To drive a tank, select the Phaedra Rattler at the vehicle selection
screen and name its variant: KNAT.
Fly Helicopter
To pilot a helicopter, select the Phaedra Rattler at the vehicle selection
screen and name its variant: RETPOCILEH.
Fly Hot-Air Balloon
To pilot the hot-air balloon, select the Phaedra Rattler at the vehicle
selection screen and name it variant: HOTAIR.
To pilot a UFO, select the Phaedra Rattler at the vehicle selection screen
and name its variant: THETRUTHISHERE.
To destroy your vehicle, press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + X.
To save a vehicle in peril, press [F12] twice.
Halte [Strg][Shift] gedrückt und gib dann ein:
getdown - Alle Autos beginnen Dich anzugreifen, wenn Du einmal
tot bist, gilt die Mission als bestanden.
wiggleburger - Alles wabbelt
freelance - Taursus Gedichte
Thirdnostril - Radarbereich vergrößern