Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories

Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories

17.10.2013 22:08:13

Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
Playstation 1
Version: Fina 9/26/02

By: nnguyen11490 Email:nnguyen11490@yahoo.com

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By: nnguyen11490

Copyrighted 2002 nnguyen11490. None of this writing may be reproduce in
any way without the writer's permission. This FAQ is for personal use only.
If you want to put this FAQ on your website, magazine, etc email me first.
You might or will be sue if you don't have my permission!!! Remember
plagiarism is a crime that will be punished.

"Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories" © Konami 1996

These are the website that will always have my latest update and have
my permission:


If this site use my guide they will be sue:


If you see my FAQs on other website please contact me A.S.A.P.

Table of Contents

1. Versions (updates)
2. About FAQ
3. Kaiba
I. Strategy
II. Kaiba Cards
III. Require Fushion
IV. Duel Statistic
V. Drop List
4. Credits
5. Contact Imformation


1.0 The first Version (9/13/02)
Added duel statistic on Kaiba by me.
Added 150 duelstatistic.
Made the duel Statistic easier to read.
Added all the cards I got from him.
Added the two ASCII art by me.
Add the strategy to help you beat him.
Added some fushion for Twin Headed Thunder Dragon, so he'll be easier to beat.

Final (9/27/02)
As if today this FAQ will no longer be updated by me. I've gone through everything
and making everything perfect. If you still see a problem or you want to add a duel
statistic feel free to email me.

About FAQ

Another FAQ for Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories from me. Are you stuck on Kaiba?
Do you want to know what cards he gives out and how often? Well that's why I'm
here to help. I'll tell you everything you need to know so you can beat him easier
and you won't be wasting your time dueling him. Kaiba gives out lots of good trap
and magic card but he can also be hard to beat at the beggining of the game. After
you read this FAQ he should be no problem to beat. Thanks for checking out another
FAQ by me and good luck with Kaiba. :)


Legend: Here's how everything is going to be inorder.
Location: Where do you duel him.
Recommended Cards: The cards you should have to make him easier.
AMA: (Average Monster Attack)
AMD: (Average Monster Defense)

Location: Tournament Final
Recommended Cards: Labyrinth Wall or Millenium Shield, Dragon and Thuder Monsters,
Equip Magic Cards, Raigeki or Dark Hole.
AMA: 800-3000
AMD: 700-3000

1. This guy got pretty good cards up his sleave so you should be careful. What kind
of cards does he have? Well if you already know the unstoppable Blue Eyes White Dragon!
That's right 3 Blue Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500). That's not all he also use cards over
2000 attack point, like Mystical Sand (2100/1700) , Flame Cerberus 2100/1800 and many
others. Check the Kaiba Cards section for more information of what cards he use.

2. If you have buy Millenium Shield or Labyrinth Wall it'll be very helpful. Why?
Because both of them have defense 3000 so Blue Eyes White Dragon can't hurt you.
Check the Require cards section for the password for them.

3. This is the best way to beat him. Try to fuse as much Twin Headed Thunder Dragon
(2800/2100) as you can. It won't stand up to Blue Eyes but it'll help you with his
other strong monster. But if you have some eqiup magic for him then you can take on
Blue Eyes.

4. If you don't have some equip card for Twin Headed Thunder Dragon (2800/2100) then
try using Dark or Raigeki. Why? Kaiba also have Millenium Shield and Labyrinth Wall
(both 0/3000) so you need somethin to destroy it.

There you have it 4 easy way to beat him. Check the bottem secrtions for more
information about him.

Kaiba Cards
Kaiba got some pretty good cards. Here's some of them and there attack and defense

Blue Eyes White Dragon 3000/2500
Mystical Sand 2100/1700
Gaia the Fierce Knight 2300/2100
Labyrinth Wall 0/3000
Millenium Shield 0/3000
Ushi Uni 2150/1950
Flame Cerberus 2100/1800
Metal Fish 1600/1900
The Bistro Butcher 1800/1000
Parrot Dragon 2000/1300
Twin Headed Thunder Dragon 2800/2100 (rarely)
Man-eating Black Shark 2100/1300
Crush Card

Require Fushions

Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon 2800/2100
Dragon < 1600 ATK + Warrior + Thunder
Dragon < 1600 ATK + Thunder + Thunder
Dragon < 1600 ATK + Thunder + Dragon < 1600 ATK
Dragon > 1600 ATK + Thunder
Dragon < 1600 ATK + Rock + Thunder
Dragon < 1600 ATK + Plant + Thunder
Dragon < 1600 ATK + Machine + Thunder

Dragon Cards: They are all Random.
Thunder Cards: Try dueling Villagers.
Warrior Cards: Try duel Jono 1.
Rock Cards: All random.
Plant Cards: Try dueling Teana 1 or Simon Muran.
Machine Cards: Try dueling Jono 1 for them.


Millennium Shield
Type: Warrior
Attack/Defense: 0/3000
Password: 32012841
Star chip: 200
Description: A millennium item candidate that is said to block any
powerful attack.
How to get it: The only way to get this is to enter the password.
Don’t worry it only cost 200 star chip.

Labyrinth Wall
Type: Rock
Attack/Defense: 0/3000
Password: 67284908
Star chip: 200
Description: Walls appear on the field to form a labyrinth with no exit
How to get it: Duel low or high desert mage to get this card.

Duel Statistics
I realize that it's kind hard to see the other one so I decided to
fix it up a little bit. This is the toughest section but I finally
completed it.

By: ME :)
|Monster: | Rank: |
|1. Yamatano Dragon Scroll | A Pow |
|2. Battle Ox | S Pow |
|3. Koumori Dragon | S Pow |
|4. La Jinn the Mystical Genie | S Pow |
|5. Goblin Fan | S Pow |
|6. La Jinn the Mystical Genie | S Pow |
|7. Sogen | S Pow |
|8. Mystic Clown | S Pow |
|9. Ryu-Kishin | A Pow |
|10. The Wicked Worm Beast | D Pow |
|11. La Jinn the Mystical Genie | S Pow |
|12. Saggi the Dark Clown | B Pow |
|13. Sogen | S Pow |
|14. The Wicked Worn Beast | C Pow |
|15. Koumori Dragon | S Pow |
|16. Hitotsu-me Giant | A Pow |
|17. One-eyed Shield Dragon | A Pow |
|18. Koumori Dragon | S Pow |
|19. Saggi the Dark Clown | S Pow |
|20. The Wicked Worn Beast | S Pow |
|21. Saggi the Dark Clown | A Pow |
|22. Hitotsu-me Giant | S Pow |
|23. Blackland Fire Dragon | B Pow |
|24. Hitotsu-me Giant | S Pow |
|25. Blackland Fire Dragon | B Pow |
|26. Mystic Clown | C Pow |
|27. Gappler | A Pow |
|28. Bight Castle | S Tech |
|29. Saggi the Dark Clown | A Pow |
|30. Saggi the Dark Clown | A Pow |
|31. Widespread Ruin | S Tech |
|32. Widespread Ruin | S Tech |
|33. Ryu-kishin | S Tech |
|34. Grappler | S Pow |
|35. Yamadron Ritual | S Tech |
|36. Minomushi Warrior | S Pow |
|37. Yamatano Dragon Scroll | S Pow |
|38. Mystic Horseman | A Pow |
|39. Yamatano Dragon Scroll | S Pow |
|40. Wicked Dragon with Ersatz H.| S Pow |
|41. Baby Dragon | A Pow |
|42. Grappler | S pow |
|43. Baby Dragon | A Pow |
|44. Hunter Spider | B Pow |
|45. Warrior Elimination | S Tech |
|46. Hitotsu-me Giant | A Pow |
|47. Yamatano Dragon Scroll | A Pow |
|48. La Jinn the Mystical Genie | A Pow |
|49. Saggi the Dark Clown | A Pow |
|50. Hittotsu-me Giant | D Pow |

By: NightMare185
|Monster: | Rank: |
|1. The Wicked Worm Beast | S Pow |
|2. Fiend Refrection #1 | S Pow |
|3. Petit Dragon | S pow |
|4. Hitotsu-me Giant | S Pow |
|5. Golgoil | S Pow |
|6. Cyber Soldier of Dark World | S Pow |
|7. Saggi the Dark Clown | S Pow |
|8. Hitotsu-me Giant | S Pow |
|9. One-eyed Shield Dragon | S Pow |
|10. Yamatano Dragon Scroll | S Pow |
|11. Ryu-Kishin | S Pow |
|12. Leo Wizard | S Pow |
|13. Hitotsu-me Giant | S Pow |
|14. One-eyed Shield Dragon | S Pow |
|15. The Wicked Worm Beast | S Pow |
|16. The Wicked Worm Beast | S Pow |
|17. Koumori Dragon | S Pow |
|18. Mystic Horseman | S Pow |
|19. Battle Ox | S Pow |
|20. Saggi The Dark Clown | S Pow |
|21. Wicked Dragon with Ersatz Head | S Pow |
|22. Lisark | S Pow |
|23. Cyber Soldier of Dark World | S Pow |
|24. Wicked Dragon with Ersatz Head | S Pow |
|25. Kagemusha of the Blue Flame | S Pow |
|26. Battle Ox | S Pow |
|27. Ryu-Kishin | S Pow |
|28. Blackland Fire Dragon | S Pow |
|29. Destroyer Golem | S Pow |
|30. Petit Dragon | S Pow |
|31. Sogen | S Pow |
|32. Blackland Fire Dragon | S Pow |
|33. Saggi the Dark Clown | S Pow |
|34. Grappler | S Pow |
|35. Koumori Dragon | S Pow |
|36. Darkfire Dragon | S Pow |
|37. Saggi the Dark Clown | S Pow |
|38. Mystic Horseman | S Pow |
|39. Hitotsu-me Giant | S Pow |
|40. Battle Ox | S pow |
|41. La jinn The Mystical Genie | S Pow |
|42. Yamatano Dragon Scroll | S Pow |
|43. Destroyer Golem | S Pow |
|44. The Wicked Worm Beast | S Pow |
|45. Blackland Fire Dragon | S Pow |
|46. Minomushi Warrior | S Pow |
|47. Petit Dragon | S Pow |
|48. Dryad | S Pow |
|49. Petit Dragon | S Pow |
|50. Mystic Horseman | S Pow |

By: kyokusangi
|Monster: Rank: |
|1. Baby Dragon | Tech D |
|2. Mystic Horseman | Pow S |
|3. Petite Dragon | Pow D |
|4. Acid Trap Hole | Tech D |
|5. Saggi the Dark Clown | Pow D |
|6. Baby Dragon | Pow A |
|7. Goblin Fan | Tech D |
|8. Sword of Dark Destruction | Tech D |
|9. Blackland Fire Dragon | Pow A |
|10. Cyber Soldier of Dark World | Tech D |
|11. Saggi the Dark Clown | Pow S |
|12. Grappler | Pow S |
|13. Goblin Fan | Pow D |
|15. The Wicked Worm Beast | Tech C |
|16. Grappler | Pow S |
|17. The Wicked Worm Beast | Pow C |
|18. Petite Dragon | Tech P |
|19. Baby Dragon | Pow D |
|20. Yamatano Dragon Scroll | Pow S |
|21. Wicked Dragon with Ersatz Head | Pow D |
|22. One-eyed Shield Dragon | Pow D |
|23. Wicked Dragon with Ersatz Head | Tech D |
|24. Acid Trap Hole | Tech D |
|25. Kojikocy | Pow D |
|26. Darkfire Dragon | Pow S |
|27. Saggi the Dark Clown | Pow A |
|28. Ryu-kishin | Pow S |
|30. Grappler | Tech D |
|31. Sogen | Tech D |
|32. Sogen | Tech D |
|33. Battle Ox | Pow A |
|34. Hunter Spider | Tech D |
|35. Koumori Dragon | Pow A |
|36. Baby Dragon | Pow A |
|37. Lamoon | Tech D |
|38. Sogen | Pow D |
|39. Ryu-kishin | Pow D |
|40. Baby Dragon | Pow A |
|41. Golgoil | Tech D |
|42. One-eyed Shield Dragon | Pow S |
|43. The Wicked Worm Beast | Pow S |
|44. Grappler | Tech D |
|45. Ryu-kishin | Tech D |
|46. Saggi the Dark Clown | Pow D |
|47. One-eyed Shield Dragon | Pow A |
|48. Sand Stone | Tech S |
|49. Yamatano Dragon Scroll | Pow S |
|50. Crush Card | Tech S |

Drop List
Want to know what card he gives out? Well here's all the cards I got from

* = Rare

Bright Castle *
Mystic Horseman
Petit Dragon
The Wicked Worm Beast
Blackland Fire Dragon
Minomushi Warrior
Widespread Ruin *
Hitotsu-me Giant
Battle Ox
La jinn The Mystical Genie of The Lamp
Yamatano Dragon Scroll
Destroyer Golem
Saggi the Dark Clown
Koumori Dragon
Darkfire Dragon
Mystic Clown
One-eyed Shield Dragon
Hitotsu-me Giant
Acid Trap Hole *
Kagemusha of the Blue Flame
Leo Wizard
Cyber Soldier of Dark World
Fiend Refrection #1
Embryonic Beast
Crush Card *
Baby Dragon
Destroyer Golem
Warrior Elimination *
Bad Reaction to Smochi *
Yamadron Ritual *

That's all I can remember. If you know something else please email me.


Here's all the people I want to thank for help me with the FAQ.

I want to thank myself for taking time to write all this.

Thank you to all the site (with my permission) that post this FAQ.

Thank you Konami for making this game.

Thank you kyokusangi for adding the duel statistic.

Thanks NightMare185 for adding the Duel Statistic.

And last thank you for reading this.

Contact Information

Here's some ways you can contact me to fix or make the FAQ better. Feel
free to ask question about the game.

Message Board
I'm always found on the gamefaqs and neoseeker message board.


Instant Message
Yahoo Instant Messenger: nnguyen11490
MSN: nnguyen11490@hotmail.com
AIM: ngankn11490

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