Blaze & Blade - Eternal Quest

Blaze & Blade - Eternal Quest

17.10.2013 23:04:34
Blaze & Blade: Eternal Quest Walkthrough 4.5 29.03.2002
Written by Jan-Fredrik Winter
PC Version created by Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation

This document is Copyright 2002 Jan-Fredrik Winter

This document is for personal use only. Unauthorized actions such as sale, copying,
altering or distribution are strictly forbidden without my permission.

This FAQ is found at:

I. About this FAQ
II. Characters
III. Levels
IV. Items
V. Spells
VI. Hints
VII. Frequently asked questions
VIII. Errors
IX. Credits
X. Last words

I. About this FAQ
This walkthrough is not a step-to-step walkthough and the levels are not explained to
every last detail. The game is not that hard and the puzzles are not so difficult to
figure out with some basic sense.
The levels are explained a bit and I have written what characters are good to have
along on each one and also what items are used on the level. Some tricky parts are
explained but not all.
The items are the ones I have found and then some which have been sent to me by e-mail.
The items are 98% accurate.

II. Characters
: A really good character if you want to do much damage. Can block non-magical
: Very good character. Not as strong as the warrior but the Dwarf can also block
non-magical attacks and crush
: Very strong character that can use magic. The Elf is also able to break weak
: OK fighter but you have more use of it's magic. The Fairy also always levitates
so poisonous ground cannot harm
: Not that much of a fighter but has very good magic attacks.
: Not a fighter at all but is almost a necessity because of the healing
spells. Also the only character with
spells to fight the undead.
: An OK character but you don't use the Hunter's herbs that much. The Hunter,
though, can spot secret trails and
his long range attack is good vs flying demons.
: Quite a weak character but the Rogue can sprint across collapsing bridges and he
can unlock doors to hidden
treasures and shortcuts. The only one who can disarm traps on jewel boxes.
and Priest/ess. Now you will have
all the basic skills as magic, healing, disarming, rock crushing and seal

III. Levels
-The Wood of Ruins-
-Bosses: The Owl Bear - Easiest (ca 100 Hp) Uses neutral attacks.
Behemoth - Average/Hard (ca 2500 Hp) Uses Earth attacks.
-Characters: Hunter.
-Items #1: Boathouse Key, Splendid Key, Testing Daggers, Key to the Clearing, Cellar
Key, Test Founder's Key, Stone Tablet
-Items #2: None.
-----The Wood of Ruins is first level and also the easiest. You just walk around killing
demons until you get to the Woodcutter's Cabin where you have to kill the Owl Bear. From
the woods to continue to the Ruins but you have nothing to do there before you have got
at least four Sagestone Gems. There are four statues around the ruins which you have turn
until the eyes light up then enter the ruins and use the teleporter. From there on you
just continue until you reach Behemoth and then kill him to get a Gem. In the Clearing
you'll find several animal tracks if you have a hunter, the tracks all lead in the end to
a chest which has some treasure for you.
-The Abandoned Mine-
-Bosses: Baby Dragon - Easy (ca 300 Hp) Uses Fire attacks.
The Troll - Easy/Average
-Characters: Dwarf, Fairy.
-Items #1: Green Shimmering Flask (Empty Flask, Glow Moss and Water), Black Key.
-Items #2: None.
-----The mine is not a very difficult level it's just a very long one. It has about ten
underground levels. There is nothing tricky in the mine. Just fight your way to the Baby
Dragon and then use the elevator to get up again. When you've got at least four Sagestone
Gems you can break the barrier which is close to the Baby Dragon and continue your way
until you can kill the Troll. The mine is a just a package full of treasures.
-The Ancient Tower/The Old Palace-
-Bosses: Dark Elf - Easy (400 Hp)
Dark Elf with Dragon – Easy (? Hp)
Dark Wizard - Easy/Average (? Hp)
-Characters: Rogue, Elf, Sorcerer/ess, Priest/ess.
-Items #1: None.
-Items #2: The Great Key, 4x Gate Crystals.
-----To get rid of the barriers you have to open the windows and then place the eight
crystals in the sunlight to break the barriers. The next thing to do is to throw all of
the switches marked A-D and activate the bridge. Now it depends on if you have both a
Rogue and Elf. If you have them you can break the seal on one door and then unlock the
next door with the Rogue. When you get to the place where it says that the teleporter
stops working precisely at a certain light brightness there will be a tricky part.
Activate the crystal. You now will have opened before a door by touching some statue,
this thing is what makes the teleporter stop working, so... close the door and go out the
other way (You must have dropped all the platforms from above in order to get over). Now
the teleporter works. The Tower is very long but you should be able to finish it and the
Crystal Maze is not hard at all. The Gate Crystals are all at the same place and you get
two items as well. There are two spells located through the north wall after defeating
the Dark Wizard.
-The Labyrinth of the Dead-
-Bosses: Durahan - Average (? Hp)
The Lord of the Undead - Average/Hard (1500 Hp) Uses Evil attacks.
-Characters: Rogue, Sorcerer/ess.
-Items #1:Control Room Key, Storage Rom Key, Altar Crusifix.
-Items #2: Golden Key, Sigil Key, Bone Sigil.
-----The Labyrinth is a really long level. Jumping back and forth but it's not really so
hard to complete. At some point you'll come to a place where there are trap doors on the
ground and if you fall into them there is a secret door in the wall. Also when you've
killed the Lord you better check out the chest in one of the rooms before you leave. You
will find the Bone Sigil in the chest which opens the door in the very beginning of the
level plus you'll find the formula for Chaos Rage.
-The Palace of the Immortals-
-Bosses: The Wolf and Tiger – Easy (? Hp)
Vampire Lord - Easy/Average (900 Hp) Uses Evil attacks.
-Characters: Rogue, Elf.
-Items #1: Control Lever, Copper, Silver, Bronze, Golden, Star and Moon Key, Black
Crusifix, Guest Room Key, Theater Room
Key, The Iron Book, Bat, Tiger and Wolf Medallion, --- Ritual Elexier, Water,
Purple Gem (Red and Blue Gem).
-Items #2: Blue, Red, Black and White Dragon Key, Iron Staff, Bat Gem, Cell Key.
-----This is not such a hard place, it just takes time. You go running around looking for
keys to open a door and find another key and so on. But you can find some nice items on
the way though. The only tricky part here is first to fill the grand flask with water and
put out a fireplace and then to put out the next fireplace you'll need the investigate
the paintings on the wall. Here you will also need at least six Sagestone Gems to
-The Ruins in the Lake-
-Bosses: Kraken – Average (? Hp) Uses Water attacks.
-Characters: Priest/ess.
-Items #1: None.
-Items #2: None.
-----Here you'll want to have a Priest/ess with you. When you have defeated Kraken, there
is a tablet which no one can read... except a Priest/ess. On the tablet you'll find the
spell formula for Reincarnation. Remember to check out the chests that appear after you
kill Kraken. They are some worth a fortune. I found the Elemental Shield that made the
Expert go nuts. It was worth about 7500 Gels.
-The Ancient Ruins-
-Bosses: You – Depends (on how strong you are)
-Characters: No special characters.
-Items #1: None.
-Items #2: None.
-----Nothing interesting found here. You can walk around and read some tablets to learn
more about the ancient culture who lived there a long time ago.
-The Mountain of the Fire Dragon-
-Bosses: The Fire Dragon - Hard (5000 Hp) Uses Fire attacks.
-Characters: No special characters.
-Items #1: Dragon Key.
-Items #2: Dragon Key.
-----Here just jump over the platforms to your right when you enter and get the items in
the chests. Then go and face the dragon. He has very destructive spells so be prepared.
If you have the Earth Tiara in your possession use it on your strongest character and
you'll win straight away. The Earth Tiara reduces damage to only 1 Hp per hit.
-The Valley of White Silver-
-Bosses: Griffon - Average (1000 Hp) Uses Wind attacks.
-Characters: No special characters.
-Items #1: None.
-Items #2: None.
-----This is just a place to test your skills. Find the griffin and kill him. He is not
so easy to kill if you go straight away to him when you've found the place. He has very
destructive spells. When you leave, there will be a chest but normally there isn't
anything great.
-The Sealed Cave-
-Bosses: The Zombie Dragon - Easy (4200 Hp) Uses Evil attacks.
The Harbinger - Average/Hard (? Hp) Uses all attacks.
-Characters: Dwarf, Rogue.
-Items #1: Antique Key, Fire and Ice Gem, Demon Amulet, Thunder Medallion, Magic Key.
-Items #2: None.
-----This is not so hard. It's not that long either. But remember to jump to the blue
switches when you're aboard the moving cart. The Zombie Dragon is really easy to kill if
you have a fairy and first use Invincible and the Anti-Circle. You can beat him in no
time. Otherwise watch out for his evil spell. It can be deadly. The rest of the level can
be tricky though. It has a lot of windy areas in it and a volcano that erupts. But,
again, it's really not that difficult. Besides you can find some nice items here too. You
can end the game when you arrive to the Sages' Gate and choose to sell the Sagestone Gems
or you can choose to continue and challenge the Harbinger.
The Sealed Cave is divided into The Accursed Place, Ice Grotto, The Flaming Pit and
Wind Fortress.
In the Hall of Demons you have to fight several demons before you make it to the
Harbinger. Here comes a list of the demons you will need to conquer:
Cerberus - Average (2000 Hp) Uses Fire attacks.
Efreet - Average (? Hp) Uses Fire attacks.
Greater Demon - Average (? Hp) Uses Evil attacks.
Gigantes/Demon Lord - Average (? Hp) Uses Dark attacks.
Dark Angel - Average (? Hp) Uses Evil attacks, Holy based.
I recommend that your characters are at least level 200 before you enter the Hall of
-The Roadside Inn-
Bosses: None.
Characters: Sorcerer/ess.
Items #1: The Host's Key.
Items #2: The Host's Key.
-----Here when you've killed the Zombie Dragon you can get the key from the host if you
speak to him. There are two chests in the room and they have good items in them plus that
you get the Fusion spell there too. If you have a sorcerer/ess, that is.

IV. Items
This is a very tricky part. The items in the game are like 403. That makes it quite
difficult to write them all down but I will try to make this as complete as possible but
it'll take LOTS of time. (I cannot guarantee that everything's 100% correct but I think
it's close). Some items have a '?' that means I haven't found that item but it exists and
some items I've forgotten what they do. The items with '*' can be bought from the Retired
Knight. They cost from 1 Fate Coin up to 99.
Flame Sword - 32 At, 10 Fire, War.
Silver Sword - 28 At, War.
Fenris - ?*
Ice Sword - 34 At, 12 Water, War.
Darkblade - 52 At, 18 Darkness, War.
Bloodsword - 20 At, 10 Evil, War.
Broadsword - 12 At, War.
Long Sword - ?
Trueheart - 15 At, Hun.
Crossbow - 22 At, Hun.
Lightbolt - 58 At, 14 Light, Shoots Magic Missiles, Hun.
Bandit Dagger - 26 At, Rog.
Golden Harp - 36 At, Rog.
Cat's Claw - 21 At, Curses, Rog.
Blood Dagger - 42 At, 10 Evil, Rog.
Gladius - ?
Orichalca Dagger - 30 At, Rog.
Defender - 18 Df, 10 Df, Rog.
Flamespitter - 60 At, 22 Fire, Dwf.
Poison Axe - 52 At, 8 Earth, Poisonous, Dwf.
Frost Axe - ?*
Battle Axe - 20 At, Dwf.
Ouga Axe - 84 At, Dwf.
Hand Axe - ?
Blood Axe - 67 At, Dwf.
Wand of the Ancients - 50 At, Sor.
Magic Wand - 27 At, Sor.
Skystone Wand - 40 At, Sor.
Pure Wand - 16 At, Sor.
Crystal Wand - ?
Skull Wand - 14 At, Sor.
Godswand - 72 At, 20 Holiness, Shoots Fire Bullets, Sor.
Wand of Runes - 29 At, Sor.
Silver Rapier - 32 At, Elf.
Frostfurnace - 65 At, 18 Water, Elf.
Mithril Rapier - 40 At, Elf.
Wyvernstooth Rapier - 20 At, Elf.
Chaos Rapier - ?*
Poison Rapier - 26 At, Poisonous, Elf.
Solitaire - 60 At, 12 Evil, Elf.
Rapier - ?
Inferno - 52 At, 18 Fire, Elf.
Silver Rod - 28 At, 12 Holiness, Fai.
Wind Rod - 56 At, 12 Wind, Fai.
Holy Rod - 42 At, 12 Holiness, Fai.
Jewel Rod - 10 At, Fai.
Fey Rod - ?
Rhinocerus Rod - ?*
Wish Hammer - ?
Ritual Hammer - 40 At, Pri.
Long Hammer - ?
Flail Staff - 13 At, Pri.
Mace Staff - ?
Club - 5 At, Pri.
Mistortain - ?
Fabnihl - 92 At, Petrifies, 20 Evil, Rog.
Baphomet - ?, Shoots waves, Sor.
Dark Blade - 52 At, 18 Darkness, War.
Durandal - 80 At, Cut's through stone, War.
Sword of Bane - 10 At, 15 Evil, War.
Falconbolt - 50 At, Shoots two arrows, Hun.
Mist Dagger - 72 At, Rog.
Blackjack - 30 At, Rog.
Great Axe - 28 At, Dwf.
Valkyrie - 80 At, 20 Light, Elf.
Earth Rod - 48 At, 12 Earth, Fai.
Cure Potion - Slowly restores status.
Wizard's Potion - Restores a greater amount of Mp.
Mind Potion - Restores Mp.
Life Potion - Restores Hp to party.
Healing Potion - Heals single unit.
Healing Perfume - Slowly restores Hp.
Empress' Perfume - Restores Hp and Mp.
Healing Stone - Fully restores Hp.
Magical Stone - Fully restores Mp.
Energy Crystal - Activates Energy Recover.
Energy Flask - ?
Gray Ash - Increases Agility.
Red Ash - Increases Strength.
Green Ash - Increases Constiturion.
Blue Ash - Increases Intellect.
Black Ash - Increases Power.
Blood Oil - Temporarily increases Dark At.
Fine Oil - Temporary increase of Fire At.
Blood Pen - Increases magic recovery.
Blood Extract - Fully restores Hp.
Spirit Extract - Fully restores Hp.
Fortune Clock - Activates Quick.
Fate Coin - Changes luck.
Fairy Powder - Activates Anti-Circle.
Miracle Powder - Resurrect the dead.
Elixir - Fully restores Hp and Mp.
Ice Jewel - Activates Freeze Beast.
Earth Jewel - Activates Poison Cloud.
Wind Jewel - Activates Lightning Bolt.
Fire Jewel - Activates Blaze.
Material Magic - Strengthens weapon.*
Material Flame - Adds Fire attr.*
Material Earth - Adds Earth attr.*
Material Wind - Adds Wind attr.*
Material Water - Adds Water attr.*
Material Light - Adds Light attr.*
Material Dark - Adds Darkness attr.*
Material Holiness - Adds Holiness attr.*
Material Evil - Adds Evil attr.*
Ambrosia - Resurrection.*
Judge's Scale - Call Angel 50% dest.*
Frost Orb - Activates Freeze Beast.
Elemental Orb - Summons Elemental.
Crystal Orb - Fully restores Hp to party.
Light Orb - Activates Shining.
Thunder Orb - Activates Thunderbolt.
Earth Orb - Activates Earth Javelin.
Holy Orb - Activates Barrier.
Phantasm Orb - ?
Rainbow Orb - Activates Dispel Magic.
Dark Orb - Activates Drak Breath.
Fire Orb - Activates Explosion.
Rope of Return - Activates Teleport.*
Wings of Seraphim - Restoration of life.
Feather Pen - Increased magic recovery rate.
Red Spice - Activates Berserk
Elders Tablet - ?
Holy Water - ?
Holy Lamp - Casts Holy Word(? ? ?)
Pandora's Box - Box of surprises (? ? ?)
Jewel Box - Holder gains fame. (? ? ?)
Herbal Candy - A strange tasting candy. (? ? ?)
Bronze Medal - Increases defense, All.
Silver Medal - Increases defense, All.
Gold Medal - Increase defense, All.
Protect Ring - 16 Df, All.
Resist Ring - Resistance to magic, All.
Ringnail - (Don't know what this does), All.
Blessed Ring - 8 Df & At, 4 Holiness, All.
Jewel Ring - Adds 20 Luck, All.
Dropneal - Brings wealth to the bearer, All.
Elemental Ring - ?
Water Necklace - 24 Water, All.
Earth Necklace - 24 Earth, All.
Holy Necklace - 24 Holiness, All.
Dark Necklace - 24 Darkness, All.
Fire Necklace - 24 Fire, All.
Wind Necklace - 24 Wind, All.
Evil Necklace - 24 Evil, All.
Light Necklace - 24 Light, All.
Fool's Puppet - Has mysterious powers, All.
Knight's Banner - (Don't know what this does), All.
Magic Pentagram - Quickens magic incantations, Sor, Pri, Fai, Elf.
Jewel Brooch - (Don't know what this does), All.
Witch's Hat - (Don't know what this does), All.
Spring Cape - 6 Df, 5 Earth, All.
Winter Cape - 6 Df, 5 Water, All.
Dancing Doll - (Don't know what this does), All.
Silver Anklet - 4 Df, All.
Princess Locket - (Don't know what this does), All.
Cross - 10 Holiness, All.*
Thieves' Cloak - 12 Df, Rog.
Crusader Cloak - 5 At, 15 Df, War.
Leather Cloak - 8 Df, All.
Resist Cloak - 12 Df, All.
Cloak - 4 Df, All.
Elemental Cloak - 17 Df, Magic resistance, Elf, Dwf, Fai.
Silver Circlet - ?
Reflector Ring - Guards/Reflects magic, All.
Talisman - Quickens magic recovery, Sor, Pri, Fai, Elf.
Healing Amulet - Heals the body constantly, All.*
Dominion Feather - 30 Holiness, Breaks, All.*
Sol Crown - Increases stats, All.*
Fine Scarf - 6 Df, All.
Aqua Shawl - 20 Water, All.
Blue Ear-Stud - (Don't know what this does), All.
Red Ear-Stud - (Don't know what this does), All.
Light Amulet - 10 Light, All.
Power Symbol - 8 Fire, All.
Symbol of Darkness - 8 Darkness, All.
Luck Talisman - Brings good luck to the wearer, All.
Dragon Amulet - 16 Df, 16 At, All.
Star Tiara - Reduces enemy damage, All.
Earth Tiara - Reduces enemy damage, All.
Renugeton - Knowledge of demons, Sor. (Sorcerer/ess gains spells quicker)
Almander - Knowledge of demons, Sor. (Sorcerer/ess gains spells quicker)
Strong Gloves - 8 At, 8 Df, All.
Tarot Cards - ?
Knight's Gauntlets - ?
Rune Gloves - 12 At, 6 Df, All.
Fine Boots - 4 Df, All.
Elven Boots - 12 Df, Resistance to Sleep, All.
Quick Boots - Increases agility. All.
Leather Boots - ?
Feather Shoes - 6 Df.
Berserker Bones - 12 At, Makes wearer go Berserk, All.
Dragon Scales - 16 Df, All.
Basilisk Scales - Immunity against Petrification, All.
Gauntlets - ?
Leather Helmet - ?
Mystical Veil - ?, Sor, Pri, Fai.
Hunting Cap - ?
Minotaur Horn - Increases strenght, All.
Dragon Horn - Increases strenght, (30 Strength, 30 Constitution), All.
Dragons Tail - Increases luck (20), All.
Necklace of Wonders - 4 Earth, All.
Merlin's Ring - 16 Strength, 24 Intellect, 20 Mdf, 24 Mat, All.
Technique Book - 15 At, War, Rog, Elf.
Mirror of Truth - Reveals identities and Hp, All.*
Queen's Circlet - 4 Df, All.
Iron Helmet - 4 Df, War, Dwf.
Misty Pendant - (? ? ?), All.
Shadow Veil - 20 Darkness, All.
Master Plate - 88 Df, 12 At, Dwf, War.
Earth Shield - 18 Df, 8 Earth, Dwf, War.
Ice Shield - 18 Df, 8 Water, Dwf, War.
Guardian Shield - 31 Df, Dwf, War.
Silver Armor - 42 Df.
Fine Shield - 18 Df.
Full plate - 33 Df.
Knight Shield - 10 Df.
Round Shield - 3 Df.
Guardian Robe #1 - 80 Df.
Guardian Robe #2 - ?*
Dark Shield - ?
Guardian Armor - 95 Df, 16 At, War, Dwf.
Anti-Magic Armor - 70 Df, War, Dwf.
Moon Shield - 86 Df, 20 Darkness, Rog, Hun, Elf.
Knight's Armor - 37 Df, War, Dwf.
Elemental Shield - 97 Df.
Bishop's Robe - 24 Df, 8 Holiness.
Queen's Robe - 32 Df.
Robe of the Elders - 81 Df.
Holy Robe - 60 Df, 30 Holiness.
Robe of Spirits - 72 Df.
Fine Robe - 8 Df, War, Rog, Hun, Elf, Dwf.
Fine Leather - 14 Df.
Reflector - 66 Df.
Life Shield - 76 Df, 15 Holiness.
Healing Robe - 39 Df, 3 Water.
Robe of Sorcery - 24 Df, 5 Darkness.
Fata Morgana Arm - ?*
Runic Shield - 60 Df.
Leather Buckler - 13 Df , Rog. Hun. Elf.
Chainmail Shirt - 18 Df, Dwf, War.
Silver Shield - 48 Df, Rog, Hun, Elf.
Robe - 5 Df, Pri, Sor, Fai.
Breast Plate - 24 Df, War, Dwf.
Mirror Armor - 52 Df, Magic Resistance, War, Dwf.
Lavender - Restores HP.
Sage - Restores MP.
Ironsage - Removes Poison Condition.
Heavensage - Removes Paralyzation Condition.
Fennel - Removes Petrification Condition.
Hyssop - Removes Madness Condition.
Belladonna - Removes Curse Condition.

V. Spells
Here is a listing of spells, their MP use and name.
Sorcerer/ess: (Offensive Spells)
Fire Bullet - 2 Mp
Spark Bullet - 4 Mp
Water Bullet - 3 Mp
Stone Bullet - 6 Mp
Striking - 10 Mp
Light Bolt - 8 Mp
Dark Wave - 10 Mp
Smash - 8 Mp
Magic Missile - 12 Mp
Enchant Weapon - 15 Mp
Blaze - 16 Mp
Lightning Bolt - 16 Mp
Blizzard - 16 Mp
Poison Cloud - 20 Mp
Extend Spell - 32 Mp
Magic Ray - 24 Mp
Shining - 40 Mp
Dark Breath - 38 Mp
Dispell Magic - 40 Mp
Petrification - 38 Mp
Explosion - 45 Mp
Thunderbolt - 45 Mp
Freeze Beast - 30 Mp (Hold shift for more beasts)
Earth Javelin - 45 Mp
Death Spell - 60 Mp
Teleport - 80 Mp
Chaos Rage/Flare - 96 Mp (Found in The Labyrinth)
Meteor Smash - 82 Mp (Found in the Old Palace, North through wall after Dark Wizard)
Fusion - 100 Mp (Found at the Inn)
Elf: (Offensive Spells)
Fire Bullet - 2 Mp
Spark Bullet - 4 Mp
Water Bullet - 3 Mp
Stone Bullet - 6 Mp
Striking - 10 Mp
Light Bolt - 8 Mp
Dark Wave - 10 Mp
Smash - 8 Mp
Magic Missile - 12 Mp
Enchant Weapon - 15 Mp
Blaze - 16 Mp
Lightning Bolt - 16 Mp
Blizzard - 16 Mp
Poison Cloud - 20 Mp
Extend Spell - 32 Mp
Magic Ray - 24 Mp
Shining - 40 Mp
Dark Breath - 38 Mp
Dispell Magic - 40 Mp
Petrification - 38 Mp
Priest/ess: (Healing and Holy Spells)
Turn Undead - 0 Mp
Healing - 12 Mp
Protection - 8 Mp
Resist - 8 Mp
Detect Align - 2 Mp
Refresh - 42 Mp
Detect Enemies - 2 Mp
Anti-Poison - 16 Mp
Anti-Paralysis - 16 Mp
Anti-Feeble - 16 Mp
Sanity - 16 Mp
Restore - 40 Mp
Barrier - 22 Mp (Hold shift for a longer barrier)
Resist Field - 22 Mp (Hold shift for a longer field)
Stone Flesh - 26 Mp
Requiem - 10 Mp
Holy Word - 60 Mp
Remove Curse - 40 Mp
Remove Silence - 40 Mp
Regeneration - 86 Mp
Resurrection - 62 Mp
Recover Energy - 39 Mp
Reincarnation - 100 Mp (Found at The Ruins in the Lake)
Summon Angel - 108 Mp (Found in the Old Palace, North through wall after Dark Wizard)
Fairy: (Supplementary Spells)
Sleep - 2 Mp
Slow - 2 Mp
Haste - 2 Mp
Enchant Fire - 16 Mp
Enchant Earth - 16 Mp
Enchant Wind - 16 Mp
Enchant Water - 16 Mp
Charm - 8 Mp
Silence - 8 Mp
Magic Shield - 12 Mp
Levitate - 30 Mp
Shield - 12 Mp
Heavy Slow - 40 Mp
Quick - 40 Mp
Invincible - 60 Mp
Anti-Circle - 80 Mp
Summon Water - 50 Mp*
Summon Fire - 50 Mp*
Summon Wind - 50 Mp*
Summon Earth - 50 MP*
*Elemental Control spells are found behind the singing statue in the Wood of Ruins.
Just before you enter the teleporter
to the Behemoth.

VI. Hints
Here are some hints you might want to have in mind while playing BB:EQ.
01. If you find Fate Coins, collect them. You might want to use them later on.
02. Each character can only hold 10 items except items like healing potion which you can
unlimitetly. If you find a sword and it's better than the one before you should throw
the old one away
to save space.
Remember to use the Stock Box at the Inn. It's very useful.
03. Explore everything and go often to the same place after you've finished it. You can
get new items in
the chests.
04. To get your characters up in levels fast, go to some places which are hard to finish.
You'll know
because they'll say something like: 'This is no place for me.' or 'Maybe I should
come back later.'
Then find something to kill and stay on the same place for some time and kill demons
over and over
again. You'll find out that hard demons give experience crystals that make your
characters strong
05. Read all the signs. Sometimes the sign has a hidden spell or something else that's
important. Read
06. Don't be afraid of running away if it gets hard. If you have the Teleport or a Rope
of Return use them
when the going gets rough.
07. Characters with a high Luck attr. can get better items from chests.
08. The items at the Inn vary from who opens the chests.
09. If you own the Earth and/or Star Tiara use them always. They reduce certain attacks
down to only 1 hp.
10. When you are fighting at the Hall of Demons you can save your game after each fight.
After beating one
enemy up just go through the door in the hall and choose to rest. Return to the save
point and save
your game. That way you don't have to start all over again if you die and you keep
all your points.

VII. Frequently asked questions
Q: How do I save the game? (Believe or not but very many people get stuck on this. Even I
A: Press F2 and after that hit PageUp or PageDown to scroll the various menus.

Q: How do I get the remaining Sage Stone Gems? I only have a few.
A: Every level (except Mountain of the Fire Dragon and the Ruins in the Lake) has a
second level. That is
you have to play every level twice in order to get all Gems.

Q: How do my spellcasters learn new spells?
A: The characters obtain new spells as they advance in combat. The remaining spells are
found written on
tablets or books which can be found throughout the game.

Q: How do I get through those barriers in the Abandoned Mine?
A: You need at least four to get through the one close to the Baby Dragon and all six to
get through the
one leading to the Sealed Cave.

Q: How do switch items between my characters?
A: That is not possible while playing. You have quit playing and go the the Main Menu and
select Auction. There your
characters are able to buy things from each other. Just make sure you have enough

VIII. Errors
I found out while I was playing BB:EQ that there are several mistakes or errors in the
game. When I found the Chaos Flare for my Sorcerer it said that I had found the Chaos
Rage but in the spells section it says Chaos Flare. There are two Guardian Robes. I found
one Guardian Robe and you can buy a different one from the Retired Knight. Durahan the
man in the Labyrinth of the Dead, is called Dulahan when he speaks but Durahan if you use
Detect spell on him to see his Hp. When I found the Thunder Medallion it actually said
Demon Medallion but in the events page it was Thunder Medallion. The fairy spell Sanity
reads resores instead of restores. The Sorcerer/ess and Priest/ess spells are either
Meteor Smash or Meteor Storm and Call Angel or Summon Angel.

IX. Credits
Special Thanks To:
Sabrina Francis
Mike Wittliff
Robert Lötberg
Rick Nouwen
Sandy Saputra
Adam Boruszko

X. Last words
This is my fourth update. The last spells have been added, although not tested. Some new
items have been added. You are welcome to send me any info about new items, corrections
etc. If you send anything I can use, I will add you to my credit list. Also feel free to
ask me about anything concerning the game. I'll try to answer them as well as I can.

This document is Copyright 2001 Jan-Fredrik Winter
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