WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth

WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth

17.10.2013 08:21:48

Last Updated: 23/2/2003

Version 7

A more thorough and easier to navigate HTML version of this guide is availble

This CAW guide is of the best CAWs I have found on the Internet, with credit
given where appropriate. I have checked all of these CAWs, and all are of great

If any webmaster wishes to post this on their site, feel free to do so, but it
must remain unchanged with credit given to Daniel Fookes. If you wish to submit
CAWs for this guide, please post them on the Gamefaqs Shut Your Mouth CAW board


Your CAW must be of a professional wrestler (past or present), and for those
slightly less mainstream, a picture of what the wrestler normally looks like
must be provided or linked to. Your CAW may stand a better chance being
submitted as well if a picture of your CAW is provided.

On the list, please look carefully to see if the wrestler you want is there.
Some are listed by their names (like Billy Gunn (Mr Ass)), while others may be
listed by their gimmicks (like Macho Man Randy Savage).

Finally, please DO NOT E-MAIL ME REQUESTING CAWs. I'm afraid I don't have the



Version 7: 23/2/2003:
Added: Billy Gunn (Mr Ass Attire)
Hulk Hogan (Classic Attire)
Nova (ECW Symbiote Attire)
Rodney Mack
Steve Corino
Undertaker (Several Attires)
Modified: The Rock (Alt. Attires)


Contents: (Listed in same order as below)
Wrestler Creater
A-Train Smackdown Lab
Akeem the African Dream Artynerd
Al Wilson Totodile
Andre the Giant SSJ X Vegeta
Animal (LoD) Artynerd
Ax of Demolition Artynerd
Bam Bam Bigelow Smackdown Lab
Batista Dan Fookes/Bhangra Man
Big Show (New Look) Dan Fookes
Bill DeMott Bhangra Man
Billy Gunn (Mr Ass Attire) Dan Fookes/Bazatron X
Bret "The Hitman" Hart Artynerd
Brian Knobbs (Nasty Boy) Artynerd
British Bulldog Artynerd
Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake Artynerd
Bubba Ray Dudley (Camo/Sleeves/vest) Smackdown Lab
Bubba Ray Dudley (Dudleyz Sweatshirt) Smackdown Lab
Bushwhacker Butch Artynerd
Cactus Jack Artynerd
Charlie Haas Dan Fookes/Bhangra Man
Chavo Guerrero Dan Fookes
Chris Kanyon JLD722
Chris Nowinksi Anonymous
Christian (New Attire) Dan Fookes
Crash Holly Dan Fookes
Crush of Demolition Artynerd
D'Lo Brown Ceilican
Dawn Marie (Divas Undressed Attire) Totodile
Debra Totodile
Droz Dan Fookes
Dude Love Ceilican
Earl Hebner Kanerulez
Earthquake Artynerd
Eddie Guerrero (New Look) Bhangra Man
Funaki Dan Fookes
Goldberg Ceilican
Hacksaw Jim Duggan Artynerd
Hawk (LoD) Artynerd
Hulk Hogan (Classic attire) Bhangra Man
Irwin R Schyster Artynerd
Jamie Noble Ceilican/Dan Fookes
Jeff Jarrett GuCAW
Jerry Lynn Cagevsalex/Dan Fookes
Jerry Saggs (Nasty Boy) Artynerd
Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart Artynerd
Jimmy "The Superfly" Snuka GuCAW
John Cena Dan Fookes/GuCAW
Justin Credible Dan Fookes
Kane (1998 Attire) Sirwadealot
Leviathon Dan Fookes/Bhangra Man
Macho Man Randy Savage Ceilican
Mankind Artynerd
Marty Jannetty (Rocker look) Artynerd
Matt Hardy (Version 1) Bhangra Man/Zurick Saviour
Mick Foley Dan Fookes
Mr Perfect Artynerd
Nova (ECW Symbiote Attire) Zurick
Nunzio Bhangra Man
Owen Hart Sir Wadealot
Perry Saturn Born2Box
Pete Gas (Mean Street Posse) Artynerd
Ravishing Rick Rude Artynerd
Rey Mysterio Ceilican
Road Dogg Born2Box
The Rock (Alt. Attires) Dan Fookes
Rodney Mack Mad Dog Turner
Sabu GuCaw
Scott Hall (nWo) SSJ X Vegeta
Scott Steiner Ceilican
Sgt Slaughter Artynerd
Shane McMahon Bhangra Man
Shannon Moore Bhangra Man
Shawn Michaels (Red Attire) Artynerd
Shawn Michaels (White Attire) Artynerd
Shelton Benjamin Dan Fookes/Bhangra Man
Smash of Demolition Artynerd
Steve Blackman Dan Fookes
Steve Corino Dan Fookes
Steven Richards Ceilican
Stone Cold Steve Austin (Alt. Attire) Dan Fookes
Taz (ECW Style) Smackdown Lab
Ted DiBiase (Million Dollar Man) Artynerd
Terry Funk Smackdown Lab
Test (Short-Haired look) Bhangra Man
Tommy Dreamer Dan Fookes
Typhoon Artynerd
Ultimate Warrior Artynerd
Undertaker (Phenom Look) Sirwadealot
Undertaker (Ministry Look) Bhangra Man
Undertaker (New Look) Sirwadealot/Bhangra/DanFookes
Vader Artynerd
X-Pac (Alt. Attire) Statik420
Zeus Artynerd


A-Train - Created by Smackdown Lab

Pics at:

All colors are in this form - (L,T,C1/C2,S)
Length,Transparency, Color1/Color2, Shade
If unchangable, then the Letter will take its place

Base Model - Type 1 - Normal
1. Skin - 4
2. Cheek
Face Edit - 14
Face Model - 06
Eyebrow - (-4,32)
Eyes - (-23,-100,100,-10)
Nose - (-62,47,-20,-21)
Cheek - (-57)
Mouth - (-38,-32)
Jaw - (100,72,3)
3. Eyes - 16 (L,T,-92/-3,0)
4. Eyebrows - 27 (L,54,-98/-100,0)
5. Hair - 0 (L,T,-86/19,0)
6. Underwear - Blank - 6 (L,T,35/-100,-100)

7. Face - Accessories - 67 (L,100,-93/-46,0)
8. Body - Accessories - 28 (L,39,-97/-40,0)
9. Body - Accessories - 29 (L,28,-94/-79,0)
10. Body - Accessories - 32 (L,65,-97/-79,0)
11. Body - Accessories - 34 (L,12,-97/-46,0)

Facial Hair
12. Face - Mustache - 21 (L,-10,-90/-19,0)
13. Face - Mustache - 23 (L,100,-88/-3,0)
14. Face - Mustache - 36 (L,50,-85/-61,0)
15. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ( (L,23,-85/-100,0)
Largest size - place a under the mouth, a little to your left
16. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ( (L,23,-85/-100,0)
Largest size - place a under the mouth, and connect to layer 15 to make that
piece wider
17. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ( (L,23,-85/-100,0)
Largest size - Rotate 2 times - place a under the mouth, a little to your right
18. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ( (L,23,-85/-100,0)
Largest size - Rotate 2 times - place a under the mouth, and connect to layer
17 to make that piece wider
19. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 2/7 - - (dash) (L,23,-85/-100,0)
2nd Largest size - Place at the top of the ( ) and connect them under the
bottom lip
20. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 2/7 - - (dash) (L,23,-85/-100,0)
2nd Largest size - Place below layer 19 to make it longer

Left Leg Tattoo
21. Design - Letter - Left Leg - Chinese - Page 58/65 - 1st Column/5th Row
Smallest size - Place as high as it will let you, on the side of his left thigh
22. Design - Letter - Left Leg - Chinese - Page 43/65 - 3rd Column/2nd Row
Smallest size - Place to your left of layer 21 to connect them
23. Design - Letter - Left Leg - Chinese - Page 12/65 - 4th Column/4th Row
Smallest size - Place below layers 21+22 with a small space separating them
24. Design - Letter - Body - Chinese - Page 35/65 - 5th Column/5th Row
3rd Largest size - place as low as it will let you, above layers 21+22
25. Design - Letter - Body - Chinese - Page 53/65 - 4th Column/1st Row
3rd Largest size - Place just above layer 24

Knee Pads
(put the knee pads on first -layer 32-to get the positioning right, then move
the knee pads back to layer 32
26. Design - Pattern - Left Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
2nd Largest size - Place on the left leg, to give the black knee pad, a red top
27. Design - Pattern - Left Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
2nd Largest size - connect to layer 26 to wrap around the leg
28. Design - Pattern - Left Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
2nd Largest size - connect to layer 27 to fill in any gaps
29. Design - Pattern - Right Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
2nd Largest size - Place on the right leg, to give the black knee pad, a red
top piece
30. Design - Pattern - Right Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
2nd Largest size - connect to layer 30 to wrap around the leg
31. Design - Pattern - Right Leg - Simple - 159 (L,100,-100/-3,0)
2nd Largest size - connect to layer 31 to fill in any gaps
32. Legs - Knee Pads - Both - Blank - 1 (L,100,100/-100,-100)
33. Arms - Wrist Bands - Both - Blank - 6 (-52,100,100/-100,-100)
34. Feet - Shoes - Blank - 12 (-67,T,-100/-43,-100)

Right Thigh Tiger Tattoo
35. Design - Pattern - Body - Tattoo - 30 (L,-6,-91/-100,0)
Smallest size - Place on the upper right thigh on the side of his leg
36. Design - Pattern - Body - Tattoo - 6 (L,-9,-81/-45,0)
Smallest size - Rotate 3 times - Place over the upper left side of layer 35 to
add a body to its legs

Optional Arm Hair
37. Body - Accessories - 31 (L,12,-99/-79,0)

Optional Mouth Piercings
38. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ; (L,100,23/19,-100)
2nd Largest size -Place to your left of his middle facial hair under the mouth
39. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ; (L,100,23/19,-100)
2nd Largest size - Rotate 2 times - Place in the center of his facial hair
under the mouth
40. Design - Letter - Face - Sign - Page 1/7 - ; (L,100,23/19,-100)
2nd Largest size -Place to your right of his middle facial hair under the mouth

Skin Color - 2 (-93/16, -7)

-Head (-5, 73)
-Neck (19, 36, 31)
-Chest (-38, 17)
-Shoulder-Both (-75, 6, 0)
-Abdomen (-12, 37, 78)
-Arms-Both (-29, 26, -9)
-Forearms-Both (-28, 7, -94)
-Hands-Both (-70, 8, -10)
-Waist (15, -37)
-Thigh (-10, -12, -3)
-Legs (-5, -14, 0)
-Ankles (-24, -10)

Height - 6'5"


Akeem the African Dream - Created By: ArtyNerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Legends of the WWF Volume 1 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: chiefwahoo2

Body Overweight

1.Skin 1
2.Cheeks Face Edit 14 Model 27
Eyebrow 48,-13
Eyes -56,-63,51,-96
Nose -73,-44,-33,-60
Cheeks 12
Mouth 0,100
Jaw 100,7,-11
3.Eyes 26
4.Eyebrow 13
5.Hair 75 Color -84,-17 Shade -18
6.Underwear Blank 1
7.Mustache 20 Color 100,-100
8.Mustache 75 Color 100,-100
9.Mustache 40 Color -87,-29 Shade -14
10.Facial Accessory 23 Trans -10 Color -100,-100 Shade -100
11.Design Pattern Simple 166 Face Reduce Twice Rotate Once Place On Mouth
Directly Under Nose And Move 3 Down And 4 Left Trans -14 Color -87,100 Shade
12.Design Pattern Simple 166 Face Reduce Twice Rotate Once Like Step 11 But
Move 3 Down And 4 Right Trans -14 Color -87,100 Shade -44
13.Tshirts Blank 1 Length -3 Color 29,-50 Shade 14
14.Tights Blank 1 Color 23,40
15.Shoes Blank 10 Length -41 Color -69,-3
16.Body Accessory 27 Trans 18 Color 100,-100
17.Design Pattern Wwe 21 Right Arm Place On Near Bottom Of Sleave
18.Design Pattern Wwe 21 Right Arm Place Connecting The Last Step so it goes
all around his sleave
19.Design Pattern Wwe 21 Left Arm Place Near Bottom Of Sleave
20.Design Pattern Wwe 21 Left Arm Place Connecting Last Step So It Goes Around
His Sleave
21.Belts 10 Color -72,-32
22.Belts 35 Color -39,83 Shade 29
23.Design Letters Sign Page 2 (<) Left Leg Rotate Once Place On Top Of His Boot
On The Side Of His Body Should Connect To Boot Color -67,37
24.Design Letters Sign Page 2 (<) Left Leg Rotate Once Reduce Once Place Inside
Evenly Last Step Should Connect To Boot Basically It Will Have One ^ Inside The
Other Color -67,37

25.&26. do same as step 23 and 24 but right leg

27.Wristbands Blank 1 Length -59 Color -69,17
28.Pattern Simple 157 Body Reduce Once Place On Back As High Up As Possible
Centered Then Move 23 Spaces Down And Left 6 Spaces Color -63,37
29.Design Pattern Simple 157 Body Reduce Once Place On Back As High Up As
Possible Centered And Move Down 23 Spaces And Right 2 Spaces Color -63,37
30.Design Pattern Simple 146 Body Place On Back As High Up As Possible Centered
And Move 14 Spaces Down And 1 Or 2 Spaces Left Color -65,24 Shade 9
31.Design Pattern Simple 145 Body Place On Back As High Up As Possible Centered
And Move 14 Spaces Down And 1 Or 2 Spaces Right Color -67,33 Shade 7 The Last
Two Pieces Should Be Together
32.Design Pattern Simple 157 Body Reduce 3 Times Place On Back On Bottom Of The
Pattern Created With The Last 2 Steps Together Centered And Move 6 Spaces Up
Color 17,-22 Shade -11
33.Design Patten Simple 141 Body Reduce Once Place On Back As High Up As
Possible Centered And Move Down 25 Spaces And 2 Spaces Left Color 32,-100 Shade
34.Design Pattern Simple 159 Body Reduce 3 Times Place On Back Centered And
Move Down As Low As Possible Then Move Up 57 Spaces Up Color 27,-25 Shade -35
The Last 3 Steps Should Have Connect To Each Other To Give A Blue Foot Like
35.-39. Design letters alpha font 6 reduce twice spell out akeem on his back in
the blue footlike shape u made in the heart design of that shape color -62,38
it should be centered by this same amount of blue space on each side of blue
foot design in heart
40.Body Accessory 22 Color -63,-43 Shade -14

Skin colors 3 with some tweaking

Head -45,66
Neck 11,24,-7
Chest 100,100
Shoulder -58,-20,33
Abs 51,100,33
Arms -35,46,-25
Forearms -19,0,-100
Hands -23,22,-36
Waist 100,66
Thigh -24,-9,-27
Legs -13,-25,-6
Ankles -47,-36


RING NAME - The African Dream
Bio- Man,Heavy,Heel,African Superstar
Signs- the current big thing 2x
Ability -power 3,3 speed 1,2 tech 1,2 rough 4,4

Logic -Brawler,Grappler


Al Wilson - Created by Totodile

Pics at:

Body: Normal
Skin: 1
Face Morphing: 26 (Figure: 0,5) (Shape: 1,19) (Age: 12)
(Eyes: -40,-10,-45, -44)
(Nose: 0,0,0,15)
(Mouth: -27,-25)
(Jaw: -65,0,0)
Eyes: 21 (78,-37,0)
Eyebrows: 33 (100,-89,25,-94)
Hair: 11 (-87,100,-100)
Underwear: Blank 1
Glasses: 9 (-80,-100,0)
Tights: Blank 7 (100,100,33,-3,0)
Shoes: Others 1 (-100,8,-75)
Jacket: Blank 4 (35,16,29)
Skin Color 2

Head (-27,19)
Neck (-54,-50,-8)
Chest (28,5)
Shoulder (-100,-19,-12)
Abdomen (-12,28,36)
Arms (-16,-12,11)
Forearms (-50,-29,-85)
Hands (-89,-12,-39)
Waist (9,-26)
Thigh (0,4,-27)
Legs (36,-5,-6)
Ankles (-47,-36)
Height: 5’9”


Andre the Giant - SSJ X Vegeta

Pics at:


Skin Color-3

Hair 27 (-92,-20/0)
Eyebrows 27 (31/95,-79/0)
Eyes (27-24,-3) (Not the eys in the banner)
Cheek 27 (Face Model)27
-Eyebrow (0/0)
-Eyes (0/0/0/0)
-Nose (0/0/0/0)
-Cheek (100)
-Mouth (0/0)
-Jaw (41/13/0)
Upper Body Accessories 25 (-50/-99,-50/0)

Head (-19/13)
Neck (-17/-6/66)
Chest (-94/22)
Shoulder (-83/-51/-19)
Abdomen (-48/36/100)
Arms (-17/16/1)
Forearms (-20/8/-100)
Hands (-70/100/-22)
Waist (-30/-10)
Thigh (-18/1/100)
Legs (12/-2/100)
Ankles (70/0)

Height 7’2


Animal (Legion of Doom) - Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated by chiefwahoo2
Body normal I believe
01. Skin 8
02. Cheeks face edit 13 model 2
Eyebrow 0,0
Eyes 0,-100,-14,-54
Nose 58,100,17,-100
Cheek -30
Mouth 15,-4
Jaw 56,68,-67
03. Eyes 1 color -87,-3
04. Eyebrows 2 color -89,-3
05. Hair 45 color -96,22 shade 23
06. Underwear others 8 color -100,100 shade 100
07. Mask 18 trans 56 color -100,-8 shade 29
08. Tights one point 22 color 74,-3 shade 7
09. Underwear others 8 color -100,100 shade 100
10. Belts 3 color -100,100 shade 100
11. Design letter alpha font 1 page 1 body select (U) reduce once and place on
figs left side of his body centered(the actually side under arm) with the
bottom of the U touching the top of his belt and move 40 spaces down trans 34
color 39,-100 shade 34
12. Design pattern simple 166 body place on front to cover belt buckle make
sure it is centered color -96,64
13. Underwear blank 6 color 35,-16 shade -100
14. Design letters alpha font 1 page 1 body select (U) reduce once and like
step 11 place on actually right side of body under arm with bottom of U
touching the top of the belt and move down 40 spaces trans 34 color 39,-100
shade 34
15. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice reduce twice and place bottom
tip of triangle to touch top of belt on his left side centered under arm like
step 10 and 13 and move down 50 spaces color 100,14 shade -7
16. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice and reduce twice and place left
tip of triangle touching his left nipple and move 59 spaces down and 5 spaces
right color 100,14 shade -7
17. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice and reduce twice and place on
figs right side centered with bottom tip of triangle touching the top of belt
much like u did in step 14 move down 50 spaces color 100,14 shade -7
18. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice and reduce twice and place on
figs right nipple with right tip of triangle touching it and move 58 spaces
down and 12 spaces left color 100,14 shade -7
19. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice reduce 3 times and center once
again on figs left side with bottom of triangle touching belt and move down 48
spaces color 14,-100 shade -100
20. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice reduce 3 times and do the same
as step 18 but on opposite side color 14,-100 shade -100
21. Design letters sign page 2 first row first column (-) body rotate once
place the line on top of belt on figs left side simular to prev steps and move
down 46 spaces down (make sure it is centered on side) color 100,35
22. Design letters sign page 2 top one on left again body rotate once and place
centered on opposite side from step 20 move 46 spaces down color 100,35
23. Shoes blank 17 length -16 color -96,-3 shade 30
24. Design letter alpha font 1 body (H) reduce once and place centered on figs
left side again with bottom of H touching the top of belt and move 25 spaces
down and 7 spaces left trans 29 color -97,100 shade 100
25. Design letter alpha font 1 body (H) reduce once and place centered on figs
left side and move 25 spaces down and 7 spaces right trans 29 color -97,100
shade 100
26. Same as step 24 but put on figs right side centered
27. Same as step 25 but put on figs right side centered
28. Paint 8 color -100,-3
29. Paint 7 color -100,-3
30. Kneepads blank 2 color 25,-50 shade -99
31. Design pattern simple 166 left leg reduce once place on the top design on
the outter side of boot centered color 21,-43 shade -100
32. Design pattern simple 166 left leg reduce once place on middle design on
outter boot centered color 21,-43 shade -100
33. Design pattern simple 166 left leg reduce once and place on bottom design
on boot centered color 21,-43 shade -100
34-36 repeat steps 31-33 but do it on right boot instead
37. Paint 11 color -100,-14
38. Facial accessories 23 color -100,-100
39. Mustache 48 color -89,-43
40. Design pattern simple 53 face rotate twice reduce once and place on back
directly below his mohawk so it looks like it extends it color -85,-24 shade


Head -9,6
Neck -29,65,100
Chest 64,100
Shoulder 16,4,40
Abs 30,35,78
Arms 11,50,-45
Forearms -2,1,-100
Hands -9,41,-3
Waist 29,-11
Thigh -2,15,-27
Legs 31,21,86
Ankles -1,-5


NAME -Animal
RINGNAME - Legend of Doom
crowd signs -u choose

TECH 2,2



Ax of Demolition - Created By ArtyNerd

Appears on: Legends of the WWF Volume 1 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: NoLiMiT

Skin color: 3 (-92,0,-5) ?

Skin: 4
Cheek: Edit: 16 Model: 7
Eyebrow: 0,0
Eyes: 0,0,0,0
Nose: -40,0,0,0
Cheek: 14
Mouth: 0,0
Jaw: 0,0,0

Eyes: 18 (90,-17,0)
Eyebrows: 2 (100,-89,-3,0)
Hair: 13 (-74,-6,13)
Underwear: blank: 7 (-98,-32,-100)
Body Accessories: 35 (100,-100,-3,-100)
Wrist Bands: blank: 11 (-71,100,31,-74,-100)
Knee Pads: blank: 7 (100,24,-70,-99)
Shoes: one point: 22 (-43,-96,-56,-100)
Shoes: blank: 17 (-50,28,-67,-100)

*Body Pattern*
Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I (100,38,-100,-100) connect the underwear
with the ring on his chest
Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I (100,38,-100,-100) connect the underwear
with the ring on his back
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-56,-100) Place on upper
part of the I u add before on his front
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-56,-100) Place on upper
part of the I u add before on his back

Paint: 79 (100,-100,-72,-100)

*Face Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 1 turn: 2 (82,14,-100,-100) Place 11 steps under
his right eye
(u need this to complete Paint 46 that u add later)

Paint: 22 (100,0,-66,-100)
Paint: 46 (100,-95,-88,-100)

*Face Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 1 (100,23,-100,-100) place over his left eye

Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 1 (100,23,-100,-100) place over his right eye

Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 1 turn: 3 (100,14,-100,-100) connect with the
circle pattern on his right eye

Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 1 turn: 1 (100,14,-100,-100) connect with the
circle pattern on his left eye

Paint: 17 (100,1,-69,-100)

*Face Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 166 reduce: 1 turn: 1 (100,21,56,-99) cover up the little
black rest of the triangle pattern on his right face side

Pattern: Simple 159 (100,-76,-100,-63)
Pattern: Simple 159 (100,-76,-100,-63)
Use this two to make his hair longer. move all the way down on back of his
head. now move 10 steps up.

All goes on the back of his head over the two brown squares.
Pattern: Simple: 12 (100,-80,-29,-57) place on your right side

Pattern: Simple: 12 turn: 2 (100,-80,-29,-57) place on your left side

Pattern: Simple: 12 turn: 2 (100,-80,-29,-57) place on the middle of head. all
the way down. move 9 steps to the right

Pattern: Simple: 12 turn: 2 (100,-86,-17,-57) place on the middle of head. all
the way down. move 9 steps to the left

Underwear: blank: 7 (100,-97,-30,-99)

*body Pattern*
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
place this tree in a upside down triangle form on front of the underwear

Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100) place on the
middle left side of the underwear

Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100) place on the
middle right side of the underwear

Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100) place this tree
in a triangle
form on back of the underwear

Height: 6'0"

Head: -9,60
Neck: 25,45,37
Chest: 100,64
Shoulder: -37,-6,-12
Abdomen: 50,70,36
Arms: -25,27,-15
Forearms: -19,-6,-88
Hands: -27,25,-30
Waist: 59,5
Thigh: 8,4,39
Legs: 24,-2,73
Ankles: -13,-8

Name: Ax
Ring Name: Demolition
Nick Name: Ax

Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Heel, Flash

Powerful: 2,4
Speedy: 2,3
Technical: 2,2
Rough Neck: 4,4

Logic: Brawler, Brawler


Bam Bam Bigelow - Created by SmackdownLab.com

Pics at:

Base Model - Type 1 - Overweight

1. Skin - 7
2. Cheek
Face Edit - 9
Face Model - 11
-Eyebrow (0, 0)
-Eyes (26, -14, 0, -13)
-Nose (11, 18, 0, 0)
-Cheek (50)
-Mouth (0, 0)
-Jaw (33, 38, 0)
3. Eyes - 15 (-92,-3,0)
4. Eyebrows - 4 (100,-95,-24,0)
5. Hair - 4 (13,37,4)
6. Underwear - Blank - 1 (23,-3,0)

7. Body - Accessories - 25 (20,-100,-100,-100)
8. Body - Tshirts - Blank - 14 (-9,100,-100,-100,-100)
9. Legs - Tights - One Point - 21 (100,100,-100,0,0)
10. Feet - Socks - Both - One Point - 19 (96,100,3,-9,-13)
11. Feet - Shoes - Blank - 12 (-52,100,-100,-56,-100)
12. Arms - Wrist Bands - Both -Blank - 2 (-81,100,-100,-3,0)
13. Face - Mustache - 6 (81,-82,75,100)
14. Face - Mustache - 38 (100,-79,14,100)
15. Face - Mustache - 26 (90,-81,30,100)

16. Design - Pattern - Left Arm - Tattoo - 23
2nd largest size - put it on the outer left forearm
17. Design - Pattern - Right Arm - Tattoo - 25
2nd largest size - put it on the inner right forearm
18. Design - Pattern - Left Arm - Tattoo - 21
2nd largest size - put it on the inner left forearm
19. Design - Pattern - Right Arm - Tattoo - 24
3rd largest size - put it on the outer right forearm
20. Design - Pattern - Right Arm - Tattoo - 50
2nd largest size - Rotate twice - put it on the outer right forearm connecting
to the top of layer 19
21. Design - Pattern - Right Arm - Simple - 154
2nd largest size - put it on the outer right forearm connecting to the right of
layer 20 making the spread eagle effect.

Flamed Top
Layers 22 - 29 add the flame effect on the midsection and arms of the attire.
22. Design - Pattern - Body - Tattoo - 33
largest size - rotate twice - Place under the left armpit area.
23. Design - Pattern - Body - Tattoo - 33
largest size - Place under the right armpit area.
24. Design - Pattern - Body - Tattoo - 33
largest size - rotate twice - Place Connecting the brighter part with layer 22
25. Design - Pattern - Right arm - Tattoo - 33
Largest size - Rotate 3 times - Place on the outer part of the upper arm
26. Design - Pattern - Right arm - Tattoo - 33
Largest size - Rotate 3 times - Place on the inner part of the upper arm
27. Design - Pattern - Left arm - Tattoo - 33
Largest size - Rotate 1 time - Place on the outer part of the upper arm
28. Design - Pattern - Left arm - Tattoo - 33
Largest size - Rotate 1 time - Place on the inner part of the upper arm

BBB Logo
Layers 30 - 40 makes the BBB logo on the chest/stomach. You can use 3 B's
rather than the extensive process, but will be less detailed. Refer to this
image for help. http://www.smackdownlab.com/ecw/bbbhelp.gif
30. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - D
2nd largest size - Rotate 3 times - Place on the right center of the chest.
31. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - D
2nd largest size - Rotate 3 times - Place on the left center of the chest.
connecting to layer 26
32. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - D
2nd largest size - Place on the right center of the chest. Below the first B
33. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - D
2nd largest size - Place on the right center of the chest connecting to layer
34. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - D
2nd largest size - rotate 2 times - Place on the left center of the chest.
Below the first B
35. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - D
2nd largest size - rotate 2 times - Place on the left center center of the
chest connecting to layer 28
36. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - I
2nd largest size - Place on the far right connecting the right of the top b, to
the middle of the bottom right B
37. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - I
2nd largest size - rotate once - Place connected the top of the Bottom two B's
38. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - I
2nd largest size - Place on the far right connecting the left of the top b, to
the middle of the bottom left B
39. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 06 - I
2nd largest size - Place over the middle of the right B to disconnect it
40. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 06 - I
2nd largest size - Place over the middle of the left B to disconnect it

Skin Color - Color 1 (-91,11,-15)

-Head (27, 100)
-Neck (14, 29, -81)
-Chest (53, 52)
-Shoulder-Both (37, 39, 2)
-Abdomen (60, 64, 100)
-Arms-Both (8, 57, 7)
-Forearms-Both (9, 40, -100)
-Hands-Both (12, 35, 39)
-Waist (67, 72)
-Thigh (22, 44, -100)
-Legs (43, 34, 100)
-Ankles (13, 38)

Height - 6'7" - Equals out his form


Batista - Created by Dan Fookes. Eyebags and Underwear idea by BhangraMan

Pics at:


USE PICS for placement of parts

Layer List:
Skin 5
Cheeks - Face Edit - Cheeks 9 - Model 11
Eyebrows (72,8)
Eyes (-70,-71)(-100,42)
Nose (-25,100)(-20,19)
Cheek (-14)
Mouth (-63,-7)
Jaw (-38,14)(-80)

Eyes 5 (100,-3,0)
Eyebrows 54 (53,-88,-50,-100)
Hair 22 (100,-100,0)
Underwear - Blank 6 (35,-35,-100)

Accessories 85 (100,96,-3,0)
Mustache 4 (-48,-100,45,-100)
Use the next four patterns to make the thin strip going up his chin, see pic
Letters - Alphabet - (Font Type One) I (Reduce 3x) (100,23,-46,-100)
Letters - Alphabet - (Font Type One) I (Reduce 3x) (100,23,-46,-100)
Letters - Alphabet - (Font Type One) I (Reduce 3x) (3,23,-100,0)
Letters - Alphabet - (Font Type One) I (Reduce 3x) (3,23,-100,0)
Letters - Alphabet - (Font Type One, Bottom Row, 3rd Column) (Reduce
1x)(62,24,-100,-100) Place under lips, connecting with previous strip.
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(-37,21,-100,0) Place inbetween eyelid and
eyebrow of left eye
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(-37,21,-100,0) Place inbetween eyelid and
eyebrow of right eye
Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, 5th Row, 1st Column) “(“ (Rotate 1x, Reduce 1x)
(-53,-82,-59,0) Place on chin, below the full stop part of the beard
Pattern - WWE 46 (Reduce 3x)(100,-100,-8,-100) Place on right ear lobe for
Pattern - Simple 158 (Reduce 3x)(-15,-89,24,-29) Place under nose as brink of
Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, Last row, 4th Column) (Reduce 1x, Rotate
3x)(-53,-94,6,-16) Place under right eye for eyebag
Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, Last row, 4th Column) (Reduce 1x, Rotate
3x)(-53,-94,6,-16) Place under left eye for eyebag
Pattern - Simple 20 (Reduce 3x)(-78,-74,-3,0) Place inbetween eyebrows

Pattern - Tattoo 9 (Reduce 3x)(6,-12,-6,65) Place on centre of stomach, where
belly button would be
Pattern - Tattoo 29 (17,-81,-54,0) Place on back
Hands - Gloves 12 (-73,-100,-100)

The following make the pattern on his underwear, explaining the placement is
difficult, and not too important. Just use two of the feet patterns to go over
the thin part of the underwear on the side
Pattern - Simple 145 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x)(100,98,-33,35) Place on HIS left
side, over the bridge of the underwear
Pattern - Simple 65 (Reduce 3x)(100,94,29,2) Place on back of underwear,
attached to previous pattern
Pattern - Simple 146 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 3x)(100,-98,-40,22) Place continuing
the pattern around the back
Pattern - Simple 65 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x))(100,100,24,2) Place on back of
underwear, attached to previous pattern. You should now be near his right side
Pattern - Simple 65 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x))(100,100,24,2) Place on back of
underwear, attached to previous pattern. You should now be near his right side
Pattern - Simple 146 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 3x)(100,97,-40,22) Place on his right
side You should now have parts of the pattern visable from the front view on
both sides
Pattern - Simple 171 (Reduce 3x)(100,100,-85,12) Continue the pattern on the
front, on his right side
Pattern - Simple 146 (Reduce 2x, Rotate 3x)(100,97,-40,16) Place on the
side/front, on his left side
Pattern - Simple 89 (Reduce 3x)(100,96,25,0) Place on the front, on his left
side, joining previous pattern, but a bit lower
Pattern - Picture 37 (Reduce 2x, Rotate 3x)(100,100,-100,100) Continue from the
previous pattern, lower again so it ends up almost in the centre

Pattern - Simple 127 (Reduce 3x)(3,100,50,0) Place on side of left arm, near
Pattern - Simple 113 (Reduce 3x)(3,100,50,0) Place slightly below and to the
left of last pattern
Pattern - Simple 87 (29,19,-8,14) Place on side of right arm

Shoes - Blank 12 (-60,-100,-40,-100)
Kneepads - Blank 7 (100,100,-25,-2)

Skin Color (-89,-15,10)

Height: (6’10”)

Head (-1,39)
Neck (-24,-9)(-33)
Chest (100,43)
Shoulder (-33,-6)(-23)
Abdomen (-18,-7)(25)
Arms (-27,31)(-27)
Forearms (-31,20)(-100)
Hands (-45,0)(-63)
Waist (4,-46)
Thighs (3,-5)(-69)
Legs (3,-2)(-19)
Ankles (-31,31)


Big Show (New Look) - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:

Base Model: Overweight

Layer List:
Skin 3
Cheeks - Face Edit - Cheeks 8 - Face Model 7
Eyebrows (0,30)
Eyes (-42,0)(-25,-35)
Nose (-60,0)(-23,0)
Cheeks (15)
Mouth (32,-10)
Jaw (-23,12)(-43)

Eyes 11 (-86,-3,0)
Eyebrows 49 (100,-90,-38,0)
Hair 4 (-86,-30,36)
Underwear (Default)

Mustache 6 (51,-89,-12,0)
Mustache 23 (-56,-88,-3,0)
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x) (-4,-84,-27,0) Place on HIS right
side of moustache so top right corner touches bottom left corner of moustache
Pattern - Simple 171 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x)(21,-93,-100,0) Place overlapping
moustache and previous pattern to make it a bit more haggard (go by pics)
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x) (-4,-84,-27,0) Place on HIS left
side of moustache so center of the top touches bottom right corner of moustache
Pattern - Simple 171 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x)(21,-93,-100,0) Place overlapping
moustache and previous pattern to make it a bit more haggard (go by pics)
Pattern - Simple 158 (Reduce 2x) (-15,-85,-90,0) Place at bottom of HIS right
side of moustache, so it fans out at the bottom
Pattern - Simple 158 (Reduce 2x) (-15,-85,-90,0) Place at bottom of HIS left
side of moustache, so it fans out at the bottom
Pattern - Simple 171 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x)(21,-93,-100,0) Place over rectangle
and triangle on his left side to make it a bit more haggard (go by pics)
Pattern - Simple 171 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x)(21,-93,-100,0) Place over rectangle
and triangle on his right side to make it a bit more haggard (go by pics)
Face Accessories 23 (-1,-100,-3,0)
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 1x)(-85,21,-100,0) Place in-between eyebrows
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 2x) (-62,-90,17,-15) Place just under left eye so
it ends inline with eyebrows (See pic)
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 2x) (-62,-90,17,-15) Place just under right eye so
it ends inline with eyebrows (See pic)

Body and Legs:
Body Accessories 29 (29,-94,-100,0)
Body Accessories 25 (-51,-97,-100,0)
Costume - Others 10 (100,18,-91,-100)
Shoes - Blank 11 (Default)
Pants - Blank 10 (-89,-40,-100)

Right Arm Tattoo:
Pattern - Tattoo 17 (Reduce 1x) (7,-50,-24,0) Place on side of right bicep
Pattern - Tattoo 11 (Reduce 1x) (12,-99,6,56) Place over previous pattern

Skin Color 3

Head (-12,100)
Neck (14,11)(-18)
Chest (-17,31)
Shoulder (-33,-51)(-19)
Abdomen (13,44)(92)
Arms (-19,37)(-21)
Forearms (-19,40)(-100)
Hands (-12,35)(-39)
Waist (-39,0)
Thighs (-3,16)(-39)
Legs (0,-17)(-33)
Ankles (-35,-43)

Height: 7’2”


Bill Demott - Created by Bhangra Man

Pics at:

Base Model: Normal

Skin color: 4, C(-88,3), S(6)

2.)Cheeks/ Face Edits: 11, Face model: 7

4.)Eyebrows:19, C(-81,51), S(41)
5.)Hair:15, C(-89,54), S(28)
or Hair: 22, C(-85,40), S(30)
6.)Underwear: default
7.)Face- Moustache: 23, T(100),C(-72,1), S(93)
8.)Face- Moustache: 21, T(39),C(-83,14)
9.)Body tattoo:11, T(-68),C(33,-3)
10.)Simple pattern- 171, T(-23), C(-93,11),S(-29)reduce three times, place
below lips to reduce facial hair near lips
11.)Body- Costume- Others: 12, C(-78,-8),C(-10)
12.)Face- paint: 37,T(-70), C(-100,-3)
13.)Design patterns- face -Simple pattern: 166, T(-45),C(-86,58) place between
on nose high up between the eyes
14.)Design patterns- face -WWE pattern : 42, T(-17),C(-88,59),S(13) rotate 1*,
reduce once, place below left sideburn connecting sideburn to the beard here
15.)Design patterns- face -WWE pattern : 42, T(-17),C(-88,59),S(13) rotate 1*,
reduce once, place below right sideburn connecting sideburn to the beard here

**See Pic and paint drawing for help here**
16.)Design-Body-Pattern-Tattoo:4, reduce 1*, C(-67,100),S(43) place just over
the left green flame pattern that already exists on the dlow brown custome.
Make sure about half of it can be seen in front veiw see pics
17.) Design-Body-Pattern-Tattoo:4, reduce 1*, C(-67,100),S(43) place just over
the right green flame pattern that already exists on the dlow brown custome.
Make sure about half of it can be seen in front veiw see pics
see pics
18.)Design- Body-Pattern-20, rotate 2*, reduce 1*,T(40),C(-63,83),S(-41) place
over the end part of the left hand side green flame at the back. Make sure
about half of it can be seen in back view see pics
19.) Design- Body-Pattern-20, rotate 2*, reduce 1*,T(40),C(-63,83),S(-41) place
over the end part of the right hand side green flame at the back. Make sure
about half of it can be seen in back view see pics
20.)Legs-Kneepads-Blank:6, C(-92,-22),S(-100)
21.) Legs-Kneepads-Blank:1, C(-16,-82),S(-100)
** See paint drawing for help here**
22.)Feet- Shoes- One point:12, C(34,-100),S(-100)
23.) Feet- Socks- Checks:12, L: -75, C(64,100),S(-16)


*The basic idea here is to create black squares around the checked socks but to
have a space in the middle with checked patterns and use white squares to
reduce the black shown on boots. It will appear like on the boots that there is
a checked pattern in the middle of the boots in front view , with a black
outline to the checked pattern

24.)Left leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(24,-100),S(-100) place on one
side of checked socks see pics and paint drawing
25.) Left leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(24,-100),S(-100) place on the
other side of checked socks see pics and paint drawing. Make sure there is some
checked pattern in the middle of the checked socks see pic
26.) Left leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(-12,70),S(-100) place to reduce
the amount of one of black square patterns seen on checked socks so that the
black pattern is only a line instead of a square
27.) Left leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(-12,70),S(-100) place to reduce
the amount of the other of black square patterns seen on checked socks so that
the black pattern is only a line instead of a square

28.) Right leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(24,-100),S(-100) place on one
side of checked socks see pics and paint drawing
29.) Right leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(24,-100),S(-100) place on the
other side of checked socks see pics and paint drawing. Make sure there is some
checked pattern in the middle of the checked socks see pic
30.) Right leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(-12,70),S(-100) place to reduce
the amount of one of black square patterns seen on checked socks so that the
black pattern is only a line instead of a square
31.) Right leg Simple pattern: 159, reduce 1*,C(-12,70),S(-100) place to reduce
the amount of the other of black square patterns seen on checked socks so that
the black pattern is only a line instead of a square

32.)Feet- Shoes- Blank- 5, C(33,-50),S(-100)
33.)Left Hand- Gloves:12, C(-100,-3)
34.)Arms- Wristband- Blank:2, L(-81),C(-100,-3)
35.)Right Arm- Elbow pads-Blank: 4,C(100,100)
36.) Right Arm- Elbow pads-Blank: 1, C(25,-61),S(-100)
37.) Design- pattern- Left arm- Tatoo :27, rotate 1*, reduce 1*, T(50),
C(-96,-50) place on left arm bicep
38.) Design- pattern- Left arm- simple pattern :93, reduce 1*,T(7),
C(-36,-8),S(-62) place just below previous pattern and make it overlap a little
with previous pattern
39.) Design- pattern- Right arm- simple pattern :25, reduce 1*,
T(15),C(-64,-29) place just above right arm elbow pad
40.) Design- pattern- Right arm- simple pattern :100, reduce 1*, rotate
1*,T(75),C(-76,1) place just above previous pattern and make it connect it to
the right end of previous pattern
Figure- Form

Shoulder both(-79,-34),-12

Height 7'1"


Billy Gun (Mr Ass) - Created by Bazatron X/Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 5
Cheek - Face Edit - Cheeks 20 - Model 18
Eyebrow (8,48)
Eyes (-14,-50)(47,-75)
Nose (-100,41)(-42,3)
Cheek (-100)
Mouth (51,8)
Jaw (10,0)(-35)

Eyes 11 (-34, -1, -54)
Eyebrows 3 (37,-100,-100,-100)
Head - Hair 17 (-81, 25, -39)
Underwear - Blank 18 (-62,59,-16)

Accessories 86 (0,100,-3,-100)
Accessories 66 (30,-93,-69,0)
Mustache 20 (-60,100,16,-100)
Letters - Alphabet - Font Type 1 (3 across and 6 down “.”)(100,7,22,-100) Place
on right earlobe as another earing
Accessories 53 (-48,-99,-3,-100)

Wristbands - Blank 2 (-77,100,-100,-3,0)
Kneepads - Blank 6 (100,-100,-3,0)
Kneepads - Others 3 (100,-63,-82,-35)
Shoes - Blank 13 (-41,-100,-3,0)
Tights - Blank 8 (-100,100,-65,90,48)
Underwear - Blank 18 (-62,33,-16)

The following patterns are the lips on his trunks. Use the pics for placement:
(All patterns go on BODY)

Red lips on front of trunks:
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 1x)(100,21,-53,-100)
Pattern - Tattoo 38 (Reduce 1x)(100,-100,-48,5) Place so that the black
rectangle shows in-between the lips

Pink lips on back of trunks:
Pattern - Tattoo 38 (Reduce 1x)(100,68,-32,4) Place on back of trunks, slightly
to left
Pattern - Tattoo 38 (Reduce 1x)(100,68,-32,4) Place on back of trunks, slightly
to right
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 1x)(100,21,-53,-100) Use this and the next pattern
to make the black part of the mouth. It may look a bit poor, but it looks fine
when the writing is put on top of it
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 1x)(100,21,-53,-100)

Use the next five layers to write MR ASS on his rear as shown in pic (All Font
Type 3, Reduce 2x)(100,23,20,-100)

Purple Lips on front of tights:
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(100,21,-53,-100)
Pattern - Tattoo 38 (Reduce 2x)(100,61,-41,12) Place so that the black
rectangle shows in-between the lips

Orange Lips on front of tights
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(100,21,-53,-100)
Pattern - Tattoo 38 (Reduce 2x)(100,-89,-41,25) Place so that the black
rectangle shows in-between the lips

Purple Lips on back of tights:
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(100,21,-53,-100)
Pattern - Tattoo 38 (Reduce 2x)(100,61,-41,12) Place so that the black
rectangle shows in-between the lips

Orange Lips on back of tights
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(100,21,-53,-100)
Pattern - Tattoo 38 (Reduce 2x)(100,-89,-41,25) Place so that the black
rectangle shows in-between the lips

Skin colours 3 (-90, 1, 0)

Head (-52)(100)
Neck (-29,-29)(-15)
Chest (-17,49)
Shoulder (-87,-31)(-12)
Abs (-10,-6)(100)
Arms (-49,46)(-62)
Forearms (-33,11)(-11)
Hands (-70,9)(-59)
Waist (25,-27)
Thigh (1,-1)(-27)
Legs (8,11)(-33)
Ankles (-47,-36)

Height 6’4” (After fig. mods)

Moveset - Billy


Bret "The Hitman" Hart - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Legends of the WWF Volume 1 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: chiefwahoo2

Body Normal

1.Skin 8
2.Cheeks Face Edit 16 Model 6
Eyebrows -62,22
Eyes -13,-30,59,20
Nose -15,-28,21,-27
Cheek -48
Mouth 18,-17
Jaw 58,46,10
3.Eyes 30 Color 1,-67 Shade -25
4.Eyebrows 25 Trans 92 Color -100,-100
5.Hair 26 Color -85,-3
6.Underwear Blank 7 Color -96,-3
7.Costume Others 10 Color 18,-79 Shade -99
8.Tights One Point 6 Color 81,-3 Shade -5
9.Underwear Others 8 Color -100,-20 Shade -99
10.Elbow Pads Blank 1 Color 22,-50 Shade -100
11.Wristbands Blank 2 Length -73 Color -100,-33 Shade -100
12.Knee Pads Blank 2 Color 25,-56 Shade -100
13.Shoes Blank 13 Length -56 Color -100,-12
14.Facial Accessories 23 Trans -82 Color -100,-100
15.Facial Accessories 72 Color 100,-1 Shade -7
16.Design Letters Sign Page 1 Face Fifth Down First Row Should Be (Place On The
Edge Of Figs Right Side Of Mouth Evenly And Move 4 Spaces Left And 2 Spaces Up
(This Gives A Cheek Wrinkle Trans -68 Color 100,-100
17.Design Letters Sign Page 1 Face Same As Above Step Rotate Twice And Place On
Figs Left Side Of Mouth Like Last One And Move 4 Spaces Right And 2 Spaces Up
Trans -68 Color 100,-100
18.Design Letters Alph Font 1 Page 1 Select (I) Face And Reduce Once And Place
On Center Place In Center Of Nose Where Bottom Part Of I Is Touching Bottom
Part Of Nose Then Move Up 25 Spaces Trans -87 Color 100,-100
19.Design Letters Sign Page 1 Face Select 5th Row 5th One Down Rotate Once And
Place On Bottom Of Nose Centered Like Last Piece And Move Up 31 Spaces Trans
-82 Color 100,-100
20.Design Letters Alpha Font 1 Page 1 Face Select (-) Reduce Once And Place On
Figs Right Side Of Mouth Next To Mouth But Not Touching The( Piece By Have It
Look Like It Is Connected To Mouth Trans -42 Color 100,-100
21.Design Letters Alpha Font 1 Page 1 Face Select (-) Reduce Once And Place On
Left Side Of Mouth Like Step Above Trans -42 Color 100,-100
22.Design Pattern Simple 166 Face Reduce 3 Times And Place Directly On Center
Of Mouth And Move Down 9 Spaces Trans -67 Color 100,-100
23.Design Pattern Simple 159 Face Center On Face And Move As Low As Possible
Then Move 104 Spaces Left And 8 Spaces Up Sorry For So Many This Design Will
End Up Behind Head Under His Hair Color -86,-100 Shade -61
24.Design Pattern Simple 139 Body Rotate Once Center On Body And Move Down As
Low As Possible Then Move Up 9 Spaces Color -60,-100 Shade -100
25.Design Pattern Simple 161 Right Leg Reduce Twice And Place Top Tip Of Star
Touching The Top Part Of His Boot Centered On The Outside Of It And Move 5
Spaces Down Color 30,-100 Shade -100
26.Design Pattern Simple 161 Left Leg Reduce Twice Place Like Last Step And
Move 5 Spaces Down Color 30,-100 Shade -100
27.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Rotate Twice Reduce Once Have The Bottom
Point Of The Triangle Touch The Middle Of His Mouth And Move Left 38 Spaces And
Down 6 Spaces Trans -85 Color 100,-100 Shade 100
28.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Rotate Twice Reduce Once Do Same As Last Step
But Move 38 Spaces Right And 6 Down Trans -85 Color 100,-100 Shade 100
29.Design Pattern Simple 157 Face Reduce Twice And Place Centered Above Figs
Right Eye And Move Down 15 Spaces And Left 8 Spaces Trans -89 Color -89,-100
30.Design Pattern Simple 157 Face Reduce Twice And Place On Opposite Eye Like U
Did Last Step And Move Down 15 Spaces And Right 8 Spaces Trans -89 Color
31.Facial Accessories 66 Trans -9 Color -92,-100
32.Underwear One Point 3 Color 81,-40 Shade -18
33.Design Pattern Simple 140 Body Reduce 3 Times Place On Middle Of Right Leg
As Far Down As Possible Centered And Move 6 Spaces Left Color 83,-100 Shade

Steps 34-39 Will Spell Out Hitman On The Back Part Of His Underwear Use
Alphabet Font 8 Page 1 And Reduce Twice Color 23,-100 Shade -99 For All Of Them
Oh Choose The Body For Placement
34.Select The (T) Start That Center Top On Back Of Underwear And Move 4 Spaces
Left And 8 Spaces Down (Make Sure U Have The T In All The Pink Area When U
Start Not Touching Any Black When U Move
35.Select (M) Move To Right A Tad In An Even Line
36.Select (A) Move To Right A Tad In An Even Line
37.Select (N) Move To Right A Tad In An Even Line
38.Select (I) Move To Left A Tad In An Even Line
39.Select (H) Move To Left A Tad In An Even Line
-----This Should Spell Hitman On His Butt Dont Forget To Reduce And Adjust Like
Mentioned In Instructions Mentioned In Note Above Step 34
40.Design Pattern Simple 140 Right Leg Reduce 3 Times And Place Underneath
Previous Heart Centered As High Up As Possible And Move 6 Spaces Right 6 Spaces
Color 100,-100 Shade -100

Skin Colors Look Like 3 With Some Tweeking To Make Look Darker Just A Tad

Head 5,100
Neck 7,14,69
Chest 53,71
Shoulder -50,-26,-12
Abdomen 21,12,86
Arms -5,19,-56
Forearms -10,2,-91
Hands -12,12,-27
Waist 29,-10
Thigh 2,10,-39
Legs 20,-4,73
Ankles -32,-12


NAME - Bret Hart
RING NAME - "Hitman"
BIOS - Man,heavy, super face, canadian superstar
crowd signs u choose

TECH 4,4



Brian Knobbs (Nasty Boy)- Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated By: NoLiMiT

Skin color: 3 ?

Skin: 4
Cheek: Edit: 4 Model: 4
Eyebrow: 24,3
Eyes: 15,-25,70,-12
Nose: -57,1,0,-71
Cheek: 49
Mouth: 37,-15
Jaw: 50,54,-37

Eyes: 27 (24,-3,0)
Eyebrows: 37 (3,100,-79,0)
Hair: 45 (-78,98,22)
Underwear: blank: 1 (23,-3,0)

Tights: blank: 1 (100,100,25,-35,-100)
Shoes: one point: 21 (-58,28,-50,-100)
Elbow Pads: blank: 2 (100,23,-53,-100)
No Sleeves: blank: 2 (100,30,-79,-99)
Wrist Bands: blank: 2 (-79,100,-100,-3,0)

*Body Pattern*
Use these to make the design on his shirt

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 (-48,-93,-3,0)
place on your left half of his shirt (front) a little bit of it goes over the

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-48,-93,-3,0)
place on bottom of shirt (front) center it under the lower part of the Y

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-48,-93,-3,0)
top of shirt on his back

Pattern: Picture: 14 (-53,-93,-3,0)
place on yor left half of his shirt (back) half ot it should be on the side and
the other half on his back a litte bit of it goes over the skin & on the tights

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-42,-93,-3,0)
place on your upper right side of his shirt (front)

Pattern: Picture: 14 reduce: 1 (-45,-93,-3,0)
place on your right side of his shirt (front) middle high of shirt

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-60,-92,-3,0)
place on your left side of the shirt (back) middle high of shirt

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-34,-93,-3,0)
place on your upper right side of his shirt (front)

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 3 reduce: 1 (-34,-93,-3,0)
place on your right side of the shirt (back) middle high of shirt

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-34,-93,-3,0)
place on his right side of the shirt (side view) bottom of shirt, place on left

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 1 reduce: 1 (-34,-93,-3,0)
place on your lower right side of the shirt (back) move to bottom of shirt, now
move 10 steps up

Write NASTY on the chest
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: N (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: A reduce: 1 (70,23,100,-100)
Numeral: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/1: the first 5 (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: T (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: ! (70,23,100,-100)
place it half over the T to make it look longer at top
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 2/2: y (70,23,100,-100)

now write BOYS (center it under NASTY)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: B reduce: 2 (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: O reduce: 2 (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: Y reduce: 2 (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: S reduce: 2 (70,23,100,-100)

*right arm pattern*
Pattern: WWE: 33 reduce: 1 (1,56,-3,0)
place on his right upper arm

*face Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 159 reduce: 1 (100,-70,8,-55)
all the way down on back of his head. center it.

Pattern: Simple: 87 turn: 2 (100,-70,50,-42)
all the way down on back of his head. center it.

Name: Brian Knobbs
Ring Name: Nasty Boy
Nick Name: Knobbs

Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Heel, Wild Thing

Sign 1: Others: Page: 1/4 "Heros For Our Time"
Sign 2: Superstars: Page: 12/12 "Superstars, Super Stories"

Powerful: 3,3
Speedy: 3,3
Technical: 2,2
Rough Neck: 4,4

Logic: Brawler, Striker

Height: 6'7"

Head: -45,13
Neck: 24,60,-11
Chest: 69,38
Shoulder: -70,-13,-12
Abdomen: 31,100,100
Arms: -16,22,-19
Forearms: -19,1,-100
Hands: -9,32,-26
Waist: 61,5
Thigh: -14,0,-51
Legs: 8,-9,-6
Ankles: -47,-36


British Bulldog - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula translated by Chiefwahoo2

1.Skin 2
2.Cheeks Face Edit 5 Model 22
Eyebrow -63,12
Eyes 23,17,38,-12
Nose -19,8,23,28
Cheek 40
Mouth 11,18
Jaw 35,78,18
3.Eyes 28 Color -14,-16 Shade -29
4.Eyebrows 51 Trans -10 Color 100,-100
5.Hair 14 Color -89,-100 Shade -5
6.Underwear Blank 7 Color -96,-3
7.Design Pattern Simple 166 Place On Face Reduce Twice Go Ten Spaces Down From
Between Lips Trans -75 Color 100,-100
8.Design Pattern Simple 159 Place On Back Of Head As High Up As U Can Go trans
-3 color -87,-100 shade -37
9.Body Accesseries 9 Color -92,-100 Shade 18
10.Design Pattern Simple 159 Place Beneath Last Pattern Of Same Kind To cover
the rest of back of neck connecting to last pattern 159 color -88,-61 shade -37
11.Design pattern simple 159 on body reduce twice and place on back underneath
the last box on his back color -89,-62 shade -41
12.Design pattern simple 158 on body reduce 3 times start on body right nipple
go right 6 spaces and up 28 spaces color -85,-56 shade -33
13.Design pattern simple 158 on body reduce 3 times start on body left nipple
go left 6 spaces and up 28 spaces color -85,-56 shade -33
14.Design pattern simple 158 face have top point of triangle touch on figs
right earlobe and move 3 spaces down and 10 spaces left color -91,-59 shade -39
15.Design pattern simple 158 face have top point of triangle touch left earlobe
and move 3 spaces down 10 spaces right color -91,-59 shade -39
16.Design pattern simple 158 face rotate 3 times cover figs right ear at top
with bottom of triangle move 13 spaces left and 7 spaces down color -91,-59
shade -39
17.Design pattern simple 158 face connect under left ear and color -91,-59
shade -39 both 16 and 17 pieces should connect to make it look like fig has
longer hair
18.Design pattern simple 159 body reduce 4 times move it as close to chin as
possible then move four spaces down trans 73 color -92,40 shade -49
19.Design pattern simple 159 face reduce 1 have bottom of square cover the red
accessorie on right side of neck trans 57 color -91,37 shade -44
20.Design pattern simple 159 same as above but cover left side of neck having
the left line of square and bottom line of square touch the left side of
accessorie trans 57 color -91,37 shade -44
21.Design letters sign page 1 second down first row (. . .) body place left dot
on right nipple and move 23 spaces up and 2 spaces to the right color 23,100
shade -100
22.Design letters sign page 1 same as last (. . .) body play right dot on left
nipple and move 23 spaces up and 2 spaces left color 23,100 shade -100 this
should give him a look for his beaded hair in front
23.Design letters sign page 1 same as last (. . .) body place on back
underneath box with the left dot lining up on left side of box color 23,100
shade -100
24.Design letters sign page 1 same as last (. . .) body place on back next to
the lasts one with right dot touching the right side of box beneath it. this
should give beaded look on back hair
25.Tights One Point 38 Color 14,58 Shade -100
26.Underwear Pattern 24 Color -100,-30 Shade -33
27.Knee Pads Blank 7 Color 24,0 Shade -14
28.Shoes Others 10 Length -52 Color 96,-27 Shade 41
29.Shoes One Point 11 Color -40,-50 Shade -100
30.Wristbands Blank 1 Length -34 Color 28,-69 Shade -7
31.Design Pattern Flag 2 Right Leg Rotate Once And Place In Middle Of Knee Pad
32.Design Pattern Flag 2 Left Leg Rotate Once And Place In Middle Of Knee Pad
33.Design Pattern Flag 2 Left Arm Rotate Once And Place On Outide Of Wristband
In Middle
34.Design Pattern Flag 2 Right Arm Rotate Once And Place On Outside Of
Wristband In Middle
35.Design pattern wwe 13 body place on back in brown square with the 2 sets of
(. . .) u have created color -80,-32
36.Design Pattern Simple 87 Face Rotate Once Start With Top Right Each Of
Pattern Touching Figures Right Side Of Nose And Move 45 Spaces Left And 27
Spaces Down It Should Go Inside That Triangle On Figs Right Side Of Neck To
Give It A Wrinkled Look Trans -51 Color 100,-100
37.Design Pattern Simple 87 Face Rotate Once Same As Above Except In Brown Area
On Figs Left Side Of Neck In Brown Area Trans -51 Color 100,-100
38.Facial Access 22 Trans -78 Color -100,-100 Shade 43
39.Mustache 9 Trans -79 Color 100,-100
40.Design Pattern Simple 82 Face Place On Back Of Head In Brown Blank Area
Between The 2 Last Patterns As Low In The Box As Possible Trans -42 Color

Skin Colors 3

Head 27,73
Neck 100,68,55
Chest 100,80
Shoulder -20,0,2
Abs 22,20,-19
Arms 9,32,-47
Forearms -4,-3,-100
Hands -30,25,-22
Waist 15,-20
Thigh -3,2,-9
Legs 15,5,100
Ankles -47,-36

Height 6'3"

Name - Davey Boy Smith
Ring name -"British Bulldog"
Nickname - The Bulldog
Bio- man, heavy, face, dog
Signs- british flag 2 times

Power 4,4
Speed 3,3
Tech 2,3
Rouchneck 3,2

Brawler, Grappler


Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated By: chiefwahoo2

Body Normal

1.Skin 8
2.Cheeks Face Edit 22 Model 4
Eyebrow 5,2
Eyes 5,3,21,8
Nose -44,-62,-12,-4
Cheeks -16
Mouth -32,36
Jaw 19,11,-30
3.Eyes 31 Color -100,-14
4.Eyebrows 12 Trans 64 Color -96,-3
5.Hair 21 Color -89,-77 Shade 13
6.Underwear Blank 20 Color -92,74 Shade -31
7.Tights Pattern 28 Color 72,-9 Shade 8
8.Shoes Blank 20 Length -43 Color 34,-3 Shade -99
9.Design Pattern Simple 139 Left Leg Reduce Once Rotate Once Place As High As
Possible On The Outside Of Leg Trans 12 Color -88,-3 Shade -100
10.Design pattern simple 139 left leg reduce once rotate once place on top of
prev. piece and move down 28 spaces trans 18 color -88,-3 shade -100
11.Design Pattern Simple 139 Left Leg Reduce Twice Rotate Once Place In Middle
Of Pattern U Did Step 9 Color -86,-3
12.Design Pattern Simple 139 Left Leg Reduce Twice Rotate Once Place In Middle
Of Pattern U Did On Step 10 Color -86,-3
13.Design Pattern Simple 139 Right Leg Reduce Once Rotate Once Place On Outside
Leg As High As Possible Like Step 9 Color -88,-3 Shade -100
14.Design Pattern Simple 139 Right Leg Reduce Once Rotate Once Place On
Pattern U Just Did On Step 13 And Move 28 Spaces Down Color -86,-3
15.Design Pattern Simple 139 Right Leg Reduce Twice Rotate Once Place In Middle
Of Pattern On Step 13 Trans 3 Color -89,-3 Shade -100
16.Design Pattern Simple 139 Right Leg Reduce Twice Rotate Once Place In
Middle Of Pattern U Did Step 14 Color -86,-3
17.Design Pattern Simple 139 Body Rotate Once Reduce Once Place On Outside Left
Leg As Low As Possible Should Line Up With Prev Patterns Trans 6 Color -88,-3
Shade -100
18.Design Pattern Simple 139 Body Rotate Once Reduce Twice Place In Middle Of
Pattern U Did Step 17 color -86,-3
19.Design Pattern Simple 139 Body Rotate Once Reduce Once Place On Outside
Right Leg As Low As Possible Should Line Up With Prev Patterns U Did On That
Leg Trans -1 Color -88,-3 Shade -100
20.Design Pattern Simple 139 Body Rotate Once Reduce Twice Place In Middle Of
Prev Pattern Step 19 color -86,-3 shade -100
21.Gloves 15 Color 68,-66 Shade -11
22.Gloves 8 Color 70,-88 Shade 55
23.Body Accessory 9 Color -85,-100 Shade 100
24.Design Pattern Simple 159 Face Place On Back Of Head As Low As Possible
Centered Color -89,-100 Shade -53
25.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Place As Low As U Can Go Centered On Front Of
Face And Move Left 67 Spaces Color -86,-100 Shade -55
26.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Place As Low As U Can Go Centered On Front Of
Face And Move Right 67 Spaces Color -86,-100 Shade -55
27.Design Pattern Simple 158 Body Rotate Twice Reduce Twice Place On Back As
High As Possible Centered Then Move Down 6 Spaces Color -89,-100 Shade -55
28.Design Pattern Simple 158 Body Reduce 3 Times Rotate Twice Place On Chest As
High As Possible Centered And Move 10 Spaces Left Color -89,-100 Shade -55
29.Design Pattern Simple 158 Body Reduce 3 Times Rotate Twice Place On Chest As
High As Possible Centered And Move 10 Spaces Right Color -89,-100 Shade -55
30.Design Pattern Simple 159 Body Reduce 3 Times Place On Chest As High As
Possible Centered Then Move Down 6 Spaces Color -91,41 Shade -51
31.Design Pattern Simple 159 Face Reduce Once Place As Low As Possible Centered
And Move Left 22 Spaces Color -87,24 Shade -44
32.Design Pattern Simple 159 Face Reduce Once Place As Low As Possible Centered
And Move Right 22 Space Color -87,24 Shade -44
33.Design Pattern Simple 87 Body Reduce Twice Place On Back As High Up As
Possible Centered And Move Down 5 Spaces Color -78,17 Shade -27
34.Design Pattern Simple 15 Body Reduce Twice Place On Chest As High As
Possible Centered And Move Left 14 Spaces Color -78,37 Shade -39 Not All Of
This Design Will Be In Triangle U Created Earlier As U Will Find Out With Some
Other Pieces Some Of The Designs U Use Will Hang Out Of Squares And Triangles
35.Design Pattern Simple 15 Body Reduce Twice Rotate 3 Times Place On Chest As
High As Possible And Move Right 11 Spaces Color -78, 37 Shade -39
36.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Rotate Once Place On Front Of Face Centered As
Low As U Can Go And Move Left 61 Spaces Color -78,9 Shade -40
37.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Rotate Twice Place On Front Of Face Centered
As Low As U Can Go And Move Right 61 Spaces Color -74,9 Shade -40
38.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Rotate Twice Place On Back Of Head Centered As
Low As U Can Go Color -77,9 Shade -40
39.Mustache 28 Color -89,100 Shade 37
40.Design Pattern Simple 166 Face Reduce 3 Times And Place 6 Spaces Below
Bottom Lip Centered Trans -57 Color 100,-100

Head 1,86
Neck 83,36,97
Chest 79,80
Shoulder -33,2,0
Abs 43,37,70
Arms -11,31,-23
Forearms -18,-8,-100
Hands -49,27,-18
Waist 46,-10
Thigh -7,6,9
Legs 6,-10,100
Ankles 4,-8


Skin color 5 with major tweeking to almost match square on neck. I’m not good
with matching colors :( so if someone gets the color let me know what it should
be when u make the guy

NAME-Brutus Beefcake
RING-"The Barber"
Bios-man,heavy,face,handsome boy
Crowd Signs-guy behind me cant see, sexy


Bubba Ray Dudley (Camo Shorts/Sleeves Shirt/vest) - Created by SmackdownLab

Pics at:

All colors are in this form - (L,T,C1/C2,S)
Length,Transparency, Color1/Color2, Shade
If unchangable, then the Letter will take its place

Base Model - Type 1 - Normal
1. Skin - 10
2. Cheek
Face Edit - 14
Face Model - 21
Eyebrow - (-10,0)
Eyes - (0,27,-13,29)
Nose - (-21,2,-46,-9)
Cheek - (20)
Mouth - (-34,0)
Jaw - (-25,13,0)
3. Eyes - 6 (L,T,-90/-3,0)
4. Eyebrows - 20 (L,48,-93/-17,0)
5. Hair - 4 (L,T,-85/-1,31)
6. Underwear - Blank - 6 (L,T,35/-75,-100)

7. Feet - Shoes - Blank - 12 (-79,T,-100/-45,-100)
8. Face - Mustache - 14 (L,34,-93/-12,0)
9. Face - Mustache - 26 (L,60,-89/-12,0)
10. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 166 (L,46,-81/16,-8)
Smallest Size - Rotate 1 time - Place to extend a left sideburn
11. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 166 (L,46,-81/16,-8)
Smallest Size - Rotate 1 time - Place to extend a right sideburn
12. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 166 (L,46,-81/16,-8)
Smallest Size - Rotate 1 time - Place to extend a left sideburn more
13. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 166 (L,46,-81/16,-8)
Smallest Size - Rotate 1 time - Place to extend a right sideburn more
14. Arms - Elbow Pads - Both - Blank - 1 (L,100,25/-100,-100)
15. Arms - Wrist Bands - Both - Blank - 9 (-69,100,25/-100,-100)
16. Legs - Pants - Short Pants - Pattern - 6 (L,T,-100/-1,-11)
17. Body - Shirts - Blank - 18 (-90,100,13/-17,-100)

18. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 166 (L,100,-90/100,-32)
2nd Largest size - Place over the center of his goatee under the lips
19. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 157 (L,100,-86/40,-32)
Smallest Size - Place over the left side of his goatee, under the mouth, to
round it off
20. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 157 (L,100,-86/40,-32)
Smallest Size - Place over the right side of his goatee, under the mouth, to
round it off
21. Face - Accessories - 73 (L,100,-96/-3,0)
22. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 166 (L,42,-92/19,0)
3rd Largest size - Place over the right center of the goatee piece under the
23. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 166 (L,42,-92/19,0)
3rd Largest size - Place over the left center of the goatee piece under the
nose to connect it

Skin Color - 3 (-92/14, 0)

-Head (1, 93)
-Neck (13, 12, -60)
-Chest (7, 24)
-Shoulder-Both (-45, 19, -32)
-Abdomen (59, 77, 49)
-Arms-Both (-31, 27, -56)
-Forearms-Both (-32, -16, -100)
-Hands-Both (-67, 6, -17)
-Waist (64, 6)
-Thigh (-18, 14, -57)
-Legs (0, -13, -6)
-Ankles (-31, -24)

Height - 6'4"


Bubba Ray Dudley (Camo Shorts/Dudleyz Sweatshirt) - Created by Smackdown Lab

Pics at:

All colors are in this form - (L,T,C1/C2,S)
Length,Transparency, Color1/Color2, Shade
If unchangable, then the Letter will take its place

Base Model - Type 1 - Normal
1. Skin - 10
2. Cheek
Face Edit - 14
Face Model - 21
Eyebrow - (-10,0)
Eyes - (0,27,-13,29)
Nose - (-21,2,-46,-9)
Cheek - (20)
Mouth - (-34,0)
Jaw - (-25,13,0)
3. Eyes - 6 (L,T,-90/-3,0)
4. Eyebrows - 20 (L,48,-93/-17,0)
5. Hair - 4 (L,T,-85/-1,31)
6. Underwear - Blank - 6 (L,T,35/-75,-100)

7. Feet - Shoes - Blank - 12 (-79,T,-100/-45,-100)
8. Face - Mustache - 14 (L,34,-93/-12,0)
9. Face - Mustache - 26 (L,60,-89/-12,0)
10. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 166 (L,100,-90/100,-32)
2nd Largest size - Place over the center of his goatee under the lips
11. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 157 (L,100,-86/40,-32)
Smallest Size - Place over the left side of his goatee, under the mouth, to
round it off
12. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 157 (L,100,-86/40,-32)
Smallest Size - Place over the right side of his goatee, under the mouth, to
round it off
13. Face - Accessories - 73 (L,100,-96/-3,0)
14. Legs - Pants - Short Pants - Pattern - 6 (L,T,58/-3,-100)
15. Body - TShirts - Blank - 8 (100,100,33/-100,-100)
16. Design - Letter - Face - Alphabet - Font Type 01 - I (L,-7,-87/-43,8)
2nd Largest size - Place to extend the right sideburn
17. Design - Letter - Face - Alphabet - Font Type 01 - I (L,-7,-87/-43,8)
2nd Largest size - Place to extend the left sideburn

D-Von.. Get The Tables Shirt Layers
18 - 22. Use these to make a box on the chest, with a line going down in the
middle vertically.
18. Design - Letter - Body - Sign - 2/7 - - (dash) (L,53,23/100,-100)
largest size - Place to make the top of the box
19. Design - Letter - Body - Sign - 2/7 - - (dash) (L,53,23/100,-100)
largest size - rotate 1 time - Place to make the left side of the box
20. Design - Letter - Body - Sign - 2/7 - - (dash) (L,53,23/100,-100)
largest size - Connect to the bottom of layer 19 to make the bottom of the box
21. Design - Letter - Body - Sign - 2/7 - - (dash) (L,53,23/100,-100)
largest size - rotate 1 time - complete the rectangle
22. Design - Letter - Body - Sign - 2/7 - - (dash) (L,53,23/100,-100)
largest size - rotate 1 time - place in the center of the rectangle

Bubba's Face Design
23. Design - Pattern - Body - Tattoo - 53 (L,100,9/-40,-100)
Smallest size - rotate 1 time - Place in the upper portion of the right section
of the box
24. Design - Pattern - Body - Tattoo - 53 (L,100,9/-40,-100)
Smallest size - rotate 1 time - Place in the lower portion of the right section
of the box
25. Design - Letter - Body - Numeral - Font Type 02 - 2nd 8 Down
3rd Largest Size - Place on the bottom of the white oval for his goatee/mouth
26. Design - Letter - Body - Numeral - Font Type 02 - Last 8 Down
2nd Largest Size - Rotate 1 time - Place to make his black glasses on the white
27. Design - Letter - Body - Japanese - Font Type 08 - Column 1, Row 6
2nd Largest Size - Place under the glasses, to make his nose area more detailed

D-Von's Face Design
28. Design - Letter - Body - Numeral - Font Type 02 - Last 8 Down
3rd Largest Size - Rotate 1 time - line up with bubbas glasses, but put it over
the left side of the rectangle
29. Design - Letter - Body - Japanese - Font Type 03 - Column 3, Row 4
3rd Largest Size - rotate 3 times - Place under the white glasses to make Dvons
30. Design - Letter - Body - Alphabet - Font Type 02 - , (L,100,9/100,-100)
3rd Largest Size - Rotate 1 time - Place in the goatee to make his mouth

31. Design - Letter - Body - Alphabet - Font Type 02 - D (L,100,9/100,-100)
3rd Largest Size - Place below the rectangle a little to your left
32. Design - Letter - Body - Alphabet - Font Type 02 - . (L,100,9/100,-100)
2nd Largest Size - Place to the right of the D, but as a dash (D-)
33. Design - Letter - Body - Alphabet - Font Type 02 - V (L,100,9/100,-100)
3rd Largest Size - Place to the right of the dash
34. Design - Letter - Body - Alphabet - Font Type 02 - O (L,100,9/100,-100)
3rd Largest Size - Place to the right of the V, Real close to connecting, and a
pixel lower
35. Design - Letter - Body - Alphabet - Font Type 02 - N (L,100,9/100,-100)
3rd Largest Size - Place to the right of the O, But a few pixels higher
36. Design - Letter - Body - Sign - 1/7 - ... (L,100,9/100,-100)
3rd Largest Size - Place to the right of the N to make it D-VON...

Skin Color - 5 (-89/13, 5)

-Head (1, 93)
-Neck (13, 12, -60)
-Chest (7, 24)
-Shoulder-Both (-45, 19, -32)
-Abdomen (59, 77, 49)
-Arms-Both (-31, 27, -56)
-Forearms-Both (-32, -16, -100)
-Hands-Both (-67, 6, -17)
-Waist (64, 6)
-Thigh (-18, 14, -57)
-Legs (0, -13, -6)
-Ankles (-31, -24)

Height - 6'4"


Bushwacker Butch - Created By: ArtyNerd
Appears on: Legends of the WWF Volume 1 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: chiefwahoo2

Body Normal

1.Skin 2
2.Cheeks Face Edit 21 Model 7
Eyebrow 0,0
Eyes -50,-72,-17,-67
Nose -65,37,0,22
Cheek 33
Mouth -18,16
Jaw 9,12,-18
3.Eyes 7 Color -95,-3
4.Eyebrows 3 Color -91,-72
5.Hair 4 Color -91,14 Shade 27
6.Underwear Blank 7 Color -96,-3
7.Costume Others 10 Color 18,-77 Shade -100
8.Tights Pattern 3 Color -100,41 Shade -99
9.Mustache 28 Color -85,-22 Shade 20
10.Design Pattern Simple 158 Right Arm Reduce Once Rotate Twice Place And Arm
Centered On Outside As Low Down As Possible And Move Up 11 Spaces Trans -64
Color -28,-100
11.Design Pattern Simple 157 Left Arm Reduce Twice Place On Outer Arm Centered
And Move Up As High As Possible And Move Down 39 Spaces Trans -67 Color
12.Design Pattern Simple 91 Left Arm Rotate Twice Reduce Once And Place On
Outer Arm Centered As High As Possible And Move Down 31 Spaces Piece Should Be
In Somewhat Of Step 11 Piece Trans -45 Color -28,-100
13.Body Accessory 31 Trans -56 Color 100,-100
14.Belts 22 Color -34,-100 Shade -100
15.Design Pattern Simple 166 Body Rotate Once Reduce 3 Times Place On Figs
Right Strap On Costume And Move Straigt Down Until U Get To Belt To Make It
Look Like A Loop Color 21,17 Shade -99
16.Design Pattern Simple 166 Body Rotate Once Reduce 3 Times Place On Figs Left
Strap On Costume And Move Straigt Down Until U Get To Belt And Make Like A Belt
Loop Color 21,17 Shade -99
17.Design Pattern Simple 166 Body Rotate Once Reduce 3 Times Place On Figs
Right Side Under Arm Centered And Move Down To Belt To Make Another Belt Loop
Color 21,17 Shade -99
18.Design Pattern Simple 166 Body Rotate Once Reduce 3 Times Place On Figs Left
Side Under Arm Centered And Move Down To Belt To Make Another Belt Loop Color
21,17 Shade -99
19.Design Pattern Simple 166 Body Rotate Once Reduce 3 Times Place On Belt On
His Back Centered And Move Left 6 Spaces This Is Another Belt Loop Color 21,17
Shade -99
20.Design Pattern Simple 166 Body Rotate Once Reduce 3 Times Like Step 19
Except Move 6 Spaces Last Beltloop Color 21,17 Shade -99
21.Shoes One Point 12 Color 27,-100 Shade -99
22.Design letter alph font 3 page 1 face select (.) reduce once place in center
of mouth and move down 9 spaces trans -25 color 100,-100
23.Design Pattern Simple 87 Right Arm Reduce Once Place Inside Triangle As
Centered As Possible Trans -50 Color -20,-100
24.Mustache 14 Color -89,16
25.Mustache 38 Color -92,-6 Shade -34
26.Design Pattern Simple 166 Face Rotate Once Reduce 3 Times And Place By Figs
Right Ear In The Space Between His Sideburns And His Mustache Color -91,50
Shade -48
27.Design Pattern Simple 166 Face Rotate Once Reduce 3 Times And Place By Figs
Left Ear In The Space Between His Sideburns And Mustache Color -91,50 Shade -48
28.Facial Acccessory 23 Trans -71 Color -100,-100
29.Design Letter Sign Page 2 Face Select (<) Reduce Once And Rotate Twice Place
To The Left Side Of His Right Eye With The Point Touching It And Move 4 Spaces
Left Trans -18 Color 100,-100
30.Design Letter Sign Page 2 Face Select (<) Reduce Once Do Same As Last Step
But Opposite Eye Trans -18 Color 100,-100 Do Not Rotate This Piece
31.Design Letter Sign Page 2 Face Select (-) Reduce Once Place Under His Left
Eye Centered Move Six Spaces Up And 5 Spaces Right Trans -18 Color 100,-100
32.Design Letter Sign Page 2 Face Select (-) Reduce Once So Same As Last Step
(31) But Opposite Eye Trans -18 Color 100,-100
33.Mustache 19 Color -87,38 Shade 7

Skin Colors 3 With Some Tweeking

Head -19.46
Neck 25,21,30
Chest 58,91
Shoulder -58,-1,2
Abs 36,41,46
Arms -15,25,-31
Forearms -17,5,-100
Hands -30,32,-17
Waist 36,-1
Thigh 23,32,-27
Legs 24,12,13
Ankles 17,-1

Height - 6'2"

NAME - Butch
RINGNAME - "Bushwacker"
NICKNAME - Cousin Butch
Bios - man,heavy,face,wild thing
crowd signs - u choose



Cactus Jack - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Miscellaneous 4 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: NoLiMiT

Skin color: 3 ?

Skin: 10
Cheek: Edit: 11 Model: 11
Eyebrow: 3,0
Eyes: -20,-60,3,-20
Nose: 0,53,5,-9
Cheek: 11
Mouth: 24,-18
Jaw: 16,76,14

Eyes: 11 (-86,-3,0)
Eyebrows: 11 (100,-88,-3,0)
Hair: 29 (-84,-75,-3)
Underwear: blank: 1 (23,-3,0)
Mustache: 51 (100,-86,11,-26)
Tights: blank: 1 (100,100,-81,-40,-100)
body Accessories: 27 (-7,-97,-88,0)
Mustache: 11 (100,-96,-35,0)
Shoes: Checks: 1 (-43,-74,-72,-18)
T-Shirts: blank: 8 (-93,98,33,-22,-100)

*Body Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 159 reduce: 1 (100,-65,11,-18) center on chest. move all the
way up. Now move 20 clicks down
Pattern: Simple: 159 reduce: 1 (100,-65,11,-18) Center on chest. move all the
way up. Now move 41 clicks down
Pattern: WWE: 30 reduce: 1 turn: 2 (21,-63,-100,0) Place on lower part of the
yellow box 2 clicks over the boarder

***Write CACTUS on his right leg***
*Body Pattern*
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: C reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) all the way
down. side of right leg
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: A reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) place over the C
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: C reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) place over the A

*Right Leg Pattern*
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: T reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) all the way up.
side of right leg
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: U reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) place under the
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: S reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) place under the

*Write CACTUS on his left leg*
*Body Pattern*
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: C reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) all the way
down. side of left leg
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: A reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) place over the C
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: C reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) place over the A

*Left Leg Pattern*
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: T reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) all the way up.
side of left leg
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: U reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) place under the
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: S reduce: 2 (100,23,-3,-100) place under the

*Body Pattern*
all this pattern should later look like Cactus Jack's Face

Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 3 (59,37,-100,-100) place on center of the yellow
pattern move 2 clicks down & 1 to the left

Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 3 (100,-67,-75,-41) place over the first circle
move 7 clicks up & 2 clicks to the right

Pattern: Simple: 15 reduce: 3 (-3,-70,-100,0) connect it with the border of the
upper circle

Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 3 turn: 3 (100,-63,-75,-39) all the way down in
the yellow box place so that the right site of this pattern is in the middle of
the yellow box. Now move 10 clicks up

Pattern: Simple: 102 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-66,-19,0) place directly under
Pattern Simple: 15

Pattern: Simple: 166 reduce: 3 (100,-66,62,0) place on top of the upper Circle.
Move 11 clicks down. then move to the right thats only 1 pixel is left between
this pattern and the circle border

Pattern: Simple: 145 reduce: 3 (100,-65,-11,6) hide the toes under the left
side of the pattern u add before. Then move 3 clicks down

Pattern: Simple: 139 reduce: 3 turn: 1 (100,-63,-83,-14) Place on your lower
right corner of the yellow box move 12 clicks up & 3 to the left

Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/7: . (100,-65,-6,-21) Place on your lower right
corner of the yellow box move 17 clicks up & 8 to the left

Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/7: the first symbol (100,-65,-6,-21) Place on your
lower right corner of the yellow box move 19 clicks up & 3 to the left

Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 2/2: - reduce: 1 (34,-67,-100,0) Place on your
lower right corner of the yellow box move 19 clicks up & 9 to the left

Word: 142 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-65,-100,0) Place on upper part of the yellow
box 2 clicks under the boarder

Socks: Pattern: 1 (-43,-34,-93,59,100)

Height: 6'1"

Head: 60,100
Neck: 25,26,-39
Chest: 58,59
Shoulder: -79,-19,-12
Abdomen: 68,77,100
Arms: -13,18,11
Forearms: -16,2,-88
Hands: -60,16,-21
Waist: 100,45
Thigh: 6,18,-27
Legs: 6,-13,-6
Ankles: -47,-36

Name: Cactus Jack
Nick Name: Foley
Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Face, Cactus Jack

Sign 1: Superstars: Page: 1/12: "I Like Pie Rock!"
Sign 2: Superstars: Page: 1/12: "I Like Pie Rock!"

Powerful: 2,4
Speedy: 2,3
Technical: 2,2
Rough Neck: 4,4

Logic: Brawler, Brawler


Charlie Haas - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:

Skin 5
Cheeks - Face Edit - Cheeks 8 - Face model 5

Eyes 4 (Default)
Eyebrows 20 (28,-94,-100,0)
Hair 20 (-48,41,19)
Underwear (Default)
Face Accessories 23 (-37,-100,-3,0)
Face - Simple Pattern 166 (Reduce Once) (-87,21,-100,0) Place in-between
Mustache 31 (-23,-92,-3,-100)

Costume - Others 10 (100,18,8,0)
Tights - Blank 1 (-81,100,23,55,0)
Socks - Blank 1 (94,100,-89,3,-12)

The following are the design to make the lines going across his chest - use
pics as guide
White Lines:
Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) (100,23,100,-100)
Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) Rotate Once (100,23,100,-100)
Simple Pattern 140 (Reduce Once) (100,18,-8,30) Use to cover up lines from
where they meet downwards
Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) (100,100,100,-3)
Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) (100,100,100,-3) A pixel
above previous pattern
Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) Rotate Once(100,100,100,-3)
Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) Rotate Once(100,100,100,-3) A
pixel above previous pattern

The following are the design to make the lines going across his back - use pics
as guide
White Lines:
Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) (Reduce
Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) (Reduce Once, Rotate Once)
Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) Rotate Once(100,100,100,-3)
Letters - Sign - Font Type 1 (4 Down and 4 Right) Rotate Once(100,100,100,-3) A
pixel above previous pattern
Simple Pattern 166 (100,23,62,-11) Reduce Once. Use to cover up lines from
where red lines meet downwards

Wristbands - Blank 2 (-75,100,-100,-3,0)
Kneepads - Blank 6 (100,-100,100,90)
Kneepads - Blank 1 (100,17,27,14)
Shoes - Blank 13 (-47,-100,-1,75)
Pattern - Simple 161 (Reduce Once)(100,-100,-61,-100) Place on Left Kneepad
Pattern - Simple 161 (Reduce Once)(100,-100,-61,-100) Place on Right Kneepad

Design - Body - Flags 30 (Reduce Twice) (100,99,-3,0) Place on side of right
leg in middle of blue area see pic
Design - Body - WWE 1 (Reduce Twice) (100,23,-3,0) Place over the flag
Design - Body - Word 69 (Reduce 2x)(100,25,25,-100) Place so half of text
sticks out the top of flag
Design - Body - Word 74 (Reduce 2x)(100,25,25,-100) Place so half of text
sticks out the bottom of flag
Pattern - Body - Simple 161 (Reduce 3x)(62,-100,-3,-100) Place on side of body,
above flag logo

Design - Body - Flags 30 (Reduce Twice) (100,99,-3,0) Place on side of left leg
in middle of blue area see pic
Design - Body - WWE 1 (Reduce Twice) (100,23,-3,0) Place over the flag
Design - Body - Word 69 (Reduce 2x)(100,25,25,-100) Place so half of text
sticks out the top of flag
Design - Body - Word 74 (Reduce 2x)(100,25,25,-100) Place so half of text
sticks out the bottom of flag
Pattern - Body - Simple 161 (Reduce 3x)(62,-100,-3,-100) Place on side of body,
above flag logo

Skin Color (-89,4,3)

Height (6’6”)

Head (-27,26)
Neck (-54,-38)(-18)
Chest (74,14)
Shoulders (-79,0)(-15)
Abdomen (-16,-6)(38)
Arms (-23,-10)(-56)
Forearms (-21,-17)(-88)
Hands (-92,-12)(-58)
Waist (-9,-31)
Thighs (12,12)(-57)
Legs (22,-18)(-6)
Ankles (-47,-36)


Chavo Guerrero - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 1
Cheeks 5, Face Model 5
Eyes 5 (-99,-3,0)
Eyebrows 2 (-87,-3,0)
Hair 4 (-91,-32,0)
Underwear (Default)
Mustache 5 (-12,-97,-3,0)
Mustache 51 (-23,-87,-77,0)
Mustache 9 (-78,100,-64,0)
Mustache 14 (62,-95,-32,0)
Mustache 33 (57,-86,-58,-100)
Face - Pattern - WWE 42 (Rotate 1x, Reduce 1x)(-25,34,-38,-100) Place
connecting left sideburn to beard
Face - Pattern - WWE 42 (Rotate 1x, Reduce 1x)(-25,34,-38,-100) Place
connecting right sideburn to beard
Wristbands - Blank 2 (-81,100,-100,-3,0)
Tights - Other 32 (100,100,100,38,0)
Shoes - Blank 14 (-100,-3,0)

Skin Color 3 (-90,3,5)

Height: 6'0”

Form: Based on Ceilican's
Head (5,100)
Neck (-43,-8)(-28)
Chest (28,19)
Shoulder (-79,5)(-12)
Abdomen (-13,1)(38)
Arms (-25,13)(-29)
Forearms (-26,-10)(-91)
Hands (-67,-11)(-39)
Waist (32,-34)
Thighs (3,14)(-45)
Legs (-6,-5)(-46)
Ankles (-41,-36)


Chris Kanyon - By JLD722

1. Skin 1
2. Cheek Edit 4 -> Face Model 22
{Eyebrow [0, 0]; Eyes [46,-6/-1,-21]; Nose [0,45/0,0]; Cheek [-33]; Mouth
[0,19]; Jaw [-37,34/0]}
3. Eyes 17 [-94,-3/0]
4. Eyebrows 4 [100/-76,-100/-100]
5. Hair 26 [-86,-24/-100]
6. Underwear -> Blank 1
7. Mustache 9 [100/100,-35/-100]
8. Mustache 28 [100/-96,-33/0]
9. Tights -> Blank 1 [100/100/-36,-48/-100]
10. Shoes -> Blank 11 [-65/-100,-85/-100]
11. Design -> Letter K -> Body -> Font Type 05 (38 left, straight down)
[100/-29, 19/-15]
12-16. Design -> Right Leg -> Font Type 05 {Reduce 1X} Letters A N Y O N
(underneath the K, look at pics for placement) [100/-29,19/-15]
17. Design -> WWE Pattern 27 -> Body -> (81 left, straight down)
18. Design -> Letter K -> Body -> Font Type 05 (38 right, straight down)
[100/-29, 19/-15]
19-23. Design -> Left Leg -> Font Type 05 {Reduce 1X} Letters A N Y O N
(underneath the K, look at pics for placement) [100/-29,19/-15]

Color 5 [-89,-30/10]


Head: -34/0
Neck: -29,-45/1
Chest: 12,21
Shoulders (Both): -79,-57/0
Abdomen: -12,-26/1
Arms (Both): -25,13/-11
Forearms (Both): -16,-16/-100
Hands (Both): -56,-8/-53
Waist: 6,-43
Thigh: -10,-9/3
Legs: 8,-22/0
Ankles: -64,-31



Chris Nowinksi - Created by ?

Pics at:


Begin with Sample Model 3 to get the attire, then make the following changes:

Skin 4
Cheeks 20 - Face Model 17
Eyebrows (7,0)
Eyes (6,1)(25,31)
Nose (-7,37)(92,0)
Cheeks (3)
Mouth (-11,8)
Jaw (3,12)(0)

Eyes 23 (-6,-16,0)
Eyebrows 16 (100,-74,16,52)
Hair 21 (-98,-3,0)
Face Accessories 23 (-46,-100,-3,0)
Face Accessories 73 (100,-96,-9,-9)
Tights - Blank 1 (-100,100,100,41,0)
Alphabet - Font Type 2 “H” (100,-32,-3,0)

Head (-9,100)
Neck (-22,-23)(-39)
Chest (-69,0)
Shoulder (-66,-38)(0)
Abdomen (-4,-37)(60)
Arms (-25,18)(-35)
Forearms (-13,1)(-91)
Hands (-63,-11)(-54)
Waist (6,-51)
Thighs (7,9)(-33)
Legs (36,-12)(-13)
Ankles (-50,17)

Height: 6’2”


Christian (New attire) - Created by Too Sweet Touch, Modified by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 1
Cheek 11 (Face model 12)
Eyebrows (0,38)
Eyes (5,-37,50,-46)
Nose (3,17)(-23,-28)
Cheek (22)
Mouth (0,4)
Jaw (-15,19)(-40)

Eyes 1 (3,-29,-39)
Eyebrows 4 (48,-68,-72,30)
Hair 17 (-90,45,-14)
Underwear 1

Face Parts:
Mustache 7 (10,-47,-19,0)
Mustache 14 (40,-87,77,-13)
Mustache 31 (-48,-93,-43,0)
Accessories 23 (-57,-100,-3,0)
Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 4 down)”/”(Reduce 1x)(-76,-78,-80,0)
Place on HIS right side of nose, see pics
Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 4 down)”/”(Reduce 1x, Rotate
1x)(-76,-78,-80,0) Place on HIS left side of nose, see pics
Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 6 down)(Rotate 3x, Reudce
1x)(-71,-92,-29,0) Place under his left eye
Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across and 6 down)(Rotate 3x, Reudce
1x)(-71,-92,-29,0) Place under his right eye

Costume - Others 10 (100,100,14,-9)
Tights - Blank 1 (100,100,100,51,-7)
Shoes - Blank 12 (-73,-100,-51,-100)
Elbow Pads - Blank 1 (100,100,46,-9)
Pattern - Left Arm - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(100,21,80,-100) Place on front of
arm, at bottom of elbow pad
Pattern - Right Arm - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(100,21,80,-100) Place on front of
arm, at bottom of elbow pad
Wristbands - Blank 3 (-57,100,89,-100,-100)
Pattern - Left Arm - Simple 9 (Reduce 3x)(4,12,-43,0) Place on side of arm,
near shoulder
Pattern- Left leg - Tattoo 4 (100,28,80,84) Place so pattern is visable from
front, but partly side, as high as possible
Pattern- Left leg - Tattoo 4 (100,28,80,84) Place below previous pattern so
that the circular parts of each pattern are touching
Pattern- Right leg - Tattoo 4 (100,28,80,84) Place so pattern is visable from
front, but partly side, as high as possible
Pattern- Right leg - Tattoo 4 (100,28,80,84) Place below previous pattern so
that the circular parts of each pattern are touching

Skin Colours 3

Height: 5’11”

Figures- Form
Head (-56,86)
Neck (-53,-38,8)
Chest (28,15)
Shoulder (-100,-19,-12)
Abdomen (0,7,54)
Arms (-16,-3,-11)
Forearms (-20,2,-88)
Hands (-89,-12,-57)
Waist (0,-39)
Thigh (-16,-1,-45)
Legs (-3,-14,-6)
Ankles (-47,-36)


Crash Holly - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 1
Cheeks 23, Face Model 23
Eyes 1 (-87,-3,0)
Eyebrows 2 (100,-89,-3,0)
Hair 23 (-92,-3,0)
Underwear - Blank 7 (-35,66,72)
Underwear - Blank 5 (100,25,-95,-100)
Wristbands - Blank 2 (-83,100,-100,-3,0)
Kneepads - Blank 1 (100,25,-69,-100)
Shoes - Blank 12 (-33-100,-3,0)
Mustache 21 (-54,-89,-56,-92)
Design - Picture 86 (Body) (51,-87,-96,0) Place on left side of underwear
Design - Picture 86 (Body) (51,-87,-96,0) Place on right side of underwear
Design - Simple 166 (Body) (100,21,-24,-100) Place on back to cover up
waistline of first underwear layer
Design - Simple 166 (Body) (100,21,-24,-100) Place on back to cover up
remaining waistline of first underwear layer

Skin Color 3

Height: 5’9”

Head (9,46)
Neck (-17,-38)(-52)
Chest (28,10
Shoulder (-79,-34)(-12)
Abdomen (0,28)(17)
Arms (-25,18)(-100)
Forearms (-41,5)(-100)
Hands (-92,-12)(-39)
Waist (22,-39)
Thighs (17,10)(-100)
Legs (17,-17)(-100)
Ankles (-47,-36)


Crush - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated by NoLiMiT

Skin color: 5 (-89,-1,7) ?

Skin: 10
Cheek: Edit: 22 Model: 17
Eyebrow: -26,3
Eyes: -11,-100,0,20
Nose: -41,100,11,-2
Cheek: -32
Mouth: -4,23
Jaw: 19,38,14

Eyes: 20 (-87,-33,11)
Eyebrows: 2 (100,-89,-3,0)
Hair: 21 (-99,-100,0)
Underwear: blank: 7 (-98,-32,-100)
Body Accessories: 35 (100,-100,-3,-100)
Wristbands: blank: 11 (-71,100,31,-74,-100)
Kneepads: blank: 7 (100,24,-70,-99)
Shoes: one point: 22 (-43,-96,-56,-100)
Shoes: blank: 17 (-50,28,-67,-100)

Body Pattern
Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I (100,38,-100,-100)
Center on front. Connect the Underwear with the Stripe thing

Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-56,-100)
Place nearly to the top of Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I
on front

Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I (100,38,-100,-100)
Center on back. Connect the Underwear with the Stripe thing

Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-56,-100)
Place nearly to the top of Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I
on back

Underwear: blank: 7 (100,-97,-30,-99)

Place this tree in a upside down triangle form on front of the underwear
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)

Place this tree in a triangle form on back of the underwear
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)

Place on the middle left side of the underwear
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)

Place on the middle right side of the underwear
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)

Paint: 78 (7,-100,-83,100)

Face Pattern
Use this 3 Pattern to split the face paint & make his right face side black.
Place the first one so that the lower part of his eye is black. Place the other
to below the first one
Pattern: Simple: 159 reduce: 1 (100,6,-100,-100)
Pattern: Simple: 159 reduce: 1 (100,6,-100,-100)
Pattern: Simple: 159 reduce: 1 (100,6,-100,-100)

Paint: 40 (100,25,-100,-100)
Paint: 9 (100,-100,-33,-100)
Paint: 25 (100,-100,-100,0)
Paint: 46 (-31,23,100,-100)
Paint: 19 (32,-94,-29,10)
Paint: 66 (100,-4,-29,-100)

Face Pattern
Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 (100,21,-56,-100)
Place on his left face side to cover up the little red paint on the side

Pattern: Simple: 159 (100,-80,-96,-55)
Center on back of the head and move all the way down

Body Pattern
Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-80,96,-55)
Center of back and move all the way up

Pattern: Simple: 15 reduce: 1 turn: 3 (100,-81,-22,-54)
Center of back and move all the way up

Height: 6'1"

Head: 70,100
Neck: 33,45,-24
Chest: 100,84
Shoulder: -12,-6,-12
Abdomen: 54,47,81
Arms: 0,28,-15
Forearms: -2,2,-91
Hands: -27,25,-30
Waist: 59,5
Thigh: 21,13,33
Legs: 24,-2,100
Ankles: -13,-8


D’Lo Brown - Created by Ceilican (www.ceilican.co.uk)

Pics at:

*** Please note it is essential that the pieces are layered as I layer them
here to avoid pieces overlapping incorrectly ***
*** The character '*' in place of a number in the formula indicates that the
figure is either not alterable on that piece, or that the value for that piece
does not matter (eg. a color setting when color has been set to -100 on that
piece) ***

Male Average


Head - Hair 2 (*,-86,-3,0)
Face - Eyebrows 2 (100.-89,-3,0)
Face - Eyes 2 (*,-96,-3,0)

Face Edit - Skin 2 - Face Model 2
Eyebrow (0/0)
Eyes (0/0) (0/0)
Nose (0/0) (0/0)
Cheek (0)
Mouth (0/0)
Jaw (0/0) (0)

-- LAYERS --
Face - Mustache 2 (100,-99,-64,-7)
Body - Skin 4
Body - Costume - Others 12 (100,38,-10,0)
Arm - Wrist Bands - Both - Blank 6, Length -70 (100,*,-100,-100)
Arm - Wrist Bands - Both - Blank 1, Length -70 (-20,*,-100,-100)
Legs - Knee Pad - Both - Blank 1 (100,50,10,-30)
Feet - Shoes - Blank 12, Length -70 (*,*,-35,-100)


Head (20) (60)
Neck (5/8) (0)
Chest (58/43)
Shoulder (-60,23) (-14)
Abdomen (30/30) (0)
Arms (-20/22) (-17)
Forearms (-10/-10) (-90)
Hands (-56/-10) (-40)
Waist (20/-15)
Thigh (20/25) (-25)
Legs (5/5) (0)
Ankles (-20/-20)


Name - D'Lo Brown
Ring Name - None
Nick Name - None
Biography - Man, Heavy, Neutral, D'Lo brown
Ability - P 3/3, S 4/2, T 2/2, R 3/2
Logic - Balanced, Brawler


Dawn Marie - Created by Totodile

Pics at:

Body: Normal
Skin: 1
Cheeks 2 (Model 22)
(Mouth: 47,0)
Eyes 10 (-100,-3,0)
Eyebrows 36 (100,-93,-54,0)
Hair 5 (-84,-100,0)
Underwear Others 20 (-100,77,61)
Underwear(Bra) Pattern 4 (-100,-100,11)
Body Accessories 43 (100,-3,0)
Socks - Blank 4 (100,100,-100,-48,-83)
Gloves 6 (-49,-100,-100)

Skin Color 3

Head (-38,40)
Neck (-77,-48)
Chest (23,3)
Shoulder (-45,-28,-9)
Abdomen (-43,-34,22)
Arms (-17,-36,-92)
Forearms (-42,-52,-100)
Hands (-92,-75,-62)
Waist (18,-46)
Thigh (-16,-13,-57)
Legs (-15,-33,-8)
Ankles (-36,-36)

Height 5’10”


Debra - Created by Totodile

Pics at:

Body: Tanked
Skin 1
Cheeks 12 Model 25
Eyebrow (0,31)
Eyes (-40,16,0,0)
Cheeks (8)
Mouth (11,-44)
Jaw (-4,-9,0)
Eyes 10 (-100,-3,0)
Eyebrows 28 (100,-95,-9,-48)
Hair 4 (-66,37,-34)
Underwear Blank 1
Underwear(Bra) Others 1 (-100,-70,-25)
Tights Blank 8 (100,100,20,-53,0)
Shoes Blank 14 (-90,-66,41)

Head (-81,19)
Neck (-93,-63,-71)
Chest (7,-14)
Shoulder (-29,-13,-23)
Abdomen (-30,-32,6)
Arms (-37,-41,-92)
Forearms (-54,-59,-100)
Hands (-100,-85,-62)
Waist (34,-38)
Thigh (-16,-16,-57)
Legs (-18,-51,-53)
Ankles (-47,-43)

Height 5’7”


Droz - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:

Base Model: Normal

You will need to refer to pics for placement

Layer List:
Skin 8
Cheeks - Face Edit - Cheeks 23 - Model 4
Eyebrows (-13,-22)
Eyes (-54,0)(-38,-24)
Nose (-35,24)(0,16)
Cheeks (-57)
Mouth (28,17)
Jaw (-23,15)(-34)

Eyes 1 (9,-3,0)
Eyebrows 32 (100,-76,38,85)
Hair 14 (-84,6,-15)
Underwear (Default)

Accessories 85 (Default)
Accessories 23 (-42,-100,-3,0)
Mustache 25 (100,-77,69,0)
Mustache 21 (100,-78,-3,0)
Accessories 66 (100,-90,100,2)
Pattern - Simple 159 (Reduce 2x)(100,-92,56,-46) Place under lip to cover up
beard directly below
Mustache 3 (100,-80,56,12)
Letters - Sign (Page 1, 4 across and four down: /) (100,-72,-32,0) Place
connecting HIS left sideburn-beardy bit to Mustache on chin. Use pic as a guide
Letters - Sign (Page 1, 4 across and 4 down: /) (Rotate Once)(100,-72,-32,0)
Place connecting HIS right sideburn-beardy bit to Mustache on chin. Use pic as
a guide
Accessories 73 (32,-95,-25,0)
Letters - Sign (Page 2, 2 down and 2 across: <)(Rotate 3x)(100,-92,69,-39)
Place on chin so that point meets where points of previous patterns met. Use
pic as guide

Pattern - Simple 139 (Reduce Twice, Rotate once) (34,-59,-100,-100) Place at
top of back, center
Pattern - Simple 139 (Reduce 3x, Rotate once) (51,-91,66,-14) Place inside
previous pattern
Pattern - Simple 6 (Reudce 3x)(100,16,-56,0) Place inside box
Letters - Sign (Page 4, 5 across and 4 down) (56,23,-82,-100) Place to left of
logo on back
Letters - Sign > (Page 2) (1,100,11,0) Place to left of back. See pics
Letters - Sign > (Page 2, Rotate twice) (1,100,11,0) Place to right of back.
See pics
Letters - Sign (Page 4, 5 across and 4 down) (Rotate twice) (56,23,-82,-100)
Place to right of logo on back
Pattern - Simple 71 (Reduce Twice, Rotate x3) (54,-5,-38,0) Place at top of
chest, to his right of neck
Pattern - Simple 64 (Reduce Twice, Rotate x3) (6,-4,-30,0) Place at top of
chest, to his left of neck
Pattern - Simple 4 (Reduce 3x) (100,16,-30,-100) Place in center of abdomen
near bottom, so when tights are added, it just pokes out the top
Accessories 17 (100,-87,-66,0)
Pattern - Simple 64 (Reduce 2x, Rotate 2x)(-6,-23,-25,0) Place on left side of
Pattern - Simple 71 (Reduce 2x, Rotate 2x)(9,-40,-20,0) Place on right side of
Pattern - Simple 135 (Reduce 3x)(-45,-92,-85,0) Place above tattoo at bottom,
for belly button

Left Arm:
Pattern - WWE 42 (17,23,-24,28) Place on bicep
Pattern - WWE 42 (17,23,-24,28) Place on bicep, continuing the line

Right Arm:
Elbow Pad - Others 5 (12,-100,-100,0)
Pattern - WWE 4 (Reduce 3x) (12,33,-3,0)

Socks - Blank 6 (-49,100,19,-80,-100)
Shoes - Blank 12 (-81,-100,-40,0)
Tights - Others 10 (-100,100,-100,-3,-100)
Kneepads - Blank 7 (100,24,-79,-100)

Belt 33 (100,-51,-37,-59)

Skin Color 3

Head (-27,13)
Neck (-17,-11)(46)
Chest (-17,29)
Shoulder (-75,-1)(0)
Abdomen (1,-6)(38)
Arms (-16,26)(-88)
Forearms (-27,0)(-100)
Hands (-89,-12)(-39)
Waist (30,-20)
Thighs (-5,11)(-27)
Legs (0,-10)(-6)
Ankles (-47,-36)

Height 6’3” (Guess)


Dude Love - Created by Ceilican (www.ceilican.co.uk)

Pics at:

*** Please note it is essential that the pieces are layered as I layer them
here to avoid pieces overlapping incorrectly ***

*** The character '*' in place of a number in the formula indicates that the
figure is either not alterable on that piece, or that the value for that piece
does not matter (eg. a color setting when color has been set to -100 on that
piece) ***

Male Average


Head - Hair 53 (*,-80,-14,4)
Face - Eyebrows 11 (100,-88,-3,0)
Face - Eyes 11 (*,-86,-3,0)

Face Edit - Skin 11 - Face Model 11
Eyebrow (-20/0)
Eyes (-10/0) (-10/-20)
Nose (0/0) (0/0)
Cheek (0)
Mouth (0/0)
Jaw (0/0) (0)

-- LAYERS --
Face - Mustache 4 (100,-92,9,24)
Body - Skin 1
Body - Accessories 27 (50,-97,-64,-39)
Arms - Wrist Bands - Blank 2, Length -75 (100,-100,3,0)
Head - Accessories 87 (100,-93,69,19)
Face - Paint 64 (42,-79,20,74)
Legs - Tights - Blank 1, Length 100 (100,20,100,0)
Feet - Shoes - Blank 12, Length -50 (*,*,100,-100)
Feet - Socks - Blank 7, Length -50 (0,*,-3,0)
Body - T-Shirts - Pattern 19, Length -90 (100,25,25,0)
Body - T-Shirts - One Point 40, Length -90 (30,16,100,70)
Design - Pattern - Body - Simple 141 *reduce once and place in the centre of
the red splash on his chest* (100,100,-45,60)
Layer Edit - COPY the previous piece *place this copy in the same place on the
back of his shirt*
Design - Letters - Body - Alphabet Font 1 *reduce once and write 'dude' over
the heart and 'love' below it, the first and last letters of both words should
be slightly off-line, the top ones a couple of pixels lower, the bottom ones a
couple of pixels higher* (100,20,60,-40)
Layer Edit - EDIT the 'u' and 'e' from 'dude' and the 'l' and 'v' from 'love'
to a new color (100,-78,40,-30)
Design - Letters - Right Leg - Alphabet Font 3 *reduce once and write 'UDE' on
the outside of his leg from the top, space the letters out with 7 pixels of
blue between them* (100,85,0,-25)
Design - Letters - Left Leg - Alphabet Font 3 *reduce once and write 'OVE' on
the outside of his leg from the top, space the letters out with 7 pixels of
blue between them* (100,85,0,-25)
Design - Letters - Body - Alphabet Font 3 *reduce once and write 'D' and 'L' on
the outside of his thigh to finish off the writing down his legs*
Design - Pattern - Body - Simple 141 *reduce three times and place this over
the letter 'o'* (100,100,-55,60)
Layer Edit - DELETE the 'o' you just covered up.
Design - Pattern - Body - Simple 154 *reduce three times and rotate twice,
place this below the 'u' so it cuts into the top of the left side of the heart
on his chest* (100,-78,-3,50)
Design - Pattern - VARIOUS - Simple 161 *reduce three times and place FIVE
COPIES of this star over his tights in various places. I put on one the front
of each leg, one on the back of each leg, and one on his crotch*


Head (-25) (45)
Neck (0/-10) (28)
Chest (0/14)
Shoulder (-72,8) (40)
Abdomen (78/76) (30)
Arms (-20/14) (-35)
Forearms (-30/-25) (-90)
Hands (-50/-10) (-55)
Waist (55/6)
Thigh (5/10) (-33)
Legs (/-5) (-33)
Ankles (-47/-35)


Name - Dude Love
Ring Name - None
Nick Name - Mick Foley
Biography - Man, Heavy, Super Face, Mick Foley
Ability - P 2/4, S 1/3, T 2/3, R 4/4
Moves - Moveset 55 (Finishers Mandible Claw & Double Arm DDT)
Logic - Brawler, Grappler


Kanerulez' Earl Hebner


Skin colours 3
Skin 1
Cheek 10 (Face model 10)
Eyes 10
Eyebrow 10
Hair 10
Underwear 1
Shoes- One Point 20 (100,-100,-3,0)
Pants- Blank 10 (100,-38,0)
Shirts- Others 1

Figures- Form
Chest (53,-3)
Arms (-20,19,-35)


Earthquake - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated by chiefwahoo2

Body large I believe

01. Skin 10
02. Cheeks face edit 22 model 4
Eyebrow 4,-21
Eyes 18,-100,49,-98
Nose -76,25,0,-16
Cheeks 15
Mouth 8,-37
03. Eyes 47 color 90,-3
04. Eyebrows 31 color -95,-25
05. Hair 44 color 100,-17
06. Underwear blank 7 color -97,-25 shade -100
07. Designs pattern simple 159 face center on back of head and go all the way
down towards his back trans 75,color 100,-100 shade -54
08. No sleeves blank 3 choose the one that looks like rvds uppershirt color
45,-58 shade -100
09. Underwear blank 18 trans 98 color 100,43
10. Knee pads blank 1 color 100,-80 shade -100
11. Shoes blank 10 length -47 color -100,-17
12. Design pattern simple 157 body start by centering circle and move it down
as far as u can then move up 17 spaces trans 79 color 6,67 shade -100
13. Design pattern simple 102 face place in center of brown box that u did in
step 7 then move 10 spaces right color 100,-12 shade -53
14. Design pattern simple 102 face place in center of brown box like step 13
and move 10 spaces left color 100,-12 shade -53
15. Design pattern simple 158 body reduce 3 times rotate 3 times place on
crotch area (sorry lol) move 7 spaces up and 4 spaces right. Half the triangle
should be in the white cirle u made and half out color 100,25
16. Design pattern simple 158 body reduce 3 times rotate 3 times place on
crotch area and move 10 spaces up and 12 spaces left. Part of triangle once
again inside white circle but not as much as step 15 color 100,25
17. Design pattern simple 158 body reduce 3 times rotate once place approx on
figs left nipple with a point of the triangle going into the circle color
16,-85 shade -100
18. Design pattern simple 158 body reduce 3 times rotate once place on figs
right strap on no sleeves as high up as u can see the whole triangle then move
down 26 spaces and right 5 spaces color 14,-95 shade -100 part of the tip of
the triangle will be inside circle once again
19. Designs letters alpha font 5 page 1 select v reduce once start on middle of
white circle and go 5 spaces up and 3 spaces left color -89,41
20. Design letters alpha font 5 page 1 select v reduce once and connect to the
other v on the right of previous one color -89,41
21. Design letters alpha font 5 page 2 select w reduce once rotate twice and
connect to the right of step 20 color -89,41
22. Design letters alpha font 5 page 2 select w reduce once rotate twice and
connect to the left of the V in step 19 color -89,41
23. Design letters alpha font 5 page 1 select w reduce twice and connect to the
left of the upside w on last step colors -89,41
24. Design letters alpha font 5 page 1 select w reduce twice and connect on
right side of upside W to right of that mess lol color -89,41
25. Design letters alpha font 5 page 1 select ! Rotate 3 times reduce once and
connect with above piece to the right color -89,41
26. Design letters alpha font 5 page 1 select ! Rotate once reduce once and
place all the way to the left of that mess color -89,41
Steps 19-26 Should All Be Connected To Each Other With No Gaps In Between Them
Except On The Ends With The Turned !
27-36 Is All Letters Of The Word Earthquake On Designs Letters Font 6 Page 1
Reduced Once All The Colors Are Color 23,-100 Shade -100
27 Start With The H And Place In In Middle Of The Design U Made With 19-26 and
move down 16 spaces and left 2 spaces now with the rest of this alphabet set
spell out EARTHQUAKE and keep letters in a straight line and color like i
mentioned above all letters will fit inside white circle
37. Designs patter tatoo 32 left arm place on outside of arm on bicept/tricept
area rotate twice reduce once trans -12 color 1,-54 shade 23
38. Mustache 39 trans 76 color 100,-100
39. Mustache 6 trans 51 color -88,-40
40. Mustache 49 color -88,-29 shade -26

Skin Colors 3 With Some Tweeking Possibly

Head 1,100
Neck 64,100,100
Chest 100,100
Shoulder 12,-5,58
Abs 80,100,73
Arms -8,60,-45
Forearms -4,-10,-100
Hands -16,56,-17
Waist 91,69
Thigh 17,8,3
Legs -5,3,19
Ankles -47,-36



Power 4,4
Speed 2,2
Tech 2,2
Rough 4,3



Eddie Guerrero - Created by Bhangra Man

Pics at:

Base Model: Normal

Skin Color: 3, C(-89,8), S (2)

1.)Skin: 3
2.) Cheeks/ face edit: 21, face model :11
Eyebrow (11, -47)
Eyes (-43, -22), (-21, -55)
Nose (72,0), (0,0)
Cheek (-21)
Mouth (20, 17)
Jaw (-11,24)

3.) Eyes: 3, c(-89, -9)
4.) Eyebrows : 56, c(-87, -35)
5.) Hair: 8, c(-81, -66), s (37)
6.) Underwear: default
7.) Face > moustache : 56> t(-23), c(-89,-100)
8.) Face > moustache : 2> c( -99, -30)
9.) Face> paint: 74 > c(-89, 53), s(-20)
10.) Face mousctache: 24>t(-26), c(-89,100), s(-33)
11.) Design> pattern> face > wwe pattern 42, reduce 1* , rotate 2* , c(-99,
22), place on base of chin place so only a little of it can be seen above chin
see help link 1
12.) Design> pattern> face > wwe pattern 42, reduce 2* , rotate 1* , c(-99, 22)
place this above previous but make it connect this is the vertical piece coming
out of the stubble see help link 1
13.) Design> pattern> face> simple pattern : 170, reduce 3*, rotate 1*, t(18),
c(-100, -58) place over the top part of previous piece see pic

**USE HELP LINK 1 NOW: The facial hair above the lips has like a centre
parting. So I view it as a moustache that spilts into. So all I am doing is
thickening up the right hand side of this, the help link 1 actually
demonstrates this better

14.) Design> pattern> face> simple pattern : 135, reduce 2* , c(-96, 25), s(22)
place this below nostrils on the top part of left hand side facial hair see
help link 1
15.)Design> letters> face>alphabet> 2nd column, last row, reduce 2*, C(-98,
-32), S(-48) can’t describe position as the help link 1 shows the placement
much better
16.)Face accessories : 3, T(-48), C(-100, -3)
17.)Face asscessories: 52> C(-89,-1)
18.)Face asscessories: 64, T(24), C(-92,6)


19.) Legs> tights> one point: 6, c(100, 9), s (11) for red tights
Legs> Tights> One Point: 6, C(-30, -35), S (11) For Green

20.) Legs> tatoos> 8, c(-74,95), s (9)
21.) Design> right leg> simple pattern: 159> C(100,46), S(-9) FOR RED TIGHTS
Design> right leg> simple pattern: 159> C(-35,-3), S(-9) FOR GREEN

All I Am Doing Here Is Obsuring Some Gold Parts Of The Tattoos That I Don’t
Need, So Place About high as you can on leg and place so most of the gold
tattoo outside the black stripe on the legs is covered see HELP LINK 2

22.) Design> Body> Simple patterns :56, reduce 1*, T(-51), C(-77,70), S(-28)
place on upper right thigh in middle of black stripe almost as low as possible
23.) Design> right leg> Simple patterns :55, reduce 1*,rotate 3*, C(-74,62),
S(-30) place on middle of legs move so that a little of it is on the black
stripe HELP LINK 2
24.) Legs> tatoos> 2, c(-67,100),


25.) Design> Body> Simple patterns :56, reduce 1*, T(-51), C(-77,70), S(-28)
place on upper left thigh in middle of black stripe almost as low as possible
26.) Design> left leg> simple pattern: 159> C(100,46), S(-9) FOR RED TIGHTS
Design> left leg> simple pattern: 159> C(-29,-3), S(-9) FOR GREEN

27.) Design> left leg> Simple patterns :55, reduce 1*,rotate 1*, C(-74,62),
S(-30) place on middle of left leg move so that a little of it is on the black
stripe HELP LINK 2
28.) Design> Body> Simple patterns :134, reduce 1*, rotate 3*, C(-76,79), S
(-32) place on back of tights see help link 2
29.) Design> Body> Simple patterns :133, reduce 1*, rotate 1*, C(-71,70), S
(-39) place on back of tights see help link 2
30.)Hand> Gloves: 25
31.)Arms> Wristband>Blank: 1, L(-55), C(23,14), S(-100)
32.) Feet>shoes>blank: 12, l(-22), c(-100, -28)
33.) Feet>shoes> others> 11, c(24,11), s(34)
34.)Design>right leg>WWE pattern: 42, rotate 1*, T(26), C(34, -45), S(-62)
place on the gold shinguard / pad at the front of boots this is supposed to be
the laces
35.) Design>left leg>WWE pattern: 42, rotate 1*, T(26), C(34, -45), S(-62)
place on the gold shinguard at the front of boots this is supposed to be the
36.) Feet>shoes>one point> 6, c(63,-12),
37.) Feet>shoes> blank: 9, c(-77, -22), s(-23)
38.) Legs kneepads: blank: 1, c(100, 75), s(1) for red tights
Legs Kneepads: Blank: 1, C(-36, 25), S(11) For Green Tights

Form/ Figures
Head (-38), 68
Neck (-26,-38), 13
Chest (2,-15)
Shoulder (-91,-26), -12
Abdomen (-37,-23),14
Arms (-29, 4), -100
Forearms (-40, -24), -100
Hands (-89, -12), -39
Waist (9, -38)
Thighs (-25,-9), -100
Legs (-13,-25), -80
Ankles (-47,-36)

Height 6’9”


Funaki - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 1
Cheeks 6, Face Model 6
Eyes 1 (-87,-3,0)
Eyebrows 2 (100,-89,-3,0)
Hair 17 (-100,-64,0)
Tights - One Point 18 (-100,100,21,-3,0)
Wristbands - Blank 2 (-61,100,-100,-3,0)
Wristbands - Blank 1 (-71,100,23, -3,0)
Wristbands - Blank 2 (-91,100,-100,-3,0)
Kneepads - Blank 1 (100,18,27,-1)
Shoes - Blank 12 (-86,-100,-3,0)
Mustache 23 (-4,-86,-3,0)
Pattern - Simple 166 (Rotate once) (100,21,83,-100) Place on back of left
Pattern - Simple 166 (Rotate once) (100,21,83,-100) Place on back of left
kneepad to make one white square
Pattern - Simple 166 (Rotate once) (100,21,83,-100) Place on back of right
Pattern - Simple 166 (Rotate once) (100,21,83,-100) Place on back of right
kneepad to make one white square

Skin Color 5

Height: 5’7”

Head (-41,19)
Neck (-54,-38)(68)
Chest (28,21)
Shoulder (-79.-19)(-12)
Abdomen (-4,-1)(36)
Arms (-27,-6)(-25)
Forearms (-35,-26)(-88)
Hands (-92,-12)(-77)
Waist (43,-26)
Thighs (-24,-9)(-27)
Legs (-13,-25)(-100)
Ankles (-47,-36)


Goldberg - Created by Ceilican

Pics at:

BASE MODEL: Male Average

Head - Hair 1
Face - Eyebrows 27 (100,-90,-30,-14)
Face - Eyes 3 (*,-88,-3,0)

Face Edit - Skin 4 - Face Model 25
Eyebrow (40/-8)
Eyes (-15/-10) (-45/-20)
Nose (-50/-10) (0/0)
Cheek (-53)
Mouth (14/10)
Jaw (10/6) (-10)

-- LAYERS --
Face - Mustache 25 (100,-84,-3,0)
Body - Skin 8
Body - Accessories 25 (20,-89,-19,0)
Body - Accessories 26 (10,-89,-19,0)
Arms - Elbow Pads - Right Only - Blank 2 (0,*,-60,-100)
Arms - Tattoo 15 (70,10,20,20)
*Now because THQ are stupid, that has put a tattoo on the other arm as well.
Lets cover that up using some skin-colored circles... I use 5 circles,
overlapping in different skin tones, so that the arm looks more realistic. We
put two darker ones down at either end of the pattern, two slightly lighter
ones a little closer to the centre of the pattern, and then a fifth one dead in
the centre to make the arm look rounded*
Design - Pattern - Right Arm - Simple 157 *reduce once and place this on his
right shoulder so that it covers up the right side of the tattoo*
Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece *move this copy across the arm to cover
the other side of his tattoo* (100,-89,40,-44)
Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece *move this copy about halfway towards the
middle of the two circles you have placed* (100,-89,48,-44)
Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece *move this copy to the same sort of
position on the other side of the shoulder* (100,-89,48,-44)
Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece *move this copy to the middle of the
circles you have been placing* (100,-89,55,-45)
Hands - Both - Gloves 12 (*,*,-80,-100)
Waist - Underwear - Blank 6 (100,*,-20,-100)
Legs - Kneepads - Both - Blank 1 (100,*,-75,-100)
Feet - Shoes - Blank 12, Length -80 (*,*,-40,-100)

Japanese Shorts Costume:

Pics at:

Legs - Tights - Blank 1, Length -92 (100,*,100,-100)
Legs - Tights - Blank 8, Length -100 (70,*,-100,-100)
*Now we just have to cover up the shiny patches on his ass*
Design - Pattern - Body - Simple 166 *reduce once and place over one of the
shiny areas on his ass* (100,*,-48,-100)
Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece FIVE times *move these pieces around to
cover over the rest of the shiny areas, rotating if needed* (100,*,-48,-100)
Design - Pattern - Body - Simple 74 *Reduce once and place on the side of his
right thigh* (100,*,90,-100)
Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece *Move this copy around to the same place
on his left thigh* (100,*,83,-100)
Layer Edit - Delete the Goldberg logo you placed on the right thigh
Design - Letters - Body - Alphabet Font 2 *Reduce three times and place this on
the side of his right thigh near where the Goldberg logo was. If you move it
around you`ll find a place where the letter becomes quite warped over a certain
part of his thigh, becoming almost a square. Place the 'I' there*
Design - Pattern - Body - Simple 166 *reduce once and place this piece piece
right by the 'I', cutting it in half so it looks more like a proper 'I' than a
square* (100,*,-51,-100)
Design - Letters - Body - Alphabet Font 2 *Reduce three times and complete
writing 'VICTORY around the 'I' you just placed* (100,40,10,-40)
Design - Pattern - Body - Simple 100 *Reduce once and place this piece
overlapping the text 'Victory' and so that only the bottom 3rd of it is showing
below the text - we`ll be covering up the rest of this pattern from the orange
part upwards in a moment and don't worry that it`s obscuring the text - all
will be revealed!* (100,*,95,-100)
Design - Pattern - Body - Simple 166 *Reduce once and place this piece covering
up the top-left side of the previous piece, from orange pattern up*
Layer Edit - Copy the previous piece TWICE *Move these copies so that they
obscure the rest of the top half of the pattern*
Layer Edit - MOVE the previous four pieces so that they are lying behind the
word 'Victory' - you should now just see 'Victory' with a small curling pattern
directly under the text*


Head (-27) (100)
Neck (-20/5) (-52)
Chest (33/5)
Shoulder (-79,-12) (-2)
Abdomen (-6/-23) (-3)
Arms (-39/0) (-65)
Forearms (-35/-25) (-90)
Hands (-50/-10) (-65)
Waist (-15/-50)
Thigh (0/0) (-15)
Legs (-5/-15) (-33)
Ankles (-28/-43)


Name - Goldberg
Ring Name - None
Nick Name - None
Biography - Man, Heavy, Super Face, Gold
Ability - P 4/3, S 2/2, T 2/2, R 4/4
Moves -
Logic - Balanced, Brawler


Hacksaw Jim Duggan - Created By: ArtyNerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Legends of the WWF Volume 1 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: chiefwahoo2

Body Normal

1.Skin 4
2.Cheek Face Edit 11 Model 4
Eyebrow 14,45
Eyes 0,-100,93,-60
Nose 34,35,0,-27
Cheeks 22
Mouth 22,32
Jaw 52,81,4
3.Eyes 13 Color 10,-41 Shade -66
4.Eyebrows 19 Trans 12 Color 52,-3
5.Hair 76 Color -81,14 Shade -21
6.Underwear Blank 18 Color 27,-25 Shade -24
7.Mustache 25 Trans -1 Color -72,-85 Shade 40
8.Mustache 39 Color -82,16
9.Mustache 6 Color -84,41
10.Mustache 26 Trans -4 Color -81,-3 Shade -22
11.Design Pattern Simple 166 Face Reduce 3 Times Place 4 Spaces below mouth
centered trans -26 color 100,-100
12.Knee Pads Blank 7 Color 19,-9 Shade -27
13.Shoes Blank 10 Length -45 Color 16,-70
14.Body Accessory 25 Trans -1 Color 100,-62
15.Body Accessory 26 Trans -21 Color -97,-80
16.Underwear Blank 18 Color 19,-38 Shade -25
17.Facial Accessory 22 Trans -71 Color -100,-100

Steps 18-31 Deal With Placements Of Additional Hair Looks On Side Of Head
18.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Move Down On Face As Low As Possible Centered
And Move Left 58 spaces color -78,-51 shade -48
19.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Place On Face Centered As Low As Possible And
Move Right 58 Spaces Color -78,-51 Shade -48
20.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Rotate Twice Place On Face As High As
Possible Centered And Move 76 Spaces Right And Down 21 Spaces Color -78,-51
Shade -48
21.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Rotate Twice Place On Face Centered As High
Up As Possible Move 76 Spaces Left And Down 21 Spaces color -78,-51 shade -48
22.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Place On Face Centered As High As Possible
Then Move Down 20 Spaces And Left 69 Spaces Color -81,27 Shade -63
23.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Rotate Once Place On Face Centered As Low As
Possible And Move Left 59 Spaces Color -81,27 Shade -63
24.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Rotate Twice Place On Face Centered As High As
Possible And Move Down 10 Spaces And Right 63 Spaces Color -81,27 Shade -63
25.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Rotate Once Place On Face Centered As Low Down
As Possible And Move Right 54 Spaces Color -81,27 Shade -63
26.Design Pattern Simple 87 Face Rotate 3 Times Place On Face Centered As High
As Possible And Move Left 78 Spaces And Down 12 Spaces Color -81,22 Shade -29
27.Design Pattern Simple 87 Face Rotate Twice Place On Face Centered As Low As
Possible And Move Left 60 Spaces Color -81,22 Shade -29
28.Design Pattern Simple 87 Face Place On Face Centered As High Up As Possible
And Move Down 4 Spaces And Right 64 Spaces Color -81,22 Shade -29
29.Design Pattern Simple 87 Face Rotate Twice Place On Face Centered As Low As
Possible And Move Right 58 Spaces Color -81,22 Shade -29
30.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Reduce Once Rotate Once Place On Face Centered
As Low As Possible And Move Left 29 Spaces Color -91,100 Shade -52
31.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Reduce Once Rotate Once Place On Face Centered
As Low As Possile And Move Right 30 Spaces Color -91,100 Shade -52
32.Body Accessory 27 Trans -4 Color -97,-46

Skin Color 5

Head 9,100
Neck 100,66,40
Chest 79,96
Shoulder 16,15,14
Abs 74,91,100
Arms -9,43,-27
Forearms 0,-1,-100
Hands -52,33,-6
Waist 53,20
Thigh 0,12,21
Legs 6,3,53
Ankles -47,-36


Name-jim duggan
Bios-man,heavy,face,american superstar
Crowd signs-its true 2x
Ability-power 2,3 speed 3,3 tech 2,3 rough 4,4
Logic-Brawler 2x


Hawk - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated by chiefwahoo2

Body normal

01. Skin 2
02. Cheeks face edit 13 model 11
Eyebrows 0,0
Eyes 0,0,0,-21
Nose 0,-6,-19,-35
Cheek -4
Mouth 0,-14
Jaw 42,38,4
03. Eyes 1 color -87,-3
04. Eyebrows 2 color -89,-3
05. Hair 3 color -83,43 shade 47
06. Underwear others 8 color -100,100 shade 100
07. Tights one point 22 color -74,-3 shade 7
08. Underwear others 8 color -100,100 shade 100
09. Belts 3 color -100,100 shade 100
10. Design letter alpha font 1 page 1 body select (u) reduce once and place on
figs left side of his body centered(the actually side under arm) with the
bottom of the U touching the top of his belt and move 40 spaces down trans 34
color 39,-100 shade 34
11. Design pattern simple 166 body place on front to cover belt buckle make
sure it is centered color -96,64
12. Underwear blank 6 color 35,-16 shade -100
13. Design letters alpha font 1 page 1 body select (u) reduce once and like
step 10 place on actually right side of body under arm with bottom of u
touching the top of the belt and move down 40 spaces trans 34 color 39,-100
shade 34
14. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice reduce twice and place bottom
tip of triangle to touch top of belt on his left side centered under arm like
step 10 and 13 and move down 50 spaces color 100,14 shade -7
15. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice and reduce twice and place left
tip of triangle touching his left nipple and move 59 spaces down and 5 spaces
right color 100,14 shade -7
16. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice and reduce twice and place on
figs right side centered with bottom tip of triangle touching the top of belt
much like u did in step 14 move down 50 spaces color 100,14 shade -7
17. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice and reduce twice and place on
figs right nipple with right tip of triangle touching it and move 58 spaces
down and 12 spaces left color 100,14 shade -7
18. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice reduce 3 times and center once
again on figs left side with bottom of triangle touching belt and move down 48
spaces color 14,-100 shade -100
19. Design pattern simple 158 body rotate twice reduce 3 times and do the same
as step 18 but on opposite side color 14,-100 shade -100
20. Design letters sign page 2 first row first column (-) body rotate once
place the line on top of belt on figs left side simular to prev steps and move
down 46 spaces down (make sure it is centered on side) color 100,35
21. Desing letters sign page 2 top one on left again body rotate once and place
centered on opposite side from step 20 move 46 spaces down color 100,35
22. Shoes blank 17 length -16 color -96,-3 shade 30
23. Paint 9 color -100,-3
24. Design letter alpha font 1 body (h) reduce once and place centered on figs
left side again with bottom of H touching the top of belt and move 25 spaces
down and 7 spaces left trans 29 color -97,100 shade 100
25. Design letter alpha font 1 body (h) reduce once and place centered on figs
left side and move 25 spaces down and 7 spaces right trans 29 color -97,100
shade 100
26. Same as step 24 but put on figs right side centered
27. Same as step 25 but put on figs right side centered
28. Paint 41 color 100,-33 shade 100
29. Mustache 6 color -88,27
30. Design pattern simple 166 face reduce once and place on center of mouth and
move 5 spaces up color -78,4
31. Design pattern simple 158 face rotate twice reduce once place so that the
top line of triangle is above the eye and the left point of triangle is
touching nose and move 13 spaces down and 6 spaces right color 100,37
32. Design pattern simple 158 face reduce 3 times have top tip of triangle
touching mouth for initial placement in the center and move down 3 spaces trans
-73 color -84,-100
33. Design letters sign page 2 face first one top left (-) rotate once reduce 3
times and place so bottom of line touches center of bottom of triangle u placed
in step 32 and move down 8 spaces trans -57 color 100,-100
34. Knee pads blank 2 color 25,-50 shade -99
35. Design pattern simple 166 left leg reduce once place on the top design on
the outter side of boot centered color 21,-43 shade -100
36. Design pattern simple 166 left leg reduce once place on middle design on
outter boot centered color 21,-43 shade -100
37. Design pattern simple 166 left leg reduce once and place on bottom design
on boot centered color 21,-43 shade -100
38-40 Repeat Steps 35-37 But Do It On Right Boot Instead

Skin Colors 5 I Believe

Head 34,100
Neck 13,48,98
Chest 48,61
Shoulder -12,5,25
Abs -10,22,33
Arms -17,29,-35
Forearms -25,-9,-100
Hands -45,9,-27
Waist 20,-11
Thigh -14,5,-27
Legs 12,12,86
Ankles -24,-17


NAME - Hawk
Ringname - Legion Of Doom
Nickname - Hawk
Crowd Signs - U Choose

TECH 2,3



Hulk Hogan (Classic Attire) - Created by Bhangra Man

Pics at:
HELP LINK: http://www.markbyte.co.uk/bm/hoganhelp.jpg


Skin color: 5, C(-85,-19), S(10)

1.)Skin 8
2.) Cheeks/ Face edit : 13, Face Model: 11
3.)Eyes: 10, C(-5,-12)
4.)Eyebrows: 24, T(57), C(-90, 0), S(-1)
5.)Hair:44, C(-71,100),S(-12)
6.)Underwear: 6, Blank :1, C(-71,100), S(-7)
7.)Face accessories: 56, C(-87,-1), S(3)
8.)Design>Face>Simple Patterns> 166> reduce 3* , T(-18), C(21,-17), S(-58)
place this at the right end of left eyebrow this is to extend the left eyebrow
so that it looks even compared to the right eyebrow
9.)Designs>Face>Letters>Sign> page 1> 4th coloumn, 4th row, reduce 3 times,
C(-76,-87)place at the left end of lips this is to extend the smile a little
10.) Design>Face>Simple Patterns> 135> reduce 3*, T(-70), C(-92,-16) place this
below the lips this is the little dimple on chin
11.) Designs>Face> Letters>Sign>First coloumn , 5th row, reduce 1*, rotate 3*,
T(-62),C(-80,-100) place under left eye leave a little gap , this form the
outline of the bag/ wrinkle under the eyes
12) Designs>Face> Letters>Sign>First coloumn , 5th row, reduce 1*, rotate 3*,
T(-62),C(-80,-100) place under right eye leave a little gap , this form the
outline of the bag/ wrinkle under the eyes
Now we make his facial hair refer to help PICS at all times , Play around to
make it look like the pics above. The pics tell you what I am doing here with
the facial hair. They give a outline of whats to come

13)Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 1 and rotate 2, C(-78,100),
S(-20) place under the nose leave a little gap see pics above
14) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 2*, rotate 2*, C(-86, 85),
S(26) place so that it slight overlaps the previous facial hair but slighty
15.) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 1 and rotate 2*,
C(-78,100), S(-20) place abit under and overlapping the first pattern in this
sequence see pics**Now we begin a series of smaller WWE Patterns 42 to make it
look like a moustache
16.) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3* , C(-71,100), S(-20)
place at left of the big pattern 42, theres 2 here so attach this in between
the previous pattern 42's as to to extend the moustache a little see PICS
17.) Design> Face>Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3* , C(-71,100), S(-20),
place above previous
18.) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3* , C(-78,100), S(-20)
place to cover up the gap a little on right hand side where the two big
patterns 42' s overlapp each other SEE PICS
19.) Design> Face>Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3* ,rotate 1*, C(-78,100),
S(-20) place this at the right of the big pattern 42's
20.) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3* , C(-78,100), S(-20)
place tomake facial hair thicker now on right hand side
**Now the mousctache is formed but we need to make it bigger and the vertical
pieces attached to either side**
21.) Design>Face> Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 1*, rotate 1*, C(-71,100),
S(-20) place very close to the left hand of the now formed mostache. We are
going to form the facial hair extend downwards at either side
22.) Design> Face>Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 1*, rotate 1*, C(-71,100),
S(-20) place very close to the now formed right hand of moustache .
We are going to form the facial hair extend downwards at either side
23.) Design> Face>Patterns > WWE Pattern: 42, reduce 3*, rotate 1*, C(-71,100),
S(-20) place to thicken the top of edge of previous piece
28.) Designs>Face> Simple pattern: 11> C(-70,62),S(-57) place on back of hair
leave a little sticking out see pic
29.) Designs>Face> Simple pattern: 11> C(-70,64),S(-51) place to overlap
previous at back and move it over a bit
30.) Designs>Face> Simple pattern: 11> C(-70,48),S(-51) place to overlap layers
28 , 29, 30
31.)Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 15, rotate 2* , C(-74,82), S(-61) place a
little below the where layer 29 was to make it thicker
NOTE: the above patterns form like a block of hair in the middle of the neck at
the back Now I extend the hair at either side of this
32.) Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 15, rotate 2* , C(-67,80), S(-66) place so
that it extends the left hand side of the previous layers. Basically extending
the back hair to make it go around the neck more
33.) Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 15, rotate 2* , C(-67,80), S(-66) place so
that sits on top of layers 32 and 33
34)Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 14, rotate 1*, C(-70,66), S(-68) place so that
it overlaps previous pattern and move it so it kinda connects with previous
35.) Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 15, rotate 1* , C(-73,82), S(-59) same as
layer 33 but on the right hand side
36.) Designs>Face>Simple pattern: 15, rotate 18, C(-73,87), S(-66) place it so
that it interconnects with previous peice
37.) Designs>Face> Simple pattern: 11> C(-70,62),S(-57) placement wise same as
layer 30
38.)Arms- wristbands>blank>1, L(-71), C(-68,-48), S(-7)
39.)Legs>Kneepads> Blank: 1, C(100,11)
40.)Feet>Shoes>Blank>10, L(-52),C(-70,38), (-17)

Figures: Form
Chest (-2, 31)
Shoulder (-79,-19)
Abdomen(12,-29), (49)
Arms (5,33) , (-60)
Forearms (-12,-9) ,(-100)
Hands (-89,-12) , (-39)
Thigh(7,12), (51)
Legs (-5,-12), (-73)
Ankles (-47,-36)

Height: 6' 9"


Irwin R. Schyster - Created By: ArtyNerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Miscellaneous 4 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: cpres

1) Skin 1
2) Cheek Face Edit 13 Face Model 16
Eyebrow 19,8 Eyes 22,-100,-7,9
Nose 38,-58,5,-14 Cheeck 30
Mouth 5,-32 Jaw 12,39,3
3) Eye 31 -100,3,-17
4) Eyebrow 5 100,97,-3,0
5) Hair 13 -92,-24,0
6) Underwear Blank 1 23,-3,0
7) Mustache 28 -40,4,8,0
8) Shirt One Point 5 -48,100,-56,40,-100
9) Shirt One Point 5 -57,100,-57,12,-100
10) Body Accessories 1 100,-83,-100,-100 (tie)
11) Body Accessories 27 70,-97,-3,0 (arm hair)
12) Shoes Blank 14 -100,-3,0

Pieces 13-22 make the suspender straps (front)

13) Body Alphabet Font Type 1 (1/2) Reduce 1x 100,100,100,0 Top right shoulder
14) Body Alphabet Font Type 1 (1/2) Reduce 1x 100,100,100,0 Right side below
previous piece
15) Body Alphabet Font Type 1 (1/2) Reduce 1x 100,100,100,0 Right side below
previous piece
16) Body Alphabet Font Type 1 (1/2) Reduce 1x 100,100,100,0 Right side below
previous piece
17) Body Alphabet Font Type 1 (1/2) Reduce 1x 100,100,100,0 Right side below
previous piece
18) Body Alphabet Font Type 1 (1/2) Reduce 1x 100,100,100,0 Top left shoulder
19) Body Alphabet Font Type 1 (1/2) Reduce 1x 100,100,100,0 Left side below
previous piece
20) Body Alphabet Font Type 1 (1/2) Reduce 1x 100,100,100,0 Left side below
previous piece
21) Body Alphabet Font Type 1 (1/2) Reduce 1x 100,100,100,0 Left side below
previous piece
22) Body Alphabet Font Type 1 (1/2) Reduce 1x 100,100,100,0 Left side below
previous piece

23) Pants Blank 10 -89,-20,-100
24) Body Alphabet Font Type 6 (2/2) 'v' Rotate 2x 100,23,-100,-100 Bottom part
of right strap
25) Body Alphabet Font Type 6 (2/2) 'v' Rotate 2x 100,23,-100,-100 Bottom part
of left strap
26) Body Alphabet Font Type 6 (2/2) 'v' Rotate 2x 100,23,-100,-100 Bottom part
of strap on back - place in middle of back at the waist

Pieces 27-34 make the suspender straps (back)

27) Body Sign Font Type 1 (1/7) 4,4 '/' 100,-92,8,0 Top right side of strap -
start from shoulder
28) Body Sign Font Type 1 (1/7) 4,4 '/' Rotate 1x 100,-92,8, Top left side of
strap - start from shoulder
29) Body Sign Font Type 1 (1/7) 4,4 '/' 100,-92,8,0 Extend top left strap make
30) Body Sign Font Type 1 (1/7) 4,4 '/' 100,-92,8,0 Extend top right strap make
31) Body Sign Font Type 1 (2/7) 1,1 '-' Rotate 1x 100,-92,8,0 Right below
triangle in the middle of the back
32) Body Sign Font Type 1 (2/7) 1,1 '-' Rotate 1x 100,-92,8,0 Next part of
strap - connect top part and bottom to complete strap
33) Body Sign Font Type 1 (2/7) 1,1 '-' Rotate 1x 100,-92,8,0 Make piece 31
34) Body Sign Font Type 1 (2/7) 1,1 '-' Rotate 1x 100,-92,8,0 Make piece 32

35) Body Alphabet Font Type 1 '.' Rotate 1x 100,38,-100,-100 On black place on
the point of suspenders (where piece 31 meets triangle)
36) Body Accessories 5 -34,-89,-100,100 (tie)
37) Right Arm Elbow Pads 1 100,25,-53,-100

Height 6'6"

Head -12,79
Neck -11,35,59
Chest 58,38
Shoulder -41,-1,22
Abdomen -3,-6-12
Arm -17,17,-70
Forearm -6,-6,-88
Hands -74,16,-32
Waist 29,-30
Thigh -24,-9,-27
Legs -13,-25,-6
Ankles -47, -36

Name: Irwin R. Schister
Ring Name: IRS
Nickname: IRS
Bio: Man, Heavyweight, Heel, Justice

Power 2,2
Speed 2,2
Technical 4,4
Roughneck 4,3


Jamie Noble - Created by Ceilican (www.ceilican.co.uk), Modified by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 4
Cheeks - Face Model - Cheeks 4 - Face Model 22
Eyebrows (50,0)
Eyes (-15,-30)(-40,30)
Nose (-25,45)(-20,-5)
Cheek (-20)
Mouth (0,10)
Jaw (10,15)(-10)

Eyes 3 (-88,-3,0)
Eyebrows 25 (100,-100,-12,0)
Hair 12 (22,-3,0)
Face Accessories 23 (-54,-100,-3,0)
Mustache 31 (100,-91,-100,-9)
Mustache 64 (100,-92,100,-5)
Mustache 14 (-12,-93,-3,0)
Mustache 31 (100,-92,-100,0)
Face Accessories 23 (-54,-100,-3,0)
Pace - Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce Twice) (35,-89,100,-28) Place under lip,
leaving a little tuft of facial hair above it (Use pic)
Wristbands - Blank 2 (-85,100,-100,-3,0)
Socks - Blank 7 (-33,100,-100,-3,-84)
Kneepads - Blank 1 (100,25,-56,-100)
Shoes - Blank 14 (-100,-3,0)
Short Pants - Blank 2 (19,-3,-30)

Skin Color: (-92,5,5)

Head (-23) (26)
Neck (-20/-30) (0)
Chest (25/20)
Shoulder (-83,-10) (20)
Abdomen (4/-11) (-20)
Arms (-30/-12) (-100)
Forearms (-30/-25) (-100)
Hands (-50/-10) (-50)
Waist (20/-35)
Thigh (13/14) (-100)
Legs (-18/-10) (-20)
Ankles (0/-40)

Height: 6'

Name - Jamie Noble
Ring Name - None
Nick Name - None
Biography - Man, Cruiser, Heel, Fighter
Ability - P 3/2, S 3/4, T 3/3, R 2/2
Moves - ???
Logic - Grappler, Balanced


Jeff Jarrett - Created by GuCAW

Pics at:


Base Edit:
Cheeks - Face edit - Face 22 - Face model 22
Eyebrow (3/1)
Eyes (-81/32/11/-62)
Nose (-38/-32/0/0)
Cheeks (0)
Mouth (0/0)
Jaw (-27/20/9)

Skin 4
Eyes 18 (30/-20/0)
Eyebrows 25 (100/-74/90/11)
Hair 22 (-81/67/0)
Tights others 16 (-96/100/-9/-14/-46)
Knee pads one point 7 (100/-23/-11/5)
Shoes blank 14 (-100/100/-100)
Wristbands blank 1 (-57/100/23/-/-64)
Mustache 13 26/-52/74/2)
Mustache 16 915/-74/100/25)
Face accessories 5 (32/-79/-13/0)

Head (-38/53)
Neck (-14/-3/17)
Chest (-69/-40)
Shoulder (-79/-28/-4)
Abdomen (-25/-29/6)
Arms (-48/-1/-47)
Forearms (-54/-53/-88)
Hands (-89/-12/-39)
Waist (-2/-62)
Thigh (-24/-9/-100)
Legs (-8/-24/33)
Ankles (-47/-36)

Due to resizing body parts, height may, or may not be true to form
Height 6'8"


Jerry Lynn - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 4
Cheeks 8, Face Model 11
Eyebrows (0,0)
Eyes (0,-100)(0,0)
Nose (-23,72)(0,0)
Cheeks (0)
MOuth (-41,2)
Jaw (-47,20)(-53)

Eyes 8 (-93,-3,0)
Eyebrows 74 (100,-77,41,0)
Hair 26 (-75,100,-19)
Mustache 14 (100,-83,72,0)
Design - Face - Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce Once) (73,-81,51,-33) Place under
nose to cover up hole in Mustache
Wristbands - Blank 2 (-59), (100), (-100,-3), (0)
Tights - Others 32 (100,100,100,-75,-100)
Kneepads - Blank 1 (100,25,-66,-100)
Shoes - Blank 14 (-100,-25,0)
Design - Picture 84 (Body) (100,18,-3,-26) Reduce once and place on back of

Skin Color 3 (-90,5,1)

Height 5'11

Head (1), (46)
Neck (-24,-48), (68)
Chest (-17,19)
Shoulders (-20,-2), (20)
Abdomen (7,19), (36)
Arms (-44,2), (-43)
Forearms (-12,-10), (-91)
Hands (-85,4), (-39)
Waist (7,-37)
Thighs (-8,-9), (-100)
Legs (13,-25), (-93)
Ankles (-41,-45)


Jerry Saggs (Nasty Boy) Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula translated by NoLimit

Skin: 4
Cheek: Edit: 9 Model: 4
Eyebrow: 24,0
Eyes: 12,-100,33,-37
Nose: -43,38,0,-44
Cheek: 27
Mouth: 14,35
Jaw: 47,33,0

Eyes: 39 (-100,20,0)
Eyebrows: 19 (100,52,-3,0)
Hair: 45 (-100,12,0)
Underwear: blank: 1 (23,-3,0)

Tights: blank: 1 (100,100,25,-35,-100)
Shoes: one point: 21 (-58,28,-50,-100)
Elbow Pads: blank: 2 (100,23,-53,-100)
No Sleeves: blank: 2 (100,30,-79,-99)
Wrist Bands: blank: 2 (-79,100,-100,-3,0)

*Body Pattern*
Use these to make the design on his shirt

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 (-48,-93,-3,0)
place on your left half of his shirt (front) a little bit of it goes over the

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-48,-93,-3,0)
place on bottom of shirt (front) center it under the lower part of the Y

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-48,-93,-3,0)
top of shirt on his back

Pattern: Picture: 14 (-53,-93,-3,0)
place on yor left half of his shirt (back) half ot it should be on the side and
the other half on his back a litte bit of it goes over the skin & on the tights

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-42,-93,-3,0)
place on your upper right side of his shirt (front)

Pattern: Picture: 14 reduce: 1 (-45,-93,-3,0)
place on your right side of his shirt (front) middle high of shirt

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-60,-92,-3,0)
place on your left side of the shirt (back) middle high of shirt

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-34,-93,-3,0)
place on your upper right side of his shirt (front)

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 3 reduce: 1 (-34,-93,-3,0)
place on your right side of the shirt (back) middle high of shirt

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 2 reduce: 1 (-34,-93,-3,0)
place on his right side of the shirt (side view) bottom of shirt, place on left

Pattern: Picture: 14 turn: 1 reduce: 1 (-34,-93,-3,0)
place on your lower right side of the shirt (back) move to bottom of shirt, now
move 10 steps up

Write NASTY on the chest
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: N (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: A reduce: 1 (70,23,100,-100)
Numeral: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/1: the first 5 (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: T (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: ! (70,23,100,-100)
place it half over the T to make it look longer at top
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 2/2: y (70,23,100,-100)

now write BOYS (center it under NASTY)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: B reduce: 2 (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: O reduce: 2 (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: Y reduce: 2 (70,23,100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 5 Page: 1/2: S reduce: 2 (70,23,100,-100)

*right arm pattern*
Pattern: WWE: 33 reduce: 1 (1,56,-3,0)
place on his right upper arm

face Accessories: 22 (-68,-100,-100,0)
face Accessories: 66 (100,-92,25,-5)

Name: Jerry Saggs
Ring Name: Nasty Boy
Nick Name: Saggs

Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Heel, Wild Thing

Sign 1: Superstars: Page: 1/12 "I Like Pie Rock!"
Sign 2: Superstars: Page: 1/12 "I Like Pie Rock!"

Powerful: 3,3
Speedy: 3,3
Technical: 2,2
Rough Neck: 4,4

Logic: Brawler, Striker

Height: 6'7"

Head: -49,33
Neck: 22,59,21
Chest: 69,61
Shoulder: -70,-13,-12
Abdomen: 30,67,81
Arms: -16,22,-19
Forearms: -19,1,-100
Hands: 5,30,-29
Waist: 61,5
Thigh: -14,0,-51
Legs: 8,-9,-6
Ankles: -47,-36

Skin color: 3 (-92,5,-8) ?


Jim Neidhart - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated by NoLiMiT

Height: 5'11"

Head: -12,100
Neck: 39,50,81
Chest: 100,100
Shoulder: -25,-7,38
Abdomen: 81,86,100
Arms: 1,41,-43
Forearms: -2,15,-82
Hands: 20,45,-15
Waist: 94,15
Thigh: 17,22,9
Legs: 31,8,73
Ankles: -12,-15

Skin color: 3 (-94,-6,-8)?

Skin: 4
Cheek: Edit: 3 Model: 4
Eyebrow: -5,1
Eyes: -21,-27,50,-66
Nose: -38,-13,-30,4
Cheek: 36
Mouth: 8,13
Jaw: -100,100,41

Eyes: 13 (-91,-3,0)
Eyebrows: 54 (26,-92,-16,0)
Hair: 4 (-98,-6,11)
Underwear: blank: 7 (-96,-3,0)
Costume: others: 7 (100,-100,-4,-99)
Tights: one point: 6 (100,100,81,-3,-5)
Underwear: others: 8 (100,-100,-20,-99)
Wrist Bands: blank: 2 (-73,100,-100,-33,-100)
Shoes: blank: 13 (-54,-100,-3,0)
Face Accessories: 23 (-56,-100,-100,0)

Body Pattern
Pattern: Simple: 139 (100,-60,-100,-100)
place on stomach, to cover up the pink part

Mustache: 25 (50,-74,-25,-5)

Face Pattern
move both all the way up and connect them
in the middle of the back head
Pattern: Simple: 159 (-53,-93,48,-43)
Pattern: Simple: 159 (-53,-93,48,-43)

connect these with pattern above
Pattern: Simple: 159 (-18,-92,48,-43)
Pattern: Simple: 159 (-18,-92,48,-43)

Mustache: 6 (100,-93,56,-7)

Face Pattern
Pattern: Simple: 166 Reduce: 1 (18,-93,100,-38)
place 5 steps under his mouth. center it

Body Pattern
use this 2 to make both front Stripes of the costume more broadly (sp?)
Pattern: Simple: 166 Turn: 1 (100,21,-40,-100)
Pattern: Simple: 166 Turn: 1 (100,21,-40,-100)

Face Accessories: 66 (-10,-97,-100,0)

Face Pattern
Pattern: Simple: 166 reduce: 1 (100,-91,41,-30)
place over his mouth. middle of mustache

Body Pattern
Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 (100,-96,100,-44)
center on body. Move all the way up

Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 3 (100,-96,14,-46)
move so that half of this pattern is cover up
the lover part of the pattern before

Body Pattern
Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/7: - turn: 1 (-59,100,-100,0)
center on chest. move to lower chest high

Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 2/7: - turn: 1 (-59,100,-100,0)
center on chest. place on top of the sign before

Body Accessories: 25 (37,-98,-70,0)
Body Accessories: 26 (10,-96,-62,0)
Underwear: one point: 3 (100,81,-40,-18)

Now write ANVIL on the back of the Tights
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2 Reduce: 2: A (100,23,-100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2 Reduce: 2: N (100,23,-100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2 Reduce: 2: V (100,23,-100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2 Reduce: 2: I (100,23,-100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2 Reduce: 2: L (100,23,-100,-100)

Elbow Pads: blank: 1 (100,25,-51,-100)

Body Pattern
Pattern: Simple: 140 reduce: 2 (100,87,12,0)
place on his left side of the stomach

Pattern: Simple: 140 reduce: 3 (100,30,-100,-100)
place in the middle of the heart pattern before

Knee Pads: others: 10 (-92,-100,-100,0)

Name: Jim Neidhart
Ring Name: "Anvil"
Nick Name: The Anvil

Biography: Man, Heavy, Face, Canadian Superstar

Sign 1: Superstars: 1/12: Make Me Famous
Sign 2: Superstars: 1/12: What's Hot? What's Not?

Power: 3,4
Speedy: 2,3
Technical: 2,4
Roughneck: 3,3

Logic: Brawler, Striker


Jimmy "The Superfly" Snuka - Created by GUCAW

Pics at:

Skin color 5

Base Edit
Cheeks - Face Edit - Face 21 - Face model 4
Eyebrow (10/35)
Eyes (5/-12/58/-1)
Nose (-78/-49/-57/-22)
Cheeks (-50)
Mouth (-26/19)
Jaw (30/-19/-91)

Skin 2
Eyes 24 (default)
Eyebrows 57 (100/-89/-3/0)
Hair 26 (100/-19/0)
Underwear pattern 5 (-80/-61/0)
Accessories face 6 (-14/-55/-95/0)
Accessories face 5 (-87/-70/48/0)
Accessories face 66 (100/-97/-16/0)
Accessories face 76 (100/100/-11/0)
Accessories face 48 (100/-89/-45/11)
Accessories face 55 (-20/-87/12/-11)
Mustache 2 (31/-99/-3/0)
Mustache 20 (-35/-86/-3/0)
Mustache 23 (-26/-88/-3/0)
Knee pads blank 1 (200/25/-58/-99)
Socks blank 1 (-69/100/31/-4/-100)
Socks blank 1 (-100/100/-85/-12/-10)(or match skin color best you can)
Wristband blank 6 (-79/100/30/-93/-100)

Head (-12/100)
Neck (25/12/33)
Chest (58/-3)
Shoulder (-33/-18/-32)
Abdomen (12/-13/-19)
Arms (-44/21/-1)
Forearms (-52/-25/-88)
Hands (-92/-12/-53)
Waist (22/-40)
Thigh (8/0/33)
Legs (10/5/93)
Ankles (-75/-29)

Due to resizing body parts, height may, or may not be true to form
Height 6'3"


John Cena - Created by Dan Fookes, Head based on GuCAWs

Pics at:

Male/Normal (I Think, I just started with the Cena preset in Samples and have
since changed it)

Layer List:
Skin 4

Cheeks - Face Edit - Cheeks 11 - Face Model 20
Eyebrow (-17,63)
Eyes (0,0)(0,0)
Nose (0,0)(-29,-1)
Cheeks (38)
Mouth (-38,-6)
Jaw (34,-2)(0)

Eyes 20 (-86,-3)(0)
Eyebrows 9 (51,-88,40,0)
Hair 23 (-92,-100,0)
Underwear - Default
Shoes - Blank 12 (-47,-100,-45,0)
Kneepads - Blank 1 (100,25,-66,-100)
Short Pants - One Point 3 (-100,-32,-100)
Wristbands - Blank 11 (-79,100,31,-75,-100)
Pattern - Simple 14 (Body) (Reduce Twice)(100,10,82,0) Place on right butcheek
(see pic)
Pattern - Simple 3 (Body) (Reduce Twice)(100,17,-3,-26) Place on right
butcheek, overlapping previous patter (see pic)
Belt 23 (100,-88,-100,-100)
Pattern - WWE 21 (Left Leg) (Reduce Twice) (37,-100,-80,-100) Place inside top
white line of shorts. Then create this pattern three more times to cover the
circumference of the left leg, and then another four patterns for the white
line on the right

Skin Color (-91,6,0)

Height (6’5”)

Head (-16,73)
Neck (-53,-14)(-33)
Chest (-12,0)
Shoulder (-66,-38)(-32)
Abdomen (-6,-23)(73)
Arms (-48,7)(-68)
Forearms (-43,-24)(-100)
Hands (-12,32)(-78)
Waist (4,-54)
Thighs (-2,-13)(-100)
Legs (-8,-22)(-100)
Ankles (-12,-3)


Justin Credible - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 1
Cheeks 8, Face Model 8
Eyes 8 (-93,-3,0)
Eyebrows 3 (-90,-3,0)
Hair 1
Mustache 5 (31,97,-3,0)
Elbow Pads - Blank 1 (100,25,-41,-100)
Wristbands - Blank 2 (-83,100,-100,-3,0)
Body Accessories 14 (65,-78,-3,0)
Tights - One Point 31 (100,100,-100,-3,0)
Socks - Blank 1 (-75,100,31,-3,-100)
Shoes - Blank 12 (-79,-100,-27,0)

Skin Color 3

Height: 5’10”

Head (-41,19)
Neck (-48,-3)(26)
Chest (28,40)
Shoulder (-79.-19)(-12)
Abdomen (-21,0)(38)
Arms (-44,-5)(-5)
Forearms (-50,-29)(-85)
Hands (-92,-12)(-74)
Waist (30,-19)
Thighs (-24,-9)(-27)
Legs (-13,-25)(-6)
Ankles (-47,-36)


Kane (1998 attire) - Created by sirwadelot

Skin color 2

Skin 2

Face morphing/cheek 2
Figure 0/-25
Shape -22/12
Age -75
Eyebrow 9/0
Eyes 37/-41/7/-43
Nose 19/0/-15/-33
Cheek 0
Mouth 42/-60
Jaw 0/14/0

Eyes 10 16/45/50
Eyebrows 2 100/-89/-3/0
Hair 54 -96/-9/-37 (or you can use hair 26 if you don’t like the straight hair)

Tights/others 26 100/100/100/0/-8
Shoes/blank 12 -49/-100/-32/0
T-shirts/others 8 100/100/100/-27/0
Belts 34 100/16/-8/-8
Gloves/right hand 33 -100/-11/-100
Wrist bands/one point 23 -51/100/27/-85/-100
Face/accessories 68 100/-93/-51/-10
Mustache 16 -37/-92/50/76
Mustache 7 -37/-84/54/73
Mustache 3 50/-91/35/39
Face/paint 33 100/-100/-38/0
Face/accessories 23 100/-100/-79/0
Face/paint 83 100/-100/-3/0

Head -56/46
Neck -19/0/0
Chest 12/49
Shoulder -100/-50/-60
Abdomen -13/19/38/
Arms -20/-1/-60
Forearms -35/-11/-32
Hands -45/17/-16
Waist -13/-54
Thigh -21/-16/15
Legs -17/-33/60
Ankles -12/-17

Height 7’2”


Leviathon - Created by Dan Fookes. Eyebags by BhangraMan

Pics at:


USE PICS for placement of parts

Layer List:
Skin 5
Cheeks - Face Edit - Cheeks 9 - Model 11
Eyebrows (72,8)
Eyes (-70,-71)
Nose (-25,100)(-20,19)
Cheek (-14)
Mouth (-63,-7)
Jaw (-38,14)(-80)

Eyes 5 (100,-3,0)
Eyebrows 74 (100,-89,-100,0)
Hair 23 (-92,-3,0)
Underwear - Blank 1 (100,-3,0)

Accessories 85 (100,96,-3,0)
Mustache 4 (-48,-100,45,-100)
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 2x) (42,21,-67,-100) Place on tip of chin
Use the next four patterns to make the thin strip going up his chin, see pic
Letters - Alphabet - (Font Type One) I (Reduce 3x) (100,23,-46,-100)
Letters - Alphabet - (Font Type One) I (Reduce 3x) (100,23,-46,-100)
Letters - Alphabet - (Font Type One) I (Reduce 3x) (3,23,-100,0)
Letters - Alphabet - (Font Type One) I (Reduce 3x) (3,23,-100,0)
Letters - Alphabet - (Font Type One, Bottom Row, 3rd Column) (Reduce
1x)(62,24,-100,-100) Place under lips, connecting with previous strip.
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(-37,21,-100,0) Place inbetween eyelid and
eyebrow of left eye
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(-37,21,-100,0) Place inbetween eyelid and
eyebrow of right eye
Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, 5th Row, 1st Column) “(“ (Rotate 1x, Reduce 1x)
(-53,-82,-59,0) Place on chin, below the full stop part of the beard
Pattern - WWE 46 (Reduce 3x)(100,-100,-8,-100) Place on right ear lobe for
Pattern - Simple 158 (Reduce 3x)(-15,-89,24,-29) Place under nose as brink of
Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, Last row, 4th Column) (Reduce 1x, Rotate
3x)(-53,-94,6,-16) Place under right eye for eyebag
Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, Last row, 4th Column) (Reduce 1x, Rotate
3x)(-53,-94,6,-16) Place under left eye for eyebag
Pattern - Simple 20 (Reduce 3x)(-78,-74,-3,0) Place inbetween eyebrows

Pattern - Tattoo 9 (Reduce 3x)(6,-12,-6,65) Place on centre of stomach, where
belly button would be
Tattoo 14 (39,19,-8,14)
The following make the flames on his underwear
Pattern - Simple 136 (Reduce 2x)(100,8,-100,-100) Move down as far as possible
inbetween legs
Pattern - Simple 110 (Reduce 2x, Rotate 2x)(100,21,-100,-100) Place to OUR left
of previous pattern, three notches higher than as low as possible
Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, 5th Row, 1st Column) “(“ (Rotate
2x)(100,100,-100,36) Place to OUR right of pattern, but touching it

Pattern - Simple 127 (Reduce 3x)(3,100,50,0) Place on side of left arm, near
Pattern - Simple 113 (Reduce 3x)(3,100,50,0) Place slightly below and to the
left of last pattern
Pattern - Simple 87 (29,19,-8,14) Place on side of right arm
Wristbands - Blank 1 (-42,100,100,-3,0)

Shoes - Blank 12 (-60,-100,-40,-100)
Kneepads - Blank 7 (100,100,45,-8)

Skin Color (-91,-6,6)

Height ; (6’10”)

Head (-1,39)
Neck (-24,-9)(-33)
Chest (100,43)
Shoulder (-33,-6)(-23)
Abdomen (-18,-7)(25)
Arms (-27,31)(-27)
Forearms (-31,20)(-100)
Hands (-45,0)(-63)
Waist (4,-46)
Thighs (3,-5)(-69)
Legs (3,-2)(-19)
Ankles (-31,31)


Macho Man Randy Savage - Created by Ceilican (www.ceilican.co.uk)

Pics at:

*** Please note it is essential that the pieces are layered as I layer them
here to avoid pieces overlapping incorrectly ***

*** The character '*' in place of a number in the formula indicates that the
figure is either not alterable on that piece, or that the value for that piece
does not matter (eg. a color setting when color has been set to -100 on that
piece) ***

Male Average


Head - Hair 17 (*,-95,-60,-30)
Face - Eyebrows 24 (100,-100,-3,0)
Face - Eyes 4 (*,-89,-3,0)

Face Edit - Skin 5 - Face Model 7
Eyebrow (10/-20)
Eyes (-50/-20) (-20/60)
Nose (-100/-40) (-90/80)
Cheek (-40)
Mouth (55/-25)
Jaw (40/-10) (-50)

-- LAYERS --
Face - Mustache 33 (100,*,-69,-100)
Face - Mustache 3 (100,-98,-30,-20)
Face - Mustache 14 (100,-92,-45,0)
Face - Mustache 39 (100,-90,-100,0)
Face - Accessories 15 (75,-73,-10,14)
Design - Pattern - Face - Simple 166 *reduce three times and place on his face
under the nose, like a little Hitler mustache to cover the gap between the two
sides of his beard* (100,-84,-25,-25)
Layer Edit - Move the previous piece so that it lies behind all the mustache
Body - Skin 9

*Megapowers Costume*
Arms - Wristband - Both - Blank 2, Length -65 (100,-100,-20,0)
Hands - GLoves 25 (*,-100,-20,0)
Waist - Underwear - Blank 1 (*,-98,-35,-0)
Legs - Kneepads - Blank 7 (100,-78,100,-5)
Feet - Shoes - One Point 15, Length -40 (*,-77,27,5)
*Now we put a collection of small white stars on the shorts*
Design - Pattern - Body - Simple 161 *reduce three times and place this on the
front of his shorts, quite low down* (100,*,20,-100)
Design - Letters - Body - Sign Page 1/7 *place the dot (in the top-right corner
of the page) over the centre of the star, filling in the gaps* (100,*,100,-100)
*Thats how we create a star. We now repeat this pattern 5 times, placing
another two stars on the front of his shorts, each to the side and above the
first one placed... like this:
Personally I think the middle star on the front and back of his shorts is a bit
small and I would make it one size bigger. If you do this you`ll have to copy
some more of the white dots and move them around a little inside the star to
fill it in.

Head (-23) (15)
Neck (0/30) (25)
Chest (70/10)
Shoulder (-79,0) (2)
Abdomen (-3/-10) (22)
Arms (-25/-1) (-52)
Forearms (-25/-22) (-90)
Hands (-50/-10) (-50)
Waist (25/-35)
Thigh (0/5) (-40)
Legs (0/0) (-5)
Ankles (-35/-40)


Name - Randy Savage
Ring Name - The Macho Man
Nick Name - The Macho Man
Biography - Man, Heavy, Super Face, Superstar
Ability - P 2/3, S 4/3, T 3/4, R 2/2
Moves - ???
Logic - Luchadore, Balanced


Mankind- Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Miscellaneous 4 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: NoLiMiT

Skin color: 3 ?

Skin: 1
Cheek: Edit: 11 Model: 11
Eyebrow: -23,0
Eyes: -5,-100,0,0
Nose: 52,78,0,-8
Cheek: 30
Mouth: 0,0
Jaw: 0,44,2

Eyes: 11 (-86,-3,0)
Eyebrows: 11 (100,-88,-3,0)
Hair: 93 (-80,-3,-14)
Underwear: blank: 1 (23,-3,0)
Shirts: blank: 12 (17,100,31,17,-100) press O to close
Shirts: blank: 12 (-1,-40,31,-100,-100) press O to close
Mustache: 11 (100,-95,-3,0)
Mustache: 20 (100,-89,-100,0)
Mask: 87 (100,-93,-16,15)
Tights: blank: 1 (100,100,-81,-17,-30)
Shoes: blank: 14 (-100,-27,0)
No Sleeves: Checks: 4 (0,-100,59,-100)
Shirts: blank: 12 (-4,100,31,-3,-100) press O to close
Body Accessories: 27 (-7,-97,-88,0)
Body Accessories: 5 (100,-67,-66,0)

*Body Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 2 (100,-81,-75,-32) Center on chest, move all the
way down. Now move 15 clicks up

*Face Pattern*
Alphabet: Font Type: Page: 1/2: I reduce: 2 (10,-91,100,-51) Make a cut in his
right eyebrow.

Height: 6'0"

Head: 74,100
Neck: 25,26,-39
Chest: 58,35
Shoulder: -79,-19,-12
Abdomen: 68,77,100
Arms: -13,18,11
Forearms: -16,2,-88
Hands: -60,16,-21
Waist: 100,38
Thigh: 0,13,-27
Legs: -13,-25,-6
Ankles: -47,-36

Name: Mankind
Nick Name: Foley
Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Face, Mankind

Sign 1: Superstars: Page: 4/12: "Bang"
Sign 2: Others: Page: 2/4: "Mystery"

Powerful: 2,4
Speedy: 2,3
Technical: 2,2
Rough Neck: 4,4

Logic: Brawler, Brawler


Marty Jannetty (Rocker) - Created By: ArtyNerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Legends of the WWF Volume 1 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: chiefwahoo2

Body Normal

1.Skin 6
2.Cheeks Face Edit 3 Model 23
Eyebrow -26,20
Eyes 0,-100,22,35
Nose -20,100,12,-7
Cheeks 11
Mouth -6,14
Jaw -30,43,-23
3.Eyes 28 Color 0,-6 Shade -40
4.Eyebrows 11 Trans 18 Color -89,-3
5.Hair 76 Color -87,-11 Shade -16
6.Underwear Default
7.Wristbands Pattern 6 Length -53 Trans 71 Color 21,-27 Shade -8
8.Face Accessories 23 Trans -57 Color -100,-100
9.Tights Blank 1 Color -62,85 Shade -15
10.Belts 37 Trans 23 Color -67,-100
11.Shoes Others 8 Color -72,-3 Shade -100
12.Knee Pads Blank 5 Color 24,-70 Shade -100
13.Belts 26 Color -100,-91 Shade 57
14-18 This Is Going To Be His Tassle On His Right Upper Arm Do As I Mention
Below And Connect All These Parts And Color -70,100 Shade -100
14.Design Pattern Simple 166 Right Arm Reduce 1 Place On Arm As High As
Possible Then Move 15 Spaces Down Color -70,100 Shade -100 This Is Starting A
Tassle Or Wristband On His Upper Arm, The Next Few Pieces Do The Same And
19-23 Design Pattern Simple 166 Left Arm Reduce 1 Do Same On This Arm As Last
24.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Rotate Once Start By Placing The Left Part Of
The Triangle The Straight Line Part Completely Cover His Left Sideburn And Move
13 Spaces Right Color -85,-87 Shade -38
25.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Rotate 3 Times Start By Placing The Right
Part Of The Triangle The Straight Line On Right Side Of Right Sideburn And Move
13 Spaces Left Color -85,-87 Shade -38
26.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Start Of Figs Right Sideburn With The Top Tip
Of Triangle Touching It And Move 22 Spaces Left And 9 Spaces Down (What I Mean
Is The Figs Sideburn That Is A Tad Extend That Needs To Be Trimed Lol Color
-84,-75 Shade -37
27.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Like Step 26 Start On Left Sideburn With The
Tip Touching The Part That Needs To Be Trimmed And Move 9 Spaces Down And 22
Spaces Right Color -84,-75 Shade -37
28.Design Pattern Simple 158 Body Rotate Twice Reduce Once Place On Back As
High Up As U Can Go Centered With His Hair Color -87,-70 Shade -52

29-30 Should Make It Look Like Front Hair Going Over His Shoulders
29.Design Pattern Simple 158 Body Rotate Twice Reduce Twice Start With The Tip
Of Triangle That Is Point Down Touching His Right Nipple And Move 27 Spaces Up
And 7 Spaces Right Should Have The Appearance That It Is His Hair In The Front
Color -87,-70 Shade -52
30.Design Pattern Simple 158 Body Rotate Twice Reduce Twice Start With Tip Of
The Triangle Touching His Left Nipple (Just Like The Last Step) Move 27 Spaces
Up And 7 Spaces Left Color -87,-70 Shade -52

31-32 also part of that design will not be in the brown area u have created
31.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Rotate 3 Times Ok There Is A Top Tenticle Like
On This Object Start The Top Tenticle Touching The Thick Part Ok His Left
Sideburn And Move 55 Spaces Left 10 Spaces Up Color -88,1 Shade -48 This
Pattern Should Give Part Of His Hair On That Side The Wrinkled Look Like Real
32.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Rotate 3 Times Ok This Pattern Goes On The
Opposite Side Of Head Have Same Top Tenticle Like Before Touch The Thick Part
Of His Right Sideburn And Move 8 Spaces Left And 10 Down Color -88,1 Shade -48

33-34 Now The Pieces On The Face U Put Should Look Like Hair Except The 2
Upside Triangles On The Body
33.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Rotate Once Place The Highest Point Of This
Design To Touch The Right Side Burn And Move 20 Spaces Left And 18 Spaces Down
Color -88,11 Shade -55
34.Design Pattern Simple 15 Face Rotate Twice Place Highest Point Of Design To
Touch The Thick Part Of Sideburn In The Middle And Move 24 Spaces Right And 17
Spaces Down Color -88,11 Shade -55

35.Design Pattern Simple 87 Body Reduce Once And Place In Triangle On The Back
With It Centered Not All The Design Will Fit In So Its Ok Color -84,6 Shade -46
36.Design Pattern Simple 15 Body Reduce 3 Times And Place Inside Triangle On
Left Side Of Neck As Centered As Possible Some Will Hang Outside Of Triangle
But Its Fine Color -83,19 Shade -51
37.Design Pattern Simple 15 Body Reduce 3 Times And Place Inside Triangle On
Right Side Of Neck As Centered As Possible Color -83,19 Shade -51
38.Body Accessories 29 Trans -71 Color -91,-100 Shade 100
39.Design Pattern Simple 166 Face Reduce Twice And Place On Center Of Mouth And
Move Down 7 Spaces Trans -75 Color 100,-100
40.Design Pattern Simple 159 Face Move Down As Low As U Can On Center Of His
Face And Move 110 Spaces Left It Will End Up On The Back Of His Head But I
Cannot See Exactly Were Since It Will End Up Under His Hair Color -89,-79 Shade

Skin Colors 5 With Some Tweeking

Head 41,66
Neck 62,71,30
Chest 53,42
Shoulder -41,-1,-12
Abs 16,29,100
Arms -11,14,-33
Forearms -19,-11,-100
Hands -38,9,-26
Waist 48,-9
Thigh 7,22,-27
Legs 43,17,100
Ankles 9,-10


Name - Marty Jannetty
Ring name - leave blank
Nickname - Marty
Bio-man,cruiser,face,wild thing
Crowd signs -sexy, and the hand with index up

Power 1,4
Speed 3,3
Tech 3,3
Rough 2,4



Matt Hardy v. 1 - Created by Bhangra Man and Zurick Saviour

Pics at

Do this in THIS order

Basic Stuff:


Face edit- 9,model- 12

Jaw(0, 47)(-17)

Face edit- eyes-28, C(-92,-3)
Eyebrows: 25, C(-90,-48)
Hair:17, C(-96,-96), S(-44)
Underwear: Default

Simple Stuff:
Elbowpads Blank 1: 100,25/-100,0
Shoes Others 6: -100,-3
Gloves 8: -100/-3,0
Numeral 1: Reduce 3 Times: Make Black Put on of these on the inside of Matt's
right Glove, all the way down. Another one on the left glove, outside, as far
down as you can go.
Alphabet/Font Type 1: V: Make Black Put one of these on the inside of Matt's
right Glove, all the way down. Another one on the left glove, outside, as far
down as you can go. Place it right above the 1

Pants: (Follow Diagram)
Pants Blank 3: 55/4,-14
Left and Right Leg Patterns:
Simple Pattern 102: -3,-69/74,-39: Follow the Diagram on where to place these.
Body Patterns: Simple Pattern 102: 45,-69/74,-38: Follow The Diagram on where
to place these.

T-Shirt: (Look @ Pics for Help)
T-Shirt/Others 12: -96,100,28/-70,-58
T-Shirt/Blank 8: -90,100,33/-53,-100
Design Letters- Body -right arm- page 1- V, C(30,100), S(-100) place on chest
see pic
Design Simple-Body -166 Body , C(100,100), S(-100) place to extend V
Design- Letters- Body- Numeral, page 5: 1, C(23,100), S(-100) place besides V
as seen in pic
Design- Letters- Body- Numeral, page 5: 1, C(23,100), S(-100) place below 1 as
seen in pic to extend the 1

Facial Hair: (Follow Diagram)
Face Accessories 76: 100,100/1,0
Mustache 38: 64,-92/-100,-100
Alphabet/Font Type 3/(2/2) v: 18,24/-100,0 Place Under Lip stubble.
Pattern WWE 42: 23,34/-100,-100
Simple Pattern 158: 89,-90/38,-46: Make 2 of these, once for each side of face.
Flip 3 times Reduce 3 Time, Cover the Big Piece of Facial hair shaped like a
triangle with this.
Simple Pattern 156: 82,-89/38,-11: Make 2 of these, one for each side of face.
Reduce Once, cover the other part of facial hair sticking out so your goatee is
even now.

Skin Color: Now that that's done, make the skin color match the face patterns


Height: 6'1"
Head: -1,39
Neck: -19/-17,31
Chest: 58/28
Shoulder: -79/8,0
Abdomen: 19/28,19
Arms: -19/14,-54
Forearms: -17/6,73
Hands: -92/-12,-39
Waist: 15/-38
Thigh: -2/46,-3
Legs: 8/11,6
Ankles: 2/-3


Mick Foley - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 4
Cheeks 11, Face Model 11
Eyes 1 (-87,-3,0)
Eyebrows 2 (100,-89,-3,0)
Hair 26 (-85,-3,0)
Mustache 11 (100,-95,-3,0)
Body - Accessroeis 31 (-44,-97,-79,0)
T-Shirts - Blank 1 (-42,100,30,-100,-100)
Shirts - Checks 2 (-87,100,-100,-3,0)
Wristbands - Blank 2 (-83,100,-100,-3,0)
Shoes - Blank 14 (-100,-3,0)
Pants - Blank 1 (19,-80,-100)

Skin Color 3

Height: 6’2”

Head (9,79)
Neck (14,11)(-80
Chest (-54, 54)
Shoulder (-33,-51)(-19)
Abdomen (54,64)(100)
Arms (-17,29)(1)
Forearms (-19,40)(-100)
Hands (-12,35)(-70)
Waist (100,1)
Thighs (15,39)(-100)
Legs (41,-33)(-100)
Ankles (13,38)


Mr Perfect - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated by ChiefWahoo2

Body: Normal

1.Skin 2
2.Cheeks Face edit 21 Model 21
Eyebrow -4,27
Eyes -7,0,-23,-14
Nose -12,0,-41,-10
Cheeks -34
Mouth 2,2
Jaw -9,0,0
3.Eyes 21
4.Eyebrows 21
5.Hair 21 color -94,8
6.Underwear blank 4
7.Body accessory 25 trans -6 color -78,-53 shade -25
8.Wristband blank 2 length -71 color -100,-29
9.Knee pads blank 5 color 24,-72 shade -99
10.Costume others 10 color -66,56
11.Tights blank 1 length -87 color -66,93
12.Design pattern simple 158 body rotate 3 times move all the way down and have
the left point of the triangle touch center of butt and move up 20
spaces color -66,33
13.Design pattern simple 158 body rotate once move all the way down
and have right pt of triangle touch middle of butt and move up
20 spaces color -66,33
14.Design pattern simple 158 body rotate once reduce once place so
that the straight line of triangle touches the left side of the
figures right strap of the costume as high as u can go and move
23 spaces down and left 5 spaces color -66,33
15.Design pattern simple 158 body rotate 3 times reduce once place
straight line of triangle on right side of figs left strap of the
costume as high as u go can and move down 25 spaces and left 1
space color -66,33
16.Design pattern simple 158 body reduce once place as high as u can
go centered and move left 16 spaces and down 12 spaces color
17.Design pattern simple 158 body reduce once place as high as u can
go centered and move right 16 spaces and down 13 spaces color
18.Design pattern simple 158 body reduce once place on back centered
as high as u can go and move 20 spaces down and left 10 spaces
color -3,12
19.Design pattern simple 158 body reduce once place on back centered
as high as u can go and move 20 spaces down and right 10 spaces
colot -3,12
20.Design pattern simple 139 body rotate once place on back centered
as high as u can go and move down 18 spaces color -5,-3 shade 3
21.Design pattern simple 159 body reduce once place on back centered
as high as u can go and move left 3 spaces color -1,-3 shade -11
22.Design pattern simple 159 body reduce once place on back centered
as high as u can go and move right 3 spaces color -1,-3 shade -11
23.Design pattern simple 159 body reduce 3 times place on back
centered as high as u can go and move 11 spaces right color -1,-3
shade -11
24.Design pattern simple 159 body reduce 3 times place on back
centered as high as u can go and move left 11 spaces color -1,-3
shade -11
25.Design pattern simple 159 body reduce twice place on back centered
as high as u can go color -89,20 shade -40
26.Design pattern simple 157 body reduce twice place on back centered
as high as u can go and move 10 spaces down color -90,6 shade -44
27.Design pattern simple 78 body reduce twice rotate twice place
on back centered as high as u can go and move down 5 spaces
trans -79 color -79,56 shade 1
28.Underwear blank 1 trans -78 color -67,-9 shade 7
29.Design pattern simple 139 left leg rotate once move all the way
down centered on the front of foot and move up 7 spaces color -59,33
shade -100
30.Design pattern simple 139 right leg rotate once move all the way
down centered on the front of foot and move up 7 spaces color -59,33
shade -100
31.shoes blank 10 length -69 color -100,8 shade -100
32.Design pattern wwe 38 right leg rotate 3 times reduce once
place on boot with the Q in kliq at the top of the diamond that
u put under the boot tran 10 color 62,-100 shade -100
33.Design pattern wwe 38 right leg reduce once rotate once place
this under step 32 make it look equal distant between letters
trans 9 color 62,-100 shade -100
34.Design pattern wwe 38 left leg reduce once rotate 3 times
place on boot with the q in klig at the top of diamond that u
put under the boot trans 9 color 62,-100 shade -100
35.Design pattern wwe 38 left leg reduce once rotate once plsce
this under step 34 make it look equal distant between letters
trans 9 color 62,-100 shade -100
36.&37.Design letters alpha 4 page 2 right leg reduce once select
m and p and put on outside of boot color 30,-50 shade -100
38.&39.Design letters alpha 4 page 2 left leg reduce once select
m and p and put on outside of boot color 30,-50 shade -100
40.Body accessory 29 trans -87 color 100,-100

Head 20,100
Neck 25,39,52
Chest 2,87
Shoulder -29,-1,9
Abs 51,25,60
Arms -7,27,-33
Forearms -16,-3,-100
Hands -27,24,-17
Waist 36,-8
Thigh 9,11,100
Legs 8,0,60
Ankles -47,-36

Height 5'7"

Skin colors 5

NAME-Mr. Perfect
RING-Curt Henning
BIOS-man,heavy,face,mister submission
CROWD SIGNS-You choose


Nova (ECW Symbiote) - Created by Zurick

Pics at:

Note: I've fixed the symbiote since this pic.

Skin Color 3

The Face Form
Cheeks 16
Edit 13
Eyebrow: 25/-14
Eyes: -40/-25,-31/-18
Nose: 13/-13,16/-18
Cheek: -4
Mouth: -31/0
Jaw: -19/-23,-23

The Face Itself:
Hair 54: -84/-48,-25
Eyes 10: -5/-3,0
Eyebrows 8: 100,-92/-3,0
Mustache 9: 100,100/11,-5
Mustache 14: 96,-92/14,-11
Pattern 159: Reduce three times. Place on his lips to the right side so it cuts
the beard. Look @ my pics to see about where it goes: 76,-92/24,-44
Pattern 159: Reduce three times. Place on his lips to the left side so it cuts
the beard. Look @ my pics to see about where it goes: 76,-92/24,-44
Accessories 73: 100,-96/-3,0

The Suit:

T-Shirts > One Point 25: -59,100,-33/-100,-100
Upper Body Underwear > Others 3: 53,-100/-40,0
Body Accessories 39: 34,-100/-67,0
Tights > Blank 8: 100,100,20/-48,-100
Wristbands > Blank 6: -55,100,30/-100,-100
Shoes > Blank 11: -41,-100/-100,-100

The Symbiote: (All On Body) (EVERYTHING MADE WHITE!)

The Palp (The Feeler like piece) make 2 of these. 1 on front, 1 on back.
Simple 67: Reduce three time and place on the front and back at the same
location as the pic.

The Legs: ">" Make 12 of these. 6 on the front, 6 on back.
Sign Page 1 of 7 5th row and 5th down. Make these white and place them at the
same whereabout as the pic.

The Spinner (Thing at the ass): "U" make 2 of these. 1 on front, 1 on back.
Font Type 1 Page 1 of 2 The U: Reduce two times and place in area of the pic.

The Abdomenand Thorax: "O" 4 of these. 2 on front, 2 on back.
Font Type 1 Page 1 of 2 The U: Reduce two times and place in area of the pic.

Now You should have some gaps so.....

Numeral Type 1 Page 1: The "1" you'll need is 2nd row 5th down. Make 3 of these
and reduce them each once. Place 2 on the front and 1 on the back. (If done
right the symbiote on the back seems smaller than the one on the front because
it is. Hence why only one "1" is needed here to close the gap)

Height: 6'3"

Head: -49,39
Neck: -48/5,-1
Chest: 23/-5
Shoulder: -100/-26,-12
Abdomen: -43/-10,36
Arms: -36/0,-60
Forearms: -41/-29,-100
Hands: -89/-12,-39
Waist: 9/-38
Thigh: -14/9,-27
Legs: -5/-17,-6
Ankles: -47/-36


Nunzio - Created by Bhangra Man

Pics at:


Skin color: 4, C(-88, 6), S(7)

1.) Skin: 10
2.) Cheeks/Face edit: 9, face model: 7
Eyebrows (20, 7)
Eyes (-33, -38), (28,1)
Nose (-43, 0), (0, -13)
Cheeks (8)
Mouth (-16, 0)
Jaw (14, -5), 5

3.) Eyes : 11, C(-87, -17), S( 0)
4.) Eyebrows: 7, C(-100,-14)
5.) Hair: 20, C(-100,-33), S(-62)
6.) Underwear: blank: 1, C(-31, -62), S(-9) OR

as he has worn this as a optional attire before Underwear> Pattern :30

7.) Face accessories: 73, T(-34), C(-95,-27)
8.) Face >moustache> 21, T(-46), C(-89,25), S(-100)
9.)Design> Face> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, reduce 1*,
T(37), C(24, -85), S(-17) Place On The Left Eyebrow As You See It But On The
Right End Of This Eyebrow To Make The eyebrow bigger see pic
10.) Design> Face> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, reduce 1*,
T(37), C(24, -85), S(-17) place on the right eyebrow as you see it but at the
left end of this eyebrow to make the eyebrow bigger see pic
11.)Face accessories: 2, T(-81), C(-100,-3)

* creating bags under eyes SEE PICS *
12.)Design> Letters> Face> Sign> page 1/7: 4th row , 4th column, reduce 2*,
T(-78) , C(100,-59) place below left eye leave a little gap but place it near
nose without overlapping onto it
13.) Design> Letters> Face> Sign> page 1/7: last row , 4th column, T, rotate
3*, reduce 2*, T(-89), C(-97,67), place to connect half way up with previous
piece without overlapping it
14.) Design> Letters> Face> Sign> page 1/7: 4th row , 4th coloumn, rotate
1*,reduce 2*, T(-78) , C(100,-59) place below right leave a little gap but
place it near nose without overlapping onto it
15.) Design> Letters> Face> Sign> page 1/7: last row , 4th coloumn, rotate
3*reduce 2*, T(-89), C(-97,67), place to connect half way up with previous
piece without overlapping it
16.)Design> Face> Simple pattern: 166, reduce 2*, T(-60), C(-89, 17), S(-16)
place below left eye leave as little space as possible between this and eyes
and move it closer to the nose, this is the darkish rectangle like piece in pic
under eyes SEE PIC
17.) Design> Face> Simple pattern: 166, reduce 2*, T(-60), C(-89, 17), S(-16)
place below right eye leave as little space as possible between this and eyes
and move it closer to the nose, this is the darkish rectangle like piece in pic
under eyes SEE PIC
18.)Face> Moustache> 56> T(-75), C(-96,-3), S(27)
19.)Face> Moustache> 7> T(-1), C(-81,17), S(42)
20.) Design> Face> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, reduce 3*,,
C(-89, -43), S(-49) place one on left nostril to reduce the amount showing up
see pic
21.) Design> Face> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, reduce 3*,,
C(-89, -43), S(-49) place one on right nostril to reduce the amount showing up
see pic
22.)Legs> Kneepads>Blank>1 , C(-94,70), S(34)
23.) Design> left leg> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, C(-25,
100), S(-100) place on side of left kneepad see pic
24.) Design> left leg> Alpabet> First page> last row , third column, C(-25,
100), S(-100) place on side of right kneepad see pic

25.)Design> right arm> simple pattern: 4, reduce 2*, T(-10), C(-48,-40) place
reasonably high on arm away from shoulder though say between shoulder and elbow
26.) Design> right arm> simple pattern: 85, reduce 2*, T(18) , C(0, -22),
S(-23) place below previous piece but it slighty overlap with previous piece
27.) Design> right arm> tattoo: 27, reduce 2*, T(37), C(-96,-45), S(-12) place
half way up previous piece

28.)Feet> Shoes>Blank: 10, L(-62), C(-100, -3), S(40)

Form > Figures

Head (-63), 0
Neck (-33,-38) , 68
Chest (-48, -3)
Shoulder (-100, -49), -12
Abdomen (-22, 44), 36
Arms (-35,-11), -100
Forearms (-43, -24), -97
Hands (-92, -37), -59
Waist (9, -38)
Thighs (-25,-9), -87
Legs (-13,-25), -73
Ankles (-47,-36)

Height 6’ 3” **** Height to compensate for figure adjustment makes him about
spikes height in game****


Owen Hart - Created by Sir Wadealot

Pics at:

(My only gripe is that I can't get rid of the stripe down his side.
But, I'd rather have that then not give him a RVD style singlet)

Skin 1
Face edit/cheek 16/face model 26
Eyebrow -9/0
Eyes -26/0/-47/-5
Nose -44/18/0/0
Cheek 0
Mouth -100/4
Jaw 0/3/0

Eyes 28 17/-9/12
Eyebrows 25 78/-100/-50/0
Hair 17 -89/16/-14
Mustache 23 53/-88/-3/0
Mustache 35 -37/-89/-3/0
Use these commas to create rings under his eyes. Rotate them and place
Trust me, it will look right.
Design/letters/face/alphabet font 6 (comma ,) 100/-78/-22/-49
Design/letters/face/alphabet font 6 (comma ,) 100/-78/-22/-49
Costume/others 4 100/-71/-100/40
Tights/blank 1 100/100/25/-100/-100
Socks/blank 1 86/100/31/-1/17
Socks/blank 1 83/100/-76/27/100
Socks/blank 1 75/100/-88/-12/-8
Shoes/blank 12 -50/-100/-40/0
Knee pads/blank 3 100/25/-69/-84
Here is how you create the design on his tights. The order of layering is
First, you want to create the blue background. Layer two patterns side by side.
Design/pattern/body/simple 68 100/21/100/-3 (reduce once)
Now layer two more underneath that pattern, but closer together this time.
Design/pattern/body/simple 68 100/21/100/-3 (reduce once)
Okay, on top of the blue, layer two of the orange patterns side by side.
Place them towards the top of the blue pattern, with the blue sticking out from
the sides and top.
Design/pattern/body/simple 68 100/-78/88/48 (reduce once )
4) now place the heart in the middle of the entire pattern.
Design/pattern/body/simple 140 100/-78/88/48 large heart (reduce once for legs,
twice for chest)
5) place another heart in the center of the first one to finish the pattern.
Design/pattern/body/simple 140 100/-59/-100/-100 (reduce twice for legs, three
times for chest)

I hope no one has too much trouble with this, I've tried to make it as simple
to understand as I can. You may find it easier to place the hearts first so you
can get a better idea of how you're going to place the other patterns. Then
when you are done, just move the hearts to the bottom of the list.

Skin Color 5

Head -41/19
Neck 2/0/100
Chest 38/1
Shoulder -83/-1/4
Abdomen -13/12/65
Arms -27/0/-15
Forearms -10/-10/-100
Hands -67/1/-30
Waist 15/-33
Thigh 9/-9/-45
Legs 5/-17/-6
Ankles -41/-45 6’2” (looks right with figures)


Perry Saturn - Created by Born2Box

Pics at:

Base Male Average:

Name- Perry Saturn
Nickname- Saturn

Skin colour- 5
Face- 18 Model- 18

Base edit:
Eyes- 18,90,-3,0
Eyebrow- 18,-92,-3,0
Hair- none
Underwear- blank 1,23,53,-100
Skin- 5
Mustache 18,100,-72,-3,0
Pattern pic- 72 reduce 1x place in centre just below chest 26,31,-12,0
Pattern simple 166 place over top of medal 100,-91,75,-52
Pattern 102 simple on right side of chest above the nipple reduce 1x
Pattern simple 100 place on left pec centered reduce 1x -10,23,12,10
Pattern 16 simple place just on but slightly under pattern 100 byut still
Above nipple
Reduce 2x -42,33,-11,0
Tattoo back 17, -37,16,1,100
Spell saturn just like it is in pics reduce 2x
Alphabet type 4 -29,24,-24,45
Patterns tatts 5 place on outer left forearm -26,19,4,100
Pattern tattoo 5 place on upper middle arm -31,20,-8,32
Pattern27 simple place on upper left forearm over pattern 5- -51,53,-3,0
Pattern 5 tattoo place on right outer/front forearm -35,17,-27,74
Pattern 5 tattoo place on outside upper middle right arm -37,20,-3,100
Pattern simple 12 place on upper right shoulder -28,16,-3,100
Pattern simple 12 place on upper right shoulder -28,16,-3,100
Pattern simple 8 place on outer right elbow -12,19,-3,0 reduce 2x
Simple 12 place on upper left shoulder -34,18,3,23
Simple 12 place on outside back/side elbow reduce 2X -7,18,-3,0
Shoes- blank 13,-54,-100,-3,0
Kneepads- blank 6,100,-100,-77,-100
Pattern 143 simple reduce 1X plce on front of trunks 100,34,-100,-100
Pattern 143 simple reduce 2X place on front of trunks slightly under the
Last one and off to the left
Pattern simple 145 reduce 1X place on right side of trunks 100,34,-100,-100
Pattern 145 simple place on opther side of trunks 100,34,-100,-100
Pattern simple 143 on left butt cheek joining patter 145 100,27,-100,-100
Pattern simple 143 on back right butt cheek 100,27,-100,-100
Pattern simple 25 place high on front/side shoulder -29,26,-3,0 reduce 1X
Pattern simple 12 place on inside right shoulder filling the gap just a
Little bit reduce 1X -29,26,-3,0
Gloves 25, default
Wristbands- blank 2,-77,-100,-3,0
Refer to pictures for pattern placement!!

Height- 6'3"- real life height

Head- 10,46
Neck- 4,6,68
Chest- 33,29
Shoulders- -8,-31,9
Abs- 6,-22,-14
Arms- -29,-12,-64
Forearms- -28,-7,-67
Hands- -85,-12,-36
Waist- 0,-36
Thighs- -12,-13,-33
Legs- -5,-4,6
Ankles- 15,17


Pete Gas (of Mean Street Posse) - Created By: ArtyNerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Miscellaneous 4 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: chiefwahoo2
Translator's Website: N/A
Translator's Email: dschimming@buckeye-express.com


1. Skin 1
2 Cheeks Face Edit 23 Model 18
Eyebrows -61,-5
Eyes 21,-22,-12,-8
Nose -74,40,0,-24
Cheek 14
Mouth 63,-29
Jaw 39,65,-34
3. Eyes 14 -89,-27 Shade -21
4. Eyebrows 49 Trans 59 Color -90,-100
5. Hair 16
6. Underwear 1
7. Shirts Blank 18 Buttoned Length -10 Color 9,93 Shade -100
8. Vest Blank 12 Buttoned Color 38,-100 Shade -29
9. Shoes Blank 14
10. Mustache 16 Trans -85 Color -95,-100 Shade 37
11. Pants Blank 1 Color -74,33 Shade -34
12. Body Accessory 9 Color 28,20 Shade -100
13. Face Accessory 15 Trans -48 Color -71,-100
14. Design letters sign font1 page 1 face select (.) place on edge of left side
of bottom lip it should be touching color -92,45 shade -49
15.Same Design As Step 14 But Place On Right Side Of Bottom Lip Like In Prev
Step Color -92,45 shade -49
16. Facial Accessory 23 Trans -60 Color -92,-100

****Steps 17-20 Is Design Letters Sign Font1 Page 1 Face Select (/) Reduce
17. Place On Edge Of Figs Right Eyebrow The Edge Opposite Of Nose 9 spaces from
top highest point in which u can go trans 56 color -91,-100 shade -100
18. Place Exactly On Step 17 But Move Down One Space Under It Trans 56 color
-91,-100 shade -100
19. Place On Edge Of Figs Left Eyebrow The Edge Opposite Of Nose 9 spaces from
top highest point in which u can go trans 45 color -91,-100 shade -100
20.Place Exactly On Step 19 But Move Down One Space Under It Trans 56 Color
-91,-100 Shade -100

****This Basically Makes His Eyebrows Longer The Top Edge Of / Should Actually
Be Touching Eyebrow

****Steps 21-24 Are Design Letters Sign Font1 Page 1 Face Select (.)
21. Place Centered As High As Possible Then Move 7 Spaces Right Should Connect
With His Left Eyebrow Trans 45 Color -89,-100 Shade -77
22. Place Centered As High As Possible Then Move 7 Spaces Left Should Connect
With His Right Eyebrow Trans 45 Color -89,-100 Shade -77
23. Reduce Once Place Centered As High As Possible Then Move 8 Spaces Left And
5 Spaces Down Trans 45 Color -89,-100 Shade -77
24. Reduce Once Place Centered As High As Possible Then Move 5 Spaces Down And
8 Spaces Right Trans 45 Color -89,-100 Shade -77
25. Design Pattern Simple 157 Face Reduce Twice Place Centered As High As
Possible Then Move 19 Spaces Right And 17 Spaces Down Should Be Over His Eye
Trans -68 Color -89,-100
26. Design Pattern Simple 157 Face Reduce Twice Place Centered As High As
Possible Then Move Down 17 Spaces And Left 19 Spaces Trans -68 Color -89,-100

****Steps 27 And 28 Are Design Letters Sign Font1 Page 1 Face Select This
Symbol ( Reduce Once Rotate Once Trans -17 Color -90,-100
27. Place 3 Spaces Above One Of His Eyes Centered Should Be A Few Spaces Below
28. Place 3 Spaces Above Opposite Eye Centered Should Be A Few Spaces Below

Head 1,100
Neck 24,45,-98
Chest 33,52
Shoulder -41,-8,-9
Abs 24,53,100
Arms -9,25,-58
Forearms -10,-1,-100
Hands -56,22,-31
Waist 48,-3
Thigh -25,-9,-100
Legs -13,-25,-6
Ankles -47,-36

Height 6'6"

Skin colors 3

Name-pete gas
Bios-man,heavy,heel,handsome boy
Crowd signs-u choose
Ability-power 3,2 speed 3,2 tech 3,2 rough 3,2


Ravishing Rick Rude - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated by NoLiMiT

Skin color: 3 ?

Skin: 2
Cheek: Edit: 18 Model: 11
Eyebrow: 8,8
Eyes: -26,-23,-8,-86
Nose: -51,0,-30,14
Cheek: 0
Mouth: -18,0
Jaw: 30,32,1

Eyes: 13 (-92,-25,0)
Eyebrows: 40 (100,-89,-3,0)
Hair: 21 (100,-82,0)
Underwear: pattern: 40 (16,-3,0)

Face Pattern
Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I turn: 1 (100,-79,-91,70)
place under is nose (as mustache)

Pattern: simple: 166 reduce: 2 (-51,21,-100,0)
place under his lower lip

Mustache: 20 (14,-86,53,-100)
Mustache: 6 (100,-87,-3,0)
Shirts: others: 3 (-100,-59,-3,14,37)
body Accessories: 27 (-14,100,-62,0)
Tights: pattern: 28 (100,100,-1,37,11)

Right Arm Pattern
Pattern: Tattoo: 39 reduce: 1 (-26,-16,-100,99)
place on his right upper arm

Face Pattern
Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/7: ( (-53,23,-100,-100)
place on your left side of his mouth
top of this pattern should be a littler higher
then the mustache

Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/7: ( turn: 2 (-53,23,-100,-100)
place on your right side of his mouth top of this pattern should be a littler
higher then the mustache

face Accessories: 23 (-39,-100,-100,0)

Face Pattern
Pattern: simple: 166 reduce: 3 turn: 1 (100,-89,77,-49)
cover up the lower mustache part on the left side of his mouth

Pattern: simple: 166 reduce: 3 turn: 1 (100,-89,77,-49)
cover up the lower mustache part on the right side of his mouth

Body Pattern
Pattern: simple: 157 reduce: 2 (100,-90,43,-48)
center on chest and move all the way up then 10 steps down and 25 steps to your

Pattern: simple: 157 reduce: 2 (100,-90,43,-48)
center on chest and move all the way up then 11 steps down and 23 steps to your

Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 1 (100,-90,43,-48)
place on his right body side (side view) and move it all the way up

Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 1 (100,-90,43,-48)
place on his left body side (side view) and move it all the way up

face Accessories: 88 (-92,18,-100,-99)
body Accessories: 28 (-73,-98,-100,0)

Body Pattern

Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 3 turn: 3 (-42,-89,100,-47)
center on chest then move all the way up now move 7 steps to your left

Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 3 turn: 1 (-42,-89,100,-47)
center on chest then move all the way up now move 7 steps to your right

Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (-67,-89,100,-47)
center on chest then move all the way up now move 5 steps down

Underwear: others: 9 (100,83,100,55)
Socks: pattern: 36 (100,100,100,70,0)
Socks: pattern: 30 (69,100,-63,100,48)

Body Pattern
Pattern: simple: 166 (100,-69,51,0)
center it and move all the way down to cover up the blue part on the pants

Socks: blank: 2 (41,100,73,16,-22)

Body Pattern
place these 4 pattern around his Tights

Pattern: WWE: 21 turn: 2 (100,95,100,0)
center on front & move all the way down

Pattern: WWE: 21 (100,95,100,0)
center on back & move all the way down now move 5 steps up

Pattern: WWE: 21 (100,95,100,0)
place on his left side move all the way down now move 3 steps up. The H of this
Hulkamania should be over the u of the Hulkamania on the front

Pattern: WWE: 21 (100,95,100,0)
place on his right side move all the way down now move 3 steps up. The a of
this Hulkamania should be connect with the a of the Hulkamania on the front

Tights: pattern: 36 (100,-1,-100,-50,-100)
Socks: one point: 3 (-18,100,19,-37,0)
Socks: others: 8 (100,14,-100,-100)

Name: Rick Rude
Ring Name: "Ravishing"
Nick Name: Rick Rude

Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Heel, Handsome Boy

Sign 1: Others: Page: 1/4: "Sexy"
Sign 2: Others: Page: 3/4: "Marry Me"

Powerful: 1,2
Speedy: 4,2
Technical: 4,3
Rough Neck: 3,1

Logic: Brawler, Grappler

Height: 5'3"

Head: 23,100
Neck: 18,18,79
Chest: 100,100
Shoulder: 12,-8,42
Abdomen: 45,5,100
Arms: 5,33,-45
Forearms: 3,3,-100
Hands: -16,41,-20
Waist: 32,0
Thigh: 7,17,100
Legs: 3,-2,100
Ankles: 30,12


Rey Mysterio - Created by Ceilican (www.ceilican.co.uk)

Pics at:

*** Please note it is essential that the pieces are layered as I layer them
here to avoid pieces overlapping incorrectly ***

*** The character '*' in place of a number in the formula indicates that the
figure is either not alterable on that piece, or that the value for that piece
does not matter (eg. a color setting when color has been set to -100 on that
piece) ***

Male Average


Face Edit - Skin 17 - Face Model 22
Eyes (-10/0) (-10/-10)
Nose (30/20) (-50/10)
Mouth (-10/10)
Jaw (-10/43) (0)
Skin 4

-- LAYERS --
Face - Mustache 5 (100,97,-3,0)
Face - Paint 74 (100,-92,45,-15)
Face - Mask 74 (100,100,30,15)
Face - Mask 73 (100,-100,45,0)
Body - Tattoo 25 (30,20,-20,-20)
Design - Right Arm - Simple 101 *reduce once, then position high on his
shoulder* (10,20,10,30)
Design - Right Arm - Letters - Japanese - Font 8 - Second row, first column
*reduce twice and place inside the previous piece* (40/20/10/30)
Design - Right Arm - WWE 42 *position below the previous piece but above elbow
pads* (10,20,10,30)
Design - Right Arm - Simple 102 * as low as you can on the arm, rotated so its
in line with the ones above* (10,20,10,30)
Design - Right Arm - Word 105 *reduce once, rotate three times, then position
it on the inside of his bicep* (30,20,-20,-20)
Design - Left Arm - Simple 102 *reduce once, then position high on his
shoulder* (10,20,10,30)
Design - Left Arm - Simple 100 *position below the previous piece, it will
slightly run under the elbow pads when you add them* (10,20,10,30)
Design - Left Arm - Word 141 *reduce once, rotate once, then position it on the
inside of his bicep* (30,20,-20,-20)
Arm - Elbow Pads - Both - Blank 1 (100,100,70,-5)
Arm - Wrist Bands - Both - Blank 6, Length -80 (100,30,-74,-100)
Hands - Gloves - Both - Gloves 13 (*/*/40/-100)
Hands - Gloves - Both - Gloves 16 (*/100/-10/80)
Legs - Pants - Others 13 (*/100/30/20)
Design - Left Leg - Numeral - Type 3 *spell 619 down the outside of his leg
using the top set of numbers* (*/*/100/-100)
Design - Left Leg - Numeral - Type 3 *make a copy of the previous piece,
exactly over the first, and then change the colors on it to* (*/40/-100/-50)
Feet - Shoes - Blank 14 (*/*/-10/-100)

SKIN COLOR -(-90/-4/8)

Head (20) (73)
Neck (-54/-3 (-34)
Chest (69/29)
Shoulder (-60,0) (-15)
Abdomen (12/19) (36)
Arms (-15/20) (-20)
Forearms (-12/-5) (-85)
Hands (-67/20) (-54)
Waist (52/-54)
Thigh (25/35) (-25)
Legs (30/0) (-5)
Ankles (-30/-30)


Name - Rey Mysterio
Ring Name - None
Nick Name - None
Biography - Man, Cruiser, Super Face, Mexican Superstar
Ability - P 1/3, S 4/4, T 2/4, R 1/3 (22)
Logic - Luchadore, Luchadore


Road Dogg - Created by Born 2 Box

Pics at:

Base Male Average:
Name- Jessie James
Nickname- Road Dogg
Skin colour- 2

Face (14) Model (14)

Base edit
Eyes- (14,-93,-3,0)
Eyebrow- (14,-93,-3,0)
Hair- (14,-96,-3,0)
Underwear- default
Mustache- (7,-100,-3,0)
T-shirts- one point(16,-92,68,-29,-60)
T-shirts- others (11,-95,29,-22,-41)
Tights- blank 1, 25,-32,-87
Shoes- blank 12,-26,33,-32,-70
Socks- others 7,-25,-24,-15
Pattern- wwe 45,-59,-3,0 on both socks
Pattern- wwe 48,-34,50,-21 on both socks
Spell road vertically on right leg
Spell dogg vertically on left leg
Pattern- wwe 46, -30,0,-34- above road and dogg on tights
Elbow pads blank 11, 31, -79, -54
Pattern- simple 46, 42,21,-3, -29- left forearm
Pattern- simple 68,31,21,-3,-29 - left forearm
Glove- 25,-100,-3,0
Wrist bands- blank 2, -48,-100,-3,0
Pattern- tatoo 35,26,-2,-51,-84- right arm below elbow
Patter- picture 43,29,16,-100,-100 - below shoulders on both arms
All patterns please refer to picture for proper placement

Height 6'3"

Head- (5,53)
Neck- (-37,11,0)
Chest- (-2,14)
Shoulders- (-54,-28,-9)
Abs- (4,6,30)
Arms- (-49,-5,-58)
Forearms- (-25,-11,-73)
Hands- (-89,-12,-39)
Waist- (-4,-30)
Thighs- (25,11,-9)
Legs- (-12,-6,33)
Ankles- (39,-1)


The Rock (Alt. Attires) - Created by Dan Fookes

Old Attire: www.cheatsforplaystation2.com/wwe/rock1.jpg
New-look: www.cheatsforplaystation2.com/wwe/rock.jpg


Skin Color (-86,-24,6)

Layer List:
Skin 8
Cheeks - Face Edit - Cheeks 9 - Face Model 15
Eyebrows (12,13)
Eyes (0,0)(12,100)
Nose (41,25)(-9,15)
Cheeks (12)
Mouth (-40,12)
Jaw (-26,-38)(-17)

Eyes 28 (-92,-38,0)
Eyebrows 9 (100,-89,-100,0)
Hair 4 (-91,-33,0)
Underwear (Default)

Mustache 7 (-1,-100,-3,-100)
Mustache 4 (-50,-100,11,-100)
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x)(-75,21,-100,0) Place under bottom lip
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x)(-89,21,-16,-100) Place this to the
side of his lips on HIS left side. I don’t know what it is, but the ingame
version has it
Accessories 65 (32,-85,-62,0)
Pattern - Simple 166 (Rotate 1x)(-81,21,-100,0) Place directly on nose as high
as possible
Accessories 72 (100,-96,-27,3)

The next two layers are full-stops to cover up his nostrils a bit so they
aren’t quite so prominent:
Face - Letters - Alphabet (Font Type 1 - 3 across and 6 down)(100,-88,-20,-33)
Place over part of left nostril on outer edge
Face - Letters - Alphabet (Font Type 1 - 3 across and 6 down)(100,-88,-20,-33)
Place over part of right nostril on outer edge

The next four patterns make the “frown” inbetween the eyebrows. Essentially
from his right eye to his left eye it goes “/][\” (You’ll see what I mean)
1) Face - Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across, 4 down) “/” (Reduce 3x, Rotate
1x) Place going from his right eyebrow down to where you can see a feint frown
line already (-82,23,-100,0)
2) Face - Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, 2 across and 6 down) (Look like an
“r”)(Reduce 1x, Rotate 2x) Place joining on from previous pattern over the
frown line nearest his right eye (-82,23,-100,0)
3) Face - Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, 3 across and 5 down) “[“ (Reduce 3x)
Place over frown line nearest his left eye (-82,23,-100,0)
4) Face - Letters - Sign (Page 1 of 7, 4 across, 4 down) “/” (Reduce 3x) Place
going previous pattern to his left eyebrow (-82,23,-100,0)

Body Parts:
Pattern - Right Arm - Tattoo 42 (Reduce 1x)(10,2,-77,-100) Place halfway
between shoulder and elbow, on side of arm
Shoes - Blank 12 (-49,-100,-46,0)
Pants - Blank 12 (-92,-37,-50)


Old-look Rock - TEAM BRING IT T-Shirt: (Add these parts)
T-Shirt - Blank 1 (-87,100,30,-3,-100)
Pattern - Body - WWE 3 (28,97,-96,-100) Place on centre of back as high as
Pattern - Body - WWE 10 (100,-99,-3,-100) Place on front so it fits on shirt


New Look Rock:

Hair to 1 (No Hair)
Cheeks - Face Edit - Cheeks 9 - Face Model 15
Eyebrows (12,13)
Eyes (0,39)(12,100)
Nose (41,2)(-9,15)
Cheeks (12)
Mouth (-40,12)
Jaw (-26,-38)(-17)

Belt 9 (100,-86,-100,0)
The next three patterns make the buckle on the belt: (See pic)
Body - Pattern - Simple 159 (Reduce 3x)(100,-68,27,-30) Place over belt buckle
in centre
Body - Pattern - Simple 157 (Reduce 3x)(100,-67,14,-41) Place to OUR left of
previous pattern so that only half of circle sticks out
Body - Pattern - Simple 157 (Reduce 3x)(100,-67,14,-41) Place on opposite side
of square so only half of circle sticks out
Body - Pattern - WWE 58 (Reduce 3x)(100,-100,-100,0) Place on belt buckle
Left Arm - Pattern - Tattoo 10 (-45,41,-3,-22) Place on shoulder so half is
visible from front
Vest - Blank 1 (Press Circle once) (100,-100,-43,-16)


Head (-41,100)
Neck (-57,-38)(-44)
Chest (-2,14)
Shoulder (-66,-11)(-12)
Abdomen (-12,-23)(36)
Arms (-44,12)(-68)
Forearms (-43,-5)(-100)
Hands (-89,-12)(-39)
Waist (2,-29)
Thigh (-17,-16)(-15)
Legs (0,-21)(-6)
Ankles (-47,-36)

Height: 6’8”


Rodney Mack - Created by Mad Dog Turner

Pics at:

Skin Color 5 (-89,-6,2)

Hair 23 (-82,-46,17)

Eyebrows 40 no change (25,-89,17,-8)

Eyes 7 (100,-9,-5)

(Face Edit) 22 model 18

Eyebrow (38,-2)
Eyes (-19,-7,-11,-42)
Nose (-58,18,-12,-28)
Cheek (7)
Mouth (-49,6)
Jaw (-37,13,-2)

Skin 5

Underwear Blank 1 (100,-32,13)
Mustache 23 (100,100,-17,79)
Mustache 56 (100,-88,-3,0)
Pattern Simple 91 Left Arm Reduce Once Outside Arm On Bicep (17,23,-25,28)
Pattern Simple 92 Right Arm Reduce Once Rotate Once Outside Arm On Bicep
Pattern Picture 104 Body On His Right Pectoral Reduce Twice (-40,-88,-100,5)
Pattern Simple 102 Body On His Left Pectoral Rotate Once Reduce Three Times
Pattern Simple 154 Right Arm Put Touching And Under "Pattern92" Rotate Twice
reduce once (60,-89,-16,1)
Gloves Both 12 (-73,-100,-100)
Wristbands Others 19 (-57,100,-100,-25,-100)
4x Letters Signs Page 2 "Sideways V" Body Rotate Two Of Them Twice Stack Them
to make the "X" on the back of his shorts (100,23,100,-100)
Letters Alphabet Font 2 "Sic Em" Body Reduce Three Times Put On The Back Of his
shorts with "SIC" on the left side of the "X" and "EM" on the right side
Kneepads Blank 1 (100,100,100,100)
Kneepads Blank 1 (-59,25,-100,-100)
2x Pattern Simple 171 Each Leg Reduce Twice Put On Front Of Each Kneepad
2x Letters Sign Page 6 "E With The 2 Dots" Each Leg Combine With The Patterns
"171" with the dots above to completes the paws (100,23,100,-100)
Pattern Simple 171 Body Reduce Three Times Put On The Front Of His Trunks On
"HIS" left leg side (100,-92,100,-100)
Letters - sign page 1 "..." body reduce once put just above the pattern "171"
on his trunks (100,23,100,-100)
Shoes Onepoint 23 (-45,-13,-4,14)
Shoes Others 1 (-100,-27,8)
Letters Alphabet Font 3 Body Reduce Three Times Put In A Slight Arch Across the
top of his back "RODNEY" (-6,20,-67,100)

Form :
Head (-63,-6)
Neck (-33,11,52)
Chest (58,24)
Shoulder (-58,11,4)
Abdomen (-9,-10,-3)
Arms (-32,-18,-68)
Forearms (-47,-23,-67)
Hands (-89,-9,-54)
Waist (15,-31)
Thigh (-14,2,-75)
Legs (-1,-18,-66)
Ankles (-64,-29)

Height 6' 4"


Sabu - Created by GuCaw

Pics at:


Base Edit
Cheeks - Face edit - Face 20 - Face model 22
Eyebrow (4/-3)
Eyes (-20/-84/-36/-69)
Nose (0/38/100/-76)
Cheeks (0)
Mouth (0/-9)
Jaw (0/20/0)

Skin 1
Eyes 6 (-90/-3/0)
Eyebrows 27 (100/-95/-45/0)
Hair 54 (-77/-61/-18)
Mustache 2 (100/-98/-3/0)
Mustache 8 (32/-88/-3/0)
Accessories face 2 (100/-88/70/96)
Tights blank 1 (100/100/-30/62/0)
Tights blank 8 (100/40/-41/79/81)
Shoes blank 10 (-73/-34/30/-84)
Belts 34 (100/16/100/-100)
Pattern picture 87 place on back of belt (100/-99/67/-100)
Elbowpads other left only 5 (100/-76/100/-100)
Alphabet font 5 2/2 s-a-b-u shrink to fit on arm band(100/23/-100/-100)
Wristband blank 1 (-81/100/23/-3/-100)

**scar time**
Alphabet sign 1/7 fourth row, second from right, reduce once, place on
Alphabet sign 1/7 third row, right, place on left pec (-64/-96/6/0)
Alphabet sign 1/7 third row, right, place on left arm, top of
Alphabet sign 1/7 third row, right, place on left arm, bottom of
Alphabet sign 1/7 third row, right, place on right bicep, to the
Alphabet sign 1/7 third row, right, place on right bicep, connect with Last

Skin color (-92/-19/10)

Head (-74/33)
Neck (-15/-2/-7)
Chest (-100/-3)
Shoulder (-100/-23/-45)
Abdomen (-9/-23/12)
Arms (-53/0/-52)
Forearms (-50/-29/-85)
Hands (-89/-12/-39)
Waist (9/-38)
Thigh (2/9/-27)
Legs (31/-1/-6)
Ankles (-47/-36)

Due to resizing body parts, height may, or may not be true to form
Height 6'5"


Scott Hall - Created by SSJ X Vegeta

Pics at:

Hair 7 (-100,-3/0)
Eyebrows 7 (84/-100,-3/0)
Eyes 7 (-95,-14/0)
Cheek 7 Model 7
Moustache 7 (100/-100,-3/0)
Body Accessories 25 (73/-98,-69/0)
Body Accessories 29 (73/-98,-69/0)
Body Accessories 31 (-23/-97,-100/0)
Underwear - Blank 6 (-13,-54/-100)
Pattern-WWE-Body-65-(Place on underwear)
Elbowpad-Both-Blank-1 (100/-6,-61/-100)
Kneepads-Both-Blank-1 (100/-34,-93/-100)
Shoes-Blank-11 (-37/-100,6/-100)

Head (-41/19)
Neck (-54/-38/68)
Chest (12/0)
Shoulder (-45/-37/-12)
Abdomen (-10/2/36)
Arms (-25/11/9)
Forearms (-27/-22/-88)
Hands (-89/-12/-39)
Waist (34/-39)
Thighs (5/-9/-27)
Legs (-5/-18/-6)
Ankles (-47/-36)

Height 6’7

Skin Color 3

Moves: Moveset 9


Scott Steiner - Created by Ceilican (www.ceilican.co.uk)

Pics at:

*** Please note it is essential that the pieces are layered as I layer them
here to avoid pieces overlapping incorrectly ***

*** The character '*' in place of a number in the formula indicates that the
figure is either not alterable on that piece, or that the value for that piece
does not matter (eg. a color setting when color has been set to -100 on that
piece) ***

Male Average

Head - Hair 18 (*,-75,59,24)
Face - Eyebrows 6 (70,-78,40,60)
Face - Eyes 6 (*,-90,-3,0)

Face Edit - Skin 7 - Face Model 19
Eyebrow (12/-30)
Eyes (1/-7) (-34/-70)
Nose (-25/28) (62/0)
Cheek (-23)
Mouth (10/20)
Jaw (20/40) (-18)

-- LAYERS --
Face - Mustache 6 (100,-78,90,-25)
Face - Mustache 58 (100,-79,88,-35)
Body - Skin 5
Legs - Tights - Blank 1, Length 100 (100,*,-50,-100)
Feet - Shoes - Blank 12, Length -55 (*,*,-30,-100)
***Now for the huge numbers of design pieces to be placed***
Design - Face - Simple 158 *reduce three times, rotate twice, and place on his
chin a little way under his lips as the top of the dark goatee*
Design - Face - Simple 166 *reduce once, rotate once, and place on his chin
overlapping the triangle as the main part of his dark goatee* (100,*,-38,-100)
Design - Body - Letters - Alphabet Font 1 *reduce twice and write 'BIG POPPA
PUMP' over his ass, with each word appearing just below the last*
Design - Body - Letters - Numeral - Font Page 3, Middle Font *place the '0' on
the front of his tights, reduce it once, then move it a little to the left as
you look at it* (100,100,5,-10)
Design - Body - Letters - Numeral - Font Page 5, Bottom Font *put '69' inside
the previous piece with the 6 high to the left and the 9 low to the right,
you`ll need to reduce three times to fit it in* (100,100,5,-10)
**Now for the hard part - the Superman logo on the side of his tights. I make
this by making a red diamond, then putting two smaller black diamonds inside to
make it look hollow, then I flatten the top with two rectangles, one red and
one black to trim off the top of the diamond. An 'S' then goes inside.***
Design - Body - Simple 139 *reduce once and put on the side of his right thigh,
not quite as low as you can make it* (100,100,-15,20)
Design - Body - Simple 139 *reduce twice and put this piece inside the previous
piece, slightly below the middleto leave a thin red line around the bottom
half* (100,*,-100,-100)
Layer List - Copy the previous piece - *move this piece so that it is slightly
above the middle of the red diamond leaving the same thin red line around the
top half* (100,*,-100,-100)
Design - Body - Simple 166 *reduce three times and place this bar so that it
joins the diamond over the top half* (100,100,45,-10)
Design - Body - Simple 166 *reduce once and use this bar to cover over the top
of the previous piece and the red diamond that doesnt fit the superman shape at
the top of the tights* (100,*,-45,-100)
Design - Body - Letters - Alphabet Font 1 *reduce twice and put an 'S' inside
the superman shape* (100,100,5,-15)
***Now repeat these six steps on the other thigh***


Head (30) (80)
Neck (-10/24) (-49)
Chest (89/24)
Shoulder (-54/19) (-15)
Abdomen (0/5) (36)
Arms (-17/18) (-68)
Forearms (-30/-10) (-100)
Hands (-30/10) (-60)
Waist (25/-30)
Thigh (9/9) (-87)
Legs (-12/-5) (-80)
Ankles (-25/-35)

6'6" (because of modification to leg length)

Name - Scott Steiner
Ring Name - None
Nick Name - Big Poppa Pump
Biography - Man, Heavy, Face, Big Daddy
Ability - P 3/3, S 1/2, T 4/3, R 3/3 (22)
Logic - Grappler, Balanced

Moves: Moveset 10


Sgt Slaughter - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated by NoLiMiT

Skin: 1
Cheek: Edit: 3 Model: 4
Eyebrow: -3,36
Eyes: 0,-100,-14,-68
Nose: -51,56,-11,-100
Cheek: 10
Mouth: -7,-12
Jaw: 51,87,4

Eyes: 31 (-100,-20,0)
Eyebrows: 4 (100,-95,-95,0)
Hair: 129 (-93,-41,-5)
Underwear: blank: 1 (23,-3,0)
T-Shirts: pattern: 3 (-42,100,-39,-40,-100)
T-Shirts: blank: 1 (-40,-20,-53,-53,100)
Costume: blank: 1 press O to get 2 Sleeves (100,56,-72,-100)
Tights: blank: 6 (100,100,-73,100,100)
Tights: blank: 7 (100,60,-98,27,-100)
Belts: 46 (25,-89,-100,36)
Elbow Pads: blank: 1 (100,100,40,21)

Body Pattern
use these six pattern as Belt latches
place 2 on front, 2 on back, 1 on right side, 1 on left side

Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 reduce: 3 (100,-78,45,-55)
Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 reduce: 3 (100,-78,45,-55)
Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 reduce: 3 (100,-78,45,-55)
Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 reduce: 3 (100,-78,45,-55)
Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 reduce: 3 (100,-78,45,-55)
Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 reduce: 3 (100,-78,45,-55)

Wrist Bands: blank: 11 (-61,100,31,-79,-100)
Shoes: one point: 12 (-68,-62,-33)

Right Leg Pattern
make a line on back of the boot
Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 reduce: 1 (100,21,-32,-100)
Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 reduce: 1 (100,21,-32,-100)

Left Leg Pattern
make a line on back of the boot
Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 reduce: 1 (100,21,-32,-100)
Pattern: Simple: 166 turn: 1 reduce: 1 (100,21,-32,-100)

Mustache: 6 (100,-86,37,-19)

Face Pattern
Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 3 turn: 2 (100,-93,66,-48) cover up the lower part
of the mustache on your right

Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 3 turn: 2 (100,-93,66,-48) cover up the lower part
of the mustache on your left

Mustache: 20 (100,-92,100,-20)

Face Pattern
Pattern: Simple: 166 reduce: 2 (-64,-92,-100,0) place 3 steps under his mouth

Pattern: WWE: 21 reduce: 1 (3,91,-100,-47) place over his upper lip (as

Left Leg Pattern
Pattern: Picture: 57 reduce: 3 (100,-77,-100,-59) place on the side of the
boot. 6 steps down from the top

Right Leg Pattern
Pattern: Picture: 57 reduce: 3 (100,-78,-100,-59) place on the side of the
boot. 6 steps down from the top

Face Pattern
Connect The 2 Pattern In The Middle Of The Back Head
Pattern: Simple: 159 (9,-91,41,-44) all the way down. move 19 steps up

Pattern: Simple: 159 (9,-91,41,-44) all the way down. move 19 steps up

Connect The 2 Pattern In The Middle Of The Back Head
Pattern: Simple: 159 (9,-91,41,-44) all the way down

Pattern: Simple: 159 (9,-91,41,-44) all the way down

Face Accessories: 23 (-34,-100,-100,0)

Face Pattern
Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I turn: 1 (10,-89,-6,-51) place over upper
lip (as mustache)

Mustache: 29 (100,-87,11,-31)

Height: 6'6"

Head: -12,13
Neck: 21,23,68
Chest: 84,59
Shoulder: -12,-6,23
Abdomen: 45,96,54
Arms: 0,36,-45
Forearms: 1,3,-100
Hands: -5,35,-26
Waist: 59,-1
Thigh: 7,12,-51
Legs: 20,3,100
Ankles: -47,-36

Skin color: 3 ?

Name: Sgt. Slaughter
Nick Name: Slaughter
Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Super Heel, American Superstar

Sign 1: Others: Page: 3/4: "It's True" (w/ American flag)
Sign 2: Others: Page: 3/4: "It's True" (w/ American flag)

Powerful: 2,4
Speedy: 2,3
Technical: 2,2
Rough Neck: 4,4

Logic: Brawler, Brawler


Shane McMahon - Created by Bhangra Man

Pics at:


Skin color: 4, C(-86,16)

1.)Skin 1
2.)Cheeks -Face edit- 3, Face model:1

3.)Eyes: 3, C(-86,-3),S(0)
4.)Eyebrows : 5, C(97,-13)
5.)Hair: 20, C(-100,-38),S(-27)
7.)Face- moustache: 21, T(-51), C(-90,-3),S(-100)
8.)Face accessories: 73, T(-23),C(-93,-27)
9.)Face accessories: 8, T(-43),C(-95,-17),S(49)
10.)Design- Face - Pattern:WWE: 42, reduce 1*, rotate 2*, T(-75),C(34,-56)
place just on chin barely visible
11.)Design- Face -Simple Pattern: 135,reduce 3*,T(-76),C(-93,-3) place below on
chin this is his dimple he’s inherited
12.)Design - Face- letters- Japanese- Font type 1, page 1, third row , second
coloumn, reduce once, T(-26), C(-92, 35) S(-5) use this to give the nose a
little outline on left hand of nose as you see it
13.)Design - Face- letters- Japanese- Font type 1, page 1, fourth row , third
coloumn, reduce 1*, rotate 2*, T(-28), C(-92,55), S(-5) place on other side of
nose to give a little outline as you see it

Attire Variant :1: 2001 KOTR V/s Kurt Angle

14.)Feet- Shoes- Blank: 14, C(-100,-3)
15.)Legs- Pants - Blank 12, C(40,-11)
16.)Arms elbow pads- blank : 6, C(25,-20),S(-100)
17.)Body- Shirts- Others:3, L(-100)
18.)Body- T-shirts- Blank :1, L(1),T(100,), C(-92,17), S(72)
19.)Body- T-shirts- Blank :1, L(-9),T(100,), C(30,45), S(-100)
20.)Body- T-shirts- Blank :1, L(-20),T(100,), C(-92,17), S(72)

**Refer to paint drawing and actual pic at all times for the attires**

21.)Design letters- Body - Alphabet- Font Type 5, page 1: S, reduce 1* ,
T(100), C(23,100), S(-100) place far left as you see it near arms, see pic
22.)Design letters- Body - Alphabet- Font Type 5, page 2: h, reduce 1*,
C(23,100),S(-100) place besides S and move it up see pic
23.)Design letters- Body - Alphabet- Font Type 4,page 2: a , reduce
3*,C(23,100), S(-76)place besides h and move it a bit up see pic
24.)Design letters- Body - Alphabet- Font Type 5, page 2: n, reduce 3*,
C(23,100), S(-100) place and slighty overlap a and place just a bit above a see
25.)Design letters- Body - Alphabet- Font Type 4,page 2: e, reduce 3*,
C(23,100),S(-100) place close to e see pic
26.)Design letters- Body - Alphabet- Font Type 5, page 2: O, reduce 1*,
C(23,100), S(-100) place and leave a little space from e
27.)Design letters- Body- Alphabet- Font Type 5, page 1: M, reduce 1*,
C(23,100), S(-100) place a bit away from M and slighty down see pic
28.)Design letters- Body- Alphabet- Font Type 5, page 1: A, reduce 2*,
C(23,100), S(-100) place close to M
29.)Design letters- Body- Alphabet- Font Type 4, page 2: c, reduce 2*,
C(23,100), S(-100) place close to A abit up see pic
30.)Design- Pattern- Simple- 156, reduce 3*, C(-39,83), S(-62), reduce 3* place
between S and h but below them like a underline see pic

31.)Design- letters- Body- Alphabet- Font type 3, page 1: I , rotate once,
reduce once, C(-8,74), S(-100) place to make the underline underneath shane o
mac connect with above pattern
32.)Design- letters- Body- Alphabet- Font type 3, page 1: I , rotate 1*, reduce
1*, C(-7,74), S(-100) place and overlap the above a bit and move it a bit up
33.)Design- letters- Body- Alphabet- Font type 3, page 1: I , rotate 1*, reduce
2*, C(-7,74), S(-100) place on the end of previous pattern
34.)Design-letters- Body-Sign- Font type 1, page 1: 5th coloumn , fourth row
reduce 1* , C(23,100), S(-100) connect with previous pattern
35.)Design-letters- Body-Sign- Font type 1, page 1: 5th coloumn , fourth row
reduce 1* , C(23,100), S(-100) place so that the previous pattern looks doubled
36.)Design-letters- Body-Sign- Font type 1, page 1: 4th coloumn, 4th row,
reduce 2*, C(23,100), S(-100) place on end of previous , hopefully the shane o
mac logo looks like the one in the pic I made
37.) Design- Body -WWE: 27, reduce 1*, T(79), C(82,-3), S(-14) place on back of
top low down see pic
38.) Design- Body -Simple pattern 166, reduce 1*, rotate 1*, C(-95,100) place
to cover the black bit sticking out of logo
39.) Design- Body -WWE: 27, reduce 1*,rotate 2*, C(82,-12), S(-45)above
previous pattern
40.) Design- Body -Simple pattern 166, reduce 1*, rotate 1*, C(-95,100) place
to cover the black bit sticking out of logo

Attire Variant 2: DX XPUNK attire

Feet- shoes- Blank-14, C(100,-3)
Legs- Pants- Blank:1,C(19,-88),S(-93)
Body- T shirts- Others- 11, L(-20), C(-97,-16)

** I now copied the following the following pattern 16 times and used them to
make the diagonal strap. No way to explain this just use it and place to make
the strap wider and thicker. The strap is only on front of T-shirt See Pics**

Design- Letters- Signs- Page 1- 4th coloumn , 4th row , rotate twice,
C(16,-100),S(-74) start the strap with this high on t-shirt

** Now make the strap like the pic by placing them besides each other and
moving on diagonally see pic **

Once the strap is completed now add the words X- PUNK

Design- Letters- Alphabet- page 1 : X, reduce twice , C(23,51), S(-100) place
this at top left pf strap as you see it see pic

Design- Letters- Alphabet- page 1 : - (3rd coloumn last row) reduce 3 *,
C(23,51), S(-100) place bit lower then X and diagonally away

Design- Letters- Alphabet- page 1 : P, reduce 2 *, C(23,51), S(-100) place bit
lower then - and diagonally away
Design- Letters- Alphabet- page 1 : U, reduce 2 *, C(23,51), S(-100) place bit
lower then P and diagonally away
Design- Letters- Alphabet- page 1 : N, reduce 2 *, C(23,51), S(-100) place bit
lower then U and diagonally away
Design- Letters- Alphabet- page 1 : K, reduce 2 *, C(23,51), S(-100) place bit
lower then N and diagonally away

Form Figures:

Neck (-54,-38), (13)
Chest (-84,-24)
Shoulder (-91,-46),(-12)
Abdomen(-12,-42), (30)
Arms(-43, -13) ,(-100)
Forearms (-51,-42),(-100)
Hands (-92,-12),(-68)
Ankles (-47,-36)

Height 6’5” looks good after figures

Moveset: 49


Shannon Moore - Created by Bhangra Man

Pics at:

Base Model: Thin
Skin color: 3, C(-89,5)

Base edit

1.)Skin :1
2.)Cheeks/ Face edit: 9, Face model: 23
Cheeks (17)

3.)eyes: 10, C(-5,-3)
4.)eyebrows: 32, C ( -95,-3),S (22)
5.)hair: 26, C(-78,100), S(-11)
7.)Design>Pattern>Face>Simple pattern :156, reduce 3 *, C(-88, 56), S(-18)
place just above centre of lips
8.)Face> Moustache: 38, T(-64), C(-96,11),28
9.) Design>Pattern>Face>Simple pattern :166,reduce 3*, T(-75), C(-89,100),
S(-4) place just below nose all I am doing is reducing lines above lips
10.)Feet>Shoes>Blank: 13, L(-82), C(100,-100), S(-100)
11.)Legs>Pants> One point: 44, C(-100,62), S(6)




12.)Design>Pattern>Left Leg>Simple Pattern: 159, reduce 1*, C(-37,45), S(-100)
place on left almost high as possible place to cut into second red stripe * SEE

13.) Design>Pattern>Left Leg>Simple Pattern: 159, reduce 1*, C(-37,45), S(-100)
place to cut into third stripe. Remember i am carving out a diagonal line

14.) Design>Pattern>Left Leg>Simple Pattern: 158, reduce 1*, rotate 3*,
C(100,37), S(-29) place above third stripe a little and then place a shown I am
trying to make the stripe go diagonal and cover up parts not needed later

15.) Design>Pattern>Left Leg>Simple Pattern: 158, reduce 1*, rotate 3*, C(74,
47), S(-100) place make and cover up some red parts to make the stripe look
like a thin red diagonal stripe like the one in pic

16.) Design>Pattern>Left Leg>Simple Pattern: 158, reduce 1*, rotate 3*, C(74,
56), S(-100) place so that the 4th stripe is carved into a diagonal line

17.)Design> Letters>Sign, left legs> first page> 4th coloumn last row, rotate
1* , C(100, 32), S(-37) I am creating a stripe of my own here between the blank
space on third and fourth stripe already on this leg see help link for
clarification of placement

18.) Design> Letters>Sign, left legs> first page> 4th coloumn last row, rotate
3*, C(100, 32), S(-37) place to overlap with previous pattern and extend the
stripe over a bit see pic

NOW FOR RIGHT LEG almost repeating the left leg but with a little variety

19.) Design>Pattern>right Leg>Simple Pattern: 159, reduce 1*, C(-90,43),
S(-100) place to reduce thickness of second stripe see help link. This is a a
square that will cut into the stripe and help to make this stripe a diagonal
peice later when the triangler peice is added

20.) Design>Pattern>right Leg>Simple Pattern: 159, reduce 1*, C(-89,53),
S(-100) place to cut into the third stripe see help link

21.) Design>Pattern>right Leg>Simple Pattern: 158, reduce 1*, rotate 3*,
C(-30,51), S(-100) place above 4th stripe a little and move so a diagonal line
is made

22.) Design>Pattern>right Leg>Simple Pattern: 158, reduce 1*, rotate 3*,
C(-90,38) , S(-100) place above 3rd stripe a little and then place a shown, the
idea is to cut into the stripe a little I am trying to curve out a diagonal
line of sorts

23.) Design>Pattern>right Leg>Simple Pattern: 158, reduce 1*, rotate 3*,
C(-89,53), S(-100) place below 3rd stripe a little and then place a shown, the
idea is to cut into the stripe a little I am trying to curve out a diagonal
line of sorts

24.) Design> Letters>Sign, right leg> first page> 4th column last row, rotate
1* , C(100, 37), S(-32) I am now creating a stripe of my own here between the
original third and 4th stripes from the original pants

25.) Design> Letters>Sign, right leg> first page> 4th column last row, rotate
1* , C(100, 37), S(-32) place slightly above and to the right of previous

I will now make a red border around the sides where there are white spaces see

26.) Design>Pattern>left leg>Simple pattern :166,reduce 1*,rotate 1*,
C(100,100), S(-33) place as seen in pic all I am doing here is giving a border
like effect
27.) Design>Pattern>left leg>Simple pattern :166,reduce 1*, rotate
1*,C(100,100), S(-33) place as seen in pic again all I am doing here is giving
a border like effect
28.) Design>Pattern>right leg>Simple pattern :166,reduce 1*, rotate
1*,C(100,100), S(-33) place as seen in pic again all I am doing here is giving
a border like effect
29.) Design>Pattern>right leg>Simple pattern :166,reduce 1*, rotate
1*,C(100,100), S(-33) place as seen in pic again all I am doing here is giving
a border like effect

Now for the top of pants design

30.) Design>Pattern>BODY Leg>Simple Pattern: 158, reduce 1*, rotate 1*,
C(-89,69), S(-100) place high on right leg , make it cut into the red stripe
without going onto the body
31.) Design>Pattern>BODY Leg>Simple Pattern: 158, reduce 1*, rotate 1*,
C(-89,69), S(-100) place high on left leg , make it cut into the red stripe
without going onto the body

Now I am making the V on the front of his pants near crotch area
32.)Design>Letters>Body>4th row, 4th column, , C(100,95) place to help make the
V, place just off centre to the right from neat the crotch area

33.) Design>Letters>Body>4th row, 4th column, rotate 1*, C(100,95) place to
finish V
34.) Design>Letters>Body>4th row, 4th column, , C(100,95), the best explanation
for this is simply place as seen in pic
35.)Repeat above but for the other leg see pic for directions but rotate 1*

**Now I am making tattoo here on the caws left wrist
36.) Design >Patterns>Left arm>Tattoos: 28, rotate 2*, reduce
1*,T(-17),C(-100,-3) place above the wrist make sure when the taped gloves and
wristbands are put on that half of this can still be seen
37 Design >Patterns>Left arm>Tattoos: 11,reduce 2*, T(-39), C(86,-3) place
slight below previous pattern and along side the red rose part of the previous
38.)Hands> Gloves: 25, C(-100,-3)
39.)Arms>Both>Wristband>Blank: 1, L(-67), C(23, 40), S(-100)


Neck (-48,-51),15
Abdomen (-40,-58) ,14
Arms (-32,7), (-100)
Forearms(-41,-19), -67
Hands (-89,-12), -39
Thigh(-24,-30), -57
Legs (-25,-42),-13
Ankles (-78,-45)

Height 6’4”


First of all

DELETE LAYERS 26 to 29 and 30, 33, 36, 37

How add on this

STEPS to create t-shirt

1.)Body> T-shirts> Blank: 8> L(-95), C(33,-37), S(-19)
2.)Design> Letters> Font 2> Body> V place on chest as seen in pic , C(-67,-3)
3.)Design> Body> Simple patterns: 166, reduce 3*, C(21,100), S(-88) place to
extend V at top
4.) Design> Body> Simple patterns: 166, reduce 1*, rotate 1*, C(56,87)
,S(16),place besides V
5.)Design> Body>Letters> Numeral , page 1, reduce 1, C(33,100), S(-100)place
the first 1 avaialable slighty to the left of step 4 and slight above
placement. I am giving this 1 here a purple outline on the sides
6.)Design> Body> Alhabet: I , page 1, reduce 1*, C(-6,100), S(-100) place place
to extend 1 a bit so that the white part of this 1 is horizontally level with
the V

7.) Design> Body>Letters> Numeral , page 5, second coloumn, 3rd row, reduce 1*,
C(-13,82), S(-100) place on top pf previous piece
8.)WWE Pattern: 8, rotate 2*, reduce 1*, C( 100, -3), S(-100) place on back of
shirt in the middle


Shawn Michaels - Heartbreak Kid Attire (Red) - Created By: ArtyNerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Miscellaneous 4 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: NoLiMiT

Skin color: 5 (-89,-6,6) ?

Skin: 2
Cheek: Edit: 20 Model: 11
Eyebrow: -48,9
Eyes: 0,-100,48,1
Nose: -8,100,85,5
Cheek: 27
Mouth: -9,-16
Jaw: -46,46,-40

Eyes: 28 (14,-20,-34)
Eyebrows: 19 (68,-79,-3,25)
Hair: 14 (-89,-100,5)
Underwear: blank: 1 (23,-3,0)
body Accessories: 8 (37,-90,-100,39)

*Face Pattern*
Pattern: Simple 158 reduce: 3 turn: 2 (-51,-92,-100,52) place directly under
his nose

Face Accessories: 23 (-62,-100,-100,0)
Mustache: 28 (62,-86,66,26)
Body accessories: 25 (37,-95,-38,-4)
Body accessories: 26 (20,-94,-35,-30)
Tights: blank : 1 (100,100,100,70,-7)
Gloves: 25 (-100,-69,81)
Wrist bands: pattern: 6 (-55,100,-100,-72,85)
Shoes: one point: 20 (39,-100,-17,-100)
Shoes: one point: 23 (-100,-100,-3,-100)
Knee pads: pattern: 4 (100,-30,20,0)

*Left Leg Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-54,-100) on back. move all the way up
then 2 clicks down

Pattern: Simple 12 reduce: 1 (100,100,62,0) on back. move all the way up then 4
clicks down (over the heart)

Pattern: Simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-54,-100) on front. move all the way up

Pattern: Simple 12 turn: 3 reduce: 1 (100,100,61,0) on front. move all the way
up (over the heart)

*Right Leg Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-48,-100) on front. move all the way up

Pattern: Simple 12 reduce: 1 (100,100,62,0) on front. move all the way up then
1 click down (over the heart)

Pattern: Simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-56,-100) on back. move all the way up
then 4 clicks down

Pattern: Simple 12 turn: 3 reduce: 1 (100,100,62,0) on back. move all the way
up then 2 clicks down (over the heart)

*Body Pattern*
Pattern: simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-54,-100) center on front. all the way
down then move 4 clicks up

Pattern: simple: 12 reduce: 1 turn: 3 (100,100,62,0) center on front. all the
way down then move 6 clicks up (over the heart)

Pattern: simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,97,-56,-100) center on back. all the way
down then move 2 clicks up

Pattern: simple: 12 reduce: 1 (100,100,62,0) center on back. all the way down
then move 2 clicks up (over the heart)

Pattern: WWE: 21 (62,-100,-22,-100) center on back. all the way down then move
1 click up

*Left Arm Pattern*
Pattern: Tattoo: 21 reduce: 1 (-17,-19,-100,0) place on biceps

*Face Pattern*
Pattern: simple: 159 (7,-84,-87,-48) center on back of the head. move all the
way up

Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I reduce: 1 turn: 1 (-56,-87,-100,0) place
under his mouth

Mask: 7 (34,-93,-66,18)

*Face Pattern*
Pattern: simple: 159 (46,-85,-53,-43) Center on back of the head. Move all the
way down

*Body Pattern*
Pattern: WWE: 13 reduce: 3 turn: 1 (100,-81,-35,0) Center on back. move all the
way up. Then move 3 clicks down

Pattern: WWE: 13 reduce: 2 turn: 3 (37,-78,-67,0) Center on back. move all the
way up. Then move 10 clicks down

*Face Pattern*
Pattern: WWE: 13 turn: 1 (-37,-67,-75,0) Center on back of the head. all the
way down

Pattern: WWE: 13 turn: 3 (-35,-68,-75,0) Center on back of the head. all the
way up now move 27 clicks down

Height: 6'4"

Head: 5,46
Neck: 0,24,57
Chest: 53,12
Shoulder: -66,0,-10
Abdomen: -13,-10,38
Arms: -20,0,-29
Forearms: -28,-22,-91
Hands: -38,9,-26
Waist: 18,-36
Thigh: -19,-4,-100
Legs: 15,-2,46
Ankles: -47,-36

Name: Shawn Michaels
Ring Name: "Heart Break Kid"
Nick Name: HBK
Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Super Face, Shawn Michaels

Sign 1: Superstars: Page: 10/12: "HBK"
Sign 2: Superstars: Page: 10/12: "Shawn Michaels"

Powerful: 1,4
Speedy: 3,3
Technical: 3,3
Rough Neck: 2,4

Logic: Brawler, Grappler


Shawn Michaels - Heartbreak Kid (White) - Created By: ArtyNerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Miscellaneous 4 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: NoLiMiT

Skin color: 5 (-89,-6,6) ?

Skin: 2
Cheek: Edit: 20 Model: 11
Eyebrow: -45,9
Eyes: -20,-100,24,-20
Nose: -8,100,85,12
Cheek: 27
Mouth: -9,6
Jaw: -46,46,-40

Eyes: 11 (11,-25,-39)
Eyebrows: 31 (100,-92,-61,0)
Hair: 17 (-89,-3,-8)
Underwear: blank: 1 (23,-3,0)

*Face Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 159 (100,-77,-83,-8) Center on back of the head, move all the
way down

Face Accessories: 23 (-62,-100,-100,0)
Mustache: 51 (-67,-90,-100,-50)
Body Accessories: 25 (21,-96,-38,-4)
Tights: blank: 1 (100,100,25,91,-99)
Gloves: 12 (-73,-100,-100)
Shoes: blank: 17 (-52,-98,4,42)
Kneepads: Pattern: 4 (100,-30,4,0)

*Left leg pattern*
Pattern: Simple 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-54,-100) on back of the leg, over the

Pattern: Simple: 12 reduce: 1 (100,100,61,0) place inside the heart (back)

Pattern: Simple 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-50,-100) on front of the leg, move all
the way up

Pattern: Simple: 12 reduce: 1 turn: 3 (100,100,61,0) place inside the heart

*Right leg Pattern*
Pattern: Simple 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-48,-100) on front of the leg, move all
the way up

Pattern: Simple: 12 reduce: 1 (100,100,62,0) place inside the heart (front)

Pattern: Simple 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-56,-100) on back of the leg, move all
the way up then 3 clicks down

Pattern: Simple: 12 reduce: 1 turn: 3 (100,100,62,0) place inside the heart

*Body Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,100,-54,-100) center on chest, all the way
down then 4 clicks up

Pattern: Simple: 12 reduce: 1 turn: 3 (100,100,62,0) Place inside the heart

Pattern: Simple: 141 reduce: 1 (100,97,-56,-100) center on back, all the way
down then 2 clicks up

Pattern: Simple: 12 reduce: 1 (100,100,62,0) Place inside the heart (back)

Pattern: WWE: 21 (62,-100,-22,-100) center on back, all the way down then 1
click up

*Left Arm Pattern*
Pattern: Tattoo: 21 reduce: 1 (-17,-19,-100,0) place on biceps

*Face Pattern*
Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I turn: 1 reduce: 1 (-56,-87,-100,0) place
under his lower lip

Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I reduce: 2 (-59,-88,-100,0) center under his

*Body Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-79,-100,0) center on chest, all
the way up then 15 clicks to the left

Pattern: Simple: 87 reduce: 2 (100,-80,50,-20) all the way up on chest. place
over the pattern before

Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-79,-100,0) center on chest, all
the way up then 15 clicks to the right

Pattern: Simple: 87 reduce: 2 (100,-80,50,-20) all the way up on chest. place
over the pattern before

Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 1 turn: 2 (100,-79,-100,0) center on back, all the
way up

*Face Pattern*
Pattern: Simple: 158 (100,-78,-100,0) center on back of the head, all the way
down then 37 clicks to the left

Pattern: Simple: 15 turn: 2 (100,-76,37,-24) center on back of the head, all
the way down then 46 clicks to the left (place over the one before)

Pattern: Simple: 158 (100,-78,-100,0) center on back of the head, all the way
down then 37 clicks to the right

Pattern: Simple: 15 turn: 1 (100,-76,37,-24) center on back of the head, all
the way down then 31 clicks to the right (place over the one before)

Pattern: Simple: 92 reduce: 1 turn: 2 (100,-80,72,-15) center on back, all the
way up

Height: 6'4"

Head: 5,46
Neck: 10,30,57
Chest: 53,12
Shoulder: -66,0,-10
Abdomen: -13,-10,38
Arms: -20,0,-29
Forearms: -28,-22,-91
Hands: -38,9,-26
Waist: 18,-36
Thigh: -19,-4,-100
Legs: 15,-2,46
Ankles: -47,-36

Name: Shawn Michaels
Ring Name: "Heart Break Kid"
Nick Name: HBK
Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Super Face, Shawn Michaels

Sign 1: Superstars: Page: 10/12: "HBK"
Sign 2: Superstars: Page: 10/12: "Shawn Michaels"

Powerful: 1,4
Speedy: 3,3
Technical: 3,3
Rough Neck: 2,4

Logic: Brawler, Grappler


Shelton Benjamin - Created by Dan Fookes/Bhangra Man

Pics at:


Skin Colour (-91,-67,11)

Layer List:
Skin 2
Cheek - Face Edit - Cheeks 2 - Face Model 12
Eyebrows (-11,-10)
Eyes (-36,-4),(-8,-72)
Nose (28,7), (-47,1)
Cheeks (95)
Mouth (50,26)
Jaw (-42,54)(-32)

Eyes 12 (41,-3,0)
Eyebrows 54 (Type 2) (28,-89,-85,0)
Hair 23 (-92,-74,0)
Underwear (Default)
Mustache 51 (-90,-87,-100,0)
Mustache 10 (-70,-88,-64,0)
Face Accessories 50 (-40,-100,-3,0)
Face Accessories 71 (-50,-100,-3,-46)
Face-Pattern 166 (Reduce Twice) (-51,21,-100,0) Place just under bottom lip
Paint 37 (-71,-99,-100,0)
Design - Face - Letters - Sign (Four Down and Four Across)(Reduce Once)
(6,23,-100,0) Place so top of pattern is just left of centre of nose
Design - Face - Letters - Sign (Four Down and Four Across)(Reduce Once, Rotate
Once) (6,23,-100,0) Place so top of pattern is just right of centre of nose

Costume - Others 10 (100,100,27,0)
Tights - Blank 1 (-83,100,100,100,-100)
Tights - Others 28 (-100,100,70,29,61)
Tights - Blank 1 (-89,100,18,40,0)
Use the pic as a guide for the following pieces
Pattern - Body Simple 137 (Turn twice) (100,-59,4,-100) Place on chest so that
bottom pointy half covers the blue tights
Pattern - Body Simple 137 (Turn twice) (100,100,-6,30) Place a couple of pixels
higher than previous pattern
Pattern - Body Simple 137 (Turn twice) (100,100,25,-100) Place on centre of
back so that most of pattern is on the blue tights
Pattern - Body Simple 137 (Turn twice) (100,100,-6,30) Place on centre of back
a pixel or two above previous pattern
Pattern - Body Simple 166 (100,100,72,0) Place on chest to cover up the showing
white bits
Pattern - Body Simple 140 (Rotate Twice) (100,100,-6,30) Place on back to cover
up the showing white bits

Wristbands - Blank 2 (-71,100,-100,-3,0)
Kneepads - Blank 2 (100,100,45,5)
Shoes - Blank 13 (-32,18,-50,82)

The next three creates the Team Angle logo on his left leg (Credit BhangraMan)
Design - Body - Flags 30 (Reduce Twice) (100,99,-3,0) Place on side of left leg
in middle of blue area see pic
Design - Body - WWE 1 (Reduce Once) (-84,20,0) Place over the flag
Design - Letters - Alphabet A (Font Type 1) (Reduce Once) Put this in middle of

The next three creates the Team Angle logo on his right leg (Credit BhangraMan)
Design - Body - Flags 30 (Reduce Twice) (100,99,-3,0) Place on side of right
leg in middle of blue area see pic
Design - Body - WWE 1 (Reduce Once) (-84,20,0) Place over the flag
Design - Letters - Alphabet A (Font Type 1) (Reduce Once) Put this in middle of

The Next three create the star logo on his chest
Pattern - Body - Simple 161 (Reduce Once) (50,-100,-3,-100) Place in centre of
Pattern - Body - Simple 161 (Reduce Twice) (26,-100,-3,-100) Place in centre of
star to fill it out a bit
Pattern - Body - Simple 135 (Reduce Once) (100,42,100,37) Place in centre of

The Next three create the star logo on his back
Pattern - Body - Simple 161 (Reduce Once) (50,-100,-3,-100) Place in centre of
lower back
Pattern - Body - Simple 161 (Reduce Twice) (26,-100,-3,-100) Place in centre of
star to fill it out a bit
Pattern - Body - Simple 135 (Reduce Once) (100,42,100,37) Place in centre of

Height: 6’4” (Actually 6’2”, but allows for figures)

Form: Based on figures by MiketheManV2
Head (-30,39)
Neck (-26,-12)(0)
Chest (33,14)
Shoulders (-87,-15)(4)
Abdomen (1,-23)(36)
Arms (-5,-3)(-100)
Forearms (-9,-24)(-97)
Hands (-89,-12)(-39)
Waist (23,-39)
Thighs (1,20)(-21)
Legs (-8,-19)(-6)
Ankles (-47,-36)


Smash of Demolition - Created By ArtyNerd

Appears on: Legends of the WWF Volume 1 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: NoLiMiT

Skin color: 4 (-86,-3,-2) ?

Skin: 4
Cheek: Edit: 23 Model: 18
Eyebrow: 0,-3
Eyes: -24,-4,-7,-37
Nose: -2,10,10,-6
Cheek: -26
Mouth: -17,-13
Jaw: 0,8,-4

Eyes: 49 (-95,-29,-44)
Eyebrows: 2 (100,-89,-3,0)
Hair: 17 (-97,-19,-11)
Underwear: blank: 7 (-98,-32,-100)
Body Accessories: 35 (100,-100,-3,-100)
Knee Pads: right only: blank: 3 (100,25,61,-100)
Wrist Bands: blank: 11 (-71,100,31,-74,-100)
Shoes: blank: 17 (-32,28,-67,-100)

*Body Pattern*
Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I (100,38,-100,-100) connect the underwear
with the ring on his chest

Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: I (100,38,-100,-100) connect the underwear
with the ring on his back

Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-56,-100) place on upper
part of the I u add before on his front

Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-56,-100) place on upper
part of the I u add before on his back

Underwear: blank: 7 (100,-97,-30,-99)

*body Pattern*
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100) place this tree
in a upside down triangle form on front of the underwear

Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100) place on the
middle left side of the underwear (side view)

Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100) place on the
middle right side of the underwear (side view)

Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: . reduce: 2 (100,23,-41,-100) place this tree
in a triangle form on back of the underwear

Paint: 78 (100,-100,-3,0)
Paint: 20 (71,-100,-58,86)
Paint: 18 (100,100,-3,8)
Paint: 29 (100,27,4,-99)
Paint: 13 (100,-100,56,0)
Paint: 14 (100,-95,-3,11)

Mustache: 6 (7,-88,27,33)
Face Accessories: 69 (100,-99,-24,9)

*Face Pattern*
Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 2/7: - turn: 1 (100,23,35,-100)
Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 2/7: - turn: 1 (100,23,35,-100)
Use this two to make a white line going trough the middle of the red paint on
his left face side

Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 2/7: - turn: 1 (100,23,35,-100)
Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 2/7: - turn: 1 (100,23,35,-100)
Use this two to make a white line going trough the middle of the red paint on
his right face side

Elbow Pads: left only: blank: 1 (100,23,-56,-100)
Socks: others: 9 (21,14,-33,-100)
Knee Pads: blank 7 (100,24,-70,-99)

*Left Arm Pattern*
Pattern: Tattoo: 50 reduce: 1 turn: 2 (-9,-1,-100,44) place on left upper arm

Paint: 3 (43,-100,-64,-100)

Name: Smash
Ring Name: Demolition
Nick Name: Smash

Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Hell, Flash

Powerful: 2,4
Speedy: 2,3
Technical: 2,2
Rough Neck: 4,4

Logic: Brawler, Brawler

Height: 5'11"

Head: 9,100
Neck: 15,59,0
Chest: 100,73
Shoulder: -37,-6,-12
Abdomen: 54,64,57
Arms: -25,27,-15
Forearms: -19,-6,-88
Hands: -27,25,-30
Waist: 59,-3
Thigh: 8,4,39
Legs: 24,-2,73
Ankles: -13,-8


Steve Blackman - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 4
Cheeks 28, Face Model 5
Mouth (-59,0)
Eyes 1 (-87,-3,0)
Eyebrows 28 (100,-96,-3,0)
Hair 28 (-67,-3,0)
Mustache 28 (100,-96,-43,0)
Wristband - Blank 2 (-79,100,-100,-3,0)
Shoes - Others 5 (100,-3,0)
Pants - Blank 1 (19,-91,-100)

Height: 6’3”

Head (12,100)
Neck (-40,-12,-46)
Chest (28,43)
Shoulder (-79,-19,-12)
Abdomen (-25,6,38)
Arms (-32,-12,-54)
Forearms (-41,-14,-88)
Hands (-92,-12,-77)
Waist (34,-25)
Thighs (-10,2,-27)
Legs (36,-12,-40)
Ankles (-47,-36)


Steve Corino - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 4
Cheeks - Face Edit - Cheeks 20 - Face Model 15
Eyebrow (-67,0)
Eyes (-23,-15)(27,35)
Nose (-16,54) (-22,44)
Cheek (-14)
Mouth (-57,0)
Jaw (27,21)(-17)

Eyes 13 (-91,-3,0)
Eyebrows 31 (50,-95,-100,0)
Hair 21 (-91,53,0) or Hair 17 (-80,44,-26)
Underwear - Blank 18 (-69,75,-7)

Mustache 23 (15,-88,-3,0)
Mustache 2 (34,100,-45,0)
Paint 74 (100,-92,85,-20)
Accessories 66 (100,-97,-100,0)
Pattern - WWE 42 (Rotate 1x, Reduce 1x)(-54,34,-98,0) Place joining beard with
right sideburn
Pattern - WWE 42 (Rotate 1x, Reduce 1x)(-54,34,-98,0) Place joining beard with
left sideburn
Accessories 23 (-67,-100,-3,0)
Accessories 68 (100,-99,-80,0)
Mustache 5 (-1,97,-3,0)

Body Parts:
Elbow Pad - Right Only - Blank 4 (100,25,-62,-100)
Wristbands - Both - Blank 2 (-61,100,-100,-3,0)
Glove 25 - Right Only (-100,-3,0)
Kneepads - Blank 7 (100,24,-82,-100)
Kneepads - Blank 5 (100,24,-82,-100)
Shoes - Blank 13 (-41,-68,-11,-78)
Shoes - Blank 12 (-49,-100,-53,0)

Underwear Pattern - Front: (All patterns on BODY)
Pattern - Simple 139 (Reduce 1x)(100,-59,-100,-100) Place on front of trunks in
Pattern - Simple 139 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x)(100,-59,-100,-100) Place covering
top of previous pattern so that the bottom “\/” lines continue
Letters - Numeral - Font Type 4 - Choose 1 from the third set on the page
(Rotate 3x) (100,-70,-53,0) Place so that the straight part of the 1 cuts off
the top of the diamond, leaving a flat top. You should now be left with a black
superman shape on the front of his trunks
Letters - Alphabet - Font Type 4 “C” (Reduce 1x) (100,71,59,-100) Place in
bottom right of diamond. See pic for placement. This will be the white
outlining for the next pattern
Letters - Alphabet - Font Type 4 “C” (Reduce 1x) (100,94,87,0) Place one pixel
up and one pixel left of previous pattern
Letters - Alphabet - Font Type 4 “S” (Reduce 1x) (100,71,59,-100) Place in
upper-left part of diamond, so botom-right part of the S overlaps the C. See
pic for placement. This will be the white outlining for the next pattern
Letters - Alphabet - Font Type 4 “S” (Reduce 1x) (100,94,87,0) Place one pixel
up and one pixel left of previous pattern

Underwear Pattern - Back (All design parts on BODY)
Letters - Numeral - Font Type 3 - First “0” (100,23,-100,-100) Use this as the
O in “Old School” See pic for placement on back of trunks
Letters - Numeral - Font Type 3 - First “0” (100,23,-100,-100) Place a pixel to
the right and a pixel lower to thicken the line of previous piece
Letters - Alphabet - 8 layers are taken up by writing “ld School” as shown in
pic, all using Font Type Font Type 3 (Upper and Lower case as written)(Reduce

Skin Colour 3

Head (-41,19)
Neck (-54,-38)(21)
Chest (28,-3)
Shoulder (-100,-19)(-12)
Abdomen (-25,-43)(36)
Arms (-44,18)(-70)
Forearms (-41,-23)(-91)
Hands (-89,-12)(-39)
Waist (9,-54)
Thigh (-24,-9)(-27)
Legs (-13,-25)(-6)
Ankles (-47,-36)

Height: 6’3”


Steven Richards - Created by Ceilican (www.ceilican.co.uk)

Pics at:

BASE MODEL: Male Average
Head - Hair 69 (*-86,-20,-6)
Head - Hair 76 (*,-91,-29,-10)
Face - Eyebrows 20 (100,-92,-3,0)
Face - Eyes 20 (*,-86,-3,0)
Face Edit - Skin 20 - Face Model 11
Eyebrow (25/-33)
Eyes (-25/-95) (-20/10)
Nose (0/45) (-22/-18)
Cheek (-20)
Mouth (-8/0)
Jaw (10/35) (-50)

-- LAYERS --
Face - Mustache 51 (-60,-88,19,-100)
Body - Skin 9
Arm - Elbow Pads - Right - Blank 4 (100,*,-54,-100)
Arm - Elbow Pads - Left - Blank 1 (100,*,-54,-100)
Arm - Wrist Bands - Both - Blank 6, length -71 (100,*,-100,-100)
Arm - Wrist Bands - Both - Blank 1, length -71 (-20,*,-100,-100
Legs - Tights - Blank 1, length -95 (100,25,50,-4)
Legs - Kneepad - Blank 1 (100,*,-70,-100)
Feet - Shoes - Blank 12, Length -50 (*,*,-35,-100)
Design - Body - Letters - Alphabet Font7 *write 'SR' on the back of his tights
over the centre, not too far apart (maybe 4/5 pixels of gap)* (100,*,50,-100)
*We now add a pair of eyes to the front of his shorts. We`re putting four eyes
on, then deleting
Design - Body - Pattern - Tattoo40 *reduce twice and place on the left side of
his shorts as you see them, apart halfway from the top of the shorts to the
crotch - we`ll be covering the right-side eye* (100,*,-55,-100)
Design - Body - Pattern - Simple 166 *reduce once and place this over the right
eye that you just put down* (100,22,43,-7)
Design - Body - Pattern - Tattoo40 *reduce twice, rotate once, and place on the
right side of his shorts as you see them, apart halfway from the top of the
shorts to the crotch - we`ll be covering the lower eye* (100,*,-55,-100)
Design - Body - Pattern - Simple 166 *reduce and rotate once, then place this
over the lower eye that you just put down* (100,22,43,-7)
*You should now have a pair of eyes on the front of hsi shorts, you may have to
play around with the distance between the two a little until you are happy*


Head (-60) (38)
Neck (-42/-32) (-49)
Chest (23/-7)
Shoulder (-85,0) (-30)
Abdomen (-13/-16) (60)
Arms (-23/-5) (-54)
Forearms (-30/-30) (-90)
Hands (-70/-10) (-50)
Waist (20/-45)
Thigh (-2/-1) (-57)
Legs (-5/-5) (-30)
Ankles (-45/-35)

Name - Steven Richards
Ring Name - None
Nick Name - None
Biography - Man, Cruiser, Heel, Steven Richards
Ability - P 3/2, S 4/3, T 2/2, R 2/2
Moves - Unknown Moves 51 (change the entrance though)
Logic - Striker, Balanced


Stone Cold Steve Austin (Alt. Attire) - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:

Base Model: Normal

Layer List:
Skin 8
Cheeks - Face Morphing - Cheeks 9 - (21,24)(-23,100)(-100)
Eyebrow (-56,-16)
Eyes (-44,-100)(-12,-19)
Nose (-15,35)(-65,20)
Cheeks (-100)
Mouth (7,0)
Jaw (49,-10)(-46)

Eyes 10 (-5,-3,0)
Eyebrows 2 (28,-90,-3,0)
Hair - None
Underwear - Default

Body Accessories - 53 (-78,30,46,-100)

Caps and Hats 2 (Default/Optional)

Mustache 9 (-59,100,-24,49)
Mask 1 (-89,-76,-100,0)
Paint 5 (-96,-100,-3,0)
Mustache 14 (42,-97,0,0)
Mustache 10 (100,-90,37,0)
Mustache 31 (57,-93,-100,0)
Accessories 16 (-79,-100,-100,0)
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x) (100,-92,100,-43) Place under lip, leaving a
little tuft just under the lip
Pattern - Simple 166 (Rotate 1x, Reduce 2x) (100,-92,100,-43) Cover up
moustache overlapping the beard on the right side
Pattern - Simple 166 (Rotate 1x, Reduce 2x) (100,-92,100,-43) Cover up
moustache overlapping the beard on the left side
Accessories 72 (100,-96,29,7)
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x) (-70,21,-48,0) Place in his right eyelid, near
nose for shadowing
Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 3x) (-70,21,-48,0) Place in his left eyelid, near
nose for shadowing
Pattern - Simple 171 (Reduce 3x)(60,-89,-77,-8) Place on mustache in gap under
Pattern - Simple 158 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 2x) (-85,-92,8,0) Place on left cheek
Pattern - Simple 158 (Reduce 1x, Rotate 2x) (-85,-92,8,0) Place on right cheek
Letters - Sign (Page 1, 4 down and 4 across: /) (Reduce 1x) (-48,-82,-88,0)
Place so top right corner is next to right nostril. See pic
Letters - Sign (Page 1, 4 down and 4 across: /) (Reduce 1x, Rotate 1x)
(-48,-82,-88,0) Place so top left corner is next to left nostril. See pic

Arms, Body and Legs:
Wristbands -Blank 3 (-75,100,89,-100,-100)
Kneepads - Blank 7 (100,24,-64,-100)
Kneepads - Others 10 (100,-100,-3,0)
Shoes - Blank 12 (-100,-100,-20,-24)
Short Pants - Blank 2 (19,-3,-19)
Belt 1 (100,-67,-3,0)
Vest - Others 3 (Press circle once)(100,-100,-17,0)
Pattern - Picture 82 (Left Leg) (Reduce 3x)(-32,-93,-3,0) Place between shoe
and kneepad, on outside of leg

Skin Color 3

Head (-38,100)
Neck (-29,-17)(39)
Chest (-7,35)
Shoulder (-58,-1)(9)
Abdomen (-10,-6)(25)
Arms (-27,19)(-88)
Forearms (-27,0)(-100)
Hands (-89,-12)(-39)
Waist (23,-20)
Thighs (-5,9)(-15)
Legs (-10,-20)(0)
Ankles (-47,-36)

Height 6’8” (To allow for figures)


Taz (ECW style) - Created by SmackdownLab.com

Pics at:

Base Model - Type 1 - Normal

1. Skin - 1
2. Cheek
Face Edit - 21
Face Model - 18
-Eyebrow (0, 0)
-Eyes (0, -14, 0, 0)
-Nose (0, 19, -30, -10)
-Cheek (-46)
-Mouth (13, 0)
-Jaw (-9, 32, 0)
3. Eyes - 8 -(-93,-3,0)
4. Eyebrows - 7 (100,-100,-3,0)
5. Hair - 3 (-92,-100,-100)
6. Underwear - Blank - 1 23,-3,0)

7. Face - Mustache - 32 (100,-90,-88,0)
8. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 166
3rd largest size - rotate once - place over the small patch of hair on the
goatee on the left of the mouth, to keep the goatee just at chin level
9. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 166
3rd largest size - rotate once - place over the small patch of hair on the
goatee on the right of the mouth, to keep the goatee just at chin level

10. Body - Costume - Blank - 1 (100,8,-100,-100)
11. Arms - Wristbands - Blank - 2 (-57,100,-100,-3,0)
12. Hand - Gloves - Both - 25 (-100,-3,0)

Right Arm Tattoos
13. Design - Pattern - Right Arm - Simple - 32
2nd Largest size - Place on the left outer side of the top right arm
14. Design - Pattern - Right Arm - Simple - 32
2nd Largest size - Place on the right outer side of the top right arm to make
the Sun tattoo larger
15. Design - Pattern - Right Arm - WWE - 42
Largest size - place on the right bicep leaving space in between it and the sun
16. Design - Pattern - Right Arm - Picture - 88
3rd Largest size - place in the center of layer 15
17. Design - Pattern - Right Arm - Word - 25
3rd Largest size - place in over layer 16 and under the sun on the right arm

Left Arm Tattoos
18. Design - Pattern - Left Arm - Tattoo - 25
2nd Largest size - rotate twice - Place on the upper outer left arm
19. Design - Pattern - Left Arm - WWE - 42
Largest size - place just below layer 18 with some space in between

Back of the costume logo
20. Design - Pattern - Body - Simple - 68
Largest size - place on the center of the lower back
21. Design - Pattern - Body - Simple - 20
2nd Largest size - Place on the left side of layer 20 to make it longer,
Leaving the hole open in the center
22. Design - Pattern - Body - Simple - 20
2nd Largest size - Place on the right side of layer 20 to make it longer,
Leaving the hole open in the center
23. Design - Pattern - Body - Simple - 135
Largest size - Place on the back, in the inner right side of the open spot to
make the hole larger
24. Design - Pattern - Body - Simple - 135
Largest size - Place on the back, in the inner left side of the open spot to
make the hole larger
25. Design - Letter - Body - Numeral - Font type 08 - Top Row 1
2nd Largest size - Place on the inner left side of the open spot on the back
(100,-81, 98,0)
26. Design - Letter - Body - Numeral - Font type 08 - Top Row 3
2nd Largest size - Place on the inner left side of the open spot on the back
(100,-81, 98,0)

27. Feet - Shoes - Blank - 11 (-45,-89,-14,7)

28-30 are for FTW on the right wristband. ETW was used because there are not
any good F's in that style, and its hard to see anyways
28. Design - Letter - Body - Alphabet - Font type 05 - E
2nd Largest size - Place on the wrist tape
29. Design - Letter - Body - Alphabet - Font type 05 - T
2nd Largest size - Place on the wrist tape next to the E
30. Design - Letter - Body - Alphabet - Font type 05 - W
2nd Largest size - Place on the wrist tape next to the T

Skin Color - Color 5 (-91,-9,10)

-Head (-12, 39)
-Neck (14, -3, -18)
-Chest (28, 56)
-Shoulder-Both (-79, 5, 9)
-Abdomen (3, 25, 14)
-Arms-Both (-12, 16, -56)
-Forearms-Both (-13, -14, -94)
-Hands-Both (-67, 0, -41)
-Waist (16, -12)
-Thigh (12, 18, -93)
-Legs (13, 0, -6)
-Ankles (-47, -36)

Height - 5'10"


Ted Dibiase (Million Dollar Man) - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated by NoLiMiT

Skin: 4
Cheek: Edit: 5 Model: 6
Eyebrow: -15,24
Eyes: -33,14,-77,-48
Nose: -70,-100,-4,7
Cheek: 30
Mouth: -21,-33
Jaw: 47,70,22

Eyes: 13 (-82,0,-23)
Eyebrows: 6 (21,-88,-48,40)
Hair: 33 (-81,33,-23)
Underwear: blank: 7 (-97,-33,-100)

Face Pattern
Later, this pattern will make the Facial looks complete

place 6 steps to the right of his mouth
Pattern: Simple: reduce: 3 Turn: 1: 166 (0,-82,-12,-26)

place 6 steps to the left of his mouth
Pattern: Simple: reduce: 3 Turn: 1: 166 (0,-82,-12,-26)

Place over his mouth
Pattern: WWE: 21 reduce: 2 (-9,74,-100,100)

Wrist Bands: blank: 2 (-79,100,-100,-3,0)
Body Accessories: 28 (-50,-88,-48,58)
Knee Pads: blank: 7 (100,24,-72,-100)
Shoes: blank 11 (-32,-100,-3,-100)

Mustache: 38 (100,-85,-25,-100)
Mustache: 2 (100,-94,3,0)
Mustache: 28 (100,-89,8,39)
Mustache: 9 (100,-86,16,9)
Mustache: 3 (100,-89,0,0)

Face Pattern
Cover up the little facial stripe on your lower left side of his mouth
Pattern: Simple: 139 reduce: 3 (100,-89,35,-13)

Cover up the little facial stripe on your lower right side of his mouth
Pattern: Simple: 139 reduce: 3 (100,-89,35,-13)

Place under his mouth. cover up the top part (that looks like a triangle) of
the facial
Pattern: Simple: 166 reduce: 1 (100,-88,100,-34)

Center it under his mouth
Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page 1/2: I turn:1 reduce: 1 (-28,100,-100,0)

Body Pattern
place on the right side of his underwear
Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 2/7: $ reduce: 1 (25,-66,100,-19)

place on the left side of his underwear
Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 2/7: $ reduce: 1 (25,-66,100,-19)

Right Leg Pattern
place near top og boot
Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 2/7: $ (53,-64,100,-25)

Left Leg Pattern
place near top og boot
Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 2/7: $ (53,-64,100,-25)

Face Pattern
both all the way down on back of the head move one to the left and the other
one to the right.
Both should be go near one ear.
Pattern: Simple: 159 (100,-78,-50,-53)
Pattern: Simple: 159 (100,-78,-50,-53)

Move So, That The Left Side Of This Pattern Overlap The Upper Half Of His Left
Pattern: Simple: 158 turn: 2 (100,-79,-48,-55)

Move So, That The Right Side Of This Pattern Overlap The Upper Half Of His
right ear
Pattern: Simple: 158 turn: 2 (100,-79,-48,-55)

Place Over The Brown Pattern That You Add Before Over His Upper Left Ear
Pattern: Simple: 1 reduce: 1 turn: 2 (100,-81,40,-66)

Place Over The Brown Pattern That You Add Before Over His Upper Right Ear
Pattern: Simple: 14 reduce: 1 turn: 3 (100,-77,40,-72)

Both All The Way Down On Back Of The Head move one to the left and the other
one to the right. over the brown pattern on the back of his head,
Pattern: Simple: 102 turn: 2 (100,-81,67,-63)
Pattern: Simple: 102 turn: 2 (100,-81,61,-63)

back of his head. all the way down now move 14 steps up. now move to your right
but make sure that it stay in the brown pattern
Pattern: Simple: 87 (100,-80,45,-61)

Back of his head. all the way down now move 14 steps up. Now move to your left
but make sure that it stay in the brown pattern
Pattern: Simple: 87 turn: 3 (100,-80,45,-61)

Body Pattern
Center on back & move all the way up
Pattern: Simple: 139 reduce: 3 (100,-85,-40,-26)

Center on back & move all the way up. now move 1 steps down
Pattern: Simple 87 reduce: 3 turn: 3 (100,-81,69,-55)

Body Accessories: 29 (-64,100,-100,0)
Face Accessories: 23 (-64,-100,-100,0)

Height: 6'0"

Head: 27,100
Neck: 44,63,30
Chest: 38,73
Shoulder: -50,-19,-10
Abdomen: 39,35,49
Arms: -5,39,-27
Forearms: -6,2,-100
Hands: -70,30,-29
Waist: 30,-16
Thigh: 1,3,33
Legs: -10,-2,100
Ankles: -47,-36

Skin color: 5 (-91,-10,-7)?

Name: Ted DiBiase
Ring Name: Million Dollar Man
Nick Name: DiBiase
Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Heel, Mummy

Powerful: 3,2
Speedy: 3,2
Technical: 3,2
Rough Neck: 3,2

Logic: Balanced, Balanced


Terry Funk - Created by SmackdownLab.com

Pics at:

Base Model - Type 1 - Normal

1. Skin - 1
2. Cheek
Face Edit - 13
Face Model - 10
-Eyebrow (-46, 0)
-Eyes (0, 0, 69, 51)
-Nose (0, 0, 0, 0)
-Cheek (18)
-Mouth (0, 0)
-Jaw (0, 0, 0)
3. Eyes - 14 (-93,-3,0)
4. Eyebrows - 2 (100,-89,-3,0)
5. Hair - 17 (-100,-74,0)
6. Underwear - Blank - 2 (23,-3,0)

The Headband
Layers 7 through 16 are for the headband.
Start with the base -
7-16. Design - Pattern - Face - Simple - 159 (100,100,-38,0)
Smallest size - Move to the highest point centered above the nose
Copy until you reach Layer 16.
Move each of these accordingly, around the visable portion of the head.

FUNK U Tshirt
17. Body - Tshirts - Blank - 8 (-25,100,33,-58,-100)
18. Body - Tshirts - Blank - 1 (-100,100,30,17,-100)
19. Design - Pattern - Body - Simple - 171
2nd Largest size - place in the upper section of his stomach area
20. Design - Pattern - Body - WWE - 6
3rd Largest size - place just below layer 19
21. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - U
Largest size - place over layer 19, and cover a small amount of the top of
layer 20
22. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - I
2nd Largest size - Rotate Once - Place over the top of the left piece of the U
23. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 01 - I
2nd Largest size - Rotate Once - Place over the top of the right piece of the U
24. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 03 - F
2nd Largest size - Place over the left side of the Big U
25. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 03 - U
2nd Largest size - Place to the right of the F
26. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 03 - N
2nd Largest size - Place to the right of the U
27. Design - Letter - Body - Font Type 03 - K
2nd Largest size - Place to the right of the N

28. Legs - Tights - Pattern - 9 (100,100,26,-3,0)
29. Waist - Underwear - Blank - 7 (100,100,-67,0)
30. Legs - Tights - Pattern - 2 (100,-23,-100,-100)
31. Hand - Gloves - Both - 25 (-100,3,0)
32. Arms - Wristbands - Both - Blank - 2 (-67,100,-100,-3,0)
33. Feet - Socks - Both - Others - 3 *OPtional* (-37,100,47,-3,0)
34. Feet - Shoes - Both - Blank - 12 -64,-100,-100,-53)
35. Face - Mustache - 26 (100,-89,-35,0)
36. Face - Mustache - 14 (100,-93,-19,0)

Skin Color - Color 3 (-91,20,0)

-Head (-41, 19)
-Neck (-22, -38, 44)
-Chest (7, 3)
-Shoulder-Both (-79, -4, -12)
-Abdomen (-25, 6, 46)
-Arms-Both (-21, -6, -50)
-Forearms-Both (-34, -15, -88)
-Hands-Both (-74, -12, -27)
-Waist (23, -22)
-Thigh (-14, 0, -27)
-Legs (-2, -22, -6)
-Ankles (-35, -19)

Height - 6'3"


Test - Created by Bhangra Man

Pics at:

Skin color :3, C(-91,22)

Wrestling Gear VERSION

1.)Skin:4 maybe Skin 2 depends on user
2.)Cheeks> Face edit: 22, Face model:11
Eyes (0,-14), (0,0)
Nose (-15,0), (-48,0)
Cheeks (-3)
Jaw (-19,19),0

3.)Eyes: 10, c(-5,-20), s(-37)
4.)Eyebrows: 3, t(40), c(-85, -46), s(-11)
5.)Hair: 5, c(19,74), s(18)
7.)Face mousctache:2, C(-87, 54), S(7)


The next 4 pieces fill the space in the middle of the facial hair above lips
8.)Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10), rotate 2*, reduce 3*, place
just left of centre of the facial hair above lips in the space
9.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10), rotate 2*, reduce 3*,
place roughly the same place as previous but make it end up just above previous
piece and slightly to the right of
10.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10), rotate 2*, reduce 3*,
place just left of centre of the facial hair above lips in the space
11.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10) , rotate 2*, reduce 3*,
place roughly the same place as previous but make it end up just above previous
piece and slightly to the left

NOW I MAKE the facial hair above the lips connect with the facial hair at the
chin to help make his goatee
12.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10) , rotate 3*, reduce 3*,
place at the left side of lips , make the left side of facial hair above lips
connect with facial hair on chin SEE HELP LINK 1
13.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10) , rotate 3*, reduce 3*,
place at the right side of lips , make the right side of facial hair above lips
connect with facial hair on chin SEE LINK 1

14.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10) , place carefully on chin
to give him more stubble there SEE HELP LINK 1
15.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10) , reduce 1*, place
slightly over the top part of previous piece thickening up the stubble at the
16.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,85), S(10), rotate 1*, reduce 1*,
this is the vertical piece coming out of the stubble on chin see HELP LINK 1
17.) Design>Face > WWE pattern: 42, C(-83,51), S(9) place just below lips
18.)Face accessories: 8, T(-73), C(100,-3)

**Now I create little bags under the eyes
19.)Design>Face>Simple pattern : 166, reduce 2*, T(-62), C(-89,62), S(-26)
place just below left eye and move it near the nose without going onto it
20.) Design>Face>Simple pattern : 166, reduce 2*, T(-65), C(-89,82), S(-26)
place below right eye and and move it near the nose without going onto it
21.) Design>Face>Simple pattern : 166, reduce 2*, T(-79), C(-84,82), S(-26)
place above and to the left of layer 19 but still make sure this piece is below
the eye
22.) Design>Face>Simple pattern : 166, reduce 2*, T(-87), C(-84,82), S(-26)
place above and to the right of layer 20 but still make sure this piece is
below the eye
23.)Face accessories: 85

**Now time for the tattoo SEE HELP LINK 2
24.) Design> Left arm> Alphabet>Font 1: I , reduce 1*, T(10), C(-6,-77), S(-54)
place high on left arm this is the vertical piece in pic that’s in the middle
25.) Design> Left arm> Alphabet>Font 1: I , reduce 1*, T(29), C(100,-25),
S(-65) place on top but just below the center part of previous piece

26.) Design> Left arm> Alphabet>Font 3: I , reduce 1*, T(3), C(-89,-100),
S(-22) place as seen in pic this is the horizontal ‘I’ piece in tattoo
27.) Design> Left arm>Simple pattern 101, reduce 3*, T(25), C(3,-35) place so
that it is hanging off the left hand of previous layer
28.) Design> Left arm> Alphabet>Font 1: V, reduce 2*, rotate 1*,T(4), C(-52,
-87), S(-63) place so that it hangs of a little of the right end of layer 26
29.) Design> Left arm> Numeral>: 1, (first one on this page), reduce 1*,
T(-39),C(23,-80) place on the right of the V previously placed
30.)Hands> Gloves: 25, C(-100,-3)
31.)Arms> Wristbands, Blank: 2, L(-75), C(-100,-3)
32.)Legs> Tights> Blank:1, L(-100), C(28,17),S(-23)
33.)Legs>Kneepads>Blank: 7,C(20,-79), S(-99)
34.)Feet>Shoes>Blank: 11, L(-75),C(100, -54),S(-100)
35.) Design> Left leg> Alphabet>Font 1: 3rd column, last row, C(24,-3), S(-100)
place on top of left kneepad
36.) Design> right leg> Alphabet>Font 1: 3rd column, last row, C(24,-3),
S(-100) place on top of right kneepad
37.)Arms> elbow pads > Blank :1, C (16,-54), S(-100)>>NOTE THIS IS OPTIONAL he
has worn these in the past

38.)Design>Face>Simple pattern 171, reduce 3*, rotate 1*, C(-87,-14), S(-18)
place to extend left sideburn as his sideburns curl out a little in shape
39 Design>Face>Simple pattern 171, reduce 3*, rotate 1*, C(-87,-14),
S(-18)place to extend right sideburn as his sideburns curl out a little in

Head(-45), 19
Neck (-29,-24), 47
Chest (-58,-15)
Shoulder (-91,-47),-7
Abdomen (-6,34), 36
Forearms (-45,-28),-94
Hands (-89,-12), (-39)
Waist (-2,-83)
Thighs (-24,-31),(-57)

Ankles (-47,-36)

Height 6’9” suits figures


Tommy Dreamer - Created by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 1
Cheeks 16, Face Model 20
Eyebrows (0,34)
Eyes (0,0)(0,48)
Nose (-8,0)(-55,0)
Cheeks (0)
Mouth (-46,0)
Jaw (36,16)(0)

Eyes 16 (-92,-3,0)
Eyebrows 11 (37,-89,-3,0)
Hair 16 (-100,-11,40)
Underwear - Default
Mustache 7 (-57,-100,-3,0)
Mustache 16 (-9,90,-3,0)
Mustache 2 (100,-98,-3,0)
Paint 5 (-98,-100,-100,0)
Face Accessories 23 (-60,-100,-100,0)
Body Accessories 31 (-50,-97,-77,0)
T-Shirt - Blank 8 (-45,100,33,-30,0)
Pattern - Body - WWE 62 (Reduce once and put on chest) (100,-100,-3,0)
Pattern - Body - WWE 64 (Reduce twice and place on back near collar)
Shoes - Blank 11 (100,-100,-3,0)
Wristbands - Blank 2 (-81,100,-100,-3,0)
Gloves 25 (-100,-3,0)
Pants - Blank 1 (19,-80,-64)

Skin Color 3 (-91,9,2)

Height: 6’2”

Head (-1,60)
Neck (-53,-14)(-59)
Chest (12,43)
Shoulder (-100,-12)(-12)
Abdomen (-13,32)(36)
Arms (-28,-16)(-9)
Forearms (-36,-16,-88)
Hands (-92,-12)(-91)
Waist (55,-44)
Thighs (5,22)(-27)
Legs (6,-10)(-6)
Ankles (-47,-36)


Typhoon - Created By: ArtyNerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Legends of the WWF Volume 1 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: chiefwahoo2

Not sure on body size i suggest u try large and try the figures to see if that
was the proper body

1.Skin 10
2.Cheeks Face Edit 22 Model 4
Eyebrow 9,13
Eyes -1,35,51,-19
Nose -76,-100,-42,8
Cheeks 33
Mouth -3,35
Jaw 74,60,5
3.Eyes 31 Color -100,-3
4.Eyebrows 19 Color -82,-3 Shade 68
5.Hair 21 Color -99,-85
6.Underwear Blank 7 Color -97,-25 Shade -100
7.Mustache 28 Color 100,-100
8.Mustache 6 Trans -9 Color 100,-66
9.Mustache 39 Trans 46 Color 100,-100
10.Mustache 14 Color 100,-22
11.Facial Accessories 23 Trans -50,Color -100,-100 Shade -100
12.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Rotate Once Place Highest Tip Under figs
right earlobe it should be touching and the rest going under his chin this and
the next (13) will give him a clean shave under chin color -92,46 shade -48
13.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Rotate 3 Times And Place Under Figs Left Ear
But Three Spaces From Touching It With The Highest Tip Of Triangle Kind Of Same
As Last Step Color -92,46 Shade -48
14.Facial Accesseries 66 Trans -60 Color -95,-100 Shade 8
15.Design Pattern Simple 159 Reduce Once Move Under Chin As Far Down Until U
Cannot See The Triangles Points Under Chin (Step 12 And 13) Color -92,32 Shade
-48 Now He Should Not Have Hair Visible Under Chin
16.No Sleeves Blank 1 Select The One That Looks Like Rvd Upper Tights Color
100,-3 Shade 34
17.Underwear Blank 7 Color 100,-37 Shade -100
18.Knee Pads Blank 1 Color 100,48
19.Shoes Blank 11 Length -45 Color -100,-3 Shade -100
20.Design Pattern Simple 157 Body Move Circle In Center As Low As Possible And
Move Up 17 Spaces Trans 79 Color 6,67 Shade -100
21.Design Pattern Simple 157 Body Reduce Twice Start At Center Of White Circle
U Have Created And Move 15 Spaces Left And 6 Spaces Up Color 100,48 Shade -5
22.Design Pattern Simple 139 Body Rotate Once Reduce Twice Start Inside Red
Circle From Step 21 And Move 16 Spaces Left Color 100,38 Shade 25
23.Design Pattern Simple 158 Body Rotate 3 Times Reduce 3 Times Move To Bottom
Middle Of White Circle With Half Triangle Inside Circle And Half Out Color
14,-90 Shade -100
24.Design Pattern Simple 158 Body Reduce 3 Times Start Completely Inside Red
Circle And Move 28 Spaces Up Should End Up Near Right Strap Of Wrestling No
Sleeves Color 100,70 Shade -6
25.Design Pattern Simple 158 Body Reduce 3 Times Rotate 3 Times And Place
Completely Inside Red Circle And Move 13 Spaces Left And 4 Spaces Up Color
26.Design Letters Sign Page 1/7 5th Down First Row Should Be ( Rotate Once
Start By Outlining Top Of Red Circle And Move 8 Spaces Right And 1 Space Down
Color 16,45 Shade -100

27-32 Are Letters Of Alphabet Typhoons Name On His Shirt Use Design Letters
Alpha Font 6 Page 1 For All And Color 23,-100 Shade For Rest
27.Start With H And Place Near Bottom Of Circle In Middle Of Black Triangle U
Have Placed
28.Next Is O Move It With A Little Space To Right Of H
29.Another O Move It Right And Angle It Up A Tad
30.Next Is N Move Right And Have It Angle Up A Tad
31.Next Is P Move Left Of H A Tad
32.Next Is Y Move Left Of P And Angle Up A Tad
33.Last Is T Move Left Of Y And Angle Up A Tad

Skin Colors 3 With Maybe A Tweek

Head -23,33
Neck 44,18,-14
Chest 89,91
Shoulder 20,5,-20
Abdomen 92,90,33
Arms -15,14,-74
Forearms -20,-9,-100
Hands -74,16,-32
Waist 82,56
Thigh 3,5,-57
Legs -5,3,19
Ankles -47,-36


Ring name -Natural Disaster
Nickname -Typhoon
Bio- man, heavy, heel, tornado
Crowd signs ur choice

Power 4,4
Speed 2,2
Tech 2,2
Roughneck 4,3



Ultimate Warrior - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated by NoLiMiT

Skin color: 5 (-89,-17,1)?

Skin: 2
Cheek: Edit: 15 Model: 11
Eyebrow: 0,0
Eyes: -36,-7,0,0
Nose: 0,31,0,0
Cheek: -26
Mouth: 0,-10
Jaw: 8,7,0

Eyes: 47 (90,-3,0)
Eyebrows: 2 (100,-89,-3,0)
Hair: 29 (-81,-32,0)
Underwear: blank: 18 (19,72,-100)
Socks: blank: 1 (-22,100,31,-61,-100)
Paint: 38 (100,25,25,0)
Paint: 33 (100,-100,100,-100)
Paint: 37 (100,-96,-3,22)
Knee Pads: blank: 2 (100,25,8,-14)
Wrist Bands: blank: 1 (-48,100,28,-16,-16)
Wrist Bands: blank: 1 (-69,100,86,6,-100)
Wrist Bands: blank: 1 (-83,100,-96,24,13)

Face Pattern
place on his right face side. move up to connect it with the paint around his
Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 1 turn: 2 (100,-92,-6,7)

place on his left face side. move up to connect it with the paint around his
Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 1 turn: 2 (100,-92,-6,7)

Face Accessories: 27 (100,3,-45,100)
Shoes: Others: 8 (28,-3,-100)

Right Arm Pattern
use this to make a wrap around his right upper arm
Pattern: Flag: 23 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-100,-29,-10)
Pattern: Flag: 23 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-100,-29,-10)
Pattern: Flag: 23 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-100,-29,-10)
Pattern: Flag: 23 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-100,-29,-10)
Pattern: Flag: 23 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-100,-29,-10)

Left Arm Pattern
use this to make a wrap around his left upper arm
Pattern: Flag: 23 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-100,-29,-10)
Pattern: Flag: 23 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-100,-29,-10)
Pattern: Flag: 23 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-100,-29,-10)
Pattern: Flag: 23 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-100,-29,-10)
Pattern: Flag: 23 reduce: 2 turn: 2 (100,-100,-29,-10)

Body Pattern
On Back All The Way Down, Now 9 Steps Up
Pattern: Picture: 59 reduce: 1 (87,-94,100,100)

Place On The Upper Left Corner Of The $ Pattern
Pattern: Simple: 171 reduce (100,26,-3,-2)

Place Left Behind The Blue Patter You Add Before.
the first line should be middle high of the blue pattern
Sign: Font Type: 1 Page: 3/7 row 2 symbol 3 (100,23,53,-100)

Middle Of Back And All The Way Down
Pattern: Simple 140 reduce: 1 (100,-60,45,-100)

Place On His Right Side Of The Underwear
Word: 138 turn: 1 reduce: 2 (100,25,-3,-27)

Place On His Left Side Of The Underwear
Word: 138 turn: 3 reduce: 2 (100,25,-3,-27)

Place this 3 Numbers in a upside down triangle form on the front of his
Numeral: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/1 the second 3 reduce: 3 turn: 3 (100,23,-3,-33)
Numeral: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/1 the second 3 reduce: 3 turn: 3 (100,23,-3,-33)
Numeral: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/1 the second 3 reduce: 3 turn: 3 (100,23,-3,-33)

Place this 3 Numbers in a triangle form on front of his underwear in the middle
of the other one before
Numeral: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/1 the second 3 reduce: 3 turn: 3 (100,-92,-3,-27)
Numeral: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/1 the second 3 reduce: 3 turn: 3 (100,-92,-3,-27)
Numeral: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/1 the second 3 reduce: 3 turn: 3 (100,-92,-3,-27)

Height: 6'4"

Head: 30,100
Neck: 37,3,100
Chest: 69,77
Shoulder: 8,-14,45
Abdomen: 4,0,-9
Arms: 8,50,-37
Forearms: 12,-5,-100
Hands: -23,40,-24
Waist: 2,-23
Thigh: -1,-3,-3
Legs: 100,65,100
Ankles: 100,36

Name: The Ultimate Warrior
Nick Name: The Warrior
Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Super Face, The Warrior

Powerful: 4,4
Speedy: 2,2
Technical: 2,2
Rough Neck: 4,3

Logic: Brawler, Brawler


The Undertaker (Phenom Look) - Created by sirwadelot

Pics at:

Skin color 2

Skin 1

Face edit
Cheek 21/face 4
Eyebrow 19/19
Eyes -14/-100/-6/-48
Nose -74/38/-44/0
Cheek -40
Mouth 33/34
Jaw 3/19/-36

Eyes 19 83/100/-100
Eyebrows 21 100/-96/-93/0
Hair 54 -95/-56/0
Mustache 25 53/-84/-29/0

T-shirts/blank 8 -76/100/33/-43/-100
Tights/blank 1 100/100/25/-40/-100
Shoes/blank 14 -100/-29/0
Socks/blank 3 -33/100/44/-70/-64
Socks/blank 3 -60/100/28/-100/-100
Socks/blank 3 -62/100/44/-54/-67
Gloves 1 52/-54/-59
Wrist Bands/Blank 1 2/100/-85/-4/-40

Use the following to create the torn sleeves. Overlap the tip of the triangle
onto the sleeves. Use the same formula four times for each arm, and try to
stagger them up and down. It will look better this way.

Pattern/Simple 158 100/-86/48/-60 (4x Each For Left And Right Arm)

Now for the tattoos.

Pattern/left upperarm/tattoo 4 -42/-100/-3/-66
Pattern/right upperarm/tattoo 24 -28/-88/-43/-39
Pattern/right forearm/tattoo 11 -34/86/-40/-33
Pattern/left forearm/wwe 63 -51/-100/-3/0 (rotate 2x)

Wrist bands/blank 1 -57/100/56/-69/-62
Elbow pads/blank 1 100/25/-41/-100

Head -89/46
Neck -17/6/66
Chest 43/-1
Shoulder -50/-63/-20
Abdomen -13/13/27
Arms -25/-15/-5
Forearms -50/-29/-94
Hands -89/-12/-39
Waist 9/-36
Thigh -2/4/33
Legs -6/-20/66
Ankles -15/-19

Height 6’10”


Undertaker (Ministry Look) - Created by Bhangra Man

Pics at:
HELP PIC: http://www.markbyte.co.uk/bm/takerhelp.jpg

Skin color: 2 (Default)


1.)Skin: 1
2.)Cheeks/ Face edit: 21, Face model: 11
Eyes (6,-100),(39,74)
Nose (13,43),(3,-31)
Cheeks (68)
Mouth (13, 0)
Jaw (-66,100)

3.)Eyes: 28, C(15,-16)
4.)Eyebrows: 19, C(75,-100)
5.)Hair: 17, C(-100,-74), S(-49)
6.)Underwear: 7
7.)Paint: 74, C(-97,74), S(-30)
8.)Face accessories: 1, T(-20), C(-100,-3)
9.)Face>Paint:75, T(-64),C(-82,-14),S(2)
10..)Face> Moustache: 32,T(87),C(-92,-100)
11.)Face >accessories:64, T(-18), C(78,-3), S(-22)
13.)Design> letters>Face>Signs> 1/7> 4th column last row> reduce 1*, rotate 1*,
T(-62), C(-96,-82) place between eyes on nose
14.)Design> patterns>face> wwe pattern: 42, rotate 3*, reduce 1*, C(34,-59)
place to make one sideburn longer
15.) Design> patterns>face> wwe pattern: 42, rotate 1*, reduce 1*, C(34,-59)
place to make the other sideburn longer
16.)Design>Face>simple pattern>156, rotate 2*, T(56),C(-94,69),S(-22) place on
beard close to left hand side of the mouth, all I am doing is reducing the
facial hair beard so that it does not go above the lip line see help link
17.) Design>Face>simple pattern>156, rotate 2*, T(53),C(-93,53),S(-25) place on
beard close to the right hand side of the mouth , same reason as above
18.) Design> letters>Face>Signs> 1/7> 4th column last row> rotate 3*, T(-20),
C(100,-100), S(-51) best described by the help link for placement
19.)Face>accessories: 74>T(32), C(-98,-37)
20.)Face accessories: 56>T(18), C(-95,41),S(-14)
21.) Design> letters>Face>Signs> 1/7> 4th column last row, reduce 1*, rotate
1*, C(-94,46),S(-55) place below lips so that the facial hair is no longer
going to the lips

22.)Arms>tattoos:4, T(-12),C(100,-3),S(-63)
23.)Design>patterns>left arm> wwe pattern: 63, T(-29),C(-100,-3), S(-22) place
at the bottom of left arm and turn it to side
25.)Design>pattern>right arm>pattern tattoo:24,T(-31),C(100,-100),S(-59) place
almost high as possible on arm and place so about 1/3 can be seen in front view
26.) Design>pattern>right arm>pattern tattoo:24,reduce
1*,T(-31),C(100,-100),S(-59) place just to the right of previous pattern
27.) Design>pattern>right arm>pattern tattoo:11,
*,T(-3),C(-45,-100),S(-57)place as low as possible on this arm and place about
half of it can be seen in front view
28.)arms tattoos:8>T(-17), C(-100,-45)
29.)design>left arm> pattern>tattoo:3, T(-25),C(-9,-3) place high on left arm
and place so about 1/3 can be seen in front veiw

30.)Arms> elbow pads>blank:1>C(25,-75),S(-100)
32.)T-shirts>Blank: 8, L(-100),C(33,-67),S(-100)
33.)underwear>blank:7>T(6), C(100,-70),S(-77)
34.)Design>right leg>wwe pattern:66, T(87), C(-16,-87), S(5) place on leg as
high as possible and place it on the side
35.) Repeat as previous layer but this time for left leg
36.) Design>Body>wwe pattern:66, T(39), C(-30,-82), S(-3) place on center of
37.)Feet> shoes>blank: 12, L(-30), C(-100,-56)
38.)Feet>shoes>blank: 14, C(-100,-59)
39.)Hands> gloves: 12, C(-73,-93),S(-100)

40.)Face accessories> 23,T(-14), C(-100,-3) THIS IS OPTIONAL HAS SOMETIME HE


Arms(-32, 2),-23
Hands (-89,-12),-39
Waist (18,-39)
Thighs (-3,-20),57
Legs (-5,-18),6
Ankles (-47,-36)

Height 7’2”


Undertaker (New Look) - A mixture of CAWs by BhangraMan and Sirwadealot, Attire
by Dan Fookes

Pics at:


Layer List:
Skin 1
Cheeks - Face Edit - Cheek 21 - Face Model 4
Eyebrow (19,19)
Eyes (-14,-100)(-6,-80)
Nose (-74,38)(-44,0)
Cheek (-40)
Mouth (7,34)
Jaw (3,19)(-36)

Eyes 19 (83,-3,0)
Eyebrows 21 (57,-96,1,44)
Hair 20 (-59,-4,33)
Underwear (Default)

Mustache 25 (100,-74,6,47)
Face - Pattern - Simple 166 (Reduce 1x)(6,-93,100,-42) Place under lips
covering top of centre part of beard, with a little tuft at top
Face - Pattern - WWE 42 (Rotate 1x, Reduce 1x)(-9,34,-100,0) Place over right
sideburn, so that half of pattern sticks out at bottom
Face - Pattern - WWE 42 (Rotate 1x, Reduce 1x)(-9,34,-100,0) Place over left
sideburn, so that half of pattern sticks out at bottom
Face Accessories 52 (100,-91,11,0)
Face - Pattern - WWE 42 (Reduce 1x)(-10,5,-38,0) Place on throat

Arms - Tattoos 4 (-12,100,-3,-63)
Design - Patterns - Left arm -WWE 63 (Rotate Once) (-29,-100,-3,-22) Place at
the bottom of left arm and turn it to side
Arms - Tattoos 1 (18,-100,-16,0)
Design - Patterns - Right arm - Tattoo 24 (-31,100,-100,-59) Place almost high
as possible on arm and place so about 1/3 can be seen in front view
Design - Patterns - Right arm - Tattoo 24 (-31,100,-100,-59) Place just to the
right of previous pattern
Design - Patterns - Right arm - Tattoo 11 (-3,-45,-100,-57) Place as low as
possible on this arm and place about half of it can be seen in front view
Arms - Tattoos 8 (-17,-100,-45,0)

Shoes - Blank 11 (100,-100,-3,0)
Pants - Blank 12 (-94,-24,-38)
Shirts - Blank 9 (Press Circle for done-up shirt)(-100,100,100,-3,22)
No Sleeves - Blank 1 (Press Circle 1x)(100,100,30,34)
Pattern - Body - Simple 157 (Reduce 3x)(100,100,59,-15) Place over remaining
visable button
Elbow Pad - Left Only - Blank 1 (100,25,-61,-100)
Gloves 12 (Both) (-73,-95,0)
Pattern - Body - WWE 64 (Reduce 3x)(100,-100,-3,0) Place at top of back in

Back Pattern:
Pattern - Body - Simple 157 (Reduce 1x)(100,100,-100,100) Place on centre of
Pattern - Body - Simple 157 (Reduce 2x)(100,100,66,-13) Place inside previous
Pattern - Body - WWE 59 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 1x)(100,-100,-100,-100) Place ion
centre of red circle
Pattern - Simple 167 (Reduce 3x, Rotate 2x)(100,-67,46,-100) Place in
upper-left quarter of black circle just made (From 9 to 12 o’clock)
Pattern - Simple 170 (Reduce 3x)100,-100,100,-100) Place two of these in the
black border of the pattern, one at the top of the circle, and one at the

Front Pattern:
This should be written in Font Type 3 (Reduce 1x) Write BIG EVIL as shown in
pic. Start with the I in BIG as a guide to centre the writing (100,23,50,-100)

Skin Color: 3

Head (-74,39)
Neck (-22,6)(66)
Chest (43,8)
Shoulder (-50,-63)(-20)
Abdomen (-1,13)(27)
Arms (-27,18)(-5)
Forearms (-50,-29)(-94)
Hands (-89,-12)(-39)
Waist (9,-36)
Thigh (-2,4)(33)
Legs (-6,-20)(66)
Ankles (-15,-19)

Height 6’10”


Vader - Created By: ArtyNerd

Pics at:

Appears on: Miscellaneous 4 Save File
Creator's Website: www.artynerds.com
Creator's Email: caw@artynerds.com
Formula Translated By: chiefwahoo2


1.Skin 4
2.Cheeks Face Edit 13 Model 2
Eyebrows 52,-100
Eyes -8,-100,-20,2
Nose 45,47,16,-100
Cheek 8
Mouth 0,-17
Jaw 19,62,-11
3.Eyes 28
4.Eyebrows 66 Color 100,-100
5.Hair 4 Color -83,91 Shade 37
6.Underwear Blank 1
7.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Place On Back As Low As Possible Centered Then
Move Up 58 Spaces Color 100,-14
8.Mask 9 Color -54,-58 Shade 14
9.Mask 87 Color 100,45 Shade 100
10.Design Pattern Simple 159 Face Reduce Once Place Center Of Face As Low As
Possible Then Move 55 Spaces Down And Left 30 Spaces Color 100,-11 Shade 29
11.Mask 86 Color -91,32 Shade -35
12.Mask 7 Color 100,-82 Shade 100
13.Mask 11 Color 100,-100 Shade 16
14.Design Pattern Simple 157 Face Place Centered On Face As Low As Possible
Then Move Up 16 Spaces Color -92,59 Shade -47
15.Mustache 4 Color -85,100 Shade 14
16.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Reduce Twice Rotate Twice Place Centered On
Face As High As Possible Then Move 39 Spaces Right And Down 51 Spaces Color
-91,46 Shade -44
17.Design Pattern Simple 158 Face Reduce Twice Rotate Twice Place Centered On
Face As High As Possible Then Move 39 Spaces Left And Down 51 Spaces Color
-91,46 Shade -44

****18-21 all are design letters sign font1 page 1 select (/)
18.Place On Centered On Face As High As Possible Then Move Right 58 Spaces And
Down 4 Spaces Color -99,-12
19.Place On Step 18 Exactly And Move Down 3 Spaces Color -99,12
20.Rotate Once Place Centered On Face As High As Possible Then Move Right 58
Spaces And Down 4 Spaces Color -99,-12
21.Place Exactly On Step 20 And Move Down 3 Spaces Color -99,-12
22.Costume Blank 1 Select 2 Straps Color 100,35 Shade 31

****23-26 all are design letters sign font1 page 1 face select (/)
This Should Connect Strap And Almost Touch Ear When In Proper Placement But It
Stops Just Before U Get To Ear
23.Rotate Once Place On Face Centered As Low As U Can Go Then Move 44 Spaces Up
And Left 40 Spaces Color -99,-12
24.Rotate Once Place On Pattern U Did On Step 23 Exactly And Move 3 Spaces Down
25.Place On Face Centered As Low As U Can Go Then Move 44 Spaces Up And Right
40 Spaces Color -99,-12
26.Place On Design U Did On Step 25 Exactly Then Move Down 3 Spaces Color
27.Tights Blank 2 Color -100,-14 Shade -100
28.Underwear Blank 7 Color -97,-32 Shade -100
29.Design Pattern Simple 159 Body Reduce Once Place On Chest Centered As Low As
U Can Go And Move Up 35 Spaces Color 6,-100 Shade -100
30.Design Pattern Simple 139 Body Rotate Once Place On Chest Centered As Low As
Possible Then Move Up 32 Spaces Color 100,-25 Shade 35
31.Design Pattern Simple 139 Body Rotate Once Place On Back Centered As Low As
Possible Then Move Up 35 Spaces Color -98,-16 Shade 24
32.Gloves 12 Color -73,-100 Shade -100
33.Knee Pads Blank 1 Color 25,-75 Shade -100
34.Shoes Checks 8 Length -62 Color 100,-54 Shade 44
35.Design Pattern Simple 157 Body Reduce Once Place On Chest Centered As High
As Possible Then Move Down 12 Spaces Down Color -94,59 Shade -47
36.Design Pattern Simple 157 Body Reduce Once Place On Back Centered As High As
Possible Then Move Down 10 Spaces Color -92,56 Shade -41
37.Body Accessory 28 Trans -7 Color -89,-30
38.Design Word 70 Body Reduce Twice Place On Chest Centered As Low As Possible
Then Move Up 43 Spaces Trans 46 Color 30,-100 Shade 99
39.Design Word 90 Body Reduce Twice Place 10 Spaces Higher Centered From Step
38 Trans 35 Color 25,-100 Shade 100
40.Design Letters Alpha Font 1 Page 1 Face Select (V) Reduce Twice Place On
Head Centered As High As Possible Then Move Down 14 Spaces Color 26,-100 Shade

Head 20,73
Neck 25,77,36
Chest 100,85
Shoulder -4,6,33
Abs 74,100,41
Arms -12,36,-70
Forearms -9,5,-100
Hands 100,70,-22
Waist 87,55
Thigh 7,10,-27
Legs 10,0,39
Ankles -47,-36

Height 6'11"

Skin Colors 3 With Some Tweaking To Match Design On Chest And Back

BIOS-man,heavy,super heel,bull
CROWD SIGNS-japanese flag twice


X-Pac - Created by Statik420

Pics at:

Base Edit:

Cheek Face Edit: 11 Model 05 all the figure is the same
Eyes: 1 default
Eyebrows: 2 default
Hair: 26 (-21/-9)(-100)
No Sleeves: 18 default
Tights Others: 23 default
Knee Pads One Point: 1 (100)(-100/-32)(0)
Shoes Others: 5 (100/-3)(0)
Wristbands Blank: 2 (-79)(100)(-100/-3)(0)
Gloves Both: 11 Default
Mustache: 28 (100)(100/-100)(0)
Mustache: 3 (100)(100/-100)(0)
Mustache:21 (100)(100/-100)(0)
Face Accessories: 87 (100)(100)(56)(28)


Height: 6'1

Head: (-41)(73)
Neck: (-42/-35)(59)
Chest: (38/5)
Shoulder: (-100/-20)(-5)
Abdomen: (-27/-18 )(41)
Arms: (-62/-13)(3)
Forearms: (-34/-33)(-100)
Hands: (-10/-29)(-48 )
Waist: (11/-36)
Thigh: (-23/-1)(-45)
Legs: (-24/5)(0)
Ankles: (-47/-36)

Skin Color 3

Zeus - Created by Artynerd

Pics at:

Formula Translated by NoLiMiT

Skin color: 6 (-90,-46,15)?

Skin: 8
Cheek: Edit: 22 Model: 17
Eyebrow: 9,49
Eyes: 25,-30,100,70
Nose: 7,40,14,-42
Cheek: 18
Mouth: 6,-37
Jaw: 10,45,46

Eyes: 26 (11,8,-73)
Eyebrows: 93 (100,100,-100,0)
Hair: 1
Underwear: blank: 7 (-96,-3,0)
Tights: one point: 7 (100,100,-100,-25,-100)
Tights: one point: 13 (-56,100,-100,-40,-100)
Knee Pads: blank: 1 (100,25,-69,-100)
Shoes: One point: 20 (-96,-100,-3,0)
Wrist Bands: blank: 2 (-59,100,-100,-48,-100)
Belts: 34 (100,16,-20,-100)

Write ZEUS on his left leg
note: for a better position of the letters first
use body for the U and move it all the way down
all other letters are left leg.
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: reduce: 1 Turn: 3: Z (100,23,-100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: reduce: 1 Turn: 3: E (100,23,-100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: reduce: 1 Turn: 3: U (100,23,-100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: reduce: 1 Turn: 3: S (100,23,-100,-100)

Write ZEUS on his right leg
note: for a better position of the letters first
use body for the E and move it all the way down
all other letters are right leg.
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: reduce: 1 Turn: 3: Z (100,23,-100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: reduce: 1 Turn: 3: Z (100,23,-100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: reduce: 1 Turn: 3: Z (100,23,-100,-100)
Alphabet: Font Type: 8 Page: 1/2: reduce: 1 Turn: 3: Z (100,23,-100,-100)

Mustache: 2 (100,100,-100,0)
Mustache: 14 (100,-93,-29,-81)
Mustache: 24 (100,-92,-41,-28)

Face Pattern
Pattern: Simple: 159 reduce: 1 (79,-88,-9,-37)
cover up the lower facial hair part on his right side

Pattern: Simple: 159 reduce: 1 (79,-88,-9,-37)
cover up the lower facial hair part on his left side

Face Accessories: 73 (100,-93,-62,0)
Face Accessories: 2 (-40,-100,-100,0)

Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: M reduce: 2 (-57,100,-100,93)
center it on face. connect it with his lower lip

Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 3 (-53,100,-100,0)
place over his left eye. move 1 down

Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 3 (-53,100,-100,0)
place over his right eye. move 1 down

Face Accessories: 66 (100,-89,-100,17)
Face Accessories: 60 (-62,-85,-46,76)

Pattern: Simple: 166 reduce: 2 (100,21,-30,-100)
place under nose to complete the mustache

Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 1 turn: 3 (-73,100,-100,0)
place on the left side of his chin

Pattern: Simple: 158 reduce: 1 turn: 1 (-73,100,-100,0)
place on the right side of his chin

Alphabet: Font Type: 1 Page: 1/2: Z (100,24,-100,-100)
Place over his left ear

Shoes: others: 2 (-100,-38,-99)

Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 1 (100,-89,-27,-31)
center on face. place 2 steps under his mouth so there is a little of the black
pattern left

Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 1 (100,-89,-17,-34)
place it 9 steps below the Circle pattern u add before

Pattern: Simple: 157 reduce: 2 (100,-94,-53,-28)
center on face and move all the way down. now move it 9 steps up

Height: 7'0"

Head: 16,100
Neck: 6,23,17
Chest: 79,33
Shoulder: -41,-19,-2
Abdomen: -19,5,38
Arms: -21,3,-17
Forearms: -22,-20,-100
Hands: -49,19,-22
Waist: 11,-36
Thigh: -26,-22,-57
Legs: 6,-25,100
Ankles: -47,-36

Biography: Man, Heavy Weight, Super Hell, Tank

Sign 1: Others: 1/4 Hand with one finger up
Sign 2: Others: 1/4 Pride

Power: 4,4
Speedy: 0,3
Technical: 1,3
Rough Neck: 4,3

Logic: Brawler, Grappler


Credit goes out to:
All the people whose CAWs are posted here (to list a few: Ceilican, Canewsome,
Artynerd, Bhangra Man)
Everyone on the Gamefaqs Board
Me (Well someone had to)
www.ceilican.co.uk - Ceilican's website, and inspiration of many
www.cheatsforplaystation2.com - My website (cheap plug)

This CAW guide is of the best CAWs I have found on the Internet, with credit
given where appropriate. I have checked all of these CAWs, and all are of great

If any webmaster wishes to post this on their site, feel free to do so, but it
must remain unchanged with credit given to Daniel Fookes. If you wish to submit
CAWs for this guide, please post them on the Gamefaqs Shut Your Mouth CAW board


Your CAW must be of a professional wrestler (past or present), and for those
slightly less mainstream, a picture of what the wrestler normally looks like
must be provided or linked to. Your CAW may stand a better chance being
submitted as well if a picture of your CAW is provided.

On the list, please look carefully to see if the wrestler you want is there.
Some are listed by their names (like Billy Gunn (Mr Ass)), while others may be
listed by their gimmicks (like Macho Man Randy Savage).

Finally, please DO NOT E-MAIL ME REQUESTING CAWs. I'm afraid I don't have the

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