Final Fantasy 2

Final Fantasy 2

17.10.2013 10:56:34
Final Fantasy II Story

Final Fantasy II Story
This is the complete storyline of the Famicom game "Final Fantasy II" released
in Japan (1988) by Squaresoft. This is NOT the story of the American Final
Fantasy II, nor the story of the Japanese version of our Final Fantasy II,
Final Fantasy IVj. This is for the first time, the story of the original
FFIIj, never released here! This story was written by Zimeon Lundstrom, a
e-mail friend of mine. Enjoy!


In a world far away... The for long continued peace had come to an
end. The emperor of the Empire Baramekia started to call monsters from the
monster world, and thus tried to take over the world. To counter
this, a Rebel Army arouse in the Kingdom of Fuun, but facing the
massive attack from the Empire, their castle was taken, and they had
to flee to the nearby town of Altea. And in this Kingdom of Fuun,
there lived 4 young warriors, who had lost their parents by the
enemy's attacks, and had to continually flee from the following
enemy's hands...

Part I

The Empire is trying to take over the world. The kingdom of Phin has
lost its castle, and four youths from Phin; Frioniel, Maria, Guy and
Lionheart, try to flee after their paretns have been killed by the
Empire's soldiers. But the enemy pursue them.

The game begins with a battle against four mounted warriors. It is
quickly over, with Frioniel and the party getting killed.

Frioniel wakes up in a small room where a white magician named Min'u
takes care of him. Min'u and a woman named Hilda speaks about a meeting
and then leave the room. Frioniel gets up, but cannot find the other
three. Leaving the room, he finds that Maria and Guy have been saved as
well. Maria is overwhelmed to see Frioniel alive. Lionheart was her
brother, and he has not been found.

The three go to the meeting room, which is the throne room, where they
meet Hilda. they ask her to make them a part of the Resistance, but Hilda
refuses. When Hilda hears that the four have lost their parents, she asks
them to live in Altea, where they are now. The four learn the password

The four also meet the king of Phin who is sick. His daughter Hilda has
taken over most of the affairs. Hilda has a fiancee who is left in Phin,
a man named Scott. The four decide to go out and save him.

Before they leave Altea, the four meet other parts of the Resistance.
Paul is a ninja thief who calls himself the best thief in the world. They
also meet Dobul, an old smith, and a depressed fellow named Gordon.
Gordon is Scott's brother, and prince of Kashuon, another country overrun
by the Empire. Gordon is ashamed of himself for just running away and
calls himself worthless, and just stands doing nothing.

The four manage to travel northwards to Phin, where they learn from the
barman where Scott is. he is mortally wounded, and only manages to give
Frioniel a ring before he dies. The four have to go back to Altea with
the bad news.

Hilda is full of sadness over the horrible news, but calms herself and
tells Frioniel that the only hope to stand up against the Empire would be
if they could find the metal named Mithril. There is a town nearby named
Palm, from which you can take a boat to a city called Poft. Rumours about
Mithril have been spreading from there.
There has also been a rumour about the Huge Battleship, a gigantic
Airship that the Empire is going to build.

Min'u decides to go with the four, and thus you get your first ally in
the group.

To be continued in Palm...

Part II

Palm is a very peaceful town. The Empire has not yet come that far, so
the town is nice and quiet. In the town, they find rumours that up north,
people have found Mithril. A fellow who has a boat says he can take the
four (four since Min'u are now with Frioniel, Maria and Guy) to the naval
city Poft for a fee. Poft is up north, so the four decide to take the boat.

In Poft the four meet the master of Airships, Cid. Cid offers (for, of
course, a fee) to take the Frioniel & co to any city they want to go,
either Salamand, Bafusk, Semite Waterfall, or Kashuon. All those cities
have been overrun by the empire. Frioniel, guided by the almighty Sappari
Yousei, decides that they will lose precious training experience and
money from battling monsters if they ride in Cid's airship, so the four
decide to walk to Salamand, the Ice Town.

In Salamand, all men are taken prisoners to the Cave of Semite Waterfall,
to work there and extract Mithril. In Salamand the four also meet a
strange man named Josef, who refuses to tell Frioniel & co anything,
since he thinks they are spies from the Empire. His daughter Nellie has
been taken prisoner, and is being held in the Semite Waterfall Cave.
Faced with these circumstances, Frioniel, Maria, Guy and Min'u decide
that there is no reason whatsoever for NOT going to the Cave of Semite
Waterfall, so off they go. Again using Min'u's canoe, they soon get to
the Cave. On the way they also pass a huge snow field, which they cannot

Well in the cave, the four finally reach the place where the prisoners
are being held. Even Paul, the master thief is there, ashamed of having
been caught by such amateurs. Nellie has been protected by Paul, and
Frioniel and friends let Paul take Nellie and the rest outside, while
they themselves go further into the cave in search of Mithril. When they
find is not only Mithril, but a very angry person holding the Mithril.
The four have to defeat him before getting the Mithril.

Having got the Mithril, the four then rush back to Salamand, where they
find a very happy Josef, who apologises all he can for having been so
rude. The city of Salamand is now a lively and happy town, having the
empire's soldiers away. Frioniel and friends remind themselves of Dobuul,
the master smith in Altea, and go back to Poft to take the ferry to Palm,
and from there walk back to Altea.

Back in Altea, Dobuul gets so inspired by the mithril, that he
immediately makes several weapons. However, they are not for free, so
Frioniel & co has to part from some difficultly earned money to get the

Hearing that in Bafusk, the building of the Great Battleship is underway,
the four then hurry there to see if they can do something to stop it from
being completed. Everybody knows that if the Great Battleship is
completed, the end of the world is near. In Bafusk, instead of the
useless Borgen who was the Empire's man before, the Dark Knight has taken
over command, and is ruthlessly ruling the town. However, a spy from the
Resistance helps the four down in the cave that will lead to where the
Great Battleship is being built. But before the four reach the
Battleship, they are discovered by the Dark Knight, who fights them, but
thinking they are too strong for him, flees with Borgen in the completed
Great Battleship. Even though having been able to steal an important Pass
from the Dark Knight, Frioniel, Maria, Guy and Min'u can only watch with
rising horror as the gigantic airship gains height and with a deafening
roar disappears over the horison. Heading east, the direction from where
the four came.

Filled with fear, Frioniel and friends hurry back, but they are too late.
The Great Battleship has already attacked Poft, now nothing else but
smoking ruins. Cid informs them, though, that the source of energy for
the Great Battleship, is the "Sun Flame", a holy flame held in Kashuon.
If the Sun Flame is destroyed, the Great Battleship will stop moving.
Luckily, the ferry is still left, so the four return to
Palm, only to find the before so peaceful town in rubbles. Fearing the
worst, the four return with heavy heads to Altea, there realising that
their worst nightmares have come true. The town of Altea has been heavily
attacked by the airship, and the town is empty.
However, most of the Resistance has been able to flee to underground
chambers. What before was the Resistance's secret rooms, are now filled
with wounded people, and more people hiding from the Empire's attacks.
Faced with this, Min'u decides he cannot as a white magician, stay out of
Altea any longer. He decides to stay to care for the wounded.

From the still weak King of Phin, the three learn that Gordon, Scott's
brother and Prince of Kashuon, disappeared from Altea in the chaos that
occurred when the Great Battleship came. Gordon had long before
sealed the door in Kashuon Castle, where the Sun Flame is held.
The King also informs them that the Goddess Bell is needed to break the
seal. Min'u also tells them that once every three years, the Festival of
the Sun Flame is being held. On that festival, the Sun Flame is
transferred to the Egil Torch. Normally, the Sun Flame cannot be
transferred to any torch, but the Egil Torch is something special.
From the princess Hilda, they learn that the Egil Torch is being held in
Kahuon's Castle, just as the Sun Flame, and that the Goddess Bell is
hidden in the Snow Cave, far up north on the Snow Field.

Having got all this information, Frioniel, Maria and Guy realise that in
order to stop the Great Battleship, they have to first go and get the
Goddess Bell in the Snow Cave, break the seal in Kashuon Castle, go and
get the Egil Torch and transfer the Sun Flame onto it. Then maybe the
Great Battleship would stop.

Hilda then tells them, that a man named Josef often is seen on the Snow
Field. Josef regards the Snow Field as his own garden, and he should be
able to help them. Frioniel, Maria and Guy find with lightening hearts
that they recognize the name, and they know the man named Josef. With the
smal hope of being able to defeat the Empire, the three decide to again
take the ferry to Poft and steer their steps to the City of Salamand.

To be continued in Salamand...

Part III

Hilda is very sorry over Josef's death, but tells the three young
warriors that they must get the Sun Flame, or the Battleship will destroy
everything. She says that they must go to Kashuon, and she will herself
come to meet them in Cid's airship, to Kashuon, when they are finished.

The three journey to Kashuon, where the big portal opens up to the sound
of the Bell. Inside they find Gordon, who had tried to himself get the
Sun Flame, but he had stopped since there were too many monsters.
Together with Gordon, they climb up in the Castle of Kashuon, where they
find the Torch of Egil, and they transfer the Sun Flame onto the Torch.

When the four starts their journey home to Altea, they see Hilda
in Cid's Airship come towards them, to take them home. But! All of a
sudden, out of nowhere, the huge Battleship appears, and captures
Cid's Airship with Hilda in it!

The three with Gordon travel back to Altea, where they learn that the
Battleship has been damaged, and has landed for repairs, far north of
Phin. Without hesitation, the three decide that they will go and save
her. Gordon comes with them, and they travel far up north where the
Battleship has landed.

Thanks to the PassCard they found from the Dark Knight when they fought
him in Bafusk, the three manage to get into the Battleship, where they,
after much searching and killing the Emperor's minions, find Hilda, and
flee from the place while blowing the Battleship to parts. Dark Knight
appears once again.

Back in Altea, the three find that the King is on the border between Life
and Death. He has not much left, but he tells Gordon that he has become a
brave man, and appoints him General over his forces. He also asks Gordon

to help Hilda in her sorrow over Scott's death.

To Min'u (might be better written like Minyu) the King says that he must
go and break the seal on Altema (Ultima). Minyu accepts, and leaves. To
Frioniel, Maria, and Guy, the King says that they must go to Dist, the
City of Dragoons (Dragon Riders, Dragon Knights). The King tells them
that the Empire almost has eradicated all the Dragoons, but that some of
them should be left.

The three thus journey to Palm, to find a way to travel to Dist.
Fortunately, they find a pretty woman called Leila, who says that she
too, is bound for Dist, and says that they can go with her. Maria thinks
this sound very suspicious, but the three have no real choice, and goes
together with Leila onto the boat.

As Maria thought, though, everything is not as it should with Leila. She
is actually a pirate captain, and tries to rob Frioniel & friends.
Something which, of course, doesn't succeed. Frioniel, Maria and Guy
tries to persuade her to fight with them, and after some arguments, Leila
accepts to join them in their fight against the Empire. Thus they all go
to Dist.

In the castle of Dist, the three with Leila are greeted by a young boy
who tells them to go away. However, his mother explains, that his father,
and her husband, was a Dragoon, and he was killed by Imperials. They
thought that Frioniel & co were Imperials, but when they have found out
the truth, they tell them that there actually is one Flying Dragon left.
It is dying from poison, though, and no one understands what it is saying.
However, with the medallion, which is found in the Northern Cave, one
should be able to understand what it is saying.

The three and Leila go and get the medallion, and back to the Flying
Dragon. The Dragon says that he is dying, but that he has a Dragon Egg,
which should be able to survive, and eventually hatch, if it is placed in
the Pool of Life, which also is in the Northern Cave of Dist. The
Dragon's last words are that he knows that one Dragoon named Richard had
gone to search for Ultima before the slaughter, and thus still might be
alive somewhere.

Back in Altea, Hilda says that she wants to see Frioniel. The four go to
Hilda's room, and Hilda asks Maria, Guy and Leila to leave. Frioniel
stands, unsure as to what to do, but Hilda asks him to come closer. The
atmosphere becomes somewhat romantic, until the truth reveals itself, in
that that Hilda, tha Hilda that the three rescued from the Battleship, is
not really Hilda at all, but a monster in disguise! The four managed to
defeat the monster.

Then horrifying new reach the castle: The real Hilda is actually held
prisoner, being as a first price in a battle-competition. Frioniel & co
decide to run to save her, and Gordon decides to go with them. Leila,
however, stays in Altea.

Thus Frioniel, Maria, Guy and Gordon travel to the Battle Arena
(Toshinden ^_^) and participate in the competition. There they meet
Behemoth, and for the first time, the exited player can experience the
Boss Battle Music!! The four defeat Behemoth (in my case, Guy killed him
with ONE BLOW!)

Now the four see their chance to get to the Emperor! however, the Emperor
has seen through their plans, and the four fall down through a trapdorr
into the Dungeons below.
in the Dungeons, the master thief Paul helps them to escape, saying he
dislikes to owe somebody anything (remembering that Frioniel & friends
helped him to escape from the Cave of Semite Waterfalls)
In the Dungeons, the three also find the real Hilda, who they free, and
they all return to Altea.

Back in Altea, the days are full of happenings. The Resistance has risen,
and decided to try to take Phin back. Gordon goes back to being the
General of the Armed Forces, and he and Hilda asks the three to go and
kill the master of Phin. Leila joins them again, and they all sneak into
Phin, this time lots easier, they find the present master of Phin, and
defeat him. The joy knows no limits, Phin is retaken by the Resistance,
and the Empire thus experience its first major loss. The days when the
tyranny from the Emperor will be gone seems by one single blow to come
visibly nearer.

Having retaken Phin, Hilda and Gordon ask the three to go to Mysidia, the
Town of Mages, to get Ultima. Minyu has not yet returned from his
mission, given to him by the late King, and Hilda is worried he might
have met some trouble.
However, it turns out, to enter the Tower of Mysidia, a special White
Mask is needed. The White Mask is supposed to be hidden deep beneath Phin
itself. With the help of the master thief Paul, the three with Leila find
the secret entrance, they travel down deep beneath Phin, and finally they
find the White Mask.

The four travel to Mysidia, only to find out that in order to get into
the Tower of Mysidia, a Crystal Rod is needed. The Crystal Rod is hidden
in Mysidia's Cave. only, to get into the Cave, the White Mask, and the
Black Mask are both needed. Having only the White Mask, Frioniel. Maria.
Guy and Leila must travel south to a small island to get the Black Mask.
There, in a cave on a tiny island, wher strange mask-bearing men live,
they find the Black Mask.

Using the White Mask on a statue of a Goddess in Mysidia, said to protect
Utlima, and using the Black Mask on a Doppelganger in Mysidia's Cave, the
four warriors finally manage to penetrate down into Mysidia's Cave, where
they after much trouble find the Crystal Rod.

Finally having got the Crystal Rod, by which powers one is said to be
able to enter the Tower of Mysidia, the four travel there by boat.
however, just before the Tower, a huge wave chakes the ship, and
threatens to sink it. It is the huge sea creature Leviathan, one of the
creatures who protects Ultima, who attacks, and swallows the boat.

Frioniel, Maria and Guy wake up inside Leviathan. Leila is nowhere to be
seen. The three try to find their way through Leviathan, telling
themselves that Leila must be safe somewhere.
As they walk further into Leviathan, they encounter a small village that
has been set up inside Leviathan. It is all the people who have been
swallowed by Leviathan as they have come to try to break the seal on
Ultima. Almost everyone of them has a Crystal Rod, since it is the
presence of the Crystal Rod that makes Leviathan attack.

In the village, the three encounter a man named Richard, and they
remember the last words from the last living Flying Dragon. Truly,
Richard is the last Dragoon in the world, and he accepts to join the
three. He know where a boat can be found, but no one has yet succeeded in
getting there. Together with Richard, though, Frioniel, Maria and Guy
manage to defeat the creature guaring the boat, and they succeed in
getting out of Leviathan's stomach. thus the three plus Richard go
further on, into the Tower of Mysidia.

The Tower of Mysidia is the most difficult challenge the three has yet
experiences. They encounter three powerful magicians, who turn themselves
into hideous beings to fight them and protect Ultima. Even so, after much
blood, sweat and tears, the four reach the top of the Tower of Mysidia,
where they actually, finally find Minyu!

Minyu is presently trying to break the last door into the Crystal Room,
but the door is sealed with very powerful magic. Minyu tells the three
and Richard to stand back, and blasts the door with all the magic he
holds in his body. The door finally gives way, but Minyu has burned
himself out, and the three can do nothing but listen as Minyu with his
last strength asks them to go and get Ultima, before he slowly decomposes

into ash in their hands.

Overcome with grief at the death of their former comrade, but firmly
decided that his death not should be in vain, the three enter the Crystal
Room, where they find five Crystals, who in turn gives them Strength,
Wisdom, Intelligence, and the most powerful spell of all: Ultima!
With high spirits that the quest of Ultima is fulfilled, and that the
day of the Emperor's demise is near, but sad over the death of a faithful
friend, the three, together with Richard, return to Altea...

...only to find the city completely destroyed! Traveling further to Phin,
they find out that the Emperor has summoned a huge Whirlwind, and has
ravaged Altea, Palm and Poft! The Whirlwind is threatening Phin aswell,
and Hilda and Gordon gebs the three with Richard to enter the Whirlwind
and kill the Emperor. The bad news are only lightened up with the fact
that Leila is discovered unharmed in the castle of Phin.
The problem is that no one can enter the Whirlwind unless they can fly
into it. Possibly hoping that the Dragon'sEgg might have hatched,
Frioniel, Maria and Guy go up into Phin's Mirror Room, which is supposed
to be able to reflect anything that is happening in the world. Reflecting
the Amulet they got from the Dragon, they see the Egg, which hatches on
lace, and a small but powerful Flying Dragon emerges. They see it flying
towards Phin, and as they stand watching the mirror, the small Flying
Dragon enters through a window!

At last Dragon and Dragoon are united! The companions now find no trouble
to enter the Whirlwind. Before they do, they decide to once more go to
Dist, and have Richard revisit his old town. Elina (the boy's mother)
tells Richard about the dreadful slaughter of all the Dragoons, and
Richard grieves. However, he promises to return, and asks Elina to wait
for him.

Inside the whirlwind, after many battles, Frioniel, Maria, Guy and an
infuriated Richard meets the Emperor, who proves to be a cowardle
weakling. The four warriors makes the process very short, and
triumphantly return to Phin with the good news that the Emperor is dead.

Everybody in Phin is overjoyed to hear the news, and Hilda calls for a
gigantic party to be held as soon as possible. The party starts, and
everybody is enjoying themselves.
however, in the middle of everything, a fatally wounded soldier suddenly
enters and delivers horrifying news: the Dark Knight, formerly known as
Lionheart, has taken over the throne as Emperor, and is starting to
rebuild the Empire!

Frioniel, Maria and Guy are shocked beyond their imagination! Not only
has Dark Knight taken over the throne, but he is also their lost long
friend and brother, who they have been searching for ever since they were
separated after the flight from Phin.

Maria says to Hilda that she is sure to be able to persuade her brother
to stop with the stupidness. hilda gives them the permission to go to the
castle Paramekia, where Dark Knight is said to hide. However, the castle
Paramekia is surrounded by mountains, and is impossible to enter by foot.
The flying dragon cannot fly so high either, so the three with Richard go
to the master thief Paul for help. Paul has since long bragged that he
has entered Paramekia several times to steal things.

As unwaited as might be, in Paul'shouse in Phin, who is lying deadly
wounded in the bed if not Cid! Cid has been wounded by the Whirlwind,
when it attacked Poft, but the Airship is supposed to be unharmed. Cid
curses the Emperor, and himself for not being able to recover from such
wounds. he tells the three with a harsch voice that since things are what
they are, he just might consider lending them the Airship. Coughing that
they are NOT to hurt his precious Airship, Cid departs from the world of
mortals, leaving only sadness and fine memories after him.

The three together with Richard thus leave for poft, where they find the
Airship, and they use it to fly to Paramekia and they succeed in landing
on the roof.

After much walking in the inner depths of Paramekia, Frioniel, Maria, Guy
and Richard reach Lionheart's throne. Lionheart has no intention of
listening to his little sister's morals, and says that the world is biult
on power, and that he finally has got the chance to get some, and will
not give it up just like that.

However, in the middle of the argument, a ghastly sound comes from the
old Emperor'sthroune. Lighting sounds, and a vicious dark cloud surrounds
the throne as the Emperor returns from the realms of the Dead, bearing
black features with glowing eyes.
The Emperor screams that he will send all of them, including Lionheart,
who has betrayed him, to hell, but just when his hellish spell is about
to take effect, Richard jumps in between, and yells to the rest to flee
on the Flying Dragon. Richard valiantly throws himself at the Emperor in
a brave try to attack him, but in vain. The Emperor's hellish fire burns
him to cinders. Half screaming with pain and anger, half hissing curses
at the Emperor, Frioniel, Maria and Guy jump up on the Flying Dragon,
taking Lionheart with them, in order to retreat for the time being from
the ungodly revived Emperor. Tears streaming down from their eyes blinds
them, but the Dragon knows how to flee when needed, and they are out of
the Paramekia castle before seconds.

From the outside, they can see the castle of Paramekia crumbling,
reforming, changind, into a hideous, devilish thing. They fly back to
Phin as fast as possible.

Hilda is terrified with the news, and even more terrified to find the
Dark Knight in Phin, with the three heroes. Maria tells her, though, that
he no longer is dangerous. However, before finish talking, the words get
stuck in her throat. Maria is overcome with sorrow over the many deaths;
Richard, Josef, Cid, Minyu... in tears she asks her brother to fight with
them to defeat the evil Emperor. Seeing her little sister in such a
shape, Lionheart reluctantly agrees, and joins the party. Thus the three
finally have reformed to four.

First of all, the four go back to Dist to tell Elina the bad news that
Richard died, an evenso valiant but still, death. Elina says nothing
besides that she will leave Dist forever; it is too closely connected
with sad memories. She hands over the legendary sword Excalibur to the
group of four, saying that with no Dragoons left, there is no need of
keeping their hereditary treasure hidden.

The four get to know that the hidoues castle that Paramekia turned into
when the Emperor was revived, is the hellish Pandemonium Castle, which is
said to be linked to the Portals of Hell. The only way to get into
Pandemonium is through the gateway Jade, which is located far East of

The four travel without delay to Jade, and pass through the difficult
pathways, and finally find the teleport into the Pandemonium Castle.

The Pandemonum Castle is indeed a devilish place. Traveling through
mazes, fighting dreadful beasts, and almost losing hope of ever coming
out, the four accidentally find the Sword of Swords, Masamune. This
lights up a bit their hopes of success, and they continue on.

After many teleportations, traveling, monsterslaying, the four valiant
warriors finally stand in front of the Emperor from Hell. Remembering all
their friends who have suffered beneath the terror of the Empire, and
their families, brutally killed by his soldiers, the four attack the
Emperor with all their might. The Emperor defends himself with ghastly
spells like Meteo and Curse, but in the face of justice, helped with a
bit Masamune, some White Holy, and Guy with a Rune Axe, he finally meets
his ultimate End, and disintegrates into dust.

The Emperor is dead! The four return, tired and still somewhat lacking
the bubbling feel of joy they thought they would experience after
succeeding, to tell the news to Phin.
Hilda, Gordon, and even Nellie (Josef's daughter), who has decides to
work in the castle, thatnk the four with all their hearts. As Nellie
turns around, Frioniel thinks he can see Josef's image shimmering in the air.

Maria wants all the four of them to live together again, like they did
before, but Lionheart says that they know too much about eachother now to
be able to stay together all the time. He starts to walk out, and Maria
asks Frioniel to stop him, but Frioniel says the same as Lionheart, and
does nothing as Lionheart walk out from Phin castle, and leaves them.

As Frioniel, Maria and Guy, too, walk to the door, the air once again
shimmers behind them. Josef, Miyu, Cid, Richard...

It is with a heart, heavy from all the sad memories of the past, but
still lightened with the thoughts of an unknown future at hand, as
Frioniel leads his friends out of Phin, reminding them that the real
adventure has yet to begin.

The End of Final Fantasy II
(c) Square 1988
Written by Sappari.

The Sappari Yousei - Zimeon Lundstrom - Stockholm, Sweden -
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