X-Box Hardware

X-Box Hardware

14.10.2013 22:43:46
Xbox FAQ Version 1.2

Written by Evan Wojtanek (EMSOX)
Created on: 2-2-02
Last update on: 3-12-02



1. Xbox Console
Xbox Timeline
About the Xbox
Xbox Specifications
General Care
Hard Drive
LAN Play
Special Edition Xbox
Japanese Xbox
European Xbox
2. Xbox Games
Launch Games
Online Games
Games with music support
3. Peripherals
Memory Cards
Voice communication headset
4. Other Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact me

1. Xbox Console

Xbox Timeline

October 1999: First developers signed off
December 21st 1999: Xbox general specs officially signed off by Bill Gates and
sent to developers
February 2000: New secret third party developers meeting held in Seattle
March 6th 2000: Microsoft goes with NVidia for the Xbox graphics engine
March 9th 2000: Bill Gates officially announces the "XBox" on CNBC
March 10th 2000: Bill Gates announces "Xbox" at the GDC and in Japan
May 15th 2000: The Xbox processor speed increases to 733MHz
June 2nd 2000: First screenshot of a prototype Xbox system is released
November 7, 2000: Microsoft chooses Seagate as hard drive manufacturer
January 6, 2001: Xbox is unveiled at CES
October 2001: Preview units begin to arrive in stores
November 15th 2001: Official North American launch
February 22nd 2002: Official Japanese launch
March 14th 2002: Official European launch

About the Xbox

The Xbox is Microsoft's first video game console. At a cost of $300, it is a
bargain when compared to the PS2, but $100 more than the Gamecube. The Xbox is
larger than the PS2 and Gamecube, but it's not really a big deal. Featuring four
controller ports, an 8 GB hard drive, and ethernet port, the Xbox is ready for
the future of gaming. Games are stored on 9 GB DVD9 discs, which give developers
room to make massive worlds. The Xbox is the most powerful console currently
available with the best graphics, and brightest outlook for online gaming, due
to the built in hard drive and the broadband only strategy that Microsoft is
following. Finally, lag should be no issue with online console gaming. About

Xbox Specifications

CPU: Intel Pentium III 733-MHz processor technology with streaming SIMD
Graphics processor: 233-MHz, custom-designed X-Chip, developed by Microsoft and
Total memory: 64MB of RAM (unified memory architecture)
Memory bandwidth: 6.4GB/second
Polygon performance: 150M/sec
Sustained polygon performance (full features): 100M/sec
Particle performance: 150M/sec
Simultaneous textures: 4
Pixel fill rate, no textures: 4.8 G/sec (anti-aliased)
Pixel fill rate, one texture: 4.8 G/sec (anti-aliased)
Pixel fill rate, two textures: 4.8 G/sec (anti-aliased)
Compressed textures: Yes (6:1)
Full scene anti-alias: Yes
Storage medium: 2X to 5X DVD, 8GB hard disk
I/O: Four game controller ports, Ethernet (10/100)
Audio channels: 256, AC3 encoded game audio
3D audio support: Yes
Midi/DLS2 support: Yes
Broadband enabled: Yes
Modem enabled: No
DVD movie playback: Yes
Gamepad included: Yes
Maximum resolution: 1920x1080
Maximum resolution (2x32bpp frame buffers + Z): 1920x1080
HDTV support: Yes


After becoming familiar with the Xbox GUI (graphical user interface), I can
safely say that it is the most user-friendly console GUI ever created. What
Microsoft calls the "dashboard", you use it to change various settings, manage
your game saves, and to rip songs off of CDs and play them.

This is where you can view all your data on the hard drive and memory cards. The
first screen tells you the total amount of data, and how much is left. After you
make your selection, it will show all your game saves and song tracks sorted
alphabetically, and grouped by the game.

Go here to copy music off your CD collection onto the hard drive. After you rip
the songs, you can also manage your playlists and listen to the music too.

Change all the main settings for you Xbox here. Clock, language, audio, video,
parental control, and the auto-off feature are all available to mess around
with. You can also view the system info here.

General Care

Here are some things you should remember when using your Xbox:

1. Always have it plugged into a surge protector.
2. Do not use it on the carpet. You should always place it on a clean, hard,
flat surface.
3. Never place anything heavy on top of the Xbox.
4. Avoid spilling anything in or near your Xbox.
5. Always make sure to use officially licensed peripherals for your Xbox. Using
unlicensed stuff can void your warranty, and may damage the actual console.
6. Avoid blocking off ventilation, which may cause your Xbox to overheat. Keep
the air vents and the fan unobstructed by several centimeters. Do not use near a
heat source.
7. Only use a clean, dry cloth to clean your Xbox. If you must, only use water,
do not use other cleaning solvents.
8. Never let your Xbox fall. There are very delicate parts inside that can be
9. The Xbox seams to be very sensitive when it comes to reading discs. Try to
keep your games and DVD's scratch free.
10. Do not leave discs inside the Xbox for extended periods of time.

Remember to read the manual that came with your Xbox to avoid other

Hard Drive

The Xbox is the first game console to ever come with a built in hard drive. This
is a great feature that they added, which allows many different possible uses.
And unlike the PS2, since every Xbox has the hard drive, every game can utilize
it somehow. A great feature built in, is where you can save games on the hard
drive, which eliminates the need for a memory card. Load times for games can
also be reduced by cacheing data on the hard drive, which is faster than loading
data off the actual DVD itself. The hard drive is listed on the dashboard as
having 50,000+ blocks. The actual amount of blocks available is a little over
300,000. A few sources indicate that there is actually 2 different hard drives
being shipped with the Xbox, one being 8 GB, and the other one being 10 GB.
Apparently, the Xbox's made in Mexico have the 10 GB hard drive. The extra 2 GB
is not actually used on the larger drive, which is kind of a waste.

LAN Play

Many XBOX games support the use of LAN play, so multiple consoles can be linked
together for even better multiplayer excitement. To set this up, first you will
need a few things:

1 Ethernet cable for each Xbox
1 Ethernet Hub

Connect each Xbox console to the hub using the cables. Then simply start up the
games and it will all be automatically configured for you. How easy! Also note:
If you only want to hook two Xbox's together and you don't have a hub, you will
need the system link cable. The system link cable is different from standard
ethernet cables even though they look the same, so don't confuse the two.

There have been certain programs developed for online play that trick the XBOX
into thinking it's on a LAN, so you can play on the internet against other
people. Visit www.gamespy.com for more info. You need a very fast internet
connection to be able to play online properly using this method.

Special Edition Xbox

There is a special edition XBOX available, but only in Japan. Unlike the normal
XBOX, the SE has a clear black case, instead of solid black. The XBOX logo on
the top is black with silver lettering instead of green. The set includes the
High Definition AV pack, the standard AV composite cables, a clear black
controller, and a silver key chain with the engraved signature of Bill Gates and
a serial number on the other side.

Like most other consoles, be on the look-out for different limited edition
XBOX's to appear from time to time.

Japanese Xbox

The Japanese XBOX launched on February 22nd, 2002. The standard XBOX and the SE
XBOX mentioned above were available. There is one noticeable change from the NA
and EU XBOX's. The controller is actually smaller, with a few changes to the
layout. The start and back buttons have been moved under the left analog stick.
The main action buttons on the right have been resorted into a diamond
formation, with the black & white buttons underneath. Instead of being oval, all
the action buttons are now round. They also changed the d-pad so it has more of
a cross formation. The standard XBOX is priced at ¥34,800 while the SE XBOX was
priced at ¥39,800.

European Xbox

The XBOX launched in all European territories and in Australia on March 14th. In
Europe XBOX retailed at 479 euros (£299) while the games were 69 euros (£44.99).
In Australia XBOX retailed around AUD$649 while games were AUD$99.95.

2. Xbox Games

Launch Games

USA Games:

4x4 Evolution 2.........(Publisher: Take Two - Developer: Terminal Reality)
AirForce Delta Storm.........(Publisher: Konami - Developer: Konami)
*Cel Damage.........(Publisher: EA - Developer: Pseudo Interactive)
Dark Summit.........(Publisher: THQ - Developer: Radical)
*Dead or Alive 3.........(Publisher: Tecmo - Developer: Team Ninja)
*Fusion Frenzy.........(Publisher: Microsoft - Developer: Blitz Games)
*Halo.........(Publisher: Microsoft - Developer: Bungie)
Mad Dash Racing.........(Publisher: Eidos - Developer: Crystal Dynamics)
Madden NFL 2002.........(Publisher: EA Sports - Developer: Tiburon)
NASCAR Heat 2002.........(Publisher: Infogrames - Developer: Monster Games
*NASCAR Thunder 2002.........(Publisher: EA Sports - Developer: Tiburon Studios)
*NFL Fever 2002.........(Publisher: Microsoft - Developer: Microsoft)
*Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee.........(Publisher: Microsoft - Developer: Oddworld
*Project Gotham Racing.........(Publisher: Microsoft - Developer: Bizarre
Shrek.........(Publisher: TDK Mediactive - Developer: Dice)
TransWorld Surf.........(Publisher: Infograms - Developer: Angel Studios)
*Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x.........(Publisher: Activision - Developer:
Test Drive Off-Road Wide Open.........(Publisher: Infogrames - Developer: Angel

* indicate my top picks

Japan Games:

Air Force Delta II
Dead or Alive 3
Double STEAL
ESPN Winter X Games Snowboarding 2002
Genma Onimusha
Hyper Sports 2002 Winter
Jet Set Radio Future
Nobunaga's Ambition
Project Gotham: World Street Racer
Silent Hill 2
Tenku - Freestyle Snowboarding

European Games:

Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding
Batman: Vengeance
Blood Wake
Dark Summit
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX II
Dead or Alive 3
Fuzion Frenzy
Jet Set Radio Future
Mad Dash Racing
Max Payne
NBA Live
NHL 2002
NHL Hitz 2002
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
Project Gotham Racing
RalliSport Challenge
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Transworld Surf
Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions

Online Games

While originally scheduled for March, it now appears that the Xbox online
network launch has been pushed back to October of 2002 for the North American
market. While this comes as a huge disappointment, it should give Microsoft
plenty of time to work out all the bugs, and to make sure the games are top

Known/probable online games in development:

Black & White
Brute Force
Halo 1.5
Phantasy Star Online
Sega Sports NBA 2K3
Sega Sports NFL 2K3
Sega Sports World Series Baseball 2K4
Unreal Championship

Games with music support

This lists all games that actually let you play the music stored on your hard
drive while you are playing the game.

Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX II
Fusion Frenzy
NHL Hitz 20-02 (only in the menus)
Project Gotham Racing
Rallisport Challenge
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Transworld Surf

If anyone knows of more that use this feature, IM me or email me.

3. Peripherals

Memory Cards

Unlike other consoles, a memory card is not necessary due to the built-in hard
drive; but you do need one if you plan on taking your game saves with you. The
cards are 8 MB in size, and plug into one of the slots on the controller. You
can copy data from the hard drive to the card and vice-versa. Several
manufacturers currently make memory cards for the Xbox. When buying a memory
card, always look for some form of it being officially licensed by Microsoft.


Original Controller:

The Xbox controller is one of the most solid, comfortable controllers ever made.
It has a very sturdy, solid feel to it, while being the ideal size. The
controller is black, with a clear window that shows the Xbox logo on the top. It
has 6 action buttons (A, B, X, Y, Black, White), start & back buttons, a d-pad,
and two analog joysticks on the face. On the bottom are two analog triggers,
similar to the Dreamcasts. The two joysticks can be clicked in, resulting in 12
buttons total. There is also a built-in rumble feature in the controller. If you
are interested in third party controllers, again, always make sure that they are
officially licensed from Microsoft to avoid damage to your console.

Xbox Controller S:

This is a new verion of the Xbox controller that Microsoft plans to bring to the
North American market in May. While being almost identical to the Japanese
controller, there are a few differences. The jewel on the controller is actually
black and green like the one on the original conrtoller, instead of all green
like the Japanese one. The cord is longer than the Japanese model, and the
springs have more resistence, more like the original controller.

Japanese Controller:

Same as Xbox Controller S, except the cord is shorter, the Xbox logo is all
green, and the analog trigger springs are looser.


There are several different cables available for the Xbox right now:

RFU Adapter
If your TV does not have regular composite video inputs, you need this. Use this
connection only as last resort, as the quality is horrible. If you have $300 to
spend on a Xbox, you shouldn't even need to consider this option anyway.

Standard AV Cable
This is the cable that came with your Xbox. You can also buy this separately if
something happens to it.

Advanced AV Pack
If you have s-video inputs on your TV, you will want to upgrade to this. These
give the video quality a serious upgrade when compared with the composite
cables. You will need this if you plan on using optical digital audio.

Advanced SCART Cable
The Advanced SCART Cable connects the console to TVs equipped with a SCART input
terminal and enables RGB video signals for improved video output. This cable
also provides a digital output for use with digital audio receivers. Better than
S-Video, Composite and RF.

HD AV Pack
When you want to connect your Xbox to a HDTV, you'll need this. Xbox games will
all run with HDTV quality visuals. The Xbox supports 540p, 720p, and 1080i. This
also has a optical digital audio port on the pack.

Monster Cables also provides excellent cables for the Xbox. Try to find them at
your local game-specialty stores.


If you want to watch DVD movies on your Xbox, you will need to purchase this. It
is basically a remote and an infrared receiver that you plug into a controller
port. The $30 price includes the $20 that Microsoft has to pay to the DVD
Consortium (every DVD player ever manufactured has this fee) and $10 for the
actual remote. Progressive scan play is not supported by the Xbox. Whether
Microfsoft will offer an upgrade to support watching DVD's at HDTV quality is
unknown. It may however be possible, due to the fact that the Xbox does support
higher resolutions for the games.

Voice communication headset

Coming this fall, you will be able to chat with others while playing games just
by talking! Unlike a clumsy keyboard, just by holding a button and talking in
the mic, you can give orders or taunt your opponents easily. In fact, that's the
main purpose of the black and white buttons. The white button is for talking to
your team, while the black button is for talking to everyone. Mircosoft is
talking about adding more cool features such as the ability to change your voice
in real time, or using some form of voice-recognition. The price is not set, but
it should be around $20.

4. Other Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I connect my Xbox to a digital surround sound system?
A: You will need either the Advanced or HD AV packs. The pack has a Toslink
style connector so you can connect it to your receiver. You will need to buy the
optical cable separately.

Q: Is it safe to leave my Xbox plugged in all the time?
A: Yes, just as long as you plug it into a surge protector.

Q: Is there a territorial lockout on the Xbox?
A: Yes, there is. It depends though, since developers must choose to add this or
not. The lockout is actually on the discs themselves, not in the Xbox.

Q: What is the correct way to type the name?
A: Xbox is the right way. XBOX, xbox, xBOX, and X-Box are all wrong. That's the
way Microsoft wants you to spell it. XBOX and xbox are alright, but with regards
to X-Box, there is no reason to use a dash. (thanks to aminojaku)

Q: Can I use a keyboard or mouse with the Xbox?
A: Absolutely not. Microsoft is never going to release any.

Q: Will a modem come out for Xbox?
A: No, the Xbox is broadband only.

Q: Can I use CD-R media to rip music?
A: No, it must be a regular CD or CD-RW to work. Also note that it cannot be in
.mp3 format. The files must be in CDA (Compact Disc Audio) format.

From AirwalkerY2K@aol.com:
"I was able to get one of my CD-R's to work, and I know how. It was filled all
the way to the edge of the CD with data. I guess the Xbox checks to see if the
whole CD is filled or something."

Q: Can I use a Japanese controller on my US Xbox?
A: Yes you can.

Q: How do I know what my Xbox's name is?
A: If you have Halo, go to multiplayer splitscreen. The word above the picture
of the XBOX is the name.

Q: How do I change the Xbox name?
A: Try the following techniques: Dead or Alive 3: Play Survival Mode or Time
Attack Mode and get ranked in a top spot. Whatever you enter will be the new
name. Cel Damage: When you create a new file, whatever you name it becomes the
new Xbox name. (Thanks to neo_mp3er@yahoo.com)

Q: What different audio formats does the Xbox support?
A: Dolby Digital, DTS

Q: Why is there screen interference when I use my Xbox?
A: This may be caused by your cable or satellite TV subscriptions. (Thanks to

Q: Can I stand my Xbox on its side like the PS2?
A: No.

Q: How many blocks does the hard drive actually have on the Xbox?
A: A little bit over 300,000 blocks.

Q: What format is ripped audio stored in on the Xbox?
A: 128 kbps, 16-bit stereo WMA.

Q: Will there be a lightgun made for the Xbox?
A: Yes. There is one due out soon for games like "The House of the Dead 3".

Q: Does The Xbox support Pal 60 in the UK?
A: Yes.


Psychedelic Effects
While playing a song, quickly press Y then X. Splashes of color will emerge from
the small jewel, in tune with the beat. Exit by hitting any button. You can also
hit the 'info' button on the DVD remote and the same thing happens (thanks to

Secret Thank-You
First insert a music CD into the Xbox. Select copy, then press select all. When
it asks you to name your soundtrack name it <> and press done. Make
sure you enter in the < and > symbols and be sure to use the ß character under
Accents. After you press done, you'll see a special thank you and a long list of
the people responsible for helping create the Xbox.


Several of these websites can provide you with even more information about the

www.xboxfan.net (JP)
www.gamesradar.com (EU)
www.famitsu.com (JP)

Contact Me

You can contact me the following ways. Questions, comments, corrections and
ideas are gladly accepted.

Email: emsox@yahoo.com (Always make the subject "XBOX FAQ" or I might think it's
Yahoo Messenger: emsox
AIM: Mr Emsox

I'm on Yahoo more, so try that first.



3-12-02: v. 1.2 another big update, added a bunch of new stuff but no corrections
were needed!
3-6-02: v. 1.11 small update, just added some new info
3-4-02: v. 1.1 Big update, fixed a lot of stuff and added MORE stuff! Ripped
music, Xbox controller S and more...
2-17-02: v. 1.04 Added stuff...
2-15-02: v. 1.03 Corrected some info and added a few things.
2-13-02: v. 1.02 Clarified a few FAQs and other imformation.
2-3-02: v. 1.01 Fixed various errors and typos.
2-2-02: v. 1.0 Started, then completed basic guide.

Thanks to: CGW, Chua KP, AirwalkerY2K@aol.com, neo_mp3er@yahoo.com, Fred M.,
jeff.westall@mortgage.wellsfargo.com, aminojaku, souNReAL, Zackeriah

my teeth are very white~~~~~~ OLOLOLOLOL~~ 7ook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~

Thanks for reading this FAQ! More updates to come.
This FAQ may only be posted at www.gamefaqs.com

Copyright © 2002 Evan Wojtanek (EMSOX) All rights reserved.
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