Runabout 2

Runabout 2

17.10.2013 12:57:43


Wolf Feather/Jamie Stafford

Initial Version Completed: January 5, 2003
FINAL VERSION Completed: January 12, 2003


Spacing and Length
Main Menu
Mission #1
Mission #2
Mission #3
Selection Point
Mission #4
Mission #5
Mission #6
Mission #7
Mission $8
Mission #9
Mission #10
Mission #11
Mission #12
Mission #13
Mission #13A
ASCII Map: Mission #12


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Runabout 2 is a Japanese mission-based driving game which was brought over to North America... and this is quite evident in the game's sounds/dialogues and the gameplay. The English voice-acting is corny at best and always limited to brief sound bytes, and some of the pedestrians yell various things in Japanese instead of English. Also, the Japanese drive on the LEFT-HAND side of the road, which can be a major adjustment for those in the States or in other countries where the custom is to drive on the right-hand side of the road.

Once these items have been set aside, Runabout 2 is a rather interesting and actually addictive game. The premise is that the player is essentially a mercenary-type delivery person, picking up and delivering various packages while occasionally also being sent to eliminate things. There are a total of thirty-one vehicles in the game from which the player can choose (some missions will use two or more vehicles), of which five vehicles are initially available. The game itself is relatively easy, but the missions do require a bit of planning and strategy - few missions (if any) can be completed on the first attempt.

This guide presents a walkthrough for the completion of the game's thirteen missions. Unfortunately, the number of missions is relatively small, as they can easily be accomplished in well less than a day (with appropriate planning and strategy); in fact, it generally took me longer to write a walkthrough for each mission than it took me to successfully complete it. There is a bonus mission as well, which becomes available once the main thirteen missions have been completed.

After the first three missions, the player is given the
option of working on Mission #4 OR Mission #5. This is a divergence point in the game; depending on the mission selected at this point in the game, some of the following missions are automatically skipped, but can be attempted once ALL the missions in that 'thread' have been successfully completed.


The main menu of the game holds five items, explained below:

This is the main area of the game, containing all the

Time Trial
Once the player has completed a mission, it can be
selected in Time Trial, and the player can try to complete
it in a faster time.

The initially-available vehicles and the unlocked vehicles
can all be selected here and modified and tested. If Test
Run is selected, the player can select (on the next
screen) between the Short Course and the Long Course. The
Short Course is entirely pavement-based, whereas the Long
Course also includes a lengthy off-road section. Several
of the missions in Runabout Mode take place in off-road
territories, so the player should DEFINITELY test the
various vehicles on the Long Course.

PC Room
This lists all the e-mail the player has received.
Some e-mail messages include tips for upcoming
missions in Runabout Mode.
Ranking List
This section contains time, money, and vehicle records
for Runabout Mode progress.
There are nearly 100 'goodies' in the game. These
range from unlockable vehicles to various cutscenes.
Selecting the number of some 'goodies' will indicate
how they can be attained.
The player's name can be customized for use in
Runabout Mode and in the e-mails.
Game options are determined here.

Access Data
Game progress can be saved and loaded here. Note that
ONLY Memory Card Slot 1 is used for Runabout 2.


The objective here is to deliver the Dragon's Fang from the airport to the Yacht Harbor exhibition center. The mission begins just outside the airport terminal. There are two shortcuts on this mission which will definitely help to save time.

Shortly after leaving the airport terminal area, the roadway will turn to the left, but there will be a road heading straight ahead into a large reddish double-door. Smashing through these doors (the first shortcut) reveals an airplane hangar with two planes and plenty of workers inside. It is imperative to avoid the equipment, barrels, and airplane wheels while veering to the left (to just behind the planes) to a 'corridor' leading to another pair of large reddish
double-doors; breaking through these doors will lead back to the roadway headed back toward the main part of the city.

Shortly afterward, the roadway turns to the right; follow the roadway. Almost immediately after completing this right-hand right-angle turn is an opening on the right to the beach (the second shortcut). Being a nice summer day, the beach is filled with people, as well as concession stands and lifeguard lookouts; the player must keep on the accelerator no matter what might be hit.

Eventually, the roadway will appear ahead; even though it appears that the beach continues on to the right (toward the objective), staying on the beach instead results in a dead- end, so the player must instead get back on the roadway and continue on to the right. From here, the player can simply follow the roadway.

Ahead on the right, a tall building will appear; this is the Yacht Harbor exhibition center. The entrance to Yacht Harbor itself is ahead, where the roadway is barricaded; turning right (180 degrees) will allow the player access to the Yacht Harbor parking lot. The yachts will now be on the left as the player approaches the building; at the end of the mooring area, the player must turn to the left to get to the back side of the building, then smash through the fencing on the right to complete this mission.


Before beginning this mission, it is a good idea to test several of the available vehicles on the long Test Track. This is because the beginning of Mission #2 is entirely dirt, and the long Test Track includes a lengthy dirt section. Those will rally-racing experience should be able to put their skills to work with this mission (and the long Test Track).

The mission begins at the back gate of a residence in the
mountains; the entire first half of the mission involves getting from this residence to the market plaza via a twisting dirt road snaking along the floor between mountains. There are a few vehicles (moving and stationary) along this dirt road, as well as a few REALLY tight corners, so the player needs to be constantly aware of what is coming up ahead.

Once in the market plaza, the player will notice a red dot on the map in the lower-left corner of the screen; this dot is the target car which must be destroyed (rammed). However, the market plaza itself must first be traversed, and this is definitely NOT an easy task. The player needs to edge to the left a little and head through a break in the wall on the opposite end of the market plaza. However, the market plaza itself is definitely full of obstacles, including the support poles of a pavilion and a swimming pool.

Once through the break in the wall, the player should see a
gas station ahead; if the enemy car (marked with an arrow
over it) is not already here, it will be momentarily. This
is the place to 'ambush' the enemy vehicle, slamming into it
to destroy it and collect the Sacred Cup. Note that the support pillars for the gas station overhang are not breakable, and hitting the gas pumps themselves will create explosions which send the player's car airborne (and thus out of the player's control).

Now the player must hurry back to the airport. Turning right (in relation to where the player came through the break in the wall) will lead back toward the airport. Eventually, the beach will appear on the left; look for the LEFT turn in the roadway to head back toward the airport.

The player should now be familiar with the hangar shortcut
from Mission #1 (see above); using this shortcut will save
some valuable time. Once back at the airport terminal, the player must crash through its massive windows (avoiding the support pillars) to complete the mission.


This mission takes place at night, and involves TWO vehicles (the first vehicle is one the player chooses; the second vehicle is a motorcycle with a special gate opener for the parking garage). Beginning at the gas station beside the hotel, the player needs to head straight ahead (i.e., to the left of the hotel itself) and through the following intersection. This is the New Bypass, which will lead the player to the Neon District.

At the Neon District (the first intersection), the player
must turn to the right and follow the Neon District's main
road toward the Shopping Mall. The entrance to the Shopping Mall is extremely narrow and is flanked by statues which will not break, thus causing the player's chosen vehicle to bounce backward if hit.

Once inside the Shopping Mall, the player must look for the
fountain; edging to the right side to the rear of the
fountain will reveal an arrow, and the player must drive to that arrow. At this point, time will pause momentarily while the player is automatically switched to the new vehicle (a motorcycle).

Now the player needs to backtrack through the Shopping Mall
and the Neon District; at the New Bypass intersection, the player must keep dealing straight ahead toward the Showgirl Club (a long building on the left-hand side of the road). Look ahead for the international Parking Area sign (a large white 'P' in a blue square) and turn to the left at that
sign; this will lead into the Showgirl Club's underground parking garage.

The parking garage has arrows on the floor pointing the
player in the right direction; the object here is for the player to descend all the way to level B4 (the fourth floor
underground) to the emergency elevator. These arrows can at times be a bit hard to spot at speed. Also, trying to make a sharp turn on the motorcycle at high speed will instead cause the vehicle to do a doughnut, which will obviously cost the player a bit of time.


Here, the player can select between Mission #4 and Mission
#5. The choice the player makes here will determine the missions given to the player in the future. Depending on the mission selected at this point in the game, some of the following missions are automatically skipped, but can be attempted once ALL the missions in that 'thread' have been successfully completed.

Regardless of whether the player chooses Mission #4 or
Mission #5, once the player has completed all missions in
that 'track,' the player will then be able to select from ANY of the unlocked missions to play again. This means that is the player initially selected Mission #4 and then successfully completes Mission #12, she or he can then
(thankfully) go back and select Mission #5 without repeating the first three missions of the game.


Mission #4 is another nighttime mission. This time, the
player must capture the Crystal Skull (by ramming and destroying an enemy car) and deliver it to a tent near the Neon District. As the player approaches the Town Hotel, the enemy's car will be represented by a red dot on the map (in the lower-left corner of the screen); once in sight, the player needs to ram the enemy vehicle (indicated by an arrow
overhead) to collect the Crystal Skull.

Once this has been accomplished, the player again takes New Bypass back toward Neon District. At the Neon District intersection, the player can save time by turning left and following the road around toward the goal (represented by a flashing yellow dot on the map).

There will be a group of large yellow tents ahead on the
right; however, direct access to these tents is largely
blocked by an immovable metal fence. The player must look
for the break in this fence to pass through to the tents themselves and thus complete the mission.


Taking place at night, the first part of Mission #5 begins at the rear of the Town Hotel and takes a NARROW alleyway around the hotel complex. One bump of the walls at high speed will bring the chosen vehicle to a complete standstill, costing valuable time.

Once at the front of the hotel complex, shortcutting through the parking lot (on the right) will save a second or two. Following the roadway around will bring the player to an
intersection; continuing on straight ahead is the fastest route, but there is also an enemy vehicle waiting to steal the cargo.

At the next intersection, the player must turn to the left;
at the following intersection, the player must continue straight ahead. Eventually, it will appear that the roadway is barricaded; breaking through this barricade will end the mission.


This is an information-gathering mission. Beginning at a
train station, the player must turn left at the first intersection and follow that road around to the next intersection, again making a left-hand turn. This 'alleyway' will turn shortly to the right, but will provide a straight full-speed shot to Apollo Shrine (with its tall pillars and dogleg to the right).

Once past Apollo Shrine, the player will be in the area where the curio shops are located; there are four shops, and the player must enter each in order to gather information. The approximate location of the curio shops is noted by the red dots on the map, as enemy vehicles will be near each one. The required information can itself be gathered by breaking through the large glass windows to gain entry to each curio shop. ONLY when the player has obtained the required information from ALL FOUR curio shops should she or he proceed to the next step of the mission.

The player now needs to get to the meeting point near Santan-
J Bridge as quickly as possible. Continuing to move AWAY
from Apollo Shrine, the player will come to a large circular plaza with a fountain at its center. Edging around the fountain to the left will reveal a large gateway; IF the required information has been obtained from all four curio shops, then this gate will be open (otherwise, the gate will remain locked and cannot be broken through at any speed).

Shortly beyond the large gateway, the roadway turns to the right. However, the player can make use of the shortcut through the Roman National Museum, breaking through the large double-doors and IMMEDIATELY veering to the right in order to avoid the painting directly ahead. Breaking through the next set of large double-doors will bring the player back to the
roadway; continuing ahead and following the roadway will lead to the meeting point to complete the mission.


Also taking place at nighttime, this mission is tricky. The concept here is to go to each of the designated telephone booths in the order indicated, and then head to the goal area (near the starting point) as quickly as possible. After successfully reaching each telephone booth, the countdown timer is refreshed to a given time limit; the refreshed time limit will vary depending upon the distance to the next telephone booth.

There is plenty of traffic on the streets on this night, including a few vehicle collisions independent of any the player may cause in attempting to successfully complete this mission. This city is definitely based upon Tokyo, as traffic drives on the left-hand side of the street, and most of the sidewalks also have guardrails. This latter point is very important, because the location of many telephone booths within breaks of guardrails means that the player will usually not be able to simply edge onto the sidewalk, smash a telephone booth, and edge back out onto the street without any significant reduction in speed; instead, the player should slow greatly to hit each telephone booth, and then back away and quickly get going in the indicated direction.

Only one telephone booth will appear initially on the map in the lower-left corner of the screen; this is indicated by a single red dot. Once each telephone booth has been hit, either the next red dot will appear, or a red arrow pointing the way toward the next telephone booth will appear; in this latter case, the red arrow will disappear once the player is close enough to the next telephone booth for its red dot to appear on the screen.

Once the final telephone booth has been hit, there will be a message on the screen indicating that all telephone booths have been tested. Here, the player must turn around 180 degrees and head back to the main (wider) street and turn to the right. The player must continue on ahead until the flashing yellow dot appears to indicate the goal area.


This is a rather lengthy mission with multiple steps. First, the player must successfully navigate the highway portion, which twists and turns and sometimes runs through tunnels. Once chased by the police car, the player must exit the highway and try to outrun the police, which is difficult to do. Once in the city itself, there are eight shrines which must be destroyed. At the opposite end of the city is the Main Promenade leading up to Suigaku Temple, where the tall statues must be destroyed.

With all the destruction involved in this mission, the player can take some solace in the fact that TWO vehicles can be selected for this mission. The player will begin the mission with the first vehicle chosen; the second vehicle selected will be awaiting the player at the gas station (near the rear entrance to Suigaku Temple) on standby in case it is needed (due to excessive damage to the primary vehicle).

The eight shrines are shown on the map as red dots. However, they are placed in awkward places, such as at the outside corner of a right-hand turn and just around the apex of another corner. The player will almost certainly require multiple attempts to complete this mission simply to strategize a path to destroy the eight shrines as quickly and as efficiently as possible given their difficult-to-access locations.

Once at Suigaku Temple, there is a ramp leading up into the temple itself. Both giant statues must be destroyed to bring the mission to a close.

Note that it is VERY important to remember that Runabout 2 is originally a Japanese game. Therefore, during the highway portion of the mission, the player should try to keep to the LEFT side of the highway as much as possible.


This mission requires making a delivery to a boat, then switching vehicles and making a run to another boat (at a different location) which will transport the player elsewhere. This mission takes place in a desert/tropical setting. Also, this is a two-vehicle mission; the player begins the mission in the first vehicle, then must retrieve the second vehicle later in the mission.

The player begins in the desert, nestled within a town or village. The mission begins with a turn to the left followed by a turn to the right. At this point, the roadway passes through a large building, but there is VERY little room at the entrance, so it is perhaps best to wait a moment for the truck to come out toward the player to ensure that there is enough room to pass; this will cost less time than ramming either the truck or the wall in trying to squeeze through.

Once through the building, the roadway passes through a tropical area. Also, an enemy vehicle will tail the player; if the player is rammed by the enemy vehicle, the film (which must be delivered to the first boat) will be lost, and the player required to restart the mission.

Eventually, the road will fork. The first boat is located along the right-hand fork. Eventually, this fork will lead toward a body of water, which will be seen first on the map in the lower-left corner of the screen. The player needs to simply slow and approach this small boat to deliver the film.

At this point, the player should notice a black dot along the other fork of the map. Continuing ahead, the player should follow the roadway to the next intersection, and turn left toward that dot. A downward-pointing arrow will indicate the place to where the player must drive; this will pause the countdown timer momentarily as the vehicle change takes place.

Fortunately, the second vehicle is already pointing back
toward the intersection passed moments earlier, so there is
no need to turn around. At the intersection, the player must turn to the left. At the next intersection, the roadway darkens and enters another desert section; turning right here will lead toward the transport boat.

Following the roadway, the player will eventually pass
through the outer wall of another desert town. Just inside this wall is another intersection; continuing straight ahead is the quickest way to the transport boat, but there will be some nasty, tight turns (including a hairpin corner) along the way.

At last, the transport boat will be on the left. On
approach, it looks like a tall off-white building, because
the bottom part of the boat is a very dark color. There is a banner labeled 'Landing Place' just in front of the boat's lowered vehicle ramp; this is the goal for the mission.


Now in Egypt, the player begins at the waterfront and must go to the pyramid to take a snapshot of a specific mural before heading to the designated meeting point. There is no timer involved in this mission, but the player is permitted to take a snapshot of only ONE mural; each time a mural is encountered for the FIRST time, the choice is given whether to take a snapshot of the mural.

The player should begin by heading straight ahead through the town, following the roadway's twists and turns. Eventually, the roadway will lead out of town and into the desert itself. At the first intersection, the player needs to turn to the right and follow the sandy roadway between and around the sand dunes.

After a long drive, the roadway will enter a shrine area.
There will be A LOT of pedestrians throughout the shrine and pyramid areas. The shrine also has numerous tight right- angle corners; since this is an untimed mission, there is no need to try to corner at top speed and thus incur a lot of damage to the vehicle.

Driving through the shrine will eventually lead to another
intersection; turning to the right will allow the player to enter the pyramid. The player can take plenty of time to explore the pyramid (again, this is an untimed mission). The mural to be photographed is the one with the three trees and the illuminated sky; it is located near the rear of the pyramid (compared to the pyramid's entrance; the player's position is always indicated on the map in the lower-left corner of the screen). Again, since there is no time limit for this mission, the player can then meander back toward the entrance of the pyramid.

Once back at the entrance of the pyramid, the yellow dot representing the goal area should be visible on the map. Continuing straight ahead at the intersection will lead directly to the meeting place.


This appears to be a 'dummy mission.' as I have completed ALL other missions, yet Mission #11 is still not selectable.


Still in Egypt, this mission involves (supposedly) the
Sphinx. Here, there are seven devices which must be neutralized (by ramming them to destroy them). However, there are four 'extra' devices here as well. The correct seven must be destroyed AND the player must reach one of the three Safety Zones (goals) before the countdown timer expires in order to successfully complete this mission. Note that the positions of the seven correct devices to be destroyed are given on-screen prior to the beginning of this mission; the player must successfully memorize the locations of these seven devices.

The player begins within a desert town. Once outside the
town, the player can choose to continue straight ahead or to turn to the right. Continuing straight ahead is the 'easy' route, whereas the roadway to the right will at one point have a missing bridge (thus A LOT of speed will be required to ensure that the player can successfully jump the gap); both routes will lead to the Sphinx, but the route to the right (with the missing bridge) is a moderately-faster route to use.

Once at the Sphinx, there will be eleven red dots on the map. Four of these dots represent false devices, so the player will need to either rely upon memory here, or make use of the ASCII map near the end of this guide. Driving around inside the Sphinx will bring the player to each device. Note that the eleven devices are all located in rather awkward places - such as at the very apex of a nasty hairpin corner - and are all flush up against the walls; therefore, in most cases, a device will not be able to be destroyed 'in passing.'

Once the selected seven devices have all been destroyed, the player can make a run to a safety zone (indicated by the yellow dots on the map). There is a safety zone along each of the routes from the town to the Sphinx, and another along the third roadway leading away from the Sphinx.

Depending on the seven devices the player has chosen to destroy, one of several cutscenes will load and play.


Using any of the two-wheeled vehicles the player has unlocked during the game, Mission #13 is actually a two-part mission, but the second part (Mission #13A) will only become available should the player successfully complete Mission #13 in 290 seconds or less (meaning that 100 seconds or more remain upon successfully completing Mission #13).

Mission #13 takes place in a seven-story building in a city. The building must be destroyed by placing seven bombs in the building's guest rooms - there is one guest room on each floor - and escaping to the roof of the building to get to safety by jumping to the roof of a nearby building.

Fortunately, there are signs with arrows to guide the player
to the staircase to each floor and the ramp to the roof. The guest rooms are also marked with large blue-and-white signs. However, in the case of the guest rooms, the signs on the higher floors simply indicate the narrow doorway to each guest room, and these narrow doorways are often extremely difficult to spot (especially if riding at high speed).

The player must take VERY good care of the chosen vehicle in order to ensure successful completion of Mission #13 (and Mission #13A should at least 100 seconds remain upon finishing Mission #13). There are A LOT of obstacles in the building, especially on the upper floors. Also, cornering at high speeds will almost certainly result in oversteering the vehicle, which can either cause a collision with a wall or other obstacle or simply a spin - in either case, this will cause the player to lose valuable time.

Also, there is no map available for this mission; the map
area instead shows the floor where the player is currently located. The player must simply follow the signs and look for the Guest Room signs.

First Floor
From the beginning, the player will be forced to turn
to the left. At the barricaded elevators, turning left
will show a glass doorway ahead. Once past the glass
doorway, the player must IMMEDIATELY turn to the right;
the guest room for the first floor is at the end of
this corridor. The first bomb must be placed at the
arrow on the far-left of the guest room. Once this is
complete, the player can backtrack and follow the
arrows to the second floor.

Second Floor
Once in the second-floor guest room, the player must go
directly ahead toward the opposite wall and turn to the
right. Almost immediately, the player needs to turn to
the right once more to see the arrow to place the
second bomb. Turning around, the player will see a
sign signaling the way to the third floor.

Third Floor
The third-floor guest room is very easy to spot. Once
inside, the next bomb must be placed on the far-left
wall. Exiting the guest room via the same door, the
player must turn to the left and follow the signs to
attain the fourth floor of the building.

Fourth Floor
Once inside the guest room, there will be a large
obstacle, but a narrow passageway is available on
either side of this obstacle. Once around the
obstacle, the next arrow will be visible on the
opposite wall; going to this location will place the
fourth bomb. Heading to the left will reveal another
entrance/exit for this guest room, and also provides a
shortcut to the staircase up to the fifth floor.

Note that Mission #13A ends on the fourth floor, so
the player should memorize the layout of this floor.

Fifth Floor
Finding the guest room on the fifth floor is very
easy. Once inside, the next bomb-placement location
is in the right-rear corner of the guest room.
Returning to the doorway to the guest room and turning
to the right will lead the player toward the staircase
leading up to the sixth floor.

Note that Mission #13A ends on the fourth floor, so
the player should memorize the layout of this floor.

Sixth Floor
On the sixth floor, there will be a blue double-door
ahead at the point where the main corridor turns to
the right. It is best to follow the main corridor
here or else risk losing a lot of time.

The main corridor curves around to the left.
Eventually, there will be barricaded elevators on the
right side of the corridor. The next doorway ahead on
the left side of the corridor is the sixth-floor guest
room. Once inside, the sixth bomb must be placed just
to the right of this door. As a shortcut, the player
can continue on ahead through the guest room and veer
a little to the right to find a large glass doorway;
the staircase leading to the seventh floor is just
ahead (follow the arrow on the sign in the corridor).

Note that Mission #13A ends on the fourth floor, so
the player should memorize the layout of this floor.

Seventh Floor
Just beyond the barricaded elevators on the right side
of the corridor, the main corridor turns to the right;
this is the direction to take. The main corridor then
again curves around to the left, and eventually there
will be a large blue-and-white Guest Room sign
indicating the location of the narrow passageway into
the seventh-floor guest room. This final bomb must be
positioned just to the right of the double-doors.
Then, leaving this guest room via the same double-
doors, turning to the left will lead toward the roof

Note that Mission #13A ends on the fourth floor, so
the player should memorize the layout of this floor.

Roof Access
At the top of the staircase coming off the seventh
floor, there is a set of silver double-doors set back
from the rest of the room (directly ahead). Breaking
through these double-doors will bring the player to the
roof to successfully complete the main part of this
mission. Mission #13 must be completed in 290 seconds
or less (meaning that 100 seconds or more remain upon
successfully completing Mission #13) in order for
Mission #13A to become available.

Regardless of whether the player successfully completes
Mission #13, an appropriate cutscene will be loaded and
played. If at least 100 seconds remains, then the player
will automatically be forced into Mission #13A without being
given the opportunity to first save game progress. Also,
there is no possibility of ever selecting Mission #13A; to participate in this bonus rescue mission, the player must first successfully complete Mission #13 is 290 seconds or less.


This is a rescue mission in the same building as Mission #13. The concept here is to return to the fourth floor to the Control Center Room and rescue Lisa. However, Mission #13 must be completed in 290 seconds or less (meaning that 100 seconds or more remain upon successfully completing Mission
#13) in order for Mission #13A to become available.

Note that if the player will be given Mission #13A, there
will be an 'interactive' cutscene with several characters
talking; their faces are shown on the TV in the lower-right corner of the screen (where the map is usually located), and their dialogues are displayed along the bottom of the screen. The player can move ahead to the next line of dialogue by pressing the X button. Or, the player can skip the rest of this 'interactive' cutscene by pressing the Start button.

Mission #13A relies heavily upon knowledge of the route up
the building combined with a knack for finding shortcuts on
the way back down. Also, the same vehicle from Mission #13
is used, and there is NO reduction in vehicle damage; therefore, if the vehicle sustained heavy damage en route to the roof of the building, then there is almost NO way that Mission #13A will be successfully completed.

Also, there is no map for this bonus rescue mission; the map area instead shows the floor where the player is currently located. The player must rely upon memory to get back to the fourth floor as quickly as possible.

Once on the fourth floor, the player must return to the
Control Center Room. This time, there are NO arrows
indicating the objective area. Instead, the player must scan the Control Center Room for two individuals who are standing close together near a wall, and then go to them as quickly as possible before the countdown timer has expired.

The successful completion of Mission #13A rewards the player with a long cutscene, the game credits, and a shorter cutscene. The contents of the cutscenes are purposely not included here so as not to spoil the fun :-)


This map for Mission #12 shows the locations of the seven devices (each indicated with an 'O') at the Sphinx which must be deactivated in order to safely complete the mission. There are three entrances/exits for the Sphinx area; the player needs to experiment with various routes to and within the Sphinx area to be able to deactivate the seven appropriate devices and also evacuate to one of the Safe Zones (goals) before the countdown timer expires.

Note: A wide expanse of blank lines precedes and follows the ASCII map itself, so that those who do not wish to view it can easily skip over it.

XX Exit
Exit Exit


For rants, raves, etc., contact me at FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM; also, if you have enjoyed this guide and feel that it has been helpful to you, I would certainly appreciate a small donation via PayPal ( using the above e-mail address.

To find the latest version of this and all my other PSX/PS2/DC/Mac game guides, visit FeatherGuides at


Wolf Feather Jamie Stafford
Just as there are many parts needed to make a human a human, there's a remarkable number of things needed to make an individual what they are.
- Major Kusanagi, _Ghost in the Shell_ =======================================================================
What isn't remembered never happened. - _Serial Experiments Lain_ =======================================================================

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