Arc the Lad 3

Arc the Lad 3

14.10.2013 13:09:26
Arc the Lad III
Monster Card List
By im superior (
Version 1.2 5/29/2002

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1. Version
1.0 5/12/2002 Started my Monster Card List for Arc the Lad III

1.1 5/19/2002 Updated some of the Missing Monster Cards

1.2 5/29/2002 Added some of the Missing Monster Cards

2. Table of Contents
1. Version
2. Table of Contents
3. Legal Stuff
4. Cardish??
5. Monster Card List
6. Thanks

3. !!!!!!!!!!!Legal Stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This FAQ is Copyright 2002- Paul Lasica. This FAQ may not be copied,
edited and no information may not be taken out from this FAQ without my
permission. If you want to put this FAQ on your website than email me.
If I see my FAQ copied and If you did not tell me about it, than

4. Cardish??
Much later in this game a kid named Theo joines you with the ability to
Cardish Monster. This ability seals the monster in a Monster Card. Once
the monster has been sealed, it can be used during combat too use the
monsters ability. But Theo can only hold five cards with him. And also some
monsters like human type or wanted monster can not be cardish!!! There is
a total of 117 monsters to collect and therefore i have wrote this guide
for the Monster Card List.

5. Monster Card List

Name:Wild Dog HP:47 ATK:59 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy

Description: A feral dog. Each is not large and strong, but they often
apper in dangerous places.

Summon Ability: Huge fangs slash enemies
Found At: Corelia Pass, Karkado Mt. Pass

Name:Attack Dog HP:179 ATK:171 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 2 MP:10 DEF:22 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A violent dog bred to protect the Ice Gallery. Do not
underestimate its ability to rip adventures apart.

Summon Ability: Razpr-sharp teeth slice foes

Found At: Ice Gallery

Name:Killer Dog HP:193 ATK:179 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 3 MP:30 DEF:24 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A distinctive brown mange marks these modified Attack
Dogs that were created to protect the Sky Castle.

Summon Ability: Vicious flesh-tearing attack

Found At: Sky Castle

Name:Hell Hound HP:131 ATK:133 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 4 MP:90 DEF:17 ELEMENT: Fire

Description: A scarlet monster seemingly engulfed in flame, Uses breath
to spew flame at foes

Summon Ability: Rains down blazing fury

Found At: Parlue Desert, Noalis Forest

Name:Venom Hound HP:182 ATK:173 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 5 MP:100 DEF:22 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: A venomous monster that spews Dark Attribute flames to kill

Summon Ability: Spews flames of darkness

Found At: Corelia Pass

Name:Kerberos HP:191 ATK:181 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 6 MP:120 DEF:22 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A monster hound named for the protector of Hell, so Hunters
fear it

Summon Ability: Blows smoke-like flame

Found At: Karkado Mt. Range

Name:Opossum HP:18 ATK:21 CAPTURE RATING: Easy

Description: A gigantic rodent with a cute face and a quiet nature until
cornered, when it becomes violent

Summon Ability: Spews a posse of ravenous rodent

Found At: Tohde Bridge

Name:Dungeon Mouse HP:109 ATK:118 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 8 MP:9 DEF:20 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A rodent similar to the opossum, but closer to a mouse.
Cannont shot seeds

Summon Ability: Spews bouncing, spinning rodents

Found At: Cariote Cave

Name:Crypt Rat HP:82 ATK:95 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 9 MP:16 DEF:16 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A Huge rodent that likes dark damp places. Explodes when

Summon Ability: Explodes when scared or excited

Found At: Cariote Cave

Name:Flash Hider HP:125 ATK:136 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 10 MP:20 DEF:22 ELEMENT: Light

Description: A large grey mouse that's normally quiet. Some believe it
makes a good pet.

Summon Ability: Run, jump, grow, and explode attack

Found At: Tohde Bridge, Trial Cave


Summon Ability:

Found At:

Name:Pit Scorpion HP:11 ATK:33 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 12 MP:20 DEF:15 ELEMENT: Fire

Description: A dangerous arachnid that hides in nesting holes near marshes
A sting will make one feel heavy

Summon Ability: Soaks ground with poison venom

Found At: Kiska Marsh

Name:Desert Devil HP:22 ATK:62 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 13 MP:40 DEF:26 ELEMENT: Water

Description: A blue scorpion found in North Sularto. It's easy to spot,
but beware of its quick movements and gravity attacks

Summon Ability: Floods ground with posion venom

Found At: Sabi Wilds

Name:Viper HP:24 ATK:23 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 14 MP:0 DEF:6 ELEMENT: Earth

Description: An immense snake that can eat creatures as large as a Hemo-ji
It has no posion

Summon Ability: Mow down enemies with huge tail

Found At: Eteru Isle Vicinity

Name:Sidewinder HP:26 ATK:26 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 15 MP:0 DEF:6 ELEMENT: Wind

Description: Threatens its opponents by making a hissing noise from both
sides of its neck

Summon Ability: Attacks from below the ground

Found At: Eteru Isle, Forestamore, N. Sularto

Name:Cobra HP:114 ATK:104 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 16 MP:35 DEF:19 ELEMENT: Fire

Description: This snake has laser sight and dangerous fangs that can cause

Summon Ability: Shoot death-dealing rays

Found At: Parule Deser, Tolarka Castle, Various

Name:Stone Tortoise HP:39 ATK:56 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 17 MP:20 DEF:36 ELEMENT: Water


Summon Ability: Raises allies DEF's slightly

Found At: Dongle Cape, Dartanelle Beach

Name:Armor Tortoise HP:43 ATK:63 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 18 MP:36 DEF:38 ELEMENT: Water

Description: A huge, slow turtle with a strong bite. Provides good defense
for allies

Summon Ability: Raises allies DEF's a lot

Found At: Dangle Cape, Dartanelle Beach

Name:Dragon HP:244 ATK:169 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 19 MP:50 DEF:29 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A low-class of dragon with huge wings and a deadly
tail-smash attack.

Summon Ability: Mow down enemies with huge tail.

Found At: Digarta Wilds

Name:Fire Dragon HP:607 ATK:217 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 20 MP:200 DEF:37 ELEMENT: Fire

Description: A hellish high-ranking member of the dragon tribe
that breathes fire

Summon Ability: Fire att. breath attacks enemy

Found At: Volcano Cave

Name:Water Dragon HP:596 ATK:214 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 21 MP:210 DEF:37 ELEMENT: Water

Description: This dragon belches forth Water Attribute breath.
Said to have been awakened in The Disaster.

Summon Ability: Water Attr. breath drowns enemy

Found At: Ice Gallery

Name:Earth Dragon HP:376 ATK:162 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 22 MP:205 DEF:24 ELEMENT: Wind

Description: A semi-violent dragon said to apper in the Trial
Cave. Its breath can flatten enemies

Summon Ability: Wind att. breath blows away enemy

Found At: Trial Cave

Name:Copper Dragon HP:483 ATK:187 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 23 MP:250 DEF:31 ELEMENT: Earth

Description: A red dragon that seems to be protecting something.
Blows extremely poweful Earth Attribute Breath

Summon Ability: Earth att. breath blasts enemy

Found At: Forestamore's Ruins

Name:Silver Dragon HP:632 ATK:226 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 24 MP:270 DEF:38 ELEMENT: Light

Description: Quiet, and covered in silvery-white shinning scales.
Said to be used by Guardians to quiet the souls of
the dead.

Summon Ability: Light att. breath purifies enemies

Found At: Ragnark's White Bone Forest

Name:Gold Dragon HP:643 ATK:227 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 25 MP:300 DEF:37 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: Has scales said to be made of pure gold. An
extremely rare dragon to find and capture.

Summon Ability: Dark att. breath attack enemy

Found At: Ragnark's White Bone Forest

Name:Altima HP:785 ATK:255 CAPTURE RATING: Very Hard
No. 26 MP:600 DEF:48 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: The head of the dragon tribe that has multi-attribute
breath. Very diffcult to find.

Summon Ability: Has powerful multi-attribute breath

Found At: Caves

Name:Wild Hemo-ji HP:63 ATK:50 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 27 MP:40 DEF:12 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Usually timid, but will attack when in groups. Spell disables
victim's magic abilities

Summon Ability: Turns enemy into Hemo-ji

Found At: Hell Plain, Crash Site Secret Path

Name:Wonderful Hemo-ji HP:68 ATK:62 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 28 MP:40 DEF:13 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Similar to Wild Hemo-ji. Carries a hidden weapon, the Hemo-ji

Summon Ability: Turns enemy into Hemo-ji

Found At: Hell Plain, Crash Site Secret Path

Name:Mage Hemo-ji HP:115 ATK:109 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 29 MP:200 DEF:18 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: This Hemo-ji magic-canceling spells are longer lasting than
those of lesser kin.

Summon Ability: Turns enemy into Hemo-ji

Found At: Dartanelle Beach

Name:Shaman Hemo-ji HP:126 ATK:96 CAPTURE RATING:
No. 30 MP:80 DEF:9 ELEMENT: N/A


Summon Ability: Turns enemy into Hemo-ji

Found At: Dartanelle Beach

Name:King Hemo-ji HP:116 ATK:128 CAPTURE RATING: Very Hard
No. 31 MP:60 DEF:18 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: This high-ranking bined can turn a group of foes into
Hemo-jis, simultaneously.

Summon Ability: Turns enemies into Hemo-jis

Found At: Kutao Temple

Name:Ogre HP:40 ATK:34 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 32 MP:60 DEF:5 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Generally feeds on small animals. May attack humans when food
becomes scarce.

Summon Ability: Wields large club

Found At: Eteru Isle, Forestamore

Name:Ogre Mage HP:110 ATK:67 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 33 MP:160 DEF:7 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: The blue-skinned ogre is rumored to possess four special

Summon Ability: Wields Huge Club

Found At: South Sularto's Hell Plain

Name:Ogre Lord HP:212 ATK:219 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 34 MP:200 DEF:15 ELEMENT: Light

Description: This top-level ogre can best the strongest of Hunters.

Summon Ability: Wields enormous club

Found At: Trial Cave

Name:Gas Cloud HP:94 ATK:119 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 35 MP:0 DEF:42 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Innocuos-looking cloud envelops foes in poisonous gases

Summon Ability: Release noxious fumes

Found At: Ragnark's White Bone Forest

Name:Stun Smog HP:36 ATK:52 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 36 MP:20 DEF:20 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Ethereal magenta glow attracts victims. Causes paralysis
upon inhalation .

Summon Ability: Emits Paralyzing fumes

Found At: Runied City, Crash Site Secret Path

Name:Sleeping Gust HP:112 ATK:136 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 37 MP:25 DEF:47 ELEMENT: Light

Description: Appears as harmless as pollen cloud. This rare gaseous
monster puts foes to sleep

Summon Ability: Releases sleeping gas

Found At: Ruined City

Name:Dark Fog HP:115 ATK:138 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 38 MP:30 DEF:47 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: Few details are known about this toxic cloud.
Believed to create Gravity State.

Summon Ability:

Found At: Ice Gallery

Name:Sphere HP:46 ATK:65 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 39 MP:20 DEF:25 ELEMENT: Light

Description: Crackling ball of flame has been know to self-explode
damaging anything in range

Summon Ability: Creates Light Attribute Explosion

Found At: Crash Site Secret Path, S. Whart

Name:Poltergeist HP:118 ATK:142 CAPTURE RATING:
No. 40 MP:30 DEF:48 ELEMENT: N/A


Summon Ability:

Found At: Kiska Marsh

Name:Flame HP:81 ATK:127 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 41 MP:26 DEF:12 ELEMENT: Fire

Description: Little is know about this garish ball of fire. May self

Summon Ability: Creates Fire Attribute Explosion

Found At: Cariote Cave

Name:Will-o-wisp HP:88 ATK:140 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 42 MP:34 DEF:13 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: A bluish-white flame that immdediately self-explodes
if startled.

Summon Ability: Strikes with branches and throws seeds

Found At: Sealed Ruins

Name:Slime HP:15 ATK:26 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 43 MP:0 DEF:10 ELEMENT: Water

Description: Gooey green inverebrate, usually found in groups. More of a
nuisance than a threat

Summon Ability: Oozes slippery trail

Found At: Eteru Isle

Name:Posion Slime HP:23 ATK:42 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 44 MP:20 DEF:15 ELEMENT: Water

Description: A few notches higher on the food chain than its green counter
parts. Posions foes

Summon Ability: Slaughs toxic waste

Found At: Noalis forest

Name:Paralyze Ooze HP:45 ATK:60 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 45 MP:40 DEF:21 ELEMENT: Water

Description: The venom of this poison-spitter causes instant Paralysis

Summon Ability: Spews paralyzing matter

Found At: Crash Site Secret path

Name:Stone Gel HP:76 ATK:115 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 46 MP:60 DEF:37 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: Spineless-but-deadly black jelly. Immobilizes enemies

Summon Ability: Causes Gravity State

Found At: Midoro Swamp, Normo Plain

Name:Shade HP:34 ATK:69 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 47 MP:0 DEF:10 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: This ghostly creatures regenerates ailing associates

Summon Ability: Steals HP, gives to Allies

Found At: Ruined City

Name:Nightcaller HP:101 ATK:173 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 48 MP:0 DEF:22 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A purple-bodied, ethereal being somewhat clumsy, it
may drop rare items.

Summon Ability: Steals HP, gives to allies

Found At: Ruined City

Name:Mortality Shadow HP:118 ATK:197 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 49 MP:0 DEF:25 ELEMENT: Light

Description: A white apparition found only in the Sky Castle. Hoards
stolen goods

Summon Ability: Steals HP, gives to allies

Found At: Sky Castle

Name:Slumber flower HP:32 ATK:28 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 50 MP:30 DEF:6 ELEMENT: Earth

Description: An aromatic flesh-eater. Its tastes have graduated from
Insects to Humans

Summon Ability: Shoots piercing vines

Found At: Luakae Riverbank

Name:Dandelion HP:52 ATK:53 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 51 MP:60 DEF:10 ELEMENT: Earth

Description: A genetically-engineered weed. Inhaling its spores will
cause paralysis

Summon Ability: Shoots piercing vines

Found At: Kaoyan Forest

Name:Tulip HP:52 ATK:53 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 52 MP:60 DEF:6 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A flower that feeds on blood. Its aroma may cause confusion

Summon Ability: Shoots piercing vines

Found At: Kaoyan Forest, Lukae Riverbank

Name:Man Eater HP:102 ATK:94 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 53 MP:50 DEF:15 ELEMENT: Earth

Description: A tree-like monster that is surprisingly moblie

Summon Ability: Strikes with branches and throws seeds

Found At: Roma Lake Shore, Amaidar Mountain

Name: Life Sucker HP:157 ATK:173 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 54 MP:80 DEF:21 ELEMENT: Earth

Description: A tree with a taste for flesh. Can easily attack
distant enemies.

Summon Ability: Strikes with branches and throws seeds

Found At: Sealed Ruins

Name:Armor Eater HP:234 ATK:110 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 55 MP:200 DEF:17 ELEMENT: Earth

Description: Natice to Amaidar Mountain. Has ability to revive defeated

Summon Ability: Strikes with branches and throws seeds

Found At: Amaidar Mountain

Name:Pen-Pen Plant HP:99 ATK:87 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 56 MP:0 DEF:15 ELEMENT: Wind

Description: A relatively weak monster. Its attacks carry Wind Attribute

Summon Ability: Creates Whirlwind

Found At: Kaoyan Forest, Romastor River

Name:Alraune HP:103 ATK:92 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 57 MP:20 DEF:16 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Said to carry the horror those who died in The Disater

Summon Ability: Causes paralyzing whirlwind

Found At: Kaoyan Forest, Romastor River

Name:Dryad HP:134 ATK:116 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 58 MP:26 DEF:19 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Neither plant nor animal. Its screams are believed to cause

Summon Ability: Causes silencing whirlwind

Found At: Kaoyan forest, Dartanelle Beach

Name:Mandrake HP:201 ATK:161 CAPTURE RATING:
No. 59 MP:80 DEF:24 ELEMENT: N/A


Summon Ability:

Found At: Sealed Ruins

Name:Posion Mushroom HP:24 ATK:19 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 60 MP:16 DEF:6 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: One's body will become heavy if sprayed with its spores

Summon Ability: High-pitched laugh increases gravity

Found At: Tohde Bridge, Noal's Forest

Name:Fungus HP:102 ATK:72 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 61 MP:38 DEF:15 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A purple-capped mushroom. Its spores induce sleep.

Summon Ability: High-pitched laugh causes sleep

Found At: Romastor River, Noalis Forest

Name:Myconid HP:174 ATK:124 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 62 MP:50 DEF:24 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: This especially lethal fungus scatters spores that
paralyze enemies.

Summon Ability: High-pitched laugh causes Paralysis

Found At: Sealed Ruins, Noalis Forest

Name:Wyvern HP:64 ATK:57 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 63 MP:50 DEF:8 ELEMENT: Wind

Description: Once believed to be a lower order of dragon, this
flying beast has no fore limbs.

Summon Ability: Flaps wings, Cast Wind Attribute

Found At: Karkado Mountain Range

Name:Shuternelle HP:126 ATK:103 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 64 MP:70 DEF:14 ELEMENT: Earth

Description: A creature similar to a wyvern. Creates a dangerous

Summon Ability: Flaps wings, Casts Earth Atrribute Magic

Found At: Amaidar Mountain

Name:Hell Kite HP:272 ATK:197 CAPTURE RATING: Fire
No. 65 MP:100 DEF:25 ELEMENT: Hard

Description: An Academy-created beast, based on the fire Crimson

Summon Ability: Flaps wings, casts Fire Attribute

Found At: Sky Castle

Name:Dragoon HP:79 ATK:69 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 66 MP:60 DEF:10 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: The most advanced form of Wyvern. Its steel-like
scales are hard to penetrate

Summon Ability: Flaps wings, Casts Dark Attribute

Found At:

Name:Roc HP:28 ATK:38 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 67 MP:32 DEF:7 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: This violent eagle dives at foes. Its flashing eyes
make one's body heavy.

Summon Ability: Fiery eyes cause Gravity

Found At: Corelia Pass

Name:Crimson Roc HP:38 ATK:49 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 68 MP:25 DEF:7 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Violent like the Roc. Its victims become unable to
speak upon seeing its eyes flash.

Summon Ability: Fiery eyes causes Silence

Found At: Noalist Forest

Name:Phoenix HP:146 ATK:169 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 69 MP:80 DEF:20 ELEMENT: Fire

Description: Often mistaken for the legendary phoenix, this
flame-covered Roc paralyzes enemies.

Summon Ability: Fiery eyes causes Paralysis

Found At: Volcano Cave

Name:Cassowary HP:59 ATK:78 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 70 MP:90 DEF:11 ELEMENT: Fire

Description: Easily identifies by the crest on its head, this
is a rare relative of the Phoneix.

Summon Ability: Spits enormous fireballs.

Found At: Astorny Bridge

Name:Cockatrice HP:134 ATK:157 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 71 MP:30 DEF:20 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Little is known about this bird. It's rumored to
have a paralyzing stare.

Summon Ability: Sharp, piercing beak

Found At: Astorny Bridge

Name:Suzaku HP:143 ATK:167 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 72 MP:120 DEF:24 ELEMENT: Fire

Description: A high-level Cassowary. It can easily reduce
anything to ash.

Summon Ability: Spits enormous fireballs

Found At: Volcano Cave

Name:Dragon Fly HP:145 ATK:155 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 73 MP:40 DEF:29 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: This mutant rubs its legs to create an electrical
blast. May cause paralysis.

Summon Ability: Wings emit paralyzing smoke

Found At: Cariote Cave, Various

Name:Hunter Fly HP:129 ATK:139 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 74 MP:30 DEF:28 ELEMENT: Wind

Description: One may become poisoned by this flying menace.
Has blast attack similar to Dragon Fly.

Summon Ability: Wings emit poisonous smoke

Found At: South Sularto's Hell Plain

Name:Bomber Fly HP:59 ATK:71 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 75 MP:15 DEF:15 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: A large, self-destructive insect that rams its
enemis and explodes.

Summon Ability: Explosion damages all enemies

Found At: S. Whart

Name:Cave Bat HP:15 ATK:26 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 76 MP:0 DEF:5 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A huge bat that lives in damp, humid caves. It bites
and sucks blood

Summon Ability: Steals HP, gives to allies

Found At: Trial Cave, Noalis Forest

Name:Vampire Bat HP:154 ATK:15 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 77 MP:60 DEF:22 ELEMENT: Wind

Description: This advanced Cave Bat can revive associates during
battle. Has a painful bite.

Summon Ability: Steals HP, gives to allies

Found At: Ice Gallery, Trial Cave

Name:Polar Bat HP:161 ATK:157 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 78 MP:70 DEF:22 ELEMENT: Light

Description: A bluish-grey bat. It navigates and attack with
its super-sonic waves.

Summon Ability: Steals HP, gives to allies

Found At: Trial Cave, Forestamore Ruins

Name: Master Gargoyle HP:178 ATK:202 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 79 MP:180 DEF:34 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: The strongest of gargoyle. It can protect itself
by turning to stone

Summon Ability: Paralyzes enemies

Found At: Sky Castle

Name:Abyssar Gargoyle HP:97 ATK:127 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 80 MP:48 DEF:21 ELEMENT: Light

Description: This flying beast plummets from the air and rams

Summon Ability: Paralyzes enemies

Found At: Amaidar Mountain

Name: Crystal Gargoyle HP:98 ATK:129 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 81 MP:100 DEF:22 ELEMENT: Wind

Description: A blue gargole with purple wings. Can turn itself
to crystal in defense.

Summon Ability: Paralyzes enemies

Found At: Amaidar Mountain

Name:Doommonger HP:116 ATK:48 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 82 MP:110 DEF:25 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: This creature attack by proxy or stabs with Trident.

Summon Ability: Summons Hellish Ally

Found At: Tolarka Castle Ruins



Summon Ability:

Found At:

Name:Hell Gaurdian HP:169 ATK:198 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 84 MP:150 DEF:32 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Seals the gates of Hell. Wields an enormous spear.

Summon Ability: Summons Hellish Ally

Found At: Kuatao Temple

Name:Zombie HP:259 ATK:117 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 85 MP:0 DEF:21 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: A reanimated corpse that continues to decompose as it
moves about.

Summon Ability: Strikes with ghostly hand

Found At: Midaro Swamp

Name:Corpse HP:259 ATK:117 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 86 MP:30 DEF:21 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: A zombie in an advanced state of decay. Its bodily
fluids posion and confuse foes.

Summon Ability: Strikes with ghostly hand

Found At: Midaro Swamp, Various

Name:Ghoul HP:331 ATK:145 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 87 MP:50 DEF:24 ELEMENT: Water

Description: A formely-dead body. Oozes fluids that paralyze
and confuse

Summon Ability: Strikes with ghostly hand

Found At: Crash Site Secret Path

Name:Skeleton HP:51 ATK:76 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 88 MP:0 DEF:12 ELEMENT: Earth

Description: A low-ranking soldier. Rumored to be a fairly
ineffective swordman.

Summon Ability: Throws a piercing arrow of Light

Found At: Ruined City, Crash Site Secret Path

Name:Skull Warrior HP:69 ATK:97 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 89 MP:0 DEF:14 ELEMENT: Water

Description: Another soldier of the undead. It is adept with
its long spear.

Summon Ability: Throws piercing arrow of Light

Found At: Crash Site Secret Path

Name:Skull Knight HP:173 ATK:217 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 90 MP:100 DEF:27 ELEMENT: Fire

Description: A warrior of considerable strength. Able to revive
fallen comrades.

Summon Ability: Throws piercing arrow of Light

Found At: Kuatao Temple



Summon Ability:

Found At:

Name:Ghost HP:61 ATK:62 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 92 MP:0 DEF:10 ELEMENT: Water

Description: An apparition with a lingering attachment to the past.
It abosorbs the strength of Living things.

Summon Ability: Steals HP, gives to allies

Found At: Crash Site Secret Path

Name:Phantom HP:66 ATK:54 CAPTURE RATING:
No. 93 MP:60 DEF:10 ELEMENT: Wind


Summon Ability:

Found At: Crash Site Secret Path

Name:Nether Ghost HP:216 ATK:150 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 94 MP:188 DEF:22 ELEMENT: Light

Description: A ghost with strong magical power. May confuse
enemies, causing them to attack allies

Summon Ability: Steals HP, gives to Allies

Found At: White Bone Forest



Summon Ability:

Found At:

Name:Death God HP:222 ATK:195 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 96 MP:240 DEF:25 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: A formidable opponent. It is said to level enemies
with a single blow.

Summon Ability: Slices with huge scythe

Found At: Sky Castle

Name:Litch HP:226 ATK:198 CAPTURE RATING:
No. 97 MP:270 DEF:25 ELEMENT: Dark


Summon Ability:

Found At: White Bone Forest

Name:Death Lord HP:272 ATK:229 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 98 MP:300 DEF:28 ELEMENT: Dark

Description: The ruler of death. Has exceptionally stron attack
and special abilities.

Summon Ability: Slices with huge scythe

Found At: Sky Castle

Name:Dwarf Behemoth HP:12 ATK:115 CAPTURE RATING:
No. 99 MP:50 DEF:96 ELEMENT: N/A


Summon Ability:

Found At: Kutao Temple

Name:Golem HP:94 ATK:69 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 100 MP:30 DEF:19 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A rock-like monster that lacks agility, but can
deliver a mighty blow.

Summon Ability: Creates a barrage of boulders

Found At: Crash Site Secret Path

Name:Iron Golem HP:306 ATK:193 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 101 MP:50 DEF:48 ELEMENT: Earth

Description: A Golem made of steel. Has a powerful attack.

Summon Ability: Hurls iron spheres

Found At: Amaidar Mountain

Name:Crystal Golem HP:297 ATK:186 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 102 MP:90 DEF:47 ELEMENT: Light

Description: A crystal-bodied Golem. Emits a suspicious light
and hardens body in defense

Summon Ability: Throws sharp crystals

Found At: Kutao Temple

Name:Master Golem HP:313 ATK:198 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 103 MP:120 DEF:49 ELEMENT: Light

Description: This legendary, solid-gold golem has long evaded

Summon Ability: Drops heavy pieces of gold

Found At: Kutao Temple

Name:Mechanical Doll HP:109 ATK:122 CAPTURE RATING:
No. 104 MP:20 DEF:19 ELEMENT: N/A


Summon Ability:

Found At: White Bone Forest

Name:Talking Tina HP:124 ATK:134 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 105 MP:30 DEF:21 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: This diminutive creature rams its foes. Also
shoots Gravity Threads from its hands.

Summon Ability: Makes enemy unable to move

Found At: Kutao Temple

Name:Marionette HP:131 ATK:142 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 106 MP:35 DEF:22 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Strongest of Dolls. Difficult to tell aprat from
Talking Tina.

Summon Ability: Makes enemy unable to move

Found At: Kutao Temple

Name:SA-100 HP:63 ATK:89 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 107 MP:10 DEF:17 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A robot that specializes in close combat. Self
explods when damaged.

Summon Ability: Creates large explosion

Found At: Galecki falls, South Sularto

Name:PA-200 HP:52 ATK:78 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 108 MP:20 DEF:15 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A battle robot with a wide attack range. Similar
to SA-100.

Summon Ability: Dual machine-gun attack

Found At: Gelecki falls

Name:CAA-5 HP:135 ATK:173 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 109 MP:50 DEF:29 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: An Academy-revised version of the SA-100. Carries
a long-range machine gun.

Summon Ability: Dual laser-gun attack

Found At: Academy Facilities

Name:Interceptor HP:90 ATK:87 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 110 MP:0 DEF:14 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A high-speed, hovering robot. Steals enemy's machine
gun and attacks with it.

Summon Ability: Fires stolen machine gun

Found At: South Sularto Battleship

Name:Prowler HP:63 ATK:62 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 111 MP:0 DEF:11 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: This battle robot steals shotguns from foes.
Deceptively agile, but easuy to capture.

Summon Ability: Fires stolen Shotgun

Found At: Galecki Falls, South Sularto

Name:Gunner Pod HP:93 ATK:92 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 112 MP:0 DEF:15 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: An accurate sharp shooter with hovering movements.

Summon Ability: Uses stolen firearms

Found At: Academy Facilities

Name:Intruder HP:182 ATK:153 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 113 MP:0 DEF:22 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A silent, agile robot armed with a mechanical gun.
Also pilfers machine guns from foes.

Summon Ability: Fires stolen machine gun

Found At: Academy Headquarters

Name:Gun Trap HP:85 ATK:122 CAPTURE RATING: Very Easy
No. 114 MP:0 DEF:14 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A defensive weapon, abandoned when failed its mission.
Still armed and dangerous

Summon Ability: Random-fire Machine Gun

Found At: Galecki falls

Name:Shotgun Trap HP:85 ATK:124 CAPTURE RATING: Easy
No. 115 MP:0 DEF:14 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: A Gun Trap wiht improved power and accuracy. Less
effective at close range.

Summon Ability: Fires shotgun when approached

Found At: Galecki Falls, Various

Name:Cannon Trap HP:89 ATK:128 CAPTURE RATING: Hard
No. 116 MP:0 DEF:14 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Designed for distance attacks. It has relatively
poor defenses at close range

Summon Ability: Fires long-range cannon

Found At: Galecki Falls

Name:Diekbeck HP:999 ATK:99 CAPTURE RATING: ???
No. 117 MP:999 DEF:99 ELEMENT: N/A

Description: Top Secret

Summon Ability: Classified

Found At: Classified

6. Thanks
Myself- I have to thank myself for writing this Monster Card List

CJayC- Without him there would be no

Working Design- It was worth the wait for the Arc the Lad Collection.

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Monster Card List

14.Октябрь 2013
Ende des Spiels

12.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019