Tail Concerto

Tail Concerto

17.10.2013 18:31:45
Playstation: Tail Concerto Quote FAQ
By Ashley Whitaker (tuborg)
E - Mail: hotgamer1@hotmail.com
Version: 1.1

Table of Contents

(1) Updates
(2) Introduction
(3) Quotes
1.0 Memory of Dreams
1.1 Waffle Wakes Up
1.2 Enter the Three Sisters
1.3 Waffle meets the Pris Sisters
1.4 After First Boss
1.5 Skies of Ferzen
1.6 Frezen (Beginning)
1.7 Imprisonment of Princess Terria
1.7 2nd Mine (Don't have Green Crystal)
1.9 2nd Mine (Have Green Crystal)
2.0 Black Cat Mecha-II
2.1 After Black Cat Mecha-II
2.2 Prairia Castle
2.3 Message from Chamberlain
2.4 Grimto (Beginning)
2.5 Spying On the enemy
2.6 Meet Chamberlain Again
2.7 Meet Cyan Again
2.8 Forbidden Forest
2.9 Find Princess Terria (Again)
3.0 After Third Boss
3.1 Imprisonment of Flare
3.2 Another Message
3.3 Black Cat's Kittens Boss
3.4 After Black Cat's Kittens Boss
3.5 Seceret Base
3.6 Base Self - Destruct
3.7 Make it out of base
3.8 Message from Russel
(4) Contact Info
(5) Legal Stuff

(1) Updates

Note: The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at www.GameFAQs.com

Version: 1.1 - I fixed some spelling mistakes and whatnot. I also added some
quotes, too. More updates will be soon. ^_^

Version: 1.0 - This is the first version of the FAQ. I have right now some
verybasic stuff. There will be much more to come, so don't worry.

(2) Introduction

Welcome to my Tail Concerto Quote FAQ! Some parts of the FAQ may be confusing,
but I'll try to explain everything the best I can. By the way, I'm Ashley
Whitaker (known in the GameFAQ message boards as "tuborg"). Anyways, for
the most part, I had loads of fun making this FAQ, and also got a chance to
beat the game again! ^_^

3) Quotes

1.0 Memory of Dreams

Waffle: What's the matter? Why are you crying?

Alicia: I'm not crying!

Waffle: This might cheer you up.

Alicia: I don't want it!

Waffle: Ok then

Alicia: Well, if you insist then I guess I'll have to take it

Waffle: Ok then. Here, take it.

1.1 Waffle Wakes Up

Waffle: Now that's what I call a good night's sleep!

Waffle: That dream reminded me of...of...

Waffle: Oh well, nevermind...

Waffle: I've been looking forward to a day off for a long time!

Waffle: How am I going to spend it?

(Phone rings)

Waffle: I wonder who that could be.

Waffle: Hello?

Waffle: What!? The Black Cats Gang is attacking Resaca?

Waffle: Packs of kittens are tearing up the town?

Waffle: Yes Sir! I'll be right there!

(Hangs up phone)

Waffle: There goes my day off! It's a dirty job... but some dog's gotta do it!

1.2 Enter the Three Sisters

Alicia: Is this the crystal? That was easy!

Flare: Let me see, oh let me see!

Flare: Oh wow, it's beautiful!

Stare: Flare, did you wash your hands after you ate that candy?

Alicia: HEY!

Alicia: You idiot, you got chocolate all over the crystal!

1.3 Waffle meets the Pris Sisters

Waffle: You must be the leaders of the Black Cats Gang!

Waffle: Freeze! You're all under arrest!

Alicia: What!? Who do you think you're talking to?

Alicia: Uhhhh!

Waffle: You? You're...?

Alicia: And you're...?

Flare: Hey! Hey! Hey! W-What's goin' on!?

Waffle: Is that you...Alicia?

Alicia: Sh-shut up! I don't know you!

Waffle: Don't you remember me?

Waffle: You lived next door to me when you were 8 years old.

Alicia: Hmph! I don't know what you're talking about!

Alicia: I'll show you what happens to people who mess with the Black Cats Gang!

Alicia: Flare? Stare? Are ya ready?

Flare: Yes!

Stare: ...Sure...

1.4 After First Boss

Alicia: Waffle, you won't get away with this! You just wait...

Flare: Y-Yeah! What Alicia said!

Stare: Do we have to do that again...?

(Pris Sisters leave)

Waffle: She knew my name...So, it must've been Alicia!

Waffle: Hmmm... What's this?

Waffle: Could this be the Crystal that Alicia was talking about?

(Waffle found the Red Crystal!)

Panta: Officer Waffle!!

Waffle: Hey! How'z it goin', Panta? Catch any Black Cats?

Panta: Uhh..No...But I've got a message from headquarters!

Chief: I understand you chased away the Black Cats Gang. Excellent job, Waffle!

Waffle: Thank you, sir!

Chief: From now on, you're in charge of the Black Cats case.

Waffle: Well...yeah...but...I was gonna...

Chief: Are you nuts?

Chief: There's no way you're taking a vacation while people need your help.

Waffle: What? But, I'm on vacation!

Chief: Your vacation is cancelled until you capture the Black Cats Gang!

Waffle: Awww Man...

Chief: Send the captured kittens to headquarters

Chief: with the Police Robo's transporter.

Chief: We'll keep you updated.

Chief: Report back to headquarters with your updates, got it?

Waffle: Yeah, yeah...Hey Chief, the Black Cats dropped this Crystal...

Waffle: What should I do?

Chief: What's that?

Chief: Stop wasting time with your Crystals...and find those kittens!

Waffle: Yes, sir!

Panta: I'm sorry for all the trouble you went through, Officer Waffle.

Panta: I may not be very big, but I'm determined to help you!

Panta: If we team up, we can nail the Black Cats Gang!

Waffle: Thanks, Panta.

Waffle: Well then, I think I'll go and talk to the townspeople again.

1.5 Skies of Ferzen

Princess Terria: Look! It's Ferzen!

Princess Terria: I wonder what the head of the Iron Giant looks like.

Princess Terria: Isn't this exciting?

Chamberlain: Princess Terria, I'm going to get in trouble if you walk around unescorted.

Princess Terria: Oh, you always overreact! We just came here to look, right?

Chamberlain: Yes, but...

Chamberlain: ...Oh, that's...!!

Princess Terria: Huh?

Princess Terria: Ahhh!

1.6 Ferzen (Beginning)

Waffle: What happened?

Chamberlain: The Black Cats Gang have kidnapped the Princess...

Waffle: Princess...? You mean Princess Terria?

Chamberlain: Yes, that Princess!

Chamberlain: She wanted to see the head of the Iron Giant, so we came here to see it.

Chamberlain: But, we were ambushed by the Black Cats Gang.

Chamberlain: The next thing I knew, she was gone.

Chamberlain: Ohh dear...

Chamberlain: If anything happens to the Princess, I don't deserve to live.

Waffle: Hold on a minute! It's not your fault!

Waffle: Don't worry! I'll save Princess Terria. I promise!

Chamberlain: Princess... Oh Princess!! Please be OK...

1.7 Imprisonment of Princess Terria

Alicia: How lucky we came here looking for a Crystal

Alicia: but it looks like we've found ourselves a Princess too!

Princess Terria: You think you can get away with this? Untie this rope!

Princess Terria: Let me go! Let me go this instant!

Alicia: Oh pipe down!

Alicia: Stare are you sure that this is the Princess?

Stare: ...Maybe

Princess Terria: How dare you!

Flare: Shh... someone's coming!

1.8 2nd Mine (Don't have Green Crystal)

Waffle: Princess Terria!

Alicia: Waffle! Darn! You found us already!

Waffle: Stop this! Let Princess Terria go!!

Alicia: Well... What should we do...?

Alicia: First of all, give back the Crystal I left at Resaca.

Waffle: ...OK.

(Waffle hands the Red Crystal to Flare)

Waffle: Now, release the Princess!

Alicia: I said "first of all", didn't I?

Alicia: One more request... Find the Crystal hidden in the mine!

Waffle: If I bring it to you, you'll release the Princess, right?

Princess Terria: Don't! Don't listen to them!

Alicia: You keep quiet!

Alicia: Yes... If you bring the Crystal to me, I'll let the Princess go.

Alicia: But my gang's also looking for it. So get movin', or they'll find it first.

1.9 2nd Mine (Have Green Crystal)

Waffle: Princess Terria!

Alicia: Waffle! Darn! You found us already!

Waffle: Stop this! Let Princess Terria go!!

Alicia: Well... What should we do...?

Alicia: First of all, give back the Crystal I left at Resaca.

Waffle: ...OK.

(Waffle hands the Red Crystal to Flare)

Waffle: Now, release the Princess!

Alicia: I said "first of all", didn't I?

Alicia: One more request... Find the Crystal hidden in the mine!

Waffle: Is this the Crystal you were talking about?

Alicia: Hey, you must of read my mind. Give it to me!

Princess Terria: Don't! Don't listen to her!

Alicia: You, stay out of this!

(Waffle hands the Green Crystal to Flare)

Alicia: Waffle... She must mean alot to you.

Waffle: ...? Of course!

Princess Terria: ......

Waffle: Princess Terria's irreplaceable.

Wafle: Please don't do this to the people of Prairie.

Alicia: Hmph! The Dog-People of Prairie should suffer more! A lot more!

Waffle: Alicia...

Stare: Alicia... a promise is a promise...

Alicia: I know... here!

Flare: Yes! Now we have two of the Crystals!

Waffle: Wait!

Chamberlain: Oh, Princess! I'm so glad you're alright!

Chamberlain: I...I've never been happier...

Princess Terria: I'm sorry that I made you worry...

Princess Terria: Waffle... Thank you. Thank you very much.

2.0 Black Cat Mecha-II

Waffle: What is that thing!?

Alicia: Hehehe! My new invention, the Black Cat Mecha-II!

Alicia: There's nothing left for me here...

Alicia: So I'll just drill holes all over the place!

Waffle: Stop it, Alicia! You'll destroy the mine!

Alicia: I told you! I love to make the Dog-People suffer!

Alicia: Come on, stop me if you can!

2.1 After Black Cat Mecha-II

Alicia: Ouch...

Waffle: Alicia...

Alicia: !?

Alicia: I always thought you sided with the Cat-People!

Waffle: What!?

Stare: Alicia...

(Pris Sisters leave)

Waffle: Siding with the Cat-People? What's that supposed to mean?

Waffle: Oh!?

Waffle: These are the Crystals I just gave them...

(Waffle found the Red and Green Crystals)


Princess Terria: I was so scared today. I've never been kidnapped before.

Waffle: Yeah... I figured that...

Chamberlain: Terria, I beg you to behave more like a Princess!

Princess Terria: Well, I don't regret what happened.

Princess Terria: Because I was able to meet Waffle...

Waffle: Huh?

Chamberlain: P-Princess...!

Princess Terria: Why don't we go back to Prairia Castle together?

Princess Terria: My father will be pleased!

Waffle: I've never been to Prairia, and besides...

Princess Terria: Don't worry about it! Let's go!

2.2 Prairia Castle

King: Thank you for saving my daughter! I am most grateful, Waffle.

King: I expect you to keep up the good work on the Black Cats case.

Waffle: Yes! I'll do my best!

--Exit out of Throne Room---

Waffle: Phew! That was nerve-wracking...

Cyan: Waffle, wait!

Waffle: !?

Cyan: I'm Cyan Garland, Captain of the Prairia Palace Guards.

Cyan: I would like to challenge you to a contest!

Waffle: Contest!?

Cyan: Yes, that's right!

Cyan: I can't let a cop like you hog all of Princess Terria's admiration!

Cyan: This time, we'll see which one of us will capture the Black Cats first!

Waffle: Right...

Cyan: Then our Princess will know who the real dog is! Ha ha ha...

Waffle: .....

2.3 Message from Chamberlain

Chamberlain: Master Waffle! I have great news!

Waffle: What is it?

Chamberlain: Our Prairia informants located the three sisters.

Waffle: What? Really?

Chamberlain: Yes, absolutely!

Chamberlain: It seems they're heading for the famous tourist spot, Grimto.

Waffle: Grimto...

Waffle: Oh, is that where the huge Iron Giant's sword is enshrined?

Chamberlain: Yes, that's Grimto indeed.

Chamberlain: So Waffle, please go there as soon as you can.

Waffle: Uhhh...OK...

Waffle: Well, I guess I better go then.

2.4 Grimto (Beginning)

Waffle: Princess Terria!

Princess Terria: Waffle! Let's go, shall we?

Waffle: Let's go...? What's going on here?

Chamberlain: I tried to stop her, but she insisted on coming with us.

Chamberlain: I apologize...

Princess Terria: It's my duty to confirm that the information I provided is correct.

Princess Terria: Besides, two heads are better than one, right?

Waffle: No! It's too risky! Stay here until I come back!

Chamberlain: Master Waffle is absolutely right!

Chamberlain: Please don't make this old dog's life so difficult!

Princess Terria: You both worry to much! Well...alright...

Princess Terria: I'll be waiting right here. Waffle, please come back soon.

2.5 Spying On the enemy

Alicia: Ugh! I can't believe it - they're flirting with each other!

Flare: Cm'on, cm'on, I wanna see too!

Alicia: Grr

Stare: Alicia, you shouldn't be spying on them...

Alicia: I'm watching the enemy!

Alicia: Hey don't get so close to him you tramp!

Stare: (sigh)

2.6 Meet Chamberlain Again

Chamberlain: Master Waffle! We have a serious problem!

Waffle: W-What's the matter?

Chamberlain: I took my eyes off the Princess for a moment and she disappeared...

Chamberlain: She's been kidnapped by the Black Cats again! Oh...No...!

Waffle: Listen, stay right here. I'll go check and see what's going on.

2.7 Meet Cyan Again

Cyan: How pathetic, Waffle! How could you have let the Princess disappear?

Cyan: You're not qualified to be a guard!

Waffle: But, I'm not a guard...

Cyan: ...Well anyhow, this assignment is obviously too much for you.

Cyan: I'll take over from here!

(Cyan turns to the gate behind him)

Cyan: It looks like somebody already forced the gate open.

Cyan: I know you're in there, Black Cats! Prepare to meet your maker!

(Cyan walks in gate)

Cyan: Ahhh!!!

2.8 Forbidden Forest

Cyan: Hey! This is quicksand!

Waffle: ...huh?

Cyan: Don't you see what I'm trying to do?

Cyan: I sacrificed myself to warn you of this trap!

Waffle: Right...

Cyan: This time you take the lead! Go, Waffle!!

Waffle: ......

2.9 Find Princess Terria (Again)

Waffle: Princess Terria!

Princess Terria: Oh Waffle...

Waffle: You shouldn't be walking around alone.

Princess Terria: I'm sorry...I saw the three sisters, so I followed them...

Waffle: What!? You saw Alicia and her gang, here...?

Princess Terria: Yes. I'm sure they came this way...

------Enter Pris Sisters------

Waffle: !?

Alicia: Heyyyyy!!

Waffle: Alicia!

Alicia: You...you!!! What's the big idea, stalking Waffle!?

Princess Terria: What about you!? Stop getting in the way of Waffle's work!

Alicia: What did you say!?

Waffle: Hey, hey, hey...Calm down both of you.

Princess Terria and Alicia: ......!

Alicia: On second thought...This is all your fault, Waffle!

Alicia: Cuz you're flirting with her!

Waffle: Wait just a minute, Alicia!

Alicia: I'll straighten you out!

(Alicia gets in Black Cat Mecha-3)

Waffle: Whoa! Princess Terria, stand back!

3.0 After Third Boss

Alicia: Ouch! You'll regret this!

Waffle: Hey! Stop!!

Flare: Ahhh!

Cyan: Get outta my way!

Cyan: I've captured one of the three Pris sisters!

Alicia: Would you...let go of me!? Oh, no... I gotta save Flare!

Stare: Not now, Alicia!

Alicia: Flare...!!


Princess Terria: Cyan... What was he thinking, taking credit for Waffle's work?

Princess Terria: And what was he thinking, showing off like that?

Waffle: Actually, it was Cyan who captured Flare...

Chamberlain: Like a Palace Guard should, Cyan saved you, Princess Terria.

Princess Terria: Waffle is the only guard I need!

Princess Terria: Now, Waffle, let's catch those Black Cats, OK?

Panta: I'm jealous of your way with the ladies, Officer Waffle.

Panta: Oh, I wish I was as tall as you...

Waffle: Right...

Waffle: ...I wonder what happened to Flare...

3.1 Imprisonment of Flare

Cyan: Well... are you going to tell me where your hideout is, or not?

Flare: Not a chance!

Cyan: Stubborn girl! You should cool off in here for a while!

(Cyan leaves)

Flare: Boo hoo! Alicia...!

(Waffle comes)

Flare: Waffle!

Flare: I'm not going to tell you where our hideout is!

Waffle: I didn't come here for that. I want you to tell me about your sister.

Flare: You mean Alicia...?

Waffle: Yes. Why...why does she hate Dog-People so much?

Flare: Because...Because she thinks Dog-People hate Cat-People.

Waffle: W-What!?

Flare: A long time ago, Prairia belonged to the Cat-People.

Flare: I was told that the Dog-People invaded and there was a fight between them.

Flare: So, the Dog-People have hated the Cat-People ever since.

Waffle: I've never heard of such a story! Where did Alicia hear that?

Flare: I-I don't know...

Waffle: You don't know...?

Flare: To tell you the truth...We're not real sisters...

Waffle: What?

Flare: Three years ago, my parents were killed in an accident.

Flare: And I was sent to an Orphanage.

Flare: I met Alicia and Stare there.

Flare: I cried all the time, but they cheered me up.

Flare: They told me they'd be my sisters...

Flare: That's why I believe everything she says.

Waffle: I understand, but...

Flare: She says that Cat-People can never be happy in Prairia.

Flare: So, she brings stray Cat-People together.

Flare: She's trying to make a country, just for us Cat-People.

Waffle: A country for Cat-People?

Waffle: So, do those Crystals have something to do with her plan?

Flare: Yeah. If we collect all five of them, Fool will... oops!

Waffle: Fool? Who's that?

Flare: N-N-Nobody.

Waffle: Thanks for the tip...

Flare: Waffle!

Waffle: Yeah?

Flare: Do Dog-People...really hate Cat-People?

Waffle: No, Flare! That's not true!

Flare: Hmmm...

(Cyan returns)

Cyan: OK. this time you must confess the whereabouts of your hideout!

Cyan: Let me remind you, I have ways of making you talk.

Flare: I ain't telling you nothin'!

Cyan: I guess you want to do this the hard way!

Flare: Ow, Ow, Ow, Owww!

Cyan: What?

Flare: Ow, OW, Ow...! My tummy hurts!!

Cyan: What!? Y-Your stomach?

Cyan: Hey! Pull yourself together! A-Are you alright?

Cyan: What should I do for a stomach-ache? Do I apply ice or heat?

Cyan: Or should I make her lay down and elevate her paws?

Cyan: No-No-No, that's not right!

Cyan: Youuu...!! You tricked me!

Flare: Tehehe...Sorry about that!

Cyan: Hey! Let me out, you...!

3.2 Another Message

Waffle: Oh, a message from headquarters!

Chief: Waffle. Excellent job in Grimto.

Chief: The kittens you caught on the Archeonis

Chief: provided us with valuable information.

Chief: They were planning to take that airship to their weapons factory.

Waffle: Weapons factory!?

Chief: Yes. They were going to use parts from the airship to build new weapons.

Waffle: Where is this factory?

Chief: According to the kittens, it's in some abandoned factory north of Resaca.

Waffle: I see! I'm suprised the kittens cooperated with us!

Chief: We feed them and change their litter box, so they had to cooperate.

Chief: I've got to go feed the kittens now. I'll leave the rest to you, Waffle!

Waffle: The Chief is feeding the kittens...?

Waffle: Well, I guess I should go find the abandoned factory.

3.3 Black Cat's Kittens Boss

Waffle: I've seen that robot before. Of course!

Waffle: This factory rebuilds the robots I've destroyed.

Waffle: This is not good... I've got to destroy them before they're completed!

Waffle: Oh no!! They spotted me!

Waffle: Well, forget the kittens. I gotta destroy that robot!

3.4 After Black Cat's Kittens Boss

Voice: Hahahaha...

Waffle: Who are you?

Voice: Who do you think?

Waffle: Are you a member of the Black Cats Gang?

Voice: No, but close...

Voice: Anyway, you made quite an entrance.

Voice: I was wrong to have underestimated you.

Voice: Now I have to keep my eye on you.

Voice: You're going to pay for what you've done. hahahahahaha!!

Waffle: Where are you? Come out and show yourself!

Waffle: !!

Fool: Hehehe... Think you can catch me?

Waffle: Come back here!!

3.5 Seceret Base

Waffle: Is this their hideout? Hmmm... Something's strange here...

Waffle: Maybe I should report to headquarters.

Waffle: Hmmm... this place is too quiet...

Waffle: What...!?

---Inside Base---

Fool: Hehehe! I got you, Waffle. Serves you right, eh?

Waffle: Where are you!? Show yourself!

Fool: If you want to see me so badly...

Fool: I'll be waiting for you in my study, on the top floor.

Fool: That is... if you can make it... Hahahaha.

3.6 Base Self - Destruct

Fool: I really didn't think you would make it this far.

Fool: Let's make this game a little more interesting!

Fool: If I press this switch...

Waffle: !!

Fool: Do you hear that?

Fool: This base is set to self-desruct in five minutes.

Fool: Can you escape in time? Hehehehe!!

3.7 Make it out of base

Waffle: Yeah! I made it!

Waffle: !?

Waffle: (I should hurry...)

Fool: Well, some people have all the luck!

Fool: I guess I'll let you go this time...Hehehe...

3.8 Message from Russel

Waffle: I got a message! Who's it from?

Russel: Waffle. my boy!

Waffle: Grandpa! Where are you?

Russel: I'm at the Ferzen mine.

Russel: I want to ask you a favor. Can you come over here?

Waffle: ...He hung up...Grandpa only thinks about himeself...

Waffle: Oh! I should ask him to take a look at these Crystals, too.


Russel: It's good to see you, Waffle.

Russel: I've researched the head of the Iron Giant, and something's bothering me.

Russel: Go see Gray and borrow the translation references for the ancient writings.

Waffle: What am I, your servant? Why don't you go yourself?

Russel: Oh, come on! Please help me out. Gray and I don't get along too well.

Russel: Every time we see each other, we end up fighting.

Waffle: So, where is this Gray?

Russel: He's on the island of Coolant in the far north.

Russel: He's a grumpy old guy researching frozen fish in some ancient ice field.

Waffle: Grumpier than you...? Unbelievable...

Waffle: Hey, Grandpa! Would you check these out while I'm gone?

Russel: Hmmm... Could these be...?

Waffle: They're the Crystals I've found while pursuing the Black Cats Gang.

Russel: Hmmm... Very interesting...

Waffle: What is it, Grandpa!?

Russel: These stones were created with the same technology as the Iron Giant.

Waffle: The same as the Iron Giant?

Russel: I need to study it more.

Russel: So, get the translation references, alright?

Waffle: Alright! I'm off to Coolant!

(5) Contact Info
Have questions that haven't been answered? Of course you do! All questions and
comments can be e - mailed to hotgamer1@hotmail.com. Please e - mail me ASAP if
you spot any misspelled words. If you're going to e - mail me also make it is
readable, please. Or, you can AIM (AOL Instant Message) me at tuborg11 (My
screenname) and I can help answer questions the best I can. :)

NOTE: If you e-mail me a question, and you don't want to be mentioned in this
FAQ, tell me in the e-mail!

(6) Legal Stuff

You may NOT use this FAQ on any site unless I give permission. If you're nice to
me, then I might let you use it on your site as long as you e - mail me and I
give you permission. You MUST also provide the URL of the site you'll have my
FAQ on. I must also get credit for this FAQ, and it must NOT be altered (or
"changed") in any way. You may print this FAQ out for reference, if you'd like.
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