Grand Theft Auto 3

Grand Theft Auto 3

17.10.2013 02:57:58
* *
*********TAXI MISSIONS*********
* *
*********BY CHRIS GAGE*********
* *
*******IT'S VERSION 1.00*******
* *

E-Mail Policy

Feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions not
answered in this FAQ. I just might know the answer! Feel free to also e-mail
me if you find any misinformation here. I'll be glad to correct it.

Table of Contents

This FAQ features the world-famous FIND feature. See the "codes" in
parentheses? Simply press Ctrl+F and type in the code of the item that you are
looking for. The browser will jump right to that section. Amazing!

A... Introduction (GTA3-TM-A)
B... Acknowledgements (GTA3-TM-B)
1... Obtaining a taxi vehicle (GTA3-TM-1)
1a.. The Taxi
1b.. The Cabbie
2... Portland (GTA3-TM-2)
2a.. Why not Portland?
2b.. If you must, Portland routes (TAXIROUTES-2B)
3... Staunton Island (GTA3-TM-3)
3a.. Why it's ideal
3b.. Staunton Island routes (TAXIROUTES-3B)
4... Shoreside Vale (GTA3-TM-4)
4a.. Why it's tricky but somewhat safer
4b.. Shoreside Vale routes (TAXIROUTES-4B)
5... *The Reward* (GTA3-TM-5)
5a.. Borgnine Review


/\ ==============
/__\ Introduction
/ \ ==============

Okay, I'm almost done! So far, I only have directions for Shoreside Vale and
Portland taxi missions, but I will soon finish Staunton Island directions.

| \
|__/ ==================
| \ Acknowledgements
|__/ ==================

Many, many thanks to Inferno2 --- without him this FAQ would never be any good.


/| =====================
| Obtaining a Vehicle
_|_ =====================

/1a. The Taxi/

The taxi is the most common vehicle in Liberty City. All you have to do is walk
out onto the street and you will see one (sooner or later). Simply step in
front of one and press ENTER (or, for you PS2 gurus, Triangle). Make sure to
speed away relatively fast, however, because those taxi drivers want their taxis
back!! If you have made it to Shoreside Vale through the missions, you can find
a taxi at two airport parking locations:

When you get off the bridge or get out of the Porter Tunnel/Francis Slipway,
take your first left.
1. Take another left. It is in the front where you dropped off Ray ("Marked
2. Take a right through the gate and go into the parking lot. It might be
locked. If it is, try back later.

ADVANTAGES: Speedy, easy to find.
DISADVANTAGES: Not as good as Borgnine.

/1b. The Cabbie/

The Cabbie is my preferred taxi vehicle because it looks nice, it is speedy, and
it handles relatively easily. However, it is a bit harder to find. Sometimes,
Cabbies can be found if you are driving a regular taxi, so try that. However,
if that doesn't work...The only sure place to find it is in Portland at "Mean
Street Taxis." To get there:

From your Staunton Island hideout - Take a right onto the diagonal stretch.
It turns into a straight stretch of road, which eventually ends. When it ends,
take a left onto the Callahan Bridge. Follow the road from the bridge to
Trenton. Mean Street Taxis is in Trenton- somewhere.

From your Shoreside Vale hideout - go straight down the hill and take a right.
Then, take another right into the Porter Tunnel. Once in the tunnel, take your
second right. Once your are out, you should be in Rockford. Take a right, then
another right, and then your second left. The straight stretch will turn into a
diagonal stretch. When the diagonal stretch ends, take a left onto the Callahan
Bridge. Follow the instructions above.

This may sound like a lot, but the Cabbie is worth it.

ADVANTAGES: Big, fast, handles VERY well.
DISADVANTAGES: It can be hard to find; takes getting used to; not as good as

/ \ ==========
/ Portland
/___ ==========

Portland has a whopping 10 STOPS! Those stops are as follows:

- Greasy Joe's Cafe (Callahan Point)
- Marco's Bistro (Saint Mark's)
- Punk Noodles (Chinatown)
- AmmuNation (Red Light District)
- Old School Hall (Chinatown)
- Import/Export Garage (Portland Harbor)
- Woody's Topless Bar (Red Light District)
- Easy Credit Autos (Saint Mark's/Harwood)
- Meeouch Sex Kitten Club (Red Light District)
- SupaSave (Portland View)

/2a. Why not Portland?/

Okay, you COULD do taxis missions on Portland, but I don't recommend it.
Here are the reasons:

1. You might have some serious gang trouble in the future. (That's not a
spoiler, is it?)
2. The road system is somewhat complicated, especially around Hepburn Heights.
3. It's boring.

If you DO decide to do Portland taxi missions, stop doing them when you get Toni
as a boss OR when you get El Burro as a boss.
(I don't think that's a spoiler)

/2a. Portland Routes/

FROM Greasy Joe's Cafe TO Marco's Bistro:
Take a left out of the lot and continue straight to go past the TRIAD FISH
FACTORY. Continue straight past ATLANTIC QUAYS (it will be on your right).
Follow the curve, and take a right in order to go past BITCHIN' DOG FOODS.
Continue past PORTLAND HARBOR and SUPASAVE, then take a right into SAINT MARK'S.
The bistro will be on your left as you go around a curve.

FROM Greasy Joe's Cafe TO Punk Noodles:
Take a left out of the lot and continue straight, going past the TRIAD FISH
FACTORY. Take a left just before ATLANTIC QUAYS and take your next left. You
will now be facing the CALLAHAN BRIDGE. Take a right and go straight. Punk
Noodles will be on your left.

FROM Greasy Joe's Cafe TO AmmuNation:
Take a right out of the lot and get on the correct side of the road. Keep going
until you come to the road just before your HIDEOUT. Take a right and go
straight, passing the SUBWAY STATION on your right. When that road ends, take a
left; AmmuNation will be on your right.

FROM Greasy Joe's Cafe TO Old School Hall:
Take a left out of the lot and continue straight, going past the TRIAD FISH
FACTORY. Take a left just before ATLANTIC QUAYS and take your next left. You
will now be facing the CALLAHAN BRIDGE. Take a right; the entrance to the lot
will be on your left.

FROM Greasy Joe's Cafe TO Import/Export Garage:
Take a left out of the lot and continue straight to go past the TRIAD FISH
FACTORY. Continue straight past ATLANTIC QUAYS (it will be on your right).
Follow the curve, and take a right in order to go past BITCHIN' DOG FOODS. When
you see the entrance to PORTLAND HARBOR (just before SUPASAVE), take a right
into the blue lot. Bear left (past the parked PERENNIAL station wagon) and take
a left right after that. Take your next right and drop off the passenger in the
blue circle.

FROM Greasy Joe's Cafe TO Woody's Topless Bar:
Take a right out of the lot and, after this road joins up with the normal
street, get on the correct side of the road. Take a right on the road just
before your HIDEOUT, then take a left. It is across the street from LUIGI'S.

FROM Greasy Joe's Cafe TO Easy Credit Autos:
Take a right out of the lot and get on the correct side of the road. Continue
all the way down, going past CHINATOWN and your HIDEOUT. Follow the curve into
Hepburn Heights. Take a left and follow that curve, going past BORGNINE TAXI
and facing HEAD RADIO. At HEAD RADIO, take a left and go under the road above
into HARWOOD. Follow that road, going past the HARWOOD CAR CRUSHER. Take a
left at the AMCO gas station, then take a right at the entrance to 8-BALL'S BOMB
SHOP. The lot entrance should be on your left.

FROM Greasy Joe's Cafe TO Meeouch Sex Kitten Club:
Take a right out of the lot and, after this road joins up with the normal
street, get on the correct side of the road. Take a right on the road just
before your HIDEOUT; the club should be on your right.

FROM Greasy Joe's Cafe TO SupaSave:
Take a left out of the lot and continue straight to go past the TRIAD FISH
FACTORY. Continue straight past ATLANTIC QUAYS (it will be on your right).
Follow the curve, and take a right in order to go past BITCHIN' DOG FOODS. Go
past the entrance to PORTLAND HARBOR/PORTLAND DOCKS and take a right into the
blue lot of the SUPASAVE supermarket. Stop in the blue circle.

FROM Marco's Bistro TO Greasy Joe's Cafe:
Take a right out of Marco's Bistro and around the downhill curve. Take your
first left and continue along that road, going past SUPASAVE and PORTLAND HARBOR
(both on your left). Then, take a left and follow the right curve, going past
ATLANTIC QUAYS. Keep going past the TRIAD FISH FACTORY; the cafe will be on
your right.

FROM Marco's Bistro TO Punk Noodles:
Take a right out of Marco's Bistro and around the downhill curve. Take your
first left and continue along that road, going past SUPASAVE and PORTLAND HARBOR
(both on your left). Then, take a left and follow the right curve, going past
ATLANTIC QUAYS. Take a right after ATLANTIC QUAYS and take your next left. You
will now be facing the CALLAHAN BRIDGE. Take a right, and the destination
should be on your left.

FROM Marco's Bistro TO AmmuNation:
Take a right out of the lot and then take your THIRD RIGHT. You'll pass the
SUBWAY STATION on your left. AMMU-NATION will be on your right.

FROM Marco's Bistro TO Old School Hall:
Take a right out of Marco's Bistro and around the downhill curve. Take your
first left and continue along that road, going past SUPASAVE and PORTLAND HARBOR
(both on your left). Then, take a left and follow the right curve, going past
ATLANTIC QUAYS. Take a right after ATLANTIC QUAYS and take your next left. You
will now be facing the CALLAHAN BRIDGE. Take a right, and the entrance to the
lot should be on your left.

FROM Marco's Bistro TO Import/Export Garage:
Take a right out of the lot and take your first left. You'll pass SUPASAVE (on
your left) and take a right into the lot of PORTLAND HARBOR/PORTLAND DOCKS.
Bear left to pass the parked PERENNIAL (station wagon) and immediately take a
left. Take a right and park in the blue circle.

FROM Marco's Bistro TO Woody's Topless Bar:
Get to AMMU-NATION (see above). Then, take a left into the little pedestrian
tunnel (your taxi should fit) and travel to the end of the road. Take a left,
and the bar will be on your immediate left.

FROM Marco's Bistro TO Easy Credit Autos:
Take a left out of the lot and follow the road, going past SALVATORE'S MANSION.
Take your first right. The entrance to Easy Credit Autos will be on your right.

FROM Marco's Bistro TO Meeouch Sex Kitten Club:
Take a right out of Marco's Bistro and continue until that road ends. Take a
right, then take your second right (just before your HIDEOUT). The club will be
on your right.

FROM Marco's Bistro TO SupaSave:
Take a right out of the lot and take your next left. The entrance to the lot
should be on your left.

A NOTE ABOUT THE NEXT SET OF DIRECTIONS - I have combined Punk Noodles and the
Old School Hall because they are on the same street. All directions will,
however, be from Punk Noodles. Therefore, I have included directions on how to
get from Old School Hall to Punk Noodles.

FROM Old School Hall TO Punk Noodles:
Take a left out of the lot and continue until the road ends. On your left will

Without further ado, the combined directions...

FROM Punk Noodles TO Greasy Joe's Cafe:
Facing out from Punk Noodles, head south. At the CALLAHAN BRIDGE, take a left.
Just before ATLANTIC QUAYS, turn right, and Greasy Joe's Cafe will be on your

FROM Punk Noodles TO Marco's Bistro:
Facing out from Punk Noodles, head north and continue straight through the alley
with the police bribe (this may come in handy if you ran over any cops in your
taxi rush). Then, take a right and head up the hill. The bistro will be on
your left.

FROM Punk Noodles TO AmmuNation:
Facing out from Punk Noodles, head north and continue straight through the alley
with the police bribe. Once you are out of the alley, go straight; AmmuNation
will be on your right.

FROM Punk Noodles TO Import/Export Garage:
Head south and take an immediate left into the alley. You will be facing the
POLICE STATION. Continue straight onto the grass! Keep going as straight as
you can until you see SUPASAVE in front of you. Merge onto the
DOCKS (on the left). Bear left to go past the parked PERENNIAL (station wagon)
and take an immediate left, then take a right. Park in the blue circle.

FROM Punk Noodles TO Woody's Topless Bar:
Head south and take an immediate left into the alley. You will be facing the
POLICE STATION. Take a left, passing the POLICE STATION and the HOSPITAL, and
then take a left as soon as you pass the SUBWAY STATION. Take another right,
and the bar will be across from LUIGI'S.

FROM Punk Noodles TO Easy Credit Autos:
Head north and go straight into the alley. Continue due north along that road,
and take the last right before the PORTER TUNNEL. Then, take a left at the AMCO
gas station and another right at the HARWOOD CAR CRUSHER. Take a final right,
and the entrance to Easy Credit Autos will be on your left.

FROM Punk Noodles TO Meeouch Sex Kitten Club:
Head south and take an immediate left into the alley. You will be facing the
POLICE STATION. Take a left, passing the POLICE STATION and the HOSPITAL, and
then take a left as soon as you pass the SUBWAY STATION. The club will be to
your left.

FROM Punk Noodles TO SupaSave:
Head south and take an immediate left into the alley. You will be facing the
POLICE STATION. Continue straight onto the grass! Keep going as straight as
you can until you see SUPASAVE in front of you. Merge onto the
SUPASAVE/PORTLAND HARBOR road and go in the entrance to SUPASAVE's blue lot (on
the left). Park in the blue circle.

/ \
_/ =================
\ Staunton Island
\__/ =================

Staunton Island is probably the best island on which to do your taxi missions.
The routes are easy, and there are hardly any bad gangs. As an added bonus
your gang will defend you against those gangs. It's only confusing in Newport,
with that whole overpass thing. Other than that, Staunton Island is great! It
gets boring after a while, though.


|__|_ ================
| Shoreside Vale
| ================

Shoreside Vale is THE trickiest island in the entire game due to its different
elevations. Because of that fact, I have included very detailed routes for
Shoreside. It is somewhat safer because the only place to avoid is Cedar Grove,
where a gang shoots at you. The South Side Hoods (Wichita Gardens) will only
attack if you attack them.

/4a. Why it's tricky but somewhat safer/

/4b. Routes/

FROM Hospital TO Cochrane Dam:
Take a right out of the HOSPITAL and follow the road past the POLICE STATION
onto the dirt road that goes above COCHRANE DAM. Stop in the blue marker.

FROM Hospital TO Francis Int'l Airport:
Take a left and follow the curve. After that, take a right and continue on that
road. Take your next first right just before the PORTER TUNNEL/FRANCIS SLIPWAY
and the SHORESIDE LIFT BRIDGE. Follow that road around the curve.

FROM Hospital TO Northwest Towers:
Take a right and go past the POLICE STATION. Keep going past the COCHRANE DAM
and the IMPORT/EXPORT GARAGE (go around the curve). Follow yet another curve,
then take a LEFT across the BRIDGE. Just before the CARTEL MANSION, take a
right and follow the winding road to the bottom.

FROM Hospital TO Park:
Take a right and follow the road past the POLICE STATION. Go across the
COCHRANE DAM and take a right onto the "real" road. Follow all of the curves
past the PORTER TUNNEL, etc. until you come to a dirt road on your right. Take
it to the end, where there will be a square of dirt. Stop in the blue marker.

FROM Hospital TO Import/Export Garage:
Take a right and go past the POLICE STATION, then follow the curve (past the
COCHRANE DAM). It should be on your right.

FROM Cochrane Dam TO Hospital:
Head south and follow the road overlooking the COCHRANE DAM. Go onto the main
road and head past the POLICE STATION. The hospital should be on your left.

FROM Cochrane Dam TO Francis Int'l Airport:
Head south on the road overlooking the COCHRANE DAM, then go onto the road past
the POLICE STATION and the HOSPITAL. Then, follow the left curve and take your
first right. Just before the PORTER TUNNEL/FRANCIS SLIPWAY and the SHORESIDE
LIFT BRIDGE, take a right and follow the left curve.

FROM Cochrane Dam TO Northwest Towers:
Head across COCHRANE DAM towards the mountains. Take a right onto "real" road.
Just past the PORTER TUNNEL, take a left up the grassy hill on which your
HIDEOUT is located (if you can't make it, go further down and try again). Then,
take a left at your HIDEOUT and follow it.

FROM Cochrane Dam TO Park:
Head across COCHRANE DAM towards the mountains. Take a right onto "real" road.
Follow it past the PORTER TUNNEL until you see a dirt road on your right. Take
it and follow it.

FROM Cochrane Dam TO Import/Export Garage:
Head south across the COCHRANE DAM and take a left onto "real" road. It will be
on your right.

FROM Francis Int'l Airport TO Cochrane Dam:
Once out of the airport road, take a left. Follow the curve, take another left
and follow that road (past the HOSPITAL and POLICE STATION) all the way up to
the Dam.

FROM Francis Int'l Airport TO Hospital:
Once out of the airport road, take a left. Take another left and follow that
road and the right curve. The hospital should be on your right.

FROM Francis Int'l Airport TO Northwest Towers:
Once out of the airport road, take a right. Go into the PORTER TUNNEL. At the
underground intersection, take a left (at the sign marked <-- SHORESIDE VALE)
and go out of the tunnel. Take another left and go up the grassy hill on which
your HIDEOUT is located. Take a left at your HIDEOUT and follow the road to the

FROM Francis Int'l Airport TO Park:
Once out of the airport road, take a right. Go into the PORTER TUNNEL. At the
underground intersection, take a left (at the sign marked <-- SHORESIDE VALE)
and go out of the tunnel. Take another left and follow the road until you come
to a dirt road on your right. Take that road and follow it!

FROM Francis Int'l Airport TO Import/Export Garage:
Once out of the airport road, take a left. Take another left and follow the
road past the HOSPITAL and POLICE STATION. Follow another right curve, and the
garage should be on your right.

FROM Northwest Towers TO Cochrane Dam:
Go out of the lot and follow the curve. At your HIDEOUT, take a right to go
down the grassy hill. Take another right onto the road and follow the road to
the blocked-off tunnel. Take a left onto the COCHRANE DAM.

FROM Northwest Towers TO Hospital:
Go up the winding road and take a left at the CARTEL MANSION/SUBURBAN HOUSES to
go across the bridge. Take a right and continue along the road, going past the
IMPORT/EXPORT GARAGE and POLICE STATION. The hospital will be on your left.

FROM Northwest Towers TO Francis Int'l Airport:
Go out of the lot and follow the curve. Take a right at your HIDEOUT to go down
the grassy hill. Take a right and another right to go into the PORTER TUNNEL
and take your first right (FRANCIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT -->). When you come
out, take your first left and follow the road.

FROM Northwest Towers TO Park:
Go out of the lot and follow the road, going past your HIDEOUT. Go onto the
diagonal downhill road and continue straight on it. Take a left at the end.
Take a right onto the dirt road and follow it.

FROM Northwest Towers TO Import/Export Garage:
Go up the winding road and take a left at the CARTEL MANSION/SUBURBAN HOUSES to
go across the bridge. Take a right, follow the curve, and the garage should be
on your left.

FROM Park TO Cochrane Dam:
Take a left and follow the road all the way to the blocked-off tunnel. Take a
left onto the Dam.

FROM Park TO Hospital:
Take a left and follow the road, going past the PORTER TUNNEL, all the way to
the blocked-off tunnel. Take a left onto the COCHRANE DAM and follow it onto
"real" road. Go past the POLICE STATION, and the hospital should be on your

FROM Park TO Francis Int'l Airport:
Take a left and follow the road until you come to the PORTER TUNNEL entrance
just before the underpass. Take a right into the tunnel. At the underground
intersection, take another right (FRANCIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT -->). Once out,
take your first left and follow the road.

FROM Park TO Northwest Towers:
Take a left off of the dirt road onto "real" road and take your first right
(uphill diagonally). Follow it past your HIDEOUT and stop in the blue marker.

FROM Park TO Import/Export Garage:
Take a left off of the dirt road onto "real" road and follow it all the way,
going past the PORTER TUNNEL, to the blocked-off tunnel. Take a left onto the
COCHRANE DAM and take a left onto "real road" after that. The garage should be
on your right.

FROM Import/Export Garage TO Cochrane Dam:
Take a left out of the garage and take a right onto the Dam.

FROM Import/Export Garage TO Hospital:
Take a left and follow the curve. Go past the POLICE STATION, and the hospital
should be on your left.

FROM Import/Export Garage TO Francis Int'l Airport:
Take a right and follow the curve. Follow the diagonal stretch until it turns
into a straight stretch. Follow that, too. Keep going straight, around the
curves, and take your first right, just before the LIFT BRIDGE. Follow the road
and stop in the blue marker.

FROM Import/Export Garage TO Northwest Towers:
Take a right and follow the curve. Take a left across the bridge, then take a
right. Follow the winding road down to the bottom, take a right past your
HIDEOUT, and go all the way around to the lot.

FROM Import/Export Garage TO Park:
Take a left, then a right onto the COCHRANE DAM. Take a right after the Dam and
follow the road, going past the PORTER TUNNEL, until you see a dirt road on your
right. Take it and follow it to the end.

|__ ==============
___/ ==============

For doing 100 taxi missions you get a special Borgnine Taxi, a red taxi with
spikes on it. It is available at Borgnine Taxi in Harwood (or thereabouts). To
get to Borgnine, take the Porter Tunnel all the way to Portland. Once out, take
your first left. It should at Borgnine Taxi's.

/5a. Borgnine Review/

It has amazing pickup and can outrun any of those Mafia guys.
My extensive "slalom" test in Francis Int'l Airport has proved that this
car's handling is exemplary.
The car has spikes; what else is needed?
SCORE ----> 30 (PERFECT)
This is one of the best cars in the game.


Here is my copyright notice:

Copyright 2003 Chris Gage

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission via e-mail: Use
of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited and a violation of copyright.


Time to listen to Chatterbox.

Until next update,

-Chris Gage (a.k.a. chrisg0619)

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