Bomberman Generation

Bomberman Generation

17.10.2013 15:43:27
Walkthrough/Guide by The Ringmaster
Version: FINAL
AIM: The Ringmaster31

--- CONTENTS ---

1. Introduction
A. Important Message From Author
2. Controls
A. Game Controls
B. Basic Moves
3. Items
4. Guide
A. World 1 - Tentasia
B. World 2 - OctoOcean
C. World 3 - Tako Desert
D. World 4 - Nekki Moon
E. World 5 - Majestar
F. World 6 - ArmorJoe
5. Charaboms
6. Heart Container Locations
7. Attribute Bombs
8. Minigames
9. Lightning Cards
10. Other Stuff
A. Extras
B. The Final Word
C. Reason For Creation
D. Thanks/Credits
E. Update History

1. Introduction

The nefarious Mujoe and his gang of Hige Bandits are back, and as
usual, they're scheming to conquer the universe. This time, they're
after the Bomb Elements, powerful crystals that will give them the
power to dominate the universe. However, a space freighter carrying the
Bomb Elements has been destroyed by an attack from the Hige Hige
Bandits. Now, the Elements lay scattered over the uncivilized planet of
Tentacalls. As Bomberman, you have been given the order by Professor
Ein to retrieve the Bomb Elements. Defeat your foes with Bombs,
outsmart the traps that lie in wait for you, and clear the Stages that
stand between you and retrieving the Bomb Elements. Hurry! The universe
is counting on you!
Let the great battle for the bomb elements begin!

A. Important Message From Author

To effectively use this guide use the tips as general tips for the
stage (duh) and the tricks section for a walkthrough of how to get past
the obstacles/puzzles. The game is pretty linear so you should just
follow the main path and read the tricks section for side paths and how
to get past obstacles. The new enemies section will tell you how to
defeat an enemy that you have not encountered yet. Bosses will have a
strategy to defeat them and a section telling you what their attacks
are. **** Since this is a FAQ for Bomberman Generation, you should no
longer have to post help topics on the message board, USE THE DAMN FAQ,
that's why I made it :) If you see a help topic please refer them to
the FAQ, it's the only way to make them stop. BTW, after reading this
myself, I noticed it's a little bland, hell, it's boring. Don't worry
my next FAQ will be a little more light-hearted. (Next FAQ: The House
Of The Dead 2 (DC), I have no idea when or if it will be finished)

2. Controls

A. Game Controls

A Button - setup and use bombs/bomb actions/confirm selected items.

B Button - use charabom special abilities/return to the previous screen
or cancel the current selection.

Y Button - use charabom special abilities.

X Button - switch between attribute bombs & charaboms selection
screens/used with A Button for bomb barrier.

Z Button - displays the carabom and attribute bomb selection screens.

L/R Buttons - rotates the map left or right. (rotate camera)

D-Pad - Changes camera viewpoint/selects items.

Control Stick - controls bomberman/selects items.

C Stick - Change attribute bombs or charaboms.

Start/Pause - Pauses the game.

B. Basic Moves

Bomb Throw: Set down a bomb. Press "A" again and pick up the bomb, if
you hold down "A" you can move with the bomb. When you release "A" you
will throw the bomb in the direction bomberman is facing.

Big Bomb: Pick up a bomb and continue holding "A" when the bomb is
larger the process is complete.

Bomb Kick: Run into a dropped bomb, the bomb will travel along the
ground in the direction bomberman is facing when he hits the bomb.

Bomb Drop: Pick up a bomb and hold down "A" press "X" and then release
"A" to drop the bomb in front of you.

Bomb Barrier: Pick up a bomb and hold down "A" press "X" don't drop the
bomb, bomberman cannot move while using this.

3. Items

Fire Up: (Looks like a small, smiling flame) The size of your bomb
blasts becomes greater. You can power up your bomb blast a maximum of 5

Speed Up: (Looks like a roller skate) Bomberman becomes a little
faster. You can speed up a maximum of 6 times.

Bomb Up: (Looks like a bomb) The amount of bombs that can be set up
will be increased by 1. A maximum of 6 bombs can be attained.

Heart Recovery: (Looks like a big smiling heart) 1 heart worth of life
is recovered.

Heart/Medium Recovery: (Looks like 2 small hearts) 1/2 Heart is

Heart/Small Recovery: (Looks like 1 small heart) 1/4 Heart is

Heart Container: (Looks like Heart Recovery except with no smiling
face, and it is lighter) The maximum life value increases by 1 Heart.

Lightning Card: (Looks like a card with a lightning streak on it) When
all lightning cards have been gathered from a world, Max will appear to
help Bomberman when fighting a boss character.

Charabom Feed:

Offense Up: (Looks like a sword) Raises offensive ability by one.

Defense Up: (Looks like a shield) Raises defensive ability by one.

Special Attack Up: (Looks like a star) Raises special attack power by

Agility Up: (Looks like a small wing) Raises agility by one.

Every Ability Up: (Looks like a bottle with liquid inside) Raises every
ability by one.

4. Guide

A. World 1 - Tentasia

1-1 OctopiWoods

Blow up all vases in the first area and collect the power ups, you can
kill the enemies if you want to but it is not required. When you get to
the giant boulder blocking your path do as the professor tells you,
drop a bomb, pick it up, and when it is done charging (rings are gone
and bomb is now larger) throw it at the boulder. Continue on the path,
blowing up the vase and collecting the power ups as you go. When you
arrive at a single tree in front of a river, place a bomb next to the
tree to blow it up and then go across the tree to reach the other side.
Continue along the path until the professor stops you, do as he says
again and throw the big bomb across the river, and then go along the
tree to the other side. Here you will encounter a new enemy a Hige Hige
henchman type guy, just drop a bomb and kick it into him, the bomb will
stun him at first, then when it blows up it will kill him, you'll be
seeing a lot of these guys during this game. Go into the first tree
stump to your right and blow up the vases to get some more power-ups.
See those vases on the other side of the tree? You can't get to them
yet, so don't bother trying. Go back into the tree stump from whence
you came. Keep following the path, if you need a heart container go
into the next tree stump to your right, if not keep going along the
path to the tree stump with the flowers around it, go into it. In this
next area kill the little annoying enemies and then throw a big bomb
next to the lone boulder. Now that the river is drained go down the
steps, down the chasm that the river used to flow through and up the
next steps. In this portal you meet your first charabomb, andlar, equip
him immediately. [Remember that part when I asked if you could see the
vases behind the tree, and said you couldn't get them? Well now with
andlar you can, just backtrack to the first tree stump after the fallen
tree-bridge, and enter it. Equip andlar, charge up a big bomb and throw
it between those two palm trees, now that the large tree has fallen and
created a bridge just go to it, cross it, and collect the charabomb
feed and your first lightning card! Now continue back to the area you
were in before these brackets interrupted you] in this area blow up the
vases, enter the first tree stump on your right. Here you will see 3
flowers floating above holes, kick bombs into the holes to make the
flowers land and expose the vases they were holding. Exit using the
only available tree stump and continue down the path, enter the last
tree stump, the one right at the end of the path. Go left a little bit
and throw a bomb across the river to knock down the tree on the other
side, cross and collect the charabom feed then return to where you
entered. Go to the tree stump at the end of the path. Collect any power
ups, to defeat the blue dinosaur/bird type things, just make a bomb
stand under the bird and release "A" without pushing any direction on
the control stick, he'll throw the bomb straight up and hopefully hit
the bird. When you get to the bridge, stay on the log and let it carry
you down stream so you can get the power ups, then go back and cross
it. Beat the minigame, and place a big bomb next to the boulder
blocking the river. Go down stream to get the power ups and your first
heart container. Go back, cross the bridge and continue down the path
killing enemies along the way. Follow the path between two palm trees
to encounter the mini-boss. Here's how to beat him: get a bomb, wait
for him to stop fanning air toward you, then run up and throw the bomb
at him. Do this three times, and he's dead, continue toward the arrow
to clear this stage. Now that you have beaten the first stage you
should have a basic understanding of how to play the game, so now I
will not be spelling everything out for you, you should know to blow up
all vases in sight. The format will be changing too, unless the
particular level is very hard, then it will more like this one.
1-2 Lake Mensor

Just follow the little yellow path and cross the water using lily pads,
pretty straightforward.

NEW ENEMIES: -Slapping Plant: Be wary around these, 1 regular bomb will
stun them, 1 big bomb will kill them.
-Fireball Flower: Stay away from trees when you see these, 2 regular
bombs or 1 big bomb will kill them.
-Venus Fly Trap: Just avoid these, 1 regular bomb will slow them down.

TIPS: -Throw bombs onto lily pads covered with vines to make them move.
-Throw bombs onto lily pads with flowers to enable rising lily pads.

TRICKS: -When you come to your first 2 lily pads covered with vines,
ride straight across the water to a little island. Use andlar and throw
a bomb into the floating flower hole, and throw a bomb onto the lily
pad with a flower on it.
-When you come to the first Fireball Flower go to the riverbank by the
2 vases, equip andlar and throw a bomb at the tree across the river.
Cross it and enter the portal for a new charabom.
-When you see a flame, go into the portal near it to get the water
-Near the bomb merge portal is a lily to the left, ride it to the
flower, you lowered earlier, and collect the lightning card.
-Don't worry about the water fountain yet.
-Throw water bombs into the mouths of the 3 monkey heads that have
water flowing out of them to drain the little pit under them. Destroy
the vase in the drained pit to get a card.
--MINIBOSS-- Just avoid its water spurt, and throw big water bombs at
him, 2 will take him down. Run across his back to get to the exit.

STRATEGY: Just keep moving, avoid his attacks, and toss big bombs at
him, easy.

ATTACKS: -Rush Attack: He runs at you, so move.
-Mace Spin: He yells "take this!" before executing; he'll swing his
mace around his head, pushing any bombs away from him.
-Bomb Throw: simply move away from the bombs.
-Mace Shot: he shoots his mace straight out towards you, just move,
easily avoidable.
-Megaton Crush: He'll yell the name of the move, then he'll jump into
the air and land hard, causing any bombs to explode, stay away and keep
1-4 Octomanion

Follow the main path; gets a little bit tricky near the end.

NEW ENEMIES: -Native: harmless, just kick a bomb at them.
-Spear Native: watch out for the spears they throw.
-Fireball Lizard: Throw big bombs from a distance, do not be near them
when you throw the bomb.

TIPS: -Use big bombs to break open big pots.
-Stand on the green switches, place big bombs next to the boulders on
top, then jump off, and let the boulders fall.
-Place big bombs by totem poles that are next to stilt houses to stop
enemies from respawning.
-Look for stilt chairs to blow up.

TRICKS: -Watch out for falling totem poles.
-Use timing to get by the swinging logs.
-Blow up the three big pots to get a lightning card.
-After getting through the first large gate with a boulder puzzle, look
to the right (behind a little) and blow up the native on a stilt chair,
follow the path, and blow up the other native on a stilt chair, and
make the boulder fall. Then go through the newly opened gate, just
follow the path and blow up the next boulder, then continue through the
last gate to the north.
--MINIBOSS-- Avoid it boomerang type projectile and throw bombs at him.
-Right near the exit arrow go left and blow up the boulder in the way.
Then use water bombs to put out the flames; the middle pot has a
lightning card.
1-5 SukkorHills

Just go up the mountain in a switchback (zigzag) pattern and straight
into the arena at the top to complete, but there's a lot of extra stuff
along the way.

TIPS: -Throw big bombs into the cave where the boulders come from to
stop more from coming.
-Blow up rocks near wooden trolley's to activate the trolleys.
-When you battle marine eel, you may want to beat the level, go to an
earlier level to level up andlar, and then come back to battle marine
-Blow up all of the bridges and drop down them to get good things, such
as charabom feed, and even a new charabom.

TRICKS: -Blow up the bridge that is closest to the top and drop down
the right side, go down the stream and you'll come to a charabom
-To kill the native inside the fence and also activate the trolley near
it, equip marine eel, go to the opening on the right and throw a bomb
inside. Ride the trolley across, equip andlar, and throw a big bomb
near the boulder, cross the gap and collect the card.
-When you get to the top, go right instead of straight, put out the
flame below and drop down, go a little right and blow up the pot to get
a card.
--MINIBOSS-- First set bombs near all of the little holes that the
natives are coming out of. Then kill the remaining spear natives. When
the leader on top of the boulder comes out just throw a big bomb in
front or behind the boulder to kill him.
1-6 PaonStadium **BOSS FIGHT**

STRATEGY: Throw a big bomb in front of him, but not close to him, then
lead him into it. Also watch out for his legs, which will kick any
bombs near him away. Make sure that you're moving at all times (pausing
for bomb throwing is ok) Another good time to attack is during his
cannon move. If you lose a lot of health and the boss has at least 1
full heart max will show up and help you.

ATTACKS: -Charge: Just move out of his way.
-Belly-flop: he jumps up and land on the ground hard making any bombs
explode, not really a problem if you're moving
-Cannon: he shoots bombs at you using his trunk; simply move out of his
line of fire. This only occurs if you stand still for a while.

B. World 2 - OctoOcean

2-1 OctoShoals

Just follow the little stone path through this one; there are several
small puzzles and a new charabom along the way.

NEW ENEMIES: -Scuba Bandits: same as the ones you encountered in the
previous world, but now underwater!
-Eel: kick bombs at them, and run past when they're in their holes. Or
set off a bomb near them.
-Jellyfish: Kick bombs from a distance, they make a big explosion when
hit, like the fireball lizards equip marine eel.
-One-eyed little ghost thing: Kick bombs from a distance also, use
marine eel.
-Crabs: use marine eel charabom on them.

TIPS: -Your new marine eel charabom comes in handy for defeating
enemies remember to equip it.
-For the charabom battle use a water type charabom, and don't worry
about losing.
-When on bubble streams, press forward when bomberman is at the top of
it, also try listening to the sound of "boing" make it so that the two
sound effects are right after each other.
-When there are fish in front of the jet streams on the spike strips,
time your jump so that you go over them.
-Set bombs near clams with switches in them to get across the wheels.

TRICKS: -After you cross the third spike strip, blow up the boulder on
your right, use the jet stream to get on the platform to find a
lightning card.
-After your first encounter with fish on the spike strips follow the
path (watch out for enemies) and blow up the boulder to find a jet
-Before blowing up the switch by the wheel (first one you come to) drop
down the ledge and traverse the big spike field using jet streams to
get some charabom feed.
- To get across the second wheel, drop down the ledge, follow the
little path and put a bomb near the clam, then run back and get on the
jet stream, then go across the wheel.
-When you come to two spinning wheels with one clam right in the
middle, bomb the first clam and go across the wheel. Then wait for the
wheel to spin in the direction you came from. Now place a bomb next to
the clam in the middle and ride the wheel you came on back, quickly
place a bomb next to the first clam. The two bombs should go off in
succession and the wheels should both be spinning the way you want to
go. Now go across both of them, this way the bomb won't explode on you
when you're trying to get across.
-After you cross under the bridge, and get to the part where fish are
blocking the bubble streams, throw a bomb onto the red switch in the
little house to stop the fish from coming.
2-2 Blakinc Trench

Travel along the dirt path, use bubble streams, and bubble jets to

NEW ENEMIES: -Ghosts: These don't attack, they just annoy, throw a bomb
over to them.
-Coins; Use marine eel to kill these.

TIPS: -When ghosts hold doors to ships shut; throw a bomb over to them.
-Blow up wooden poles on ships.

TRICKS: -When you get on top of the first sunken ship, use a big bomb
to blow up the mast, go across it and put a regular bomb near the
wooden pole, go down the pole and enter the portal. Use marine eel, or
andlar, whoever is stronger.
-After you get off the first sunken ship follow the dirt path into the
bubble stream, once your on top of the bubble jet press the control
stick towards the barrel that is behind the bubble stream to get a
lightning card.
-Use that bubble jet to jump onto the platform across from it. Drop
down into the bubble stream and ride it around, when you're on the
bubble jet, jump back to the four bubble stream area, when you land on
the platform in the center blow up the barrel to get a lightning card,
the other barrels around this area contain charabom feed.
-When you get to the next sunken ship, kill the hermit crab, and get on
the platform he was on, kill the ghost on the ship and then get on the
ship yourself (use a big bomb to knock down the large pole so you can
get across).
-When you get off the second sunken ship throw a bomb up to the boulder
that's above the jet stream to block it, allowing you to get across.
-Blow up the wooden logs that are behind the next ship, go around the
ship to get some charabom feed in the barrels.
-Once you get on the third ship step on the green switch to get it
moving, when it stops kill the 4 ghosts that are behind it, and step on
the switch again to get it moving.
-When the ship stops travel across the pole in the back, and then go
all the way back to where the moving ship used to be, you'll find a
little hole with 2 barrels and a coin, inside one of the barrels is a
heart container.
--MINIBOSS-- Equip marine eel, keep moving, 7 regular bombs will kill
2-3 Curreina Fields **CRUSH BOMBER BOSS FIGHT**

Start out by putting big bombs in her way, when her shield disappears,
put another big bomb in her path. A good time to hit her is when she
does the laser attack. Another good time to hit her but a little more
difficult is when she does gorgeous showtime, use andlar and throw a
bomb in between the little spotlights, do this right after she says
gorgeous showtime.

ATTACKS: -Bomb Throw: she hits a bomb and it bounces around towards
-Laser Attack: two of the flying things will come after you and will
try to hit you with lasers. Just move and be cautious.
-Lure Of Elegant Flash: two lasers will be on the sides of her, avoid
them, then she will say the name of the attack and the three lasers
will try to hit you, move away from them, when they meet an explosion
will go off.
-Gorgeous Showtime: she'll say the name, and then the three floating
things will make little spotlights and spin around her, move to one of
the little outlets on the sides.
2-4 Bigbu Iceberg

Follow the path, use seesaws and icebergs to travel, see below for
solutions to any obstacles you may encounter.

NEW ENEMIES: -Penguin: They will shoot a bomb at you if you're not
careful, marine eel works nicely.
-Seal: These will throw bombs back at you, use marine eel, or throw the
bombs next to them, not directly at them.

TIPS: -If an iceberg is green around the edges, put a bomb on it.
-Use bombs and big bombs to move across seesaws
-kick bombs into igloos to stop skating guys from respawning.

TRICKS: -Ride the iceberg furthest from you (as you follow the path)
Then put a bomb on the see-saw, when the see-saw is pointing up, run up
it and into the minigame portal. Just do as the instructions say and
you shouldn't have much trouble, it can be tricky the first few times
-To get the charabom feed by the water fountain (after riding the first
iceberg in the first area and the one to the right in the next area)
you need an ice bomb so don't worry about it your first time through
-After you kill all of the seals (like 6) and the platform you're on
raises, go back down the slope and turn around the barrel in the alcove
contains a card.
-When you get to the part where one water fountain is holding up a
seesaw, place a bomb on the lowered end of the seesaw to expose another
water fountain, now you can cross it.
-Don't worry about the lightning card on top of the platform, you can't
get it yet
-When you get to a seesaw with a barrel directly across from it, put a
big bomb on the side of the seesaw closest to the barrel, now run down
the seesaw and up the slope, the barrel on the side without the drop-
slide has a lightning card.
-At the part with two seesaws right next to each other, go down the
steps and put bombs on both of the green circles to get the seesaws
-Use marine eel to hit the two seals that are sitting on raised
ice.(make sure you throw the bomb)
-Then just go up the steps to the exit.
2-5 Bigbu Cavern

This level has a little more advanced puzzles but nothing too tough,
also it contains the charabom pommy and the ice bomb merger.


TIPS: -Put big bombs on the sides of the green boxes so that they slide
across the pink ice.
-Put bombs in front of ice doors to get through.
-Put big bombs on sides of large ice blocks to make them slide.
-Use big bombs on big ice doors.

TRICKS: -Put a big bomb on the side of the green box so it slides out
of your way, be careful when you go into the room there are two enemies
on the sides of the entrance.
-Go through the second purple ice door you come to, and put a big bomb
next to the green block go through the doorway and into the portal for
a charabom battle use Ligon for this battle. This new charabom pommy is
the greatest charabom of all IMO no more waiting around for bombs to
-To move the large yellow ice block and get to the barrel beside it, go
into the doorway and put a big bomb behind the ice block to slide it
away. To get past it and continue through the level put a big bomb on
the other side of it.
-To the left after you are past the first big ice block, is a room with
two wooden planks on the ground, blow up the two green circles to
release two water fountains, come here when you have pommy and ice
bombs, when you have them, put a bomb next to each fountain, and
detonate them when they are going straight from the stairs to the
platform, and run across the planks to a lightning card.
-Don't worry about the room near this with the gap, you can't do
anything yet.
-When you go right and the next big block is in your way, put a bomb
next to it, and when it slides, run around to the other side of it and
go through the doorway, then go up the stairs, and across the ice
block, a card is in one of the barrels.
--After you get the second lightning card, and there is a green block
blocking your path, run around to the side of it, and toss a bomb next
to it so it slides across the pink ice. If you go past the green block
and down the stairs there are some barrels.
-Now put a big bomb on the other side of the yellow ice block, then run
around to the other side, equip pommy and put a big bomb on the side of
yellow ice block, now go into the doorway inside the ice block and
detonate the bomb.
-Use a big bomb on the big purple ice door, and equip marine eel, start
throwing bombs to kill the penguins.
-Go through the next purple doors and kill the seal using marine eel.
Put a big bomb in front of the green blocks to make them and the large
purple ice block to slide out of your way.
-Go past the two icebergs with green around them and equip pommy, put a
bomb on the diagonally floating iceberg, detonate it when it is near
the stuck one, and ride the new iceberg across in one of the four
barrels is a lightning card.
-Go back to the two stuck icebergs and equip andlar, throw a bomb onto
the farther iceberg and place one on the closest iceberg, and then ride
them across.
-When you come to the big purple ice door by the floating iceberg,
equip pommy, then put a big bomb on the iceberg and detonate it when it
is near the ice door. Now ride the iceberg, go through the door and
into the portal.
-Now that you have the ice bomb backtrack through the level to the
water fountain room (near where you got pommy) mentioned earlier an use
the strategy there to get the remaining lightning card.
-Now continue through the level until you get to a seal on top of some
green blocks, equip marine eel and kill it. Put a big bomb in front of
the blocks that it was on, and then run around to the other side go all
the way up the side and put a big bomb on the other side of the
'caution wet floor' type sign and blow it up. The blocks should slide
out of your way and now you can continue on the path.
-When you get to the 2 seals on top of the ice block use marine eel and
throw bombs at them, when the block rises run through the tunnel and to
the exit.
2-6 Bigbu Cavity **BOSS FIGHT**

STRATEGY: This boss has two forms, for the first form, I advise
equipping Kai-man, avoid the penguins and throw big bombs next to the
cannons on the side of the ship. Also when avoiding cannon shots, try
to make the ship hit the penguins, by running behind them. Watch out
for the tentacles, they will stun you if you get too close. After you
take out the three side cannons you have to kill the turret on top, you
should also try to make this thing kill the penguins, when the penguins
die they will leave health sometimes so if you need some health take
some time to kill the penguins. To kill the turret you should use
andlar, and move to the left side of the tentacles so you can get a
good shot. After you kill the ship it will come back as this weird
squid. Re-equip Kai-man and avoid or kill the baby squids, throw a big
bomb at the thing, it will shudder. Then when it raises its shark
tentacles, throw a big bomb near its mouth, it will scoop in the bomb
and be damaged. Keep doing this to eventually kill it, if you're
damaged enough and have gotten some of the lightning cards in this
world max will help you.

ATTACKS: -Cannon Shot(first form): It will shoot bombs at you from the
three cannons, watch out.
-Turret shot (first form): it will shoot a fireball from the turret on
top (after the 3 side cannons are gone) this move has a pretty large
area of effect so watch out.
-Baby Squid Shot (second form): It will shoot out baby squids that will
attack you, you should throw a big bomb at them right away when they
are all huddled together.
-Fireball Squid Shot (second form): It fires off many bomb-squids very
fast, run to the back of the monster to avoid it. (It uses this attack
after it's been taken down to 2 hearts)

C. World 3 - Tako Desert

3-1 Tako Desert

Simple level with one charabom. From now on since you have pommy,
always have him equipped unless it says otherwise in the guide :)

NEW ENEMIES: -Ghosts: use pommmy, and put some bombs near where he is
appearing detonate them when he appears.
-Cactus Spike guys: kick a bomb at them and then detonate it, don't get
too close, they swing spikes at you.

TIPS: -Put bombs on the side of the worm type things and detonate them
to make the worms jump through walls.
-Enter quicksand to travel.
-Put bombs in quicksand to make the sand reverse its direction.

TRICKS: -Put a bomb on the side of the worm next to the two walls, and
detonate it when he turns to face the wall blocking two vases. Then
make him jump through the other wall.
-Kick a bomb through the hole in the wall to make the worm jump through
it, but before entering the portal, make the worm jump through the
other wall, follow the path around and inside the vase is a lightning
card. Now go back and enter the portal, use a water type charabom, but
the opposing charabom is very weak so almost any charabom will beat
-Travel through the quicksand, and kick bombs into any and all holes
you come across. Kick a bomb into the hole with the skull above it to
open up the skull to the next area. But first go around the rocks and
kick a bomb into the hole under the bones that are closed, go to the
newly opened skull and blow open the pot, inside is a card.
-Now go through the other cattle skull in the area and travel across
the sand until you get to a pole by a pot, blow up both, and continue
traveling straight on the bricks (don't cross the pole yet) extinguish
the flames using water bombs and collect the card in the pot.
-Go back and travel across the pole, knock down the next one and keep
going until you see a ghost, kill it and go up the little stairs, throw
a bomb over to the pole and detonate it when it is near the pole, then
cross the pole.
-Go down the stairs and through the quicksand, go across the next sand
and knock down the pole.
-Go across the pole until you come to a ghost, kill it, and then knock
down the post across the sand using a big bomb, cross it and kill the
next ghost.
-Drop a bomb so it goes through the hole in the wall and into the
quicksand, when the sand reverses go through the quicksand.
-Drop down the ledge and blow open the door near you.
-Travel along the path until you get to an area with a lot of quicksand
holes, go down the one furthest to the left to get a charabom feed, to
get back throw a bomb into the quicksand hole. Then go through the
rightmost one, and then right again to get the island with grass.
--MINIBOSS-- Equip marine eel and hit the camels when they're sitting,
watch out for the bombs they shoot at you too.
-When they are finished exit.
3-2 Tako Temple

Pretty short level with your first charabom merge.

NEW ENEMIES: -Stone Head (with laser): These will turn to where you are
and shoot a laser at you. You cannot kill these, just a run around
-Bomb Eaters: These little purple guys will eat bombs that you lay
down, so use pommy and detonate the bomb before they eat it.

TIPS: -Make the stone heads shoot their lasers at the glowing yellow
-Kick bombs into the holes of the little dome things.
-Explore this stage thoroughly there are many pots in the level.

TRICKS: -Enter the temple (use the tips above) and get all of the items
in the first area, then put a bomb on the yellow switch (near the two
stairs) and then run over to the green switch, run back across the
yellow switch and across the newly lowered platform.
-Run across the narrow walkway, past the stairs and turn left to enter
a charabom portal. Use a good water type, to win.
-Now equip your new charabom and walk to the edge of the slide thing
(the thing you use to drop down) drop a bomb down in between the two
platforms, and slide down. You should have bounced onto the other
platform now, walk up the stairs, and drop a big bomb into the next
space, bounce off of it and get the lightning card.
-Now re-enter the temple and go down the stairs you passed earlier. Go
to your left and kick a bomb into the small opening of the little dome
thing, keep doing this and then step on the green switch once you've
opened the area up.
-Run over to the newly lowered dome, and kick a bomb into the opening,
step on the green switch.
-Make the stone head hit the now lowered yellow light, and continue
into the next area.
-Go onto the sand and drop a bomb so that it goes under the space in
the wall and into the sand pit (remember, you should have Pommy
equipped) now go into the sand pit and out the other side.
-In this next area, go through and kill all of the enemies, and check
the vases, there's a lot of charabom feed here.
-Go behind the stone head that is in between the other two and is also
facing the opposite direction of the other two. Run past the two heads
that are shooting in an "X" go past the leaf and into the portal to get
pomyugar, your first merged charabom. Don't worry about the card in the
vase you can't get it yet.
-Go back out past the two heads shooting in an "X" and past the single
head, then turn left and make the stone head hit the yellow light, then
go into the newly opened area. Time your moves and stay to away from
the center of the room as you make your way to the other side of the
room, hit the green switch behind the stone head, and then exit this
-Now go over to the stone head that is on the other side of the area
with the three stone heads, and go onto the platform that the head is
on. Kick a bomb into the hole of the small dome and hit the green
-Run in front of the now lowered light to make the stone head hit it,
then go into the newly opened room. Once inside get the items within
the vases and put a bomb on the yellow switch, run across the platform
and quickly move to the side. Hit the green switch behind the stone
head and the exit this room.
-Now kick bombs into the holes on the small domes, starting with the
one you just lowered until you come to a green switch, guess what? Step
on it. Now run in front of the newly lowered light and exit the level.
3-3 Takos' Coliseum **CRUSH BOMBER BOSS FIGHT**

STRATEGY: Don't run under his fire when you're pumping up a bomb, and
hit him when he lands after doing an attack. An especially good time to
hit him is when he lands after his spinning headbash move, when he
floats very slowly.

ATTACKS: -Spinning Headbash: Just move away from him, it's good to
attack him after this move.
-Twister: He'll yell twister before he does this move, just try to stay
away from him and rotate your view so you can see where he's going.
-Bomb Drop: When he flies away laughing that means he's going to do
this attack, try to move to one side because his bombs usually tend to
stay near the middle of the arena. You'll hear a weird noise right
before he drops the bombs; he'll do 2 or 3 sweeps.
-Piledriver: He'll start to do this move when he's almost dead, he
flies around the arena and then piledrives you, it looks cool but is
very hard to avoid.
-Fire Blast: he flies around and tries to hit you with the flames that
come out from his feet, just keep moving away from him.
3-4 Takos' Storm

Lot's of puzzles in this level, a somewhat hard minigame, and a new

NEW ENEMIES: -Jumping Horse: These things hop around, and are very
easily avoidable, 1 regular bomb will kill them.

TIPS: -Kick bombs into the mouths of frog heads to make them turn
around so you can use the stairs on their backs.

TRICKS: -Put a bomb on the first switch you come to and go through the
gate, at the second gate throw a bomb over it and make sure it lands on
top of the switch on the other side. Throw a bomb onto the switch on
the side of the third gate.
-Kick a bomb into the frog's mouth and go up the stairs on its back.
-As you walk on the path stay to the side because there is a stone head
coming up, don't bother going past it, the only thing behind it is a
speed up item.
-Go down the stairs and then go as far as you can right, kick a bomb
under the wall and into the small dome, then go through the new path
you just opened up.
-When the path turns left, go ahead and make a right. Put a big bomb
into the little holder and walk across, enter the portal to merge
another charabom, remember when I said to have pommy equipped unless I
say otherwise? Well now have pommy dragon equipped unless said
-Go back and continue following the path, when you come to a yellow
switch throw a bomb onto it and then kick a bomb under the wall and
into the dome.
-Follow the path and don't worry about the yellow switch, or the three
vases inside the gate. Just kick a bomb into the frog's mouth and go up
the stairs.
-Continue along the walk way all the way over the bridge and to the end
then go down the stairs there, is charabom feed inside the vases, go
back and turn right before the bridge. Keep going forward and make sure
that you stay to the side, continue past the stairs and past the stone
head and into the portal. For the minigame: press "B" as fast as you
can and drop the bomb as soon as you get it, make one lap around and
drop the second bomb you get on the yellow switch. Don't worry if you
get frustrated this one can be tough, and really just takes practice.
-Go back and go down the stairs you passed just before the stone head.
-Go along the path and when you come to a stone head, have it hit the
yellow light to your right. Then go down that path and kill the bomb
eater, you can just put a bomb next the wall on your side and detonate
it when he comes near. Then throw a bomb over the wall so it lands on
the yellow switch. And kick a bomb into the dome. Go along the path
until you come to a stone head.
-Go behind the head and kick a bomb onto the yellow switch, then make
the stone head hit the now lowered light, and go into the room to get a
lightning card.
-Now have the head hit the other light and continue down the path, when
the path is blocked by a dome, kill the bomb eater, put a bomb on the
yellow switch, now throw one over the wall where the gate just lowered
so it lands on a switch, move over to where the gate lowered and kick a
bomb into the dome.
-When you get to the two stone heads and the frog/steps in the middle,
go off to the side, (the lasers aren't shooting anymore) equip stegodon
and kick the bomb into the frogs mouth, wait until the frog stops with
its mouth open and then kick the bomb.
-Go up the steps, turn right, turn right again, and drop down the
ledge, now exit the level.
3-5 Octo Tower

A strange level with many floors, a new bomb, and a new charabom.

NEW ENEMIES: Fire Shooters: These little guys shoot out three lines of
fire, be careful around them, 2 regular bombs or 1 big one will kill

TIPS: -Explore this level thoroughly go all the way to the walls to get
-Watch out for spikes, make them come up and then run across when they
go back down if you want to play it safe.

TRICKS: -Go across the spikes and to the left. Go all the way to the
wall and into the portal, Pomyugar is good for this battle.
-Go back over to the spikes and down into the pit, kick a bomb into the
hole in the red thing, stand on the little face behind it and detonate.
-Go to the hole with a spike in front of it, you should now equip pommy
dragon and drop a big bomb down the chute, and then drop down.
Hopefully you have bounced off of the bomb and onto the platform, blow
up the vase and get the card.
-Return back to the second floor and go near the hole you just went
down, but instead of falling down, put a bomb on the wobbly thing that
sort of looks like this _|_ once the bomb blows up and the spinning
floor flattens out, run across it and step on the green switch. Then
run back over it.
-Now go over to the red thing (lets call these "elevators" from now on)
and go up to the next floor.
-Turn right at the elevator and go over to the spinning floor, equip
pommy dragon and throw a bomb onto the spinning floor, then run around
to its side and detonate the bomb.
-Run across the floor and step on the green switch. Watch out for the
fire guy.
-Go back to the elevator you passed on this floor and ride it up. Hit
the green switch in the open, and carefully hit the one surrounded by
-Go past the chute and throw a big bomb at the big red block. Then go
down the chute.
-Return to the spinning floor that looks like this -| (where you saw
the first red flame guy) and go across it, keep going down the path and
cross the spinning floor you come to, kick a bomb into the elevator and
ride it up.
-Be careful of the flame guy and hit the last green switch.
-Put a bomb on each of the spinning floors and detonate them at the
same time, run across them, kill the flame guy and drop down the chute.
Get all of the charabom feed and then drop down again, get the heart
container and break all the vases too, then drop down the chute.
-Now go through all of the levels and collect all the items you can
get. Make sure that you get the third lightning card near the area with
the 6 spikes surrounding the green switch.
-After you've gotten everything go to the second floor, and cross the
spinning floor, then cross the little bridge, go past the elevator and
into the portal to get wind bombs.
-Now return to the elevator, ride it up, and quickly kick a bomb into
the next elevator and move to the side. Now ride this elevator up, and
the next.
-Go around and get all the items, then put a bomb on the yellow switch,
kick a bomb into the little hole near the switch. Put another bomb on
the switch (make sure pommy or pommy dragon is equipped) and then go up
the stairs to the top and out the exit.
3-6 Cursed Temple **BOSS FIGHT**

STRATEGY: This boss has two forms, and there are fire guys that try to
hurt you. Make sure you're almost always moving so he doesn't get you
with his lasers. Start by taking out the fire guys, this will make the
battle easier, the boss will bring them back, when he does kill them
immediately. To kill the first form you must throw a big bomb into his
ring base when he lifts up to do his stomp attack, you have to be
pretty close to get it in. In his second form the boss will be a mummy
and will have two hands, which will come after you and put spells on
you. For the second form always run in circles around the edge of the
arena, this will prevent the boss from doing any damage to you. Throw
big bombs at his front side, a good time to throw one is when he does
his purple vomit attack.

ATTACKS: -Stomp (1st form) He raises up and stomps on the ground, the
shockwave will not damage you, but the attack will make your bombs
explode, this is when you have to damage him in his first form.
-Laser Eyes: if you get in front of him he'll shoot you with lasers, if
you keep moving this isn't a problem.
-Slow Spell: He will put a spell on you that makes you run slower and
bombs will drop behind you, just keep running in a circle, and this
shouldn't be a problem, you'll drop bombs six times before the spell
wares off, this attack is unavoidable.
-Slow Spell 2: He will do the regular slow spell but now the bombs will
fly after you, just keep moving to avoid them, also try rotating the
camera so you can see when they are coming. Three strings of bombs will
come after you; he starts using this move when he gets down to 3
-Purple Vomit: This will hurt you a lot, just stand clear of his mouth,
he usually does this after a spell attack, he usually does this after a
slow spell attack.

D. World 4 - Nekki Moon

4-1 Holsigen Base

Pretty long level with a miniboss that can be troublesome, also
contains a charabom merge, and a minigame that can be tough.

NEW ENEMIES: -Drill Monsters: These little guys have drills on their
faces and drill into the ground, not very hard to defeat, just kick a
bomb near them and detonate. They come out of purple meteors.
-Spiked Caterpillars: To kill the green, spiked, rolling caterpillars.
Wait until they unroll and then hit them with a bomb, you can usually
hit these guys from above.

TIPS: -Be very careful around meteors.
- When a purple meteor falls kill 2 of the 3 drill guys that come out
and then kick a bomb into the mouth of the meteor to stop them from

TRICKS: -Go down the path and watch out for the meteor, when you get to
a gap, use pommy dragon and bomb jump across.
-When the purple meteor falls kill 2 of the 3 drill guys that come out
and then kick a bomb into the mouth of the meteor to stop them from
-Only go off the path to the left if you need one of the following: a
bomb up item, speed up, or a heart recovery.
-Continue along the path; go right before the meteor to get some
charabom feed by bomb jumping over the gap. Go back and continue along
the path, bomb jumping over the gap you'll get to.
-When you get to the laser area, go past the first lasers when they
stop, then drop a bomb into the gap and jump across when the lasers
disappear, now go right and place a bomb onto the yellow switch. Jump
across the gap near the switch, detonate your bombs and then throw one
into the hole of the large box, detonate it. Now step on the green
switch near the dome.
-Go to newly accessible green switch and press it.
-You can now get into the pen with the hige hige guy that was blocked
by lasers and get some charabom feed if you like.
-Turn left at the second green switch and cross the gap using bomb
-Go past the green switch (ignore the mine cart for now) and around the
gate inside the item pod is a lightning card.
-Go around the other side of the fence to get some charabom feed.
-Now go into the mine cart. After you get out hop into the next mine
-After you land, go into the mine cart that the path leads you to.
-When you get out, go into the other mine cart off to the side for some
charabom feed, then return and put a bomb near the lever and hop into
the mine cart (not the one that goes to the charabom feed).
-When you get out follow the right path and get the lightning card in
the item pod.
-Now, go to where the portal is, throw a big bomb into the gap (make
sure it's near the middle) and bomb jump across the gap.
-Go past the mine cart and throw a bomb onto the platform with the
lever. Once the lever has been thrown, hop into the mine cart.
-Go down the stairs and turn right, keep going and go under the tracks,
turn left and get the lightning card.
-You can go under the other set of tracks for some charabom feed.
-Make sure you blow up bombs near the two red switches before going
back up to the platform with the mine cart.
-Freeze the waterspout near the next switch first, then go across and
throw the switch.
-Then freeze the other spout and go across, ride the cart and when you
fall in the gap, place a big bomb where you landed (remember you should
have pommy dragon equipped at all times unless stated otherwise). Now
ride the cart back, and ride it again to the big bomb, you should have
bounced off and landed near the minigame portal. For the minigame:
Throw bombs near the levers and rocks, after you throw a bomb let go of
the control stick to slow down, after the bomb blast has either thrown
the switch or destroyed the rock, press all the way forward on the
control stick. This minigame can be very difficult your first time
through, but after you get the hang of the controls it's easy.
-Go all the way back to where those 2 waterspouts were and ride the
mine cart there.
-Get the charabomb feed and then ride it back, go down the steps, go
left and throw a bomb on the ledge to make the boulder block the track,
now get back into the mine cart.
-Once you're inside the building, traverse the maze like corridors
until you get to a weird machine, throw a bomb into the hole on its
back. It's miniboss time.
To kill this thing you have to throw 2 big bombs into the hole on its
back. When he shakes the floor any bombs you are holding will explode,
you should throw the bomb at him when he shakes the floor. Move out of
the bouncing things way, and don't be behind it when it drives
backwards. Below is a somewhat crude overhead map of the area you will
fight the boss in, see below it for a key. After you defeat him, check
the building for heart recovery items and then exit.
| @ * |
| 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< |
| . @_____ ^ _____________________*__|
|___ . | >>>>>>>> |_2_ |
| . | ^ _____________________________| |_|
| . | ^ # |
| . | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< |
| . |_____#____________________________ ^ |
| . * # ^ |
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
|____ *_______________________________#_____|

***MAP KEY**
# = When the little thing detaches and bounces around the boss.
* = When he shakes the floor.
@ = When the machine quickly shifts into reverse, don't be behind him
when he doest this.
1 = The green switch
2 = The bomb holder in the pit.
The arrows are the direction he moves in, and the dots are him going

STRATEGY: Keep moving, and hit him with big bombs in between his
attacks, a really good time to hit him is when he pauses during his
bomb drop attack (when he detaches) Surprisingly, not too tough of a

ATTACKS: -Machine Gun: He'll shoot at you, move away from the orange
sparks on the ground, he'll laugh before he does this.
-Vacuum: He'll say, "I've got'cha" before doing this, the attack will
just try to suck you near him, run the opposite direction.
-Fireball Cannon: He shoots fireballs at you; they have a medium sized
area of effect so stay clear of them.
-Bomb Drop: He'll detach his torso and chase around dropping a lot of
bombs, run around in a to avoid being hit, he'll pause in the middle of
the attack, this is a good opportunity to hit him.
4-3 Beneath Holsigen

A long level with a couple of charaboms.

NEW ENEMIES: Lava Monsters: These guys are dangerous, they shoot a big
laser out at you if you get close, kill them with a big water bomb.

TIPS: -Stay clear of spotlights, if one catches you, a bunch of those
annoying hige hige guys that are in each level will come after you.
-Extinguish all flames in an area, this makes things easier.

TRICKS: -Go through the first gate, go down the hall and put a big bomb
on the side of the box, go through the gate.
-Step on the switch; go back out into the previous hall and through
-Go forward; watch out for the spotlight, and step on the green switch,
now go continue down the hall.
-Turn at your first right and put a big bomb next to the box, so that
it slides across the floor onto the switch.
-Now go back out into the hall and enter the next room on your right,
hit both of the switches, and then quickly run over the drop floor,
across the hall, and through the gateway.
-Set off a bomb near the red switch and get on the lift, use an ice
bomb to freeze the waterspout and collect the charabom feed on the
other side.
-Go to the big red pipe on the side, travel along it and enter the
charabom portal. After you have the charabom set off a big bomb near
the box and return to the hall that you came into the pipe room from.
-Go all the way forward and out into the area with the flames.
-Kill the lava monsters using big water bombs. Then put a bomb on the
side of the box on the left so that it goes into the lava hole.
-Ride the lift up, ride the other lift down and put out all of the
-Now, ride the lift back up and bomb jump across the gap to the
charabom merge portal.
-Big bomb jump onto the next platform and big bomb jump down when you
get to the end.
-Bomb jump onto the platform directly across from you to get a
lightning card.
-Continue along the path, past the yellow switch, go the chute, equip
fire horn, and make a bomb line to the platform, jump across the bombs
and inside the box is a lightning card.
-Now go all the back to the yellow switch.
-Put a bomb on the switch and ride the lift down, now make the box
slide into the lava hole, and kill the lava monster, and put out all of
the fires on the floor.
-Put a bomb onto the yellow switch, and ride the next lift up, detonate
the bomb once the lift is up, now equip fire horn, and make a line
straight across from the lift, bounce over and get the charabom feed.
-Get back on the lift, go down the narrow walkway and down the lift,
avoid the spotlight, and hit the red switch in the next room.
-Go back over to the yellow lift, and bomb jump across the platforms
using fire horn often, until you get to a platform with a lowered lift.
-Put a bomb on the switch that is on the floor off to the side of the
platform, ride the lift down.
-Kill the lava monster, and then throw a bomb onto the yellow switch
that is near a lift, ride the lift up and go near the chute. Equip fire
horn and line up a shot to the platform diagonal from the platform
you're on. Inside you'll get the light bomb, which turns those
translucent objects into solid objects.
-Get off the platform and go past the box (try out your light bomb if
you like) and ride the lift up to get another lightning card.
-Ride the nearest lift up, equip fire horn and bomb jump across the gap
over to the next platform.
-Throw a bomb onto the switch off to the right and ride the lift down.
-In this area kill the lava monsters and make the boxes go into the
lava holes.
-Walk across the boxes and into the next area.
-Throw a bomb onto the yellow switch and ride the lift up.
-Freeze the waterspout and walk across it.
-Put out the flames and go across to where the leaf is.
-Set off a wind bomb near the leaf, when it lands on the ground, put a
bomb near it, get on the leaf, and then detonate it when you're on,
ride the leaf up and exit.
4-4 Construction Site ***BOSS FIGHT***

STRATEGY: This is my favorite boss of the game, it's so hilarious, the
music, the transformation, the death pose, and when he yells,
Constuctoooor X. Anyways, to defeat him just keep moving, he's so slow
you should be able to run circles around him, and put a little bit of
distance between you and him. You have to throw a bomb near him when he
stops and smoke comes out of him (usually after he attacks) then
detonate it immediately, pommy or pommy dragon are highly recommended
for this battle. The real key to winning this fight is to recognize
what he says before his attacks and moving accordingly. Overall this is
a pretty easy and fun battle, one of the highlights of the game.

ATTACKS: -Drill Throw: This is very easily avoidable; he yells drill
something before he does it, just don't be directly in front of him.
-Dynamite Throw; He'll throw little sticks of dynamite in a circle
around him, just stay away from them, they explode eventually.
-Goo Spray: I don't know what he says exactly before this, but you'll
recognize it when he says it, so you can move the next time you hear
it, the only way this could hurt you is if you are standing right next
to him.
-Laser Blade: He says "I will destroy you ... with my laser blade!"
before doing this one; just move to the edge of the arena, far away
from him to avoid the blasts.

E. World 5 - Majestar

5-1 Megadeth Bypass

This level has a new charabom, and two charabom mergers.

TIPS: -Be very careful around cannons, use bomb barriers to get by.
-Try not to get lost.

TRICKS: -Go right, and when professor ein tells you to use a bomb
barrier do it. Pick up a bomb, and press "X" to make a bomb barrier.
Walk down the path making a bomb shield in front of each cannon.
-Go around and step on the green switch.
-Collect any items and continue forward.
-Turn at your first right, enter the portal, Fire Horn can be useful in
this battle.
-Back out of this little nook, and go to bomberman's right, watch out
for the canons, go up the stairs that you come to and destroy the
cannons, now go back down the stairs and place a bomb onto the yellow
switch and go into the room that opened up, kill the coin, and ride the
leaf up. Grab the lightning card and then return to where you destroyed
the cannons.
-Return up the stairs, and go across the bridge, continue along, until
the path opens up.
-Turn left, hit the red switch, and go up the lift, make sure you have
pommy dragon equipped, big bomb jump across the gap, and go around and
enter the portal. Then drop down the chute.
-Go up the stairs, you'll have to kill the bomb eater, which can be
difficult, now put a bomb on the yellow switch and go through the door,
step on the green switch and keep going.
-Turn right, and go past the cannons, put a big bomb into the bomb
holder when you get to it, and go across.
-Step on the green switch, continue forward, and go up the first stairs
on your right. Of course, kill the enemies, and destroy the cannons
(sweet sweet revenge) then use a light bomb on the transparent bridge,
cross it, and drop a wind bomb down onto the leaf below.
-Ride the leaf down, cross the two bomb platforms when you get to them,
and use bomb barrier to get past the cannons.
-Ride the leaf on bomberman's left, and go around the path to get a
lightning card at the end.
-Return down by putting a wind bomb on the leaf, and riding it back, if
you go up the other leaf there is some charabom feed.
-When you're ready to move on kick a bomb into the hole under the
switch, and step on it.
-Go into the gate to your left, and get ready for a miniboss of sorts.
-Avoid the cannons on their front sides, kick a bomb into the hole
under the floating green switch and step on the switch, this will make
one of the cannons vulnerable to big bomb attacks. Kill that cannon and
then move on to the next, put a bomb onto the yellow switch nearest the
remaining cannon, then run to the newly lowered green switch and step
on it. Now the last cannon is vulnerable. Kill it and then put bombs on
the two yellow switches that are where the cannons used to be.
-Go through the gate, and ride the leaf up, go forward and kill the
cannons, keep going and get the lightning card.
-Now equip pox and guide the bombs over to the two red switches on the
floor to the left.
-Drop down the chute and go to bomberman's left, kill the bomb eater,
go up the stairs, and get rid of the cannons, now put a bomb on the
yellow switch, and go through the gate.
-Ride the lifts and go around to the portal, after you get Lai Eel exit
the level
5-2 Psycho Elevator ***CRUSH BOMBER BOSS FIGHT***

STRATEGY: This battle can be very difficult your first time through,
make sure you have all of the available heart containers up to this
point. Start by hitting her with big bombs when she's disappearing and
reappearing, wait until she stops. Then when she starts throwing bombs,
remember where they land and stay away from them. Hit her when she
stands still after her hidden bomb attack. Also hit her when she stops
after her orb of destruction attack. Keep hitting her, avoid her
attacks (see below) and you should eventually get through the battle.

ATTACKS: -Hidden Bomb Throw: The bombs that she throws sink into the
floor, remember where they are and stay away from them.
-Split Image: When she splits into 3, go in the middle of them and
avoid the spinning disks they throw. When they all turn around, go to
the bottom and go in between the spinning disks to avoid them.
-Orb Of Destruction: After her hidden bomb attack, she'll say "Be
Careful" and pull out a little blue orb that you'll naturally gravitate
towards. Run in the opposite direction to avoid being pulled in, the
blue orb will eventually explode, when it does attack her.
-Energy Domes: She'll say angrily: "Now I'll be serious" and she'll
start making these pink little domes of energy. Move as close to her as
you can, and you'll be protected.
5-3 Mechanikal

Complicated level with a heart container, the last charabom, and a
pretty challenging miniboss. This is also the last real level in the

NEW ENEMIES: -Robot Computer: These flying things will zap your bomb,
so equip marine eel or lai eel and throw a bomb, to get them.

TIPS: The arrows in front of transporters tell you a little about them.
-A single arrow means the transporter is one-way. A single arrow also
means that the transporter always take you back to an earlier part of
the level. -A double arrow means that you can come back to it. -A left
and right arrow means that you'll have a choice of where to go when you
come to the other end.

TRICKS: -Go around the corner and throw a bomb onto the yellow switch,
go across the box.
-Blow up the red switch, go into then next room and into the only
-Go into the next transporter. Jump into the room with the metal bug.
Use fire horn to get across the gap. Use shelks to drive a bomb through
the hole and onto the red switch, go out, and into the transporter you
just used.
-Jump out into the room that you haven't been in yet, use angol to
throw a bomb through the hole in the wall and onto the switch, go out
the gate.
-Kill the robot, using lai eel, DO NOT go into the transporter with a
one-way arrow, unless you need to go back for some reason. Put a bomb
on the switch and cross over the box. Go into the transporter.
-Go down the conveyor belt, stay between the lasers, and only continue
down the belt when the lasers have stopped.
-Drop a bomb on the next conveyor belt and go into the transport part
of it when the belt reverses.
-Pick up a bomb and when you get on the belt, toss it onto the yellow
switch. Go through the door.
-Go into the 2-way tranporter, kill the robot, put a bomb on the switch
and bomb jump over the gap. (Better have pommy dragon equipped) And go
into the left - right transporter.
-Jump into the room with the floating transparent box. Use a light bomb
on the box. And put a bomb on the switch when the box is in between the
two floors. Get the lightning card and go into the transporter.
-Go back into the left-right transporter and jump into the room with
the metal bug.
-Put a bomb on the switch when the box is in between the 2 platforms,
cross it and enter the 2-way transporter.
-Bomb the red switch and run across the conveyor belt.
-Go over the next 2 conveyor belts and kill the bomb eater (put a big
bomb near the edge and detonate) then use unicornos to get over the
bomb holders. Get the heart container and go back to the first conveyor
-Equip angol and you have to throw a big bomb so that the blast zone
will trigger the red switch.
-Then go into the gate for the last charabom.
-After you get Big Ox, go back out to the conveyor belts. Go to the
second one and use the same strategy you used before to trigger the red
switch. Go through the gate.
-Use the same strategy you used on the last 2 belts, but try to time it
so that the bomb goes off when the 2 boxes are side-by-side. It's
mostly just luck.
-The left transporter will take you to the last lightning card, you
will have to replay some of the level to make it back here.
-The right transporter just takes you back to an earlier part of the
level, don't go into it.
-The middle transporter takes you to a miniboss.
-1st side - Laser: Run to the side to avoid the lasers, when they stop,
place a bomb on the yellow switch, and go into the transporter.
-2nd side - Mace: Every time the mace hits the ground you will be
stunned, so be careful with your bombs. You have to put a bomb
somewhere where the mace will strike it. When the mace is stunned, put
a bomb on the switch, and go into the transporter.
-3rd side - Enemy Dispenser: Kill the coins, when the floating box is
between the ramp and the switch, put a bomb on the yellow switch. Then
run up the ramp and hit the green switch.
-Final Phase: First of all this next part is easier if you stun the
mace. Go to the laser side, equip shelks and drive a bomb into one of
the holes that are opening and closing.
-Go into the transporter.
5-4 Port Majje ***BOSS FIGHT***

STRATEGY: Hit him with pumped bombs and avoid his attacks. Since this
boss doesn't really move at all you don't need to detonate bombs, so go
ahead and equip Kai-man. Move from side to side to keep him off guard.

ATTACKS: -Tail swipe/Slam: The eye on the star will open prior to the
attack. The tail swipe will knock bombs away from the boss, and the
slam will make them explode. Just have some distance between you and
the boss, and be careful with your bombs.
-Firestarter: He'll shoot out fireballs, which will make little fires.
To put out the fires use water bombs. Watch out when they are falling
from the sky.
-Bouncing Fireballs: These fireballs bounce across the arena, stay
clear of them. Each head will shoot them, the middle shoots first, then
the one on Bomberman's left, and then the one on the right.
-Barrier: Use water bombs to put out parts of the barrier, and then
move in to attack.
-Fan: The boss uses its wings to create gusts of wind. This will push
bombs away from the boss, it will also push you around a little too.

F. World 6 - Armor Joe

For the first part of this level you have to stop the battleship.

-Equip Lai Eel and use him to take out the first 2 turrets.
-Watch out for the big cannon, and use 2 big bombs to kill him.
-Kill the turrets on the sides and then go up the ramp and kill the
-Go up the next ramp and using Lai Eel kill the robots and turrets,
then go onto one of the wings.
-Kill the turret that pops up and the two rocket things, then throw one
big bomb into the orange-glowing circles on the jets.
-Repeat for the other wing.
-Go to the center of the ship.
-Go down the 2 ramps and through one of the charred areas on the side.
-Use Lai Eel to kill the enemies, grab the 2 heart refills and go up
one of the steps.
-Go down each side and kill the turrets, grab the heart refill at the
end of each.
-Go to the middle and up the ramp. Go past all 3 cannons and throw 2
big bombs in between the last 2 cannons to destroy them. Kill the last
cannon, if you move far enough to the side (where the other 2 cannons
used to be) it'll stop moving.

Now for the final boss.

STRATEGY: You have to use light bombs to do any damage to him. Throw
big light bombs in between the orbs that encircle him, and detonate
them. Keep moving around the arena and watch out for the bomb element
crystals. When he creates a fire barrier, open up an area wide enough
for you to attack in, by using water bombs to put out the flames. After
a while he'll start using a spread fireball/laser attack. You should
hit him during the laser attack, and when he pauses afterwards. Once
he's dead all that's left to do is sit back and enjoy the ending. (not
to mention the music during the credits)

ATTACKS: -Ring of Fire: He creates a barrier of flames around him, use
water bombs to put them out.
-Fireball: Very easily avoidable, just keep moving around the arena.
-Spread Fireball/Laser: The fireballs will spread once they hit the
ground, when he's done with fireballs he'll try to hit you with lasers
from his eyes. Keep moving, quickly! A great time to hit him is during
the laser attack and when he pauses afterwards.

5. Charaboms

No.1 Stegadon

*FOUND: 3-1
*EFFECT: Bomb Kick - Kicked bombs slide farther distances. Stop sliding
bombs by pressing the "Y" button.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: Complete 3-1 you can't miss it.

No.2 Dorako

*FOUND: 1-2
*EFFECT: Full Fire - Bomb blasts are now at maximum firepower.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: When you come to the first Fireball Flower go to the
riverbank by the 2 vases, equip andlar and throw a bomb at the tree
across the river. Cross it and enter the portal for a new charabom.

No.3 Pteradon

*FOUND: 3-2
*EFFECT: Bomb Jump - Your character will jump when it lands on a bomb.
He can jump higher with Big Bombs.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: Run across the narrow walkway (after the first yellow
switch puzzle, see guide), past the stairs and turn left to enter a
charabom portal. Use a good water type to win.

No.4 Andlar

*FOUND: 1-1
*EFFECT: Power Glove - Greater height and distance of thrown bombs.
Adjust throw by the Control Stick.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: Just complete 1-1 it's impossible to miss.

No.5 Marine Eel

*FOUND: 1-5
*EFFECT: Homing - Thrown (and kicked) bombs will follow foes until they
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: Blow up the bridge that is closest to the top and drop
down the right side, go down the stream and you'll come to a charabom

No.6 Kai-man

*FOUND: 2-1
*EFFECT: Shield - All damages received by foes are cut in half.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: Just complete 2-1, it's right on the main path.

No.7 Beast P.

*FOUND: 3-5
*ATTRIBUTE: Electric
*EFFECT: Full Speed - Maximum speed of your character is now possible.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: Go across the spikes in the beginning of the level and
to the left. Go all the way to the wall and into the portal, Pomyugar
is good for this battle.

No.8 Pox

*FOUND: 5-1
*ATTRIBUTE: Electric
*EFFECT: Radio Control - Bombs can be moved freely by using the Control
Stick while pressing the "A" button.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: After you get past the first large dome that was
blocking your path, turn at your first right and enter the portal.

No.9 Pommy

*FOUND: 2-5
*ATTRIBUTE: Electric
*EFFECT: Remote Control - Pressing the "B" button can detonate bombs
that have been setup.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: Go through the second purple ice door you come to, and
put a big bomb next to the green block, go through the doorway and into
the portal for a charabom battle, use Ligon for this battle.

No.10 Ligon

*FOUND: 2-2
*EFFECT: Full Bomb - Setting up the maximum amount of bombs becomes
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: When you get on top of the first sunken ship, use a
big bomb to blow up the mast, go across it and put a regular bomb near
the wooden pole, go down the pole and enter the portal. Use marine eel,
or andlar, whoever is stronger.

No.11 Unicornos

*FOUND: 4-3
*EFFECT: Line Bomb - Straight lines of bombs are setup when the "A"
button is continuously pressed.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: Near the beginning get into the pipe room and go along
the biggest pipe to come to the portal. See the guide section if you
don't know how to enter the pipe room.

No.12 Big Ox

*FOUND: 5-3
*EFFECT: Land Mine - Bombs become landmines and detonate if stepped on
by foes or if the "B" button is pressed.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: When you get to 2 conveyor belts, one right after the
other, go to the first belt (the one with gate "HG 05" next to it.)
Equip angol and you have to throw a big bomb so that the blast zone
will trigger the red switch. Then go into the gate for the last

No.13 Angol

*MERGED: 4-1
*ATTRIBUTE: Fire/Water
*EFFECT: Power Glove + Bomb Kick - Bomb throwing and kicking are
powered up.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: After you turn the first lever and get out of the mine
cart, go right, throw a big bomb into the middle of the gap and bomb
jump across into the portal.

No.14 P.Dragon

*MERGED: 3-4
*ATTRIBUTE: Electric/Fire
*EFFECT: Remote Control + Bomb Jump - Remote Control and Bomb Jump can
be used together, making repeated jumps easier.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: Follow the path through the level, it's near the
beginning by the room with 3 water vases and 2 jumping horses. Kick a
bomb under the wall and into the dome, go around and follow the path.
Turn at your first right and bomb jump across the gap.

No.15 Pomyugar

*MERGED: 3-2
*ATTRIBUTE: Electric/Earth
*EFFECT: Remote Control + Full Bomb - Setting up the maximum amount of
Remote Controlled Bombs becomes possible.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: First get to the end of the level. Then go behind the
stone head that is in between the other two and is also facing the
opposite direction of the other two. Run past the two heads that are
shooting in an "X" go past the leaf and into the portal to get
pomyugar, your first merged charabom.

No.16 Shelks

*MERGED: 5-1
*ATTRIBUTE: Water/Electric
*EFFECT: Shield + Radio Control - When radio controlling bombs, it is
harder to get damaged than with the normal shield.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: When you get to gate "HG 02" hit the red switch, and
go up the lift, make sure you have pommy dragon equipped, big bomb jump
across the gap, and go around and enter the portal

No.17 Lai Eel

*MERGED: 5-1
*ATTRIBUTE: Water/Earth
*EFFECT: Homing + Full Bomb - The maximum amount of Homing Bombs can be
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: Right at the exit ride the leaf up, go forward and
kill the cannons. Now equip pox and guide the bombs over to the two red
switches on the floor to the left. Drop down the chute and go to
bomberman's left, kill the bomb eater, go up the stairs, and get rid of
the cannons, now put a bomb on the yellow switch, and go through the
gate. Ride the lifts and go around to the portal.

No. 18 Fire Horn

*MERGED: 4-3
*ATTRIBUTE: Earth/Fire
*EFFECT: Line Bomb + Bomb Jump - While pressing the "A" button, use the
Control Stick to line up bombs in the desired angle.
*HOW TO ACQUIRE: When you get to the area with your first two lava
monsters, ride the lift up and go straight along the metal grates, the
portal it to the right, you have to bomb jump to get it.

6. Heart Container Locations

1-1 OctopiWoods

When you come to the second stream you cross using logs, let the log
carry you down the stream, blow up the vases and get the heart.
2-2 Blackinc Trench

When the ship stops travel across the pole in the back, and then go all
the way back to where the moving ship used to be, you'll find a little
hole with 2 barrels and a coin, inside one of the barrels is a heart
3-5 Octo Tower

Go to the area where you hit the last green switch (by the big red
block) Put a bomb on each of the spinning floors and detonate them at
the same time, run across them, kill the flame guy and drop down the
chute. Get all of the charabom feed and then drop down again, get the
heart container and break all the vases too, then drop down the chute.
4-1 Holsigen Base

After you get off of the first mine cart, go left at the second, use
light bombs to make the bomb holders solid, then use unicornos or fire
horn to get across.
5-3 Mechanikal

When you get to 2 conveyor belts that are one right after the other,
and gates "HG 05" and "HG 06" on their sides. Go over the 2 conveyor
belts and kill the bomb eater (put a big bomb near the edge and
detonate) then use unicornos to get over the bomb holders. Get the
heart container and go back to the first conveyor belt.

7. Attribute Bombs

-Aqua Bomb-
Merge Item required: Water Balloon
Merge Item found in: 1-1 after completing the Bomjy Jump minigame.
Merge Portal found in: 1-2
Effect: Puts out flames.
-Ice Bomb-
Merge Item required: Shaved Ice
Merge Item found in: 2-4 after completing the MotorBomber minigame.
Merge Portal found in: 2-5
Effect: Freezes waterspouts.
-Wind Bomb-
Merge Item required: Fan
Merge Item found in: 3-4 after completing the Bomber Marathon minigame.
Merge Portal found in: 3-5
Effect: Makes large leaves float.
-Light Bomb-
Merge Item required: Strobe
Merge Item found in: 4-1 after completing the Rail Bomber minigame.
Merge Portal found in: 4-3
Effect: Makes translucent objects into solid objects.

8. Minigames

Bomjy Jump in 1-1

Wait until the leaf is all the way to the right for the first time and
press "A" Then slow down when needed by holding "A" You should drop as
soon as possible, the time should be about 59.65
MotorBomber in 2-4

Hold down "A" whenever you see ice, let go of "A" and move out of the
way. Then continue holding "A"
Bomber Marathon in 3-4

Press "B" as fast as you can and drop the bomb as soon as you get it,
make one lap around, make sure that you step on the green switch. And
drop the second bomb you get on the yellow switch, you may want to slow
down just a bit when dropping the bomb on the yellow switch, just to
make sure that you get it on there. If you are really having trouble,
just make a few laps, use some bombs to slow down the boulder, you
don't have to hit the switch on your second lap. Don't worry if you get
frustrated this one can be tough, and it really just takes practice.
Rail Bomber in 4-1

Throw bombs near the levers and rocks, after you throw a bomb let go of
the control stick to slow down, after the bomb blast has either thrown
the switch or destroyed the rock, press all the way forward on the
control stick. If you're still having trouble, make absolutely sure
that you're completely letting go of the control stick after throwing a
bomb, DO NOT pull back on the control stick. This minigame can be very
difficult your first time through, but after you get the hang of the
controls it's easy.

9. Lightning Cards

World 1 - Tentasia

1-1 OctopiWoods

#1 - Go past the mini-boss area, and freeze the water spout holding the
log, so that you can move past it, the card is in one of the

#2 - After you cross the second "tree-bridge" that you made go into the
first tree stump on your right. You'll have to equip andlar or angol
and throw a big bomb between the two palm trees to knock down the large
tree in the other area. Go to where the tree has fallen, and cross it,
the card is in the vase.

#3 - Cross the first river, and the second, then come back to the first
river, and blow up the boulder again. Now blow up the boulder that is
blocking the second river, cross the second river then re-cross it like
before, then go back to the first river, you should see a vase in the
empty river, blow it up and collect the card.
1-2 Lake Mensor

#1 - When you come to your first 2 lily pads covered with vines, ride
straight across the water to a little island. Use andlar and throw a
bomb into the floating flower hole. Near the bomb merge portal is a
lily to the left, ride it to the flower, you lowered earlier, and
collect the lightning card.

#2 - Using Ice bombs, freeze the waterspout near the lone giant monkey
head. Cross the frozen spout, and blow up the vase on the island.

#3 - Throw water bombs into the mouths of the 3 monkey heads that have
water flowing out of them to drain the little pit under them. Destroy
the vase in the drained pit to get a card.
1-3 OctoStone

#1 - Defeat him in under 4 minutes.

#2 - Here are two different strategies for this elusive card, the 1st
is how I did it, but I think the second will work. This one might take
you a while, but keep trying. 1: Hit him with a bomb when he's doing
the mace shot attack, when he turns it should blow up, (I think he was
about to do the charge attack when he turned) and you should get the
card. 2: Either time a bomb, or use pommy to make the bomb explode when
he is charging at you. Good Luck!

#3 - Damage him with a big fire bomb. (doesn't matter if the bomb stuns
him or not.)

#4 - Damage him with a big water bomb. (doesn't matter if the bomb
stuns him or not.)

#5 - Using andlar damage him with a big water bomb, but make sure that
the bomb does not actually touch him when you throw it.
1-4 Octomanion

#1 - Right near the exit arrow go left and blow up the boulder in the
way. Then use water bombs to put out the flames; the middle pot has a
lightning card.

#2 - Blow up the three big pots near the beginning of the level to get
a lightning card.

#3 - After you cross you first gap using a big bomb, use Fire Horn
(charabom) to get to the green path across the pit, go a ways along the
path and blow up the big pot to get a card.
1-5 SukkorHills

#1 - Kill the native inside the fence and also activate the trolley
near it, equip marine eel, go to the opening on the right and throw a
bomb inside. Ride the trolley across, equip andlar, and throw a big
bomb near the boulder, cross the gap and collect the card.

#2 - Drop down the furthest bridge to the right, and blow up the rock
wall. Go through the tunnel and use a wind bomb near the leaf (while
you're on it) to make it lift you up. Go on the cliff it takes you to
and the card is in the center pot.

#3 - When you get to the top, go right instead of straight, put out the
flame below and drop down, go a little right and blow up the pot to get
a card.

World 2 - OctoOcean

2-1 OctoShoals

#1 - After you cross the third spike strip, blow up the boulder on your
right, use the jet stream to get on the platform to find a lightning

#2 - After you cross the two red wheels that are right in succession,
drop down the ledge and go to your left, use a light bomb on the box to
get a card.

#3 - After you cross the second red wheel go to the right and use a
bomb-jump charabom to get across the gap, for the next gap just use a
big bomb to jump.
2-2 Blakinc Trench

#1 - Just before the miniboss, use a light bomb on the transparent
bubble stream, ride it up and inside the barrel on the platform is the

#2 - After you get off the first sunken ship follow the dirt path into
the bubble stream, once your on top of the bubble jet press the control
stick towards the barrel that is behind the bubble stream.

#3 - Use the bubble jet mentioned in the how to get card #2 (above) to
jump onto the platform across from it. Drop down into the bubble stream
and ride it around, when you're on the bubble jet, jump back to the
four bubble stream area, when you land on the platform in the center
blow up the barrel
2-3 Curreina Fields

#1 - Beat her within 3 minutes.

#2 - Stun her with a big bomb. (Be close, so close that the blast may
hurt you)

#3 - Stun her with a big water bomb. (Be close, the blast may hurt you)

#4 - Stun her with a big bomb when she's standing still while doing
Lure Of Elegant Flash.

#5 - Throw a big wind bomb at her when she does gorgeous showtime, if
one of the three lights hits the bomb you'll get the card.
2-4 Bigbu Iceberg

#1 - When you come to the part where there is a seal next to a platform
kill the seal and then very quickly drop down to where it was sitting.
When the platform you're on raises, use a big bomb and a bomb jump
charabom to get to the other platform with the card.

#2 - When you get to a see-saw with a barrel directly across from it,
put a big bomb on the side of the see-saw closest to the barrel, now
run down the see-saw and up the slope, the barrel on the side without
the drop-slide has a lightning card

#3 - After you kill all of the seals (like 6) and the platform you're
on raises, go back down the slope and turn around the barrel in the
alcove contains a card.
2-5 Bigbu Cavern

#1 - To the left after you are past the first big ice block, is a room
with two wooden planks on the ground, blow up the two green circles to
release two water fountains, come here when you have pommy and ice
bombs, when you have them, put a bomb next to each fountain, and
detonate them when they are going straight from the stairs to the
platform, and run across the planks to a lightning card.

#2 - When you come to the second big block that is in your way, put a
bomb next to it, and when it slides, run around to the other side of it
and go through the doorway, then go up the stairs, and across the ice
block, a card is in one of the barrels.

#3 - Go past the two icebergs with green around them and equip pommy,
put a bomb on the diagonally floating iceberg, detonate it when it is
near the stuck one, and ride the new iceberg across in one of the four
barrels is a lightning card.

World 3 - Tako Desert

3-1 Balley Valley

#1 - Kick a bomb through the hole in the wall to make the worm jump
through it, but before entering the portal, make the worm jump through
the other wall, follow the path around and inside the vase is a
lightning card.

#2 - When you get to the area where the professor tells you to kick
bombs into the holes, go around the rocks and kick a bomb into the hole
under the bones that are closed, go to the newly opened skull and blow
open the pot, inside is a card.

#3 - Go through the other cattle skull in the area (mentioned above #2)
and travel across the sand until you get to a pole by a pot, blow up
both, and continue traveling straight on the bricks (don't cross the
pole yet) extinguish the flames using water bombs and collect the card
in the pot.
3-2 Tako Temple

#1 - First you have to get on the platform to the left of the entrance
(as you enter the temple, go to where you got Pteradon, which is past
the stairs with the 2 water vases.) Equip Pteradon and walk to the edge
of the slide thing (the thing you use to drop down) drop a bomb down in
between the two platforms, and slide down. You should have bounced onto
the other platform now, walk up the stairs, and drop a big bomb into
the next space, bounce off of it and get the lightning card.

#2 - Go to where you got the fan (at the end of the level, past the two
stone heads that are shooting in an "X" put a wind bomb next to the
leaf and blow it up, the card is in the vase on the platform.

#3 - When you come to the area with two stone heads after you come down
the stairs blocked by two water vases, make the head on the right hit
the yellow switch with his laser, then go into the area that opened up,
go up the stairs, and detonate a light bomb on the transparent bridge,
when it materializes go across the bridge and get the card out of the
3-3 Takos' Coliseum

#1 - Defeat him within 4 minutes.

#2 - Stun him with a big bomb after he lands from his bomb drop attack.

#3 - Stun him with a big bomb after his spinning headbash move.

#4 - Stun him with a big bomb right before he does twister (when he
says twister) have the bomb pumped and ready, follow him as he hovers
and hit him when he stops.

#5 - Put a big ice bomb on the edge of the arena, when he's flying
around the arena before his piledriver attack, detonate it when he's
within the bomb's blast area.
3-4 Takos' Storm

#1 - Go along the main path in the level and stop when you come to a
very high platform with a yellow switch on top of it. Equip angol and
throw a bomb on the switch, when the gate lowers quickly kick a bomb
into the dome, once the dome is blown up go through the opening. The
card is one of the vases.

#2 - You must first be in a room with two leaves and a platform in
between them (it's near the end of the level) use a wind bomb on the
leaf that has no path leading to it and when the leaf is high enough
kick a bomb into the dome. Now go around and ride the other leaf up,
get on the platform and get the card.

#3 - Go towards the end of the level by the stone head statue that has
a raised light, a normal light, and a yellow switch by it. Go behind
the head and kick a bomb onto the yellow switch, then make the stone
head hit the now lowered light, and go into the room to get a lightning
3-5 Octo Tower

#1 - First ride the first block that shoots you up a level. Then go to
the hole with a spike in front of it, you should now equip pommy dragon
and drop a big bomb down the chute, and then drop down. Hopefully you
have bounced off of the bomb and onto the platform, blow up the vase
and get the card.

#2 - Put a light bomb next to the transparent bomb holder on the first
floor. Go to the second floor equip pommy dragon and drop a big bomb
down the hole that's by the two spikes, drop down the hole. You should
have bounced off of the bomb and onto the platform, the bomb is in the

#3 - After you have hit all the switches go back to the area with 6
spikes surrounding a green switch, it's by the wall.

World 4 - Nekki Moon

4-1 Holsigen Base

#1 - After you get through the laser part, do not go into the mine cart
yet, instead go right and around the fence, the lightning card is
inside the item pod.

#2 - After you throw the second lever you come to (the one on the
platform, near card #3) and ride the mine cart nearest it. Go down the
stairs and turn right, keep going and go under the tracks, turn left
and get the lightning card.

#3 - After you throw the first lever you come to and get out of the
mine cart, follow the right path. The card is in an item pod.
4-2 Armz Gate

#1 - Damage him with a big bomb when his torso starts to fly around and
drop bombs on you.

#2 - Set a big bomb (water) down so he sucks it in when he does his
vacuum attack. (just set it down after he shoots at you)

#3 - Set a big bomb (ice) down so he sucks it in when he does his
vacuum attack. (just set it down after he shoots at you)

#4 - Set a big bomb (wind) down so he sucks it in when he does his
vacuum attack. (just set it down after he shoots at you)

#5 - When he shoots the fireballs out of the cannon above his head, use
the bomb barrier, and when one of the bombs hits you, you'll get the
4-3 Beneath Holsigen

#1 - Near the bomb merge portal, go past the translucent box and ride
the lift up, the card is in the box.

#2 - After card #3, go past the yellow switch, go all the way down the
path to a chute, equip fire horn and make a bomb line to the other
platform, inside the box is a lightning card.

#3 - Pretty hard to miss, go through the level like you normally would,
after the area where the professor tells you to put out the flames, and
right before the yellow switch and yellow lift. You have to bomb jump
over to it.

World 5 - Majestar

5-1 Megadeth Bypass

#1 - Go past the bridge that says Hige 04 on it, get into the room with
the yellow switch outside of it, and ride the leaf inside up, the card
up there.

#2 - When you come to a floating green switch that has a hole under it,
ride the left leaf up and go around to the lightning card.

#3 - Right at the exit, ride the leaf up, go forward and kill the
cannons, keep going and get the lightning card.
5-2 Psycho Elevator

#1 - Beat her within 4 minutes.

#2 - When she's disappearing stun her with a big light bomb when she's
standing still.

#3 - Stun her with a big light bomb when she's standing still after her
hidden bomb attack.

#4 - Stun her with a big light bomb when she's standing still after her
orb of destruction attack.

#5 - During her split image attack phase, keep an eye on the real elite
bomber, and damage her with a big light bomb.
5-3 Mechanikal

#1 - At gate "HG 02" use the left and right arrow transporter and jump
into the room with the metal bug. Use fire horn to get across the gap,
and get the card.

#2 - When you're on a left-right transporter and you see a floating
transparent box to the side, go there. Use a light bomb on the box. And
put a bomb on the switch when the box is in between the two floors. Get
the lightning card.

#3 - At the end when you're at the 3 transporters with ?'s, go into the
left one.

10. Other Stuff

A. Extras

-If you collect all of the Lightning Cards in the game you will unlock
Max to be used in battle mode. (He doesn't really do anything, he just
looks cooler :)

-To get the Minigame option at the title screen, which lets you play
all of the minigames, just get all of the charaboms.

-To get A/B item select for battle mode, just complete the game once;
this will appear when you're selecting a stage.
B. The Final Word
This is a good single player game, but the real enjoyment comes from
the multiplayer. If you buy this game it will mainly be for the great
multiplayer. But this also makes this a nice rental game. Bomberman
fans, and people who mainly play games with friends will want to think
about purchasing this game.
C. Reason For Creation
If you are reading this, I can safely assume that you are bored and or
curious. This is where I tell you why I made this FAQ, not that you
have even the slightest interest in knowing. I made a FAQ for this
(IMO) easy game because I wondered what it would be like to write one,
and there wasn't one for this game when I got it. Then there came the
bounty reward, which only sweetened the deal. To be honest I did not
enjoy the single player game all that much, and writing a FAQ for it
was tedious, and rather boring. But the prize drove me to finish it,
and now, finally it's done. If you feel this section is misleading, and
thought it would explain the reason for my creation, I apologize. Let's
just say it was a little too much moonshine, some bad decisions, and
leave it at that.
D. Legal
This guide was created 100% by me, and is copyright (C) 2002 Zach
Bednarek AKA "The Ringmaster." It may not be reproduced or altered in
any way. It may not be posted on any site, magazine, or any other
medium without express consent from the author. If anyone would like to
post this FAQ on his or her site they must first contact me, the author
and get permission. Current sites with my permission to post this FAQ
You can always find the most up to date version at gamefaqs. If you see
this FAQ at any site other than the ones listed above please tell me.
D. Thanks/Credit

- A big thanks to CJayC for putting this on his awesome site

- Thanks to Majesco and Hudson Soft for making this well-rounded game

- Thanks to everyone at the Bomberman Generation board at GameFAQs for
posting hundreds of various "I need help" topics, inspiring me to
create this FAQ, and for their help. (Quit making the damn topics and
check the FAQ)

- Special thanks to Shohei Bando for creating the great music in this
game. :)

- Credit to the instruction manual for controls, items and
introduction. A lot of charabom/attribute bomb information is out of
the actual game too.

- Credit and thanks to (man, that's a lot of
numbers) for correcting my mistake on lightning card #1 for 2-1.
E. Update History

-Version 0.5: (6/24/02) Started FAQ, finished world 1, lots more to

-Version 0.6: (6/26/02) Finished World 2, started on World 3, corrected
some grammatical errors, tried to fix some format errors, added
controls section, added attributes to charabom list, added an important
message and changed the intro, still more to come.

-Version 0.7: (6/28/02) Finished World 3, and world 4, corrected some
various small errors, added new sites to the legal section, my fix on
the format worked! More to come.

-Version 1.0: (7/1/02) guide, charabomb, heart container locations and
lightning cards sections all complete. Added Minigames, and items
sections. Only small updates to follow.

-Version FINAL: (7/6/02) Revised and edited for your enjoyment. :) Also
added a few non-important sections. **NO MORE UPDATES TO FOLLOW** (At
least I hope not)

-Version FINAL (again...): (7/12/02) Fixed the error on lightning card
1-3 #2. Sorry for the mistake, when I got the card it all happened so
fast, so my results weren't too conclusive. I have 2 strategies for the
card, I hope they work. I'm done with this game now, so even if I find
another mistake it wont be corrected. It's been a long, wild ride ;)
Thank YOU, so much for reading this FAQ, I know it kinda sucked, but it
was my first one. And so concludes our tale. I'm Leonard Nimoy. Good
night, and keep watching the skis. Uh, skies. I will leave you with a
highly amusing message I found recently in Meta-Mod. Oh, if anyone
knows what user posted that message I would love to know, so I can give
him or her the credit they so dearly deserve.

Posted: 7/2/2002 10:09:53 AM | Moderated: 7/2/2002 11:19:34 AM

Board: X-Box General | Topic: Microsoft is losing some serious xbux.

" They said 750 million this year, and 1.1 billion next year. And they
continue to support the xbox, and even plan on making xbox2. Only a
company as great as microsoft would do that. microsoft cares so much
about us for them it's not the money it's about us the gamers, they
released it because they care about us, not like those other companies
from other countries who only care about profits. Would sony, would
nintendo, we know sega wouldnt support their consoles while losing
money. Thats whats great about microsoft and the USA, with independence
day coming 2 days from now, I'm gonna not only salute america the
greatest country in the world. I'm also gonna salute microsoft for
rescuing us, by making new and original games the way they should be
instead of continuous rehashes like some other country (bleh). XBOX,
stands for truth, justice, and the american way. God bless you bill
gates, for your honesty, and integrity, and above all for your xbox.
Truth,Justice, and the American way is the way to go.

*wipes tear from eye*
*and salutes the American flag*
I'm sick of people whining about people whining. But that's just me

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