Ray Blade

Ray Blade

14.10.2013 15:03:51
Ray Blade Faq version .1a
For Japanese Ray Blade for PS by Ashley Curtis
(Date 5/29/02)

This document is Copyright 2002 Ashley Curtis. Do not reference, alter, or use
(this include webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without my express
written permission.

1.1 Intro
1.2 Thanks and Email info
1.3 Updates
1.4 Menu Translations
1.5 Gameplay Explained
1.6 Special Ability and Trust Commands
1.7 Characters and Places
1.8 Story/Walkthru

1.1 -------------Intro------------
After pretty much wrapping up my work on Xenosaga. It is time to wrap up some
of the other games that have been sitting on the shelf. This game is worth
getting hold of if you can find it. Why? The story telling is great, the anime
like characters and movies make this a must play! I found it when I was in
Akihabara, so if you want to find it keep checking ebay or some other auction
place. Also check out some Hong Kong online stores. Or if your able to look
around every small nook and cranny of Tokyo, Ifm sure it can be found in a small

Ifve just started playing this game. Ifm not sure how complete this faq will
get, and if it will ever get totally completed.

If someone wants to use some of the info in this faq for a Dreamcast Version faq
of the game please feel free to go ahead.

1.2 ----------Thanks and Email-----------
I can be contacted via asyurei@adelphia.net, please feel free to give help,
corrections and ask questions.

1.3 -------------Updates----------
05/25/02 The first one, Version .0a = well lets start with some menu

05/27/02 Version .0b = More additions to the menus, more story translation,
added character info.

05/29/02 Version .1a = More menu stuff, added some Trust commands.

1.4 -------------Menu Translation--------
During Battle mode when pressing the Triangle button during combat the gMain
Command Menuh comes up.

Main Command Menu

ƒtƒFƒCƒXI—¹ = End Turn
•”‘à•\ = Unit Info
”½Œ‚–½—ß = Auto Pilot
ìí–Ú“I = Mission Review
“P‘Þ = Retreat

ƒVƒXƒeƒ€ = System (change game settings)
ƒZ[ƒu = Save (save your game)

•”‘à•\ = Unit Info

Here you can find up to the minute info on every unit.
Pressing L1 allows you to change the units shown from friendly units, to enemy
units, to all units. R1 changes how these are sorted out.

”½Œ‚–½—ß = Auto Pilot

You always start out in Manual mode, however if your bored you can have the
computer take over, there are 4 different styles to choose from and they are as

ìí–Ú“I = Mission Review

This gives an over view of the mission, your goals and what needs to be
accomplished also what will be the cause of defeat.

“P‘Þ = Retreat

You will not gain any experience and some money will be lost, this will not work
every time it is randomized.

ƒVƒXƒeƒ€ = System

Battle Menu

ˆÚ“® = Movement
UŒ‚ = Attack
M—Š = Trust
”\—Í = Ability List
‘Ò‹@ = Wait
C— = Repair
“ÁŽê”\—Í = Special Ability

Preemptive Attack Menu
”½Œ‚ŠJŽn = Counter Attack
•Ší‘I‘ð = Use Weapons
‰ñ”ð = Evasion
–hŒä = Defend

Please note this menu will not appear if you have your robots on Autopilot.
However you can have the Computer decide this for you and maintain manual
control of everything else. Just use the R1, R2, L1, or L2 buttons to turn this
menu off.

Intermission Menu

ƒZ[ƒu = Save
ƒXƒe[ƒ^ƒX = Status
ƒ†ƒjƒbƒg‰ü‘¢ = Unit Upgrade
ƒvƒ‰ƒCƒx\ƒg = Private
ƒp\ƒgƒi\•ÏX = Change Partner
ƒ„ƒ}ƒgƒ`ƒGƒbƒN = Yamato Check
ƒVƒXƒeƒ€ = System
ŽŸ‚Ö‚·‚·‚Þ = Finished

Save = Well it saves

Status = Gives you info on your characters, there robots and weapons.

Unit Upgrade = Allows you to upgrade a robots Hp and Armor. Note you may
upgrade a robot to the limit, however after every 9 stages you can upgrade again.

Private = Allows an event to take place, and to go to private mode.

Change Partner = Allows you to change your partner (becomes available later in
the game).

Yamato Check = Yamato tells you how you are getting along with the girls.

System = Change system settings.

Private Mode Menu

ƒZ\ƒu = Save
ˆÚ“® = Move
˜b‘胊ƒXƒg = Topic List
ƒp[ƒgƒi[•ÏX = Change Partner
ƒ„ƒ}ƒgƒ`ƒGƒbƒN = Yamato Check
ƒVƒXƒeƒ€ = System Menu
I—¹‚·‚é = End Private Mode

Move = Move to different parts of the ship instantly if you like.

Topic List = Choose from the list what you want to converse about with other
people. Try to note who you will talk about.

Change Partner = Change your partner.

Yamato Check = Love gauge.

System Menu = Change the system

End Private Mode = Returns you to the Intermission Menu.

Notes about Private Mode: If you want to talk to Ai, you may not be able to if
your topic of conversation is not her. The same is true for some other
characters. Also note that when asked a question the positive reply is always
the first one. For example gShould we go in? 1) Yes we should 2) No we should
stop hereh or gWill you help me? 1) Yes 2) No, not reallyh. So keep that in
mind in quest for love. Also here is a web page that has how to get each girl
by answering each question in the game.

Weapons Overview

•Ší–¼ = Weapon Name
UŒ‚ = Attack Power
ŽË’ö = Weapon Range
–½’† = Accuracy Ratio Effect

?’e” = Ammo Left

•K—v“¬Žu = Battle points
Á”ïƒvƒ‰[ƒi = Planner points

Unit Overview

Picture of Character

Pilotfs name

Level of Pilot and Experience

Robotfs name

Hp of Robot

Combat Spirit/ Accuracy %


Pilot & Robot Overview
(This view occurs when you selecth”\—Í = Ability Listh from the Battle menu.)

(The Top Left Box)

Picture of Character

Pilotfs name

Level of Pilot and Experience

Robotfs name

Hp of Robot

Battle Motivation Points/ Planner Points

(The Bottom Left Box)
‹ßÚ = Close Range Power
ŠÔÚ = Long Range Power
–hŒä = Defense Ability
–½’† = Accuracy %
‰ñ”ð = Evasion %
M—Š“x = Degree of Trust
M—ŠƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh = Trust Command
’¼Š´ = Intuition Ability
ƒvƒ‰[ƒi = Planner Points

(The Top Right Box
ƒTƒCƒY@= Size (L, M, S)
ˆÚ“®ƒ^ƒCƒv = Movement Type
ˆÚ“®—Í = Speed Value
‘•b = Armor Value

(The Bottom Right Box)
ƒ†ƒjƒbƒg“ÁŽê”\ƒJ = Unit Skills

1.5 -------------Game Play Explained--------------

1.6 --------------Special Abilities and Trust Commands---------------

Trust Commands

ãJ = Bonds (Companion will recover a small amount of HP)
—Fî = Friendship (Recovers HP of all gfriendsh)
Œƒ—ã = Encouragement (Increases Combat Spirit for 1)
‰Á‘¬ = Acceleration (A unitfs speed increases)
?’†= Guidance (For 1 turn Accuracy will be raised)
’¼Š´ = Intuition (For 1 turn Evasion will be raised)
“S˜r = Steel Arm (Adds to Attack, useless if used more than once per unit)
“S•Ç = Steel Wall (Adds to Defense, useless if used more than once per unit)
Ä“® = Double Move (Unit transfers their turn so another unit can move again)
Ž@’m = Sense (Unit is given affection and increases in attack power)

1.7 -------------Characters and Places-----------------

Good Characters

Touya Kazemi@ƒgƒEƒ„








Serika ƒZƒŠƒJ

Fien ƒtƒFƒCƒ“

Oswald ƒIƒYƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒh

Clovis ƒPƒƒrƒX

Asa ƒA[ƒT[

Gabon ƒKƒ{ƒ“

Tyron ƒ^ƒCƒƒ“

Texas ƒeƒBƒbƒNƒX

Muruku ƒ€ƒ‹ƒN

Baren ƒoƒŒƒ“

Miyasuko ƒ~ƒ„ƒXƒR

Derrick ƒfƒƒbƒN

Bad Characters

Backeen ƒo[ƒLƒ“

Renda ƒŒƒ“ƒ_[

Resyu ƒŒƒVƒ…

Raymond ƒŠ[ƒ‚ƒ“ƒh

Flores ƒtƒHƒŒƒX

Gloster ƒQƒƒEƒXƒ^[



1.8 -------------Story/Walkthru--------------

Note: This is done with the best of my limited Japanese ability. It is 87%
correct. I intend this to be a brief explanation of the story, although at
times this may vary. Also note these are the stages that Ifm encountering and
you may uncover a different path in the story. Another note: any reference of
gyouh means Touya.

It all begins with Touya Kazemi day dreaming before class begins. Touya is
woken up by a fellow student, they both share greetings and she asks him out for
a date. Your best friend butts in asking to go along. Later you run into
Kasumi who finds out to her surprise that your going on a double date with your
best friend. Suddenly while outside the school 2 huge robots fall from the sky.

The bad robot hits the good robot in the back knocking Ai out of the cockpit and
leaving Touya no choice but to jump in and save the day! Well he canft let the
school get totally destroyed!

Begin Stage 1

Stage 1 Strategy

Basically just keep attacking. You canft repair, however your attacks are
stronger than his so keep attacking every chance you get. You should survive
with about 15 hp left over.

Anyways Ai is really outset that you are running her Robot, but she gives you
some tips for defeating the enemy just the same.

Well you defeat your foe! Well, you thought you did anyway. Now you wake up in
your room. Kasumi knocks on your door and quickly rushes in, even though you
didnft respond to her knock. Well you can say she was surprised and runs off.

Anyways after getting up, and greeting your parents (via picture) you find a
note on the table which has the results from last night. Then Touya remembers
his injury from the night before. What he thought was a dream, was it true?

Well, you get a knock on the door from the girl who asked you out on a date.
She reminds you that you have a date with her. As you leave to go you find
Yamato the cat. Suddenly a car pulls up with a man asking if you are Touya

You find out that the robot you took control of has bonded with you and will not
work with anyone else now. Fuoruzan@demands that you go with him and Yamato
scratches him. After some more explaining Touya agrees to go with him. Fuoruzan
explains that you are needed to be part of a classified team.

Finally you get to the base which is inside of, yep you guessed it, the middle
of no where. Ai meets you at the entrance; she seems not to remember who you
are. Fuoruzan asks Ai to show you around. Ai is curious about your cat, and is
worried because it is a black cat. Touya explains its just a normal cat and its
name is Yamato. Just when things are going good, Ai jumps you with an injection
of some sort. Touya is upset and thinks Ai tried to drug him. She explains
that she just drew some blood for medical reasons.

Next the scene jumps to inside the base, as Alfrena and Roads are talking about
their relationship and the lucky guy who just joined the club. At the end
Roads gives Alfrena a pretty pendent.

Ai starts to give you a tour of the base gAgaruteiah. During this you meet
Yumiiru (she is rated the most popular of all the girls in this game according
to http://www.winky.co.jp/rayblade/pop/raypop2.pl) she is very kind and says
that it will take some time to adjust to your new surroundings. She asks you if
you have someone special that you will miss. Touya says no one really, Ai
thinks Yumiiru is getting fresh and tells how boys and girls shouldnft pay any
attention to each other. Yumiiru agrees and gets embarrassed.

Anyways you get a further tour of the building you meet Oswald, Serika, and Fien.
Ai gets upset with Fien because he asks your age. Anyways we find out the
Serika is 16 and Ai is 15 years old.

In the middle of your tour you find out that Terrorists are attacking the base
and its time forc

Stage 2

Ai for some reason needs to prove something so she decides to go 1 on 3.
Needless to say, she gets ejected again. Leaving our hero Touya to save the day

Stage 2 Strategy

Take out the Robot with 240 Hp, I donft know his name but he is the easiest to
destroy, take him out from long range buy using your weapons. Then closs range
when he pulls up close. Than destroy Backeen.

However as soon as you finish with them, Renda shows up with some support.
Donft worry thou because Clovis and Asa save the day!

After the battle you talk with Yumiiru and Ai. It seems Ai didnft take care of
your cat Yamato while you were piloting. Oh what will the world be without
Yamato? Well you run into the medic Gabon, who says he found your cat and hefll
be alright. What a sigh of relief. Although he wonft be the same Yamato you
remember, it seems 80% of Yamato had to be replaced because he was hurt so badly.
So now Yamato is a 5 million dollar recovering cat.

The bad guys discuss new plans. It seems they plan to infiltrate a woman into
the good guys team, you guessed it a new robot pilot should be showing up soon.

While waiting for further word about Yamato. You are congratulated by Clovis
and Asa, come to find out it was Asa who found Yamato. Then the young nurse
comes out not realizing who you are and talks about the cat in surgery (as in
the surgery is going strangely). Later Gabon comes out and tells you to come
back tomorrow and that Yamato should be fine. The young nurse than realizes
that you are Touya and is shocked at her mistake.

Now you find Backeen and Resyu planning on when to attack, so that they can
destroy the robots.


Guess what the attack takes place! Boom!

Well it seems Touya makes it through it, with Yumiiru and Ai watching over you.
Although Ai seems a bit jealous because of the attention Touya has been getting.
After getting reprimanded by Asa and Yumirru, Ai apologizes for be rude. She
says that the fact she didnft take care of Yamato is what made her upset.
Anyways Gabon shows up and says to be patient with Yamato because Yamato needs
time to adjust to the changes he had to go thru to survive. Then Touya hears a
voice he doesnft recognize and doesnft see anyone else. Then out comes the new
talking Yamato! Yamato says he got panicked and ran into the line of fire. So
maybe itfs not all Ai fault after all. Anyways, Clovis comes by to how you are
doing, and is scared out of his wits by Yamato.

Somehow you manage to be talking with Alfrena, who takes not of how cute Yamato
is. Of course Yamato thanks her for the compliment. Also you get to quickly
meet Tyron, Texas and Roads for the first time.

Stage 3

As the story progresses every leaves the base undefended to track down the
people who attacked earlier. The enemy decides to capitalize on this.@@
However the base seems to repel this attack.

Stage 4

While the base has its problems Touya and crew have found some of their own.

Stage 4 Strategy
Keep to your long range attacks, keep your distance. This one is a piece of

There are more problems at the base it seems the infiltrator wasc well you find
out. The story is very obvious. Tyron makes the rescue with the infiltrator
forced to flee. Yamato is impressed with Tyronfs quick action.

Ai is really upset about the outcome and falls into your arms.


Now something has gone wrong in the private lab.

Well now itfs back to work, Yumiiru asks how Ai is doing. Touya comments that
she is tacking it very hard. Yumiiru mentions that she is not surprised since
Ai and Alfrena were such close friends. Clovis makes the call to battle.

Stage 5

Fight a bunch of bugs. Then the ship saves the day. However I believe it is
possible to finish this stage without the help from the ship.

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