Ground Control

Ground Control

17.10.2013 13:48:50
**************Ground Control Crayven Corporation guide ********
************************ By Fallon V1*******************************
************************23rd March 2003****************************
***************Copyright 2002 -2003 Fallon ***********************

disclaimer read first!

This FAQ is for private use only reproduction or republication in
CDroms or unspecified websites is not allowed as this is my work
and belongs to me and I worked hard for it. If you want it on your
web site ask me @

I also accept NO responsibility for what happens from use or lack
of use of this short FAQ so use at your own risk.Also please
do not ask stupid questions as these will be ignored .Examples
are what is the key for since its listed in the manual and the key
command card , or the serial code .Games are a product of hard
work and semi experiencing it myself I know first hand.

if you donot know about copy right then these are good links

I am also not responsible for players deciding that joing the space
marines and a corporation to fight off world wars (if gamefaqs survives
long enough that future developments ensue).Imagine that in 2437
Cjayc's decendant will still run this and people will log on to play
these basic games compared to what they have then...


I bought this dirt cheap and always wondered so splitting a 3 for
£10 deal with a nice old man at the local game shop I finally got
my first taste of ground control and it wasn't what I expected since
I recently finished the shogun total war FAQ or sort of nearly finished
it (it is mushrooming out of all control and each time I say right
thats IT I find something else about shogun toasty!)ground control
is different to say the least , proper line of sight , armour thickness
modifies on all units , beautiful terrain but no building of units you
get what you are given.Currently unit descriptors are not included
as its not as if you can build units ok you can choose which ones
to load into your dropships but its not the same and there are stats
in the manual anyway and stats in bars in the dropship config menu.

Also I am only going to write about Crayven Corporation and not order
units or order missions that I'll save for another FAQ for some other

I am also using version 1.007 Eng if anybody would like to know.



[1] Version history
[1.1] -System specs

[2] Differnitions
[2.1] Crayven Units

[3] Campaign stumble through

[4]The enemy

[5] General Questions

[6] secret sabotage mission walk through.

[7] Credits and permissions


[1] Version history

V0.1 7th March 2003

This is my pre-emptive strike on an FAQ (pre-emptive strikes
sem all the more common these days) after getting much further
in 4 hours than the other FAQ writter for this game I decided to
aid others for some bizzare reason.Maybe its the catharsis in
writting anything.


Added the enemy bit


Completed some tidying.

finally bothered to respell check this version in English (UK)


Added secret sabotage missin walk through (section 7)

[1.2] System Specs

This is taken from the manual

Minimum System Requirements
The Ground Control Direct Command Interface System (GC-DCIS) requires t
hat your Command APC onboard computer is equipped with:
Pentium II 233 MHz or Pentium II 200 with 3D Accelerator Card
250 MB HD Space
CD-ROM: 4x or better
640 x 480 SVGA high color (16-bit) 4 MB Video Card
DirectX 7.0a (included on CD)
Windows® compatible sound device
Mouse and Keyboard
Recommended System Requirements
For maximum combat performance Crayven Tactical Military Operations
recommend the following:
Pentium II 333 MHz or better
3D accelerator card (Glide or Direct3D compatible)
450 MB HD Space

Personal test deck

Win2k SP2*
AMD 900
TNT2 32mb
19 Inch screen
Direct X8
512mb RAM


It works fine except for windows 2000 there is a sound issue meaning that
voices as far as I can tell only in the briefing screens sometimes repeat
and over and sometimes they get stuck on certain words.Other than that I
can push all detail sliders to the max without any problems , though for
TNT1 there is a published problem than your video card may overheat with
max detail slider settings which happened on a friend's machine once.

and full detail is ok without much if any choppyness.

*officially win2k isn't supported by ground control nor is windows XP
but it works in Win2K for me (with a few lockups now and again so that
is all I shall say on that subject.

Note aerodynes seem to really suck up CPU juice for some reason.

[2] Differnitions

Differnitions yes really I know how to spell definitions its just
my eccentric way of spelling things and silly nick names I use
for nearly everything.I would also note that I am UK based and
speak the queens English (oh how posh!) therefore certain spellings
are different (also incorporates tactics that I can't be bothered to
sub section)

examples include:
UK ----- US
Tyre = Tire
centre = center
defence = defense

AAA = Anti aircraft artillery

Artillery = things fired by hogs

Armour factor =

front = most armour
Sides = significantly less
rear = paper thin
top = unknown but seeing how rockets hurt so much as well
as artillery on enemy I would assume it is either sides of

Baiting = to provide a weak or ideal target to lure the enemy into
a pre prepared kill zone.

Ballistic = shot goes in an arc rather than direct

Blind fire = to fire without information regarding enemy location for
lucky hits.

Corner trap = played for with terrain works in nearly every game
bar soldier of fortune since they lean round corners and maybe
Xcom and Q3 ,where:

Wall = H
You = O
Enemy = X


X moves down towards the arrow and you get several free shots
on his side while he notices you for one and then starts to turn on
your units.Since enemy cannot see you or shoot through the terrain
its quite useful , unless the enemy is infantry that can either:

A - fire over terrain
B - walk over terrain

Dawnies = Sarah's nick name for troops of the Order of the new

Decorating the terrain = dying

Direct shot = rounds go in a line of sight manner
with minor arcs , therefore terrain can be be used
to defend against it

Doing homework = Destroying enemy units and bases before
going to an untimed objective thus reducing the enemy count
so that if they do attack you or there is a hold the line type bit
at the end the enemy does not have as many assets to fry you.

DU = depleted Uranium rounds (illegal in UK naval forces!)

Dropships = dropships 4 units per dropship btw

Equipment = the equipment slots units carry

Flank = go behind an enemy unit and fire from there

FTT = flank turn trick where a unit (usually a fast one) moves
to the left or right of an enemy unit (usually tough tanks that
are immune to your weapons from the front to the left or right
then a way point behind that unit too not just the sides you want
maximum damage potential! ).So that they turn seeing the
greater flank damage potential threat , but in turn exposing
their sides and rear to your units that do not move therefore
being trapped in if they turn they die , if they donot turn your
unit flanks and fires into their rear.At which they can counter
by turning which exposes the rear to your stationary unit a lose
lose situation for the enemy unless they are infantry which don't
suffer as badly from flank attacks or the unit is supported or has
terrain that means they cannot be flanked.

FTT Variation have your hover dynes hit the enemy from the
front and do an end around with your APC containing your
crusaders and let them out when they can fire into the rears.
Rush the APC back to heal anything that looks shaky on the
hoverdyne front.

\O O O O

M = enemy unit
O = static unit to draw fire
--- = route
X = flanking or unit to turn the enemy.

This can also be done with just 2 crusader squads at lower risk
since crusaders are a bit less vulnerable to big terradyne guns.

Focused attacking = the theory that all units can inflict the
same damage regardless of their damage state therefore
removing the enemy removes firepower , an excellent
example is

You have 5 tanks he has 5 tanks both require 5 hits to kill
Scenario :1

5 tanks fire at each tank (one tank on one tank)

first exchange : each tank is hit once
second exchange : each tank is hit once
third exchange : each tank is hit once
fourth exchange : each tank is hit once
fifth exchange : each tank is hit once all tanks die

result everybody dies a big waste.

Focused fire

1st exchange : all your tanks fire at one of his all
your tanks hit once one enemy tank dead.

2nd exchange : 4 of your 5 tanks are hit another enemy
tank dies

3rd exchange : 3 of your tanks are hit another enemy
tank dies

4th exchange : 2 of your tanks are hit another enemy
tank dies

5th exchange : all enemy tanks dead possible one of your
tanks are dead.

You can enhance this by moving the more damaged tanks
away so you loose zero units (though take repairable
damage) while the enemy loses everything.

Hendrix = lenegendary guitarist and vocalist who died really

HE = High explosive

Howitzer = unit that fires in an arc therefore capable of firing over
terrain and your own units.

Infantry = foot units

Kill zone = are where the enemy has limited access (say in
single file) where you have multiple units in advantageous
terrain where they can bring maximum fire power to bear in
one burst killing most enemy types outright in the first 2

Lost leader tactic = use of a unit enemy's weapons are least
effective against to draw fire while your units flank or shoot their
more effective units (example your tank vs crusaders with your
marines shooting at them nearby but the crusader draws fire
since crusaders can barely hurt tanks but the tank's own guns
are less than lethal to enemy crusaders).

LOS = line of sight.

Lining up = since the heaviest armour is on the front of your
terradynes you want to turn the body of your terradynes to
the direction the most dangerous enemy is to reduce damage
taken, as mostly its just the turrets that turn.

MBT = main battle terradynes

pounding = throwing men into a fray without regard for their lives
to break the enemy hoping he breaks first , tactic often used by
CPU AI , not recommended for crayven commanders since
units need to stay alive to fight another day , powerhouse and
red wolves stay with you almost completely through the game.

Plink = to use a weapon that is worthless against an enemy

Plink 2= to use a weapon that is worthless against an enemy
to suppress it

Saturation fire = Hog units firing into an area to hit each area

SAM = Surface to air missile (hey shouldn't that be StAM ?
no its military speak)

Specials = the special limited shot weapons most units carry

Spray and pray = shoot in the general direction of the enemy
common for marines.And scout terradynes (no really scouts
are really bad at shooting at 1/4 a screen they can only hit
an enemy outpost (yes a huge outpost) several times per

Suppression = to be fired upon which un-nerves the enemy
so that he fires less accurately and moves slower (test it
on the early missions crusaders vs marines who are moving
the marines move much slower when fired upon and miss more)

at least once.

Tanks = terradynes or hoverdynes.note both should have infantry
support else they are quiet vulnerable.

Turning a unit = not yours but you put bait to run down its left
or right tricking it into thinking you want to flank it therefore
turning that unit so it enages the baite exposing the sides to
your powerful guns (yes enemies will even turn to scouts it
is that paranoid)

Toe to toe = the Tactic called muzzle to muzzle in Napoleonic
wars where one group marches up to another they exchange shots
and he who routs first loses! , but in GC it is exchanging shots with
enemies until one unit is completely destroyed.Unit with APC
repair and or bigger guns , better units or overwhelming numbers
or support in a different manner (artillery or rockets) wins.(ToT)

APC repair can be offset by singular targeting then quickly
moving to another target while the APC repairs one unit it
can't repair another so that unit dies and fire power directed
at you is reduced by at least 12.5% for marines 25% for jaegers
25% for 4 tank terradyne squads and 50% for annilators 33%
for rocket terradynes.
Valley trap

H = wall
X= enemy
O = your units


X ->


X moves along the valley floor unit A (a weak one) fires at X,
X usually stops and fires back withdraw and use the walls
as cover.The put forward B to shoot at X's rear , repeat to
get constant rear shots and quick infantry kills esp with

[2.1] Crayven units

Here I won't list the firepower speed or armour ratings much since
you can find that in the manual anyway.

Special weapons :
X3 RMM-9 infantry mortar
X3 CG-89mm anti-tank rocket

Mini radar


Killing crusaders is a good use for them as if killing torpedo troops
and sheiding your APC shelfding your APC as they can be healed
by its beams while the APC itself cannot.They are also semi good
as scouts since they can climb places tanks can't reach , they do
have an ability to shoot at aerodynes but its quite poor so don't expect
any decent AAA capabilities.Still in the heat of a battle have them
take out crusaders or move to flank enemy tanks to get all important
rear shots , since they are largely ignored by tanks when against
your tanks.

The mortar is quite good though shame you only get 3 shots at close
range it goes in a very shallow arc at long range it goes into a high arc.
Devastating against infantry semi ok against the sides and rear of enemy
hover dynes. The anti tank rocket does what it says on the can best
used from sides or rear.



Special weapons:

X1 Gyrojet ammo
X3 140MM RAW

Satchel charges
Image improver


Purely as scouts they are great they can actually take out infantry by
virtue of range they can take out 1 of 6 in a crusader group if you keep
backing up before the crusaders get to fire.But as with marines they can
handle all terrain (well most but not sheer cliffs) , they normal guns do
about 5% damage to medium hover dynes so its ok but its best not
to use them in open terrain as they die extremely quickly when fired
back on.Its best to put them on high cliffs to look down where enemy
guns can't reach and slowly wear down enemy tanks or to spot for your
hogs.The 140mm RAW seems to take hours to charge up so if you see
trouble in an enemy unit coming preempt a strike.Oh also as scouts you
want them to hold fire to prevent the enemy finding their location hell if
I was being shot at I'd know there was somebody with a gun somewhere.
Also air unit seem capable of seeing them quite easily for some reason
maybe they have IR sensors or something and they keep their heads
down so enemy ground units can't see them easily.Gyrojet ammo is
quite good for anti air its like using long range explosive shot , useful
on infantry and light vehicles.

Satchel charges are great sort of like duke nukem where you lay them
down and can detonate them with a button that appears on the screen
excellent for setting traps and powerful enough to take out anything as
long as the enemy unit is directly above the charge.

====Hover dynes====


Scout terradyne

Special weapons
DU ammo
HE Grenades

Repair kit

Ok but just for scouting as the name suggests as they don't fair too well
in combat without support (infantry or your APC repairing them in battle)
your best bet is to run away when you encounter things bigger than
Their grenades follow an arc'd approach so they take time to arrive which
means you have to apply a certain amount of lead on enemy units , though
they are so so against tanks they are great against all infantry (your own
too so becareful of friendly fire).Mines seem to be worthless since you need
to know where an enemy is coming from for it to be really effective.They can
also fire at air targets though with limited sucess.But the main advantage
their good LOS and good stealth.


Light terradyne

Special weapons
X3 DU ammo (good anti tank weapon)
X3 HE grenades (ballistic good on infantry so so on tanks)


repair module
automatic defence auto cannon
defence rocketlauncher
anti-aircraft defence unit

A little better but they can handle crusaders easily but the main strength
comes in the kit that can carry , the rocket turrets hit as hard as a 155
gun on a MBT terradyne but they are weak inthemselves , the other
units are so so (equipment).This unit can also fire at air units but also
with limited sucess.Due to their highish speed and armour you may want
to use them to flank the enemy tanks and fire into the sides and rear.

MBT Terradyne

Special weapons
X3 HE ammo (impact explosive semi worthless on armour good on infantry)
X1 HE ammo MkII

Repair module
Repair unit
Tracking unit

This soon becomes the bread and butter of your forces its the most powerful
gun on the field the 155 it carries shame it is terrible at infantry attacks
they can weather attacks from the front from crusaders for quite some time.
Still the ammo they carry is excellent against infantry (special) but
against tanks it seems you need direct hits for any good damage and it
always seems to miss.They cannot fire at air targets btw which means
you ought to support them with AAA capable units.They also enjoy repair
units which are deployed self sustaining repair guns with longer range than
that of the APC.Which repair any damaged unit that goes near them (friend)
which can be gppd to repair your APC which can't heal itself , you can also
put down 2 of them in a team (after 38 second recharge) so they repair
each other when they get hit.This makes you unbreakable no matter what
the enemy throws at you in a config like this:

Legend :

e = repair unit

e e e e

Well maybe not everything but against all direct ground assault even
when torpedo troopers biting your heals they can take the damage and
be repaired nearly always faster than the enemy can inflict it (note APC
cannot repair repair units).I would also note due to their none existant
perception (ok its not that bad but really poor compared to other units
till you get them to elite) you ought to support them with jaegers or
For lost leader tactics they draw fire from crusaders excellently since
crusader guns do minor damage only to them.


annilator terradyne

Special weapons
X3 HE ammo (impact explosive semi worthless on armour)
X1 He Ammo MkII

Repair kit
Anti missile system

A big brute which surprised me in that it has lower fire power than that of
the MBT , still it fires at a higher rate those 120mm so it may make it up
a little .These you want to use them as spear head attackers purely to draw
fire since crusaders can barely hurt them from front and sides.Still don't
use them against slow tracking turrets the turret will have ages to fire
at you.I have a logical problem with them since they have twin 120mm they
haven't the same fire power as a group of MBTs.Also since they are just two
tanks it also means that there are less targets to spread out enemy fire.
Also another problem is when one is destroyed the unit loses 50% of its
firepower , when an MBT is destroyed it loses 25% fire power and MBTs
have better equipment too.But annilators are more compact being just
2 units therefore you can cram them into gorges


AA terradyne

Special weapons


Repair kit

A dissapointing but necessary unit sort of like maths classes in school
boring but necessary for life no really (maths classes for GCSE were
a very long time ago).They take out air units pretty quick , but have
zero ability to fire at ground units which is iffy to me since in other
games like Total annilation SAM units could be used against ground
units.And I'm sure that rip cannon as I call it would devastate infantr

V0.01 Update It can utterly annilate the enemy in tests with the enemy
flying all over the place it can take 90% off a building (massive hit
in 2 bursts (from a 4 unit squad) if an enemy aerodyne flies behind a
building but situations where you get to do this are rare and cannot
really be relied upon.


Hog artillery Terradyne

Special weapons
X1Nuke (big bang)
X3 Janice warhead (computer guided piledriver more damage warhead)


Repair kit

Teamed up with jaegers they are ultimate weapons you can slowly
complete the game by playing artillery walk (fire one salvo wait till
shells hit move your tanks forward then fire again at another
adanced position).Take care to avoid friendly fire as its pretty
strong , also note that to hit moving units either discover their
patrol route or lead them by 20-30 seconds since it takes that
long for shells to arrive.The Janice warhead is a guided warhead
that does about 50% damage to any building has enhanced range
but slower flight speed.A good supression pattern is triangular ,Also
if you have more than one you can walk the artillery so hog 1 fires
at 3 spots in a line hog 2 fires at 3 spots completing a 6 spot line
which if any poor sod is in the way will die.

note its shells are vulnerable to defender mk2 turret fire


Missile terradyne

Special weapons

Special Weapons:
X3 Hammer head missile (anti aerodyne)
X3 Hellfire missile (anti tank)

repair kit

I don't like this unit maybe because I don't like missiles from meeting
too many templars but its powerful fairly fast and fairly deadly but it
has extremely weak armour anything more than a light hoverdyne
and or infantry and it is in trouble.The missiles are for air targets
and tanks respectively both are quite powerful .The major problem
I have with this unit is that you cannot blind fire supress where you think
the enemy might be , therefore it is not even half as useful as hogs since
you can get lots of killswith the hog without even seeing the enemy
and when they cannot engage you.It may seem cowardly but kill
or be killed and who gets the first shot usually wins.

note its rockets are vulnerable to defender mk2 turret fire but a single
squad can fire 9 rockets and the turret will only be able to kill 6-8 of
them and be hit by the others.

Also it is less culpable to friendly fire since its missiles self
destruct when the target is destroyed.And no the missiles will
not retarget other units if the unit is destroyed.

The biggest beef I have with this unit is that it is unable to supress
empty ground for some reason if it could then you could walk infantry
and deny areas 150% effectively.But you can't so live with it.


Crayven Command APC

Special weapons

Repair beam

Special equipment


The APC which you can hod up to 3 infantry units inside Sarah is inside
this one and if you see another one another commander is inside (al la
MAJ thomas his APC).Its pretty weak well on easy and light it is extremely
durable on normal and hard it is extremely weak ie even bullets can
hurt this machine.Though it has the advantages of being quite speedy on the
field and its repair beam can really help out in battles you should keep it
out the way unless you really need the extra firepower of its twin auto
which do about 20-30% damage (per volley) to crusaders.


[3] Campaign stumble through

Yes stumble most of the more difficult missions you stumble
through rather than conquer divide and destroy those programmers
must love to do this.I would note that most battles are attritional
battles in that everyone has a set number of units on the field and
once that unit is dead the enemy cannot replace it (nor can you
if you lose one of your own).Also if you lose a great deal of units
then you might want to play the mission through again to lose
less units so you can use them in the future , which is the campaign
element in this game else it would be campaign iffy as in some games
where the campaign is barely dynamic and is just a series of missions
linked by some iffy story line.

You must also accept that things may not happen exactly the same as
I have seen them happen so don't complain when something goes differently
to how I said it would things change.

I would also note that all missions you can dry run them with fast units
and explore to see what and where surprises lurk and doing your home
work usually pays off.Though I prefer to be surprised its more satifying.


Mission #1 Comms relay

Easy as pie mission , without tweaking (though I suppose you can
set infantry to offensive rather than balanced since they for most part
will be traveling inside the APC and be healed by the APC constantly.


Destroy the enemy comms relay


X1 APC (as always)
X1 marines unit

Recommended Troop options


This is a walk through load your men into the APC after being dropped
off and set a way point immediately into the enemy base location.You will
meet marines and hoverbikes unload your marines infront of your APC
blast away.You can also have your APC act as fire support if you don't
want it to heal your units , this is good try to get more experience for
APC unit.Go to the base destroy the comms relay load up your men
and head to the pickup point mission complete.

Easter eggs:

Road runners on the plateau next to your starting position

Mission #2 The defector


Meet with the defector
Bring him back safe


X2 Marines units

Recommended troop options

Maybe both on offensive and with mortars for extra speed

This is also a cake walk , same tactcs as before load up the marines
into your APC and set a way point right next to the defector (he is in
a big van type thing with a yellow health bar).When you come under
attack drive the APC right up to the enemy , unload the marines and
blast away the enemy on this level hasn't got the firepower to take
your APC our and constantly healed marines are hard to kill.Your main
opposition will be hoverbikes (weak) and groups of crusader infantry
which pose little threat. Kill them with close up mortars (or lead them
if they are far away) to turn them into dust even faster.You will eventually
get a video message from bishop saying he needs help , don't sweat it he
can last years in that APC without dying.Once you get into the same valley
as he is in you can fight the hoverbikes attacking him but always no matter
how much health his APC has it will burst into flames and explode.I thought
I failed for some reason but its a plot device.You'll find a body some way
the APC (down the slope) .And some plot mumbo comes about project
garm and devils disguised as angels or something before he dies.Load
up your troops and run like the wind to the extraction point a mix of
light and medium hoverdynes will come to this area and you just don't
have the firepower to cut them up.


Mission #3 At the source


Destroy the power generator

=In mission updates=

Assist Major Thomas in leveling the base
Do not destroy the hospital


X1 drop ship
X2 marines
X1 Teradyne scouts

Recommended troop options

The standard setup is fine though maybe troops should be set to offensive
rather than balanced to speed this boring mission up a little.

I shall first say the power unit is not in the base at all its in a canyon
off to
the right (if you are facing the base from your initial start position) so
a bit of a red herring if you look for it in the base.

There are two ways about this :

>1 Go round the back
>2 Direct assault

Going round the back is obviously safer but direct assault is more exciting
I suppose and gains extra experience for your men.

>1 Going round the back

From your start position go round the plateau to your right (as if you were
facing the enemy base) set both marine units and you can leave your terra
dynes.Once you get to the top after going onto the plateau you ought to
meet a bunch of crusaders kill them with your marines and walk towards
the edge in the direction of the base.Nearly directly opposite your start
position you'll see a deep canyon now set your men to use their mortars
into the valley to attack the power generator 3 to 5 should be enough.

Now get back to your start position and walk in past the turrets killing any
mobiles waiting for major Thomas's asssault to come , keep your units
healed with the APC and after the 5 minutes is up there is 20 seconds
while another dropship comes with MBTs to flatten the base.You can
have upto another 25 seconds to destroy the power generator before
the assault squad is cut to bits by the turrets.

>2 Direct assault

The more dangerous option but not that dangerous really deploy your
terradynes in a line with your marines on both sides.move near the
base gates , two turrets will open up on you two squads of crusaders
will open up on you and a bunch of scout hoverdynes will join in the
foray.Use your specials to speed up this point if you want or run
down to less than 90 seconds.Move in and there is a passage to the
right behind some semi transparent scrub.Move in and there is the
power generator , attack it , leaving a squad of marines to cover
since crusaders will come off the plateau to defend the power plant.
Now once its gone try to mvoe towards Thomas's forces in a fighting
retreat since lots of hover dynes move on your rear and his MBTs
will help you out here.Just make sure his APC doesn't get toasted
if it does you lose.(it will last up to 30 seconds against those turrets
if you don't take out the power supply).

By now if you fired or something hit the hospital you will be video mailed
by the hospital crew: "this is a medical facility there is nobody here
for the sick and wounded we surrender we surrender".At this time you will
get a new objective to keep the hospital intact.

After most of the base is gone Maj Thomas will attack the medical facility
saying a good order trooper is a dead one and oops it just sort of blew up
there didn't it?.At which Sarah promises she'll get him back for this ,
Level everything with combined unit fire (this is a very boring bit since
your units have so little firepower and so mant buildings to hit)

Easter eggs:

None found


Mission #4 Iron sheild

Goals - protect the passage

=In mission updates=

Target enemy artillery unit

Send reinforcements to the base up north when it comes under attack

X1 drop ship
X2 marines
X2 terra dynes

Recommended troop options none just get into the drop ship and go
what you modity your weapons ammo and posture? no I just dropship
and go!.

I was reminded of a past visit to the gobhi desert when I played this
mission and at maximum zoom out it looks quite remarkable with
the cloud shadows and the blazing sun position nice.

Quite an easy mission though you might get overwhelmed at normal
and hard levels this is exceptionally tough.Drop ship down and move your
forces to the shadws in the right side of the valley , but move a marine
squad to the other side of the valley.Have them form up in line and
face west.Put the APC behind your frontal unit as it will take the
most punishment in drawing enemy fire and reciving it too.First things
first an enemy squad of 4 crusaders will come running at you and get
cut to pieces.Sarah "my god why didn't their COs pull them back when
they were getting cut to pieces!" then your AI guide tells you that it was
a raid to tell the enemy of your position shift slightly forward now.Right
here comes the assault and you must repell it at all costs (though a
few can slip through the net as the base does have turrets albeit weak
ones).4 light hoverdynes will come at your from the north west and at
the same time 2 groups of crusaders.Mop them up keeping an eye on
health of your units (remembering to use first aid or repair kits when
needed).2 more squads of crusaders will come from the valley (if only we
had some artillery)Followed by a group of light hoverdynes.Another
bunch of light hoverdynes will come from the ridge south west with more
crusaders.They are pushing you , as in they move forward and hope
you miss some of them.Crusaders will try to pass you on the far ridge
destroy them (that it why I said you ought to keep marines there
just in case).If they are in good shape passing your units use
mortars close up on them or HE shells they die super quick to those.

Sometime soon the AI tells you to expect artillery shells and mark
a howitzer on the map.Keep your eyes open for things falling from
the sky (on easy and light there is no artillery fire) and move when
there is , there is a huge delay in artillery being spotted then fired and
the shell arriving.You want to be long gone before the shells hit the
apex of their arcs.At the same time a group of crusaders will attack
your base from a different direction , load your marines into the APC
and move the APC into the base leaving the terradynes to clear up
(you might not have the APC to heal your terradynes but they have
repair kits with them so use them if your units go into the yellow zone)
When there are only 2-3 enemy left move a terradyne unit to where
the artillery is (its undefended how silly) and the artillery will die.

Clean up the base of the crusaders at the top and you've won.

Easter eggs:

none found

Mission #5 Acqusition


Intercept the enemy convoy


X1 Dropship
X2 Infantry
X2 terradyne

Recommended troop options

X2 marines set to offensive
x1 light terradyne + defence equipment
x1 heavy terradyne

Simple mission this advance to the choke point position and
have your light terradyne use a defence equipment module
(what ever you like but rockets are best) and your MBTs to
put down a repair unit , plonk most of your units near it marines
near the walls and wait.Enemy tanks will approach (med hoverdynes)
which will die easily.You will get a message that the convoy has
re routed up the norther route so load up your marines into the APC
and set the APC with the light terradynes up to the nothern sector.
Once there deploy marines and deploy another rocket turret.
Crusaders will attack from the base behind in the extreme
north east but they easily die.Now you will face a bunch of
light hover dynes and some medium ones before a few crusaders
come and then the 10 ton transports.Your MBTs down south
will be able to handle everything with the repair unit backing
them up.And the transports will come slowly nearly one by one
so you can take them out with ease.

Easter eggs:

none found


Mission #6 neighbours at the door


Defend the base

X1 Dropship
X2 Infantry
X2 Terradne

Recommended troop options

X2 marines (offensive)
X2 MBTs offensive also

The first bit is a cake walk two passes with enemy coming into them
you start on the high ground anyway and have turrets for assist
blow them to hell and chase the crusaders in the open space
below.You will not be told to capture the enemy base marked on
the map , which you should go to there is only slight opposition
near the base (a few hover dynes some crusaders) and those turrets
at the base gates are no problem for your terradynes.Once you get
inside though be wary since there are a bunch of light terradynes
that come from behind outside the gates and lots of crusaders inside
the base itself.Level the base (with the command centre last at the
end of the bunkers) to gain experience mission complete.As said
it takes some time to destroy the buildings the reason why you want
offensive troops to shorten this time.

Easter eggs:

none found

Mission #7 Satellite

Goals - defend the radar base until the satellite is detected

Mission updates

Destroy the satellite

Rescue your friend down south

Units :

X1 drop ship
X2 Jaeger Infantry
X1 Heavy terra dyne
X1 Light terradyne

Recommended troop options

Change a jaeger unit to a marines unit , give them mortars and
medi kits.

Your light terradynes may want defence rockets and or repair
turrets so you can go destroy the satellite first then rescue your
friend but I prefer it the other way round so it is unneeded.

Drop the drop ship at the landing zone and defeat in detail the few
light hoverdynes and crusaders around your base (try not to destroy
the base as they fire in LOS mode and ingnore objects like your
own men and your base facilities) in doing this , donot use any of your
specials just use standard guns.About this time one of Sarah's friends
makes a call , and you are told you must rescue him.Now you can do
two things destroy the satellite or rescue your friend.the easier option
is to rescue your friend.Her is in the south south east (yes I do mean
south south east).Send in a terradyne unit with the APC and a marines
squad , you should face no more than a few crusader units and one or
two light terradynes (excuse me if I am wrong this is from memory of
last nights game).He is in a truck further past the crusaders that you
encounter , don't worry about the base earlier as it won't get attacked
most of the time anyway.You gain control of his truck and just have him
go back to the base.Around this time there will be plenty of recon aero
dynes in the skies.Just have your men either hide under the trees or
use your marines and light terradynes to shoot them out the sky they
should last no more than 4 passes in open terrain and have a hard time
when you are under trees.Once you are back at the base his truck
reverts back to computer control and he offers you some contraband
cornbeef as a thanks for saving his skin (oh the life of a corp salaryman)

Now comes the semi tricky bit semi your marines up north towards
the crater flanked by your APC but behind your jagers.Have your
vehicles stay some way back from this squad.You will eventually come
to a clearing where there is a hill on one side and you'll see what are
termed torpedo infantry.Lots of hoverdynes will attack with a few crusaders
use your marines mortars for some help (but save one).And have your
tanks far behind act as support fire.Now sometime during this battle
the torpedo troops will run forward at which your marines and APC
should cut them to pieces (use mortars if they start to fire).Kill them
ASAP , they are THE most dangerous unit in the game in my opinion
since they are small hard to find and hit.

You should ne nearing the mouth of the crater there is only one way in
for terradynes and it looks a place where ambushes are perfect and
guess what?.You now have 2 options , if you bought along 2 jaegers
option 1 is easier.

Option 1

Send in jaegers over the banks of the passage and use their RAWs
on any troops they encounter though save one for the satellite at the
end.Their guns can do some damage to the enemy hover dynes
waiting for you inside.Then charge in your terradynes and use specials
on the thing covered in a camoflage net , your base will come under
attack but mission complete when the satellite goes boom.

Option 2

Send in light hover dynes ignoring everything you encounter till you
actually get into the crater , at which you should use 2 specials
on the base will also come under attack but you have
won and its of no concern to you anymore.

Easter eggs:

giant bats in the sky


Mission #8 No win situation

Goals defend the base from enemy attack

mission updates

Escape to a pickup zone witht the base staff

X2 drop ships
X2 infantry (choose jaegers or marines)
X4 terradyne units (choose any you want)

Recommended troop options

From the config screen you get plenty of options for your troops and
for your terradynes.But don't be tempted you want 3 squads of light
terradynes and your infantry can be either but make them balanced
so they can run faster but hav at least 1 marine unit.

Of course somebody will say why light terradynes I want heavy ones
to crush the enemy well you could but this mission is primarily about
running and running needs speed.And special equipment here counts
towards alot , you want those light terradynes to have rocket turrets
or defence turrets as their equipment as they will buy you some time.

Course if anybody thinks they can take out everything that comes for
you then repair units of the heavy terradynes may be a good option
since it gives extra experience killing enemies.

First drop ships down and put 2 terradyne units on the base enterance
that you can see trees at , put a jaeger or a marine unit atop the cliffs
to the side of this pass.Divide the rest between the others as those come
under attack too.Now deploy your rocket turrets away from the lip of the
ramps from where the enemy approaches.They take 38 seconds to
recharge before you can redeploy but you ought to have a repectable
picket before your orders change.

Now here is the tricky bit , major Thomas comes to assist and you are
ordered out to take the command staff with you as well.Put your troops
(who are not on the mountains) into your APC .Let the troops on the
mountain act as bait they will buy you vital seconds. now select all
and set a way point as the escape zone.have your APC go 2nd in line
and your light terradynes 1st 3rd and 5th (with the command staff cars
in 4th).now we run the gauntlet , Maj Thomas will buy you time but he
cannot take that sort of punishment forever (Sarah told him she'd pay
him back and here she does in abandoning him).You will run down a
twisty road with steep hills ideal for ambushes and there are plenty
here.Your terradynes ought not to stop when you see torpedo infantry
unload the APC and use a special on them to kill them quickly you meet
2-3 squads of them and a few light terradynes.The enemy is chasing you
here so be quick.A few aerodynes may also come after you from the
battle but ignore them they can't hurt you enough before you get to the
pickup.A dropship comes to save you when your APC and the command
cars arrive.Mission complete.

The other method to complete this mission is a sit tight method which
maybe better to give your units more experience than the other method
of essentially running away.Equip 4 heavy tank(MBT) squads give them all
repair units as equipment and have 2 tank units hold the path with the
trees after deploying one repair unit each just behind them in close
promixity (so they can repair each other too) , the path next to
that one same thing but with one repair unit and one tank squad
and the final tank squad at the enterance to the dropship landing zone.
put a repair unit behind those too.have your marines sit in the furthest
pass they will only have to engage a few crusaders but keep the
APC close by to heal them.Now hold firm (btw you want full
offence for all units for extra punch.When medical cars come out
move them immediately to the area with the trees and pull your marines
back to the landing area you want to look out for torpedo troopers.
Enemy may have lots of hoverdynes but against 8 (on the trees) tanks
with 175mm guns they don't stand a chance , use your APC to increase
repair rate of any badly damaged tanks btw as some may focus on
one of your units.

The trick is to be behind the lip of each ramp and stay far back enough
from the lip so enemies at long range cannot hit you and have to move
up the ramp to be able to engage.And doing this they do it in small
groups 2-3 and your MBTs can lay waste to the enemy with ease.If
you line up at the lip of the ramps then you will die since enemies can
hit you from near and far and you will be fighting multiple units and
being fired on by mutliple units too.And at higher difficulty levels they
WILL use light hoverdynes to flank you.This is what the boot camp
AI was talking about great commanders use the lay of the land and
it is a minor advantage that is the difference between losing many units
and none.

Kill the torpedo troopers with marines and recharge, during this time
many many enemy hoverdynes will die and Thomas probably will too.
but this is a small matter.Now you play the waiting game the enemy
attack aerodynes will bombard your base for ages coming close to the
AA units near the landing zone taking about 15% damage each time.
Keep waiting till most are dead then you can use your jaegers on the hill
nearby (the field power generator) to kill them easily.Now slowly
walk with jagers as head through the valley to the dust off point and
you should encounter a few enemies but not many clean up and dust
off you've won.Who says this is a no win situation?.

note if Major Thomas dies he'll be shouting theres too many of them!
I donot know the effect of this later on since he is in the final mission
too and requests your help.

note +1 The enemy torpedo troopers will come from the right hill
next to the ramp with the trees (one unit of 4).They other 2 torpedo
troops will come at the opposite lip of the crater.Major thomas's
forces will assist your lines when he gets to your location so stay
behind his forces as a sheild since only your units matter in terms
of experience.

note +2 The minimum number of friendly units you must save is 1
medical truck that is all you are under no obligation to save Major
thomas (though it isn't hard) or any of your units other than the
APC but this is a bad idea.

Note +3 if you think you can manage it you can plant demo charges
(jaegers) at the entrance ramp with the trees to assist your forces
even more (just put them half way to the top) they help a great deal.

Easter eggs:

Crater next to the trees there is what looks like a spikey ball
embedded in the ground


Mission #9 Jungle purification


Clear up the enemy installations in the jungle

Mission update

Do it within 25 minutes and escape within 30 minutes

X2 drop ships
X2 infantry
X3 ground vehicles
X1 support unit (hog artillery)

Recommended troop options

X1 jaeger
X2 Light terradynes
X1 Heavy terradyne
X1 Hog artillery unit

This is a nice looking map reminds me alot of turok and it is the
first time you get to use hog artillery which I think you may love
though its howitzer status is somewhat over the top (doh).If
you are playing on a diffculty level of more than easy watch
out for friendly fire as shells are fired constantly and some may
arrive even after the enemy unit(s) are destroyed so take care.
Drop ship everything down to the surface put your infantry into the
APC and form a big line with the artillery piece at the back and
advance on the first crater , saturation fire it on your approach
(shells will go all over the place which is good) and many of the
crusaders and the medium hoverdynes inside it will die.Clean
up the inside heal up and approach the plateau with your jaegers
use artillery here to clean up and have your marines clean up and
crusaders.Now orders will change it says early on you can take it
at your own pace (in the briefing) but now it'll set you a 20 minute
time limit after about 5 minutes.After this time a huge airstrike will
come and nuke you apparently though I have personally never seen
it.The 3rd is a bit more iffy and it is guarded by torpedo troops
which can seriously hurt your tanks , another problem (at higher
difficulty levels) is the SAM site which can destroy some of your
artillery shells.Take out the torpedo troops and use your tanks
for a standard assault as artillery isn't enough and mind the time
and becareful when medium hoverdynes approach you just use
specials to take them out to save time.

The final base is a lot bigger but not that difficult you want to set
your artillery to supress the far corner of the base (where there
is another entrance) this will knock out the turrets and the heavy
hoverdynes which you haven't enough firepower to knock out easily.

Now its just wiping out the base time various squads of crusaders
will approach off the mountains which is a pain but ignore them
they are too weak to bother you.Just level the base ASAP ,
after which it is completed load troops into the APC and run towards
the evac zone.Even though the 20 minutes is up you can sit around
for a good 5 minutes and nothing arrives.

Easter eggs:

None found


Mission #10 Anti Air raid


Destroy each anti air site

Mission update

Destroy the enemy command base

X2 drop ships
X2 Infantry
X2 terradyne units
X2 Aerodyne units

Recommended troop options

X1 Jaeger unit
X1 Marines unit balanced
X2 light terradyne
X2 fighter aerodynes (but 1 bomber one fighter is ok)

This is such a painful mission not that its hard or anything but it
takes such a long time and without any save facility during the
mission means hours of repeating , set aside up to 5 hours
a big flask of coffee or your favour hot drink and jump in.

Dark map can't see much but here is the general low down
send in your jaegers to reconoiter the area usually the first
site only has a few torpedo troops and a few crusaders maybe
a few hoverdynes.Have them spot any troops and use the
marines to clean them out , spot any turrets and march in
your tanks to blow them to hell (you can use artillery on
easy).I've never seen the big guns fire ever though hmmph.

Repeat twice for the next two bases though beware above
the 3rd anti air base there are some aircraft which are no
more than a annoyance.It is totally linear since there is a
path at each AA site that leads to the next.Just remember
to use your jaegers to spot and your marines to clean up
the torpedo troopers.On the 2nd you might meet a few hoverdynes
which can be killed by supression artillery fire (just don't target
them directly and the AI doesn't move them).

After the 3rd AA site you are ordered to attack the command
base (it should be about 90 minutes into this mission now)
leave a bunch of terradynes on the discoloured bit of ground
after leaving the 3rd AA site.And have your aerodynes circle
above.The terradynes will stop some light terradynes that come
from the trees later on.

Now onto the base , have your jaegers go up the steep bank
to spot artillery for you (have them slowly destroy the missile
systems if you play on normal or hard).Then flatten the base
but beware of the powerful turrets you meet on the road take
them out with long range artillery shells instead.I hate this
mission takes ages to destroy each AA site (without losses)
and ages to destroy the numerous buildings in the command
base.I was also half expecting a counter attack when I desrtroyed
the order's churches but nope , a long boring mission.

Though you are rewarded with a short cut scene right after
still doesn't make up for it though me thinks.

Easter eggs:
none found


Mission #11 Simple escort (what a lie)

Goals escort the engineer squad to the relic site to the extreme
north east of the map


X2 Dropships
X2 Infantry
X4 Terradyne
X2 support units / aerodynes

Recommended troop options

You want 4 MBTs all of those armed with HE shells (though you won't
use many HE shells) and repair units of the infantry you want balanced
jaeger unit and a offensive marines unit.Of the support units you don't
really want any aircraft since theres lots of AAA well not lots but enough
to make it a very short mission for them at least.You want as support
units a hog and some AAA of your own.You'll need it not for a while
but soon....

Another slog that takes 3 hours to complete correctly though the ending
is quite exciting depending on which way you do this map so it has some
reward but not much.

Right land your drop ships and deploy , a few moments later another one
comes but this contains unarmed engineers who you must escort , gotta
escort something haven't we?.Put your MBTs in a long line and slowly move
down the canyon towards the relic site.You'll meet a few crusaders and some
light and medium hoverdynes , practice leading the hog unit here you'll need
it later.When the canyon starts to get narrow send your jaegers forward , at
the end of the ridge there is a fork which you are coming down one already.
at the top of the hill is a bunch of torpedo troopers (2 units) and some
crusaders looking out for them.Spot them with jaegers and use artillery
remember donot use jagers in direct combat with anything they will
die and you really need them for things later on.You'll fight more crusaders
some more AAA (they are in a dip in the terrain on the north side don't
you can use any unit to kill them except air units).Since they cannot fight
back use an inexperienced unit to kill them to gain experience (you
should have mostly elite troops except for the tank squads and maybe
the APC unit).A few aircraft may pester you but the AAA you bought along
will kill them quickly.Right near the relic is a group of medium hoverdynes
which you can kill with artillery or using your MBT line.Just remember
to recharge your units after combat this is important.Right next to the
relic is another group of 6 crusaders who die easily to artillery or
else handy.

RIght you should be near the relic move the engineers right up to it
and face 3 squads of MBTs down the valley to the south keep your
APC behind them to heal them up and have marines on the hill
nearby to deal with crusaders.Your hog will also score well in a supressing
of leading manner.

Right after about 2 minutes the engineers are done and you should move
your APC and engineer squad back to the dip where those AAA units
were.A video mail will come through and your original drop ship dies.

You are informed you must go to waypoint Zulu to rally and be picked
up.There is no time limit just get there the engineers and the APC at
the very least though its best to keep your units alive.You must now
make a choice:

>Option 1 go down the southern valley

This is the more dangerous but faster route which makes you face
a large battle at the end.

>Option 2 Go across the messa

This is the safer option where you will face lots of small skirmishes
and your units will get more kills.

Option 1

Move a wave of tanks and leap frog killing the crusaders you come
across have your infantry (both) walk along the ridge to your right.
They will face a few AAA units and some light hoverdynes.You need
them there since you will be ambushed someway down and your tanks
can't shoot at that angle.Make your way down until zulu way point is
in sight now in the small recess on the cliff will be two heavy hoverdynes
which can be killed with artillery easily , to their right is a big bunch
of crusaders and some medium hoverdynes.Kill them all and
move your tanks but not the engineers into the zulu zone , now
set up a kill zone with repair units behind them 2 per unit all within
support range of each other.Line up your tanks with the backs
towards the passage at the extreme south east. Now you will
face 2 groups of medium hover dynes 2 groups of torpedo troops
many many crusader and some heavy hoverdynes that come from
somewhere.You need to fight for 325 seconds before a drop ship
will save you and mission over.You win..

Option 2

From the relic site you want to move back towards where you began
a little and you'll see a ramp leading to the top of the messa , go there
line your tanks up in a 4 line x4 and keep going killing everything till
you get near zulu zone and see a big ramp leading down and around
towards the pickup zone.You don't want to go there yet but feel free
to scatter the area liberally with artillery fire.You may also want to
use artillery on the recess in the cliff to the left of the ramp leading
down.That will take care of 2 heavy hover dynes , which is good it
saves direct combat.Now move the map around until you see a concrete
wall, you want to attack the base here, but purely with artillery.As inside
lurks 2 medium hoverdyne units and 4 squads of crusaders and to the
side are a bunch of torpedo the way to the cliff than over
looks the base you will find 2 crusader groups and come under heavy
air attack.Sit still for air attack and let your AAA do its job they can't
survive long (the aircraft).Now you want to form a kill zone at the
mouth of the ramp that leads up where you are , medium hoverdynes
will come up once the artillery barrage starts.You want to go after the
power generator first , then troops parading in the middle of the base
then the rest of the buildings.Once the medium hover dynes are out of
the way move your jaegers to one of the hills right next to the corner of
the concrete wall.They ought to just about spot some torpedo troops
on a high hill send some artillery towards them.Some crusaders will
be at the foot of the mountain which you can also kill with artillery but
the torpedo troops are a priority.Once the base is more or less flatted
move your tanks into the valley near the base facing zulu pickup zone.
You will be met by 2 waves of medium hover dynes and a light hover dyne
squad as well as 2 crusader groups.Kill them (easy as you face them
2 units at a time).Now gingerly move towards zulu pickup watching out
for any enemies.You will not see crusaders at the base of the ramp earlier
if you didn't already kill them.And the two heavt hover dynes in the crevice
if they are not already dead with a medium hover dyne patrol in the middle
and 2 crusader squads.Kill them and leave the engineer truck some distance
away from zulu.move in your tanks.

You want to formate them like this (each X represents a tank)
e = repair unit
O = command APC

X e e e e e e
X eO
X e

Once the formation and your repair units are deployed you can have your
engineers move in to zulu then move back to next to O move your artillery
units and AAA anywhere convient but away from the fire zones.

From the left you will face 2 units of crusaders and 1 unit of medium
hover dynes.From the front you will face 4 crusader waves and a unit
of torpedo troopers.Torpedo troops come at about 2 minutes 20 seconds
left and try to climb the cliffs to your right move them down with specials
and marines.You should hold out easily and a dropship will come save
you about 15 seconds after the 5 minutes is up.

Easter eggs:

none found


Mission #12 Take and control

Goals -
secure the order base before engineers come in

X3 Dropships
X3 infantry
X3 support
X2 aerodyne
X4 terradyne

Recommended troop options

The standard setup is ok but set everything to offensive to speed up
this boring mission except for jaegers since they will be doing lots of
running around.Any equipment or special weapons you want you won't
fight that much here just give your AAA unit image enhancer.Air attack
is medium heavy here.You want x4 MBT squads btw you can have bigger
tanks if you want but the faster speed of the MBT makes this mission
faster.2 Hogs is also good the rocket terradyne isn't so hot.Though it
is good to take out buildings faster there just isn't much combat in this
mission and in testing you can complete it with 1 dropship (X1 APC
X1 jaeger x1 MBT x1 hog).

First and foremost land your troops putting troops into your APC
and moving enmasse to the little gap at the south of the enemy base
here is where you strike.You will be attacked with a few pathetic hover
kill them and advance and keep your units to the sides of the valley.
Artillery the tops of the hills about 20 times to kill torpedo troopers
and some AAA hover dynes as well as a few crusaders , advance a
bit further and put your jaegers on the right hill they should spot a
few hover dynes and some crusaders as well as a bunch of torpedo
troops.Eventually you will come under air attack which your single
AAA unit will take on easily.And in the valley are a few pulse turrets
easy meat for your artillery.Wait around with jagers on the hills on the
valley edge and you'll eventually be attacked by beam hover dynes
which they can't attack your main forces with beams since I told
you to put your forces next to the walls.If they turn the corner they
die if they stay artillery them to death.March in force into the enemy
base keeping your AAA close there are plenty of aerodynes
pelting your forces .At the end of the valley on the top there are missile
defences kill those with anything handy but beware a hvoerbike squad
which will patrol.Inside the base are 3 heavy hoverdynes a medium
hover dyne squad and a few ten ton trucks.Kill them all and flatten
the base (turrets are still alive as there are power generators all over
and even if you kill them all they still work) After the last turret is gone
you are called by your dropship to secure the drop zone.But you can
take your army to the north west corner to kill extra turrets and buildings
(use jaegers to spot and artillery to take out the heavy turrets).
move some to the west to take out the 4 power generators and the 2
pulse turrets with the AAA guarding them.Now check hilltops for any
missile defences and kill any you find , approach the landing zone
with your army taking out the pulse turrets and outposts nearby
and the missile defence unit nearby they will land and not be
under your command when you land.Escort them to the base and wait

Now eventually they will be done and be under your command , move
west and take out the air defences close by , and move north west
towards the pickup if you do this quickly the 3 heavy hover dynes won't
see you and you can kill them with bombers.You can also take out
the small camp of tents and oil pumps for extra kills . Once they
arrive its 30 seconds waiting and mission complete.

Easter eggs:

A seal like thing between the pickup zone and the engineers landing


Mission #13 Under the field


Destroy the field generator
and capture relics

X3 Dropships
X3 Infantry
X3 Terradyne
X4 Support
X3 aero dyne

Recommended troop options

You may notice that you have many more units (especially if
you keep troops alive) than you have drop ship space.This is
a nasty mission fought with lots of air attacking your units and
lots and lots of torpedo troops in extremely tight confines of
gorges.So you want:

X2 jaegers (balanced)
140MM RAW & medi kits

X1 Marines (balanced)
Infantry Mortar and medikits

X3 annilator terradynes (offensive)
HE and repair kit
X1 AAA terra dyne (offensive)
Image enhancers

X3 Hog artillery (offensive)
Any weapons and kit you want

X1 fighter squad (offensive) OR 1 bomber squad

Or if you are ok with just the one artillery unit try this :

X2 jaegers (balanced)
140MM RAW & medi kits

X1 Marines (balanced)
Infantry Mortar and medikits

X3 annilator terradynes (offensive)
HE and repair kit

X2 AAA terra dyne (offensive)
Image enhancers

X1 Hog artillery (offensive)
Any weapons and kit you want

X1 Rocket terradyne
Hellfire missiles and repair kit

X1 fighter squad (offensive) OR 1 bomber squad

You may even want to leave your aerodynes at home since there
is ALOT of AAA and lots of enemy fighters recon scouts and fighters
which harrass you constantly.If the missile defences don't get them
the fighters probably will.Maybe also you want a MBT terradyne
as well just for support since fighting is mostly in tight gorges you
can line up two annilator squads and for a break through you can
use the MBTs for flank or back up.

Stay put for a few minutes and your rocket terradyne and AAA unit
will take out about 20 enemy aerodynes which is good since it is
better to be attacked now than being attacked in the gorges.

I am assuming you land all your forces at the southern drop zone which
makes the pickup zone the other drop zone.The southern route seems
a bit easier to conquer.

Enroute your will encounter torpedo troopers which you can handle
with your marines and jaegers on the first ridge on the right hand side
you will come under constant ait attack so keep your AAA units close
and stay in tight formation.

You can also hammer the tops of the hill that forks south and west
with as much artillery as you can you may catch torpedo troops in
the wave of your attack severely weakened or even better killed.
If you place your jaegers right on the edge of the sharp junction
between the two gorges you will meet a 4 hover dyne (medium)
squad and come under more air bombardment.They are pertty
easy to take down both the hover dynes and the aero dynes
move your jaegers towards the enemy base a bit more and eventually
you will see two heavy hover dynes.Artillery their patrol zone if you
don't want to fight them , which is good since you will soon come
to a bit where you are on the recieving end of something you
normally give to the enemy enmasse.There will be a howitzer
turret to on the flat bit just before the enemy base , you can't
air attack it due to the SAM system on the oppositing hill and a
ground assault from the floor of the valley means your tanks
can't fire at it (too high).That means infantry assault which means
lots of losses.Thankfully the enemy doesn't lead you too much
more like fires at your present location , move two jaeger units close
by and use their satchel charges or 140MM RAW and get out
ASAP crusaders air craft and 2 torpedo troops come to its aid
be prepared with a marine squad at the location you found the
two heavy hover dynes (it is just out of the howitzer's range).

marine mortars also work well against the turret that hammers
you darned near constantly.

You will sometime about now recieve a mission update that yes
the source of the jamming is the enemy base and you should
flatten it ASAP.Gee didn't we already get a briefing telling us to
do that?.Now be careful escort your annilators with marines and
finish off the crusaders who come near you.The second you spot
the pulse turrets and the giana turret artillery them to death.Just so
you know they are on the edges of the concrete walls incase you
want to blind fire artillery to make it safer.There are 2 turrets at
the gate , you now want to artillery about 3 tank widths away from
the netting in the corner in a triangular fashion.This will take care
of 2 medium hoverdyne squads , now if you can see the base
behind the order church are 2 heavy hover dynes , they fall to
artillery easily too.Crusaders will march on you pretty soon ,
so have those marines be on their guard (you can keep them in
your APC till they arrive).Now you ought to see a really big geodesic
sphere blow up the turrets all around the base and gingerly send
in something fast (if you bought anything fast with you) , else
send jaegers on the wall where the enemy SAM system was
opposite the howitzer turret.You should be able to see more
turrets and lots of hover dynes behind the wall in a small patrol
hammer than area with artillery ASAP.They can hurt any of your
units faster than they can be repaired , which is bad news if you
haven't guessed.Once you hear enemy hover dyne destroyed
move in with the APC behind , crusaders will approach once
you drive past the dome but you'll see another entrance at the
north concrete wall.guess what? turrets and hoverdynes there too
hammer them with shells till no more return fire comes for you.
There ought to be lots of crusaders and more air attack let your
AAA deal with air attack and have marines use infantry mortars
to take out the torpedo troops amongst them.And use std artillery
leading the crusaders rather than using tanks , AI will update
soon and tell you to level the base , do so , remembering the
2 advanced power stations are a priority to disable to remaining
2 giana turrets and the SAM systems also another howitzer
turret miles away.Once you have flattened the base and taken
out all enemy air assets you are given a pickup zone which is
north of the original drop zone (the other dropzone) which you
should go to.There are lots of crusaders in the opposing enterance
to the west btw you might want to use any infantry you have got
who are not yet elite or blood veterans.

Note- the jamming dome cannot be killed with artillery well it can
if you have 4 artillery units since the turrets can take out the
shells of up to 3 hogs before they drop onto the target.But as
said earlier although 4 hogs are desirable its suicide considering
the amount of aerodynes the enemy has.

In the vally in the north east corner of the base there are 2 groups
of torpedo troopers and 1 group of crusaders looking out for them
so that means send in a marine squad with jaegers as support
using their mortars when things (if) start too look hairy , since the
enemy infantry has much better terrain.Again you follow the valley
around and will meet 4 medium hover dynes defeat in detail easily
and keep going towards the pickup you will meet a group of crusaders
in one of the side vallies once you kill them (use mortars HE any
specials you have left even nukes if you bought alone some bombers).

Easter eggs:

none found

Mission #14 behind enemy lines


Destroy :

Comms station X3
Destroy enemy secondary power supplies
destroy enemy power core
destroy enemy backup power

Wipe out the dawnies

X3 Dropships
X4 Support Units
X6 Terradyne units
X3 Infantry
X5 Air units

Recommended troop options

Hard to say you actually have to organise your dropships make one
a skirmish squad which has scouts artillery and AAA unit or a rocket
terradyne you need something to cover the air.

Dropship #1

APC (it is included in first dropship you send)
X1 Scout terradyne squad
X1 Annilator terradyne
X1 Hog
X1 Rocket or AAA terradyne (rocket is more useful but air attack
is easier to repell at the start with AAA)

Dropship #2
X2 Annilator squads (HE MkI)
X2 Marines (anti tank RPG)

Dropship #3
X1 jaeger (RAW 140MM)
X1 hog
X1 Rocket terradyne
X1 unit of your choice (aerodynes are a bad choice lots of
AAA and SAMs all over)

This is an unusual mission start as you may have realised and if you
are playing on light normal or hard then you may be running low on men
(note on easy all units are replaced unless they are KIA wheras only
infantry on light mode are replaced when in normal and hard nothing
is replaced it dies there ain't no coming back from the grave and you
work for a corp who is super tight on the purse strings go figure...)

Drop down dropship #1 you will be told soon that you cannot drop the
rest of the units down and you have to do with these units for the present
oh boy what a nice surprise if you forgot to pack your bags properly.Don't
worry too much the intial few 3 objectives are really easy or relatively.

Move down the valley at the start and prepare to fend off a few aero dynes
now you ought to see a plateau to the left and one of the right.You want
to destroy the comms relay on the right .Artillery? , no well maybe if
you feel like waiting the MKII defence units don't cover the rear portion
of the comms relay ok they do but you can't get direct hits on them
only splash damage therefore long wait.

The other way is to put your annilators in the middile of the of the hills,
and send your scouts out to bait the enemy to you , the first bit has
3 hover bikes which your scout terradynes can handle easy.Then come
4 medium hover dynes which are pretty easy , now batter the top of the
right hill all over with artillery since there are anti tank and anti
or other turrets on the top which can really ruin your day.

move your scout terradyne unit to the hill top and destroy the defender
turret then shell the comms relay to death , now you can call down your
other 2 dropships in the north west corner.Miles away , but lets not since
the next bit is quite easyThe hill to the left now send scouts gingerly away
from the walls (getting stuck on them gets them killed) the second you
see 4 light hover dynes , bait them and have them follow you into
your two annilators defeat one at a time having your APC heal them
and fire at the same time. (your scout guns are useless on them) but
you can have them turn by faking a flank.In moving them right past
them then turning a sharp 90 degrees and around the hillock back
to the APC.You can use rockets to help out lots for this attack , next
hammer the top of the hill enterance ramp tops with shells until you
destroy the turrets.Then shell the power units baracks and bunkers
as well as 2 outposts you find at the top.Your scouts can get there
but their weak machine guns will have nominal effect on anything
you find.And there are crusaders who will cause your scouts lots
of trouble ...

Next is a hardish bit.move north towards your new dropzone and
you should meet some heavy hover dynes keep the APC healing
and scouts out the way rockets do wonders here.Move the hog within
range of the ridge and saturate the top of the hill lots and lots.
Now this will stir up a nest of hornets 4 to be exact , 4 beam platforms
will come back angry.Now you want to hit them with everything you have
but get close enough so you can return fire (foricing them into your LOS
by use of the wall ie being next to it forming a corner trap).And kill
them using specials if needs be , no point saving them if you die
clutching them eh?.

Now you can hammer the top of the hill freely no defences against
artillery and you should get the 2nd and 3rd comms relay some bunkers
some ammo depots some outposts and some fans.

Now you should call down your units call them down and move them
to the top of the ridge you just pounded half to death and mop up
beware to the north is a single torpedo trooper.There maybe more
that were missed by the artillery storm so be careful.

There is also a light hover dyne squad at the top of the hill which
isn't much trouble , once you destroy the other comms relay you
are told the order comms systems are cut off.

Becarful here as there is a drone carrier lurking around which
you should artillery its guestimated location or bait out into the
open and let loose on it.You can lure it out by hammering the little
ramp on th left next to the ramp that leads to the comms relays
it will come for you and you can fight it on your terms.

Next the main power facility to the south , you can move without
danger to the south until you come to the concrete walls where there
is a small messa sticking out there are 3 templars on that.Send in
marines to kill them.

Now comes a really tricky but you see a long ramp leading up
to a cannon (which will fire at you constantly) , what you ought to
know is the whole area is mined!.Either use annilators to soak
up the damage repairing them after 2-3 mines each or saturate
the area with artillery.Artillery is best , you will come under
major aerodyne attack from bombers so hang back for now.When
most bombers are gone and you are semi sure the area is clean
of mines charge.There are mines about up to 15% of the way up
the ramp so better be safe than sorry.

You will face at the top:

4 templars
3 Heavy hover dynes
2 fighter aerodynes
4 medium hover dynes

x2 silos
x2 underground fans
x1 power unit

and the howitzer turret I said earlier on, send in an infantry squad
in the APC to kill the howitzer with specials ASAP , then retreat
back to the base of the hill.You may have noticed on your first few
exchanges of artillery bigger explosions when artillery hit the ground
near the base of the ramp , enemy can destroy their own mines too
which is good.

Move your artillery units forward and hit the top of the hill this should
bait the enemy hover dynes to your annilators so you can pick them
off on your terms.Take out the silos fans and generator at the top
and you only have 2 targets left to kill , still a long way to go.

(note that everything using ages of artillery can be killed without
you going to the top)

You want to go to the top of the ramp with everything , though you
can take out the order base in the middle of the map it is well
guarded.The base has +/- this:

x2 crusader units
x3 templars
x2 artillery units
x2 hover bike units
x2 tier 7 turrets
many smaller turrets

X2 order cathederals
X1 oeder command post
x2 ammo dumps
x4 bunkers

possibily more but I bypassed it at the top to go to the next target
which is another order power unit send marines and jaegers first
with some light terradyne backup (by now your APC should be pretty
badly battered so take care!).You will encounter before the next
plateau some hover bikes and 2 templar units supported with a
few odds and ends crusaders.Taking these out is easy , next
move your annilators in a solid wall near the foot of the ramp and
hammer the top with as much artillery as possible , this will bait
the medium hover dyne squad at you which should be taken
out with rockets easily.(the fighter patroling over head should meet
a similar fate).Now keep hammering the top of the hill behind the
power unit (you can guess where it is on the map) a drone carrier
will send spiders at you.note you can use the buildings as cover
as spiders explode on contact and travel via line of sight , but the
CPU AI will compensate for this after several shots.Use your
annilators to close in on it and kill it quickly as it does lots of
damage even to annilators (but don't run away when armour
gets low as rear hits will do even more damage).Flatten this
base and you can put all your infantry into your APC and move
right to the next plateau you can safely get about withing 2
screens width of the plateau.Again hammer with artillery and
a medium hover dyne squad will come for you rockets can
take them out super quick.Keep up the pressure and hammer
some more and a drone carrier will eventually come for you
move back to bait it into your LOS and rocket it to death .

Take out the anti artillery turret with marines and finish off
the two pulse turrets and flatten the final base (unless you
want to flatten the middle of the map base first since the
mission ends as soon as you kill the last power unit).


Most of the targets you need to hit are near or around giant
lights pointing into the sky.

Easter eggs:

none found

Mission #15 Show of force


Destroy enemy command core base
Destroy enemy secondary base
Destroy new secret units(?)
Stop asking your CO about xenofacts

X3 Dropships
X5 Support
X3 Infantry
X4 aerodyne
X8 Terradyne

Recommended troop options

You have 20 units and only 12 slots in the dropships tough call this
one but really as always I would leave the aerodynes home since I
left them home on nearly every mission they will still be rookies
while powerforce , redwolves and maybe a few of your tank squads
will be at elite status by now.

With MBTs you can have repair units which are a major help since
your APC gets hit lots and nothing can repair it but they don't have
the armour of annilators .So it becomes a trade off more fire power
or more armour bring a balanced squad with you ....

I personally like:

X2 jaeger
X1 marines
X2 Annilators
X2 or 3 Rocket terradynes*
X2 or 3 Artillery terradynes*
X1 Scout terradyne Or x1 scout aerodyne

I've included a few light units and quite a few scouts to be my eyes
on this mission since as on the last its important to see the enemy
before you can kill him.

*you can only have 3 of each unit and one of the other you can't have
3 artillery hogs and 3 rocket terradynes.Though 2 hogs armed with
nukes will save you lots of trouble.

Also you don't have to care for your troops any more if they die so be
it , since this is the last crayven mission you get to play for now...

This is quite an easy mission the big danger is crashes my PC crashed
plenty on the last level for some bizzare reason I cannot explain but it
has been acting all strange recently.

Firstly drop those dropships ASAP then load your troops into your
APC right away and assist Major Thomas , take out the tiers with
artillery ASAP and rockets quickly else they will do all sorts of nasty
damage to your forces , leave the pulse turrets till last since they
can barely hurt your overwhelming fire power.Next drive the APC just
behind the front lines and let out the marines and station them on
the hil to the right templars will come for you soon and marines
can get them easily.I think the templars on this level are elite or
something figures being the last mission and all.... since they take
lots more hits and are harder to hit to boot.

5 Heavy hover dynes will come for you use rockets to kill them quick
and annilators to absorb fire flank them with MBTs , move units
close to MAJ thomas's APC to get healed.Now ASAP take out
the SAM units and Thomas's aerodynes will handle some templars
on a hill near the outpost and take out two AAA hover dynes and
2 heavy hover dynes .It depends on how fast you can take out
the SAMs the faster you do it the more damage they can do.

Now there are two ways into the base over the ridge you started
at or through the front door , I prefer the front door since its better
guarded.Watch out the the hill behind the base templars on both
of them, send in marines.Now after they are gone send a massed
force in between the two hills , move your scouts forward and you
can see two heavy hover dynes patroling in the distance and two
just sitting there , the hover dynes sitting there can be artilleried
to death.The hover dynes that patrol fall easy prey to your forces.

Move scouts further out towards the main base and you'll be warned
of sub surface metal ie mines,shell the area clean and advance up
to 4 screens away from the concrete walls.Slightly to the east
since there are crusaders and templars on the left (western) hill
and a SAM system ontop too.Now you have to time this right
but first get organised.Put annilators in a row with the APC behind
have MBTs deploy a repair station behind them and push your scouts
forward so you can see the defences.This is a time of reckoning you
need to fire 2 nukes just infront of the enemy base since your hogs
will start to fire normal shells (which are faster than nukes) which
will make the enemy advance on you.If you are accurate you should
have no opposition left , if you completely miss you face 6 heavy hover
dynes , 4 templar squads two tier -7s with outposts as spotters
lots of bombers and 4 beam platforms.So don't miss! anycase
move marines into the base to take out the super elite hard to hit
templars (use mortars if you want) while your artillery flattens the
top of the western hill top with the SAM system on top.A order
APC will be patroling and this is even harder to hit and annoying since
it heals the templars , artillery its route.Once the templars are killed
send in your tanks flattening the enemy base and the order APC.
move your rocket terradynes to counter any aircraft which there
will be lots (remember fighter aerodynes can't engage you and
therefore are sitting ducks).

move further in and you will encounter 3 ten ton transports and
another single tier 7 with a pulse turret (easy meat).Flatten everything
and move towards the relics.A drone carrier will be on a patrol route
along with two artillery hover dynes use specials on both since its
nearing the end.You will also have lots of fighters circling overhead
(told you not to bring bombers) use artillery to hammer the sides
of the alternative entrance to kill an artillery turret which causes all
sorts of problems.Now you want to use tanks to take out the defender
guns next to the catherderals and on top of the hill and kill those
too (objective complete) , now heal your marines and load them into the
APC.Move scouts close to the final destination and you'll see several
crusader groups two defender guns two tier 7 turrets.Use artillery on
the turrets and set up a artillery kill zone at the walled area enterance
unload your marines and approach.
Now when you attack you'll find that crusaders are extra hard and
so are the templars they have crusaders that can fire the same guns
they have on tier-7 turrets nasty , but they are still crusaders holding
those super guns.So mortars will do nicely as will explosives grenades
and artillery ,kill them quickly though since they can take out annilators
in next to no time.

End Spoiler

Once you have killed those troops move in and kill the defender guns
then use anything you want to kill the final order command building
congrats you have won - game over - now onto the Order of the new
dawn campaign coming soon to a FAQ near you.

Easter eggs:

None found

[4]The enemy

No stats just how to kill them and what with and their observed
tactics.There is a semi unspoken rule about in RTT games
that bigger guns are less effective on infantry it was true in red
alert though it still added damage not as much as small guns on
the APC light terradynes marines etc.


Barely a threat , use marines for quick kills since they use terrain
well to sheild themselves from big guns , artillery is also excellent
since they walk so slowly.That is artillery with masses of lead
not just straight targetting unless the are standing still if they
are make a triangular supressive fire pattern around them.

Templars / torpedo troopers

Nasty women who fire energy missiles at you lots of them and
can take out tanks super quick. The lesson? , use infantry
even jaegers can take them out and use artillery support if you
have it but never vehicles unless they are massed closely there
fore giving utterly devastating firepower.Annilaters can stand up
to them for a long time enough to kill them with their main guns.
Just don't count on it 100% as this sort of gambling can get
your men killed.Use special tank weapons if you are stuck and
have no support and it looks like they will take your unit(s),
HE grenades and mortars do wonders on them.If you only have
tanks move up close to them they have a minimum range which
prevents them from hitting things right next to them.

Hover bikes (classed as a hover dyne)

Pathetic use anything on them except jaegers and they die in
seconds , just keep the APC away since the APC seems to
take masses of damage from them.They cannot hurt your
MBTs and annilators well they can but you have to have your
units hold fire and it takes ages.They do have the speed to
out flank your units and move between them making your men
fire at each other though.So be careful as always.

Light hover dynes

This is laughable against any of your terradynes they are horribly
outclassed 2-3 shots from each tank in a MBT or light terradyne
squad kills them.Just bewary of flanking moves by them as they
are quite fast.Marines will work ok against them but will lose 2-3
men if they have unfavourable or no advantage terrain.

Medium hover dynes

Hmm things start looking hairy don't use marines on them use
artillery since they seem to patrol mostly not looking for trouble
unlike the previous 2 hover dynes.Try flank them and toe to toe
with your heavier tanks while artillery or a flank move comes in.
Marines are useless against them unless you can get them behind
jaegers are a good choice too before they begin to retaliate.They
have a tendancy to turn for no reason which gives easy and powerful
side shots which are a bonus.Air units will not be fired upon when
attacking this unit alone.

Heavy hover dynes

Ugh I really hate these they come in packs of 2 like your annilators
and pack quite alot of punch for 2 units.You best bet is to kill them
with cheap artillery barrages or toe to toe with artillery support with
something flanking it.Marines last seconds against them alone due to
the fragmentation of their main gun ammo (unlike yours which
are supposed to be fragmentation sabot shots but really aren't)
if at real close range but fair better at longer range just don't expect
the marines even with specials to take out the heavies from the
front they won't and can't but from the rear if you can get there
with rockets they can do up to 25% damage per rocket.
jaegers are less useful since they do pathetic damage to them.Air
units will also not be fired on when attacking this unit alone.

Beam hover dyne

I hate these even more but they are rare at any rate , they have longer
range beams than your MBTs and annilators but the beams are weak
but cycle quickly taking upto 40% off marines in the back.Surprise
them with corner traps and artillery.The beams go through your men
by the way so units directly behind others take damage too which is
a pain counter with line formations rather than box or worse column.

AAA hover dynes

Simple use ground forces against them , but use inexperienced units
against them to gain kills and gain elite status quickly.

Sagitta artillery

Just scout ahead with marines and jaegers and stay back without some
thing spotting for them they are worthless and die to anything quickly.
You can also see the shells coming for you and have up to 20 seconds
warning to move from your current location so its not the end if you
see shells going up, if you see shells coming down you have about
6-7 seconds to move out the way or be flattened.The enemy always seems
to move his unit while firing making accuracy really bad but their
artillery turret has a bad aim too.But this unit on harder levels
WILL try to walk you with its shells which is a nasty surprise.Still
it can't hit you up close so that is a key weakness.


Use AAA easy , if you haven't got dedicated AAA forces jaegers on
hill tops are a poor mans second and even worse are AAA guns carried
by light terradynes.Marines come worst miniscule damage poor range

Drone hover dyne

A SOB nasty piece of work with spider bots that can handle ANY terrain
even verticle walls (up and down) , their bots do as much damage as
heavy hover dynes which reall spoil your day.You should watch where the
bots come from and send artillery have annilators take the pain of the
attack.Also have the APC move near them as they won't last long
either.Or run away and bait it out towards you instead , the spiders
will relock onto other units if say a scout unit of yours outruns the
which can cause all sorts of trouble , they can also damage units a little
faster than they can be repaired so take them out quickly or draw fire
with annilators.The drone carrier isn't that tough its getting it into the
where it can be fired upon which is the problem .But what ever you do
when things look bad and your terradyne armour on a slow unit say MBTs
or annilators are at 25% (remaining armour) donot retreat try to kill it
since retreats expose your flank which = more damage.


Except for the Tier-7 Turret you should have no trouble with turrets
except maybe the howitzer turret , infantry assault that one or counter
artillery fire , since it can't move and you can you can move before its
shells come for you while it has to take yours on the head.

A special note is the defence cannon MK2 these babies can shoot
down your artillery shells unless you overwhelm them with masses
of artillery fire (I'm talking 4 shells landing per second = 4 hog units
which is rare).

Jaegers can also take out nearly every turret at range without difficulty

[5] General questions

How many men can I command at once?
What ammo can be shot out of the air?
My guns have no effect on unit X
How do I play the campaign for order of the new dawn?
You state turn your units in the manual there is no such command
Why can't I move units on hold position?
How come the APC has two voices Sarah's and another?
How do I deny an entire area?
Way points or direct paths?
You say artillery shells can be shot down with SAMs?
Friendly fire?
The manual states the APC guns can tackle anything but the
biggest thing the enemy can throw at you?
What is the difference in difficulty levels?
Does loading troops into the APC heal them?
Moving and shooting how do do it?
Does the AI cheat and if so how badly?
What happens when units are KIA?
How do I focus fire units ? when I order attacks they just spray
the whole enemy unit
Can I repair buildings ?
How come weak units like crusaders and hover bikes damage
my MBTs? Isn't there supposed to be heavy armour?
Why should I keep units alive I want to play wasteful combat!
Can I skip the intros completely ?
How many men can the APC hold?
Is there a faster way to load men into the APC?
I want your ground control serial number ...

How many men can I command at once?

Well not many is the answer with 3 marines thats 24 men and
3 units with 8 terradyne (MBT light or scout) thats 32 tanks
+1 APC which = 33 Armour pieces , and one support unit of
say AAA which means 61.A far cry from shogun's 1920.

My guns have no effect on unit X

Well here is a summary of weapons directly fired at enemies
ie no artillery which is v good against every thing .It assumes
that your weapon hits the damage is evaluated.

scout terradyne and marine guns work on:

crusaders (v good)
hover bikes (v good)
light hover dynes(poorly)
medium hover dynes (side and rear only) (vpoorly)
AAA hover dynes
artillery hover dynes
beam platform (sides and rear only)(vvpoorly)

jaeger guns work on

templars (poorly)
hover bikes
light hover dynes
medium hover dynes
AAA hover dynes
artillery hover dynes
heavy hover dynes sides and rear(poorly)
beam platform(poorly)

Light terradyne and APC guns work on

crusaders (good)
hover bikes(v good)
light hover dynes
medium hover dynes sides and rear (poorly)
AAA hover dynes
artillery hover dynes
heavy hover dynes sides and rear (poorly)
beam platform

MBT and annilator terradyne guns work on

crusaders (Vpoorly)
Templars (Vpoorly)
hover bikes (v good)
light hover dynes(v good)
medium hover dynes(v good)
AAA hover dynes(v good)
artillery hover dynes(v good)
heavy hover dynes (v good)
beam platform (v good)
APC(v good)**

** hit ratio is poor as APCs move too fast

What ammo can be shot out of the air?

HE grenades
Janice warheads
and I think nukes

How do I play the campaign for order of the new dawn?

Religious zealot wanna be eh? , well first you must win the crayven
corp campaign first which sets the scene for jared to begin his

You state turn your units in the manual there is no such command

Well no there is no such command but you can improvise of course
lets use an example you have marines you want them to face east
once they arrive at their target from which they approach from the
east.Normally they will stay facing west when they arrive but what
you do it set a way point in the direction you want to face and
they ought to most of the time face the direction you want.If you
want them to stay on the spot cancel orders soon after they turn
and they will stay rooted at the spot.

Why can't I move units on hold position?

Well when they say hold position they really mean it and
stick like glue to that position change orders or force move.

Its done this way so if you want to snipe and order an attack
your units will not pursue the enemy units giving up their
terrain advantage if they have any.
What happens if my APC dies?

Instant game over you are supposed to play the role of Sarah
Parker , she dies you die.

How come the APC has two voices Sarah's and another?

The APC is two units essentially as stated in the manual its
a truck with guns, and on the back of the truck is a big can
containing command equipment and the Major.

How do I deny an entire area?

You need artillery or main battle terradynes just have them
fire at a particular spot out of sync so there is constantly something
hittin that area.Same as the dark reign principle , its hard as rock
to hit a moving unit with artillery but if they have to walk through
it its much easier.

Way points or direct paths?

You can set direct paths (ie click the spot you want to go to on each
map) the AI will auto select a convient close path way.However this
is semi dangerous as it will cling to the bottom of valleys and not
take advantageous terrain.

Way points however take time to setup and you may not know a
good path to the location you want to get to and in a battle time
is at a premium.When 20 heavy hoverdynes are hammering you
(a common occurance) you don't want to be faffing about with such

You say artillery shells can be shot down with SAMs?

Yes but it only happens onhigher difficulty levels though which
can cause all sorts of trouble.

Friendly fire?

Same again only with higher difficulty levels does this really
become a concern.

The manual states the APC guns can tackle anything but the
biggest thing the enemy can throw at you

Well no not really they do tiny amounts of damage but I think
its supposed to be the time effect as in it will take so long for
most enemies to kill your APC due to its high armour rating
that its guns can kill that unit.

What is the difference in difficulty levels?

Simple friendly fire and units stopping for it is the most obvious
one.Also enemy weapons do more damage to you and your men
are less accurate.Enemy tactics also seem a bit nastier.Your
repair beams also seem a bit slower than before , at easy it can
repair a bunch of marines to 100% in seconds while it may
take longer on higher difficulty.

Does loading troops into the APC heal them?

No but they will gain some health when they approach the APC
as long as it isn't busy repairing something else , but they come
out the same health as they go in , the repair beam is externally
mounted anyways.

Moving and shooting how do do it?

Well when you move often your unit will stop shooting and move
the continue firing but you can order them to fire then move then
fire which makes them shoot while they move to their new location.
But it is not 100% recommended you may do more damage to the
enemy but the enemy knows your unit is there and may retaliate
making a flank move risky.Also in this state the turret gun may face
the enemy and the body of your tank face another making it
more vulnerable to enemy fire (nothing worse than losing a MBT
to a bunch of crusaders).

Does the AI cheat and if so how badly?

Of course the AI cheats it can spawn entities onto the map
when ever it feels like it and always knows where your units are.
Its machine guns also seem to hurt your tanks badly too.

A example is simple escort duty at the end nearly all those
units are spawned , since I have spent hours combing the map
and killed everything but the units at the end are spawned.

What happens when units are KIA?

Well you lose that unit as long as one member stays alive
it seems they are replenished and the unit can fight on.If they
are KIA then that unit is no longer avalible for use in later
missions.(easy only!)

How do I focus fire units ? when I order attacks they just spray
the whole enemy unit

Order fire then zoom in close to the enemy unit and click again
on attack with your units and they should direct most of their
fire towards the unit you clicked.

Can I repair buildings ?

As far as I know the answer to this is no you can repair buildings
such as repair units though , with other repair units since they
are considered structures.(only on easy though they can't repair
each other on any other difficulty level.

How come weak units like crusaders and hover bikes damage
my MBTs? Isn't there supposed to be heavy armour?

Well yes but like EECH and home world there are armour factors
involved and multipliers I'm not sure but I think at the front is least
damage , sides more damage and rear most damage.If this applies
to infantry I am not sure but infantry can move and fire in different
directions at the same time.So with this explaination they can
damage it that way , and also even though they are well armoured
on the front some bullets will get through never the less and give
a portion of damage and this builds up into damage you can
see on the health bars.

Why should I keep units alive I want to play wasteful combat!

You are playing the wrong game try total annilation , red alert
age of empires etc.

You ought to keep them alive unless you play on easy (even then
at least one man has to stay alive) to gain extra experience ie
become more lethal (and you are after each advantage you can
get).Also if you play on normal and hard by the time you get to
the last 3 missions you will barely have any units left and it will
be extra hard , my mission walkthroughs assume that you keep
ALL men alive at ALL times.Alter your strategies if this is not the
case , still in mission 15 you can get most of your men killed bar
your APC as always.

Can I skip the intros completely ?

Not that I know of

How many men can the APC hold?

3 Squads of marines therefore 24 men you can load men into
major thomas's APC too though you have no control over where
he takes them.the Manual says 20 but I can cram 24 into it so
its 24.

Is there a faster way to load men into the APC?

Force move the APC to run over your men on contact they get
in , you may also want to use the unit icons instead of the
actual units for loading.

I want your ground control serial number ...

Why of course NOT , here is how to get a serial number go to
town buy copy of ground control (£2.50) and look at the number
on the inside of the case! , almost as bad as the SNES cheat
to play the bosses in the first edition of street fighter II published
in something or other.


[6] Secret sabotage mission (crayven)

When first writting this guide I had no idea about this but after having the
FAQ out for about a week or so I got an email landing in my inbox about
this mission and asking for some help.Firstly you need to activate the
mission press M , S and V at the same time and it will bring up a menu
which you should type:

the next generation of rts-games

EXACTLY as above and go into single player and custom missions
there will be listed a mission called X0 secret sabotage.


Destroy the order oil depot (eh , I thought order vehicles all ran on fusion
power and therefore did not need fuel or ammo except specials)



X1 Dropship
X2 Infantry*

Recommended troop options

This is awkward , if you jump right in you will be given 1 marine squad
and a jaeger squad

marines = infantry mortar and medi kit
jager = 140MM RAW and medi kit

But if you want a bigger challenge press the configure dropships then
configure squads and even iff you select 2 marine squads you get 2
jaeger squads.I didn't notice this bug for a while until a brief accident
pressing the wrong button.Therefore I played through with 2 jaegers
which makes it harder since you need to take out crusaders.

Its actually much more interesting if you play with 2 jaegers so if
you want to prove yourself or something then by all means go into the
configure squads menu.My choices are:

X1 jager
Gyrojet ammo
Demolition charge
X1 jaeger
140MM raw
Demolition charge

This is a nasty mission with lots of nasty dirty tricks which spoils it
a bit so read at your own risk its your money you paid for the game and
hell if you ruin it then its your fault not mine.

Opposition (start)

X4 (units not squads) hover bikes
X16 crusaders
X4 Light hover dynes
X2 medium hover dynes
X2 Pulse laser pill boxes
X2 aeres laser turrets

Drop the dropship instantly , put all troops into the APC , now mvoe the
the closest ridge on the east.On the way you will be attacked by 2
hover bike squads they are quite easy with jaegers put jaegers on
the top of the small hillock on the way to the ridge and the APC just
behind so it is covered by the terrain and jaegers act as a sheild (remember
they can be healed your APC cannot).They should die pretty quick
you will be warned that reinforcements are being called from the base
so get into the APC and get to that ridge.You want to be on the southern
face pretty soon , place your jaegers on the ridge and your APC a little
behind this is the same terrain trick as before it should be no trouble.

One of two things can happen now:

2 Medium hover dynes come in and join the fray (but since you have a
terrain advantage and constantly healed units it is no competition).


The enemy hover dynes die leaving a clear path to the road leading to
the base.Now look at the base carefully , look at the road to the base
what do you see mines (in fact I actually discovered the mines when
my APC went over them when i didn't know there were mines what
a dirty trick).You also see a T junction on path leading south the other
into the base , lets play.With jaegers put a demo charge for each squad
on the sides of the T junction (say:

XooooXooo -> south

Legend :

o (road)
X = democharge.

Now is the fun bit , send the APC to shoot a couple of shots at the
medium hover dynes patroling the base (notice how they avoid the
mines).Now run in a straight line over the demo charges leading
them between the charges detonate them , thats two dead medium
hover dynes (you can face them off toe to toe but it is risky).

With jaegers you are pretty bad at defeating order crusaders so
do the same thing with crusaders , if you have marines you can
toe to toe the enemy again.

Now attack the turrets with jaegers be patient and the turrets will
die eventually (but stay off the road).Now go the the north side of the
base with your APC.Look closely see those mines? , use something
explosive on the mine group just outside the base entrance.(raw140mm
is good so are mortars and gyrojet bullets but not APC guns , jaeger
guns or marine guns so take note if you used all specials earlier
you can use the APC to run over some of the mines taking 75%
damage but sparing your infantry).

Now slowly go in killing the turrets inside then everything else (with
infantry its slow killing buildings just go after the oil dumps) now
you are warned order forces have been dropped in you have two

Load all men into the APC and run towards the pickup (the APC
is fast enough to outrun everything that comes for you)

Fight fighting is sort of easy , you will face:

X4 hover bikes
X4 light hover dynes

You can even toe to toe them all to death (use the APC to shoot
into their rears).Go to the pickup mission complete, no reward
no cut scene just self satisfaction you complete this mission.


[7] Credits and permissions

Credits due to - giving me the reason why the music was all messed
up and why briefings were jolted and repeated like broken records.

Sierra and massive for publishing and making this great game

That old man who was a GTA fan who split the 3 for £10 with me in
doing so allowing me to pay only £3 for this game.

Hendrix , as I type this I am listening to an old LP of him yes not CD
but LP and no I don't play my LPs on my PC I have a dedicated
deck for such things.

Negative credit to the mission designer who made some of the missions
that take up to 5 hours to complete.

Negative cred to the maker of many OS's since they crash so often!

Permissions list

Bernd Wolffgramm's http://DLH.Net
David A's

Everybody on this list frequently check the version at gamefaqs since
I tend to update there most.

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Order of the New Dawn Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Crayven Corporation Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013

10.Октябрь 2008

18.Октябрь 2013

04.Октябрь 2013
Alle Level spielbar

12.Сентябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
11.Февраль 2016
24.Июль 2014
25.Июнь 2019
22.Октябрь 2014