Star Trek 25th Anniversary

Star Trek 25th Anniversary

18.10.2013 04:02:19
Version 1.2 - (9-2-01)

Star Trek 25th Anniversary FAQ/Walkthrough written by Semioldguy (Email:

System Console: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Game Title: Star Trek 25th Anniversary

Revision History:

Version 1.2 - (9-2-01) Information about the Inferred Scanner sent by Joshua
Cumbee (e-mail Thanks Joshua.

Version 1.1 - (5-5-01) Added Planet Information for the other 13 planets

Version 1.0 - (3-8-01) First Release


1. Introduction

2. Story

3. Controls

4. Characters

5. Walkthrough

A. Masaba

B. Lekythos

C. Shroud IV

D. Romulan Battle

E. Iotia

6. Items

7. Other Planets

8. Conclusion

9. Disclaimer

INTRODUCTION - Star Trek 25th Anniversary for the NES is based on the original
television series, which is also my favorite. This is a great game and I
definitely one of my favorite NES games, though it is not a well known one.
There are four distinct planets you will visit plus a starship battle with a
Romulan Vessel. You may also recognize several scenes and/or characters from
the show during this game, such as Harry Mudd.

STORY - You begin on the U.S.S. Enterprise traveling through space when an
unstable turbulence is noticed. Spock informs you that a magnetic field is
the cause of the disturbance and is centered around Iotia. Spock next
indicated that there is a large dimensional hole in space. Sulu attempts
stopping the ship after he realizes that they are being pulled in; this has
no effect. Next Spock states that the field is growing exponentially (if you
aren't familiar with this term it means that it is growing very, very, very
rapidly). Kirk then requests to prepare for warp. Spock now says that this
field is bending space and time (seems to keep getting worse and worse). Warp
is then initiated. Upon exiting the field is gone and Starfleet is
unreachable at your location. You are in uncharted space and you dilithium is
depleted! You must journey back to Federation Space and rescue Iotia.

CONTROLS - I am pretty sure that all the possible controls in the game are
listed here.

A Button (A) - used to read tricorder readings of numerous item you find
- used to select choices from the pause selection screen
- used to select 'yes' when answering a yes/no question
- fires photon torpedoes during a starship battle mode
- select planet to visit

B Button (B) - fires your phaser
- used to cancel the pause selection screen
- used to select 'no' when answering yes/no question
- fires your laser during starship battle mode

Start Button - pauses/unpauses game
- bring up pause selection screen

Select Button - shows health status of your crewmembers

Control Pad - move up, down, left or right

CHARACTERS - Every crewmember that is on the character selection list has a
purpose in the game. Some of them are only used once and others multiple
times. Who you choose to take on your mission is mostly up to you, but there
are several circumstances that you will need to take a specific character
with you down to the current planet you are at. I have developed a list of
characters and when they might come in handy during the game.

Captain Kirk - This character is you. You will remain as Kirk throughout the
game. Kirk has a phaser and a tricorder to identify the various items you
will encounter along your journey through space.

Spock - Spock is always good to have on your team. He is very intelligent and
informative. I never took Spock off of my team, as he is the most needed
officer on you missions. When going down to the first planet Spock will tell
you of a civilization to the south and a large structure to the north. On the
next planet, Lekythos, Spock will mind meld with you after he is hit by one
of those beasts he says he recognizes from Terran Mythology. After he does
this, the beasts no longer affect you. On Shroud IV he will fix the food
synthesizer in the upper room of the Inn for you. He will also mind meld with
a Romulan to escape a prison cell. However he doesn't seem to come in handy
that much on Iotia. He does many of the smaller things that other characters
could most likely do, but there may be more details that Spock contributes to
that I have listed here.

Dr. McCoy - Also referred to as Bones. He is automatically place on your
party at the beginning of the game. On Masaba he is of no real use to you,
but neither are any of the other characters. He is also automatically placed
on your team when going down to Iotia after you have gone back in time. Here
he will help a man out by looking at his wounded dog. Other than this Bones
does not have much use during the game.

Geologist - Used only on Planet Lekythos. You should put him on you team your
first trip down to the planet. He will tell you the location of a small
dilithium crystal that is southwest of your current location. After this is
he useless as far as I know.

Biologist - Used only on Shroud IV and isn't really required to take down
with you. However, he does present lots of tips and information about some of
the items that you find, such as the root.

Historian - this guy is useful and you will want to take him down on your
first visit to Iotia. He will tell you some of the history that led to the
planet's destruction and then enable you to go back into time and change what
had gone wrong.

Security Officer - You never are required to use this guy, but he's nice to
have around, especially on Lekythos. This is the only character other than
Kirk who has a phaser. The only place that I would highly suggest that you
use him is on Lekythos. Here he will help blast down that door and help
defeat the security robots if he can.



This is the first planet that you will visit on your journey through space.
Its name is not yet revealed to you yet as you are in uncharted space. Spock
will tell you readings indicate dilithium on the surface. Kirk, Spock and
McCoy will automatically be beamed down to the planet. When you appear on the
screen Kirk (you) and the other two will be in a grassy forest type of place.
Spock says that there is a civilization to the south and a large structure to
the north. First you will want to shoot one of the shooting plants; you will
know when you have hit it because it will turn slightly red and stop moving.
Go over to it and pick it up (you use A for this). PASS CODE: C1D5 JL25 21DD

Now make you way toward the bottom left of the are and avoid getting hit by
any other shooting plants. In the southwest corner there is the entrance to
another area, go in. This is the village of the cat people. If you walk near
any of the inhabitants of the village they will tell you some information
about the planet. Here are the three different things they will say: 1)
Beware of blood worms in the forest. 2) Beware of the Swamp Beast. 3) A
spirit guards the temple. This is entirely useless unless you are playing for
the first time and not using a walkthrough, but take note of them anyway. The
Chief has his hut located in the bottom right of the village. He will tell
you about the structure to the north and how a swamp beast killed the druid
that prays there three days ago. He says the Eye of Kakos was also lost with
him. Now go to the Medicine Man's hut in the top right of the village. Put
the shooting plant in the fire and he will make a repellant for you to keep
the blood worms away from you in the forest. Pick up the repellant, which is
now next to the fire. PASS CODE: F1N6 JL38 41ND

Exit the village now and head directly north, into the actual forest. Here is
where the blood worms are. Keep going north until you only can go west (to
the left). Continue going to the left and avoid walking behind trees. Even
though the blood worms now run away from you, you still go faster than they
do and may run over one and lose health. If you continue right there should
be a small path leading off-screen, go there. You are now in the swamp,
beware of the swamp beasts as there are several in this area. Make sure you
have you laser set on stun or one of your crewmembers will tell you that
Starfleet would not approve of you actions (killing the swamp beast that is).
Travel right through the swamp, passing and shooting two swamp beasts. If you
are not very good at doing this you may want to beam up and then bring down a
security officer with you. Now go up and then to the left where you will see
two more swamp beasts. Travel up again and shoot another swamp beast. Now go
right once more and stun one more swamp beast. At the end of the swamp you
will see the Eye of Kakos in a wooden stick hut type of thing. Go over and
pick it up. In your item select screen it is called the Eye Key. Now retrace
back through the swamp and you will have to re-stun all the swamp beasts
again. PASS CODE: P2NB KL58 X2ND

Now continue north through the forest until you reach the temple. Go up to
the door and use the Eye Key. The door will open and you may enter. You
should notice symbols on the wall. I suggest that you copy these three sets
of three from left to right on a piece of paper, but you don't have to if you
are reading this, or have a very good memory. When you approach the third set
a swamp beast will attack you (probably that one that killed the druid). Stun
it and continue through the door on the far left. There will be one more set
of symbols, copy this one from right to left. The door will talk to you when
you get close to it saying that only one person may pass at a time. When you
enter the door wake sure you know the order of these symbols! If you don't
you are likely to die and have to beam up. For each miss you get shot and it
takes away a certain amount of health. Here is a table showing what symbols
to pass over, you start on the bottom and work your way up for each room:


[X][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
[ ][X][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][ ]


[ ][ ][X] [ ][ ][ ]
[ ][X][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][ ]


[ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][ ]
[ ][ ][X] [ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][X] [ ][ ][ ]


[X][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
[X][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ] [X][ ][ ]

After you are out of the rooms your crewmembers will already be there. You
are now in a larger room with more listings of symbols, two sets of three on
two pillars and a list of six on the wall. You have to walk up to the symbols
on the wall in the order that they are listed on the pillars (walk up to it,
walk down from it, go to the next, walk up, etc.). The order that you walk up
to them is 6, 4, 1, 3, 2, and 5 (six is the one on the far right). Now the
computer will activate and Spock says that it contains a map of all the
planets in the region. He will send the information up to the Enterprise. Now
on the far right you will see a door appear on the upper wall, enter it. Now
you are in a room with two computer screens with crystals around them. Go up
to an examine a computer with your tricorder. You now will take some of the
dilithium up to the ship and go to the next planet. PASS CODE: P6NV MLF9 X6ND


When you arrive at this planet you dilithium crystals begin to deteriorate
and you can't leave. It's ok though because there is high grade dilithium on
the planet. You should take down Spock and a geologist to begin with. The
geologist tells you that there are some crystals located southwest of your
location. Spock says that the creature coming out of the crater resembles a
creature from Terran mythology. Let Spock get hit by one of these mist
dragons. He will tell you that they are only illusions and cannot harm you if
you don't believe in them. He will then ask you to mind meld with him to
remove them from your memory. Now these dragons no longer appear and should
make this mission much easier. You can now go left, down and to the right a
little until you see three stones all next to each other. Stand between them
all and fire up toward the wall until a crystal appears. Collect the crystal
and return to the ship. PASS CODE: M?GT !!X! NGHD

No, your mission isn't over yet. The crystals you got are too small to power
the Enterprise. You just came up to get rid of the Geologist and get a
Security Officer. Now that he is selected you can go back sown to the planet.
Now you go down and off the screen to the right. You will notice a robot to
the north; don't mess with him he will kill all of you and end you back to
the ship. Instead go south until you find a robot that is blocking your path
to continue south. His energy source has been destroyed and you use the
crystals to repair him so that he can float away and you can continue down
the path. On this screen go left, down then right. You will see a cave, go
into it. Inside will be a shiny blue door. Set you lasers to full effect.
This is where it is really nice to have that Security Officer around. Start
repeatedly firing at the door and the Security Officer should do the same.
Don't give up on this, it just takes a while, a really long while. Once the
door is destroyed enter the doorway.

Now go down and quickly to the right. Keep going right until you see a little
red object, pick it up. This piece will be used later, it is call the R
Module (R is for red). No go to the area below you and pick up one of the
floating yellow pieces of trash. Now go back in front of the room you first
came into. On your way back you will notice two other rooms. These rooms
contain the controls to the security and maintenance robots in the facility.
You want to keep the maintenance on and try to put the security off, but it
doesn't always work. Back from where you began. From here go down, left,
down, right down, left, up, then right. You should see a door, go in. Inside
there are two security robots, these guys can be pretty tough, and make sure
your phaser is on full effect. After both are destroyed go to the upper right
hand corner of the room and pick up the small blue object. This is the B
Module. Now leave the room; go left, down and to the right. You will see
another door. Enter it. There will be a robot circling this room with two
invisible walls that only he can pass through. This one was tough to figure
out the first time through the game. What you have to do is step one space to
left face up ad throw the trash over the small yellow piece. Be careful not
to get run over by the robot, go to the far right where he can't hit you.
Don't worry about Spock or your security officer. The robot will sweep up the
trash, because he was a maintenance robot, and pick up the yellow object
along with it. He will drop it when he gets to your side of the room, but
shoot him anyway, that way nobody else gets hurt more than they are. Now go
pick up the Y Module.

Now exit the room and go to the computers just below where you are. You will
notice little colored slots in the center of each of them. Place the modules
you found into the slots according to color (R for red, B for blue, and Y for
yellow). This will make the computer operational again. Now go up, quickly to
the left, and down. You are in another room now. Go up to the upper right
hand corner of the room, a funny looking guy will talk to you. He tells you
how his people went into hypersleep to avoid the meteor storm, but during the
storm the computer was destroyed and they never woke up. They created the
illusionary monsters to drive people away from their planet. He is very
grateful that you have come along and rescued him and gives you dilithium in
return for your deed. This concludes the second planet in your mission. PASS

SHROUD IV (My Favorite)

To get to shroud you must travel through Romulan Space and into the neutral
zone. A Romulan Armada uncloaks, catches you and asks why you have violated
the peace treaty. You will go into yellow alert at this point. Now the ship
will just sit there on your screen. You will now need to contact it. To do
this press start to bring up the menu. Below the map there is a yellow symbol
that shows a device with one big button in its center. Select this option to
contact the Romulan ship. You will automatically tell him you are there for
reasons beyond your control, he then will have to verify your account and
then escort you to Shroud.

You are now at Shroud and should probably bring down Spock and the Biologist.
The Biologist is not required, but provides very useful information about
some of the things that you will find on Shroud. From where you start head
up, there you will find a root. The biologist will mention something about
but I can't remember what exactly. Now make you way to the Inn (the building
on the right). On your way there you will see a butterfly, shoot it with your
phaser on stun and pick it up. The biologist says something about this
butterfly being considered a delicacy to some people. To the right of where
the butterfly id there is a flower, pick it up. Now you can go inside the Inn
and pick up a Pass Card to room #22. Go to the right and use your Pass Card
to get in the room on the left. Talk to the lady and give her the flower. She
will then give you a remote that she says will move the boulder to the west.
A pretty good trade if you ask me. Now leave the Inn and go about halfway to
the other building. You will notice a rock that blocks your way to a path on
its other side. Use the remote to move this boulder. In this you will find a
person's secret stash. There is Credits, A letter involving Harry Mudd and
the Romulans, and a bottle of Saurian Drink. Now return to the Inn. From the
lobby go to the upper room. Right when you go in you will notice a little
thing on the wall. Go up and use your tricorder on it. It is a broken food
synthesizer. Have Spock fix it. Now place the root and saurian drink inside
the synthesizer. The synthesizer will combine the two items and leave only
the bottle, pick this up. It is a sedative.

Return to the other building with the guy who doesn't let federation types
like you in. Give him the sedative, not the credits. You will need the
credits later. Go to toward the upper left door guarded by that green guy. He
will want to fight Kirk, let the butterfly loose and he will take the bait.
Now quickly go through the door. Every time you want to go through you will
have to re-catch the butterfly. In this room you will see a funny looking guy
walking around in a cowboy hat. Talk to him, Spock will indicate that he is
an underground arms dealer. Give the credits to him and he will tell you to
follow him to the back, follow him. Now he will give you an infrared scanner.
From there, go down until you see three people at a desk talking; it is Harry
Mudd and two Romulans. After their conversation is over and the Romulans
leave, go back to the main room, then off to the right. You will catch Harry
Mudd as he is leaving. Show the letter to him. He will deny that he is giving
the codes away and that the ones he is giving are forged. Harry then says he
has business to tend to in his room at the Inn and leaves. As he leaves he
steals one of your crewmembers' communicators. Return to the Inn again. Head
right from the lobby and go in the far right door, which should automatically
open. Go in, Spock tells you that he sees signs of a struggle and that Harry
Mudd was kidnapped alive. Walking toward the backside of the room the
Enterprise reports a distress signal 25 kilometers north of your location.
Then you will ask to beam you to that location, reply 'yes' and go.

You will now be at a new location on Shroud and you should see a communicator
next to you when you arrive. Pick it up. Now continue to the bottom right
corner or this area, near there you should see a piece of clothing in the
bushes, you can't pick this up. If you don't see it, it doesn't really
matter. Continue down until you reach the corner. At first this may seem like
a dead end, but it's not. You will notice a funny-looking rock formation in
the exact corner. This is where the Scanner can be used to located some
footprints which lead into the rock. These print were left by the Romulans
who took Harry away. If the top of your head is level with the top of the
formation you should be able to walk to the right and enter a door. This is
one of the hardest parts in the game if you don't know what to do; I was
stuck here for two days trying to figure out what to do.

You will be in a hallway when you enter, go into the room on the bottom. Pick
up the green sheet on the bathtub and exit the room. Now go to the upper
room, cautiously. You will see a security camera, slowly go up to the camera
until your head is hidden behind it. Use the sheet here and it will block the
camera so that you may continue up through the room. If the alarm sounds you
will have to deal with a pair of Romulans shooting at you and avoid getting
caught. If not as soon as you enter the next room head straight up and out
the door without thinking about a Romulan. In the next room you will see
Harry Mudd being held captive. You will notice a panel on the left of the two
cells go up to it and turn the power fields off. Harry is freed and leaves.
Now it's your turn to escape. In leaving no matter what you do you will be
shot and thrown in the brig. If you find a way to avoid this please contact
me so I can update this FAQ. Have Spock mind meld with the guard to turn the
power field off. You can the escape the Romulan structure and back onto the
planet's surface. You will see a note from Harry Mudd thanking you and saying
that he has dilithium for you in his room at the Inn. You are beamed there
then beamed up with the crystals. Congratulations! You are onto the hardest
part of the game and your last mission. You now should continue to Iotia.
PASS CODE: CXHZ 6FV! 8Z6D (You WILL need this one)


On your way to Iotia Spock reveals a cloaked Romulan Armada on his scanner. I
believe the scanner he used is the one you purchased from the underground
arms dealer back on Shroud. Without it I am not sure you can pass this area.
You will go into code red and engage battle. This is the hardest part of the
game in my opinion and may take several tries to pass. Below the main screen
there is a smaller screen with a picture of the two ships and their shield
statuses. Green is full; red is hit once as well as the squiggly red, after
that the shield is gone on that side of the ship. It should take three hits
on the same side of the ship to destroy it, but so does yours so watch out!
In a smaller box to the left of the shield status display is a red arrow.
This arrow tells you the direction of the Romulan Spacecraft. Again this is a
very tough section of the game and you need to learn how to use your weapons
on him in order to beat him. PASS CODE: CDFZ GDVW BZ0D



Your first trip down to Iotia the planet will appear in ruins. This time you
should take down Spock and a Historian. Go left until you see a pile of
books, this doesn't look like book at first glance but look into it and you
will get a Library Card. Go in the entrance to the building on your far left.
Go to the upper left corner of the library. You will see a beat up, old
machine there. Use the library card on it, without the historian you cannot
do this. You will now learn about Iotia's past and how a communicator that
was left there led to their destruction. You then return to the ship and
travel back in time to save the planet from its horrible fate.


Now you have traveled back in time. Kirk will automatically take Spock and
McCoy down to the planet; you don't need to change them for any other
characters. This planet looks a lot like Earth with streets, sidewalks and
everything. First travel left you should see a building with a door, set your
lasers to full then enter and be ready to fire. It's a market and there are
two dark looking guys at the counter, shoot at them and kill them both before
they escape. The cashier will be thankful for not letting the robbers escape
and will give you a deck of marked cards. Now search the two dead bodies, on
one of them there should be a diamond, take it. Leave the market and head
south. You will come upon a man and his dog on the street. The man says that
the dog was shot and wants to know if it will be okay. Have McCoy check it
and tell him that the dog should be fine, the man will then give you a
gumball (what is he thinking!?! I mean, a gumball?). Well the gumball does
come in handy later but for now you will notice an item just to the left of
the man and his dog, pick it up. This is a bone. Head right and you should
find a hairpin in the street.

To make this part easy for me to explain go back to where you first started
on this planet. Head right and then down on the far side of the street. You
should see something that looks like a crack in the sidewalk, it's not a
crack, and it's a stick. Pick it up and go up again. There should be a drain
at the corner of the street. Walk on top of it and use both the stick and the
gumball, it doesn't matter in what order, just use them both. By doing this
you get several coins out of the drain. Now go down again and the to your
left. You should see a large brick building near your general location. Find
it and go in. First talk to the bartender. He will give you a phone number,
Oxmyx's phone number. Now go over to the passed out lady. Have either Spock
or McCoy revive her. She will think you are some of Sparky's men and ask if
you have the diamond. Give her the diamond and she will give you the
counterfeit plates. Now back at where you began (yes, again) and go to the
building on your right. This is a police station. Give the counterfeit plates
to the officer at the desk. He will be happy, though not suspect you of
anything, and will bring and end to Sparky's gang.

Now go to the phone right outside. Use the coins and then the phone number.
You will be connected to Oxmyx and he will arrange a meeting at his place for
you. His is the one to the left of the bar. From your location go down and to
the left. The guard will let you in. Boss Oxmyx tell you that he no longer
has the communicator and that Sparky's gang had stole it from him. He will
then ask if you want to talk to Krako about it, since he probably knows more,
agree to this and next, make your way to Krako's. Go to the far upper right
hand corner of the city. That's his place in the corner. Go in and he will
tell you that all he knows is that 'Bonehead' Malone has it now. He mentions
that he would probably play you cards for it if you could get the money. He
than arranges for you two to meet in the card room of the bar.

Once again go back to where you started, but this time head directly up. This
is Sparky's gang hangout, but they shouldn't be there anymore since you've
turned in the counterfeit plates. However, if they are there, there is only
two of them and they won't mess with you if you don't mess with the
suspicious door in the back. After they are gone use the bone and hairpin in
the door, if you hadn't turned the plates in the door would be jammed and the
two crooks would be shooting at you. Now the door is open and you may enter.
In side there are moneymaking machines and stacks of money. Go to the stack
of money in the far right corner of the room. You should collect around five
thousand dollars of local currency. Now return to the bar and make your way
to the upper right. This is the card room; you should see Malone at the table
in the corner. Go to the table and stand directly across from him. Now use
the money. He now will ask if you are ready, say NO! If you don't you will
lose, guaranteed. If you make this mistake you will have to get more money
(you can do that as often as you need to). Now ask to use your deck of cards.
He will accept and you will win with a supernova over his black hole. After
winning he will give you the communicator back. Congratulations!!!!! You beat
the game, now that wasn't so hard was it?

You can now watch the extremely boring ending with very bad animation. Kirk
will be sitting and McCoy and Spock will stand on opposite sides of him. They
will go through some dialogue that I haven't really taken note of. The only
thing that ever moves in this sequence is the eyes and mouths, which don't
move much or very fluently.

ITEMS - In all there are a total of 30 different items that you collect
throughout the game, and no, you do not need them all to beat the game, theer
are a few on Shroud that you aren't required to collect, but it is suggested
that you do collect all the items and use them. I have developed a list of
all the items, their purposes, and what planet they are located on.

PLANT - Found on Masaba. One of the shooting plants that you have to kill and
collect. Used in getting the repellant from the medicine man. May be
retrieved multiple times.

REPELLANT - Found on Masaba. Received from the medicine man after putting the
shooting plant in the fire. Used to get through the forest without being
killed by the blood worms.

EYE KEY - Found on Masaba. Also known as the Eye of Kakos. Located in the
swamp and used to get into the large temple.

CRYSTALS - Found on Lekythos. Found in a rock structure near your start
location. Used to restore a robot's power source so that it may move from
blocking your path.

TRASH - Found on Lekythos. In the trash room of the giant complex. A small
yellow thing that drifts and floats around. Used to get the Y Module by
throwing it and having the two of them picked up by the nearby maintenance
robot. May be retrieved multiple times.

R MODULE - Found on Lekythos. Located on the floor. Used to restore part of
the computer system.

B MODULE - Found on Lekythos. On the ground in the security room. Used to
restore part of the computer system.

Y MODULE - Found on Lekythos. Pick up, and dropped by the maintenance robot
after the trash is thrown. Used to restore part of the computer system.

ROOT - Found on Shroud. It is on the ground above your start location. Use it
in the synthesizer with the saurian drink.

BUTTERFLY - Found on Shroud. Flying around the Inn. Shoot and catch it, use
it to tempt that green dude to pass the door he is blocking.

FLOWER - Found on Shroud. Located to the left of the butterfly. Pick it and
give it to the girl at the Inn in exchange for the remote control.

PASS CARD - Found on Shroud. Found on a desk in the lobby of the Inn. Used to
get in room number 22 at the Inn.

REMOTE - Found on Shroud. Given to you in exchange for the flower. Used to
move a boulder between the Inn and the other structure. Uncovers a hidden
stash of goods.

LETTER - Found on Shroud. In the stash behind the boulder moved by the
remote. A letter involving Harry Mudd and the Romulans that has to do with
Federation codes of some kind.

CREDITS - Found on Shroud. Also found in the stash behind the boulder. Give
them to the underground arms dealer in the back of the building on the left.
Whatever you do don't use them to enter the building because then you wont
get the inferred scanner from the underground arms dealer.

SAURIAN - Found on Shroud. The third item located in the stash behind the
boulder. Use it in the synthesizer with the root.

SEDATIVE - Found on Shroud. Obtained by placing the root and saurian drink in
the synthesizer at the Inn. Make sure Spock fixes it first though. Give the
sedative to the guard at the other building and he will pass out and you can

SCANNER - Found on Shroud. You get this item by giving the credits to the
underground arms dealer. The scanner is to pick up footprints left by the
Romulans who took Harry Mudd (Thanks to Joshua Cumbee for that information).

SHEET - Found on Shroud. Inside the Romulan structure. It is in the bathroom,
the room furthest south. Use it to cover the security camera so you are not
caught or anything like that.

LIB CARD - Found on Iotia. Located in a pile of books the first visit down to
the planet. Used in a machine to tell of the planet's tragedy (don't ask me
how a library card could do that, but here it does).

DIAMOND - Found on Iotia. Pick it up from one of the criminals' bodies that
were robbing the market/store. Used to trade for some counterfeit plates.

STICK - Found on Iotia. On the sidewalk, it looks kind of like a crack in the
sidewalk. Used later with the gumball.

GUMBALL - Found on Iotia. Given to you by a man for looking at his injured
dog. Used with the stick later.

COINS - Found on Iotia. Use the gumball and the stick in a drain on the road.
They will reach down and you will get several coins. These will be used to
activate the pay phone.

HAIRPIN - Found on Iotia. Found in the street, not far from the sidewalk.
Used with the bone to break through a door.

BONE - Found on Iotia. Found on the street near the man with the injured dog.
Used later with the hairpin to break through a door.

PLATES - Found on Iotia. Trade the diamond to the lady in the bar for the
counterfeit plates. Turn the plates into the police station to get rid of
Sparky's Gang.

CARD DECK - Found on Iotia. Given to you by the cashier at the market/store.
Use these marked cards when playing to get the communicator back and complete
this game.

NUMBER - Found on Iotia. Given to you by the bartender. Use this to call
someone, and do some other stuff (look in the walkthrough section for more).
Use it at the pay phone after depositing coins.

MONEY - Found on Iotia. Behind the locked door at Sparky's Gang. Use the bone
and hairpin together to get through. Use the money to make a bet to get the
communicator back.

OTHER PLANETS - As you probably noticed while playing the game there are only
four required planets that you visit. This section of the FAQ is dedicated to
information on the remaining 13 planets. I say 13 because I have not figured
out a way to get into Romulan Space. For all the ones that you are able to go
down and visit they are all only one area. On the elevator Spock will tell
Kirk that the geological age of the planet is too short for any substantial
mineral deposits. Kirk will then say that even very young crystals are better
than no crystals at all. I will list all of the planets and a little about
them in order from left to right as they appear in the game.

Megolith - Class L - Similar to the swamp on Masaba only the water is blue

Lapith - Class L - Similar to Lekythos, but is red and yellow

Ibex - Class L - After Masaba, resembles Lekythos but is green and yellow

Cappa - Class A - Cannot visit. Temperature difference between night and day
vary too greatly

Acanthus - Class L - A lot like Shroud, only green surface

Apandana - Class B - Cannot visit. Unstable and gaseous atmosphere that is
extremely corrosive

Calodra - Class A - Is located after Lekythos, Shroud and the Romulan Space.
Cannot visit. Temperature difference between night and day vary too greatly

Kashmir - Class M - Dark green, similar to the forest located on Masaba

Tayarius - Class B - Cannot visit. Unstable and gaseous atmosphere that is
extremely corrosive

Temoku - Class M - Appears like Lekythos but is gray in color

Arknos - Class M - Is located past Iotia and is similar to the forest on

Altamira - Class M - Similar to Masaba's forest, but surface is gray

Mekkel - Class M - The planet furthest to the right, resembles Shroud

Those are all the other planets. Maybe you don't think that visiting all the
Planets was interesting, but I thought it was. I thought it was pretty cool
when I found out that you could visit different planets and beam down onto

CONCLUSION - This concludes my FAQ for Star Trek 25th Anniversary. I hoped
this helped you get through the game in some way. If you have any questions,
comments, concerns, or contributions please send them to my e-mail address at
. Put 'Star Trek FAQ' as subject or your mail will be
ignored or deleted. If I feel that your contribution would make a difference
on this FAQ I will update it with proper recognition to the person who
provided it.

DISCLAIMER - Myself, Kyle Dunne , wrote this FAQ. This
FAQ is Copyright (c) 2001 Kyle Dunne. This FAQ may not be used for any
promotional or profitable purposes. Only unchanged in its entirely, including
this disclaimer, may this FAQ be posted on a website or homepage and you
first must notify me (that means before doing it).
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