Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters 2

Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters 2

17.10.2013 10:06:39
Yu-Gi-OH Shin Duel Monsters 2
PS2 Tactical Card Battle Game
1~2 Players
Playstation 2 8MB Memory Card Space - 250kb

FAQ Created By: Kevin Payton AKA Shin Gokou EX
Contact: shingokouex@hotmail.com
Version 0.3
Created: 4/19/2002

This document Copyright 2002 Kevin Payton
I expressly forbid ANY one person, publishers/publications,
and Other Web Sites from using this FAQ. This FAQ can be found
exclusively at Gamefaqs. And this FAQ can be Viewed on the internet or
Printed for personal Use ONLY! This FAQ Cannot Be used in any form
that you are not authorized to use it for! Any Questions, Comments, or
even Help please e-mail me at shingokouex@hotmail.com or u can find me
on AIM under shingokouex or shinshadonic.

1.) Plot
2.) Options
2a.) New Game
2b.) Continue
2c.) Custom Duel
2d.) Trade
3.) Controls
3a.) Map Screen
3b.) In Battle
3c.) Deck Edit Menu
4.) Walkthrough
5.) Tutorial
5a.) Deck
5b.) Summons
5b-1) Fusion Requirements
5c.) Movement
5d.) Battle
5e.) Victory
6.) Passwords

Special Thanks
Version Info

1.) PLOT

This is only what I got from the story of the game thus far
with limited knowledge of japanese.......The characters are from comic
but the story line is original. You are a man summoned back time during
an era in the year 1490 during the final Rose War in England. There
were two faction in this War of the Roses...One was the Red Rose lead by
Yugi/Yami-Yugi and the White Rose lead by Kaiba. They used Magical
Cards used from a time in ancient Egypt. But now this great War has
begun and must come to an end and that is why you were brought back in
time but now it is up to you to decide...Who will you join?... the Red
Rose or the White Rose...either fate depends on you.


2a.) New Game
Of Course this does what it does in every game that has this
option so when starting you will see the opening of you being greeted by
a being from Yugi's Kingdom and he will tell you why u are here and you
will also get to make a name for your character {use any of the L or R
buttons for english alphabet} Then you will pick your deck leader,
afterwards kaiba appears and they both tell u reasons why u should join
each side then you get to pick....join Yugi and the mysterious being
will be pleased...join Kaiba and the mysterious being will be shocked.
After picking either option your dueling journey to save either kingdom
will begin...

2b.) Continue
Of course this is what u pick to start where you left off on
you dueling journey

2c.) Custom Duel
Is The Two-Player Mode in the game, when starting both players
must have their saves on their memory cards as there can only be
basically one deck per card. Before the battle you and your opponent
will get a chance to set the rules for themselves in the match. The
Option are as follows:
-Choose Deck: A, B, or C
-Set Life Points: 1-9999
-Set Star Chip: 1-12 (*starchips are deducted as the cost from
each card you use and setting this to whatever number you choose will be
the amount you get back when your turn comes back to you).
-Use Deck Leader to Attack: Use/Not Use
-Card Style for Play: Hide**/Open

* In the Normal Game you only get back 3 everytime your turn comes back
to you
** Hide does just what it says it hides all cards from being seen and
you won't know what it is until the card is play or placed in use/attack

2d.) Trade
Trading is just that trading you can trade with your friends
and if you have two memory cards you can use this as a method to get
better cards for a particular deck you may have on another card.


3a.) Map Screen:
Directional Pad- Moves the Cursor
Square------Hold the button, then use the directional pad to move the
screen while the cursor stays in the desired screen
L3--------- Moves the cursor along with the screen to view the rest
of the map.
Select----- Brings up the quit game menu
Start------ Takes you to the small system menu in the lower right
hand corner there you can Edit Deck,Save,Options,and
3b.) In Battle:
Directional Pad: Move to select cards or Deck Leader
Square------ Used to bring up the card placement grid which is Blue
Triangle---- Used to View Card Stats and Information
X----------- Used to Backout/Exit A selection.
Circle------ Used to Select Cards and place them.
-When Used on Deck Leader it can be used to move, grid is
Yellow Colored.
-Select Card to Move in Which ever direction it can move
R1---------- When Card is Selected it is used to Rotate card to its side
R2---------- When Card is Selected it is used to Flip The Card Face Up
R3---------- Used to Zoom Camera If nothing is selected
( Anytime on Your Turn Only)
L1---------- When Card is Selected it is used to Turn Card Back into
the original position if it is turned to its side
L2---------- When Card is Selected it is used to Flip Card Face Down
if the Card is Face Up
L3*--------- Used To Rotate Camera If nothing is selected
( Anytime on Your Turn Only)
Select------ Used to Surrender Duel ( Anytime on Your Turn Only)
Start------- Used to End Your Turn

*Just remember 1 special feature, during the battle when your Deck
Leader LP is critial, the draw card icon at the lower right will flash
and you can press the L3 button in to gain a special HEALING (restore HP
to 4000) for one time only, sometimes it is useful to buy time.

3c.) Deck Edit Menu:
Directional Pad: Picks Cards and Sections One by One
Square----- Removes card from deck
Triangle--- Detail of card and when pressed again u get to see a 3d
X---------- Back/Exit
Circle----- Adds card to deck
R1--------- Scrolls Through Cards In Descending Order x5
R2--------- Selects How Cards are sorted by,
(New Cards,Name,AP,DP,Class,Attribute,Level,Deck
Costs,Rank,and Card Color.)
R3*--------- Scrolls Through Cards In Carrying Case
L1--------- Scrolls Through Cards In Ascending Order x5
L2--------- Selects How Cards are sorted by,
(New Cards,Name,AP,DP,Class,Attribute,Level,Deck
Costs,Rank,and Card Color.)
L3**--------- Scrolls Through Cards In Carrying Case
Select----- Unknown
Start------ When on Carrying Case it is used to Designate the Deck
Leader to one of Three Decks
When on Any deck it is used to select one of the other
* When R3(Right Analog Stick) Is pushed in this brings up the Password
** When L3 (Left Analog Stick) Is pushed in this lets you take any card
marked reincarnate and get a new card for each one.

At the beginning you have the option of choosing your name,
which deck master (seems you get to pick different deck masters
everytime you make a new game with a different name.), and to choose and
which side to play (Red Rose Team (Yugi's Team) or the White Rose Team
(Kaiba's Team).

I chose the tree/forest deck master and to play on the side of
yugi of naturally. This deck is mainly composed of forest monster/
insects/ beasts/ 2 water types/ 1 dragon type/ 1 dark 1 angel and some
traps and upgrade cards. So the main focus is on insects/forest and
beasts. In general forest and beasts can combine. Insects I've found are
a class of their own.. they don't combine with any except for an
exception I'm going to list here.

The first boss Weevil(upper right) uses insects too and has
forest terrain as a outlay. This of course benefits both you and him and
makes him rather easy to deal with. Just make sure you pull out some
high attack cards or combine some out. Upgrade them and go kill. Pretty
straight forward.. Minimal strategy required. Cards to actually NOTE to
get from him which is important are: Trap card (kill any card 2000 attk
under), grow forest (makes terrain forest), Sacrifice (2 beetle bugs and
other insects to make better insect) and most important of all COCOON
(combine with larva to get moth.. must wait 6 turns and flip on defense
and face up). This COCOON is a MUST!!! the attk power is 3500 and
defense is 3000. To me it will Kill ANYTHING and on forest its +1000 on
attk and defense. Then after he is defeated two paths open up...one
leading to Pegasus and the other leading to ?(character unknown at the

The second boss Rex Raptor(lower right) is rather harder...
his terrain is rock. So you must make them into forest to benefit
yourself and make sure you hold out until you make MOTH.. None of your
other monsters can kill his 3000+ sometimes monster except the moth. If
you upgrade the moth his attk can become 4000. I haven't defeated him
yet because i'm still trying to build my deck.

Next Update...........
Defeating Rex

5a.) Deck
Your Deck Consists of 40 cards when you play and all your
other cards are held in the "carrying case". First you have your Deck
Leader...with it you choose what cards to play and where to place them.
This Deck Leader can be any monster that has earned the rank to be deck
leader, which can be obtained by having that one card played alot or by
defeating the opposing deck leader. If the deck leader is destroyed
then it is game over! So with this new system of play style for Yu-Gi-
Oh it really is strategic as you have to not only plan your attack but
also your own defense.
As in the other series of the games deck construction is
extremely important as you must have knowledge of all the other series
to truly be able to have that outstanding deck.

5b.) Summons
When your Deck has been constructed your dueling adventure can
begin. When card are placed out they cost a certain amount of "Summon
Power" which is represented by star chips and you know the cost of each
card because it is presented on each card above their picture. The
highest amount you can hold is 12, your start the match with 4, and
everytime your turn comes back to you you get 3, so use your cards
You can lay your cards around your deck leader by 8, 3 in the
front and back and 1 at each side. And the rules for laying the cards
is you can only have 5 monster cards and 5 magical/trap cards on the
board at one time, making a total of 10 cards at one time. If you try
to bring out more than that the card(s) will be sent to the graveyard.
When looking at the 5 cards in your hand you can choose which
one or more(up to 5 can be played at once if you choose to and if
there's enough star chips). Also when choosing more than one card that
action can lead to a fusion (in order to pick more than one just pust up
on the card you want and a number will appear at the top left of the
card...that is how you can select more than one) The fusion can only
happen depend on if the number near the gray square which is commonly
called the hand bill evens you- *example-say you pick a level 6 card,
you can then go through the other monster cards that may be level 5, 4
etc. if the number evens out more than likely it can fuse, especially if
the fusion conditions are met.


Fusion is very simple, but very hard to tell if you want a full list of
the ways, the game is following exactly the same rules of OCG, so any
OCG rules apply(go check it out yourself). Here are a few rules:

1.) Type A + Type B : Fire + Warrior => Flame Warrior Thunder + Dragon
=> Two-Headed thunder Dragon(very useful for dragons)

For type One, it is easy to try out and you should only bear in
mind that the level of cards before fusion should be lower than after or
else no fusion start.

2.) Specific Card(s) + Type B,
3.) Specific Card(s) + Specific Card(s)

For type 2 & 3, very hard to tell but you should know if you did it
once in combat, like time magician is a specific card.

4.) Sacrifice

For type 4, it is written on the ritual card itself of what cards
are needed.

5c.) Movement
Cards can be moved in four directions one square at a time(up,
down, left, or right), movement is indicated by the grid spots turning
yellow. In some instances in the duel your card(s) Attack and Defense
can be modified depending on your location on the field and the field
type as the field can have multiple field type at once...*example-one
board can have mountain,lava,water,and meadow all on one board because
its grid based. So the topography of the field is very important. Some
field type can give some of your monsters an advantage say for example
you flying creature gain an advantage in mountain sections and not only
does their attack and defense rise but their field/range of movement
increases x 2 so with that in mind that tells you to get to know your
decks as well as the field types advantages and disadvantages.

5d.) Battle
When your one of your cards finally gets to meet with another
opposing card on the grid it is time for battle. The calculation of
damage is basically the same as in all the other DM games in the series.
How ever this time it can be a magic or trap card when it is face
up(*also note some trap/magic cards will activate as soon as it is turn
face up). If your card wins the battle it will take over the sqaure
that the opponent was on, when it fails it will move back to the
location it was at before. When a monster from the opposong team attacks
your deck leader, whatever the monsters attack power is that is how much
will be taken away from your Life Points...that is why it is important
to guard your deck leader

5e.) Victory

You and your opponent duel and take turns battling until one
of these conditions are met to declare victory over your opponent....

1.) Opponents Life Points completely gone-0-
2.) The Opponent has no more room to place cards
3.) If time runs out
4.) Or if you summon the FORBIDDEN EXODIA


These Passwords can be found at the following (Konami Japan) Web Site

YF07QVEZ - CARD # 670
EKJHQ109 - CARD # 655
CZN5GD2X - CARD # 506
N1NDJMQ3 - CARD # 372
81EZCH8B - CARD # 348
054TC727 - CARD # 152
N54T4TY5 - CARD # 291
CZ81UVGR - CARD # 191
S5S7NKNH - CARD # 510
GME1S3UM - CARD # 043
69YDQM85 - CARD # 687
UMJ10MQB - CARD # 699
E5G3NRAD - CARD # 758
S14FGKQ1 - CARD # 765


Special Thanks:
Konami of Japan: Supplying passwords and other misc. info and for
making such a great and addictive game (finally something other than
Pokemon not to say there's something wrong with pokemon ^-^)

LarryLui: Who Gave out some of the valuable information about fusing
when the game first came out.

Version Info

Version 0.1 - 4/16/02 First FAQ that jus scratches the surface of the
Game. I planned to do this FAQ last year but never could find the time
until know...... Next Update time and arrival unknown but destined to

Version 0.2 - 4/16/02 Updated Controls for deck menu about the analog
sticks. Added password section.

Version 0.3 - 4/19/02 Added/Modified info to the story section and
changed the tutorial section layout and added tutorial information.

Beware...Evil is everywhere...and it is Relentless

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