Burnout 2: Point Of Impact

Burnout 2: Point Of Impact

15.10.2013 21:46:10
B B U U R R N N N O O U U T 2 2
B B U U R R N N N O O U U T 2

Jamie Stafford/Wolf Feather

Initial Version Completed: November 7, 2002
FINAL VERSION Completed: December 1, 2002


Spacing and Length
License Tests
Initially-available Cars
Championship Mode
Single Race Mode
Time Attack Mode
Crash Mode
Pursuit Mode
Gameplay Tips
Unlocking Cars
Unlocking Race Venues
Unlocking Other Elements
Contact Information


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When the original Burnout was released for PlayStation2, I
bought it immediately... and was extremely disappointed in
it, returning the game the following day. This time, I felt
it would be best to rent Burnout2... and after an initial
two-hour gaming session lasting late into the night, I KNEW
that I would be buying the game the following day :-)

The main thing that Burnout lacked was extensive and
intriguing gameplay modes. Burnout2 makes up for this... and
then some :-) From the very beginning, which requires the
player to pass specific 'driving tests' (which should be
better called 'near-crashing tests'), Burnout2 truly reeks of
fun :-)

Please note that NONE of the stunts in Burnout2 should be
performed in reality!!!!! Performing these stunts in reality
would almost certainly result in immediate death and

Note also that I will be adding to the Unlocking Cars and the
Unlocking Race Venues sections as I progress through the


Unfortunately, there is no opening movie for Burnout2, which
means that players automatically begin with two choices:
Options and License Tests. Once the game options and
controller configuration have been set to the player's
liking, License Tests is the only other option initially

In a game which uses massive collisions in its advertising,
the fact that there are ANY license tests may at first seem
incredibly dumb. However, these should really be called
'near-crashing tests,' as near-collisions form a large part
of success in Burnout2. Therefore, it is really not
surprising that these tests are in the gameplay section
entitled Offensive Driving 101. Fortunately, these tests are
not NEARLY as difficult as those in the super-popular Gran
Turismo series; attaining Gold Medals in most of the tests in
Offensive Driving 101 is rather easy.

There are a total of six tests in Offensive Driving 101,
covering the basics of poor/illegal driving skills. The
player can achieve Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals for
completing the tests. Once a medal (any medal) has been
acquired for all six tests, the rest of the game's modes
become available.

Test 1: Oncoming Traffic
Driving on the opposite side of the roadway earns Boost,
which can then be used once the Boost Meter is full. For
this test, the player must stay on the wrong side of the
road for as long as possible.

Test 2: Near Misses
Driving TOO close to other vehicles without actually
touching them (not even swapping paint) will earn Boost.
This means essentially driving in another vehicle's lane
without actually making contact. Even more Boost can be
earned by passing between two vehicles in adjacent lanes
without making contact with either vehicle.

Test 3: Drifting
There is no handbrake option in Burnout2. Instead,
drifting tactics are engaged by quickly tapping the
Brake button entering a corner, then standing on the
Accelerator button. For those who are much more
comfortable with grip-style racing (the 'normal' style
of racing), this may be a difficult test. Fortunately,
however, the amount of rear-end swing while drifting is
not nearly as bad in Burnout2 than in other racing games
(such as the Ridge Racer series).

Test 4: Getting Air
Boost can also be earned by going airborne. This is a
rather straightforward test.

Test 5: Boost Meter
Use the previously-tested skills to fill the Boost Meter
as quickly as possible. This test begins with the Boost
Meter already approximately one-third full.

Test 6: Use the Boost!
Use the Boost for as long as possible. (The default Boost
button is the R1 button.) As the Boost Meter is emptied,
it can be refilled using the previously-tested tactics.

Ironically, the car used for Offensive Driving 101 is a
standard (blue) Student Driver car... if only the typical
Driver Education course was nearly as fun and addictive and
especially DESTRUCTIVE >:-)

Once all six tests have been passed with at least a Bronze
Medal, the other game modes will become available. Again,
this is a very easy feat to accomplish.


The placement of this section is deliberate, as players can
only advance to the actual gameplay modes after Offensive
Driving 101 has successfully been cleared.

The seven initially-available cars are designated by car
type. There are specifically NO licensed cars in the game,
which allows the game developers much more freedom and
flexibility to actually crash and demolish the cars (the
vehicle manufacturers generally have an ethical problem with
allowing their vehicles to be shown in anything but pristine
condition in games, which leads to a number of 'generic'
vehicles used instead - Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero is perhaps
the prime example of this in a PlayStation2 game).


This may not seem like a lot of choices, but bonus cars can
be acquired by completing various tasks in the game. Also,
it is definitely possible to acquire at least a Bronze Medal
at all fifteen of the Crash Mode venues using these seven
initially-available vehicles (getting all Gold Medals, on the
other hand, will likely require bonus cars... unless someone
can devise an EXCELLENT strategy for each Crash Zone).


Here, the player takes on three competitors in a multi-race
championship. So long as the player has the most points of
all four cars at the end of the final race, the player will
win the championship and gain its trophy. Winning a
championship will generally unlock new race venues, the next
championship, the next Pursuit, and/or the next Face-off
(which will award a bonus car if won).

Championships are based upon total points across a preset
number of races. Here is the points system used for

Place Points
------ ------
First 3
Second 2
Third 1
Fourth 0

Once begun, a championship MUST be completed before it can be
attempted again. Therefore, there is no use in retiring from
a championship in the hopes of quickly starting over.
However, before the Autosave function engages, restart the
console; this will permit re-entering the championship
following the previous race won.

Pursuit (within Championship Mode) is a little different.
Here, the player takes the position of a police officer
chasing down a speeding car (similar to one of the gameplay
modes in the recent PlayStation2 game Need for Speed: Hot
Pursuit 2). There is a countdown timer and Checkpoints; each
Checkpoint must be reached before the countdown timer expires
to gain more time. The target car must be rammed ten times
before the completion of the circuit/stage in order to be
successful. Note that there are a total of three Pursuits
within Championship Mode; once all three Pursuits have been
successfully completed, Pursuit then becomes its own gameplay
mode, accessible from the main menu.

Face-off (within Championship Mode) is also a little
different. Here, this is a one-on-on battle, with the player
receiving the rival's car for winning the race. There is a
countdown timer and Checkpoints; each Checkpoint must be
reached before the countdown timer expires to gain more time.

For those race venues which are actual circuits (i.e., the
Start Line is in the same location as the Finish Line), a
small Boost bonus is given for each time the player has
completed a lap without getting into any accidents (this is
called a 'Perfect Lap'). For all race venues, a small Boost
bonus is also given for reaching each Checkpoint before the
countdown timer has expired.


Here, the player takes on three competitors on any of the
unlocked race venues. Initially, only three are available:
Airport Terminal 3, 88 Interchange, and Palm Bay Heights.

For those race venues which are actual circuits (i.e., the
Start Line is in the same location as the Finish Line), a
small Boost bonus is given for each time the player has
completed a lap without getting into any accidents (this is
called a 'Perfect Lap'). For all race venues, a small Boost
bonus is also given for reaching each Checkpoint before the
countdown timer has expired.


Here, the player races alone against the clock (the record
for the chosen venue). Time Attack Mode is only available
for those circuits which are initially-available and those
which the player has already unlocked. However, success in
Time Attack Mode is greatly dependent upon those bonus
vehicles the player has already unlocked.

For those race venues which are actual circuits (i.e., the
Start Line is in the same location as the Finish Line), a
small Boost bonus is given for each time the player has
completed a lap without getting into any accidents (this is
called a 'Perfect Lap'). For all race venues, a small Boost
bonus is also given for reaching each Checkpoint before the
countdown timer has expired.


This section is itself DEFINITELY worth the price of the
game... and then some >:-)

In Crash Mode, there are a total of fifteen Crash Zones. The
objective in each Crash Zone is to cause as much monetary
insurance damage as possible. Larger vehicles (especially
busses and semis with long trailers) tend to 'award' more
monetary damage than smaller vehicles (especially compact
cars... BEFORE they get compacted!!!). A bonus multiplier is
gained for every vehicle involved in the accident; this is
independent of whether vehicles are involved in the main
accident itself or the potential secondary accidents (caused
by drivers swerving at high speeds to avoid the main
accident, and/or vehicles from the main accident which get
propelled out of the main accident but create one or more
secondary accidents).

Once the accident scene has settled down, there is a
helicopter flyover (as if from a police helicopter or a
television traffic report helicopter), and the monetary
damage in the Crash Zone is added up. The player may press
Start to skip this flyover, as the only 'difference' is that
the monetary damage is counted individually instead of all at
once as the accident itself takes place... but skipping this
helicopter flyover robs the player of the thrill of surveying
the created damage!!!

As for Offensive Driving 101, each Crash Zone has Bronze,
Silver, and Gold Medal targets to be achieved. The Crash
Zones become available in groups of three; once the player
has attained at least a Bronze Medal in each Crash Zone in a
group, the next set of three Crash Zones becomes available.

Group 1
Crash Zone 1: Down Hill Demolition
The best results here can be attained by attempting to
ram the right-rear or left-rear corner of a vehicle
stopped at the traffic light just before the cross-
street. This should send that vehicle sliding across
the cross-street, and should also send the player's car
airborne. While the initially-hit car causes mayhem in
the intersection itself, the player's car should be
able to fly across the intersection and wreak havoc
amongst the high-damage busses stopped on the other
side of the cross-street.
Crash Zone 2: Coastal Crush
Tactic 1: Good results here can be attained by
attempting to ram the right-rear or left-rear corner
of a vehicle stopped at the intersection. The
player's car may go airborne and completely clear
the intersection and its traffic, but the initially
hit car should slide far enough into the
intersection itself to create a massive damage
awarding collision (with a great potential for
secondary accidents).
Tactic 2: On approaching the intersection, keep to the
far-right of the roadway, and ram the nearest log-
hauling truck on the cross-street. This will
instantly force that truck into an adjacent log-
hauling truck, which will itself be forced into a
bus heading in the opposite direction - these three
vehicles alone will wrack up an impressive damage
total; in the end, the total damage BEFORE THE
MULTIPLIERS can easily top $2,000,000.00 >:-)
Crash Zone 3: Out of Control Tower
The first trick is to get TO the accident site itself,
which is a highway junction. Coming off the Start
Line, pass beneath the raised traffic control gates and
edge to the left, passing underneath the standard
interstate highway signs. Just beyond the standard
interstate highway signs is a pair of pickup trucks
stopped parallel to each other. Getting past these
trucks and going to the right-side berm will allow
clear passage to the actual merging area. Once here,
edging to the left just enough to directly impact the
first of the busses will knock it forward into another
bus, creating a chain reaction; as this happens, the
busses merging from the right will slam on their brakes
and end up sliding into the main accident. One of two
vehicles may get hit with enough force to create one or
more secondary accidents.

Group 2
Crash Zone 4: Pacific Peril
Here, it is best to slam into the busses.
Tactic 1: Get to the wrong side of the road and ram
a bus at an angle, sending it backward at
an angle to get other busses to slam into
Tactic 2: Keep to the correct side of the road, pass
between the cars waiting at the traffic
light, cross the intersection, and slam
into a rear corner of one of the awaiting
Tactic 3: Keep to the correct side of the road and
slam into a rear corner of one of the
first stationary cars. This will likely
send the player's car airborne to land in
the intersection itself to cause even more
mayhem while the initially-hit vehicle
will cause a chain-reaction with the
stationary vehicles.
Crash Zone 5: Rattlesnake Row
Pass the stationary vehicles on the left side, and
enter into a sharp drifting turn to slide sideways
into one of the vehicles moving in the cross-traffic.
Crash Zone 6: Dip Disaster
Here, it is best to get to either the far-right or the
far-left of the roadway, find a bus or a semi with a
long trailer, and slam into its nearest corner as fast
as possible. Doing this should create a chain-reaction
accident which will send at least one vehicle into the
traffic heading the opposite direction, thus inducing
one or more secondary accidents.

Group 3
Crash Zone 7: Sandstorm Shredder
Tactic 1: What makes this Crash Zone so 'beautiful' is
that the innocent bystanders have NO idea what is
about to happen due to the layout of the area. This
Crash Zone begins with a left-hand right-angle
corner; the ensuing straightaway has a nice crest,
so that oncoming traffic will not see any accidents,
and thus will not slam on the brakes until it is
DEFINITELY too late >:-) Thus, the best tactic
here is to turn the corner and get into the lanes of
oncoming traffic as quickly as possible. Ramming a
front corner of one of the oncoming vehicles will
start the chain-reaction accident. With luck, one
or more vehicles will be ejected to the player's
right, into the flow of traffic in the opposite
direction, to create even more high-damage
Tactic 2: Wait about two seconds before starting, then
hit the accelerator and the Boost. However, instead
of turning to the left ahead, turn to the RIGHT into
the oncoming traffic. The two-second wait at the
beginning will allow the traffic from the left of
the starting area to make it to the intersection,
where it will unwillingly join in the metallic
mayhem >:-) The first time I attempted this
tactic, I wracked up $21,140,880 in monetary
insurance damage!!!!!
Crash Zone 8: Ridge Riot
This Crash Zone begins at the mid-point of a left-hand
mountainside hairpin corner, then descends to a
right-hand hairpin corner.
Tactic 1: The trick here is to avoid the initial
traffic and make the first impact as close to the
right-hand hairpin corner as possible. This is
because the semi-trucks with the long trailers
and the busses all come up the mountain rather
late in the queue.
Tactic 2: Beyond the initial left-hand hairpin are
two other hairpin corners - one to the right, and
one to the left. The final hairpin corner opens
onto the final straightaway, with the Finish Line
positioned before the entrance to a tunnel. This
is a prime place to knock one of the busses off
the roadway and down the steep mountainside to
amass an INSANE amount of monetary insurance
damage >:-)
Crash Zone 9: Freeway Fury
Simply ram a corner of the nearest vehicle and create a
beautiful chain-reaction accident. If the player's
vehicle should go airborne, it may be able to land well
beyond the initial accident to create one or more
secondary accidents :-)

Group 4
Crash Zone 10: Avalanche
Despite the name of this Crash Zone, there is no snow
involved here. The trick to this Crash Zone is the
layout, because the first of the (oncoming) traffic is
right at the exit of a semi-sharp left-hand corner.
Therefore, drifting tactics will help to keep the
player's vehicle in the oncoming lanes of traffic to
make the initial collision which will start a chain-
reaction accident.
Crash Zone 11: Late Arrival
This Crash Zone BEGINS with the player's vehicle
stationary heading the wrong way along one of the
airport's access highways. Therefore, the player must
first avoid the initial oncoming traffic in order to
gain speed and momentum. It is best to get to the
right-side berm as quickly as possible, then smash into
the right-front (from the player's perspective) corner
of the first semi-truck at an angle, knocking that
vehicle backward at an angle to cut off the flow of
traffic in the adjacent lane. The chain-reaction
should take care of the unofficial demolition derby
from there >:-)
Crash Zone 12: Glass Canyon
Back in the city, this Crash Zone begins with a semi-
sharp right-hand turn. There are then TWO
intersections for this Crash Zone. There are two sets
of tactics to be attempted here:
Tactic 1: It is best to avoid any contact in the
first intersection and keep building speed and
momentum, colliding instead with one of the
stationary vehicles waiting at the second
Tactic 2: At the first intersection of cross-
traffic, try to ram the front corner of a small
vehicle. This should spin the player's vehicle
and send it sliding the short distance to the
second set of cross-traffic, where it can cause
more mayhem.

Group 5
Crash Zone 13: Hairpin Havoc
This is a tricky Crash Zone for two reasons. First,
the Crash Zone begins with a right-hand rather tight
hairpin corner which has traffic coming from the left-
hand side. Second, making any significant collisions
with this initial traffic is definitely counter-
productive, as there is really not enough traffic here
(and definitely no high-damage vehicles, such as
busses) to make a collision here worthwhile.
Therefore, the best method is to clear the hairpin
corner, avoid the initial set of traffic, and quickly
get into the lanes of oncoming traffic, smashing into
one of the busses to begin the exquisite mayhem.
Crash Zone 14: Dam Buster
From the Start Line, the curvature of the dam (to the
right) is easily apparent; at its end, in the distance,
the intersection where the collision(s) will take place
can be faintly seen. There is more than enough time
and space here to gain momentum and speed, so the trick
is to make impact with the first oncoming truck (at an
angle if possible) to begin the havoc.
Crash Zone 15: Ballistic Beach
This final Crash Zone begins with a rather sharp
hairpin corner to the right; it may be best to keep
off the Boost until about the mid-point of this
opening hairpin corner. Then, find the first semi-
truck and smash into it at an angle, beginning a nice
chain-reaction accident scene. It is important that
the accident take place with the first or second semi-
truck, as the chain-reaction will then block vehicles
from safely coming into the intersection, forcing them
to smash into the already-damaged vehicles.

Crash Mode Tips
The main tip for Crash Mode is to always try to make the
initial collision at an angle. If the player's car has
enough momentum relative to the other vehicle at the
moment of the initial collision, the other vehicle will
then bounce away at an angle, which raises the chances
that it will slide into another lane of traffic, thus
likely creating a bigger accident. If the initially-hit
vehicle is fairly small, the player's chosen vehicle may
also go airborne, thus hopefully landing in another area
of the Crash Zone to create one or more secondary

Whenever possible, try to get one of the larger vehicles
to flip onto its side to be 'rewarded' with even higher
monetary insurance damage. Those who have played the
PlayStation2 Launch game Midnight Club: Street Racing know
that busses are constructed incredibly tough, so getting a
bus to flip is indeed quite an achievement, and this is
reflected in the amount of monetary insurance damage for
such a phenomenal feat (approaching $1,000,000.00).

Even long after medals have been earned at all the Crash
Zones, this is one IMPRESSIVE gameplay mode that players will
be definitely returning to time and time and time and time
and time and time and time and time and time and time and
time and time and time and time and time and time and time
and time and time and time and time and time and time and
time again >:-)

Unfortunately, there are NO bonus features available by
attaining ALL Gold Medals in Crash Mode :-(


There are a total of three Pursuits within Championship Mode.
Once all three Pursuits have been successfully completed,
Pursuit then becomes its own gameplay mode, accessible from
the main menu.

The object of Pursuit Mode is the same as the three Pursuits
within Championship Mode; however, a few more options are
available. First, the player can select which vehicle to use
as the pursuit vehicle; no longer is the player limited to
simply the Cop Car. Second, any of the available vehicles
can be designated as the target vehicle.

In the Pursuits within Championship Mode, the player must
always ram the target vehicle ten times. In Pursuit Mode,
the number of required rammings fluctuates; the actual number
is based upon the two chosen vehicles.

Perhaps the funniest aspect of Pursuit Mode is that since any
unlocked vehicle can be used as the pursuit vehicle, the
chase vehicle will be given a police light and two police
sirens :-) It is really ODD to see the Gangster with a
police light and police siren!!! Pressing the Horn button
will toggle between Siren #1, Siren #2, and No Siren.


Boost is great for gaining a quick burst of speed, but smart
players will conserve their Boost and only use it in
strategic locations and when making the final dash toward the
Finish Line. Boost provides maximum benefit when the
player's vehicle is moving in a straight line for a fairly
significant period of time. Using Boost in a twisty section
of a race venue is definitely not wise, as the need to
continual cornering will negate any advantage that using
Boost can provide. On the other hand, in a section with
lengthy hairpin corners, the use of Boost can be great for
riding the walls/barriers if the player is unable to maintain
continual drifting tactics along the optimal racing line.

In conjunction with the above discussion of Boost, it is best
to NOT keep the Boost button depressed. Doing so will
automatically activate Boost as soon as the Boost Meter is
full, which can lead to inadvertent Boost activation in non-
strategic areas of a race venue.

Once begun, a championship MUST be completed before it can be
attempted again. Therefore, there is no use in retiring from
a championship in the hopes of quickly starting over.
However, before the Autosave function engages, restart the
console; this will permit re-entering the championship
following the previous race won.

In the cities, look for and make use of the Left Turn Only
lanes. There is rarely any traffic in these centermost
lanes, so - as long as the player can keep within the Left
Turn Only lanes - there is little to slow down the chosen
vehicle :-)


Progressing through the game unlocks various cars. Here are
the cars and how they are acquired. For those who do not
wish to view this information, this section is preceded and
followed by a large expanse of blank lines.

Classic Win Pursuit 2
Compact Initially-available
Cop Car* Win Pursuit 1
Coupe Initially-available
Custom Compact Win the Custom Series Qualifier
Custom Coupe Win the Split Second Grand Prix
Custom Sport Win Speed Streak Grand Prix
Custom SUV Win Pursuit 4
Driver's Ed 100% Gold Medals in Offensive Driving 101
Gangster Win Pursuit 3
Hot Rod Win Face-off 1
Japanese Muscle Win Face-off 3
Muscle Initially-available
Oval Racer Win Face-off 2
Pickup Initially-available
Roadster Initially-available
Sport Initially-available
Supercar Win Face-off 4
SUV Initially-available

*The Cop Car does not have a horn. Instead, its siren(s) can
be toggled by pressing the Horn button. Note that the number
and types of sirens available for the Cop Car vary by
gameplay mode. Also, because of the flashing lights and the
position of the chase camera, playing in third-person view
using the Cop Car often makes it difficult to see oncoming
traffic, especially when cresting a (steep) hill.


Progressing through the game unlocks various race venues.
Here are the race venues and how they are acquired. Note
that '[R]' indicates the reverse configuration of a race
venue (circuit-style or stage-style). For those who do not
wish to view this information, this section is preceded and
followed by a large expanse of blank lines.

88 Interchange Initially-available
Airport Loop Initially-available
Airport Terminal 1 and 2 Win The Run to the Sun Grand Prix
Big Surf Shores Win Street Storm Grand Prix
Crystal Freeway Win The Roller Coaster Grand Prix
Crystal Summit Lake 100% Gold Medals in The Roller
Coaster Grand Prix
Freeway Dash Win Roller Coaster Grand Prix
Freeway Dash [R] Win The Crystal Freeway
Heartbreak Hills Win Winding Road Grand Prix
Heartbreak Hills [R] Win The Miracle Mile Grand Prix
Interstate Loop Win Pacific Gate Grand Prix
Ocean Sprint Win Pacific Gate Grand Prix
Ocean Sprint [R] Win Winding Road Grand Prix
Palm Bay Heights Initially-available
Palm Bay Marina Win The Run to the Sun Grand Prix
Sunrise Valley Downtown Win The Run to the Sun Grand Prix


Progressing through the game unlocks various items other than
vehicles and race venues. Here are the other unlockable
features and how they are acquired. For those who do not
wish to view this information, this section is preceded and
followed by a large expanse of blank lines.

Credits Video Win Custom Series Qualifier
Custom Series Win Custom Series Qualifier
Pursuit Mode Win all three Pursuits in
Championship Mode


For questions, rants, raves, comments of appreciation, etc.,
or to be added to my e-mail list for updates to this driving
guide, please contact me at: FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM; also, if
you have enjoyed this guide and feel that it has been helpful
to you, I would certainly appreciate a small donation via
PayPal (http://www.paypal.com/) using the above e-mail

To find the latest version of this and all my other
PSX/PS2/DC/Mac game guides, visit FeatherGuides at


Wolf Feather Jamie Stafford
Just as there are many parts needed to make a human a human, there's a
remarkable number of things needed to make an individual what they are.
- Major Kusanagi, _Ghost in the Shell_
What isn't remembered never happened. - _Serial Experiments Lain_

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