Fantasy Zone

Fantasy Zone

14.10.2013 08:20:49
/* Fantasy Zone (NES) FAQ/Walkthrough
/* version 1.0 (April 2001)
/* compiled by LunarScape
/* e-mail:
/* website:

/* Index

Copyright Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Basic Gameplay
Shop Items
Basic Strategy
Rounds 1-8 with Boss Strategies
Contact Information

/* Copyright Information

Fantasy Zone is Copyright 1987 Sunsoft and Copyright 1986 Sega.

This FAQ/Walkthrough is protected under international copyright law and
cannot be reproduced in any way without the permission of the author.
You may not use this walkthrough for commercial purposes. You may place
it on your website if you e-mail me ( AND receive my
permission first.

/* Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I have NEVER heard of Fantasy Zone. Is it even a GAME???

A: Yes, it was a side-scrolling shooter released for the NES by Sega
and Sunsoft in 1987. (There was also an arcade version, and I think it
was on the Sega Master System sometime before that.)

Q: 1987? Why do I need a FAQ/Walkthrough for it now?

A: Because, if you're like me, you're finding dozens of old, used (but
still great) NES games at your local used game store for practically
nothing, and you're just full of nostalgia. Fantasy Zone is a rather
difficult game to beat (like a lot of NES games were). Ahh, the days
when games actually took genuine skill to complete. If you happen to
have an NES and you spot a copy of Fantasy Zone, get it! Even if you
hate it, it'll only be a couple bucks at most.

Q: But still! A couple of bucks is a couple of bucks!

A: Um, fine then. Don't buy it! See if I care! . . . Wait, come back!
Okay, I DO care. Fantasy Zone is the perfect example of what kind of
games were being made when developers weren't afraid to try something
new. Even if the graphics are bleh, the music is still pretty snappy
and the gameplay is incredible!

Q: Okay, I'll go get it. . . . Oh, no! I can't seem to get past the

A: See? Aren't you glad I wrote this walkthrough?

Q: Who's asking the questions here, anyway?

A: Oh shut up.

Q: Oh, why does the title screen say "One Player Only" anyway?

A: Because the arcade version supported two players.

Q: I have the Master System or arcade version of Fantasy Zone? Can I
still use this walkthrough?

A: With a few graphical exceptions, the arcade version is identical.
The Master System version is probably the same, too. Can't tell ya for
sure, though.

/* Walkthrough

Basic Gameplay

Each of the eight stages takes place in some strange alien environment.
You control Opa-Opa, a tiny little ship determined to stop the invading
army. In each stage are eight bigger ships that need to be eliminated
in order to open access to the stage's boss.

When you destroy one of the eight ships, it stays destroyed even if you
die. There's a counter of dots that shows how many ships have been
destroyed and which ones are still left. When you reach one side of the
stage, it loops back to the start. Note that colliding with one of the
ships destroys your ship but also takes out the ship you hit.

You start off with just a simple little two-shot laser and bombs. Both
weapons are unlimited and are switched on automatically whenever the
timer on or supply of your other weapons run out.

Each stages also has lots of pesky little ships roaming around. They
give you points and (sometimes) gold. The bigger ships also give points
and gold. The gold you accumulate can be used to purchase new weapons
(lasers and bombs), engine upgrades that allow you to move faster, and
even extra ships. You can go to the shops by docking with the little
red shop balloons that appear in the stages from time to time (most
often when the stage first starts). The different shop items are:

Shop Items

Big Wings
This is an engine upgrade that allows your ship to move a little
faster. You'll want to have this equipped on your ship as soon as you
scrounge up enough gold to buy it.

Price: $100 (Fixed)
Limit: None

Jet Engine
A faster engine upgrade. If you have some Big Wings already, you might
as well just save your money to get a Turbo Engine.

Price: $1000 (Fixed)
Limit: None

Turbo Engine
An even faster engine. Since it'll take a couple stages to build up the
necessary funds for the Rocket Engine, get this one to tide you over in
the meantime.

Price: $10000 (Fixed)
Limit: None

Rocket Engine
Sometimes this engine can be TOO fast, sending you further that you
want to go! But it still helps you out a LOT! Save your money for this
one. If you're short on cash towards the end of the game, hold off
buying this one until after you finish the stages (but more on that

Price: $100000 (Fixed)
Limit: None

Laser Beam
The weapon of choice. It shoots a nice, thick beam of energy and does a
lot more damage than your standard weapon. This is really effective
against a lot of the bosses and saves some time against the stage's
nine ships.

Price: $1000 (Increases by $800 with each purchase)
Limit: 15 seconds

Wide Beam
Not really a beam because it comes out in shots, this weapon is a lot
thicker that any of the other weapons. The laser beam is still better,
but this makes a nice back-up weapon.

Price: $500 (Increases by $400 with each purchase)
Limit: 15 seconds

7 Way Shot
A great weapon to eliminate pesky little ships, this weapon shoots out
little bullets in a 90-degree spread. It's not too powerful, so it is
best used with a strong bomb.

Price: $5000 (Increases by $4000 with each purchase)
Limit: 15 seconds

Twin Bombs
This item allows you to release your standard bombs at twice the normal

Price: $100 (Increases by $100 with each purchase)
Limit: None

Fire Bomb
This weapon shoots out two powerful fireballs--one straight ahead and
one straight behind. They instantly destroy anything but bosses.

Price: $2000 (Increases by $500 with each purchase)
Limit: However many you purchase (up to nine)

Smart Bomb
Unleashing one of these will instantly destroy all smaller ships on the
screen. The bigger ships are not affected at all. Bosses will take some
damage (to all of its parts if it has more than one) from this weapon.

Price: $2000 (Increases by $1000 with each purchase)
Limit: However many you purchase (up to nine)

Heavy Bomb
A 16-ton weight falls from the top of the screen, destroying any ship
(except for bosses) that it hits. The weight appears at the top of the
screen exactly over the location of the player ship.

Price: $2000 (Increases by $1000 with each purchase)
Limit: However many you purchase (up to nine)

Extra Ship
An extra life. You'll need these due to your dying a lot.

Price: Starts at $2000, then increases to $20000, then $50000. $100000
for all future purchases.
Limit: However many you purchase (up to nine)

Basic Strategy
-THE ZOOM-BOMB METHOD If all you have are your regular bombs and two-
shot laser on your ship and you still need to take out the stage's
eight big ships, the best strategy to use is what I call the Zoom-Bomb
Method. For ships that bob up and down, you'll need to zoom in as close
as you can to the lower half of the ship while continuously firing your
laser. When you get really close, drop a bomb and it should hit the
ship. Quickly back away and repeat this trick until the ship is
destroyed. For stationary ships, use a similar technique; you just
don't have to worry about moving up and down with the ship.

-COLLECTING BOSS COINS When a boss is defeated, it releases coins.
The only problem is that you only have a few seconds to collect as many
as you can before the next stage begins. The main strategy here is to
pick up the biggest coins--they're worth more! Don't go too far in one
direction if there are still coins in the opposite one. Also, the coins
start off bouncy, so stay a little higher up for the first couple of
seconds. Then just run across the bottom and zip off in one direction
as fast as you can until time runs out.

-DON'T DIE Dying causes death, so don't do it. But seriously, if you
die even once in the first five stages, start over. You can do better.
Master the first few stages or you'll be overwhelmed in the end. While
I can beat this game in about fifteen minutes, it took oh-so many hours
of resetting to get there. I must've played the first stage alone a few
hundred times before I even reached the fifth stage.

Round One

Don't lose any of your precious lives on this stage. Even if this is
your first time playing, if you die in this stage, reset the game.

First things first: find one of the big red ships right away (the
closest one is right next to you on the right when you begin). Destroy
it and obtain the coin it drops. It should be worth $1000. Now, very
quickly, find another big ship. Don't waste time shooting up little
ships for now. Either head left or right to find a second ship, destroy
it, and obtain its coin. If you got to the second ship fast enough, it
also dropped a $1000 coin. If you didn't, it dropped a coin worth $500
or less. If the second statement is true for you, destroy more big
ships until you amass $2000.

Whenever you get $2000, your first shop balloon will appear. Run into
it (but be careful not to run into anything else). You'll want to buy a
laser beam for certain. After that, you can either get the big wings,
wide beam twin bombs OR the jet engine. I would go with the jet engine
because you won't need bombs too much while you have the laser beam. In
this game, a little bit more speed is always worth more than a little
bit more firepower. Make sure that your best weapons are selected. If
you bought both the wide and laser beams, equip the laser beam.

With 15 seconds of laser at your disposal, you should be able to
destroy the remaining big ships in no time. The little ships might
start firing the occasional stray bullet, but they aren't too much of a
threat. The flying alligators (I describe these enemies as whatever
they look like) that move in lines all give $50, so you can cut through
a pack or two of them quickly for some extra coins. There is a chance
that a second shop balloon will appear if you accumulate enough money.
If that happens, buy a single heavy bomb. Trust me; it'll make the boss
fight simple.

Beware of the small blue blobs that the big ships release; they move
back and forth as they move upward. The rest of the little enemies
shouldn't be a problem. Once you destroy the eighth ship and there are
no little ships nearby, the first boss appears.

Boss One: The Cube

If you have a heavy bomb, all you need to do is move your ship right
under the boss's "mouth" at the start of the fight and drop it when it
starts firing pellets. One shot of heavy bomb will finish it.

Otherwise, with whatever laser you have, stay to the far left and keep
firing when it opens its mouth. Dodging the pellets is pretty easy, and
the laser beam can even take them out as they emerge from its mouth. Be
careful, though (especially if you like to hide under the boss to avoid
its pellets), because some of the pellets may occasionally rebound off
the left side of the scream and come back at you. The color of the
boss's mouth changes to show how much damage it has taken. These color
changes are, in order:


If you take too long, the cube will start moving toward you and will
collide with you.

When it is destroyed, the cube explodes in a shower of coins. Collect
as many as you can before the next stage begins.

Round Two

If you picked up enough coins from the boss, a shop bubble should
appear. Buying a laser beam is a must. Because funds are tight for the
first few stages, don't think about the long term for now. Instead, buy
two or three smart bombs. Twin bombs will also come in handy later
against the boss if you don't have them already. Equip the laser beam
and smart bombs.

The big ships in this stage are stationary on platforms of various
heights. Slice through as many as you can with your laser before it
runs out. Don't use the smart bombs unless there are too many little
ships around for comfort. Try to save at least one smart bomb for the

The little ships in this stage are some of the most annoying in the
whole game. The spinning red and white discs travel in groups of four
in really bizarre patterns. They're still pretty dumb, though. The
birds that the big ships release shoot bullets at you, but they're slow
and easy to hit. Another type of ships (they looks like fish with jet
packs) travels in groups of four or five in vertical lines; aside from
the big ships, they are the only ones in this stage that drop coins.
The most aggravating of the enemy ships is the tube that travels in
groups of four. They shoot bullets AND they have enough intelligence to
home in on you. Destroy these quickly. Also look out for the light blue
blobs that sometimes streak across the screen. The last type of enemy
is the one that resembles a miniature jet plane. They shoot bullets but
aren't much of a problem.

Take out the last of the big ships and you'll find yourself face to
face with . . .

Boss Two: The Dreaded Encircled Circle

This one can either be one of the easiest or one of the hardest of the
bosses. Once the boss activates its shields, use any smart bombs you
have left. Your goal is to knock out all of the smaller, inner circles.
Smart bombs will hit all of them for a decent amount of damage. Six
smart bombs (and possibly just five) could take it out, but you
probably don't have that many on you. Just do as much damage as you can
with your smart bombs.

The best way to hit the boss's inner circles is to get as close as you
can to it (just don't hit its shields) at its upper-left side. Hold
down the buttons to fire lasers and bombs, and you'll hit the inner
circles every few seconds or so (less often as the inner circles are
eliminated). Of course, you'll need to move around to avoid the pellets
the boss releases, but work your way back to that spot as soon as it's
clear. The inner circles change color with damage in this order:


Again, if you take too long, the boss will try to collide with you.
Collect the coins it leaves. For some reason, the size (and, thus, the
value) of the coins can differ dramatically. Hopefully you'll get a lot
of big ones.

Round Three

As usual, a shop balloon should appear at the start of the stage. Buy a
laser and equip it. Also, like you did in the first stage, buy a heavy
bomb. Actually, buy a few and you can use a couple against the big
ships of the stage. If you can afford it, you'll probably want to get a
turbo engine ($10000). If you can't afford it, save your money. With
your laser and heavy bombs armed, being the third round.

The big ships of this stage are similar to those of the first one--
floating at various heights and bobbing up and down slightly. Use your
laser to cut through as many as you can in 15 seconds. Hopefully you
can eliminate four or five of the ships this way. Use heavy bombs to
take out a couple more, and take out the rest with your standard laser.
Just be sure to save a heavy bomb for the boss fight.

There are, of course, plenty of little ships bent on making your life
miserable. Most are not a problem. However, you'll wanna be careful of
the little jet fighters that fly in large group formations. They can
flood the screen with bullets. Thus, if you see a group of them fly on
screen, try to shoot a couple laser shots into the middle of their
formation to knock out two or three of them. If you're about to use a
heavy bomb on a big ship and a jet group flies on screen, wait until
they are overtop your target and you can get two (or more like six or
seven) with one stone (or 16-ton weight). One more thing: if you like
to fly across the bottom of the screen, watch out because two enemies
(one of which is dropped by the big ships) also like to do the same in
this stage.

Once the eight big ships are gone, you might not enter the boss battle
right away because there is another little ship (or two) roaming around
either on the screen or just off of it. Hunt it (or them) down and send
the little bugger to its demise. Now get ready for . . .

Boss Three: The Really Easy Missile Shooter

This is, any way you look at it, the easiet of the bosses. The only way
to die here is to make a really dumb mistake. The missile lauchers fire
from top to bottom to top without ever breaking that pattern.
Destroying one of the launchers won't even affect the timing of the
other lauchers; they will pause for destroyed launchers. It's really
pretty funny. But whatever you do, hold the up button down as the
battle begins or else the second shot WILL hit you.

Got a heavy bomb? You better. Simply position yourself directly above
the line of launchers and drop it. Good-bye launchers. Good-bye boss.

If you don't have a heavy bomb, or if your heavy bomb should miss some
of the launchers, this boss is still very simple to defeat. Just use
your normal bombs and destroy each launcher (starting with the top one
and going down). Don't get hit by the boss's shots and don't run into
it or else I'll laugh at you. Sometimes during the day I randomly laugh
for no apparent reason; it's really because someone lost to this boss
somewhere in the world at that moment. Of course I'm just kidding. Ha
ha ha.

Oh, in case you're wondering, the damage colors of the missile
launchers follow this order:


Round Four

If you haven't already, buy a turbo engine. Of course, buy and equip a
laser beam; in this stage, more than any of the others, it makes things
so much easier. Buy two heavy bombs and equip them.

You'll find the big ships on the ground this time around, and that's
exactly where you're going to want to spend almost every second of this
stage. You can probably finish off all eight big ships in the 15
seconds you have your laser beam if you just stay on the ground. You'll
need to dodge lots of bullets from above (and some that come from
enemies that land on the ground and shoot at you from there), so you'll
have to take evasive action now and then. Other than that, the only
thing to watch out for are the little balls that the big ships roll
across the ground. Just shoot them or hop into the air for a second
while they pass.

One thing you may wish to do after you destroy all but one of the big
ships is to take out a few of the other little ships. In this stage,
many of them seem to give out a decent amount of coins. So go ahead and
fill up your pockets for a little bit. Trust me, this is the time to do

Overall, a simple stage, but get ready for a somewhat difficult . . .

Boss Four: The Snake-Armed Thing

There are lots of things that need to get hit on this boss, so you want
to hit as many of them as you can while they are bunched together at
the start. Just as you might think, this boss's weak point is in its
snaking arms. If you have the two heavy bombs that you should've bought
at the start of this stage, you will want to use them right away by
moving directly above the center of this boss. Drop both in rapid
succession while the top and bottoms arms are still bunched together
and you should manage to hit just about every disc. If there are still
some left, you'll need to back up to the far left and take them out.
Watch out for the barrage of shots this boss will unleash. Just bob up
and down and don't focus on trying to hit the discs; just let it
happen. Use the force or something. Ha ha ha. Seriously, it may take a
little bit to take out those last couple discs, so hang in there. And
don't get too close or else the arms will hit you. You can hit any disc
from the far left, so don't go right at all.

As if you can't tell yourself, the disc damage color order is:

BLUE (no damage), RED/WHITE, RED

Round Five

Buy and equip laser. This time, your bomb of choice will be the smart
bomb. Buy exactly two so that you don't drive the price up too much.
Equip them, but save them for the boss. Also buy a turbo engine. Even
iF you have enough for a rocket engine, don't buy it. You'll probably
die before you really need it (the final round).

As in the last stage, there is much coinage to be earned from the
little ships. However, you are going to have your hands full with the
big ships. The big, gray ships this time can withstand a lot of laser
power. You may only get to destroy three or four of them before your
laser runs out. My advice: if you think you can do it, go after some of
the little ships AFTER you have taken out all but one of the big ships.
If you choose to go coin hunting, you may wish to not equip the smart
bombs as soon as you buy them at the start of the stage. Instead, you
may want to use your regular bombs or (if you haven't bought any before
and the price is still low) buy a fire bomb or two for use against the
big ships of the stage. ONLY IF you decide to collect some money and
you get a certain amount will a SECOND shop balloon appear toward the
end of the stage. At that point you should equip your two smart bombs
and buy a laser again. This may actually be the better way to go.

Boss Five: The Snowmen!!!

You may have noticed the snowy background during the stage. The armada
of snowpersons keeps with this frigid theme.

Anyway, here's what to do. The row of the tiniest snowmen will appear
first. Once they are on the screen, use a smart bomb to instantly
remove them. Wait for the next row to appear and use the second smart
bomb to get rid of them. The third row, which is made up of two medium-
sized snowmen, does not take as much damage from smart bombs. Instead,
use your standard weapon or (if you bought a second one right before
the boss battle began) a laser beam. Finally, just shoot the final,
monstrous snowman for a little bit. DON'T get close and be careful of
whatever gets shot at you. The bigger the snowman, the bigger the
projectiles he shoots. One thing to keep in mind throughout: you can't
damage a snowman until all of the ones in the row in front of it are
gone. The different sizes of snowmen show damage with different colors.

Row one:
LIGHT BLUE (no damage) (One shot is enough to eliminate them.)

Row two:
LIGHT BLUE (no damage), YELLOW

Row three:

The big one:

Round Six

As usual, buy a laser beam, turbo engine (unless you still have your
last one), and lots of heavy bombs. Save at least three for the boss.

The big ships are in the air again, so go get 'em. The little ships
will shoot at you a whole lot, so try to just get in and out of this
round as fast as you can. The jets in formation are back (Remember them
from Round Three?), as are a lot of the quicker things you've fought in
previous stages. Even though just about everything will give you coins,
it just isn't worth the lives you'll lose to go collecting.

Boss Six: The Eye

Hmm. . . maybe--just maybe, you should hit the EYE!!! It goes without
saying that you need to not get hit by the spinning things that speed
up as time goes on. Fortunately, you should have three heavy bombs. Get
over top or underneath the eye and drop them. The eye may blink and
won't take any damage from the bomb, but this doesn't happen more than
once in a row. Whatever the eye has left when your heavy bombs are
gone, just use your regular weapon. Don't try to use regular bombs
because you would have to stay still and get close (both of which are
not the thing to do in this battle). The eye damage colors are:


Round Seven

Buy a wide beam (yes, a wide beam), a laser beam, twin bombs (yes, twin
bombs), and a turbo engine. Don't leave the shop just yet . . .

Before you do anything else, you need to figure out exactly how much
nine heavy bombs, one rocket engine, and a laser beam are going to cost
you. You absolutely cannot leave this stage without less than that
amount of money. You can count on at least $40000 from the stage's boss
(as much as about $80000, but only if you have a fast engine when you
beat it). Don't forget that prices go up with each purchase. Also, you
may want some extra cash so you can get some extra lives. Make sure you
equip the wide beam, twin bombs, and turbo engine you just bought.

This stage isn't hard, so get the cash you need. First, take out all
the big ships so that you get as much money as you can from them. Then,
go back and get that sum of money you calculated (minus about $40000
that you'll probably get from the boss). You should be good at this
game by now, so don't let the little ships mess with your mind.

Boss Seven: The Rectangle

A close cousin of The Cube from the first stage (hahaha, just kidding),
The Rectangle may seem menacing at first, but with a turbo engine he
isn't much trouble. Just keep moving around, and when The Rectangle is
all together, shoot it a whole lot. It's gonna keep speeding up, but
you should be able to outrun it. Don't get stuck in a corner! You might
as well also hold down the bomb button (hopefully you still have twin
bombs) because you might get lucky and score a bomb hit every so often.

The Rectangle's damage colors:


Now more than ever you need to get those coins. You NEED that sum of
money mentioned earlier, and it wouldn't hurt to have some more.

Round Eight

"Another round??? ARRRGH!" No! Calm down! Actually, no, I don't have
good news, 'cause you actually have to fight all those bosses again,
one after the other with no shop or weapon selection in between battles
(unless you die).

Fortunately, you can shop and equip before "The Gauntlet" begins. Buy
nine heavy bombs, a rocket engine and a laser beam. Spend the rest of
your money on extra lives. If you'd rather have more lives at the cost
of speed, settle for a turbo engine and spend the leftover cash on
lives. Equip your stuff and get ready to have to restart the game
(hahaha, just kidding . . . I hope).

The rest of the walkthrough assumes that you ran out of cash now. If
you didn't, then you can still follow the basic strategy presented.
Heavy bombs are the big thing to have, but laser beams are also great
(especially against bosses one, two, five, six, and seven).

Boss One: The Cube

Do not do not do not waste any heavy bombs in this battle. You have a
laser, so use it. Don't die, either, because then you'll lose
everything and have virtually no chance of winning.

Boss Two: The Dreaded Encircled Circle

Again, don't die. I really hope you have a few seconds of laser left.
If not, you may want to use one (and at most one!) heavy bomb. If you
do that, make sure to position yourself directly under the boss. Use
your regular weapon to take out the rest of the inner circles. Don't

Boss Three: The Really Easy Missile Shooter

Like the last time you fought this one, move right away or else you'll
get hit. That is the hardest part of this one. Slowly and carefully
take out the missile launchers. Don't die.

Boss Four: The Snake-Armed Thing

Use a heavy bomb here. Just one, from underneath. Take out the rest of
the arm discs. Don't die.

Boss Five: The Snowmen!!!

Don't waste heavy bombs. Use your regular weapon from afar. It may take
a while, and you're gonna go crazy from having to dodge all of those
little things the snowmen shoot at you. Don't die.

Boss Six: The Eye

You should have at least seven (maybe eight) heavy bombs left. If
you've died and lost them all, stop reading and start pressing the
reset button. You're gonna want to use two (no more, no less) here, but
not right away. Shoot the eye with your regular weapon for a few
seconds. Then drop two heavy bombs on it. Finish the eye off before the
spinning things get too fast. DO NOT leave this battle with fewer than
five heavy bombs. Oh, and don't die.

Boss Seven: The Rectangle

I'm really serious. You need a good engine (and really nothing else
beside your standard weapon) to beat this guy. If you've died, make
sure you have at least a turbo engine. You CAN beat him without an
engine upgrade, but I've only done it once. Don't die.

The Final Boss

"I have to fight THAT big thing???" No, just the thing that it shoots
out at ya. You NEED five heavy bombs, so if you don't have them, die
and buy them. If you don't have the cash OR the bombs, find your reset
button and give it a nice, soft nudge. You could also win this one with
a rocket engine AND laser beam.

With the heavy bombs . . .

Get as far down and to the right as you can and smash the bomb button.
If your timing is just right, you won't even see a couple of the things
that pop out at you because the heavy bomb will get them that quickly.
Either that or you'll miss and get hit. Good luck!

With the rocket engine and laser beam . . .

The first three things shouldn't be hard to take out. The last two will
take a lot of luck. The only strategy advice I have is to get to the
far left at center height, shoot your laser until the thing is half-way
to you, then go either all the way up or all the way down and shoot it
some more as you run away from it. The last one is almost impossible no
matter what you do! But again, good luck!

/* Contact Information

I welcome any questions about this game, or Lunar: Silver Star Story
Complete. You can get everything you'll probably need about Lunar:SSSC

You can e-mail me at

/* Etc.

Thanks to Dave for space on and for inspiring me to play
some old games again.

Thanks to the guys who made this game. You're probably all old and
retired now, but you guys sure knew how to make a great game!

Don't expect updates to this FAQ/Walkthrough, for three reasons:
1. No one's gonna read it anyway (and if you are reading it, I
apologize; you must be someone, after all).
2. Everything's in here. It's complete. Unless there is an error
(which I doubt), nothing needs updating.
3. Hmm, I don't have a third reason. Maybe I'll have one next update.
Hahaha, just kidding.

Okay, go play Fantasy Zone and Lunar.
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