Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

Hitman 2 - Silent Assassin

15.10.2013 11:28:27
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Silent Assassin Walkthrough Version 1.1a
By Rojan
E-mail: Samrjk@yahoo.com
Alt E-mail: Rojansheepy@yahoo.com

Stewie from the Family Guy
Louis “Ah… look at Stewie, doesn’t he look adorable playing with his Sesame
Street phone.”
Stewie “Put me through to the Pentagon!”
Ernie “Do you know what a sound a cow makes?”
Stewie “Don’t toy with me Ernie. I’ve got six armed men stationed outside Big
Bird’s nest. I’ve dispatch with Mr. Hooper, and as for Linda… well it’s rather
difficult for a deaf woman to hear an assassin approach.


This FAQ is copyrighted and shouldn't be used for your own laziness (I.E
posting it on your site saying you made it) or profit. This was made for
personal use such as helping with the game. Do not post this on your site
without my permission. You can download the walkthrough to your computer. You
can give it away but do not charge cash for it.

-=-FAQ History

Here is a small update for an alternative path for mission 1 that was
contributed by Mr. Ford.

All the weapons, and items have been updated quite nicely. All missions have
been added for you pleasure. Also cheats, items and patch info have been
added. Since this is on my web site, I’ve added on a few missions, maps to
help. In my opinion it’s pretty complete.
Check on my website for the other version with maps and such.

This is the start of the full game walkthrough. As you might know, this FAQ is
changed from my demo walkthrough. So just to emphasis, this is the full
walkthrough, not the demo.

Note: This walkthrough/FAQ contains spoilers to the story. Please do not read
farther unless the story means nothing to you. With that out of the way,

-=-Table of Contents
1. Story
2. Characters
3. Combat strategies and tips
4. Items and weapons
I. Akimbo Gun Technique:
II. Two SMGs in your coat:
4a. Handguns
I. Berretta 92f
II. Desert Eagle
III. 5.45 Russian Pistol
IV. .22 Suppressed Pistol
V. Hard Ballers
VI. Colt Python Snub nose
4b. Rifles
I. R93 Sniper rifle
II. 12 Gauge Shotgun
III. Dragonof (SVD) Sniper rifle
IV. AK-47
V. SP 12 Shotgun
VI. M4 Colt Carbine
VII. M60 light machine gun
VIII. M195 Anti Vehicle rifle
IX. Hunting Crossbow
X. MP5
XI. UZI 9mm
XII. Sawed-off shotgun
XIII. W2000 Sniper rifle
XIV. W2000 Custom rifle
4c. Melee weapons
I. Fiber wire
II. Knife (Kitchen, Combat, Surgeons Scalpel)
IV. Golf club (Driver)
V. Katana Sword
VI. Fire Axe
VII. Anesthetic

4d. Items
I. Spoon
II. Magnum ammo
IV. Pistol ammo
V. Shotgun ammo
VI. Sniper ammo
VII. Flowers
VIII. Binoculars
IX. Locks pick
X. Groceries
XI. Car Keys
XII. Basement Key
XIII. Night Vision goggles
XV. Foreign Chocolate
XVI. Sushi
XVII. Cheque

5. Walkthrough
5a. Prequel Mission/ Training
5b. Mission 1
5c. Mission 2
5d. Mission 3
5e. Mission 4
5f. Mission 5
5g. Mission 6
5h. Mission 7
5i. Mission 8
5j. Mission 9
5k. Mission 10
5l. Mission 11
5m. Mission 12
5n. Mission 13
5o. Mission 14
5p. Mission 15
5q. Mission 16
5r. Mission 17
5s. Mission 18
5t. Mission 19
5u. Mission 20

6. End Mission Rating
7. Bugs
8. Extra things to do
9. Cheats
10. Copyright stuff

Note: The patch is now out. It doesn’t fix the blue screen but it fixes a lot
of things. Go download it. The console menu appears now and you can use the
invisible cheat in the game. Type it out like in the demo.

-=-1. Story
You are the best, a legend whispered through out the business. No one has
heard from you for a while and think of you as dead. You have found GOD and
have donated your vast accumulated fortune into the Sicily church.
Unfortunately (and it would be a very boring game unless) some people are
forcing you back to the trade. You find a note attached to a kitchen knife
saying that they want 500,000 or they will hold your friend Father Vittorio
until then. You don the suit and answer with your weapons.

-=-2. Characters

Code 47
This character is your basic silent badass killer.

Dianna from Agency
She is your contact within the agency. She enjoys having you because her
rating goes up with the legend employed in her services.

Father Vittario
The father and mentor who is kidnapped by a group of mafia men

-=-3. Combat Strategies and tips

1. Use doorways as choke points so that if guards want to kill you, you know at
least that they have to come and get you one at a time. The uses of melee
weapons near choke points help lengthen your life as well.

2. Each weapon can be used as a melee weapon. You can swing your firearms if
you are close enough to the enemy. This is a slow process but better than

3. Use stealth as much as possible, hence the title, Silent Assassin. It may
be slower going but it's better than a game over logo.

4. Reload, reload and make sure to reload after gun battles. There is nothing
more aggravating than to hear "Click, Click."

5. Do not run while in disguise. Guards will yell at you and lets face it,
which wouldn't question a bald guy in a group of mafia men who all have hair.

6. Push q to holster weapons and items.

7. Look through keyholes. It can save you the embarrassment of dying from
walking into a room full of guards.

8. Use the first person mode if you need to aim.

9. The third person camera is good to look around with and can look almost
above any door.

10. Shoot lamps to create stealthier approaches. Even though, you cannot break
them with melee weapons for some reason.

11. Use the map function to scout and to tell you where the targets are. You
can never be too careful.

12. AI will remember you. Even if you didn't pull out your weapon they will
still remember to be curious of you.

13. Study the movements of the guards. (Green=innocents, blue=guards,
red=target, important, and white=important people)

14. If the game is pissing you off due the guards seem to be supremely smart at
the wrong time, play through the level shooting everybody. You will let off
steam and you can always reply the level if you want.

-=-4. Items and Weapons

I. Akimbo Gun Technique:
You will first need either the version of the hard balers. First drop the hard
balers on the ground. Then pull out the handgun you want in your left hand.
Pick up the balers. You can now pull out any handgun and you will akimbo them
together. You cannot reload the gun in your left hand however.

II. Two SMGs in your coat:
Generally, you are only allowed one SMG in your coat, either the UZI or the
Mp5. You can conceal both guns in your coat by first placing one or the other
in your coat. Arm yourself with the other SMG. Then pick up a rifle or pistol
and you will holster the SMG.


4a. Handguns

Handgun note: All handguns can be holstered within your person. You can only
carry up to 3 different types of handguns at one time. Dual guns such as hard
ballers are considered one gun in your inventory.

I. Berretta 92f (SD, Non-SD)
Caliber: 9mm
Clip Capacity: 15 Rounds
Length: 21.7 cm
Weight: .95 kg
Bullet Power: light
Description: The most popular military handgun. It is light and effective. It
can hold a generous clip and can be slipped into your jacket. This baby also
comes in SD or silenced. This handgun is the standard gun that all other
handguns are judged.

II. Desert Eagle (.45 and .50)
Caliber: .45 or .50
Clip Capacity: 7 Rounds (.45) or 8 Rounds (.50)
Bullet Power: Powerful
Length: 15.9 cm
Weight: 1.897 (.50)
Description: This is one of the most well known handguns in the world. This
weapon can take down a person with two shots to the chest. A very noisy weapon
and shouldn't be needed unless you like going into a mission with guns blazing.

IV. 5.45mm Pistol (Russian Service Pistol)
Caliber: 5.45
Clip Capacity: 10
Bullet Power: Weak
Length: 16 cm
Weight: .46 Kg
Description: A very weak pistol. You really shouldn’t use it. You should
only really try to add it to your collection anyway.

V. .22 Suppressed Pistol with integral silencer)
Caliber: .22
Clip Capacity: 12
Bullet Power: Weak
Length: 42.2 cm
Weight: 1.12 Kg
Description: A rare but ultimately a poor weapon.

VI. Hard ballers (Dual, Single, SD .45)
Caliber: .45 ACP
Clip Capacity: 7 Rounds - Note in reality, the guns are akimbo guns so you
actually have 14 rounds but you fire both guns at the same time.
Bullet Power: Medium
Length: 41.6 cm (SD) or 21.6 cm
Weight: 1.257 Kg (SD) or 1.076 Kg
Description: Speed and power, are the two qualities you will love in these
akimbo weapons. Cleaning rooms shouldn't be a problem with these babies. And
best of all you can holster them so no one has to know about them. IO really
made these better than the original. They also come in single and SD versions
as well.

VII. Colt Python (Snub nose .357 Revolver)
Caliber: MAG
Clip Capacity: 6 Rounds
Bullet Power: Powerful
Length: 20 CM
Weight: 1.06 Kg
Description: To quote Clint Eastwood. "Did I fire 6 shots or 5 shots? Now I
have a question for you, do you feel lucky, punk?" Not only is it a powerful
gun, but also you can spew out the bullets at a rapid pace. Of course it has a
slower reload time but you easily took everyone out with it.

4b. Rifles and shotguns

I. R93 Sniper rifle
Caliber: .308 Winchester
Clip Capacity: 6 Rounds
Bullet Power: Powerful
Length: 119 Cm
Weight: 4.8 Kg
Description: This weapon is dreamy. It is one of the status symbols of being
a hit man. With each zoom, the shaking increments of the sight moves so you
have to wait for that perfect shot. Never reload or use it in a close range

II. Double-Barreled Shotgun (12 Gauge double-barreled shot gun)
Caliber: 12 Gauges
Clip Capacity: 2 Rounds
Bullet Power: Powerful
Length: 11.5.7 Cm
Weight: 3.2 Kg
Description: This is my boom stick. This has almost no kick back to it. You
can rapid fire off two shots and one hit will take down a man in the chest.
Use this with a choke point and no one will come through alive.

IV. Dragonof (SVD) rifle
Caliber: 7.62mm
Clip Capacity: 10 rounds
Length: 175.5 cm
Weight: 4.31 kg
Bullet Power: Powerful
Description: This is a semi automatic rifle. It is Russian made and one of the
many rifles you will gain through out the game.

V. AK 47 (Russian AK-47 Derivative)
Caliber: 5.45 mm
Clip Capacity: 30 rounds
Bullet Power: Medium
Length: 67.5 cm
Weight: 3.1 Kg
Description: This is regarded as one of the best-made rifles in the world.

VI. SP 12 Shotgun (Full-Automatic combat shotgun)
Caliber: 12 Gauges
Clip Capacity: 8 rounds
Bullet power: Medium
Length: 93 Cm
Weight: 4.2 Kg
Description: Excuse the drool from the side of my mouth. This weapon is one
of the best room cleaners in the game. With very little kick back and a quick
trigger finger will clean the floor with those dirty mafia men.

VII. M4 Rifle (Carbine assault rifle)
Caliber: 5.56 mm
Clip capacity: 30
Bullet power: Medium
Length: 84 Cm
Weight: 2.54 Kg
Description: The better of the AK-47. It has a better firing rate and also is
better detailed as well.

VII. M60 (Light Machine gun)
Caliber: 7.62
Clip Capacity: 100
Bullet power: A little bit above mediums
Length: 110 Cm
Weight: 10.5 Kg
Description: For the badass last big weapon you get, it feels really weak
compared to the rest of the bigger guns. The rate of fire really leaves a lot
to be desired, the power is good but not great and you miss more times than you
hit. IOI give me back the mini gun.

VIII. M195 Sniper (Cal .50 Anti-Vehicle rifle)
Caliber: .50
Clip Capacity: 6 rounds
Bullet Power: Off the charts
Length: 114.3 cm
Weight: 10 Kg
Description: This is the best weapon in my opinion. You can take out a head or
two easily with this.

IX. Hunting Crossbow (Compound hunting crossbow)
Caliber: Crossbow bolts
Clip Capacity: 1 Round
Bullet Power: Weak
Length: 124.8 cm
Weight: 2.9 Kg
Description: The only silent firing weapon in the game. It kind of stinks, do
to the excessive shaking the developers put behind it and the fact that it
reloads very slowly. Did IOI forget the Half Life crossbow with 5 rounds
instead of one?

X. Mp5 SD or Regular (Delayed blow back sub machine gun)
Clip Capacity: 30 rounds
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum
Bullet Power: light
Length: 68 cm
Weight: 2.55 Kg
Description: The step up from handguns.

XI. Uzi 9mm (Rugged Sub machine gun)
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum
Clip Capacity: 30
Length: 47 Cm
Weight: 3.7 Kg
Description: The brother of the Mp5.

XII. Sawed off
Caliber: Shotgun shells
Clip Capacity: 2 rounds
Bullet Power: Powerful (Up close)
Description: This is considered a handgun in the game. It has the only
visible glitch of the shells not popping out of the chambers.

XIII. W2000 Sniper (Collectors Sniper rifle)
Caliber: .300 Win Mag
Clip capacity: 1 round
Bullet Power: Powerful
Length: 90.5 Cm
Weight: 8.31 Kg

XIV. W2000 Custom Sniper (Custom Version of the W2000 sniper’s rifle and few
Caliber: .300 WinMag
Clip Capacity: 10 rounds
Bullet power: Powerful
Length: 90.9 cm
Weight: 8.6 Kg

I. Fiber wire
Description: Ah, piano wire. This is godly of a weapon. Its silent, leaves
no blood and the only thing wrong are that IO took out the twang sound when you
ready it. Love this weapon and it will serve you well. Also during searches,
it isn't considered a weapon and can go through metal detectors.

II. Knife (Kitchen, Combat, Surgeons Scalpel)
Description: Oh my goodness. IO changed this for the better. It has a faster
attack than the golf club and when used from behind you can slit some throats.
Another thing is that in melee combat, it has a powerful attack and can take
down guys in a few attacks. The only thing bad is that it is very messy.

IV. Golf club (Driver)
Description: Swing and knock some teeth out.

V. Katana Sword
Description: Be a ninja.

VI. Fire Axe
Description: Try planting this baby into someone’s face.

VII. Anesthetic
Description: It’s pretty much a rag soaked with alcohol to knock out people.
Its effects wear out pretty fast. Hold down the fire button until they stop
squirming so that they are knocked out longer.

4d. Items

I. Spoon
Description: It's a spoon that is made of wood.

II. Magnum ammo: For magnums and desert eagles.

IV. Pistol ammo: For berretta 92s.

V. Shotgun ammo: For shotguns.

VI. Sniper ammo: For sniper rifles.

VII. Flowers
Description: They are pretty and not a whole lot useful.

VIII. Binoculars
Description: They are your standard variety other than it can double as a golf
ball distance finder on the green.

IX. Locks pick
Description: Open any lock except when noted.

X. Groceries
Description: Food or at least crates you can hide your guns in.

XI. Car Keys
Description: They are on one of the top guards. This can easily get you out
and have a new ride.

XII. Basement Key
Description: The key to where they are hiding Father Vittorio.

XIII. Night Vision
Description: The goggles that allow you to see at night.

XV. Foreign Chocolate
Description: Chocolate is good for only one thing, to eat and nothing more.

XVI. Sushi
Description: The well-known dish of the Japanese

XVII. Cheque
Description: A check

Description: It goes boom.

Bomb Remote
Description: It makes the bomb go boom.

Church Key
Description: The key to the church and is also good for a bottle cap opener
(Bottle openers were called church keys.)

Dust wand
Description: A duster

Server key card
Description: None

Description: Never found it but the game gives it to you when you cheat though.

-=-5. Walkthrough
5a. Prequel Mission:

1. Go to confession
2. Find the package
3. Start the mission

Optional Objectives:
1. Do the training Mission.


Father Vittorio




Prequel Mission notes:
This is the basic training mission/introduction to the world that you will be
entering. You start in your shed. You can explore a bit but nothing really
out of the ordinary. There is another shed. Although you cannot enter it,
look through to see the outlines of firearms. Check the map to see where is
the confession booth. Shortly after, you will see two armed men greet the
Father. One will knock the poor guy out and the other leaves a package for
you. You find a kitchen knife with the note that draws you back to the
profession (quite a fast change of heart if you ask me).

Note: The only real way to fail this is to cheat to get the guns and kill the
priest before he gets out.

5b. Mission 1:

Suggest Equipment:
1. None

1. Kill the Don
2. Collect the key on the Don
3. Find the Father
4. Escape


Mafia guards

Mafia Boss's Brother
Desert Eagle
Car keys


Mafia Boss Son
Desert Eagle

Mafia Boss
Colt Python
Basement Keys

Mail Man


Female Chef
Kitchen Knife

Delivery Boy

There are two main ways to enter the mansion. First there is the mailman and
the second is the delivery boy. However, there is a third path as well. The
number of guards doesn't changes with the difficulty. Also if you played the
demo, the AI has been boosted nicely so try not to fall back on your old habits
playing the level.

1a. Entering as the mailman
The mailman can be seen wearing blue uniform and carrying flowers. He will be
walking into view from your left. He will stop near the bushes to take a pee.
Sneak up behind him and piano wire him. Drag him behind the brick wall and
swap clothes with him. Make sure to pick up the flowers and go to one of the
crates of groceries. Plant your firearms into the crate so you can get your
guns into the place. If they frisk you, make sure you do not have any guns on
you. Enter through the front gate and enter the mansion. Give the flowers to
the maid and you are in.

1b. The delivery boy
You will have to take out the delivery boy the second time he comes around. A
guard will pop out with the first groceries and you wont be able to get him.
This is a little better solution because at least you have your weapons with
you even though you really wont need them. Just walkthrough the gate the same
way the computer does it and you are in. Make sure though, the guns are in the
crate you are carrying.

1c. As a guard
IF you look forward from you starting point you should see a side door. Go to
the right side of the door arch and wait. You should see a guard coming out to
take a pee. Sneak up behind him and piano wire him. Drag him through that
door and you should see a small garage back door. Drag him through that door
and drop him. Take his clothes and the berretta.

1c. Alternative

"I know another way to kill the guard that walks out through the door in the
archway to pee. It doesn't really help but its kind of fun to do. Here's what
you do. Go to the door and open it, stand there long enough for him to notice
you then run and stand next the archway and face the wall. If you did it
correctly then the guard will just stand there and eventually walk away,
thinking that you're another guard or something. Now you can sneak up behind
him and kill him. This makes it a little bit easier because the guard will walk
out faster giving you enough time to get the sniper rifle if you're usually to
slow to make it." By Cd Rifle

2. Taking out the Don
2a. Sniper Rifle
There is a sniper rifle in the garage. It has three shots and can easily take
out the don. First go back out to the hills where you start. On the farthest
balcony, the Don should be practicing his golf swing unless you are too slow.
Take careful aim and shoot. As long as you do not give yourself away, you
should be able to not raise alarms about the Don being dead. The only problem
is that it's very hard to get to his body and get the key to the basement.

2b. Piano wire or a weapon of choice
Sneak to the back of the mansion as soon as possible. There is a ladder on the
left hand side. Climb up the ladder and sneak to the second door (The door to
the right). Open the door and piano wire him. You should leave him there. By
the time the maid finds him, you should be long gone. Take the key and go to
the basement.

3. The basement
The basement is very easy to find. You can get there by the kitchen or
outside. The father is not there and Dianna will tell you that the Father is
being dragged by two Russian looking characters and is not there.

4. Getting out.
4a. Cars
If you killed the Don's brother, you will have an easier time getting out. He
has the car keys on him and you should go to the garage. Leave with style as
you crash through those puny gates.

4b. By foot
Sneak outside and run towards the gate that the mailman first appears and you
are done.

Alternative mission plan by Mr. Ford:

This is a quick and easy way to do the first mission In Hitman 2 Silent
assassin. Although it may take you a few tries. First you will need to have
either the custom rifle or the x-bow. Go take care of the guard who takes a wiz
in the trees with chloroform, just leave him there then run back to your
starting position. You can run to the left of where your start about 10 steps
and all the way back as far as u can up the hill. Aim at the don; wait until
his back is facing you at the far ledge (the ledge with the broken railing).
Shoot him in the back (head with x-bow for sure kill) and he should fall OFF
the balcony u can watch after u snipe him to make sure he does. This may take a
few tries but its worth it then go take the guards cloths and walk slowly and
carefully up the left wall when u enter the door stay as tight to the wall you
can. (If the guard at the garage comes over to inspect you just get to the wall
that is on the right of you and run to the other side of it and he should give
up and walk back to the garage.
Walk to the second tree you see then head across the road to the tree near the
don get out of view and take the key. Then go back the exact way you came
(watching out for garage guard) and then when at the door make your way to the
basement. When you see the Father isn’t there walk slowly back out the door and
leave the area. You have only pacified one enemy and you will most likely get
100% stealth took me about 2 tries to get him off the balcony (custom rifle
works best) but then its clear sailing.

This may take longer but, if you want to use the normal (loud sniper rifle) you
can. You chloroform the postman, hide him. Kill guard with fiber wire, hide
him. Then use your regular rifle (or get the one in the garage) to kill the don
the same way I said before. Although you killed a guard as long as he didn’t
see you then it shouldn't count against your rating. I have done it this way
but it just takes a bit longer that’s all.

5c. Mission 2

Suggested Equipment:
1. None

1. Kill one of the generals at the meeting
2. Do not harm anyone else at the meeting
3. Return to the subway train to escape


Brown Soviet guard:

White Soviet Snow Guard:
AK 47

Personal guards:

Generals 1-4

Target Video
Map of the area
Photo #1

Dragonof (SVD) Rifle
Berretta (9mm)
AK 47

Night vision goggles
9mm ammo
7.62 mm Sniper ammo
Glass of water

Weapon Locations
Dragonof (SVD) Rifle is in the locker #137
Berretta 9mm is in the locker #137
9mm ammo is also in the locker
7.63mm sniper ammo is in the locker
AK47 is on the White Soviet Guards

1a. Sniper
This is the basic route. You can be stealthy and still have an easier time
taking out the target. First do not go after the rifle so soon. You want the
white soviet uniform first before walking around with it. Go up the stairs and
keep going up the stopped escalator. Turn left and you should see a white
soviet guard there. You can take him out but there is another uniform more
easy taken. Go down in that locker room and there should be a metal door to
your right. Go through that door and there will be another door leading to the
sewers. Pick the lock and make sure the guard isn’t near or he will come and
shoot you for no reason what so ever. Run all the way towards the end. Go up
the ladder and check your map. You will see a single guard stopping near the
two other guards at a roadblock. Wait till the guard walks away and sneak to
the truck. A uniform will be there. Go back through the sewers to the locker
#137. You will find all you really need for the job. Walk outside of the
subway area into the snow. Turn right and go around the building. Turn right
again into the alley and then left. Make another turn right and head towards
the building on your map. Go to that building and go up 4 flights of stairs to
a small bedroom with a cracked open window. You should see three generals and
one pacing through out the room.

The Target
He is over 60 years old.
He is right handed.
He is a heavy drinker and is a non-smoker.
He is in full uniform and is bald.

If you still cannot figure him out, it is the closest one to the window sitting
down. Now as quickly as you can go down to the street, making sure no one is
alarmed of you.

1b. Piano wire
This is a lot harder to do since there is no immediate uniform to take without
having it to be a real problem.

2. Escape
You have only one escape route. You can take the sewer back to the subway or
walk back the way you came.

5d. Mission 3

Equipment Suggestion:
1. Anesthetic

1. Kill the second general
2. Kill his mafia connection.

Berretta 9mm gun
Dragonof (SVD) rifle
Car bombs

Night vision Goggles


White Soviet Snow Guards
AK 47

Black Suit Guards

General #2

Soviet Mafia


Personal Drivers

Mission 3 Notes:
This mission isn't hard; it’s just very annoying. There are too many guards
for my liking but I love the way you come into the level. Mr. 47 tells Dianna
to take the standard pay and to triple it. She agrees and you are to continue
your profession. Make sure to quickly get your supplies before the snow guard
comes and tells you to go away.

1a. Car bombs
This is the path many of you whom have played the original know about. Quickly
head towards the garbage canisters and behind them is your equipment. Take
only the car bombs, ammo and the 9mm. The guard will run up towards you and
tell you to go away. Go down into the sewers. Check your map and head to the
southwestern sewer exit. You should see the underbelly of a limo. Place the
bomb and then onto the next car. Go up towards the northeastern exit out of
the sewers. Once outside you should see you are near a box. The limo driver
has drunk too many diet sodas and takes a pee frequently. Take him out with
your knock out drops and take his uniform. Walk up to the limo and set the
bomb. Now you can escape onto your speedboat.

1b. Sniper rifles are raining bullets
This path is a lot harder than the first path. You cannot just grab the rifle.
You need another uniform. Go up to the church (on your map, it should show up
as a cross road sign). What for the guard outside the side door to go to the
behind the building and pick the lock. Run up until the very last of the
stairs. Sneak behind the whistling guard and take him out. Take the uniform
and go back towards the rifle. Holster the weapon and go back to where you got
the uniform, to the place over looks the park. Be sure to be quick and take
the shots. The guards are alarmed and go to the exit.

5e. Mission 4

Suggested Equipment:
1. Anesthetic

1. Find your equipment in the army depot marked “FCK.”
2. Kill the third general, Mikhail Bardachenko
3. Free the prisoner from the 2nd basement.
4. Escape by blowing up a weak sectional of the base.

Optional Objectives:
1. Knock out the surveillance camera system
2. Find a officer uniform

White snow soviet
AK 47

Officer soviet
AK 47

General Bardachenko
Combat Knife
SD Berretta



AK 47
Berretta (SD, and Non)
Combat Knife
Dessert Eagle
Mag (.50mm) ammo

Cell phone
Bomb trigger

Mission 4 notes:
This is all about timing. If you are having problems navigating through the
sewer, just look at the map (m). Make sure you don't kill anyone. This time,
you will not be able to kill anyone except the target.

1a. Sneak through
There is only one real path on this level. First go to the first exit out of
the sewers. Again check the map. When you exit the sewer, sneak towards the
first guard you see. He will stop long enough for you to quiet him. Take the
uniform and the AK 47. Check the map for the hitman logo. Walk towards it
while using the green crates as cover. The game will tell you that the truck
is starting up. Take the equipment and sneak towards the back of the truck.
Crouch down until the truck stops. Get out and go to the right front side of
the truck. Wait for the guard to walk back inside the building. Run towards
the back of the green crate near the door in the alley way. There is another
AK 47 near the right wall as you enter. Wait for the guard to walk out and
towards the truck again. Walk in and be sure to notice where that single guard
is in the building. Go up the stairs in the office is a dessert eagle and Mag
ammo. Go towards the lift or elevator. Go down and you will be awarded a
save. When the elevator stops, you will see a guard with his back towards you.
Wait for him to start walking. Follow him slowly and use the sections taken
out of the wall to avoid guards. There will be two entrances to the video
surveillance room. One will have an officer while the other at the far end
will not. There is another AK in the gated room at the end. Go through the
second door. Walk near the platform near the two guards sitting down. Go
through the door you see, not the one with the (-) sign. That area is empty
except for one guard. Turn out into the long hallway. You should be coming up
near a room with a ! on the map. This is the camera system. Pull out your SD
berretta and shot the panel on the console in the center. The camera system
will be knocked out. Go out towards the hallway. Go down the hallway. The
room most southeastern has the officer uniform. Go in there and change. Now
walk towards the second elevator. There is one guard walking the hallways and
one room with three guards in the outer ring room. Go towards the observation
room, and pick the lock. You will see the general smacking a familiar face (to
those who played the first). Pull out the old SD pistol and take out the
general. Climb through the window and take the prisoner back towards the
elevator. A guard somehow knows you are doing something and hits the alarm.
Do not panic and just go towards the sewer room with the weakened wall. Go
into your inventory and arm the bomb. Set it off and run towards the exit.

5f. Mission 5

Suggested Equipment:
1. Anesthetic

1. Take out the last general
2. Secure the suitcase

End mission award: None

Black suit guards

General #4

.45 Pistol

Kitchen knife

Male Guests


9mm Berretta (SD and non)
Sub Machine Gun
.45 pistols
Kitchen knife

Champagne Glass
Door key
Dust Broom
Cocktail Tray

Mission 5 notes: The equipment near the front has many things you could want.
Take the poison and anything else.

1a. Invitations and black suits
Well for once, no one will just sell you a suit. No matter though, you should
be able to pick one up and an invitation. Just wait for an invitation carrying
person to come near the entrance. This will be a more complicated matter
because of the 4 guards near the entrance. You cannot kill innocents so bring
the old anesthetic. (Don't you feel bad leaving poor guy in the freezing snow
in their underpants?)

1b. White suits and champagne glasses
When you get off the boat, you should see a waiter taking a smoke. Knock him
out and take the uniform and door key. Know you can enter. Do not go through
the garage door. There are too many guards through there. Instead go through
the front entrance and go to the kitchen.

1c. Entering as yourself
Well, one mission where dressed as yourself draws even less attention to
yourself than in uniform. You can walk straight inside. Just go to the side
entrance and pick the lock. Walk up towards the entrance and you are in.

2a. Poison wine
This is one of the ways to get the last general. Go to the kitchen in your
waiter uniform. Have the glass in your hand and then select the poison. You
will line the glass with it. Do it with each glass and put them back. Make
sure to watch out for the chef. He will turn around every once and awhile.
There is a kitchen knife in there if you want it.

2b. Berretta to the head
Check the map for a red position marker for him. You can piano wire him
easily. He is a womanizer and loves to be around the maid. The maid will run
if she finds you doing the deed. She won't pin you easily though and you can
slip through the confusion.

3a. The suitcase
Now there are four safes, two on each floor. The ambassador has the
combination. The only problem is that whenever you follow him into the main
hall with all the other guests the agent will hold him up with a 5.45 pistol.
Follow them and the agent will shoot the ambassador. Pop him in the face with
the SD berretta. Take that suitcase out of the safe and exit. You are now

5g. Mission 6

Suggested Equipment:

1. Kill Hayamoto JR
2. Plant Bug on Hayamoto JR’s Corpse
3. Escape

Additional Files
1. Target Video
2. Location Map
3. Hayamoto JR

Black Asian Suits

White T shirt Asians


Fat guard

Female Serving girl

Kitchen Knife

Poisoned fish

1a. Getting inside
The first thing to do is to get near the large rock near the right wall. Wait
for the two guards nearest you to walk away before running towards it. There
will be a single guard next to the large garage. Wait for him to turn his back
and then go into the garage. There will be a broken old car. Use the horn and
run and duck behind the door. A guard will come to investigate the noise.
Remove him and take his clothing.

2a. Killing Hayamoto
The most silent way is to first go towards the (!) on the northern center part
of the house. There will be a change of clothing for you. Change and wait for
the two guards in the hallway to leave. Go to the kitchen and cut a piece of
the poisoned fish and plant that with the transmitter on the sushi. The
serving girl will take this to the JR to eat. You are done.

3a. Leaving the party
You can leave the same way you entered near the giant rocks you started at.
Just make sure you don’t attract any attention and you will do fine.

5h. Mission 7

Suggested Equipment:

1. Find the secret passage

End mission award: None

White Ninjas
Black ninjas
White Ninja Snipers
Custom Rifle



Night Vision goggles

Additional Files
Target Footage
Area Map

1a. Underground route
This is the safest passage to the castle. Use the binoculars to track the
snipers eyes and make your way towards the truck on your map. There will be a
single snow ninja there. You can take you things quickly before he turns
around and faces you. Getting into the underground tunnel is a lot harder than
getting out. The easiest way through is on the trucks that go through. Just
wait for the truck to come out and stop. Get in and let the truck do all the
darn work for you. Make sure you are ducked and all the way in the back so the
guards checking do not see you.

1b. Overland route
This one is a lot harder. Not only will you have to contend with snow ninjas
but also snipers. It’s all about timing again and just wait for the right time
to pass.

5i. Mission 8

Note – Xs indicate power generators

Suggested Equipment:

1. Get to the castle undetected
2. Wait for Briefing on alarm grid

End mission award: None

Snow ninjas
Snow ninja snipers
Custom Rifles
Black ninjas


SMGS and SD versions
Custom Rifles


Additional files:
Target Footage
Area Map

1a. Patients
Getting to the castle is quite a lot of time, so get a drink and lets get
ready. The binoculars come again quite handy when it comes to spotting
sniper’s eyes and guards. Just getting there takes huge amounts of time. Once
Diana contacts you, go after the right generator right to the castle. A snow
guard is there so do what you do best. Turn of the generator and go onto the
next one. Do not go into the first long alleyway in the castle. A large
number of snipers are there. The second (hidden) generator is in the right
second wall divider inside the castle with two guards. Wait for them to move
or remove them and turn off that generator. The last one is near the right
front wall inside of the castle. Watch out for snipers again. There is a
small crack on the top wall near where you are. Drop down it towards the inner
courtyard. Turn of the generator and go towards the exit. Do not worry if you
do not make a silent assassin award the first time. I barely did it the 6th
time I played.

5j. Mission 9

Suggested Equipment:

1. Eliminate Hayamoto
2. Secure the missile guidance system
3. Escape

Addition Files

Snow ninjas

Black ninjas

Serving girl

Asian “girl of the night”
Special Keycard

SMGS and SD versions
.22 pistol

Special card

1a. Entering the castle
Go towards the first right wooden arch. There is a hidden door there. Go
through the door and towards the stairways. Make sure to sneak and to stay off
the wooden floors as much as possible. There is another hidden door on the
wooden wall. Open that door and go through. To the right of you, you should
see a card on the shelf. Pick that up will allow you deactivate most laser
beams. There might be a white ninja praying you can take him out or let him
walk away. What you really need is the black ninja suit. At the bottom of the
castle are three rooms. First go to the third one through the right hand door.
Sneak because there are two ninjas in the room. Grab the uniform and then you
can go to the left room. Deactivate the lasers and grab the bomb, remote and
the SD SMGS. Go back towards the upper room with the squeaky floorboards. Go
and deactivate the lasers and go on up. There is a dojo here with one guard.
Just walk up the next set of stairs. The fourth floor has the female companion
from the first hitman. She will give you a card and say to take her with you.
You can take her if you want but it makes no difference in the game. Go down
the 1 set of stairs again and make your way towards the other end of the hall.
You can strangle the old man, get his card, and go through the window. Go back
to the laser stairway and go all the way down to the basement floor. Deactivate
the lasers and grab the guidance system and the .22. Sneak towards the
helicopter and escape.

5j. Mission 10

Suggested Equipment:

1. Find and Kill Charlie in the basement.
2. Disable the surveillance system for direct elevator.


Malaysia guards

Male and female bank clerks

Fire fighters

Pizza boy
Pizza box (Ha, didn’t guess that one, hu’h.)

Dessert Eagle

Smoke bomb
Night vision
Computer bug

1a. Smoke bombs and firefighters
This method involves getting to your locker #137 of course. There will be one
annoying guard in there but its no matter. Grab the smoke bomb and equipment
and head towards the laundry room. Drop the armed smoke bomb and any weapons
down the tubing. The smoke bomb will set off the alarm and everything will go
crazy. Pick one fire fighter and knock him out. Take his clothing and axe and
hide the body. Go towards the elevator and go down.

1b. Pizza
A note will appear telling you if Charlie (the hacker) has ordered a pizza.
Follow the pizza boy until it is safe to knock him out. Take the uniform and
pizza. Make sure you do not have any weapons. You can use the laundry tubes
if you want your firearms down stairs.

1c. Guards
Just follow a guard in a security office and take his clothing and weapon.

2a. Elevator
Go down the elevator. Just watch out for those blasted guards. There is a
security room with two guards. There is a lock box with a berretta. Go down
to Charlie’s room. Open the door. This is a stereotypical gamer’s room
littered with pizza and soda. Just watch out for the chips on the ground and
you should do just fine. Piano wire him and you will find out he has a twin

3a. Computer systems
The security room has the computer that has the security system on it. Shoot
the monitor and run towards the elevator. You win.

5k. Mission 11

Suggested Equipment:

1. Plant hacking device
2. Find an exit

End mission award: None

Malaysia guards

System Administrator
Key card

Computer programmers

Berretta and SD

Key Cards
Night vision
Additional Files:

1a. System Administrator
Check out the map and go towards the system administrator’s room. Along the
way you can quietly “persuade” the programmers to lend you their clothing. Go
into the guy’s room and quiet knock him out or not. Take the keycard and go
towards the server room and plant the bug on the computer.

2a. Exit
Unfortunately the only exit involves the glass skyway window, shoot through the
window and make your way towards the bridge. Go up the scalpel and you are

5l.Mission 12

Suggested Equipment:


End Mission Awards:

Malaysia guards

Female bathing suit guards

Backup guards:

Bank clerk



Dragon Statue
Wade of cash

Additional Files:

1a. The mission is easy
First sneak along the side of the building past two huge windows. Jump over
the side retaining wall into the small area. You will see a female clerk
playing on the computer. Soon she will leave and then it is time to work. Go
through the door and you will soon see another one. Go through this door.
Smash the fuses and run back to the office with the painting. Slide it open
the painting and there will be a safe behind it. Open it and grab the cash.
Close everything and go to the living room with the piano. The statue will be
there. Grab that too and go to the hot tube room. There are a lot of female
guards willing to give Charlie “boom, boom.” Strangle his ass and go to the
elevator. If you did this correctly, you would still be under the cover of a
black out.

5m. Mission 13

1. Eliminate Lieutenant Ahmed Zahir
2. Get map of location of warheads from lieutenant
3. Eliminate Colonel Mohammad Amin
4. Get key from Colonel

Additional Files:
Target Video
Map of Area
Lt. Zahir
Col. Amin

Suggest Equipment:
1. None

Middle Eastern Guards

Lieutenant Ahmed Zahir

Colonel Mohammad Amin

Middle Eastern Peasant

SVD Rifle


1a. Lieutenant
Run towards the back of the Lieutenant’s sleeping area. Pick the lock quickly
and enter the home. Sneak up the stairs to find him taking a nap. Piano wire
him and take the map. Grab the map and berretta. Take his clothing and go
towards the gate on the map.

2a. Rifle
There will be a small place with a SVD rifle to the right of the gate. Grab
the rifle and the ammo and go towards the bazaar near where you start. There
are two guards at the front. Nearby there is a ladder and couple sets of
stairs. Go up these to the open windows on the top of the bazaar. Wait for
him to appear and shot him. Drop the gun and enter through the back of the
bazaar. Take the key and go to the exit.

5n. Mission 14

1. Find your contact – Get the weapon
2. Kill the local Khan
3. Spare the UN-Troops

Suggested equipment:

Additional Files:
Map of Area
Abdul Malik
Sheik’s Limo

Middle Eastern Guards

Local Khan Abdul Malik



Middle Eastern Peasants

M195 Rifle


1a. Get to your contact
First go as quickly as you can without alerting any guards. Make sure to look
at the map and study it a bit before you go on. There are guards everywhere
and those darn towel heads keep appearing out of nowhere.

2a. Sniper
Go east to the first stairway you see. Go up the stairs and the ladder and
crouch down. Wait for the Khan to appear in his limo and shoot him. Take him
down and quickly leave the area.

3a. Exit
Go to the exit and the mission is done, the silent assassin way.

5o. Mission 15

Note – The X indicates where Yussef Hussein is.

1. Access the base
2. Kill Yussef Hussein
3. Transport the cargo to the surface.

Additional Files:
Target Video
Map of Area
Lt. Hussein
The cargo

Suggested Equipment:
1. Antistatic

Middle Eastern Guards

Lt. Hussein
Dessert Eagle

Tortured Prisoner

Desert Eagle

Playstation 2: Hitman 2 games

1a. Access
The base isn’t too hard to get into. Just wait for the guard to turn or leave
the area around the circular entrance. Pick the lock and you are inside.

2a. Generators
In the middle of the base, there is a small generator. You can turn that off
so that it is easier to move about the base. Remember though, before you can
get the cargo up to the surface you need to come back and restore power.

3a. The Lt. Hussein
The general is on the eastern part of the underground base. If you are still
having trouble, search for the tortured prisoner. He will tell you of the
Lt.’s location. Go in and piano wire him. Take his clothing. You can drag
him back into his little shack of a closet.

4a. Cargo
Go up towards the cargo in the northwestern part of the map. Make sure to be
careful and if you kill anyone make sure the corpse is not in the path of the
elevator doors. Now you must clear the area for the helicopter. The guards
should still be knocked out. If they are still awake, put bullet holes in
their heads and the mission is done.

5p. Mission 16

1. Meet with the Agency’s contact

Additional Objectives
1.Kill the two assassins
2.Take pictures of them
3.Bring them back to the contact

Additional Files
The Hijack
Cult Leader Ji
Map of Area

Suggested Equipment:
1. None

Orange cultists

Assassin (golf hat) 1
R93F rifle

Assassin (sun glasses) 2
SD Berretta


Dessert Eagle

Dessert Eagle
SD Berretta
SP Shotgun


1a. Finding your contact
The contact isn’t hard to find. It is his additional objectives that are
annoying. The first assassin is in the first market square. He will be
wearing a bucket hat and sunglasses. He is on the second floor overlooking the
area. The best thing to do is to walk under the overhanging areas and make
your way to the central open market area. Go up the stairs and sneak behind
him. Strangle his ass and take the picture. The second assassin is the harder
of the two. He will be similarly dressed as the first and he has the SD
berretta with him. I recommend is to take the second one out slowly. Saving
the game is a good idea at this time. You may however just want to pull out
your SD berretta out and shot him. Remember to take the picture.

2a. Contacts and escape
Go back to Agent Smith and he will thank you and pass out. Be careful when
exiting that no additional assassins rush in and kill the agent. Make your way
to the exit and be done with this mission.

5q. Mission 17

1. Pick up the key to hiding place
2. Kill Dr. Von Kampard
3. Hide the body of Dr. Von Kampard in hiding place
4. No civilians must be killed

Suggested Equipment:
1. Anesthetic

Orange cultists

Brown suited guards

Dr. Von Kampard

Rich white patients

SD berretta


1a. Entering the place
There are two methods of entering the place. The first is to wait behind the
boat until the guard comes walking along. He will turn his back and you can
silence him. Take the clothing and go to the second entrance.

1b. Entering via the sewer
There is a large open sewer on the far side of where you start. Go through the
sewer and make sure that the guards do not see you. If you are having trouble
still getting in, take the guard’s clothing before you enter the sewer.

2a. Keys
If you do not have a uniform, there are several orange cult ones near the lower
left hand rooms. Use the connecting room doors to get around if you came
without the uniform. If you already have a guard’s uniform, go towards the
hitman logo on your map. There will be a guard in there and he will take a
bathroom break. Walk towards that room and obtain the key, poison, and SD

3a. Getting a check up
Now the next thing you will want to do is to get a patient’s uniform. The
uniform is in the northeastern room. Grab the clothes and you are able to walk
straight north into the guarded circular room. Go up the stairs. The guard
will compliment you on how you look. Go into the doctor’s office.

4a. Two ways of paying
The doctor is a stuck up person in my opinion. You have two options in doing
the deed. You can wait till she is up near the window. You can either poison
her water or you can piano wire her. Now check your map incase of any of her
stupid patients decide to visit her. Now drag her into that room with the huge
red circle on the map.

5a. Exit
Go back towards where you started the mission. Jump onto the boat and drive
off. You are done.

5r. Mission 18

1. Kill the cult leader
2. Escape the hospital island

Suggested Equipment:
1. None

Outer orange cultists

Outer Brown suit guards

Inner orange cultists
Desert Eagle

Inner Brown suit guards
Desert Eagle

Cult Leader

.22 pistol




.22 pistol
Desert Eagle
SVD Rifle

Night Vision goggles

1a. Getting in
First go around the outer ring of the parameter. Watch out for the guard on
the speedboat and one near the boxes. Do not go up the first set of stairs you
see. Check the map to see a (!) on the lighthouse. Keep going around the edge
to the lighthouse. You will see a lone guard with a SMG and a pool. Sneak
behind him and take the cult clothes. You do not even need to bother with him.
Walk northeast into the mountain path to the western side of the building.
There is an open window. Climb in and take the doctor’s uniform, and the
anesthetic. Exit that place.

2a. Checking the patient
This method involves getting to the hitman logo on your map. There is a nurse
is sitting in front of the door. The only ways to get in is to drug her or to
jump from the skylight on the second floor. Grab the night vision goggles. Go
to the elevator and go to the basement. The two doctor’s offices have scalpels
for you. The room on the southern wall has the generator room. Pick that lock
and go in. Turn off the generator and make your way past the guards into the
one that has the cult leader. Use the night vision goggles to see better.
Pull the scalpel and end his life. You can turn on the generator back on or
you can take several stairs.

3a. More speed boat exits
Time to leave the hospital. Go back towards the speedboat you came on. Hmm,
the exit has only one exit and the rest have been blocked off (what could it
be?). A clone fires about two shots and then runs away. Do not follow him.
It’s a trap if you didn’t already know that by my sarcasm. Go to the boat and
end the mission.

5s. Mission 19

Mission 19 Notes:
Play the mission first before reading on. This is the mission that supposedly
ties everything back together (poorly). Never play an action game for the
story. Sorry but its true, Half Life is the exception.

1. Kill Sergio Zavorotko
2. Escape to the metro

Suggested Equipment:
1. Desert Eagle

Blue suit guards
Desert Eagles or SP 12 shotguns

Brown suit guards
Desert Eagle

W2000 Sniper rifle
Desert Eagle

Russian person

Red running Russian

SVD rifle (broken)
Desert Eagle
SP 12 Shotgun
W2000 Sniper rifle


1a. Another story
I do not recommend going after the rifle in the locker. In fact do not even
repeat what you have already done. Instead go through the front door of the
building. Someone will be shootings at you on the second floor. Go up and you
will see a cardboard cut out of Sergio. Search around to find a clone of
yourself. Sneak behind him and piano wire him. If not, it doesn’t really
matter if you piano wire him or not, shoot him if you want. Sergio will be on
the line. Take the clone’s clothing and drag him into a secluded spot. Take
the rifle and go back to the metro. With the clone’s clothing you will be able
to get onto the metro with no problems. If the guards were alerted, then take
the sewers back to the metro. Be warned, there are guards done there.

5t. Mission 20

1. Kill all of Sergio’s guards
2. Kill Sergio

Suggested Equipment:
1. All the handguns
2. All the knives
3. All the ammo
4. M4 if you have it
5. SP 12 Shotgun

Blue suits
Berretta or SP 12 Shotguns, or Custom rifles or SMGS

Brown suits
Berretta or SP 12 Shotguns, or Custom rifles or SMGS or SVD

SP 12 Shotgun

Father Vitorio


Church Key

1a. You don’t need me for this mission
But if you do, thanks. Basic it’s a run towards your gun shed. Grab whatever
you need. Take your time and put headshots into the enemies. If the first
objective doesn’t go away, make sure to look for any moving dots if you are
playing normal.

2a. Two ways for fun
The first method of killing Sergio involves the custom rifle. Go to the second
story of the inner church area. Aim towards the glass panel heart of the
confession box. You will shatter the glass and Sergio will be all pissted off.
Crouch done and fire a headshot. If not and he sees you it will be a harder
to kill him. Eventually, place all that bent anger into shooting him.

The End

-=-6. End Mission Rating

The stealthier you are the better the rating you get. This is affected by use
of firearms, how many times you triggered an alarm, harmed and or killed any
innocent people, and how many people you killed overall. The best rating is
the "stealth assassin" rating while the highest is the "mass murder." Try to
go for the "stealth assassin," rating because the cooler weapons are given to
you as a reward. Also try to use the least amount of saves as possible. You
would want to save them for the harder missions as well.

From Silent to John Woo (Guns Blazing)
Silent Assassin (Generally 0 kills, and no aggression)
Professional (1-3 Kills and very little)
Natural (Balance of kills and aggression)
Executioner (More kills and almost full aggression)
Mass Murder (Kill everyone and make sure they bleed)

End Mission Silent Assassin Awards
1. SD .45 Hard Ballers
2. Sawed off
3. None
4. M4

-=-7. Bugs

1. One major bug I encountered is that for an unexplained reason, I will bug
out and restart the game if I cause allot of chaos. If you have the same
problem and know the answer e-mail me. E-mail me if you have any other bugs
and solutions that are not in the readme.

-=-8. Extra things to do
1. Use the sniper rifle to clean out the place.
2. Try shooting the fish in the back of the pond.
3. Don't kill anyone except the target(s).
4. Go crazy and use only firearms.
5. Use the knife only.
6. Shoot out every lamp.
7. Dangle a body over the side of the roof and see if anybody notices.
8. Use the shotgun excessively.
9. Be a street fighter and use your fists.

-=-9. Cheats
Open up the HITMAN2.INI and type in these two lines.

EnableConsole 1
EnableCheats 1

In my game, I didn’t see any console when I hit the ~ key. Typing with the
caps lock on did allow me to cheat though.

IOIGIVES - All Weapons and Items
IOISLO - Slow motion
IOIER - Bomb Mode
IOILEPOW - Special attack Mode
IOIGRV - The force of gravity Mode
IOINGUN - Nail rifle
IOIPOWER - Mega Power

With the patch

~=Console menu

Invisible 1=Invisible
Infammo= Infinite ammo
God 1= God mode

Submitted by ACE

-=-10. Credits
FAQ written by Rojan
Developed by IO Interactive A/S
Published by Eidos Interactive Limited.
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin is a Trade Mark of Eidos Interactive Limited
Eidos, Eidos Interactive and the Eidos logo are trademarks of the Eidos Group
of companies.
All Rights Reserved.

-=-11. Thanks to
Justin Rose, for forcing me to finish this damm thing.
CD rifle, for her info
Ace, for the cheats

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Dt. Lösung im pdf-Format

18.Октябрь 2013
Savegame mit allen Leveln

17.Октябрь 2013
Savegame für die Stufe Experte

17.Октябрь 2013
Munitions- und Speichertrainer

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Speichern sooft man will

18.Октябрь 2013
Munitionstrainer (für Demoversion)

16.Октябрь 2013
Lösung für die Demoversion

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Июнь 2014
04.Март 2019
25.Июнь 2019
25.Сентябрь 2015
25.Апрель 2018
07.Июнь 2019