Dungeon Siege

Dungeon Siege

16.10.2013 18:51:38
Dungeon Siege
Comprehensive Prefix and Suffix Guide
Author: Stephen Chase

Last Update: 5/20/2003 7:22 P.M. PST. If you see any typos/errors or
have a prefix/suffix I don't have, you better tell me at Ch3se@aol.com!
You will receive full recognition for your find!

Table of Contents

1) Current Number of Prefixes/Suffixes Found
2) Intro
3) The Good Stuff
4) Disclaimer
5) Recognition

Current Number of Prefixes/Suffixes Found: 222


For those of you who can't remember these things, I am your
friend. I could only remember a few, so I started to write them down
to have a reference and soon had a huge list. This list is far from
complete and I shall continue to record all the new ones that I see.
Many of these I found at the chicken level, so they are rare and may
seem pretty far fetched. I assure you, this guide is 100% authentic.
So, without further ado, lets get to...The Good Stuff! ( In case you're a
little slow, The Good Stuff is the reason you clicked on the link to
this FAQ)

The Good Stuff

Affluence - Adds 3 Health Per Hit.

Arching - Adds 7 to Ranged Skill.

Ash - Adds 2 to 3 Fire Damage.

Assured - Magic Damage Reduced by 7%.
- +5% Chance to Block Melee Attack.

Awareness - Adds 1 to Intelligence.

Badger - Adds 12 to Health.

Boar - Adds 42 to Health.

Blocking - +5% Chance to Block Ranged Attack.

Bluster - Adds 37 to Health.

Brawling - Adds 3 to Combat Magic Skill.

Brawny - Adds 15 to Armor.

Brilliant - Adds 7 to Armor.
- Adds 15 to Health.
- Adds 26 to Mana.
- Adds 1 to Ranged Skill.

Burly - Adds 25 to Armor.

Butchering - Adds 2 to Melee Skill.

Calloused - Adds 10 to Armor.

Carnage - Adds 1 Health Per Hit.
- Adds 3 to 7 Piercing Damage.

Carving - Adds 8 to13 Damage.

Cautery - Adds 40 to 85 Fire Damage.

Cinders - Adds 6 to 11 Fire Damage.

Cold - Adds 2 to 5 Cold Damage.

Coldness - +10% Chance to Freeze.
- Adds 2 to 5 Cold Damage.

Colossus - Adds 11 to Strength.

Conflicting - Adds 1 to Combat Magic Skill.

Courage - Adds 2 to Dexterity.
- Adds 1 to Intelligence.
- Adds 1 to Strength.

Craft - Adds 1 to 19 Damage.

Daring - Adds 5 to Armor.
- Ranged Damage Reduced by 3%.
- Adds 1 to Ranged Skill.

Deception - 1 Health Stolen Per Hit.

Defensive - +9% Chance to Block Ranged Attack.

Defiance - 10% of Damage Reflected to Enemy.

Deft - Adds 4 to Dexterity.

Demolishing - Adds 7 to Melee Skill.

Design - +2% Chance to Inflict a Piercing Hit.

Destructive - Adds 1 to Ranged Skill.
- Adds 120 to Max Damage.

Detail - +13% Chance to Hit Enemy With a Melee Weapon.

Devastating - Adds 5 to Melee Skill.

Disease - Adds 45 to Maximum Damage.

Distance - +5% to Hit With a Ranged Weapon.

Distinct - Adds 6 to Armor.
- Ranged Damage Reduced by 3%.
- Adds 15 to Health.
- Adds 20 to Mana.

Dog - Adds 21 to Health.

Driving - Adds 2 to Ranged Skill.

Dread - 1 Health Stolen Per Hit.
- Adds 1 Mana Per Hit.
- Adds 1 to Strength.

Dusk - Adds 6 Mana Per Hit.

Earthen - Adds 3 to Nature Magic Skill.

Eccentric - +5% Chance to Block Melee Attack.
- +9% Chance to Block Ranged Attack.
- Adds 3 to Combat Magic Skill.

Elite - Adds 1 to Dexterity.
- 1 Health Stolen Per Hit.
- Adds 1 to Melee Skill.

Emphasis - Adds 163 to Health.
- Adds 1 to Intelligence.
- 6% of Damage Reflected to Enemy.
- Adds 2 to Strength.

Endowment - Adds 2 Health Per Hit.

Energy - Adds 2 to 6 Nature Magic Damage.

Enforced - Adds 8 to Armor.

Enhancement - Adds 1 Health Per Hit.

Essential - Adds 6 to Nature Magic Skill.

Exactness - +10% Chance to Hit With a Melee Weapon.

Exalted - Adds 1 to Dexterity.
- Adds 1 Health Per Hit.
- Adds 1 to Intelligence.
- Adds 1 to Mana.

Exceptional - Adds 9 to Armor.
- Magic Damage Reduced by 8%.
- Adds 17 to Health.
- 1 Mana Stolen Per Hit.

Excess - Adds 5 Health Per Hit.

Excessive - Piercing Damage Reduced by 9%.
- +5% Chance to Dodge Ranged Attack.
- Adds 97 to Health.
- 3% of Damage Reflected to Enemy.

Exchange - 5% of Damage Reflected to Enemy.

Expanse - Adds 4 to Maximum Nature Magic Damage.

Faith - Adds 1 to Nature Magic Damage.
- Adds 24 to Mana.
- 3 Mana Stolen Per Hit.

Feral - Adds 45 to Maximum Damage.

Fighting - Adds 4 to Combat Magic Skill.

Firm - +2% Chance to Block Melee Attack.

Focus - +5% Chance to Hit With a Melee Weapon.

Foretold - Adds 20 to Armor.
- +5% Chance to Block Magic Attacks.
- +2% Chance to Block Melee Attack.

Fox - Adds 7 to Health.

Gliding - Adds 1 to Ranged Skill.

Gleaming - +9% Chance to Block Ranged Attack.
- +5% Chance to Dodge Melee Attack.
- Adds 2 to Melee Skill.

Goring - Adds 1 to Melee Skill.

Grandeur - Adds 9 to Strength.

Greatness - Adds 1 to Maximum Nature Magic Damage.

Greed - 3 Health Stolen Per Hit.

Grounded - Melee Damage Reduced by 10%.
- Subtracts 3 From Ranged Skill.

Hardiness - Adds 1 to Strength.

Harsh - Magic Damage Reduced by 11%.

Haughty - Adds 1 to Dexterity.
- Adds 22 to Mana.
- 3% of Damage Reflect to Enemy.
- Adds 1 to Strength.

Hefty - Adds 40 to Armor.

Hulking - Adds 150 to Armor.

Illness - Adds 4 to Maximum Damage.

Impressive - Piercing Damage Reduced by 4%.
- Adds 1 to Combat Magic Skill.
- Adds 39 to Mana.
- Adds 1 to Strength.

Infirmity - Adds 39 to Maximum Damage.

Influence - Ranged Damage Reduced by 3%.
- Adds 13 to Health.
- Adds 1 Health Per Hit.
- 1 Mana Stolen Per Hit.

Insight - Adds 2 to Intelligence.

Intact - Piercing Damage Reduced by 4%.

Intellect - Adds 4 to Intelligence.

Jarred - Adds 5 to 7 Lightning Damage.

Knowledge - Adds 3 to Intelligence.

Launching - Adds 4 to Ranged Skill.

Lechery - 2 Health Stolen Per Hit.

Legendary - Ranged Damage Reduced by 3%.
- Adds 1 to Nature Magic Skill.
- Adds 2 to Melee Skill.

Length - Adds 2 to 6 Damage.

Lion - Adds 529 to Health.

Looter - 4 Mana Stolen Per Hit.

Lurid - Adds 20 to Armor.
- +5% Chance to Dodge Melee Attack.

Marvelous - Adds 17 to Armor.
- Adds 48 to Health.
- 3% of Damage Reflected to Enemy.
- Adds 1 to Strength.

Meticulous - Adds 9 to Armor.
- +5% Chance to Block Magic Attack.
- +4% Chance to Block Ranged Attack.

Midnight - Adds 1 Mana Per Hit.

Might - Adds 6 to Strength.

Miraculous - Adds 7 to Armor.
- Magic Damage Reduced by 5%.
- +8% Chance to Block Melee Attack.

Monstrosity - Subtracts 1 From Dexterity.
- Adds 1 to Strength.

Negating - Melee Damage Reduced by 5%.

Nimble - Adds 3 to Dexterity.

Novel - Adds 9 to Armor.
- Adds 9 to Health.
- Adds 19 to Mana.
- Adds 1 to Melee Skill.

Numbness - +10% Chance to Freeze.
- Adds 22 to 40 Cold Damage.

Objection - Adds 2 to 6 to Combat Magic Damage.

Obscure - +10% Chance to Block Melee Attack.
- Adds 1 to Melee Skill.

Old - Adds 1 to Dexterity.
- Adds 1 to Intelligence.
- 1 Mana Stolen Per Hit.
- Adds 1 to Strength.

Optimistic - Adds 6 to Armor.
- Ranged Damage Reduced by 3%.
- Adds 1 to Melee Skill.

Organic - Adds 1 to Nature Magic Skill.

Owl - Adds 17 to Health.

Panther - Adds 415 to Health.

Parasite - 1 Mana Stolen Per Hit.

Patience - Adds 1 to Maximum Combat Magic Damage.
- Adds 2 to Intelligence.
- Adds 46 to Mana.

Peerless - Adds 13 to Armor.
- +5% Chance to Block Magic Attacks.
- +2% Chance to Block Melee Attack.
- Adds 1 to Nature Magic Skill.
- 3% of Damage Reflected to Enemy.

Perfection - +15% Chance to Hit Enemy with a Melee Weapon.

Perforation - Adds 23 to 33 Damage.

Persevering - +5% Chance to Block Magic Attack.

Pestilence - Adds 85 to Maximum Damage.

Pillager - 7 Mana Stolen Per Hit.

Plunderer - 9 Mana Stolen Per Hit.

Precision - +4% Chance to Inflict a Piercing Hit.

Predestined - Adds 7 to Armor.
- Ranged Damage Reduced by 3%.
- +5% Chance to Dodge Melee Attack.

Preeminent - Adds 2 to Max Melee Damage.
- Adds 1 to Dexterity.
- Adds 1 to Nature Magic Skill.
- Adds 1 to Ranged Skill.

Prevailing - Adds 17 to Armor.
- Magic Damage Reduced by 5%.
- Ranged Damage Reduced by 3%.
- Adds 3 Health Per Hit.

Privilege - 1 Health Stolen Per Hit.
- Adds 2 to Strength.

Projection - Adds 1 to Minimum Damage.

Prominence - Adds 7 to Strength.

Propelling - Adds 11 to Ranged Skill.

Prosperity - Adds 1 to Dexterity.
- 1 Heal

Protest - Adds 3 to 8 Combat Magic Damage.

Provoked - Adds 12 to Maximum Damage.

Pummeling - +10% Chance to Dodge Melee Attack.
- Subtracts 2 From Nature Magic Skill.

Rabid - Adds 1 to Melee Skill.
- Adds 36 to Maximum Damage.

Raider - 11 Mana Stolen Per Hit.

Ram - Adds 163 to Health.

Ravaging - Adds 4 to Melee Skill.

Recovery - Adds 203 to Mana.

Recuperation- Adds 101 to Mana.

Refined - Adds 9 to Nature Magic Skill.

Refreshment - Adds 20 to Mana.

Refuge - Adds 15 to Health.
- Subtracts 12 From Mana.

Rejuvenation- Adds 71 to Mana.

Reliant - +8% to Block a Melee Attack.

Relentless - Melee Damage Reduced by 5%.
- Piercing Damage Reduced by 4%.
- Adds 2 to Melee Skill.

Remarkable - Ranged Damage Reduced by 3%.
- Adds 1 to Combat Magic Skill.
- Adds 1 to Nature Magic Skill.
- 1 Health Stolen Per Hit.

Renewal - Adds 12 to Mana.

Renowned - +2-3 Damage.
- 2 Health Stolen Per Hit.
- +3% to Hit With a Melee Weapon.
- 3% of Damage Reflected to Enemy.

Repellant - Adds 6 to Armor.

Reprieval - Adds 35 to Mana.

Resistant - Piercing Damage Reduced by 9%.

Respected - Melee Damage Reduced by 9%.
- Adds 2 to Dexterity.
- 3% of Damage Reflected to Enemy.
- Adds 1 to Strength.

Restoration - Adds 275 to Mana.

Revered - Adds 26 to Armor.
- Adds 3 to Combat Magic Skill.
- Adds 3 to Nature Magic Skill.
- Adds 2 to Melee Skill.
- Adds 2 to Ranged Magic Skill.

Reversal - 3% of Damage Reflected to Enemy.

Revindication- Adds 53 to Mana.

Revival - Adds 29 to Mana.

Rivalry - Adds 8 to Maximum Combat Magic Damage.

Robustness - Adds 3 to Strength.

Rough - Adds 3 to Armor.

Ruthless - Magic Damage Reduced by 20%.

Scorching - Adds 16 to 34 Fire Damage.

Score - +10% Chance to Inflict a Piercing Hit.

Scuffling - Adds 2 to Combat Magic Skill.

Searing - Adds 8 to 15 Fire Damage.

Seasons - Ranged Damage Reduced by 3%.
- Adds 8 to Health.
- Adds 1 Health Per Hit.
- Adds 1 Mana Per Hit.

Secret - Adds 9 to Armor.
- Adds 1 to Melee Skill.
- Adds 1 to Ranged Skill.

Serpent - Adds 37 to Health.

Shadows - Adds 7 Mana Per Hit.

Shaken - Adds 1 to 3 Lightning Damage.

Sharpness - Adds 1 to Minimum Damage.

Shivering - +15% Chance to Freeze.
- 1 to 2 Cold Damage.

Sickness - Adds 3 to Maximum Damage.

Singeing - Adds 3 to 5 Fire Damage.

Slicing - Adds 2 to 3 Damage.

Slush - +3% Chance to Freeze
- Adds 6 to 9 Cold Damage.

Solid - Ranged Damage Reduced by 3%.

Sorrows - Adds 12 to Health.
- Adds 1 Health Per Hit.
- 2 Mana Stolen Per Hit.

Span - Adds 1 to 4 Damage.

Sparrow - Adds 3 to Maximum Damage.

Spikes - Adds 7 to 16 Piercing Damage.

Splendid - Adds 5 to Armor.
- Adds 1 to Combat Magic Skill.
- Adds 1 to Melee Skill.
- Adds 1 to Ranged Skill.

Spry - Adds 2 to Dexterity.

Stabbing - Adds 12 to 20 Damage.

Stability - Adds 1 to 4 Piercing Damage.
- Subtracts to From Strength.

Starlight - Adds 3 Mana Per Hit.

Stately - Ranged Damage Reduced by 8%.
- +5% to Dodge a Melee Attack.
- Adds 1 to Intelligence.
- Adds 1 Mana Per Hit.

Stern - Magic Damage Reduced by 5%.

Stride - +10% Chance to Hit Enemy With a Ranged Weapon.

Strike - +6% Chance of Inflicting a Piercing Hit.

Stringent - Magic Damage Reduced by 15%.

Struggle - Adds 1 to Minimum Combat Magic Damage.

Stupendous - Magic Damage Reduced by 5%.
- Melee Damage Reduced by 5%.
- Adds 8 to Health.
- Adds 23 to Mana.

Sturdiness - Adds 2 to Strength.

Supreme - +6% Chance to Hit Enemy With a Melee Weapon.
- Adds 2 to Intelligence.
- Adds 3 to 5 Lightning Damage.
- Adds 2 to Strength.

Surplus - Adds 6 Health Per Hit.

Survival - Adds 1 to 2 Nature Magic Damage.

Sustained - Adds 13 to Armor.

Swift - Adds 1 to Dexterity.

Symptoms - Adds 1 to Maximum Damage.

Tactile - Melee Damage Reduced by 5%.
- +5% Chance to Block Melee Attack.
- Adds 1 to Melee Skill.

Target - +8% Chance to Inflict a Piercing Hit.

Teeth - Adds 12 to 28 Piercing Damage.

Terrestrial - Adds 2 to Nature Magic Skill.

Thief - 6 Mana Stolen Per Hit.

Thorns - Adds 1 to 4 Piercing Damage.

Thunder - Adds 4 to 5 Lightning Damage.

Trusted - Magic Damage Reduced by 5%.
- Melee Damage Reduced by 5%.
- Adds 1 to Melee Skill.

Truth - Adds 1 Health Per Hit.
- Adds 1 to 4 Piercing Damage.
- 3% of Damage Reflected to Enemy.

Tusks - Adds 17 to 41 Piercing Damage.

Twilight - Adds 4 Mana Per Hit.

Unbridled - Adds 2 to Maximum Damage.

Uncommon - Adds 7 to Armor.
- Adds 12 to Health.
- 3% of Damage Reflected to Enemy.
- Adds 1 to Strength.

Untamed - Adds 6 to Maximum Damage.

Unyielding - Piercing Damage Reduced by 13%.

Vastness - Adds 8 to Maximum Nature Magic Damage.

Valued - Adds 47 to Health.
- +7% Chance to Hit Enemy With a Ranged Weapon.
- Adds 3 to Intelligence.
- 1 Mana Stolen Per Hit.

Vibrancy - Adds 10 to 30 Nature Magic Damage.

Virulence - Adds 4 to Strength.

Vitality - Adds 5 to 15 Nature Magic Damage.

Vengeful - +5% to Block Ranged Attack.
- Adds 1 to Ranged Skill.

Warring - Adds 9 to Combat Magic Skill.

Wild - Adds 22 to Maximum Damage.

Wolf - Adds 89 to Health.

Youth - Adds 8 to 13 Damage.
- Adds 13 to Mana.


This "Comprehensive Prefix and Suffix FAQ" is copyright (c) 2003
Stephen Chase. If you want to post this totally cool FAQ on your
site, send me an email and tell me you're going to do it, that's all I


Tom Church's Awesome FAQ/Guide - He had a few I didn't have, thanks

I haven't had too much help yet, but it isn't hard to get on this
list. If you send me an email with either a prefix/suffix, or typo
correction etc, you will receive full recognition.

Email me at Ch3se@aol.com!

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Megatrainer (für v1.11.1486)

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