Wild Arms 3

Wild Arms 3

15.10.2013 21:46:22
Wild ARMs 3 Book FAQ
System - PlayStation 2
Version 1.0 - 11/19/02
By Odin
Email - dark_matter@rogers.com


Version 1.0 - 11/19/02
First version.


This FAQ is dedicated to the books you can read in Wild ARMs 3. Books are found
on shelves in towns and dungeons through out the game. Books provide info on
various things relating to the game.

All the books are listed in alphabetical order. Underneath, I've provided the
location (town or dungeon) it can be found and what the book says.

Adult Mag
Location: Leyline Observatory

You're not mature enough! Too stimulating for those under eighteen!

Another World
Location: Boot Hill

The human brain does not make use of its full potential. There is another world
that can still be trapped from the brain. It is possible to study how the brain
works through electric signals. The brain is a sea of electric signals where
thoughts, memories and dreams are all mererly electric signals reacting. There
have been extreme cases where the memory media of information possess a
structure similar to the memory storage area of the brain. Therefore, it can be
said that dreams are electric signals connecting to the brain, just like
projecting an image on screen. Perhaps with further research, it may become
possible for the brain to act as the media itself, receiving signals from other
external sources. Developing this other world of the brain has just begun. I
believe this may open up infinite possibilities.

ARMs and the Spirit
Location: Claiborne

Those who shoot ARMs must synchronize their spirit with the ARM's makeup.
Sometimes, the synchronization is so detailed that is results in the ARM
performing well above its specs. That is why results vary when different people
shoot the same ARM. Figuratively speaking, An ARM needs to be synchronized as
if it were a part of your body.

Artifacts Over Memories
Location: Leyline Observatory

Artifacts left behind from the great war brought about a new power to the human
race. Machines capable of activation through the use of will as an extension of
Artifacts from Ruins: Memories
Otherwise known as ARMs. Today, ARMs commonly refer to portable machine
weaponry, but originally it encompasses the technology used to make them. To
this day, no one knows who these memories belong to. But the fact remains, that
we have come to depend on its powers.

Beyond Oblivion
Location: Leyline Observatory

Demi-humans may look and think like humans, but they are different. Demi-humans
called Elws are said to have once existed on Filgaia. These Elws are said to
have fought off the demons using the power of guardians. Originally, the Elws
were a peaceful race, but lead by the blacksmith warrior Vassim, they fought to
save the planet. Other men who were said to have been revered on an epitaph are
Fulcanelli, who performed the secret ceremony, and Blavatsky, who had insight
about Filgaia. After the end of this bitter war, the Elws vanished, and no one
has heard from them again. According to one theory, since the Elws were closely
tied with nature, they are believed to have died off from the decay of the
planet. Are the Elws extinct? No one knows for sure. The demi-humans Elws have
long been forgotten in the pages of history. Perhaps we will remember them,
when this planet returns to verdure.

Blazing a Trail to the Future
Location: Ark of Destiny

The Order of the Ark of Destiny challenges use to find the path of living. We
must consider what we live for here on this unforgiving world of Filgaia. We
must become strong, and to help foster strength, we pursue various methods of
bolstering our own fortitude. One of these projects is the excavation of ruins.
We feel that proper use of relics of the past will help lead us to a better
future. We attribute this to the roots of our founder Lamium, who was a Drifter
before he formed the Order. In his travels through the wasteland, he discovered
that in order to support great ideals, other powers are necessary. We must take
the powers responsible for the ravaging of our world and blaze a new trail with
them. We, the Order of the Ark of Destiny, scour the vast wasteland for ways to
bring about a bright future for all.

Cheville's Diary
Location: Humphrey's Peak

April 13th, cloudy. Today is the anniversary of Alice's death, but it feels
just like any other day. Perhaps time does heal pain... Or am I a pitiless
mother? Either way, it's still sad how I don't have a clear-cut sense of my
feelings. This wouldn't be troubling me if Alice were still alive today. I
would've been too busy running around tending to the needs of a ten year old
girl. Still, I cannot help dreaming that Alice will one day return.

Disadvantages in Battle
Location: Little Twister

If you win, you live--if you lose, you die. This is the outcome of every battle
you encounter There are many factors that help decide this outcome. At times,
you will be faced with adversities in battle where you will be at a
disadvantage beyond your control. For example, [ambushed]. This is when the
enemy gets to attack first for a certain number of turns. If you get ambushed
and you haven't recovered from the previous battle, there is a good chance you
will die. Another adversity is [trouble]. This is whne you are singled out from
your party and take the brunt of all attacks. This is an extremely dangerous
situation to be in. In either case, you will be thrown into battle without a
second to react, when you see a red exclamation mark displayed on the screen.
This type of battle encounter cannot be cancelled, but you may reduce its
frequency with a personal skill.

Dune Canyon
Location: Boot Hill

Steer your ship north of the cape where the giant's statue stands, and you'll
come to a strait that connects the inland sea and the open seaway. This is also
the hunting ground of the monster Balal Quo Naga, where many vessels and
Sandcraft meet disaster... Balal Quo Naga used to lurk south of Little Twister
near the sunken reefs, but... In recent years, it followed its prey to this
strait and made this area its new home. The ferocious monster has shut down
scorse of trade routes and has taken the lives of hundreds of sailors. Somebody
must do something so the people can get on with their lives...

Duran's Diary
Location: Leyline Observatory

She came by again last night. Whenever I'm lost in my labyrinth of
contemplation, she reaches out her tiny hands... Who is she? Actually, it may
be wrong to define her as a real person... As long as I don't tie myself down
with logic, she is just she... I'm at a point where I can't live without her
anymore... I can't continue my research without her... I can't concentrate... I
want to know more about her. I'm more interested in her than I am learning the
mechanics of the generator.

Evil Corpses
Location: Ark of Destiny

The demons from folklore may have physically disappeared from the planet, but
their malice is said to live on within the earth, devouring the planet. This
demon's threat is said to exist in the form of shields. Some even theorize that
these shields are actually transformed demon corpses. Once these shields are
activated, they are said to devour any surrounding life-forms, and transfigure
their bodily structure. It is believed that the monsters that roam Filgaia
today are the direct result of these shields, which affected life-forms during
the great war. If these shields still exist today, they may bring about a new
threat. Even after a thousand years, are we still unable to escape the threat
of the evil corpses?

Family of Demons
Location: Ruins of Memory

Folklore paints a vivid picture of invasion... Our forefathers recount the fear
of demons, who were covered in steel with blood of mercury. The demons
massacred a multitude of life-forms and brought about mass destruction with
flames of atrocity. But as time passes, we have begun to utilize the artifacts
they left behind--as if we are now the spawn of demons. For as long as we are
human, we must embrace our prestige as a human race, and live proudly and

Fall of the City of Experiments
Location: Ballack Rise

Let us go back a thousand years, to the end of the great war. In the city, an
eldritch generator was test-run under the supervision of the scientist Ajende.
The generator deployed a certain kind of nescient barrier, called the wizardly
stealth effect. The experiment, however, ended in failure, with catastrophic
results. The barriers deployed around the city, reacting to Filgaia's magnetic
field, lifted the city high into the sky. And what goes up... must come down.
They say the great city instantly collapsed on impact with the ground. Many
researchers died instantly. Others were afflicted with terrible side-effects
from the overload of energy. The lead researcher, Ajende, miraculously survived
the ordeal, but his reputation as a scientist was forever shattered. The
wizardly stealth system was eventually completed by three engineers. If you
ever see the gaping crater, remember that it is the final resting place of the
city of experiments. Do not forget to take a moment to pray for the pioneers of
technology and revel in their legacy.

Filgaia for Everyone
Location: Jolly Roger

In days long, long ago... the demons brought war to our planet from a faraway
world. An alliance of living beings and guardians for Filgaia. The result of
that war is not known to mankind. The very fact that we live, however, points
to a victory for the forces of Filgaia. But look around you. Filgaia is a world
of barren waste. It is believed the war caused this. In a certain sense, that
war continues to this very day. As the creatures of Filgaia banded together to
protect the planet, we must work together to revive it.

Forge and Bellows
Location: Claiborne

Pliable steel is much stronger than hard steel. Think about it. No matter how
solid or hard the steel, once you apply heat and immediately cool it down, the
composition deteriorates and the steel becomes brittle. If you don't believe
me, try it. Try it on a sturdy monster called Trask. Trust me, it works.

Formerly Known as the Chock
Location: Leyline Observatory

The end of the great war gave birth to the fundamentalism of the nature,
Baskar. Secret ceremonies were held using the power of guardians, and two sects
of Baskar were established. One as a religious group for those who had nowhere
to turn to, and the other as restorers of the decayed environment. Shortly
after the flames of war had died out, it is said that Baskars tried to
rejuvenated Filgaia through the use of guardians. Guardians, which were
considered to be the power that sustains the world, were attempting to do just
that. The Baskars were said to have set up chocks, a structure signifying the
belief in guardians, over the leypoints. These chocks were used to suppress the
expansion of the wasteland, and at the same time, amplify the guardians'
powers, while supplying energy to the world. However, the spreading of the
wasteland was more severe than expected, and the chocks only worked to delay
the decay, insted of revitalizing the environment. These chocks later became
referred to as guardian shrines, and play a ceremonial role today. The
rejuvenation of Filgaia would have to find a new, different approach...

Fossil Resources: Dragons
Location: Gob's Hideout

During the legendary era, the hostile demons were said to have taken up arms by
exploiting the life force of machinery. These weapons were considered to be an
entity between machinery and living organisms, possessing the power to tear the
sky and shatter the earth. These weapons were called dragons. It was as if they
possessed a will of their own, synchronizing with the demons as if part of
their limb. But as time passed... The demons disappeared, and the great war
subsided on Filgaia. The few remaining dragons were deemed insignificant, and
lay dormant as they began to decay. These dragons exist today as fossil
resources proving beneficial to the people of today. They are found in trains
and ships and other machinery, but they are most commonly used in ARMs, which
is quite ironic. There is still much we do not know about dragons and a
thorough analysis is needed. Dragon fossils can be mined west of Jolly Roger in
a mining shaft. There are rumors however, of a living dragon found further
south of Boot Hill around the Laxiland area. If these rumors of a living dragon
are true, it may possess even greater powers than the fossils and prove much
more useful to mankind. On the other hand...

Full Account of Survey Point #08
Location: Ark of Destiny

Survey Point #08 was named the [Cradle of the Metal Gods] after the folklore
about the Deus Ex Machina. The excavation of the ruin faced difficulties from
the get go, as the ruin was located high atop a cliff where access was
difficult. A plan to penetrate the ruin from underground was devised, and work
began on converting a cave into a tunnel, which would lead into the ruin. The
initial construction point began at coordinates X:8296, Y:22777. This was to be
a large step forward for the Order. The tunnel construction was proceeding
smoothly, until a sudden cave-in halted all operations. Construction has been
put on hold indefinitely until a plan is devised to remove the debris.

Gaspar's Diary
Location: Little Rock

May 20. Sunny. It was a hot day from sunrise to sunset. With weather like this,
I wish I was sailing. Sorry, Daddy. I don't want to follow after you. I want to
be a sailor instead. It would be so neat to venture out into the ocean blue.
With each day, a new adventure. When I grow up, I'm going to leave this
dust-ridden town and sail the seas. Just you wait.

Giant's That Don't Get Along
Location: Boot Hill

A long time ago, the evil serpent Nidhogg lived by the foot of Yggdrasil. Two
giants who didn't get along decided to exterminate this serpent on their own,
and each began their journey from two separate directions. Each giant had
different reasons for wanting to kill the serpent. The first giant wanted to
take the reward all for himself... while the other giant wanted to do the deed
for the people. Little did the two giants know that Nidhogg had two heads that
worked very well together! So, the two giants ended up inside the serpent's
stomach, regretting not cooperating with each other.

Guardian Warriors
Location: Little Twister

Legend tells of warriors capable of materializing guardians with their will,
who rid the world of evil. These warriors defeated powerful enemies with the
help of guardians, and developed a strong bond with them. It is worth
mentioning that evoking guardians with one's will requires much concentration
and cannot be performed successively without rest. However, these warriors with
their strong bond with the guardians, were able to materialize the guardians
many times on the battlefield. A powerful bond tied on the battlefield is
unlike any other. It can be said that the strength of the guardian warriors
derives from the strength of this bond.

Guardians of the Heart
Location: Ark of Destiny

Guardians do not only reside within physical power. Guardians can also exist
within the heart, acting as the power that sustains life. These guardians are
classified as guardian lords, governing love, courage, hope, and desire. These
four powers normally exist in the heart, paving a way for the future...
However, in today's world, love, courage, and hope have disappeared, and desire
has been warped. The guardian lords have been deprived of all their power, and
are on the brink of extinction. They have transformed their will into a rock,
and wait patiently for a true warrior to arrive... They wish to entrust the
power that sustains life to this warrior, so that he may bring forth a

Ice Queen
Location: Ark of Destiny

The Ice Queen has been assigned to guard Mimir's Well, the place where wisdom
is granted. The Ice Queen is a powerful entity stored within Hyades' data. It
will eliminate the target without affecting the surrounding area. The
activation password is: 'emeth.' It is a foreign word which means truth. I
believe this password and the entity are appropriate for guarding Mimir's Well.
The Ice Queen will target anyone who has not been registered with an authorized
pattern, so please be careful. Non-council members should not set foot in
Mimir's Well.

In the Beginning
Location: Leyline Observatory

The progenitors of the human race are said to have arrived on this planet long
ago, on a ship that soars the heavens. However, there is no mention of where
our forefathers came from. Without any absolute evidence backing this folklore,
many have come to view it as a mere fairy tale. On the other hand, there are
those who take the folklore seriously, citing the fact that the human race
seemed to appear in history overnight. I strongly believe that solving the
mystery of the ship that soars the heavens will one day shed light as to the
true origin of the human race.

Legend of the Evil Serpent
Location: Ark of Destiny

Nidhogg is a greedy evil serpent. It heads to the grove with its jaws wide
open, looking for prey. Nidhogg is a greedy evil serpent. Darker than the
night, its jaws belong to two heads, acting as one. Nidhogg is a greedy evil
serpent. Two giants wield their sword to exterminate the evil serpent. One of
the giants heads to the forest with good intentions. One of the giants heads to
the forest with evil intentions. However, neither of the two giants knew there
were now two Nidhoggs. By knowing there are two Nidhoggs, one can infiltrate
the core. Nidhoggs are greedy evil serpents. They head to the grove with their
jaws wide open, looking for prey. These two giants were never to be seen again.

Leyline Observatory
Location: Leyline Observatory

The Leyline Observatory is funded by a special organization, where we research
and study [leylines], an energy network that sustains a planet. By analyzing
leylines, we strive to refine the energy that sustains this planet. If
successful, we will be able to deter the decay of this planet, and breathe new
life into the environment. May our blood and tears become the blessed rain, and
our toil the light that warms the flowering greenery. We must bear the fruits
of our research.

Luck Is a Part of Skill
Location: Leyline Observatory

Some may boast about physical strength, and some may boast about magic. But how
many of you boast about luck? How many of you out there on the battlefield take
luck seriously? Well, let me tell you this. That powerful one-timer, the
Critical Hit, and the ever so handy Defender; these skills are activated by
chance and governed by luck. And what about those death blows and the various
status ailments the enemies throw at you? These can actually be prevented by
skills and luck. And the booby-trapped treasure chests you get after winning a
battle--the chances of you sucessfully defusing it also depends on luck. It can
be said that almost every action you take in battle is affect by luck. Having
reading this, I hope you take luck more seriously from now on. If you do,
there's no doubt you'll emerge victorious in the wasteland.

Mu & Lemuria Monthly
Location: Ark of Destiny

Are we under attack by UFOs!? There have been many reported sightings of UFOs
this year! This issue will give you a first hand account of an alien encounter!
Six young boys witnessed a red shining object falling down from the sky. They
called the local sheriff to investigate the scene with them. As they got closer
and closer to the scene, an irritating odor began to emanate. When they finally
reached the scene, what they saw was unbelievable--a silver, flat object, about
eight yards in diameter was emitting a red light. All of a sudden... An alien,
about ten feet tall with beady eyes appeared before them!! This alien was the
source of that terrible smell, and it began to float in the air, moving about
in a sliding motion. Frightened out of their mind, the six boys and the sheriff
ran for the nearest town. Half an hour later, when others came to investigate
the scene, all that was left was that terrible stench, with nothing else in
sight. What did the alien want? Why did he visit this planet? These are
questions we would like to discuss in next month's issue...

Roykman & Co.'s Travel Route
Location: Boot Hill

Thank you for your continued patronage. Listed below is my travel route for
this fiscal year. Little Rock, Baskar Colony, Boot Hill, Humphrey's Peak,
Claiborne, Ballack Rise... Jolly Roger, Laxisland, Little Twister, and finally,
Gunner's Heaven. Please be advised that I may be travelling back and forth from
the following six locations: Baskar Colony, Boot Hill, Humphrey's Peak, Jolly
Roger, Laxisland and Gunner's Heaven.

Ruins of Memory
Location: Ruins of Memory

Fruits of ancient technology have been excavated from ruins all over Filgaia.
Many of these historic rare items, such as the [Giant's Rock], excavated from
the earth layer before the great ancient war are all preserved here. That is
why this place is called, the Ruins of Memory. All of the relics on display
have been carefully restored. Please be careful not to touch the relics.

Ships' Graveyard
Location: Ark of Destiny

The friction of the sand combined with menacing monsters has sent countless
ships and the people on them to a sandy grave. Indeed, the crossing of dunes is
something that comes with a great deal of risk. This leads us to the reason why
we, the Order of the Ark of Destiny, constructed our temple complex here on
Yard Isle. This region used to be ignominiously known as the Ships' Graveyard
due to the high number of wrecked hulls that washed ashore. But one day, the
island's history charted a new course when a Drifter discovered a new ship in
the wreckage. You see, the ship he found was one of the kind that our distant
ancestors referred to as a soaring ship. With this crystal of ancient wisdom at
his fingertips, he set off on a mission to save the planet. That Drifter was
our founder, Lamium, ten years ago. And the soaring ship was converted into the
Order's temple, becoming the center of all its activities. A new ship is about
to launch from the island once known as a graveyard. The future of Filgaia is
tied to the place where the Order of the Ark of Destiny was founded.

The Doctrine of the Ark of Destiny
Location: Ark of Destiny

The religious order, the Ark of Destiny, headed by its founder Lamium, has only
been in existance for about ten years. Its new ideals, activities and ways of
life are geared towards the goal of pursuing a future. The doctrine does not
look to intangible, spiritual entities. It is about applying yourself as a
life-form of this planet, and what we must do to live strongly. Each one of us
plays a leading role in this doctrine through our actions. We hope you will
join us today, to help us find a tomorrow.

The Filgaia Theory
Location: Leyline Observatory

How can Filgaia possibly be a living planet? The theory that tries to answer
this extremely sinmple, yet difficult proprosition is the Filgaia Theory. In
order for life-forms to continue existing on Filgaia, it is necessary for the
life-form to regulate itself. Every species of life-form work together as a
single organism to control the planet's environment. Surprisingly, there have
been cases of self-cleansing, where foreign elements have been expelled. This
function is very similiar to ours. From a universal standpoint, Filgaia is
regarded as a single life entity. Currently, the Filgaia Theory is moving
forward with systematization. By regarding the planet as a life-form, there are
also plans to heal or revitalize the environment. We look forward to providing
the results of this research.

The Guiding Word
Location: Leyline Observatory

The Guiding Word... is the magical password. The Guiding Word... is my name,
and the key to open the gate. The Guiding Word... will be lost in the sea of
words, if we rely on convential wisdom...

The Gunslinger
Location: Ballack Rise

'The crimson ARM... One shot is all it needs.' The pioneer Drifter of legend,
Alan smithy, coined that famous phrase. Some say he lived three centuries past,
others say five. No written records of his life survived. People called him the
Gunslinger, thanks to his sharp shooting skills and limitless energy. But even
a Drifter as famous as he remains shrouded in mystery, with many unproven tales
credited to him. His death, like his life, is also shrouded in mystery. Some
say he went to settle the new continent. Others say he went to slay a beast
lord, but never returned. Alan Smithy was loved and honored by all who
traversed the wasteland. The Gunslinger will never return, but we await the
coming of another hero to this very day.

The Home I Never Knew
Location: Ballack Rise

If our ancestors really set foot on this world from a skyfaring ship, what made
them choose this one? A skyfaring ship is one that crosses the sea of stars.
Our ancestors were visitors from one of the planets we see when we look up into
the night sky. This planet is not our true home. What kind of world was our
true home, then? It must have been a utopia with order, security, and the
technology to navigate the stars. Perhaps the teachings of the Order of the Ark
of Destiny seek a utopia like that? As my ancestors reached out to this world,
I must reach out to the world they left behind.

The Lost Demi-humans
Location: Ruins of Memory

Who were these demi-humans that appear in historical records? They are said to
have resembled humans, but possessed great power unknown to man. They were said
to have synchronized with nature to perform incredible feats. Similarities
between the demi-humans and Baskar--believers of guardians--are noted, but
nothing can compare to the scope of their power. Who were these demi-humans
that are said to have existed on Filgaia? Where did they come from, and why did
they disappear?

The Rainbow to Tomorrow
Location: Ark of Destiny

Seven experts, specializing in science, magic and various other fields... At
times, they were referred to as 'The Rainbow.' They were the Council of Seven,
which researched ways to rejuvenate Filgaia over many decades. This research
first began when the first group of seven came into contact with the
information library Hyades, left behind by the demons. The members of the
council were interchanged depending on the direction of the research, or with
changes of the time. Many different phenomena were solved due to their work.
The countless hours and efforts put in by these specialists to analyze Hyades
is finally about to pay off. The environmental rejuvenation, planetary energy
production and supply--all of this was a vision every council member shared.
The seven colors of 'The Rainbow' will soon change into a single ray of hope.

The Saint's Guidance
Location: Ark of Destiny

Most of the excavation sites operated by the Ark of Destiny are ordered by the
founder, Lamium himself. The founder possesses a special ability, through which
he can locate excavation points. According to the founder, this is not his
personal ability, but a form of divine revalation. He claims that a girl
appears in his dreams, informing him of the location of undiscovered ruins.
This goes against the Order's principle of reality over ideas in terms of
taking action. But the fact of the matter is, many rare artifacts have been
excavated as a direct result of the founder's dreams. Could this simply be
explained as a miracle? What does this Saint, the girl that appears in the
founder's dreams wish to entrust us with, and where does she wish to lead us?
If the Saint wishes to guide us to the future, let us walk there on our own two
feet. That is the way of the Order's doctrine.

The Seven Geniuses of the Council
Location: Ark of Destiny

The seven members of the Council of Seven have been selected for this term.
They are as follows:
Environmental Alteration Team: Werner Maxwell, Leehalt Alcaste, and Melody
These members will be responsible for researching ways to use the leyline
energy effectively.

Life Creation Team: Pete Inkapilia, Elliot Enduro, and Malik Benedict.
These members will be responsible for researching the leyline structure in
order to revive the planet's life force.

Maintenance Controller: Duran Bryant.
He well be responsible for maintaining the facility and its machinery.

We hope that these seven geniuses of the Council of Seven will restore Filgaia
back to is verdure.

The Stagnant World
Location: Boot Hill

Today is just like any other day--sandstorms paint the sky yellow, while the
dry wind blows endlessly... It was like this yesterday, a week ago, a month
ago, a year ago... Nothing has changed... It's a world I'm used to, but why is
there apprehension in my heart? Why do I feel there is something wrong with
this unchanging world? This world before us--is this the Filgaia we know? I
don't know. No one knows. No one can straight out deny or confirm it. As far as
I know, this is the way the world is. But maybe this world was changed without
knowing it? They say the barren wasteland is the result of the great war... But
something inside me tells me we shouldn't settle for that answer.

The Three Followers of the Darkness
Location: Claiborne

Legend speaks of three demons who transformed themselves into shields to
protect the Eternal Sparkle. They are Andro, governor of wisdom, Hieraco,
governor of agility, and Crio, governer of strength. These three followers are
said to be perpetually engulfed in darkness, always by their knight's side,
obeying his every command. It is said they will come to life once the darkness
is banished by a blue darkness so that they can seek out their leader.

The Truth that Gave Birth to Life
Location: Leyline Observatory

The many secret ceremonies stored inside the information library Hyades gave
people the means of creating new life. Golem. This is said to mean, 'unborn
child.' A steel machine that carries out orders in a detailed and precise
fashion. Yes, it is a machine... However, not only does this mechanical golem
carry out orders, it compares past memory and data to perform the most
appropriate action. It has a will of its own. In fact, it is safe to say it is
a life-form with its own personality. It is not a life born from life, but a
life born from truth... That is a golem. How close is this truth to god?

This Might Interest You
Location: Ruins of Memory

Try talking to Armengard everyday to see what she says.

Unclean Scars
Location: Little Twister

The great war that raged for centuries left many battle scars over Filgaia. The
exhausted environment gives way to wasteland, the monsters roam, and people
overuse technology... These powers left behind by demons support our everyday
lives, yet at the same time are a threat to society. What is feared most,
however, are the weakened hearts of those who cannot give up the power of
machines. This great war has left scars over the planet, but has also left
scars of weakness in the hearts of people. It is this weakness itself that may
even one day give rise to demons once again...

Veins Circulating the Subsurface
Location: Leyline Observatory

Underneath the crust of Filgaia lies a network of leylines, which act as blood
vessels to supply life energy to the planet. Atop these leylines lie geologic
stratum strong points, called leypoints. It is interesting to note that many
guardian shrines can be found atop of leypoints. Not only do leylines circulate
the life energy of the planet, it is also assumed that they connect to
leypoints to amplify the energy mutually. In this sense, the leylines and
leypoints are similiar to blood vessels and organs in a living organism. This
comparison paved the way for the Filgaia Theory, which views the planet as one
single life entity.

War and Technology
Location: Ruins of Memory

Technology is not something that necessarily evolves or improves over time. It
may stem from the fruition of time and effort. Technology can even make great
strides during times of war, where unexpected innovations are invented. In
fact, many highly advanced technological artifacts have been excavated from a
certain layer of the earth. A layer, which dates back approximately one
thousand years. According to folklore, this coincides with the period of the
dark ages, when the great war with the demons broke out. A period where war
necessitated technology. New methods of destruction were invented one after
another. This technological revolution finally came to an end, when the world
could no longer connote this technology... In other words, the destruction of

Wavering Wisdom
Location: Leyline Observatory

Its discovery was a coincidence. The first group of scientists, which later
went on to form the first council, came into contact with the wisdom, deep
within a ruin. The ruin was named Mimir's Well, and was set up as a base of
operation to analyze the wisdom. The wisdom was determined to be a
crystalization of wisdom, dating all the way back to the great war. Due to its
advanced and dangerous nature, the wisdom was concluded to be technology of
demons from folklore. This wisdom, or artifact left behind by demons, was
accumulated and stored inside an emulator zone--a memory area similar to human
memory. These can also be considered as memories left behind by demons. The
scientists named the information library that existed inside this emulator zone
[Hyades]. Hyades, and the wisdom left behind were analyzed by the group of
scientists for many years to come. Their goal was to utilize the power that
once destroyed the planet to try and rejuvenate the planet. Wisdom is something
that wavers. Its value and its use are not meant to be used in one place.

What a Dragon Wants
Location: Laxisland

Do mechanoids dream of electric sheep? Could they be capable of dreaming of
things beyond their reach, as all living things are? Here in Laxisland, town of
draconic tradition, we have an intriguing anecdote. It says that dragons bestow
their powers upon the brave warrior who slays them. But, it also says that one
who quenches a dragon's limitless thirst also assumes the might of a dragon.
What could a dragon, with all that it possesses, possibly yearn for? Could it
possibly be something that cannot be had on the fiery battlefield? Ask not what
dragons can do for you... Ask what you can do for dragons, as the old saying
goes. Such may be the quickest route to grasping the power of a dragon, but we
cannot be certain, for all who have tried have died.

Whateley & Co.'s Prospectus
Location: Gob's Hideout

Here at Whateley & Co., we began as a caravan specializing in grain. Today, our
business has expanded to include everything from daily commodities to ARMs. We
strive to aggressively promote our line of find products in order to increase
total sales. This fiscal term, we have high expectations for our gross revenue,
thanks to our timely acquisition of new market routes for fine arts and crafts.
We at Whateley are also committed to the promotion of archeological discovery
by exhibiting objects of cultural value, such as a statue we call, [Stone

Yggdrasil and the Future
Location: Boot Hill

After a hundred years of research, an environmental plan to revitalize the
planet is about to reach fruition. Many of the businesses that have sponsored
this plan have systematically entwined like a tree trunk to form a large tree.
It is called the Yggdrasil Project, a plan to replace the guardians as the
power that sustains the world in order to bring forth a future. The main engine
of the Yggdrasil System is its powerful generator, which acts as the heart.
This is where the planetary energy is produced and distributed through
microscopic machines at its roots. The vision of the seven dreamers is about to
become reality. We humans must continue to utilize the power of the lost wisdom
of Hyades, and bring forth a future for the planet. That is our duty to our


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This Wild ARMs 3 Book FAQ is copyright 2002 S. Heighton.

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