Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder

Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder

14.10.2013 16:31:05
-=Start of FAQ=-
^ ^
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Shaun Palmer Pro Snowboarder
For the Playstation 2 console
By GheddonLN
Version 0.23
Started on February 22, 02
Last updated on February 22, 02





0. What's new section
1. Version history
2. Credits
3. Copyright notice
4. Introduction
[] Notes, misc, and the etcetera.

5. Controls * COMPLETE *
[] In depth * COMPLETE *
6. Basics * COMPLETE *

7. Characters * INCOMPLETE *
8. Trick listing * COMPLETE *

9. Walkthrough * INCOMPLETE *
[] Donner ski ranch * COMPLETE *
[] Aspen * COMPLETE *
[] Kirkwood * COMPLETE *
[] Heavenly * COMPLETE *
[] Snowbird * COMPLETE *
[] Squaw Valley * COMPLETE *
[] Mt Hood Meadow * COMPLETE *
[] Gotcha Glacier * INCOMPLETE *

10. Gap checklist * INCOMPLETE *
11. What comes next
12. Outro



* There is currently no new stuff, as this is the first version of this guide.

* Uffff... lotsa new stuff. I've added nearly all of the level
walkthroughs(special thanks to Board the World at the message board!. Without
his help, Mt Hood Meadow would be incomplete! :)



*Version 0.1* | The first version of this guide. Working on the trick
| listing, and doing my best to type out the whole gap
| checklist. The character guide is also painful, as it
| means I have to look around in order to see my TV
| screen(as it is behind me). The walkthrough is very, very
| incomplete, but I'm doing my best. Don't despair.

* * *

*Version Alpha* | Added more about the walkthrough.

* * *

*Version 0.23* | Added the walkthrough for all the levels as well as more
| gaps for the gap checklist. Edited the credits section...



Activision/Dear Soft
- For making the best snowboarding game out there. Move along SSX!.

Neill Morgan
- For giving me the idea of the "what's new section".

- His guides sure helped me out!. Also, he let me use his gap listing!... well,
I haven't added the gaps, but I got permission to use them!.

Board The World
- For helping me to complete Mt Hood Meadow and Gotcha Glacier...

To me
- For typing up this guide!.



This document property of "GheddonLN". All rights reserved. Copyright 2002 by
José Felipe Vargas. This document may not be reproduced in any way, shape or
form without written permission from the document's copyright holder, and may
not be uploaded, downloaded, or transferred to your hard drive unless from the
following sites permissible:

Failure to abide by this legal contract will result in a lawsuit in which you
may be sentenced to serve a term in prison for copyright infringement as well as
paying out compensation to the document's owner. This document may not be edited
in whole or part, unless given permission by the document's copyright owner.
This legal notification applies to international copyright laws and will be
extremely well carried out by the authorities, copyright holder, and citizens.



Welcome to my thirteenth FAQ. Thirteenth... I remember back then "welcome to my
first FAQ...". Good 'ol memories. I've selected to do a guide for the "Shaun
Palmer Pro Snowboarder game, as I'm in love with it. I noticed that there was no
FAQ for it, so, I told to myself: why don't I do a FAQ/Walkthrough for it. SPPS
has great graphics, smooth controls, a superb soundtrack, is VERY hard, and has
a lot of replayability. Is not THPS3, but is sure very, very good, and you'll be
enjoying it a lot. If you want my opinion, read this FAQ to learn what this game
is all about(or read my review) and then buy it out.


I suggest you to play this game for a while, get used to it, and try to complete
a few challenges by yourself. If you find some of them too hard, then, check out
this guide, or the basics section. Remember, this game is ALL about exploration,
as the levels are huge, have three-ways-to-go, and are downhill, so completing
some objectives my be hard. Also, unlike in THPS3, tricks aren't customizable,
so each trick has an already-determined button combination. There are certain
challenges that require you to do a trick, so, you may want to check out the
trick listing section.

Other than that, all I can say is "enjoy".



NOTE: Don't pay attention to the numbers. It is my way of memorizing some names,
and something else... but, don't email me asking what they mean.

D - Pad(1) | Used to move.
Left stick(2) | Used to move.
Right stick(3) | Not necessary.
X Button(4) | Use this button to increase speed.
Triangle button(N/A) | Used to grind.
Circle button(5) | Used to do grab tricks.
Square button(6) | Want to do a flip trick? Use this button!.
Start(7) | Used to pause the game
Select(8) | Not used.
R2(9) | Used to do reverts.
L2(10) | Used to do reverts.
R1(11) | Used to do ollies while on the air.
L1(12) | Used to do ollies while on the air.


[D-Pad] | Used to move. Remember, to move to
| directions like southeast, northeast,
| you must press two buttons(for the north
| east, for example, press right+up)
[Left stick] | Used to move. Is easier, IMHO, as you
| can push it towards any directon.
[Right stick] | The right stick is one of those buttons
| video game creators put in a videogame,
| that, even though can be used in certain
| situations, are useless
[X Button] | Use this button to crouch, and increase
| your speed. If you press it, hold it,
| and then release it, you'll jump. Use
| this to do ollies, and nollies, etc.
[Triangle button] | Used to do grinds. The basic grind is a
| 50-50(pressing triangle by a grind) but
| it'll change if you press any arrow
| along with the grind button
[Circle button] | Used to do grab tricks. Hold it to hold
| the trick and increase your score. You
| can also rotate them, thus increasing
| your points.
[Square button] | Used to do flip tricks. Unlike the grab
| tricks, you cannot hold them nor rotate
| them. But you can use them as links with
| other tricks, as you can perform them
| easily.
[Start] | Used to pause the game and bring out a
| sub menu.
[Select] | Not used.
[R2/L2] | Used to do reverts.
[L1/R1] | Used to do ollies while airborne.



STARTING THE GAME | To start the game, put the disk on the
| DVD drive, and wait the introduction
| cinemas to finish. You'll then be taken
| to the start screen. In here, select the
| "CAREER MODE" option, and select "NEW
| CAREER". Then, select your snowboarder
| select his clothes and board, and then,
| select your level. Let's rock baby!.

* * *

BASIC EXPLORATION | This game has three-ways-to-go, the left
| path, the right path, and the middle
| path. Each path is extremely huge, thus
| making the game HUGE. Another problem I
| see is the fact that levels are downhill
| and there a lot of things to get. So,
| what I would recommend to you is to

* * *

SAVING YOUR GAME | To save your game in this game, you must
| make the time to run out, or press start
| and end the run. Then, the game will
| show at you the replay, covered by the
| challenges you have and have not
| completed. Then, a few screens later,
| you'll be asked to save your game. This
| can get annoying, because it appears
| everytime you finish a run.

* * *

GOAL COMPLETION | Each level has a certain amount of goals
| or challenges, and in every level, they
| are the same, only a few change. For
| example, in all of the levels you must
| collect the local sponsors, collect the
| secret sponsor, get a certain amount of
| points, and smash something. In the next
| level, you'll have to do barely the
| same.

* * *

LEVEL UNLOCKING | Like in other, so-popular activision
| extreme sports game, you must complete
| a certain amount of goals, and then,
| after you finish the level, you'll get
| a message telling you that you have un
| locked a new level. Keep playing, keep
| it good, and you'll soon get every
| level unlocked.

* * *

SPONSORS | Each level has its own sponsor, that
| has the level title on it. You must
| collect these sponsors in order people
| to like you, and unlock new paths and
| levels for you.

* * *

GAPS | Gaps are special "things" that appear
| as trick on your trick bar, but in blue.
| Gaps have a already set amount of points
| so when you do them, you get the same
| amount of points over and over... Gaps
| vary from clearing a gap, to grinding a
| certain rail, to jumping over something.
| Gaps are great score-boosters, and you
| should use them whenever possible.

* * *

PEDESTRIANS | Each level, like in Tony Hawk 3, has a
| certain amount of peds. Some of them are
| hurting to be impressed, so you can
| complete a certain objective, others
| are just there, waiting to be rammed by
| you. There are a few objectives that
| include interactive-ness with peds, but
| otherwise, they are just there for show.

* * *

RESPAWN POINTS | Because levels go downhill, and you're
| not superman, you'll have to rely on
| these in order to return uphill. Res-
| pawn points are represented as a yellow
| circle on the ground, and in the middle
| of this circle, there could be a snow
| driver, a 4x4, or an armchair lift.
| These are the only way you have to
| return to the start of the level, so use
| them if you missed something.

* * *

GRIND TRICKS | To do grind tricks, stand by a rail
| and press triangle in order to do a
| basic grind(the FS 50-50). If you push
| a directional arrow + triangle, then
| you'll do a different grind, which could
| earn you more points. While grinding,
| you can jump, do another combination,
| and then grind again. Grind a lot, as
| they are the greatest score booster(
| along with manuals) and they're easy to
| perform.

* * *

FLIP TRICKS | To do flip tricks, push any directional
| arrow, and then press the square button.
| Flip tricks cannot be holded, nor they
| can be rotated. But this is compensated
| by the fact that they're fast, so you
| can do a lot of them while airborne, and
| that most of them are worth a helluva
| lot of points.

* * *

GRAB TRICKS | To do grab tricks, push any directional
| arrow + circle. Grab tricks, like the
| name suggests, can be holded. So, if you
| hold the circle button, you'll increase
| your score. You can also rotate them, in
| order to increase your scoring. Each
| time you rotate a trick, the amount of º
| you rotated it will appear next to the
| trick you performed(ex. 1080 Melancholy)

* * *

OLLING | To ollie, jump or take air from a ramp,
| and press either the R1 or L1 button.
| Depending how much º you rotate, the
| score you'll get. Also, if you mix an
| a normal ollie(press and hold X, and
| then release it) with the R2/L2 buttons
| and the d-pad, you can get different
| tricks.

* * *

SCORING POINTS | Each time you do a trick, you get a
| certain amount of points. This amount
| of points will be added to your point
| meter. If you repeat the same trick,
| you'll get less points. If you want to
| get a lot of points easily, link
| tricks in order to multiply them for
| the number of tricks you did(see below).
| Always do a lot of manuals, lip tricks
| and grinds in order to increase your
| points.

AS FOR THE EXAMPLE...: Doing a melancholy which is worth, say, 600 points, along
with a manual, that is worth, say, 200 points would earn you 800 points. Wrong.
It will earn you 800 points x 2. So, it works like this: the total amount of
points you get x the number of tricks you do.



Name: Shaun Palmer

| Ollie : //// |
| Spin : /// |
| Speed : ///// |
| Landing : //// |
| Balance : /// |

Name: Tommy Czeschin

| Ollie : /// |
| Spin : ///// |
| Speed : // |
| Landing : /// |
| Balance : /// |

Name: Jimmy Halopoff

| Ollie : /// |
| Spin : //// |
| Speed : /// |
| Landing : /// |
| Balance : /// |

Name: Shaun White

| Ollie : /// |
| Spin : //// |
| Speed : // |
| Landing : // |
| Balance : ///// |

Name: Leslee Olson

| Ollie : /// |
| Spin : // |
| Speed : //// |
| Landing : //// |
| Balance : /// |

Name: Drew Neilson

| Ollie : /// |
| Spin : // |
| Speed : //// |
| Landing : ///// |
| Balance : // |

Name: Ross Powers

| Ollie : //// |
| Spin : //// |
| Speed : /// |
| Landing : // |
| Balance : /// |

Name: Tara Dakides

| Ollie : // |
| Spin : //// |
| Speed : /// |
| Landing : ///// |
| Balance : // |

Name: Ingerman Backman

| Ollie : ///// |
| Spin : /// |
| Speed : /// |
| Landing : /// |
| Balance : // |

Name: Markus Hurme

| Ollie : /// |
| Spin : /// |
| Speed : /// |
| Landing : ///// |
| Balance : // |




/: Diagonal top-right
\: Diagonal top-left
//: Diagonal Bottom Left
\: Diagonal bottom right
X: X button
O: Circle button
[]: Square button
T: Triangle button
U: Up
D: Down
L: Left
R: Right
L1: L1
L2: L2
R1: R1
R2: R2
START: Start
SELECT: Select.


Up + O - Nosegrab
/ + O - Mute
R + O - Indy
\ + O - Stalefish air
D + O - Tail grab
// + O - Meloncholy
L + O - Method
\ + O - Grasser
UU + O - Rocket air
UR + O - Lien air
UD + O - Roastbeef
UL + O - Lien method
RU + O - Double Handed Indy
RR + O - Indy Nosebone
RD + O - Tindy Grab
RL + O - Crail
DU + O - Sad Air
DR + O - Seatbealt
DD + O - Tail Nosebone
DL + O - Nuclear
LU + O - Japan air
LR + O - Crossrocket
LD + O - Taipan Air
LL + O - Meted Donkey Kick Style


U + [] - Front Flip
\ + [] - BS Cork 5
L + [] - Misty 5
// + [] - BS Rodeo 5
D + [] - Backflip
\ + [] - FS Rodeo 5
R + [] - Under flip
/ + [] - FS Cork 5
UU + [] - Double Flip
UL + [] - BS Cork 7
UD + [] - Front Flip 180
UR + [] - FS Cork 7
LU + [] - BS Cork 9
LL + [] - Misty 7
LD + [] - BS Rodeo 9
LR + [] - Back flip 180
DU + [] - Superman 180
DL + [] - BS Rodeo 7
DD + [] - Double Back flip
DR + [] - FS Rodeo 7
RU + [] - FS Cork 9
RL + [] - Misty 9
RD + [] - FS Rodeo 9
RR + [] - Back flip 540


T - 50-50
U + T - Nosepress
/ + T - Nose slides
R + T - Boarslide
\ + T - BS Tail slide
D + T - Tailpress
// + T - FS Tail slide
L + T - FS Boardslides
\ + T - FS Nose slide
DU + T - FS 180 50-50
LR + T - BS 270 Boardslide revert out
RL + T - FS 270 Boardslide revert out
UD + T - BS 180 50-50


T - Handplant
U + T - Handplant to fakie
/ + T - Eggplant to Indy
R + T - Eggplant
\ + T - Eggplant Stalefish
D + T - Layback
// + T - Miller Lip
L + T - J Tear
=\ + T - Double Handplant


U + X - Big Ollie
UU + X - Super Ollie


U + X - Nose Bonk
L + X - BS Jib Bonk
D + X - Tail Bonk
R + X - FS Jib Bonk




---Objective Checklist:

+ Get Over 20.000 points
+ Get Over 50.000 points
+ Get Over 120.000 points
+ Finsih before 1:20 with over 15.000 points
+ Get the four Donner logos
+ Get the secret sponsor
+ Nosepress the water tank pipe
+ Bust out all of the slow signs
+ Say Cheese


+ Get over 20.000 | For this one, use the ramp right in
| front of your starting position, and
- You must get 20.000 points/over | take air. While airborne, do one flip
20.000 points | ( a misty 9 is OK) and then do a
| meloncholy and hold it and rotate it
| as much as you can. When you land,
| quickly input the manual button combo
| (up+down) and immediately look for
| the antenna tower. Grind it up until
| you do the R U scared from heights gap
| and then jump. Do a grab trick, and you
| are done.

* * *

+ Get Over 50.000 |
| For this one, use the ramp right in
| front of your starting position, and
- You must get 20.000 points/over | take air. While airborne, do one flip
20.000 points | ( a misty 9 is OK) and then do a
| meloncholy and hold it and rotate it
| as much as you can. When you land,
| quickly input the manual button combo
| (up+down) and immediately look for
| the antenna tower. Grind it up until
| you do the R U scared from heights gap
| and then jump. Do a grab trick, hold it
| and rotate it. When you land, you
| should have enough points in order to
| complete this objective. If not, then
| do a few more grinds and manuals, and
| there you go.

* * *

+ Get Over 120.000 |
| For this one, use the ramp right in
| front of your starting position, and
- You must get 120.000 points/over | take air. While airborne, do one flip
120.000 points | ( a misty 9 is OK) and then do a
| meloncholy and hold it and rotate it
| as much as you can. When you land,
| quickly input the manual button combo
| (up+down) and immediately look for
| the antenna tower. Grind it up until
| you do the R U scared from heights gap
| and then jump. Do a grab trick, hold it
| and rotate it. When you land, you could
| manual your ways towards the photo ramp
| here, but I recommend you to get there
| normally, do a couple of tricks, manual
| and grind. Grind everything you see,
| and link. When you reach a ramp, do a
| lip trick on it, revert, and then
| manual. If you keep the pressure up
| and use these tips, you should have
| this objective in the bag soon.

* * *

+ Finish Before 1:25 with over 15.000 | For this one, use the ramp right in
| front of your starting position, and
- You must finish before 1:25 with | take air. While airborne, do one flip
over 15.000 points | ( a misty 9 is OK) and then do a
| meloncholy and hold it and rotate it
| as much as you can. When you land,
| quickly input the manual button combo
| (up+down) and immediately look for
| the antenna tower. Grind it up until
| you do the R U scared from heights gap
| and then jump. Do a grab trick, and you
| are done. Now, rush towards the end of
| the level.

* * *

+ Get the 4 donner Logos | + Just as you start, you'll see a ramp
| Use it to take air and get this
- There are four logos spread | sponsor
throughout the level you must collect |
| + For this one, drive along the left
| side of the level. Right after the
| water tanks you should see a tree, with
| this logo floating above it. Grind the
| tree to get this logo.
| + After the water tower(a little to the
| north) you should see a snow mini ramp
| with a rail on it. Grind this rail.
| Halfway, you should see this logo
| floating above you. Ollie to snag it.
| + North from the third sponsor there
| are two jumps. Floating above one of
| them is this sponsor.

* * *

+ Get the secret sponsor | To get the secret sponsor, drive
| towards the level's finish line. Right
- You must get the secret sponsor | before it is a house with a garage(that
| is locked). Before this house is a blue
| car by a rail. Grind the car, and the
| locked garage will open. Skate through
| it in order to get the secret sponsor.

* * *

+ Nosepress the water tank pipe | Right after the second sponsor(the one
| that is floating above a tree) you'll
- On top the water tank there are two | come to the water tank. You have two
pipes(which are connected). You must| ways to get on top it: use the ramps
nosepress both of them without | next to it to launch yourself airborne
jumping or losing balance | and land in the tank, or grind the rail
| balancing from the tank. Grinding is
| easier. Now, above, you'll see two
| pipes, one on the upper tank, and one
| on the lower tank. You msut nosepress
| the upper one, and then the lower one
| without losing balance, and without
| jumping.

* * *

+ Bust out all of the slow signs | + As you start, turn to the right, and
| skate downhill. You should see this one
- Spread across the level there are | on your way.
five slow signs. Skate through them |
in order to bust them out. | + Right after the first photo jump is
| this sign.
| + As you skate downhill, you'll come to
| to a branching path. The right one takes
| you to a mini ramp with a rail on it,
| whereas the left one is covered by some
| hard-to-cross debris. In the middle of
| both paths is this sign.
| + Take the right branch, and follow
| the path until you come to this one.
| + Keep heading downhill until you come
| near to the lake. When that happens,
| skate along the right side of it, and
| you should see this sign on your way.

* * *

+ Say cheese! | + Just keep skating downhill, and you'll
| soon come to this one(do a 360 method).
- In random locations of the level |
you'll find some ramps and a rail | + Right after the first chairlift is
with a paparazzi by them. Do some | a jump. To the far right of this jump
tricks on this ramps(and rail) so | is a small halfpipe, with a paparazzi
the paparazzi can record the | by it(do an eggplant for this one).
moment. |
| + Right after the lake is a paparazzi
| standing by a rail(clear the "over the
| lake gap" or grind the rail by him).
| + Right after the water tank head to the
| far left, and start grinding the snow
| "rail". As you grind, a paparazzi will
| catch the moment, and you'll complete
| this objective.


---Objective Checklist:

+ Get over 40.000 points
+ Get over 100.000 points
+ Get over 200.000 points
+ Finish before 1:25 with over 30.000 points
+ Collect the Aspen Logos
+ Collect the secret sponsor
+ Demolish the coffee stands
+ Bonk the gondola
+ Show the yuppies the bottom of your board.


+ Get over 40.000 points | As you start, jump, and hold a short
| grab trick, and then manual your way to
- You have to get 40.000/over | the much bigger jump. Take air, and do
40.000 points. | two Misty Nines, and hold a short grab.
| As you land, manual, and enter the
| glassed house, and grind both rails
| inside. Do another manual, and grind the
| tree right in front of you, and as you
| go out of the grind, manual.

* * *

+ Get over 100.000 points | As you start, jump, and hold a short
| grab trick, and then manual your way to
- You have to get 100.000/over | the much bigger jump. Take air, and do
100.000 points. | two Misty Nines, and hold a short grab.
| As you land, manual, and enter the
| glassed house, and grind both rails
| inside. Do another manual, and grind the
| tree right in front of you, and as you
| go out the grind, do a manual, and grind
| the tree to the left. Use it to jump
| onto the wires above, and grind as much
| as you can. If you see that you can't
| keep your balance, and jump out the
| grind.

* * *

+ Get over 200.000 points | As you start, jump, and hold a short
| grab trick, and then manual your way to
- You have to get 200.000/over | the much bigger jump. Take air, and do
200.000 points. | two Misty Nines, and hold a short grab.
| As you land, manual, and enter the
| glassed house, and grind both rails
| inside. Do another manual, and grind the
| tree right in front of you, and as you
| go out the grind, do a manual, and grind
| the tree to the left. Use it to jump
| onto the wires above, and grind as much
| as you can. If you see that you can't
| keep your balance, and jump out the
| grind. Do a manual, grind a little more,
| do grabs, and you should have 200.000
| points in a while.

* * *

+ Finish before 1:25 with over 30.000 | Follow the tips above until you grind
| the wires(using a tree as your impulse)
- You have to get to the finish line | and the drop out. Afterwards, skate
with over 30.000 points before the | towards the finishing line, avoiding
clock marks 1:25 | bailing to complete this objective.

* * *

+ Collect the Aspen Logos | + As you start, skate along the left
| side until you come to a snowy ramp.
| Use it to take air and land on the
| glassed house rooftop. Use the little
| ramp here to get this logo.
| + There is a house before the logo
| below that has two ramps(it is next to
| a coffee stand). Floating above it is
| this logo.
| + Skate along the level's right side,
| until you come to a yuppie's house.
| Behind the yuppie there are two glass
| kickers. Use them in order to get this
| logo floating above a water tank.
| + Right before the game finishing line
| and use a jump before it to get onto
| some high wires. Grind them out in order
| to get this logo.

* * *

+ Collect the secret sponsor | As you start, skate along the right path
| of the level until you come to a yuppie
- You must get the secret sponsor | house. There is a tree leading to this
| house's rooftop. Skate along it, and
| look for a wire coming out from the roof
| top. Grind along it, and keep your
| balance until you collect the secret
| sponsor. Yay!.

* * *

+ Demolish the coffee stands | + As you start, skate towards the
| glassed house. To the left side of this
- You must skate through the coffee | house is a coffee stand
stands used by skaters to heal their|
coldness | + Keep skating along the left path, and
| past the _gondola_ station. Past it is
| the chairlift station. By it is this
| stand.
| + To the left of the house where you get
| the second logo.
| + Follow the path after the coffe stand
| above, and skate towards the yuppie
| house to the right. There is a coffe
| stand on it.
| + Before the finishing line is a glassed
| house, with a yuppie by it. To the far
| left of this coffe stand.

* * *

+ Bonk the gondola | As you start, go forwards towards the
| glassed house. Go through it, and grind
- You must bonk a gondola | the tree. As you grind out, search for
| another tree to the left, and use it to
| launch yourself onto some high wires.
| Grind along them until the gondola comes
| Bonk it out to complete this objective.

* * *

+ Show the yuppies the bottom | + As you start, head towards the glassed
of your boardm | house, and turn to the right. This
| yuppie is on a house frontyard.
- There are five yuppies spread across|
the level. Jump above them. | + Advance forwards, and, past the house
| with the third coffee stand(second aspen
| logo) is a house with this yuppie.
| + A little to the north of where the
| yuppie above is an snowmobile. Take it.
| You'll be taken to the level's starting
| line. Head towards the glassed house,
| and turn to the left. Follow the path
| to the left until you come to the gon-
| -dola station. Jump over the yuppie here
| + Past the snowmobile you used above is
| a house with a yuppie on it(along with a
| coffee stand.
| + By the end of the level is a glassed
| house. There is a man in yellow by it.
| He's a yuppie, so jump over him.


---Objective checklist:

Get Over 80.000 points
Get over 160.000 points
Get Over 320.000 points.
Finish before 2:00 with over 40.000 points.
Bust out all of the caution signs
Bonk the wildlife
Collect the Kirkwood logos
Get the secret sponsor
Front flip over Hayes' Hop


+ Get over 80.000 points | To get this, manual your way towards the
| log just in front of you. Grind it up,
- You must get 80.000/over | and launch yourself towards the high
80.000 points. | wires. Nosepress them, and jump - grind
| to increase your x ## meter. Keep the
| balance until you reach the end, and
| then drop. As you land, manual, and look
| for any of the flipped over trees, and
| grind it up, then manual, and look for
| another flipped over tree. Cook until
| done.

* * *

+ Get over 160.000 points | To get this, manual your way towards the
| log just in front of you. Grind it up,
- You must get 160.000/over | and launch yourself towards the high
160.000 points. | wires. Nosepress them, and jump - grind
| to increase your x ## meter. Keep the
| balance until you reach the end, and
| then drop. As you land, manual, and look
| for any of the flipped over trees, and
| grind it up, then manual, and look for
| another flipped over tree. Do this until
| you come to a branch. Take the tree
| in the middle(grind it) and manual your
| towards the ramp with the kirkwood logo
| floating above it. Use it to take air,
| do a BS Rodeo(UL + []) and hold and ro-
| rotate a meloncholy. As you land,
| manual, and grind a nearby rail.

* * *

+ Get over 360.000 points | To get this, manual your way towards the
| log just in front of you. Grind it up,
- You must get 360.000/over | and launch yourself towards the high
360.000 points. | wires. Nosepress them, and jump - grind
| to increase your x ## meter. Keep the
| balance until you reach the end, and
| then drop. As you land, manual, and look
| for any of the flipped over trees, and
| grind it up, then manual, and look for
| another flipped over tree. Do this until
| you come to a branch. Take the tree
| in the middle(grind it) and manual your
| towards the ramp with the kirkwood logo
| floating above it. Use it to take air,
| do a BS Rodeo(UL + []) and hold and ro-
| rotate a meloncholy. As you land,
| manual, and grind a nearby rail. As the
| rail finishes, manual, and then stop
| this long combo. Wait until you come to
| a path with some connecting rails, and
| nosepress - slide revert out them until
| they finish, and manual. Keep doing
| combos until you come to a snowmobile.
| Take it up, and repeat everything
| mentioned above.

* * *

+ Finish before 2:00 with over 40.000 | To get this, manual your way towards the
| log just in front of you. Grind it up,
- You must get to the finish line | and launch yourself towards the high
with over 40.000 before 2:00 | wires. Nosepress them, and jump - grind
| to increase your x ## meter. Keep the
| balance until you reach the end, and
| then drop. As you land, manual, and look
| for any of the flipped over trees, and
| grind it up, then manual, and look for
| another flipped over tree. Cook until
| done and then skate towards the finish
| line without distractions.

* * *

+ Bust out all of the slow signs | + The first slow sign is directly in
| front of your starting position, before
- There are five slow signs spread | a grindable tree.
throughout the level. Bust 'em out. |
| + As you come to the branching path(the
| one with a tree in the middle) take the
| the left path, and advance downhill.
| You should see this one by a fence.
| + As you bust out the sign above, turn
| to the right, and follow the path to
| a couple of piled logs. Follow the road,
| but along the left side. After a ramp or
| two you should see this sign.
| + Keep going downhill, until you come to
| a bridge by a lake. To the right of this
| bridge, near a couple of flipped trees,
| is this sign. Bust it out.
| + Shortly after the lake you should
| notice a couple of rails leading to a
| raised area. Take the second one you see
| (to the right) and bust this sign on
| your way.

* * *

+ Bonk the wildlife | + The first one is a bunny. Use the
| flipped tree in the middle path at the
- There are three animals spread | level's first branch. Slow down after
throughout the level. Bonk them | you come out of the grind, and bonk
when you see them. | the bunny out.
| + Just as you bonk out the bunny, follow
| path towards the jump with the kirkwood
| logo, and use it to grind the thin line
| by the caution sign. As you grind out
| from the line, turn left, and use the
| jump. As you land, be ready to bonk
| the deer out.
| + Look for some logs around here, and
| take them up to a raised area. Follow
| path until you come to a hawk on a
| stump. Bonk it up carefully. Damn, this
| is veyr hard!.

* * *

+ Collect the kirkwood logos | + Head forwards from your starting
| point, and use the tree here to launch
- There are four logos spread | yourself to the high wires. Grind them
throughout the level that you must | up until you collect this logo.
collect. |
| + Follow the path until you come to
| a flipped tree, in the middle of a branc
| Use it to get to the area with the bunny
| and use the ramp to the north to collect
| this logo.
| + Just after the lake is the hayes hop
| and then skate along the right path
| until you come to a black rail near a
| half pipe. Grind it and transfer to the
| next one to get this logo.
| + Skate towards the finishing line, and
| use the snowmobile to respawn in a
| different area. A bit to the north from
| where you respawn is this logo.

* * *

-- Major credit goes to iamnothing guide. Without it, I could have never
collected this sponsor.

+ Get the secret sponsor | Past the bunny is an ice path. Grind the
| log through this ice path until you see
- You must collect the secret sponsor | the woodfall. Grind the log around here
| and enter the mine shaft to get this
| logo.

* * *

+ Front flip over Hayes' hop | Right after the lake is a big half
| pipe with a gap in the middle. Use the
- You must clear the hayes' hop gap by| lower part of it to take speed, and
doing a front flip. | clear the gap in the middle by doing
| doing a front flip. Be sure you're not
| max speed or else you don't stand a
| chance.


---Objective checklist:

+ Get over 100.000
+ Get over 200.000
+ Get over 400.000
+ Reach the finish line before 2:50 with over
+ Move the cranes
+ Get the heavenly sponsors
+ Get the secret sponsor
+ Escape with the idol
+ Smash the big slot


+ Get over 100.000 points | To complete this objective, start up
| by manualing(a tail butter!. Not a
- You must get/get over 100.000 | normal manual!) towards the jump, take
points | air, do a BS Rodeo 9, and hold up and
| rotate a rocket grab as much as you can
| and when you land, do a nose butter.
| Grind the nearby rails, and, in the gaps
| between them, do tail butters and nose
| butters. Keep the pressure up, and hit
| the first respawn point, and repeat the
| procedure. Each combo is worth like
| 80.000/10.000 points, especially if you
| landed sick/perfect tricks when you used
| jump, did the grinds ok, and tail
| buttered a long time. So, you should
| have this objective and the next one
| complete. If it is not, just hit
| the respawn point again and repeat once
| or twice.

NOTE: I've noticed that the combo above normally throws out only 50.000 points,
but sometimes, it gives me as much as 120.000 per combo. I've been
experimenting, and I believe that the facts that change your scoring are:

* How you land the flip + grab in the jump. Getting a sick perfect seems to work
the best. Getting a sick sloppy ain't good.

* How much you tail butter/nose butter. Do both manuals like five seconds(or
until you find a rail) jump, and then do another kind of manual.

* Always start a grind with a slide revert out, change to a boardslide, a
nosepress, a tail press, and then an slide revert out(FS). Of course, the lenght
of the rail is also a key point here.

* * *

+ Get over 200.000 points | To complete this objective, start up
| by manualing(a tail butter!. Not a
- You must get/get over 200.000 | normal manual!) towards the jump, take
points | air, do a BS Rodeo 9, and hold up and
| rotate a rocket grab as much as you can
| and when you land, do a nose butter.
| Grind the nearby rails, and, in the gaps
| between them, do tail butters and nose
| butters. Keep the pressure up, and hit
| the first respawn point, and repeat the
| procedure. Each combo is worth like
| 80.000/10.000 points, especially if you
| landed sick/perfect tricks when you used
| jump, did the grinds ok, and tail
| buttered a long time. So, you should
| have this objective complete. If you
| don't, hit the reset point again, and
| once or twice.

* * *

NOTE: I've noticed that the combo above normally throws out only 50.000 points,
but sometimes, it gives me as much as 120.000 per combo. I've been
experimenting, and I believe that the facts that change your scoring are:

* How you land the flip + grab in the jump. Getting a sick perfect seems to work
the best. Getting a sick sloppy ain't good.

* How much you tail butter/nose butter. Do both manuals like five seconds(or
until you find a rail) jump, and then do another kind of manual.

* Always start a grind with a slide revert out, change to a boardslide, a
nosepress, a tail press, and then an slide revert out(FS). Of course, the lenght
of the rail is also a key point here.

* * *

+ Get over 400.000 points | To complete this objective, start up
| by manualing(a tail butter!. Not a
- You must get/get over 400.000 | normal manual!) towards the jump, take
points | air, do a BS Rodeo 9, and hold up and
| rotate a rocket grab as much as you can
| and when you land, do a nose butter.
| Grind the nearby rails, and, in the gaps
| between them, do tail butters and nose
| butters. Keep going past the crane area
| where there you should be a drop. Do
| a BS Rodeo 9, then a hold, and do a
| tail butter as you land. There should
| be another drop. Do a Misty 9, and tail
| butter towards the buses. Grind them
| out, and tail butter towards the buses
| and cars to the north. Do a couple of
| trick here, and tail butter to get to a

* * *

+ Reach the finish line before 2:50 | Ok, do a tail butter towards the jump
with over 50.000 points | as you start, take air, do a BS Rodeo 9
| and a rocket grab, land on a tail butter
- You must reach the finish line | search for a nearby rail, grind it out
before the clock marks 2:50 with | (boardslide or tailpress or slide revert
over 50.000 points | out). Jump while griding. Jump out of
| grind, manual a bit, grind something,
| and there you go. Now, just rush towards
| the finishing line, and tah dah!.

* * *

+ Move the cranes | + Head north along the middle path, and
| you should come to some flipped over
- Spread throughout the level are 3 | "caution" signs. Use them to take air,
cranes. Grind them or bonk them | and land on a bonk on the crane here.
out |
| + Turn sharply to the left, and head
| into the raised area. Skate north until
| you come to a ramp right before this
| crane, and use it to grind the crane's
| ... crane!.
| + Just a little to the north of the
| crane above is a reset point. Use it,
| skate towards the first crane, and turn
| a bit to the right. Use the house's
| roof to launch onto the crane below and
| grind it up.

* * *

+ Get the Heavenly sponsors | + Skate along the level's middle path
| until you come to a half pipe. Half
- Spread throughout the level are | way through this pipe is an arch. On
five sponsors. Get them. | top this arch is this sponsor. Grind
| the cable to the left of the arch and
| snag this sponsor.
| + The second crane, after you moved it
| put a log on the snow. Use this log to
| get this sponsor.
| + In the commercial area of the level is
| a glassed tunnel(at the entrance, to be
| more exact). Use the bus before it
| to launch yourself onto it, and snag
| this sponsor.
| + Before the finishing line is a bus
| that serves as a reset point. After you
| respawn, take the reset point in front
| of you. You'll appear on the starting
| point. Skate north, and turn to the
| rigth when you can. Stick along the west
| part of this path, until you come to a
| tower. Next to this tower is a flipped
| over fence. Jump onto it(is actually
| very easy) and grind it out to get this
| sponsor.

* * *

+ Get the secret sponsor | To get this sponsor, you must have first
| completed the "move the cranes"
- You must collect the secret sponsor | objective. Now, skate towards the first
| crane, and use it to launch yourself
| onto a plate above. Skate a little to
| the north then, and use the flipped over
| tree to take air and snag the secret
| sponsor.

* * *

+ Escape with the idol | Skate towards the north, along the right
| side of the screen. Turn to the right on
- There is an idol somewhere in the | the branch before the first crane, and
level. You must snag it and escape | then, skate along the left wall. After
with it | a while you'll come to an antenna. Next
| to it is a flipped over fence. Grind it
| out. As you go out the grind, you'll see
| the idol. Skate through it, and an snow
| ball will come!. Now, skate towards the
| exit to complete this objective. Keep
| in mind that you must go out first, and
| the snowball on second place, or else
| you won't complete this objective.

* * *

+ Smash the big slot | Just as you enter the commercial
| district, you'll see a fountain. To the
- You must bonk out some slot | left of this fountain is a small ramp
machine on the commercial | that will throw you on a platform
district. | above. Grind it out, and as you smash
| the glass, STOP. Turn the stick a little
| to the right. Some red sofa is before
| a slot machine. Use the red sofa to jump
| into the slot machine, and press U + X
| to bonk it out.

* * *


---Objective checklist

+ Get over 150.000 points
+ Get over 300.000 points
+ Get over 500.000 points
+ Get over 75.000 points and get
to the finish line before 2:20.
+ Collect the snowbird sponsors
+ Collect the secret sponsor
+ Ride the trams
+ Stop the runaway car
+ Abolish the snowmen


+ Get over 150.000 points | Just as you start, do a manual, and use
| one of the rocks to take some sick air
- You must get/get over | and do a grab trick. Land on a manual
150.000 points | and head towards the snow jump at the
| end of the rocky path. Use it it take
| air, do a BS Rodeo 9, and then a grab
| trick. As you land, head to the north,
| and grind the ladder leading to a wire
| above. Do a nosepress on it, then a
| tail press, then a boarslide, then
| repeat. If you think you can't hold the
| balance, jump out the grind, and hold
| a rocket grab. Manual/Grind your way to
| the pit. Jump, and do a 1080(or 1260!)
| Japan air, manual, and grind something.
| You should have this objective complete
| by then.

* * *

+ Get over 300.000 points | Just as you start, do a manual, and use
| one of the rocks to take some sick air
- You must get/get over | and do a grab trick. Land on a manual
300.000 points | and head towards the snow jump at the
| end of the rocky path. Use it it take
| air, do a BS Rodeo 9, and then a grab
| trick. As you land, head to the north,
| and grind the ladder leading to a wire
| above. Do a nosepress on it, then a
| tail press, then a boarslide, then
| repeat. If you think you can't hold the
| balance, jump out the grind, and hold
| a rocket grab. Manual/Grind your way to
| the pit. Jump, and do a 1080(or 1260!)
| Japan air, manual, and grind something.
| Grind/manual your way towards an small
| snow ramp with a rail on it, do an
| eggplant, a revert, a manual, and then
| take air by using the rocky "ramp", and
| do a flip trick. Repeat four or five
| more times and you are good to go.

* * *

+ Get over 300.000 points | Just as you start, do a manual, and use
| one of the rocks to take some sick air
- You must get/get over | and do a grab trick. Land on a manual
300.000 points | and head towards the snow jump at the
| end of the rocky path. Use it it take
| air, do a BS Rodeo 9, and then a grab
| trick. As you land, head to the north,
| and grind the ladder leading to a wire
| above. Do a nosepress on it, then a
| tail press, then a boarslide, then
| repeat. If you think you can't hold the
| balance, jump out the grind, and hold
| a rocket grab. Manual/Grind your way to
| the pit. Jump, and do a 1080(or 1260!)
| Japan air, manual, and grind something.
| Grind/manual your way towards an small
| snow ramp with a rail on it, do an
| eggplant, a revert, a manual, and then
| take air by using the rocky "ramp", and
| do a flip trick. Repeat four or five
| more times, and then manual/grind your
| way towards the reset point before the
| finishing line. Use it, and then repeat
| this long chain of combos. Phew!.

* * *

+ Get over 75.000 points and reach | Just as you start, do a manual, and use
the finish line before 2:20 | one of the rocks to take some sick air
| and do a grab trick. Land on a manual
- You must get 75.000 points and | and head towards the snow jump at the
reach the finish line before the | end of the rocky path. Use it it take
timer marks 2:20 | air, do a BS Rodeo 9, and then a grab
| trick. As you land, head to the north,
| and grind the ladder leading to a wire
| above. Do a nosepress on it, then a
| tail press, then a boarslide, then
| repeat. If you think you can't hold the
| balance, jump out the grind, and hold
| a rocket grab. Manual/Grind your way to
| the pit. Jump, and do a 1080(or 1260!)
| Japan air, manual, and grind something.
| Now, rush your way towards the level's
| finishing line.

* * *

+ Get the snowbird sponsors | + Just after the snow ramp, head to the
| north and grind the ladder towards the
- Spread throughout the level are | second level of the chairlift station.
five sponsors you must collect | Use the kicker here and get this
| sponsor.
| + A little to the right of the level,
| before the pit, is a raised area with
| an small snow ramp above it. Get on top
| of it, and use the snow ramp to get onto
| another raised area. In here, you'll see
| a wooden kicker. Use it to get this
| sponsor.
| + After the pit, stay along the left
| path. You'll soon come to see a resting
| place. Before it is a tree with a wire
| that has some banners. Grind this wire
| onto the rest place roof, and get the
| sponsor here.
| + This could be pretty hard, and you may
| end up needing to use a reset point.
| Anyway, after you get the sponsor, turn
| sharply to the right, and use any ramp
| around here to get on the lines(the east
| ones) above you and grind them up to the
| chairlift station roof. Grind the lift
| line here and get this sponsor.

* * *

+ Get the secret sponsor | Right after you drop down from the pit,
| skate along the right side of the area
- You must get the secret sponsor | until you come to some machinary by
| a line on the air with some banners on
| it. On this line is the secret sponsor,
| so, use the machinary to launch yourself
| onto the line above you, and grind it up

* * *

+ Ride the trams | + Right after the snow jump(a little to
| the north from the starting point, after
- You must grind the rail inside the | the rocky path), turn sharply to the
trams. | left, and skate along this path until
| you come to a small cabin by an antenna.
| There is a cable on the left side of the
| antenna. Use it to launch yourslef into
| the tram and grind the rail inside it.
| + Before the pit, to the left side, is
| this tram, suspended on the air. Right
| before is an small snow kicker. Use it
| and land inside the tram(or you could
| grind the wire to the left of the kicker
| and launch yourself into the tram, but
| much harder) and grind the rail inside
| it.

* * *

+ Stop the runaway car | After the pit, turn a little to the left
| and look for a purple runaway car. Bonk
- You must bonk the runaway car | it up, and it'll suddenly start to run
five times to stop it. | away. Follow it, and bonk it four more
| times in order to stop it.

* * *

+ Abolish the snowmen. | + Right after the snow jump that is
| after the rocky path at the start of
- Spread throughout the level are | the level, turn to the right, and look
five snowmen. Skate through them. | for this snowman next to a house.
| + Turn sharply to the left after getting
| this snowmen, and head forwards until
| you come to a cabin next to an atenna.
| Behind this cabin is this snowman.
| + Turn to the far right of the level,
| and then head north. Right before the
| pit is a chairlift station. To the right
| of this station is this snowman.
| + Drop yourself down the pit, and turn
| to the right. Head north until you come
| to a cabin. To the left of this cabin
| is this snowman.
| + Before the level's finishing line is
| a walkway. Use the the steps to the
| right and left of this walkway to get on
| top it. In the middle of this walkway is
| this snowman.


---Objective Checklist

+ Get the boarder score
+ Get the pro score
+ Get the sick score
+ Get the secret sponsor
+ Get the Squaw Valley sponsors
+ Ride the cranes
+ Best 20 seconds through Palmer X run
+ Get to the finishing line with at least ~100.000
pts before a certain amount of time...
+ Extinguish the Squaw Lights


+ Get the boarder score | This one is very easy. Just manual and
| grind your way towards the half pipe
- You must get/get over the "boarder | right after the jump holding a sponsor.
score" | There, do a lip trick, manual towards
| a ramp(without moving from your location
| ) do another lip trick, and manual
| towards another ramp, and repeat. DON'T
| for about two minutes and a little more,
| and you should have 500.000 points.

* * *

+ Get the pro score | This one is very easy. Just manual and
| grind your way towards the half pipe
- You must get/get over the "pro | right after the jump holding a sponsor.
score" | There, do a lip trick, manual towards
| a ramp(without moving from your location
| ) do another lip trick, and manual
| towards another ramp, and repeat. DON'T
| stop for about two minutes and a little
| and you should have 500.000 points.

* * *

+ Get the sick score | This one is very easy. Just manual and
| grind your way towards the half pipe
- You must get/get over the "sick | right after the jump holding a sponsor.
score" | There, do a lip trick, manual towards
| a ramp(without moving from your location
| ) do another lip trick, and manual
| towards another ramp, and repeat. DON'T
| stop for about two minutes and a little
| and you should have 500.000 points.

* * *

+ Get the secret sponsor | Head towards the house right after the
| half pipe, and enter it. Drive towards
- You must collect the secret sponsor | a window to the right. This window will
| lead you to a flipped over table. Right
| of this table is a rail. Grind this rail
| to the end, and, as you land on the snow
| tractor, do a bonk. Now, skate towards
| the garage, and the door will open for
| you. Inside, use the snow tractor to get
| onto the right tub(which is above you).
| Transfer to the left tub, and get the
| secret sponsor.

* * *

+ Get the Squaw Valley sponsors. | + Drive downhill until you come to a big
| snowy jump, after some minor jumps. This
- You must collect the four Squaw | jump is before the half pipe. Use this
valley sponsors. | jump to take air, and collect this
| sponsor.
| + Skate along the half pipe until you
| come to a house. Use either one of the
| ramps left/right of its entrance to get
| onto its roof. In there, use the jump
| at the end and get this sponsor.
| + Go downhill until you reach the garage
| where the secret sponsor is, and turn
| to the right. Keep going downhill until
| you come to a red rail with that is in
| the middle of two green rails. Grind
| the red rail, and as you end the grind,
| jump to get this sponsor.
| + Go downhill. Before the cranes, you
| should spot two red rails leading on top
| of a house. Grind the right rail and use
| the jump at the house's roof top get
| this sponsor.

* * *

+ Ride the cranes | Go all the way downhill. A little before
| the cranes, a little to the right, you
- You must ride the cranes | should see a tube going down. Grind it
| up, and as you are about to go out the
| grind, jump, and bonk the snow tractor.
| It'll demolsih the cranes. Ride the
| first flipped over crane you find, and
| transfer to the second one, and then to
| the third one.

* * *

+ Best 20 seconds through Palmer X | After the garage holding the secret
run | sponsor, turn to the left, and enter the
| Palmer X run. Now, inside, go through
- You must complete the Palmer X run | the red checkpoints, avoiding the blue
before the 20 seconds expire. | checkpoints. If you manage to reach
| the exit before the 20 seconds expire,
| and you go through all of the red check
| points, you'll win.

* * *

+ Get to the finishing line with at | As you start, go into a manual, and
least ~75.000 points. | grind a nearby tree. Manual and grind
| until you come to the big jump. Do a
- Pretty much self explanatory... | double backflip, and a rocket grab, if
| you have the time. As you land, manual
| your way through the half pipe, and
| grind any of the house's rails. As
| you land, manual, and grind a nearby
| rail. You should get about 80.000 points
| Just rush to the end of the level, and
| you are done.

* * *

+ Extinguish the Squaw Lights | + The first light is before the big
| jump that has a sponsor. Drive around
- There are some lights around the | the left side of the level and you
level with the Squaw insignia. | should find it.
Before them is a little panel, with |
a grind connected to it. Bonk the | + This one is after the house, a little
panel to extinguish the lights. | to the left of the garage with the
| secret sponsor.
| + Inside the Palmer X run, about half -
| way. Drive along the left side to find
| it.
| + Ater bonking the third panell, turn
| right and go out the Palmer X run. Go
| downhill, and before the cranes, you
| should see this light.
| + Turn sharply to the left after
| bonking the fourth pannel. Next to the
| Palmer X exit door is this light.


---Objective checklist

+ Get the boarder score
+ Get the pro score
+ Get the sick score
+ Get the secret sponsor
+ Get the Mt Hood sponsors
+ Bonk the water towers
+ Clear the road
+ Cut the power
+ Get to the finishing line with at least ~120.000 points
before a limited amount of time...


+ Get the boarder score | After the first jump, skate to the left
| and enter the halfpipe. In here, do a
- You must get/get over the | lip trick, then a manual, and then
boarder score | another lip trick. Keep doing this until
| you get tired. Repeat as much as you can
| and you should get about 1.000.000
| points.

* * *

+ Get the pro score | After the first jump, skate to the left
| and enter the halfpipe. In here, do a
- You must get/get over the | lip trick, then a manual, and then
pro score | another lip trick. Keep doing this until
| you get tired. Repeat as much as you can
| and you should get about 1.000.000
| points.

* * *

+ Get the sick score | After the first jump, skate to the left
| and enter the halfpipe. In here, do a
- You must get/get over the | lip trick, then a manual, and then
sick score | another lip trick. Keep doing this until
| you get tired. Repeat as much as you can
| and you should get about 1.000.000
| points.

* * *

+ Get the secret sponsor | First thing: you must have completed
| the "cut the power" objective. Now,
- Get the secret sponsor... | skate towards the area past the second
| *big* jump of the level, and turn
| sharply to the left. You should see a
| flipped over tower. Grind it up,
| transfer to the second tower, and then
| transfer to the tree. Skate towards the
| tree at the end of this raised area and
| grind it up. Jump as the grind ends, and
| there you go.

* * *

+ Get the Mt Hood sponsors | + Just after the level's first jump,
| turn to the right, and drive forwards.
- There are four sponsors you must | Use the small jump at the end of this
collect. | path to land on the helipad. Use the
| jump here to get this sponsor.
| + A little after the second big jump,
| before the car gap, a little to the left
| is a flipped over tree(by a tub). Grind
| this tree and jump as you go out of the
| grind.
| + After the third big jump(the one after
| the snowmobile) head a little forwards
| until you see two gray rails. Grind the
| left one out, and jump as the grind ends
| + Before the level's finishing line is
| an helicopter. Use it. You'll appear on
| an area before the level's starting
| point. Go downhill. On your way, you
| should see a tree with this logo on it.
| Grind that tree up and you're done with
| this objective.

* * *

+ Bonk the towers. | + Before the second big jump, to the
| right, is a big rail. Grind it up, and
- You must bonk the two water towers | transfer to a rail below. Use this rail
in this level. | to transfer to a rail that borns from
| a tree. After you go out of the grind,
| do the bonk combination above the water
| tower.
| + After the level's third jump, use the
| little snow jump that is inbetween some
| trees, before a warehouse. Anyway, use
| this jump and land on the rightmost wire
| and then grind the right rail, in the
| warehouse's roof. Before the rail
| finishes, jump, and bonk the water tower
| (you should land on it)

* * *

+ Clear the road. | Before you do a thing, use the little
| snow jump which is to the north of the
- You must clear the road... | first big snow jump. You should be
| above the helicopter when you do the
| jump. As you land, press the grind
| button so you grind one of the chopper's
| helices.
| Now, head towards the car gap, and grind
| the first bus next to the crane.
| Transfer to the second bus, and it'll
| fall, thus clearing a portion of the
| road. Afterwards, drive towards the area
| after the third jump, and use the tree
| to the left so you start "floating"
| above the chopper. As you land on it, do
| do a bonk. You should land on a wire.
| Grind it all the way to the snow cannon,
| and then grind the snow cannon. Enjoy
| the "snow works"....

* * *

+ Cut the power. | To cut the power, ride towards the area
| before the second big jump(along the
- You must cut the power... | right side). You should see a purple
| banner. Use the green rails before it
| to launch yourself onto some wires
| above. That way, you'll be able to grind
| the banner's top side. Do that, and look
| for some respawn point...
| Now, head downhill, but this time around
| along the middle path. Before the banner
| (which is now flipped, by the way) is
| a chairlift station. Use the blue rail
| on its left side to transfer into the
| banner. Grind the banner out, and, as
| you're about to finish the grind, jump
| and grind the snowcannon. BOOM!.

* * *

+ Reach the finishing line with at | Do some lips and manuals on the half
least ~120.000 points before a | pipe for about 1 45 second, non stop.
limited amount of time... | After that, you shoudl have around 150
| thousand points. Rush towards the end of
- Pretty much self explanatory. | the level, and you're done with this
| level...

* * *


---Objective checklist

+ Boarder score
+ Pro score
+ Sick score
+ Reach the finishing line with 150.000 points
before three and so minutes...
+ Get the secret sponsor
+ Get the Gotcha Logos
+ Transfer over the G train
+ Collapse the bridge
+ Bring the man down.


+ Boarder score | If you pay attention to the cinemas
| that show you objectives, you should see
- Get/get over the boarder score | an ice rink on one of them. You must get
| there. As you start, head to the left,
| and grind the twisted rails towards a
| walkway above. Use this to throw
| yourself into the bridge, and bonk it up
| so you land on the ice rink. Do some
| lip tricks and link them with manuals.

* * *

+ Pro score | If you pay attention to the cinemas
| that show you objectives, you should see
- Get/get over the pro score | an ice rink on one of them. You must get
| there. As you start, head to the left,
| and grind the twisted rails towards a
| walkway above. Use this to throw
| yourself into the bridge, and bonk it up
| so you land on the ice rink. Do some
| lip tricks and link them with manuals.

* * *

+ Sick score | If you pay attention to the cinemas
| that show you objectives, you should see
- Get/get over the sick score | an ice rink on one of them. You must get
| there. As you start, head to the left,
| and grind the twisted rails towards a
| walkway above. Use this to throw
| yourself into the bridge, and bonk it up
| so you land on the ice rink. Do some
| lip tricks and link them with manuals.

* * *

+ Get 150.000 points and reach the | Get into the ice rink and do some lip
finishing line before 3 and so | tricks and manuals. If you see that
minutes | you won't make it in the required time,
| go out the rink, some some tricks while
- Pretty much self explanatory | airborne and manual. Either way, when
| you have enough points, rush towards the

* * *

+ Get the secrey sponsor. | Listen up. Head towards the ice rink,
| and launch yourself to the snow path
- Get the secret sponsor... | below the rink. Turn to the right of
| half pipe. You should see five rails.
| Grind the middle one, and then jump onto
| a rail waiting to be grinded. Use it to
| launch yourself onto a red banner, and
| grind. As you go out of the grind, turn
| to the right, and follow the path
| to a drop. Jump across it, grind the
| rail, and then do the drop that comes.
| Grind the green rail holding the sponsor
| as it appears in order to get it.

* * *

+ Get the Gotcha Logos | + Head towards the second snow jump,
| to the north of your starting position.
- Collect the 4 gotcha logos | Do a super ollie and get this logo.
spread throughout the level |
| + Drop down immediately after getting
| this logo into the half pipe below.
| Use the leftmost ramp in order to gain
| air, and grind the yellow rail all the
| way to this logo.
| + After finishing the grind above, do
| your best to land on the plains to the
| right of the half pipe. Now, grind the
| rails on the ice rink wall, so you'll
| get inside it. Use the mini ramps here
| to get to the yellow rails above. Grind
| them all the way to this logo.
| + You'll land on the snow plains below.
| Turn to the right and grind the middle
| rail of the five rails there. Use it
| to transfer to a rail floating above you
| and grind it all the way to a red banner
| . Grind the banner, and as you are about
| to reach the banner's end, bonk. The
| banner will break the glass below. Go
| through the hole the banner created, and
| turn to the left. Grind the last palm
| tree you come across. Tah Dah!.

* * *

+ Transfer over the G train. | + To the left of the starting point.
| Grind the rails before it, bonk the
- There are five G trains on the level| glass, and then grind the rails after it
Before each one fo them, is a rail, |
and after each one of them, another | + After getting this one, go downhill
rail. Grind the rail before the G | along the left side of the level, and
go through the G, and grind the rail| use a big jump to launch onto a plaza
after the rail | floating high on the level. Grind the
| rail at the end of this plaza, and then
| do the rest of the transfer.
| + Keep going downhill until you come
| to a half pipe with a rail above it. Use
| the mini ramp here in order to grind the
| rail(the middle one, to be more exact).
| Grind it up towards the G, and do the
| transfer(this half pipe is the one next
| to "the man" billboard.
| + You know the five rails a little after
| the ice rink?. Grind them downhill, and
| do the transfer when you see the G.
| + A little before the level's finishing
| line are some escalators. Grind the rail
| in the middle of the first escalator,
| and do the transfer.

* * *

+ Collapse the bridge. | Turn to the left at the start of the
| level, and grind the rails surrounding
- You must grind the bridge bolts to | the escalator leading down so you get
collapse it. | into a walkway. In this walkway, grind
| the left most rail, and land on the
| blue bridge. Grind the first bolt( a
| yellow rail ) and then the second bolt.
| The bridge will collapse then.

* * *

+ Bring the man down. | To the left of the billboard is a half
| pipe with some yellow rails above it.
- There is a billboard with Shaun | Use the ramps here to launch yourself
Palmer photo on it. You must bring | onto this yellow rails, and grind them
it down. | out. There is a yellow rail that takes
| to the billboard. Transfer to this rail,
| and then grind the billboard until you
| do the "The bigger they are..." gap.




---Donner Ski Ranch---

Towering air - 500
Snow cat air - 500
Bust the antenna - 650
Old Lift Air - 500
Outta here - 500
Air Busto - 700
Over the Pond - 3.000
P'S Frontyard transfer - 1.000
Lodge 2 Wire - 500
Busto Returns - 1000
Pipe wheelie - 500
Crate Wheelie - 1000
Pro Surfer? - 500
Drum Can Bonk - 500
Lift Slide - 650
Water Tank Pipe - 500
Man on the roof... - 500
Rail 2 Rail 2 Rail - 600
Cabin 2 Cabin - 600
Sorry Dude - 600
Donner Delinquency - 700
Palmer Caddy Grind - 500
Hello, Operator - 700
Wire Slide - 500
Tent 2 Tent - 600
Chair Bonk - 700
R U scared from heights - 1500
Wreckage slides - 700
Plank 2 Roof - 700
Over the Top - 800
Peeping Tom - 800
Air Ovitz - 1500
Light it up - 800
Pipe Hoppin' - 800
Round the tank - 800
Love'Dem Hips - 800
Grind N' Hips - 500
How ya like me noew - 1500
No way - 1500
Needle in the haystack - 350
Hayes Stack - 800
Casa de Palm Air - 500
Porch Slide - 500
Tank plant - 500
Dumpster Plant - 500
Sign Plant - 500
Condo Plant - 500
Lunch 2 Go - 350
Photo Op - 350


Big Burn Air - 500
Spider Sabich Air - 500
Shadow Mountain Air - 800
Hanging Valley Air - 1000
I can see my house - 500
Dude... There's my car - 600
Aspen Air - 800
Bonnie Transfer - 700
Yert Air - 1000
Log 2 Cable - 1200
Tank Air - 500
Stick it - 1500
That's leave a mark - 700
Turkey Dinner - 700
Tree 2 Fence 2 Tree - 600
Fire wood - 1200
Tree 2 Roof 2 Roof - 500
1 800 Grind - 700
Wood pecker - 800
Get on up - 300
Java the warming hut - 800
747 Rail - 300
Lift rail - 600
Scaffoling grind - 800
Power Slide - 400
Lights out - 900
Raise the roof - 1200
Ullhorf Slide - 500
Moshi Moshi - 800
Brick Hill - 500
Gondola Bonk - 1000
Nell Bonk - 1000
Sign 2 Sign 2 Sign - 800
Chair Bonk - 700
World's Hardest Gap - 700
Air Tegullpalle - 800
Holy #$%! - 800
Blind Man's combo - 800
Snowball Plant - 500


Living Dangerously - 600
Fletch Air - 550
Hayes' Hop - 650
Over the bridge - 750
Big kirk Air - 700
Incoming!!! - 700
Crevasse air - 500
Over the log - 500
Hip Hop - 500
Shed Shreddin' - 600
Quite the crack - 550
Tail map wheelie - 500
Thru the hole - 600
Experts Only - 1500
Wood 2 Steel - 600
Hawk Slide - 500
Hare Slide - 500
Tree 2 Tree 2 Tree - 600
Gold mine - 650
High Wire - 600
Bridge Bustin' - 600
Bridge Slide - 600
Log Rollin' - 550
Barrel Bonk - 550
Link it up - 650
Lumberjack - 650
Rail madness - 600
Rail madness - 500
Garbage Bonking - 500
Machine Stompin' - 300
Don't look down - 700
Big Red Riding Hood - 500
Make your own Bridge - 600
Lucky 13 - 600
Long distance call - 600
Chair Bonk - 500
Tree climbing - 600
Cornice Bend Plant - 600

More gaps coming soon...



* A few more gaps. * Wasn't added
* A trick-score section * Wasn't added
* More level walkthroughs * Was added
* Sponsorships for each character * Wasn't added
* Create-a-skater guide. * Wasn't added.

Hmmm... In the next version I'll focus on doing some listing stuff like the ones
listed above. I have to work on Squaw Valley a little more so I can unlock Mt
Hood Meadow, so...

* Create a skater guide
* Sponsorships for each character
* Each-trick-score section

I'll add the gaps when I finish Gotcha Glacier(in a while... I'm getting near!).

* Ok, I'll add Character bios and more information about them, as well as the
sponsor ships.
* I'll also add some gaps, by Iamnothing.
* And ultimately, I'll add Gotcha Glacier walkthrough...



Thank you for reading and(hopefully) enjoying the guide. Is time to say goodby
again. See you next guide!.

Shaun Palmer Pro Snowboarder 2
Version 0.1
Copyright by José Felipe Vargas, GheddonLN
All rights reserved

-=End of FAQ=-
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