Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball

18.10.2013 00:06:25
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball FAQ
version 1.3
*Exclusive for Xbox*

Author: Scott Ong

NOTE: I am no longer using my old e-mail account

Latest revisions of the FAQ can always be obtained at

This FAQ is protected under the Copyright Law Act. No part of the
material should be copied without obtaining the author's consent.
Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball and Dead Alive are copyright of
Tecmo, LTD. 1996 - 2003. Tecmo and the Tecmo logo are registered of
trademarks of Tecmo LTD, Team Ninja and the Team Ninja logo are
trademarks of Tecmo LTD. Microsoft Xbox and the Xbox logos are either
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or in
other countries.

This FAQ is copyright of Scott Ong 2003

Table of Contents
1) Author's Note
2) Game Overview
3) Zack's Island
4) Characters
- Kasumi
- Hitomi
- Helena
- Leifang
- Christie
- Lisa
- Tina
- Ayane
5) Exhibition Mode
6) Bestiary
- Swimsuits
- Accessories
- Items
- Original Soundtrack
7) Casino
- Roulette
- Blackjack
- Poker
- Slot Machine
8) Secrets & Hints
9) Credits and Acknowledgements
10) E-mail Policy / Q & A

Author's Note
Prior to these update, I have receiving e-mails regarding the game's
topless code. For the full explanation about the code, please check
the Q & A section under the last section of the FAQ. The code DOES
NOT work as based on my testing. However, a trick posted by people at
the GameFAQs message boards does works.

Thanks to a few readers, I have managed to corrected and expanded some
of the minor facets that I have overlooked.

As I am currently serving the Army, I will not have much time in reply
e-mails. By the way, please do not sent e-mails to my old e-mail a/c
as I no longer read e-mails from there. Please wait for at least 3
days for my reply. If you need help urgently, consult other FAQ
writers for this game. The message boards at GameFAQs is also a ideal
source of help.

Game Overview

This beach volleyball simulation game (I will not classified as a
sports game...) features those lovely chicks from Dead of Alive Series.
The game involves from Zack, the winner of the DOA 3 Tournament who
subsequently strikes lottery at the casino and bought over an island.
The name was named after him. Up to something mischief, he invites ONLY
female competitors from DOA series for the tournment, DOA 4. You will
be choosing to play as one of 8 gals for 14 day vacation in Zack's

Zack's Island

Zack Island consists of several places of interest and they are:-

It's cool under the trees and it's green as far as the eye can see.
It's a paradise! There's even a casino!
The DJ has the place jumpin' Keep those request coming!
What a cool little island. Well they say: When in Rome...
Buy swimsuits here. Check back daily!
Some nice, small items. Lots of variety
All those sails are quite a sight
A nice out-of-the-way spot. Wonder what's here
A quite beach for Zack's private use
A stall that would opens on fourth day of a girl's vacation.

3.1 - Basis
The gameplay is relatively simple as you just need to your time on the
island by playing beach volleyball, practice your hopping at the
poolside, purchases accessories and stuff from shops and interact with
the girls that stays on the island.

3.2 - Options Menu
Before you start the game, you can go to the Options where you get to
switch your controls between digital and analog. Analog controls will
cause the power of the character's spike, serve or jump based on how
hard you have pressed the button. Digital allows you to have a 4-
buttons control with Attack (hard), Attack (soft) and Receive (hard)
or Receive (soft). In my opinion, digital controller is easier as you
can control the hard/soft of the controls that you want. You can view
the federal warning and age settings under the Options menu.

3.3 - Starting the Game
Every character has her own likes and dislikes. Winning games help to
build teamwork and the relationship between the two. Whoever you choose
as your character, they will meet up with Lisa on the poolside who
offers to take you on a tour around the island. Of course, you are
playing as Lisa, you will meet up with Tina instead. On the first play,
you will be guided along for the first day. However if you have
completed the 14-day vacation with at least 1 character, you will be
given the option to skip the tour. However, it will bring down your
affection with Lisa. You start the game with 10,000 Zack Dollars or
your previous remaining amount from the character's previous vacation.
The reason why it is Lisa inviting your character for the tourney is
because she is co-host of Zack's Island & Zack's sister!

3.4 - Replaying a vacation
If you are using the same saved file but using another character, you
will most likely find items that you have previously given the
character as gifts (provided that she did not discard them...).
Unfortunately, they cannot be re-sent as presents $_$:)

(Configuration for analog controller - default settings)

(A) A button # black button R/ right thumbstick
(B) B button () white button L/ left thumbstick/ D-Pad
(X) X button [S] start button [B] Back button
[L] left trigger [R] right trigger

(A) Select or Advance command. Attack button for beach volleyball
(spiking, serving or blocking).
(B) Cancel or Return command. Receive button for beach volleyball
(tossing and receiving).
(X) Views items menu. You can choose to change your character's
attire, accessories, view items and mingle with them. You can
jump to the next page when viewing items.
R/ Moves the camera during gravure system mode and replay modes
L/ Moves the character and move cursors between menu options
[S] Pause the game during volleyball. OK-Advances for screen commands
[B] Cancels-returns to previous screen
# Skip to the next song
() Replay current song
[L] Changes camera view during gravure system
[R] Zoom in during gravure system and replay modes.

Digital Controls
- Generally the controls are the same except you can determine the
hardness and softness of attack and receive commands.
- Typically, it is easier than analog as you can determine the power
of the spikes/serves, which are crucial in winning beach volleyball
- Digital controls will apply only to gameplay of the beach volleyball
& the hopping game.

The default settings for the digital controls are:
(A) Button - Attack Hard
(B) Button - Receive Hard
(Y) Button - Attack Soft
(X) Button - Receive Soft

Winning hopping game at the poolside or winning a beach volleyball
game nabs you Zack dollars, the currency used on the island. You can
also choose to gamble these money at Casino when your character gets
back to the casino at night.


A single day on Zack Island is practically divided into 4 "parts" -
morning, daytime, evening and night time. You can only doing the
following events during the day (morning, daytime & evening):-

A day at Zack Island can be divided into 4 "parts" as the following:
1) Morning - everything accessible* except for Bass Island & Casino
2) Daytime - everything accessible* except for Casino
3) Evening - everything accessible* except for Bass Island & Casino
4) Night time - you can only access the Casino.

* Jack of All Trades only opens from 4th day of your vacation.

P o o l s i d e

Take a rest at the poolside and play the hopping mini-game. You can
also view your items and have a rest (gravure system mode) at the
pool. Note that when you are not moving D-Pad or left thumbstick, you
will enter into the gravure mode while your character is lying on the
bench chair.

Entering the poolside will give you the following options:

Leave the poolside : Leave the pool
Take a rest* : Enter into pool gravure mode system
Play hopping game* : Play the mini game
View items : View your items, accessories, items & presents
Quit the game : Exit "Zack's Island Mode"

I supposed most of the options are straight forward except for the
options mark in asterisk. Select either one of these commands will
allows you to move past a "part" of a day. Gravure mode will differ
depends on the "part" of the day.

I have also discovered that the Gravure movie will change if you
change your character's costume or equipped the character's favorite
item. Please refer to gravure mode listing under each individual
character's profile. Gravure movie shown are also based on the days.
For example for Hitomi, there are 2 gravure movies for daytime. You
will get the gravure movie of her sitting by poolside on odd days
while a gravure movie of her lying on the poolside on even days.

------------ Note: The digital controls can be applied for this
Hopping Game mini-game.
The mini-game objective is relatively simply. You just need to move
your character from one side of the pool to other by jumping on the
floating boards. Once you fall into the pool, you will be given the
option to retry or quit the mini-game.

For analog controls,
Hopping is basically affected by pressure sensitivity of the (A)
button. Your character will hop further if you hit the (A) button
harder. You can calibrate the pressure before beginning of any hopping
mini-game game. Hit the start button to proceed. You can make use of
digital controls by hit (A) as hard button and (B) as soft button.

The faster you get to other side of the pool, the higher your score
will be. All points earned on Zack's Island will be converted to Zack
Dollars. In between, you will be gaining Nice points for making nifty
steps by chaining your jumps smoothly. Nice points will be accumulated
during hopping. However if you fall into the pool, the nice points
earned will be not be forfeited i.e. you will not receive any Zack
dollars. You can also zoom in while playing the mini-game.

The hopping game can generates a steady source of income and it also
allows you to be familiarised with the analog controls. It is ideal
for practicing with the analog controls.

S h o p s
I supposed I don't need to explain too much as Lisa will explain for
you when you are playing the game for the first time. There are a
total of three shops - Sports Shop, Accessory Shop and Zack of All
Trades. The third shop will only open from the 4th day of the
character's vacation.

The items will be changed between days. So make sure you check them
out every time. However, there are a few points to take note of:

. Items such as food (milk, lobster, crabs, etc) & flowers (hibiscus,
roses, etc) will withered or go stale when you have keep them for
more than half a day. Once withered/spoilt, they will be discarded

. Accessories are the only items that can be worn. Exceptions
includes the character's favorite item. For example, Kasumi's
favorite item allow you to change her hairstyle to braids or

. Swimsuits sold in the Sports Shops are ONLY specific to the
character's theme. For example, you will find flowers-theme
swimsuits when you are playing as Kasumi and birds-theme swimsuits
when you are playing as Leifang.

. In order to other theme swimsuits is by offering presents to the
other girls so that they will sent you a return gift when you
return back to the hotel at night. You can also play as the other
character and give gifts to your character, which is the faster

. Zack will give you 3 swimsuits for the character when they return
to the hotel after winning beach volleyball. You can expect to
receive a gift from Zack every night. It seems that changing to new
swimsuits helps you to get new swimsuit earlier.

. Hit (X) button before attempting to purchase will allow you to
know whether the item is in your inventory. This hint is pretty
useful when you attempting to complete the swimsuit collection for
that particular character. You can also receive your character's
swimsuit from other characters as gift.

B e a c h e s / J u n g l e
There are a lot of things while on the isolated regions of the island.
You can play beach volleyball when you have a partner and there are
2 characters within that area.

When there is nobody within that area, you will automatically proceed
to the gravure mode for your character. Hit Start or (A) button to
exit. The time will passes for a "part".

If you are alone, there are 1 or 2 companions on the area, you will
be given the option of:- 1) forming a partnership and 2) giving the
girl a present.

There is some art in forming partnerships and giving gifts. Before
forming a partnership, you must be on good terms with the character.
The relationship can be enhanced by giving likeable gifts to the
character. If you give a wrong item, it will bring down the mood
between the 2 characters. Winning volleyball games help to build
friendship. For the list of likeable objects, please refer to the
Characters Section for more details. Doing a gift presentation or
forming partnership (fail or succeed) will result you to spend a
"part" of the day.

If you have a partner and there are 2 characters found in that area,
you will be given an additional option of having a volleyball game.
You can pause the game by hit the Start button. If you choose to quit
the game, it will be counted as you lose the beach volleyball game.

Beach Volleyball
The volleyball game is relatively simple as it involves moving the
character around the field and using 2 buttons based on how hard you
hit the button. Good serves, blocks and spikes can earn you nice
points. The larger the point margins, the more points you will earn.

Basic Rules:
- Matches use the rally point system, where the serve goes to
whoever team has mostly recently scored. The character will take
turns in serving. The 1st player will have the chance to serve
- The team that gets to 7 points first wins. Deuce may also be
called when the score is 6 to 6. If the score reaches 9 - 9, the
first team to reaches 10 points wins the game.
- There are no sidelines and endline on the court.
- Your team will always be on the left side of the court.

The volleyball game consists of 5 basic phrases:

- Hit Down or Up on the D-Pad to change position before your
character begin to serve.
- To perform a serve, hit (A) to toss the ball up and hit (A) again
while the ball is in mid-air. You can make use of D-Pad to
determine the aim point of opposition's court.

Basically, there are 3 types of serves:-
1) Overhand Serve - the default serve technique.
View the instructions above. If you hit with good timing and a
strong force, you will be award 1000 nice points for the serve.

2) Underhand Serve
To execute the serve, hold left on D-Pad when your character is
facing right and hit (A) to toss and followed by (A) to hit.
This move does not possesses much power but it is very easy to

3) Jump Serve
To execute the serve, hold right on D-Pad when your character is
facing right and hit (A) to toss. While the ball reaches the peak,
hit (A) to perform a Jump Serve. A great technique but hard to
time. If you hit with good time and strong force - you will be
awarded 2000 nice points for the serve.

- Move your character towards the ball and lightly tap (B) to hit
the incoming serve or spike.
- To perform Two Attack,
Hold down (B) firmly when your character are about to recieve
the ball. For your character to perform Two Attack, hold down (B)
when your partner receives the ball.

- Short Toss: Tap (B) as your teammate receives the ball
- Long Toss: Press (B) firmly as your teammate receives the ball.
- You can determine the direction by pressing Up or Down on the
D-Pad. If you lightly tap (B) when your teammate is at the
backcourt, you can give her a quick toss for a back attack.

- Position your character with D-Pad and while the ball is in
mid-air, hit (A) to jump and (A) again to perform a spike. The
power of spike depends on hard you tap (A).
- When an opponent attempts to block, tap (A) again to perform a
- You will be awarded 1000 points for perform a nice spike.

- Timing is important. Hit (A) when your character is at the net
to perform a block.

Controlling your teammate
The computer will automatically control your partner, but you can
direct them with the right thumbsticks

Normal Shift R/ Down from Above
Your teammate decides whether to block or receive based on the

Block Shift R/ towards the net
Your teammate will try for a block near the net.

Receive Shift R/ away from the net
Your teammate will try to receive the ball in the backcourt.

General Tips
Generally, it is a game based on reflexes and you will need to a lot
of practcie. I myself spend approximate 3 hours to perfect my
volleyball skills. Remember: Practice makes perfect.

- Make your receiving acts timely. Otherwise your character will be
very vulnerable for incoming spike.
- Spikes are great tools for attack but do not use them too often.
Ocassionally, use (B) for a soft spike when your opponent is
attempting to block you.
- Toss the ball often and set up your teammate for a spike.
- Plays the backcourt while your teammate is in front court and vice
- Do not hit <- + any button when receiving a spike at the back
court, your character will throw the ball off court most of the
- You can force to automatic replay instantly by tapping L trigger
after a score is regristered. This does not work on the match

You will ONLY be awarded nice points if you are on good terms with
your partner.

Scoresheet and Zack Dollars Earned
7-0 150,000 Z Any other scores such as 7-6 and tie breaker scores
7-1 90,000 Z such as 9-7, 9-8, 10-9 will give 40,000 Z. If you
7-2 80,000 Z lose, no Zack Dollars (Z) will be earned. However,
7-3 70,000 Z you still get nice points that you have accumulated
7-4 60,000 Z in the game.
7-5 50,000 Z

Nice Points Listing
Nice overhead serve 1000 Z
Nice block 1000 Z
Nice jumping serve 2000 Z
Knock opponent over with jump spike 1000 Z
Score a point with jump spike 1000 Z

Typically, these are conditions to attain nice points from your
partner. Nice moves are indicated by shadow movement and they are
more powerful than normal moves. To do this, you must achieve a good
timing on your serves/blocks/spikes...

Match points counts more than nice points. For example, a -1 score
will result a cut of 10,000 Zack dollars or 60,000 if your score is
6-0. You will need to score a lot of nice points to compensate for the
loss. Thus, I do not recommend you to go for jumping serve as there is
a high tendency of the ball hitting the net...

If your character is getting on bad terms with your partner (due to
losing beach volleyball matches or giving "dislike" & "hate" items
to her), your partner's performance on the court will be weakened. The
partner becomes more unwilling. It is like have a weak partner on
your team. Thus maintaining a relationship is crucial in order to win
breakout games.

In-game or story relationships could hurt the team's partnership...
For example, it is very hard to have a partnership between Kasumi and
Ayane as Ayane hates Kasumi... The only solution is give "love"
items to the partner and hope the relationship works out well. This
will thus affect the ethusiasm rating of your character and partner.
That is why it is marked with a "????" on the manual.

Character Types
Character types indicates the character's strengths. For example, a
character with high power rating indicates that the character could
dealt powerful spikes that could be hard for the opposition who will
be receiving. Below is the listing:-

Stats What it does?
````` ``````````````
Power (P) Affects the power dealt in the character's serves/spikes
Technique (T) Affects character's receiving of spikes and passing.
Defense (D) Affects character's defense in block and receiving power
Enthusiasm Affects the character's mood in playing beach volleyball.

Character Ratings
(listed from manual)

Kasumi Hitomi Helena Leifang Lisa Christie Tina Ayane
`````` `````` `````` ``````` ````` ```````` ```` ``````
P * **** ** * *** *** ***** **
T ***** * *** **** **** *** ** *****
D *** *** **** **** *** **** * **
Points 9 8 9 9 10 10 8 9
Type A B C C D D B A

Speciality Type A: Technique - Kasumi and Ayane
Speciality Type B: Power - Hitomi and Tina
Speciality Type C: Defense - Helena and Leifang
Speciality Type D: Generic - Lisa and Christie

Not all strategies could guranttee 100% victory. It still depends on
how you make your decisions while on the court...

For playing as Weak Power characters
(Kasumi, Ayane, Helena & Leifang)
If you are playing as Kasumi/Ayane/Leifang/Helena (weak attackers),
it would advisible to recruit a character with high power rating for
your offense. In this case, I would opt for Hitomi (in my opinion,
she is easier to befriend than Tina...) Lastly, whenever you are going
for a spike and opponent is jumping to block, use a soft spike avoid
being blocked... Stay in the backcourt to utilize the character's
technique ratings. (Despite categorised as a "Defense" character,
Leifang has pretty good technique ratings...)

For playing with Weak Technique characters
(Hitomi and Tina)
Hitomi and Tina will be likely to exprience in handling tough spikes
and lobbing the ball to their partners. I would recommend you to have
these characters stay at the front line for spiking. As for Tina, do
not go for blocks! Get high technique characters such as Leifang,
Ayane, Kasumi or Lisa as their partners.

For playing with Weak Defense characters
(Ayane and Tina)
Defense does not count a lot if you do not go for blocks very often.
For Ayane, keep her at the back when opponents are attacking due to
her technique. As for Tina, stick at the front bay for catch lobs but
do not go for blocks.

There are only 2 places of interest: the hotel and the casino. More
details regarding the casino will be found at Section 6.

H o t e l
Your character will automatically returns back to the hotel. You will
be able to view your items, your collection, watch movies (earned
from Zack), give presents to girls (especially your partner), sleep,
go down to the casino and gamble or quit the game.

Sleep and Collection
Sleep will bring you to next day of the vacation. Collection section
allows you to view the number of swimsuits, accessories and items you
have gained. Note that it is IMPOSSIBLE to gain all swimsuits within
one vacation. You need to replay the Zack Island mode again by using
the same file. The items, accessories and swimsuits collected will be
available for usage when you play a new vacation with that particular
character. Collection allows you to store 1 kind of that item.

Giving Gifts
In order to boost relationship with other 7 girls on the island, you
will need to give them gifts. Gifts helps to build affection. If you
get along with the other girl, they might even give you gifts! (Most
importantly, other girl's collection of swimsuits.)

You cannot wrap a gift at the hotel. You can only obtain gifts by
buying and choose wrap at any one of the stores. If you are intend to
send a gift which is perishable such as drinks, food or flowers, so
make sure you bought these items during in the evening phrase.

Gifts obtained from other girls and Zack will be unknown until you
have opened the packaging. Note that you can give a gift from Zack
to another girl! Gift boxes will give you a general idea of what the
item will be like.

Please take note that this is only way to built up affection with
your partner as she no longer appears on the island. You cannot give
video tapes, gold and silver volleyball and special swimsuits as
gifts to other characters.

Relationships also carries on from previous vacations. If you messed
up the relationship with your current partner previously, most of the
time, your partner will be unhappy thus breaking up the partnership

Watch Videos
There are a total of 7 video tapes, each earned from Zack. They are
demos and creator's view about the series "Dead or Alive".

DOA 1 Demo 1997
DOA 2 Realtime Demo 990217
DOA 2 Realtime Demo 990909
DOA 3 CF For Japan
DOA 3 Opening Movie
Ninja Gaiden Trailer

You will get them as you win more beach volleyball games. Some of
tapes can only be obtained in your subsequent vacation with that
character. You can view the video by selecting "Watch Video" option.

C a s i n o
This is the place where you get to spend your money by playing
poker, blackjack, slot machines, etc. More details will be covered
under Section 6.


The cast of characters feature a total of 8 female characters from the
Dead or Alive series. Each girls have her own set of swimsuits, hobbies,
favorite color and interests.

- Affection and Friendship -
Personally, the character profiles includes swimsuits listing and tips
on building up affection with the character. If you need a complete
help on affection building, please refer to Robert Goode's Collectable
Checklist FAQ, which is available at GameFAQs

It is important to build up friendship as your partner will be more
motivated to team up with your character, thus it is winning beach
volleyball. Besides this, it also allows your teammate to accept
certain swimsuits as gifts. For example, not all characters likes the
Venus swimsuit.

- Gift Giving -
Please note that if the character is angry with your character, they
will also DISCARD away the LOVED items. Thus it is not advisible to give
a loved item to an angry character. If you want, wait for a day or so
to give the gift. If you given a gift that the character has already
have in their inventory, they will return the gift if you are good terms
or discarded the item.

- Phrases -
The character's phrases are obtained once you are in good relationship
with the character (i.e. you will find music notes on the character's
icon). They will open the gift and give the phrase as their comments.

- Gravure Movies -
Every character has their own set of unique Gravure movies. Some of
the movies can be locked when you are visiting that particular place
at even or odd days. The gravure movie controls are stated in your

Starting from the left from the Character Selection Screen:

K a s u m i
Nationality: Japanese A runaway ninja who got
Height/Weight: 5'2", 106 lbs out of her village to
Body Size: B35", W21", H33" avenge for her brother.
Birthday: February 23rd
Age: Not Avaliable ABILITIES:
Blood Type: A Power: *
Hobbies: Fortune telling Technique: *****
Favourite Food: Strawberry millefeuille Defense: ***
Favorite Color: Milky Pink
Birthstone: Amethyst

Specific Swimsuits received from Zack:
Gentian, Jasmine & Rabbit

Swimsuits Listing
- Bought from Sports Shop (38)

Swimsuit Cost Swimsuit Cost
````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````
Acacia 550000 Hyacinth 5000
Amaryllis 10000 Indigo 12000
Begonia 310000 Indigo (skirt) 100000
Camellia 10000 Iris 45000
Carnation 12000 Lilac 550000
Carnation (skirt) 100000 Lily 5000
Cattelya 550000 Marguerite 20000
Chamomile 220000 Marigold 45000
Cherry Blossom 50000 Morning Glory 45000
Clover 12000 Olive 5000
Clover (skirt) 100000 Peony 20000
Cosmos 45000 Pink 370000
Cyclamen 10000 Rose 20000
Dahlia 50000 Salvia 310000
Daisy 10000 Sasanqua 370000
Dandelion 50000 Sweet Pea 220000
Freesia 50000 Tulip (initial) 5000
Gerbera 370000 Pansey 20000
Bougainvillea 220000 Hydrangea 20000

Favorite Item: Favorite Ribbon
* This item allows you to tie Kasumi's hair in ponytail, tie or

Recommended items as gifts bought from Jack of All Trades
Strawberry millefeuille (5000), Strawberry Juice (600), Tarot Cards
(3000), Crystal Ball (10000), Origami (any color, 1200), Clover
Brooch (4000), Amethyst (30000), Cushion (cute or checked, 3000),
Strawberries (700)

General Comment:
Generally, Kasumi likes strawberries-type food. Fortune-telling items
such as Crystal Ball and Tarot Cards. Flower-based items and pink
colored items are her favorites. Rather easy to coax.

Love Phrase "Thank you. I'll treasure it!"
Like Phrase "Wow! Thanks."
Neutral Phrase "Thanks, I really like it."
Dislike Phrase "... Thanks. I guess"
Hate Phrase "Umm...Thanks."

Gravure Movie Listing

Poolside Sitting at the table Most
Stretching on the poolside Morning Only
Walking at the pool/ sitting at buoy Daytime (Even)
Jungle Lying on a tree and view scenary Most
Private Beach Resting on the swing Most
Niki Beach Stretching Day Only
Take a stroll on the beach Evening Only
Bass Island Swim in the ocean Most

H i t o m i
Nationality: German A young woman has dedicated
Height/Weight: 5'3", 108 lbs herself to mastering karate.
Body Size: B35", W23", H33" Her manners are meticulous, and
Birthday: May 25th she presents herself as
Age: 18 years old resolute and determined
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Cooking ABILITIES:
Favourite Food: Sachertorte Power: ****
Favorite Color: Sky Blue Technique: *
Birthstone: Emerald Defense: ***

Specific Swimsuit received from Zack:
Bear, Cassiopeia, Orion

Swimsuit Listing (arranged in alphabetical order)
- Bought from Sports Shop (51)

Swimsuit Cost Swimsuit Cost
````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````
Andromeda 85000 Lynx 20000
Aquarius 30000 Lyra 30000
Aries (initial) 5000 Marlin 30000
Cancer 370000 Meteor 85000
Capricorn 20000 Milky Way 370000
Centaurus 50000 Nebula 20000
Cepheus 220000 Norma 70000
Chameleon 50000 Nova 5000
Corona 85000 Pegasus 370000
Cygnus 85000 Perseus 70000
Dolphin 20000 Pictor 30000
Draco 20000 Puppy 30000
Eagle 30000 Pyxis 125000
Eridanus 50000 Reticulum 220000
Flying Fish 85000 Sagittarius 20000
Fox 275000 Scorpion 275000
Galaxy 125000 Serpent 220000
Gemini 20000 Shooting Star 5000
Giraffe 275000 Southern Cross 5000
Hydra 50000 Taurus 170000
Leo 30000 Unicorn 30000
Lepus 170000 Virgo 5000
Libra 70000 Whale 370000
Little Bear 220000 Zodiac 170000
Carina 36000 Comet 220000
Colt 275000

Favorite Item: Favorite Headband
* Hitomi's favorite headband can be equipped or disarm.

Recommended items as gifts bought from Jack of All Trades
All Receipes (10000, 8 of them), Microwave Oven (6000), Hourglass
(2500), Sachertorte (5000), Milk (600), Music Box (3000), Heart
Brooch (4000), Frying Pan (2000), Emerald (30000), Silver Set
(16000), Teddy Bear (8000, Pink and Brown)

General Comment:
Her hobbies is cooking, which sounds sensible to give her microwave
oven, frying pan, hourglass or silver set as gifts. She loves fluffy
toys such as bears and recipes (for her cooking). Basically, you can
give her any kind of jewels (as suggested by her swimsuit) along
with sky blue items. One of the easiest to coax...

Love Phrase "Waah! It's the BEST! I can't believe it!"
Like Phrase "Alright! Thanks!"
Neutral Phrase "Thank you. I'll take good care of it."
Dislike Phrase "Well...I appreciate the thought."
Hate Phrase "Ummm...Thanks."

Gravure Movie Listing

Poolside Sitting at the table Most
Lying on the poolside floor Daytime/ Even
Sitting by the poolside Daytime/ Odd
Jungle Sitting on a log Most
Private Beach Sitting at the swing Most
Niki Beach Lying on the beach Daytime Only
Practicing karate moves at the shore Morning Only
Belly dancing at the shore Evening Only
Bass Island Riding a bicycle along coastline Most

H e l e n a
Nationality: French An up-and-coming prima donna, a
Height/Weight: 5'7", 108 lbs gift to the world of opera.
Body Size: B35", W22", H34" This young woman always gives
Birthday: January 30th off a high-class air.
Age: 21 years old
Blood Type: AB
Hobbies: Walking ABILITIES:
Favourite Food: Blancmange Power: **
Favorite Color: Pearl white Technique: ***
Birthstone: Garnet Defense: ****

Specific Swimsuit received from Zack:
Champs-Elysees, Margarita, White Cat

Swimsuit Listing (arranged in alphabetical order)
- Bought from Sports Shop (32)

Swimsuit Cost Swimsuit Cost
````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````
Acapulco 500000 Panache (initial) 10000
Adonis 270000 Papagena 10000
Angel's Wing 550000 Polonaise 20000
Black Velvet 50000 Salty Dog 270000
Bloody Mary 40000 Shandy 20000
Blue Lagoon 20000 Sidecar 125000
Blue Moon 50000 Singapore Sling 10000
Cafe De Paris 550000 Spritzer 125000
Chi-Chi 40000 Summer Time 125000
Czarine 500000 Tequila Sunrise 350000
Daiquiri 40000
Gimlet 500000
Gin Tonic 50000
Golden Girl 50000
Habana Beach 30000
Kir Royal 30000
Little Princess 270000
Mai-Tai 20000
Manhatten 350000
Martini 550000
Mint Frappe 350000
Moscow Mule 30000

Favorite Item: N/A
Although, there is no favorite item for Helena, the ribbon on her
hair changes as you change her swimsuit.

Recommended items as gifts bought from Jack of All Trades
Blancmange (5000), French Bread (700), Doughnuts (700), Blue Conch
(2000), Candles (4000), Collar (3500), Dolphin Brooch (4000), Dolphin
Clock (7000), Dolphin Sea World Ticket (2000), Garnet (30000), Pearl
(30000), White Soap (1500), Murex (All 4, 1500), White Shell (1300),
Shell Brooch (4000), Pen And Ink (2000), Perfume (3000), Diamond
(30000), Purple Conch (1500), White Conch (1300)

General Comment:
Despite no identifable hobbies, Helena is rather easy to pleased. She
is a vainpot who treasures expensive items such as pendants, shells,
murexes, perfume and western food. White colored jewels such as pearl
and diamond could help to improve her relationship with your
character. Get her white colored accessories and she will like them.
One of the most easiest to please with...

Love Phrase "Oh!! It's so nice! I'll cherish it forever."
Like Phrase "Oh! Thank you!"
Neutral Phrase "Thanks very much."
Dislike Phrase "Ummm...Thanks."
Hate Phrase "...Well. I guess I'll take it"

Gravure Movie Listing

Poolside Sitting at the table Most
Sit by the pool Daytime Only
Jungle Lying against a tree trunk Most
Private Beach View the sea and picking seashells Most
Niki Beach Practising fighting skills Morning Only
Lying on the beach Most
Bass Island Swim in the ocean Most

L e i f a n g
Nationality: Chinese A young genius raised in a rich
Height/Weight: 5'4", 110 lbs family. Though she's cheerful &
Body Size: B35", W23", H33" kind to everyone, she can be a
Birthday: April 23rd proud little princess.
Age: 19 years old
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Aromatherapy ABILITIES:
Favourite Food: Chinese desert Power: *
Favorite Color: Lemon yellow Technique: ****
Birthstone: Diamond Defense: ****

Specific Swimsuit received from Zack:
Panda, Peacock, Phoenix

Swimsuit Listing (arranged in alphabetical order)
- Bought from Sports Shop (39)

Swimsuit Cost Swimsuit Cost
````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````
Albatross 30000 Paradise 10000
Bluebird 50000 Parrot 10000
Bush Warbler 45000 Penguin 370000
Canary 5000 Pigeon 30000
Cardinal 45000 Pipit 125000
Condor 125000 Pipit (skirt) 500000
Condor (Skirt) 500000 Raven 30000
Cuckoo 30000 Robin (initial) 5000
Emu 250000 Rosefinch 500000
Falcon 30000 Sea Gull 5000
Flamingo 170000 Skylark 5000
Goldcrest 5000 Sparrow 125000
Goose 170000 Sparrow (skirt) 500000
Hawk 125000 Swallow 75000
Hawk (skirt) 500000 Swan 10000
Heron 170000 Swift 30000
Hummingbird 170000 Woodpecker 30000
Ibis 10000
Kiwi 50000
Nene 45000
Nightingale 10000
Oriole 600000

Favorite Item: Favorite Barrette
* Leifang's favorite barrette can be equipped or disarm. You can
choose between ponytail, braids or long hair.

Recommended items as gifts bought from Jack of All Trades
Aromapot (2800), Fan (3000, 3 kinds), Chinese Desert (5000), Diamond
(30000), Nunchaku (12500), Orange Juice (600), Panda Doll (8000),
Feather Fan (2000, 3 kinds), Star Brooch (4000), Teddy Bear (2 kinds,
8000), Meat Bun (700), Yellow Shell (2000), Candles (4000), Checked
Cushion (3000)

General Comment:
Leifang is very easy to get along with. She loves all the fans that
you can find along with Chinese related items such as chinese
delicacies, nunchaku and orange. Apparently like Hitomi, she loves
teddy bears. For aromatherapy, you can get her an aromapot and
candles... She is easiest among all girls in getting good
relationship. Generally, she loves anything that is yellow...

Love Phrase "Wow! Thank you so much!"
Like Phrase "Oh! Thanks"
Neutral Phrase "Thanks. I'll take good care of it."
Dislike Phrase "Th, thanks a lot..."
Hate Phrase "Ummm...Thanks."

Gravure Movie Listing

Poolside Sitting at the table Most
Taking a buoy to the pool Daytime Only
Jungle Sitting on a tree log Most
Private Beach Stroll and sit on the swing Most
Play and fall on the beach Daytime Only
Niki Beach Roll and lying on a beach Most
Take a stroll with a large leaf Daytime Only
Bass Island Practice "taiqi chuan" on the shore Daytime Only

C h r i s t i e
Nationality: British An incomparably cold-hearted
Height/Weight: 5'10", 126 lbs woman with all the
Body Size: B37", W23", H35" characteristics required of an
Birthday: December 18th assassin.
Age: 24 years old
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Driving ABILITIES:
Favourite Food: Tomato Juice Power: ***
Favorite Color: Black Technique: ***
Birthstone: Turquoise Defense: ****

Specific Swimsuit received from Zack:
Diamond, Panther, Pyrope

Swimsuit Listing (arranged in alphabetical order)
- Bought from Sports Shop (34)

Swimsuit Cost Swimsuit Cost
````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````
Agate 220000 Obsidian 115000
Alexandrite 40000 Onyx 220000
Amber 330000 Opal 90000
Amethyst 90000 Orthoclase 125000
Aquamarine 40000 Pearl 220000
Azurite 500000 Peridot 275000
Black Pearl 500000 Ruby 125000
Bloodstone 375000 Sapphire 330000
Carnelian 170000 Spinel 170000
Cat's Eye 125000 Topaz 115000
Citrine 220000 Turquoise 375000
Emerald 125000 Viridine 275000
Fluorite 170000
Garnet 40000
Heliodor 40000
Incarose 40000
Iolite 275000
Jade 375000
Jasper 500000
Jet 330000
Lapis Lazuli (initial) 90000
Moonstone 170000

Favorite Item: N/A
There is no favorite item for Christie

Recommended items as gifts bought from Jack of All Trades
Army Knives (8500), Guitar (16000, 6), British Bread (700), Revolver
(8000, 2 kinds), Knife (7000), Steering Wheel (15000, 2 kinds), Pistol
(8000, 2), Sub-Machine Gun (8000), Tomato (500), Tomato Juice (5000),
Turquoise (30000)

General Comment:
Christie's occupation is an assassin, thus giving her westernised
weapons such as pistols, knives and revolvers are good choice of gifts.
She loves guitars and driving. Her favorite food is associated with
tomato. Quite hard to please as there are very little accessories that
could boost relationship with her. Sunglasses and black sneakers are
good choices of gifts.

Love Phrase "Hee hee, thanks a lot."
Like Phrase "Thanks, I mean it."
Neutral Phrase "Okay, I'll keep it."
Dislike Phrase "What's this supposed to mean?"
Hate Phrase "Huh...What is this?"

Gravure Movie Listing
Under research...

L i s a
Nationality: American The chief researcher at a
Height/Weight: 5'9", 117 lbs research facility. She's a very
Body Size: B36", W22", H34" helpful person, cheerful but
Birthday: July 20th never outright silly. She
Age: 21 years old played volleyball when she was
Blood Type: A a student
Hobbies: Surfing ABILITIES:
Favourite Food: Cherry Pie Power: ***
Favorite Color: Crimson Red Technique: ****
Birthstone: Ruby Defense: ***

Specific Swimsuit received from Zack:
Arthemis, Leopard, Nike

Swimsuit Listing (arranged in alphabetical order)
- Bought from Sports Shop (41)

Swimsuit Cost Swimsuit Cost
````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````
Amaterasu 245000 Jono 10000
Aphrodite 70000 Kali 375000
Astarte 600000 Leto 90000
Athene 20000 Lilith 90000
Aurora 70000 Luna 45000
Bellona 10000 Mach 600000
Brigit (initial) 10000 Minerva 90000
Calliope 20000 Ratri 600000
Cardea 20000 Sati 20000
Cybele 375000 Selene 45000
Demeter 70000 Sophia 170000
Diana 170000 Thaleia 10000
Dike 170000 Tiamat 375000
Eirene 600000 Trivia 10000
Eos 90000 Usas 600000
Epona 10000 Venus 1000000
Flora 245000 Victoria 170000
Freya 45000
Frigg 20000
Gaia 600000
Hela 600000
Hestia 20000
Ishtar 10000
Izanami 245000

Favorite Item: N/A
There is no favorite item for Lisa

Recommended items as gifts bought from Jack of All Trades
Cactus (1000), Cherry Pie (5000), Doughnuts (700), Fountain Pen
(1800), Lavender (750), Lily (650), Pineapple (900), Ruby (30000),
Salad (600), Scholarly Book (5 kinds, 200000),

General Comment:
Lisa is another easy-going character. She loves red objects such as
red sneakers, red visors, red bangles etc. She loves researchs that
is probably why she loves scholarly books. A typical American who
likes pie, doughnuts and salad. She likes flowers by the way...

Love Phrase "I love it. I'll cherish it!"
Like Phrase "Okay. I love it."
Neutral Phrase "Thanks. That's nice of you."
Dislike Phrase "Ahh... Thanks a lot"
Hate Phrase "Err... Ahh... Thanks"

Gravure Movie Listing

Poolside Exercise and stretching Evening
Walk and stay in the pool Daytime
Jungle Leaning against a tree Most
Private Beach Play on the beach & lying on the beach Most
Niki Beach Lying and roll on the beach Most
Bass Island Swim in the ocean Daytime Only

T i n a A r m s t r o n g
Nationality: American She is the American Women's
Height/Weight: 5'9", 123 lbs Wrestling Champion. She dreams
Body Size: B37", W24", H35" of becoming a superstar and
Birthday: December 6th having all world's eyes on her.
Age: 22 years old
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Cycling, videogames ABILITIES:
Favourite Food: Seafood Power: *****
Favorite Color: Sapphire Blue Technique: **
Birthstone: Sapphire Defense: *

Specific Swimsuit received from Zack:
Black Cat, Canopus, Polaris

Swimsuit Listing (arranged in alphabetical order)
- Bought from Sports Shop (36)

Swimsuit Cost Swimsuit Cost
````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````
Albireo 175000 Pleiades 120000
Alcyone 370000 Pleyone 280000
Aldebaran 120000 Pollux 25000
Algol 500000 Presepe 20000
Altair 10000 Procyon 25000
Antares 500000 Regulus 25000
Apollo 500000 Rigel 500000
Arcturus 225000 Sheraton 10000
Arneb 500000 Sirius (initial) 10000
Asterope 50000 Spica 225000
Atlas 500000 Taygeta 370000
Bellatrix 370000 Thuban 175000
Betelgeuse 280000 Vega 20000
Capella 10000
Castor 25000
Calaeno 10000
Chara 10000
Dheneb 225000
Fomalhaut 370000
Maia 50000
Merope 50000
Mira 120000
Mizar 50000

Favorite Item: N/A
There is no favorite item for Tina

Recommended items as gifts bought from Jack of All Trades
Blue Guitar (16000), Crab (1000), Doughnuts (700), Revolver (8000, 2
kinds), Guitar (Blue/Red) (16000), Jewel Brooch (4000), Lobster
(1000), Pistol (Black) (8000), Prototype Xbox (24800), Sub-Machine Gun
(8000), Sapphire (30000), Ukelele (4000), Soap (1500, 2 kinds),
Brooches (all, 4000)

General Comment:
In my opinion, she is toughest to please due to the limitation of
items. Her favorite color is rather close towards Hitomi's sky blue.
You need to find objects that is dark blue or blue in nature.

Love Phrase "It's just what I wanted! I love it!"
Like Phrase "Oh wow, thanks!"
Neutral Phrase "Thanks"
Dislike Phrase "Thanks a lot..."
Hate Phrase "...Well, I guess I'll take it if you want."

Gravure Movie Listing

Poolside Doing push-ups and exercise Morning
Lying on a float board Daytime (Even)
Jungle Crawling on a tree log Most
Private Beach Dancing by the shore Most
Niki Beach Swimming underwater in the ocean Most
Bass Island Riding a bicycle and perform stunts! Daytime Only

A y a n e
Nationality: Japanese Female ninja born in the same
Height/Weight: 5'2", 104 lbs town as Kasumi. Despises Kasumi
Body Size: B37", W21", H33"
Birthday: August 5th
Age: Not available
Blood Type: AB
Hobbies: Beauty Treatment ABILITIES:
Favourite Food: Marrons glaces Power: **
Favorite Color: Dark purple Technique: *****
Birthstone: Peridot Defense: **

Specific Swimsuit received from Zack:
Mermaid, Raccoon, Siren

Swimsuit Listing (arranged in alphabetical order)
- Bought from Sports Shop (33)

Swimsuit Cost Swimsuit Cost
````````````````````````````````` `````````````````````````````````
Ainsel 370000 Nymph (initial) 5000
Apsaras 125000 Oreas 10000
Ariel 80000 Pixie 370000
Banshee 30000 Roane 475000
Cait Sith 5000 Rousalka 30000
Drac 270000 Salamander 50000
Dryas 10000 Selky 270000
Echo 550000 Shylph 80000
Elf 125000 Spriggan 370000
Fay 30000 Undine 50000
Gnome 50000 Wilde Frau 370000
Gruagach 270000
Kikmora 5000
Lamina 5000
Maridah 125000
Meliae 80000
Merrow 65000
Morgan 270000
Naias 10000
Neck 125000
Nereis 10000
Nixie 65000

Favorite Item: Favorite Bandanna
* Ayane's favorite Bandanna can be equipped or disarm.

Recommended items as gifts bought from Jack of All Trades
Grape Juice (600), Kunais (10000), Peridot (30000), Shurikens (10000),
Swallowtail Brooch (4000), Hand Glass (2000), Marron glaces (5000),
Lavender (750), Music Box (3000)

General Comment:
Another tough character to get along with. Ayane is a ninja thus you
should get ninja type weapons such as shurikens and kunais. She loves
purplish objects and butterflies. Avoid giving her origamis. I have
found out Ayane loves stylish caps and casquette...

Love Phrase "Oh my. Thank you."
Like Phrase "Hey hey, this is pretty good."
Neutral Phrase "Oh great. I'll take it."
Dislike Phrase "Huh! What's this thing?"
Hate Phrase "What is this? You have bad taste."

Gravure Movie Listing

Poolside Sit by the pool Most
Walk and stay in the pool Daytime
Jungle Sitting on the log Most
Private Beach Sitting by the swing Most
Niki Beach Sit on the beach and roll Most
Play with the water and take a stroll Daytime
Bass Island Exercise and stretching at the shore Daytime Only

G i f t G i v i n g
Just before I end this section, there are few key pointers that I
would like to stress on about gift giving in DOAXBV.

1. Beware of items such as drinks, flowers and food. They will go
spoilt after a period of time (around 1/2 to 3/4 of a day). Thus
if you are buy them for a person who is not found, I recommend you
to buy it in evening and sent them via Hotel's "Give a Gift"
option. Items sold at Zack of All Trades can be only be bought
once for that particular vacation.

2. As you give likeable accessories, the girls will wear it as you
see them playing beach volleyball or during gurave mode. There is
an important note regarding this.

Make sure you did not give them the same gifts that they are
currently wearing. I have tried once by giving Ayane a denim
casquette which she is wearing. However, it got discarded despite
her mood is good...

3. It is possible to give swimsuits as gifts. However, I supposed
most people attempt to collect all swimsuits and would rather
spend the money on rarer swimsuits and items for gifts.

4. On receiving a gift, make sure that you do NOT discard the item
on that night. It will have a great impact on the giver's mood.
If you want to discard, do it on the next day.

5. Gifts that is not opened on 13th night will be available for
viewing on the next vacation you begin with the same character.
However, the chances of perishable items get spoil is relatively

6. Get as many friends as possible so that you can finish the
swimsuit collection fast! They will help by giving you swimsuits as
presents... Specific swimsuits can also be obtained via this
method. These swimsuits will be available only if you have played
with the gift giving character. For example, I have played with
both Hitomi and Kasumi. I got a gift from Kasumi that features
the Gentian.

7. Playing volleyball does not affecting your character's
relationship with the opposition team. Instead, it will affect the
opposition team's relationship! It does have an impact on your
character and her partner though... Thus the best solution is to
WIN beach volleyball games.

8. This matter concerns Ayane and Kasumi. It seems that if you get
along well with either one of them, you will get a negative effect
with other due their personal hates. Well, I managed to get more
information about relationships...

Player Likes Hates Dislikes
`````` ````` ````` `````````
Kasumi Generic Ayane & Zack N/A
Hitomi Leifang & Tina Zack N/A
Helena Christie Zack N/A
Leifang Anyone Zack N/A
Christie No one Zack N/A
Lisa Tina Zack & Christie Ayane
Tina Hitomi & Lisa Zack N/A
Ayane N/A Kasumi & Zack N/A

9. The character's hobbies and activates (in-game) can also easily
related to their preferred gifts.

Character Hobbies Occupation / Fighting Style
````````` ``````` ````````````````````````````
Kasumi Fortune-telling Runaway Ninja
Hitomi Cooking Karate
Helena Walking Opera Singer
Leifang Aromatherapy College Student
Christie Driving Assassin
Lisa Surfing Zack's Sister & Volleyball player
Tina Cycling Dancer, Singer, Pro-wrestler
Ayane Beauty treatment Ninja

10. If you intend to give a swimsuit gift to a girl, make sure that
the girl is not your partner (you have more opportunities in giving
gift to her) and win games against that particular girl. Give her
the swimsuit in evening (Ayane is a gift-thrower in the morning

Exhibition Mode
I recommend you to play this mode first before starting to play Zack's
Island mode. This mode could give you the feel of how the beach
volleyball game is being played and it is an ideal training ground.

You will be able to choose your characters and given 10 places for
stage select. You will be able to use the acquired swimsuits from
Zack's Island Mode for these friendly games. You can have a 2-player
versus game. (Too bad, Tecmo did not add a 2 tag-mode for what it has
did for DOA 3...). When selecting your party, you find the following
options appear underneath the character. The swimsuit selectable
comprises of every single swimsuit that you obtained in each of the 3
save files.

Partner Level Mood
````````````` ````
Unwilling Weak Bad
Usual Normal Neutral
Confident Strong Good

These three status indicates your partner's ability. Confident will
bring in a strong teammate for the game. Under level select, you
can set your skill level and that of the computer-controlled players.
Choose from "Weak", "Normal" and "Strong". You can also set the total
points from 7, 10 and 15.

The Exhibition mode is also a useful mode for determining the
character's mood. If you observe carefully, the character icon has
some minor changes as her mood changes. Recognise the icons and use it
to help you in determine moods of your companions while in Zack
Island's Mode. You can find a detailed FAQ featuring this at GameFAQs.

That's all for the Exhibition Mode!


Kasumi - Ka Helena - He Christie - Ch Tina - Ti
Hitomi - Hi Leifang - Le Lisa - Li Ayane - Ay

6.a. Swimsuits
Swimsuits are classified by characters. Character's swimsuit names
carries an individual group of names. For example, Kasumi's swimsuits
are named after flowers while Leifang's swimsuits are named after
birds. Swimsuits can be bought at the Sports Shop at any point of day
(morning, daytime or evening). However you can only purchase
character-specific swimsuits. Certain swimsuits can only be obtained
from Zack as gifts. In order to get swimsuits other than the
character's own, you need to get it from gifts with the following 2

1) Get into good relationship with the target character. She will give
you a swimsuit gift eventually.
2) Play as the target character on a vacation and give the swimsuit
to your playing character. Choose "Leave tomorrow" and play as
the playing character. You will find the swimsuit at your

There is a problem with method 2 is that there is a possibility of
the receiving character throwing away the swimsuit. The best solution
is to build on good relationship with the character and give her the
gift later. It is highly advisible not partner with the girl as you
have more chances of giving gifts to the girl than night.

Certain swimsuits upon equipped will give your character's additional
features. For example, equipping the Black Cat swimsuit on Christie
will features cat's ears on Christie.

Zack will give 3 non-purchasable swimsuits to every character. These
special swimsuits can only obtained for other character via gift
giving. To collect all swimsuits, you may need to play for more than
3 vacations. These swimsuits cannot be discarded. You cannot discard
a swimsuit while the character is wearing it.

There are a total of 304 buyable swimsuits. The swimsuit listing can
be found each individual character's profile.

6.b. Accessories
Accessories are items that can be bought from Accessory Shop & can be
equipped on the character. Unlike swimsuits, you can purchase any of
accessories listed below with any characters. The "Favorites" refers
the character listing that you should give the gift to.

Favorites that are marked with ? are unknown and will be updated when
I got the character's positive reactions about it. The favorites
listing may be subjected to errors.

Watches/ Ribbons/ Bangles

Item Cost Favorites
Analog Wristwatch 27500 Ti, Li, Ay
Black Bangle 1500 Ch
Black Wristwatch 27500 Ti, Ch, Li
Blue Wristwatch 20000 Ti, Hi
Gold Ribbon 1000 Le
Marble Bangle 1500 He
Navy Ribbon 1000 Ti, Ch
Navy Wristband 1500 Ti, Hi, Ch
Pink Bangle 1500 Ka
Pink Ribbon 1000 Ka
Pink Wristband 1500 Ka
Purple Ribbon 1000 Ay
Red Bangle 1500 Ch
Ribbon Bracelet (Blue) 1500 Ti
Ribbon Bracelet (Orange) 1500 Le
Ribbon Bracelet (Pink) 1500 Ka
Ribbon Bracelet (Purple) 1500 Ay
Ribbon Bracelet (Red) 1500 Li
Ribbon Bracelet (Sky Blue) 1500 Hi
Ribbon Bracelet (White) 1500 He
Ribbon Bracelet (Yellow) 1500 Le
White Ribbon 1500 He
White Wristband 1500 He
Wristband (Leopard) 1500 Li
Wristband (Panther) 1500 Ch


Item Cost Favorites
Black Framed Glasses 10000 Ch
Blue Sunglasses 10000 Hi
Brown Framed Glasses 10000 ?
Clear Framed Sunglasses 4000 He
Common Sunglasses 4000 Ti, Ay, Ch
Common Sunglasses (Blue) 4000 Ti, Hi
Common Sunglasses (Green) 4000 ?
Dark Blue Sunglasses 4000 Ti
Goggle Sunglasses (Black) 4000 Ch
Goggle Sunglasses (Blue) 4000 Ti
Goggle Sunglasses (Yellow) 4000 Le
Gold Framed Sunglasses 4000 Le
Hexagon Sunglasses (Blue) 4000 Hi
Hexagon Sunglasses (Pink) 4000 Ka
Hexagon Sunglasses (Red) 4000 Li
Large Sized Sunglasses 4000 ?
Orange Sunglasses 20000 Li, Le
Oval Glasses 4000 ?
Oval Sunglasses (Black) 4000 Ch
Oval Sunglasses (Brown) 4000 ?
Pink Framed Glasses 4000 Ka
Pink Sunglasses 4000 Ka
Plastic Sunglasses (Blue) 4000 Hi
Plastic Sunglasses (Red) 4000 Li
Purple Sunglasses 4000 Ay
Rimless Glasses 4000 Ay
Rimless Glasses (Blue) 4000 Hi, Ti
Rimless Glasses (Yellow) 4000 Le
Showy Sunglasses 4000 Li
Silver Framed Glasses 4000 He
Silver Framed Sunglasses 4000 He
Sports Sunglasses (Blue) 5000 Ti, Hi
Sports Sunglasses (White) 5000 He
Sports Sunglasses (Yellow) 5000 Le
Swimming Goggles 5000 Ti, Li, He, Ka
Titanium Sunglasses (Blue) 5000 Hi, Ti
Titanium Sunglasses (Brown) 5000 ?
Titanium Sunglasses (Orange) 5000 Le, Li
Tortoise Sunglasses 4000 ?
White Framed Sunglasses 4000 He

Hats / Caps / Visors / Hair Clips

Item Cost Favorites
Blue Checked Visor 4500 Hi
Brown Casquette 5000 Ay
Butterfly Hair Clip (Blue) 10000 Ay, Ti
Butterfly Hair Clip (Cyan) 10000 Ay, Hi
Butterfly Hair Clip (Green) 10000 Ay
Butterfly Hair Clip (Red) 10000 Ay, Li
Butterfly Hair Clip (Yellow) 10000 Ay, Le
Cotton Visor (Blue) 4500 Ti
Cotton Visor (Pink) 4500 Ka
Denim Casquette 5000 Ay
Fashionable Cap 5000 Ay, Ch
Floral Hat 5000 He, Li
Grapes Hair Clip 10000 ?
Gray Ribbon Straw 5000 He
Hearts Printed Visor 4500 Ti, Ka, Li
Low Profile Cap (Black) 5000 Ch
Low Profile Cap (Pink) 5000 Ka
Low Profile Cap (Yellow) 5000 Le
Pink Baseball Cap 5000 Ka
Pink Visor 4500 Ka
Red Checked Visor 4500 Li
Red Visor 4500 Li
Sky Blue Visor 4500 Hi
Straw Hat 5000 He
Sunflower Hair Clip 10000 Le, Li
Washed Denim Casquette 5000 Ay
Western Straw Hat 7500 He
White And Blue Cap 5000 Hi, Ti, He
White Hat 5000 He
White Ribbon Straw 5000 He
Yellow And Green Cap 5000 Le
Yellow Ribbon Straw 5000 He
Yellow Visor 4500 Le

Sneakers/ Sandals

Item Cost Favorites
Black Polka-Dot Sandals 15000 Ch
Black Sneakers 20000 Ch
Blue Sandals 15000 Ti, Hi
Blue Sneakers 20000 Ti, Hi
Brown Sneakers 20000 ?
Camouflage Sneakers 20000 ?
Checked Sneakers 20000 ?
Flower Sandals (Pink) 15000 Ka
Flower Sandals (Violet) 15000 Ay
Flower Sandals (White) 15000 He
Flower Sandals (Yellow) 15000 Le
Green High Heels 15000 ?
Green Sneakers 20000 ?
Hearts Sneakers 20000 Ti
Leopard Print Sneakers 25000 Li
Orange Sneakers 20000 Li, Le
Pink Canvas Sneakers 20000 Ka
Red High Heels 15000 Li
Red Leather Sneakers 25000 Li
Red Polka-Dot Sandals 15000 Li
Red Sneakers 20000 Li
Sky Blue High Heels 15000 Hi
White Canvas Sneakers 20000 He
White Leather Sneakers 25000 He
Yellow Sandals 15000 Le

- They will wither/dry up after a day. You can equip flowers on the
girl's hair.

Item Cost Favorites
Blue Hibiscus 100 Hi, He, Li
Orange Plumeria 100 Li
Orange Rose 300 Li, Le
Pink Hibiscus 100 Ka, Li
Pink Plumeria 100 Ka, Li
Pink Rose 300 Ka, Li
Purple Anemone 100 Ay, Li
Purple Rose 300 Ay, Li
Red Anemone 100 Li
Red Hibiscus 100 Li
Unknown Pink Flowers 200 ?
Unknown Red Flowers 200 ?
Unknown White Flowers 200 ?
Unknown Yellow Flowers 200 ?
White Anemone 100 He, Li
White Hibiscus 100 He, Li
White Plumeria 100 He, Li
Yellow Anemone 100 Le, Li
Yellow Plumeria 100 Le, Li
Yellow Rose 100 Le, Li


- You can equip a volleyball and use it for a match by selecting the
"Use" option when viewing the items inventory.
- Gold and Silver Volleyball can only be obtained as presents from Zack
or other girls.

Item Cost Favorites
Blue Volleyball 5000 Ti, Hi
Camouflage Ball (Blue) 5000 Ti
Camouflage Ball (Green) 5000 ?
Camouflage Ball (White) 5000 ?
Colorful Volleyball 5000 ?
Crystal Ball 10000 ?
Fluorescent Orange Ball 5000 Le, Li
Gold Volleyball N/A ?
Green Volleyball 5000 ?
Leopard Print Ball 5000 Li
Light Green Volleyball 5000 ?
Orange Volleyball 5000 ?
Polka-Dot Volleyball 5000 Li, Ka
Purple Volleyball 5000 Ay
Red Volleyball 5000 Li
Silver Volleyball N/A ?
Stars And Stripes Ball 5000 Ti, Li
Union Jack Ball 5000 Ch
White Volleyball 5000 He
Yellow Volleyball 5000 Le
Zebra Print Ball 5000 ?

6.c Items
Items can be bought from Accessory Shop (lotions and nail polishers
only) and Zack of All Trades (Open only on the 4th day of any vacation)
All except for the Ninja Gaiden Trailer and demo tapes can be bought.
Those tapes can be obtained from Zack as gifts (you will have to play
more than 1 vacation with the same character). Some characters have
favorite items which cannot be given as gifts or discarded.

Lotions and Nail Polishs

- To apply, select "Use" option when viewing items inventory
- Suntan and Sunblock lotions can only last for 1/2 of the day when
applied. Suntan lotion makes your character looks tanner while
sunblock lotion makes your character looks more fairer.
- These items can only be bought at the Accessory Shop

Item Cost Favorites
Nail Polish (Black) 5000 Ch
Nail Polish (Blue) 5000 Ti
Nail Polish (Cyan Blue) 5000 Hi
Nail Polish (Green) 5000 ?
Nail Polish (Pink) 5000 Ka
Nail Polish (Purple) 5000 Ay
Nail Polish (Red) 5000 Li
Nail Polish (White) 5000 He
Nail Polish (Yellow) 5000 Le
Nail Polish Remover 5000 -
Sunblock Lotion 1000 All
Suntan Lotion 1000 Li, Ti, Le, Ch


- Food are perishable after a 1/2 of the day has gone. Thus if you
have any item that you want to give and the character cannot be
found, you should purchase it in the Evening and give it during
- Food can be consumed. Upon inedible, the food will be discarded

Item Cost Favorites Type
Blancmange 5000 He Food
British Bread 700 Ch Food
Cherry Pie 5000 Li Food
Chinese Dessert 5000 Le Food
Crab 1000 Ti Food
Doughnuts 700 Li, He, Ti, Hi Food
French Bread 700 He Food
Grape Juice 600 Ay Food
Lobster 1000 Ti Food
Marrons Glaces 5000 Ay Food
Meat Bun 700 Le Food
Milk 600 Li Food
Mineral Water 600 Ti, Hi Food
Orange Juice 600 Le Food
Pineapple 600 Li Food
Sachertorte 5000 Hi Food
Salad 600 Li, Ti Food
Sports Drink 600 Li, Ti, Hi Food
Strawberries 700 Ka Food
Strawberry Juice 600 Ka Food
Strawberry Millefeuille 5000 Ka Food
Tomato 500 Ch Food
Tomato Juice 5000 Ch Food
Vegetable Juice 600 Li, He Food


- These items are classified as "generic items". Individual characters
will have different taste on items.
- Weapons can be loaded but there is no specific features.
- Music instruments play melodies when you choose to use them.
- Upon using "Touch" option, Balloons will be spoiled automatically!
- Lavender and lily are the only flowers that cannot be equipped. They
will wither when kept for more than 3/4 of the day.
- The cactus will also wither if keep for more than a day.

Item Cost Favorites Type
Amethyst 30000 Ka Jewel
Aquamarine 30000 Hi Jewel
Army Knives 5000 Ch Weapon
Aromapot 2800 Le Hobby
Balloons 2000 Ka Hobby
Black Compact 2500 Ay, Ch Beauty
Black Fan 3000 Le Hobby
Blue Conch 2000 He, Hi Hobby
Blue Fan 3000 Le Hobby
Blue Guitar 16000 Ch, Ti Music
Blue Origami 2500 Ka Hobby
Brown Guitar 16000 Ch Music
Cactus 1000 Li Hobby
Candles 4000 Le, He Hobby
Checked Cushion 3000 Ka Hobby
Clover Brooch 4000 Ti, Ka Jewel
Collar 3500 He Hobby
Crystal Ball 10000 Ka Hobby
Cute Cushion 3000 Ka, Hi Hobby
Diamond 30000 Le, He Hobby
Dolphin Brooch 4000 He, Ti Hobby
Dolphin Clock 7000 He Hobby
Dolphin Sea World Ticket 2000 He Hobby
Emerald 30000 Hi Jewel
Fan 3000 Le Hobby
Flower Brooch 4000 Ti Hobby
Fountain Pen 1800 Li, He Hobby
Frying Pan 2000 Hi Hobby
Garnet 30000 He, Li Hobby
Gold Compact 2500 Ay Hobby
Gold Revolver 8000 Ch, Ti Hobby
Green Murex 1500 He Hobby
Green Soap 1500 Ti Hobby
Guitar (Blue/Red) 16000 Ti, Ch Hobby
Guitar (Brown/White) 16000 Ch Hobby
Hand Glass 2000 Ay Hobby
Heart Brooch 4000 Ti Hobby
Hourglass 2500 Hi Hobby
Jewel Brooch 4000 Ti Hobby
Knife 7000 Ch Hobby
Kunais 10000 Ay Hobby
Lavender 750 Li, Ay Hobby
Leather Steering Wheel 15000 Ch Hobby
Lily 650 Li Hobby
Microwave Oven 6000 Hi Hobby
Music Box 3000 Ay Hobby
Nunchaku 12500 Le Hobby
Opal 30000 Le, Li Hobby
Orange Guitar 16000 Ch Hobby
Orange Origami 2500 Ka Hobby
Panda Doll 8000 Le, Hi Hobby
Pearl 30000 He Hobby
Pen And Ink 2000 Li, He Hobby
Perfume 3000 He, Ay Hobby
Peridot 30000 Ay Hobby
Pink Feather Fan 2000 Le Hobby
Pink Murex 2000 He, Ka Hobby
Pistol 8000 Ch Hobby
Pistol (Black) 8000 Ch, Ti Hobby
Prototype Xbox 24800 Ti Hobby
Purple Conch 1500 He, Ay Hobby
Purple Origami 2500 Ka Hobby
Recipe "Sanuki Udon" 10000 Hi Hobby
Recipe "Sashimi" 10000 Hi Hobby
Recipe "Shabu-Shabu" 10000 Hi Hobby
Recipe "Sukiyaki" 10000 Hi Hobby
Recipe "Sushi" 10000 Hi Hobby
Recipe "Tempura" 10000 Hi Hobby
Recipe "Yakisoba" 10000 Hi Hobby
Recipe "Yakitori" 10000 Hi Hobby
Red Fan 3000 Le Hobby
Ruby 30000 Ch Hobby
Sapphire 30000 Ti, Hi Hobby
Scholarly Book "Anti-Gravity" 20000 Li Hobby
Scholarly Book "Clone" 20000 Li Hobby
Scholarly Book "Cyborg" 20000 Li Hobby
Scholarly Book "Time Machine" 20000 Li Hobby
Scholarly Book "Warp" 20000 Li Hobby
Shell Brooch 4000 Ti, He Hobby
Shurikens 10000 Ay Hobby
Silver Compact 2500 Ay Hobby
Silver Revolver 8000 Ti, Ch Hobby
Silver Set 16000 Hi Hobby
Sky Blue Feather Fan 2000 Le Hobby
Sky Blue Shell 1500 He, Hi Hobby
Star Brooch 4000 Ti Hobby
Sub-Machine Gun 8000 Ch, Ti Hobby
Swallowtail Brooch 4000 Ay, Ti Hobby
Tarot Cards 3000 Ka Hobby
Teddy Bear (Brown) 8000 Hi Hobby
Teddy Bear (Pink) 8000 Hi, Ka Hobby
Topaz 30000 Le, Li Hobby
Turquoise 30000 Ch, Hi Hobby
Ukelele 4000 Ti Hobby
White Conch 1300 He Hobby
White Guitar 16000 Ch Hobby
White Origami 2500 Ka Hobby
White Shell 1300 He Hobby
White Soap 1500 Ti, He Hobby
Wood Steering Wheel 15000 Ch Hobby
Yellow Compact 2500 Ay Hobby
Yellow Feather Fan 2000 Le Hobby
Yellow Murex 1300 He, Le Hobby
Yellow Shell 2000 He, Le Hobby
Zack's Autograph 10000 No one Hobby
Zack's Statue 10000 No one Hobby

6.d Original Soundtrack Listing
You can view the list of soundtrack listing at the Radio Station. This
game supports custom soundtrack where you can use saved soundtracks
from your Xbox for the in-game as background music. Some of the
soundtracks will be available after you have completed a vacation and
they will be selectable only at the Radio Station. I have discovered a
total of 18 soundtracks.

Song Title Artiste
`````````` ```````
Jesse Hold on B*Witched
Fereal Big Mountain
Come on over (All I want is you) Christina Aguilera
The Kids don't like it Reel Big Fish
Bitchism Raja-Nee
If it don't fit B*Witched
Move it like this BahaMan
Me gusta Olga Tanon
Do it Spice Girls
I want you girlfriend to be my girlfriend Reel Big Fish
Give me a reason Aswad
Sweet & deadly Big Mountain
Is this love Bob Marley
This is it Innosense
Lovin' you Janet Key
How crazy are you (opening theme) Meja
Pegaito Olga Tanon
Turn it up Raja-Nee

You can manipulate the soundtrack playing with the black button (
switch to next song) and white button (replays current song). You can
set the soundtrack playing "On" with (A) button and switch the
position (X) button and move it with the directional pad.


Gambling is not always a sure-win thing. But you can use it to
maximize your earnings in order to purchase those expensive swimsuits
for Lisa, Christie and Tina. Before you start to gamble, it is highly
advisable to gain some cash. If you lose all your money, you will be
forced to return to the Hotel.

The casino is only accessible at night from the Hotel menu.

Under the casino, it feature the following playable games:
- Roulette
- Blackjack
- Poker
- Slot Machine

You can switch your chips from 100 Zack Dollars to 10,000 Zack Dollars.
You can only bet once for Poker. Bet multiple times to top-up your
bettings. Press Cancel (B button) that number of times to quit.

The roulette is most toughest to play. You will find your other
companions betting on roulette where every character is represented by
her own color chip. The color chip is as follows:

Kasumi - Pink Leifang - Yellow Tina - Blue
Hitomi - Sky Blue Christie - Black Ayane - Purple
Helena - White Lisa - Red

Only 4 players can play the roulette at one time. You can bet at
multiple squares within a time limit. You can view the scoreboard by
hitting the (Y) button. Hit (A) and use D-Pad to place your bets.
Hit (X) to commence the game.

Your objective is guess where the ball will land on the roulette. The
roulette is marked with black, red and green. You can choose to bet on
odds or evens, columns or evens or even the individual numbers. It is
possible to bet on all 38 spots but you will still lose as the odds
are at most 36:1...

I still need to more research. I would be happy if someone could help
me to explain this...

Blackjack is probably the most famous poker related game. Your
objective is to draw a set of cards to reach 21 points as close as

- If you get more than 21 points, you will lose your bet.
- Banker must draw a card if its total is less than 16 and must stay
at 17 and above.
- The game will end automatically if the banker gets Blackjack (21)
- Aces can be considered as 11 or 1 points.
- K, Q, J and 10 are considered as 10-points card

Blackjack situations:
- Insurance will be prompted when a banker's card shows an Ace and a
covered card. If you choose "Yes"
1) Banker's card is 21 - you will not lose any money
2) Banker's card is not 21 - you will lose 1.5x of your bet.
If you choose "No"
1) Banker's card is 21 - you lose 1.5x of your bet
2) Banker's card is not 21 - the game resumes
- You will get 1.5x of your bet if you hit Blackjack (i.e. a 10-pts
card and an ace)

(A) Hit - Take another card
(B) Stand - Keep the cards that you currently held.
(X) Double Down - take an additional card to double your initial bet.
Split - if your cards are of the same value. You can have 2
"hands". If the split cards are Aces, you can get only an
additional card per Ace.
(Y) Surrender - take back half of your bet and give up the game.

Mathetically, you can manipulate your winnings with some calcuations.
A deck of cards consists of 52 cards. Thus calcuating...

Chances of obtaining a card's value is...
= 7 or > 7 (4x 7p + 4x 8p + 4x 9p + 4x 10p + 4x J + 4x Q +
4x K) / 52 x 100% = 53.8%

10-value card (4x 10p + 4x J + 4x Q + 4x K)/52 x 100% = 30.7%

< 5 (include Aces) (4x 5p + 4x 4p + 4x 3p + 4x 2p + 4x A)/52 x 100%
= 30.7%

Ace = (4x A )/52 * 100% = 7.69%

< 7 28/52 x 100% = 53.8%
< 6 24/52 x 100% = 46.1%
< 5 20/52 x 100% = 38.4%
< 4 16/52 x 100% = 30.7%
< 3 12/52 x 100% = 23.1%
< 2 08/52 x 100% = 15.4%

The reason for the high probability of drawing a 10-pt card is because
of K, Q and J cards considered as 10-pt cards. Thus, there are sixteen
10-pt card as compared to 4 cards of other numbers.

It sounds logical that if you get 20, you should not hit as due to low
percentage of getting an Ace. Do not hit if you get 17-pts or more as
the chances of getting a card higher than 4 is definitely more than
30.7%. If you want to know more about DOAX: Blackjack check out Agent
Pliksen's Gamble FAQ, which is also available at GameFAQs

Poker is a fun game but you can only bet once. You will be issued 5
cards where you need to draw a second time. You are allowed to hold
your cards with the (X) button and cards that are not under hold will
be swapped with new cards. You will earn money if your cards matches
any one of the odds:

Hands and Pay Rates
Five Cards 50x Flush 5x
Royal Straight Flush 30x Straight 4x
Straight Flush 20x Three Cards 3x
Four Cards 10x Two Pairs 2x
Full House 6x Joker 1x

If you match any of the above combinations, you will win back your bet
amount along with the pay rates. If your cards are combination of the
Hands (listed in the chart above), you will be allowed to play a
"Double Up" Game. If you got a Joker (Zack), you will be allowed to
play the "Joker" Game.

Getting the correct match
The chances of obtaining good hand such as Royal Straight Flush is
*extremely* slim. Your chances are higher if you discarded 3 cards,
instead of 2 cards. The chances of getting a better set of cards is

Note: If you fail the "double up" or selecting the Joker, you will
lose only the original bet.

"Double Up" Game
If you hit the hands listed on the chart above, you will be given an
option whether to "double up" your odds. This is probably best way
to earn quick money. "Double Up" will result you to earn the winnings
with the odds double. There are a total of 5 cards and open card will
be shown with it facing up. Your objective is to choose a card that
is higher than the facing card. For example, if the card is 5 of
Spades, you need to get 6 and above. Spade of Ace is considered the
largest and Joker beats any card on the list.

There are at least 1 Joker among the 4 choices and this means the
chances of winning the "Double Up" is high. It is 50-50 chance of
getting a card higher than the initial card. However, the chances
will be lower, as you goes on...

"Joker" Game
The Joker card game is a simple draw-a-Joker game. Initially, 2 cards
will be laid on the table. You need to draw a Joker. Subsequently,
there will be 4 cards if you have drawn the Joker in the previous
draw. The odds are pretty good as draw the Joker once will double
your bet money, twice will win you 2x of your bet money up to a total
of 5 wins. It is basically based on your guessing and luck...

Slot Machine
There are total of 8 slot machines (one for each character ^_^:) in
the game. The payout rate is different and some them could give you
heavy losses if you are unlucky. You can also identify the character's
likes from the machines, for example you see butterflies theme in
Ayane's slots machine and dolphins in Helena's slots machine

Controls: (A) Bet Left Analog Stick - move the camera view.
(X) Starts You can view odds on the upper part of the
(B) Cancel slot machine.

In my opinion, these is the "hardiest to win" form of gambling. All of
these based on luck. You need to match three slots according to the
score chart to earn money. The odds ranges from 5x to 500x! For
example, you bet 100 zack dollars and matches a selection that pays
you of odds of 100, you will get 100 x 100 = 100,000 Zack Dollars!
But in some of slot machines, there are negative values that could
cost you a fortune in losing a lot of money. If no match is made, you
will not earned any cash...

Slot Machines and their Payout Rates
(reading from the left...)

3x All slots show this icon
Any 2 2 of the slot shows this icon
Any 1 1 of the slot shows this icon
or The slots show 2 of these icons.
(For example: Dagger or Bar. You win if the slots shows 2
daggers and bar or 2 bars and a dagger)

* PS: I need help in confirming these names...
| Kasumi Chan | Go! Go! Animal | Sea Paradise |
| (Kasumi) 1 | (Hitomi) 2 | (Helena) 3 |
|Condition Odds |Condition Odds |Condition Odds|
|3x Kasumi 100 |3x Lion 200 |3x Dolphin 300|
|3x 7 75 |3x Hitomi 100 |3x Helena 300|
|3x Strawberries 50 |3x Panda 100 |Helena/Dolphin 200|
|3x Peach* 40 |3x Elephant 75 |3x Bowfish* 100|
|3x Pineapples 30 |Any 2 Lion 50 |3x Rear Fish* 50|
|3x Cherries 30 |Any 2 Panda 30 |3x Stripe Fish 40|
|3x Bar 20 |3x Parrot 20 |Any 1 Dolphin 30|
|Any 2 Strawberry 10 |3x Penguin 10 |3x Shell 20|
|Any 2 Peach* 5 |3x Squirrel 5 |3x Murex 10|
|Any 2 Pineapple 3 | | |
|Any 2 Cherries 3 | | |
| Dragon Mania | The Target | Flower Garden |
| (Leifang) 4 | (Christie) 5 | (Lisa) 6 |
|Condition Odds |Condition Odds |Condition Odds|
|3x Dragon 200 |3x 7 (Lock On) 500 |3x Lisa 200|
|3x Leifang 100 |3x Christie 300 |3x 7 150|
|3x Nunchaku 70 |3x Gold Revolver 100 |3x Blue Hibiscus 100|
|3x 7 (Chinese) 50 |3x Dagger (Army) 50 |3x Red Unknown 50|
|Any 2 Dragon 30 |3x Bar 30 |Any 2 7 40|
|3x Meat Bun 20 |Dagger or Bar 10 |3x Bar 30|
|3x Taoist Symbol 15 |Any 1 Boom! -100 |3x Cherries 20|
|3x Red Fan 10 |3x Boom! -300 |3x Sunflower 10|
|Any 2 Meat Bun 5 |3x 6 -500 |Any 1 Cherry 5|
| My Fair Lady | Violet Pixy |
| (Tina) 7 | (Ayane) 6 |
|---------------------|------------------------| Y. - Yellow
|Condition Odds |Condition Odds | G. - Green
|3x Tina 300 |3x Ayane 200 |
|3x Zack (red)* 100 |3x Y. Butterfly 150 |
|3x Love (2 bar) 50 |3x Red Ribbon 100 |
|3x Hamster* 20 |Any G./Y. Butterfly 75 |
|3x Love (1 bar) 15 |3x Green Butterfly 50 |
|3x Hearts 10 |3x Peridot 30 |
|Any 1 Devil* -50 |3x Ruby 20 |
|Any 2 Devil* -100 |Any 1 Red Ribbon 10 |
|3 Devil* 50 |Any 1 Emblem* -50 |

Slot machines are difficult to win but they offer great payouts.
However, some of the slot machines offer negative odds. If you bet
100 Zack Dollars, you hit an odd that gives -100, you will lose
100,000 Zack Dollars! The most profitable and risky slot machine is
Christie's - The Target. It is advisible to set your chips to 100 Z
dollars instead of 10,000 Z. If you hit -500 (3 Sixes on Christie's
jackpot with 10,000 Z), you will lose 5 million!

Recommended machines: All except for Christie, Tina & Ayane

Secrets & Hints

Skip to the Ending
Once you have completed a 14-day vacation with any character, you will
find an additional option appearing at the Hotel menu that says "Leave
Tomorrow". By selecting this, it will end the current character's
vacation and proceed to the ending. It will applies on Day 2 of that
character's current vacation.

Complete Ending
Complete the 14-day vacation with any one of 8 gals. You will be able
to view the ending. Wait for the credits to view the aftermath of
Zack's Island.

Additional Soundtracks
Practically, some of the soundtracks are available at various parts of
the day. Some of the soundtrack are available in morning while some are
only available in evening. You need to enable them with (A) button by
visiting the Radio Station.

Visor Trick
To have this trick work, you need a transparent visor for the character.
The character needs to wear a swimsuit has some sort-of-see through. Go
to the Poolside. The character should be lying on the bench. Change the
camera view with the L trigger and you should get a view that you will
be view through the visor. You will see the character's skin & some
stars covering those sensitive parts.

Tested Swimsuits: Gimlet, Emu

Credits and Acknowledgements

1) Thanks to GameFAQs and its owner Jeff
"CJayC" Veasey
2) Thanks to Tecmo and Team Ninja for creating this stimulation game.
3) Thanks to Microsoft for creating Xbox
4) Thanks to my Dad for allowing me to purchase Xbox and PS2 at the
same time.
6) Thanks to my friend for recommending this game.
7) Thanks to Sarah Franks for Ayane's name
8) Thanks Justin Chan for corrections
regarding the swimsuits listing.
9) Thanks to Steve Lamb for his help regarding digital
and analog controls.
10) Thanks to Zechs for the extra Hitomi gravure
movie at Niki Beach.
11) Thanks to everyone on the GameFAQs message boards for the Visor

E-mail Policy / Q & A

E-mail policy
Before you consider e-mailing the author about further questions, please
kindly include DOAX or DOAXVB or Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball
as your subject than inputing the question as subject line.

Q & A

1) Where do I get more information about DOAXVB?
Official links for Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Official website) [flash website] (Tecmo's official website)

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball Game Data
- 1 ~ 2 players
- Custom Soundtracks
- In-game Dolby(R) Control
- Exclusive for Xbox
- 14 blocks

2) How I get quick money?
The best way is win beach volleyball games with large winning
margins. Play the hopping game for last 4 days could get you
at least 30,000 Z dollars per day if you have mastered that mini-
game. Gambling helps but it is rather risky.

3) How do I give the Venus swimsuit to ?
You need to play as Lisa as only you can purchase the Venus swimsuit
while using her. First of all, you need to pamper the girl with a lot
of love gifts. Next get Lisa to partner with that girl. Continue and
improve the relationship with a series of "likes" and "love" gifts.
Win beach volleyball games and give the swimsuit on the 13th day of
the vacation.

4) Is there NUDE or NAKED mode in the game?
Absolutely no. This game is rated as Matured.

5) Does the rumoured TOPLESS CODE by Electronic's Gaming Monthly works?


Practically, it was another joke by the creators of the magazine. I
have tested the code out. I have received e-mails regarding this
code. According to my readers, the code is said to be done in the
following steps:-

In order to activate "Topless Mode", you need to finish a vacation
with a new saved file under 0:13 by using any other girl except for

1) Choose to partner with Lisa.
2) Visit accessory shop as told and exit.
3) Visit unoccupied places where you can view gravure movies. As
soon as you enter the gravure movie, choose to exit immediately.
4) In the evening, you will be forced to play a beach volleyball
game. Hit START to pause the game and choose to give up.
5) Do not visit the Casino at night and choose "Go to Bed" ASAP.
6) For the remaining days of the vacation, visit unoccupied places
to view gravure movies and quickly exit them. Go to bed when
your character is back at the hotel during night time.
7) Do this and view the ending credits. View your saved file and
it must be under 0:13 to activate the mode.
8) To activate, play a vacation with any character. Hit (Y) on
the current swimsuit that the character is wearing. The "W"
(wear) symbol will be replaced with "T" (topless).

[Thanks to Ryoichi Toraneko & Joe Smith

To do it under 13 minutes, you can go to the poolside and choose
"Take a rest" for a gravure movie. I have did that and get it under
12 minutes for the entire vacation. The (Y) button does not have
any impact on the swimsuit inventory screen.

I have seen from the message boards at GameFAQs that you need to do
it twice and save the second time on a memory card. Thus apparently
is FALSE as you cannot save the file on the memory card. All saves
have to be done in the console itself!

Once again, I would like to repeat the code does not work and it is
NOT A REAL CODE! By the way, do not trust the screenshots too much
as they can be edited. I believe it is another APRIL'S FOOLS JOKE
from Electronic's Gaming Monthly (EGM)

Last Updated: 2 March 2003 Current Version: 1.3
Copyright of Scott Ong 2003
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