Mat Hoffmann's pro BMX 2

Mat Hoffmann's pro BMX 2

15.10.2013 21:47:34

An FAQ/Walkthrough for
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2


Game: Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2
Platform: PlayStation 2
Author of FAQ/Walkthrough: Tom Hayes
Version: 2.0
Last updated: October 24th, 2002


1. Introduction
2. Character Statistics
3. Tricks
4. Secret Areas
5. Road Trip Walkthrough
6. Secret Characters
7. Copyright Information

Version History

Version 2.0 - October 24th, 2002
- Added the Secret Characters section.
- Updated the Tricks section to include adrenaline tricks for secret

Version 1.0 - October 22nd, 2002
- First version. All sections complete.


1. Introduction


Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2, as with the first game, just seems outdated in terms
of gameplay and graphics when compared to other extreme sports games such as
Aggressive Inline and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. The road trip mode, and the
ability to collect new music tracks in the levels are nice touches, but the
game is let down by familiar challenges and poor controls.

At the start of each of the eight levels in the game, you are given four goals
to complete per difficulty: Amateur, semi-pro and pro. The goals involve tasks
such as scoring a certain amount of points within a time limit, collecting a
certain amount of objects, finding a difficult to reach object, and so on. It
would have been nice to see this game take on the Aggressive Inline approach of
finding challenges to do rather than being presented with them at the start of
the level in the traditional way.

In terms of tricks, the game has improved considerably over the original. There
are hundreds of tricks in the game, all of which look very realistic. The trick
system is similar to that of Dave Mirra's Freestyle BMX 2, in that you can do
variations of a trick in the air, such as a no hander 540 or no footer 540.
There is also flatland in this game, which means that you can do tricks by just
riding along the ground. This is the first BMX game I've played that features
flatland tricks, and it works well.

I couldn't help being slightly disappointed with this game. The graphics were
average, the gameplay was similar to many other extreme sports games, and the
controls were difficult to get used to. After much playing, my opinion on the
game has improved, but I still find it to be less enjoyable from many other
extreme sports games that I've played. Overall, I'd rate this as an average
game. Worth a try, but there a plenty of other extreme sports games out that
are far better.


2. Character Statistics


This section lists the names and statistics for all the normal characters in
the game. The statistics shown are the base statistics, and are improved as the
rider gains new bikes. As secret characters do not have statistics, they are
not shown in this section.

Cory Nastazio

Air: 79%
Spin: 58%
Landing: 98%
Grind Balance: 14%
Manual Balance: 52%

Joe Kowalski

Air: 19%
Spin: 75%
Landing: 79%
Grind Balance: 78%
Manual Balance: 53%

Kevin Robinson

Air: 80%
Spin: 52%
Landing: 74%
Grind Balance: 54%
Manual Balance: 35%

Mat Hoffman

Air: 95%
Spin: 77%
Landing: 73%
Grind Balance: 32%
Manual Balance: 16%

Mike Escamilla

Air: 39%
Spin: 95%
Landing: 59%
Grind Balance: 54%
Manual Balance: 51%

Nate Wessel

Air: 57%
Spin: 76%
Landing: 15%
Grind Balance: 77%
Manual Balance: 81%

Rick Thorne

Air: 76%
Spin: 52%
Landing: 57%
Grind Balance: 55%
Manual Balance: 54%

Ruben Alcantara

Air: 56%
Spin: 53%
Landing: 38%
Grind Balance: 85%
Manual Balance: 82%

Seth Kimbrough

Air: 35%
Spin: 51%
Landing: 36%
Grind Balance: 97%
Manual Balance: 88%

Simon Tabron

Air: 82%
Spin: 97%
Landing: 72%
Grind Balance: 14%
Manual Balance: 35%


3. Tricks


Below is the explanation for the trick layout in this guide:

+ = buttons must be pressed at the same time
, = release previous buttons, and then press next button

So, for example, if a move was up + right, up, right + square: Press up and
right on the controller at the same time. Quickly release the direction, and
press up. Quickly release up and press right and the square button at the same

Air Tricks

BackFlip - Down + Right + Circle
Barspin - Left + Square
Can Can - Down + Left + Square
Candy Bar - Right + Circle
Candy Bar One Hander - Right, Right + Circle
FlipFlop - Left, Left + Square
Front Flip - Down, Down + Square
Front Peg Grab - Up + Right + Square
Look down - Down + Square
Indian Air - Down + Circle
No Footer Can Can - Down + Right + Square
No Handed One Footer - Up + Left + Square
Nothing - Left + Circle
Rocket Air - Up + Circle
Rocket Queen - Up, Up + Circle
Superman - Up + Right + Circle
Superman Indian Air - Down, Down + Circle
Superman Seat Grab - Left, Left + Circle
Tabletop - Right + Square
Tabletop Xup - Right, Right + Square
Tailwhip - Down + Left + Circle
Tomahawk - Up + Left + Circle
Xup - Up + Square
Xup One Hander - Up, Up + Square


Double Peg Grind - Up + Right + Triangle
Feeble Grind - Right + Triangle
Icepick Grind - Down + Triangle
Magic Carpet Grind - Down + Right + Triangle
Rodeo Grind - Up + Left + Triangle
Smith Grind - Left + Triangle
Sprocket Grind - Down + Left + Triangle
Toothpick Grind - Up + Triangle


Barspin Icepick - Up + Right + Triangle
Cliffhanger - Right + Triangle
Fufanu - Up + Triangle
Rock 'N Roll - Up + Left + Triangle
Smith - Left + Triangle
Split Decade - Down + Right + Triangle
Tailwhip Canadian Icepick - Down + Left + Triangle
Xup Toothpick - Down + Triangle


From Bridge
Barhop to Undertaker to Decade - Left, Left + Circle
Boomerang to Steamroller to Barflip - Right, Right + Circle
Cliffhanger to Carl Cruiser - Right + Circle
Switch Footed Carl Cruiser - Left + Circle
Gripride - Left + Square
Surfer - Right + Square
Steamroller to Backwards Hitchhiker - Left, Left + Square
Superman Decade Tiregrab - Right, Right + Square

From Front Peg Manual
Carl Cruiser Barflip - Left, Left + Square
Cliffhanger - Right + Circle
Hang 10 Peg Hop - Right + Square
Whiplash - Left + Circle
Whiplash Barflip - Left + Square
Whiplash Halfhiker Barflip - Right, Right + Square
Whiplash to Carl Cruiser - Right, Right + Circle
Whiplash to Hitchhiker - Left, Left + Circle

From Manual
Barflip - Right + Circle
EggBeater - Left + Circle
Lung Spin - Right, Right + Square
No Footed Hang 5 to Whiplash Decade - Right, Right + Circle
No Footer Manual - Right + Square
Peg Manual to Backside Undertaker - Left, Left + Circle
Rope-a-Roni to Stubbleduck - Left, Left + Square
Xup Manual - Left + Square

From Nose Manual
Bridge Switchup - Left + Square
Elephant Pinky Squeak to Cliffhanger - Left, Left + Circle
Hang Ten - Left, Left + Square
Kiss of Death - Right + Circle
Nose Whiplash - Left + Circle
Rolling Lung Spin to Stick B - Right, Right + Circle
Undertaker - Right + Square
Wheelchair to Boomerang - Right, Right + Square

From Rear Peg Manual
Backwards Bridge - Left + Circle
Halfflash to Backpacker to Barflip Varial - Right, Right + Circle
Pegwheelie to Gliding Stick B - Right, Right + Square
Perverted Decade - Right + Circle
Rolling Cross Footed Undertaker - Left, Left + Circle
Rolling Lung Spin - Left + Square
Switch Footed Backwards Peg Wheelie - Right + Square
Switch Footed Mega Spin - Left, Left + Square

Adrenaline Tricks

Back Flip No Footer - Right, Left + Circle
Superman One Hander - Left, Right + Square
Decade Air - Left, Up + Circle

Cory Nastazio
Back Flip Tabletop X-Down - Up, Left + Square
Back Flip Tailwhip - Right, Left + Circle
Half Barspin Tailwhip - Left, Right + Square

Day Smith
Back Flip One Footer - Left, Right + Square
Decade Air - Right, Left + Circle
Pendulum - Left, Down + Square

Joe Kowalski
Half Barspin Tailwhip - Up, Right + Circle
No Footed Candybar One Hander - Right, Left + Square
Superman One Hander - Left, Right + Circle

Kevin Robinson
No Hander Backflip - Down, Right + Square
Pendulum - Left, Right + Square
Rocket One Footer Candybar - Right, Left + Circle

Mat Hoffman
Backflip Tailwhip - Right, Down + Square
Barhop - Right, Left + Circle
Peacock - Left, Up + Circle

Mike Escamilla
Back Flip No Footer - Left, Right + Circle
Body Varial - Right, Up + Square
Decade Air - Right, Left + Square

Backfliptailwhip - Right, Down + Square
Double Front Peg Grab - Left, Right + Square
No Footed Candy Bar One Hander - Right, Left + Circle

Nate Wessel
Back Flip No Footer - Right, Left + Circle
Pendulum - Left, Right + Square
Superman Double Seatgrab - Down, Left + Square

Rick Thorne
Body Flip - Down, Right + Circle
Half Barspin Tailwhip - Left, Right + Square
One Handed Swing Leg - Right, Left + Circle

Ruben Alcantara
Decade Air - Left, Right + Circle
Double Tailwhip - Down, Left + Circle
Superman One Hander - Right, Left + Square

Seth Kimbrough
Barhop - Left, Right + Square
Swing Leg - Right, Left + Circle
Superman Seat Grab Truckdriver - Right, Down + Square

Simon Tabron
900 - Left, Down + Square
Double Front Peg Grab - Right, Left + Square
Swing Leg - Left, Right + Circle

Barhop - Up, Left + Square
Rocket One Footer Candybar - Left, Right + Circle
Swing Leg - Right, Left + Square

Back Flip No Footer - Left, Right + Square
One Handed Swing Leg - Down, Right + Square
Rocket One Footer Candybar - Right, Left + Circle


4. Secret Areas


OK City

1. Go down the slope at the start of the level and ride over the ramp with the
'R' on it. After landing, turn right and go up the roll-in. On the deck at
the top of the roll-in, jump from the small slope and foot plant the red
button. This will open the warehouse.

2. Go down the slope at the start of the level and ride over the ramp with the
'R' on it. After landing, turn right and go up the roll-in. Enter the
warehouse through the left door, and stop when you get inside. Quarter turn
left and jump onto the platform of the quarter pipe in front. Follow the
deck around the corner, and ride over the green slope which crosses the
conveyer belt. On the other side of the conveyer belt, half turn left and
face the green slope. Ride forward and launch from the green slope to the
red button on the wall. This will lower the ramp leading to the garage.


Complete the 'Bridge Toll, Deposit 5 Tokens' semi-pro challenge to lower the
bridge, which leads to a large secret area.

New Orleans

Complete the 'Get The Skeleton Key To The Bayou' amateur challenge to open the
gates to the bayou.

Las Vegas

Complete the 'Collect 5 Coaster Tickets' pro challenge to open the gates to the
roller coaster.


After completing the 'Catch the Pelican' amateur challenge, collect the key
from the final pelican location (the left quarter pipe in the water), and a
secret door will open in the large red building which leads to a big ship.


Turn slightly to the right at the start of the level, and ride up the slope. At
the top of the slope, turn slightly to the right, and grind down the end of the
yellow rail. Jump from the rail to a grind on the edge of the cliff, and drop
off the end of the edge to land on a wider ledge of the cliff below. Grind
along this new ledge until you get to the waterfall, and then jump the gap to
the ledge on the other side. Follow the ledge around the corner to the left to
enter the secret cave. Ride down into the bowl of the cave, and hold up as you
ride up the bowl to land on the path. Turn left on the path and jump from the
launch ramp at the end to the tunnel. Follow the tunnel down to exit the cave
and arrive on the other side of the river.

Los Angeles

Complete the 'Help Mrs. Van Doodles Find Her Poodles' semi-pro challenge to
open the doors to the building with the arches.


5. Road Trip Walkthrough



OK City

Amateur Challenges

Get 5 Gas Cans for the Bus

The warehouse must be open to complete this challenge.

Gas Can 1 - Go down the slope at the start of the level and jump from the ramp
with the 'R' on it to collect the first gas can.

Gas Can 2 - Turn left after collecting the first gas can, and jump forward over
the deck into the bowl. In the bowl, go straight up the section
with the Duffs sign above and jump up to get the second gas can.

Gas Can 3 - Hold forward to ride out of the bowl, and then go toward the
quarter pipe at the right side of the roll-in. Air this quarter
pipe to get the third gas can.

Gas Can 4 - After landing back on the quarter pipe, slow down and half turn
right to see the roll-in. Ride up the roll-in, and enter the
warehouse through the right entrance, and ride around the right
side of the small launch ramp with the yellow arrows on it. On the
other side of the launch ramp, air the quarter pipe near the
conveyer belt to get the fourth gas can.

Gas Can 5 - After collecting the fourth gas can, slow down and half turn left.
Ride around the right side of the quarter pipe in front, and go
left on the other side. Ride toward the quarter pipe at the other
side of the warehouse, and air it to collect the fifth and final
gas can.

Get the Bus Key

Go down the slope at the start of the level and use the ramp with the 'R' on it
to launch up to a grind on the light. Grind about half-way along the light to
get the bus key.

Unlock the Warehouse

Go down the slope at the start of the level and ride over the ramp with the 'R'
on it. After landing, turn right and go up the roll-in. On the deck at the top
of the roll-in, jump from the small slope and foot plant (triangle) the red
button to unlock the warehouse.

Score 20,000 Points

Score 20,000 points within two minutes.

Semi-Pro Challenges

Knock over the Toolboxes

Toolbox 1 - Half turn right at the start of the level, and ride toward the
bench. Turn left at the bench and ride toward the corner of the
building to find the first toolbox.

Toolbox 2 - Turn left after knocking over the first toolbox, and ride over to
the opposite corner of the building to find the second toolbox.

Toolbox 3 - Quarter turn right after knocking over the second toolbox, and ride
toward the two open warehouse doors in the distance. Enter the
warehouse through the left door, and stop when you get inside.
Quarter turn right and jump onto the platform of the quarter pipe
in front to knock over the third toolbox.

Toolbox 4 - Turn left after knocking over the third toolbox, so that you face
toward the warehouse. Go down the quarter pipe and ride around the
right side of the small launch ramp with the yellow arrows on it.
Continue forward past the right side of the quarter pipe near the
conveyer belt, and the fourth toolbox will be on the right.

Toolbox 5 - Turn left toward the far-left corner of the warehouse after
knocking over the fourth toolbox, and ride to the quarter pipe at
the corner. Hold forward as you go up the quarter pipe to land on
the deck. Turn right and go forward to knock over the fifth and
final toolbox.

Manual to Eggbeater

At any point in the level, jump into a manual (tap up, down in the air). While
in the manual, press left + circle to complete the challenge.

Manual the Crooked Bench

Quarter turn left at the start of the level, and drop off the edge of the deck
to the floor below. After landing, turn around to see the crooked bench. Jump
onto the bench and manual (down, up) the whole thing to complete the challenge.

Score 40,000 Points

Score 40,000 points within two minutes.

Pro Challenges

Set off the Fire Alarms

The garage ramp must be lowered to complete this challenge.

Alarm 1 - Go down the slope at the start of the level and use the ramp with the
'R' on it to launch up to a grind on the light. Grind to the end of
the light, and then jump up to the red rail. Grind about half-way
along this rail to activate the first fire alarm.

Alarm 2 - Drop down off the red rail and enter the warehouse through the left
door. Quarter turn left and jump onto the platform of the quarter
pipe in front. Follow the deck around the corner, and ride over the
green slope which crosses the conveyer belt. On the other side of the
conveyer belt, half turn left and face the green slope. Ride forward
and launch from the green slope to a Wall Ride (triangle) on the wall
on the right. Immediately jump from the Wall Ride to a grind on the
high ledge above, and grind along the ledge to activate the second
fire alarm.

Alarm 3 - After activating the second fire alarm, jump left off the ledge to
land on the deck below. Quarter turn left after landing on the deck,
and ride toward the nearest corner, where the ramp that leads up to
the garage has been raised. Ride up the ramp and turn left to see the
fire alarm on the wall. Wall ride the wall to activate the third fire

Alarm 4 - Quarter turn left after activating the third alarm, and drop slowly
down into the warehouse so that you land on the deck of the quarter
pipe. Turn slightly right after landing on the quarter pipe, and ride
along the deck to the two slopes in front. At the top of the second
slope, jump up to land on the yellow rail. Grind along the yellow
rail to activate the fourth fire alarm.

Alarm 5 - After activating the fourth fire alarm, continue grinding along the
yellow rail to the end. At the end of the yellow rail, use the
quarter pipe in front and launch left over the top of the green
conveyer belt machine. On the other side of the conveyer belt, half
turn right and face toward the wall with the yellow rail above it.
Launch from the quarter pipe in front up to a grind on the rail to
activate the fifth and final fire alarm.

Land a Perfect 360 Nothing over Gap One

Quarter turn right at the start of the level, and drop off the edge of the deck
to the floor below. After landing, quarter turn left to see a launch ramp in
front. Go up the launch ramp and 360 Nothing (Left + Circle) over the gap. Land
perfectly to complete the challenge.

Get the Condor

Quarter turn right at the start of the level, and drop off the edge of the deck
to the floor below. After landing, go toward the quarter pipe and launch up to
a grind on the red rail above. Grind right along the rail to get the condor.

Score 80,000 Points

Score 80,000 points within two minutes.



Amateur Challenges

Barspin over the Fire Hydrants

Hydrant 1 - Ride forward from the start of the level to the road in the
distance. Turn slightly to the left as you cross the road, and
barspin (Left + Square) over the first fire hydrant on the other

Hydrant 2 - After jumping the first hydrant, turn around and ride back onto the
road. Turn left and start riding along the road. When you come to
the corner in the road, turn slightly to the right and ride through
the gap between the planters to find the second fire hydrant near
the yellow bus.

Hydrant 3 - Return to the road after jumping the second fire hydrant, and start
riding along it to the left. The second fire can be found at the
left side of the road near the raised bridge.

Hydrant 4 - After jumping the third hydrant, go right around the next corner
in the road, and continue riding forward to find this hydrant at
the right side of the road near a gap between two rails.

Hydrant 5 - Keep riding forward after jumping the fourth hydrant, and go right
around the next corner near the red sculpture. Move over to the
left side of the road and barspin the fourth fire hydrant near the
long bench.

Rider Down, Get the Medi-Vac Chopper

Ride forward at the start of the level, and take the first path on the left to
see a helicopter in the distance. Go forward to the building, and then ride up
the small slope on the left. On the roof, turn right and go up the next large
slope to the helipad. Face toward the helicopter to see a wire leading toward
it. Grind the wire to complete the challenge.

St Patty's Day, Turn the River Green

Quarter turn right at the start of the level, and ride down the steps to the
road. Move over to the right side of the road, and continue forward until you
come to the toll booth near the raised bridge. Go down the slope behind the
booth and grind the rail at the edge of the river. Jump over the gaps in the
rail which have the blue barrels below to knock them into the river. Knock all
three barrels into the river to complete the challenge.

Score 25,000 Points

Score 25,000 points within two minutes.

Semi-Pro Challenges

Catch the L Train

Ride forward at the start of the level, and take the first path on the left to
see a helicopter in the distance. Go forward to the building, and then ride up
the small slope on the left. On the roof, turn right and go up the next large
slope to the helipad. Ride straight over the helipad and go down the slope on
the other side. At the bottom of the slope, jump over the rail to land on the
train tracks. On the tracks, grind along the middle rail and hit all three
train levers to complete the challenge.

Bridge Toll, Deposit 5 Tokens

Token 1 - Ride forward at the start of the level and go down the slope. Quarter
turn left at the bottom of the slope to see a curved wall. Ride
toward the curved wall and Wall Ride it to collect the first token.

Token 2 - Return to the starting point of the level and go down the steps to
the road on the left. Move over to the right side of the road, and
continue forward until you come to the toll booth near the
raised bridge. Go down the slope behind the booth and use the slope
at the start of the planter to launch up to the rail above. Grind
along the rail to collect the second token.

Token 3 - Drop down off the end of the rail and go up the next large slope to
return to the road. Stay at the right side of the road, and continue
forward to see a red starfish sculpture at the next corner. Face the
front of the sculpture and grind it to collect the third token at the

Token 4 - After collecting the second token, jump off the red sculpture to land
on the roof. Turn left on the roof and drop down to the road. Quarter
turn right on the road, and ride toward the launch ramp on the right.
Use the launch ramp to jump up to the bus stop roof in the distance,
and grind the red wire in front to collect the fourth token.

Token 5 - Drop down from the second bus stop roof, and take the next path on
the right. Stay close to the wall on the left and follow the path
around the corner to the road. Turn right on the road and cross over
to the left side. At the corner of the road, jump straight over the
small wall and ride toward the quarter pipe. Launch left from the
quarter pipe to land on another quarter pipe on the roof. Go down the
quarter pipe and jump forward from the middle of the launch ramp on
the roof to collect the fifth and final token.

After collecting the fifth token, return to the road and turn left to see the
raised bridge in the distance. Ride up to the toll booth at the right side of
the raised bridge to complete the challenge.

Collect 5 Chicago Red Hots

Red Hot 1 - Ride forward at the start of the level and go down the slope. Turn
slightly right at the bottom of the slope and hit the hot dog stand
in front. Collect the first red hot.

Red Hot 2 - Continue forward from the first hot dog stand to the road. Cross
over to the other side of the road, and then turn left. Ride along
the right side of the road, and the second hot dog stand will be on
the right.

Red Hot 3 - Return to the road and continue going right. Go left around the
corner, and then continue riding along the right side of the road
to find the third hot dog stand at the corner near the red starfish

Red Hot 4 - After collecting the third red hot, continue forward along the
right side of the road to find the fourth hot dog stand near the

Red Hot 5 - Return to the road after collecting the fourth red hot, and turn
right. Ride along the right side of the road toward the yellow bus.
Continue forward after passing the yellow bus, and hold forward as
you go up the quarter pipe in front to land near the fifth hot dog
stand. Hit the stand and collect the fifth and final red hot.

Score 50,000 Points

Score 50,000 points within two minutes.

Pro Challenges

Get the Key to the City

Ride forward at the start of the level, and take the first path on the left. Go
forward to the building, and then ride up the small slope on the left. On the
roof, turn right and go up the next large slope to the helipad. Ride straight
over the helipad and go down the slope on the other side. At the bottom of the
slope, turn slightly to the right to see a tiny ramp leading over the rail on
the roof. Go up this ramp and launch over the gap to the next roof. After
landing on the next roof, go up the slope in front and turn right. Go up to the
rail at the corner of the roof to see a red wire leading over to the next
building. Jump over the corner of the rail and grind the red wire. The wire
will lead onto a building ledge, which leads on to the key.

Stop the Mad Meter Maid

Quarter turn right at the start of the level, and ride down the steps to the
road. Move over to the right side of the road, and continue forward until you
come to bridge. Cross over the bridge to the other side, and ride toward the
small car that parks in front of the parking meters. The front of the meter
maid car forms a ramp. Wait for the meter maid car to stop in front of a
parking meter, and then use the car to launch over a parking meter. Jump over
five parking meters to complete this challenge.

Sprocket Grind The Bridge Underpass

Quarter turn right at the start of the level, and ride down the steps to the
road. Move over to the right side of the road, and continue forward until you
come to the toll booth near the bridge. Go down the slope behind the booth and
ride along the path until you get to the bridge. Turn left just before the
bridge, and jump over the rail at the edge of the river to a Sprocket Grind
(Down + Left + Triangle) on the rail under the bridge. Grind all the way along
the rail to complete the challenge.

Score 100,000 Points

Score 100,000 points within two minutes.


New Orleans

Amateur Challenges

Get 4 Beaded Necklaces

Necklace 1 - Go forward at the start of the level, and turn left before the
first quarter pipe. Go up the steps near the wall on the left, and
ride near the rail on the right at the top of the steps to collect
the first necklace.

Necklace 2 - Continue grinding along the rail and drop off at the end to land
near a quarter pipe. Go up this quarter pipe and launch over the
gap to the next quarter pipe on the right. Ride along this balcony
and ride near the right rail near the Gator Shack to collect the
second necklace.

Necklace 3 - Grind this rail to the end, and use the quarter pipe to launch
over the gap to the next quarter pipe. Ride along this balcony to
come to a gap. Jump over the gap and ride near the rail on the
right to collect the third necklace.

Necklace 4 - Jump over the next gap in the balcony and ride along to come to
another quarter pipe. Use the quarter pipe in front to jump over
the gap to the quarter pipe on the other side, and then slow down.
Half turn left to face back toward the quarter pipe at the right
side of the gap. Hold forward as you ride up the quarter pipe to
land on a platform on the other side. Ride up the small launch
ramp on the platform to collec the fourth and final necklace.

Indian Air over the Statue

Go forward at the start of the level, and turn right before the quarter pipe
with the band on it. Ride down the middle of this path to come to a large
quarter pipe near the statue. Hold forward as you ride up this quarter pipe to
land near the statue. Use the quarter pipe on either side of the statue to get
some air, and then ride toward the launch ramp at the side of the statue.
Launch over the statue while doing an Indian Air (Down + Circle) to complete
the challenge.

Get The Skeleton Key To The Bayou

Go forward at the start of the level, and turn right before the quarter pipe
with the band on it. Ride along the right side of this path to see the Coffee
Cafe. Ride past the Coffee Cafe, and then quarter turn left. Use the launch
ramp in front to collect the key above the gap.

Score 35,000 Points

Score 35,000 points within two minutes.

Semi-Pro Challenges

Superman Indian Air over the Statue

Go forward at the start of the level, and turn right before the quarter pipe
with the band on it. Ride down the middle of this path to come to a large
quarter pipe near the statue. Hold forward as you ride up this quarter pipe to
land near the statue. Use the quarter pipe on either side of the statue to get
some air, and then ride toward the launch ramp at the side of the statue.
Launch over the statue while doing a Superman Indian Air (Down, Down + Circle)
to complete the challenge.

Do a 10,000 Point Combo

Do a 10,000 point trick anywhere in the level.

Collect the 5 Voodoo Dolls

Doll 1 - Half turn at the start of the level, and ride through the gates to the
bayou. Turn slightly to the right after entering the bayou to see some
dirt jumps. Ride over the dirt jumps until you get to the corner of
the bayou, then follow the corner around to the left to see a house up
on the right. Launch from the first dirt jump after the corner, and
grind the rail at the front of the house to collect the first doll.

Doll 2 - After collecting the first doll, return to the starting point of the
level. After exiting the bayou, go forward and turn left before the
first quarter pipe. Go up the steps near the wall on the left, and
ride along the balcony to the quarter pipe at the end. Go up the
quarter pipe and launch right to collect the second doll above the
quarter pipe.

Doll 3 - Land on the big quarter pipe below and ride toward the quarter pipe
where the band are playing. Use the slope at the left side of the
quarter pipe to launch up to the third doll on the right.

Doll 4 - After landing near the band on the deck of the quarter pipe, continue
forward down the path leading to the statue. Stay at the left side of
the path, and use the quarter pipe near the wall to launch left up to
the quarter pipe on the balcony. Follow the balcony as it curves left.
At the gap which drops down to the path, turn right to see a quarter
pipe. Launch left from the quarter pipe to collect the fourth doll
above the gap.

Doll 5 - Drop down to the path below, and ride down the middle of the path to
come to a large quarter pipe. Hold forward as you ride up this quarter
pipe to land near the statue. Ride around to the other side of the
statue to see a balcony near the wall in front. Jump over the rail to
land on the balcony, and then ride to the middle of the balcony to
collect the fifth and final doll.

Score 75,000 Points

Score 75,000 points within two minutes.

Pro Challenges

Grind the Banyan Trees

Half turn at the start of the level, and ride through the gates to the bayou.
Turn left after entering the bayou, and ride along the grass to the half pipe
in the corner of the bayou. Jump up to the half pipe, and move slowly over to
the left side. Look over to the right side of the half pipe to see a roll-in
leading up out of the half pipe. Go up the roll-in and launch to a grind on the
tree branch above the swamp. Jump near the end of the first branch to the
second branch. Jump to grinds on the third, fourth, and then the fifth and
final branch to complete the challenge.

'Flip' Out the Jazz Trio

Go forward at the start of the level, and go around to the other side of the
quarter pipe with the band on it. Face toward the band to see a quarter pipe
which has 'Flip Daddies' written on it. To complete the challenge, do a
FlipFlop (Left, Left + Square), a BackFlip (Down + Right + Circle), and a Front
Flip (Down, Down + Square) on the quarter pipe.

Adrenaline Trick over the Statue

Go forward at the start of the level, and turn right before the quarter pipe
with the band on it. Ride down the middle of this path to come to a large
quarter pipe near the statue. Hold forward as you ride up this quarter pipe to
land near the statue. Use the quarter pipe on either side of the statue to get
some air, and then ride toward the launch ramp at the side of the statue.
Launch over the statue while doing any Adrenaline Trick to complete the

Score 150,000 Points

Score 150,000 points within two minutes.


Las Vegas

Amateur Challenges

Find The Wedding Rings

Ring 1 - Ride straight forward from the start of the level and jump over the
planter with the tall trees in it. Turn slightly right, and continue
forward to find a curved sign at the edge of the huge bowl with the
ring above. Use the slope below the sign to jump up to collect the
first ring.

Ring 2 - Drop into the bowl after collecting the first ring, and ride over to
the opposite corner near the Snake Eyes casino to find another sign
with the second ring above. Use the slope below the sign to jump up
to collect the second ring.

After collecting both rings, go onto the road and turn right. Follow the road
around the corner, and continue along the left side of the road. The wedding
chapel will be after the Aces High casino. Ride up the chapel to complete the

Clear out the Parked Limos

Limo 1 - Turn slightly to the right at the start of the level, and go forward
to find the first limo. Grind to the right along the limo.

Limo 2 - Drop down onto the road after grinding the first limo, and go around
the corner to the left. Continue riding along the right side of the
road to find the second limo near the Snake Eyes casino.

Limo 3 - After grinding the second limo, turn left, right, and then left around
the corners, and continue riding along the right side to find the
third limo at the other side of the Snake Eyes casino.

Limo 4 - Ride forward after grinding the third limo, and turn left at the
junction in the road. Ride along the right side of the road to find
the fourth limo outside the building with the two dragon statues.

Limo 5 - After grinding the third limo, stay at the right side of the road as
you go around the corner, and the fifth and final limo will be at the
bottom of the steps of the building with the two dragon statues.

Icepick Grind the Las Vegas Archway

Ride forward onto the road at the start of the level and turn left. Follow the
road around the corner right, and the corner left. After going around the
second corner, the archway will be visible in the distance. Ride up to the
archway, and Icepick Grind (Down + Triangle) the quarter pipe at either side of
the archway. Grind over the archway to complete the challenge.

Score 35,000 Points

Score 35,000 points within two minutes.

Semi-Pro Challenges

Roll the Dice

Ride straight forward from the start of the level and jump over the planter
with the tall trees in it. Turn slightly right and ride through the bowl to the
Snake Eyes casino. Go to the left side of the casino, and use the quarter pipe
to launch up to the quarter pipe on the roof of the casino. On the roof, grind
the green rails up the slope. On the third green rail, drop to a grind on the
rail leading around the dice to complete the challenge.

Tail Whip the Dragon Statues

Turn left at the start of the level to see the first dragon at the left side of
the building with the pillars on fire. Go up the quarter pipe in front of the
dragon and tail whip (Down + Left + Circle) in the air. Ride over to the other
side of the building and tail whip in front of the second dragon to complete
the challenge.

Collect 5 Slot Tokens

Token 1 - Quarter turn left at the start of the level, and ride up the quarter
pipe in front to collect the first token.

Token 2 - After collecting the first token, ride up the slope at the left side
of the wedding chapel. Near the top of the slope, launch over the
wall on the right and grind the sign of the chapel. Jump right off
the end of the chapel sign and land on the ledge of Ace's High. Jump
off the end of the Ace's High ledge and grind the cinema sign to
collect the second token.

Token 3 - Drop down to the road, and ride back toward the starting point of the
level. Follow the road around the corner right, and the corner left.
After going around the second corner, the archway will be visible in
the distance, with the token above. Use the quarter pipe on either
side of the archway to collect the third token.

Token 4 - Turn left after collecting the third token, and jump up the two steps
to Ballah's. Ride along the second step to the quarter pipe at the
end. Go up the quarter pipe to collect the fourth token.

Token 5 - Return to the road and turn left toward the Snake Eyes casino. Go to
the left side of the casino, and use the quarter pipe to launch up to
the quarter pipe on the roof of the casino. Ride along the roof to
the other side of the casino, and jump off the roof to collect the
fifth and final token.

Score 75,000 Points

Score 75,000 points within two minutes.

Pro Challenges

NoHander Toothpick Grind the Planters

Planters 1-2 - Ride across the road at the start of the level to find the first
two planters. Jump on the planter and Toothpick Grind (Up +
Triangle) around the planter. While grinding, hold left + R2 to
do the NoHander Toothpick Grind. Repeat this grind on the second
planter, and then return to the road.

Planters 3-4 - Jump off the second planter and return to the road. Go left
along the road, and follow the corner around to the left. Move
over to the right side of the road, and NoHander Toothpick Grind
around both planters shortly after the cinema.

Planters 5-6 - Return to the road and ride toward the Snake Eyes casino. Follow
the road left and right around the two corners, and then move
over to the left side of the road to find the next two planters.

Planter 7 - After grinding the fifth and sixth planters, go back to the road
and ride toward the fountain. NoHander Toothpick Grind the
seventh and final planter at the left side of the fountain to
complete the challenge.

Collect 5 Coaster Tickets

The 'NoHander Toothpick Grind the Planters' challenge must be completed before
attempting this challenge.

Ticket 1 - Quarter turn right at the start of the level and ride up the slope.
Turn left at the top of the slope, and go toward the roller coaster.
Turn right near the roller coaster, and ride along the path until
you get to the slope leading down. Don't go down the slope. Instead,
turn left and jump over the wall to land on the roof of a building
with a bowl in it. Ride off the top-left corner of the roof to
collect the first ticket.

Ticket 2 - Turn left after landing in the bowl under the roller coaster tracks.
Turn left again to see a roll-in leading out of the bowl. The second
ticket is above the roll-in.

Ticket 3 - After collecting the second ticket, ride through the bowl toward the
Snake Eyes casino in the distance. Go to the left side of the
casino, and use the quarter pipe to launch up to the quarter pipe on
the roof of the casino. On the roof, stop and half turn right to see
that the casino roof curves round to the left. Grind around this
curve in the roof, and jump right to a grind on the ledge of the
Gamble Shack. Jump off the grind to land on the ledge, and follow it
around the corner on the right. Launch left from the quarter pipe at
the end of the ledge to collect the third ticket above the road.

Ticket 4 - Ride back to the road, and turn left. The second planter on the
right has a leaning palm tree on it. Jump over the planter and grind
up to the top of the palm tree to collect the fourth ticket.

Ticket 5 - Drop back down to the road after collecting the fourth ticket, and
follow it left around the corner next the Snake Eyes casino. There
will be a large building up on the left. Ride toward the middle of
this building to find blue steps between quarter pipes. Use either
quarter pipe, and launch over the blue steps to collect the fifth
and final ticket.

Grind the Roller Coaster

The 'Collect 5 Coaster Tickets' challenge must be completed before attempting
this challenge.

Quarter turn right at the start of the level and ride up the slope. Turn left
at the top of the slope, and go toward the roller coaster. Turn left near the
roller coaster, and ride along the path until you get to the slope leading
down. Half turn right, and go up the slope to the roller coaster tracks. Wait
for the three carts to pass by, and then jump to a grind on the track. Grind
half-way around the track to complete the challenge.

Score 150,000 Points

Score 150,000 points within two minutes.



Amateur Challenges

Catch the Pelican

Location 1 - Quarter turn left at the start of the level and ride up the curved
slope to enter the building. Turn left, and go up the slope over
at the right side of the building. Follow the path as it curves
around to the left, and go up the next slope. Go through the first
exit on the right to find the pelican near the middle of the
curved rail.

Location 2 - Turn right and face toward the entrance to the building. Jump over
the curved rail and grind the ledge outside the building. Drop
down off the end of the ledge to land on a roof with the pelican.

Location 3 - Jump forward off the roof to land on the deck below. Turn slightly
to the left, and jump over the rail at the edge of the deck to
land on the right ramp in the water. The pelican is on the middle
of this ramp.

Location 4 - After finding the pelican for the third time, ride up the small
launch ramp and land in the water to be transported to the deck.
Half turn left and ride up the quarter pipe in front to find the
pelican on top.

Location 5 - Turn slightly to the right after landing back on the quarter pipe,
and jump over the rail at the edge of the deck to land on the left
ramp in the water. Touch the pelican to complete the challenge.

Feeble Grind the Pier Benches

There are three benches in front at the start of the level. Feeble Grind (Left
+ Triangle) all six bench edges to complete the challenge.

Knock the Lobster Traps into the Bay

Trap 1 - Quarter turn right at the start of the level, and ride up the slope at
the right side of the pelican quarter pipe. Ride up the quarter pipe
and launch over the wall on the right to land in a half pipe. Half
turn left after landing in the half pipe, and hold up as you ride up
the side nearest the water to land on a small platform. The first trap
is in the middle of the platform.

Trap 2 - Turn left after hitting the first trap and jump over the wall to the
platform of the quarter pipe. Continue forward to find the second

Trap 3 - Quarter turn left after hitting the second trap, and go down the
quarter pipe. Ride down the slope at the right side of the pelican
quarter pipe. Go down the steps on the right, and stay near the ropes
at the right side of the path to find the third trap.

Trap 4 - Use the quarter pipe at the end of the path to launch up to the
quarter pipe on the left. Half turn right after landing on the deck,
and ride to the gap between the two quarter pipes to hit the fourth
and final trap near the big ship.

Score 50,000 Points

Score 50,000 points within two minutes.

Semi-Pro Challenges

Save The Pier From The Giant Squid

Turn slightly to the right at the start of the level, and go down the steps to
the path. Ride along the path until you get to the gap in the ropes on the
right. Turn right at the gap, and face toward the squid in the water. When the
squid lowers his arm in front of the gap, jump and grind on it. When you get
near the head of the squid, jump right and grind the next arm leading up toward
the deck. Continue to jump and grind up to the end of the second arm to
complete the challenge.

Collect 5 Life Preservers

Preserver 1 - Quarter turn left at the start of the level and ride up the
curved slope. Turn right at the top of the slope, and ride along
the path at the side of the building. The preserver is up on the
wall after the corner in the path. Grind the ledge at the side of
the building, and then jump up to collect the first preserver.

Preserver 2 - Half turn after collecting the first preserver, and ride back
along the path toward the building. Enter the building, and turn
slightly left to see a quarter pipe at the right side of the Fish
Hook shop. Ride toward the quarter pipe and launch up to a grind,
going right, on the rail above. Drop down to the path below, and
then Wall Ride above the second blue rail on the left to collect
the second preserver.

Preserver 3 - Continue riding forward along the path and use the small launch
ramp to jump over the gap. On the other side of the gap, go up
the quarter pipe in front and hold up to land on the path above.
Wall Ride the wall near the small slope on this path to collect
the third preserver.

Preserver 4 - Jump over the rail on the left to land at the bottom floor of the
building, and then turn right. Ride all the way over to the other
side of the building, and go up the slope on the right side just
after the Fish Hook shop. Follow the path as it curves around to
the left, and go up the next slope. At the top of the second
slope, half turn right to see the preserver above a rail on the
wall. Grind the rail, and then jump up to collect the fourth

Preserver 5 - Drop down to the path below after collecting the fourth
preserver, and half turn right. Ride back up the second slope,
and go through the first exit on the right. Outside, quarter turn
right and face toward the rail at the edge of the platform. Jump
over the rail and grind the ledge outside the building. Drop
off the end of the ledge to land on a roof, and then hold down to
stop from riding off the edge. Turn right to see the preserver on
the wall of the building above the half pipe. Jump off the roof
and collect the fifth and final preserver to complete the

Do a 15,000 Point Combo

Do a 15,000 point trick anywhere in the level.

Score 100,000 Points

Score 100,000 points within two minutes.

Pro Challenges

Grind the Indoor Balcony

Quarter turn left at the start of the level and ride up the curved slope to
enter the building. Turn left, and go up the slope over at the right side of
the building. Follow the path as it curves around to the left, and go up the
next slope. At the top of the second slope, half turn right to see a yellow
rail leading down the right side of the slope. Grind down this rail to the end
to complete the first balcony section. Return to the top of the second slope,
and grind the left rail after the first gap to complete the second balcony
section. Jump over the second gap and grind down the final yellow rail to
complete the challenge.

Cliffhanger Stall the Hanging Ropes

Rope 1 - Half turn left at the start of the level, and use the quarter pipe in
front to launch up to a Cliffhanger Stall (Right + Triangle) on the
rope above. Wait until a message is displayed saying that you've
completed the stall, and then drop back into the quarter pipe.

Rope 2 - Turn left after landing on the quarter pipe and ride up the curved
slope to enter the building. Turn left, and ride over to the quarter
pipe at the far side of the building. Ride up the quarter pipe and
launch up to a Cliffhanger Stall on the rope above.

Rope 3 - Drop down to the quarter pipe below, and ride all the way over to the
opposite side of the building to find a quarter pipe with a third rope
above. Cliffhanger Stall the third and final rope above the quarter
pipe to complete the challenge.

Perfect 360 Adrenaline Trick the Funbox

Quarter turn right at the start of the level, and ride up the slope at the
right side of the pelican quarter pipe. Turn around at the other side of the
quarter pipe to see a launch ramp. Ride up the launch ramp and do a 360
combined with any adrenaline trick to complete the challenge.

Score 200,000 Points

Score 200,000 points within two minutes.



Amateur Challenges

Do an X-Up over Five Tree Stumps

Stump 1 - Turn slightly to the right at the start of the level, and ride up the
slope to find the first stump. Jump and X-Up (Up + Square) over the

Stump 2 - Quarter turn right after jumping the first stump, and go down the
slope at the left side of the big hill near the ski lift. On the
other side of the hill, turn right to see a lodge sign. Ride toward
this sign, and go up the steep hill at the left side of it to land on
a secret path with the second stump in front.

Stump 3 - After jumping the second stump, continue along the path to find the
third stump near the fence at the end.

Stump 4 - Face toward the lodge, and jump over the fence to land near some
quarter pipes down below. Go over to the right side of this area to
find the fourth stump near the right slope leading up to the lodge.

Stump 5 - Ride up the slope to the house after jumping the fourth stump, and
turn left. Continue riding along the path outside the house until you
get to the slope at the end which leads to the river. Get near the
river, then quarter turn left and go up the slope in front which
leads to the top of a quarter pipe. X-Up over the fifth and final
stump on the top of the quarter pipe to complete the challenge.

Sprocket Grind the ski lift

Turn slightly to the right at the start of the level, and ride up the slope.
Turn right at the top of the slope, and face toward the big hill in front of
the ski lift. Launch from the hill and Sprocket Grind (Down + Left + Triangle)
down to the end of the ski lift.

The Hikers Can't Find the Lodge!

Sign 1 - Ride forward from the start of the level and grind the first sign
after the gap in the fence.

Sign 2 - Continue forward from the first sign, and ride over the launch ramp at
the end of the path to drop down to the area outside the lodge. Half
turn after landing, and ride to the hill leading up to the start of
the level. Grind the second sign near the bottom of the hill, and
then continue forward up the hill.

Sign 3 - At the top of the hill, half turn right, and ride down the path with
the fence on either side. Turn left at the bottom of the slope so that
you face toward the waterfall, and grind the third sign in front.

Sign 4 - Continue forward after the third sign, and ride over the small bump at
the end of the path to land in the area with the hikers. Turn left
after landing, and grind the fourth sign a little way up the slope.

Sign 5 - Half-turn right after grinding the fourth sign, and grind the quarter
pipe at the left side of the slope. Jump left and grind the fifth and
final sign on top of the quarter pipe to complete the challenge.

Score 50,000 Points

Score 50,000 points within two minutes.

Semi-Pro Challenges

Bridge the River, Take Down The Old Tree

Turn slightly to the right at the start of the level, and ride up the slope. At
the top of the slope, turn slightly to the right, and grind down the end of the
yellow rail. Jump from the rail to a grind on the edge of the cliff, and drop
off the end of the edge to land on a wider ledge of the cliff below. Grind
along this new ledge until you get to the waterfall, and then jump the gap to
the ledge on the other side. Follow the ledge around the corner to the left to
enter the secret cave.

Ride down into the bowl of the cave, and hold up as you ride up the bowl to
land on the path. Turn left on the path and jump from the launch ramp at the
end to the tunnel. Follow the tunnel down to exit the cave and arrive on the
other side of the river. Quarter turn right after entering the area, and ride
over to the quarter pipe below the tree. Ride up the quarter pipe and stall the
branch of the tree until it starts to fall down to complete the challenge.

Land a Front Flip over the River Gap

Follow the 'Bridge the River, Take Down The Old Tree' challenge to arrive on
the other side of the river. Ride over to the far side of the area, and face
right after passing the end of the yellow track sign to see a launch ramp. Ride
toward the launch ramp and use it to Front Flip (Down, Down + Square) over the

Tomahawk the Stalactites

Follow the 'Bridge the River, Take Down The Old Tree' challenge to arrive in
the cave behind the waterfall. Ride into the bowl of the cave and go over to
the far side. Launch up under one of the three stalactites on the ceiling of
the cave, and Tomahawk (Up + Left + Circle) in front of it to smash the
stalactite. Repeat this method for the other two stalactites to complete the

Score 100,000 Points

Score 100,000 points within two minutes.

Pro Challenges

Toothpick Grind the Track Fence

Follow the 'Bridge the River, Take Down The Old Tree' challenge to arrive on
the other side of the river. Turn slightly to the right after arriving in the
area, and Toothpick Grind (Up + Triangle) all the way along the track fence
that starts at the right side of the quarter pipe and ends at the far side of
the area.

Adrenaline Trick over the Track Sign

Follow the 'Bridge the River, Take Down The Old Tree' challenge to arrive on
the other side of the river. Ride forward in line with the yellow track fence
after entering the area until you see the sign up on the left. When you see the
sign, ride toward the quarter pipe below the right side of it. Launch from the
quarter pipe, do any adrenaline trick, and land on the quarter pipe on the
other side of the sign to complete the challenge.

Do a 540 NoHanded Front Flip

Launch from one of the many large jumps in the level and do a NoHander Front
Flip (Down, Down + Square, R2 + Left). While doing the NoHander Front Flip,
hold L1 or R1 to spin the 540.

Score 200,000 Points

Score 200,000 points within two minutes.


Los Angeles

Amateur Challenges

Collect the Money Growing on Trees

Tree 1 - Quarter turn left at the start of the level and drop off the side of
the sculpture to hit the tree below. Collect the first wad of cash.

Tree 2 - Ride toward the right side of the fountain. Jump up the step, and hit
the tree near Taylor's shop for the second wad of cash.

Tree 3 - Turn left and go down the steps in front. Turn left at the bottom of
the steps, and hit the tree for the third wad of cash.

Tree 4 - Continue forward after collecting the third wad of cash, and ride
toward the sculpture that is the starting point of the level. Ride by
the left side of the sculpture to hit the fourth tree outside of
Dave's Flave's shop.

Tree 5 - Go toward the right side of Dave's Flave's shop and ride over the
small launch ramp to land in the road. Turn slightly right after
landing to hit the fifth tree near the sports shop. Collect the fifth
and final wad of cash to complete the challenge.

Smith Grind across the White House Rail

Quarter turn right at the start of the level and drop off the side of the
sculpture. Quarter turn right after landing on the floor, and ride toward
Dave's Flave's shop in front. Turn left shortly before you get to the shop to
see a quarter pipe near a red wall. Ride up this quarter pipe and launch left
over the wall to the half pipe on the other side. Turn right after landing in
the area, and ride over to the red wall. Wall Ride up to a grind along the
wall, and then jump right at the end to a Smith Grind (Left + Triangle) along
the rail leading around the side of the house.

Rodeo Grind around the Fountain Steps

Ride forward down the sculpture at the start of the level and turn slightly
right to ride toward the fountain. Rodeo Grind (Up + Left + Triangle) the steps
around the outside of the fountain to complete the challenge.

Score 50,000 Points

Score 50,000 points within two minutes.

Semi-Pro Challenges

Help Mrs. Van Doodles Find Her Poodles

Poodle 1 - Quarter turn right at the start of the level and drop off the side
of the sculpture. Quarter turn right after landing on the floor, and
ride toward Dave's Flave's shop in front. Turn left shortly before
you get to the shop to see a quarter pipe near a red wall. Ride up
this quarter pipe and launch left over the wall to the half pipe on
the other side. Turn right after landing in the area, and ride over
to the red wall. Turn left, and hold forward as you ride up the
quarter pipe to collect the first poodle on the small platform.

Poodle 2 - Turn right after landing on the other side of the quarter pipe, and
ride along the right side of the sculpture. Quarter turn left after
passing the sculpture, and jump into the bowl on the left to find
the second poodle.

Poodle 3 - Jump forward out of the bowl to land near the sculpture, and then
ride toward the right side of the fountain. Jump up the step to land
near Taylor's shop. Quarter turn right before you get to the shop to
see a quarter pipe at the left side of Brady's Bistro. Ride up this
quarter pipe to find the third poodle.

Poodle 4 - Ride around the right side of the fountain and go down the steps.
Quarter turn right at the bottom of the steps to see a quarter pipe
on the right. Use this quarter pipe to launch left over the wall to
the half pipe on the other side. Ride up the other side of the half
pipe and jump to find the fourth poodle up on the ledge.

Poodle 5 - Ride toward the other side of the half pipe and launch over the wall
on the right to the quarter pipe on the other side. Ride to the
road, and go left around the corner. Ride past the building at the
right side of the road, then go down the steps on the right and
enter the half pipe to find the fifth and final poodle.

Perfect AlleyOop CanCan over the Awning

Quarter turn right at the start of the level and drop off the side of the
sculpture. Quarter turn right after landing on the floor, and ride toward
Dave's Flave's shop in front. Turn left shortly before you get to the shop to
see two quarter pipes with an awning between them. Ride up the left quarter
pipe, jump over the awning while spinning left (L1), CanCan (Down + Left +
Square), and then land perfectly on the right quarter pipe.

Do a surfer from a bridge manual

When the adrenaline bar is full, jump and go into a bridge manual (Up, Up, Up).
From the bridge manual, press right + square to do the Surfer and complete the

Score 100,000 Points

Score 100,000 points within two minutes.

Pro Challenges

Do a No Handed Backflip

Do a No Handed Backflip (Down + Right + Circle, Left + R2) anywhere in the

Collect the Cell Phones

Phone 1 - Ride forward down the sculpture at the start of the level and turn
slightly right to ride toward the fountain. Jump up the steps and
ride around the outside of the fountain. Go down the steps and launch
from the funbox at the right side of the area to collect the first

Phone 2 - Quarter turn left after collecting the first phone, and ride toward
the sculpture that is the starting point of the level. Ride along the
right side of the sculpture, and turn right after passing it to see
some steps leading down. There is a small launch ramp at the right
side of the steps. Ride up the ramp, and use it to launch to a grind
on the traffic light for the second phone.

Phone 3 - Turn left after landing on the road, and turn left at the junction.
Ride up to the top of the road to find a quarter pipe on either side.
Use either quarter pipe to collect the third phone above the road.

Phone 4 - Ride back down the road, and turn left at the junction to find two
more quarter pipes. Use either quarter pipe to collect the fourth
phone above the road.

Phone 5 - Ride along the road after collecting the fourth phone, and turn left
at the junction. Enter the building on the left side of the road, and
ride up the slope at the right side of the building. Follow the path
along to the left at the top of the slope, and grind the curved
ledge. Jump off at the end of the curved ledge to land on another
ledge near the wall. Ride along the ledge, and go down the tunnel on
the right to collect the fifth and final phone.

Do a Single 50,000 Point Combo

Do a 50,000 point trick anywhere in the level.

Score 200,000 Points

Score 200,000 points within two minutes.


Tiki Park

Amateur Challenges

Perfect OneHander Indian Air

Do a OneHander Indian Air (Down + Circle, R2 + Up) anywhere in the level. Land
perfectly to complete the challenge.

Perfect Superman Seatgrab - Barspin

Do a Superman Seatgrab (Left, Left + Circle), into a Barspin (Left + Square)
anywhere in the level. Land perfectly to complete the challenge.

Perfect OneFooter Xup

Do a OneFooter Xup (Up + Square, R2 + Down) anywhere in the level. Land
perfectly to complete the challenge.

Score 100,000 Points

Score 100,000 points within two minutes.

Semi-Pro Challenges

Perfect Fakie RocketQueen - Lookdown

Without rotating, do a RocketQueen (Up, Up + Circle), into a Lookdown (Down +
Square) anywhere in the level. Land perfectly to complete the challenge.

Perfect Xup - Barspin - Lookdown - Tabletop

Do a Xup (Up + Square), into a Barspin (Left + Square), into a Lookdown (Down +
Square), into a Tabletop (Right + Square) anywhere in the level. Land perfectly
to complete the challenge.

Perfect 540 Superman Indian to CanCan

Do a Superman Indian (Down, Down + Circle), into a CanCan (Down + Left +
Circle) anywhere in the level. While doing the trick, hold L1 or R1 to spin the
540. Land perfectly to complete the challenge.

Score 250,000 Points

Score 250,000 points within two minutes.

Pro Challenges

Perfect Adrenaline to Flair

Do any adrenaline trick into a Back Flip 180 (Down + Right + Circle) anywhere
in the level. Hold L1 or R1 to spin the 180. Land perfectly to complete the

Perfect 360 Adrenaline thru Fire Rings

Ride through the tunnel at the start of the level, and go down the slope. Jump
at the end of the slope to land on the platform leading to the fire rings. Jump
at the end of the platform, and do any adrenaline trick while spinning the 360.
Land perfectly to complete the challenge.

Perfect OneFooted Xup - Adrenaline

Do a OneFooter Xup (Up + Square, R2 + Down) to any adrenaline trick anywhere in
the level. Land perfectly to complete the challenge.

Score 500,000 Points

Score 500,000 points within two minutes.


6. Secret Characters



In Road Trip mode on the Portland level, turn slightly to the right at the
start of the level, and ride up the slope. At the top of the slope, turn
slightly to the right, and grind down the end of the yellow rail. Jump from the
rail to a grind on the edge of the cliff, and drop off the end of the edge to
land on a wider ledge of the cliff below. Grind along this new ledge until you
get to the waterfall, and then jump the gap to the ledge on the other side.
Follow the ledge around the corner to the left to enter the secret cave.

Ride down into the bowl of the cave, and hold up as you ride up the bowl to
land on the path. Turn left on the path and jump from the launch ramp at the
end to the tunnel. Follow the tunnel down to exit the cave and arrive on the
other side of the river. Turn left after arriving in the area and ride up the
big hill at the left side of the yellow fence. Half turn at the top, and ride
back down the hill toward the launch ramp at the bottom. Do any adrenaline gap
over the gap between launch ramps to unlock Bigfoot in Free Ride mode.

Day Smith

Go down the slope at the start of the level and ride over the ramp with the 'R'
on it. After landing, turn right and go up the roll-in. Enter the warehouse
through the right door, and stop when you get inside. Quarter turn right and
hold forward as you ride up the quarter pipe to land on the platform. Ride up
the ramp in front, and follow the tunnel left to enter the garage.

In the garage, ride onto the quarter pipes at the back of the room, and launch
to a grind on the side of the truck to reveal a huge half-pipe. Ride onto the
half-pipe, and face toward the entrance of the garage to see a drawing of a
bull. Grind along the top of the quarter pipe, and jump forward to a grind on
the horns of the bull. From the horns, jump into the secret room to unlock Day
Smith in Free Ride mode.


Find all 164 gaps in the game to unlock the Mime in Free Ride mode.


In Road Trip mode on the Los Angeles level, quarter turn right at the start of
the level and drop off the side of the sculpture. Quarter turn right after
landing on the floor, and ride toward Dave's Flave's shop in front. Turn left
shortly before you get to the shop to see a quarter pipe near a red wall. Ride
up this quarter pipe and launch left over the wall to the half pipe on the
other side. Vanessa will be sitting at the chairs over on the left. Do a combo
of more than 15,000 points on the quarter pipes nearby to unlock Vanessa in
Free Ride mode.


Complete Tiki Battle mode (which is unlocked after you complete every challenge
in the game) to unlock Volcano in Free Ride mode.


7. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2002 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in any
form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is not
affiliated with the creators of this game in any way.

The latest version of this document can be found at

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15.Октябрь 2013
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