Twilight of the Gods

Twilight of the Gods

17.10.2013 14:42:36
Twilight of the Gods Strategy v1.1
By Scott Sandlin (aka Pixel) and James York (aka Red Skin)

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Version History

v1.0 No revisions

v1.1 Some grammatical and formatting corrections
Added suggested plan of defense in section 3.0
Added some important random info (section 4.0)

Legal Stuff

Warcraft 3 is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. This guide is not by any way associated or endorsed by Blizzard.

Copyright 2002 Scott Sandlin (aka Pixel)
Anyone may copy this guide unaltered in part or in whole for their own non-profit use, either public or private, under the condition that they give proper credit to its authors. The authors do ask that they be notified via e-mail of any public use.


1.0 Introduction
2.0 A look at Archimonde’s strategy
2.1 the attack waves in general
2.2 the enemy’s base
2.2.1 unit production for the undead (read this!)
2.2.2 contents of the undead base
2.3 summing it all up
3.0 The ultimate strategy
4.0 Other stuff
4.1 The Attack Waves in detail


This is it, the only strategy needed. The authors have yet to fail doing it this way. Note though, that this is NOT easy, but if done carefully, it works wonders.

The author has played the end a few times, but the real thanks goes to Red Skin (James York) who has yet to lose the final battle (yes even on hard) and has played it a bit too much. He says, “It’s the only mission worth playing anymore.” (and no, he doesn’t cheat) He supplied the strategy, and the author of this strategy guide supplied him with the means to get it written.

By the time this in-depth look is read, the strategy is going to be in Section 3.0 (the actual strategy) should become fairly obvious.
============END 1.0==============

2.0===========FROM DEEP IN ENEMY TERRITORY===================2.0
=============A LOOK AT ARCHIMONDE’S STRATEGY=================

Here’s the real heart of the strategy: knowing what the enemy is up to. This may be a surprise to read in parts.

2.1 The waves of the attack
The detailed list of units sent in each wave are found in section 4.1

Quick and dirty it goes like this:
No wave will attack until all the units in its set wave are in the staging area or a set amount of time goes by (see notes).
The first two waves are ghouls and crypt fiends. These are cheese to defend. Then they progressively get harder until the gargoyle wave (8-10 of the bastards). After that is when it becomes up to how well the base is defended, so here’s how the important info goes. The enemy begins alternating between their three heroes and waves consisting of meat wagons and wraiths and a combination of Infernals, Doom Guards, Felhounds.

This will continue until the base falls, then they will reset and begin at the crypt fiends/ghoul wave again.

Some notes: Archimonde himself does NOT attack ever, he only sits and defends his base (see section 4.0).
The computer “cheats” and its units either cost nothing or they start out with a bank of 1mil gold/lumber. Their units also take virtually no time at all to build.
Each wave of units collect in the staging area and the attack as group. They won’t leave until they have their set number of each type there or, as the authors found out later, a designated amount of time passes by. So the first strategy attempted was to stage a massive assault on the crypt fiend/ghoul stage. It worked until the attack force started losing units. There was no way to keep up with their near instant production, eventually the undead well outnumbered the attacking force, the front line moved back to the staging area, they met their quota, they attacked, and the next wave started showing up. It was fun to try it out though.

2.2 the enemy’s base

This is where the heart of the strategy came to form. When the orc’s base falls and the adjutant says, “The undead are constructing a third and final base. This is statement invokes some curiosity, so an inspection of their first and second bases ensued. They were COMPLETELY abandoned. Not a damned person or building there. Properly rephrased: there were a pair of acolytes at the human base, but they were unsommoning buildings!!!

So here is how it works, when each ally is defeated, the undead’s previous base begins to be unsummoned at a set rate. The new base begins to be summoned at the same time as the adjutant states, “The undead are constructing a second (or third and final) base”. They start with the necropolis (which builds at lightning speed) and then crypts and ziggurats and on and on. So the undead only have 1 functioning base at a time. Also, to clear out the remnants of the ally’s old base, after the scene between the ally hero and Archimonde, all three of the undead’s heroes are summoned right next to Archimonde and they proceed to clean up. ALL other units that were in the assault wave that succeeded simply *poof* and disappear during the Archimonde dialog.

(Well they only have one functioning base at a time, UNLESS Orc’s Stronghold is destroyed [via either curiosity or boredom] before the human settlement falls, then they system fails and they build a new base in the Orc’s location and their first base continues to work.
But most people aren’t sadistic and they like to keep their ally’s alive*)

2.2.1 Unit production
All of the buildings produce exactly what you expect them too, EXCEPT:
Crypts produce: Ghouls, Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, felhounds, doom guard, and infernals!!!
That’s an ouch. The authors both want a crypt that can do that.

2.2.2 Contents of the enemy base
1 Necropolis
2 Crypts
2 Slaughter Houses
1 Sacrifice Pit
1 Boneyard
1 Graveyard
1 Temple of the Damned
1 Alter of Darkness
4 Spirit Towers (Upgraded Ziggurats)

2.3 Summing up the attack series in general

The undead summon a base and begin immediately creating their first wave (the same each time they start a new base) of crypt fiends and ghouls. The waves of attacks progressively get harder until doom guards, infernals, felhounds, and heroes are about all that is seen (only 1 hero at a time though). (for more info see section 4.1)
When the town hall (or equivalent) is destroyed, it triggers the talking scene. As Archimonde talks to/kills the ally hero, all undead combat units are removed from the map, and 5 acolytes and a haunted gold mine appear in the new base.
After the talking scene the three undead heroes are summoned next to Archimonde to clean up the last of the ally’s base. As the ally base is cleaned up, the new base is summoned and the attack waves reset to the crypt fiend/ghoul waves. The old undead base is unsummoned shortly after the talking scene. It is unsummoned in the reverse order of how it is built. There is only one acolyte that stays back to do this, but all of the lumber mining ghouls are there too. Once the Necropolis (last building) is unsummoned, the ghouls and acolyte simply die (leaving a completely empty base).
============END 2.0==============

3.0===============THE ULTIMATE STRATEGY=====================3.0

The whole strategy revolves around their transition into a new base and destroying it! So here it is:

Complete the following within 10 minutes or by the start of the 9th wave…

At the beginning of the game, send two wisps to build Trees of Life at the two unoccupied gold mines. As soon as those trees are built, dump wisps into them. The contingent of soldiers and the hero in the northern base should be moved down to the human’s base. Also take a unit and collect all the free units in front of the mercenary camps (6 furbolgs and 3 trolls). Also don’t forget to uproot the 4 protectors and walk them down to the front line defense of the human base.
That much is the “common between every strategy” part. Now for the real goods.

For this recipe you will need:
4-6 Hippogryph riders
10 Ballista’s
3 Druid of the Talon
A healthy hero.
And a plethora of wisps.

--What to research:
Anything that upgrades armor/damage of ballista and Hippogryph riders. The Master training for the three Talons so that they can cast cyclone. Anything else wanted and cash is available for.

--What to build:
Another two ancients of war north of the human base, right up against the trees (that is the trees north of the base).
As many Ancient Protectors as can be fit into every nook and cranny in the BACK (lower right) of the human’s base. 20 Protectors is a good number to have.

--What to do:
Use ballista and the force of nature spell to remove all the trees from behind the south wall of the human base (right there along the bottom edge of the map), then destroy one section of wall (on the far right of the cleared area) and hide all the ballista there and set them to hold position. Keep the hero(es) and the three Talon members just north of the human base next to the Ancients of War and tell them to hold position. Keep Hippogryph riders to the east and well out of the way of the human base, oh yeah, tell them to hold position.

--How to defend the humans while you do all this:
If you can't produce units fast enough to both defend the humans and prepare the assault, it is suggested that the suggestion above is followed. As soon as you can at the beginning, build more ancients to train the needed units. Also, don't just start dumping all your command points into Ballistae, yet. Two Ancients of war near the human base will help you produce them as you start to lose units. The real time constraint here is making the protectors, that is why the eighth wave was chosen. Start on the protecters at the very beginning.
Use Dryads and Druids of the Claw, also don't forget to ALWAYS use a roar right before you charge into battle. Keep a close eye on when the next wave is coming so that the defense party is not caught off guard. These are the best two units for the cost. Also keep a few talon back, ready for the heroes to start to show up. Don't have any mounted hippogryphs until you are almost ready to destroy the human town hall. Keep a few archers in the back of the human base as you start to get ready. And mount them as they move into hiding for the sneak attack.

Seemingly the best way to defend the base follows (oh, reading ahead is a very good idea):

Wave number ONE:
Just fend off wave number one with all the units you have starting. Don't care about the archers or huntresses. Just remember you'll need 4-6 archers to later make your Hippogryph riders.

Wave number TWO:
Use Starfall to subdue most of this wave. Beyond that, you shouldn't take much damage cleaning up the rest of the scum.

Wave number THREE:
Use your upgraded members of the Druid of the Claw (in bear from and have built more by now) to fight most of these units. Dryads help here by slowing the enemy (using their attack).

Wave number FOUR:
MAKE SURE THAT YOUR DRUIDS OF THE CLAW DO NOT ENGAGE THIS WAVE. Nothing is worse than having your own units attack you.
Send the Priestess of the Moon out early to meet this wave. Start with Starfall (and make sure you have potions of invulnerability on her, just in case), and follow it up with all the dryad that you have on hand (they cannot be taken by the Banshees).

Wave number FIVE:
As soon as it is ready, use Starfall on this wave. Druids of the claw are to take care of the Crypt Fiends. Have 6 plus hippogryphs ready for this wave and have them attack the gargoyles. This should solve any need for anti-air support. Dryads, of course, help both against the Doom guards and the Gargoyles. Move the hippogryphs back as soon as the goyles are dead. Don't use Tranquility during or after this wave.

Wave number SIX:
Send your hippogryphs (hopefully none were lost to the previous wave) directly at the Frost Wyrms. Send your druid of the Claw against the only thing they can attack--meat wagons. Dryads are to attack Gargoyles here. And use Tranquility right as you engage the enemy.
Send your priestess up to the Goblin Merchant to buy a scroll of protection and a scroll of healing or two. These are needed for wave seven. Don't forget to keep her stocked with a potion of invulnerability.

Wave number SEVEN:
Preparations should nearly be done at this point. Mount the Archers and finish any other preparations.
WATCH the Dreadlord this wave. If there are towers left in the human base, let him through to attack the towers. Else, you will need to cyclone him away before he gets to the human base, and try to cyclone him again if you need more time. Sacrifice what is left at this point. Starfall, a scroll of protection at the beginning, and a scroll of healing about half way through are best. At this point, the goal is to stall while any final preparations are completed.

Wave number EIGHT:
While this wave is heading towards you, destroy the town hall and assault as follows. Note that it is a good idea to keep the town hall low on hit points as you approach this point. This will make destroying the town hall much quicker and easier to time. Stall as long as you need, and remember, as soon as the town hall falls, all undead units disappear (except Archimonde and his heroes).

--End ten minute requirement (or 8th wave requirement [see section 4.1] at about 34 minutes left). This next part is tricky, saving the game at this time is suggested. Timing is everything!--

Now, once this is all readied, select all Ancient Protectors and tell them to attack THE HUMAN’S TOWN HALL (*this is the asterisk from way up in this faq, this is not sadism, it’s just the best way to trigger the new town event because all Protectors will be alive in the back of the base).
The destruction of the Town Hall will trigger the Archimonde talking event (during this event all combat undead units simply disappear) and following the narrative his three heroes are summoned to his side to clean up the ruminants of the base (Human Buildings, Protectors, etc). Also note that the gold mine is already haunted when the narrative ends and all 5 acolytes are standing right there. Protectors will delay them building the new base, during that time…

What to have the attack force do (almost all at the same time):
Have Druid of the Talon cyclone the three enemy heroes away and then move them back for the second wave of ballista that will be built in a minute.
Have the hero be a distraction for Archimonde and whomever isn't cycloned away.
Hippogryph riders are to kill the acolyte that moves off the gold mine. As each one is killed, a new one will move from the gold mine, SO KILL IT. The goal is to prevent them from building as much of the town as possible!!! And there are only 5 acolytes starting.
Ballista are to destroy the necropolis and their crypts (and any acolytes). REMEMBER the necropolis is priority one, the crypts are just barely below it (see section 2.2.1). Ignore any enemy units that attack ballista (this is a suicide run).

The goal so far is:
Destroy the necropolis and all the acolytes.
Bonus if the assault wave manages destroy their Crypts and their Alter in the first wave.

If the goal and the bonus are accomplished, the undead will not be able to produce their first two waves, creating plenty of time to produce a second ballista wave.
If the destruction of the new undead base is unsuccessful, do not fret! There is always the Orc base (ballista can be hid where the trees are near the merchant south of the Orc base). But more importantly: If the first necropolis of the new base is destroyed, and the undead start constructing a second one for that base, it builds at the normal rate!!! It does NOT build at the accelerated “new base” rate.

The new goal:
(Destroy the second necropolis and every acolyte if this was not done in the first wave)
Destroy all unit producing buildings with ballista waves.

This is done by cycloning away every hero and doom guard possible and running ballista past Archimonde and whoever else is there and focusing on one building at a time. The author suggests going after (in this order) (Necropolis/Acolytes) The TWO crypts, The Alter, The Boneyard, and then the Slaughterhouses.

If destroying their unit producing buildings and the three undead heroes is completed, then the next steps are to save the game, set the speed to fast, and get up from the keyboard, go grab a drink and a snack, call a friend, write mom an e-mail, walk the dog, sit back and relax. There will be no waves of attacks to defend, no heroes ravaging the Orc town. Just a bunch of waiting for the clock to count down. That is until near the very end.

The only thing that will occur is that with about 38 seconds left Archimonde will taunt the Night Elves, and as soon as he is done talking, he will begin walking from wherever he is standing towards the summit. He won’t make it from the human or the Orc base (if he starts at the Orc base, just make sure that a small diversionary force is on hand to distract him). Attempting to kill him can alleviate boredom, but he summons infernals and doom guards and has divine armor (only deal him 1 point for every hit). Good luck on killing him, it took the author ( bored and cheating [for cash and build time]) 60k gold worth of Archers to kill him. AND he carries an Ankh of Reincarnation. He will resurrect once. So that’s 120k to finish him off a second time. Ha, good luck killing him without cheating.

Anyhow, that’s the strategy: Screw over the base as it is being/just after it is built.

One last note: don’t destroy the Orc Stronghold if the undead is crippled in the used-to-be Human base, it will screw over everything worked for so far. They'll have a new base at the Orc camp, and the old base which was destroyed will "pop" up just to be unsummoned.
============END 3.0==============

4.0======================OTHER STUFF=========================4.0

Some random info:
Archimonde carries an Ankh of Reincarnation. He will resurrect exactly once if he is killed. He also cast 2 summons spells. The first spell summons 4 Doom guards, and the second summons 2 Infernals. He stands in defense of the current undead base and does not join in any of the attacks with the exception of the last half minute. During that last half minute he begins his ascent to the circle of power, attacking anything that gets in his way.

If any units are alive inside an ally base when it falls, they are warped to just outside that ally base (towards the next base to be defended).

Don't bother trying to use goblin land mines inside the base (like around the gold mine). They seem to simply disappear during the Archimonde dialogue. It also seems that Archimonde comes out of the base to destroy any goblin land mines that were placed near the new staging area.

It is suspected that this strategy (that of destroying their base) is the reason Blizzard didn't put Chimeras in this mission. It would be all to easy to ravage the base as it is being built if the assault force consisted of 15 Chimera.

When the next allied town falls, any buildings destroyed in the (now) old undead base suddenly pop into existence. That is they are summoned without aide of acolyte and it takes them about 5 seconds to fully appear. The reason for this is quite simple: If the acolyte that is designated to unsummon buildings couldn't unsummon a building, the AI would fail and the acolyte would not continue to unsummon the rest of the buildings.

One of the most annoying features of Dryads is that it seems that they do not auto-cast "Abolish Magic" against summoned creatures. This is specifically true for Infernals. It takes about 4 Abolish Magics to kill an infernal from full health, but it is well worth it in terms of cost.

The Dreadlord seems to like to sneak into the Ally's base. That is he does not attack any units on the way in, so he is rarely attacked. This allows him to walk into the town and summon his Infernals there. Some favorite moves are to cyclone him away or to entangle him well before he gets to the town. Fighting him and the Infernals outside the town always seems to be easier--especially on the ally.

The Pit Lord is summoned right after the Lich in order to allow "Reincarnate" to begin charging. If he is killed too quickly, he is respawned and sent in with the next wave. If he is killed too slowly, his Reincarnate is charged and he resurrects on the spot. It seems there is no real middle ground on how to deal with him properly. Mostly because if his Reincarnate has time to take affect, then by the time he is killed a second time, the next wave is almost upon the ally's base, and if he is killed before the Reincarnate charges, then he rides on the back of the next wave. Neither option seems all that appealing.

One of the most devastating waves of attack is the group of Banshees. The best way to take care of this wave is to know it is coming and to ride the Priestess of the Moon out to use Starfall. It is also suggested that a potion of invulnerability or two (bought at the Goblin Merchants) are kept on her for these solo attacks. Don't use them right away, wait until she starts taking damage--it won't interrupt her Starfall attack. Dryads make an excellent addition to the Priestess, as they cannot be possessed.

4.1 The Waves of Attack in Detail! On hard setting:

Wave number ONE
10 Ghouls
6 Crypt Fiends

Wave number TWO
12 Ghouls
7 Crypt Fiends
1 Meat Wagon

Wave number THREE
8 Felhounds
3 Doom Guards
4 Meat Wagons

Wave number FOUR
3 Abominations
11 Banshees
4 Meat Wagons
1 Lich (hero)

Wave number FIVE
2 Doom Guards
2-3 Meat Wagons
8 Gargoyles
6 Crypt Fiends

Wave number SIX
4 Frost Wyrms
8 Gargoyles
3 Meat Wagons

Wave number SEVEN
3 Doom Guards
8 Felhounds
4 Meat wagons
1 Banshee
1 Dreadlord (hero)

Wave number EIGHT
3 Abominations
3 Meat Wagons
11 Banshees
1 Lich (hero)

Wave number NINE (approx 32 mins left)
3 Doom Guard
7 Felhounds
5 Meat Wagons
2 Banshees
3 Necromancers
3 Frost Wyrms
1 Pit Lord (hero)

Wave number TEN
3 Infernals
4 Meat Wagons
5 Abominations
5 Crypt Fiends
4 Banshees
3 Necromancers
1 Dreadlord (hero)

Wave number ELEVEN
3 Infernals
4 Doom Guards
5 Felhounds
6 Meat Wagons
4 Banshees
3 Frost Wyrms
3 Necromancers
1 Lich (hero)
1 Pit Lord (hero)

Note: The Pit Lord is spawned after the lich is spawned and stays by the Alter of Darkness. When the Lich wave leaves, he leaves from the Alter and will follow along the back of the Lich wave as they fight. If he is killed too fast, he will be respawned at the Alter and will also be in the next wave. See the above "random info" section 4.0 as to some suspicions.

Wave number TWELVE
3 Doom Guard
6 Felhounds
5 Meat Wagons
4 Banshees
3 Frost Wyrms
3 Necromancers
(1 Pit Lord (Hero), see above note)

Wave number THIRTEEN
3 Infernals
6 Crypt Fiends
5 Abominations
4 Meat Wagons
4 Banshees
3 Necromancers
1 Dreadlord (Hero)

Now the last three (11, 12, and 13) waves repeat until the ally base they are attacking falls.

Note: The waves reset when the ally base they are attacking falls, and starts over at wave 1.

============END 4.0 and END STRATEGY==============

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