Natural Selection

Natural Selection

30.08.2013 13:00:04
Half Life: Natural Selection Mod (3.00b)
Marine/Kharaa Guide
Version 1.02

Copyright 2003 Wood Elf
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E-mail me suggestions or corrections.

Legal Info
This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private
use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly
without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or
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Look at bottom for more info.

Quicksearch Note:
You can use the Find command (Ctrl+F) to quickly find the part you need.

1.00 Commander (Marine)
2.00 Grunt (Marine)
3.00 Buildings (Marine)
4.00 Weapons/Items (Marine)
5.00 Alien Lifeforms (Kharaa)
6.00 Lifeform Upgrades (Kharaa)
7.00 Attacks (Kharaa)
8.00 Buildings (Kharaa)
9.00 Tips and Suggestions (Marine)
10.00 Tips and Suggestions (Kharaa)
11.00 What is Natural Selection?
12.00 Console Cheats
13.00 Versions
14.00 Credits and Thanks
15.00 FAQs

1.00 Commander (Marine)

The Commander, the keystone to the marine team. They control all the resources
to place buildings, weapons, waypoints and drop medpacks/ammo.

Marines NEED a commander or they will die in a few minutes. I would make an
experienced non-yelling marine the commander.

You can be a good commander unless you know all the buildings (3.00 Buildings -

2.00 Grunt (Marine)

The commander may be the keystone, but grunts are just as important. They build
the buildings (Hold E to build) and kill the enemies.

If you are planning to be a grunt, be sure to know the commands in the menu
selection (Right-Click). I will draw some guides for it.

_________ | _________

That’s the basic menu.


_________ _________ _________

Ready Room makes you go back to the Ready room to change teams if you want (can
just hit F4 to go to Ready Room). If more than 50% people (I think) choose
Eject Comm option, the commander will be ejected from the Commander Seat.


_________ | _________

The main reason to go in this branch is to drop a weapon. You can do the rest
with default keys.



| _________

If you do Need Order, an icon will show up on the commander’s screen. Please,
for all commanders’ sake, don’t spam Need Order.

Acknowledged is just saying you’ve got the order but it’s basically a waste of


There are 3 branches to comms, I will do the one which you will be using the

_________ | _________

If you call for Health, an icon will show up on the commander’s screen showing
that you need some. Same thing with ammo, only with a different icon.

3.00 Buildings (Marine)

If you want to be a good commander, you need to know what buildings to place
and what their purposes are.

This is how they will be setup...

Name X (Abbreviation)
Cost X
Building Requirements: X
Info X

^^^Note: I won’t place Upgrades unless it’s possible to upgrade something (Same
with Abilities)^^^


Name: Resource Tower (RT)
Cost: 15
Health: 6000
Build Time: 15
Building Requirments: None
Info: These are the building you will most likely be placing the most. After
the grunts finish, a RT (most commonly called) will give you 1 resource every
Electrical Defense (30): This upgrade requires a Turret Factory. This is used
to stop skulks from taking down RTs. They will not stop a Bile Bombing Gorge, a
fade with regeneration. And fear the Onos even with this on.


Name: Infantry Portal (IP)
Cost: 20
Health: 2500
Build Time: 10
Building Requirments: Placed inside the radius of a Command Console.
Info: These respawn dead marines, without it your team will die in a matter of
minutes. Once a marine starts to spawn, it’s about 4 seconds until the marine
comes back. Be sure to get one IP for every 3 people.


Name: Armory
Cost: 15
Health: 2400
Build Time: 15
Building Requirments: None
Info: Be ready to see marines fill out their ammo supplies here and die in a
few seconds after they get out. Also you can drop weapons in the radius of the
armory (Shotgun, Welder and Mine.)
Advanced Armory (30): This makes it able to drop the most advance weapons in
the radius of the Armory (Heavy Machine Gun, Grenade Launcher)


Name: Command Console (CC)
Cost: 20
Health: 10000
Build Time: 15
Building Requirments: None
Info: These are what the commander sits in to do his job. The main reason to
place another one is, in case the first one is about to die and you need to
relocate your base


Name: Turret Factory (TF)
Cost: 15
Health: 3000
Build Time: 13
Building Requirments: None
Info: You can drop turrets in the radius of the TF. The turrets inside the
radius also need the TF to stay alive or they will be shut down and not able to
defend the area, so be sure that the TF stays alive and well.
Electrical Defense (30): This upgrade requires a Turret Factory. This is used
to stop skulks from taking down RTs. They will not stop a Bile Bombing Gorge, a
fade with regeneration. And fear the Onos even with this on.
Advanced Turret Factory (15): This allows you to build Siege Turrets in the
radius of the TF. There is also a bug that fully heals the TF once it finishes
(I think it’s a bug).


Name: Turret
Cost: 10
Health: 1300
Build Time: 7
Building Requirments: Turret Factory, and inside TF radius
Info: This is the automatic defense of the Marines. Normally you should have
about 5 turrets to take down any skulks. Turrets do light damage which means
they deal full damage to Skulks and Gorges (and possibly Lerks). But little
against Fades and Onos, so marines will need to help defend also. It only hurts
about 10 damage per hit.


Name: Siege Turret
Cost: 15
Health: 2000
Build Time: 10
Building Requirments: Inside radius of a Advance Turret Factory
Info: This turret only targets buildings but it can damage units. It does 165
damage and double against buildings. They need to be on the same level and in
sight to be able to shoot. Or, you need to do a Scan Sweep, and then they will
be able to shoot through walls. Don’t know why but it does.


Name: Observatory
Cost: 20
Health: 1700
Build Time: 15
Building Requirments: Armory
Info: It decloaks any units inside the radius of observatory. It shows all
cloaked buildings inside the radius as blue circles.
Motion Tracking (45): This is a must for marines. It shows all aliens that are
moving as blue circles on the screen. It’s great to know if a Kharaa is going
to go around the corner, vent or any other helpful spots. Note: The ability is
disabled while building.
Phase Tech (15):
You need this to be able to build Phase Gates which are great to help out
strategic points. Note: Be careful not to research it twice since there is a
bug (as of 2.01) which you can research it infinite times.
Scan Sweep (25 Energy):
It decloaks all units and buildings inside the area. GREAT to find sensory
chambers in the area to stop invisible attacks and used to allow Siege Turrets
to attack.
Distress Beacon (15):
This ability costs 15 res (resources), it takes about 2 seconds until it
finishes. It instantly revives all marines at Marine Start once it finishes.


Name: Arm Lab
Cost: 25
Health: 2200
Build Time: 19
Building Requirments: Armory
Info: This allows you upgrade your grunts ammo and weapon damage.
Weapon Upgrade 1/2/3:
Each weapon upgrade makes weapons deal an extra 10% damage (max of 30%).
Armor Upgrade 1/2/3:
Each armor upgrade increases grunts armor by 20 each time (10% damage to health
reduction each level), or 30 extra armor for Heavy Armor.

I like to get first armor so it takes 3 skulk bites to kill a marine. Then I
get 2 weapon upgrades, armor upgrade, weapon upgrade and final armor.



Name: Prototype Lab
Cost: 40
Health: 4000
Build Time: 20
Building Requirments: Advance Armory and Arm Lab
Info: Once researched, you can place Heavy Armor and Jetpacks
Heavy Armor (40) (HA):
Heavy Armor makes you move slower, but you start with 200 armor (30 extra per
armor level).
Jetpacks (35) (JP):
This allows the marine to fly into the air. Most people think they are a lot
worse than Heavy Armor, but they require more skill. They are better since they
don’t need constant maintenance from welders (in my opinion).


Name: Phase Gate (PG)
Cost: 15
Health: 3000
Build Time: 12
Building Requirments: Infantry Portal and Phase Tech
Info: This allows instant transportation across to other Phase Gates, these can
help to keep a hive secured.

4.00 Weapons/Items (Marine)

The info is set up like this...

Name: X (O
Ammo per clip: X
Max Clips: X
Damage: X
Fire Rate: X
Accuracy: X
Info: X

^^^Note: Max clips doesn’t count the clip that is in use.


Name: Light Machine Gun (LMG)
Ammo per clip: 50
Max Clips: 5
Damage: 10 per bullet
Fire Rate: 10.00 shots/sec
Accuracy: Good
Cost: N/A
Info: This weapon is the standard of grunts (you spawn with it). It's an ok
weapon until middle game. It’s Light damage, so it deals less damage against
fades and onos.


Name: Pistol
Ammo per clip: 20
Max Clips: 3
Damage: 20 per bullet
Fire Rate: 5.00 shots/sec
Accuracy: Excellent
Cost: N/A
Info: Basic side-arm for marines. I like to use the pistol against skulks for a
long hallway and then switch to the Light Machine Gun


Name: Shotgun (SG)
Ammo per clip: 8
Max Clips: 4
Damage: 10 per bullet (17 bullets per shot)
Fire Rate: 0.77 shots/sec
Accuracy: Low
Cost: 10
Info: In my opinion, the best weapon. It can deal a total of 170 damage, and
that’s without weapon upgrades. And you don’t need a advance armory for it.
Unlike the more favored Heavy Machine Gun, which costs 5 more and 30 for a the
advance armory.


Name: Heavy Machine Gun (HMG)
Ammo per clip: 125
Max Clips: 2
Damage: 20 per bullet (half vs structures)
Fire Rate: 9.09 shots/sec
Accuracy: Low
Cost: 15
Info: This is the most favored weapon in the game but I don’t think it’s as
good as Shotgun. It has about 4x the field of fire of a LMG


Name: Grenade Launcher (GL)
Ammo per clip: 4
Max Clips: 7.2
Damage: 125 per grenade (double against structures)
Fire Rate: 0.83 shots/sec
Accuracy: Very Poor/Great (it always shoots in the same place if you hold
still, but it hard to aim on a moving target).
Cost: 20
Info: It’s good to have one of these for about every 5 Shotgunners/Heavy
Machine gunners. They are great for taking down buildings and the quickest way
to take down hives.


Name: Welder
Ammo per clip: N/A
Max Clips: N/A
Damage: 4 per spark
Fire Rate: Very Fast
Accuracy: Good
Cost: 5
Info: This "weapon" is used to repair buildings and is used on weldable panels.
It’s funny to see a weld kill.


Name: Mine
Ammo per clip: N/A
Max Clips: N/A
Damage: About 90
Fire Rate: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Cost: 10
Info: You only get 5 mines for the 10 res, but it does deal about 90 damage per
hit. So it can take out a 100 res onos.


Name: Hand Grenade
Ammo per clip: N/A
Max Clips: N/A
Damage: 125 (Double vs structures)
Fire Rate: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Cost: 20
Info: Once these are reserched at an Armory, every marine spawned gains a
single hand grenade.


Name: Catalyst
Ammo per clip: N/A
Max Clips: N/A
Damage: N/A
Fire Rate: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Cost: 20/4
Info: Once researched at the Arms Lab, the commander is able to drop a Catalyst
which increases attack rate and movment speed by +25%, but it does hurt the
marine 25 HP *CoughStarCraftStimPackCough*.

Name: Heavy Armor
Cost: 15
Info: Heavy Armor makes you move slower, but you start with 200 armor (30 extra
per armor level). If alot of marines get equiped with this, along with advance
weapons and welders, its called a Heavy Train.


Name: Jetpack
Cost: 15
Info: This allows the marine to fly into the air. Most people think they are a
lot worse than Heavy Armor. They require more skill, but they are better since
they don’t need constant maintenance from welders (in my opinion).

5.00 Alien Lifeforms (Kharaa)

I wanted to say this first before I go onto the Kharaa. Unlike a giant pile of
resources with marines, it works like this...

First player gets a res
Second Player gets a res
Third player gets a res

And if you have more RTs, the quicker you get your res.

Also they get their higher level attacks by placing another hive. A hive spawns
dead Kharaa so the more hives, the quicker you can spawn.


Skulk: 70/10
Cost: 10
These are the basic alien life forms. They are good for a quick hit and run
attacks for lone marines. Also they are good at ambushes since they are the
only life form that can climb onto walls. Watch out for these guys if you’re

Suggested Upgrades:

Sensory: Scent of Fear
Defense: Carapace
Movement: Celerity

This can help out those skulks who like to Xenoside and if you know if there is
a huge amount of marines ripe for the killing.

Sensory: Scent of Fear
Defense: Regeneration
Movement: Celerity\Adrenaline

This is for those who like to jump down on their enemies heads and give them a
teeth-full hug. Regeneration is good since if you get hit a few times, you
don’t need to run all the way back to the hive to heal. And I personally like
Celerity but Adrenaline can help if you like to leap a lot to dodge bullets.

Silent, but Deadly:
Sensory: Focus
Defense: Regeneration
Movment: Silence/Scent of Fear

This is a setup I like. Its good for ambushing them from ceiling and do a quick
bite on the head when you fall down for a quick kill then run off if there are
others with him.


Gorge: 150/40
Cost: 10
The builders of the Kharaa. They are the only one that has the ability to place
the buildings so you MUST have at least 1 at all times. They may seem not too
tough but they can dish out a lot of damage at times. They are mainly builders
and minor support.

Suggested Upgrades:

None: They can almost use any setup they want. Generally I think
Regeneration/Carapace/Celerity is the most used.


Lerk: 120/30
Cost: 30
The support flying unit. Fear these marines if you don’t have any Heavy Armor.
You can fly if you hit spacebar multiple times, and hold spacebar to glide.

Suggested Upgrades:

Spore Master:
Sensory: Scent of Fear
Defense: Regeneration
Movement: Adrenaline

This is the best setup to spam spore on the enemy before they can find you,


Fade: 250/100:
Cost: 50
This is my favorite unit (Lerk is second fav) as Kharaa. They can fly across
the map in a few dozen seconds with their blink skill. Also they can heal
themselves but I think Regeneration is better than Metabolize.

Hit & Run:
Sensory: Scent of Fear/Cloaking
Defense: Regeneration/Carapace
Movement: Adrenaline

Scent of Fear is better IMO but some people like to use cloaking. Regeneration
is better also I think but people also like Carapace. Adrenaline is almost a
must since blink drains energy so fast, but you can move so rapidly across the
map with blink (who needs Phase Gate?).


Onos: 700/500
Cost: 75
The Elephant sized killing machine. These guys are a mix of support unit and
pure strength. Their Stomp can freeze the enemys from moving, so if you spam
it, your allies can pick them off. Also, Devour is great, since the only way
they can live after being eaten is for the onos to die, so this is great for
HA. Their Gore attack is also great, since about 5 hits will take down a Turret.

I rarly play Onos so I dont have any good upgrades. If you have any, please
E-mail me them.

6.00 Lifeform Upgrades (Kharaa)

There are 3 levels of the upgrades. One for each type of upgrade chamber (if
you get more than 3, nothing happens).


You start to cloak after a period of time. The higher the level of cloaking,
the quicker you start to cloak. If you use walk skill, it does not disable your
invisibility but if you run, it disables your cloaking.

Scent of Fear:
You will see enemys like Motion Tracking, the higher the level, the further you
can see them.

Each level increases cool down for your Slot 1 weapon by 33%, and damage
increases by by half for each level.



It increases the regeneration of energy, 33% per level.

Increases movement speed. You move faster for each level.

Decreases sound from any action. It decreases by 50% at first level, 15% at
second and 0% at third level.



If you have less than 40% health, there will be a 30% chance of teleporting
back to the hive every second.

Every 2 seconds, you heal 3% of your total life for every level of regeneration.

Increases armor for every level.
Skulk armor bonus: 20 hp/level
Gorge armor bonus: 50 hp/level
Lerk armor bonus: 30 hp/level
Fade armor bonus: 100 hp/level
Onos armor bonus: 150 hp/level

7.00 Attacks (Kharaa)


Name: Bite
Damage: 80
Energy Cost: 5%
Fire Rate: 1.25 bites/sec
Info: The most deadly weapon at start of the game (besides SG, bwahahahaha).
Two hits will kill a marine without level 1 armor upgrade.

Name: Parasite
Damage: 10
Energy Cost: 30%
Fire Rate: 2.00 shots/sec
Info: This is good to use on a marine BEFORE you start to attack. If you die,
the marine will still show up on hive sight (it's like Motion Tracking, only
they can move and still see them). It can also be used on buildings but it does
not damage them. It can be used to flip switches.

Name: Leap
Damage: 80
Energy Cost: 25%
Fire Rate: N/A
Info: Good to do a leap and then start biting the marine to surprise the enemy.
Some people like to use the Leap attack to dodge bullets.

Name: Xenocide
Damage: 200
Energy Cost: 70%
Fire Rate: N/A
Info: After about 2 seconds once you start (it takes a full energy bar) you
will do a kamikaze attack that deals 200 damage (It's like a grenade, deals
less damage the further away you are).



Name: Spit
Damage: 25
Energy Cost: 12%
Fire Rate: 1.25 shots/sec
Info: The basic attack for Gorges. This can kill a marine fairly fast if he is
going solo and if the gorge is good.

Name: Healing Spray
Damage: 25
Energy Cost: 15%
Fire Rate: 0.63
Info: This is used to either to hurt the enemy or to heal your allies. If you
see a friendly standing next to you, check his HP/Armor and see if he needs

Name: Bilebomb
Damage: 200
Energy Cost: 22%
Fire Rate: 0.67 shots/sec
Info: This deals a lot of damage to buildings only. There currently is a bug
where you need to be on the same level of the building so you can’t bilebomb
stuff from the vent (as of 2.01)

Name: Web
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 18%
Fire Rate: 2.00 shots/sec
Info: If a marine gets hit with the webs that stick on the wall, they will slow
down and will not be able to attack. So place them carefully so they will hit
all marines that walk through. I got this off of web

|........................| Looking down a corridor, wall on each side.

|o.......................| Say you shot web at "o"...

|........................| And then shot here....

|___________.............| The web will connect like so.



Name: Bite
Damage: 60
Energy Cost: 5%
Fire Rate: 1.56 bites/sec
Info: Since its 65 damage, if you get Focus it will not be an instant kill, but
the new lerk flight (From 3.00), will make up for that.

Name: Spores
Damage: 7 hp/second
Energy Cost: 35%
Fire Rate: 0.50 shots/sec
Info: This creates a cloud of spores that hurts all enemies in its radius.
Great to spore armory or infantry portal. Heavy Armor filters out the spores so
it can’t hurt them.

Name: Umbrella
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 30%
Fire Rate: 1.00 shots/sec
Info: This blocks every 2 out of 3 bullets. Great to stop HMG shots against

Name: Primal Scream
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 30%
Fire Rate: 1.00 shots/sec
Info: Any alien near the Lerk when he lets out this powerfull scream, their
attack rate will be increased +30%, attack speed increases +30% and max energy
is increased +60% for 3 seconds.



Name: Slash
Damage: 90
Energy Cost: 7%/swipe
Fire Rate: 1.11 swipes/sec
Info: Deals about the same amount of bite but it is a little slower than it.

Name: Blink
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 5%/blink
Fire Rate: 20.00 blinks/sec
Info: This makes you move very fast. The best way to get across the map for any
life form. It does take a lot of energy though, so get Adrenaline or Celerity.

Name: Metabolize
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 35%/use
Fire Rate: 1.00 uses/sec
Info: Each time you use this weapon, it heals you 20 HP. It works in the same
way as regeneration.

Name: Acid Rocket
Damage: 50 (Splash Damage)
Energy Cost: 20%/shot
Fire Rate: 1.00 shots/sec
Info: This is my favorite fade weapon. It’s the best way to take down marines
with jetpacks and to take down turrets without being shot at.



Name: Gore
Damage: 80 hp/hit (Double vs structures)
Energy Cost: 6%/hit
Fire Rate: 1.05 hits/sec
Info: The basic attack, great for taking out turrets, so all the other life
forms can come in without fear of turrets.

Name: Devour
Damage: 3 hp/sec
Energy Cost: 20%/attempt
Fire Rate: 0.50 attempts/sec
Info: You eat the person, the marine slowly gets hurt over time and dies after
so many seconds. If the Onos dies or if they use redemption, the marine comes
out and lives.

Name: Stomp
Damage: N/A
Energy Cost: 30%/stomp
Fire Rate: Slow
Info: If a marine gets hit by this "weapon", they get stunned for 2-3 seconds.
Great to start with and then follow up with devour.

Name: Charge
Damage: 320 hp/hit
Energy Cost: 7%/hit
Fire Rate: N/A
Info: It makes the onos move faster but drains so much energy. It does not do
much damage for the energy cost.

8.00 Buildings (Kharaa)

Offense Tower
Cost: 10
Health: 10
Build Time: 11
Regen Rate: 5
Damage: 20
Info: For 10 (which I think it should be lowered to 5-7), you get the Kharaa’s
version of a turret. It deals 20 damage to marines.


Resource Tower
Cost: 15
Health: 2500
Build Time: 20
Regen Rate: 5
Info: Same as human RT only they can’t get electricity upgrade.


Cost: 40
Health: 7000
Build Time: 180
Regen Rate: 2
Info: If you move near one of the 3 hive locations, you can put another hive
up. Hives can spawn an alien, so the more hives you have, the quicker you get
spawned. Also they allow you to get the next weapon.


Sensory Chamber
Cost: 10
Health: 800
Build Time: 14
Regen Rate: 5
Info: They cloak all nearby buildings and units. Great to hid a lot of OCs and
surprise the marines. It also bloaks the Motion Tracking for nearby Kharaa.


Defense Chamber
Cost: 10
Health: 120
Build Time: 20
Regen Rate: 5
Info: Heals nearby allies or buildings. They can heal up to 3 things at a time,
giving them 10 HP every 2 seconds.


Movement Chamber
Cost: 10
Health: 1000
Build Time: 12
Regen Rate: 5
Info: Every second it gives you a refreshment burst of energy. And, if you hit
E on a Movement chamber, you teleport to a random hive.

9.00 Tips and Suggestions (Marine)


One VERY important thing is to sercure the hives. Otherwise all your hard work
will be gone. Create about 6-8 turrets to sercure it. Also place a Phase Gate
next to the Turret Factory so your marines can phase threw in case a Onos is

Always stay with a partner, even if you think your the best, it cannot hurt you
if a partner to cover your back from a skulk.

Don't always relaod Heavy Machine Gun, if you only used about 50 or less
bullets, leave it alone. If it goes below 50 and you think it's safe (Or a
partner), reload.

Make sure turret will be able to cover infantry portal and all sides of the
turrets factory. I have won a few games as fade by blinking by the turrets and
kill the infantry portals, then the onos allies come in and take the rest of
the base down.

Talk to your allies, tell them if you see a fade or onos at your location. Or
tell them if a large amount of OCs are near your location.

10.00 Tips and Suggestions (Kharaa)

If your a skulk, stay in groups.

11.00 What is Natural Selection?

Natural Selection is a self-made mod for Half-Life (About 5-10 dollars right
now), its a Marine vs Kharaa (Aliens). It is a First Person Shooter Real Time
Stratagy game. That means a human plays as a normal Real Time Stratagy (RTS)
view, placing buildings. The twist is that the fighters are human players.

Then there are Kharaa, they do not have a commander, but they can morph into 5
differnt life forms, one of them is a builder. You create more hives to spawn
quicker and gain more powerfull abilitys. They can also can get abilitys, which
increases the Kharaas power even more.

12.00 Console Cheats

Do you need some extra fun in a lan game, why not try cheats?

bigdig - All structure build instantly
slowresearch - Turns off fast researching normally present with cheats
lowcost - All structures and upgrades cost 2.
highdamage - All damage is multiplied by 50.
hightech - All research finishes instantly.
detectall - All entities are automatically detected
numinfos - Prints message counting info_location entities
numspawns - Prints message counting number of spawn entities
entityinfo - Prints detailed information about entities in world
numents - Prints message counting number of entities in world
invul - Toggles invulnerability for player
listps - Lists particle systems to be used by editps below
editps - Usage: editps , then type toggleeditps to tweak
this particle system
redeem - Redeems player as if they had Redemption upgrade
buildminimap - Generates minimap sprite
giveupgrade - Usage: giveupgrade to give you an upgrade
removeupgrade - Opposite of giveupgrade
spectate - Become spectator
givepoints - Gives you or your team 20 resources (NS only)
givexp - Usage: givexp or givexp . Gives experience as if you killed
player of this level (Combat only, default is 1)
killcs - Kills random Command Center on team, if any
killhive - Kills random active hive on team, if any
spawnhive - Spawns new hive for team
alert - Triggers random alert ("hive under attack, soldiers under attack", etc.)
killall - Does massive damage to all players, from the player executing command
switch - Switch teams while remaining in place
sendmessage - Usage: sendmessage message mode
Mode of 0: Calls UTIL_ShowMessage(message, currentPlayer)
Mode of 1: Calls UTIL_Error(message, currentPlayer)
Mode of 2: currentPlayer->SendMessage(message, isTooltip)
Mode of anything else: currentPlayer->SendMessage(message, notTooltip)
hurt - Current player takes 20 generic damage
setgamma - Usage: setgamma (0.0-1.0). Sets gamma for all clients, useful when
making a map.
setculldistance - Usage: setculldistance x. Useful for tweaking culling when
making a map.

13.00 Versions

1.02 Minor changes


1.01 Updated a few things since the 3.00b patch came out.


1.00 Just put on GameFAQs

14.00 Credits and Thanks

Any one and every one who help made Half-life and Natural Selection
CJayC for making GameFAQs
Me for making this

15.00 FAQs

Q: I would like to post your Walkthrough on , can I?
A: Yes you can, as long as you DO NOT CHANGE ANY TEXT. You also need to send an
e-mail saying that you will post it on your site, this is just to know what
sites have my Walkthrough. And if you wish to change the file from a .txt to
another format, please notify that in the E-mail. If you do not follow every

Q: Marines are to overpowered! Once they get a Heavy Train they can't die!
A: Its no easy task to get all of the equiment needed. It takes about 100-250
or so resources to make a heavy train. 15 for HMG, 20 if they want GL, 15 for
HA and 5 for Welder...

35 per Marine

The best way to defeat them, is to prevent them from getting it in the first

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Combat Scenarios Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

14.Октябрь 2013
Combat Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

01.Октябрь 2013
Marine/Kharaa Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

30.Август 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Kharaa Perfect Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
07.Июнь 2019