CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

16.10.2013 23:27:06
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Document Version 1.1 - April 16 2003

Written By: Frederic Hutow
E-Mail: fhutow@videotron.ca
Please include CSI: in the subject line.

If you notice omissions from this guide, please e-mail me so I can correct.
If you have anything you would like to add, please e-mail me.

Copyright 2003 Frederic Hutow

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

NOTE: This is a step by step walkthrough to go through the game.
Only read it if you are completely stuck since the fun is to figure out by
yourself how to solve each cases.

Document History
1.1 (April 16 2003) - Fixed Characters Name Mixup in Case 4 and Case 5
Re-ordered Walkthrough of Chapter 5 to be more logical
Added Cheat to get 100% to all the cases

1.0 (April 11 2003) - Initial Version


Be sure to download the v1.01 Patch at:

The patch fixes minor logic bugs hindering players getting 100% scores.

Case 1: "Inn and Out" - 100% Rating

[Start of Tutorial]
Click on the "Hotel" location.
Examine the Body.
Click on the "Case File" icon.
Click on the "Suspects" tab.
Examine the victim's neck.
Select the "Detection" tab in "Tools".
Double-Click on the "UV Light".
Select the "UV Light" and use it on the bruise area of the neck.
Click on the "Torn Cloth" on the bed.
Use the "Magnifying Scope" on the torn cloth to detect a piece of hair.
Use the "Tweezers" to pick up the piece of hair.
Examine the "Hair Sample".
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Torn Sheet".
Talk to the "Hotel Owner" (Bert Susten).
Examine the "Registration Card".
Talk to "Grissom".
Ask an hint about any evidence you have.
[End of Tutorial]
Examine the Body.
Examine the money in the mouth of the victim.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Money".
Examine the floor near Grissom.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Bracelet".
Examine the remote control under the chair near the bed.
Use the "Fingerprint Blush" on the remote control to gather "Partial Print".
Examine the TV.
Use the "Fingerprint Blush" on the TV to gather "Full Print".
Go to the bathroom and examine the sink.
Use the "Luminol" on the sink.
Use the "Swab" on the stains to gather "Swab of Stain".

Go to "Jenny Strickland's Apartment"
Ask Jenny if she recognize the bracelet.

Go to "Morgue"
Ask Al about any clues on the body. He will give you a "Skin Sample" from the
victim's nails.
Ask Al about the bruising on the victim's neck.
Ask Al if there is anything else out of the ordinary.
Ask Al about the time of death.
Ask Al about any loss of blood from the victim.

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Torn Cloth Fragment" to Greg.
Show the "Money" to Greg.
Show the "Swab of Stain" to Greg.
Show the "Skin Sample" to Greg.
Use the computer and do a search using the "Full Print" and retrieve a
"Rap Sheet of Bert Susten".

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to search for Kylie's address.
Ask Jim about Kylie's past.

Go to "Kylie Yardstrum's Apartment"
Examine the kitchen counter.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up "Hotel Receipts".
Examine the Recording Machine and click on Play to listen a message from
Bert (Answering Machine Message).
Use the Computer.
Open the "My Scheduler" program (Victim's Schedule).
Examine the table in the living room.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Medicine Bottle".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Answering Machine Message" to Greg.
Show the "Medicine Bottle" to Greg. He will give you "Medicine Bottle Prints".
Use the Computer to do a Search & Compare using the "Medicine Bottle Prints".
Show the "Hotel Receipts" to Greg.
Use the Computer to do a Search & Compare using the "Victim's Schedule" and
retrieve a "Rap Sheet of Devon Rodgers".
Use the Computer to compare the "Partial Print" and the "Rap Sheet of Devon

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to bring in Devon Rodgers for an interrogation.
Ask Jim about getting a warrant for a DNA sample from Devon Rodgers.
Ask Devon what was his relationship with Kylie.
Ask Devon when he last saw Kylie.
Ask Devon if he has any cuts or scratches.
Ask Devon if he knew that Kylie had Hepatitis.
Tell Devon that we have evidence that he saw Kylie lately.
Ask Devon if we can take a DNA sample.
Use the "Swab" on Bert's mouth to gather "Reference DNA Sample".
Use the "Tweezers" on Bert's hairs to gather "Reference Hair Sample".

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim if he learned anything new about the victim.
Ask Jim about getting a warrant for a DNA sample from the Hotel Owner.
Ask Bert about his criminal history.
Ask Bert about his voice on Kylie's answering machine.
Ask Bert about cuts or scratches that he did not tell us about.
Ask Bert if we can take a DNA sample.
Use the "Swab" on Bert's mouth to gather "Reference DNA Sample".
Use the "Tweezers" on Bert's hairs to gather "Reference Hair Sample".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Reference DNA Sample" (Bert) to Greg.
Use the microscope and compare the "Hair Sample" (Bert) and the "Reference
Hair Sample" (Bert).
Show the "Reference DNA Sample" (Devon) to Greg.
Use the microscope and compare the "Hair Sample" (Devon) and the "Reference
Hair Sample" (Devon).

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Devon about why his skin was found under Kylie's nails.

Case 2: "Light My Fire" - 100% Rating

Examine the table to find a piece of paper.
Use the "Ninhydrin" on the paper to gather "Scrap Print".
Examine the telephone on the table.
Click on the "Redial" button.
Examine the left wall.
Use the "Sniffer" at the top of the picture to gather "Fume Sample".
Examine the floor in front of desk.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Colored Glass".
Use the "UV Light" on the burnt wood to pick up some "Small Burn Scrap".
Examine the floor at back of desk.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Burnt Rag".
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Antique Lighter".
Examine the glass under the window near the door.
Go outside.
Examine the ground under the window.
Use the "Casting Plaster and Frame" on the mark to gather "Impression Mark".
Examine the glass pieces under the window.
Use the "Tweezers" to pick up the "Shard of Glass".
Talk to "Jason Gray".
Ask Jason about what happened here.
Ask Jason about what was destroyed.
Ask Jason about if he know anyone who could have done this.
Ask Jason about where we could find James Ritchie.
Ask Jason about the lighter.

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Colored Glass" to Greg.
Show the "Small Burnt Scrap" to Greg.
Show the "Burnt Rag" to Greg.
Show the "Antique Lighter" to Greg.
Show the "Shard of Glass" to Greg.
Show the "Fume Sample" to Greg.
Show the "Impression Cast" to Greg.
Use the computer to do a search on the "Scrap Print" and retrieve
"Ritchie's Rap Sheet".

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to check out James Ritchie.
Ask Jim to locate James Ritchie.

Go to "James Ritchie's Office"
Ask James if he own any aircraft.
Ask James how much he know Mr. Gray.
Ask James if he ever have threatened Mr. Gray.
Ask James where he was at the time of the fire.
Ask James about his criminal record.
Tell James that his prints were on a piece of paper found at Jason
Gray's house.
Ask James if he knows anything about Mr. Gray's friends.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim if Jason Gray own an airplane.
Ask Jim if James Ritchie was on flight 157 from Chicago.

Go to "Henderson Executive Airport"
Examine the back of the plane.
Examine the barrel in front of the plane.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Greasy Rag".
Examine the note on a luggage.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Fuel Bill".
Examine the tool desk.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Corporate Note".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Greasy Rag" to Greg.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim if we can bring Jason Gray for an interrogation.
Ask Jason if he has recently bought some wine from South America.
Ask Jason if he have access to jet fuel.
Ask Jason about the rag found in the hangar.
Ask Jason if he is falling behind in his contract.
Ask Jason why broken glass was found outside of his office window.

Go to "Jason Gray's Shed"
Examine the marks on the ground near the door.
Use the "Casting Plaster and Frame" on the center mark to gather
"Larger Shoe Cast".
Use the "Casting Plaster and Frame" on the upper mark to gather
"Shed Shoe Cast".
Examine the door handle.
Use the "Fingerprint Blush" on the handle to gather "Overlapping Prints".
Open the door.
Examine the bottles on the shelf.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Wine Bottle".
Examine the gas recipient on floor.
Use the "Swab" on the opening to gather "Shed Gas Sample".
Examine the nails on the wall.
Use the "Tweezers" to pick up the "Thread From Nail".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Shed Gas Sample" to Greg.
Show the "Thread From Nail" to Greg.
Use the computer to search using the "Larger Shoe Cast".
Use the computer to search using the "Shed Shoe Cast".
Use the computer to separate the "Overlapping Prints" to "Shed Print #1" and
"Shed Print #2".
Use the computer to search using the "Shed Print #1" and retrieve "Gray's Rap
Use the computer to search using the "Shed Print #2" and retrieve "Stan Ginns
Rap Sheet".

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jason about Stan Ginns.
Ask Jim if we can bring Stan Ginns for an interrogation.
Ask Stan about his relationship with Mr. Gray.
Ask Stan where he was at the time of the arson.
Ask Stan about the size of his shoes.
Ask Jason again about Stan Ginns.
Ask Jason about the Ginn's fingerprints on his shed.
Ask Stan if he know anything about the arson at Gray's home.
Ask Stan if he visited Gray before the fire started.

Case 3: "Garvey's Beat" - 100% Rating

Examine the wounds on the body.
Examine the head of the victim.
Use the "Mikrosil" on the wound to gather the "Head Wound Cast".
Examine the blood near Nick's feet.
Use the "Swab" on the blood to gather "Sample of blood pool".
Examine the metal object on the road near the officer.
Use the "Magnifying Scope" at the center of the object.
Use the "Tweezers" to pick up the "Red Thread".
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Tire Iron".
Examine the ground near the car.
Use the "Fingerprint Blush" on the trigger to gather "Gun prints".
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Officer's Gun".
Examine the interior of the car.
Examine the police ID between the seats.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Identification".
Examine the passenger seat.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up a "Page From Pad of paper".
Examine the driver seat.
Use the "Luminol" on the stain.
Use the "Swab" on the stain to gather "Sample of Stain".

Go to "Morgue"
Ask Al about the cause of death.
Ask Al about what he discovered about the gunshot wounds and he gives you
"Two Bullets".
Ask Al about the time of death.
Ask Al about what caused the head trauma.
Ask Al if the tire iron match the head wound.

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Officer's Gun" to Greg.
Show the "Tire Iron" to Greg.
Show the "Two Bullets" to Greg.
Show the "Head Wound Cast" to Greg.
Show the "Sample of blood pool" to Greg.
Show the "Red Thread" to Greg.
Show the "Sample of Stain" to Greg.
Show the "Identification" to Greg.
Show the "Page From Pad of paper" to Greg.
Use the computer to search using the "Identification".
Use the computer to search using the "Gun prints".

Go to "Tropicana Avenue Roadside"
Examine the gun on the ground.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Old Gun".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Old Gun" to Greg.
Use the computer to do a "Web Chat".
Ask about where Aliboy went.
Ask about if the cop murder that I'm hearing on the scanners was him.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to track down the domain owner of crimechat.com.

Go to "Jack Riley's Home"
Ask Jack about what he knows about the killing.
Ask Jack about what he knows about Sutherland.
Ask Jack if we can look around in his apartment.
Ask Jack if he owns a 44 Magnum.
Ask Jack if there is a way to track Sutherland down.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to get a warrant to search Jack Riley's apartment.

Go to "Jack Riley's Home"
Tell Jack that we have a search warrant to search his apartment.
Look at the books on the table.
Examine the can on the right side table.
Use the "Fingerprint Blush" on the can to gather "Soda Can Prints".
Examine the notices board.
Examine the computer and get "Photographs From Riley's Website" and "I.P.
Address List".

Go to "Laboratory"
Use the computer to search using the "Soda Can Prints".

Go to "Jack Riley's Home"
Ask Jack if he has access to the University's facilities.
Ask Jack about his involvements with the university.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim about what we can do with Sutherland's unique I.P. address.
Ask Jim if Jack Riley have any connection with the university.

Go to "UNLV Computer Laboratory"
Ask Professor Franklin which computer is linked to the I.P. address.
Ask Professor Franklin who used the computer recently.
Ask Professor Franklin what is John Laskin's area of research.
Ask Professor Franklin where we could find John Laskin.
Ask Professor Franklin who has access to this computer lab.
Ask Professor Franklin if he heard about Jeffery Deschamps case.
Ask Professor Franklin about the access he has to this computer lab.
Examine the soda can near one of the computer.
Use the "Fingerprint Blush" on the can to gather "Soda Can Prints".

Go to "Laboratory"
Use the computer to search using the "Soda Can Prints" found at the UNLV.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to check out John Laskin.
Ask Jim to bring John Laskin into interrogation.
Ask John if he has changed his clothes recently.
Ask John if we can get a thread sample from his sweater.
Use the "Tweezers" on John's sweater to gather "Laskin's Sweater Sample".
Ask John if he is familiar with crimechat.com.
Ask John where he was at the timer of murder.
Ask John about his field of research.
Ask John if his research include the Deschamps case.

Go to "Laboratory"
Use the microscope to compare "Laskin's Sweater Sample" and "Red Thread".
Show the "Laskin's Sweater Sample" to Greg.

Go to "UNLV Computer Laboratory"
Examine the sweater on the chair near a computer.
Examine to find some white flakes on a sleeve.
Use the "Magnifying Scope" on the flakes.
Use the "Adhesive Lifting Tape" on the flakes to gather "Dandruff Flake".
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Faded Sweater".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Faded Sweater" to Greg.
Show the "Dandruff Flake" to Greg.
Use the microscope and compare the "Faded Sweater" and the "Red Thread".

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to get a warrant to get a DNA Sample from Professor Franklin.
Ask Jim to get a warrant to get a DNA Sample from Jack Riley.
Ask Jim to get a warrant to get a DNA Sample from John Laskin.

Go to "Jack Riley's Home"
Tell Jack that we have a warrant to take a DNA Sample from him.
Use the "Swab" on Jack's mouth to gather "Jack Riley's DNA Swab".

Go to "UNLV Computer Laboratory"
Ask Professor Franklin where he was when the crime was committed.
Tell Professor Franklin that we would like to have a DNA sample from him for
Use the "Swab" on Franklin's mouth to gather "Prof. Franklin's DNA Swab".
Ask Professor Franklin what he knows of the Garvey killing.

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Jack Riley's DNA Swab" to Greg.
Show the "Prof. Franklin's DNA Swab" to Greg.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to get an arrest warrant for Professor Franklin.
Ask Professor Franklin if this is his red sweater.
Ask Professor Franklin about his earlier research on the Jeffrey Deschamps
Ask Professor Franklin why there was a fiber from his sweater found at the
crime scene.
Ask Professor Franklin about the Garvey murder.
Ask Professor Franklin if we could speak to the real Professor Franklin again.

Case 4: "More Fun Than A Barrel Of Corpses" - 100% Rating

Use the computer and do an Audio Analysis.
Click on every highlighted parts of the audio and click on "Play Selection".
View the "Internet Directory".

Go to "Casino"
Examine the phone near the trainer.
Use the "Fingerprint Blush" on the phone to gather "Phone Prints".
Examine the ground near the barrels.
Use the "Casting Plaster and Frame" on the ground to gather "Tread Cast".
Examine the barrels.
Ask the trainer if he seen any cars passing here recently.
Ask the trainer if we can have the permission to open the barrel.
Ask the trainer about the barrel.
Ask the trainer if he seen anyone acting suspicious.
Examine the elephant cage.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to get a warrant to open the barrel at the casino.

Go to "Laboratory"
Use the computer to search using the "Phone Prints".
Use the computer to search using the "Tread Cast".

Go to "Casino"
Use the "IR Diagnostic Camera" on the left barrel.
Examine the pants of the victim.
Use the "Adhesive Lifting Tape" on the dirt to gather "Dirt Stain".
Use the "Adhesive Lifting Tape" on the brown substance to gather "Sticky
Examine the head of the victim.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Gambling Chips" from the victim's mouth.

Go to "Morgue"
Ask Al about the cause of death.
Ask Al if the victim was allergic to something. He gives you "Pollen Swab".
Ask Al if he can give the time of death.

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Pollen Swab" to Greg. Greg will give you a "List Of Flora".
Show the "Dirt Stain" to Greg.
Show the "Sticky Stain" to Greg.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim about who was the victim.
Ask Jim when the victim was reported missing.
Ask Jim if we can get a warrant to search Sophia's home.
Ask Jim about the list of flora pollen.

Go to "Desert Demonstration Garden"
Examine the door and try to open it.
Examine the trash can near the garden house.
Use the "Magnifying Scope" on the cloth piece.
Use the "Tweezers" to gather "Strand of Hair".
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Facial Tissue".
Examine the tire marks.
Use the "Tweezers" on the dirt to gather "Desert Gardens Dirt".
Use the "Electrostatic Dust Print Lifter" to gather "Garden Tire Print".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Stand of Hair" to Greg.
Show the "Facial Tissue" to Greg.
Show the "Desert Gardens Dirt" to Greg.

Go to "Morgue"
Ask Al if the victim had any sign of cancer.
Ask Al if the victim had any traces of Maxamine in her blood.
Ask Al about how common is Maxamine.
Ask Al to give us a sample of the victim's DNA for Greg to analyze. He will
give a "Victim's DNA Sample".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Victim's DNA Sample" to Greg.
Use the microscope and examine the "Strand of Hair".
Use the computer to search using the "Garden Tire Print".
Use the computer to compare the "Trend Cast" and "Garden Tire Print".

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim about any local clinical trials for Maxamine.
Ask Jim if there are any pharmacists in town are carrying Maxamine.

Go to "Pharmacy"
Ask Leda if Sophia filled her prescription here.
Ask Leda if she is carrying Maxamine.
Ask Leda who placed the order.
Ask Leda when she last saw Dr. Wilkinson.

Go to "Doctor's Office"
Ask Dr. Wilkinson if he knew the victim.
Ask Dr. Wilkinson if he ordered Maxamine.
Ask Dr. Wilkinson if he owns a truck.
Ask Dr. Wilkinson if anyone else have the keys to his truck.
Ask Dr. Wilkinson where he keep his truck.
Ask Dr. Wilkinson where he was when the crime was committed.

Go to "Wilkinson's Residence"
Ask Mrs. Wilkinson if her husband's truck is here.
Ask Mrs. Wilkinson if her husband ever discuss his patients with you.
Ask Mrs. Wilkinson if Dr. Wilkinson ever mentioned the name Sophia Bendetti.
Ask Mrs. Wilkinson if Dr. Wilkinson was with her at the time of the crime.

Go to "Wilkinson's Garage"
Examine the tires.
Use the "Adhesive Lifting Tape" on the tire to gather "Truck Tire Print".
Examine the back of the truck.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Woodchips".
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Firewood Receipt".
Use the "Swab" on the greenish stuff to gather "Sticky Substance".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Woodchips" to Greg.
Show the "Sticky Substance" to Greg.
Use the computer to search using the "Truck Tire Print".
Use the computer to compare the "Truck Tire Print" and "Trend Cast".
Use the computer to compare the "Truck Tire Print" and "Garden Tire Print".

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim about when Dr. Wilkinson called the firewood company.
Ask Jim to get an interrogation with Leda Callisto.
Ask Leda if she had an affair with Dr. Wilkinson.
Ask Jim to get an interrogation with Dr. Wilkinson.
Ask Dr. Wilkinson if he had an affair with Sophia.
Ask Dr. Wilkinson about his relationship with Leda Callisto.
Ask Jim to get an interrogation with Mrs. Wilkinson.
Ask Mrs. Wilkinson if she heard the name Leda Callisto.
Ask Leda if she knows about Dr. Wilkinson's affair with Sophia.
Ask Dr. Wilkinson about his phone calls to Leda Callisto.
Ask Leda if there is anything else she can tell about Dr. Wilkinson's Maxamine
Ask Leda when was the last time she saw Dr. Wilikson's truck.
Ask Dr. Wilkinson why the sap in his truck was found on the victim's body.
Ask Mrs. Wilkinson when she last drove her husband's truck.
Ask Mrs. Wilkinson if we can take a DNA sample from her.
Use the "Swab" on Mrs. Wilkinson's mouth to gather "Mrs. Wilkinson's DNA".
Ask Dr. Wilkinson if we can take a DNA sample from him.
Use the "Swab" on Dr. Wilkinson's mouth to gather "Dr. Wilkinson's DNA".
Ask Leda if we can take a DNA sample from her.
Use the "Swab" on Leda's mouth to gather "Leda Callisto's DNA".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Leda Callisto's DNA" to Greg.
Show the "Dr. Wilkinson's DNA" to Greg.
Show the "Mrs. Wilkinson's DNA" to Greg.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Tell Leda that her DNA matches the evidence on the tampered tissue.

Case 5: "Leda's Swan Song" - 96% Rating

Ask Jim what he knows about Leda.
Ask Jim if he took a set of Leda's prints.
Ask Jim if Leda has said anything that might help us.

Go to "Holding Cell"
Ask Leda why is she doing all this.
Ask Leda what she did with Grissom.
Ask Leda why she killed Sophia.

Go to "Desert Demonstration Garden"
Ask the Garden Worker about the location of the new evidence he called us
Ask the Garden Worker if he seen any activity around here lately.
Ask the Garden Worker if anyone looked like Grissom.
Ask the Garden Worker if he has anything else to tell us.
Examine the birds left of the building.
Use the "Tweezers" to pick up the "Insect".
Examine the lamp post.
Use the "Magnifying Scope" on the impact spot.
Use the "Tweezers" to pick up the "Paint Scrapings".
Examine the marks near on the ground near the building.
Use the "Casting Plaster and Frame" on the marks to gather "Footprint Cast".
Examine the truck marks near the cactus.
Use the "Casting Plaster and Frame" on the marks to gather "Tire Cast".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Paint Scrapings" to Greg.
Show the "Insect" to Greg.
Use the microscope to examine the "Insect".
Use the computer to search using the "Footprint Cast".
Use the computer to search using the "Tire Cast".

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to retrieve the tread evidence from Wilkinson's truck. He will give the
"Tread Print From L-160 Truck".

Go to "Laboratory"
Use the computer to search using the "Tread Print From L-160 Truck".
Use the computer to compare the "Tread Print From L-160 Truck" and the "Tire

Go to "Leda's Home"
Examine the left sofa.
Use the "Fingerprint Brush" on the phone.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Cell phone".
Examine the table between the sofas.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Casino Chips".
Examine the shelf under the television cabinet.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Liquid in Bottle".
Examine the left books cabinet.
Open the Greek Mythology Book.
Examine the right books cabinet's window.
Use the "Swab" on the stain to gather "Greasy Stain".
Examine the tray near the big painting.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Larger Key" and the "Smaller Key".
Use the "Ninhydrin" on the burnt paper to gather "Newspaper Fingerprint".
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Newspaper Fragment".
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Burned Note".
Examine the top of the cabinets on the left side of room.
Examine the photo album.
Use the "Fingerprint Blush" on the inside cover gather "Fingerprint".
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Plastic Laminate".

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to have another warrant to examine Wilkinson's truck again.

Go to "Wilkinson's Residence"
Ask Dr. Wilkinson where he has been for the last few hours.
Ask Dr. Wilkinson where is his truck.

Go to "Wilkinson's Garage"
Ask Dr. Wilkinson if his wife could have taken his truck.

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Larger Key" to Greg.

Go to "Wilkinson's Garage"
Ask Dr. Wilkinson if Leda could have taken his truck.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to issue an all-points-bulletin on Wilkinson's truck.

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Greasy Stain" to Greg.
Show the "Newspaper Fragment" to Greg.
Show the "Burned Note" to Greg.
Show the "Cell phone" to Greg.
Show the "Casino Chips" to Greg.
Show the "Smaller Key" to Greg.
Show the "Plastic Laminate" to Greg.
Use the computer to search using the "Newspaper Fingerprint".
Use the computer to search using the "Newspaper Fragment".
Show the "Liquid in Bottle" to Greg.

Go to "Holding Cell"
Ask Leda if she knows Kylie Yardstrum.
Ask Leda if she chloroform Grissom and taken him somewhere in Wilkinson's

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to find out the Leda's maiden name.
Ask Jim to do a search on the last name of "Murphy".
Ask Jim for a warrant to re-open the Champagne Hotel location.
Jim will give you some items from the case: "Prints from Medicine Bottle",
"Ligature", Casino Chips" and "Money".

Go to "Laboratory"
Show the "Ligature" to Greg.
Show the "Casino Chips" from Sophia's Body to Greg.
Show the "Money" to Greg.
Use the computer to search using the "Fingerprint".
Use the computer to search using the "Prints from Medicine Bottle".
Use the computer to compare the "Prints from Medicine Bottle" and the
Use the computer to compare the "Prints from Medicine Bottle" and the
"Newspaper Fingerprint".
Use the computer to compare the "Newspaper Finger" and the "Fingerprint".

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim for a warrant to re-open the Kylie Yardstrum case.

Go to "Hotel Room"
Ask the Hotel Owner if anyone came in or out from the night Kylie was killed.
Ask the Hotel Owner if Kylie always tried to use a particular room.
Ask the Hotel Owner if he has anything else to say.
Examine the window.
Use the "Swab" at the marks at the bottom of the window to gather "Swab of

Go to "Kylie Yardstrum's Apartment"
Use the computer.
Open the "My Scheduler" program and print a "Printouts of Appointments with
Bernard Murphy".

Go to "Laboratory"
Use the computer to search using the "Printouts of Appointments with Bernard
Show the "Swab of Smudge" to Greg.

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim to do a search on a "Bernard Murphy".
Ask Jim for more information about Bernard Murphy.
Ask Jim about where is Bernie Murphy today.

Go to "Holding Cell"
Ask Leda about her father, Bernard Murphy.
Ask Leda why her father was fired from CSI.
Ask Leda about her father's suicide.
Ask Leda if she killed Sophia because her arrest led to your father's firing?

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim about the role that Grissom played in Bernard Murphy's dismissal.
Ask Jim about what locker matches the key #10072.

Go to "Holding Cell"
Ask Leda if she knew that Grissom filed a report about your father's possible

Go to "Detective's Office"
Ask Jim if there are any lockers that match the key we found.

Go to "U-Keep Storage Facility"
Go through the front gate to the locker.
Examine the Trash Can.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Iron Rod".
Examine the barrel at the back.
Use the "Gloves" to pick up the "Barrel".
You will automatically open the locker and save Grissom.

Good Job! You have finished the game!

NOTE: I only got 96% in case 5. If anyone can find out what I forgot to do,
please send an E-Mail to fhutow@videotron.ca and put CSI: in the subject.


If you complete all the cases with a 100% status, you get access to a Bonus

The bonus material is a set of 25 extra pictures of CSI crew, game production
crew, some extra drawn animations and some extra character pictures.


If you want to see the bonus material without having completed all the cases
with a 100% score, you can edit your saved game file in a text editor.

Look inside the "SavedGames" sub-directory where you have installed the game.
Be sure to make a backup copy of your original saved game.

Replace the last line with the following. Be sure to put it all on one line.

[[#evd: 100, #hint: 0, #ranking: 3, #bonus: 10, #score: 100],
[#evd: 100, #hint: 0, #ranking: 3, #bonus: 10, #score: 100],
[#evd: 100, #hint: 0, #ranking: 3, #bonus: 10, #score: 100],
[#evd: 100, #hint: 0, #ranking: 3, #bonus: 10, #score: 100],
[#evd: 100, #hint: 0, #ranking: 3, #bonus: 10, #score: 100], [#bonus: 25]]

This will give you 100% to all the cases and you will be able to click on the
BONUS button.

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