From Dusk Till Dawn

From Dusk Till Dawn

17.10.2013 10:55:55
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(c) 2002 GrAwL [Forbidden Underworld]
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Game: From Dusk Till Dawn (FDTD)
Type: Ultimate Guide
System: PC
Developer: Gamesquad
Publisher: Cryo
Genre: 3D Action
Looks like: Max Payne
Discs: 1
Version: 1.0 English
Author: GrAwL (Arjen Voogt)
Last update: 01/27/02

Table of Contents

You'll find symbols next to some paragraphs and chapters in this TOC. The
symbols mean the following:

* = New
+ = Updated
X = Ne(X)t version(s)
o = (O)nly this version(s)

*[1] Introduction & Stuff
*[1.1] Introduction
*[1.2] About From Dusk Till Dawn
*[1.3] Copyright
*[1.4] History
*[1.5] Next version
*[1.6] Credits
*[1.7] Sources
*[1.8] How to contact me
*[1.9] Other guides (FAQ's) from me
*[1.10] Other games you'll like if you like this game
*[1.11] Where to find this guide
*[1.12] Ratings

*[2] Review
*[2.1] Review

*[3] Walktrough
*[3.1] Prison
*[3.2] Sewers
X[3.3] Note

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[1] Introduction & Stuff

[1.1] Introduction

Yesterday (that is, at the moment I'm writing this :p), a friend of me
gave me Twilight #64, and I installed From Dusk Till Dawn and it was a
quite funny game. I looked on and and I didn't
find a guide for it. I already wrote an other guide (Zoo Tycoon), so why
the hell not? I'm writing this guide together with a guide for Bacteria.
I'm thinking of writing guides for Monopoly Tycoon, Bang! Gunship Elite,
DroneZ, Star Monkey and Grouch, but I don't want to write them all ;)
I'll have to choice... Just tell me which one you think is useful!

[1.2] About From Dusk Till Dawn

Seth Gecko, sole survivor of the cult-action film 'From Dusk Till Dawn'
is sentenced to death in the place of his brother, and has 72 hours left
to live. He is innocent, but nobody will believe him... Surrounded by
vampires, Seth will find it very difficult to survive. With the help of
the few remaining human survivors and armed with raw combat artillery,
Seth might make it through the night... An innocent man, sentenced to
death, on a high security prison ship... Overrun by blood thirsty

More info at

[1.4] Copyright

Copyright (c) 2002 by GrAwL.

This is a private work in progress not endorsed by Gamesqaud or its parent
company, and in no way should it be inferred that this FAQ/Walkthrough is
officially sanctioned by Gamesqaud in any way. Gamesqaud is the sole
owner of From Dusk Till Dawn, and possesses all rights and privileges of

GrAwL, being the sole owner of this FAQ/Walkthrough is not affiliated to
Gamesqaud and should not be inferred as such. As sole owner of this
FAQ/Walkthrough, GrAwL reserves the right to change, amend or otherwise
revoke the content of this document without prior notice.

This FAQ/Walkthrough may only be posted at GameFAQs at,
NeoSeeker at and the Ultimate Guide-site unless parties
obtain express written permission from GrAwL. See paragraph [1.13] for
more information.
In the event of unauthorised dissemination and/or distribution of this
document for personal gain or profit, GrAwL reserves the rights of sole
ownership to sue for plagiarism and intellectual theft under international
copyright laws. Non-compliance may result in civil litigation and court

Should a third party not endorsed or recognised by GrAwL alter, edit or
otherwise amend the content of this document, or in the event of a direct
violation of copyright laws, GrAwL reserves the right to sue for compound
damages resulting from third party action, including, but not limited to
copyright violation.

Comments, suggestions, proposed amendments and information should be
directed to GrAwL at Please include your
name and an active e-mail address in the correspondence, with "From Dusk
Till Dawn Ultimate Guide" in the subject line.

If you would like to request permission to post this FAQ/Walkthrough on
your website, please send in a formal request to
Include the URL of your website, your name and contact information in your
request. We will process your request and reply as soon as possible.

[1.5] History

v.1.0 01/27/02 (22 KB) The first...

[1.6] Next Version

The higher the point, the higher the priority...

* Walktrough complete
* Hex-editing the saves
* Hex-codes
* Anything you want, just e-mail me

[1.7] Credits

Eline - Giving me that damn Twilight #64 ;)

[1.8] Sources

Twilight #64 - Information about FDTD (see paragraph [1.2]) and the game

[1.9] How to contact me

Ofcourse, you can send me an e-mail. My address is
I have MSN Messenger, so you can also add me to your list if you want.

I don't accept spam, hate-mail etc. If you send me this kind of shit, I'll
add you to the black-list, which means I won't receive anything from you
ever again. So be nice, and I'll be nice ;)

When you want to add me to your MSN contact list, please tell me you got
my mail address from one of my guides.

You can sometimes find me on IRC. Connect to the server
and send a message to GrAwL. You can find me in #Dutch (remember, Dutch
ppl only!).

[1.10] Other guides (FAQ's) from me

Other guides from me can be found on! Go check
it out...

[1.12] Other game you'll like if you like this game

If you like From Dusk Till Dawn, you'll also enjoy the following games:

Hitman: Codename 47
Max Payne
Evil Dead

[1.13] Where to find this guide

This guide can be found on:

If you encounter the guide anywhere else, please mail me, so I can put
an end to that! This guide is has copyright y'know ;) See paragraph [1.3]
for more information about this guide.

[1.14] Ratings

In this section, you'll find ratings of different people, sites and

PC Action (#8, 2001) Preview - >> Genau wie die Vorlage From Dusk Till
Dawn ist dieses Spiel nichts fürschwache Nerven. Zwar ist die Story alles
andere als originell, doch das gute Zusammenspiel von Sound- und
Grafikeffekten scheint über diesen Schwachpunkt hinwegotrösten zu können.
We schon immer mal als Sith Gecko Vampire ,erlösen' wollte, sollte sich
diesen Titel merken. <<

Translation: (Thank you dictionary) This games brings nothing new to you.
The story is everything, but new. But the sounds and graphics will let
you forget this. If you want to play Seth Gecko and hunt vampires, you
should buy this game. (I know the translation isn't 100% correct, but the
most important stuff is translated)

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[2] Review

[2.1] Review

When I saw the screenshots of FDTD, it looked like some bad Max Payne
rip-off. I installed it anyway, because I wanted to write guides, and...
well... it was pretty good. Here is my review:

Graphics - 70%
The graphics are nice, but not very good though. The characters are
animated real good, but just look at their hands! I can't remember anybody
who has that kind of hands... It's like they are made of paper!

Music - 80%
The soundtrack is pretty good! Just search in the FDTD for the MP3-files.
Just listen to 11.mp3 or 13.mp3! That's the best soundtrack I heard in
a long time (together with the soundtrack of DroneZ).
The voices are also pretty good. Seth has a kick-ass-voice, and Clarence
a bad-day-voice. The effect are also nice, but why doesn't a bullet have
an echo in the sewers etc.?

Gameplay - 70%
The game crashes a lot of times on my system (AMD XP 1700+ Mhz with
GeForce 2 MX 200 32 MB on Windows ME). It's a good thing I save often,
otherwise I had to start lotsa thing over and over again.
The movies are in-game, and look nice, but they are taking the action
away! It's irritating to see a movie every minute.

Controls - 70%
When you press the UP-arrow, Seth will walk and so about 2 steps. What's
wrong with one step? And using the keyboard sucks! It's a shooter, so
you'll have to react fast, but with the keyboard it's hard...

Story - 80%
Another save-the-world-story, but what the heck? It's a good story, so
do you care? Hunting vampires is cool. Especially with a good story.
Not as good as Half-Life, but still pretty good.

Replay - 65%
Why would you play the game again if you already saw everything? You can
play it again someday, on a higher level, but when you finished it, you
probably grab another game and start playing that game.

Overall - 73%
A nice game if you can't play Max Payne. If you can play Max Payne, play
Max Payne first, and when you finished it, play this game...

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[3] Walktrough

Note: This walktrough is made for the easy-mode. I'll play the other modes
when this walktrough is finished.

[3.1] Prison

[3.1.1] Introduction

***MOVIE*** You'll find yourself and your lawyer in a prison cell. You
(Seth Gecko) are talking with your lawyer. You and your brothers robbed a
bank and you'll be killed within 4 days.

***MOVIE*** The Wilsons are in a helicopter. They leave the helicopter
when it lands and a man called Worden talks to them. He tells them he
doesn't tolerate such actions etc.

***MOVIE*** A prisoner is released from its cell. He's crying and begging
to stay alive. But unfortunately for him, the guards don't listen.

***MOVIE*** One of the Wilson brothers gets angry and walks in the
direction of Wilson. One of the guards kill him. The guard check if he's
really death... nope... he's a vampire! Clarence attacks the guard and
the other brothers attack the other guards. Clarence grabs the gun of the
guard and shoots the remaining guard and Worden dead.

***MOVIE*** You'll see one of the Wilson brothers with a bag or something
around it's head. He'll hear someone and asks who it is. Clarence answers
with "The Wilson brothers are back in business!".

[3.1.2] Meet the vampire!

***MOVIE*** The prison will start to shake and your lawyer walks away.
You see an electro-thing (I don't know the name :D). He picks it up and
you can play the game... ;)

You can walk around and open cells, but you can't find anything there
(expect strange logos made with blood). Go to the floor below (if you
aren't) and walk to the strange door in the back of the room.

***MOVIE*** A guard will open the door.

Use your electo-thing to electronice (damn that word!) the guard. Enter
the door in front of you and walk to the cell in the back with the green
light (that's open).

***MOVIE*** A vampire (Clarence) will attack you and you'll faint. When
you wake up you're fine and the vampire didn't bite you.

Enter the next big door. Follow the path and enter the 2 next doors. 2
prisoners will attack you. Kill them and enter the next 2 big doors. Kill
the guard and enter the door that's look different.

***MOVIE*** Kevin will give you something (don't know what it is).

Kill the prisoner.

***MOVIE*** Kevin will clear your body from evil or something. You'll
faint again.

[3.1.3] Meet Brad

***MOVIE*** When you wake up you'll see Kevin and Brad. You'll have to
get to the control station with Brad. You don't like Brad, Brad doesn't
like you. Anyway, you'll get a gun from Brad. He'll say you'll have to
cover him.

So do what Brad say! Cover his ass! Collect all the goodies along the way,
but don't use the gun! Just use that electro-thing. It'll save bullets
you'll need later on. Kill every vampire along the way. You'll meet about
8. After some walking, you'll end up in a hallway with prisons.

***MOVIE*** Brad needs a thing to sabotage the door, or else it won't

Search the cells. You'll find some health and a wooden stick. As soon as
you collected the club, 3 vampires will attack you. Kill those bitches
and enter the room where they came from. You'll find ammo. Talk to Brad
(who was hiding in a cell).

***MOVIE*** Seth will open the door with the stick and Brad will warn you
'it's now over yet'.

Follow Brad and you'll end up in a big hall. Attack the monsters (they'll
also drop from the ceiling, so watch out). Follow Brad to another room.
Some strange big monster will attack you. It's useless to use that
electro-thing against it, so grab your gun and shoot him in his head.
Enter the room it came from for ammo.
Follow Brad again and kill the enemies in the next room. Please note that
you can't shoot vampires dead, so you'll have to use that electro-thing
again. Those skeleton-guard are cool BTW ;)
Follow Brad again and you'll end up in another hall with cells. Kill the
vampire and the... eeeh... other thing (I just don't know the name of it).
Explore every cell to find health and ammo. Walk to Brad when you're ready
for some serious kill-ass-action!

***MOVIE*** The door won't open, and vampires are coming from everywhere.
Seth will use the machinegun.

Just kill every enemy. Watch out, because guard will also join after a
while (on the bridges). RESIDENT EVIL EAT YOUR HEART OUT! ;) If you're low
on health, press 'H' to restore some health.

***MOVIE*** These vampires just don't know how to stop! Brad finally
opened the door... and just about time! Seth and Brad escape from the
vampires, but a guard is attacking them in the next room...

Just wait until it doesn't shoot anymore, grab your gun and shoot him in
his head. Brad will open the next door.

***MOVIE*** Clarence will walk away and says to 'finish them off'.
Hehehe... Did he really think so? :D

You don't have to do anything! When the monsters are going to attack you,
grab that electro-thing and kill them...

***MOVIE*** Brad will play the computernerd and fix everything. He tells
you to go to the surface lift.

Walk around and collect the goodies. Cool! You can find the shotgun here!
It will come in handy some day.
Enter the small door to enter a new room. Enter the big door to the left,
and keep walking straight ahead. You'll end up in the casino. Grab the
stuuf you can find here and return to the room you came from (that one
AFTER the shotgun-room). Enter the other door and open the door from the

[3.2] Sewers

[3.2.1] Smelly vampires in the sewers

***MOVIE*** Someone (I believe Brad) tells you to go to the workshop. "No

Exit the elevator and kill the vampire on the right. Walk to the left side
of the room and grab the goodies. Walk to the right side of the room and
another vampire will attack you.
Enter the next room and kill the 2 vampires. When you enter the next room,
a vampire and a... thing (I still don't know the name... I'll now call it
a Gnome, k?) will attack you. Kill them. On the right side of the room,
hidden behind a pillar, you'll find some ammo.
Walk to the other side of the room and open the door. 2 vampires will
attack you. WTF? They walk through water! Vampires can't stand water! (If
Legacy of Kain: Soulreaver is right, that is) Follow the path and kill
another vampire.
Enter the next room and walk slowly. Wait until a vampire attack you. Kill
it, but don't go any futher! Grab your gun, look to the left, strafe to
the right and shoot in the head of the guy! He has a flamethrower, so
watch out. Follow the path again. You can find some ammo on the left side
of the room. Follow the path again. A gnome will drop from the ceiling, so
kill it (with the electro-thing). Another gnome will attack you when you
continue walking.
Enter the door. Kill the vampire and open the door on your left.

***MOVIE*** A vampire (Clarence???) will be shown and a gnome is crawling
on the ceiling.

Kill the 2 vampires and the gnome.

***MOVIE*** The vampire listens and doesn't hear any sounds anymore. Seth
is ready to finish the vampire.

When the vampire opens the door, kill it. Walk back to the room with the
boxes. Follow the path and collect the goodies. You'll find health and
2 ammo boxes. Walk back to the room where you killed the vampire.
Follow the path and kill the vampire and the flamethrower-man.
Walk back to the previous room, and open the door on your right. Collect
the goodies, and -believe it or not- no enemies this time :D Return to
the room with the vampire and flamethrower-man.
Enter the next door, and kill the guard on the right (behind a pillar).
Open the grey door on the right and kill the gnome. Enter that room and
grab the ammo. Return to the previous room.
Follow the path, kill 2 vampires and collect the ammo.
Enter the door in the beginning of the room (on the right side) and kill
everyone here (a flamethrower-man and a vampire).

[3.3] Note

The rest of the walktrough is coming up soon!


"I'm not evil, I'm GrAwL"

"Who wants to fight with me?"

"Do not fear, I is here"
-Hackers the movie

"This is the end, my friend"
-Hackers the movie

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Enemy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Munitions- und Unverletzbarkeitstrainer

04.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019