Critical Point

Critical Point

18.10.2013 01:25:00
Walkthroughs for Peach Princess'


Critical Point is copyright 2002 Peach Princess and Will Japan.
Any and all references contained herein used without permission.

Critical Point is an adult bishoujo game and as such should
theoretically be only for those of appropriate age in whatever
appropriate nation you reside in. That being the case, this
walkthrough may contain graphic instructions, similar to those
commands available at various points in the game. If you are
under appropriate age or are easily offended, this walkthrough
(and further, this game) are probably not for you.


Table of Contents

I. Version History
II. Introduction
III. Ending List
IV. Walkthroughs
V. Final Comments


I. Version History

Version 1.00 - The walkthroughs are complete to the best of
my knowledge. With a little saving/reloading
and perhaps a bit of replay, all cg should also
be complete.


II. Introduction
Version 1.00

These walkthroughs are simply the routes I took to get the various
endings for the game, which I am not going to provide a synopsis for
- if you're reading this, I'd hope you already have the game, and
hopefully you bought it and didn't pirate it. Support your bishoujo
game companies so that they can bring us more great, fun games.
If there are any endings or graphics, etc that I've managed to miss,
mis-number, etc, please let me know at

I know for at least a few of the endings that there are alternate
paths, as one of my friends got several of the endings I did
through methods other than my own.

Before you proceed any farther into this file, a final warning.

This is NOT a strategy guide, FAQ, or hints file, nor is it
intended as such. What follows are lists of choices to make in
order to get all the endings. These paths will also obtain all
the CG available to my knowledge. Again, if I happen to be missing
something, let me know and I'll see if I can't find anything that
might be missing. Since this is only a walkthrough, and I'm assuming
that you own the game, I'm not going to waste more space with the
whole "system requirements", "story intro", "characters" sections -
after this already-lengthy intro, all there will be is an ending
list and the walkthroughs for said endings. Pretty much everything
else is already detailed in the little booklet that came with the

Some CG may require saving and re-loading, or simply playing the
game through again. These points are generally remarked on in the
walkthroughs, though it's entirely possible I've missed some.
Hopefully you're only using these walkthroughs as a last resort
to get that one ending or two that you're just stumped on. The
game's far too much fun to skip playing it just to follow a
boring old walkthrough ^_^.

If there's some confusion in some of these paths, it's because I'm
going off the old notes I made when I was playing, and they're not
totally clear, though they should be correct.

Feel free to post this faq elsewhere, so long as the content doesn't
get changed. Do NOT, however, link to it directly from wherever you
found it -- keep your own local copy on your own site.

Enough rambling on my part. Here's how I got the various endings, by
in order by Number, with Title.

Watakushi wa Gendai no Samurai desuyo.
05 June 2003


III. Ending List:

Episode 1: Out of sight, out of mind
Episode 2: Be overconfidence have too much confidence
Episode 3: A miss is as good as a mile
Episode 4: Discretion is the better part of valour
Episode 5: Live and let live
Episode 6: All is well that ends well
Episode 7: Other times, other manners
Episode 8: Fortune knocks once at everyone's door
Episode 9: Second thoughts are best
Episode 10: It is more misfortune to give than to receive
Episode 11: Art is long, life is short. Episode 12 is a lost number
Episode 12: Is a lost number.
Episode 13: Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance.
Episode 12 is a lost number
Episode 14: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Episode 15: Look before you leap
Episode 16: Time and tide wait for no you
Episode 17: Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
Episode 18: Man proposes God disposes
Episode 19: Faint heart never won fair lady
Episode 20: Neccessity has no law
Episode 21: Take time by the forelock
Episode 22: The man who deliberates is lost
Episode 23: Love is power
Episode 24: As you sow, so you will reap
Episode 25: It is no use crying over spilt milk
True End: -- No Title -- (Episode 99)


IV. Walkthroughs

Episode 1: "Out of sight, out of mind"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
You are human
Review the situation
Go to see Elise
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Find someone first
Let her go to him
This isn't the time for that
Go to the commander's room
I'll just have to trust Elise
Discuss this some other time
I see her as just another person

Episode 2: "Be overconfidence have too much confidence"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
Have Reiko order dinner for me
Wait here a little longer
Think about what to do
Might as well follow her lead
Look around a while longer
Look around a bit more

Episode 3: "A miss is as good as a mile"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are the greatest masterpiece
Review the situation
Go to Carla's office
Look around for a while longer
It's time to go outside

Episode 4: "Discretion is the better part of valour"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
Have Reiko order dinner for me
Wait here a little longer
Think about what to do
Might as well follow her lead
It's about time to return to my room

Episode 5: "Live and let live"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
Have Reiko order dinner for me
Wait here a little longer
Go on in
Just leave her like that

Episode 6: "All is well that ends well"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
Have Reiko order dinner for me
Wait here a little longer
Go on in
I'd better help her out

Episode 7: "Other times, other manners"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
Have Reiko order dinner for me
Wait here a little longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
I should try to comfort her
Allow her to leave

Episode 8: "Fortune knocks once at everyone's door"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
Have Reiko order dinner for me
Wait here a little longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
Need to explain and get cooperation
Don't allow her to leave just yet

Episode 9: "Second thoughts are best"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
Have Reiko order dinner for me
Wait here a little longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
I should try to comfort her
Don't allow her to leave just yet

Episode 10: "It is more misfortune to give than to receive"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
You are more than human

Episode 11: "Art is long, life is short.
Episode 12 is a lost number"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are the greatest masterpiece
Review the situation
Go to Carla's office
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Find someone first
Let her go to him
This isn't the time for that
I'll just have to trust Elise

Episode 12: Is a lost number.

Episode 13: "Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance.
Episode 12 is a lost number"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are human
Review the situation
Go to see Elise
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Find someone first
Let her go to him
This isn't the time for that
Go to storage bay brig

Episode 14: "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are the greatest masterpiece
Review the situation
Go to Carla's office
Maybe I should check outside

Episode 15: "Look before you leap"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are the greatest masterpiece
Review the situation
Go to Carla's office
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Just drive outside

Episode 16: "Time and tide wait for no you"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are the greatest masterpiece
Review the situation
Go to Carla's office
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Find someone first
Let her go to him
I guess I'll have to do as she says

Episode 17: "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are the greatest masterpiece
Review the situation
Go to Carla's office
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Find someone first
Hold her back
Not good, put her back to sleep

Episode 18: "Man proposes God disposes"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are human
Review the situation
Go to see Elise
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Find someone first
Let her go to him
This isn't the time for that
Go to CIC

Episode 19: "Faint heart never won fair lady"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
Have Reiko order dinner for me
Wait here a little longer
Think about what to do
Might as well follow her lead
Look around for a while longer
Give up and head back
I should go see Carla

Episode 20: "Neccessity has no law"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
Have Reiko order dinner for me
Wait here a little longer
Think about what to do
Might as well follow her lead
Look around for a while longer
Give up and head back
I might as well go back
Ask for Carla's opinion

Episode 21: "Take time by the forelock"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are human
Review the situation
Go to see Elise
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Find someone first
Let her go to him
This isn't the time for that
Go to the commander's room
I'd better stop Elise

Episode 22: "The man who deliberates is lost"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are the greatest masterpiece
Review the situation
Go to Carla's office
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Find someone first
Let her go to him
This isn't the time for that
I'd better stop Elise

Episode 23: "Love is power"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
Have Reiko order dinner for me
Wait here a little longer
Think about what to do
Might as well follow her lead
Look around for a while longer
Give up and head back
I might as well go back
Release locks

Episode 24: "As you sow, so you will reap"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are the greatest masterpiece
Review the situation
Go to Carla's office
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Find someone first
Hold her back
Well, might as well screw her

Episode 25: "It is no use crying over spilt milk"

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are human
Review the situation
Go to see Elise
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Find someone first
Let her go to him
This isn't the time for that
Go to the commander's room
I'll just have to trust Elise
Discuss this some other time
I see her as more than human

True Ending: (Supposedly Episode 99, no title)

Tell him to switch it to manual
I want to talk to Reiko more
Go to my own compartment
Aren't those four feeling well?
Remain here
I don't need anything right now
Wait here a while longer
Think about what to do
I can't sleep with this kid
You are human
Review the situation
Go to see Elise
Look around for a while longer
Look around a bit more
Find someone first
Let her go to him
This isn't the time for that
Go to the commander's room
I'll just have to trust Elise
Discuss this some other time
I see her as just another person


V. Final Comments

Another great game from peach Princess.

Hope this helps you get through all the game endings and graphics.
Be sure and check out the other games available from Peach Princess
and J-List at

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned
by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

The text contained within this walkthrough is copyright 2003 by
Jacob Claussen (SRanmaJ)

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Engl. Lösung

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Сентябрь 2015
07.Июнь 2019
30.Июнь 2014
04.Март 2019