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Deus Ex for Sony Playstation 2 and PC
Glitch FAQ @
Also available @
Version 0.70


1) Intro
2) Version History
3) Example Glitch
4) The Glitches
5) Frequently Asked Questions
6) Got Glitch?
7) Credits/Legal Stuff

(1) Intro -

Hello there, and welcome to my very first FAQ. Let's cut the pleasantries and
get started, shall we? Muchos Thanks to dante demon killer for letting me use
his layout.

(2) Version History -

Version 0.70 - Heh, finally added more glitches. Apologies for the huge delay,
I just haven't been bothered with this or GameFAQs in general. But that's another
boring story... Corrected little errors and added a new question to the FAQ. link added and Credits section edited. k

Version 0.66 - New glitches, a glitch confirmation and general things fixed.

Version 0.55 - Few new glitches, and some glitch confirmation and, er..
de-confirmations. (I know it's not a word >_>)

Version 0.50 - Got rid of dangers and alternative methods sections for
glitches that don't have any dangers or alternative methods. Saves space. :)
Also put the URL on.

Version 0.40 - Contents section added >_>, a couple of glitch confirmations,
credits section edited.

Version 0.30 - Loads of new glitches, need to sort out the final layout, add
contents and sort the sections out. I'm lazy so... Meh.

Version 0.10 - Sorting out the layout, and compiling the first batch of
glitches. Not many yet, still trying to find them myself.

(3) Example Glitch -

Name of glitch - Confirmed/Unconfirmed - Console/PC
Requirements: What you need to set up the glitch.

Method: How to get the glitch to work.

Dangers: Any possible side-effects, detrimental to your file, or just plain
annoy you.

Alternative Methods: Different ways to get the glitch to work.

(4) The Glitches -

Three-armed JC - Confirmed for PS2. Waiting for PC confirmation.
Requirements: You must have either shot Lebedev or let Anna kill him during the
assassination attempt, this way, you will later meet Anna in the Battery Park
subway just before you are arrested by Gunther.

Method: You (obviously) have to kill Anna, but instead of running away to
escape the resulting explosion from her death, quickly run up to her and search
her using the action button. You should've received a Nanokey for the "Battery
Park Subway Door". This is totally useless, btw, but a nice detail. Now you
should pick up Anna's body just before she explodes. Hopefully you should have
her body in your hand. But she exploded... right?! Try and throw the body. You
can't, it's stuck in your hand. Now get out a weapon. JC will pull out a weapon
using his right hand, even though he's already holding the corpse of Anna with
said hand. It's quite freaky to see.

Dangers: No big dangers from using this glitch, apart from the fact that you
cannot change weapons or use any items until the end of the mission. Not that
this will matter, the mission ends when you walk up the subway stairs.

Alternative Methods: None yet, if you have any, or have had any other results
using this glitch, please e-mail me and I'll update this section and give
credit where it's due.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid

Human LAM - Confirmed for PS2. Waiting for PC confirmation.

Requirements: Same as "Three-Armed JC".

Method: This is what will happen if you pick Anna's body up as soon as you kill
her. She won't explode and you CAN throw her again. When you do throw her, she
will stay still for a second and then explode like a LAM. Not a full-blown
glitch, just a fun quirk.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

Invisible Body SFX - Confirmed for PS2. Does NOT work for PC version.

Requirements: You need a dead/unconcious body, and an area large enough to
throw a body up in the air.

Method: Pick up a body using the action body and throw it. Instead of letting
it fall to the ground, try and catch it again. You should hear the sound effect
of the body hitting the floor even though you caught it. Weird, huh?

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

Death Fence - Confirmed for PS2. Waiting for PC confirmation.

Requirements: You need to be able to get into the Armoury.

Method: In the armoury at UNATCO HQ, if you go to the metal fence that you
talked to Carter through (before you unlocked it) and jump, you die instantly.

Submitted/found by SketchPads R Us

Transporting shadows. - Confirmed for PS2. Does NOT work for PC version.

Requirements: You need a dead/unconcious body, and an area large enough to
throw a body up in the air.

Method: Pick up a body using the action body and throw it. Instead of letting
it fall to the ground, try and catch it again. Now move back a few steps. The
shadow of the dead body will still be there, even though you're holding the
body in your hand! Now throw the body in the air again, and catch it. The
shadow will magically transport to where the body should be. Freaky, no?

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

Open eyes! - Confirmed for PS2. Waiting for PC confirmation.

Requirements: You need to be able to get up close to the head of a dead body.

Method: In the Canal Road, in the area with the Karkians underwater, there is
a doctor with an Augmentation Canister. But the creepy thing is, when you
get to close to his face, his eyes will suddenly open WIDE. It creeped
me the hell out of me when I first saw this. It is just a glitch, and
it can probably done with other bodies as well.

Submitted/found by cloud VS sephiroth. Thanks to dante for letting me raid his
Secrets FAQ. ^_^

Underwater Shooting - Confirmed for PS2. Waiting for PC confirmation.
Requirements: You need to be in Hong Kong and have a loaded pistol, at least.

Method: You need to be in Canal Road, the section where the triads are
fighting. As you should know, to the east is an underwater section, which leads
to the caved in tunnels. There's a dead body here, a few cars, and some
baby Karkians. Anyway, jump into the entrance of the tunnel, head straight to
the bottom and turn back, so you're leaving the water. You should be able to
use your weapons, like the pistol, near the top even though you're underwater.
I'm not sure why this is, any possible explanations would be welcome.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

Crazy Reflections - Confirmed for PS2. Waiting for PC confirmation.
Requirements: You need a loaded weapon and a mirror.

Method: Find a mirror, any mirror, and start shooting your weapon towards
the glass. Now strafe to the left or right, so you can no longer see your
reflection. Make sure you're still shooting, and strafe back so you can see
your reflection. JC, in the reflection, will no longer be shooting. He'll
just be standing there, with his arms at his side, even though you're shooting

Alternative Methods: Try it with different items, and different positions.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

Crazy Reflections 2 - Confirmed for PS2 Waiting for PC confirmation ~NEW~
Requirements: You need a melee weapon and, uh, a full-length mirror.

Method: Find a full-length mirror, or one long enough so you can see yourself
while you are crouched. Right, now get a melee weapon out (I used a crowbar)
and start swinging. Crouch while you are hitting the air with the weapon.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid

Funky Camera angles. - Confirmed for PS2. Waiting for PC confirmation.
Requirements: You need to be able to talk to someone and initiate a cut-scene.
With a barman, for example. You also need to be standing upon a table, or chair
etc... The Speed Enhancement aug could help, if you need to reach a high spot.

Method: The first time I found this out, I was talking with the Aussie barman
in the Lucky Money club, Hong Kong. Go up to the barman and jump onto the bar.
Try and stand up if you can. Now talk to him. The camera angles will look...
odd. JC's head should be through the ceiling. I also tried this with the couple
from Versalife in the Lucky Money club. Works just as well. :D

Alternative Methods: Try it with different people, different positions.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

Extra skill points. - Confirmed for PC. Waiting for PS2 confirmation.

Requirements: You need to be in Vanderberg.

Method: In the Vanderberg mission, if you imput the code to power up the
military bots, you get 100 skill points. Well, if you keep imputting the code
over and over again, you can get more and more skill points. The one I'm
talking about is inside the main command building in a room with a scientist.
I think the code is 5868. Just keep imputting the code to get more skill

Alternative Methods: Might not work if you have the patches in the PC version.

Submitted/found by Lord Vader 2003.

Extra skill points #2 - Confirmed for PC. Waiting for PS2 confirmation.

Requirements: You need to have rescued Dr Savage's daughter. Full inventory.

Method: Once you finish the Ocean Lad mission, meet Dr. Savage on top of
the building with the pillars where Jock is. If you rescued his daughter,
he'll give you an augmentation upgrade canister. Well, if you have a full
inventory, you can't get the canister. If you talk to him a lot of times
with your inventory full, you can keep earning 500 skill points every time
you talk to him.

Alternative Methods: Might not work if you have the patches in the PC version.

Submitted/found by Lord Vader 2003.
Confirmed by Dave Clarke

NPC Breakthrough - Confirmed for PS2. Confirmed for PC.

Requirements: You need to be near an NPC, preferably having one follow you.

Method: I first had this happen to me in the hidden bunker of the DuClare
mansion, but I've seen it happen in a number of other places. Here's what to
do: The entrance to the secret computer place in the bunker should be
blocked off by huge planks. You can get through them with a LAM or GEP rocket,
or you can climb to the top of the room and smash the window to get in. Get in
there via the window and Nicolette will take it upon herself to destroy the
planks simply by running through them. It's hilarious watching her devastate
the planks. Something like this happened to me with a Luminous Path triad
member, and I've seen a group of MIBs smash a cabinet up, after getting stuck
in a corner.

Alternative Methods: Try it in different locations with differnt NPCs. It's
best when they're running away or running after you, so try and piss them off
with a gun or scare the crap out of them with a shotgun. >:D

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

PC Confirmation: "It works for the PC Version, I've witnessed a guard run
through a window just to get to me, and a guard breaking about four chairs
when it was in his patrol route" - FoxRacingMX17

Insta-Lockpicking - Confirmed for PC. Waiting for PS2 confirmation.

This is actually in the tips section of the PC version, but it's a glitch...

Requirements: Lock pick and a door which requires more than one lockpick.

Method: Find a locked door, then use a lockpick on it. As you start to pick
the lock, go into any of the menu or subscreens. After 10-20 seconds (it
depends on the lock and your skill level), leave the menu and return to the
game. You will have instantly picked the lock using a single pick, even if it
required more than one! This trick will also work with Multitools on cameras,
alams, etc...

Found by Dark Penguin.

Keep inventory after detainment. - Confirmed for PS2.

Requirements: None.

Method: When you are arrested by Gunther you lose all your items and weapons.
DAMN! But, there is a way to get them back. This is my modified version of
the "cheat" posted on I could never get it to work. Anyway,
enough chit chat. As you are walking up the stairs to meet Gunther keeping
turning the items screen on and off. Try and get it on JUST before you get
into the conversation with Gunther. Right, now you will get a loading screen.
Bash the square button! Keep pressing it until you can start playing again. If
everything has gone to plan, when you press square, the items menu will come
up and you'll still have your items. But, wait. DO NOT turn the screen off and
continue playing. Doing so will lose your items. Instead, keep the screen on
and drop every single item in front of you using the L2 (of whatever button it
is with your button configuration) button. Now, when you turn the item screen
off, you'll be able to pick up all your precious weapons, mods, food and
stuff. A nice bonus, is that the game will think you don't have your items, so
when you go to the armoury, there will be extra mods/ammo/weapons for you to
pick up! :D Sorry for the length of this, I bet I'm the only one who couldn't
do it. ¬_¬

Alternative Methods: From tips section: "When the screen says
Area Unknown, Time Unknown press square and drop all of your items and pick
them up after a few seconds. Must be exact on timing". I could never seem to
get this to work. Maybe it's just because I'm a friggin' idiot, e-mail me
with your thoughts/flames.

Found by Dark Lance.
Edited by ElFreakoKid

Vanishing LAMs - Not fully confirmed for PS2. Waiting for PC confirmation.

Requirements: You need one door, one LAM and leave simmering for 15 mins.
Wait... o_O''

Method: I've only had the chance to try this on the front door of the DuClare
Mansion. I'll try it with other doors later tonight. Anyway: Go to the front
door of the DuClare mansion and set a LAM. It should... vanish, as if it sank
into the door. Walking up to the door will not set the LAM off, so you'll
have to destroy it with a GEP gun. Now, go up to the space where the door was.
The LAM should be floating there, unarmed. You can pick it back up.

Alternative Methods: Could work on other doors. Needs further testing.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

Stuck Objective #1 - Confirmed for PS2 - Waiting For PC confirmation
Requirements: A weapon of some kind.

Method: When you are able to meet Tong for the very first time, do NOT talk to
him. The first chance you get, shoot him in the face, hit him, whatever. You
just need him to be running around like a friggin' idiot. Right, now head down
to the operating theater to get your killswitch turned off. Step into the big
machine... thingy, and Tong will stop running around and start instructing you
about the machine. When it's finished he should tell you to come back and talk
about the next objective. Find him, and talk to him. He will act like he's
meeting you for the first time! Also, he will run off to his computer station
without letting you talk to him. Go and talk to him again and he'll say the
operation was a success. Now, take a look at your objective screen. The
primary objective of getting the killswitch will still be highlighted, and it
won't come off, ever (Well, I'm in Hell's Kitchen on my current file, and
it's still there).

Dangers: The objective will stay there, forever, as far as I know. Stay tuned
for an update.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid

Stuck Objective #2 - Confirmed for PC - Waiting for PS2 confirmation
Requirements: None.

Method: During the part where you have to relay a message from the NSF HQ
roof, if you send the message before aligning the satellites then Paul'll
tell you to allign them. Once you do that return to the 'Ton. You'll tell
Paul that you did it. But if you check your objective screen, the objective
to relay the NSF message'll be there for the rest of the game.

Dangers: The objective will stay there. FOREVER! Bwahahaha.

Submitted/found by MGSSolidSnake

Sandra Renton transporting - Confirmed for PS2 - Waiting for PC confirmation
Requirements: Must do it during the first visit to Hell's Kitchen.

Method: When you go to Hell's Kitchen for the first time, go to the alleyway
with Sandra Renton. Kill or scare away the pimp and run into the
Underworld through the back door opposite the ladder leading to Paul's
room. Sandra will be in there, but if you run back out into the alley
she will be outside walking towards the Underworld.

Submitted/found by Disciple Of Yevon

Now you see him... - Confirmed for PS2 - Waiting for PC confirmation
Requirements: You need to have reunited the Triads.

Method: There's an objective to meet Max Chen and Gordon Quick in the
temple east of the Luminous Path triad compound. After their silly little
speech is over, Max Chen and Quick will walk off. Except Chen won't. Chen
will just... Vanish. This doesn't seem to work everytime on my current file.
It's just a randomly occuring glitch. E-mail me if you've experienced the
same thing.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

Augmentation Silliness. - Confirmed for PS2 - Waiting for PC confirmation
Requirements: You need bioelectric energy.

Method: Switch on an aug. Hear that whirring noise? It's cool isn't it? Now,
head to another area so that you get a loading screen. When the area has
loaded up, one of two things should happen:

1) The aug is still on but the whirring noise has gone.
2) The aug is off but the whirring noise is still going. You'll need to switch
an aug on and off to get rid of the noise.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

It's a dead end, boy. - Confirmed for PS2 - Confirmed for PC.
Requirements: You need some bioelectric energy and the Spy Drone augmentation.

Method: Go to a space that connects two seperate areas, so that when you pass
it, you'll get a loading screen. Now get your Spy Drone out and fly past that
loading area. One of two things should happen:

1) The Drone will explode.
2) The Drone will actually get PAST the loading area, and you'll be able to
fly around until you get to a dead end.

It's quite rare for the Spy Drone to get through, there might be certain
criteria to get this to happen. If you know of anything, let me know.

Dangers: No major dangers, some areas might not reload.

Alternative Methods: You can actually do this with JC, but it's a very rare

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

PC Confirmation - "I have gotten the glitch with the Spy Drone and scene
transition to work on the PC; I needed to cheat, and get the drone while still
working for UNATCO, but by sending it down the windy corridor to the base
proper, I saw a dead end that looked like the setting sun style sky." -
SWLiner. How... Odd. o_O

The dictionary is your friend - Confirmed for PS2 Waiting for PC confirmation
Requirements: You need a barrel, bioelectric energy and the handy targeting

Method: Find a barrel, any barrel. Target it using the targeting aug.
It should be called a "Barrell". Not a glitch, just poor spelling. :P

Alternative Methods: Check different items for more typos.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

Francs And Credits - Confirmed for PS2 - Waiting for PC confirmation
Requirements: You need to be in Paris.

Method: Find the Cafe in the Paris, and look at the boards with the menu and
prices on. It'll either be in Francs or Pounds (£) which is odd, seeing as
Credits is, as far as I know, the worldwide currency. Not a glitch, just an

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

I seeeee you. - Confirmed for PS2 Waiting for PC confirmation
Requirements: You need to have access to the club in Paris.

Method: Go to the bathroom where there are two women standing there. You might
think they'll have a convo if you get close enough, but they always say
something like "I'll report you to the manager" or "I know the bathroom is uni
sex but could you give us some privacy". Well, I was pissed off, I wanted to
know what they were talking about. Time to equip my Stealth Camo and do some
sneaking. No luck, for some reason they can see you even with Stealth Camo.
Glitch? You decide.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

Jump, Denton, Jump! - Confirmed for PS2 Waiting for PC confirmation
Requirements: You need to be in Paris and have the speed augmentation.

Method: Find the Weapon Sellers house, and turn on the speed augmentation. You
can now jump on top of his house and get over the barrier around the city.
Doing this allows you see the freaky side of Paris, with messed up buildings
and large, empty areas. You won't be trapped though, just find an area that
links loaded areas up and pass through. You'll either get a loading cut-scene
or you'll walk straight through.

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

The invisible corpse - Confirmed for PS2 Waiting for PC confirmation
Requirements: None known right now.

Method: In Paris I found a shadow where a dead body was, but no body. When I
put my sight over the shadow the word "Unconscious" came up as if a body was
there. Sure enough, there was! When I picked it up, the body re-materialised.
I've no idea how this happened, so mail me if this happened and you know why.
Might've just been a one-off. :\

Submitted/found by ElFreakoKid.

X-Ray Vision - Confirmed for PS2 Waiting for PC confirmation
Requirements: You need to have access to the room in the top right hand
section of the hostel in Paris (the one with the maid).

Method: Climb on the bed and try and go as far back as you can, towards the
corner. Now look towards the wall in front of the stairs, and you should be
able to see straight through the wall, through to the bar. Sorry if this
hasn't been explained better. :\

Battery Park Ghost Town - Confirmed for PC Version. PS2 confirmation pending
Requirements: You need a LAM and Strength augmentation at level two or above.

Method: Kill Navarre, then before you run all the way up the stairs of the
Subway to meet Herman, throw a LAM near Herman... he'll notice it, and run
away from the LAM... right after the LAM explodes, run up the stairs.
Hopefully Herman won't notice you right away. Take a sharp left at the
top of the subway stairs, and run towards the really tall boxes that are
near the military bot. Activate your Strength Aug, lift up the box, spin 180
degrees, drop the box... this will place you on the other side of Herman's
trap/blockade! Now you can run around the island and look at stuff... It's
interesting, because a lot of stuff is different... the vending machines are
gone, some of the guard railings near the water are gone (careful not to fall
in! No getting back up!), and some other little bits. It's sort of interesting
to see a Ghost Town... Also, sometimes Herman will chase you around the island
trying to talk to you.

This was found in the UNPATCHED Deus Ex. E-mail me if it works in patched

Submitted/found by Nullzero.

REPORT AS BUG! - Confirmed for PC - Waiting for PS2 confirmation
Requirements: You need the targeting augmentation.

Method: I first noticed it in Paris. You need the
Targetting Aug. Flip on your Targetting Aug, and put it over a Tree sometimes
Hahah... there are a couple Cactus on that one level where you first meet
Doctor Savage... if you target them, I believe it gives you the same target
message. Heheh...

Submitted/found by Nullzero.

Update - Turns out it works in all versions.

Extinguish People - Confirmed for PC - Waiting for PS2 confirmation
Requirements: Fire Extinguisher.

Method: Go to items menu, select the fire extinguisher, and click use then
select any weapon or item and click equip. Now you can extinguish a fire on
yourself or object and or give people the pepper spray affect and be able to
shoot at the same time!

Dangers: You will damage youself, dont know how to useit with out damaging
myself. Might not hurt as much if you do so stepping backwards.

Alternative Methods: (unconfirmed) Select the fire extinguisher from numeric
menu click to use the select weapon through same menu.

Submitted/found by riddler_9884

Underwater drops?! - Confirmed for PC - Waiting for PS2 confirmation
Requirements: You need to be in the tunnel at Vanderberg. You need a code or
some multitools and a method of staying underwater for a while.

Method: When you first get into the tunnel to get to the Vanderberg control
center you go around three corners. The first one has a spider, then you have a
generator half way up. At the second corner a security panel, then around the
second corner, half way up, a gun turret with a camera (which you can disable
from the second corner) and a door with a keypad. I used the multitool here
and got the door open. Halfway down the stairs you notice it's flooded. When you
are underwater you notice the roof is dripping, but it's underwater! If you keep
going there is going to be a open door with a flooded reactor. Here, the roof
isn't underwater but thr drops go through the water instead of becoming a part
of it.

Submitted/found by riddler_9884

Daddy, no! - Confirmed for PC - Confirmed for PS2 ~NEW~
Requirements: Renton must survive the shootout with JoJo.

Method: Give Renton your gun so he can protect himself against JoJo. Assuming he
survives the shootout with Renton you can do a fairly humourous thing, which isn't
a glitch, more of an oversight on the developer's side. Anyways, kill or knock
Renton unconscious and Sandra will scream "Daddy, no!" and JC will console her.
"Sorry this had to happen" - JC.

Submitted by Stormwatch

Friend or foe? - Confirmed for PC - Waiting for PS2 confirmation ~NEW~
This one had me fooled for awhile. Went back to a save point prior to it to test
it out several times, not sure if it was some especially subtle plot point.
I'd just come from the 747 - not sure if it matters if Lebedev or Nevarre is dead
(Leb was dead and Nevarre alive when I found this) and, being the first time I went
through this mission, wanted to check around a bit more, so I headed back into the
indoor helipad where the attack copter is sitting. I hopped down to the bottom
level -- lit by red lights -- and headed for the office where ambrosia canister
#1 is located. You meet two guards on the way and they're all green/friendly, but
in the doorway of the ambrosia/main room, your friend/foe marker will show red when
it hovers over the UNATCO agent there. If you watch him for a few seconds, he
dodges out of the way as if he doesn't want to be seen. If you run up, the two
green/friendly agents will turn red also and all three will open fire. If you
wait several seconds before heading in, all three will be friendly. I've done
it with various timings so I know the red/foe agent doesn't exit the room. After
much testing, clearly a glitch, but it sure had my conspiracy-hackles raised!

Submitted/found by Stormwatch

Trooper Moron - Confirmed for Mac - Waiting for PS2/PC confirmation ~NEW~
I'm running DE on a Mac, but I guess that counts as a PC;)
Anyways, the bug: when you go up the subway where agent Herman is waiting to
arrest you, dodge or run past him and talk to a UNATCO trooper. They'll be all nice
to you and act like everything is normal!

Submitted/found by Coldie

Nex stop - Roof - Confirmed for Mac - Waiting for PS2/PC confirmation ~NEW~
Take the subway to battery park, but instead of leaving the station to let gunther
arrest you, get back on the subway and take it back to New York.
Instead of starting out in the subway station in that city, you start out on the
roof of the hotel.

Submitted/found by Jim Asdfson

Gimme, gimme, gimme - Confirmed for PC - Waiting for PS2 confirmation ~NEW~
Requirements: Must be in Hong Kong at Tracer Tongs base after completing the Versalife
Corp. Mission Part 2. Also have a full inventory.

Method: Do you want to have all your augs at max level in about 5 minutes or just 100's
of aug upgrade canisters? Once you meet the requirements talk to Jamie after you finish
with the Versalife mission part 2. He will say he has an upgrade canister but since your
inventory is full he will drop it on the ground. Now drop something that only takes up 1
space and pick up the canister. Talk to him again and he will drop another one on the ground
since your inventory is full. Now to continue this, simply keep dropping the last upgrade
canister you picked up and make sure you dont talk to him without a full inventory. When you
are done just talk to him without a full inventory and it will end. Keep repeating and in about
5 minutes you can have all of your current augs maxed out.

Submitted/found by

John Woo - Fireman - Confirmed for PC - Waiting for PS2 confirmation ~NEW~
Requirements: Fire extinguiser.

Method: Go to items menu, select the fire extinguisher, and click use then select any weapon or
item and click equip. Now you can extinguish a fire on yourself or object and or give people the
pepper spray affect and be able to shoot at the same time!

Submitted/found by riddler_9884

(5) Frequently Asked Questions -

None, yet, I've only just started. :\ I'll make some up... >_>

Q) What the bloody hell is a glitch?

A) A glitch is a bug or error in the game which usually leads to interesting

Q) What are you doing a Glitch FAQ for?

A) To share some of the weird and wonderful glitches I've found, and to see
which ones other Deus Ex fans have found.

Q) Does it have to be for the PS2 version?

A) No, any glitch found in the PC, PS2 or Mac version of Deus Ex will be accepted.
However, when sending me information on a glitch you have found, you must let
me know which version of the game you found the glitch it.

Q) How do I beat [boss]?

A) Wrong FAQ, my friend. If I get mail like this, I'll most likely delete it,
unless I'm feeling particularly helpful. Don't send me secrets, either. Dante
demon killer's excellent Secrets FAQ is the place for those.

Q) I can't get [glitch] to work! You're lying, you big liar!

A) All glitches, as far as I know, work perfectly. I've tried to get people to
confirm them, and I won't post a glitch that I can't personally get to work,
unless more than one person has confirmed it.

Q) I can't get the PC glitch to work with the PS2 version. Vice versa.

A) Well, maybe this is because they took the glitches out of the PS2 port, and
when porting it, new glitches popped up.

Q) OMG, I can hear sex noises in The 'Ton. GLITCH!

A) Three people have sent this in to me. This is not a glitch... o_O

(6) Got Glitch? -

Got anymore glitches? Comments? Send them in! Here's how to let me know:

AIM - HazzCerebox or ElFreakoKid
E-Mail -

Remember to put something Deus Ex related in the subject line.

(7) Credits and legal stuff -

Deus Ex ASCII thingy made with

Thanks to:

Dante demon killer.

jimmydude, Sketch Pads R Us, Lord Vader 2003, winner, cloud VS sephiroth,
MGSSolidSnake, riddler_9884, Z23WOLVERINE, Are You Listening,
lost prophet/Jimmy Kane, sequoya, thanks to Chase for supervising the doing
of nothing. Thanks to MCHammer, Funguz and vits for nothing, you filthy
bastards. :P And by the way, all you ladies out there, MC is single you know;
and they don't call him the Hammer Daddy for nothing.

CJayC, for GameFAQs.

FoxRacingMX17, SWLiner and Dave Clarke for glitch confirmations.

Ion Storm and Warren Spector for giving us this gem of a game.

Steveh for being a God, and being so cool.

Vincent Sah-Less for being cool, and keeping me alive. I doubt there is a
finer person on God's Green Earth than this young man. I love you, man.

Muse, for being the greatest band in the universe.

Want to use this stuff on YOUR website? E-mail me and ask for permission. I
don't see why I wouldn't let you use it, but you MUST have permission from me
first. I will hit you with a large, pointy stick if you nick my stuff.
So, yeah. Thanks.

This FAQ is only available at the following sites:

If you see this anywhere else, e-mail me please.

Something wrong? Have I stole something, or got something wrong? Let me know

© Harry "ElFreakoKid" Vale.

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Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Complete Game Script
Engl. Hinweise

17.Октябрь 2013
Das ultimative dt. FAQ enthält die Informationen, die man wirklich braucht

15.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Hinweise zu Karten, Gegnern und Charakteren

17.Октябрь 2013
Glitch FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Multiplayer FAQ
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Game Script
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
ASCII-Karte der Level

16.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Waffen-Guide

18.Октябрь 2013
Eine weitere manipulierte User.ini, aber nach jedem Schuss denn man abfeuert wird sofort wieder automatisch der Cheat für "volle Munition" & "volle Energie" eingegeben. (+Tastenbelegung der Cheats)

15.Октябрь 2013
Achtung (1.5 mb)

17.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Skilltrainer (für v1003f_D4)

14.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Hinweise im Word-Format

18.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

13.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Eine weitere manipulierte User.ini

18.Октябрь 2013
Hinweise im UHS-Format

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013
Zum Cheaten angepasste User.ini

15.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Trainer für Skillpunkte

15.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Trainer für Skillpunkte

14.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
11.Февраль 2016
24.Июль 2014
22.Октябрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019