Lego Stunt Rally

Lego Stunt Rally

30.09.2013 07:39:51
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[ Lego Stunt Rally FAQ ]
---------------------------[ General Information ]----------------------------

Author (Pen Name): CGorman
Author (Real Name): Ciarán Gorman
Country: Ireland


Game: Lego Stunt Rally
Developer: Intelligent Games Ltd.
Publisher: Lego Media
Platform: PC


Type: FAQ
Version: Final
Completion: 100%
Date Created: 13:41:37 GMT, 1th April 2002
Date Modified: 21:22:22 GMT, 5th October 2002


This FAQ is copyright CGorman (Ciarán Gorman) 2002, and may only be used for
non-profitable causes, e.g. If you want this FAQ, just steal it
and I will sue you, because it is to be exclusively hosted through the
internet by Gamefaqs, and no other website or affliation, except of course
any website I may own. Use of this FAQ through other mediums such as print,
is available through nogotiation. "Lego Stunt Rally" is a copyright of Lego
Media. The above ASCII Art is also (C) Ciarán Gorman 2002.


This FAQ may contain spoliers, mistakes etc., but any personal loss incured
by such is understood to be of your own free will and I hold no resposibility.


Please email me if you have a problem, I strive to answer all valid and
decent questions, and add them to my FAQs with credit for the individual who
asked the question. But I will not answer any foolish or ignorant questions, I
do not have time for such, as I can get up to 20 emails in one day, so please
think before you email me, and check out any other FAQs for the answer, and of
course read this one fully.
---------------------------------[ Contents ]---------------------------------
1.1........................................................Version History/Log

2.5..................................................Tips on clearing the game
2.6..................................................Tips on Construction mode

3.2..................................................................More Help

----------------------------[ 1.0 - Introduction ]----------------------------
Ok, I got a bit bored with my other FAQs so decided to start (yet) another,
for my brothers newest game: Lego Stunt Rally, its not really that exciting of
a game (I cleared it in 23 mins) but it seems to keep any 5/6 year old happy,
and at 5/6 they will not be as good at a game as most people, anyways heres a
FAQ to help. (*thinks to himself... can 5 year olds read 100+ page text
documents? - concludes, older brothers and parents can read* - I hope.) Please
note that it is geared at a younger age group than my other FAQs, so it may
seem a tiny bit simplistic to some readers.
-------------------------[ 1.1 - Version History/Log ]------------------------
Version: 1.0
Completion: 70%
Date/Time: 13:41:37 GMT, 1th April 2002

- Started FAQ wrote a few important things, plenty of room for additions but
still a useful FAQ.

Version: 1.1
Completion: 90%
Date/Time: 14:37:11 GMT, 13th June 2002

- More updates but again room for an addition or two, left a long time
between updates after noticing that I have a load of half finished FAQs.

Version: Final
Completion: 100%
Date/Time: 15:18:22 GMT, 21th August 2002

- I was so angry at the way I had written the last two versions that I
started a completly new FAQ on my desktop and rewrote the FAQ, this time
leaving out all those useless KB gainers (e.g. hundred line legal
documents, lists, copied stuff from manual etc.,) that were in the first
two versions.

Version: Final
Completion: 100%
Date/Time: 21:22:22 GMT, 5th October 2002

- A few minor addjustments and a bit of reformating.
----------------------------[ 2.0 - Installation ]----------------------------

o Windows 95, 98, 00, or higher. Not compatible with NT or Linux.
o Pentium II 233Mhz or faster. 300Mhz recommended.
o 32MB RAM or Higher. 48MB RAM recommened.
o Direct3D-compatible SD accelerator card required. 8MB dedicated video memory
o Quad speed (4X) or faster CD-ROM/DVD drive required.
o 100% Windows 95/98 DirectX 7 compatible 16-bit sound card required.
o 100% Windows 95/98 compatible mouse and keyboard, optional Joypad.
o Microsoft DirectX 7 is included on this CD-ROM and most be installed to play
LEGO Stunt Rally. Please refer to the readme file contained on the LEGO
Stunt Rally CD-ROM for more information regarding DirectX.
o To install LEGO Stunt Rally you need at least 350MB Hard drive space which
most be uncompressed.
-------------------------------[ 2.1 - Options ]------------------------------
Sound Effects Volume ~ Adjusts the sound effects volume level.
Music Volume ~ Adjusts level of music.
Video Effects ~ This is the level of effects, medium is the recommened option.
Resolution ~ This is the basic resolution of the game, either: 640X480 or
Player Control options ~ Choose the control method for each player.
--------------------------------[ 2.2 - Modes ]-------------------------------
OK I forgot to mention the two game modes:

1) Construction Mode ~ here you can design your own tracks in any of the four
worlds. I am writing a seperate FAQ on this, which
includes different track designs, of mine.
2) Race Mode ~ Here is were you actual race, race in Single Player,
Championship, and Multi-player.
--------------------------------[ 2.3 - Prizes ]------------------------------
Throughout LEGO Stunt Rally, there are different prizes and bonuses to be
won, they include things like track pieces and themes. You also can progress
through the game when claiming prizes. To get a prize you most win certain
-------------------------------[ 2.4 - Pickups ]------------------------------
During a race you can get pickups to help get an advantage, there are nine
of them, they are:

1) Turbo Rocket Boost: Once activated this causes your car to have a super
speed increase.
2) Mega Handling: This power up enables you to take tight corners at
great speeds.
3) Bumper Car: This power up generates a force field, which will
destroy the other cars when they bump into it.
4) Freeze Ray: This will emit a freeze ray out of the front of the car
which will stop any car it touches for a few seconds.
5) Random Pickup: This building will generate one of the four power ups
described above at random.
6) Jam: Once you get this you can drop it, when another car
drives over it they will get stuck for several seconds,
you can find "Jam," in the city world.
7) Rubber: Once dropped, the next car to hit it will bounce up
into the air. This is found in the Jungle world.
8) Chemical: Again you drop it, it cases different effects like
making the car become invisable. It is only found in
the ice world.
9) Oil: I think this is obvious enough.
---------------------[ 2.5 - Tips on clearing the game ]----------------------
Ok, I know that this FAQ is not a walkthrough or strategy guide, but I think
that a few tips on clearing it can do no harm...


Ok use your brain when selecting the wheels for a car, don't just leave the
default ones, a set of dirt tires will work well in the dirt tracks but poorly
in the tarmac tracks like the city, so consider this before a race.


When picking a car for the start, consider all needs not solely speed -
infact speed is one of the lesser needs, just remember a good car is a car
that is good in several areas other than speed.


Ok, finally just remember that corners are tricky at high speed, so stop
accelerating or even decelerate at them - just like in real life.
---------------------[ 2.6 - Tips on Construction mode ]----------------------
Well this FAQ is no more a construction guide as it is a walkthrough, but
again a few tips are surely welcome.


You can only use a certain amount of lego to create the track, you will rarly
pass this amount but just in case, keep an eye on the bar on the left of the
right hand toolbar.


It may seem great fun and look great to have a really twisty track, but don't
forget you will later have to use that track! So don't go over the top.


Sometimes you may be tempted to make the track look "nice" rather than be
fun to race - ignore this feeling if you want a really good track.
------------------------------[ 2.7 - Controls ]------------------------------
Ok, since this guide is aimed for a younger audience and for a PC game, here
are the controls.

-=Keyboard 1=-

Up arrow = Accelerate
Down arrow = Brake
Left arrow = Left lane change
Right arrow = Right lane change
Return = Car horn/Activate pickup

-=Keyboard 2=-

Q = Accelerate
A = Brake
S = Left lane change
D = Right lane change
F = Car horn/Activate pickup


Button 1 = Accelerate
Button 2 = Car horn/Activate pickup
Button 3 = Brake
Left = Left lane change
Right = Right lane change


Left Button = Accelerate
Middle Button = Brake
Right Button = Car horn/Activate pickup
Left Motion = Left lane change
Right Motion = Right lane change
----------------------------[ 2.8 - Characters ]------------------------------
-=Mr X=-

What the manual says:

"Mr X, World Champion and owner of LEGO Stunt Rally World, maintains a
secret identity for fear of being kidnapped by his dastardly opponents."
"Mr X, drives the incredible rocket powered X Car. The best car in LEGO
Stunt Rally World."

What I say:

The guy in charge of the whole game, also the fellow who guides you around
the game at the start

-=Baron Flambo=-

What the manual says:

"Baron Flambo is perhaps the most dastardly of the opponents and will be
found harassing anyone who is unfortunate enough to enter his desert home.
Baron Flambo was the best driver on the planet before Mr X came along (well
arguably he was the best cheat). The Baron has never been able to deal with
the fact that Mr X is better than him and longs to defeat him by any means.
When he defeats Mr X he plans to unmask him and banish him from LEGO Stunt
Rally world forever."
"Baron Flambo drives the Hot Rod, a fast car but difficult to control.

What I say:

You will have to beat Baron Flambo to finish the desert section of the
game. Not really hard, well the game is'nt in general, but still dangerous.


What the manual says:

"Glacia lives in Ice World and is the current ice racing champion. She is
famous for being a heartless ice maiden willing to use any tactic to win a
race and often does because of it. When she is not tucking in to a nice bowl
of Ice Cream or racing around at great speed, Glacia enjoys Skiing, Ice
skating and Tobogganing."
"Glacia drives the Ice Monster, a super monster truck that is faster than
the normal one."

What I say:

Glacia is in charge of the Ice World, once you beat her you can progress to
the next stage, Mr X.


What the manual says:

"Snake was once a soldier, well, for a few weeks before the army threw him
out for causing trouble. Snake was just a private but he could'nt understand
why everyone refused to do what he told them. Snake moved to the jungle to
live with the snakes and lizards. These are the only critters he can truly
call his friends and they taste pretty good too. Snake longs to win control
of LEGO Stunt Rally World so he can finally get to shout at everyone and
boss them around."
"Snake drives the jeep which has good hadling and an average speed."

What I say:

OK, not a great storyline so far, with ice maidens and privates, Snake is
in charge of the jungle and is clever so don't be surprised when it takes you
more than two minutes to beat him!


What the manual says:

"Radium lives in the City. Once the Rock Raiders scientist "Ray Dium" he
was caught in one of his own politically incorrect pollution experiments.
Nowadays he has to wear a full enviroment suit to contain his own
radioactivity, or so he says. Actually most people think he just wears it to
look scary and to make his voice deep."
"Radium drives a large 6 wheeler truck, Rad Truck. He likes driving the
truck because it's bigger than most other cars. It's fast and can corner
reasonably well."

What I say:

OK, I thought the storyline could'nt get any worse, but I was really wrong,
its just stupid now. Radium is the first real big guy you meet, he controls
the City.


What the manual says:

"Chip is a bit of a lad. He likes to joke and muck about and would probably
win more if he paid more attention to what he was doing."
"Chips favorite car is the Rocket Kart. A nippy little car that handles

What I say:

Chip is the first of the four so called "Heroes."


What the manual says:

"Barney is very clever indeed. He is so clever that he left school at the
age of five to "do something more challenging.""
"Barneys favorite car is the Dragster, one of the fastest and most
difficult cars to steer in LEGO Stunt Rally."

What I say:

The second of the four heroes and the smartest.


What the manual says:

"Lucky likes fair play. She never ever cheats but is so good she can win
"Luckys favorite car is the Mud Monster, a slow car but great at taking

What I say:

The third hero and the only female hero. As it says above, she never


What the manual says:

"Wrench. This guy is hugh! But he's a big softy really."
"Wrench's favorite car is the Boost Buggy, with reasonable speed and

What I say:

The final hero. Wrench is really dumb and is good at noting other than

-=Sid Vacant=-

What the manual says:

"Sid Vacant, a rebel and punk who loves to race recklessly ....and what are
you gonna do about it!"
"Sid drives the V8 Eliminator a fast car but quite hard to steer."

What I say:

The storyline has just evaporated, this is only a small addition to the
tiny bit of gameplay I once imagined to be real. A good car though.

-=Brad Speedo=-

What the manual says:

"Brad Speedo, an all American racer. He has a reputation as a stunt man
although that's more a reflection of his inability to find the brake pedal
than anything else."
"Brad drives the F1 Speedster, a fast car that handles quite well."

What I say:

We have sunk to a new low, a good car still.

-=Sandy Surf=-

What the manual says:

"Sandy Surf is a hippy beach girl. Sandy has a happy-go-lucky approach to
life and her driving."
"Sandy drives the Beach Buggy, which has reasonable speed and handling."

What I say:

A happy-go-what?


What the manual says:

"Megahurtz is a slightly haywire robot that wants to be human. Mega built
his own car the Moon Buggy, so he could race to win money for personal
"The Moon Buggy, has average speed and cornering.

What I say:

*Rolls eyes*
--------------------------------[ 3.0 - Q&A ]---------------------------------
OK everybody knows that the letters F A Q, Stand for Frequently Asked
Questions, but how many Game FAQs contain Q&A sections, well mine do, so here
it is. This Q&A section includes my own Q&A's, and some of the readme files
Q&A's, which I have improved on, anyways they generally deal with the
technical side of the game. To save you the hassel of finding the right
answer, just look through here:

Q&A 1: When I start LEGO Stunt Rally I get the message "You must be running in
256 colour mode or higher" and LEGO STUNT RALLY will not run. What do I
Q&A 2: When I run the LEGO STUNT RALLY installer, it asks me if I want to
update my DirectX components. 1. Should I do this? 2. How do I check
what version of DirectX is on my system?
Q&A 3: I updated my DirectX components, tried to run LEGO Stunt Rally after
the installation and it crashed to the desktop. What happened?
Q&A 4: LEGO Stunt Rally keeps minimising and Windows tells me that I am
running out of space on Drive C, What should I do?
Q&A 5: Why does my Microsoft Wheel Mouse not function in LEGO Stunt Rally in
game Menus?
Q&A 6: No Sound/Music will play or is corrupted when I play LEGO Stunt Rally.
What should I do?
Q&A 7: When I start LEGO Stunt Rally I get a black screen or the game will
drop back to the desktop. What should I do ?
Q&A 8: When I exit the game why has my Windows desktop either increased or
decreased in size?
Q&A 9: I noticed some graphical errors during the Installation of LEGO Stunt
Rally. Is this a problem?
Q&A 10: I pressed ALT + TAB to swap between programs and LEGO Stunt Rally
stopped responding when I switched back.
Q&A 11: I am running low on disk space and LEGO Stunt Rally will not run.
Q&A 12: I have Windows 95 and I've installed LEGO Stunt Rally but NO sound
will play during the intro. What can I do?
Q&A 13: When I select 800 x 600 in the games options menu, the picture on my
computers screen goes corrupt.
Q&A 14: When I print, LEGO Stunt Rally minimises to show the printer software
supplied by my printer manufacturer. When printing is complete, LEGO
Stunt Rally does not maximise back to the game.
Q&A 15: When I press Ctrl - Alt - Delete, LEGO Stunt Rally minimises and
Q&A 16: I have a Hercules Dynamite graphics card and the game refuses to run.

-=Q&A 1=-

Q. When I start LEGO Stunt Rally I get the message "You must be running in 256
colour mode or higher" and LEGO STUNT RALLY will not run. What do I do?
A. LEGO Stunt Rally requires that your desktop colour depth is set to 16bit
colour or greater. It is unlikely that you will be running at a colour
depth of less than 16bit colour (i.e. 256 colours), however it is possible.
To change your desktop colour depth :

1). Click START on the taskbar, then choose SETTINGS > CONTROL PANEL.
2). Choose DISPLAY from the icon list, this will bring up the DISPLAY
3). Choose the SETTINGS tab, then select - High Colour (16 bit) -
4). Apply changes and restart the machine if asked to.

-=Q&A 2=-

Q. When I run the LEGO STUNT RALLY installer, it asks me if I want to update
my DirectX components. 1. Should I do this? 2. How do I check what version
of DirectX is on my system?
A. 1. Yes. LEGO Stunt Rally requires DirectX 7 to be installed on your system
to function correctly.
2. The method of checking which version of DirectX is installed is the same
for Windows 95 and 98. Double click on My Computer and follow this path:
C: (C Drive) > Program files > DirectX > Setup
In the Setup folder you should see a Dxinfo icon (Dxinfo.exe) or a
Dxsetup (Dxsetup.exe) Icon. Running either of these will allow you to see
what version of DirectX you have installed on your system.

-=Q&A 3=-

Q. I updated my DirectX components, tried to run LEGO Stunt Rally after the
installation and it crashed to the desktop. What happened?
A. If you choose to update your DirectX version you MUST restart your computer
after the installation process is complete. LEGO Stunt Rally will not
function until the system has been restarted.

-=Q&A 4=-

Q. LEGO Stunt Rally keeps minimising and Windows tells me that I am running
out of space on Drive C, What should I do?
A. Windows will give you the option to run the disk Clean-up utility which can
delete Temporary, Temporary Internet and Recycle Bin files (All can safely
be deleted). This can free up some hard drive space.

-=Q&A 5=-

Q. Why does my Microsoft Wheel Mouse not function in LEGO Stunt Rally in game
A. This has been shown to occur when using Windows 95A and Windows 95B (OSR2).
To resolve this problem you should update your Wheel Mouse drivers or
install Microsoft IntelliPoint Version 2.1 or greater. This is available
as a FREE download at the microsoft website.

-=Q&A 6=-

Q. No Sound/Music will play or is corrupted when I play LEGO Stunt Rally. What
should I do?
A. Should this problem arise you should try the following:
1. You may be running older drivers for your sound card. Updating these
drivers may solve your problems. If you have Internet access you can
download the latest drivers for your hardware for FREE from your
hardware manufacturer's web site.
2. Other programs running within Windows may be causing conflicts. You can
shut these down by holding down CTRL + ALT + DEL. This will bring up
the Task Manager (CLOSE PROGRAM BOX) allowing you to close down
programs individually. Closing all programs except SYSTRAY and EXPLORER
may solve your sound problems.

-=Q&A 7=-

Q. When I start LEGO Stunt Rally I get a black screen or the game will drop
back to the desktop. What should I do ?
A. Should this problem arise you should try the following:
1. You may be running on older drivers for your Video card. Updating these
drivers may solve your problems. If you have Internet access you can
download the latest drivers for your hardware for FREE from your
hardware manufacturer's web site.
2. Other programs running within Windows may be causing conflicts. You can
shut these down by holding down CTRL + ALT + DEL. This will bring up
the Task Manager (CLOSE PROGRAM BOX) allowing you to close down
programs individually. Closing all programs except SYSTRAY and EXPLORER,
may solve your video problems.
3. DirectX 7 may not be installed correctly on your system. A
re-installation of LEGO Stunt Rally may solve your video problems. Or
you can download DirectX 7 for FREE from the microsoft website.

-=Q&A 8=-

Q. When I exit the game why has my Windows desktop either increased or
decreased in size?
A. LEGO Stunt Rally automatically adjusts the resolution of your Desktop area
to 640 x 480 or 800 x 600 depending on the games current configuration.
This is done to conform to the requirements of the game. If the desktop
size does not return to its normal appearance then please see the following
information on how to adjust the display properties of your system.
To change you desktop resolution:
1. Click START on the taskbar, then choose SETTINGS > CONTROL PANEL.
2. Choose DISPLAY from the icon list, this will bring up the DISPLAY
3. Choose the SETTINGS tab, then select the SCREEN AREA you want e.g. 800
x 600
4. Apply changes and restart the machine if prompted to.

-=Q&A 9=-

Q. I noticed some graphical errors during the Installation of LEGO Stunt
Rally. Is this a problem?
A. NO. This does not affect the installation of LEGO Stunt Rally but may arise
if your desktop colour depth is 256 or lower. See Question 1 on details of
how to change your colour depth.

-=Q&A 10=-

Q. I pressed ALT + TAB to swap between programs and LEGO Stunt Rally stopped
responding when I switched back.
A. This problem may occur when running other programs in the background during
game play. It is recommended that you close all other programs before
playing LEGO Stunt Rally.

-=Q&A 11=-

Q. I am running low on disk space and LEGO Stunt Rally will not run.
A. If you have little or no space left on your hard drive after the
installation of LEGO Stunt Rally you may encounter some problems trying to
run the game. LEGO Stunt Rally requires that you have at least 100MB free
AFTER installation, for Windows to create a swapfile for the game. This is
especially important if you are using a minimum specification machine.

-=Q&A 12=-

Q. I have Windows 95 and I've installed LEGO Stunt Rally but NO sound will
play during the intro. What can I do?
A. This problem arises when certain multimedia components of Windows 95 are
not installed. To solve this problem do the following:
Go to the Control Panel
Select the WINDOWS SETUP tab
Make sure all components are checked.
Windows may ask for the Windows 95 CD to install these components. Reboot
your machine and attempt to run LEGO Stunt Rally again.

-=Q&A 13=-

Q. When I select 800 x 600 in the games options menu, the picture on my
computers screen goes corrupt.
A. It is possible that your computers monitor is not capable of running a
resolution of 800 x 600. Please exit LEGO Stunt Rally, or re-boot your
computer. It may be necessary to re-install LEGO Stunt Rally to regain
access to 640 x 480 mode.

-=Q&A 14=-

Q. When I print, LEGO Stunt Rally minimises to show the printer software
supplied by my printer manufacturer. When printing is complete, LEGO Stunt
Rally does not maximise back to the game.
A. In some situations, Windows software supplied by your printer manufacturer
will take control of Windows during printing, and interfere with the
functions of LEGO Stunt Rally. To correct this problem, please try to
disable your printer's software. See the information supplied with the

-=Q&A 15=-

Q. When I press Ctrl - Alt - Delete, LEGO Stunt Rally minimises and crashes.
A. On some computer configurations, pressing these keys together may cause
LEGO Stunt Rally to inadvertently fail. If this is the case, please
refrain from using this key combination.

-=Q&A 16=-

Q. I have a Hercules Dynamite graphics card and the game refuses to run.
A. There are some known driver issues with this graphics card. If the game
refuses to run, please re-install the original drivers supplied with your
graphics card.
-------------------------------[ 3.1 - Links ]--------------------------------
1) ~ the LEGO Media hompage.
2) ~ the Microsoft website.
3) ~ the only website this FAQ is suppose to appear on!
4) ~ my recognition page.
5) ~ the lego website.
-----------------------------[ 3.2 - More Help ]------------------------------
If you failed to solve a problem by using the above Q&A section, you can
do the following:

1) Call the support line, at 0870 600 3003 (UK)
Fax at 0870 600 3004 (UK)
2) E-mail them at,
3) Write to them at: Technical Support / Customer Services
LEGO Media International Limited
LEGO House
33 Bath Road
4) Visit there website at,
------------------------------[ 4.0 - Credits ]-------------------------------
o - thanks for hosting this and our other FAQs.
o CJayC - for all his work for FAQ writers.
o Legomedia - for creating this game.
o You - for reading our FAQ.
o Me - for writing the FAQ.
------------------------------[ 4.1 - Farewell ]------------------------------
Ok, thanks for reading my FAQ, sadly I don't think its as good as some of my
other work so if you have any feedback please email me as soon as possible.


Copyright CGorman 2002

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