Dungeon Magic

Dungeon Magic

17.10.2013 11:23:40
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Dungeon Magic FAQ

Version 0.60
Copyrighted by Me (Patbuns17) 2000-2001, All rights reserved.
If you want to put on your site, then just email me that you did.If you
want to change it, ask.
Mail me at Patbuns17@cs.com
Visit my websites, |


I'll update more as I go along!

Revision History-
Version 0.08 Started FAQ
Version 0.12 Added a bit, Earlier update than I thought.
Version 0.24 Added a bit more.
Version 0.30 Did a bit more of the next chapter
Version 0.60 It's been a while, eh? Finished Chapter 7 and 8

Contents -

1 - Getting Started
1.1 - General Game info
1.2 - What to expect
1.3 - Controls
1.4 - The Parry
1.5 - Status Conditions

2 - Start the Game
2.1 - Get your spells and weapons
2.2 - Level up to level 3
2.3 - Explore a bit.

3 - Sword of water
3.1 The Helmet
3.2 The Sanctuary at Selle

4 - Some New Magic, and the Flying Ring
4.1 - Earth Magic
4.2 - The Flying Ring

5 - Up, in the sky!
5.1 - The Cave
5.2 - The Dungeon
5.3 - New spells and a great shield.

6 - Fire Magic
6.1 - This one is a quickie.

7 - 5th Sword of Magi
7.1 - The Darius Maze
7.2 - Level 12!!!
7.3 - The underwater Dungeon
7.4 - Warrior hill and the Dragon King
7.5 - It costs WHAT!!!??

8 - The Book of 7 witches
8.1 - Prepare
8.2 - Keme Cave
8.3 - Who's this "Taz" guy?

9 - North Tower
Coming Soon...


A - Levels and HP

Chapter 1 - Getting Started

Ok, lets get some things straight..

1.1 - General Game info

This game was made by Taito,(They also made Bubble Bobble ^_^) and the
game is pretty rare, I've only seen it once, and it was at a flea
market. Bought it for 4 dollars, with book, map, and instructions.

1.2 - What to expect

I beat this game once, a few years back. It is hard, very hard. Here's
a tip, if you'll ever need it.

Monsters regenerate only when you sleep at the inn, so at the end of
the game, buy potions and use then instead of sleeping at the inn, and
the monsters will still be dead. Really helps with the strong monsters.

Beginners should start with Water magic, it is defensive and very
helpful. Now, lets start the game.

1.3 - Controls

The controls can be funky at times. Here's a short guide.

Press start to go to the menu. On the Sword icon, you can press the A
button to attack. Attack when the game is not paused. The potion icon
is for items. You can have up to 15. Select the icon with the Select
button and pick an item you have with the B button. It will move upward
to one of the top 5 spots. After, press a to use it while the item icon
is selected. The next is magic. Pick the magic you want, then pick 1 -
3 symbols with the B button, then while the magic icon is selected,
press the A button to use the spell. Experiment to find new spells. The
next is to get chests. Use it to get items from chests. Press a while
the icon is selected. Then there is food and water. Using these gets
you HP back, you but it at the item shop in different quantities, not
too expensive. It also shows your weight. Don't carry too many things
with you, or you will be weighed down and you will miss more often
while attacking. I guess that's enough on controls.

1.4 - The Parry

I'll just take the exact text out of the Instruction booklet. It's good
to use on tough enemies.

The Parry

Many monsters are very hard to fight, but there is a way to defeat
them! The PARRY is a long practiced art of evasion

To Use the Parry:

- Turn away from the enemy as soon as you attack. You can turn to the
side, or back up several steps. Retreating is very useful when battling
a strong enemy on the other side of a door.

- Use the parry to Eat and drink, use potions, change magic spells, or
switch weapons

1.5 - Status Conditions

This is also right out of the book...

Physical condition

Your physical condition affects your fighting and magic abilities.


Good Perfect Health
Hurt You have suffered an injury
Para Enemy magic paralyzes your body
Pois You've been poisoned
Curs A curse is on your head.

Chapter 2 - Start the Game

All right, pick new game, then start off.

Chapter 2.1 - Get your spells and weapons

Ok, first off, you will need to go out of the town, and a few spaces
north is a castle. Go in.

Inside the castle, try to find a path towards the middle, where the
king and queen are. Talk to them, and you will receive a short sword
and 100 Gold. Not a bad start!

Now go back to the town. Here's a tiny map of the only places you will
ever need to go..

= Nothing
L = Wall
D = Door
I = Inn
M = Items
A = Armory
W = Water Magic Shrine
E = Earth Magic Shrine (you'll never go here for a while, though)


See how all your stuff is so neat and together? =)

Ok, go over to the Water Shrine first. Become an apprentice of the
water spells. Now, go over to the Armory, sell your sword.

You should have 130 or so Gold. Buy the cheapest sword at the shop.
It's better than that one you just had.

2.2 - Level up to level 3

Ok, Here are some basic spells. Spells use hp there is no mp.

| | | - Fireball(weak, and uses up a lot of hps)
||| ||| ||| - Shields Physical attacks(Great spell, 8 hp. You'll use it
a lot)
|| || - Shields Magic attacks
Err.. insert square HERE < > - Open all doors(in a dungeon, if
you're too lazy to open them one by one, with the knock, heh)

Now, go out. Cast the Physical Shield spell (||| ||| |||) Fight snakes,
get treasure chests they may drop. Go east of the Castle, and you will
find a chest. It has a pair of gloves. Don't go too deep in the forest,
there are many strong monsters.

When you want to save and get more HP, go into the Inn. If you want to
level up, go into the Water Shrine and tell the master you have become

Level 1 - 15 EXP
Level 2 - 35 EXP
Level 3 - 55 EXP

Your experience resets each level so it is not as easy as you think!
After level 2, go into the western desert and try to find some potions
and armor and stuff. Here's the stuff that happened to me.

- I went east, after casting my Physical Shield Spell. I then found a
potion, and started fighting snakes and a few scorpions. I got into
HURT condition, which lowers my defense.

- My Physical shield ran out after getting another potion. I used a
potion, and cast Physical Shield again. I fought a bit more, and found
some wooden armor, and equipped it. A bit later, I found a new sword
and equipped it, and some another two potions along the way. My shield
ran out, so I used a potion and Cast Physical Shield.

- I found I was lost. I walked around for a while, then I found a wasp.
I battled it and I got paralyzed after the fight. This was because he
used magic attack, which I wasn't prepared for. Paralysis brought down
my attack, but it disappeared after a while, along with my HURT.

- I found my way back to town, with 140 or so Gold and 103 EXP. I had
two potions left. I sold my old sword and armor, and I was now at 180

3 - Sword of water

You're going to get the first of the five elemental swords.

3.1 - The Helmet

To make the rest of the beginning easy, you're going to get yourself
the best helmet the shop has. It's worth 580 Gold. Just get a lot (A
LOT I MEAN) money from chests, and go deep into forests, to find
chests. You can find around 3 wooden armors, 40 Gold each. You may get
up to level 4 or 5 along the way.

3.2 - The Sanctuary at Selle

Ok, after equipping the best helmet from the shop, go north of
Granville, past the castle, then there is an end of a river. Go on the
west side of it. There should be a town. Go west of the town, try to
find the beginning of the ocean. Now go a few spaces east of the shore,
and go south, try to find a new town. If you see this map formation
somewhere, you're close.

X = Dirt N
W = Water W+E
S = Scorpion S

DDWSW This is pretty much it...if you see two peninsulas like
DWDWW with a scorpion on the southern one, go south of that into a
DWDWW town. In that town, look for the item shop and buy the think
that looks like 2 bottles and the thing that looks like a bag of flour.
You now have 4 food and 4 drink, which will help a lot in the next
quest. Now go to the inn.

Go north of the town, into a peninsula. Make sure you kill the scorpion
there without taking too much damage. At the farthest tip of the
peninsula, turn east. Press A, and you have the sword of water! But now
you must get it enchanted..

Go north of the peninsula, into a dungeon. Cast the Physical Shield
spell. Cast it again whenever it wears off (When the Blue Shield on
your picture stops blinking)

You'll fight slimes here. They're easy. Just tap the A button quickly
to kill them before they attack. There are also these beast enemies.
Attack then back up. You wont be hit. You just did the PARRY! Yeah! It
works wonders. There are also mage enemies. Do NOT get hit by them. Use
the parry if you want... but getting hit by them may cause you to be
blind, and it will be hard to see anything, and it will make you go
crazy. When you need some hit points, use your food and drink for 10
more hp. Only use it when you really need HP, you only have 4 of
each... Now, for the exact path to go.

The first floor is easy. Look for a door. Go down some stairs.

On the second floor, turn left and see two sets of stairs. Go to the
one on your right.

Go through a small path, then turn left when you first can. Go through
into a path of stairs leading upward.

Go through a path until you have a choice to go right or straight. Go
right. Now go left on your next choice. Go right on the next three
choices. If you went the right way, there should be a face statue on
the wall. Wait in front of it, until the sword fully changes. Now, get

4 - Some New Magic, and the Flying Ring

All right, you will now get Earth Magic (recovery magic, cures poison
and stuff)

4.1 - Earth Magic

Go back to Granville (the first town, 2 spaces south of the castle)

Save your game, then head west a bit, and look around for a town until
you find it. Talk to the people there. If one says the town is called
Bell, you're in the right place. Look for the Wizard, and get your new

Earth Magic Spells

O. Cures Blindness
:O Cures Hurt
O: Cures Curses
:: Cures Paralysis
:. Cures Poisons

4.2 - The Flying Ring

All right, first, you will have to build up enough money for the best
leggins. Fight in the Sanctuary at Selle if you want, to make it a bit
faster. Sell your items, as well(except Red Potions)

After getting the Leggins, go back to Granville, then go to the east,
through a bit of a forest. Look for the town of Sull. You should be
level 6.

In Sull, get some food and drink (about 5) and then save, and head
northward, into a Dungeon.

Cast your physical shield Spell. In here, you will fight Harpies. Use
the parry, or you will be poisoned. The other enemies can be easily
killed by physical attacks.

Go around, look in lots of places. You will find good treasure, and
probably some armor, but your main objective is a ring. The Ring will
appear in the items screen, it's in a chest.

You don't really need my help here, the enemies are really easy, I beat
the place without food and Drink.

5 - Up, in the sky!

After acquiring the flying ring, head back towards Sull, you should be
level 7. Also, get the best boots in the shop, if you don't have them
already, then, you're going to have to save money for the best shield
(1680 Gold, but it works wonders...)

5.1 - The Cave

Use the flying ring as an item. Fight some of the easy spiders, for 10
experience points each. Look around, there are 4 chests around the
corners. The ones that look like weird mask thingies, are magic spell
items, but you will sell them, for about 30 Gold each.

Go around in the sky part, and find a cave. Inside, there are lots of
treasure chests, and I mean lots. Fight around, look for another ring
(this one goes into your special items list)

After getting the ring, don't stop. I found the second helmet (worth
around 150 Gold) and a weird armor that isn't in the shop. I sold it
for money, even though it was better than my current wooden armor, it
was 250 Gold I think. There are also white gloves, I think. Equip them
if you find them.

Find some treasure, kill some monsters. Easy.

Walk out of the cave, when you think you've done EVERYTHING in the
cave, then use the flying ring again. Go south a few spaces, and you
know where you are.

Sell your stuff, and save. Go up to the sky again.

5.2 - The Dungeon

You're about to get the second sword. Go 2 spaces northwest of the cave
in the sky, to find a dungeon.

There aren't any real threats, except a few mages that can blind you.
There are lots of treasure here, as well. Find them, and then, go
around and look for a downstairs path. There are two, actually. One
goes down to a small room with treasure. The second leads to the next

Fight around, kill some enemies, and by the way, if you happen to find
(or already found) a sword, equip it. There are two here. One is Blue.
That one is better than your current weapon. The other, sort of
brownish, is even better.

There is another floor to go down through. It has the sword somewhere.
Don't worry, nothing bad here, that wasn't in the previous floors.

After finding the sword, search around that bottom floor one last time,
then get out.

5.3 - New spells and a great shield.

Use the flying ring to go down. Go to the east, over to Sull. Sell the
weapons you may have found, and talk to the wizard there to get fairy
magic. But the shield if you can.

Now, go south of the town, into a cave. Make sure you enter from the

This isn't a place to explore, its just for a quick chest.

Upon entering, turn right, got through the path until you reach a
chest. Get it quickly, there should be a cobra (160 Hp, very strong) in
front of you. After getting the Big Red potion, run! Get back to Sull.
Sell the potion for some quick money, then fight and get gold until you
are able to get the shield, then save.

Fairy Magic Spells

== This spell makes you fly, into a different place. TOUGH monsters,
they curse you, and kill you in about two hits. Don't go here until I
say so!

== This spell lets you see the map around you for 0 Hp of cost! Yeah!
You can use this in any of the dungeons you've been to, to see if you
missed any treasures (Represented by a T) or want to kill monsters
(represented by an M)
=- This spell lets you see the info on the enemy, like their attack
power and stuff.
== This spell lets you see your own stats, and tells you the position
you are on the current map.

6 - Fire Magic

All right, get your level(s) up, you should be level 9 at this point.

6.1 - This one is a quickie.

Go back to Granville. For a shortcut, use the flying ring, then use it
again. Go south a bit, and you're there!

North of Granville, (on the western side of the end of the river) and
north of the town next to the river, is a forest. Use the map, and look
for a Treasure somewhere. GO to that Treasure. There should be a bag or
something. Use one horizontal line (fairy magic) and attack the bag. A
treasure chest pops out. Open it for a sword. Use the map again, look
for a dot on the map. Go there, it should be a fire spring. Let it
enchant your sword.

Use the flying ring twice, to get near Granville. Go north west a bit
to another town. In there, you should find a Wizard. The wizard lets
you learn Fire Magic. Don't worry about spells, fire magic is
practically ALL attack magic.

7 - 5th Sword of Magi

Prepare for a LONG chapter..

7.1 - The Darius Maze

Ok, go to Darius, southeast of Granville. Use the map spell to help.
Now go west, into a temple. This temple should be easy, but fully
explore it, there are SO MANY treasures here! Take your time and get
them all, use the map spell to help, and make sure you have the shield
spell up! The place isnt too hard if you know who to parry. You should
find a sword somewhere inside the dungeon, it should look gray/silver.
Equip it. Try and find a flower, then get the rest of the treasures,
then leave.

7.2 - Level 12!!!

Yeah, you're gonna have to level up quite a bit, if you want to
survive. First, sell all that hunk-a-junk you bought.You should be
flooding in money! Awright, now go to the Darius maze and build up and
get a few levels, saving when you need to. The whole thing takes about
a half an hour, for me at least. Once you become level 12, you should
have 2000 or so Gold, I did!

7.3 - The Underwater Dungeon

Ok, this is possibly one of the hardest places in the game... you gotta
be careful.. buy 40 food and drink, and bring 5 red potions.

To get here, go south of granville, and a tiny bit west. Use the map to
try and find where you are supposed to go..but how do you get
underwater???? Use the spell OOO, but remember, you'll have to cast the
spell for each time you want to move around under the water.

Make sure to avoid those underwater creatures things can get sticky if
you fight too many.

Enter the dungeon from the east. Here's the short run down of the

There's a dragon that uses magic on you. Careful, they're very very
tough! Cast ||| /_\ ||| to hit them first, then the spell made up of
three of the last triangles of fire magic to finish the job. Remember
to use potions before their spells hit, or you'll be killed. The spells
you cast use up HP, alot of it actually.

There are two physical attackers, both easy enough to kill if you have
the shield spell on.

Use the map to help yourself with my quick guide..

After entering from the east, use the physical shield spell, then use
the open dungeon doors spell.(one square to cast it) Now, se the map
spell, then you should see three accessible stairways, north of you. Go
in the southern-most one. Now, use the map to find two accessible
stairs, to the west. Upon getting there, go to the northern one. Now,
use the map once more.You should see a treasure chest on the map, not
too far away. That's what you're aiming for. There are a bunch of tough
enemies around there, though. Use the physical shield spell if it's
worn off. There are probably three of those dragon creatures...well,
get the chest and run out, and you've beaten your first really tough
place..but more of these tough enemies are to comes..oh yes...grr...

7.4 - Warrior hill and the Dragon King

Now, you have to go to warriors hill. Nothing bad about here...but now,
you get to go to see the dragon! By the way, warrior hill is a cemtary
like place on the southwest part of the map.

Get about 6 or 7 full heal potions (the small red ones)

enter the Dragon king's cave, its north of warrior hill. This place
shouldnt be hard. I don't remember clearly, you either you find the
armor you're looking for from the dragon, or from a chest. Use the
physical shield spell, and if you fight any of those guys that use
magic, while the spell is coming, fall back, then after the spell
finishes, quickly go up and whack him, and dodge the spell if he uses
it again. I think you find an axe weapon here, equip it.

7.5 - It costs WHAT!!!??

You know that new armor? highlight as if you were gonna sell it. Costs
alot, huh? Don't sell it though. it's worth that money. Buy about 5
potions to prepare for the next dungeon.

8 - The book of 7 witches

This chapter will be done fast.

8.1 - Prepare

Build up to level 13 in the dragon cave, and you'll be fine for the
Keme Cave. Also, be sure to bring about 5 red potions, and 30 food and

8.2 - Keme Cave

This place will be so easy. Come in from the east.

The enemies sorta look familiar...and give big amounts of experience,
too! Kill them, leave no survivors. Use your Physical shield spell, and
use the map, to make sure you leave no items behind. There's a flail
weapon here. You should equip it.

Somewhere in here, you'll find a book. Take it, and go to Zandor, which
is a town southwest of Keme Cave (and east of Darius maze, if you
remember the place)

Weird, you've already beaten every dungeon on the main land...well..
there is the North Tower.. it's on an island though.

8.3 - Who's this "Taz" guy?

In the town of Zandor, you should be told to go to the cape of wind.
It's to the south east of warrior hill, its not a place you actually
enter, its a piece of land that pokes northward into the gulf. You'll
find out about your next mission there.

9 - North Tower

This Will be finished in the next update.



Levels and Hp

Please tell me if I'm wrong somewhere!

Level HP EXP Needed

0 8 ---
1 12 15
2 20 35
3 27 55
4 33 85
5 38 125
6 43 175
7 51 235
8 58 320
9 67 410
10 78 530
11 88 680
12 102 880
13 116 1200
14 128 1700

Update more later!
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