Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2

Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2

17.10.2013 06:15:11
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Platform: Playstation2
Author: GheddonLN
Version: 0.2
Started February 18, 2002
Last updated on: February 18, 2002


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##### # # # # TABLE OF CONTENTS
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##### # # # # VERSION HISTORY
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Version 0.1(2/18/02)

* Got the walkthrough a little updated
* The rest is pretty much done.

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##### # # # # COPYRIGHT NOTICE
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This document property of "GheddonLN". All rights reserved. Copyright 2002 by
Jose Felipe Vargas. This document may not be reproduced in any way, shape or
form without written permission from the document's copyright holder, and may
not be uploaded, downloaded, or transferred to your hard drive unless from the
following sites permissible:


Failure to abide by this legal contract will result in a lawsuit in which you
may be sentenced to serve a term in prison for copyright infringement as well as
paying out compensation to the document's owner. This document may not be edited
in whole or part, unless given permission by the document's copyright owner.
This legal notification applies to international copyright laws and will be
extremely well carried out by the authorities, copyright holder, and citizens.

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##### # # # # CREDITS
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For the best BMX game out in the market right now.

For making Summoner... which I used to get this game(on a trade)-

--Tom Hayes
For letting me use his character guide.

--Ice Flamethrower III
For the explicit copyright notice.

--To Me
For typing out this FAQ/Walkthrough.

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##### # # # # INTRODUCTION
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Welcome to my twelfth FAQ. Dave Mirra Fresstyle BMX was a game I got after I
changed my buggish copy of Summoner. At first, I thought it was some kind of
Tony Hawk Wannabe, but suddenly, I noticed it was a whole different game.
BMX(that's how I'll call it) focuses more on realistic goals and getting
sponsorships and bicycles than in getting the secret tape or something similar.
The levels are huge, and there are multiple goals.

Graphics are excellent, but sadly, there is pop-up. But you'll easily forget
this while traveling around the INSANELY huge levels and doing all kind of
tricks, and completing objectives. Objectives vary from grinding certain rail a
certain amount of time, destroying some things, or driving through something.
But all in all, you'll find yourself with objectives you can complete in real
life, with a few exceptions.

The game also offers a new kind of trick: the modiphiers. These tricks can be
pulled out along with other tricks in order to "fuse" them. For example, a
backflip tabletop is a backflip with the tabletop-like rotation. This offers a
lot more of options and will make the game more long lasting. Also, remember
there are a helluva lot of characters, so, all in all, DMFBMX2 is a very long
lasting game. Don't neglect it, even if you have Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3.

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##### # # # # CONTROLS
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D-Pad - Used to move

X Button - Used to crouch and then jump(while pressing this, you'll move

Triangle button - Used to pull out grinds.

Square button - Used to pull out flip tricks(superman, backflip, can-can...).

Circle button - Used to pull out modiphiers(which also count as normal tricks).

Select - Not used

Start - Pause game

Left stick - Used to move character

Right stick - Not used.

L2/L1 - Do a 180 turn on the air

R1 - Access First person view.

R2 - Do a 180 turn on the air.

In depth


Used to move your character around. Not recommended though. Pressing the "Up"
arrow will allow you to go faster.

X Button

When you use this button, you'll crouch. When you release it, you'll jump. Keep
in mind that while crouching you won't be able to go fast, even if you push the
stick to its maximum.

Triangle button

Ah yes, the good old grind. Jump near a rail, and press this button to hook onto
it. Regardless what you press in the d-pad(in combination with this button), the
trick you'll do.

Square button

The tricks done with this button are called air tricks, or flip tricks(I created
this name after playing THPS3 too much =^P). If you hold the square button,
you'll hold the trick, and therefore, you'll increase the total score you get.
Doing 180o, 360o etc turns on your left stick will make these tricks give you
more points(e.g, a 360 Superman).

Circle button

Used to pull out modiphier, that morph other tricks.


Not used.


Used to pause the game and bring out a sub menu.

Left stick

Used to move. Pushing this in any direction will make you accelerate(as long as
you ain't pressing X).

Right stick

Not used.


Used to do 180o turns on the air.


Access first person view.

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##### # # # # GAME OVERVIEW
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%%%Saving your game%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

The only way you have to save your game is by ending the run. To end the run,
either: let the time run out, or, press start and select the "end run" option.
When you do so, a little menu will show up. Amongst the options on that menu is
a "SAVE GAME" one. Press X on this, and select a slot, and stand in awe. You've
created life..., er, you've saved your game =P.


Each level has a certain amount of challenges. First off, there are rookie
challenges to each level. Rookie challenges consist on doing a certain amount of
points in a certain amount of time. During that period, other bikers will just
ignore you. After you complete the rookie challenge, the amateur, pro, hardcore
and insane challenges will come, in that order. These four kind of challenges
consist on doing this and that, like in Tony Hawk.

%%%Controlling your biker%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Firs time I played this game, I pressed and hold the X button, and then tried to
move. I noticed I was moving slow. And that is because this is not THPS(it took
me awhile to figure out =P). To move here, press the stick towards the direction
you want to move. You'll accelerate then. Just wanted to announce you this, so
you don't spend a good five minutes figuring out "why I'm moving slowly if I'm
pressing X !?" ;^).


Each time you complete a pro challenge on "x" course, you'll gain another
sponsorship. Getting sponsorships will grant you access to many new bikes. This
will break the bike limit you have when you start the game.

%%%Getting new bikes%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Well, it is not all about getting an sponsorship to get your bike. Think about
it. You just got your sponsorship. You can't go and ask for the last model of a
bike, because you may not be ready for it. Instead, you practice and complete a
lot of challenges, earn respect points, and then you get a new bike. Is all
about that. The more respect points, the nearer you are to a new bike(I believe
you gain a new bike at 5.000, 15.000 and 30.000 points, but I'm not sure).

%%%The "meters"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Regardless the situation you're on, a meter will appear. When you take big air
from a ramp, a meter will appear on the right side of the screen, indication how
many feet you jumped. If you're grinding, the same meter will appear, indicating
how many feet you are grinding. Also, while manualing, this meter will appear,
indicating how many feet have you manualed.

%%%"Announce" Icons%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Each time you do something special, like breaking a record, completing an
objective, doing a more-than-one-trick-combo, or you break a record, a blue
little square will appear on the top left part of the screen announcing your
accomplishment. Use these announce icons to learn how good are you doing in your
run, and boost your ego and goof around with your friends.

%%%Level unlocking%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

To unlock a new level, you must first complete both the rookie and amateur
challenges. When you do so, after you end the run, you'll see a message telling
"you've unlocked a new level!".

%%%Other Bikers%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

There are several bikers on each level. These guy will talk to you, and give you
some miscellaneous tips. Some of them will direct you to a certain place,
whereas some of them will give you a challenge(the challenge is the one in ???
when you start the level). Keep in mind that bikers are doing their tricks and
honing their skills at times, so you may not find them in certain occasions.


Gaps are special tricks that only appear on your trick bar when you do something
special. When you do them, a special blue box will appear on the left side of
the screen, announcing how many gaps have you completed. Gaps are worth a
determined amount of points, but what's better about gaps is that if you link
them with a trick, or a manual, the total points you get are awesome. Gaps vary.
A gap may be grinding the three lunch stands on the "Commercial District" level.
Or, jumping across an space. Either way, always look for gaps.


Unlike in THPS, manuals are harder here in Dave Mirra. To do a manual, first,
press and hold X, and then release it. You'll jump. As you land, quickly press
up + up or down + down, and you'll start manualing. A bar indicating your
distance will appear, along with a bar indication your balance. Press up and
down to keep the balance. I've noticed that keeping the balance is SO DAMN EASY
you can get about 10.000 from a single manual(mix this with 4 or 5 tricks and
you get... lots 'o points).


To do grinding, get near a rail, or something which looks grind-able, jump, and
press triangle. You'll start to grind then. Regardless the buttons you press,
the grinding you get(see the trick listing section for more information).
Grindings can be done anywhere, in the edge of something, in a rail, in a set of
stairs, etc. For instance, see the example below.

1) You are driving by a rail(A) #(A)
2) You(b) Jump(represented as a ?) #
3) You press motion + triangle ?#
4) You grind. (B)#
Regardless what motion you make, the resulting grind. #

%%%Doing flip/air tricks%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

As the name suggests, to do air tricks, you must be in the air =P. Very high in
the air, to be exact. When you are there, do a motion on the stick, and press
the square button. You'll do a trick!. Hold the square button in order to "hold"
the trick, and increase the scoring. Rotate the stick a "x" amount of degrees to
increase the scoring even more. See the example below...

1) You find a ramp. You take air from it.
2) While on the air, you do a motion on the stick, and then press square.
3) Now comes the variable part. Variation # 1: You hold square(hold). You
increase your points.
4) Variation # 2: You rotate the stick "x" degrees(rotate)
5) Variation # 3: You hold the square button and rotate the stick(h-r).


Example: Variation: # 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Motion + Square motion + (hold)square + Key +
#### ^ #### #### ^ #### + #: These signs make the ramp.+
# | # # | # + |: This represents a biker +
# | # # | # + taking air. +
# | # # | # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#### | #### #### | ####

Variation # 3
Variation # 2 Motion + (Hold)square + rotation(xo)
Motion + Square + Rotation("x" degrees) #### ^ ####
#### ^ #### # | #
# | # # | #
# | # # | #
# | # # | #
# | # # | #
#### | #### #### | ####



Modiphiers are performed by doing a motion on the stick, and pressing Circle on
the stick. When you do so, you could hold the circle button to increase your
scoring. You could rotate the stick xo, or you could do both. But more
importantly, you can do a modiphier, and then do an air trick. This will
increase the scoring, or fuse both tricks into one...

1) Follow the steps below...
2) However, you could do this: while on the air, you do a modiphier
3) Immediately, you do a grind or a air trick.


Modiphier + Air/Grind = Modiphied(modified) trick.

#### ^ ####
# | #
# | #
# | #
# | #
#### | ####

NOTE: No, it ain't a typo. I consider these tricks modi_ph_iers, not
modi_f_iers. Why?. I don't know...


%%%Scoring points%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Each trick you do is worth a value, and that value will be summed to your total
point meter, located on the bottom-right part of the screen. If you one trick,
and then you repeat it again, the value will decrease. Doing a X-Up will grant
you 700 points the first time you do it. The second time, however, you'll get
500 points, FOR EXAMPLE!. If you link a trick with another trick, you'll
increase the total points. But, unlike in THPS, you won't get x## meters. I
explain myself. If a superman is worth 1.000 points, and a can-can is worth 500
points, you'll get 1.500 points(It is an estimate). BUT, I've noticed the
scoring slightly increases. Every level has a certain challenge which involves

%%%Tips on scoring points%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

1) Grinding is useful to get points. While grinding, jump, and then grind(press
X, then triangle) to increase your points a little. Try to vary grindings,
though. For example, if you do an icepick nosegrind, and then a toothpick
nosgring, then do Smith Grind.

2)Manual a lot. Manuals, as stated above, are easily holded, so you can manual
near a rail until you lose the speed(at about 12.000 points) and then grind, to
an air trick, and then manual. This is worth about 50.000 points(no
exaggeration) as holding a manual is so damn easy. So is holding a grind.

3)Modiphi your tricks to get new fusion-like tricks, and thus increase your
scoring. Always, if you see you have enough air, do a modiphier and then
something like an air trick or a grind trick. Modiphiers, as stated above, let
you increase your score.

4)When you either do a modiphier or a an air trick, hold them up. This will
increase your scoring by awesome amounts. Also, rotate your trick "xo" to
increase your scoring EVEN MORE!. Both air tricks and modiphiers are worth a lot
of points if done correctly.

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##### # # # # CHARACTERS
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Dave Mirra

Nickname: Miracle Boy
Hometown: Chittenango, NY
Lives: Greenville, NC

Years Riding: 21
Years Pro: 9
Height: 5ft 9in
Weight: 160 lbs.
Birthdate: April 4, 1974
Known For: Winning
Favorite Spot: Greenville
Favorite Terrain: Vert and Park
Hobbies: Cars, Golf, Family
Injuries: Broken shoulder, removed spleen
Last Words: Stay Strong.

Air: | | | | | | |
Speed: | | | | |
Spins: | | | | | |
Balance: | | | | | | |
Technique: | | | | | | |
Manuals: | | | | |
Landing: | | |
Wallrides: | | |

Ryan Nyquist

Nickname: Triple Threat
Hometown: Los Gatos, CA
Lives: Greenville, NC

Years Riding: 15
Years Pro: 5
Height: 5ft 6in
Weight: 150 lbs.
Birthdate: March 6, 1979
Known For: Riding three BMX disciplines
Favorite Spot: Greenville
Favorite Terrain: Dirt
Hobbies: Soccer, Movies
Injuries: Ankle, thumb, bruised liver
Last Words: Keep on keepin' on.

Air: | | | | |
Speed: | | | | | |
Spins: | | | | | | |
Balance: | | | |
Technique: | | | | |
Manuals: | | | |
Landing: | | | |
Wallrides: | | | | |

Troy McMurray

Nickname: McMurr-yay
Hometown: Denver, CO
Lives: Huntington Beach, CA

Years Riding: 18
Years Pro: 6
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 190 lbs.
Birthdate: February 2, 1973
Known For: Everything
Favorite Spot: Hidden Valley
Favorite Terrain: Everything
Hobbies: Just riding
Injuries: One knee operation
Last Words: Live.

Air: | | | | |
Speed: | | | | | | |
Spins: | | | | | | |
Balance: | | | | |
Technique: | | | | |
Manuals: |
Landing: | | | | |
Wallrides: | | | | |

Mike Laird

Hometown: Virginia Beach, VA
Lives: Greenville, NC

Years Riding: 17
Years Pro: 4
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 150 lbs.
Birthdate: July 1, 1974
Known For: Going big
Favorite Spot: Greenville
Favorite Terrain: Park
Hobbies: Video games
Injuries: Broken jaw, wrist
Last Words: Ride your damn bike.

Air: | | | | | | |
Speed: | | | | |
Spins: | | | | |
Balance: | | | | |
Technique: | | | | |
Manuals: | | | | |
Landing: | | | | |
Wallrides: | | |

Tim Mirra

Nickname: Turbo
Hometown: Chittenango, NY
Lives: Raleigh, NC

Years Riding: 18
Years Pro: 3
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 170 lbs.
Birthdate: April 28, 1972
Known For: Jumping high
Favorite Spot: Woodward Camp
Favorite Terrain: Park
Hobbies: Racing cars, mountain biking
Injuries: Two broken wrists, broken thumb.
Last Words: Forget about it.

Air: | | | | |
Speed: | | | | |
Spins: | | | | |
Balance: | | | | | |
Technique: | | |
Manuals: | | | | | |
Landing: | | | |
Wallrides: | | | | |

Kenan Harkin

Nickname: Hark Dog
Hometown: Center Moriches, NY
Lives: Woodward, PA

Years Riding: 18
Years Pro: 5
Height: 5ft 11in
Weight: 165 lbs.
Birthdate: June 13, 1974
Known For: Having hard box jump variations wired
Favorite Spot: Woodward Camp
Favorite Terrain: Ramps
Hobbies: Being a television host, reptiles
Injuries: Broken clavicle, leg (twice), concussions, ankle
Last Words: It's easy to criticize when you're not having fun.

Air: | | | | |
Speed: | | | | | |
Spins: | | | | | |
Balance: | | | | |
Technique: | | | | |
Manuals: | | | | |
Landing: | | | |
Wallrides: | | | |

Leigh Ramsdell

Hometown: Havelock, NC
Lives: Chapel Hill, NC

Years Riding: 17
Years Pro: 7
Height: 5ft 6in
Weight: 135 lbs.
Birthdate: August 1, 1970
Known For: Being sketchy but pulling tricks out my ass
Favorite Spot: Anyplace relaxed
Favorite Terrain: Street
Hobbies: Music
Injuries: Broken arm (plate inserted), constantly knocking
self out performing highly skilled crashes
Last Words: Find something you love to do and do it for the
rest of your life.

Air: | | | | |
Speed: | | | | |
Spins: | | | | | |
Balance: | | | | | |
Technique: | | | |
Manuals: | | |
Landing: | | | |
Wallrides: | | | | | | |

Joey Garcia

Hometown: Gilroy, CA
Lives: Gilroy, CA

Years Riding: 13
Years Pro: 7
Height: 5ft 11in
Weight: 180 lbs.
Birthdate: April 16, 1978
Known For: Being smooth
Favorite Spot: Hidden Valley
Favorite Terrain: Dirt
Hobbies: Motocross
Injuries: Three knee reconstructions, broken wrists, broken
Last Words: Don't let a win get to your head or a loss to your

Air: | | | |
Speed: | | | | | |
Spins: | | | |
Balance: | | | |
Technique: | | | | | |
Manuals: | | | | |
Landing: | | | | | |
Wallrides: | | | | |

Rick Moliterno

Hometown: Davenport, IA
Lives: Davenport, IA

Years Riding: 29
Years Pro: 20
Height: 6ft 2in
Weight: 205 lbs.
Birthdate: January 2, 1965
Known For: Being the owner of Standard Byke Co.
Favorite Spot: Rampage Skatepark
Favorite Terrain: Street, Park, and Trails
Hobbies: BMX racing
Injuries: None, ever
Last Words: You are the only person that can determine whether
you are a success or not. No one else.

Air: | | | | | |
Speed: | | | | | | |
Spins: |
Balance: | | | | |
Technique: | | | | | | |
Manuals: | | | |
Landing: | | | | | |
Wallrides: | | | |

Todd Lyons

Nickname: The Wildman
Hometown: Columbus, OH
Lives: Huntington Beach, CA

Years Riding: 20
Years Pro: 11
Height: 5ft 7in
Weight: 180 lbs.
Birthdate: November 21, 1971
Known For: Being wild on AND off the bike
Favorite Spot: Sheep Hills
Favorite Terrain: Dirt
Hobbies: Updating www.toddlyons.com
Injuries: Torn ligaments in both knees, six pins in wrist
Last Words: Big doubles, no troubles!

Air: | | | | | |
Speed: | | | | | | |
Spins: | | | | |
Balance: | | | |
Technique: | | | | | |
Manuals: | | | |
Landing: | | | |
Wallrides: | | | |


Real Name: John Englebert
Hometown: Bethlehem, PA
Lives: Bethlehem, PA

Years Riding: 11
Years Pro: What's pro?
Height: 6ft 0in
Weight: 180 lbs.
Birthdate: December 8, 1972
Known For: Originality, smooth style, positive atitude
Favorite Spot: On the street
Favorite Terrain: Any grind
Hobbies: Art design
Injuries: Bad knees, bum ankle, screws, plate, some wire
Last Words: If you play as me, it's a must to bust!

Air: | | | | |
Speed: | | | | | |
Spins: | | | | |
Balance: | | | | | | |
Technique: | | | | | |
Manuals: |
Landing: | | | | | |
Wallrides: | | | |

Scott Wirch

Nickname: Salty
Hometown: Mt. Henry, IL
Lives: Greenville, NC

Years Riding: 10
Years Pro: 4
Height: 5ft 11in
Weight: 175 lbs.
Birthdate: December 19, 1978
Known For: Lots of 360 variations
Favorite Spot: Greenville
Favorite Terrain: Everything
Hobbies: Motocross, golfing
Injuries: Seperated tibula and fibula in ankle
Last Words: Word.

Air: | | | | | |
Speed: | | | | | |
Spins: | | | | | | |
Balance: | | | | |
Technique: | | | | |
Manuals: | | | |
Landing: | | | | |
Wallrides: | |

Colin Mackay

Hometown: Brisbane, Australia
Lives: Greenville, NC

Years Riding: 10
Years Pro: 3
Height: 6ft 0in
Weight: 175 lbs.
Birthdate: August 18, 1978
Known For: Being the first Austalian to make it big in
Favorite Spot: Beenleigh, Queensland, Australia
Favorite Terrain: Park and Dirt
Hobbies: Beach camping, fishing
Injuries: Broken elbow, torn ACL
Last Words: Live your dream.

Air: | | | |
Speed: | | | | |
Spins: | | | | |
Balance: | | | | |
Technique: | | | | | |
Manuals: | | | | | |
Landing: | | | | |
Wallrides: | | | |

Zach Shaw

Nickname: Prozak
Hometown: Harlow, UK
Lives: Harlow, UK

Years Riding: 21
Years Pro: 12
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: Ten-and-a-half stone
Birthdate: June 10, 1971
Known For: First person to do a 360 backflip
Favorite Spot: Romford Skatepark
Favorite Terrain: Vert
Hobbies: Video editing
Injuries: Four knee surgeries, left knee reconstruction
Last Words: Sometimes my back beats the hell out of me... and I
will always go back for more.

Air: | | | | | | |
Speed: | | | | | |
Spins: | | | | | |
Balance: | | |
Technique: | | | | | |
Manuals: | | |
Landing: | | | |
Wallrides: | | | | |

Slim Jim Guy

Nickname: Mad Cow
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Lives: Convenience store shelves

Years Riding: 4
Years Pro: 6
Height: 6ft 3in (with the hair, 7ft 2in)
Weight: 190 lbs
Birthdate: June 9, 2014
Known For: Bad attitude
Favorite Spot: Seat of the bike
Favorite Terrain: Yellow snow
Hobbies: Screaming
Injuries: Broken hair, pulled jerky
Last Words: Eat me!

Air: | | | | |
Speed: | | | | | | |
Spins: | | |
Balance: | |
Technique: | | | |
Manuals: | | | |
Landing: | | | | |
Wallrides: | | | | |

Amish Boy


Nickname: The Kid
Hometown: Woodward, PA
Lives: Woodward, PA

Years Riding: 5
Years Pro: 0
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 165 lbs.
Birthdate: June 27, 1971
Known For: Mad milking skillz
Favorite Spot: Woodward Camp
Favorite Terrain: Handmade ramps
Hobbies: Milkin', Pimpin'
Injuries: Torn beard, pulled suspender
Last Words: On my bike, I party like it's 1699.

Air: | | | | | | |
Speed: | | | | | |
Spins: | |
Balance: | | |
Technique: | | | | | | |
Manuals: | | | |
Landing: | | | | |
Wallrides: | | | | |

Mike Dias


Nickname: Lil D
Hometown: Old Bridge, NJ
Lives: Old Bridge, NJ

Years Riding: 13
Years Pro: 0
Height: 4ft 10in
Weight: 120 lbs
Birthdate: May 20, 1987
Known For: Saying 'Eat Me!' to everyone else who entered the
Slim Jim contest
Hobbies: Button mashing and Slim Jim gnashing
Injuries: Concussion
Last Words: Just chill.

Air: | | | | | |
Speed: | | | | |
Spins: | | | |
Balance: | | | | | |
Technique: | | | |
Manuals: | | | |
Landing: | | |
Wallrides: | | |

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##### # # # # WALKTHROUGH
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Rookie challenges consists on getting a certain amount of points. The ramp front
of the roll-in you start on is good to do some air tricks and modiphiers. You
should get the required amount of points in no time.




Get 25 feet from the titanic ramp

Right in front of the roll-in you start on is a big, titanic ramp. Just drive
there, and take enough air from it(25 feet, at least). If you get the required
height, you'll complete this objective.

Transfer over the titanic vert ramp channel

Right in front of the rollin you start on is a big titanic ramp to the left, a
space in the middle, and anther ramp to the right. Use either one of the ramps,
"fly" through the channel, and land of the other. Also, you could drive towards
the left ramp, and as you are about to touch its lip, press X. This should send
you flying across it, therefore completing this objective.

Knock Over Four Ladders

Ladder # 1 - Go down the rollin, and turn to the left immediately. You'll see a
"rail fountain". To the right of this rail is an small path. Go through it, and
turn to the right then. You should see Zach Shawn. Head to the north part of
where Shawn is until you come to two rails leading down. Go up by using the path
in the middle of the rail, and you should see this ladder hanging around.

Ladder # 2 - By the last ladder, you should spot a set of three houses. Drive
towards there. There should be a ladder on one of the houses(in the third one,
if I remember correctly).

Ladder # 3 - Look around in first person view after knocking down the ladder
above until you either spot Lot 8 or Cloud Nine. Drive towards either one of
them, and look on the west side of both lots. You should see this ladder around
the Cloud Nine area.

Ladder # 4 - A little to the northeast of the cloud nine lost is the gypt lot.
This ladder is leaned against one of the lot's walls.

Jump the glowing jumps at woodward's trail 8-pack

Just as you start, turn around. You should see some dirt jumps. Go down the
slope to your right, and then launch yourself into the dirt jumps. Drive towards
the north, and look for a biker with a green sign above him. Talk with him. Now,
you must jump the dirt jumps. When you do, you'll complete this objective.




Grind the four Lot 8 doors open

Just as you start, turn around, and go down the slope to your right. Drive
through the dirt jumps, and look for the set of three houses. A little to the
north is lot 8. There are some white doors around the lot, and each door has a
gray rail next to them. Grind these rails in order to open the lot 8 doors, thus
completing this objective.

Pull a 360 spin anywhere

Just look for some ramp, take air from it, and do a 360 turn to complete this

Bust out a 5.000 points trick set score

Just in front of your starting point, take air, and do a 180o Superman. As you
land, do a stall on the ramp's lip. Keep the balance just enough to get the
required 5.000 points combo. Or you could end the superman with a nose wheelie
or a manual, which also helps.

Manual the picnic bench in the outdoor street

Go down do rollin just as you start, and turn to the left. Look for a short path
to the right then, and go through it. Zach Shawn is around here. Talk with him,
and he'll give you this challenge. A bit to the north is a picnic bench. Jump
onto it, and do a manual on it(just like the one you see on the intro cinema).




Wallride the four Cloud Nine doors open

Turn around after you start the level, and then go down the slope to your right.
Drive through the dirt jumps, and look for the set of houses around here. Head a
bit to the north until you come to Lot 8. Around there is the Cloud Nine lot.
Now, look for the four doors, and grind the glowing walls next to them to open
them up and thus, complete this objective.

Transfer from one cabin roof to the another

Just as you start the level, turn around, and go down the slope to your right.
Drive through the dirt jumps, and turn sharply to the left. Drive towards the
ramp area(called the camp area; name was made up by me =) and look for a driver
with a green sign above him. Talk with him. Now, go to the set of houses, and
enter the first house, left to right. Now, you'll see three windows here. One to
the right, two to the left. Smash through the left window to the left side, and
grind the rail there, until you reach the other house roof.

Now, in here, you should see a big ramp, glowing in green. There is a ramp
behind it. Use it to take air(and some speed along with it) and then drive
towards the ramp. As you touch its edge, press and hold X, and then un-hold it.
With any luck, you'll reach the ramp to the other side, thus completing this
objective. Summarized: jump from the glowing ramp to the other glowing ramp.

Grind 520(?) feet down the rails near the trails

Turn around just as you start the level, and go down the slope to the right.
Drive through the dirt jumps, and you should see some glowing rails. You must
grind 520 feet down, but not on them. Yes, indeed. Look for the rail to the
north, and grind it up. When it finishes, manual your way towards another rail,
and grind it until it finishes. Then, manual again, and look for another rail.
Keep the process up until you complete the necessary 520 feet.

Pull out backflips down the woodward trails 8-pack

Just as you start, turn around, and go down the slope to the right. Drive
towards the dirt jumps. Now, you'll see them glowing. Do backflips on the
glowing portion of the jump, and land on the other portion. Do these on all the
glowing jumps to complete this objective once for all.





To complete this objective, look for some ramps, and do a couple of supermans,
toboggans, tabletops and X-Up. Grind a lot on the train rails too. You should
complete the required score in no time.




Wallride the four glowing billboards underneath the canopies

Just as you start, you should see two walls with billboards on them. Wallride
them up, and then look for another one around from your starting point. There
should be another billboard it, so wallride It up. Then, go around the two walls
you wallrided first, and look for the last billboard. Wallride it up.

Grind the station chandelier

Just as you start, do a half turn. You should see a flight of twin stairs
leading up. Take them up, and then turn. You should see a small launch ramp in
the middle of both flight of stairs. Use this ramp to launch yourself onto the
chandelier, and grind it up.

Grind at least 120(30 meters) feet

Just look for some train tracks, and grind them. Then, just keep the balance
until the meters hits 100-120.

Wallride the huffy train car

Just as you start, head to the far east, where you should see the "born point"
of each train. You should also see the sea!. There is a biker to the far left,
standing there, waiting for you. Talk with him, and he'll give you this
challenge. Now, wait a train to appear. It should have a glowing, white wagon on
it. Wallride it up to complete this objective. It may take a couple of tries,
but it can be done.




Pull a four-trick combo anywhere

It can't be easier!. Go up any of the twin flight of stairs forwards from where
you start, and grind a rail here. Jump, grind, jump, grind, jump, grind. Jump,
grind. Four tricks. Challenge done.

Break the four windows in the train station

This can be tricky to explain, but here I go. Drive forwards towards the twin
flights of stairs, and go up any of them. On the second level, head to the left
or right, and follow the path, until you reach a wooden kicker. Adjacent to the
kicker is a big, horizontal rail, with four glowing windows above it. Grind this
rail, and jump while grinding in order to smash the windows, thus completing
this objective.

Jump over the flatbed car

Just as you start, turn around so you're facing the docks. Drive to the far both
to the tunnels that end your run if you step to far into them. You should see
that these tunnels have some kind of arches above them. This arches can be
climbed out. Climb the one to the left, and wait a train to appear. Now, wait
the flatbed car appear(it is glowing on red) and jump onto it. There you go.
Yes, you don't have to jump _over_ it. You just have to jump _onto_ it).

Do a fastplant on the clock

Just as you start, head forwards, and go up the stairs(take note of the clock
here) and turn to the right. Follow the path until you come to a biker with the
green sign above him. Talk with him, and, go down the flight of stairs, and then
turn, so you're facing both flights of stairs can the clock. Now, what you must
do, is to climb up the stairs, and align yourself so you're next to the clock,
and then jump, and do a fastplant on the clock. In other words: go up the stairs
until you are by the clock, jump, and fastplant it out. Is harder to explain it
than to do it =P(By the way, a fastplant is done by pressing left+X).




Get on the deck of each cargo ship

As you start, turn around, so you're facing the decks. Drive towards the tunnel
on the far north(the same one that finishes the run if you step too far on it)
and turn to the left. You should spot two half pipes next to one of the cargo
ships. Use the left half pipe to take air, and do a superman while airborne.
With any luck, you should land on the ship. Then, step on the glowing floor.
Afterwards, jump from this ship to the other one, and step on the glowing floor
to complete this objective.

Transfer between two commuter bench awnings

Just as you start, go forwards and go up the flight of stairs. On the second
floor, turn either to the right or to the left, and follow the path until you
find a small wooden kicker. Use this kicker to launch yourself onto one of the
awnings. As you land, you should see two glowing awnings, to your right, and to
your left. Jump from the awning you are on to a glowing awning to complete this

Grind-to-grind between each commuter bench.

Near your starting point there are four commuter bench. All of them connect. But
with a gap in between. Grind any of the benches, jump the gap, and grind the
other bench. Do this on all of the benches to complete this objective.

Transfer between the bulldozers

Just as you start, go forwards, and go down the flight of stairs leading _down_
between the twin flight of stairs leading _up_. You should see a doorway to the
north. Go through it, and turn to the left. Then, jump out of this mini half
pipe. You should see on of the bikers with a green symbol above him. He'll give
you this challenge. This is one of the hardest challenges in the game, so be
prepared. Now, there are two bulldozers here, and their blades must be used as
ramps in order to clear the gap in between them. Take some speed, jump from a
blade, clear the gap between them, and land of the other. Like Confucius said:
Being patient is the only way to reach perfection(taken out from my history





Man, this level has TONS of ramps and jumps you can use in order to get the
required amount of points. Right in front from where you start, do a backflip
between both launch ramps(pretty much free gap) and then do a manual. Grind the
logs afterwards. Look for another jump, and do either a backflip or a xo
superman/tabletop. Then, you can manual, or just look for another jump, and
start supermaning again. You should get the required score in no time.




Wallride the fanboat garage to open the door

Just as you start, drive forwards, and jump the gap there. Then, head to the far
north, until you come to a long street, by the local lake(other side of the lake
is the garage). You must cross to the other side of the lake. Now, listen up. To
the left side of the street you should see a small break between the street and
the garage. Jump onto the break, and then onto the area with the garage. Now,
look for the glowing walls, and wallride them up.

Grind the four glowing tree branches

This could be a little tricky to complete. Now, drive towards the north part of
the level, to the same street mentioned above. You should see a couple of logs
here, as well as a glowing tree branch. Grind the logs, and jump yourself onto
the glowing tree branch, and grind it up. Then, look for the dirt jumps around
the area where you grinded the tree branch above. Use these dirt jumps to grind
the glowing tree branches.

Do a trick over the tree trunk on the 8-pack

Just as you start, turn to the right, and look for a biker around here, who'll
give you this challenge. In the same place, you should see a dirt jump, and a
tree trunk in the middle of it. Use the dirt jump to jump over the trunk, and do
a any trick while airborne. If you happen to bail, then try with the dirt jump
on the opposite side of the one mentioned above.

Grind-to-grind between any two logs

Just as you start you should spot two glowing logs. Grind one, and then jump
onto the other one, and grind it up. Damn, this was sooooo damn easy... that I
had to try about three times in order to complete it =^).




Destroy the fur rusty boats hanging in the fanboat garage

NOTE: You must have completed the objective below in order to complete this
objective("wallride the TSG to open the back garage door").

Jus as you start, turn a bit to the left, and drive along the dirt jumps until
you reach the street if mentioned a while ago. Look for the break, and use it to
get to the area with the garage. Enter it, and look for the back garage door,
and go through it. You should see the unraised bridge. To the right is a ramp.
Go up this ramp, until you come to an iron box. Next to this box is a window. To
the other side of the window there are two boats, one near the window, and
another one far away from the window. To break the one near the window, just
smash through the window and break it out. To break the one far away from the
window, jump into the boats that cannot be destroyed, and then smash it out. As
for the two other boats... use the various ramps inside the garage to smash them
up, and complete this objective.

Wallride the TGS to open the back garage door

_Inside_ the same garage where you destroyed the rusty boats, look for the TGS
signs in the middle of the two doors leading out. Wallride it up to complete
this objective.

Pull a modiphied backflip between the junkyard trailers

Just as you start, drive to the north, and jump across the gap. Then head to the
north until you come to a street adjacent to the lake. On the east part of the
street you should see a break between the street and the area other side of the
street. Use this break in order to get other side. Now here, look for two
glowing trailers with two trucks between them. Use a trailer to get air, do a
backflip, and then modiphi it out. To do so, after you do the backflip, press
any of the directional arrows, and then press Circle.

Grind the drawbidge cable from the upper garage deck

Jus as you start, turn a bit to the left, and drive along the dirt jumps until
you reach the street if mentioned a while ago. Look for the break, and use it to
get to the area with the garage. Enter it, and look for the back garage door,
and go through it. You should see the unraised bridge. To the right is a ramp.
Ignore the ramp, and head to the far right, where you should see the biker
who'll give you this challenge. Return to the ramp leading up, and take it up.
You'll come to an iron box, which has a window by it. Adjacent to this window is
a walkway leading to another window(the [this] window). Jump through the [this]
window, and grind the glowing rail, in order to raise the bridge and complete
this objective.





Jus as you start, drive all the way forwards, and throw yourself one floor below
when you can. This is the ramp heaven!. Use these ramps to do some backflips,
supermans, toboggans, tabletops, and modiphied tricks. Also, do manuals in order
to link all of these tricks and get even more points




Break the four glowing lamps on the park stone wall

Just as you start, do a half-turn to the right, so you're facing the park wall
to the left side of the park's door(the park's door has a rail leading down).
Get onto this wall, and smash out all four of the glowing lamps that are on it.
Once you do, you are done with this objective.

Wallride the walkway support over the stair gap

Just as you start, drive a little forwards, pass the lunch desks. You should see
a glowing wall next to a rail. Go around this rail, and you should see that to
the other side there is no rail covering the glowing wall. Take some impulse,
press and hold up on the d-pad, and then press X. If your timing is right you
should end up wallriding the wall, thus completing this objective.

Jump over a police car

For this objective, I'll give you some diagrams in order to help you out with
it. Now, listen up, just as you start, turn sharply to the left so you are
facing the street, which has cars driving to the right, and cars driving to the

< ------------------ Cars driving to the left
------------------ > Cars driving to the right
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%W %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% You are here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%A * %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%T H E R E S T O F T H E%%%%%%
%%L * Starting point %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%LEVEL%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%L %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Now, wait there. Sing a song, look at your watch, whistle, kick somebody's arse,
and then look at your TV screen again. You should see a police car. Don't rush
towards it. Wait it to park:

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%W %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% You are here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%A * %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%T H E R E S T O F T H E%%%%%%
%%L * Starting point %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%LEVEL%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%L %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Now, drive towards the parked police car, and as you are getting near it, press
and hold X, and then release it. With any luck, you'll jump over the police car.
If you find it too hard, try jumping over its motor cover(what's that?. A
translation from Spanish to English of "capo").

Grind the electric wire that cross over Madison Street

Just as you start, turn sharply to the left, and use the wall to jump onto the
wires above the Madison Street, and grind them up in order to complete this




Pull out 8 trick combo anywhere

Just look for some big rail(the ones on the underground part of the level and
the ones on the walkway are useful) grind it up, jump, grind, jump... if the
rail is long enough, you should end up with 8 tricks.

Break all four of the lower plaza awnings

Just as you start, turn to the left, so that you're facing the street. Cross
this street, and to the other side, drive forwards until you come to the lower
plaza, adjacent to the construction site. You'll know it's the lower plaza
because it has some quarter pipes on it, and four glowing awnings. Use the
quarter pipes here to launch yourself onto the awnings in order to break them

Transfer from the walkway rail to the arch support

Just as you start, you are facing a walkway with some steps leading up. Drive
towards this walkway, and use the steps to get on top of it. You should see that
the rail here glow. Grind either one of the rails, and then jump, and grind the
arch support, which is also glowing in red. Once you do, is challenge complete,

Manual 45-50 feet on the plank in the construction site

Just as you start, turn a little to the left so you are facing the street. Cross
it over, so you reach the lower plaza. Ignore the plaza and drive north towards
the construction site. Drive the "do not enter" fences, and turn immediately to
the left. You should see a couple of steps leading up. Take the first one you
see up, and you should spot Dave Mirra with a green symbol above him. Talk with
him. Just by him is the plank you must manual. Park your bike in front of it,
take some speed, and manual. Then, just try not to fall from the plank until the
meter touches the area in between the 45 and 50 feet.

##### ## ## # #============================================================
# # # # # # # #
##### # # # # PARK EDITOR
# # # # # # #
##### # # # # #============================================================

Probably the most complex park editor I've seen on a extreme sports videogame,
but at the same time, the most complete. It offers a helluva lot of parks, that,
like the original game, are enormous. You also have a wide "arsenal" of pieces
to stuff up on the levels, which vary from warehouses to beaches and labs.
Create your own lair, in hone your skills in there.




D-Pad - Move a grid down, left, up and right.

Right stick - Zoom in and zoom out

Left stick - Move around

X button - Place a piece on selected grid

Circle button - Rotate piece

Square button - Rotate piece

Triangle button - Copy piece(access copy tool).

Start - Brings out sub menu.

Select - Change to the terrain editor tool.

R1 - Change set of pieces(pools, rails, etc.)

R2 - Change set of pieces.

L2 - Select a piece

L1 - Change a piece.




Continue - Continue building your own park.

Save Park - Allows you to save your park onto your memory card.

Test skate - Allows you to test out your park, even if its not complete.

Light options - Used to change brightness and light fonts on the level, so it
looks brighter or darker.

Clear all - Clears out the park, leaving it at its default.

Exit - Exit the park editor mode.

##### ## ## # #============================================================
# # # # # # # #
##### # # # # TRICK LISTING
# # # # # # #
##### # # # # #============================================================

NOTE: Sating down+right is like saying "diagonal-bottom-right". Bear that in

NOTE2: I just ignored the custom modiphiers and "signature" tricks list.

NOTE3: Why are you looking at this?. You can see the full list by selecting
"tricks list" on the pause sub menu. Man, you are really lazy... =P.

| Turndown | Left+Square |
| Can Can | Right+Square |
| Tabletop | Up+Square |
| Backflip | Down+Square |
| SuperMan | Up+Right+Square |
| Candy Bar | Down+Left+Square |
| Tail whip | Down+Right+Square |
| Toboggan | Up+Left+Square |
| Double Backflip | Down, Down+Square |
| Front flip | Up, Up+Square |
| turndown backflip | Left, Down+Square |
| can can backflip | Right, Down+Square |
| Tabletop Backflip | Up, Down+Square |
| Toboggan backflip | Up+Left, Down+Square |
| Superflip | Up+Right, Down+Square |
| Candy Bar backflip| Down+Left, Down+Square |
| Tail whip backflip| Down+Right, Down+Square |
| Decade | Right, Left+Square |
| No footed can can | Up+Right, Right+Square |
| Unturndown | Left, Left+Square |
| Double Tailwhip | Down+Right, Down+Right+Square |
| Can Can Look down | Left, Right+Square |
| Candy Bar lookdown| Left, down+left+square |
| Superman Indian | Up+Right, Up+Right+Square |
| Superman tabletop | Up+Right, Up+Square |
| Can can tabletop | Right, Up+Square |
| Can can Tabletop | Down+Left, Up+Square |
| Superman Tailwhip | Up+Right, Down+Right+Square |
| Superman Toboggan | Up+Right, Up+Left+Square |
| Pendulum Air | Right, Right+Square |
| Can Can Tailwhip | Right, Down+Right+Square |
| Candy Can | Down+Left, Right+Square |
| Can Can toboggan | Right, Up+Left+Square |
| Barhop | Down+Left, Down+Left+Square |

| Modiphiers |
| Barspin | Down+Circle |
| One Footer | Left+Circle |
| One Hander | Right+Circle |
| X-Up | Up+Circle |
| X-Down | Up, Up+Circle |
| Suicide No Hander | Down+Right, Down+Right+Circle |
| No Footer | Down+Left+Circle |
| No Hander | Down+Right+Circle |
| Nothing | Down+Left, Down+Right+Circle |
| One Hand One Footer | Right, Left+Circle |
| One Hand X-up | Right, Up+Circle |
| Switch Hander | Right, Right+Circle |
| No Footed X-up | Down+Left, Up+Circle |
| One Footed X-up | Left, Up+Circle |
| No Footed One Hander| Down+Left, Right+Circle |
| No Handed One Footer| Left, Down+Right+Circle |
| No Handed Barspin | Down, Down+Right+Circle |
| Barspin to Barspin Back Down, Down+Circle |
| No Footed Barspin | Down+Left, Down+Circle |
| One Footed Barspin | Left, Down+Circle |
| Indian | Down+Left, Down+Left+Circle |
| Switch Footer | Left, Left+Circle |
| Busdriver | Down, Right+Circle |

| Stalls |
| Double Peg Stall | Triangle |
| Toothpick Stall | Up+Triangle |
| Icepick Stall | Down+Triangle |
| Nosepick | Up+Left+Triangle |
| Tail Tap | Down+Left+Triangle |
| Disaster | Left+triangle |
| Whiplash | Right, Right+Triangle |

| Grinds |
| Double Peg Grind | Triangle |
| Smith Grind | Left+Triangle |
| Feeble Grind | Right+Triangle |
| Toothpick Grind | Up+Triangle |
| Icepick Grind | Down+Triangle |
| Lip Slide | Up+Left+Triangle |
| Luc-E Grind | Up+Right+Triangle |
| Crooked Grind | Down+Left+Triangle |
| Sprocket Grind | Down+Right+Triangle |

| Miscellaneous |
| Fast Plant | Left+X |
| Wall Tap | Right+X |
| Wall Ride | Up+X |
| Manual | Down, Down |
| Nose Wheelie | Up, Up |

##### ## ## # #============================================================
# # # # # # # #
# # # # # # #
##### # # # # #============================================================




- Unlock Amish Boy: The Amish boy is this lucky guy who won a Slim Jim(what the
hell is that!?) prize, and ended up being 3D-ized, and put into this game, where
he races as a pro, even though he isn't. Beat the game with anybody in order to
unlock him.

- The Green Hell: Sometimes, you may end up piercing through a tree, a log, or
the floor. When you do so, you'll fall into the green hell. You'll keep falling,
and suddenly, you'll respawn on the level. While falling, pull out tricks like a
madman. They WILL count when you respawn. You can get as high as 80.000
points(done with a 1080 superman. I think I was lucky though. I mean, 80.000...
whoa...) points when on the green hell. And it'll count.

- Inside the truck: On a similar case, in the commercial district level, if
noticed that if Rammed up by a truck, you may end up inside it. But you'll be
outside it when you respawn.

##### ## ## # #============================================================
# # # # # # # #
##### # # # # OUTRO
# # # # # # #
##### # # # # #============================================================

A big thank you for reading my twelfth FAQ. What do you think about it?. Did you
like it?. Send me feedback!. Send me questions!. Send me contributions!. But
don't send me viruses, god damn it!. Anyway, hope you enjoyed both the game and
the FAQ. I wish you Godspeed, and until my next project.

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Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2
For the Playsation2
Copyright Jose Felipe Vargas, "GheddonLN"
All rights reserved.

-=End of Document=-
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