Nancy Drew - Treasure in the Royal Tower

Nancy Drew - Treasure in the Royal Tower

17.10.2013 03:10:42
Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower
Version 1.01
FAQ Created by NintendoAngel (Melanie Rollins)
E-mail NintendoAngel at
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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Legal Stuff-Please Read
3. Version History
4. Story
5. Characters
6. How to Control Nancy
7. Walkthrough
8. Frequently Asked Questions-Before e-mailing me, visit this section
to see if the answer to your question is here.
9. Credits
10. Contact Me
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1. Introduction

Hey everybody! If you are totally stuck in the P.C. game "Nancy Drew:
Treasure in the Royal Tower," you've come to the right place! This is
my first FAQ on GameFAQS. The Nancy Drew game is fun and enjoyable, and
I know that at times it can be a bit frustrating. That's why I wrote
this FAQ! This is almost a complete walkthrough for either the Senior
or Junior Detective level. Don't worry about which level to do, because
the game is exactly the same except for the fact that some of the
puzzles are slightly harder to solve at the Senior Detective level.
Only one or two of the puzzles are impossible to tell how to solve
because they are randomly chosen, but don't worry, cause they're really
easy. I've tried hard to not give away much of the storyline, so that
you can discover the story yourself as you play the game. I hope this
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2. Legal Stuff

This FAQ is copyright 2003 Melanie Rollins. I assure you that this
copyright is legal. If you want to post this FAQ on your site, e-mail
me at with your e-mail address and your site's
URL. If I write you back giving you permission, then you may post the
FAQ, *as long as you give me credit somewhere.* If you do post this
FAQ, please don't change anything. You can change the colors and the
font and stuff, but don't change any of the words and be sure to post
ALL OF IT (including this Legal Stuff section). By the way, if you post
the FAQ without asking my permission because you don't think I'll find
out, believe me-I'll find out.
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3. Version History

04/06/03-I added a question to the Frequently Asked Questions section
and made some very minor changes to the format of the FAQ.

01/26/03-First release of the FAQ, version 1.0.
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4. Story

In the beginning of the game, Nancy will write a *long* letter to her
friend, George Fayne, giving you the story. If you want to get the gist
of the story without having to sit through the letter, read this
section. It's my version of the story.

Nancy Drew is staying on vacation in Wisconsin at Wickford Castle,
built in the 1920s. She planned to ski, but a HUGE snowstorm stopped
her from being able to do that. The surrounding roads are closed, and
Nancy thinks she's one of the few guests who made it to the castle in
the first place. The current owner of the castle is Christi Lane,
Nancy's father's friend. She's away on business, so Dexter Egan, the
caretaker, has temporarily taken over for her. Nancy asked Dexter where
she could contact Christi, but he said he didn't know (Nancy wonders if
there's something he's not telling her). Ezra Wickford was the original
owner and builder of the castle. It's filled with dead-end corridors,
and one of the towers is completely different from the other ones.
Nancy also wants to meet Jacques Brunais, the French ski instructor.
She saw pictures of him on his website, and she thinks he's absolutely
gorgeous. That's about all that you need to know.
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5. Characters

Nancy Drew-She is the girl you'll be controlling as you play the game.
She's staying in Wisconsin at Wickford Castle to ski, but there is a
huge snowstorm and she can't ski (read the section above). But Nancy
finds other ways to occupy herself as a mystery rapidly unfolds. Her
room is number 205.

George Fayne-She's one of Nancy's best friends. She's not at the ski
resort with Nancy, but you can use the phone by Nancy's bed to call her
for advice if you need it.

Bess-She is George's cousin and Nancy's friend. When you call George to
ask for help, Bess will talk to you as well as George.

Ned Nickerson-Nancy's boyfriend. In addition to calling George and Bess
for help, you can also call Ned.

Dexter Egan-He's the caretaker at Wickford Castle. Because the owner is
away on business, Dexter's temporarily in charge.

Jacques Brunais-He's the French ski instructor. Nancy thinks he's
absolutely gorgeous, but he's engaged.

Lisa Ostrum-She's another guest at Wickford Castle. She's a
photojournalist trying to get some info about the castle.

Professor Hotchkiss-She's a guest at the castle who has some sort of
theory about Marie Antoinette. She's always typing in her room (214)
and talking to herself.
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6. How to Control Nancy

Basically, when you're walking around, if you move the magnifying glass
cursor and you see an arrow pointing forward, you can click it and
you'll move forward (interesting concept, huh?)! There are also some
left- and right-pointing arrows that will take you in those directions
if you click. These arrows will also help you look around a room.
Occasionally there are up- and down-pointing arrows, as well. Clicking
when the cursor is in a U-shape near the bottom of the screen will turn
you around 180 degrees.

When the magnifying glass cursor's outline turns red, it means you're
onto something, so click! Also, when you open a suitcase or locker or
whatever, if you want to leave, you'll have to click on the suitcase or
locker to shut it before you can go.

When you want to talk to a person, click on them (the magnifying glass'
outline will be red). There will be a few responses you can choose from
in white. Click on the one you want to say and the conversation will
continue. The person's responses will be in blue.
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7. Walkthrough

After Nancy writes the letter to George, it goes into your inventory
and Nancy says something about needing a mailbox. Explore Nancy's room!
First, read an article in the magazine on the table about using
fingerprints to discover keypad access codes. Grab Nancy's passkey off
of the desk. Your room is number 205. Note your locker number and
combination on the paper in the desk drawer (310 with combo 3-1-7). You
might want to write this down (it's a good idea to have paper and
pencil in this game). Take the hotel menu from the top drawer of your
dresser. Read the interesting brochure about the castle in your
suitcase. Then walk to the radiator by your bed-it's broken! Note: if
you need advice at any time in the game, call Bess and George or Ned by
using the phone by your bed, and if you want to change the time so that
you can get to the ski rental office or whatever, set the alarm clock
by your bed.

Exit Nancy's room. Go down to the hotel lobby and talk with Dexter
Egan, the caretaker. Exhaust all the conversations. He'll ask you to go
down to the ski rental office to pick up Professor Hotchkiss' boots and
bring them up to her room, 214. (If you forget to give the letter to
Dexter, don't worry, because it doesn't affect the game). The ski
rental office is open 9 A.M. to 12 P.M. and 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. Check your
watch to see if you can catch Jacques in the office. If not, then set
the alarm clock by your bed to a time when the office is open. On your
way down the spiral stairs to the basement, you will pass through the
lounge next to the lobby. Read the two French Revolution books in the
bookcase in the lounge. They will help a *lot.* You should also exhaust
all the conversations with Lisa Ostrum, in the lounge. She'll tell you
that Dexter keeps a spare key to the library in his desk.

Go down the spiral stairs to the basement (through the doorway in the
lounge, then make a left). Use the sign that says "Ski Rental" to help
you find the ski rental office. Talk to Jacques and exhaust all the
conversations. He'll give you Prof. Hotchkiss' boots. Then go to the
locker room and test your locker combo. Your locker is 310, remember?
Turn the dial to the right until you reach the number five, then click
on the green triangle above it. Then turn the dial to the left until
you reach 1, and click on the triangle again. Turn the dial back to the
right until you're on 7, then click on the green triangle one last
time. Uh-oh! The lock must be broken!

If Jacques is still in his office, talk to him about the broken lock
and he'll tell you to try number 311. If he's not in his office, pick
up the little paintbrush on the ledge and go set your alarm clock for a
time when the office is open, then talk to him. Then open locker 311
using 5-1-7. Oops! Looks like the locker is already occupied. Read
everything that you can in the locker. Then, if you haven't already got
the paintbrush on the ledge of the door of the ski rental office, do
that. If the office is open, go set your alarm for a time when it's
closed and then get the brush.

*Use the elevator* to go up to room number 214, knock on the door, and
return Prof. Hotchkiss' boots to her by clicking the down arrow near
the bottom of the screen when the conversations are exhausted, clicking
on the boots in your inventory, and clicking on the ground by the door.
Go into the elevator to tell Dexter you returned the boots. The
elevator gets stuck! The emergency button doesn't work! Look up to see
the trapdoor thing in the ceiling. Go through it and explore until you
see the box thing. Look up to find a door and JUMP up to the second

Go down the main stairs to the lobby to tell Dexter that the elevator
got stuck and pester him to fix your radiator. He'll ask you to fix the
circuit breaker so that the light works on the back stairwell. Find the
circuit breaker in the basement and move the top three right-hand
single switches to the right. Move the double-switch below them to the
right as well. Move the top left-hand triple switch to the left. Pull
the elevator-reset switch next to the circuit breaker box. Go up the
back stairwell (the lights are on)!

Go ask Dexter once more (in vain) to fix your radiator. He'll ask you
to ask Prof. Hotchkiss what she wants for dinner. Go up to her room and
she tells you she's developing a powerful craving for couscous. When
you tell Dexter this he tells you to tell her to order something off
the menu. Do this, then slip the menu from your dresser under her door.
She orders 50 chicken drumsticks! Tell Dexter this. Your last errand is
to tell Jacques to defrost that bag of chicken legs. If the ski rental
office isn't open, set your alarm to a time when it is. Go talk to
Jacques. Go back up the spiral stairs up to your room. On your way to
your room, exhaust all the conversations with Lisa. Your radiator is
fixed! Grab the oil can by the radiator. Now set your alarm for 8 P.M.

Time to get into that library! Take the elevator down to the basement.
Go through the trapdoor thing you went through when you were stuck in
the elevator. Turn around and look down and Nancy will say that that
there is a strange noise coming from below. Climb up the metal ladder
until you notice the open grate. Go through the ventilation duct until
you see the grate leading into the library. Open it, then start to go
down the stairs. You'll hear a doorknob jiggling. Quickly open the
grate back up and run into the ventilation duct. Watch the scene that
follows. Once the coast is clear, go back into the library. Read the
book called "An Atlas of the United States." The longitude of Wisconsin
is 90 degrees, right? Write that down. Read the Diary of Hans Axel von
Fersen, Marie Antoinette's friend. Read "Purple-Hearted Queen." It's on
the floor. You HAVE to read the "True Stories Behind Famous Portraits"
book in order to beat the game. It's on the small table. Dip the
paintbrush into all the dust on the desk. Look at the painting of Marie
Antoinette. Go over to the alarm keypad and use the paintbrush on each
key. Remember the "Fingerprinting 101" article in Nancy's room? Test
the access code by pressing the keys. If the screen says "Approved,"
congratulations! The code is 3, *, 7, 2. On the globe, move the needle
to the longitude of Wisconsin, then click on the knob on top. Write
down the numbers that you find on the paper. Go over to the plaque
above the fireplace and click. The apparatus there is called a sextant.
Move the compass to each number from the paper. Every time you move the
compass, click on the green button on top. The secret room upstairs

Go up the stairs and enter the secret room. Pick up the lighter and use
it on the candle to get a key. Read the letter next to the candle. Make
a U-turn and read the two books. Exit the secret room and then the
library from the front doors (don't worry-you won't get caught).

Set your alarm to 8 P.M. Make sure the elevator is on the first floor.
Go down to Dexter's desk and investigate. Read the "To Do" list and
find the key to the library in a drawer. Then go through the front
doors of the library using the key. The alarm will go off. Quickly go
forward two steps, turn, and go to the alarm keypad. Punch in the code
(3, *, 7, 2). Then go up the stairs and into the ventilation duct.
Climb down the ladder and hear the "strange sounds from below." Turn
and find the stuck lever. Use the oil can and you can open the grill.
Go down the steps and turn left. You should find a door with six
sliding locks. This is a randomly-chosen puzzle that changes each time
you go through the door. Click on the different locks and memorize the
ones that don't slide back into place until you have the entire
pattern. Follow the passage to the left and-SURPRISE-you should see
none other than...I'll let you see for yourself. This person is sawing
away at the gate. And boy, does he or she seem surprised to see you!
Here are the responses you should say.

"Don't you think..."

"What's your..."

"What kind of document?"

"A secret compartment?"

"What happened to the medallion?"

"So, how do you know all of this?"

"What did he think the journal contained that was so important?"

"But how do you think the medallion fits in?"

"I don't know..."

"Well, as long as you tell Christi..."

The person gives you the code to his or her locker...2-6-6-5. Turn and
get the sword tip from the knight. Go up the stairs and through the
passage. Go to the basement and open the person's locker. Read
everything that you can in the locker before getting the BLUE
MEDALLION. BONK!!!! Looks like someone knocked you out. Answer the

*I don't know what..."

*It was the last thing..."

*I am afraid I am serious..."

Listen to your voice messages and set your alarm for 8 A.M. Go down and
talk with Dexter. Be honest with him about the red dirt from the Royal
Tower entrance. Ask him about Ezra Wickford's garden. He will tell you
there is a key in the shed. Go through the locker room in the basement
to get outside. Go inside the shed and go down the stairs and then to
your left. Go to the work benches. The key is on a peg board near the
screwdrivers. Read the newspaper clipping and the ski lift
instructions. You are starting to freeze, though, so do all this
quickly and don't take too long. Go back into the castle before going
into the garden. Leave through the locker room again. Go to the "No
Trespassing" sign and go a little to the left of it. Go to the vine-
covered wall and open the gate. Find the sundial and the statue in the
wall. Turn the sundial to the left to move the head of the statue. Pull
the lever in the back of the statue's head. Take out the box and use
the key you found in the secret room to unlock the box. You now have
the RED MEDALLION. Go back into the castle quickly now, because you
don't want to freeze to death!

Go talk to Lisa in the lounge. She'll tell you about Dexter carrying a
green ornament thing by the shed and tell you to go check it out. Go
back out through the locker room and go by the shed. Try to get back
into the castle. Hurry inside the shed and go over to the ski lift
machine. Click on the middle lever once and the right lever twice.
Dexter will come help you back inside.

Go up to room 214 to visit Professor Hotchkiss. She will give you a
random question to answer. Some common places to find the answer are
the books in the lounge bookcase, the library, etc. If you absolutely
cannot find the answer, knock on her door again and ask her to repeat
the question. She will give you a new question (if, by some chance, she
gives you the same question or you still can't find the answer to a new
one, just ask her to repeat as many times as you like). Type in your
answer on the slip of paper she gives you and press ENTER. She will
tell you to meet her in the lounge between 3 and 6 A.M.

Go set your alarm to 3 A.M. and go down to talk to her. Exhaust all the
conversations and she will give you the spare passkey to her room and
tell you to look around-only while she is in the lounge between 3 and 6
A.M. Go up to her room and read the notes by the typewriter. Read the
letter in her briefcase. Move back the pillow on the couch and get the
BLUE MEDALLION. Watch the video on the camera. Then put the battery
pack from the camera on the recharger next to the camera.

Go set your alarm for 8 A.M. Go get the GREEN MEDALLION from the shed.
It's on the machine to the right of the ski lift machine. Don't let the
rat get you!

Set your alarm for 3 A.M. Go back to Professor Hotchkiss' room and
watch the second half of the video. Then leave the Professor's room and
go right to the end of the hall to find the circular room with the
painting and peep hole. Look through the hole with each medallion and
notice the location of the symbols (red is to the left, blue is to the
right, and green is below them).

Call the elevator to the first floor. Go through the front doors of the
library using the key. Deactivate the alarm system. Go up the stairs in
the library and into the ventilation duct. Go down the metal latter and
open the grill again. Solve the sliding lock door puzzle (it will be
different this time) and go through the iron gate using the key from
the shed. Make sure you have the spear tip from the statue of the
knight. To solve the chain puzzle, follow the pattern on the opposite
wall. The chains should end up looking like the pattern. (Pull the
chains in this order: [numbered from left to right] 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1,
4, 4).

Once you have solved the chain puzzle, go across the stepping stones.
Go left down the hallway to the chessboard-like thing. What you are
trying to do here is move the four discs around the board until they
finally land on top of their corresponding squares. The order in which
they go on the squares is blue, yellow, pink, then white. It's hard to
tell you exactly how to get them to go on their squares, so just try
your best. I know it can be frustrating at times. If you are having
extreme difficulty with the chessboard puzzle, write to me at with your e-mail address and I will be sure to
help you.

Go up the newly-opened stairway into the top of the tower. Go forward
until you can find and click on the golden leaf puzzle on the wall.
This is another one that is very hard to tell you how to solve.
Basically, you can turn individual pieces 90 degrees by putting the
cursor near the corner and seeing the curved arrow cursor, then
clicking. You're trying to get all of the tiles to match together. This
one is another one that can be frustrating. Remember to turn pieces and
you know that the ones with the outlines on them are on the edge.
Again, if you are having extreme difficulty then write to me at with your e-mail address and I'll be sure to
write back and help. You are now able to open the secret compartment!

Nab the journal. Look at Marie Antoinette's portrait. Put the
medallions into the little circles in the middle of the room. Red goes
to the right, blue goes to the left, and green goes below. But there is
still something missing in the middle, right?

Meet Prof. Hotchkiss in the lounge and set your alarm if necessary. Ask
about the translations through the peep holes and talk about the
journal. She says she will wrestle you for it if you don't give it to
her. Tell her that physical contact isn't necessary as long as you can
have the journal translated. She tells you that she will have it ready
by this time tomorrow night. Go up to your room and set your alarm for
3 A.M. Go down to the lounge to talk with her. She says that she has
the journal translated and as an added bonus it includes the official
decoder! Go up to the Professor's room and read the translation to the
right of the typewriter. Read the official decoder to the left of the
typewriter as well. Now go back to the room at the top of the Royal
Tower, solving puzzles and whatnot if necessary!

Make sure the medallions are placed in the middle in the correct order
(red to the left, blue to the right, green below them). You will notice
yet again that there is still something missing in the middle. Go up to
Marie Antoinette's portrait and get a close-up of the purple rose. Use
the tip of the spear from the knight to chip away at the portrait and
get a key. Place the key in the middle of the medallions on the floor.
A pedestal with the diamond will come up! But the bad news is that the
thief will also appear (I'm not revealing who the thief is). The thief
will try to make a run for it, but you know how to stop the thief,
don't you? Quickly find the square stone button on the left side of the
wall by the stairs and PUSH! The thief is trapped! Give yourself a pat
on the back for helping Nancy Drew solve another mystery!
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8. Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ is pretty new, so I don't have many Frequently Asked Questions
yet. But if you do, I'll be glad to help. E-mail me at with any questions that you have and your e-mail
address, and I'll be glad to write back and help you. However, I do
seem to get this question a lot:

Q: I can't seem to get the close-up of the purple rose in Marie
Antoinette's portrait in the Tower Room!! What do I do???

A: First of all, read the book about Marie Antoinette's portrait on the
table next to the spiral staircase in the library. You HAVE to do this
in order to get the close-up. Also, did you give Professor Hotchkiss
the journal you found in the compartment in the Tower Room? And then
later did you visit her room and read the translated journal (to the
right of the typewriter) AND the decoder (to the left of the
typewriter)? When you looked through the peep hole in the circular room
on the second floor of the castle, did you look through with *each*
medallion? Also, make sure you have the medallions in the correct order
in the Tower Room. Blue is to the left, red is to the right, and green
is below them.
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9. Credits

As with all FAQs, everyone always has someone to credit, and I'm no
exception. If you know of any secrets or whatever for the game, please
e-mail me at! You'll get to be in the credits. I
would like to thank:

* Norma Kuderna and Linda Shaw. Their walkthrough (it's not a
GameFAQs walkthrough) helped me explain some parts that I just
couldn't figure out how to explain. Thanks again!
* Mac-Attack. His walkthrough, which is also not a GameFAQs
walkthrough, also helped me figure out how to explain some parts
of the walkthrough if I was at a loss for words on how to
describe some parts. Thanks!
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10. Contact Me

If you want to contact me, e-mail me at with
your e-mail address. If you have a question, I'll be glad to write you
back and answer it. If you have a comment or suggestion, I'll be glad
to hear from you. If you have any secrets or want to tell me something
that I forgot to mention, go right ahead. I'll include you in the
credits. Thanks for all your support!


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