Star Reach

Star Reach

16.10.2013 17:17:51
Star Reach v1.1
F.A.Q.s v1.2

Welcome to Star reach v1.1. This F.A.Q.s\Strategy Guide is intended to be a "Full Scale" layout of the
game, and is best if viewed on the LARGEST screen possible. This is gonna be big so sit-down and start

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Getting to know you're galaxy!

This game takes place many years into the future. Star Reach is a R.T.S. (Real Time Strategy) and
one of the first that I can remember playing. Its from one of my favorite game companys,.....Interpaly,
and is a great game. Humans & six (6) other alien species are in a race to rule the universe,...........
TYPICAL. By controlling planet resources & military YOU must destroy the other species before they do the
same to you. All in all, its a battle royale space style. Odds are if you're reading this you are one of
the five (5) people who have EVER heard of this game. I only know of two (2), me & and my buddy.


1) The Main H.U.B.

i....The "Main H.U.B."
ii...The "D.O.S."----button
iii..The "Sound"-----screen
iv...The "Load"------screen
v....The "Credits"---screen
vi...The "Start"-----button
vii..The "Scenario"--screen
iiv..The "Player(s)"-screen

2) In-Games Screens
i....The "Main Veiwer"------------Screen
ii...The "Plantery Command"-------screen
iii..The "Planet Info"------------screen
iv...The "Production"-------------screen
v....The "Planetary Improvements"-screen
vi...The "Desrtoy Structures"-----screen
vii..The "Repair Structures"------screen
iix..The "Map"--------------------screen
ix...The "Planet Economy"---------screen
x....The "Storage Bay"------------screen
xi...The "Supply Lines"-----------screen
xii..The "Direct Connection"------screen
xiii.The "Esc\Pause"--------------screen
ixv..The "After Graph"------------screen

3) Planetary Information

i...."Earth"---type planets
ii..."Desert"--type planets
iii.."Water"---type planets
iv..."Ice"-----type planets
v...."Valcano"-type planets
vi..."Moon"----type planets

4) Resource Information


5) Unit Information

i....The "Satelite"---------unit
ii...The "Troop Carrier"----unit
iii. The "Fighter"----------unit
iv...The "Repair Ship"------unit
v....The "Scout"------------unit
vi...The "Destroyer"--------unit
vii..The "Missile Launcher"-unit
iix..The "Marauder"---------unit
ix...The "Pirate"-----------unit
x....The "Planet Bomber"----unit
xi...The "Convoy"-----------unit

6) Structre Information

i...."Head Quarters"-structre
iii.."Space Port"----structre
v...."Bio Sphere"----structre
vi..."Strip Mine"----structre

7) General Strategy

i....Basic Rules
ii...What to do
ot to do
iii..The "Boone" layout
iv...Ivasion Planning
v....Defensive Planning
vi...Ship V.S. Phantom
vii..Is it cheating?

8) F.A.Q.s

9) My Rating of the game


!!! Section 1. !!!
The "Main H.U.B."


Part I. "Main H.U.B."

This is the main screen that you come to from D.O.S.. From here you can set-up each of the game
paramimeters & options. The screen has a basic layout. The "buttons" on the left hand side take you to
the screens of their respective names, i.e. "sound" or "D.O.S.". In the center of the screen is where the
"Player(S)" screen is accessed. It will have 4 squares on it each with a color. Red, blue, green, and
yellow (orange). These four (4) boxes are the "Player Display". The colors are how the players will be
colored in the game. In each box you will see either a picture of the speices of the person\computer
controlling that color in the game, or text saying: "NO PLAYER" or "ADD PLAYER". In each box with a
player\computer, a "c" will appear in the top left corner of the box to indicate that the corrosponding
color will be lead by the computer in the game. Otherwise the text: "K1" or "K2" will be in it's place.
This means "Keyboard 1 or 2". In the bottom left corner will be the text: "SHIP" or "PHANTOM". Pick one,
ship or phantom? This is how you will control yourself, your units, and to a small extent, your
capabilitys. I will go into more detail on the ups & downs of of this choice later in the strategy guide.

Above the "Players Display" is the "Scenario Display". There are two (2) buttons underneath it
that allow you to change the scenario you are going to play. The scenarios are named and numbered, so you
should be able to isolate one easily and come back to it. To goto the "Player(s)" screen, click on one of
the "Player Displays" boxes. To get to the "Scenario" screen, click on the "Scenario Display". Finally,
there are three (3) graphs to the right that indicate sound levels. Once you get this down, you will be
able to navigate the rest of the "Main H.U.B." with ease.

Part II. "D.O.S." button

This button is located on the "Main H.U.B." screen, at the top of the buttons on the left handed
side. Push this button to,...................RETURN TO D.O.S. (Quit the game).

Part III. "Sounds"

This Screen is where you controll all of the sound and music levels of the game. There are three
(3) levers that you can grab & move to increase or decrease sound volume. Above each lever is a "mute"
button. Some of the other buttons on this screen DON'T SEEM TO DO ANYTHING, or atleast you cannot alter
them in anyway. Pretty self-explanitory.

Part IV. "Load"

This is where you load your previous games. You may have up to ten (10) saved games at one time
in Star Reach. You have to push the "right arrow" button to move beyond the sixth slot. Once you save a
game, return here, highlight the game you wish to load. Then push load. Basic stuff :)

Part V. "Credits"

This is the credits screen. All you do is watch the credits here. you can exit the credits scroll
at anytime by pressing Esc.

Part VI. "Start"

Push this button if you DARE! Or when you feel that you're ready to play. Once you start, you can
move quickly past the long wait to get to you're "H.Q." planet by pushing Esc.

Part VII. "Scenario"

The "Scenario" screen is divided into two (2) main things, buttons & monitor. The buttons on the
left will alter what information the monitor is displaying. The buttons at the bottom will change to a
another scenario. The buttons on the left are as follows from top to bottom, left then right. Like the
way that Japanese people read.

1) Intelligence report: A basic idea of the scenario you have highlighted.

2) Factories: Indicates how many factories are on which planets from the start of the game.

3) Hydroponics: Idicates how many hydroponics are on which planets from the start of the game.

4) Defense: Indicates how many Defenses are on which planets from the start of the game.

5) Minerals: Indicates how many minerals points are on which planets from the start of the game.

6) Mines: Indicates how many strip mines are on which planets from the start of the game.

7) Bio-Spheres: Indicates how many bio-spheres are on which planets from the start of the game.

8) Storage Bays: Indicates how many storage bays are on which planets from the start of the game.

9) Food: Indicates how many food points are on which planets from the start of the game.

10) Popultion: Indicates the population on all planets from the start of the game.

The montior will show planets as little spheres. The color of the thin line surrounding any of
the planets idicates who has controll of the planet from the start of the game. The planet with the flag
sticking up is the "H.Q." planet of that colored player. All players start with at least one (1) planet
at the start of the game. The type of planet is as follows.....

1) Earth......A blue Sphere with a patch of green on it.

2) Desert.....A yellowish\orangish colored sphere

3) Water......A blue shpere

4) Ice........A light grey & pale blue shpere

5) Valcano....A red sphere

6) Moon.......A dark grey\silver sphere

Part IIV. "Player(s)"

The player screen is where you set-up you're player and the computer players aswell. The picture
is a quick indicator as to the race of the selected player (text in the top left tells you the race) and
the bottom buttons alter the race of the selected player. The race choices are as follows

1) Humans: Thats us :)

2) Xanbari: Over grown mantids.

3) Cynod Legoin: 50% monkey 50% bear,...100% smelly and mean.

4) Kathod: Intelligent Squid people.

5) Z'nnl : Living farts

6) Braquellians: Robotic race

7) Solonates: Lizards, plain and simple




The buttons on this screen are as follows.....

1) Computer: Pushing this button makes th selected player "computer controlled" in the game.

2) Keyboard 1: Pushing this button makes the selected player controlled by "Keyboard 1", a human player.

3) Keyborad 2: Pushing this button makes the selected player controlled by "Keyboard 2", a human player.

4) Joystick 1: Pushing this button makes the selected player controlled by "Joystick 1", a human player.

5) Joystick 2: Pushing this button makes the selected player controlled by "Joystick 2", a human player.

6) Ship: Pushing this buttons gives the selected player the "Ship" control method.

7) Phantom: Pushing this buttons gives the selected player the "Phantom" control method.

8) Video: Pushing this button makes the selected player recieve "Video" transmissions

9) Text: Pushing this button makes the selected player recieve "Text" transmissions


!NOTE!: The transmissions you recieve will altert you to important events, i.e. a planet being attacked
or having completed a structre you told it to. For some reason, there is no messgae when "strip mines"
are completed on a planet. ALL other structres will alert you to their completion with a transmission,
either with "text" or "video". Dont forget about "Strip mines" once you order them made. TIME IS VERY,


10) Remove: Pushing this button removes the selected player (there ENTIRE color) from the game. This will
make the picture screen blank. You can always add a player aslong as the "player(s)" display is showing

You can alter the name of the player by pushing the name bar that says "Player 1" etc. you may
alter computer player names aswell. You change how many opponets you must face. And remember, birds of
a feather, DONT FIGHT EACH OTHER. You will NEVER be attacked by a computer player thats the same race as
you! You can add and remove players if you wish. The scenarios a very customizable.


!!! Section 2 !!!
In-Game Screens


Part I. "Main Viewer"

This is main viewer screen from which you play the game. The center of the screen is where you
will see the game in progress. There are two (2) sub-screens on the bottom left & right side of the main
viewer. The left screen is where you will receive messeages from your H.Q. concerning planet information
regarding structres, invasion, or attacks. This will appear as "text" or "Video" depending on what you
choose in the "Player(s)" screen for your player. The right screen is a montior screen, that you can use
to keep an eye on a planet, or unit. Handy for watching a battle from afar. Making good use of the right
"Sub-Screen" will prove to be handy if you are playing as the "Ship", less handy if you're the Phantom",
but still usefull. To make a planet or unit appear in the "Sub-Screen", move yourself (ship\phantom) over
what you wish to view, then push the dock button. Also, you can make a planet or unit appear in the
Screen" by highlighting it from the "Map" screen, and then highlighting it again. Finally, if you go into
orbit around a friendly planet, you can see how many troop units it has which is indicated by the number
in "( )" beneath the planet beside the planet's name. Ever time a enemey troop unit lands, that number
goes down by one (1). if you have ZERO (0) troop units, and an enemey troop unit lands, loss the
planet to the color of the invading unit. In turn, this aslo works againts the enemey, send enough troop
units to his planet, an its yours. And there is a small radar on the lower-right hand side of the screen.
It CANNOT see enemey units though, kinda useless.

Part II. "Planetary Command"

This is the "Planetary Command" screen. From here you make ALL the choices about what a planet is
going to produce; i.e. untis, structres. This screen is the same no matter what planet you goto, but each
planet will remain the same as you left it untill you return and give it new orders. Above the buttons
that lead to other screens, there is a black line. This line will become red or green once you start to
produce ANYTHING on a planet. When the line runs all the way to the left, the production is complete.
Below the buttons to the right, is a short range radar. ALL planets have these without building anything
on them. The radars range is rather short, so anything that you see comming for the planet WILL be there
soon. The buttons lead to the following screens in this order from left to right, top to bottom........

1) "Planet Info"

2) "Production"

3) "Planetary Improvements"

4) "Desrtoy Structures"

5) "Repair Structures"

6) "Map"

7) "Planet Economy"

8) "Storage Bay"

9) "Supply Lines"

Part III. "PLanet Info"

This is the "Planet Info" screen. From here you can see how far along any production is. You also
get a look at the planet's surface and any structres that might be on the planet, Bio Spheres, hydroponic
plants, factoryies, etc. etc.

Part IV. "Production"

Welcome to the production screen, you WILL come here very often. This is where ALL you're units
get the orders for,......PRODUCTION! From here you can choose between eleven (11) diffrent units to make
for you're war machine. The type of units, and the speed at which they get made, depend upon how many
factories the producing planet has. With zero (0) factories, NO PRODUCTION CAN HAPPEN! With only one (1)
factory, only the top row of units can be made. I will go into more detail later in section 6; part II.
The colord line (red\green) that appears at the top indicates how much production is need for the unit
you have highlighted (production speed depends on # of factories) to get produced. Beneath is a basic
screen showing co$t to build, and minerals need to build. IF you can afford something, it! If you
highligh the "troop unit" or "marauder", you will see a yello bar moving from left to right. This is the
Troop unit bar. It tells you how many units the planet has, and how much longer untill the next unit
becomes ready. Once you have chossen what to build, you have to choose to

1) Send it to a destination (V.I.A. the map).

2) Patrol area (V.I.A. the map). Up to four (4) patrol points can be given.

3) Travel to storge bay (on another FREINDLY planet).

4) Put in storage bay (providing that planet has one).

Part V. "Planetary Improvements"

This screen works JUST LIKE the "production" screen. Cost & minerals need V.S. what you have to

Part VI. "Destroy Structres"

From here you may choose to destroy any structres that you no longer want or need on the planet.
Some times removing structres is a good way to save money, or prevent an enemy player from getting a well
developed planet from you. If you scrap a structure, you get SOME minerals back from it!

Part VII. "Repair Structures"

From here you can choose to repair damaged or destroyed srtuctures. Structures that have been hit
by planet bombers, WILL NOT WORK! If a structure looks like it's on fire, REPAIR IT!

Part IIX. "Map"

This is a map of the system that you are in. You can look around at the planet positions and high
light a planet that you control (or have a scout nearby) to get more info about them. Move the cursor on
top of the planet you wish to veiw and engage it. If the cursor dose'nt turn green when its on top of the
planet, its NOT YOURS. You can also see units (yours or ones near scouts) from here, and can highlight
them for "Remote Viewing" aswell.

Part IX. "Planet Economy"

This screen reveals all economy aspects of the planet. There are four squares. If you higlight a
square, then engage it, you can get a look at the basic stats of the same nature from you're other planet
s, if you have any. To get the more detailed info, you must goto that planet however.

1) Population:

Max = Maximum population.
Rate = Rate of population growth per cycle.

2) Econom:

Net = Credits made every cycle.
Total = Total credits.

3) Food

Hydro = Hydroponics increase of food production.
Rate = Rate of food production\consumption.

4) Minerals
Mines = Mierals per cycle made by mines.
Rate = Rate of mineral collection per cycle.

Part X. "Storage Bay"

This is where any units (except convoys) can go to refuel
epair, and wait for further use. High
light the units you want to command and engage them. Top units are present, bottom units are the ones you
will be giving the orders to. Fighters & destroyers (if lauched by themselves) will have the option to
move to a destination, patrol, or goto a storage bay. If you put other untis types in with the fighters
or destroyers, it becomes a "escort" mission and the fighters\destroyers will take up formation with the
slower, non-offensive ships. This aslo gives you new launch options.........

1) Go & return: Tells the escorting fighters\destroyers to return to the storage bay once their escort
have completed their mission or get destroyed.

2) Go & remain: Tells the escorting fighters\destroyers to remain in orbit of the planet that they follow
ed their escort to.

3) Go & Disperse: Tells the escorting fighters\destroyers to remain in orbit of planet, but to set-up
random patrol points nearby. Rather than just sitting at one (1) point in a cluster.

4) Move to storage bay: Moves the whole group to a diffrent storage bay.

Part XI. "Supply Lines"

This is where you can move supplies (food, minarls, population) from one planet to the next. In
order to create a supply line, you most control the sending & recieving planets. When you choose to make
a new supply line, the screen will tell you how much of what the sending planet has. And how much of what
the receiving planet has. You CANNOT give orders to convoy units, and they will run untill the resource
they are carrying runs out from the sending planet. To stop them you must destroy them or use the "Supply
Lines" menu to do so. These are you're options........

1) Add new supply line.

2) Delete supply line.

3) View outgoing supply lines.

4) Veiw incoming supply lines.

You can cancel ANY supply line from ANY planet. When you choose to view supply lines in\out, only
convoy ships will appear on radar. You can highlight these convoys to see what they are carrying. Try not
to allow you're convoys to drain one planet of ALL its resources, keep an eye on those guys.

Part XII. "Direct Connection"

This screen allows you to give commands to any lanched units. Move your ship\phantom ontop of the
uint you want to give new orders to. You can tell that unit to "scrap" itself on the planet (freindly) of
you're choice to get more minerals there. The other options are just like the options from launch from
the storage bays.


!NOTE!: You CANNOT give direct connect (give new orders) to ANY uints in a escort mission, and you CANNOT
direct connect to CONVOY units. REMEMBER THIS!


Part XIII. "Esc.\Pause"

At ANYTIME during gameplay you may push the Esc. button to bring up this menu. You're options are
as follows..........

1) Return to game.

2) Save Game.

3) Change Music. Six (6) choices.

4) Exit Game (return to "Main H.U.B." screen).

5) Exit to D.O.S. (quit game).

Part IXV. "After Graph"

You come to this screen ONLY after winnig, lossing, or exiting the game. This screen will show
you all the numbers from the game. Indcluding................

1) Grpahs: Citizens, minerals, credits, ships, troop units, and bomber hits.

2) First: Indicates by color the most successfull color in the game.

3) Second: Indicates by color the next most successfull color in the game.

4) Show All: Indicates by color order of ALL colors in succesfullness.


!!! Section 3 !!!
Planetary Information



PC = Per cycle
PS = Post Surplus (will make more food after needed)
Pop = population (three (3) bio spheres)
Min = Minerals (max. pop & four (4) strip mines)
Rev = Revinue (max. pop, needed hydro\bio, no other structres, and 4000-5000 minerals on planet)
H\MP = Hydroponics need for maximum population
N.I? = Naturally Inhabitalbe (Y=biospheres not needed to start pop\N=biosperes are a must for ANY pop)
+2 = Excellent
+1 = Good
0 = Depends
-1 = Bad
-2 = Horrible (of strategic value only)

!!!!!! Value is judged by a planets ablity to be usefull ALL BY ITSELF. !!!!!!

Part I. "Earth" Planets

Earth Planets are generally the MOST valuable planets in the game due to there high numbers. They
can hold the HIGHEST populations, yeild a nice amount of minerals, and they dont NEED bio-spheres to put
populations on them. Earth planets will ALWAYS be the biggest tagets for invasion by the enemy, so if you
get'em,......KEEP'EM! Earth planets also can generate AMAZING amounts of revinue, if they are set-up in
the correct fashion. All in all, earth planets are pretty much ALWAYS worth the effort to control them.
Earth planet stats follow.....

Planet Type....Earth


Max. Pop.......1000

Max. Min.......65\pc

Max. Rev.......$252\pc



Part II. "Desert" Planets

Desert planets are the second most valueable planets in the game. They can make a good amount of
money and even BETTER minerals than earth planets, but earth planets make more money. They are kinda like
equal and opposite twins. Desert planets hold the second highest population levels, and will also be like
ly to fall under invasion from the enemy. These planets are best used for producing units as they get the
second most minerals in the game, and can still make revenue. All in all, desert planets are generally a
good investment, and worth holding on to. Desert planet stats follow.....

Planet Type....Desert


Max. Pop.......800

Max. Min.......99\pc

Max. Rev.......$212\pc



Part III. "Water" Planets

Water planets are not as usefull ase earth or desert planets, but are still good. They dont make
good minerals and the revinue is a little low. But where the lack in rocks & riches, they make up for it
with food,..and lots of it. Water planets produce insane amounts if food, so much in fact that they are
usefull as "food silos" for convoys. You can save a little money by making surplus food on these planets
and shipping it of to other planets that need it. Lower mineral levels hurt this planet the most. All in
all, water planets arent bad, just could be better. Water planet stats follow.....

Planet Type....Water


Max. Pop.......700

Max. Min.......48\pc

Max. Rev.......$204\pc



Part IV. "Ice" Planets

Ice planets are even less usefull than water planets. They cant hold very many people and yeild
hardly ANY minerals, even after all four (4) strip mines. And the $80\pc credits you spend to pay for
those strip mines virtually kills ANY profit these planets might make. They arent good for production of
you're war machine, and should be as cheap to run as possible. Try not to worry about these planets
unless you start with one, or one is up for EASY grabs. Ice planets can make surplus food though, with
three (3) hyrdoponics being needed to maintain max. pop, they STILL make more food afterward. Not as well
as water planets, but its a plus on a planet type that needs ALL the pluses it can get. Ice planet stats

Planet Type....Ice

Value..........-1 (0 under certain circumstances)

Max. Pop.......500

Max. Min.......22\pc

Max. Rev.......$156\pc



Part V. "Valcano" Planets

Valcano planets are super rich in minerals, but CANNOT support life w\o biospheres. Making their
maximun population a very low 300, meaning they wont make much money, and wont be able to support alot of
planetary improvements. They are EXCELLENT for making your war machine, as they seem to NEVER run out of
minerals, prompting you to build 2-3 factories on these planets to take advantage of their raw minerals.
Also, valcano planets have a strage ability. Even with NO population, if you build four (4) strip mines
on one, it will make 80 minerals\pc and cost 0 credits to maintan (with no other structures). A worryless
mineral JACKPOT! If you decide to use this type of planet for heavey production, it WILL NOT be a planet
that makes profit, so be sure to have another planet set-up to make lotsa profit to balance your account
with the galatic bank. All in all, valcano planets are generally a good idea to keep, but you gotta use
them right, or they can cost you a fortune. Valcano planet stats follow.....

Planet Type....Valcano

Value..........0 (+1 under certain circumstances)

Max. Pop.......300

Max. Min.......103\pc

Max. Rev.......$120\pc



Part VI. "Moon" Planets

Moon planets SUCK! They are down right USELSS! The only purpose they serve is a place to store a
fighter group for attack. Or perhaps one might be nearby and enemy planet or something. They are just NOT
worth the time or resources need to make them work. Moon planets aslo have a strange ablity. Even with NO
population, if you send 4000-5000 minerals to a moon planet (mine it there if you got the time) it will
make a profit of $80\pc credits. If you can get your hands on a moon planet thats near a valcano planet,
it DOSE make easy money, just load the planet with minerals and forget about it. ENJOY the $80\pc credits
that this trick will produce. All in all, moon planets should be left alone, unless they can serve a very
specific purpose. Moon planet stats follow.....


!NOTE!: Valcano planets can also do the $80\pc credits with no population trick! But by having the four
(4) strip mines on it, the planet will cost $80\pc credits to maintain and void out the profit. Whats is
more usefull? $80\pc credits really easy, or a endless amount of minerals waiting to be sent to another
planet? Its your call,...use your planets wisely. Should you choose to get the $80\pc credits, build up
ALL four (4) strip mines, and start gathering minerals untill the planet breaks even. Then scrap all the
strip mines, and collect the $80\pc credits you just cut out your exspenise budget.


Planet Type....Moon

Value..........-2 (0 under certain circumstances)

Max. Pop.......300

Max. Min.......10\pc

Max. Rev.......$120\pc




!!! Section 4 !!!
Resource Information


Part I. Credits

Credits are a basic resource in Star Reach; You cant make what you cant pay for. Credits come
from one (1) source,.....people. The bigger the population on your planet(s), the more credits it will be
able to rake in for your use. To get the BIGGEST populaton, you need to have ALL THREE (3) biospheres on
a planet, and it needs enough food to support the maximum population there. No food, no population. No
population, no credits, get it....? Credits have some weird things about them however. A planet will make
more credits if it has minerals on it. The more minerals, the more credits (untill around 4000-5000
minerals) the planet will make. So having minerals on your planet(s) can increase the amount of credits
that you generate. This is why (despite the instruction manual) moon & valcano planets can produce up to
$80\pc credits, even w\o a popluation on them.

Also, building any structure or producing any unit while youre planet has less than 4000-5000
minerals on it, will cause your credits\pc income to drop, due to the recent dip in minerals. Once you
get above 5000 minearls on a planet, building wont hurt youre credits\pc income unless you use too much
of youre minerals, and slip back below the line (4000-5000 minerals). Credits are not local, all planets
may make use of them without having to deliver them from one planet, to the next. Credits are the only
resource to do this.

Part II. Minerals

Minerals are the actuall material you make things from in Star Reach. Virtually ALL things cost
minerals to produce. Minerals come from the planet(s) that you control in four (4) ways.

1) The population living on the planet will mine for themselves. This is very slow and yeilds little to
no minerals, i.e. Valcano planets with maximun population and NO strip mines will yeild 23\pc minerals.

2) The strip mines you build on the planet. This is much faster (depending on the type of planet), and it
results in much hgiher minerals\pc.

3) Scraping units or structres. Doing this can give you a small but INSTANT boost on the amount of ready
to use minerals you have on your planet(s). The more minerals it cost to make, the more minerals you will
get for scraping it. You tend to get about 1\3 of the minerals you spent on it. however, scraping a unit
or a struture dose destroy it, make sure you wont miss it before you scrap it.

4) Supply lines. This is one way to get many minerals and other local resources from one planet to the
next quickly. A planet with NO population & NO strip mines can still stock up on minerals if you send
them there V.I.A. the supply line. Supply convoy units will carry 250 mineral points with each load.

Part III. Food

Food is an essetial part of anybodys diet! Without food, youre populations will either start to
shrink, stop growing, or not happen at all. Food comes from the planet(s) you control. Some planets make
much more food than others, soome make NONE AT ALL. Without food, you cant have people, and no people
means NO CREDITS! To get more credits, you need more people. To get mor people, you need more food. There
are three (3) ways to get food in Star Reach.

1) If a planet IS N.I. (naturally inhabitable), your population will grow as much as it can without the
help of hydroponics plants. This will NOT bring the population to max, but its a start.

2) Hydroponics plants. These structres will increase your planet(s) food\pc rate, allowing the population
to grow even farther. Up to four (4) hydroponics plants can be build on a planet.

3) Supply lines. Once again, the supply line saves the day (and maybe a few bucks), and planets all over
are happy. Supply convoy units will bring in 50 food points with each load.

Part IV. Populations

Populations are what the game is all about really, everbody wants to live on a planet thats safe
from constant attack,.....GOOD LUCK! Populations, w\o'em youre nowhere. There are two (2) ways to get a
population on a planet.

1) Start of the game. Most planets start with some kind of population on them.

2) Supply lines. OH JOY! All that time on a cargo transport unit, just to go live on a dusty rock in the
depths of space,....FUN :). Suply convoy units will bring in 50 people with each laod.

Part V. Time

Belive it or not, time IS a resource. Star Reach is a R.T.S. (Real. Time. Strategy.) and all
things happen at once in it. Time goes by in "cycles" in Star Reach. Each "cycle" is a un-specific length
of time in the game, and occurs about every 3-3.5 secsonds in reality. Every time a "cycle" passes, you
collect resourceses, providing that you're planets are profitable. Time is of the essence when it comes
to combat. The right time to attack you're opponent is right after a failled attack on you. Dont let time
escape you in this game.


!!! Section 5 !!!
Unit Information


Credits = Credits needed to produce

Mineral = Minerals needed to produce

Prod. level = Level of Production needed to produce (# of factories on producing planet)

Prod. Total = Total production needed (Length of production bar)

Use = General Use\Discrpition

Part I. Satelite



Prod. Level..........1

Prod. Total..........7

Use..................Basic Planetary Defense.

Satelites are a basic means of defending your planet(s). They revolve around the planet they are
produceded on, without ever leaving orbit. Satelites have the longest rang of all units, however, they
are not the most powerfull defense in th galaxy, They are esseintal though. Up to four (4) may be made
at any planet. ALL four (4) satelites orbiting a planet make up what I call a,... B.D.G. (Basic. Defense.
Grid.) and can shoot down a lone marauder unit!

Part II. Troop Carrier



Prod. Level..........1

Prod. Total..........5

Use..................Planetary Assualt.

Troop Carriers will take ground forces right into the heart of youre enemeys. If you land enough
of these things on a enemey planet, it becomes yours. They (and marauders) are the ONLY way to secure
control of a enemey or nuetral planet. Troop carriers are weak & CANNOT attack. Its best to send them
with an escort, or when there are NO enemeys to kill them.

Part III. Light Fighter



Prod. Level..........1

Prod. Total..........5

Use..................Space Combat, orbit zone defense\offense.

These are the most basic assualt units in the game. Sturdy & moderately cheap. A whole mass of
these units can beat down many-a-enemey. But there are not invincible, so send them in great numbers to
get the most from them. They aslo do a good job of defending your planet(s) orbit zone (where troop units
and bombers do their damage) pretty well. They CANT miss their targets when they fire!

Part IV. Repair Ship



Prod. Level..........1

Prod. Total..........10

Use..................Repairing & refueling freindly ships.

These ships are handy because in time ALL units will run out of fuel (except satelites) and stop
working. If a unit is serverly damaged, the reapir ship will automaticlly refuel and repair it. Same for
if it runs low on fuel. But even repair ships need to be refueled, so if you build one (1), build another
to refuel IT. These things work in pairs. There not very durable, so keep'em out of combat if you can.

Part V. Scout Ship



Prod. Level..........1

Prod. Total..........6

Use..................Intelligence gathering.

The scout ship is the fastest unit in the game. It has long range scanners and can even let you
view the "Planetary info" screen of an enemey planet, if it can get close enough. It can see enemy units,
and relay them to you on the "Map" screen. Dont let these things get shot, they break easily. And they
make a good distraction for assualting enemey fighters & destroyers. If a scout unit dose get attacked,
it will stop whatever it was doing and run.

Part VI. Destroyers



Prod. Level..........2

Prod. Total..........13

Use..................Heavy space Combat, orbit zone defense\offense.

The destroyer is alot like the light fighter, save a few changes. Its gun is ALOT more powerfull,
but dosnt have the reach or exact aim of the light fighter. They can take a great deal more punishment
too. They ARE worth the money and minerals, if you can afford to wait for them, they take awhile to build,
and a planet will need TWO (2) factories to produce one, running up your cost\pc exspenses.

Part VII. Missile Laucher



Prod. Level..........2

Prod. Total..........10

Use..................Specailized missile ship.

These ships will fire high-powered missiles at enemey cruisers (boss ship) and planet bombers,....
......I think. They CANNOT attack light fighters or destroyers, and are normally never used by me. You
should take some time out to see if you can get a srtategy for one. Heres a idea, surround your enemeys
H.Q. planet with these ships, they will kill him anytime he comes out. GOOD LUCK!

Part IIV. Marauder



Prod. Level..........3

Prod. Total..........20

Use..................Planetary assualt.

These things are DANGEROUS! They are pretty much troop units, on steroids, from hell! They are
the most heavily armored units in the game, and can launch super-charged misslies, ANYTHING.
(except satelites) Although a lone marauder will be destroyed by a B.D.G. EVERYTIME, anyone who sends a
sinlge marauder is throwing away their resources & men. The computer wont do this too often. FEAR THE
MARAUDER! They are pracrtically GUARUNTEED to penitrate your planet's defenses.

Part IV. Pirate



Prod. Level..........3

Prod. Total..........18


Yep, thats right! Pirates can make an enemey unit yours. They emit long beams in the color of
your player, and make enemeys OBEY! They work best in numbers. Try sending a whole butt load of these
units to an enemey's planet that isnt well defended, and watch what happens. Pricey but worth while if
you can afford them.

Part V. Planet Bomber



Prod. Level..........3

Prod. Total..........10

Use..................Specailized missile ship.

These things bring new meaning to the phrase "Death from above". They get into orbit and then
they launch NUKES at the surface of the enemey planet, killing troop units, destroying structres, and
generally delivering choas from the stars. They are cheap compared to other Prod. Level 3 units. These
guys work GREAT in numbers. By the time they leave their target there are no working structures and NO
TROOP UNITS! But they CANNOT defend themselve at all. Have fun. :)


!!! Section 6 !!!
Structre Information


Part I. Headquarters




Prod. Total...16

Use...........Designates your "Home Planet".

This structre has but one (1) use. Which ever planet you build this on, will be your "H.Q.", and
where you return if your crusier is destroyed. If you lose control of your "H.Q." planet you lose control
of EVERYTHING, you LOSE! Be SURE not to let this planet be captured, or else........! Take advantage of
this universal weakness and try to capture the "H.Q." planet of your enemeys. All other planets they
control with revert back to the "nuetrual" state. And I think that any planetary improvements they made
will remain aswell,..I think. You can have only ONE (1) of these, on only one (1) planet.

Part II. Factory




Prod. Total...24


These structres cost alot, and take long time to build. Plus they cost $30\pc credits to maintain
on a planet. In order to produce destroyers or bombers, you WILL need more than one of these on any
planet that you want to produce them on. These are the most costly\pc exspences when more than one (1)
is present on a planet. Be sure you can afford to build more than one. Three (3) per planet is the max.

Part III. Storage Bay




Prod. Total...23

Use...........Unit repair
efuel & storage.

These structres are very handy for luanching big assualts on the enemey. Up to eight (8) units of
any type (except convoy freighters) can be stored here for later use. There is power in numbers, and the
use of storage bays allows you to prove that phrase to be ture. Its hard to luanch an effective assualt
w\o atleast one of these structres on one of your planets. One (1) per planet

Part IV. Defense




Prod. Total...19

Use...........Planetary Defense.

These structures are used to destroy landing troop units that have made it through the planets
orbit defense. About 1\3 of landing troop units will be lost to these structures. I think the also try to
stop bomber ships's missiles before they can hit your planet,.......I THINK. The key here is NOT letting
enemey troop units make it past orbit, eliminatiing the need for this structure. One (1) per planet.

Part V. Bio Shpere




Prod. Total...8

Use...........Life support.

Bio Shperes increase the maximum population that a planet can support by 100. Up to three (3) of
these can be build on any planet. planets that cannot support life w\o them (i.e. moon, valcano) must
have these (and food) on theme before you can send colonist to the planet, making their max. pop = 300.
Other planets can support life, and will have higher max. population levels.

Part VI. Strip Mine




Prod. Total...7

Use...........Mineral gathering.

These structres increase the mineral\pc rate on a planet, making minerals pile up faster. They do
come in handy when attempting to build structures & units, as w\o them, you might never gather minerals
fast enough. Up to four (4) of these may be build on a planet.

Part VII. Hydroponics




Prod. Total...8

Use...........Food production.

These structures are usefull for making more food on a planet. They can make a food rich planet,
even richer, and a foodless planet, have food. You may have up to four (4) of these on a planet.


!!! Section 7 !!!
General Strategy


Part I. Basic Rules

1) Kill or be killed.

2) If you lose your "H.Q." planet, your done. The same goes for the enemey.

3) There is power in numbers, and the enemey knows this. Act like you do too.

4) Destroyers kill lighter fighters (1-on-1) EVERYTIME!

5) As the cruiser (mother ship), you cannot fly around forever. And you're not free to make.

6) Intelligence is priceless. Get some as fast as you can.

Part II. What to do
ot to do

DO: Build a B.D.G. on your planet(s) right away!

DO NOT: EVER leave a planet defenseless
DO: Focus on running a stable economy from all planets combined.

DO NOT: Over build at first, you will be bankrupt before you know it.
DO: Allow planets that are nolonger on the "front lines" to scrap some structures to make more credits.

DO NOT: Allow your units to defend planets not under threat of attack. You can only have soo many units.
DO: Use blockades on enemey planets to prevent their units from going anywhere.

DO NOT: Allow your enemey to build up un-hindered.
DO: Set ALL computer enemeys to use the cruiser "ship" as their means of control. Block them out!

Do NOT: Mak youre computer opponents "phantoms", save this only for you, and other human players.
DO: Use multiple storage bays to luanch raids on enemey planets.

DO NOT: Send units one at a time.
DO: Keep an eye on your WHOLE empire, never let a planet site if its not set-up for profit.

DO NOT: Expand so fast that you cannot keep ALL planets productive.
DO: Send units on suicide missions in large numbers from time to time.

DO NOT: Try to corrdinate a single massive assualt. If it fails, you will be out of units & ripe to kill.
DO: Try to destroy any enemey supply lines you encounter.

DO NOT: Let your supply line run w\o escorts on patrol.
DO: Keep repair ships handy, and two at a time.

DO NOT: Allow your units to become sitting ducks from lack of fuel.
DO: Keep a few non-fighting ships orbiting your planet(s) to distract incoming raiders.

DO NOT: Attempt to fight off a raiding party if you are the cruiser ("ship"). Run away.
DO: Use planet bombers on planets you dont want to take, but wish to disable.

DO NOT: Bomb planets you wish to inhabit, unless you are ready to reapir the structres first.
DO: Use any tactic to win.

DO NOT: Give up.

Part III. The "Boone" Layout

This part is intended to be a map of my favorite scenario "Boone". I will try to show how lines
work, to give you an idea of when its safe to "stop defending" a planet. Boone is a great scenario in
that it has four (4) possible players, and only five (5) planets.FOur of them are earth, and the last is
a desert. here is kinda how it looks.....

\ O <- Earth
Earth -> O O O <- Earth (H.Q.)

O <- Earth

If you were to control the top, bottom middle and right, the left planet would have to invade to
one of the other planets, before it could attack you're H.Q. making you're H.Q. safe from immidiate
attack, reducing the need for defense.

See how H.Q. is in a straight line with the desert planet? Try filling up storage bays on these
two planets, and then launching from the H.Q. planet first. Then when the first fleet passes by the
desert planet, launch its storage bay. This is a good way to compile a massive strike force. There are
other scenarios that have planets in straight lines like this.

Give Boone a shot, you should like it. Its a good "combat training" scenario. But dont forget
to play the actuall "training " scenarios.

part IV. Invasion Planning

In this part of the F.A.Q.s\strategy guide, I will attempt to give you some basic and advanced
invasion skills. First and foremost, how you invade should depend upon how the enemy is defended. To get
this information, you will need to see the space around the planet you wish to invade which is why I
ALWAYS use the "phantom" control style. The phantom cannot be destroyed, intercepted, run out of fuel,
or otherwise hindered. Plus its faster than the cruiser (ship) and makes a excellent spy. If you do use
the cruiser, you might have a hard time seeing a planets space without being killed, or lossing your a
scout unit.

The computer is werid about how it defends its planets, usually it uses satelites & fighters.
Sometimes it has a whole armada of scouts over its planets, causing your attacking forces to shoot the
harmless, while being killed by defenses. So pay attention to what units are there, and you will have a
better chance on winning the battle.

Generally, you should send a destroyer or five (5) fighters, for every fighter they have. Over
whelm youre opponent with numbers. Though powerfull, destroyers are pricey, and slow to build. A whole
swarm of fighters can do just as good a job. Try sending in diffrent types of units awell, i.e. fighters+
destroyers + a scout or two. You can try to send in landing parties with escort, in the hopes that the
troop units with penitrate defenses hile the fighters & destroyers do their thing.

A better way is to set up a blockade at an enemey planet, then send in ground forces, as they do
take time to assemble, and must leave one planet, to attack another. If the planet you are attacking is
invisible due to the number of units gaurding it, send wave after wave to reduce their numbers. If you
take a planet w\o removing its defending units, those units (except satlites) will now be orbiting your
planet, and can cause you problems. Satelites will convert to your color if there are any left.

Try using planet bombers on the enemeys H.Q. planet, to remove them from the game quickly. But be
ready to grab up all their left over planets FAST, before somebody else dose. In time you will learn your
own ways of assualting, these are just a few.

Part V. Defense Planning

Build a B.D.G. (Basic. Defense. Grid.) Right away. Try to have atleast eight (8) light fighters
on patrol around your planet at all times. be sure to give them two (2) repair ships so they dont run out
of fuel and can be reapired. Follow this pattern on any planet that might fall under attack. For your
H.Q. planet, add 4-8 destroyers to the mix, pluse another repair ship. Also, some scouts to lure fire
from the defenders will help aswell.

Look back at the "Boone" layout,.....................go on. See how the middle planet can be hit
from ALL SIDES? Set your defenders up to fly in a tight (close) square or diamond pattern around and near
the planet. The other planets all have a "cold" side (no chance of attack from that direction), so have
youre defenders fly in tight triangle patterns, so they dont end up defending the cold side of the planet
from an attack hat WONT come.

As always, the more units you have, he better your chances. But dont over do it, can only
have so many units. You dont want to not be able to make an inavasion force becasue H.Q. is greedy for
units. If an attack is likely to come from one planet, try sending death squads (eight (8) fighters) to
hassle your enemey, maybe you'll catch a invading party before it gets to your area.

This next trick can be considered attacking or defending. Send a death squad on a patrol route
that takes them past several enemey planets so they fly back and forth, shooting things before the enemey
can use them. But do this early, before the planets defense are too much for hasslers to beat. And lastly
If you can afford it, surround a planet with pirates, anything that comes there will be yours.

Part VI. Ship V.S. Phantom

Ah, the age old question. How to run my empire, ship or phantom? Look at the facts first, then

1) Ship:

The ship control style gives you the fastest craft in te game, but it has its drawbacks. The ship
can be destroyed by the enemey, causing you to be returned to your H.Q., and forcing you to spend mineral
points to re-build yourself. The ship has a limited amount of travel that it can do, before runing out of
fuel and exploding. Although the ship can fire, and aid in fights, its armor is rather low and it is very
easy to destroy. Its the fast craft, but it takes time to get from one planet to the next. And if the
system you are playing in is big & you get destroyed, you will have a long way to travel to return to the
area you wnat to be in. Becasue the ship can be destoyed, it is possible for the enemey to block you out
from a planet by placing a blockade, making it impossible for you to control that planet, even though you
own it. The ship can drag slower units i.e. troop units, repair ships, bobmers, buy starting a direct
connecton, then moving in the directuon you want the unit to go. by not allowing the unit to contact you,
you can make it move faster than normal,....rush that troop unit to the enemey planet. One at a time only

2) Phantom:

The phantom is unlike the ship in many ways. It cannot be destroyed or run out of fuel, meaning
that its IMPOSSIBLE to be blocked out of your planet(s) with units. Its the fastest THING in the galaxy
aswell, much faster than the ship. It cannot shoot, or aid in combat though. And it drag units in tow
like the ship can. Plus its best feature is the ablitiy to spy without regard. you can always see how
well a lpanet is defended by just going and having a look. This woud get you killed as the ship.

Well? What do you think? Ship or Phantom?

Part VII. Is it Cheating?

1) Go into "My Computer".

2) Goto the "C:" drive.

3) Goto where you installed Star Reach.

4) Open the "DATA" folder.

5) Look for files: Ships.cfg, planet.cfg, and structs.cfg

6) Alter the numbers to your liking.

Is it cheating, if you change the production time of a destroyer from normal to two (2) seconds?
The computer will also be affected by this aswell. Is it cheating if you make the maximum population of
a earth planet 1600? Or by making moon planets inhabitable W\O biospheres or hydroponics? The computer
will also be affected by this. Is it cheating to make structres not have any cost\pc? I do belive this
is up to you, but some advice.......

1) Be ready to "re-install" Star Reach. These files are easily screwed, and you can leave the game acting
very strangely.

2). NEVER EVER make food or population or minerals rates too much higher than the are. It causes the
planets to "GO CRAZY", and loss all populations,...perminantly!

3) Anything you change to your pleasing, will affect the computer. Be carefull with $0 cost units at 0
time to make.


5) Here is what I know already regarding Max levels & whatnot.

* "PopCeil" = The highest population on that type of planet w\o bioshperes.

* "FdCeil" = The population level at which normal food gathering (no hydroponics) will not be enough to
sustain continued growth of the population on that type of planet.

* "FdRate" = The rate at which that type of planet produces food normally (no hydroponics).

* "MinRate" = The rate at which that type of planet will make minerals. This is a strange variable, and
I'm not sure EXACTLY how this works, but the higher this number, the more minerals....somewhow.

* "StripRate" = The amount of minerals that EACH indivual strip mine will add to your minerals\pc on that
type of planet, regardless of population.

* The max, population that ANY planet can have w\o going crazy is 1600. Either make this the number of
your "Popceil" variable, or make it 130 to force the need of biospheres to reach max. pop. Anything more
than 1600 (even 1601) will cause the planet to "GO CRAZY", leaving you with a perminant 0 pop.

* Their dosent seem to be a max food amount, but TOO MUCH food will make the planet "GO CRAZY", again
leaving you with a perminant 0 pop. Make the food rate no more than 100. With this food wont be a

* Making the "Popceil" anything more than zero (0) on moon & valcano planets will allow them to support
life w\o biospheres (mut have food aswell) up to the amount you choose.

* Making the "FdRate" on moon & valcano planets anything mor than zer0 (0) will allow them to make food
w\o hydroponics plants.

* Earth planets with a food rate of 2 WILL NOT need hydroponics plants to support max. pop of 1600.

* Try giving repair ships 9999 fuel, to make them last longer w\o need to refuel.

* HATE MARAUDERS? Reduce their armor to reduce their level of threat. WARNING: Making marauders useless
DOSE remove you of the units usefullness aswell.

* Try giving convoy units 5x more armor to help them survive when attacked.

* Dont be afarid to reduce cost or time needed to make something, just be ready for the computer to take
advantage of it aswell.

* Dose the pc\cost of factories prevent you from making two (2) or three (3) on a planet? Try making the
variable zero (0). Now its free to run\pc

* Last but not least. MAKE SURE you line up all the numbers underneath their respective variables, other
wise the game wont work. New numbers WONT affect a saved game. Copy the Ships, structs, planet.cfg files
so that way NO MATTER how much you mess them up. You can replace them w\o re-installing Star Reach.

If you come across any other cool tricks or ideas with the .cfg files, let me know so I can put
them on this F.A.Q.s and give you you're credit due. Thanks


!!! Section 8 !!!


Q: "I can't seem to ever have enough money to build things....why?"

A: "Watch you're economy, make sure you try to increase your populations. And try not to remain on one
planet only. Even earth planets can only make so much."

Q: "I can't seem to ever have enough minerals to build things....why?"

A: "Build more strip mines."

Q: "Why is it that when I send a unit to a storage bay, or make one to go there, I see it arrive but it's
not there whenI look?

A: "There are some glitches in this game. Try not to be in the storage bay screen as a unit is arriving
to go there, it might cause them to vanish. Same goes for uits being made there."

Q: "All my units quit moving, and become useless, even the repair ship. How do I correct this?"

A: "Even repair ships need to be refueled. Use them in pairs."

Q: "Sometimes a troop unit will come to my planet and seem to land there, but my troop unit count dosent
go down, and the "planet under attack" message never plays Why is this?"

A: "Some glitches are just too werid!"

Q: "Sometimes troop units will try to land, but then run away. And then land while running from my planet
and not being in orbit. This int fair, why is it happening?"

A: "Again, some glitches just are,...sorry"

Q: "Is there anyway to get more than five (5) troop units on a planet W\O having to send them from other


A: "YES! You will need a storage bay, and alot of time. Fill youre storage bay with plain troop units.
Now allow the troop count to become five (5) again (the highest it gets on its own), now wait for the
troop unit to get very close to making the next unit. Right before you make that wasted sixth (6th) unit,
build one more troop unit, and send it to some other planet. Now exit the planet and hold that unit in
place untill the planet replaces it. Once the troop unit bar gets back to five (5) (this should happen
VERY quickly) order that unit back to the planet. Now you should have six (6) troops units present on the
planet. Then one-by-one, send the units in the storage bay to anther planet, then when the leave,
connect to them, and order them to the planet they just left as reinforcements. 5+9=14. 14 troop units is
the most that one planet can give itself. Dont forget, you most NOT launch the troop units at the same
time, or you WONT be able to give them new orders , and will have wasted your time. Try this on your H.Q.
to make it very hard to take. You MUST BE willing to WAIT to pull this trick off. GOOD LUCK!


Q: "Why is the music all choppy and broken?"

A: "Dont ask me. I've never been able to get the music to run properly."

Q: "I'm having trouble winning a scenario, is there anything I can do to ease the challenge?"

A: "YES! Try removing a player from the game. Or perhaps, making the player an allie."

Q: "Is there anyway to increase the challenge of a scenario?"

A: "Yup. Try making ALL other players the same race."

Q: "What happens when you win all scenarios?"

A: "Nothing"

Q: "Are there any diffrences between races?"

A: "Only in the picture you get, and the voice they have."

Q: "If Braquellians are robots, why do they need food?"

A: "?"

Q: "Whats the best choice, ship or phantom?"

A: "Im saying phantom, you can touch it,...literally"

Q: "Is it true that a "Fleet" (8 units, launched from a storage bay) of marauders is likely to
successfully penitrate ANY planetary defense, and wipe out half the defending units in the process?

A: "Yup."

Q: "Is there anything I can do to protect myself from this most hanus of attacks?"

A: "Yes, try reading the above answer thats between the line of stars."

Q: "Do I get anything speacial for having read this entire F.A.Q.s, word for word?"

A: "Indeed, you get the bounty of knowledge that comes from 100's of hours, over many years of playing
this game, all in about 2 hrs."

Q: " Is there anything else I should know?"

A: "Yes, green is the best color to be."

Q: "Why?"

A: " It just is"


!!! Section 9 !!!
My Rating of the Game



Thanks for reading this. It took me about 6hrs to write. If you want to add something, or have a
question for the F.A.Q.s part, please fell free to contact me. I will give you credit for your addtions.
I would like to thank Interplay for making this game. Be sure to check out there other great games like..

1) Rock & Roll Racing.

2) Black Thorn.

3) Can you name more great games from Interplay?

Copyright Greg Solomon 2002

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