper was.
- From the balcony, Q-Claw to the ledge beside the window. Follow the ledge
around and go into the apartment through the open patio doors.
- Use the Q-Claw to get across the street to the embassy.
- Use the Q-Specs to see the secret door behind the Union Jack flag. (Facing
the entrance to the large circular room, it's on the left)
- Rescue Natalya Damescu (Talk to her)
- After getting Carla the Jackal to the last point on the catwalk, move to
the far right side of the room. You'll see a button near some crates, press
it to kill her and hear a classic Bond-esque line.
- Shoot the pilot of the gunship with the sniper rifle.

Level 7: Streets of Bucharest
- Use the Q-Slicks to get rid of a car chasing you. (Any one)
- Destroy the two helicopters at the train station.
- On the way to finding the chip, jump the bridge blown out by the helicopter.
- After finding the chip, keep going full speed into the short tunnel ahead;
you should go up onto two wheels and go between the cars. (thanks Palador)
- After going between the cars, you'll go down some stairs then up a hill
with a winding path on it; keep your speed up going up the hill and you'll
jump across the road.
* The following moves are done in the tank.
- When you enter the large are with guys directly in front of you and a van
on the left, shoot the barrels to the left of the van.
- Kill the first helicopter you come across.
- Kill the helicopter that appears over the bridge.
- When M says that Malprave's men have commandeered a supply train, you'll
see a limo and a guy standing beside it on the left side of the road. Shoot
the barrels to the left of the guy.

Level 8 - Fire and Water
- Obtain the crane program with your Q-Remote.
- Cut the lock on the door next to the crane program computer.
- Use the Q-Remote to drop the crate hanging directly outside the computer
- Cut the lock on the vent to the left of where Bloch stands and yells "Come
on, Bond."
- Use the Q-Remote to activate the two cranes and lower the crates. (Each
one counts as a separate Bond move)
- Cut the lock on the vent directly across from the first one.
- Shoot the pilot of the helicopter with your sniper rifle.
- In the room with the giant pump arms, use the Q-Claw to get up to the platform
where you jump onto the arm.
- Use the Q-Claw to go from the catwalk on the huge tank on the right to the
other huge tank.
- Use the Q-Remote to drop the crate hanging above the two jerks.
- Shoot the pilot of the helicopter who announces he has you surrounded.
- Use the Q-Claw to go right up to the top platform.

Level 9 - Forbidden Depths
- Shoot the blinking red light to open the security door in the first section
where you stop.
- Shoot the barrels between the group of jerks on the right side of the second
area where you stop.
- Shoot the centers of the fans in the tunnel leading to the last area.
- Shoot the red lights on the left side of the same tunnel to turn off the

Level 10 - Poseidon
- Cut the lock on the smallest vent cover in the opening room.
- Obtain the system pressure, temperature, and chemical regulator programs
using your Q-Remote. (3 separate Bond moves)
- Press the green button in the control room of the cloning room.
- Use the Q-Remote to apply program changes to the three terminals in the
cloning room. (3 separate Bond moves)
- Press the green button on the left side of the submarine room to lower the

Level 11 - Mediterranean Crisis
- Cut the lock and enter the vent in Zoe's cell.
- After entering the first hangar part (coming in behind the guy typing on
the computer) cut the lock on the vent to the right. Go through the vent and
make your way along the railing of the ship. Use the Q-Claw when you see the
white circle thing to get up to the higher level.
- Use your Q-Remote to obtain the Harrier program.
- In the second area where you have the chain link fence to your left, and
the railing to the right, use your Q-Laser to cut the lock on the chain link
- In the same area, keep following the rail again, and use your Q-Claw when
you see the white circle thing.
- In the room you're in after Zoe says she's found the conference room, look
out the window and use the Q-Remote to fire up the Harrier and toast the jerks.
- After leaving that room, follow the path around and use your Q-Claw when
you see the white circle thing way up and to the left.
- Shoot the helicopter pilot with your sniper rifle.
- Use your Q-Laser to free the Navy chick.
- Use your Q-Remote to get the missile program.
- Use the hook, but don't go right down! Instead, press the action button
again to let go and land on the floor below.
- After you land, cut the lock, drop down and press the green button to get
Zoe out of harm's way.
- Use the missile program to fire the missile and kill the sniper.

Level 12 - Evil Summit
- Cut the lock on the box in the building nearest the start point.
- Get the access hatch program from the left tower using your Q-Remote.
- Swing from the left tower to the right via the cable hook.
- Swing from the right tower back to the building you got the sniper rifle
from via the cable hook.
- Open the access hatch using the Q-Remote.
* Before you do the next one, make sure you're standing on the catwalk.
- Cut the bundle of wires at the top of the room with your Q-Laser.
- Rescue the French Prime Minister.
- Rescue the German Chancellor.
- Rescue the UK Prime Minister.
- Rescue the US President.
5. 007 icons (for Platinum Medals)
For those who don't know, 007 icons give you a Platinum Medal if you
collect all of the icons in a level and reach a certain point value. 007 icons
only show up after you beat a level and get a Gold Medal. If you get all of
the icons in a level, it puts your point total up 50,000 points.
These icon locations are from my old topic asking where they were.
I put some up, but most of these are purely Palador's. Thanks for all of your
help Palador, you helped me beat the game. Mr.Easy posted these icons in his
FAQ but he took them from my topic, without asking Palador, and not giving
Palador any credit, so I am giving him no credit.

Level 1 - Trouble in Paradise
1. At the very beginning, Q-Claw up to the top of the building. The 007 icon
is at the end of the ramp.
2. In the room after the first elevator, it is sitting on top of several crates.
Jump on the crates to get to the 007 icon.
3. In the darkened room in the third area (the one before you get the vials),
the 007 icon is to the left near the end of the room.
4. In the fourth area, the 007 is to the left of the ramp leading to the sub

Level 2 - Precious Cargo
*In this Rail mission, the 007 icons appear on the "track" if you will only
if you perform certain things. Below is a list of now where to get the 007
icons, but how to make them appear.
1. Destroy the two blue limos forming the roadblock.
2. Shoot the helicopter after exiting the warehouse.
3. Shoot the goon standing near the end of the street after turning left.
4. Subdue all three goons guarding the entrance of the factory.
5. Shoot the column without killing the goons after entering the factory.
6. Shoot the last fan after the column.

Level 3 - Dangerous Pursuit
1. At start, turn around and head left. The 007 icon is at the end of the
2. Shoot the wooden crate in the middle of the road after the roadblock.
3. Head to the convention center to the left of exiting the warehouse district.
The 007 icon is in the small area within the convention center.
4. Just past the convention center is a gas station with goons surrounding
it. The 007 icon is in the gas station.
5. Down the same street as the convention center and the gas station, the
scenery to the left will change from buildings to trees. The 007 is on the
sidewalk to the left right after the scenery changes.

Level 4 - Bad Diplomacy
1. On the first floor, past the elevator and past the second guard is a room
where darts can be found. The 007 icon is in front of the darts.
2. On the second floor, head left after leaving the elevator. The 007 icon
is on the far side of the rotunda.
3. On the second floor, it is in the secret room past the window leading to
Griffin's quarters. Use the Q-Vision glasses to see the secret room.
4. On the third floor, in the room just past Griffins room where there are
several glass displays. The 007 icon is to the right of the glass displays
near the stairs.

Level 5 - Cold Reception
1. Push the right button at start (the one that opens the door to the right,
where the guards are). This opens up the room with the guards where the 007
icon is located.
2. In the vents that lead from the main room where the ML-22 can be seen in
the window and connects to the room where the blueprints are.
3. In the mainframe room, just to the right of the stairs in the mainframe
4. In the second area, in the middle of the second set of vents above the
5. Follow the second set of vents to the very end to an alcove. The 007 icon
is in that alcove.
6. In the cave past the blast doors, it is on top of the steam vents in the
bottom of the cave.
7. At the bottom of the cave is a ladder leading to the top of the cave. The
007 icon is at the foot of this ladder.

Level 6 - Night of the Jackal
1. In a store window in the same area as the Firensi and the Armor.
2. In the second sniper's nest (where the SSR can be received)
3. In the room where the lady in red hides after being rescued. It is
immediately to the right of the door.
4. In the area where the helicopter if fought with, it is in the far end of
the area, behind the crates.

Level 7 - Streets of Bucharest
1. Behind a pillar under the first bridge.
2. At the far end of the train area. (After entering into the train area,
turn right)
3. After picking the locator up, it is in the alcove where the armor and the
missiles can be found.
4. Floating in mid-air in the area after the microchip.
*The next two are in the Tank Rail area. As before in the second mission,
these icons only appear after you accomplish the following tasks.
5. Shoot the tanker that is being followed by two armored vans.
6. Destroy both helicopters right before the hotel

Level 8 - Fire and Water
1. Immediately after going out of the door from the room where the crane
program, shoot the barrel in front of Bond. The 007 icon is in front of Bond.
2. After going through the chain-link fence, head to the vent to the left.
In the room that the vents lead to, the 007 icon is behind the barrels on
top of a few crates.
3. In the area before the pump room area, the 007 icon is hidden below the
cranes holding the metal crates.
4. In the area before the pump room area, the 007 icon is on the bottom level,
underneath the bridge that connects the helicopter pad and the walkway
leading to the door to the pump room.
5. In the pump room, the 007 icon is on the far side of the room on the bottom
level, on top of the crates behind the ladder leading to the platform on the
right side of the area.
6. After exiting through the door in the upper level of the pump room, head
to the right. The 007 icon is behind a group of barrels.
7. In the same area as 007 icon #6, the 007 icon is below the tower with the
8. Up the elevator to the final area where the third helicopter appears, the
007 icon is in the corner of the room behind crates and barrels. Shoot the
barrels to get to the icon.

Level 9 - Forbidden Depths
*As before in previous Rail missions, these 007 icons only appear after you
do something. Just do the below to make the icons appear.
1. Kill both guards in the first tower.
2. Kill both guards in the second tower.
3. Destroy all of Bloch's mines. This one will appear right after the last
mine is destroyed.
4. Destroy all gun turrets on the ceiling. This one will appear right before
the fans.

Level 10 - Poseidon
1. Right at start, Q-Laser the larger vent to the left. It is in the vent.
2. In the second area, shoot the barrels immediately to the right. The 007
icon will appear after the barrels are shot.
3. On the bottom level of the second area, just to the right of the stairs
leading from the elevator.
4. In the third area, to the right of the start is a small room with armor
and grenades. The 007 icon is in the room.
5. Go down the stairs and immediately turn right. Go around the crates to
a small vent. Crawl through the vent to the end, there the 007 icon is.

Level 11 - Mediterranean Crisis
1. On a lower level on the outside of the first area. (This icon would be
right in front of Bond if the good ending of Poseidon played)
2. In the left cell in the Brig. (This icon would be right in front of Bond
if the bad ending of Poseidon played)
3. Go into the vent in the right cell of the brig. Follow the vent all the
way to the end.
4. From the briefing room and up the stairs, go into the vent in the right
wall of the first control room and follow it to the end.
5. From the control room where the Harrier program can be obtained, go out
through the door leading to the side of the ship. Turn right and go down,
where Bond would be on the other side of the chain link fence. There is a
Q-Claw target near the side of the ship, leading to a ledge. Q-Claw to the
target to the ledge. Or a different way of getting to there is after getting
past the sniper, go into the control room and through the door. Follow the
passage way to the ledge. The icon is on the ledge.
6. Behind some crates on the way to the walkway with the sniper near the end
of the area.
7. To the left of the foot of the stairs leading to the bridge in the second
area behind the crates is the 007 icon.
8. Fall down the hole instead of using the hook to get to Zoe. The 007 icon
is below the hole.
9. To the far right corner of the area where the super-goons are guarding

Level 12 - Evil Summit
1. On top of the right sniper tower.
2. On top of the left sniper tower.
3. On top of the projector, in the same area as the SSR bullets and armor.
4. At the bottom of the launch room of the French Prime Minister.
5. Outside of the far door leading to the German Prime Minister.
6. At the bottom of the launch room of the American President.
6. The Gold and Platinum Points and Rewards
These are from my cheat post on GameFAQ's. These are the ONLY cheats
in the game. There are NO push-button-codes that work that have been
discovered. I must get 5 e-mails a day asking me if I know any codes. THERE
ARE NO CODES! Just beat the game without cheats, it isn't that hard.

Format is: Medal - Points Needed to Get: Reward for Medal ~ What the Cheat

Level 1: Trouble In Paradise
Gold - 50,000: Golden Gun ~ Makes The P2K Gold. (not kill in one shot)
Platinum - 50,000 + 007 Icons: MP Map - Rocket Manor

Level 2: Precious Cargo
Gold - 50,000: Golden CH-6 ~ A Golden Rocket Launcher w/ Unlimited Ammo for
Platinum - 50,000 + 007 icons: MP Game Mode - Golden Gun

Level 3: Dangerous Pursuit
Gold - 70,000: Unlimited Missiles ~ Just what it says, Unlimited Missiles
in driving levels.
Platinum - 70,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Stealth Bond

Level 4: Bad Diplomacy
Gold - 70,000: Golden Accuracy ~ Makes the P2K have perfect, pinpoint
Platinum - 70,000 + 007 Icons: MP Powerup - Gravity Boots

Level 5: Cold Reception
Gold - 90,000: Golden Clip ~ Makes the P2K have a larger clip size. (12 instead
of 6)
Platinum - 90,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Guard

Level 6: Night Of The Jackal
Gold - 90,000: Gold Grenades ~ Golden Grenades are given at the start of some
Platinum - 90,000 + 007 Icons: MP Weapon - Viper

Level 7: Streets Of Bucharest
Gold - 100,000: Lotus Esprit ~ New car for driving levels.
Platinum - 100,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Alpine Guard

Level 8: Fire & Water
Gold - 100,000: Rapid Fire ~ Rapid Fire for the P2K.
Platinum - 100,000 + 007 Icons: MP Weapon - Calypso

Level 9: Forbidden Depths
Gold - 110,000: Golden Armor ~ Golden health wheel.
Platinum - 110,000 + 007 Icons: MP Modifier - Full Arsenal

Level 10: Poseidon
Gold - 120,000: Golden Bullets ~ Makes the P2K's bullets more powerful.
Platinum - 120,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Cyclops Oil Guard

Level 11: Mediterranean Crisis
Gold - 130,000: Regenerative Armor ~ Health regenerates in some levels.
Platinum - 130,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Poseidon Guard

Level 12: Evil Summit
Gold - 130,000: Unlimited Ammo ~ Unlimited ammo for the P2K.
Platinum - 130,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Carrier Guard
7. Gold Reward Tips & Tricks
These are tips and hints for Increasing your score on the levels,
getting Gold and Platinum Medals. To get the Platinum Medals, you have to
have the Gold Medal on the level first. To get Gold and Platinum medals you
have to get a required # of points on the levels. Points are given at the
end based on:
Weapon Accuracy
Ammo Efficiency
Bond Moves
Damage Taken
Enemies Subdued
Overall Time
007 Icons (for Platinum Medals)

Level 1: Trouble In Paradise
Suggested Difficulty for getting Gold - Operative
This is really easy. Just do all the Bond Moves and basically just
do my level walkthrough fast. My high score on this level is around 250,000,
so it is not hard at all. If you are really having trouble getting the points,
put your difficulty up to Agent. If you put it on a higher difficulty level
then you get a bonus at the end. The bonuses are:
Operative- None
Agent- x1.5
00 Agent- x2.0

Level 2: Precious Cargo
Suggested Difficulty for getting Gold - Operative
Since this is a rail level you can't really go faster, except by
shooting the guy on the sidewalk, giving you a different way to get to the
roadblock near the end. When you are in the factory, make quick work of the
guards, and you will have this medal easy. Just do most of the Bond Moves
and you will be fine.

Level 3: Dangerous Pursuit
Suggested Difficulty for getting Gold - Operative or Agent
This level, people are having a little difficulty with. Most people
slow down to do all of the Bond Moves. That really isn't necessary. Put the
difficulty on Agent to make up for the lack of Bond Moves that are possible
to do. Just go really fast to the van and disable it quickly using the
Q-Booster to catch up to it and the Q-Pulse to disable it (try for the first
time, it is a Bond Move).

Level 4: Bad Diplomacy
Suggested Difficulty for getting Gold - Operative or Agent
This one is simple. Just do everything fast. Also, get tons of points
for Ammo Efficiency by using your fists, instead of the dart gun. Do all the
Bond Moves, because they don't take that much time. At the very end, if you
don't want to waste ammo and time, just run by the guard in the door.

Level 5: Cold Reception
Suggested Difficulty for getting Gold - Agent or 00 Agent
To get this medal, don't worry about time. Go slow, do ALL of the
Bond Moves, go for head shots, hide in vents, and snipe people. Just make
sure to beat the time limit at the beginning. Don't set off the alarms. They
bring in more people that you have to kill.

Level 6: Night Of The Jackal
Suggested Difficulty for getting Gold - Agent or 00 Agent
This is a difficult one to get the Gold medal on. Go slow at the start.
Be sure to kill everyone, until you hear no gunfire. Kill everyone inside
the gates too. Then kill the sniper, and get his gun, which is a bond move.
Then speed up and go as fast as possible. Get the 2 boxes of sniper bullets
in the bottle room. When you get to Carla the Jackal, you can kill her easily
by doing what I said in the walkthrough. Be sure to shoot down the helicopter
with the sniper rifle, to get another Bond Move. Just try to get all the Bond
Moves, doing it fast, except at the start, where you should kill everyone.

Level 7: Streets Of Bucharest
Suggested Difficulty - 00 Agent
I put the suggested difficulty on 00 Agent because it is not that
much harder than Agent and you get more points. Try just doing this level
fast, doing some, but not necessarily all, of Bond Moves. Try not to use a
whole lot of ammo, especially in the tank. This level is hard just to beat
on 00 Agent, because of health. If you beat it though, you will probably get
the cheat.

Level 8: Fire & Water
Suggested Difficulty - Agent or 00 Agent
For some reason I thought that this is one of the hardest levels to
get a gold medal on. But many people had no difficulty with it. I kind of
don't like this level. But on with the tips for the medal. To get it you have
to be very fast, skip some Bond Moves, and not get hit almost at all. You
can lower the two cranes in the second area from the first area. Go outside
the room where you download the crane program. You can see the two cranes
outside. Use the remote there, instead of using up lots of time to do it on
the next level. Once you get to the next level, I suggest that you take the
right vent, once you laser off the gate lock. Go up the ladder at the end
of the vent and go straight for the pump room. Kill the guy that comes around
the corner, and then shoot the sniper on the walkway ahead. Then go straight
into the pump room. IGNORE the Bond Move of shooting the helicopter pilot.
Do all the other Bond Moves and complete the level fast, like in my level

Level 9: Forbidden Depths
Suggested Difficulty - 00 Agent
This level has a pretty hard difficulty of getting the Gold Medal.
But it is not even close to impossible. Just be sure to use the machine gun
exclusively, except for the end. Use the analong stick (not the red crosshair)
to aim, because it is faster. Make sure to do all of the Bond Moves. Always
look up and train your eyes to look for the red lights of the machine guns
or else they will waste you and lower your damage taken score.

Level 10: Poseidon
Suggested Difficulty - 00 Agent
This level is easy (in my opinion) to get the Gold Medal on. If you
just complete the level on 00 agent doing all of the Bond Moves, then I don't
see how you can not get the gold medal. Just watch your health, because it
is easy to take a lot of damage fast in this level. Know where all the body
armor is, because it is plentiful. All in all, not that hard.

Level 11: Mediterranean Crisis
Suggested Difficulty - 00 Agent
This level is so big that the opportunity for points is everywhere.
Just do all of the Bond Moves and you will be fine. Don't even try to go fast,
just slow down and try to focus on the other point categories. Go for head
shots and go slowly. That's really it, explore the level for more point

Level 12: Evil Summit
Suggested Difficulty - 00 Agent
Evil Summit is hard to get a gold medal on. But here is how I did
it. Kill EVERYONE at the beginning when they come out of the door. Snipe them
from the platforms. Pick up all of their ammo (this is great for ammo
efficiency). Use the D17 exclusively, until you get to the part where Nigel
is jet packing around. This is where I used the sniper rifles auto-aim to
hurt him fast when he is jumping around and shooting rockets. When you get
him with the sniper rifle then you save a whole bunch of ammo. That all that
I can think of, just go fast EXCEPT at the beginning where you snipe everyone
from the platforms (this takes a while).
8. Tips for finding difficult 007 Icons
This section is very new, so I will be adding to it soon. Many people
need help obtianing some 007 Icons, so I am making it a part of my FAQ. The
icons below are the same numbers from the 007 Icon location FAQ above. (#5
in table of contents) If you think that there should be one here that isn't
here, then e-mail me at LukeFritz@aol.com. DO NOT e-mail me asking about the
last Forbidden Depths icon, because it is beyond even me. Look below for tips
and walkthroughs.

Level 1 - Trouble in Paradise:

Level 2 - Precious Cargo:
2nd Icon - Shooting the helicopter is WAY easier with the machine gun, not
the rocket launcher. Be ready to shoot fast ahead, once you get out of the
5th Icon - As you come into the room, don't shoot the guy on the catwalk
straight ahead. The generator is on the left of the wall in front of you,
under some catwalks. It is kind of grayish, and if you shoot it with the rocket
launcher then it blows up and you will advance. I think that this will get
you that icon.

Level 3 - Dangerous Pursuit:
This is a walkthrough for the level three icons, originally posted in my help
topic on gameFAQs.com. Do exactly what I say. I am assuming that you are
getting the one at the start. Just go to the left at the very start, where
you emerge from the warehouse district. The second one is in the convention
center. OK, now keep going the same way as you were before, when you went
into the convention center, but at the first opportunity to go right, do so.
Stop and turn around right after you turn right. Face towards the convention
center. You are now facing the gas station. Blow it up, get a Bond Move, and
get the icon inside, at the very back, between the pumps. Now. Turn around
again and go back down the same street that the convention center is on. Get
the Q-Booster in the middle of the road, it will help you out later. Now just
hug the left side of the road, around a few turns and the icon is on the
sidewalk. NOW go and get the van. During the first part you don't have anybody
following you. The mission is not timed, so there is no limit on the time
to get to the van, you just have to keep it in sight once you find it. Hope
this helps!

Level 4 - Bad Diplomacy:

Level 5 - Cold Reception:
6th Icon - To get this one, you have to jump up on the cliff opposite of the
steam container and then take a running jump onto the container, so that you
can get the icon on top.

Level 6 - Night of the Jackal:

Level 7 - Streets of Bucharest:
3rd Icon - This icon is found after the jump, after you pick up the locator
from the train. Look around the streets and you should be able to find it.
6th Icon - To get this icon, use the cannon on one of the helicopters and
the machine gun on the other.

Level 8 - Fire & Water:

Level 9 - Forbidden Depths:
4th Icon - If you are looking at this section, it is almost assuredly for
this icon. This has got to be the most talked about icon to find ever. I must
have had a stroke of luck, because I played it twice and I got it. IT IS
SHOOTING THE GUNS! That is the icon. Many people have trouble with this one.
All that I know is that when I got the medal it was on 00 Agent, and it was
shooting all of the guns, mostly using the right analog to control. But
someone e-mailed me with this:
I have found what to do on Forbidden Depths. First, pick up both rocket
launchers (CH-6) as this makes it easier. Then, after Bloch has put down the
last mine, whip out your CH-6 and blast the last gun turret, then quickly
fire rockets under the closing door which Bloch is going through. You also
have to destroy the gun turrets.
-Sam Leving
Here is another piece of information sent to me by littleleo:
I missed the last turret and still got the icon. Deal lots of damage to Bloch.
I got both of the CH-6's and when I shot Bloch with them then it gave me the
icon at the end.
Hmm, maybe there are two ways to get the Icon? We might never know.
If you have any more srats for this icon that would help, e-mail them to me
and I will put it on this FAQ, with credit given to you.

Level 10 - Poseidon:

Level 11 - Meditteranean Crisis:
1st Icon - If you are missing one of the two icons at the start of this level,
go back and finsh Poseidon the "right" way. (See FAQ for that level) This
will put you in a different starting position, and now you can easily find
the other icons, like the one in the brig.

Level 12 - Evil Summit:
9. Multiplayer Tips & Tricks
These tips and tricks were given to me by readers like you. If you
think any more should be put in, just e-mail me and I will do so, giving credit
to you.
From czy bkr:
Wine Celler Trick - The wine cellar trick is best used with four
players. Have two teams of two each. Have one member of the team try to pin
down the other one or two members of the team in the wine cellar pit with
the big wooden thing on top. Have the other member of the team go around and
find a wheel that they turn so the wooden
thing on the roof comes down and crushes the other two players of the opposing
Avoid Getting Hit By The Train - This hint is for the escort level
of multiplayer. If you are on the tracks, and you hear a train coming, go
to the far end of the railroad and hug the edge of the wall, get as far away
form the track as possible and you should be able to miss getting hit by the
train. This works great for killing and protecting those VIPs.
Hope these help you!
From Craptastical:
On the Harbor level, climb up a the ladder on the building with two
ladders. Use the Q Claw to get on top of the roof opposite of the wall you
are near. Some body armor is there and if you jump with the jetpack, You can
get up on the more elevated part of the roof and snipe your opponents and
they won't suspect a thing.
Use the Q Claw to stay up on a ceiling (to do this, hold down circle)
and aim down and shoot at your opponent when they walk into the room.
On the town level, you can use the Q Claw to get in one of the two
towers in the tall castle.
From Kyleman:
1. If you run out of ammo just use your Q-Claw as a weapon, it does
ok damage.
2. In the level with the pipes you can place Trip Mines in the holes
and in the tubes making it impossible to jump over and to get in the tubes.
3. In the Town level you can use your Q-Claw to get in the balcony
or use your Q-Claw to get on top of the buildings making a great sniping point.
4. In the level with the tubes shoot the pipe near the part where
there's a hole in the wall and you can place a Prox. Mine where you cant see
From Sam Leving:
On the Dungeon level, face the middle jail cell and turn around. Go
forwards, and before the first set of steps, turn right. There is a wall with
a few sticking out bricks. Push the one nearest the right to open the cell.
You can trap enemies in here to by presing the brick again. If you get trapped,
aim for the brick and shoot it, it should open the door.
From the6milman:
In the dungeon, not only can you use the central chandelier as a
shooting perch, but on the lowest level (if youre coming down the stairs,
so this would be on the left handside) there is a big brick sticking out of
the wall and it has some weird cement stuff around it. Shoot it or press action
on it. It opens the center dungeon cell door (but it will also close on you
if you are in it too long). Also in the middle tier, on one of the far walls,
there is wreckage and two barrels visible next to a large vat with a spigot.
Shoot the barrel, and the thing explodes and all the bricks tumble and yield
a secret room with armor inside.
From Johnathan Jackson:
Here is a tip for multiplayer mode. It works well in any course with a celing.
Just use the Q-claw at the roof and keep holding the O button. You can then
look down and shoot others from above
That is the end of my first FAQ. Hope everyone liked it. I put a lot
of time and effort into this. Copyright 2002 Luke Fritz

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engl. FAQ/Walkthrough

04.Октябрь 2013

04.Октябрь 2013

04.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
NTSC zu PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version

17.Октябрь 2013
Goldene Pistole und die erste Mission ist beendet.

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
NTSC zu PAL Patch, US-Version

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016