Beatmania 2DX 5th Style

Beatmania 2DX 5th Style

17.10.2013 10:33:15
Beatmania IIDX 5th Style New Songs Collection FAQ
Import Playstation 2
By CStarFlare
Version 1.2

1. Table of Contents

1. Table of Contents
2. Versions
3. Introduction
4. Modes and Stuff
a. Arcade Mode
b. Beginner Mode
c. Free Mode
d. Drill Mode
e. Options
f. HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
g. Modifiers
h. Survival Mode
i. Original Course Setting
5. Song List and Info
6. Expert Courses
7. Unlocking
8. Closing

2. Versions

-Put song list/info in order.
-Messed around with some organization stuff.
-Added Unlocking section.

-Fixed numerous typos and errors in the song list, such as the spelling of
"Akira Yamaoka".
-"Modes" section added. It's mostly complete; modes that have a lot of depth or
somewhat confusing menus (like Drill Mode) will get their own section later on.
-Added difficulties for Double mode (14 Key, etc.)
-Added Genres for each song.
-Messed around with some stuff, which should make the FAQ a bit easier to read.

-First version. Changed the FAQ from a blank .txt named "iidx5thfaq" to the FAQ
you're reading.

3. Introduction

Hiya, all. This is my first FAQ (that I've ever bothered completing and sending
in, anyway), and I'm actually kinda happy how it's turning out. Obviously,
there's a lot more I can add (how to unlock stuff, Drill Mode, etc.), and I
will add at a later date. I'd just like to say three things- One, I'm VERY new
to Beatmania IIDX; I've been playing for about 2 1/2 months as of the first
version of this FAQ. So, if I get things wrong, or you have information I don't
know that you want me to add, PLEASE tell me. No mistake is too small, nor is
any bit of information. Two, send me feedback, damn you. Since this is my first
FAQ, I'm not sure what people want, and what they don't. I need to know, to
make this FAQ better. Three, send in questions so I can add a FAQ part to this
FAQ. Even if you know the answer, or don't really care; send stuff that would
be of interest to other people. But, don't be an ass and ask questions that are
answered in the FAQ intentionally. Thanks to everyone who helps!

Also, please note that this FAQ is for Beatmania IIDX 5th Style New Songs
Collection. In other words, the home version. Please don't tell me "You're
missing a bunch of songs!" or "That song's not there!", because you'd be
talking about the arcade version, which this FAQ does not cover (as I don't
have a 5th Style arcade machine :P).

4. Modes and Stuff

4a. Arcade Mode

When you enter Arcade Mode, you have 4 choices- Expert, Light 7, 7 Key, or 5
Key (or, if you have Double enabled, Light 14, 14 Key, and 10 Key).

Light 7/14- Basically, an easier version of 7/14 Key. Less notes to deal with.
5/10 Key- The 2 keys to the far right are taken over by the computer. Other
than that, the notes are the same as their 7/14 Key counterparts. This makes
it harder than Light 7/14 (usually), because there's not "Light 5/10" mode.
Expert- See "Expert Courses" section.

Just play Arcade Mode until you've played all the songs at least once. Then
you can play uninterrupted in Free Mode. Of course, if you want to set records
or play Expert, you'll have to play Arcade Mode.

4b. Beginner Mode

A new addition to IIDX, all the songs are toned down to be in the 1-3 Star
range. Great for those who would rather give the game away than play the same
songs over and over on Light 7 while learning to play.

The difficulty levels for songs on Beginner Mode are also listed under the
"Song list and info" section. You can not play Beginner Mode on Doubles, and
none of the unlockable songs (Theme of Denjin J, Prat Fall, etc.) are playable
in Beginner Mode.

4c. Free Mode

Play as long as you want, without any interruptions. You don't even have to go
back to the title screen to change modifiers like Random or Auto-Scratch. You
can't set records, as there is no set-in-stone end to your game.

There's only one catch- to play songs in Free Mode, you must have played them
in Arcade Mode (it doesn't matter if you've passed them, or what difficulty
you do them on). Except for 5.1.1., that is; it's avaliable from the get-go.

4d. Drill Mode

Drill Mode has 3 sections- (from left to right) Basics (kihonhen), Application
(ouyouhen), and Special (tokubetsuhen). Thanks to BradTheInsomniac for

Naturally, Basics is the easiest drill, and Special is the hardest.

Most drills in Basic and Application are segments of songs, usually 20 or so
seconds long (I'm just guessing, I've never actually timed ^^;). You can't add
any modifiers (High Speed, Random, etc.), so you'll usually be on Normal speed
(which makes the mode even harder if you're used to using High Speed).
However, later on the game starts forcing HS1 on you. The last Drills are the
full song.
Each Drill has 3 sections- The easiest is the RIGHT-MOST one, and the hardest
is the LEFT-MOST one. Also, each section of the drill has a "target score"- a
score you try to hit right on the dot. Doing this is a pain in the ass; you
can easily go over it, then you have to do WORSE to get the target score.

Also, by each drill, there are 3 boxes (representing the 3 sections of each
drill). At first, these boxes are blank, but after you play each section, the
empty box will be replaced with an X (failed the section), a Red Circle
(pass/Full Combo), a Yellow Circle (Perfect Combo; only Greats and Just
Greats), or an Orange Circle (hit the "target score").

In Special, the game gives you insane challenges- pass 1989 Low Speed, for
example. Ugh, this mode is freaking insane... I don't know how you get a
Yellow or Orange circle in this mode- I Perfect Comboed the Radical Faith
drill (easiest one in the mode that I've played), and the circle is still red.

4e. Options

Set the game difficulty, screen type (arcade or original; arcade will be
really squished if you don't have a widescreen TV), movie, brightness, etc.

This doesn't really need any explaining. O.o It's all in English.

4f. HDD (Hard Disk Drive)

The HDD apparently cuts down on the loading times for songs.

Not that great... at all, since it hardly takes any time to load them as it

Thanks to Hyper Konsento for telling me what it's for, though.

4g. Modifiers

On the Main Menu, press the Select button to access the modifier menu. There,
you can set these modifiers:

High/Low Speed- High speed makes songs easier to read, because it spreads the
notes out, but if you turn it up TOO high on a fast song, you might not be
able to read the notes. Low Speed... I don't know why they have it. All it
does is make things HARDER to read.

Random- Mixes the notes up. Makes some songs easier (songs with scaling, for
example), some songs harder (songs with fast patterns, like V), or it could go
either way, depending on what note arrangement you get.

Double- Lets you play 14 Key, Light 14, etc. You need 2 controllers to play
this mode (well, you can play one side and watch the other side fail you, but
that's no fun).

Autoscratch- Cheater. :P This modifier has the game take over the turntable
for you, which lets you concentrate all your efforts on the keys. Using it's a
waste of time; it doesn't help you build any skills, and you can't set records
while using Autoscratch.

Battle Mode- If you need a demo of what Battle Mode does, let the game sit on
the title screen for a while. It basically splits the notes up between the 1
player and 2 player sides.

Mirror- Just like it sounds, it reverses the notes. If a note was on the far
left key, it would be on the far right key when Mirror is activated.

Hidden- Notes dissapear halfway down. Can be combined with Sudden for a new

Sudden- Notes appear halfway down. Can be combined with Hidden for a new

Hidden/Sudden- Notes appear for a very short amount of time right in the

4h. Survival Mode

In Survival Mode, you play all the songs in the game back to back, on a
difficulty of your choice. It stops after you clear all 64 songs- though, I
havn't verified this, since I don't have that much time on my hands. Playing
all the songs back to back would take over 1 1/2 hours. O.o

You can choose to play all the songs in Light 7 mode, 7 Key mode, or Another +
7 mode (if the song has no Another, it'll use the 7 Key notes). Of course, if
you are playing Double, it'll be Light 14, 14 Key, and Another + 14 (if the
song has no Another, it'll go to the 14 Key notes).

You can arrange the songs in 4 ways (from top to bottom)-

Difficulty Order (nan'ido jun)- On 7 Key, it starts with the 1 stars and goes
up to the 7 stars. The songs are played in alphabetical order- IE, 5.1.1.
would be played first, then Be In My Paradise, and so on.

Reverse Difficulty Order(gyaku nan'ido jun)- On 7 Key, it starts with the 7
stars and goes down to the 1 stars. 250 BPM would be the first song played,
since it's at the top of the alphabetical order in the 7 stars.

Random (randomu)- Songs played in random order. No high scores are kept;
because unless you pass them all, your score would depend on the order of the

Alphabetical Order (arufabetto jun)- Goes in the order that the game lists the
songs in Free Mode- IE, the order that my songlist is in.

Once again, thanks to BradTheInsomniac for his translations of the menu.

One more thing- this mode must be unlocked. Check the Unlocking section to
find out how.

4i. Original Course Setting

This mode lets you make your own Expert Courses. You can edit up to 5- if you
don't edit them, they'll be 5 stages of 5.1.1. 7 Key in a row. >.<

You can't set records on these things, unfortunately. The only real use for
this mode is if you want to make a "Favorite" course with all your favorite

One more thing- this mode must be unlocked. Unlocking section, ho!

5. Song List and Info

Song Title: The name of the song. Duh.
Artist: The guy/gal/both who made the song.
Genre: Self explanatory. Really.
Beginner Mode: The difficulty on Beginner Mode. Please note that unlockable
songs (Prat Fall, Entrance, etc.) are not playable on Beginner Mode. Also, you
can't play Doubles on Beginner.
Light 7: The difficulty on Light 7 Mode.
7 Key: The difficulty on 7 Key Mode.
Another (7): If the song has an Another on Single Mode or not (some don't; and
some Anothers sound different than their 7 Key and lower versions). Anothers
don't have a rating of their own.
Light 14. Doubles; using two controllers. Basically, the Light 7 of Doubles.
14 Key: Doubles; using two controllers. Basically the 7 Key of Doubles.
Another (14): Whether or not the song has an Another on Doubles.
First appeared in: What home version of IIDX the song first appeared in.

Note: If there's anything special about the song, It goes here.

5 Key takes the 7 key notes, and takes over the right white and black keys. It
also uses the same difficulty rating, and every song is playable on 5 Key, so I
didn't bother adding to the song info.

Special thanks to DarkTetsuya for letting me use his Beatmania FAQ for my
"Artist" and "First appeared in" sections; it cut down on my work A LOT. Thank
you SO MUCH. The link to his FAQ is at the bottom of my FAQ. Go there. Now.

Song Title: .59
Artist: dj Taka
Genre: Chill Out
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): No
First Appeared in: 3rd Style

Note: .59 means "Tengoku", which translates to "Heaven". Thus, the
angels in the video.
Song Title: 1989
Artist: Osamu Kubota
Genre: Rock Opera
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: 250 BPM
Artist: Akira Yamaoka
Genre: Gabba
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 7 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 4th Style
Song Title: 5.1.1.
Artist: dj nagureo
Genre: Piano Ambient
Beginner Mode: 1 Star
Light 7: 1 Star
7 Key: 1 Star
Another (7): No
Light 14: 1 Star
14 Key: 1 Star
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 3rd Style

Note: Another added in 7th Style.
Song Title: Absolute
Artist: dj Taka
Genre: Epic Trance
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 7 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 4th Style
Song Title: Abyss
Artist: dj Taka
Genre: Intelligence
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Be In My Paradise
Genre: Soul Classic Ballad
Beginner Mode: 1 Star
Light 7: 1 Star
7 Key: 2 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 1 Star
14 Key: 2 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 4th Style
Song Title: c-r-a-c-k-ER
Artist: Gwashi
Genre: Hip Hop
Beginner Mode: None
Light 7: 2 Stars
7 Key: 4 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 5 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Come With Me
Artist: good-cool feat. Aundrea L. Hopkins
Genre: House
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Deadline
Artist: Dutch Force
Genre: Trance
Beginner Mode: 1 Star
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style

Note: The Beatmania IIDX 5th Style OST has an extended version of Deadline.
It's around 4 minutes long.
Song Title: Dengue
Artist: Mackey
Genre: Oriental Ambient
Beginner Mode: None
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 4 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 5 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Diamond Jealousy
Artist: Akira Yamaoka
Genre: Cyber Rock
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 4th Style
Song Title: Dune
Artist: napakick feat. Taja
Genre: Triphop
Beginner Mode: None
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 4 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 5 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: DXY!
Artist: TaQ
Genre: Techno
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 6 Stars
7 Key: 7 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 4th Style
Song Title: Entrance
Artist: Kobo Project with Masa
Genre: Techno
Beginner Mode: None
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style

Note: I hear Entrance was upgraded to a 7 Star on 7 Key in 7th Style. Heh.
Song Title: Era (Nostalmix)
Artist: TaQ
Genre: Drum'n'Bass
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 7 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 3rd Style

Note: Era's Another sounds totally different. As a matter of fact, it sounds
almost exactly the same as Era (Step Mix) from Beatmania IIDX 4th Style.
Song Title: Estella
Artist: Osamu Kubota
Genre: Spanish Waltz
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style

Note: Estella was the name of a character in Charles Dickens' novel "Great
Expectations." She was, as the song's video says "Beautiful and Heartless". The
video also says "Spanish Wartz". Hehe.
Song Title: Flash of Love
Artist: good-cool feat. Mickin'Tackin'
Genre: J-Disco
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: g.m.d.
Artist: DJ Mazinger featuring Muhammad
Genre: Hip Hop
Beginner Mode: 1 Star
Light 7: 1 Star
7 Key: 2 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 2 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): No
First Appeared in: 3rd Style
Song Title: Give Me a Sign
Artist: Shoichiro Hirata feat. "Red"
Genre: 2Step
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Gradiusic Cyber
Artist: Taka
Genre: Digi-Rock
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 3rd Style
Song Title: Hitch Hiker 2
Artist: Good-cool
Genre: Warp House
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 4th Style
Song Title: I was the One
Artist: Good-cool
Genre: Italo House
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 2 Stars
7 Key: 3 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 2 Stars
14 Key: 2 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 3rd Style
Song Title: IIDX
Artist: DJ Simon
Genre: Hip Hop
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 4 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 3 Stars
14 Key: 4 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: In My Eyes
Artist: ric
Genre: Trance
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Indigo Vision (full flavour hide around mix)
Artist: TaQ
Genre: Goa Trance
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 3rd Style
Song Title: Insertion
Artist: Naoki Underground
Genre: Euro Trance
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 3 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Kiss Me All Night Long
Artist: NAOKI J-STYLE feat.MIU
Genre: J-Euro Pop
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Leading Cyber
Artist: dj Taka
Genre: Digi-Rock
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 3rd Style

Note: The Another sounds quite different from the other modes.
Song Title: Love Again Tonight (for Melissa mix)
Artist: Naoki feat. Paula Terry
Genre: Hyper Eurobeat
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 5 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Love is Dreaminess
Genre: Happy Hardcore
Beginner Mode: None
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Love Will...
Artist: riewo
Genre: Trance
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 4 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 4th Style
Song Title: Make Your Move
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Genre: Funk
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 4 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 3 Stars
14 Key: 5 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 3rd Style
Song Title: Mobo*Moga
Artist: Orange Lounge
Genre: French Pop
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 5 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: More Deep (Ver.2.1)
Artist: Togo project feat. Sana
Genre: 2Step
Beginner Mode: None
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Outer Wall
Artist: sampling masters
Genre: Techno
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Over the Clouds
Artist: Lala Moore
Genre: House
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 3 Stars
14 Key: 5 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style

Note: Over the Clouds is basically Regulus with vocals. It's also more fun to
play, and it sounds better, IMO.
Song Title: Prat Fall
Artist: Spon
Genre: Digi-Rock
Beginner Mode: None
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Presto
Artist: Osamu Kubota
Genre: Piano Ambient
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 7 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 3 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 3rd Style

Note: Presto got a slightly different video in 7th Style. At parts, it shows
someone playing the piano along to the song. Pretty cool; definitely better
than the video before it.
Song Title: QQQ
Artist: TaQ
Genre: Techno
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 7 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Radical Faith
Artist: TaQ
Genre: Big Beat
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style

Note: Another Another version that sounds totally differant. Yay. It's also
much easier than the 7 Key version. It also has bits of TaQ's of other songs
mixed in, such as Indigo Vision's "The most difficult thing I've ever tried to
do..." and Schlagwerk (Another)'s "This is FUCKED UP."
Song Title: Real
Artist: Aya
Genre: Drum'n'Bass
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Regulus
Artist: DJ.W
Genre: Instrumental
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 6 Stars
7 Key: 7 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style

Note: Regulus is strangely missing from the 5th Style OST (maybe because it's
so much like Over the Clouds?). Also, it's Light 7 is horridly difficult- I was
beating 7 Stars before I beat it.
Song Title: Remember You
Artist: NM feat.Julie
Genre: Ballad
Beginner Mode: 1 Star
Light 7: 2 Stars
7 Key: 4 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 2 Stars
14 Key: 4 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Ride on the Light (Hi Great Mix)
Artist: Mr. T
Genre: Power Fusion
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style

Note: Remix of Ride on the Light, which was in Keyboardmania 2nd Mix. Thanks to
|LepraConcertino In Blue| for telling me.
Song Title: Rislim
Artist: ric
Genre: New Romantic
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): no
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Sanctus
Artist: Osamu Kubota
Genre: Rock Opera
Beginner Mode: 1 Star
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 3 Stars
14 Key: 4 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 4th Style
Song Title: Something Wonderful
Artist: L.E.D.
Genre: Epic Trance
Beginner Mode: None
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style

Note: Another added in 6th Style.
Song Title: Sometime
Artist: Aya
Genre: Soundtrack
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Spin the Disc
Artist: Good-cool
Genre: House
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 7 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Still in my Heart
Artist: Naoki
Genre: Hyper Euro Beat
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Still my Words
Artist: TaQ feat. Meg
Genre: Ambient
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 5 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Sync
Artist: OutPhase
Genre: Trance
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 6 Stars
7 Key: 7 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style

Note: OutPhase is dj Taka and TaQ working together. It doesn't get much better
than that.
Also, Sync got it's own video in 6th Style.
Song Title: Tablets
Artist: sampling masters
Genre: Rave
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: Tangerine Stream
Artist: dj Taka
Genre: House
Beginner: 1 Star
Light 7: 2 Stars
7 Key: 2 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 2 Stars
14 Key: 2 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 3rd Style

Note: Blueberry Stream from Beatmania IIDX 6th Style is a remix of this song.
Song Title: Tengoku No Kissu ~dj Taka's Style~
Artist: Othello
Genre: Euro Trance
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style

Notes: According to Opethian, "Tengoku no Kissu" translates to "Kisses in
Heaven." However, BradTheInsomniac and MatDef say it translates to "Kiss of
Heaven". Close enough.
Song Title: The Big Voyager ~Infinite Prayer Reinterpretation~
Artist: L.E.D.
Genre: Goa Trance
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 7 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 4th Style

Note: The Another sounds different than when you play it on 7 Key and lower.
Not TOO different, but much more than most.
Song Title: The Cube
Artist: DJ Suwami
Genre: Drum'n'Bass
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: The Shining Polaris
Artist: L.E.D. feat. Sana
Genre: Epic Trance
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 4th Style

Note: They changed The Shining Polaris' video in 6th Style. Personally, I liked
it more before the change.
Song Title: Theme of Denjin J
Artist: L.E.D.
Genre: Nu-urg
Beginner Mode: None
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style

Note: Another added in 6th Style.
Song Title: Time Is Money
Artist: Good-cool
Genre: Jazz
Beginner Mode: 2 Stars
Light 7: 2 Stars
7 Key: 3 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 3 Stars
14 Key: 4 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style
Song Title: V
Artist: Taka
Genre: Progressive
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 5 Stars
7 Key: 7 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 6 Stars
14 Key: 7 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 5th Style.

Note: Based on the "Winter" section of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons". Thus, "V,"
for Vivaldi. V Another also has more notes than any other IIDX song (as of
Song Title: Vienna
Artist: Osamu Kubota
Genre: Piano Ambient
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 4 Stars
7 Key: 5 Stars
Another (7): No
Light 14: 4 Stars
14 Key: 6 Stars
Another (14): No
First appeared in: 4th Style
Song Title: Virtual Mind
Artist: Brian Morris feat.Thomas
Genre: Hip Hop
Beginner Mode: 3 Stars
Light 7: 3 Stars
7 Key: 6 Stars
Another (7): Yes
Light 14: 3 Stars
14 Key: 5 Stars
Another (14): Yes
First appeared in: 5th Style

6. Expert Courses

Expert Courses could be compared to DDR Max2's Oni Courses- but they're not
quite as hard. You start out with your Groove Gauge at 100%, and when it drops,
it takes MUCH longer for it to rise again. I'm not exactly sure how many notes
it takes for it to rise... if you know, tell me, please.

Expert Courses also score differently than normal stages; the point value for
each note is much lower.

Just Great (the flashy ones): 2 points
Great: 1 point
Good, Bad, Poor: 0 points

So, the highest you can get on a song is no longer 200,000 (which would be all
Just Greats on a normal stage); it's twice the number of notes in the song. So,
if the song as 99 notes, the max score would be 198. Got it? Good.

There are 8 Expert Courses available from the get go. There are also 10 more
courses to unlock, and you can create 6 of your own (this feature is also
unlockable). The courses that are always available have Star ratings; but the
others don't. I'll include the Star total for each of the songs next to the
given Star rating, so you have some idea of how difficult the unlockables are.
Also, all the songs are one Expert difficulty level (AKA 7 Key) unless
specified otherwise.

Heaven- 3 Star (21 Total) Fly High- 4 Stars (26 Total)
Time is Money Mobo*Moga
Remember You Over the Clouds
IIDX Ride on the Light
Come With Me Tengoku no Kissu
Deadline Sometime

Regular- 6 Star (31 Total) New Wave- 7 Stars (31 Total)
Still my Words Give me a Sign
Estella The Cube
Still in my Heart Rislim
Abyss Kiss me all Night Long
Spin the Disk V

UG- 7 Stars (31 Total) Naoki- 5 Stars (27 Total)
Radical Faith Love Again Tonight
Tablets Remember You
Real Still in my Heart
Outer Wall Kiss me all Night Long
QQQ Insertion

Trance- 6 Stars (29 Total) OutPhase- 7 Stars (33 Total)
Deadline Radical Faith
Tengoku no Kissu Abyss
The Shining Polaris QQQ
In My Eyes V
The Big Voyager Sync

Those are the 8 Expert Courses you will be able to play from the start. Here
are the Unlockables. See the Unlocking section to find out how to unlock them.

Osamu Kubota- ????? (29 Total) Good-cool- ????? (21 Total)
Estella Time is Money
1989 I was the One
Vienna Make Your Move
Sanctus Hitch Hiker 2
Presto Flash of Love

dj Taka- ????? (31 Total) TaQ- ????? (32 Total)
Gradiusic Cyber Indigo Vision
.59 Radical Faith
Leading Cyber QQQ
Absolute Era (Nostalmix)
Abyss DXY!

Rapid- ????? (29 Total+Another) Hidden- ????? (32 Total)
Mobo*Moga Another Virtual Mind
The Cube Another In My Eyes
Ride on the Light Another Insertion
Tablets Another Regulus
Real Another Sync

Akira Yamaoka- ????? (29 Total) Hell2- ????? (34 Total+Another)
Love Will... Regulus Another
Diamond Jealousy Real Another
Rislim Sync Another
250 BPM QQQ Another
In My Eyes V Another

Bonus- ????? (22 Total) L.E.D.- ????? (30 Total+Another)
Dengue Something Wonderful
Dune The Shining Polaris (Another)
c-r-a-c-k-ER The Big Voyager (Another)
Prat Fall Love is Dreaminess
More Deep (Ver.2.1) Theme of Denjin J

7. Unlocking

Of course, you all know that you can unlock EVERYTHING by getting a 634 combo.
But the problem is, not everyone can get a combo that high! So, I'm providing
some alternate methods on unlocking certain sections. Also, please note that
you CANNOT use an Expert Course to unlock everything with the 634 combo method.
Survival works, though.

Unlocking Songs- I don't know any way to unlock songs, other than playing in
Arcade Mode alot.

Unlocking Expert Courses- All the unlockable Expert Courses, except for Bonus
and L.E.D. are unlocked by playing each Expert Course up to at least the 3rd
Stage. As for Bonus and L.E.D., I'm not sure... they just kinda pop up on me.
Maybe playing all the songs in the course?

Unlocking Original Course Setting- I have NO IDEA. If you know, tell me.

Unlocking Survival- Full Combo a Custom Expert Course. 5.1.1. Light 7 over and
over should make this easy enough.

Unlocking Special Drill section- NO IDEA. Help, if you can!

Thanks to Farren for ALL the info here.

8. Closing

-Special Thanks-


For letting me use his FAQ to find what songs where in what Style first, and
for letting me use his FAQ for artist names. I was too lazy to write them down.
:P Check out his FAQ, it's the best Beatmania FAQ I've seen. I suppose you can
find the link by yourself. I hope you can.

Also, I originally typed up the Star ratings for all the songs for him. To be
honest, I'd never have even considered making this FAQ if I wasn't already
ahead by that much; so this whole thing pretty much exists thanks to him.
Thankee again, DT.


For posting my FAQ. If he doesn't post it, I'm taking him out of the Special
Thanks section. :D


Because I'm Christian and I believe that 2 people just isn't enough for a
Special Thanks section. (Well, the Special Thanks section is bigger now, but
God stays. :P)

My parents-

For the same reason. And they let me spend over $400 to get IIDX. I guess that
was kinda important, too. I didn't really expect them to let me. ^^;

|LepraConcertino In Blue|

-Contact Me-


AIM: little heero yuy

Also, you can find me on a few GameFAQs boards (I lurk around the Beatmania
IIDX 6th Style New Songs Collection board and post on Anime and Manga Social
and Life, the Universe, and Everything, mostly), DDRFreak,and IIDXStyle. I go
by CStarFlare everywhere, except AIM.


DarkTetsuya's Beatmania FAQ. Provided me with artist names, and it's an all
around great FAQ, with songlists for all 4 IIDX home versions, and a bunch of
Beatmania home version songlists and (I don't think it has all of them)

IIDXSyle recently went down, never to return, but it's forums are still up.
Check them out. If you're not going there to screw things up.

GameFAQ, for hosting., for hosting my FAQ. I'm probably going to forget to send updates
to them. O.o

If I do, tell me.

DDRFreak's Other Bemani forum, the place where I got the most comments and


This guide is copyright CStarFlare (or, Seth Larson), and cannot
be sold for profit (I don't care if you sell it for less than what it cost to
print; you're just screwing yourself anyway) or alter it in any way. Also, if
you're interested in putting my FAQ on your website (I'm such an optimist), I'd
appreciate it if you contacted me (preferably not on a message board; because
it can get deleted before I see it) and gave me a link to your site. I'll put
it in my FAQ for the world to see.

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New Songs Collection FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

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