Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

18.10.2013 03:15:54



*** Fellowship of the Ring ***


T h e L o r d o f t h e R i n g s: F e l l o w s h i p o f t h e R i n g
The Complete FAQ/Walkthrough 1.2
For the Playstation2™
Written, formatted and researched by: Austineze
Questions? Comments? : BuzzyBastard@beer.com
Copyright © 2003 to Austineze

F i l e S u m m a r y
Guide Progress: 98% complete
Approximate File Size: 43 KB
Total Pages: 13


This FAQ/Walkthrough contains:
Copyright Info
Version History
General Game Help
Contact Info

-------------Copyright Info----------------

This guide may be distributed freely, if everything within this file is fully
intact and proper credit is given. It may not be distributed for profit or any
means of economical gain. Please do not modify this guide in any way, even if
you find errors, inaccurate information, grammatical problems,etc. In the
event you do discover any of the previously listed, write me so that I can
correct this, the original.

Playstation 2 and Playstation 2 logos are registered trademarks of Sony
Entertainment of America Inc. The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
and all related characters are registered trademarks of Tolkien Enterprises.
The game was created under lisence by Black Label games & Vivendi Universal
games. The author of this document is in no way affiliated with Sony
Entertainment of America, Black Label games, nor Vivendi Universal games.

-------------Version History---------------

Verson 1.0
Completed March 7, 2003. Includes complete walkthrough and necessary
maps, as well as a game help section.

Version 1.2
Completed April 4, 2003. Includes updates to some of the "boss"
fights, and completed the "secret" of Gollum's fish.

-------------General Game Help-------------

Some helpful insights before we begin. I don't think it is necessary to repeat
all of the instructions that come in the game's booklet, so go read that if you
need to know such things. A lot of this stuff is repeated in the walkthrough,
but if you're like me, you skip to the parts of the guide that you need. So
here are some of the better hints.

NPCs (Non-player characters) are those friends of yours that run around with
you during certain sections. They can't be killed and can attack creatures.
This is very handy for a couple of reasons. One, you don't get any benefit
whatsoever if you get into a battle (win or lose). You can lose health,
though. If you run up to an opponent, and lure it back to the NPCs (you will
always be faster than the NPCs and usually leave them somewhere behind you),
they will hack it up and you can stand a comfortable distance away and watch,
throw stones, shoot arrows, cast spells, etc.

Speaking of no benefit to battles (other than satisfying bloodlust), if you
know what you're doing in a section you can just cut to the chase and run and
do it. Save all the healing elements for emergencies and boss battles. However,
the game has an excess of these items (especially miruvor for Gandalf) so if
you have the patience and the need, hack away.

Also, the secondary projectile weapon can be your greatest asset in some
fights.Frodo's rocks are pretty pathetic as far as damage goes, but they will
get the job done safely if you have patience. Aragorn's arrows are slightly
better for damage, but still quite effective in keeping him safe. Many of the
boss battles can be won easily just by switching to first person view and using
the projectile weapon.

The ONE RING is a wasted element of the game. At no point during the game is it
necessary to use this feature. As mentioned above, Frodo can easily run from
danger, so turning yourself invisible to avoid it is moot. In any case, the
meter that deminishes as you use it drains quite quickly, so you can't use it
for more than a few seconds. This is far too little time to do anything at all.


Really. The most likely scenario is that you bought this game because:
A: you read the books and loved the story and want to try intereacting with it
B: you saw the movie and loved it and want to try interacting with it
C: (this is piggybacked with either A or B) it was cheaper than the movie-
version game.

In any case, you should be familiar with the story of Frodo and the Fellowship
of the Ring. If you are not, turn off the computer and/or the PS2 and go get
the books. Read them, and then you may come back and play this game. Go on,
I'll wait for you.


The game itself is centered around quests. You are asked to perform actions,
such as finding things, talking to people, throw rocks at something, etc.
What I've done in this guide is take all of those quests and list them out
here, each followed by it's solution. Some quests in the Shire are there to
add depth and diversion, to let you enjoy the world Tolkien created more
completely. Finishing these quests aren't necessary to proceed in the game,
and are marked with an asterick (*) if you decide to skip over them. There
are still other things you must do in order for the game to progress (mostly
killing something), so these will be included with parentheses.

--- T H E S H I R E ---

Find the Bag End deed
This is one of the first three quests that appears as you begin the
game. The deed is in a chest in the second bedroom (the other bed-
room's chest holds the ONE RING, but that's for later) of Bag End.

Get the key to Bag End
The key sits shining on top of a chest in the entrance hallway to Bag
End. Just pick it up as you leave.

*Find the missing metal pin and return it to Ted
Ted is by the Hobbiton Mill, just before the bridge to Bywater.
Sancho Proudfoot (the kid in green running around Hobbiton) took the
pin and threw it at a weathervane. The only one in town is at Number
Six Bagshot Row, Halfast Hornblower's place. Go talk to Hal.
*Throw a rock at Hal's weathervane
This quest only appears if you start with Ted,so it is nestled here in
his quest. Climb up the silo's ladder. Switch to first person camera,
then throw a rock at the weathervane. It will spin when you hit it.
*Return to Farmer Hal
Go back and talk to Hal. He'll give you the pin.

*Find 4 healing herbs in Green Hill Country for Old Noakes
Cross the bridge and head into Bywater. Pass all the way through
town, and out the other side. Old Noakes is sitting on a bench under
some trees. He needs some healing herbs replaced (Sancho again).
Continue on past him into Green Hill COuntry. The first herb is just
to the left, before the second bridge (with the mill worker on it).
The second is in a hollow log further down the creek. The last two
are in the pens at Maggot's farm - Remember where this place is, you'll
need to come back here later. Jump over the broken part in the fence
to the left. Whenever your detection meter turns yellow, throw a rock
away from direction you want to go (presumably away from the herbs).
If you get caught, Maggot just sends you back off of his farm. Repeat
the process with the dog through the gate on the right.
*Return the healing herbs to Old Noakes in Bywater
He's right where you left him. He'll give you mushrooms for your

Sell Bag End to Lobelia Sackville - Baggins
Lobelia Sackville - Baggins is standing outside of her house in
Bywater. She is worried about wolves.

Ring the warning bell
(the sheriff, Merry and Pippin are all inside the Green Dragon across
the plaza from Lobelia's place. You can go talk to them, but it's not
necessary). The bell is in the center of town. Get near it, switch to
first person camera, and throw a rock at it. The sheriff comes out
and tells you he doesn't care. Go back and talk to Lobelia. She is
quite interested in the house now.

Get the ONE RING from Bag End
Go back to the first bedroom in Bag End. The chest will open now, and
you can have the ONE RING.

Take the Bag End key to Gaffer Gamgee at Number 3 Bagshot Row
When you leave Bag End, it will be night time (Lobelia has already
switched the name on the marker for Bag End!). Head to the right,
through Bag End's garden. You will automatically be taken into a
sequence with Gaffer and a Dark Rider. You will then talk to him
yourself, and give him the key. I highly reccomend saving right now,
as the next sequence can prove difficult and a little frustrating.

Meet Merry, Pippin and Sam at Farmer Maggot's Farm
Remember where you got Old Noakes' herbs? Head back there; be careful!

Avoid being detected by the Dark Riders
On your travels back to Maggot's farm, you will come across four black
riders. If any of them spot you, your game ends. You will need to use
the "throw a rock for a distraction" trick again like you did with the
dogs back at Maggot's farm, but the Black Riders are a little
smarter. Okay, here we go. As soon as you have control of Frodo, run
to the house just behind you (Number Two Bagshot Row, Daddy Two-Foot's
place) and stop in the little valley between the house and the short
hill. This puts the short hill between Frodo and the road, which is
where the two Black Riders are. Wait until the second one passes you
then SNEAK up the big hill/roof next to you. If you did it right,
neither Black Rider will be able to detect you if you just stand and
look around Hobbiton up there. When you are clear, sneak down the other
side of the hill, slightly to the left so that you drop down in another
little valley between the house and a small hill (this is Number 9 Hill
Road, Robin Smallburrow's place). A Black Rider will stop and turn
around in front of this house. As soon as its gone back toward the
tree house, run toward the Hobbiton Mill. When you pass the fork in
the road, start sneaking again because there is another Black Rider
waiting on the bridge to Bywater. Sneak to the left of the mill, there
is a deck behind it you can hide on. While you are standing on the side
of the mill, throw a rock across the road AND away from the bridge
(diagnal, kinda towards the fork in Bagshot Row and Hill Road). Stand
still until the Black Rider rides past and goes to investigate. When
he stops to look, sneak away from the mill and over the bridge. Once
on the other side run until you get to Bywater.

(Protect the sheriff)
This "quest" pops up when you come to Bywater. A wolf attacks the
sheriff and you have to go kill it. Just run up and keep hitting the
square button until it dies. If you get nipped, take a mushroom to
recover. This "quest" does not appear in your quest log, but you
still have to do it just the same.

(Wolf Attack)
Again, not a true "quest." Outside of Bywater, wolves will attack
you. The game suggests that you use the ONE RING, but it is completely
unnecessary. Just run down the path to Green Hill Country, and the
wolves will never catch you.

Avoid being detected by the Dark Riders - Continued
The final Black Rider sits down by the bridge to Maggot's farm, and he
isn't as smart as his brothers in Hobbiton. Run down to the hollow
log and hide behind it (I have done this once from inside it, but it
was a bit more difficult the throw the rock up the path). Throw a rock
back up the path, away from Maggot's farm. Sneak down the length of
the log, and cut over to the creek. Run down the creek and back onto
shore just before the bridge. Run straight to the doors of Maggot's
place where you meet Merry, Pippin and Sam, completing both quests.

Take the ONE RING to Rivendell
This one will continue through The Old Forest and beyond, to Rivendell.

--- T H E O L D F O R E S T ---

Find Merry
Find Pippin
Find Sam
All three of your friends are lost in the forrest maze. The place is
littered with giant spiders, which prove to be of little threat. Even
when more than one shows up, they tend to stand close together, so
that your strikes (square button) will hit them together. I just faced
them at kept hitting the strike button repeatedly. What's even more
helpful is that when you find your Hobbit friends, they will attack
spiders for you, but they can't get hurt. Just run behind them, and
let your buddies do the work. Be careful though, they are kindo slow
to strike, and if your warning meter is in the red, the spider will
break through and come after you. Below is a crude map of what the
forrest has to offer. There are many mushrooms out there, but you'll
find them pretty easily. If you hear a low, sucking noise it means a
large tree has moved, blocking your path. If you run back down the path
so it gets out of sight, it will move again allowing you to pass. As
soon as you find your third companion, you will automatically cut to a
campfire scene, so be sure you're finished exploring before you find
the third Hobbit.

G=Gate (start) M=Merry P=Pippin S=Sam x=Spider, as I encountered them

\ \__
\ x
\ /
x/ x______ S
\ / \ /
\| |x
x |
| | |
| __________
_____x_ | | \
/ | \ P | | _____|
x | | | | |
| M |
| x |
| |
The Old Forest Map \ |
\ |

(Defeat the Willow tree)
After the camp, explore the new area. You should take the time to save
before you proceed; the Willow is near. Eventually as you move up-
stream, the willow tree will begin to drop these white things on your
party. The other three get "eaten," and Frodo has to save them. This
is a typical "boss-fight." The tree can be one nasty customer, even if
you know what you're doing, so be prepared with the mushrooms. If you
hit the trunk of the tree, your comrades plead with you not to do it
again (and it won't hurt the tree). However, it is necessary to do
this once. After they scream at you (BTW, if you do this repeatedly,
they will die). Frodo will automatically move away from the tree and
slightly to the right. This is a "safe" position for him, in that if
he doesn't move at all from that spot, the tree won't be able to hit
him. Switch to first-person view, and have it so that you are looking
to the left of the tree and a little higher than his line of sight.
You should see the fists slam down in front of you. Throw a rock (NOT
MOVING!) and the tree will recoil by jerking the fist away. He will try
to hit you with his other fist. Throw another rock. After you repeat
this several times, Tom Bombadil shows up and rescues the party.

Find 12 lillies for Goldberry
Tom invites you to dinner, but you have to help him find flowers for
his lady-love. The easiest way to do this is to run around the area
until you get them. There are more than twelve lillies available, as
well as a smattering of mushrooms to help you relplenish after the
willow fight. There are a bunch of the oversized spider around, but if
you use the same techniques from The Old Forest (especially since there
are three other attacking Hobbits now), this should be an easy task.

Return the 12 lillies to Tom Bombadil
Find your way back to the stream, and head upstream. Tom will be
wandering in circles up there.

Find the missing Hobbits
After a short time with Tom, the Hobbit party leaves for the Barrow
Downs. It is up the winding path from Tom's house. You'll fight
several wolves on your way up, but the other Hobbits will help you,
like they did with the spiders. When you get to the top, a cutscene has
the Hobbits at a campfire on the edge of the Barrow Downs. When you
wake up, your friends are gone. Use the map below to run to the cave
they are hidden in.

#=mound and the number of fiends that inhabits it
C=cliff (you die if you fall) S=start
_ /3\
_______/4\ \_/
/ \_/ __/_/C
/ \ /CCCCC
CAVE \/ _
| \_/
_ /C
\ / | C
C |
_ 2
/3\___|__C Barrow Downs Map
_/ C
/3\_______/ \
\_/ \_/

When you get to the cave, save your game quickly. There is a zombie-
like thing that can only be a true Barrow Wight (unlike the
apparitions outside, this one is very tough). On the side of the cave,
just to the right of the alcove the Hobbits are unconcious in, there is
a group of stone ledges. Jump to get up, and across the gap to the
treasure chest. There is a Westernesse Dagger inside which can harm the
zombie (your walking stick can't). There are two ways to handle this
fight, one is passive, and one is aggressive. To play it safe and
passive, just stay up next to the chest, becuase the Wight can't reach
you up there. Just throw stones at it until Frodo remembers the song
Tom taught him. If you want to play it aggressively, jump down and use
the new dagger. One single strike will cause it to sink under ground,
and then it will try to pop up behind you. It has two attacks, a
violent shove and toxic breath. The breath is the far worse of the two
if it hits Frodo, but it's easiest to strike the zombie while its
unleashing this attack. Stand still long enough for it to approach you
and start to breathe, then run over to its side and strike. After
several hits, Frodo remembers a song Tom taught him, and Tom comes to
banish the Barrow Wight.

--- B R E E ---

Check in at the Prancing Pony Inn
This quest only appears after you have gone to see Aragorn in the
common room. There are plenty of others to talk to as well, including
Bill Furney, who you will be running into again later. Just go back to
the front desk, and Butterburr will be there.

Search the village of Bree for Merry
(You will have switched to Aragorn as the main character) Merry is out
in Bree after dark, which proves to be dangerous. Bill Furney and some
other men, as well as a pack of seven wolves, are out to cause the
Hobbits some trouble. Use the map below to complete this quest, as
well as the next five.

Collect clothes
Collect melons
Collect hay bolster
Collect small logs
These quests pop up after you have located Merry. I highly suggest
you find him as quickly as possible, as he will aid you by distracting
opponents while Aragorn switches to first-person view and unleashes a
barrage of arrows. This tactic is much easier on the life bar, and
chances to replenish Aragorn's health are few at the moment.

PP=Prancing Pony M=Merry 1=clothes 2=melons 3=hay bolster
4=small logs BF=Bill Furney PA=man with Pole Arm EP=man with eye patch
AX=man with ax

|PA 4|
| |-
_| |
| |_
|_ _|
| |
_| |
|_ | The Village of Bree Map
______| |
| M |
|______ |______
| ______|
| |
| |
g _ | |
a| |________________________| |
t| |
e|_______ ________________ BF|
|_| | |
|1 |
| |
| |_____
__________________________| ___ |
| |_ | |
|_____ _________ _| |_|
_____| AX | | | _
|3 _ | | | | |
| | | EP | | | | |
| | | |_________| |_________| |_______ g
| | | 2 |a
|___| |____________________ _________________ |t
|__| |_|e

Return to the Prancing Pony
It's right there on the map.

--- W E A T H E R T O P ---

Reach the summit of Weathertop
This is fairly easy. Aragorn can handle all of the enemies by himself
(the wolves are pathetic, even in groups). Just stick to the path,
and you'll have no problem, as long as you don't fall off of a cliff.
There are 15 wolves that you run into (and a sixteenth if you detour -
more on that in a moment) and 12 men, as either a bowman or a grunt.
Just before you get to the bridge with the first men on it, back down
the path just a bit, there is a curve around the hills that is
somewhat hidden. There is a Cram and a wolf. I suggest you save
before you go inside the ruins on the summit of Weathertop, as a boss
fight with a troll is about to commence.

(Kill the Troll on Weathertop)
This fight is particularly nasty because the creature you are fighting
is so large, and the space to fight is so small. Hopefully you saved
your Cram. The best way to get rid of this hulk is to run away from it
for a moment, turn press and hold the target lock (R1) and fire an
arrow. Don't fire more than one at a time, because more than that and
the troll will hit you for a huge amount of damage. After quite a few
arrows, the troll goes down.

Protect Frodo from the Nazgul
First there is a Lemblas by the fire. This quest is not that
difficult in that you don't have to defeat the Nazgul (Dark Riders),
just keep them back. Frodo can die if they strike him enough times,
but it takes many hits to do this. Position yourself near Frodo and
hack away at anything that comes too close. There are nine of them,
but the most that will come at once is three. Knock them down once or
twice, and they run back into the shadows. Do that to all nine and
you're done.

Scout ahead to clear a path for the Hobbits
The title for this quest is misleading. As in some previous quests,
the non-player characters (NPCs) should do most of the battles.
Aragorn can handle the wolves without breaking a sweat, but when the
trolls come out, let the Hobbits distract them, then kill them off
with arrows.

--- R I V E N D A L E ---

(No Quests)
(You will have switched to Frodo as the main character) You finally
get to finish that quest from the Shire (Take the ONE RING to
Rivendale). You also get to upgrade Frodo's weapon to Sting.

--- M O R I A ---

Find the Gates of Moria somewhere near the lake
(You will have switched to Gandalf as the main character) From your
initial starting point at the camp, just head out and around to the
left. At the top of the winding path is the lake. You really can't
miss it. There are 9 wolves in this area, and go down easily with four
shots of Fiery Blast. One of these only appear if you find the niche
behind your starting camp. It is essential that you only shoot the
beasts when they are on their feet, as any blasts they get while down
will not effect them. The one troll you will come across goes down
with eight Fiery Blasts, but all of the orcs (both archers and swords)
are easily defeated with Glamdring, Gandalf's sword. But if you must
use spells now that you have them, archers take two blasts and swords
take three.

(Monster in the lake)
(You will have switched to Aragorn as the main character) This fight is
simpler than it first appears. There are four tentacles, and a head.
Each of these can strike you if you get within their range. If you
move too far down the shore away from Gandalf, he dies and your game
ends. The quick and dirty wat is to run over to the right of the beast
so that you are nearest the far right tentacle. Switch to first person
view and shoot at the tentacles. Each one will go down if hit at its
base four times. Don't bother with the head, it isn't necessary to win.
Also, don't worry about healing Aragorn and wasting Cram or Lemblas. If
you do this right, he will have more than half of his life remaining at
the end of the battle, and will camp before you have to use him again.

Find safe passage through Moria
This is just like that "Take the ONE RING to Rivendale" quest where you
don't really have to do anything, except go forward. And like that
previous quest, it will take you quite awhile to progress that far.
Moria is large, and dangerous. Use the maps below to get you
through. Almost all of the dead-ends have goodies, but you will get
more than you need from all of the orcs you have to kill. It is a good
idea to save at the points where the maps switch (if nothing else, it
saves you from having to repeat a lot if you make a mistake)

+=switch @=pitfall (you can die here) ^=bridge

_____(A) (B) 2 _|_
| | +_| @ |_
_|_ | |___| \
/ | \ (@) | |
__/__|__\__| ^ ^
\ | / | 2" 1"
\_|_/ (@) ^ 1 ^
| ^ + ^
|_ _|_ | _|_
| ___| @ |+__|___| @ |___
| |___| | |___|
__/ \__ | | |
\_/ +
| / \
^ \_/
^ __|
|___ __/@@@
\ \___
|_ |
| | / \
|___/ / \_/ The Mines of Moria
__| | ___ | Map One
+ \ / _ \_/
( ) \/ \
+ _|_
| / | \ (A)
| ___/__|__\___|
| \ | / |
| \_|_/ (@)
/ \ |
\_/ (@)-|-(@)

From the start, head north until you get to the room marked 'A'. Here,
a platform will take you down to the lower level (you can't go back
up). On the left side map, you will begin at spot 'A'. Again, make
your way north. The room just before the first switch will allow you
to camp (restore health and spirit) before you move on to the first
real puzzle of Moria. The switch marked '1' will allow the bridge
marked '1' to be extended, and you can cross it. Find switch marked
'2' which will extend the bridge marked '2'. When you get to the spot
marked with a 'B' (called three passages) you again find yourself
unable to go back.

^=bridge +=switch PM=Pippin's Mistake LP=light puzzle BT=Balin's Tomb
/ \ The Mines of Moria
__+ PM |-- Map Two
_____ | \___/
| |___| \ _____
| \___ | LP |
^ |___+| + + |__________
^ | + + | ___|___
^ |_____| | |
| | BT |
(B) |____(C)|

Just head along the single path until you get to Pippin's Mistake (a
cut scene where he makes a great deal of noise). Go through the right
passage to get into the Light Puzzle.

Escape the 21st hall
Don't worry about the trolls, Gandalf can't hurt them. Move to the
center of the room, where you find four buttons that work some blue
lasers above your head. Simply move the 'blocks' (the hands holding
the spheres) onto the buttons and you're finished. When you leave the
light puzzle room you will soon hit Balin's Tomb, where you are over-
run by orcs and the party is forced to spit up, and you can't go back.

< and ^=bridge +=switch r=rock }{=jump across
*=ladder (D1 goes up to D1, D2 goes down to D2)

|_| _______
\_ | ___ | The Mines of Moria
|_| | | | | Map Three
|_ | | | | (2nd Hall)
|+*|...D2 D1...|*| \ \
^ _______| |
^ D2...|*________|
^ ___ __________
|_ | _}{_______r__|
|_*|...D1 | | ___
_| | |_ ______|+ |
\ \ |___}{_____ |
\_| _ _____| |
_/ | | / |
| | ___|_|__<<:<<__+ |
| |____/|_| | |
| ____| |______ __|
|_| (C)

(You will have switched to Frodo as the main character) This exercise
can be frustrating as Frodo is practically useless against the sword
orcs, and Gimli can't handle more than three orcs at a time (they hit
him in succession, never giving him the chance to hit back). With
that in mind it is best to run from trouble whenever you can, hide and
let Gimli take care of the orcs whenever he can. The first thing you
need do to get out of the 2nd Hall is keeping the door out open. The
switch is north of your starting position, but as soon as you step off
of it, it closes again. On the ledge above you there is a rock that
can hold it down (like in the 21st Hall - Light Puzzle). Jump over the
gaps and push the rock down. Go back and push the rock onto the switch.
Now go over to the broken bridge on the west side of the area. Use the
switch right there to extend the bridge and cross over. Continue using
the wooden planks to cross from small platform to small platform until
you get to the second broken bridge. Climb up the ladder (D1), run
around the circuit up there, and come down the other ladder (D2). Pull
the switch. When you do this, a horde of orcs come at you. There are
more than Gimli can handle, and the platform is too small to fight on
anyway. Run toward the exit. Trust me when I say it is in your best
interest to save before you go through the exit door. The next boss
fight is the most difficult one in the game.

(Balrog, a.k.a. Durin's Bane, fight)
(You will have switched to Gandalf as the main character) The Balrog
will kill Gandalf with a single hit of his sword when you get close,
and the fire blasts aren't too shabby either (three or four can kill
you). The bridge is narrow, and your own fire blasts don't hurt it.
There is a system to getting at the Balrog. The first thing to do is
run backwards (toward the area where the rest of the Fellowship is
standing). There is a lemblas and a miruvor on the outskirts of this
ledge (and depending on how much spellcasting you did in the previous
parts of Moria, you may need them). Set your spell to the Lightning
Strike, and make sure you have plenty of spirit (drink a miruvor if
you have less than half left). Go back and position yourself to the
right of the brigde and swing the camera around so that you can see
the Balrog and the fire blasts coming at you (NEVER stand in the same
place for more than a second or two as those blasts come quickly one
after the other). As soon as you see a blast coming, run to the bridge
and press towards the Balrog and to the left of the bridge (thankfully
you cannot fall to your death anywhere on this field). As soon as
another blast comes, press over to the right and towrd the Balrog. By
the time the second blast passes you, you should be close enough to hit
it with the lightning (circle button). It will be stunned only for a
moment, and you must go right up to it and hit it with Glamdring. You
can safely hit it THREE times before it isn't stunned anymore and will
hit you with its own sword (the very first time you go up to hit it,
you may be able to hit it four times, but it usually isn't worth the
risk). After the third hit, run back to the Fellowship and start the
process all over again. You will have to to this ten times, being sure
to keep your health and spirit up as needed, as it will take thirty
sword strikes from Glamdring to end the combat.

--- L O T H L O R E A N ---

(No Quests)
(You will have switched to Frodo as the main character). You will
finally complete the "Find safe passage through Moria" quest when you
speak to Galadriel. For some reason though, when you check up on your
quests in Lothlorean, it only shows you the ones from the Shire...hmmm.

--- A N D U I N ---

Clear the river's edge of enemies
This is back to the hack and slash portion of the game, made much
easier by the fact that most of the Fellowship (minus the Hobbits) are
NPCs willing to do the battle for you. Run ahead down river to attract
the baddies, then lead them back to the rest of the fighting group.
Stand a comfortable distance away (partially behind something is even
better) switch to first person view and rain down arrows on the poor
saps. There are 15 Uruk-Hai orcs, 4 archers, and 2 trolls. Note: from
here on out, almost all sword orcs are the Uruk-Hai kind. These are
bigger, stronger, and fight smarter.

Rescue Sam
What's funny is that in this last section to the game, it is the most
fabricated. Sam most certainly wasn't abducted by a Nazgul-bird in the
book, and as to why they would put such a lenghty thing in to finish
off the game is beyond me. At any rate, lets get going and save our
Hobbit friend. There are five "parts" to this last stage. It would be
wise to save sometime during each of these parts. Not that any of them
are too difficult, but they can be lenghty and quite time consuming to
do over again. The first part comprises of the Fellowhip's campsight,
the campsight up on the ridge, the one in the cave, and the one down by
the shore. In this first part, there are some wolves, archers and Uruk-
Hai to deal with. As Aragorn, there won't be much trouble (and with
Frodo as your only NPC, you won't get much help there).
If you press up into all of the nooks and crannies at the base of the
mountain, you should be able to hear Gollum. You should hear him twice
in two different places along the mountain. On the ridge above the
second (enemies') shore campsight, there is an archer, and a second
archer across a shallow chasm. If you drop down into the chasm, you
can NOT get back up. This outcropping into the water before the gap
will be the third place you can hear Gollum. If you hear him all three
times, a log will appear up on the top of this outcropping where there
wasn't one before. This will allow you to go over the small rise and
meet Gollum face to face. After a bizzare conversation, he will throw
a fish at you ("Presentses!") The fish is the most powerful weapon/
sword that Aragorn can carry. You can now defeat trolls in just two or
three strikes. Now you can go drop down in the gap. This is the
beginning of the second "part."
As soon as you drop down, two trolls come out from their camp, as well
as a few wolves. I was able to press up against the mountain (where
you killed that second archer) and kill off the trolls with arrows -
they just stand over next to the trees. There is a blockade of stones
which is soon destroyed by a third troll. Past the now defunct blockade
are a few more wolves and archers. Up the second short flight of stairs
will lead to a slight drop-off. You can't climb back up, and this is
the third "part."
There are archers up on ledges, and a troll down below. If you go all
the way to the left from where you drop down, you will find some
protection from the archers (although not 100%). From here switch to
first person view and pick of the archers. Take your time because
there is a very good chance that the archers will kill the troll off
for you. When there's nothing left to kill, go down the valley path,
through the arch, to the left, and get on top of it. This is the
beginning of the fourth "part."
(You will have switched to Frodo as the main character) Run across the
bridge and into the gap in the mountain. There are archers and Uruk-
Hai along the path to the top. Some you can sneak by, and others you
just have to make a break for it. In fact, its a good idea to just
sprint for the top. Frodo can kill the archers (which will probably be
the only things that hit you if you just run for it), but the Uruk-Hai
will surely catch up with him. Frodo is nearly useless against them,
but with patience and enough healing items you can fight your way up
(anything you kill with Frodo is one less thing Aragorn has to fight on
his way up. At the top the scene switches to Aragorn on the bridge.
This is the fifth and final "part."
(You will have switched to Aragorn as the main character) Kill the orc
and follow the same path Frodo took up the mountain. There are some
healing items available now, that weren't there when Frodo went up, so
it might pay to have a look around if you need them. Kill all the orcs
Frodo left behind (they usually block your path so you can't proceed
unless you dispatch them), and get to the top. Quest is completed when
you do.

(Defeat the Nazgul-bird)
This is it. The final boss-battle. Its also the easiest. As soon as
the battle begins, dodge the green fire blast, and run right up to the
Nazgul-bird. Strike the Nazgul himself (position yourself between the
bird's wing and neck for best results) as quickly and as many times as
you can. The bird will be unable to strike back and the Nazgul does
nothing. After just a moment or two of this ferocious attack on your
part, the bird flies into the air for the second stage of the battle.
Just over to the right of where you began the fight is a staircase
leading up to a throne all by itself up on a hill. Get up on the
throne, face the small fortress across from you and switch to first
person view. Use your arrows to fire at the Nazgul-bird when it pauses
by the left side if the fortress. It may shoot green fire blasts at
you, but the throne should protect you from them (and if not - it
managed to hit me once - they don't do too much damage, and you can
easily heal yourself without trouble). It takes a few arrows to drive
it off and WIN THE GAME!

-------------Contact Info------------------

I can be reached at BuzzyBastard@beer.com

Please begin email subject lines with 'LotR'

A future version of this FAQ/Walkthough will have to contain a FAQ section, so
that I can continue to call this a FAQ/Walkthrough. Send in your inquiries
and tips!


So far, I only have myself to thank, so I will. Thanks Me!

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