Spiderman - The Movie

Spiderman - The Movie

16.10.2013 12:35:20

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Spider-Man: The Movie
Walkthrough and FAQ
Created By: Halo 54
Final Version

Table of Contents

I. Overview/General Information

II. Recent Updates

III. Controls
a. Classic
b. Enhanced
c. Goblin Controls

IV. Gametips
a. Compass/Height Meter
b. Pickups
c. Combos
d. Stealth
e. Spider Sense
f. 50,000 Points
g. Yo-Yo Spidey
h. Variety

V. Super Villains
a. Uncle Ben's Killer
b. The Shocker
c. The Vulture
d. The Scorpion
e. Kraven the Hunter
f. The Green Goblin

VI. Training
a. Basic Training
b. Basic Combat
c. Basic Air Combat
d. Switch Targets
e. Basic Swing Training
f. Advanced Swing Training
g. Expert Swing Training
h. Basic Zip Training
i. Advanced Zip Training
j. Expert Zip Training
k. Swing Rings
l. Swing Platforms
m. Big Brawl
n. Obstacle Course
o. Pinhead Bowling

VII. Walkthrough
1. Search for Justice
2. Warehouse Hunt
3. Birth of a Hero
4. OsCorp's Gambit
5. The Subway Station
6. Chase Through the Sewer
7. Showdown With Shocker
8. The Vulture's Lair
9. Vulture Escapes!
10. Air Duel with the Vulture
11. Corralled
12. Scorpion's Rampage
13. Coup D'État
14. The Offer
15. Race Against Time
16. Kraven's Test
17. The Mighty Hunter
18. The Razor's Edge
19. Breaking and Entering
20. Chemical Chaos
21. OsCorp's Ultimate Weapon
22. Escape from OsCorp
23. Mary Jane Kidnapped!
24. Face-off at the Bridge

VIII. Cheats
a. Input Codes
b. Unlockables

IX. Frequently Asked Questions
a. Invulnerability code?
b. Need help in the end of Breaking and Entering...
c. How do I play as the Green Goblin?
d. I need a certain Golden Spider...
e. How can I fix the camera?
f. I'm not getting my deserved points!
g. What's the "chillout" code for?
h. Reward for Training levels?
i. Can I delete specific memory slots?
j. Movie spoiler?
k. How do I lock-on to the balloon in Level 4?
l. Need help on Level 9: Vulture Escapes...
m. Who is this imposter Green Goblin?
n. Where are the Kraven levels in my game??
o. [Bad grammar = no response]
p. Can I host this FAQ/Walkthrough on my site?

X. Credits

XI. Legal Info

XII. Contact Info

I. Overview/General Information

The purpose of this walkthrough is to guide gamers through the Xbox version of
Spider-Man: The Movie.

In the Walkthrough section, I will explain each level step-by-step, hoping to
help those who may have trouble as they progress through this game. I have also
added the Controls section for those who may not have the instruction manual...
and a Cheats section. There are many cool cheats that will stretch the replay
value of this game much farther.

By the way, if you thought otherwise, there are many spoilers in here. If you
don't want to know specific details about the game, you should be cautious when
viewing this page.

Here is some general information about the game:

| | |
| Platforms | Xbox; Gamecube; PS2; PC |
| | |
| Genre | Action/Adventure |
| | |
| Developer | Treyarch |
| | |
| Publisher | Activision |
| | |
| Players | One (1) |
| | |
| ESRB Rating | Everyone {Violence} |
| | |
| Price | $49.99 (U.S.) |

II. Recent Updates

Wed, Jul 24 2002: Final Version
I scanned through the page, and noticed that I had made a few
errors, so I corrected them. I've been dreading this "Final"
version, but I knew that sooner or later I'd have to make one.
I'd like to say thanks to everyone who has played a part in
the making of this FAQ. I would love to keep updating, but
there's really nothing else that I can think of. I'll still
answer questions having to do with the game, but I'm also
going to make more FAQs after this, so I might be a little
late with my responses. Thanks again, everyone, and please
look for more of my FAQs in the future :)

Wed, Jul 24 2002: Version 1.8
Surprisingly, I made a pretty big update to the walkthrough
section; I added all the bonuses and golden spider locations.
I also updated the FAQ, and Credits section.

Sat, Jul 20 2002: Version 1.7
I changed my e-mail address (see section XII), but I will
still check my old one every once in a while to make sure I
don't miss any questions, suggestions, etc. As far as I can
tell, there isn't much else to update...

Sat, Jun 15 2002: Version 1.5 + 1.6
Added some "General Information" for the game, and had my name
changed to 'Halo 54', which also happens to be my user name on
the message boards (previously, my name was listed as
nike831rc). I will be switching my e-mail address sometime
soon, so when I do, I'll remember to post it.

Tue, Jun 11 2002: Version 1.4
I answered some more questions and added some more info. The
latest update of this FAQ/Walkthrough is, and always will be,
located on GameFAQs. Remember that.

Wed, Jun 5 2002: Version 1.3
I allowed some more sites to host this Walkthrough, and also
added them to the Credits section.

Thu, May 30 2002: Version 1.2
I added some more names to the credits list, and made some
basic changes to the outline. Answered yet another question in
my growing FAQ list. Remember, I'll take any suggestions into

Fri, May 24 2002: Versions 1.1a + 1.1b
I've taken a few days off from updating, but I've still been
answering e-mails. I listed some ways to gain 50,000 points,
and answered another question in the FAQ list.

Sun, May 19 2002: Version 1.0
Made a more detailed walkthrough for the level "Breaking and
Entering." I added the Goblin Controls and information on
spider icons, too. So far, I have not received any negative
e-mails! Don't take that as an invitation, please :)

Sat, May 18 2002: Version 0.9
Added more Gametips; improved the Walkthrough and FAQ...again.
I also found out what the "freakout" code really is used
for. Thanks SpiderFreak.

Thu, May 16 2002: Version 0.8
Added a "Super Villain" help section, along with some
more gametips. Corrected a few spelling/grammar errors.
is here...

Wed, May 15 2002: Version 0.7
More changes in the Walkthrough, Table of Contents, and
the Credits and FAQ. Added "Pinhead Bowling" to Training

Sun, May 12 2002: Version 0.6
I'm working on a Training section, so I would like some
of your helpful hints while in Training Mode, please.
Added to the FAQ.

Sat, May 11 2002: Version 0.5
Updated the FAQ and a few other minor problems. It's been
over a week now since I first started...

Thu, May 09 2002: Version 0.4
Finally added the FAQ. If you have questions, I'd be
glad to post and answer them. Also, the combo list is now
in the Gametips section.

Tue, May 07 2002: Version 0.3
I put in brief descriptions in the controls section.

Mon, May 06 2002: Version 0.2
Just added the cut scenes to the walkthrough
section. Tell me if it looks dumb, because
I'm having some doubts about it.

Sun, May 05 2002: Version 0.1
Finished the basic outline. I'm making some
changes and then I'll submit it.

Sat, May 04 2002: I'm almost finished with the Walkthrough.
Just a few more levels near the end.

Fri, May 03 2002: I just started working on this FAQ/Walkthrough. Since
I'm new to this, it might take me a little while before
I get everything I want to have for now in here.

III. Controls

Spider-Man features two different settings for controls: Classic and Enhanced

I know that most people know the controls already...but it's just convenient
for those that don't. If you already know them, just skip past this section.

I've always liked the Classic controls, but the Enhanced Controls are better,
in my opinion. If you are new to the Spider-Man games, I suggest using Enhanced.

Classic Controls:

| | |
Punch/Action | X | Performs a punch move/action |
| | |
Kick | B | Performs a kick move |
| | |
Web | Y | Performs a web shot |
| | |
Jump | A | Performs a jump |
| | |
Spiked Gloves | D-Pad Left + Y | Makes a pair of webbed gloves |
| | |
Web Dome | D-Pad Right + Y | Makes a web dome that explodes |
| | |
Impact Web | D-Pad Up + Y | Shoots a powerful ball of web |
| | |
Web Yank | D-Pad Down + Y | Yanks an enemy towards you |
| | |
Web Swing | Right Trigger | Starts a continuous web swing |
| | |
Web Zip | Left Trigger | Zips towards a wall or ceiling |
| | |
Look Around | Press Right Thumbstick | First-Person Targeting mode |
| | |
Camera Lock | White Button | Locks onto an enemy |
| | |
Rotate Camera | <--> Right Thumbstick | Moves the camera left-right |
| | |
Re-Center | Down on Right Thumbstick| Centers the camera |
| | |
Yo-Yo Spidey | Y + Left Trigger | Positions Spidey as a yo-yo |
| | |
Riding Enemies| A to jump, then hold A | Jump on enemies |
| | |
Force Crawl | Press Left Thumbstick | Crawl on the ground |
| | |
Dodging | D-Pad + Jump | Dodge attacks |
| | |
Zip Attack | Press Y While Zipping | Attack during a zip |

Enhanced Controls (I have not included the controls which are the same
as Classic):

| | |
Spiked Gloves | Left Trigger + X | Makes a pair of webbed gloves |
| | |
Web Dome | Left Trigger + B | Makes a web dome that explodes |
| | |
Impact Web | Left Trigger + Y | Shoots a powerful ball of web
| | |
Web Yank | Left Trigger + A | Yanks an enemy towards you |
| | |
Web Zip | Black Button | Zips toward a wall or ceiling |
| | |
Swing Turn | Left Trigger + A in Air | Instantly turn while swinging |
| | |
Twirl Yank | Left Trigger + A + <- or| Twirl your enemies and use them |
| -> then Rotate | as weapons against other enemies|

Goblin Controls (used when you play as the Green Goblin):

Glider moves:
| | |
Glider | Right Trigger | Activates Goblin Glider |
| | |
Thrust | Hold Right Trigger | Moves Glider forward |
| | |
Homing Blade | B | Shoots a homing blade |
| | |
Off Glider | A | Jumps off Glider |
| | |
Machine Gun | X | Shoots machine gun |
| | |
Inferno Bombs | Y | Drops a fiery bomb |
| | |
Turbo | Hold Right Trigger + A | Moves Glider faster |

When off Glider( * means that it can be used on Glider also):

| | |
Pumpkin Rocket | Left Trigger + B | Throws a pumpkin rocket * |
| | |
Multi Bomb | Left Trigger + A | Throws multiple bombs * |
| | |
Pumpkin Bomb | Left Trigger + X | Throws a pumpkin bomb * |
| | |
Multi Homing | Left Trigger + Y | Throws multiple homing bombs * |
| | |
Turbo | Direction + Y | Powerful charge forward |
| | |
Razorbat | Black Button | Activates a razorbat, which can |
| | repair/damage * |
| | |
Destroy R-Bats | Left Trigger + Black B. | Destroys all current razorbats *|

IV. Gametips

Here, you will find some tips to use while playing that I have gathered up
so far.
This game is unbelievable when it comes to Spidey's abilities. I've never seen a
superhero game in which you have so many choices of what to do when you
encounter a villain. There are some things that I use often, and others that I
scarcely use; but, knowing which commands to use at different times is crucial,
and the effects are evident.

Use your Compass and Height Meter. These are probably the most effective tools
you can use in most levels, because sometimes it is easy to get turned around or
to just plain get lost.
The compass points to the next objective.
The height meter helps you find out what altitude to find the objective. Your
position is the red line, and you want to lower or raise yourself to get to the
blue line.

During the game, you will encounter many spider icons. They can be very helpful,
and life savers, as well. If you don't need one as much as you might in the
future, try to go past it and retrace your steps (or web swings) to get it if
you need it. There are five in total:

Red Spider Icon: 50% Health

Red and Blue Spider Icon: 100% Health

Blue Spider Icon: 50% Web Fluid

Blue and Silver Spider Icon: 100% Web Fluid

Gold Spider Icon: Unlocks Combos

Use your combos; you can find them mostly in hidden areas in the game, although
some are in plain sight. Just find all the Gold Spiders you can. Combos are very
effective against super villains, such as the Green Goblin, who likes to fight
unfairly. Here is a list of all the combos that appear in the game:

XXX Dual Fists | BBB Mule Kick
XXB Field Goal | BBX Uppercut
XXA Gravity Slam | BBA Flip Mule
XXY Web Hit | BBY Low Web Hit
XBX Sting | BXB Scissor Kick
XBB Backflip Kick | BXX Elbow Slam
XBA Palm | BXA High Stomp
XBY High Web Hit |
XAA Dive-Bomb | BAA Tackle
XAX Head Hammer | BAB Handspring
XAB Dive Kick | BAX Haymaker

New powers can also be found by locating certain Golden Spiders:

Advanced Web Gloves- Use webbed gloves 2x

Advanced Web Dome- Use web dome 2x

Advanced Impact Webbing- Hold down impact webbing buttons and release
(note: only found in enhanced controls mode)

Don't just go barging into a room filled with enemies. Scope it out first, and
maybe hide until you're sure it is a good idea to fight.
Speaking of hiding...use the shadows! Some missions require stealth or hiding,
and shadowed areas are perfect for them. You'll know if you're hidden if the
picture of Spidey's face in the corner of the screen is a silverish-blue color
instead of red. Remember, cameras can also set off alarms, as well as lasers. Be
weary of setting off alarms...you may not always be able to hide in time.

Pay attention to your Spider Sense. It's there for a reason! It can save your
life or assist you in many parts of the game. If you are trying to be stealthy,
it can warn you of nearby guards. If you are in danger, it will also flash. This
is evident in the second level, where a thug tries to crash a forklift into you.
If you saw your Spider Sense go off, you'd know to get out of the way.

Getting 50,000 points in the Secret Store is not an easy feat, and takes quite
some time and skill. By the way, 50,000 points unlocks Unlimited Webbing, which,
in my opinion, is one of the best features of this game. (it's a real pain to
run out of webbing!)First, you'll want to start off by beating the game in Hero
mode, so you'll be able to get 1000 points for each end-level bonus. Return to
levels to find secrets, gain combat points, or do other specific challenges to
rack up more and more points. Using the Goblin as a playable character also
helps speed up some of the levels, if time is your concern.

Be the yo-yo! This move is one of my favorites...it not only looks cool, but it
serves some important purposes. Although you may not think so, the yo-yo is a
very effective ability. Use it to sneak from ceilings to see a good view of a
room, or to get the drop on some enemies. It also gives you a better view of
your surroundings than a wall or ceiling can, and you can easily slide up and
down to reach down for that much needed health/webbing before you slide back up.
My last reason is that it's just plain fun; this is a trademark spidey move, and
I have yet to see another game that has captured it as well as this.

Be unique with your moves. Don't just punch/kick everything, or use impact
webbing until it hurts! Try to spread it around a little...or a lot. Remember,
you're Spider-Man! You have a wide variety of unique special moves and attacks.
I'm not saying that you should never punch anyone, just that it's good to use
more than one or two moves. Plus, some levels reward points for style, given if
you use variety.

Use all of Spidey's abilities to the fullest!

V. Super Villains

Now, I will give some common, useful tips when facing each of the six super
villains in this game. Feel free to send me your own tips if you have more!

Uncle Ben's Killer

Not really a super villain; but, with his shotgun, smoke bombs, and lightning
quick maneuvers, I would classify him as very powerful, indeed. His shotgun
blasts are devastating and can bring you down quickly(3-4 shots in Normal). Use
the dodge move (D-Pad direction + A) to avoid some of his blasts, and use the
crates as protection, also. Don't bother wasting impact webbing, because he'll
quickly dodge most, if not all, of your shots. Just use webbed gloves, which are
always helpful, and try to use some combos on him if you've found some. Much
harder in later difficulties. But just remember...he's only human.

The Shocker

Always a threat, Shocker uses his vibro-shock wrist mechanisms to deliver
powerful shockwaves. When you fight him, keep moving, lessening the chance
you'll get hit by his shots. He likes to use his tornado move, but just stay
away until he stops. He will get dizzy from it, so use this time to hit him
where it hurts. He has the potential to be very dangerous, but there are enough
Red Spiders to stay healthy during this battle. Impact webbing helps, and quick
laser webbing fired from the air is good, too. Just keep him locked on and
barrage him with webbing and he'll be defeated in no time. He gets moderately
stronger in Normal and Hero.

The Vulture

The Vulture uses electro-magnetism to power his flight suit that he constructed.
He is old, but pretty strong; he also has an assortment of grenades and other
explosives to use on you. He's actually pretty easy to beat, though, and you can
just use cannonball kicks while locked on, or flying punches. The best thing to
do is land on him by holding A and punching him until his health meter is down
to red. He will then fly down to the nearby building to rest. Use your combos,
web attacks, or whatever else you can think of while he's down, and when he's in
the air again, repeat this until you defeat him.

The Scorpion

Mac Gargan was a man that was hired by J. Jonah Jameson to track Peter Parker
and find out how he gets his photos of Spider-Man. He had Gargan undergo a
series of chemical treatments, along with a cybernetic scorpion suit, to attack
Spider-Man. Unfortunately, Gargan went semi-crazy after the treatments, and is
always looking for a way to get out of his suit. When he meets Spidey in this
game, he thinks that he is evil and vows to destroy him. He has a few different
powerful attacks, which are: heavy laser attack, tail whip, normal laser attack,
and his jumping ability is incredible. Use webbed gloves at the start to take
down his health, and don't let him stay on the walls! He charges up his heavy
laser attack when he is on a wall, so be careful. Use the tackle combo also, and
damage him with web lasers.

Kraven the Hunter

Kraven was a hunter that was near death, but revived by a voodoo woman. Her
potion gave him super strength, agility, and superior hunting abilities. Be
careful when he drinks his potion... it makes him nearly invincible! When he has
a fire surrounding him, try to avoid him until it wears out, and then dish out
the pain. Watch out for the ceilings and walls, and also look out for traps. Try
to beat him quickly, as you are taking damage from poison. There is a
regenerating health icon in the snake pit, so remember that.

The Green Goblin

Easily the hardest foe in the game, he uses a combination of his own superhuman
powers and an arsenal of powerful bombs and weapons. Not too hard to fight when
in the air, but a whole different story when you fight him hand-to-hand. He uses
some powerful combos and counter attacks, so it's hard to get some decent hits
on him. Use all the combos you have to keep him guessing, and try to keep your
distance. The best combos to use are the ones where you kick, dodge, and attack.
These are: Haymaker (BAX), Tackle (BAA), and Handspring (BAB). When chasing him,
hold down the right trigger to go faster.

VI. Training

Training mode may seem like something that you don't have to go to, especially
if you've played other Spidey games, but it's definitely something you shouldn't
miss. With Bruce Campbell doing the narration, it makes it more fun to play
through and it also improves your abilities to play as the web-head. You'll be
more skilled after going through training from the basic training to the
difficult obstacle course. Get ready for some heart-pounding, gut-wrenching,
jaw-busting action (okay, maybe I over-exaggerated a little bit, but who cares?)

By the way, I received a tip from DanielG. Apparently, if you use the Green
Goblin, you'll be able to fly through the training levels and beat them much
faster. Thanks Dan.

Basic Training

By far, this is the easiest training mode. Just follow Bruce's basic
instructions to the end. You shouldn't have a problem with this, so I don't
think I need to offer any tips for this level.

Basic Combat

Put on your wrestling tights and get ready for a nice cage match! The difficulty
gets progressively harder as you go along, but not a huge challenge. Just use
your webbing, the ceiling, and any other means necessary to fight many waves of
enemies. Combos help A LOT, and impact webbing from the ceiling is almost a
necessity. After you take down about 60 guys, you'll get a special enemy:
Bonesaw McGraw! He's actually not that hard to beat, but he can take a lot of
damage before he goes down. By now, you're probably at low health, so just use
combos like tackle and haymaker to get a quick kick, spring back, attack. Web
domes don't do that much, so don't waste time, or webbing. The easiest, cheapest
way to get by this mode is by using infinite webbing, but who wants to do that??
(not me, definitely not me...nope, I don't)

Basic Air Combat

Follow your compass and height meter to each floating orb and attack it by
kicking, punching, and webbing. Try to be creative, but, try to do it in the
fastest time so you can get first place. I'm pretty sure different colors mean
more times you have to hit them, but maybe I'm wrong. Can someone confirm this?

Switch Targets

This is one of the easiest ones. Simply lock-on to the target and scroll through
targets by moving the right thumbstick left/right. When you are focused on the
target that is lit up, shoot a ball of impact webbing at it quickly. It will get
more difficult as it goes along, so don't get all "high and mighty" when you
blaze through the first set.

Basic Swing Training

A little challenging if you are new to swinging, but using this will help you
out. Swing around the familiar turn and straight-away about 50 times, as the
course gets slightly narrow. Follow it to the end. Hold down the right
thumbstick to go faster, and try not to stick to things because that slows down
your time. If you are about to hit a wall, turn in the opposite direction to
bounce off of it.

Advanced Swing Training

Same idea as the first, just a little narrower. Stay focused and you're all set.

Expert Swing Training

The ultimate swing training. Follow the arrows in this one; they can be your
best friends. Watch out for loops and other kinds of tricks in the design of the
walls because you might be confused when you go through an opening and can't
find a way out. (loops have an opening in which you have to go through and
double back while raising yourself higher to go through the higher opening) Make
your way to the finish line to get past this tricky course.

Basic Zip Training

This is probably my favorite set of training modes; either I'm just naturally
good at it, or they made it super-easy. Moving on...
Since your web swinging function is disabled, you'll have to zip to basically do
everything. If you're in a long corridor, zip to places that are farther down to
get there faster. Sometimes, there are openings in the walls near the ceiling.
Aim for them by pressing in the right thumbstick and zip to them. Try to get the
fastest time!

Advanced Zip Training

Here's a little more challenging version of the first one. Use the same
techniques and you'll be fine.

Expert Zip Training

The difficulty increases a little bit more from Advanced, but once again, use
the same techniques. The course is larger, but don't be intimidated by it.
You'll be fine.

Swing Rings

Once again, follow your compass and height meter to each ring and swing through
them. If you go by one, you'll have to go back around it and swing through it in
the proper way, or it will not register as going through. This one's pretty easy
once you get used to it. Hold down on the right trigger to go faster, and
remember to break web-lines to lower yourself quickly by pressing A.

Swing Platforms

This one is like the Swing Rings level, except you have to land on floating
platforms instead of swinging through rings (of course). As you go through, the
platforms will become increasingly smaller; therefore, it is harder to land on
them. Follow your compass and height meter to each one, but most of them you'll
be able to see because they're easy to spot. You can gain height quicker when
you're not holding down on the right trigger...remember that if you're
underneath an objective.

Big Brawl

This one is pretty challenging, as I've only beaten this once. Just use all the
fighting techniques that you've learned to use on all the enemies in this large
structure. If you are searching for an enemy and cannot find any, press the
lock-on button to find the nearest one and pursue it. After you defeat one wave,
the timer will restart for you to fight the second wave, and then again for the

Obstacle Course

Quite hard to do, especially when trying not to land on any walls or ceilings.
Use all of your web swinging and zipping abilities to enable you to do well in
this training mode. Swing under, around, or over obstacles in an attempt to
avoid landing on walls. If you do land on something, you will be penalized 5
seconds. The greatest challenge is trying to make it through this without
landing on a single object.

Pinhead Bowling

Pretty fun, if you ask me. If you like to bowl, or just can't see playing a
Spidey game without bowling, then go play this! You have to unlock it, though,
but it isn't too hard. You just need to get at least 10,000 points. Once you get
this, go to the Secret Store to toggle it on. It is now located in the Training
section. If you want to bowl right now, enter the code "headexplody". This
unlocks it without having to get 10,000+ points. Have fun...and try to get a
good score. I, personally, like to swing down the left side of the pins and at
the last second, swing over to the right and kick. It seems to work best for me.


Congratulations! If you have finished all of the training levels, than you have
at least some skill. (notice how I said "some") Good luck in the real
game...you'll probably need it.

VII. Walkthrough
Here's what you probably came for...so I'll try not to disappoint you. By the
way, I now give the locations of Golden Spiders.

Remember to refer to the "Super Villain" help section when fighting a boss in
order to get more information on strategies, weak points, etc.

I also have all of the Bonuses listed before each individual level walkthrough.

One more thing: I almost always refer to Spider-Man as Spidey. Just letting you

1.) Search for Justice

Level Completion
Combat-- Find and defeat all 16 thugs
Secret(s) Found-- Find the woman and get her purse

Golden Spiders: Field Goal (X,X,B), Web Hit(X,X,Y)
1. Field Goal is located right underneath the gargoyle you begin on.
2. Web Hit is on a very tall building close to the end of the level. There are
two thugs on this rooftop.

Start out by swinging off the Gargoyle that you start out on. If you want to
experiment with some of Spidey's moves, feel free...there's no time limit.
Anyway, follow your compass and height meter to the first rooftop with Skulls
Gang members on it. Beat them up and progress to the next rooftop, following
your compass. There are 16 bad guys in total, and if you find them all, you'll
get the Combat bonus at the end of the level. At one point, you'll come to a
roof where a gang member will keep running away. Take out all the other thugs,
and a short movie will play.
Spidey will corner a frightened gang member. He'll say that the killer is
probably in the Warehouse, and then say he doesn't know anything else, so Spidey
lets him go.
Swing on to the rooftop with a small, light blue spider icon and walk over it.
You have completed the first level. Now, Spidey will swing towards the

Paradox332 writes:

I came across a pointless "secret" in the first level when looking for the Web
Hit combo. From the exit and the end, if you go north along the side of the
level near the water and reach the other side then turn right and go really high
you will find a building with a bunch of passageways and stuff on top with a
white thing. When you get closer there are two thugs mugging a woman and if you
save her she says she lost her purse on a different rooftop. I found the purse
on a similar looking building to the east of the where she is, and it is a
little bit lower than the first one. When I returned it to her she said thanks
and nothing else happened, but I did get bonus points at the score screen. Just
a nifty little thing I found, if you haven't caught it before.

Thanks Paradox!

2.) Warehouse Hunt

Level Completion
Stealth Bonus
Secret(s) Found--find the area behind a stack of crates

Golden Spiders: Backflip Kick (X,B,B)
1. Backflip Kick is located right near the beginning; you pretty much trip over

A member of the Skulls Gang will walk into the room and close the door that you
used to get in; he now walks out of the room. Walk through the door and follow
the hallway to the next door. Once through, web zip to the ceiling and try to
web some guys below by tying them up and shooting impact webbing. If you manage
to kill all the guys here without dropping down or being out in the open, you'll
get a Stealth Bonus. After this room, proceed through the next door and beat up
the bad guys. Go around the corner and use the tires as weapons to get the next
gang of guys. Now, go through the large garage-like door.
You'll see Uncle Ben's killer here, but he'll run away with his shotgun. The guy
in the green jacket will pull out a fuse and also run away.
Just kill all the gang members in this room, but watch out! There's a crazy
truck driver here that will try to ram you. Avoid it by zipping straight up or
to the side. Kill the driver and go down the hallway. Stand on the vent cover
and zip up into the vent. Crawl forward, and turn left. Drop through, hit the
switch, and go back into the shaft. Turn at the previously electricity-blocked
area and drop into the control room. Since the fuse is out, you'll need to find
it. Go through the door behind the control panel and fight some guys. Go through
the next door to fight a few more, and afterwards jump into the small opening in
the wall. Enter the room on the right and turn off the wires in the vents. Now,
go back to the room right after the control room, and zip up into this vent.
Crawl through and drop down into the room with the guy behind the locked door.
Kill him, and take the fuse. Go back to the control room, put the fuse in, and
then retrace your steps back to the large room where you first saw Uncle Ben's
killer. Go through the now unlocked sliding door and fight about ten guys. Walk
over to the door on the left and the level is over.

3.) Birth of a Hero

Level Completion
Secret(s) Found

Golden Spiders: Advanced Web Dome (Web Dome 2X), Handspring (B,A,B)
1. Advanced Web Dome is located in the small room to the left of the steam
hallway entrance. You must sneak past all the guards and get into this room
2. Handspring is on the way to finding Uncle Ben's killer. You should be able to
spot it.

Zip into the vent. Crawl around until you find an opening (there are a few). Be
careful, there are lots of guys in this room. I advise you to use the objects
such as tires to your advantage and to use other stationary objects to avoid
gunfire. Once past this, go into the hallway filled with steam. Aim your
targeting reticle and zip across when it is safe. Follow this hallway until you
come to a larger room where there are many guys to fight. To be safe, zip to the
ceiling and hit them from above with impact webbing. Once you kill a certain
guy, you will be able to get his key and access the door with the flashing red
light. Go through this hallway and come to the stairs. Carefully avoid the steam
that protrudes from the walls and make your way up. When you get to the top, you
will see Uncle Ben's killer's health meter appear at the top. Now, get ready to
beat this guy into the ground. He carries a powerful shotgun, so don't
underestimate his ability to hold you off. Impact webbing is next to useless, as
he often ducks and rolls out of the way. Use combos and web moves to eventually
take him down. [{See the Super Villain section for additional help}]
Spider-Man will confront the killer, but in shock, the guy accidentally slips
and falls out the window. (Ouch!)

4.) OsCorp's Gambit

Level Completion
Defeated HKs--Find and destroy at least 6 robotic spiders (they appear on
certain building ledges, such as the MetLife building, or Treyarch)

Golden Spiders: None

You're supposed to take photos for the Daily Bugle, so go ahead and start
swinging. The camera will take a few pictures and then you will have to swing by
a balloon, locking on to it. Next, just lock on to it and shoot web at it. Easy,
right? Right. Anyway, now you'll be attacked by OsCorp's Hunter Killers. They're
not too hard to take on; just fire web at them and do flying kicks, and then
that's it. If you don't mind wasting some webbing, stand on a rooftop and use
your Web Dome attack to hit a large amount of them at once. In hero mode, this
can be a bit more difficult.

5.) The Subway Station

Level Completion

Golden Spiders: Scissor Kick (B,X,B), High Web Hit (X,B,Y)
1. Scissor Kick is located to the right of where you start the level. It is
behind the pillars and on lowered ground.
2. High Web Hit can be found on the opposite side of where you begin, in the
entrance to the subway. Go down the stairs, and look up. You should see it on
the ceiling there.

The Shocker breaks through the wall of the subway station and his thugs attack
the guard. The objective for the beginning of this level is to protect
civilians. Protect the first security guard and then follow your compass to the
next point. Run to the civilian before the security guard because he is weaker,
and save both of them eventually. Next, go back to the main room and save the
other security guard on the balcony. Now, you'll meet up with the Shocker.
Spidey will make a few comments on Shocker's suit, and he fires at a supporting
beam, threatening an innocent civilian's life and almost hitting Spidey. (That
guy on the cell phone needs to pay attention!)
Run over to the civilian, pick him up, and put him down safely on the spider
circle. Now, go after the bad guys, and then follow your compass to the next two
guards. Protect them against a few thugs...and now we move on into the

6.) Chase Through the Sewer

Level Completion
Combat--Kill all thugs.
Secret(s) Found--find the area where the Advanced Web Gloves are located.

Golden Spiders: Dive Bomb (X,A,A), Advanced Web Gloves (Web Gloves 2X), Advanced
Impact Webbing (hold left trigger and Y, and release)
1. Dive Bomb is located on the top of the sewer pipe where water flows from.
2. Advanced Web Gloves are a little tricky to get. Go through the level as
normal, catch the thug who broke the valve, replace it, go through the sewer
pipe, and when you get out the other side, climb the wall to your immediate
left, and go through the door in here. Hit the switch, and return to the area
where the valve is. Jump down into the previously electricuted water and find
the small opening, and walk in to find the Advanced Web Gloves, and a secret
3. Advanced Impact Web can only be used in Enhanced Controls mode. Go to the
area where there are tons of thugs, with a secluded area down below with two
doors. When you get the key from one of the thugs, go down below and enter the
room on the left. You will find the Golden Spider here.

Beat the two guys that ambush you and then move on to the armored thug with the
key to the locked door. When you kill him, you'll be able to get through the
door. You should now be standing in front of the river of sewer water. Swing to
the left and kill the guard. Swing across to the other side and follow this
pathway to the large, open room with sprinkling water coming out through the
grating in the center. Jump down to the circular platform below and turn off the
switch on each side. Proceed to jump down and go through the door. Swing to the
left over the water and into the opening.
You'll see a short movie of Shocker, and he'll order "Vic" to "Make it happen."
The armored guy (Vic) tightens a wheel that turns on the water, and runs away
with it.
Take care of the thugs that are out in the open. Now, go to the right, where
there is a small staircase. This place is like a maze, and the guy with the
wheel is a fast runner. The most effective way to catch him is by using the web
yank. Once you get the wheel, go back to the valve and place it in. Once you
turn it, go through the large pipe. When you get out the other side, jump to the
right and go through the door. Travel through this hallway, and you'll come to a
large room with two levels and lots of bad guys. Clear the room and more guys
will come. One of them will drop a key, which you can use for the door below in
the pit-like area. Hit the switch and go up to the previously locked door.

7.) Showdown with Shocker

Level Completion
Secret(s) Found--find the Golden Spider

Golden Spiders: Uppercut (B,B,X)
1. After moving the train, go up the stairs and immediately swing to the right
to catch the Golden Spider as it floats away.

Shocker will deliver some devastating blasts in this opening scene, where Spidey
barely dodges them. Immediately jump into the median to avoid being blasted.
Back up and aim your target at the nearest median to the left or right. Then,
just web zip to it. This may take a little practice, but you'll get used to it
(hopefully). Repeat this a few more times until you catch up to him.
Shocker will run over to the right and blast the ceiling, causing rocks to cover
his exit.
This will force you to find an alternate route. Run over to the left and hit the
switch for the train to unblock the staircase. Follow the stairs, go past the
water, and go through the next few hallways and you'll get to the room with
Shocker. Just use a trial and error method when fighting him. He likes to use
his little cyclone move, but he gets dizzy, so move in after he does this. Use
combos and impact webbing to take him down.

8.) The Vulture's Lair

Level Completion

Golden Spiders: Gravity Slam (X,X,A)
1. Gravity Slam is underneath a stairwell as you make your way up. Might be
somewhat hard to get to it.

This level is a little bit tricky the first time, but after a little while you
can get used to it. Start by going through the door and climbing the stairs. You
should try to avoid the grenades that he drops by double jumping and
swinging/zipping. Keep climbing the stairs until you see a short movie.
Vulture will toss a grenade that causes a large fire, damaging the surrounding
staircases and central area.
This is a little tricky...sneak by the large, swinging fiery object and stay in
the corner of the staircase. Aim your targeting reticle at the wall above the
broken staircase and zip to it. Now, resume to climbing the stairs. When you get
to a point with an opening in the inside wall, walk through it and find the
other opening and go through this. This is when it gets harder. Go up this set
of stairs and fall through the broken set. Follow this path around until you
come to a dead end. Zip up and then jump to the platform. Walk around the corner
and into the opening in the wall; find the other opening to the left of this one
and go through this one. Go around the corner and jump onto the broken
staircase. Follow this until the end, and then zip up and jump through the
opening where there is a red spider icon. Go through the opening at the bottom
and jump onto the broken staircase and continue on. From now on, double-jump,
zip line, and swing to avoid all the grenades and bombs. Watch out for breaks in
staircases also, and make your way to the very top to finish the level. Good
Spidey zips to the very top of the tower, and Vulture is waiting there. He
breaks through part of the clock and flies away. (I like the comment Spidey says
about how it must be a pain to get groceries up there)

9.) Vulture Escapes

Level Completion
Vulture Proximity--get close enough to attack him

Golden Spiders: None

This level is simple enough...just follow the Vulture and repair damaged objects
by webbing them up. To web objects, hold down the web button while standing
still. You can swing faster by holding down the Right Trigger, which can be very
helpful. One more thing, try to avoid the projectiles that he throws at you by
staying above him. Chase him until the level is over.

10.) Air Duel with the Vulture

Level Completion

Golden Spiders: Sting (X,B,X), Dive Kick (B,A,X)
1. Sting is on one of the ledges of the building, in the corner.
2. Dive Kick is at the very top of the building. Make sure Vulture is down, so
you won't get hit by him.

Here's your chance to fight the Vulture. He's actually pretty strong for an old
guy, so don't underestimate him. Just use flying kicks and web attacks to subdue
him, and when you get past the blue part of his health meter, he'll fly down to
the ledge of the nearby building to rest for a short time. This is the best time
to get some damage done to him. Also, when he is in the air, try to jump on him
by pressing A to jump, and holding A when directly over him. This will allow you
to punch the living daylights out of him.
[{See the Super Villain section for additional help}]
"C'mon, old timer; wouldn't want you to fall before we can book you, right?"

...A memorable line from a police officer as he sees Vulture all webbed up...

11.) Corralled

Level Completion
Secret(s) Found-- in the tunnel that connects the 2nd and 3rd levels; find the
spider icon.
Protected Scorpion

Golden Spiders: Advanced Web Dome (if you haven't already gotten it)
1. Advanced Web Dome is located in the secret area (explained above).

You may not agree with helping the Scorpion, but you have to for this level or
you lose. Try to keep Scorpion as healthy as you can, and use web yank to pull
the robotic spiders off the walls. Another thing to use is spiked gloves, and
with these you can dish out more damage with less punches. Just destroy the
listed number of spiders and then you're done.
Spidey lifts up a large metal door, and Scorpion pushes him away. Scorpion is
paranoid that Spidey is working for some kind of orginization that he vows to
destroy Spidey and runs away shouting "Freedom!"

12.) Scorpion's Rampage

Level Completion
No Pickups Used

Golden Spiders: Tackle (B,A,A)
1. Tackle is on the broken pillar to the right of where you start.

Scorpion tells Spidey not to take him back. Confused, Spidey says
he wouldn't even know where to take him back to.
Right off the bat, use your spiked gloves and punch Scorpion as many times as
you can. Now, you won't have to worry as much about chasing him around the room
and trying to avoid his powerful tail strike. Use your web yank when he scales
the walls and impact web to beat him. Find the Tackle combo in this room on the
broken pillar and use it on him, also. This works wonders! Not too hard, but try
to complete this without using power-ups! This can be pretty challenging.

13.) Coup D'État

Level Completion

Golden Spiders: Low Web Hit (X,X,Y)
1. Low Web Hit is located on the top of the building you start out on.

The Green Goblin makes a big entrance by tossing a pumpkin bomb at a balcony
during a parade. The first thing you should do is transport Mary Jane to safety.
After this, fight the Goblin until he starts to fly away. Chase him to the point
where he blasts the communications tower. Swing to the building and web all four
corners to prevent it from falling. Now, follow him to the bridge, and repair
both sides of this. Fight him for a short time again until he flies away. Catch
up to him, and fight him one more time until the level ends. Refer to the Super
Villain section for more help.

14.) The Offer

Level Completion
Ride Goblin

Golden Spiders: Flip Mule (B,B,A)
1. Flip Mule is in the first room that Green Goblin crashes into, near a

Once again, fight the Goblin. He's fast and agile, but not too hard to beat.
Just hop on his glider and try to get as many punches in before he throws you
off. Get past the blue section of his health meter, and he'll fly into a nearby
building. Be careful, because he is a much better hand-to-hand fighter. He
reverses almost every move you try to use into a piledriver, chest stomp, choke
hold, etc. The best move to use is a handspring or tackle if you've unlocked
them already. Beat him until he's low and then chase him outside. Again, get
past his blue meter and chase him into the next building. Beat him up until he
is out of health.
Green Goblin tells Spidey about the bombs that he's placed around the city.
Spidey can either disarm the bombs, or go after the Goblin.
Get ready to swing your fastest in this next level, especially in harder

15.) Race Against Time

Level Completion

Golden Spiders: None

I really don't like this level, but...what am I gonna do? Swing forward to the
first bomb, and deactivate it by pressing the punch button. Follow your compass
to the next bomb, which is in between two buildings. Go to the third bomb, and
then the one after that, and continue until you get to the last bomb, which you
also turn off in the same manner. Try to stay out of the spotlights because more
Light Mechs will come after you. So basically, avoid HKs and spotlights, swing
very fast, and don't let the time run out!
P.S. I have a very good shortcut for this level. After deacticating the first
bomb, head to the third bomb (assuming you know where it is located) and
deactivate it, and then head over to the "second" bomb and get that one. This
can give you about an extra 5-10 seconds, which is very helpful in this level.

16.) Kraven's Test

Level Completion

Golden Spiders: None

Run out of the door and go to the right, around the corner and through the next
two doors. Watch out for the traps! There are many visible traps and some that
are not easy to see...so try to avoid them. After this section, you'll come to a
hallway and the view will change to Kraven's scope's. While he reloads, hide
behind the pillars and make your way to the end. Try not to spend too much time
hiding because you are constantly taking damage from poison. You will have to go
through this whole thing two more times until you can meet up with Kraven in the

17.) The Mighty Hunter

Level Completion
Secret(s) Found-- find the room that locks behind you, and enter the vent. Go
through this vent (there are three different pathways...find the right one) and
exit by breaking the vent cover at the end. I'm not exactly sure which pathway
is the correct one.

Golden Spiders: None

Be careful! Kraven is almost invincible when he drinks his potion! Keep your
distance, but try to remember that you're suffering from poison damage. When you
do get to hit him, make sure you use spiked gloves and he'll give up soon.
There's a reappearing Red Spider Icon in the snake pit in the middle, so keep
that in mind.

18.) The Razor's Edge

Level Completion
R-bats Destroyed
Remaining Health
Pickups Used

Golden Spiders: None

Swing around and fire quick webs at the razorbats. Flying kicks help also, as
you can hit multiple bats at a time. (Try using a web dome on a rooftop...works
great!) It'll take a few minutes to destroy 50, but once you do, follow the
compass to the construction site and land on the blue spider. There, that wasn't
too hard, was it?

19.) Breaking and Entering

Level Completion
Stealth Bonus
Secret(s) Found

Golden Spiders: High Stomp (B,X,A)
1. High Stomp is located in one of the cubicles in the first room with

Web up the guard and run past him. In the next room, there is a camera, so try
to avoid it. Get to the door and then scale the side of the staircase to get
around the camera. Go through.
Spidey notices a blast door, and mentions something about Harry telling him that
no one person can open it.
In these next few rooms, you have to find active computers (while avoiding
guards, of course) and downloading the information from them. There are five in
total, and may take a few minutes to find them. The first one is located in the
current room. It's at the end and to the left. Avoiding the guards, drop down
and download the information from it. Now, zip back to the ceiling and crawl to
the right. Keep crawling until you see the next large room to the right. Go in
this room, and get to the active computer near the entrance. Next, go to the
computer located at the end of this room to the right. Now, go through the door
next to this computer and zip up to the ceiling in this next room. There is a
computer near this entrance, but be careful that the camera does not spot you
while dowloading from it. The last active computer is at the end of this room at
the right. Now, get to the main blast door, following your compass, and enter
it. You will now be faced with a door that requires a special code to unlock.
Just match up the pieces in your mind with which pieces should go after one
another.(example: the pieces each continue on in color and circuitry from the
one before it). The first piece is the bluish-purple one, and they continue to
change color until the last piece, which is red and has four circles on it. Once
you unlock it, Spidey will go through as you proceed to the next level.

20.) Chemical Chaos

Level Completion

Golden Spiders: Palm (X,B,A), Head Hammer (X,A,X)
1. Palm is on the ceiling in the hallway near the A and B rooms, on the way to C
and D.
2. Hammer Head is in the small room across from room "D".

Spidey lowers himself into a room with two scientists. He learns that OsCorp has
a secret chemical weapons division. When one leaves, Spidey confronts the other
scientist. He tells Spidey he didn't know about it, and so he tells him he'll
try to shut the system down. Go through the door and zip to the ceiling. Kill
the two guards (if they set off the alarm, find a hiding spot). Go through the
door at the far end of the hall and stop when you get to the point with the
laser field. Use your target, and aim towards the left side of the wall past the
lasers. Wait for the right time to go, and quickly zip to it. Get past the next
set of lasers while avoiding cameras and go left. At the end of this hallway,
past the camera, there is a control room labeled "A". Enter. Hit the switch, and
leave this room. Go back down this hallway, past the camera again and turn left
at the next room labeled "B". Hit the switch, and leave this room. Turn right,
avoiding the camera, into the main control room. Hit the terminal on the right
side, and watch the mechanical arm close over the main chemical unit, and then
leave. Go back down this hallway and go through the door. You should now see
many cameras and a large laser grid spread across half of the room. Stand on one
of the shelves and zip to a shelf on the other edge of the room, and then to the
door. If you set the alarm off, find a hiding spot quick to hide from the super
soldiers. Follow your compass, avoiding setting off the alarm, to control room
"C". Once again, hit the switch in this room. When you get to control room "D",
it will be locked, and Dr. Rue will be sent to investigate with Super Soldiers.
Quickly zip to the ceiling and wait for the soldiers to leave. Use one ball of
impact webbing to kill Dr. Rue (one hit?? what a wuss!), and take his card key.
Now, go into the room, hit the switch, and go all the way back to the main
control room where you hit the A/B switch to use the terminal on the left side
(C/D) to complete the level. Don't worry about being stealthy on your way back,
because the Super Soldiers will most likely spot you, and it's not worth trying
if you move fast enough.

21.) OsCorp's Ultimate Weapon

Level Completion

Golden Spiders: None

Spidey notices the huge robot, and that he has 10 shield generators that he must
take out. This level can be very frustrating, but not too difficult if you know
where to find each of the shield generators. Also, if you are far away from the
Super Mech, it will fire it's main cannon. This can be devastating. First, swing
straight forward towards the "head" of the robot. There will be two generators
here, so destroy them. Now, swing to it's "back", and destroy the four
generators here. The last four generators are located on the far side of the
room on the platform. When you destroy these, go to the "head" of the robot
again and destroy the main part that was previously shielded, by punching,
kicking, shooting web, etc.
The Super Mech robot will explode, and try one last time to fire it's cannon,
but fails, and falls to the ground. Spidey swings past it and goes through a

22.) Escape from OsCorp

Level Completion
Supersoldiers Killed--destroy a lot of supersoldiers.

Golden Spiders: Haymaker (B,A,X)
1. Haymaker is straight ahead from where you start out in this level.

Follow your compass to the first main control room to turn off the large
electric shields. Next, proceed to the second control room to turn off the gun
turrets. Now, go to the end of the main room with computers and turn off the
shielding around the door. Run through it and through the door below the stairs.
Hit the switch on the door in this room and wait for it to open. Swing through
this corridor to the end.

23.) Mary Jane Kidnapped!

Level Completion

Golden Spiders: None

Chase the Goblin by holding down the right trigger...trust me, it helps a lot.
Watch out for the swirling blue orbs that he leaves behind, because they explode
when you hit them. As long as you stay close to him and watch out for the bombs,
this level isn't very hard at all. A good shortcut can be used when he starts to
go around one of the first buildings. Just stop and wait for him there, since he
will come all the way around and go to the left. This saves some time and health
that you might lose while chasing him around. Try to find more of these little
shortcuts as you follow him.

24.) Face-off at the Bridge


Golden Spiders: None

The last level...a bridge is a pretty good setting for it, if you ask me. The
first thing to do is to get Mary Jane to safety, then go tackle the Goblin. He
doesn't fight any differently from before, so just use the same techniques to
beat him. Eventually, he'll drop to the ground and fight hand-to-hand, but his
glider also attacks you, so be careful! After taking enough punishment, he'll
give up. Watch this last movie, and then you're done.
Green Goblin reveals that he is Norman Osborn, and Spidey is surprised. The
Goblin tells him that the best surprise is still to come. Out of nowhere, his
glider comes cruising through, and at the last second, Spidey dodges it (in
slow-motion) as it hits Norman. Norman tells Spidey to tell his son, Harry, that
he is sorry, and he dies.

Hope you liked playing through it, and you should try to unlock new secrets or
input cheats that are listed below.

VIII. Cheats

Here is a list of cheats to use in the game. There are quite a few, and are fun
to experiment with and use. The costume cheats only change appearance, and don't
affect gameplay (except in the case of the Green Goblin, which comes from
beating the game in hero).

1. girlnextdoor-play as Mary Jane Watson

2. hermanschultz-play as the Shocker

3. serum-play as a scientist

4. knuckles-play as Skulls' Gang member

5. stickyrice-play as Uncle Ben's killer (!!)

6. thugsrus-play as Thug

7. captainstacey-play as Helicopter Pilot

8. freakout-play as the guy in the actual movie who models the Goblin suit.

9. realhero-play as police officer

10.organicwebbing-unlimited webbing

11.koala-all fighting controls are unlocked

12.romitas-enables "Next Level" feature in pause menu

13.imiarmas-all levels unlocked

14.dodgethis-matrix moves

15.goestoyourhead-Spidey has big head and feet

16.underthemask-1st person view mode

17.chillout-super coolant
(used when you play as the Goblin to prevent overheating)

18.headexplody-bonus training level

19.joelspeanuts-big head

20.spiderbyte- small Spider-Man


Other secrets can also be unlocked when beating the game in different
difficulties or by earning certain amounts of points. Go to the Secret Store to
toggle them on/off.

At least Easy mode: Wrestler Spidey and Peter Parker

At least Normal mode: Alex Ross Spidey (concept design for the movie; when you
fight the Goblin, he will be dressed in the Alex Ross costume also.)

At least Hero mode: Play as Green Goblin (Norman Osborn's son, Harry. The story
changes slightly and you get to use all of the Goblin's weapons, listed in the
pause menu.)


10,000 Points: Secret Training mode--Pinhead Bowling

20,000 Points: Secret Vulture Test Animation Movie

30,000 Points: Secret Shocker Test Animation Movie

50,000 Points: Unlimited Webbing

IX. Frequently Asked Questions

This is the section where I list the most asked questions by other players. If
you have a question that I haven't answered, e-mail me (my e-mail is located at
the bottom of the page) and I'll be glad to help you out.

Q. Is there an invulnerability code??

A. No, sadly there is not...at least at this point. But, I highly doubt it. You
see, there was originally supposed to be one, and this was called
"Responsibility." Unfortunately, it was cut from the final game :(

Q. What's the combination I need to get by the last part of "Breaking and

A. Start by choosing the bluish square, and then go to the next one that
smoothly changes color from the first. Keep doing this for the last three
pieces, and that's it.

Q. How do I get the Goblin as a playable character? Is it just a costume change?

A. Beat the game on hero. An alternate method is to start a new game in hero.
Exit to the main menu and put in the code "arachnid" or "imiarmas". This will
unlock all levels, so go to level warp and choose the conclusion level. Exit out
of this and now go to the secret store to toggle on the Green Goblin as a
character. You will now be able to play as Harry Osborn, Norman's son. The story
will change slightly and you will be able to use all of his weapons, including
the glider.

Q. I need to find a certain Golden Spider...can you tell me how to get it?

A. All the locations are given right before each level walkthrough.

Q. Is there any way to fix the camera?

A. No, you will always have to center the camera while playing. One way to make
a minor change is to go to settings and switch the camera setting from passive
to active or vice-versa.

Q. When I beat levels on harder difficulties, it's not giving me all of my
deserved points!

A. What happens here is the points are only distributed when they haven't been
given out yet. For example, when you beat a level on Normal mode without getting
any extras, you'll get 700 points. If you start a new game and beat that same
level on Hard mode, it is supposed to give you 1000 points, but it only adds 300
to the total. This is because you have already earned 700 from beating it in
Normal, and what's left after that is 300 points out of the 1000. If you reset
the points when you start on a new difficulty, this should not happen.

Q. What is the "chillout" code for?

A. The "chillout" supercoolant code is used when you play as the Goblin. It
disables the overheating function which occurs when you use the machine gun and
turbo on the glider. This is very useful and a lot less time is spent waiting
for the glider to cool down.

Q. Do I get any rewards for beating Training levels?

A. No, you do not. It isn't all bad, though, because Training can be very
helpful when you play the actual game.

Q. Can I delete certain memory slots in the Spider-Man: The Movie game save?

A. Unfortunately, you cannot delete specific slots in it. You can only delete
everything at once, and this can be done by going to the main Xbox dashboard and
deleting the whole save file.

Q. I'm wondering if I should get this game before I saw the movie...is this a
bad idea?

A. No, I don't think it's a bad idea. Aside from a few occasional things that
happen in the movie and game alike, there aren't really any spoilers that give
away major plots in the actual movie. So, I think it is okay to buy the game
before you see the movie.

Q. In level 4, how do I lock-on to the balloon?

A. Simply press the white button when near the balloon to lock-on to it.

Q. I'm having trouble webbing up the billboard/water tank in level 9: Vulture

A. Speed is of the essence in this case, so make your way to each damaged object
as quickly as possible. Once on the rooftop that it is located on, immediately
hold down the web button and wait for it to be fully webbed up. Repeat for the
next leg, and they should both be repaired.

Q. When I play as the Goblin, who is the other Goblin that I fight?

A. Nobody is completely sure who this is, exactly. Some think is is Harry's
psychiatrist from the comics (Dr. Hamilton), while other believe it is just a
made up character to play as an imposter Goblin who formerly worked for Norman
at OsCorp.

Q. Why don't I have the two Kraven levels in between The Offer and The Razor's

A. Odds are, you probably don't have the Xbox version of the game, which this
Walkthrough was made for specifically. Just try to ignore them, as they don't
have any true effect on the storyline. I still enjoy them, however...

Q. i neded hep on ths lvl wher can i fid it!

A. Sorry, but poor grammar doesn't deserve an answer. If I read a message like
this, I will almost always ignore it. If you need help with something, make sure
it's readable.

Q. Can I host this FAQ/Walkthrough on my web site?

A. Yes, you can, but just as long as you leave it PLAIN AND UNALTERED (aside
from grammar/spelling corrections) and ASK PERMISSION please! If I ever see this
page on another site that is not permitted by me, I will be forced to take
appropriate measures in order to have it removed immediately.

X. Credits

I'd like to thank those who made this possible for me to make this FAQ.

For making this game:

Activision and Treyarch

For holding this FAQ/Walkthrough:

GameFAQs --------------------------- http://www.gamefaqs.com
CheatHappens --------------------------- http://www.cheathappens.com
Neoseeker --------------------------- http://www.neoseeker.com
CheatCC --------------------------- http://www.cheatcc.com
XboxCC --------------------------- http://get-me.to/XboxCC
Cheats.de --------------------------- http://www.cheats.de
DLH.net --------------------------- http://dlh.net

For sending in information or questions:


For making this FAQ/Walkthrough:

Me, me, and well....me!!

I hope I didn't miss anyone.

XI. Legal Info

© Copyright 2002 Randy Chlebek. This FAQ and everything included within this
file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronical,
or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial
web page in it's original, unedited and unaltered format. Remember to include
this section if you are to post this on yor site. This FAQ cannot be used for
profitable purposes or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of
commercial transaction without written consent. All copyrights and trademarks
are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this
FAQ. If you want to contact me, use my e-mail that's listed below.

Basically, if you want to use this FAQ for your website, I'd be glad to let
you, as long as you ask politely and leave it unaltered, aside from correcting
spelling/grammar errors. Please don't break these rules, because plagiarism is
a very serious offense.

The latest version of this FAQ/Walkthrough is, and always will be, at

XII. Contact Info

To contact me, just use my e-mail, which is randychlebek@netscape.net

If you have any questions, feel free to write me and I'll try to get back to you
as soon as possible. Suggestions that you have? Errors that I made? I'll also
accept those.

On GameFAQs, my user name is Halo 54; on AIM, my screen name is randychlebek.

Thank you!
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FAQ / Komplettlösung Final Version
FAQ (engl.)

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019
25.Сентябрь 2015