Blast Doors

Blast Doors

04.10.2013 06:36:57
Blast Doors Guide and FAQ
By PikaPikaPika1 (
Version 1.00
Copyright PikaPikaPika1 2002

Table of Contents------------------------------------------------------------

I. The Unwanted but Necessary Stuff
IA. Version Info
IA1. Version 1.00
IB. Copyright
IC. Contact
II. Getting the Game
III. Tips to Help You Win
IIIA. Aiming
IIIB. Weapon Choice
IIIB1. Basic Weapons
IIIB2. EMP Weapons
IIIB3. Multi-Warheads
IIIB4. Small but Powerful Weapons
IIIB5. Large and Powerful Weapons
IIIB6. Jumpers and Decoys
IIIB7. Mines
IIIB8. Mudbombs
IIIB9. Napalms
IIIB10. Truce Sparkler
IIIB11. Custom Weapons
IIIC. Repairing
IIIC1. Minor Repair Items
IIIC2. Minor-Medium Repair Items
IIIC3. Medium Repair Items
IIIC4. Medium-Major Repair Items
IIIC5. Major Repair Items
IIII. Custom Weapons
IIIIA. My Created Custom Weapons
IIIIB. Submitted Custom Weapons
IIIIB1. Submitting Custom Weapons.

The Unwanted but Necessary Stuff---------------------------------------------

-----Version Info------------------------------------------------------------

All that version info in almost every FAQ.

----------Version 1.01-------------------------------------------------------

Minor revision.
Took out Large Radius Weapons. (All of them are powerful)
Finished Weapons.
Divided Repairing into parts.
Second Submission attempt to Gamefaqs.

----------Version 1.00-------------------------------------------------------

The Unwanted but Necessary Stuff added.
Getting the Game added.
Tips to help you win with up to Multi-Warheads finished.
First Submission attempt to Gamefaqs.


This guide was written for version 2.02. However, aiming tips and certain
weapons will apply in the 1.1 version. Also, please don't correct me on the
description misspelling, because that is how it's written in the game. Since
the upgrade to version 2.02, some text has been cut off. It's not too bad,
though. That's all.


This is copyright material, please do not use it to profit in any way or steal
it. If you want to post it up on your web site, that's fine with me. Make sure
to email me that you are however. If you are caught using this for items not
allowed, or without my permission, you may be sued.


You can contact me at You can email me with your questions,
custom weapon designs (not yet), and corrections. Need I say more?

Getting the Game-------------------------------------------------------------

You can get the most recent version of the game at However, the links aren't up all the
time, and as I said, this guide is for the 2.02 version. However, I recommend
getting the hang of the game with the 1.1 version.

Tips to Help You Win---------------------------------------------------------


I recommend using tracers or large area weapons to aim. Tracers don't waste
much cash, and large area weapons usually damage while helping you aim. If
you're using the 1.1 version, Use Fat Man after getting good aim. These will
usually lower the altitude, making you adjust your aim. It's best to do this
right off the bat then messing up over and over afterwards. Using mines to aim
can also be helpful, but be careful. If your computer has problems, use large
radius weapons.

-----Weapon Choice-----------------------------------------------------------

This section is to help you choose which weapons are best for the job you set.
Remember, Not all weapons will be included, considering my prestige isn't up
too high.

----------Basic Weapons------------------------------------------------------

These weapons are best for aiming and blowing up mines.


TRACERS are primarily used for ranging your shots. They are dirt cheap, but can
be combat effective with fine aim.

Cost: $1
Prestige: 1
Power: 10
EMP Power: 0
Size: 5
Crit. Hit %: 0%

Tracers are best used for aiming. They don't do much damage. However, good aim
can take out a mine. Aiming is what I mostly use them for.

---------------20" Shells----------------------------------------------------

20" Artillery Shells trace their way back to the FIRST World War. They still
provide a satisfying bang.

Cost: $7
Prestige: 4
Power: 30
EMP Power: 22
Size: 20
Crit. Hit %: 1%

20" shells aren't very powerful, but they can be handy with good aim, and great
for taking out mines.

---------------40" Shells----------------------------------------------------

40" Artillery Shells made their appearance during the second world war. They
still provide decent firepower.

Cost: $19
Prestige: 11
Power: 45
EMP Power: 22
Size: 30
Crit. Hit %: 1

40" are pretty good for beginners. Make sure to aim first. It's pretty good
firepower, but still not too big.

----------EMP Weapons--------------------------------------------------------

EMP Weapons can be useful. The reason they are considered EMP Weapons is
because they don't make holes in the map. If you're dependent on there, make
sure to aim carefully.

---------------Mini Driver---------------------------------------------------


Cost: $9
Prestige: 6
Power: 18
EMP Power: 27
Size: 25
Crit. Hit %: 2%

It's decent with aim, but in my opinion, it's really not worth it. Strange
description again.

---------------Fog Cutter----------------------------------------------------

This neutron device was enhanced for to havean extended radius. Soldiers vomit
blood, parakeets collapse, grass turns brown.

Cost: $55
Prestige: 47
Power: 22
EMP Power: 45
Size: 80
Crit. Hit %: 1%

This thing is pretty useful. It may not seem good, but because it covers a
fairly large range, it can be useful for hitting multiple people.

---------------Hail Mary-----------------------------------------------------

Essentially an enhanced Tac Nuke. Originally dubbed the Holy Blazer, it got
renamed when UN Troops first discovers their nigh legendary inaccuracy.

Cost: $40
Prestige: 43
Power: 52
EMP Power: 52
Size: 60
Crit. Hit %: 2%

I would ditch this for the Fog Cutter, you get them at about the same time.
It's more powerful and cheaper, but fog cutters have a greater size, and this
thing misses a lot, even with perfect computers.


A hard hitting neutron device with a penetrating liquid titanium core. The
Trump is well known for its critical strikes and lucky kills.

Cost: 39
Prestige: 37
Power: 15
EMP Power: 75
Size: 30
Crit. Hit %: 5%

Trumps are decent at attacking IF your opponent isn't very resistant to EMP
damage. They have the highest critical hit rate out of all of the projectiles,
which explains the description. However, I wouldn't count on it. It's still a
low rate at any time.

---------------Neutron Bomb--------------------------------------------------

Neutron Bombs were designed for killing people and leaving behind their
jewelry. NB's are a great way of terminating your opponent's computers.

Cost: $76
Prestige: 69
Power: 0
EMP Power: 120
Size: 50
Crit. Hit %: 3%

Neutron Bombs aren't physically powerful, so don't expect to be finishing
someone off with it. However, It's great at melting someone's computers and
overheating coolant. Great for annoying people with low supplies.

---------------Blues Bomb----------------------------------------------------

The Blues Bomb is an intenfisted Neutron Bomb. This weapon massacres all
computer systems. Guaranteed to give your foes the blues.

Cost: 109
Prestige: 109
Power: 105
EMP Power: 135
Size: 30
Crit. Hit %: 5%

Blues Bombs ROCK! However, if you have lousy aim or computers, you might want
to stay away. These things have the size of a 40", but can really blow someone
off the map. They have the same crit. Hit rates of trumps, but really blow
people away. With huge power, and larger EMP power than Neutron Bombs, these
things rock! I once killed someone with one hit from these. The range, however,
is something to be careful of. If you buy there, aim with tracers, and make
sure to repair your computers. You don't want to miss.


These weapons fire more than one missile. With good aim, some can let you hit
someone multiple times.


Three, Three, Three bombs in one! Tricorn is an early experiment in
intimidation through superior firepower - generally considered to be a
miserable failu

Cost: 10
Prestige: 6
Power: 30
EMP Power: 22
Size: 20
Crit. Hit %: 1%

Basically 3 20" Shells launched in a triangle around your aim. Wasteful,
unless, by some stroke of luck, The opponents are arranged for you that way. In
any case, you have to adjust your aim.

---------------Rolling Stones------------------------------------------------

Neutron enriched mayhem to the fourth power. RS earned their reputation at the
siege of Denver at the start of the Second Civil War.

Cost: $21
Prestige: 14
Power: 18
EMP Power: 27
Size: 25
Crit. Hit %: 2%

The Rolling Stones are fired like the Tricorn. Once again, adjust your aim, but
not very useful unless the enemy's lined up for you this way.


The Penetrator is designed for punching through intervening terrain. Four
warheads fired along the same path. With luck, you can land all fou

Cost: $51
Prestige: 34
Power: 60
EMP Power: 30
Size: 25
Crit. Hit %: 2

This is a pretty good weapon earlier on. With good aim, you can really land it
on. It's easiest when the enemy's on the lower or lowest ground.

---------------Zig Zag-------------------------------------------------------

Zig Zag is the only way to avoid this bomb. Five warheads are fired in a linear
pattern. With decent aim, you can strike your target with three warhe

Cost: $53
Prestige: 32
Power: 45
EMP Power: 22
Size: 30
Crit. Hit %: 1%

Zig Zag can rock with good aim, like the (cutoff) description says. Also, in
rare cases that the enemy is arranged in a straight line for you, it becomes
even sweeter.

---------------Cluster Bomb--------------------------------------------------

Cluster Bombs were invented just before the Short War. Blanketing an area with
seven warheads has proven to be an effective method of scoring hits.

Cost: $59
Prestige: 36
Power: 45
EMP Power: 22
Size: 30
Crit. Hit %: 1%

We should all know what this looks like. 6 warheads in a hexagonal shape around
one warhead. Good aim can allow 2 hits, 3 if you're lucky. It's just an
effective a weapon as Zig Zags at times. For some reason, I find it more
powerful when there's a slight height above direct hits. Mud Bomb first, then
cluster away.

---------------Crowd Pleaser-------------------------------------------------

The Crowd Pleaser was born on the 4th of July. A decent sized warhead
detonates, followed by 8 smaller bombs scattered about the area. Luck be a

Cost: 49
Prestige: 29
Power: 50
EMP Power: 50
Size: 53
Crit. Hit %: 2%

Crowd Pleasers do good damage, but the scattered hits are random. Luck really
IS an important factor here.

----------Small but Powerful Weapons-----------------------------------------

These are great weapons, but Tracers are really needed for aim. Some are more
medium, but can't fit in the large category. If NBs and BBs weren't EMPs,
they'd be here. You don't want to waste these.



Cost: $13
Prestige: 10
Power: 60
EMP Power: 30
Size: 25
Crit. Hit %: 2%

Strange description. Anyway, the hammer is very useful with good aim, but it's
not as big as the 40". If you have decent aim, this is useful at the start.
It's barely into the powerful category, so don't be afraid to go a bit extra.

---------------60'' Shell----------------------------------------------------

These beauties were invented by the Iraqui Republic just before the annexation
of the Kuwait. Look at the Saudis run!

Cost: 45$
Prestige: 37
Power: 52
EMP Power: 37
Size: 50
Crit. Hit %: 2%

These things are a bit bigger than the 40, and are excellent for starters when
starting not too far in. They aren't too powerful, but can still cause a bang.

---------------Tac Nuke------------------------------------------------------

Tac Nukes are a cheap way to utilize EMP. While technically a neutron device,
TN's they have a high ratio of EMP damage.

Cost: 32$
Prestige: 23
Power: 50
EMP Power: 50
Size: 35
Crit. Hit %: 2%

These are a bit smaller than the 60'', but are pretty good. They're lower and
prestige, but can be just as, if not more effective. Pretty good for a starter.


Cost: 68$
Prestige: 88
Power: 75
EMP Power: 52
Size: 45
Crit. Hit %: 5%

Great weapon. Decent range, and great power. The EMP power slightly surpasses
that of a Tac Nuke, not to mention a tie for the highest Crit. Hit rate for a
non-customized weapon. Good weapon, for an agreeing price.

----------Large and Powerful Weapons-----------------------------------------

These weapons are large and can really make a dent in the firing person. Make
sure you're far away! They're worth the price tag. Guess what they're named
after. :P


Fatman was designed to be used by novices. It spands twice the area of Little
Boy, but does little more than half the damage.

Cost: 184$
Prestige: 16
Power: 99
EMP Power: 22
Size: 90
Crit. Hit %: 2%

Fatmen aren't to be taken lightly. They make a big crater in the playing field,
and can make a dent in shields and structure. They may not have much EMP Power,
but can still mess people up. These are the biggest non-custom weapons, so make
sure to be at least about half a screen away. Aiming's not a big problem, but
be careful.

---------------Little Boy----------------------------------------------------

Cost: 240$
Prestige: 213
Power: 120
EMP Power: 60
Size: 65
Crit. Hit %: 3%

Little Boys ROCK! That's way less then they are, though. Good aim means a boom,
but a little off is ok. These are a good way to start, if you have good aim.
Good if you're a bit off, but still powerful. Aim carefully. If they have 2
people near each other, SWEET! It may not be double everything, but it's
increased EMP Power makes up.

----------Jumpers and Decoys-------------------------------------------------

These are made for moving your fort. However, decoys work a little differently.
They create a hologram/holograms of your fort, allowing them to try to guess
the correct one. The holograms will disappear if they take any damage. If the
computer uses them, the chance is greater that they used a Mark I Decoy. The
Great Escape works a bit differently though...

---------------Wobble Hopper-------------------------------------------------

The first Rocket Jumpers proved to be incredibly accurate, extremely useful
mobile systems. So, MiliTech created the Wobble Hopper for the 'budget' ma

Cost: 31$
Prestige: 10
Power: 0
EMP Power: 0
Size: 0
Crit. Hit %: 0%

Once again, a cut off description. These are made for moving your fort.
However, they aren't very good when it comes to accuracy, so basically use them
to get out of a napalm area.

---------------Rocket Jumper-------------------------------------------------

Rocket Jumpers let you move your bunker to new locations. You will shoot along
a path defined by your targeting systems. Take the high ground or h

Cost: 47$
Prestige: 13
Power: 0
EMP Power: 0
Size: 0
Crit. Hit %: 0%

This proves that the things got cut off when they upgraded it to version 2.02.
Basically just like the Wobble Hopper, except MUCH more accurate. Use these
when you've got to get to a certain place.

---------------Mark I Decoy--------------------------------------------------


Cost: 25$
Prestige: 6
Power: 0
EMP Power: 0
Size: 0
Crit. Hit %: 0

Fires a fake. Basically, you stay, a fake goes flying across the shooting area.
Not very useful, because there are much better things to fake with.


Drops a Decoy while you move on!

Cost: 55$
Prestige: 16
Power: 0
EMP Power: 0
Size: 0
Crit. Hit %: 0%

I prefer these to Rocket Jumpers. Great for messing people up, and gets you
somewhere. These are the opposite of Mark I Decoys. They leave a decoy while
you move along the target. Confuse people with these. They might hesitate on
which one is real and which is a decoy.



Cost: 65$
Prestige: 16
Power: 0
EMP Power: 0
Size: 0
Crit. Hit %: 0%

If you don't have super scatter, use these. Great for confusing enemies with
holos. What happens is you aim for an area, and 2 other holos go in a random

---------------Super Scatter-------------------------------------------------

Super Scatter

Cost: 117$
Prestige: 23
Power: 0
EMP Power: )
Size: 0
Crit. Hit %: 0%

The best hologramer non-customization has to offer. You go flying and 2 others
too, just like in Scatter, but it gets kicked up a step further. Then, those 3
all split two. Probably a 1/8 chance they'll hit you, because usually one or
two holos come together.

---------------The Great Escape----------------------------------------------

Leave a bomb, move on.

Cost: 115$
Prestige: 65
Power: 22
EMP Power: 45
Size: 80
Crit. Hit %: 1%

These use a Rocket Jumper and leave a minor bomb. Might seem good, especially
when you're near someone, but that comes at a price. It covers a wide range, so
you can't move close, and when you use these, there's a high chance you'll get
hit by the bomb too, messing up your computers. Occasionally you won't get
hurt, but that's rare.


These are mines. (Duh.) For the vocabulary challenged (no offence if you are) ,
what it does is drops a thing. When that thing (mine) gets fired on or
something, it blows up. Note that all stats are for once the mine blows up.
(Duh again.)


Fires One Landmine

Cost: 17$
Prestige: 8
Power: 45
EMP Power: 15
Size: 30
Crit. Hit %: 1%

Basic mine, small, not very powerful. I don't know why you would want to use
this. (Except for the patient who use them in large groups followed by a
tracer. Blah. I don't think so. Make your own if you want a good mine.) MAYBE
for aiming, but that's about it.

---------------Brick Layer---------------------------------------------------

Fires 3 Landmines

Cost: 37$
Prestige: 13
Power: 45
EMP Power: 15
Size: 30
Crit. Hit %: 1%

Basically like Scatter. Fires one mine, splits to 3 mines. Need I say more,
besides maybe not very good except for maybe off aiming?

---------------Brick Yard----------------------------------------------------

Fires 9 Landmines

Cost: 66$
Prestige: 19
Power: 45
EMP Power: 15
Size: 30
Crit. Hit %: 1%

Basically, kick it like Super Scatter. Fire one landmine, split into 3 mines,
those 3 split into three. The only useful non-customized mines, fire it into a
Fatman crater, follow up with a Napalm (or Mini or Mega) and watch the


These aren't great as weapons, but they raise the land some. If you're good
with them, they can be a good (or bad) napalm defense.

---------------Mud Ball------------------------------------------------------

When the Mud Bomb proved to be an effective defense against napalm attacks, a
smaller version was created to appeal the low-income consume

Cost: 7$
Prestige: 5
Power: 5
EMP Power: 5
Size: 25
Crit. Hit %: 0%

NOT for offence. Use it to patch up those tiny napalm openings. I mean TINY.
About -- that thick at max. It's a more, but people with sense will know what
aim won't allow it.

---------------Mud Bomb------------------------------------------------------

Dirt Bomb was originally the Gravity Bomb. The technology never worked as
promised. It sucks up a column of earth, creating. high ground wherever i

Cost: 31$
Prestige: 22
Power: 10
EMP Power: 10
Size: 50
Crit. Hit %: 0

These are better against Napalm. They raise more land, and cover more too.
About double that of Mud Ball. (About.)

---------------Baba Booey----------------------------------------------------

Mega Dirt Bomb

Cost: 84$
Prestige: 62
Power: 20
Power: 20
Size: 75
Crit. Hit %: 0%

Big Mud. It's not too high, but it can be good as preparation for Cluster
Bombing or Zig Zagging, and it can help tremendously against Napalm.

---------------Mud Ring------------------------------------------------------

It was a gang of Australian Merks that first bundled a bunch of mud balls to
create a makeshift barricade. Unfortunately, a bunch of Russian Merks f

Cost: 43$
Prestige: 22
Power: 60
EMP Power: 30
Size: 20
Crit. Hit %: 2%

Fires a bunch of Mud Balls in Cluster Bomb form, except for one thing. There's
a explosion in the middle. Usually, it makes a tall tower (for some strange
reason.) . Great for annoying enemies with, horrible for making a defense with.


These items are used for dropping some hot liquid. It floods an area, not able
to go over walls unless it's powerful enough of a napalm. The damage is
calculated for every layer of napalm laid. If it floods 2 layers high, it will
be 2 times the damage, and etc. However, Hop'N'Skip and Pop'N'Fresh are a bit

---------------Mini Napalm---------------------------------------------------

Napalm proved to be an extremely valuable weapon of war. So, predictibaly,
MiliTech built a 'budget' version of the device.

Cost: 25$
Prestige: 5
Power: 3
EMP Power: 12
Size: 40
Crit. Hit %: 8%

All the napalms have this high a critical hit, but the size of the napalm is
what makes the power. This isn't very powerful, but it's good enough to open a
mined Fatman crater.


Napalm is an oldy but goody. Even the ancient Greeks had naptha - Greek Fire!
Napalm will hug the earth, fill valleys, ruin shields, and dissolve c

Cost: 75$
Prestige: 17
Power: 3
EMP Power: 12
Size: 80
Crit. Hit %: 8%

Napalm is roughly twice the size of its mini version. It's more powerful. Use
it for damaging people in the Crater, it'll fill up more than enough to melt
all the coolant if it's aimed well or is small.

---------------Mega Napalm---------------------------------------------------

Mega Napalm is a slightly more expensive version of Napalm. Slightly hotter and
sticker, Mega Napalm also delivers twice as much molten mayhem.

Cost: 220$
Prestige: 57
Power: 3
EMP Power: 12
Size: 160
Crit. Hit %: 8%

Double the Napalm, double the destruction. A huge amount of Napalm, if it runs
smoothly, about somewhere between 6 and 10, roughly 8 by my count, probably 7.
However, it's not more powerful. Great for filling up valleys, and damaging
small areas. Fatman? Incredible damage.


3 Mini Napalms

Cost: 42$
Prestige: 7
Power: 3
EMP Power: 12
Size: 40
Crit. Hit %: 8%

3 Mini Napalms, in a wide boomerang shaped pattern. It's not very close, great
potential, floods a bit more, great for filling up edges, but don't expect to
get great results. Why? Because it's fired at the left edge instead of the
middle, messing up the aim very much, and it's too wide for it. Make your own
if you want good results.


Make a hole, drop some Naptha.

Cost: 35$
Prestige: 26
Power: 50
EMP Power: 50
Size: 35
Crit. Hit. %: 2%

Decent, but the hole doesn't come well enough for the napalm to work as well as
it should. Use either a bigger explosion or 2 turns. Make your own for best
results... for now.


Napalm _Emp Bomb

Cost: 126$
Prestige: 68
Power: 52
EMP Power: 52
Size: 60
Crit. Hit %: 2%

Great Weapon. Drops more Naptha, does more damage, makes bigger hole. If you've
made better, great! If you didn't this is a great weapon.

----------Custom Weapons-----------------------------------------------------

Working on it!


Working on it!

Custom Weapons---------------------------------------------------------------

These are customized weapons I made up, as well as the ones that other people
submit. Please mention your name, and I will give you credit where it is due.

-----My Custom Weapons-------------------------------------------------------

Working on it. The next version will have some of mine, as well as how to
submit weapons.

-----Submitted Custom Weapons------------------------------------------------

Working on it!

----------Submitted Custom Weapons-------------------------------------------

Next version will tell you how to submit custom weapons.


Me (PikaPikaPika1) - Writing this FAQ

Gamefaqs - Posting this FAQ

Fred's Friends - Making this cool game

Anyone Else (Sorry if I forgot) - Whatever you did

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