Duck Tales 2

Duck Tales 2

16.10.2013 23:32:02
Ducktales 2 FAQ/Walkthrough V1.0

By DDCecil (James Tompkins)

1. Introduction/Updates
2. Beginning the Game/Controls
3. Items
4. Walkthrough
5. Credits

1. Introduction/Updates
The sequel to the original Ducktales, Scrooge McDuck once again goes off
to find treasure scattered around the world...

V1.0 - 6-2-2001 - Finished the walkthrough. (Note: I beat the game on
Easy in 13 minutes, 7 seconds yesterday (Beating all 5 levels/bosses and
final boss, skipping Underground area)! Is this some kind of a record?!)

2. Beginning the Game/Controls
After watching the intro, press start and select what difficulty you
want to play it on (Easy, Normal, or Hard.) Afterwards, you can select
what area to start on, by pressing up and down, and pressing A. Listen
to Launchpad says, then press A to choose the area, or B to select
somewhere else.

Here is the order I suggest:

1. Nigara
2. Bermuda
3. Mu
4. Then either Scotland or Egypt
5. The other area which you haven't been to yet.

If you go in this order, you can get the 3 Pogo enhancements, and you
will be able to collect all the treasure on each level.


Arrows: Move, Climb ropes, Choose things in the shop, etc...

To Pogo Jump - Jump into the air (with A) and press B. Unlike the 1st
Ducktales, you do not need to press Down while jumping.

To swing your cane - Stand near a wall and Press B. While pressing
against a wall, you can jump and swing your cane at the top of your
jump. Also, you can attach onto red blocks, and pull them.

To speed up messages when being talked to, press start to hurry through
the dialogue.

3. Items
Level Items:
(Items found in the levels):

Small Diamond - Worth $1000 (Unlike 2000 on Pt 1)

Large Diamond - Worth $10000

Red Diamond - Worth $50000

1-UP - Gives a 1-UP

Ice Cream Cone - Recovers 1 HP

Treasure Map Piece - There is 1 on each level to collect, these are very
well hidden. You need to collect 7 to gain entrance to a hidden area.

1 - You start with it
2 - Buy it in the shop, after beating level 2
3 - Hidden in a level
4 - Hidden in a level
5 - Hidden in a level
6 - Hidden in a level
7 - Hidden in a level

Hidden Treasure - There are 2 in the game (One in Egypt, one in Mu). If
found, they give $1000000!

Level Treasures - After beating the boss of a level, they will give you
a treasure worth $1000000. If you go through a level again, and you had
already beaten the boss, a chest with a Red Diamond will appear.

Shop Items:
(After beating a level, you will be at a shop where you can buy the
following items with the treasure you collected):

Cake - $150000 - During the game, pressing start and selecting it (by
pressing select) will recover all your HP.

Good Mojo Doll - $800000 - A 1-UP, not worth the $$$, IMO.

DOESN'T REGENERATE! Sorry for the caps, but I'd thought this would get
your attention!

Continue Globe - $500000 - Continue your game if you lose all your 1-

These 2 items will appear randomly on the shop screen during the game:

Special Energy - $750000 - Buying one will increase your Maximum HP by
1. (Limit of 2)

Treasure Map Piece - $1000000 - Buying it will give you a map piece.

Pogo enhancements:
(On 3 levels, Gyro will give you an enhancement that makes your cane do
3 things):

Iron Adapter - Break iron blocks with a pogo jump (Niagara)

Hammer Adapter - Break iron blocks by swinging your cane (Bermuda)

Power Adapter - Move the strange-looking 2-block red barriers (Mu)

4. Walkthrough


Start by going right. Feel free to break the 2 rocks. Kill the frog
that appears. Pogo jump to reach the hook above wher ethe frog was. Jump
to the right and open both chests for a small and large diamond. Get to
the left of the crate, and use your cane to knock it onto the flower.
After passing this arae, and another frog appears. Kill it. To get the
chest, Pogo jump onto the 2 rocks, then get on the left side of the red
block and use your cane and pull it away from the chest. Now get the
chest which contains an ice cream cone. See the 4 iron blocks along the
ground? You'll need an adapter, which you'll get pretty soon. There is a
Red and Large diamond under them, which you can come back and get later.
Pogo jump onto the platform above the nephew, and grab teh chest, which
contains a dimaond. Now jump right, into the water fall to find a secret
room containg 2 chests and a crate. But that's not all! Pogo jump onto
the crate and walk right into anoher room which conatins a big chest
containg a 1-UP! Now walk out of this room, and grab the 2 chests for 2
small diamonds. Go left and down the rope in front of the nephew into
another room.
Once in this room, grab the chest for a diamond. Now see the red
block on the ground to the left of the chest? Get on the left side of
it, and pull it towards the far left wall. Pogo jump onto it to reach
the top of this wall. A small diamond will appear. Now face the left of
the wall, while pressing against the wall, jump up and swing your cane
and you'll destroy a block. Pogo jump up there and continue left. Get
teh chest which contains a red diamond. Now drop down, and face against
the right wall to make a small diamond appear. Go left, and break the 2
crates. Face against the wall, jump up, and open the big chest to find
the piece of treasure map! All of a sudden, an earthquake will happen
and you'll become trapped. Soon, Bubba will appear and let you out, and
look, his English improved since the 1st game! :) Now get out of this
area (you'll have to break the hidden crate again), and continue right.
Use a mole that pops out fo the ground to reach the chains above your
head. Use them to reach the chest containing a large diamond. Soon,
you'll see Webby. Talk to her, and then Pogo Jump up against the left
wall for a small diamond. Grab the chest on the platform above and
behind Webby. Next, go down the rope.
Hit the square on the left side of the platform to form a raft. Now
hit the wall to make the raft move. Duck under the low ceiling that you
approach. Break the 2 crates and talk to Gyro for the Iron Adapter. Get
back on the raft and go right. Once you reach the land, go right and hit
the block to make a raft appear. Pogo jump from the raft to reach the
chest on the platform to the right. Open the chest for a red diamond.
Walk to the far right of this platform to make a small diamond appear.
Now get on the raft, and hit the wall to make it go right. At the end of
the ride, kill the frog. Now go to the far right wall, break the iron
blocks on the ground, and get the 2 chests containing a red diamond and
ice cream. Now climb the rope.
Head left, and pogo jump past the spikes to reach a chest containing
a red diamond. Go back to the far right, and use the mole to reach the 2
chests containing an ice cream and a large diamond. Now climb the rope
Climb to the very top of this rope and jump to the right rope. Climb
In this room, destroy the far right rock. Now pull the red block to
the left. Hit the remaining rock to get the chest, containing a red
diamond. Climb up the rope. Here you'll meet Launchpad, feel free to
leave and re-enter this level, but I never use him (since you'll have
enough $ after you beat a level to purchase whatever you want). Anyways,
Hook onto the chain, and jump to the left. Go left and grab the chest at
the bottom of the cliffs for a large diamond. Now pogo across the logs,
avoiding the bird that flies in from the left. Grab the next chest you
see for an ice cream. Continue to the left, and make your way past 4
more logs, avoiding a bird, and climb the rope.
Jump up to the chain. Now jump towards the right wall to make a large
diamond appear. Now go left, grabbing the 2 chests containing a small
and large diamond. Cross the crumbling bridge, pogo-jumping the bird
that appears. At the far left of this area, grab the 2 chests containing
a large and red diamond. Before going down, jump the rope and enter the
small area for a large diamond. Go down the rope.
In this room, kill the frog, and jump up towards the top of the right
wall to make a large diamond appear. Go down the rope.
After talking with the nephew, go right, and grab ontot he chain, and
jump from chain to chain to a chest containing a red diamond. Go back to
the left, get rid of the right-most crate, and hit the block to make a
raft appear. Go across the lake, and hit the next block to make another
raft appear. Pogo Jump to the platform to grab the chest containing a
large diamond. Now make the raft move, and duck under the low-ceiling
platform. Next, you'll see a platform with spikes underneath. Pogo jump
onto the platform, use your cane on the crate (making a large diamond
appear), and go right. Jump at the right wall to make an ice cream
appear. It's now time for the boss!

Boss: Fire Duck

As you enter the room, he'll be in the middle of the screen. Wait
until he swoops down and to the left and pogo him. Next, he'll either
swoop back towards the right, or will move diagonally across the screen,
and he'll stop and throw a fireball towards you. After 5 successful pogo
jumps, he'll be dead and the Crystal Flower is yours!


As you start the level, walk to the right, hit the barrel for a large
diamond. Talk to the nephew. Lightning will come from the sky and get
rid of a barrier. Now pogo jump up and right. Kill the crab, and walk to
the far right of this area. Pogo jump up and right near the wall for a
small and large diamond. See that door? You'll come back later. Until
then, head left, use your cane on the barrel for a large diamond. Kill
the crab, and then use your cane on the cannon to shoot the wall and go
down the rope.
In this area, walk into the left alcove for a small diamond. Walk to
the right, and pogo the pirate to reach a hidden large diamond above his
head. Hook onto the chain and go right. Get on the right side of the
switch, use your cane on it, and pull to make the chest come out of the
tight spot. Jump on it to get a large diamond. Go right, kill the crab,
and jump over the rope area to a barrel. Hitting it makes a rat jump
out. Jump onto the barrel and jump to the left to the platform which
holds the rope. Jump up and right to make a large diamond appear. Go
down the rope.
Walk tot he left until a pirate appears. Make him follow you to the
right. Pogo jump off of him to reach the inaccessible area. Kill the
crab, and jump down, using the cannon to break the barrier and grab the
chest containing a red diamond. Get out of this area, and head to the
left, passing a crab and a pirate. Next, get rid of the iron blocks,
move the red block to the left, and get the chest (a red diamond). Now
go back towards the right and make another pirate appear. Go left, and
pogo off of him to reach a big chest containing a 1-UP! Now jump past
the rope, a grab a hidden small diamond in the alcove. Go down the rope.
At the bottom, you'll find Launchpad. Jump past him to reach a hidden
small diamond. Hit the square to make a raft appear. Hit the wall and
make the raft move. As you go right, pogo onto the platform with the
chest to get a red diamond, and when you see another platform, jump to
it to recieve a hidden large diamond. Continue to the right. In this
next part you'll jump from chain to chain. If a bird appears, wait
patiently on the chain for it to the drop the shell. After it passes, go
right. Hit the barrel to get an ice cream. Climb up the rope.
In htis area, feel free to kill the crab. Now walk through the right
wall for a big chest containing a red diamond. Pogo jump to the right
into another hidden room with 2 chests and 2 barrels. Pogo on one of the
barrels while holding right to reach another room containing a piece of
traesure map! Go back to the left and grab the 2 chests which contain 2
large diamonds. Head back to the left and climb the rope.
In this room, go left and jump against the wall to make a large
diamond appear. Head right, hook onto the chain to raise the platform.
Go right, and do the same thing again. Jump onto the large platform and
pogo jump to the left to find a hidden red diamond. Go to the right and
hook onto 1 more chain to raise another door. Kill the crab and jump
onto the 2 barrels. A hidden ice cream will appear. Climb the rope.
Wait patiently for the bird to drop the shell and pass. Keep going
Jump from the rope and grab the chest containing a large diamond.
Climb up the rope.
Go left and kill the crab. Get to where Gyro is and you'll get the
hammer adapter. Head left, going past the 5 ropes. Kill the crab and go
down the rope.
As you are gong down the rope, go to the right. Pogo the pirate to
make a red diamond appear. Go to the far right of the room, and go back
left to make him reappear. Now pogo him to raech the chest containing
another red diamond. Go down the rope.
Press against the left wall and jump and swing to open the 2 chests
containing 2 small diamonds. Go left, and get onto the left side of the
switch. Pull it until the chest reaches the wall. Pogo onto the chest to
reach the big chest containing a 1-UP. Now hurry and grab the red
diamond that was in the other chest! Head right, and jump before
reaching the room with chains to collect a hidden ice cream.

Boss: Pirate Captain

When you enter the room, jump to the top chain on the right side of
the room. When he appears, jump onto him and back onto the chain. Repeat
this until he dies. The Mermaid's Tear is yours!


As you enter the level, walk to the right. This time, Scrooge will
talk to his nephew. Go right, getting the chest which contais a large
diamond. Go right, and break the iron barrier to grab a chest that
contains a red diamond. Go left and jump over this area. Kill the crab.
Go left into the alcove for a small diamond. Go right, killing the
Eastern Island Duck. Soon, you'll come to a pillar with 2 rocks on them.
Pogo the left rock, and swing your cane at the right one, which will hit
the chest. Get the large diamond that appears. Go right, passing the
spikes and another Easter Island Duck. Next, you'll approach another
pillar with 2 rocks on it and a big chest. Pogo the left rock, and swing
your cane at the other one, hitting th ebig chest which contains a red
diamond. Climb this vine.
At the top is Gyro with your final adapter! After grabbing it, go
right, and pull the red pillar out of your way. Once ont he other side
of it, pull it to the right, so you can reach the 3 chests above Gyro
(large diamond, red diamond, and an ice cream.) Go right. You'll find a
flower. Pull on it, and you'll be launched across the gap. Jump over the
crab to make a chest appear. Pogo onto it and head right for 3 hidden
small diamonds, and pogo the 2 chests for a red diamond and a 1-UP! Now
hurry and grab the other red diamond before it disappears! Go down the
Kill the crab, head back to the left, pass the 4 vines, kill the
easter island duck, move the red pillar, and break the 2 iron blocks and
drop down.
Once at the bottom, walk to the left and right to make 2 hidden small
diamonds appear. Break the big chest for a red diamond. Break the rocks
and drop down. Watch out for the Lamia-creature and go right. Jump onto
the chain and go right. Above teh creature are 2 hidden chests (Ice
cream and a small diamond) Use this creature to reach the chest neat the
right wall, which contains a red diamond. Keep going right, break the 2
rocks, and pogo towards the top right wall for a small diamond and a
large diamond. Go back to the left, where you originally came down. Lure
a creature and pogo jump into a hidden area and grab a chest containing
a red diamond. Go left, pass the rope, and get the chest which contains
a red diamond. Go down the chain.
You'll find one of the nephews. Talk to him (memorize the pattern
under your feet) , and go left, clearing out the blocks. You'll find a
large diamond and ice cream hidden under 4 bricks. Go left, passing a
duck-eating flower, and pogo jump onto the crab towards the left wall
for a hidden large diamond. Go down the chain.
You'll land onto 2 chains. Jump to the left where Launchpad is.
Answer no to him, and jump through the wall for the 1st big puzzle of
the game. Break the middle block and pull the red brick to the left and
make it fall in. Break the rock to the left of the middle and drag the
other brick into the hole. All the water will drain! Now go back to the
right, passing Launchpad. Pas sthe 2 chains, kill the crab, jump onto
another chain to a platform containing 2 chests, a large diamond and ice
cream. Go right and go down the chain (Note: If you didn't solve the
puzzle, there is some spikes blocking your way down the chain).
At the bottom, open the left chest for a 1-UP. Go against the right
wall, and swing your cane to get the 1st treasure of the game, the wand!
Now go right, breaking blocks, until you reach the treasure map piece.
After grabbing it, make your way back to the chain and go upwards.
Now head to the right, jumping the gaps, killing 2 crabs, and
grabbing the 2 chests at the end (Large Diamond and Red Diamond). Climb
the chain upwards.
Walk to the left, an ice cream will appear.

Boss: Golem Duck

This boss has 2 attacks, he'll throw his fist at you (duck to avoid),
or he'll make an earthquake, which 3 blocks will fall. Only one will
stay on the ground. Use your cane to throw it at him, crumbling him. His
weak spot will appear. Pogo jump on him, and repeat 5 times. The
Mysterious Plate is finally yours!


As you start the level, go right and pass 2 bees. Once you get to the
pyramid, pull the red block out of the way and proceed right. As you
walk towards the chest, you'll fall into a trap.
Get the chests near the left wall by breaking the blocks, you'll get
a small and large diamond. Go right, pass the nephew, and use the mummy
to reach the chest. Go right and wait for a bee to appear. Walk back to
the left and pogo jump to the right where the chest was. A red diamond
will appear. Go right, and you'll see 2 iron bricks. First, hook onto
the chain and jump at the platform with a little chain attached to it.
It will lower, revealing a rope. Climb this.
Break the 3 iron walls and grab the big chest (red diamond). Go back
Pogo the 2 iron bricks and fall down.
Talk to the nephew for a clue:

1 is 3
3 is 2
4 is 1
2 is 4

Walk to the left, jumping over the blocks. Soon, you'll approach an
arrow block. Jump on it to make platforms appear (like in Mega Man),
jump to each one, and pogo jump to the high one when you get near the
left side of the area. Pogo jump on block 1, 3 times. Pogo jump on block
3, 2 times. Pogo jump once on block 4. Finally, pogo jump on block 2, 4
times. The wall will open. get the treasure map piece. Go back right,
jumping on the arrow block to make the platforms reappear. Go right,
pogo jump pass the nephew, and hold left while falling down the wall
behind him. 3 small diamonds will appear. Go right, grabbing the next
chest (ice cream). Head right, and use the mummy to reach the arrow
block. Pogo jump from these platforms to the rope in the top right
In this room, climb the rope.
Get the chest in the top left corner (large diamond), and climb
Go to the right, and get the chets under launchpad (large diamond).
Go left, passing the area with the snake. Move the red pillar out of the
way and pogo the 2 iron bricks. Fall down.
Go left, jumping onto the big chest and get it (red diamond). Go
left, skipping all these chests for now. Get the big chest which you
couldn't get before (red diamond). Now go right, getting all the chests
except the 2 last ones. The other 4 carry a large diamond (1), red
diamond (2), ice cream (3), and 1-UP (4). Use the other 2 chests (Sm,
and Large diamond (5 and 6)) to make it back where the other big chest
was. Normal jump on these (don't pogo). If you really want these chests,
grab them, and head left, where the recently got big chest was, and fall
into the trap, re-going through the area.

| 4 |
| 2 6|
| 3 5 |
|1 |

Anyways, after getting rid of everything) make your way back to the area
with launchpad and climb the rope above the red pillar/2 iron bricks.
Talk tot he nephew. Go right and jump on the arrow block. Follow the
platforms that appear to reach a big chest (red diamond). Walk through
the wall, and jump at the right wall, a red diamond, large diamond, and
ice cream will appear.) Fall into the trap to land back at Launchpad.
Go left and climb the rope again.
Climb the rope above the nephew.
Walk left, pogo the top brick to and hold left to reach a hidden
area. Walk left, and when you get to the mirror, pull it into the
sunlight. A hole will form. Fall into it.
Gte the big chest, which holds treasure #2, the mirror! Search the
left and right sides of the room for a red diamond. Fall down.
Get the ice cream int he chest. Go right. Jump while sinking in the
quicksand to reach the area with 2 chests (large and red diamond). Go
right, pass this snake area, and climb the rope.
Climb the rope above the nephew again. Go right, using hte mummy to
reach the platform the rope is connected to. A large diamond appears. Go
right, hooking onto the platform with chain coming out of it. Hook onto
this to lower the platform. Jump on it and go right. before falling
down, a large diamond appears. Lower the next platform. Jump on it, and
fall down against the wall. An ice cream appears.

Boss: Mummy Duck

He'll come out of the quicksand, jump onto a platform, throw a beam,
and jump back in. Pogo jump when you see his head, and pogo him just as
he is going into the quicksand. Afterwards, Khufu's Knife is yours!


Walk to the right. You will see 4 rocks. Pogo all but the first one.
Kill the frog. Use your cane on the first one to hit the chest
(containing a large diamond. Climb the chain.
Pogo jump to reach the chest above the rope (large diamond). Walk
right, jumping on the moving platform. Jump to the 2nd one when you
approach it. A small diamond will appear after jumping off the 2nd one.
Walk to the right pass the chain, and jump when you reach the wall. A
chest appears. Pogo from this (small diamond) to reach and area with a
big chest. Grab it (red diamond) and pogo on the spikes for an ice cream
and large diamond. Go right through the wall. Don't get the big chest
yet. Go against the right wall and grab the large diamond and 1-UP. Now
pogo the big chest for a red diamond. You'll fall down.
Go all the way to the left, breaking the iron wall. Pogo jump in the
area to make an ice cream and small diamond appear. Go right, hit the
arrow block and follow the platforms to the 2 chests (large and red
diamond). Fall down and walk into the right wall for a hidden small
diamond. Go right, breaking the 4 rocks, and pull the switch to make
aplatform appear. Go right, down thew make-shift stairs, touching the
bottom-most stair's left wall for 2 small diamonds. Jump from chain to
chain and climb the chain.
Continue climbing the chain.
At the top, go left, kill the frog, and break the 2 iron blocks for
the big chest (red diamond). Go left, jump onto the moving platform.
Watch out for the hand w/ lantern and jump to the second platform. See
the wall that looks somewhat different from the rest? Pogo into it and
head left to get the small chest (red diamond). Jump to the next moving
platform. Dodge the hand, and pogo to the chain. Jump to the left to
find Launchpad. Break the 2 rocks that are against the left wall. Walk
to the left through the wall. Normal jump on the chest to make 2 more
chests appear (small, large, and red dimaonds). Walk back to the right,
and break all the iron bricks to make 2 small diamonds appear. Climb the
chain above Launchpad.
Go left and get the 2 chests (large and red diamond). Walk to the
right, passing the knight. Pogo past the spikes, and get the 2 chests on
the platform (Large and small diamond). Climb the chain.
Go right through the wall. When you reach the end, Pogo jump 2 hands
to reach a platform. Fall down. Grab the 4 small chests first (red, 2
large, and small diamond). Grab the chest for the final map piece! After
grabbing it, you'll be whisked away to the secret stage, the

After beating the underground level, get back to where you went through
the wall to get the final map piece. Go left instead of right. Pass the
knight, and break the top 2 rocks. Get the 2 chests (small and red
diamond). Pogo to make the moving platform go. Get to where the 2 chests
are an djump to the moving platform. Dodge the hand, and pogo to solid
land. Pass the knight, then pass the chain and get the large diamond in
the chest. Go down the chain.
Break the 4 rocks and get the ice cream.

Boss: Sorcerer Duck

Stand in the middle of the room, and 2 will appear, a fake and real
one. Stand near one, and pogo him if it is the real one. He has 2
attacks, a a small whilwind which goes straight ahead, and lightning
that appears from above. Keep moving and the Lamp of Eternity is yours!

Hidden level (Underground):

Start by going right and getting the 2 chests (large and red
diamond). Kill the crab and hit the block to make a raft appear. Hit the
wall and make it move. You have 2 ways to go, a top way and bottom way.
Both are equally difficult. if you want to take the top way, pogo on the
first stationary hand w/ lantern you see.


Break the iron wall for a chest (large diamond). Climb the chain.
Go left and get the big chest (red diamond). Go right, jumping
quickly on 3 fast dropping platforms. If the hand w/ lantern hits you,
it'll drop you to a 4th dropping platform, walk through the wall (I'll
call this the DOWN way). if you are above this area, you're taking the
(UP) way:


Get the chest (red diamond). Make the raft. Make it move, and duck
under the low ceiling. Pogo the chest for a red diamond. Go down the
Hold left while falling to reach a big chest (red diamond). Jump over
the fake wall towards the Mega Man-looking energy tank. Knock it into
the hole, and fall down and hold right.


Kill the knight, go right and break 4 iron blocks and grab the 2
chests (Large and red diamond). Fall down, and hold right.

You'll land onto a chest (large diamond). Go left, and pogo the
spikes to reach 2 chests (ice cream and large diamond). Continue left,
breaking the 2 walls and killing the frog. Jump at the 2nd brick wall
for a small diamond. Jump past the chain, and into a wall for a big
chest which contains a red diamond. Go down the chain.
Lure the knight and jump through the top-left wall with him. Go left
to raech a 1-UP in a big chest and 2 small chests (large and red
diamond). Go right, and past the knight. You'll approach another knight
use him to reach the top path, or take the bottom path. The top path
will let you ride 2 red machines. The bottom will let you ride a raft
and allow you to get a large diamond in a chest. After reaching solid
ground, go left and kill the crab. Jump at the left wall for a chest to
appear (small diamond). Use this chest to reach the other chest (Large
chest). Go left for the boss.

Passing stationary hand #1, pogo onto #2 for a chest (red diamond).
Hurry back ontot he raft and jump on hand #3. Go right, getting the big
chest (red diamond). Go down the chain.
Go right through the walll for a big chest (red diamond). Go left,
down some "steps". Touch the side of each one for a small diamond. Pass
the chain. Jump through the left wall for a big chest (red diamond).
Jump up to where the rock is to make a large diamond appear. Go right,
and down the chain.
Go left, wait until a hand appears that you can pogo to the platform.
Break the rock wall. Normal jump to the next platform that has a chest
on it (large diamond). Drop down and jump onto the arrow block. Follow
the platforms to a wall. Go through it for a big chest (1-UP and 2 small
ones (large and red diamond). Make your way back left, passing the rock
wall area again. Pass the kinght and chain, and break the iron wall and
press against the wall for an ice cream and red diamond. Go down the
chain. Use the frog to reach the chest in the top left corner (red
diamond). Go right, make teh raft, but don't use it. Pogo from it onto
the red machine and let it carry you right. Jump onto the solid
platform. Pogo from the right corner of this into a hidden area
containign a chest with a red diamond in it. An ice cream will also
appear. Go right for the boss.

Boss: Sorcerer Duck II:

If you have been following my walkthrough, you probably haven't
fought the first version of him, so scroll up to where I talk about him,
and he is exactly the same, except for the 2 attacks, he has one this
time, a beam that will turn you into a frog! Jump to avoid this. After
beating him, get the lost Treasure of McDuck!

Now you have to beat Scotland once again, so scroll back up and beat
that level!

Final Area - Return to Bermuda:

Go right, and break the 4 crates. Go up the rope.
Now head right and you'll find Glomgold. he'll take your treasures
and will morph into the D-1000! Stay near him at all times, and pogo
him, if your energy gets low, use your cake. Afterwards, you'll get one
of 2 endings (It changes if you got the 7 pieces of map and the lost
treasure of McDuck)!

5. Credits

Thanks to everyone at GameFaqs and you for looking at this!
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16.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
07.Июнь 2019
25.Июнь 2019
01.Декабрь 2014