Will Rock

Will Rock

17.10.2013 08:33:53
Will Rock Walkthru
By boscobuddy(Jack Harris)
March 6, 2004
Version 1.00
This walkthru is copyrighted
You may display or post this walkthru on your website or publication,
only under the following conditions.

1. It is presented in it's entirety
2. It is not to be altered or changed in any way.
3. It is offered free, to anyone who wishes to access or acquire it.


I brought this game when it first came out, and I was still riding
around on the high from having completed Serious Sam 1 & 2. The first
time I played Will Rock, it stomped me into the ground good. So I put
it away for a long long long time, waiting for someone to write a
Walkthru or Strategy Guide. Boy, did I have a long wait. Finally in
January of 2004, I decided that it was never going to happen,
especially since the game was 'old & cold'. So if you want it done, ya
gotta do it yourself.

So I started playing it again, this time playing very cautiously, and
writing down everything that I did. This was done in the Will Win
mode. After I finished, I went back and played in the Will Play mode,
editing everything that I had written. About halfway thru it, I
discovered the Black Box version. So I used it to make corrections of
where I had been exploring places that didn't provide anything but
extra damage toWill.

On Feb 22, 2004, I discovered that LM had posted a Secrets FAQ. And I
used that to see if I missed any secrets. I found that although I had
found most of these places, some I had missed, because I was nearby,
but didn't explore everywhere that I could have. So what follows, is
the result of all that playing effort.

I know that the professional gamers have probably traded their copies
of the game in for the latest edition of whatever game happens to be
hot now. But maybe someone new, might find a copy in a garage sale
somewhere, and wanna try it. Hopefully, this walkthru will at least
help them.


Use/Activate-----Mouse Wheel

Machine Gun-----3
Acid Gun-----5
Fireball Thrower-----6
Medusa Gun-----7
Mini Gun-----8
Atomic Gun-----0

Previous Weapon-----Wheel Down
Next Weapon-----Wheel Up

Titan Damage-----Num Pad /
Immortality-----Num Pad *
Titan Motion-----Num Pad -

Reload-----Right Mouse
Fire-----Left Mouse

Quick Save-----F6
Quick Load-----F9
Show Statistics-----Backspace
Record Screenshot-----Alt
Toggle Full Screen-----Alt-Enter
Toggle Windows-----Alt-Tab


Forward-----W or Arrow Up
Backward-----S or Arrow Down

Zoom-----Right Mouse Button

Machine Gun-----4
Acid Gun-----6
Fireball Thrower-----7
Medusa Gun-----8
Mini Gun-----9
Atomic Gun-----Hyphen

Previous Weapon-----Wheel Down
Next Weapon-----Wheel Up

Titan Damage-----I
Titan Motion-----P

Manual Reload-----R
Fire------Left Mouse or Ctrl

Quick Save-----F6
Quick Load-----F9
Pause Game-----Pause
Show Statistics-----Backspace
Record Screenshot-----Alt
Toggle Full Screen-----Alt-Enter
Toggle Windows-----Alt-Tab
Enemies Freeze: Alt+1
God Mode: Alt+3
Outfit Change: Alt+5
Kill All Enemies: Alt+6
Kills Will Instantly: Alt+8


If you choose to be stubborn, and deviate from what's in this walkthru,
I promise I WON'T rig your keyboard with electricity, to give you
instant shock therapy. Do whatever works for you-or else suffer the

I'm open to constructive criticism, but bad mouthing and put downs will
be deleted REAL FAST.

This walkthru is based on the "Hit & Run" style of play: From cover,
move out to trigger enemies(Hit), then hightail it back to cover(Run),
and let them come to you. This means that for the most part, you'll
only have to deal with frontal assaults. If you think this is cowardly
or makes you a big 'fraidy cat', then consider that when your enemies
can't find, or get at you, they hide around corners, and on the other
side of doorways, and will clock you in the back of the head as you go
past. If you wanna be all gung ho, and dance around in the open, being
attacked from all directions, then the game allows for that too. But
my question to that is Why? In regards to getting my ass kicked, my
philosophy is: if I ain't gotta, then I ain't gonna. When all is said
and done, nobody really cares how you win-just did you win!!!

Look for the word ALTAR in capital letters, at the start of a new
level. If you see it, that means that there is an altar somewhere in
that level. Before proceeding with the level, find it, then scan the
level for any place that you might need to use your power-up, since you
now know where and when you'll be able to replenish your powerups-that
is if you've got at least 150 Pieces of Gold on hand.

The best places to use powerups are:
Any Boss fight.
Against a large quantity of minotaurs.
Any battle where a lot of different enemies attack you at the same

Titan Motion is good against large quantities of birds, multi-enemy
battles, enemies that change direction quickly(lions, tigers, and
centaurs). Titan Motion, is probably the worst of the three power ups
because while it slows your enemies down, it also slows you down too.

Titan damage and Immortality are best against any Boss, large
quantities of minotaurs, non-boss cyclops, and dogs.

You are impervious to pain while purchasing powerups.

Often times, if enemies can't get at or find you, they break up or
dissolve if you wait or stay hidden.

Enemies standing on or near barrels are freebies. All it costs is one
well placed bullet to maintain the status quo of your health.

Regularly and frequently reload your pistol, especially just before
quicksaving, since it has unlimited ammo.

QuickSave(F6) often, and after each successful encounter or

When the larger Minotaurs are killed, and they spawn two smaller ones,
stay there and shoot the masses before they have a chance to form

Your health, ammo, and armor carry over to each level, unless you
replay the level.

When using the machine gun, shoot in short bursts. The smoke that comes
out of the barrel makes it difficult to see enemies like rats, so shoot
them from a distance.

Each enemy makes a distinctive sound when they attack. It can be the
sound of their being triggered, the sound their weapon makes when
thrown, etc, but it is unique to that particular attacker, so learn to
listen, so you'll know what enemy is attacking, so you can know what
weapon to use.

Before you start a new area, look for the work ALTAR, in capital
letters at the start of that level, then find the point where you come
across the ALTAR in the level. This means that any big fight preceding
this point is a good place to use your powerups, because you'll soon be
able to replace them.

There are several places in the game, where you might encounter the
skeleton bug. What happens, is that instead of the game sending a set
number of skeletons at you, it just keeps on sending skeletons at you
forever. What I usually do, is switch to God Mode(Alt +3), then whack
them with the shovel, until I get bored, then just move onto the next
thing, until I get to a place where they can't follow. Then I press
Alt+3 again, to reset the game back to normal. This doesn't really
solve the problem, but for a while, it's kinda fun. I've even installed
the updated patch.

Some of the big battles in the game occur in large open area. At a
number of places in these open areas, are triggering points which make
an additional wave of enemies pop up. You can't help activating them,
because you don't know where they are. This it the reason that you will
be bombarded and totally overwhelmed with enemies. But if you stay
inside places like the starting point room, then you have control over
when the waves of enemies are triggered. So it's your choice, stay
inside and be in control, or go running out and get your ass kicked.


SHOVEL: Good for whacking things to save ammo

PISTOL: Unlimited Ammo

SHOTGUN: Best on Huddled Enemies and skeletons. Frequent reloads.

MACHINE GUN: No reload, lack of accuracy. Good for rats, and when you
strafe hordes of enemies. The barrel smokes, blocking your view.

CROSSBOW: Prevents minotaur regeneration. Burns minotaurs slowly,
allowing them time to finish their attack before becoming a crispy
critter. Can zoom in and snipe distant enemies. Shoot minotaurs while

ACID GUN: Prevents minotaur regeneration. Slow to incapacitate enemy.
Nice spray spread.

FIREBALL THROWER: Nice blast radius in center of crowd of enemies. Good
on tough enemies and bosses. Your bestest buddy in the whole wide

MEDUSA GUN: Prevents minotaur regeneration. Turns enemy to stone.
Immobilizes enemies faster than crossbow or acid gun. Spread is
superior to acid gun. Drawback is that it takes longer to fire.

MINI GUN: Occasional reloading. Slow to start firing. Speed and
accuracy superior to machine gun.

GRENADE: Best used on groups of enemies huddled around corners or below
you. Won't detonate unless you or enemies make contact. Shoot armed
grenades in your way.

ATOMIC GUN: Long firing delay between shots. Best against groups of
enemies. Shoots in a arc, letting you shoot over obstructions. The
longer you hold the trigger, the farther & straighter it shoots.



BIRDS: Single shot with any weapon to kill. Shoot them from a distance
whenever possible. Easier to hit when they are flying at you from a
distance, than when they are flying across the screen.

MINOTAUR: Flaming Axes explode on impact causing splash damage.
Crossbow, Acid Gun, Medusa Gun, and Atomic Gun, prevent them from

SPHINX: Shoots Eye Bolts. Keep your distance and shoot the golden
plate on top of there heads before they see you.

SKELETONS: Single pistol shot to kill. Red Skeletons(Spear Chuckers)
throw flaming spears, that you need to dodge.

CENTAURS: Move extremely fast. Will stop to throw their tridents. Will
change directions very quick while running. With this in mind, the best
weapon to use against them is the pistol. Anything else is just a waste
of ammo. Keep your distance, and try to shoot at them from somewhere
that they don't have access to.

SKELETON CENTAURS: Same abilities as their flesh & blood counterpart,
but take a lot less damage to kill.

APOLLO: Shoots powerful lightning bolts only at what's in front of
them, and can't move from their pedestals. Kill them from behind or at
a distance.

ATLAS: They hurl explosive globes a good distance. Shoot globes from a
distance, to make them explode. This is where all your dodge ball
practice comes in handy

DISCUS THROWER: They throw flaming discs very fast. Can get off of

SATYRS or ARCHERS: Most will be stationary, but in a few areas, they
are mobile. Listen for the sound of their arrows piercing something,
and then look for where their arrows are coming from, to find them.
Their arrows are white when flying thru the air, and can be dodged.

CEREBUS or TWO HEADED DOGS(Fido): They attack by spitting both acid and
fire at you from a distance. Whenever possible, kill them from a long
ways away. Any of the weapons that stop minotaurs from regenerating,
works well on them.

LIONS & TIGERS: They move fast, change directions quickly, and can
pounce unexpectedly. Shoot at them from a doorway, or someplace where
they can't get at you. From a safe place, you can just pistol-whip
them until they die.

ALLIGATOR: Can swim faster than you, so the machine gun, shotgun, or
mini gun will make them go belly up.

RATS: They appear in mass. They explode when they get near you. The
machine gun is good for compensating for their up and down movement
when they run. But the barrel releases so much smoke, that it makes it
hard to see them. Shoot at them in short bursts, and from a distance.

FLYING BABIES: They attack with bows and arrows. If you run inside a
room, they tend to hover above and on the other side of the doorway,
where you can't get a shot at them. Your pistol and shotgun works well
against them. A fireball in the middle of a large group will turn them
into a bunch of crybabies.

MACE THROWER: They are ambidextrous, throwing a pair of flaming maces
at you. Their maces splash damage is a little less than the axes of
minotaurs. Pistol or shotgun is a good choice.

KNIFE THROWER: Except for their weapons, they look similar to the mace
throwers. The knives that they throw ricochet off of walls, instead of

CYCLOPS: This is what happened to the spit-ball champions that you went
to school with. Only instead of wet paper, they now use flaming
stones. Will pound you with their clubs, if they get close enough. Keep
your distance.

HEPHAESTUS or GIMPY: The fireballs that he throws have homing
technology. His hammer cause 10.0 on the richter scale. Your acid gun
will turn him into puff 'n' stuff.


THE CYCLOPS: He comes at the end of level 2. His club will severely
deplete your lifespan. He spits fireballs from a distance, which are
not hard to dodge, but you usually don't hear them coming, until they
are right in your face. Keep your distance; use your powerups, and one
of your more powerful weapons to take him out.

HEPHAESTUS or GIMPY: He comes at the end of level four. His hammer
hurts your health, and cause whole bunches of pain. The rocks that he
throws, also have homing technology.

MEDUSA: She comes at the end of level seven and again at the end of
level nine. The fireballs that she hurls have uncanny accuracy. Even
though you've just gotten the Atomic Gun, use the Fireball Launcher
instead, because you don't have to reload it. There's a supply of
fireball ammo along the outer wall, near where you landed, when you
catapulted over the wall. Disregard her minions, and concentrate solely
on firing into her as you back away. Definitely use your power ups
here. If your health and armor are in good condition when her health
get below 50%, quicksave.

ZEUS: This is probably the easiest boss to defeat. After the cutscene,
run forward, up the ramps, until you are under his tunic, and behind
his left foot. Take your shotgun, and just keep firing a steady barrage
into the back of his foot, and his health will slowly decline. When it
get below 50%, the targeting icon will turn yellow. When it gets below
25%, the targeting icon will turn red. Every once in a while, a few of
the flunkies that he creates, will stumble upon you. Take them out,
then return to shooting the back of his foot. If you run out of shotgun
shells, switch to your acid gun, but shoot the other foot, so the back
spray doesn't deplete your own health. When his health goes below 1%,
he'll just be someone you read about in mythology-one of those useta




There are 120 Pieces of Gold.

There are 2 Secrets on this level.

Turn around behind you, and go behind the scaffolding. Jump up on the
rocks behind it, and go up as high as you can, then run and jump to the
top level of the scaffolding, to get to SECRET AREA #1. Now jump to
the other platform, to get 10 pieces of Gold.

Now jump back to the rocks, and down to the ground. Stand in front of
the tent opening, and aim your pistol at the top of the mountain, above
the building ahead. Slowly move forward towards the pedestal with the
broken statue, which is between the two columns. As you approach,
you'll trigger the birds from the top of the mountain ahead. Then
quickly back away, so that you don't trigger too many at one time.
Shoot them while they are very high in the sky. The birds in this game
let loose with some very explosive droppings. Keep moving towards the
two columns and backing up, until you've triggered all the birds from
the mountain top.

While you are standing by the pedestal, aim your pistol into the
doorway of the building ahead. When the targeting icon turns green,
shoot the Sphinx statues. There's one on each side.

After they crumble, walk along the rocks on the left side, and a little
past the column, you find a opening between the rocks that you can walk
in. Turn right, to get to SECRET AREA #2, and get some armor. Come
back out from between the rocks, and head into the doorway of the
building ahead.

Move thru the next two doors and approach the doorway along the right
wall. Turn left just outside the doorway, and shoot the Minotaur
statue(the smallest statue on the left) before it comes to life. Some
of the Minotaurs, will spawn two smaller Bloody Minotaurs, when you
kill them. And they are all deadly accurate with the Axes that they
throw. Now go get the 10 Pieces of Gold that was in front of it, so
that you can purchase power-ups at the various triangular shaped Titan
Trading Altars when you get to them. It takes 50 Pieces of Gold each
time you want to purchase one of the power-ups.

TITAN DAMAGE: Makes your attacks 4 times more powerful than normal.

IMMORTALITY: You won't lose any health while this is on.

TITAN MOTION: Enables you to slow down time and battle enemies at 1/4
regular game speed.

Always run your crosshairs over any statues, and everything else that
is nearby. If you get a green icon, shoot it or use it. You can use
your shovel or pistol, to break urns, vases, and anything that you
don't wanna waste other kinds of ammo on, to see what's inside.




No Secrets

Move down two sets of stairs, and walk backwards toward the mirror that
is between the two flames. Another minotaur will pop up at the bottom
of the steps, so shoot to kill.

NOTE: Stand in front of the mirror to see what Will looks like. Now
press Alt.+5, to see the different costumes that Will can wear. He has
two as females, a cowboy, a matador, a English dude, and as himself.

Now go in the door behind the flames, and the game will reload and
AutoSave. If you kill anything in the next room, you'll have to kill
everything. Stop right here, and take aim at the four Sphinx Statues
in the room ahead with flames on them. You'll get the Green Targeting
Icon, so destroy them from back here. When the crosshairs turns red,
that means that one more shot will destroy whatever it is. Destroy all
four. As you move forward a little ways stop, when you're told, to
"find the key."

There are more enemies to take out before you do. Ease forward on the
right, until you get the green icon, then take out the minotaur statue
on the left. Then move to the left, and take out the other minotaur
statue on the right.

As you move towards the doorway, a minotaur will pop up in front of
you. Shoot it, and the two regenerating smaller ones that start to form
from its remains. What you get, is three for the price of one. You'll
be triggering Large Minotaurs that will spawn 2 Small Minotaur when you
kill it that you have to kill quickly before they fully form also. The
exploding sound that you hear, signals the triggering of more minotaurs
popping out of the ground.

Repeatedly move a few steps into the room until you hear the exploding
sound, then quickly back pedal into the preceding hall with the circle
on the floor because the sides of the doorway are wider here, and
provide more cover. Take out the Minotaurs and their two spawns, as
soon as you get the green crosshairs. Your pistol holds 14 shot clips.
Keep doing this, until you can walk into the room without triggering
anymore enemies.

Look down towards the end of the room, and see the tall male statues
with blue current going from their feet to their heads. Get the green
crosshairs on them, and shoot, til they shatter.

To find the Key, break any 6 Vases that are along the walls and the key
will appear. Break the first five on the right side, and the very
last one, to get the key. The Key will be in the last Vase on the right
wall. A message will appear onscreen stating that a door has been
unlocked. Break all the other vases just for fun.

Now go around the room, and collect Health Kits. If your health is at
100, then you can't pick up any health kits that are less than 100, but
at least they'll be there when you need them, so remember to backtrack
when your health gets low. Down the middle of the room, are 20 Pieces
of Gold that appeared as a result of shooting the minotaur statues.




2 Secrets

Before leaving this room, shoot the two statues in the next hallway
before entering. In the next hallway, the game will reload and
Autosave. When the door opens, Grandpa, a Roman Skeleton will be
charging at you from ahead, so shoot him quickly.

Bypass the hallways to the left and right. Head down the stairs along
the right wall, and shoot the skeleton that's hiding behind the statue
on the left, then move to the left wall, and shoot the one behind the
right statue. Approach the 200 point armor while aiming at the door
behind it. As you get close to it, the door will open and another
Minotaur will attack, so use the base of the statues for cover. Now
take the armor, and move into the next hallway.

You are now in the Rotunda. Use the same Hit and Run method as before.
Run into the room a few steps to trigger some enemies, then back pedal
back down the hallway, and shoot them as the enter to hallway. At the
start, it will be skeletons. Keep repeating this approach, until you
can enter the Rotunda without triggering any enemies.

Run in, and run around to the other side, and go up the left set of
stairs, turn around, and kill anything that followed you. At the top
of the stairs, walk along the outer ledge, to find SECRET AREA #1-
HEALTH. Drop down onto the ledge just below the one that you are on, to
get a couple of pieces of Armor and a Health Kit.

Drop down to the right side steps, and go up. As you approach the
sparkling health pickup, Minotaurs will pop up ahead of you. As soon
as you trigger them, backpedal around the hall to put some distance
between you and them. When they come around the corner, start shooting,
then move forward, to shoot the two regenerations. As you circle the
outer ring of the upper floor, stay along the right side wall, so that
you can see your attackers before they have a clear shot at you. As you
approach the next set of sparkling goodies, Minotaurs will pop up
behind you, so quickly backpedal past them so that all the minotaurs
are now in front of you.

When you come to the other stairs going back down, enter the doorway
onto the inner ring area. Move around the balcony to the right, and as
you get to the winch, take out the Minotaurs that appear on the
opposite side of the balcony. If they jump down to the main floor
below, they will run up underneath you, so that you can't get a good
shot at them. See, they know how to take cover also. You're not as much
of a 'fraidy cat', as you thought you were.

After they are dead, press the Use button, to use the crank to lower
the platform to the ground. Now stand along side of the winch, and then
press it again, to make the platform rise, and quickly jump on to it.
Now turn around and face the outer wall, and jump to the narrow ledge.
Follow the ledge around to SECRET AREA #2-Health & Armor. Now jump
back to the platform, and face the column in the middle of the room.
Walk off the platform towards the SHOTGUN, and keep walking as you are
going down.

As soon as you pick it up, enemies appear down below. Turn around
behind you, and run off the platform, and into the hallway ahead, that
was your starting point. Run thru the doors, to the steps at the end,
turn around, and shoot the minotaurs as they come down the hall. Use
the 'hit & run' method to trigger and take out some more. After you
kill enough of them, the door in the pool will open. Jump in, go right,
swim thru the tunnel, and climb the steps to enter the next area.



1 Secret

Move forward into the red walled corridor, and get the rifle ammo.
Take out each group of skeletons that burst out of the side walls, and
watch your back. As soon as you hear the wall break, quickly
backpedal, to put any that are behind you, to the front of your guns.
The pistol is a better choice, because it reloads after 14 shots,
whereas the shotgun reloads after every 5, but the shotgun has a wider
blast radius. Quick Save after each encounter.

The first group comes from ahead on the left. After you head up the
steps, and trigger the next group, backpedal, to put the one behind you
in front, and shoot both groups. One may be hiding in the hole on the
right, that you backpedaled past. When you reach the door at the end a
message will say a door has been unlocked, and the door to the blade
corridor will open. Now go back and search each of the rooms that the
skeletons burst out of, to get some goodies. Start at the beginning
where you came thru the doors, and count to the fifth red wall on the
left. If it hasn't been destroyed, shoot it, and it will blow apart.
Enter to be in SECRET AREA #1-kill the two skeletons, and get the 10
Pieces of Gold.

Proceed back down the hall, and thru the door, and prepare to run past
the spinning blades. Get as close to each blade, as is safely possible,
then after it just passes you, run forward, and stop before the next
blade. Passing the first blade will trigger a Minotaur behind you-
hopefully the blade will cut short his attack. Now rinse and repeat
with the rest of the blades. You might wanna quick save after each one.
After the third blade, it will trigger a Minotaur and his bloody
children ahead of you and behind. Quickly move thru the fourth blade
and then turn and take out the Minotaurs. After the last one,
quicksave, and move ahead.



No Secrets

In the 4-way hallway, the door to the left is locked. The door to the
right, leads down the stairs, and back to the room where you got the
shotgun. The door ahead, has some spear chucking skeletons behind it,
so straight ahead it is, but stay along the side wall. Then thru the
next two doors, to a spear trap. As with the blade trap before, walk
as close as possible, then run thru when the vertical spears go up.
There will be enemies popping up behind the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, and
10th sets-more or less.

After you get past each set of spears, quickly move to the right wall.
If no enemies appear, quick save. After the second set of spears, a
Minotaur will get skewered up ahead, so just move to the right so his
axe will miss you. After the next set of spears, a spear chucking
skeleton will get skewered, so again, move to the right wall so that it
sails past you. After the next set, another Minotaur will be put on the
spit. After the seventh sets of spears, about ten skeletons will try
to reach you before the spears reach them. Let the spears do most of
your killing for you, and shoot those that get thru.

After you reach the hallway past the last set of spears, the game will
reload, and Auto Save. Proceed to the armor, and notice all the
goodies. I guess it's about to hit the fan. Go to the middle section,
which is to the left of where you entered, and look ahead, and when
your targeting icon turn green, shoot. There are three statues down
there that you can kill.

Now quickly run back out the entrance door, and use the Hit and Run
method, until no more Minotaurs pop up. During the battle, the door to
the left of where you entered will be unlocked. Get the pickups in
this room. There are 10 Pieces of Gold to get from the alcove where the
three statues were.

Arm your pistol or shotgun, and proceed thru the doors that unlocked,
and head up the stairs backwards and SLOWLY. Aim at the ledge above,
and if you get a green targeting icon, before the minotaurs see you,
shoot. When they start to leap down onto the stairs, run back down the
stairs, and into the room where you shot the three statues, putting two
doors between you and them. When they open the doors, shoot, and strafe
to the side to avoid their flaming axes. Head up the stairs, and shoot
the tall Apollo statue that was behind the Minotaur statues. Get the 10
Pieces of Gold from where the Minotaurs jumped down from. Break stuff,
and proceed ahead.



2 Secrets


Grab the 200 Point Health ahead. The game will reload, and Auto Save
and the door ahead will open. Shoot the statue in the butt and destroy
it. You're about to meet up with goo-gobs of enemies. A message will
say, "I sense treasure nearby."

You'll be attacked by massive amounts of birds, and minotaurs, so stay
behind 'butt boy's' pedestal, and strafe from side to side. Do your hit
and run thing, and let your enemies find you. A lot of flaming axes
will be thrown from across the pool, so you'll have plenty of time to
see them and strafe out of the way. If a minotaur runs up on you, be
sure to take out his regenerated spawns also. You might as well set up
camp, cause this is gonna take a while.

When it's safe, come out. Shoot the statue in the alcove on the right
wall-which is the exit from this level. Jump into the pool, to get the
10 Pieces of Gold, and jump right back out. In the alcove across from
where you entered, are two Minotaur Statues to shoot, and some Armor.
Head up the stairs to the left of the starting point, toward the second
floor. Before you reach the top step stop, shoot the golden plates
with the flames, to kill the two Sphinx Statues at the top. Now head
back down to the landing, to get some gold, if it wasn't there on your
way up.

Go back up the stairs, and go right, and minotaurs will pop up ahead
and behind, so pause and take them all out. Continue on, and run
towards the door on the right wall. More Minotaur will pop up just
past the door. Kill them, and then enter the door. Go the ALTAR to
get as many power-up as you can afford, and Quick Save. Go back out
the door, and Walk off the balcony straight ahead, and quickly press
backwards while dropping, to land on a ledge for SECRET AREA #1-ARMOR.

Now jump down to the ground, and go back up the stairs again, and this
time go to the left. As you turn the corner, more minotaurs will pop
up ahead, so stay here in the corner, and shoot them at a distance,
strafing behind the corner column to avoid their axes.

In the room on the left wall, are 10 Pieces of Gold, guarded by some
Minotaur who are standing on a ledge above the door inside the room.
Walk in backwards, and kill them as they drop down. Get the gold, and
exit straight ahead, and step off the edge and press backwards while
dropping, to land on another ledge for SECRET AREA #2-HEALTH. Drop to
the ground, and head back up the steps, and after you pass the room on
the left side, and turn the next corner, more minotaurs will pop up
ahead, where the urns are. Again, stay back in the corner and take them
out before they reach you.

Break all the 4 urns that you see along the wall, and take the key
from the fourth urn on the right, to unlock the door between them.
When it opens up, enter the outer hallway, and move to the side. The
room ahead has four pedestals on the outer ring of Apollo, and four
shorter pedestals on the inner ring of Minotaurs, and the one in the
center has your prize. From out on the balcony, shoot the smaller
minotaur statues, and all that they spawn. Now move into the outer
hallway, and shoot the statues of Apollo on the left and right, before
you cross the threshold. There are two on each side. After you've
killed them, one or two of the smaller Minotaur, will hide to the side
of the doorway, to ambush you. Move forward until you get the green
crosshairs, and then take him out.

When all are destroyed, go in and get the HELMET to spawn some gold.
Jump from one of the lower pedestals to reach it. This will unlock the
exit door which is in an alcove just below where you are now. You
might consider heading over to the Altar Room to make a quick purchase.
So head back out drop off the edge to land down below, and go to the
alcove below where you got the Gold Helmet, and run past the pedestal,
and out the doors to exit the level.


200 Pieces of Gold in this level.

No Secrets

Move forward, and down the steps, and shoot the four skeletons that
will come up to meet you while backpedaling. When you head down again,
you'll be surrounded by skeletons and minotaurs, and archers will be on
the side of the steps. Backup up the steps, and go as far as you can
while shooting. Come down the steps again, and shoot the Atlas statues
in the alcoves, across the arena. Go to the bottom of the steps, and
around to the left of them against the back wall. Go into each alcove,
to get some goodies, and collect the Pieces of Gold left by the Atlas
statues. If your health and armor are near 100, leave the ones you find
until the battle starts.

Go to the middle section and get the health and machine gun ammo first.
Face your starting point, and run thru the machine gun and head back up
the stairs. You'll automatically equip the machine gun. When you reach
the room at the top of the stairs, turn around and let the minotaurs
enter as you move to the side and take them out. They'll be bunched up
in the door way, making them the perfect target. Afterwards, use your
pistol, to take out the birds. They will tend to be camouflaged by the
brown mountain area behind where they appear from. When you see the
blue flash of light in the sky, that's where they appear, so try to aim
in that area for the green targeting icon to come on.

Keep running down a few steps to trigger more minotaur and birds.
Stand at the top of the stairs, and try to take out the birds while
they are on the other side of the arena, and the minotaurs while they
are at the bottom of the steps. This way, you're only triggering a
pair of each. Quicksave after each time you kill a couple.

After a while, it'll just be you and a long string of birds, and later
they'll be joined by some jumping skeletons. They will be preceded by a
funny sound. Afterwards, when you see a lone figure standing at the
bottom of the steps, it's time to face the archers. The other archers
will appear in lines on the sets of steps on each side. Since these
archers are stationary, for the moment, just concern yourself with the
rest of the birds, and the one that keeps being replace at the bottom
of the steps. Even though you can't see the archers that are off to the
side, you should still stand back in the doorway, to kill the birds,
because their arrows, can still sail over the side handrails, to hit

If your health get low, you'll have to come down into the arena, and
gather some protection and then head back to the room at the top of the
steps. You'll probably have to kill over a hundred birds, but better
them than you, right? After your butt has totally gone to sleep,
eventually this target practice will end, when a message on the screen
says that a door has opened.

Head down, and kill any stragglers, replenish on the goodies that are
spread all around. Don't go onto the seat-steps though, as you might
trigger some archers that didn't get the memo about they're having lost
this level. Then head to the door across from the steps that you were
at the top of, and grab the 200 point armor in front of it.



1 Secret


Enter the door, and start shooting skeletons. Keep coming out to the
left, to trigger skeletons, and then shoot them. Move to the pile of
rubble, and shoot the barrel at the end. Now move back past the
entrance, and look up and shoot the archer in the top row of windows.
Shoot the exploding barrel near the door, and move towards the door. It
will open, and a skeleton will come out to be killed. Enter the door,
and head up the stairs. When you get to the third set of steps, where
there is just a little piece sticking out from the wall, head up the
stairs, leading with your right side, and aim at the landing above and
to your left. There is a minotaur hiding there. When you lock onto just
a little piece of him, start shooting.

There's another Minotaur waiting to ambush you at the top, so head up
the stairs backwards while looking up. At the top, get the 10 Pieces
of Gold, 200 point Health Kit, and Shotgun Ammo then head back down to
the bottom. The Minotaurs may have jumped down, so expect them to be
waiting on you.

At the bottom, head back out the door, and go straight ahead, past the
entrance, and turn right by the rubble. Stay close to the building on
the left, and enter the door to find an ALTAR.
Purchase a powerup and remember this location in case you want to come
back to do some more shopping.

Come out and go left, staying along the left wall because the ground
will drop out. If you walk on any part of the street on this or the
other side of the building in the middle, the street will collapse,
dropping you down to an underground area. The only things that are down
there are some pickups, and more enemies-but nothing important to your
progress thru this level.

Move ahead, and shoot the archer on top of the column all the way to
the right. As you approached the locked door, a Minotaur will pop up
in front of it. Continue on, and take out the Archer, and the two
statues that you can see. From around the corner of the wall on your
left, will come a couple of skeletons. At the end of the wall look
left to see another archer on another column, one in the second floor
window of the building to the left, and one behind the structure in the
middle. Ahead, are 20 Pieces of Gold that appeared when you shot the
statues. Climb the stairs to get machine gun bullets, then go down the
other stairs. In the center structure, is a 200 point armor, and
behind that are three doors.

Move along the right side of the three door building, and kill the
archers and minotaur on top of the columns ahead and to the left. Then
shoot the two Atlas statues on the other side of the fountain. Then
enter the door on the right and head up the stairs, leading with your
left side, and kill the archer that is waiting for you. Enter the
door, and shoot the other archer on the left. Throw Switch #1 of 2 on
the right then head out the other door into the next room, and down the
stairs. Head out, and make the door on the right open without going in.
Shoot the barrels, to kill the skeleton that comes charging out at you.
Then go in, to find a SECRET AREA #1 with 50 Pieces of Gold.

Come back out, and go right, and enter the other red door. There's a
skeleton hiding under the stairs to the left. Peek out the door under
the stairs, and shoot the Atlas statue on the left, and the skeleton on
the right. There's also a minotaur to the right, hiding behind the
vases. Destroy the vases, and throw Switch #2 of 2 that is behind them.
This unlocks a door. Head back out, and enter that door on the right.

Stay up on the balcony, and kill all the archers that appear in the
windows on the left and right. Take out one side first, starting with
the closest and ending with the farthest, then do the same thing on the
other side. Head partway down the steps on one side, to trigger the
Atlas statues, that were in the window behind the archers. When they
jump down to the main floor, shoot them from on the steps. Then go back
up, and across, and down the other steps to do the same thing.

Now head down to the main floor, and enter the last side opening, and
turn back towards the steps. Minotaurs will pop up at the end by the
steps. This give you some distance to be able to take them out.
Afterwards, go to the other side and repeat your performance. Now use
the side hallway, and head back down towards the stairs.

Go to the ALTAR, and purchase any powerups that you may need. Then get
the crossbow ammo, quicksave, then get the crossbow. Now get ready for
a large number of skeletons, and minotaurs. Stay in the altar room to
do all your fighting, and use it for cover. Equip your Immortality and
Titan Damage powerups. Blow up the groups of barrels in the altar room,
to get 20 Pieces of Gold-hopefully some enemies will be standing near
them when you do. Go down the side hallways for pickups. For the most
part, your enemies will come at your from straight ahead.

When you can safely go out, head to the other end, and enter the door
on the left, and head up the stairs, and take out the archer on top of
the wall behind you. As you head down the hallway, minotaurs will pop
up at the other end. Take them out, using the pedestals for cover. Now
shoot the archers in the windows on the other side of the courtyard. Go
to the end, arm your machine gun, and throw the switch. When the door
on your left opens, there will be a line of archers behind it. There
will also be another one at the top on the high wall at the other end.

Go thru the door that just opened, and thru the other door, and turn
left. Take out the minotaurs with your crossbow, and before you
proceed to the other end, take out the archers in the window on the
side you just came from. Another minotaur will pop up in front of the
door. Head thru the door, and go to the top, to get 10 Pieces of Gold.
Then head down to the bottom. Head to the door, and the game will
reload, to end the level.



No Secrets

Quicksave, and keep going to the door, to open it, and invite some
spear chucking skeletons in to play with your machine gun. Fight the
next three enemies while leaning out from under the steps. After the
skeletons, invite the knife throwers in to play with your shotgun. When
you hear the roar of the minotaurs, switch to you crossbow and stick it
to 'em when they open the door. After they are all dead, come out the
door, and turn around behind you and look up. Destroy the eight Atlas
statues above on the balcony. On each end, on ground level are two
statues to destroy. You may have to head a little bit in the direction
of the catapult, to get those near it.

Head back to the other end, and get the machine gun ammo. As you
approach the end, an archer will pop up in the window above. Move into
the end section, and shoot the two urns on each side. Then go to the
right, and jump up the stairs, and kill the archers that pop up at the
end. Then stand behind the pedestals, and take out the archers in the
windows across from you on the second and third floors. Grab the 200
point Health Kit at the end.

Then return to the other end, and jump back down the stairs, and head
towards the end with the catapult. As you pass the first door on your
left, which was your starting point, a line of archers will pop up near
the catapult. Quickly go left, and duck behind the part of the building
that sticks out. Now starting from the rightmost archer, start picking
them off one by one. There will be two more waves after them, each one
getting closer to you.

When you get ready to move towards the catapult, watch out for the
last archer on the other side of the protruding part of the building.
Now break the third urn in the corner where the catapult is, to get the
key, to unlock a door in the building that looks like a castle. As you
move forward, spear chuckers will charge you, so stay in this corner,
using the catapult and wall for cover, and you machine gun them.

Head into the first door on your right, and head up the stairs. Jump
over the gaps in the stairs and head to the top. Crossbow the three
Minotaurs, and get the 200 Point Armor. If one of the minotaurs jumped
down to the ground, see if you can shoot him thru one of the holes in
the steps. Now come back down, and enter the door that you passed.
Crossbow the Minotaurs that pop up in your path, then duck back in the
door, and take out the birds. After them, move back out and head to the
end. When the archers are triggered, duck behind one of the pedestals,
and kill them. After the ones across from you are dealt with, one will
pop up to your left.

At the end, quicksave and jump down onto the catapult, and use it once
to lower it. Arm your crossbow. Then hop up onto the handle, and walk
into the cup part, and use it again. This will take you to the third
floor of the building where all the archers were. When you land, a
minotaur will pop up beneath you, so shoot quickly as you move away.
Go around to the left, dodge the spear chucker, and get 20 Pieces of
Gold. Head towards the end of the building, where you shot the first
two vases. Before jumping the gap, shoot the archer at the very top of
the building where you came up the steps.

Jump the gap on the right side, and land on a Minotaur. Pistol whip him
and his spawns. Keep going to the end, passing by the exit doors, and
go to the end, and get the 200 Point Armor, Health, and 20 Pieces of
Gold. Now arm your crossbow, and go back thru the exit doors to end
the level. The game will reload, and the doors ahead will open upon a
Minotaur. Shoot him as you strafe to the side.



1 Secret

Go down the hall, and use your crossbow, to ignite the Minotaurs.
Continue down the hall, crossbowing Minotaurs as you backpedal.
Skeletons will pop out of the wall on the left, so switch to your
machine gun or shotgun. Afterwhich, another wave of minotaurs will
require your crossbow. When you see the lone minotaur ahead, expect
skeletons to pop out of the wall on the left again. Expect a last load
of skeletons just before the end.

At the end before the door, the floor will fall out from under you.
When you land, back away, and shoot the barrels nearby. Shoot the
tigers in their cages. Shoot the three archers on the other side of
the rubble ahead, then the lion on the left, and two more archers.
Yank the lion's head handle on the left, then go in and get the machine
gun bullets, then head downstairs. Kill the Minotaur and the skeleton
that pop up at the bottom. Destroy the barrels under the stairs, to
enter SECRET AREA #1, and get 20 Pieces of Gold.

Proceed ahead, killing more skeletons, and get the armor at the end.
Shoot the skeleton in the hole in the wall on the right. Climb the
rubble, and crossbow the minotaur that pops up. Turn right and shoot
the barrels to kill the archer. Get the goodies ahead, and shoot the
archers to the right. One will pop up in the hallway where you just
came from, so watch your back. Go to the right, and use the lion's
head chain on the left. Blow the barrels, then enter the gate, and use
another chain on the right wall. Proceed in the next door, and shoot
the archer at the end.

Shoot the skeletons thru the hole on the right. Shoot all the
skeletons on the right, and the four sphinx at the end. Shoot the
archers across the bridge, and also two more sphinx. Walk slowly onto
the bridge, and the middle will fall away. Jump the gap to the other
side, and after you get across, the rest of the bridge will fall away.
Move a few steps forward, so that you only trigger the Minotaur, then
continue on and strafe to the side, as a minotaur pops up back on the
other side of the broken bridge. Now take out the archers. Shoot the
barrels on the left and enter the gate. Go left over the rubble, and
thru two holes in the wall. Turn right and shoot the barrels, then go
thru the door and to the left. Shoot the barrels on the left to kill
the archers. A minotaur pops up in front of you. There's also two
archers hidden to your right.

Proceed to the door ahead, and notice the steel spikes on the right
wall. Of course they're going to follow you down the corridor to the
left, so quicksave before entering. Run quickly into the cage, and it
will close, and raise you up to safety.



No Secrets


The action gets hot and heavy, as soon as you step out of the cage.
It's take no prisoners day at work. Your first enemy will be the
birdies, so shoot the closest ones first using the machine gun in short
bursts, then start strafing around the area. Next will come the
centaurs and skeletons, so use the shotgun, firing when they are
heading for you. Next will come the tigers, so shotgun again. As long
as you have a good amount of health, quicksave regularly. Use the
crossbow on the Minotaurs while backpedaling and circle strafing.

Then will come the game's first boss, The Cyclops. Now would be a good
time for using the Immortality and Titan Damage powerups that you've
been saving. Disregard the rest of the attackers, and concentrate
solely on the boss. Use the machine gun, because there are plenty of
bullets to pickup. Keep your distance, and strafe, one way, and when
he turns that way, quickly start strafing in the opposite direction.
Each time he turns towards you, go the opposite way. Avoid his
explosive breath. Relentlessly hammer him with machine gun fire, while
watching his health count down on the screen. Every so often,
quicksave, as long as your own health, isn't low. There is far more
machine gun ammo to be gotten, than there is health and armor, so try
to stay in the same general area where the pickups are concentrated,
and just keep moving thru them while you fight. When he finally bites
the big one, all his little minions will die also. Replenish your
supplies, then quicksave.

Now arm your crossbow, and drop down the hole where the Cyclops fell
thru to continue. You'll be accosted by several Minotaurs. Run to
the ALTAR and buy Immortality and Titan Damage your enemies attacks
bounce harmlessly off of you. Equip your powerups, and let the games
begin. Shoot the barrels while you're fighting to make it easier.
After they are dead, replace whatever powerups that you don't have from
the Altar, then proceed down the hall to end this mission.



This level has 340 Pieces of Gold.

1 secret

Move forward, and kill the birdies that fly in from the right, using
the rock overhang for cover. When it's safe, proceed forward to the
wooden pier by the water arm your shotgun. Jump into the water and run
along the bottom, in the opposite direction from the bridge, watching
out for alligators. After you shoot the alligators, quicksave, then
surface to get some air. Then continue swimming along the surface. When
you come to a barred fence, swim down to SECRET AREA #1-30 Pieces of
Gold. Now return to the pier, and walk out on the part the slopes into
the water.

Head up the hill to the bridge, and get 10 Pieces of Gold. As soon as
you take it, shoot the archer that pops up in the center of the bridge,
and quickly move to the right, behind the square support column.
Another one will start shooting from the far side. Run forward across
the bridge along the right handrail, picking up shotgun ammo along the
way, and take cover behind the next square column by the steps.

Move up the steps, and head towards the catapult, and kill the
skeletons and minotaur that pop up. A series of more skeletons will
pop down off the large rock just past the catapult on the left. Move
to the first catapult, and press use, to cock it, then get in the cup
and press use again, to sail onto or over the rock. If you overshoot,
come back and try again, until you succeed. Your goal is the 200 points
of health on top of the rock.

When you're back on the ground, get the ammo for the Fireball Launcher,
then take the launcher, to trigger waves of enemies. Quicksave, and
have at them. Switch to your pistol for the three archers. The first
one is on top of the tallest rock; the second one is on top of the rock
in front of the first catapult. The third one is on top of the castle
like building.

After he dies, switch to your crossbow, and backpedal towards the
bridge while taking the minotaurs out. Even after you light their fire,
they still keep running towards you as the incinerate, so quickly
strafe to the side to get out of their way, because they can still hit
you up until the time they crumble. Stay back and to the right of the
first catapult, and keep moving forward a little ways to trigger them
one at a time, from the rocks in front of the catapult, then quickly
back away and give them a toasty welcome. Quicksave after each one. In
your moving about, be careful not to back off the mountain into the
water behind you. You'll probably have to move forward to the big
tree, to trigger the last one.

After them, will come some spear chucking skeletons that you can use
your pistol on. Just keep your distance. After they are all dead, move
forward towards the building. The doors may be open, and if they are,
there is an archer standing behind them, waiting for you to come into
range. Now use the second catapult, to fling yourself into the door
where the archer was.

Move forward, and get the armor, then when the tigers appear, let them
come to you for head on kills. Since they won't come to the door,
stand in it, and use your pistol to wear down their health while they
frolic around. There are about seven of them. After the last one dies,
Will says, "that's a lotta pussy."

Now will come a mess of archers, so run forward and up the stairs and
take them out at close range with your pistol. This will be followed
by goo-gobs of birds. There will be so many, that you can use the
machine gun. Then will come a couple of knife throwers who need the
shotgun. When all are dead, proceed on.

Go in the door at the bottom of the stairs, on LEFT as you are facing
up the stairs. Strafe at the end of this hallway, and take out the
skeleton and archer. Go down the hallway where they were, and shoot
the archer in the window. Then go around the corner and strafe right to
kill the archer in the window behind the gold. Pick up the 10 Pieces
of Gold. Aim to the right of the winch inside the window, to kill
another archer. Now head back past where you shot the first archer in
the window, and turn right at the end, where the machine gun bullets

Around the corner to the right, will be a skeleton charging at you.
There's also an archer behind him. Continue around the hallway to the
right, and pull the 1st switch on the left wall, to open one of the
gates at the top of the stairs. As the doors leading back outside
open, a mace thrower will pop up. Will asks "Larry is that you?"
Probably a 3 Stooges reference.

Go in the door at the bottom of the stairs that is on the RIGHT as you
are facing up the stairs. Down the left hall, is a archer waiting for
you to step forward. Shoot the archer to the left of the first left
turn, then head down his hallway, and shoot the archer in the opening
on the right. Now go to the next opening on the right, and pull the 2nd
switch to raise the second gate behind the opened door upstairs. Go
back to where the machine gun bullets are, and head towards the end.
There's a gladiator just to the left of the corner. Pump him full of
lead, and the archer that is behind him also.

Head back outside and as you turn right, two more tigers will pop up.
Stand in the doorway and take them out with your pistol. When all are
dead, step outside, and check around for pickups. Then go up the stairs
to the opened door where both gates are now raised. Grab the 20 Pieces
of Gold in front of the doors. Replenish up above and besides the
steps also. Once past them, the game will reload, and the second door
will open, so quickly run behind the second column on the left side,
and take cover.



2 secrets


First take out the spear chuckers that are charging you. Then take out
the two archers on each side of the blue current that goes to the
ceiling. Take out the two Atlas statues at the far end of the room. As
you move forward, a whole mess of skeletons will come forth. So stay on
the starting point end, and don't go down into the middle area.
Several mace and knife throwers will pop up in the lowered middle
section of the room. Keep your distance, and shotgun them.

When all is quiet, head towards the door on the right. Kill the four
skeletons that pop up as you try to go thru. Drop down into the hole
on the right, and get the armor. Climb the rubble and drop down to find
SECRET AREAS #1 & #2 for Twenty Pieces of Gold on the left and right
sides of the rubble. Then head thru the hole in the wall, and take out
the skeletons in the underground crypt. Walk along the left side of the
room and shoot the archer in the doorway on the left. Move forward
into the tunnel, and as soon as you hear the triggering explosion,
quickly backpedal and shoot the two archers, one in front and one
behind you.

There's a fourth archer at the start of the next room. The fifth one is
to the right of the doorway at the bottom of the ramp. There's a sixth
one above him. Go under the ramp, and when you take the armor, you'll
find that the skeleton is just playing possum, and will suddenly be
instilled with new life. Head up the ramp, replenish if need be, and
grab the Helmet Treasure to make the gate open.

Head out the gate to exit on the other side of the room with the blue
current. When you move past it, it will start to spew a tougher than
normal group of enemies. The minotaurs won't regenerate when you kill
them. Since all your enemies that you are getting ready to face, are
being shot out of the altar, do most of your fighting from the starting
point end, staying along the perimeter and using the columns for cover,
and to give yourself time to aim before the reach you. Try your shot
gun or machine gun. After they die, go back down to the rooms that you
just came from, and get any pickups that you left behind.

Take the Shield Treasure in front of the altar, to trigger the mace
wielders. Afterwards, take the Helmet Treasure to trigger skeletons.
After the last one bites it, the blue current will shut off, and the
altar will move aside, to reveal a secret entrance. Replenish your
supplies, checking the underground rooms also, and then go down.

Take out the archer in the hole on the wall, on the left as you go
down, then switch to your machine gun. When the explosive rats appear,
backpedal up the stairs, and take them out as they approach. There's
an archer just past the gate that raises. And another to the left of
the doorway. As you move into the room, crypts will open, and out will
come skeletons. Walk along the left side of the room, and kill the
archer in the doorway ahead.

Don't enter that doorway, instead, turn around, and drop down the crypt
behind you on the other wall. Drop down facing the hole in the wall,
and move forward and to the left. Ease to the right and take out the
mace wielders diagonally ahead, to your right. Then look straight
ahead, and take out the two gladiators and one archer in the mist
ahead. If you go down below, you'll find some more explosive rats.
Now move around slowly, taking out the gladiators in the various nooks
and crannies. There's a gladiator ahead on the right. Now aim into
that same opening where the gladiator was on the right, and kill the
archer who is further back.

Now move to the wall that is behind the crypt that you dropped down on.
With the wall to your left, towards the window in far corner and take
out the gladiator there. There is an archer to the left of him.

Head thru the opening, and go to the switch on the left wall. About
four skeletons will awaken when you throw it, so do so with your side
to it. Machine Gun the skeletons, get the Health and Armor, and head
back out the window that you came thru. The switch opened a gate that
is further ahead on the route you will take.

Go back to where you dropped down onto the crypt, and stand to the left
of the right hand crypt, that is sticking the farthest out over the
hole in the floor. Down below in the mist, are exploding rats. Line
yourself up with mound of dirt that is straight ahead, which will bring
you back up out of the hole. Run and jump down into the misty room
below, and keep jumping forward, till you jump up to the top of the
mound, and onto the wooden shelf, and kill any rats that followed you.

From the top of the mound, jump onto the nearest crypt. From there,
run and jump to the one ahead in the middle. Quicksave after each
successful landing. Next jump to the one ahead to the left. And then
into the next room. Inside the gate on the right, are minotaurs-the
regenerating type, so your crossbow should be appropriate. Shoot them
and quickly backpedal away from their incinerating charge. There's
another switch to the left, and yes, the skeletons will wake up when
you pull it. Since none of them will be chucking anything at you, you
can use your pistol.

Get the Health Kit, and as you approach the doorway, a couple of
archers will pop up. Go into the doorway ahead.

Go thru the tunnel, and jump the spiked gap on the right side. On the
stairs, will be three skeletons. Do the spear trap like before,
running past after the vertical spears begin to rise. Head up the
stairs backward and looking up, to take out the two mace throwers on
the ledge above. Afterwards, walk along the narrow ledge besides the
stairs to get to the room where they were standing. Replenish, and
head into the room to the right of the vase. Purchase whatever powerup
(s) that you don't already have at the ALTAR. At any given time, you
can only have one of each kind of powerup.

Go to the other end of the room, and throw the switch to open yet
another gate, and also to release rats into the previous room. Jump up
onto the crypt behind you and take them out with your machine gun, as
they enter this room.

Proceed thru the previous room, along the ledge, and thru the now
opened gate ahead. As you approach the spear trap, a gladiator will pop
up behind it, so start shooting immediately. Now go past the spear
trap. A gate will raise, so go up the steps, and towards the door.
The game will reload, and the door will open and the level will end.




No Secrets

From just outside the door, shoot the two statues of Atlas both ahead
and ahead to the far right. Then the two discus throwers to the right
of the door. Now run to the reddish building on the right, and use it
for cover, while mobile archers start popping up. You can strafe
between the columns, and use the Hit and Run Method to take them out
one by one.

After them, will come the tigers, and from here, they rate the pistol
also. As he kills the last one, he says, "Nine lives my ass." Now
will come them damn birds. From here, they're a cinch. Next will be
some gladiators up on top of the columns. One will be throwing from
behind the building in the middle, so you may have to go and get his
ass. Move over to one of the columns on the right, and spot him on top
of the column ahead. Take him out and the two sphinx statues in front
of the building in the middle. A couple more will pop up on the
columns where you are, so run back to cover and take them out.

Next will come those damn minotaurs, so arm your crossbow, and move
outside, to give yourself some moving around room. Run backwards as
you shoot at them. Afterwards, you'll get a message saying that a door
has been opened.

Go in all the nook and crannies, and replenish your supplies. The doors
that opened are to the right and left of where you entered, and which
is straight ahead to your left. So go to the door on your right first
and up the stairs. Bypass the two door that are halfway up the stairs,
and go to the top to get the Shield Treasure. Now come back down, and
go in the door on your left. You know enemies will pop up before you
get to the end, so quicksave. It will be three archers, so rush them,
and take them out.

The door around the corner to the left is locked, so turn around and go
thru the other door by the steps. This side will trigger minotaurs, so
get your crossbow out. Afterwards, run past the openings on the right
wall, and get the 10 Pieces of Gold at the end, then run back.

Go down the stairs and open the door, and shoot the archers that are on
top of the center building. Then go outside to the door to the left of
the Starting Point. Go up to the top, and get the Sword Treasure, then
come back down and go in the door on your left. This side has three
gladiators, and some Gold.

Now return to the stairs, and go thru the other door. This time it will
be a couple of mace throwers in front of some crossbow ammo. Before you
go past the first window opening on the right, look out into the
courtyard, and shoot the archers that popped up on the of the central
building. There is another door around the corner to the right, which
happens to be open. Go thru and you'll see a large winch mechanism in
the window ahead. Go up the stairs to the top, and get the treasure,
then come back down to the very bottom, and you'll get a message saying
that a door has been unlocked.

It's the trap door in the floor, so drop down and get the Gold when you
land. Shoot the archers and gladiator on the right. A couple of
skeletons will pop out of the crypts. Get the Treasure after they die
and go thru the gate on the left. Shooting the barrels to the left,
will bring some exploding rats. So why bother. Go out the archway on
the right.

Walk the narrow ledge on the left, and go down two sets of steps, and
jump the spike trap on the left side. The gate ahead will raise, so
enter, and shoot the two skeletons that pop out. Enter the next room
ahead for health pickups, then come back out and go right. Jump to the
crypt on the left, and shoot the archer that pops up in front of you.

Now go down to the floor below, and run to the left, and jump up the
next little hill. If you are quick enough, the rats won't catch you.
Since they can't get at you up here, and are making so much blasted
racket, ease forward-but not too close, and shoot them with your

Jump up the rock ramp. Shoot the two skeletons, and go to the right and
out the doorway and jump the gap on the right side. Go thru two spike
traps and into the opening in the wall on the right. Shoot the
skeletons and go out on the left. Jump up the rock, and shoot the
skeleton that wakes up. Go up the ramp and get the Suit of Armor.

This will open the gate, and skeletons will come in. Don't be ashamed
to jump back down in the hole, and take the skeletons out, as they come
down. As you are standing at the top of the ramp, facing the pedestal
where the suit of armor was, go out the door on your right. Go into the
door to the right of the barred gate.

Go up, and enter the opening where the winch is, and pull the switch,
which opens the gate below. Peek out the two windows on the wall that
the switch is on-you have to crouch under the ropes to get to the
second window-and shoot the archers lining the bridge. Head back out
the red door, and up the stairs to the top, to get 10 Pieces of Gold.

Head back down to the ground, and go in the gate, and pull the switch
on the right, to lower the drawbridge. Arm your machine gun, and go
across and thru the door to exit the level.



There are 170 Pieces of Gold.

1 secret

From the start, turn right and kill the archer as you head towards him.
Then turn around quickly, because some rats will be coming behind you.
Now take out the archer up on the left, and then the mace thrower
behind him. Then get the ammo on the other side of the door. Now move
forward down the path, to the rocks on the left side. Move down the
path, and watch for enemies above. The first will be two mace throwers
just past the scaffolding. Before you get to the scaffolding, aim your
shotgun thru it, and take out one of them. Then will be three waves
of rats just past the armor so arm your machine gun and backpedal when
they start to come. Go on past the column on the skid. Take out the
archer on the right, just past the single plank above, that goes across
to the rocks.

Head up to the top of the scaffolding, and kill the rats that appear
from the rocks on the left, when you reach the top. To avoid them,
jump to the right of the square stone, and onto the plank that goes
across. As you cross the plank, a mace wielder will pop up in front of
you. Continue on around the square rocks to the right. Jump across to
the broken bridge, and drop down and go up the ramp. Go to the right,
around the rocks, and cross the bridge back to the other side. Go past
the column pieces on the right, and jump to the partial bridge and into
the cave to kill the knife thrower. As you exit the short tunnel,
three archers will pop up on the castle building above on the right.
Duck back in the tunnel, and take them out, starting with the one on
the left. Cross the bridge and jump to the short board on the right to
enter the tunnel.

A mace wielder will run forward. Past the health pickup, will be
another mace wielder. Go down the ramp and up the next one, then jump
to the plank across the gap. Around the bend to the left, will be
another mace wielder. At the end of the tunnel will be an archer. A
minotaur will charge in, and there's another archer to the right. A
rat and a minotaur will follow. Go around to the right, and into
another tunnel. Mace wielder ahead followed by two more mace wielders.

Shoot the archer ahead and below the exit and the other two on the
lower ledges to the left. Jump back into the tunnel quickly, because
there is a mace wielder at the bottom using the ledge that you're
standing on for target practice. Jump out onto the ledge, and shoot
the mace thrower with your crossbow. If you wait long enough, the
minotaur that was down there with him, will dissolve. Run out the
tunnel, and jump to the ledge ahead, where the first archer was. Then
continue to jump down the ledges until you reach the ground. Get the
armor and health pickups. Then just step onto the trampoline-don't
jump, and it will take you to the next tunnel. Go thru killing a
couple of knife throwers, and a mace wielder with your shotgun. At the
exit, shoot the archer above.

Peek around the tunnel exit to the right, and when you see just a
little bit of the mace wielder, shoot till he dies. There will be three
archers to your right, and one more on the plank above. Jump out of the
tunnel to the left, and turn back around to your right, with your
machine gun, and take out the mace wielders and archers. Another wave
of mace wielder and knife throwers will try to surround you as you move
forward. So quickly backpedal, to put them all in front of you, and
then tear into them. Continue forward under the scaffolding, to the
end. Drop down into the mist, to get some pickups and arrive at SECRET
AREA #1 with 30 Pieces of Gold. Now move to the other end, and WALK
into the flaming circle to be back where you just dropped down from.

Go up to the top of the scaffold, and shoot the two archers that appear
on your right, as you go up the last ramp. Enter the tunnel and go
thru, then jump to the bridge and go right into another tunnel. At the
end, jump down to the left, to another tunnel. Jump down go thru and
shoot the archer. At the end, turn left and shoot the rats and archer
on the left. When backing away from the rats, be aware, the that there
is a long drop behind you. The kind that will kill you.

Arm your crossbow, and walk past the square rock, and quickly backpedal
when the minotaurs pop up in front and behind you. Then arm your
machine gun and head left around the corner before the cage. Rats will
jump from the square rocks on the left. Get the Health Kit, then go
around behind the square rocks on the left to another tunnel.

Cross the bridge, go left around the rock and drop down the hole.
Shoot the mace thrower and jump the gap to get some machine gun ammo,
then come back and drop down the hole. Go thru here and kill the mace
thrower and at the end, go up the scaffolding to the top. When you jump
across three knife throwers will pop up behind you, and a archer will
pop up in front.

Go up the scaffolding to get some ammo, then come back down, and step
into the cage. It will take you down, and the game will reload.




1 secret


Exit the cage and head for the red door. Arm your machine gun, stand in
front of the tunnel exit and move forward thru the ammo to trigger a
whole messa rats. Then backpedal into the tunnel behind the red door
and let it close. Now move forward and let the door open, and shoot
the rats in the tunnel. Rinse and repeat, until you stop triggering
rats. Be sure, that when you go out to trigger them, that you move
forwards and backwards in a straight line, thru the middle of the
machine gun ammo out front. When the rats start opening the red door on
their own, while you're backpedaling, jump backward up into the cage,
where they can't reach you. Then while they're all crowded around below
the cage, from the back of the cage, shoot one or two, to make them all
explode. And as I said before, rinse and repeat, until there are no
more rats being triggered.

After the rats stop coming, go to the right to get some armor. Then
head to the left to get the ammo first, then face the tunnel where you
shot the rats, and as you run forward taking the Mini Gun, run straight
back to the red door inside the tunnel. Now stand just inside the
opening, and shot the mace throwers that followed you, and the flying
babies. Keep stepping forward out of the mouth of the tunnel to
trigger them then back up and stand in the mouth of the tunnel, and
take them out when they fly by. There will be more exploding rats, so
after triggering them, move back behind the red door, and arm your
machine gun. If the wanna blow themselves up running into the red
door, I don't have a problem with that.

Next six cyclops come lumbering over. Stand in the red door to keep it
open, then when they stand in the mouth of the tunnel, open fire with
your pistol. They are too tall to get into the tunnel with you, and
will just stand there striking various poses for you while they dance
in the doorway. Empty clip after clip after clip from your pistol into
their codpieces, until the fall down and die. They are too big to get
at you, and you can shoot any body part that you can see. It doesn't
matter if it's an arm, leg, or penis, it will still help deplete their
health down to zero. After the fifth one falls, a door will open, so
wait and kill the sixth one, then head out of the tunnel for good.

Proceed to the right, and enter the large doors. Shoot any flying
babies that were hiding, and decided to follow you. Replenish your
supplies and get the 20 Pieces of Gold. There is a 200 point health
bonus by the exit that you might want to save for later, if your health
is already up.

Step out the exit to trigger groups of archers ahead and to the left.
Then duck back in, and pick them off. After awhile, they are going to
be too far away to get a target lock on, so move to the left wall, and
move forward. Grab the health before you leave, the door won't open
back up when you move away. Be ready to move to the other side, as they
will pop up on both sides. After them will come a group of mace
throwers. They will be followed by centaurs. Use the machine guns on
the centaurs. When they charge towards you, backpedal while firing
straight into them. Just before you kill the last one, a door will

But first, from where you entered this area, go left and all the way
behind you to the back corner by following the walls made of small
rocks, until you get to an opening. SECRET AREA #1-30 Pieces of Gold.
Now thoroughly check this large area for pickups to replenish and get
the 200 point armor in the building in the middle. Go to the gate past
where you got the armor, and stop in the wood fence area just before
them to buy some powerups at the ALTAR. Now you get to see where those
fire balls you've been seeing are coming from.




1 secret


Walk into the barred gate area, and WALK onto the trampoline, which
will propel you onto several other trampolines. If you think that you
are going to overshoot a trampoline, aim your mouse down to steer onto
it. When you land on solid ground, shoot the mace thrower in front of
you, and proceed to the doors ahead. You can go thru either red door,
to enter the arena. But go out the right door, and turn left, and walk
into the middle of the arena. Don't pick up the Acid Gun just yet, just
look around the walls of the arena for statues that you can shoot. Look
up on the second floor ahead, and shoot the low statue in the top right
alcove. Now turn around behind you and look up to shoot another statue
in the left alcove.

Walk back to the right entrance door, and go left around the outer
walkway where the pictures on the wall are, and get pickups. Take the
machine gun ammo and keep going around. When you reach the trampoline,
WALK onto it.

This will take you to the second floor balcony, so quickly move
forward, and duck behind cover, because you've also triggered the
archers. Take out any archers that you can get a lock on. As you move
forward, skeletons will pop up behind you, so turn around, and take
them out while backpedaling away. Use the altar for cover, and take out
the archer on the window ledge to your right. Purchase some powerups
at the ALTAR if you can then drop back down to the arena below.

Get the Acid Gun Ammo first, then take the Acid Gun, and the fun
begins. Use your machine gun, and Immortality and Titan Damage
powerups, to take down the horde of enemies that come to play. First
you will be surrounded by archers, so while they are popping up, go to
the walkway where the picture are on the wall, and walk onto the
trampoline, to propel yourself up to the balcony.

Then run to the ALTAR, and do your fighting from around it. Some
gladiators and minotaurs will pop up on the balcony, so use Titan
Motion, to slow things down, and your shotgun, to take them out.
Purchase another Titan Motion, and then look down into the arena, and
use your pistol to start picking archers off.

Keep ducking behind cover, after you shoot each one, until they are all
dead. More minotaur and skeletons will pop up on the balcony. Stay in
the general vicinity of the Altar, and let your enemy come to you. Now
isn't this better the being down in that arena, getting surrounded and
taking fire from all sides. Up here, your enemies only come a few at a
time. There's ammo and armor pickups up here also.

After you run out of enemies up hear, drop to the walkway below, and go
into one of the red doors where you began in this area, and let some
more enemies come to you. When you run out of enemies, it's time to
head outside to the arena. But first, check to see if there is a mace
thrower bouncing up and down on the trampoline. If so, quicksave, then
just for fun, try to take him out while dodging his maces. Now head
out to the arena, and you should find about 40 Pieces of Gold along the

Next will come two cyclops, and all you need to do, is circle strafe
away from their bad breath, and shoot two acid rounds into each one.
This will unlock a door, and out will come Hephaestus-the game's 2nd
Boss who likes to be called "Gimpy." Don't concern yourself with his
lackeys, just continually shoot your fireball thrower into him as you
use your Immortality and Titan Damage powerups, and watch as his health
diminishes at the top of the screen. Keep your distance, and circle
strafe around him, so he doesn't have a chance to slam his hammer into
the ground. After he dies, kill off the rest of his minions, and
proceed into the door that just opened.

Replenish your ammo, then Walk onto the trampoline to reach the top of
the brick furnace, and get the Gold Helmet. Then walk onto the
trampoline up here while facing the open window, to be propelled thru
the window to SECRET AREA #1 and get 30 Pieces of Gold. Drop back down
to the floor, and head back out. Rebound up to the balcony and check
for pickups, and purchase any powerups that you've used up. Drop back
down and check the arena. Then check the lower walkways, until you find
the doors that just opened up, and go thru to end this level.


There are 190 Pieces of Gold.

1 secret.


Quickly move to the side away from in front of the doors, so the archer
doesn't shoot you. Zoom in with your crossbow, to take him down off the
top of the big rock Now put a few arrows into the cyclops on the other
side of the bridge. Now come out, and move along each low wall, to get
the fireball thrower ammo and other pickups. Now move out on the
bridge, and at the end, pull the switch on the right square column.
When the draw bridge lowers, run across and up to the top of the steps.

Kill the other archer up on top of the rock on the left. Then the
flying babies as you backpedal onto the bridge again, with your
shotgun. Keep going forward, to trigger them. Next will come the birds.
Several gladiators and minotaurs will appear. Aren't you glad that
you've gotten to the part of the game where the minotaurs only produce
one offspring. Enjoy it while you can, cause it ain't gonna last long.
Get the birds also.

Check along the first castle wall for 10 Pieces of Gold. You can also
go back to where you started, and get the pickups there also. When you
try to cross the bridge into the castle, your enemies will raise it, so
it's on to Plan B. But first, kill the Skeletaur with your shotgun,
as they charge you.

Go to the trojan horse, and enter it in the back left leg. Head up
four ramps, then down the ramp ahead, go to the other side, and up that
ramp. Go forward and up two more ramps to a doorway on the left. Go
thru and to the right, jump up the ramp, and shoot the two archers that
you see out the window.

Now go back to the doorway, and go straight ahead, and jump up to the
top. Jump over to the winch and use it to move the horse closer to the
castle. Now go behind the winch, and jump down to the scaffolding to
get to the ground. Now return up thru the horse, and when you get to
the doorway, go right again, and jump up the ramp along the right wall.
Pull the lever on the floor. This will extend the bridge forward.

Run forward and leap off the bridge to a scaffold inside the castle.
Shoot the four statues along the front wall as you come down, and get
the 10 Pieces of Gold at the bottom of the scaffold. Don't drop down
to where the ALTAR is, because the door will open and enemies will come
out in mass.

Instead enter the red door at the bottom of the scaffold, and go up the
stairs and kill the minotaur, and get the Gold Shield Treasure. At the
bottom of the steps, shoot the barrels from a few flights up, then go
down and enter SECRET AREA #1, and get 10 Pieces of Gold. Walk out the
door, and trigger the archers and skeletons who will open the door for

Go back up the first flight of steps and stand on the left, and let the
parade of skeletons enter the door. As they do, shoot them with your
pistol. I encountered what seems to be a glitch in the game. When the
skeletons started coming, they never stopped. The ground just kept on
spitting up skeletons. Finally, to end this parade of madness, I just
ran into the door that they opened, and the game reloaded, and poof, no
more skeletons. If you don't get the glitch, then move to the door and
shoot the archers.

If you don't get the glitch, and kill all the skeletons, then when it's
safe, come out, and go right, past the gate, to the other door just
like the one you just came out of, and go up. Enter the door on your
left, walking backwards, and kill the gladiator who thought he was
going to pop up behind you. Get the goodies, and come back out.

The winch room is where they pulled the drawbridge up to try and keep
you out. Go to the top of the stairs, kill the minotaur that's trying
to be sneaky, and get more Gold Treasure. Now come back down, and out
the door to the right. Move towards the alcove to trigger some sword
throwing gladiators. Get the Health Kits, then go to the ALTAR, if you
need to purchase any powerups. Then head in the front door, and the
game will reload.



2 Secrets.


Walk forward to open the doors, and stand in the threshold with your
back against the right side door, and peek up high to the left, and
take out the three archers. Now turn to the right, and take out the
archers up there. Head into the gates on the left, to activate the
flying babies. Kill them and the archers above. Every time that you
trigger some more babies, a archer will appear above also. When they
stop appearing, head thru the next pair of gates.

After the fourth gate, enter the door on the left with the fountain,
and as soon as you trigger the flying babies, backpedal back out side.
Use the doorway for cover, and take out the babies with your pistol.
When they are all dead, enter and get armor and health pickups that you
need. Head back out of here and go left and pull the switch. As soon as
you get into the switch room, mace throwers will appear, so use the
section of brick wall between the bars for cover, and take them out
from there. The switch raised another gate.

Now head back the way you came, to trigger some more babies. As you
head back, take out the archers who are way up high. Go past where you
entered, to the gates on the other side. More archers will pop up on
the ground in the section where you can see the rope in the window on
the left, so back out of there quickly. Some skeletons will appear
also. Then proceed on, and find more skeletons. Only thing in the room
to the right, are some barrels to blow up, so keep going.

Arm your machine gun. Head up a few of the steps, to trigger a flood of
spear chucking skeletons, then back up and strafe to dodge their
spears, and blast them with your shotgun. When they stop coming, head
around the bottom of the stairs, and arm your acid gun. As soon as you
take the health kit on the right in the last area, several minotaur
will pop up ahead. Strafe right to pick it up, so that you are facing
the back wall. Strafe back to the left and back up. Blow them up like a

Now head back and go up the steps. At the top of the stairs, mace
throwers and archers will surround you. At the top of the stairs,
there's a hole on the left, so don't fall down. Hook a Uuey to the
right, and enter the room on the left, and do your fighting from there.
After you've killed everybody, get the Grenades in the back of the

Exit this room, and enter the door that is diagonally to your left, and
take out the two mace wielders in front of you. Enter the doors, and
head to the left, passing a pole along the way. Enter the next doors
on the left, arm your machine gun, and walk backwards into the 200
Point Health Kit. Shoot the rats when they appear. Come back out, and
continue to the left, and enter the next door on your left. Enter the
next door on your right, to get some armor and acid gun refills.

Head back out of this room to the right, and enter the room on the
right. After you enter this room, look back out the door up and to the
left, to spot the cyclops up there on the third floor. Shoot a clip
into him with your pistol, then duck back into the room so he can have
his turn. Come back out and put another clip into him, duck back out
of the way, then a third clip should put him out of his misery. It
takes a while for his spitballs to reach you, so wait until after they
hit the door before going out to shoot.

Now look around the room. There are skeletons playing possum in here.
Now stand at the end of the room, in the corner where the door is, and
shoot the large group of barrels on the right. It seems as though that
was the possum players wake up call. Back out of the room, and shoot
the other barrels ahead, then shoot the skeletons that come out the

Head up the steps with your shotgun, and kill the skeletons that pop up
at the top of the steps. If you back up a ways, a lot of the skeletons
will run off the side of the steps in their eagerness to get at you.
So remember that they will still be down there, when you go back down
there. But just for fun, see how many you can kill before they reach
the ground. I think this is another one of those game glitches, where
you get unlimited skeletons. Head up the stairs, and hook a Uuey to the
right, and go in the door on your left. There are two minotaurs and
armor at the far end. Come back out and go right to the next door.

It seems that when you go past the steps, the glitch is still in
effect, so back up and let them run down the steps. Wait until they
stop triggering for a while, and run PAST the room on the right. Either
it's a game glitch, or there were suppose to be at least a hundred

Keep going to the next room; collect the ammo around the pools. Go to
the door and shoot the knife throwers on the bridge to your left. Come
back out, and go left, across the bridge to the door on your right.
Once the door closes behind you, that should stop the skeletons.

Go right from the rope, and take out as many distant enemies as you can
see. Then go in the door, and when you trigger the birds, run back
thru the door, and take out as many as you can from here.

When they're dead, head back in the door and get the pickups behind the
wall ahead. Then go left, to the stairs. Enter the room just before
the stair, blow up some barrels, and get the grenade ammo. Now head up
the stairs. At the top of the stairs, hook a Uuey to the right, and
cross the next bridge, and enter the doors and go left. Pass the rope
going thru the floor, and stop when you see the switch.

Two skeletons, one in front, and one behind pop up as you approach it.
As soon as they are triggered, backpedal past the one behind and shoot
them both. Rinse and repeat, to kill several more. Now pull the switch
which will lower the bridge inside the door you just passed.

Go thru, cross the drawbridge, and go right. Jump the gaps, ignore the
triggered birds, go up the ramp and across the bridge into the next
door. Go right and up the stairs, and stand behind the rope part of
the winch, and press use to raise the suspended platform on the ground
floor, at the bottom of the rope.

Arm your crossbow and head back to the stairs and several minotaur will
appear. Backpedal to the other side of the winch, as you shoot them.
Now head back to the stairs again, to find that the door has closed, so
head up the plank. Follow the walkway back around, jumping the gap,
and killing several waves of flying babies with your machine gun.

Now go back to this side of the hole, and turn towards the inner wall.
Crouch to get past the protruding piece of the wall, and walk along the
ledge here, Keep going and when you see some twinkling ahead, walk
backwards into it. This is SECRET AREA #1 that has 200 Point Armor.
This secret will trigger a mess a birds, so run back along the ledge,
and jump down to where the winch is, run forward, then turn and machine
gun any birds that followed you. Then go to the plank at the end again,
to get back up on the level above.

Jump the gap, keep going, and go down the next plank. This will
trigger a archer at the bottom of it, so shoot quickly. Down the next
plank another archer. Go to the nearby window, and use your pistol to
shoot the birds that are still looking for you. Then go down the
circular stairs. Thru the door on your left, and down another plank,
killing a rat at the bottom. Thru the next door, and down some more
circular steps on the left. Jumping the gaps as you go down. This puts
you on the ground. Don't go into the inner area where the round
building is, or you'll trigger enemies. Follow the walkway on around,
and for the moment, bypass the opening below the platform that you
raised when you used the winch. Keep going to the stairs at the other
end, and go up.

Go to the door on the left, and inside you'll see some machine gun
ammo. Equip your machine gun, and walk thru it backwards. Three mace
throwers will appear where you just came from, so shoot quickly. As you
cross the bridge, four archers will appear above on the left. Duck
behind one of the square columns, and take them out. Finish crossing
the bridge, and go right. In the first room, are some rats and a
skeleton. Also some health pickups. Head to the second door on the
right, which contains SECRET AREA #2 with some armor. Oh yeah, there's
a ALTAR in here also.

Now it's time to retrace your steps back to the hole in the floor under
the raised platform. As you attempt to exit the altar room, three
archers will pop up on the bridge above and to your left. This will be
followed by a couple more up there. Take them out, then exit to the
right. Cross the bridge to the inner area, and go left. Go down the
circular stairs, and down to the ground. Follow the walkway, to the
platform that you just raised, and jump down to the basement. The game
will reload.



1 secret

Follow the tunnel, and drop down into the hole. It doesn't matter
whether you go forward on backwards. Both directions lead to steps
going down, and a room full of statues. Use your shotgun to shoot the
three knife throwers and skeletons that pop up. Then proceed to the
stairs. At the top of the stairs, jump onto the inner ledge that goes
along the wall above the stairs, to get to SECRET AREA #1. When the
sign shows on screen, drop down to get the thirty pieces of Gold.

Drop down to the bottom of the stairs, and enter the room. You're
going to face several waves of enemies, and your routine is going to be
jump up on the pedestal and collect the gold, then when the light
starts reflecting off the mirrors above, backpedal off the pedestal to
the outer wall, and strafe from side to side, using the columns for
cover, while you take out the next group.

Arm your pistol. When you head towards the middle, a rat will jump out
of the pedestal. Afterwards, jump up and get the 10 Pieces of Gold he
left behind. This will cause light to be reflected between two overhead
mirrors. Each time you kill a wave of enemies, a new light will appear
above. Quicksave after each group.

Starting with some rats. There are twelve waves of rats, that all come
from the same spot, which is a little to the left of the mirror that is
to the left of the gate where you entered, if you face the gate. Jump
off the pedestal, to trigger each wave, then back up to shoot them.
You won't waste as much ammo with the pistol, as you will with the
shotgun, because the rats will head straight for the bottom of the
pedestal that you are standing on, making it hard to get a lock on

Afterwards equip your machine gun, and jump back up on the pedestal to
get some more Gold, and another light will reflect down, and mace
wielders will surround you, so backpedal to the outer wall to deal with
them. Use the columns for cover. After them will be knife throwers.

Get the armor in the outer ring also. Get your acid gun out and jump
up for more gold. Next will come minotaurs. If new gold doesn't appear
on the pedestal, it means that you are not thru with the current wave
of enemies. So move around to trigger them. After the minotaurs, jump
up and get the Gold Helmet then head back to the outer area of the
room. Parts of the floor in the middle area will drop away. There
will be steps to jump down to or step off to. Minotaurs and archers
will make your descent interesting. While you're still up here, try to
take out as many of the enemies below as you can.

Start your descent near the closed gate. You'll see gold and a archer
in one of the alcoves on the way down. After you kill him, and get the
10 Pieces of Gold, move to the left wall for cover, and quicksave.
There is only one path down to the exit, so don't be concerned about
the numerous platforms. While you are in this alcove, try and take
out some of your attackers, to make things easier. The next rest stop
will have a gladiator in it. Stop here, and take out some more
enemies. When you reach the doors, head thru, and the level will end.


This level has 210 Pieces of Gold.

1 secret

The fighting starts out fast and furious in this level. You can't even
get out the door before skeletons and minotaurs are coming in to get
you. All your old enemies are coming to the party in mass quantities.
Blast the minotaurs and skeletons that first come in the door with your
mini gun. Then stand on either side of the door on either side and
strafe in front of the doorway, fire, then strafe to the side for

Use your acid gun on the minotaurs when they are a ways off. The
skeletons will charge and jump at you when they get near the doorway,
so quickly strafe to the side, to let them crash into the back wall.
It's important that you take the minotaurs out from a distance, and
stay near the front of the room, so that the splash damage from their
axes hitting the back wall doesn't deplete your health. Strafe left
and right near the entrance to take out each wave. Keep firing, and
keep moving. When things slow down, run out, and go along the wall
beside the starting point, to refresh your supplies.

After a while, there will be smaller cyclops, followed by the larger
variety that spit faster than those that came before. A couple of
shots of acid is all that's needed for them from a distance. It takes
a little time between the time they spit, and the rocks actually
reaching you, and you'll only have a few seconds to move out of the way
when you hear them whistling thru the air.

After them, the birds will make a pest of themselves. Check where the
birds come from, and from as far away as possible, shoot them with your
pistol. It will be to the right of the starting point, and up in the
orange area of the screen. Two more cyclops appear, so use the acid gun
from a distance. Afterwards, replenish your supplies.

Now head for the four tall female statues to the left of the starting
point, and drop down to the broken bridge. Walk out as far as you can
on the left side, and quicksave. Run and jump off, to the trampoline
below, and it will rebound you to SECRET AREA #1. Pick up the 30
Pieces of Gold.

Step on to this trampoline to be propelled to the other side of the
broken bridge. Steer left while in the air so you don't land in the
lava. Equip your acid gun, and walk down the slope sideways, leading
with your left side, constantly checking up the slope to your right for
minotaurs, and so you don't step into the lava on your left. There
will be two waves of minotaurs.

Drop down to the dock, and go down the ramp. Jump from rock to rock,
going straight ahead, and towards the left. When you get to the end of
the second long rock, archers, throwers, and minotaurs will be trying
to knock you off into the lava. On one of the rocks is a 200 Point
health kit. After you get it, make your way back above the dock and

Take the path to the right. When you reach the door, skeletons and
flying babies will come out. Shoot the barrel in the right corner, to
decrease their numbers. Then keep running in and backing out to
trigger several waves. Afterwards, enter the gate and go straight to
the end, and then turn right, and go over the rubble, then right again,
and pull the switch at the end.

Go back to where you first turned to the right, and go straight ahead
to the gate that just opened. Go left and when the skeletons start to
rise, shoot the nearby barrels to take them out, then put the switch
over here to your left. Head back out of here, and go straight ahead
to the end then to the right, and shoot the barrels to kill the rats.
Then enter the cage and get the Shield Treasure. The elevator cage
will take you up to the next level.




2 secrets.


Step out of the cage, and head out the gated door that opens for you,
and you'll be told to find the key. Head under the archway straight
ahead, and get the ammo first, then face where you entered and run thru
the Medusa Gun and back behind the caged elevator that you rode up on.
Let the two-headed dogs that you just triggered, come to you. Shoot
them as they run into the cage, as you move around the side. To
trigger more dogs, just move towards the gate, then back behind the
cage. When they enter the doorway, shoot them with your acid gun, as
you slide to the side, and they are in the cage. Rinse and repeat,
until they stop being triggered.

After them will come the archers, so get the machine gun, and run out
side to trigger them. They'll be in a line up on the walls, and on the
ground. Stand against the front wall of this room, and slide back and
forth across the doorway, and take them out with your pistol. Start
with those on one side, then those on the other side up on the wall.
Lastly, take out those in the middle.

Next will come the lions and tigers scampering back and forth. You can
just pistol whip them, standing in the doorway. They're followed by the
minotaurs, and they don't mind coming inside where you are, so switch
to your acid gun. So shoot them in the doorway from behind the cage, as
you strafe to the other side of the room from where they are throwing
to. Afterwards, the brown door to the left of the starting point will
open, so replenish your supplies, and head into it.

Head up the stairs and into the door on the left. Kill the skeletons
with your machine gun, before they get to you. Trigger a couple of more
waves, then run past the windows on the left, to avoid the archers
shooting at you, and get the 10 Pieces of Gold. Now look out the
windows, and shoot the archers down on the ground to your left.

Now come back to the stairs, and enter the other door. Trigger the mace
throwers, then back out, and up the stairs, and when they come out the
door, shoot them with your shotgun. Trigger another wave and do the
same thing. Move forward, and look out the window and down on the
ground. Shoot the two archers down there. Go to the end, and break the
vase with your pistol, and get the key that was inside. A message will
say a door has been unlocked.

Go back to the stairs, and go up to the next door. As soon as you
enter, a mace wielder pops up. After you kill him, walk backwards
across the walkway, and another one will pop up. Now continue on into
the doorway ahead, and up these stairs. Shoot the barrels from up
above, so their explosion doesn't damage you. Now go down to the
ground, and find SECRET AREA #1, and get the 10 Pieces of Gold. You'll
need to crouch to reach it.

Now head back up to the top, and purchase any power ups that you may be
missing. Nearby to the ALTAR, is a gated door that will swing open as
you approach. Use your shotgun to take out the knife throwers. After
you trigger them, duck back thru the gate, and behind the altar, and
let them come to the ambush that's waiting for them. Go back and kill
another one. Grab the armor, and enter the other gated door. Get some
more armor, then shoot the barrels at the bottom. Now head down the
stairs to the bottom, and find SECRET AREA #2. Crouch and get 10 Pieces
of Gold.

Go back up a flight of steps, and thru the doorway arming your machine
gun. Kill the rats and flying babies. Continue across, and arm your
Medusa Gun. Go down and enter the door on the left. Trigger the
Minotaurs, then pop off a couple of rounds as they are forming. Go in
and break the vase and get a message that a door has opened. Look down
out the window to the courtyard, and kill the archer and knife thrower.
Now go to the other door, and use your machine gun on the archers, and
get the 10 Pieces of Gold at the end. Look down in the courtyard, and
kill another archer and knife thrower.

Arm your mini gun, and jump out the window, and down to the ground. Get
the health and armor behind you, then shoot the flying babies that fly
in from your right. Just a few short bursts on each one, is all that
it takes. Afterward, go around and replenish your supplies, but
whatever you do, DON'T go into the four gated areas at each corner of
the courtyard. They each have a tempting pickup behind them. But
beware, these are all traps. As soon as you approach them, rats will
pop out of the floor at your feet, and explode, decreasing your health
for as long as you stand there. So avoid this altogether, by not going
thru the gates

The door with four columns and two female statues, is the exit.
Head thru the exit door, and go up the stairs, a pair of knife throwers
will pop up. Back pedal back down the steps, and outside. Get some
distance, and use your mini gun to take them out, as they follow. Go
back up the stairs, to trigger another pair. Afterwards, replenish your
mini gun ammo near the central structure. Then head back up the stairs,
and go thru the door on the right, and follow the hallway, to end the



No secrets

Approach the doors from the left side, and quickly jump back so the
closing doors will block the maces flying at you. Now that you know
what's back there, approach the doors again from the left, and shoot
the mace wielders. There are three of them back there, so rinse and
repeat. There are two statues on the left behind the door, so now move
to the right, and make the door open, so that you can shoot them before
their eye bolts can strike you.

Now move into the room towards the steps and arm your acid gun. As you
head down, two minotaurs will pop up on the first landing, and one will
pop up behind you. Backpedal up the stairs, and take the one up top,
then take out the two on the way up. Two more will appear at the
bottom, as you head down the next flight of steps.

Move a little ways thru the door, and when the three mace wielders on
the right see you, quickly step back. When they get to the door, open
fire with your shotgun. As you make the left turn in the corridor,
there will be another mace wielder. Now arm your acid gun, and continue
thru the corridor. Make the doors open, and shoot the two minotaurs
while backing away. From here, take out your pistol, and shoot the two
statues on the left, behind the gate. Then move to the gate as it
rises, and shoot the one in the back on the right. There's a forth
one, directly to the right, just after you pass under the gate.

As you enter, several waves of spear chuckers will pop up ahead, so
keep triggering them. Then back out of the room as far as you can.
Use your shotgun to take them out from a distance. Afterwards, shoot
as many of the sphinx statues as you can get a green targeting icon for
with your pistol. Move along the wall with the entrance door in it, to
get them all-either five or six. As you move to the right along the
entrance wall, minotaurs, mace throwers and knife throwers will pop up
at the other end and in the middle. Use your acid gun and shotgun to
take them all out, as you move back into the entrance hall.

Head out thru the gate that is straight ahead from the one that you
entered. After you pass thru the door, three knife throwers will pop
up, so shotgun them as you back up. After you make the right turn in
the hallway, machine gun the skeletons. Arm your acid gun and proceed
thru the next doors. Kill the three minotaurs that pop up as you
backpedal. Look up as you approach the trampoline, and shoot the
birds. Quicksave.

Then arm your machine gun and walk onto the trampoline, and as you
bounce from one to the other, and since you'll be sailing thru the air,
most of your enemies attacks will miss you. When your reach the
hallway at the top, turn behind you as you land, and take out the two
archers. Enter the transporter, and get the Helmet Treasure to raise
the gate.

Go to your left, then move right, down this side of the room, to the
gate at the end. When you enter, three knife throwers pop up. Back
out, and use the pedestals for cover, as you take them out. Then
proceed past the gate into the door. At the corner, two minotaurs pop
up followed by a mace thrower. Acid Gun them, and move on. Three more
minotaurs pop up by the flame on the wall on the right, before the next

Go thru the next doors, and head right up the stairs. On the way up, a
couple of minotaurs pop up. Stand on the first landing, and shoot the
two statues above. As you head up, two more minotaurs pop up on the
landing behind you. Now head up on the left edge of the second set of
stairs, and as soon as you trigger some more minotaurs, jump down off
the side, and run back thru the door and down the hall to the left.
Then turn around, and let them have it with your acid gun. When you
finally get to the top, stop before the last several steps, and ease on
up and take out the three mace wielders.

Head thru the doors and follow the hall, taking out the skeletons down
the first hall, and knife throwers after the left turn with your
machine gun. Head thru the doors at the end, and use your shotgun, to
take out the mace throwers on your left by backing thru the door, and
letting them come to you. Enter and retreat the second time to trigger
some knife throwers, and on the third time, trigger a couple of waves
of minotaurs.

Enter the door and go to the left to the end, turn right, and use your
machine gun to kill the skeletons that pop up. Trigger two more waves
of skeletons, followed by three waves of two archers when you make the
right turn at the corner. Walk thru the portal at the end, to get the
Helmet Treasure and open the gate. Now exit thru the gate, and kill
the archers in the middle of the room ahead. Afterwards, the floor
where they were standing will fall away. Move around this room, to
replenish your supplies, then head down the steps where the floor fell

As you head down the steps, a couple of minotaurs will pop up at the
bottom, so use your medusa gun on them. Inside the tunnel at the start
of it, mace throwers will pop up. When you reach the room, shoot the
barrels on the right after the knife throwers behind them are triggered
as you duck back into the tunnel. Take care of the rest yourself when
they come to the mouth of the tunnel. Exit this room, thru the hole in
the wall to the right of the entrance and watch out for a mace wielder
standing to the right of the hole. Proceed down the hall to the left,
and thru the gate, and the game will reload.



No Secrets

Follow the hallway, and jump the gap on the right side. Enter the
room, to trigger some knife throwers, then back around the corner of
the hallway to the right, and let them come to you. Shoot the archers
before entering again. Trigger some more, and shoot the barrels ahead,
to take some of them out. Shoot the rest with your machine gun.
Trigger some more knife throwers, and archers.

Collect the goodies, then exit on the left wall, and jump down the step
like ledges, and enter the next room. Move to the center of the room,
and get all the machine gun ammo first. Then face the hole where you
entered. Arm your mini gun, and jump over the trampoline, grabbing the
treasure helmet as you go, and run back into the hole in the wall to
the back left corner, and turn around with your mini gun. It will
start raining rats, so let the rats come to you in the hole where you
can mow them down. Use a sweeping motion to spray them all. When
there are a group of them gathered on the other side of the wall, shoot
one and make the rest explode in chain reaction. Near the end of the
rat storm, you'll get a message that a door has been unlocked. It the
door across from where you entered.

Enter and get the pickup on the left, then arm your pistol, and slowly
move towards the portal, and shoot all the birdies flying in the
distance. Every so often, while you're shooting at the ones ahead, one
will silently glide in from the left.

Now walk to the back side of the portal, and face the platforms
floating in the lava. QUICKSAVE!!!!!!!!!

When one of the platforms gets near to you, back into the portal to
land on it. This may take several trys because you can't see where you
are once you reappear. When you land on the platform, arm your mini gun
and QUICKSAVE again. When you reach the other side, jump up, and STOP
and Quicksave again. When you move forward, several minotaurs will
appear ahead. Use a sweeping spray to kill them and their spawns as you
move forward so they don't knock you back into the lava. Grab the
Shield Treasure and go thru the door. This will end the level.




No Secrets

Move down the hallway, and trigger two sets of gladiators, and move
behind the protruding support beams for cover. Take the next left, and
kill the skeletons that pop up at the next right turn before the window
ahead. Before you approach the 10 Pieces of Gold, shoot as many
archers in the window behind it as you can. Should be about four, with
two of them standing off to the left.

Come back out, and make two lefts, and get the machine gun ammo. Kill
the skeletons around the next left turn, then flip the switch. Jump up
onto the window sill besides the switch, then step down onto the ledge
on the other side. Walk around the broken floor to the right, and jump
up onto the next coffin in the middle of the room.

Use your pistol, to kill the spear chuckers in the window ahead. Now
jump to the second coffin and then to the ledge by that window. Jump up
in the air, while you fire thru the window, to kill any skeletons that
you can. Walk around the ledge to the right, and throw the second
switch, which opens a window behind you to the left. Now make your way
back around to that window, going back the same way that you came.

Jump thru the window, and arm your crossbow. Look around the corner to
the right, and kill the minotaur at the far end. Go forward, and use
your shotgun to kill the skeletons down the hallway to the right, then
get their 10 Pieces of Gold. Come back out of here, and go right toward
where you shot the minotaur, and at the corner, quickly back up and
kill the skeletons that come from the left and right with your machine
gun. Then go right and right again, and kill some more skeletons, and
get their 10 Pieces of Gold at the end.

Come back down this hallway and turn left and go to the doors at the
end. Kill several waves of flying babies by backing thru the doors and
kill them as they fly around. Come back out the door, and move forward
to the swinging platforms. Jump to each one, from the protrusions on
the right side. Due to the swinging motion enemies on the sides won't
get as good of a shot at you, as the ones ahead and behind. Quicksave
on each platform, as it's real easy to get turned around and wind up
heading back the way you came.

On the second swinging platform, turn around and use your shotgun to
take out some minotaurs high and low, that won't regenerate, then
continue on. Afterwards, while still on the second swinging platform,
take a moment to look at both ahead and behind. Where you came from,
there is no door in the hallway. Where you are trying to get to, there
is the exit door. You're going to be doing a lot of moving around on
the next swinging platform, and when it's all over, you won't be sure
which way you need to go to reach the fourth platform.

On the third swinging platform, mace throwers will appear on the side
walls. Stay here, and move around on the platform as you shoot them.
Use your machine gun, because some of them are too far away to see
clearly, and all that you can do, is sweep the general area where the
maces come from to help take care of that problem. After you stop
hearing maces come at you, quicksave.

On the fourth platform, regenerating minotaurs will pop up ahead. Use
the zoom on your crossbow to take them out from as far back on the
platform as you can get while strafing from side to side.

From the fifth platform, jump to the other side. When you reach the
other side, kill some more flying babies that pop up behind you with
your machine gun, then go thru the door and enter the elevator cage.
Or, you can just forget about them and run thru the door and into the
elevator cage and make a clean getaway. This will end the level, and
the game will reload.



1 Secret


Move out the elevator, and draw a couple of mace wielders inside, then
go out to the rocks on the left, to draw out more mace wielders. Move
out the door straight ahead, to trigger the flying babies in the trees.
The trees act as good camouflage for the babies, making them hard to
see. So draw them in front of the doorway, so you can strafe from side
to side across the doorway while killing them. If they make the
mistake of clustering altogether, use your fireball launcher, to take
them all out in one fell swoop. You'll have to go towards the trees
several times, to flush them all out.

After them, move out straight ahead, and up the small hill with the
tree on top of it. On the other side, is a 200 Point Armor. Now go
diagonally to the right, behind the big rock, to the building with
three doors. Run into the third door while triggering some skeletons.
This is an ALTAR room. Stay in here and shoot them. Leave here, and go
thru the opening, towards the raised rocks on the other side, to
trigger archers standing up on the rocks, and several dogs.

Use your powerups while fighting the dogs. Head back to the altar room,
to buy some more. Leave the altar room and go past the second door on
the left, to the alcove around the corner, to find SECRET AREA #1-10
Pieces of Gold. Afterwards head over to where the dogs came from, and
go up onto the rock to enter a tunnel. Wait outside the entrance to
kill the skeletons with your machine gun.

Before you enter the tunnel, make sure that you have all three powerup,
because it's gonna be a long time before you see another altar. So save
them for your fight with Medusa the Boss at the end of level 7.

Move in and out of the tunnel, to kill the rats. Then continue on thru
the tunnel, and drop down in the hole. Go up the plank, and drop down
another hole, and follow the corridor. The level will end, and the game
will reload.



No Secrets

Move forward, grabbing whatever ammo you can, onto the dock, and to the
right of the left square support column of the bridge. Arm your
crossbow, and zoom in, to shoot the mace wielder way off to the left in
front of the tunnel opening. There are alligators in the water, so
skinny dipping is definitely a no-no.

Step onto the raft, and let it take you down the river. Machine gun
the birds that appear after you pass under the wooden bridge, and the
flying babies that appear when you enter the cave. Your movement down
the river will make most of your attackers miss hitting you. As you
approach the cyclops, try to take him out. After you pass the cyclops,
look for a dock on your right to jump off to, then hurry up the hill
for cover, and quicksave. Turn around and shoot any flying babies that
may have followed.

Since there will be minotaurs on the bridge ahead all near each other,
arm your fire ball thrower and run behind the left support at the start
of the bridge. Strafe right, and send a fiery greeting to them. Go
across the bridge, up the stairs, and into the doors, to end the level.


There are 90 Pieces of Gold

1 Secret

Move to the side as the game reloads and the doors open to avoid the
archers standing on the pillars and along the sides. There's a flying
baby in a window on the second floor, on the right. Shoot the barrel in
the archway on the right, to kill the archer standing on it.

Grabbing the armor, will cause enemies to pop up, so do so only if you
really need to. Proceed forward, and jump down into the hole, arming
your machine gun. Knife throwers will immediately surround you, so run
into the doorway on your left, and let them come to you. Move in and
out of the room, to trigger several waves of knife throwers, followed
by several waves of skeletons. Since they'll be coming from the right,
stand to the left of the doorway. Let them come to the doorway, and use
short bursts of your machine gun to kill them.

Cross the room to the door that is diagonally to your right, and go
around the corner to your right to the doors there. Arm a grenade, and
throw it into the middle of the room, then move forward to trigger some
enemies, then quickly step back out. This should kill everything
inside. Enter the room, and throw the switch which will raise a gate
in front of some stairs going up.

Exit the room, and go down the stairs ahead. Turn left at the corner,
and shotgun the knife thrower trying to ambush you on the left. At the
next corner, will be another knife thrower coming from the left. They
may not be coming from these exact places, but will be coming from the
left. Head up the spiral staircase, and into the little room . Go to
the far left corner, and look down in the hole to spot the barrel.
Shoot it, and it will explode, killing the archer that was on top.

Drop down into the hole, and head out the doorway where you can see the
columns, and go around to the left. Enter the doorway with the two
columns in front, and then up the stairs. Stop before you reach the
top, and shoot the barrel up here. Peek inside the doorway, to the
right and shoot the barrel, to kill the archer in here. Come back
downstairs, and continue on to the left. Go up the stairs, and stop
before you reach the top. Peek around the corner to the right, and
kill the two archers standing on columns. A third one is on the roof to
the right, and the fourth one is in the doorway ahead down below.

Move slowly forward, until you can spot the discus thrower between the
rightmost column and the building, and take him out. Move down the
stairs, and shoot the barrels on the left in the first doorway, to kill
the archer standing in front of it.

Go down into the water, and swim into the tunnel, and at the end, swim
up to be in a small room. Climb out of this pool, and jump down into
the other square pool of water. Swim down and thru the tunnel. There
will be a small break between this and the next tunnel. Swim down at
this break, to another tunnel. Then swim up to a small room. This is
SECRET AREA #1. Get the 30 Pieces of Gold in here.

Jump back into the water and swim down and into the tunnel. When you
come out, swim up, and into the left tunnel. At the end, swim down and
into the tunnel on the left. At the end, swim up to get some air. Climb
out of the pool, and grab the machine gun ammo, then head up the stairs
in the next room. Exit the doorway, and look up and shoot the flying
baby in the window above on the right.

To your left is the pedestal where the discus thrower was. And to the
right, is the pool where you swam down to get the secret. Go left, and
at the corner of the building, shoot the archer at the bottom of the
steps, then head down.

At the bottom of the steps, and a ways to the left will be another
archer and discus thrower, with a dog thrown in for good measure.
Medusa gun the dog first, and the discus thrower last as you strafe up
and down the steps. Move forward to where the discus thrower was and
turn right. Go behind the four columns, and shoot the archer standing
on the tall pedestal inside the room. Enter and get some machine gun

Exit and go to the wall straight ahead, and then to the left. Around
the corner to the right, will be waves of enemies, starting with a line
of about six archers. Pick them off with your pistol, starting with
the one on the left. Next will be a several of waves of skeletons
charging towards you, so back up towards where the discus thrower's
pedestal is, and plug away with your machine gun at anything that comes
around the corner of that wall. Keep backing around this corner wall,
and using your shotgun or machine gun on them. Remember, there is still
some machine gun ammo in the room where the archer was on top of the
high pedestal. Next will be several dogs that need to be stoned to the
bone. This is followed by flying babies, who just happen to love your
machine gun.

The last group will be a lot of minotaurs and mace throwers, so head
back to your pedestal home base, and do your fighting from there. Move
to the end of the wall, to trigger them, and when they come around the
corner, let them have it with minotaur destroying weapons. Keep going
up to trigger some more, until they stop popping up, and you get a
message that a door has opened. Replenish with any supplies laying
around, and go thru the door to end the level.



No Secrets

Don't use your fireball thrower on this level, save it for the boss in
the next level.

From inside the room and to the sides of the doorway, take out the
Atlas statues to the left and right up on the balcony. Now take out the
four discus throwers against the far wall, down in the courtyard. Move
around the balcony to the right, and enter the corner room, and go
upstairs, and get the 10 Pieces of Gold at the top. Come back down,
and head thru the red door and stop. Look down below, under where you
started, and shoot the six discus throwers in the alcoves. Since they
can hop down off of their pedestals, one might have the brass ass nerve
to hop up on the balcony where you are, so be aware.

Afterwards, move forward, and stop behind the pedestal that the atlas
statue was on, and take out the archers below. Newsflash, these archers
are mobile. Since they'll mostly be to the right of the catapult, shoot
from the left side of the pedestal. Every once in a while, one will
jump on the trampoline, and go flying across the courtyard. Since they
are so damn frisky, you might wanna use your pistol, to keep from
wasting ammo. Strafe and use the pedestal for cover and shoot from
the left side of it, because the archers will be moving around on the
right side.

When you first get hit with a mace, run back past the trampoline, and
into the corner room. And turn around and greet all the mace throwers
that tried to surround you with bursts of machine gun fire as they open
the door.

After they are all dead, head back past the entrance to the other side,
and stop before going out the door. Arm your crossbow, and move out a
little ways, to let the minotaurs that triggered in the courtyard see
you. Then step back just inside the door to keep it open. The
minotaurs will hop up to the balcony near the pedestal, so fire into
them before they get close, and strafe to the side to dodge their axes.
This will be a whole bunch of Non-regenerating minotaurs. After they
are dead, you'll get a message, saying that a door has opened. Head up
the stairs, to the top and get the 10 Pieces of Gold. Now go past the
other atlas statue pedestal into the door ahead.

Enter the door ahead and go up the stairs. Walk onto the trampoline,
to land on the catapult on your right. You may need to steer into it.
Face the trampoline that you just used to get to the catapult. Use the
catapult to hurl the boulder into the wall that is opposite of where
you entered making a nice size hole in it. Quickly jump down to the
ground, and run into the doorway in the corner before all the
skeletaurs are triggered, and step onto the trampoline to propel
yourself to the top of this corner room. Get the grenades then drop
back down to the door and out onto the balcony.

Run around the balcony, passing the starting point, to the other end,
and stand behind that atlas pedestal to shoot at the skeletaurs &
centaurs. Since they can run around and change directions at a moments
notice, you're better off taking a lot of time to kill them by using
your pistol or shotgun. This is going to take a while, so apply for
residency at this pedestal, and strafe out, and start trying to pick
them off. Some will use the trampoline to rebound up to the balcony
where you are, so don't be surprised, when some hoof beats sound closer
than they should. When there are a lot of them down there, switch to
your machine gun, and thin the herd. After a while, a message will say
that a door has opened.

After they are all dead, go to the tower that is to the right of where
you are now, and downstairs to the courtyard, and replenish your
supplies. Go back into the tower, and go up a few flight of steps, and
jump down onto the trampoline, to reach the very top. Get some more
grenades, and drop down to the steps below. Go up the stairs from the
red door to the window.

Quicksave, then walk onto the trampoline and steer yourself onto the
other catapult then quicksave. Walk to the end, and use it once, to
lower the handle. Then go down to the opposite end from the cup part,
and jump up on the handle. Quicksave, and slowly walk up the handle to
the cup part. Now use it again, to fling yourself over the wall. When
you land outside the other arena, quicksave again.



No Secrets

Go around the outside of the arena, and get whatever pickups you can.
Take note of where the Fireball Ammo is. It's a little to the left of
where you landed along the outside wall. Also nearby, is some 200 Point
Armor. Go around and get all the pickups that you can, so that your
health and armor are both at 100 Points.

When you get to the pedestal where the Atomic Gun is, take the ammo
around it first. Quicksave, then take the Atomic Gun. When Medusa
appears, run over to where the fireball ammo is, and then use your
Titan Damage, and Immortality power ups, as you hit her fast and hard
with the Fireball Blaster. Your initial objective is to lower her
health as much and as fast as you can while you have your power ups

When she winds herself up, that means that she is getting ready to hurl
her fire which will follow you until it strikes, so be ready to run.
The more you make her bleed with bullet type weapons, the more minions
she will produce, so avoid weapons like the mini gun. Ignore her
lackeys, and concentrate solely on Medusa. Stay in the outer area.
There's health and armor pickups in the dugouts along the underside of
the central area. Use the trampolines to put some distance between you
and her.

Try to keep your distance as you back away from her, and just keep
constantly firing into her, until the targeting icon turns yellow, then
if you still have a lot of health and armor, quicksave. Then start
firing into her again, until the targeting icon turns red. This means
that she's on her last leg. So check your health and armor, and if
needed, run away, and get some pickups to replenish. Then return to
laying into her with the fireball thrower while backing away. When she
dies, her henchmen will die also. Quicksave, replenish supplies, and
head down the steps in the middle to end the level and mission.


There are 270 Pieces of Gold

No Secrets

Move forward, and use your pistol to shoot the two statues ahead. If
you can't see them, just move your targeting icon around until it turns
green. Afterwards, back up to the entrance door, and equip your
machine gun. Rats will come down the hall for you to pick off. Use
short burst, and try to take them out before they cross the threshold
of the doorway. Afterwhich a door will open on the right. Come out of
the hallway, and get the ammo outside the doorway. Keep your machine
gun equipped, and then move to the door on the right, until you can
just begin to see the minotaur. Shoot him and his spawn, and the others
that come out of the room also before they have a chance to attack.

You can also try strafing past the doorway while tossing a grenade into
the room, then arm your machine gun to take out the rest of the rabble.
But in your haste, you might not toss the grenade where your enemies
are standing-which is to the right side of the room, and still have to
fumble for a weapon before they attack. Quicksave before you reach the
door, and try both, to see which one works the best for you.

Next, go down into the middle area, and get some armor and health, and
also, check behind the altar. Afterwards, go in the just opened door,
and get the machine gun ammo first, then quicksave.

You may encounter the dreaded 'skeleton bug', and be overrun by a
zillion skeletons for the part that is coming up next. After you take
the helmet treasure, the alter in the main room, will start spitting
out blue tinted skeletons. It's probably only suppose to shoot out a
certain amount of skeletons, before the door to the room on the other
side of the balcony unlocks. But if the glitch takes effect, then it
will spit out a never-ending number of skeletons, and you will run out
of health and ammo, long before they stop coming.

What I did, was to use the God Mode cheat-Alt+3. Then went down into
the pit, and started whacking skeletons with my shovel as they gathered
round. Eventually, they stopped coming, and the other room door
unlocked. Then I pressed Alt+3 again, to disengage the cheat and
continued playing normally.

If you choose to try it without the cheat, quicksave before grabbing
the helmet, stay in the back of the room, and let all the blue-
glow(stronger than dirt) skeletons come to you where you can use your
pistol to shoot them. But I warn you, better dig in, cause you're in
for a long haul. They will only come one or two at a time. All you
need to do, is strafe to the side when one of the spear-chuckers comes
in. If they seem to stop coming, go out the door, to trigger some
more, then quickly move back to the back wall. Lure as many as you can
into the doorway of the room to kill. When the altar starts spitting
out skeletons, whatever you do, don't go down into the middle area, or
the altar will bombard you with skeletons. BUT, if you MUST go down in
the middle, take your mini gun with you, and have a grand ol' time.

There is some armor and health down behind the altar, so if you have to
go down, use the trampolines to get back up. The main thing that you
want to do, is every so often, run out the doors of the room, to
trigger more skeletons. They will be hiding just below the balcony. So
shoot a few, then run back into the room, and let some more come to
you. Keep doing this, until you've killed enough so that you get a
message saying the door across from you has been opened. Run around the
balcony and go inside. Turn around and shoot any skeletons that follow
you in. Replenish your health, armor, ammo, and break all the vases,
then quicksave, and take the second treasure.

Arm your minotaur killing weapon-the stone gun works the fastest, and
wait for the onslaught to begin. You may have to go out, and let them
know where you are, or you can just wait for them to dissolve, if they
haven't found you after a certain amount of time.

Next will come the blue glowing archer, who are also tougher than
normal and will require two or more shotgun blasts, depending on how
far away they are to kill. Come out, and shoot one or two, then duck
back into the second treasure room for cover. You might wanna use the
mini gun, since you have an ample supply in the back of this room, and
also by the starting point. After they are all dead, the altar will
move back. Go around and replenish then jump down into the hole beneath
the altar. At the bottom, head towards the door on the left, and the
game will reload to end this level.



2 Secrets

Shoot the barrels ahead, then the archer behind the gate on the left.
As you approach the gate, shoot the non regenerating minotaur and the
three archers. Head thru the gate, and shoot two minotaurs to the
right. As you continue, there will be a couple of mace throwers to the
right. Look thru the hole in the wall on the left before where the mace
throwers were, and shoot the four sphinx statues. Two archers are to
the left of where the mace throwers were, so shoot the barrels behind
them. Behind where the barrels exploded and to the right of the spiral
staircase, is SECRET AREA #1, so get the 30 Pieces of Gold.

Head up the stairs, and stop before the top, and shoot the two archers
across the room. Continue forward thru the gate on the right, and walk
over the pile of dirt, and into the hole in the wall. Then stand with
the pile of dirt to your back, and jump down the hole in the floor and
quickly move to the left with your machine gun. Rats will pop up out
of the bridge, and fall down below, because they will be coming at you
at an angle. Shoot the two archers and minotaur further back on the
other side of the bridge, from this side. The minotaur is hard to get a
lock on because of the shields on the gate, but keep shooting your
pistol, until you get him.

Cross the bridge, and go to the wall ahead with two holes in it. Shoot
two more archers standing on the left side. You'll need to jump while
shooting the one closest to the wall.

Go to the left of the two hole wall, and turn right, and shoot the
barrels in the rooms ahead, to take out the knife throwers. Now go back
past the two hole wall to the right. Go thru the gate that is to the
right of the two hole wall and shoot the minotaur to the left, and also
the one in the next room behind. To the right of where the second
minotaur was, will be a mace thrower.

Now go back to the left side of the two hole wall, and continue on.
Move forward thru the gate ahead, and shoot the barrels near the three
archers behind the second gate. Around the corner to the right, some
flying babies will appear, so back up and shoot the barrels below them.
In the room past the mound of dirt, some more flying babies will
appear. Let them appear, then step out and shoot the barrels beneath
them, and hopefully you will take out another archer who was behind the
barrels. Several more babies may appear.

Go to the end, turn right, and cross over the mound of dirt, and shoot
the barrels far back to the left, to kill the minotaur. Arm your
machine and move to where the minotaur was. Peer to the left and shoot
the mace thrower and rats in the alcove on the left. There may be
another minotaur back in the alcove also.

Turn right and go across another mound of dirt, then go left and under
the stairs, to SECRET AREA #2, to get 30 more Pieces of Gold. Then go
up the stairs and shoot the mace thrower a couple a rooms away, then
shoot the archer to the left of where he was. There is another archer
further to the left of the first one. Now go thru the hole in the wall
where the mace thrower was and enter the gate on the right to get 10
Pieces of Gold. Come back out, and enter the next room on the right.
But before you get the gold here, shoot the single barrel, to kill the
archer off to the left. Then kill the mace thrower that was further
to the left. Get the 10 Pieces of Gold. Proceed thru the next gate, to
some stairs going down.

At the bottom of the stairs, follow the room on around to the left, and
thru two gates, then jump down the hole in the floor. Use your machine
gun to kill the skeletons that pop up to the left and right of you.
Then around the left turn, trigger the rats, then back up as you shoot.
Farther on, a group of archers will line up so arm your fire ball
thrower and kill them all with a single shot. Shoot those left standing
with your pistol. Then go thru the hole in the wall, and thru the
door, and the game will reload.



No Secrets

Move forward thru the door, and look to the sides of the ledge that
extends out, and shoot any archers that you can see. You should see at
least four, two to the left, and two to the right down below you. Use
your pistol on them, then switch to your shotgun.

Four of the openings below have switches that you need to pull to exit
this area. The time to jump onto the rotating platform, is when it is
going down. Then run to the middle and go to the end of the right
extension, in order to go into the next lower alcove. Repeat this two
more times to pull two more switches. A couple of mace wielders will
pop up behind you as you are going down. After you pull each switch,

Locate the first opening below and to the right. When the spinning
platform reaches your level, run on to it, and at the middle, take the
right extension, and jump off into the first opening. Back up to the
wall, and throw the 1st switch. This will trigger a mace thrower in
front of you. Shoot him, then quicksave. Get the goodies here, then go
to the opening, and wait for the spinning platform to be coming down

When it does, run on to it to the middle, and take the right extension.
Jump into the opening, and back into the switch on the wall. Throw the
2nd switch, and move back to the opening, and out onto the ledge and
wait for the spinning platform to come down again. When it does, run on
to it, and go right, and jump off into the opening. Back into the 3rd
switch, and throw it. This also trigger a mace thrower above and to
your left. Ease forward along the left wall, and take him out.
Quicksave, and wait for the spinning platform to be coming down again.

Now repeat this one more time to enter the fourth alcove below, and
go down the steps. At the bottom, move around the outer hallway in
either direction, until you find the fourth switch. After you pull it,
duck back into the outer hallway, so that you won't get shot by the
four archers in the middle section. There is a mace thrower across from
you on the second level. Look up thru this and the other opening across
from you, and kill as many enemies that are above as you can see.

Now head back up the stairs, and step onto the spinning platform, as it
is going up, and go to the middle of it, and quicksave. At the very top
run to the exit with the door, which will be on the left extension. Go
out the door, and the game will reload.



No Secrets

Take out the four discus thrower statues-two on each side of the
entrance, then the tigers and lions that come down the steps. As long
as you stay behind the columns, the lions and tigers can't get you. So
use your pistol and have some target practice.

Some spear chuckers will come down the steps next, so use your machine
gun while they are at the bottom of the steps across the arena. This
will be followed by mace throwers who will come to the doorway, so feel
free to use your mini gun, since there is extra ammo just outside the
door. Also some birds fly in, so kill them from the outer hallway
using your shotgun as the swoop into the hallway. When the skeletons
and minotaurs start to come, use your mini gun and take no prisoners.
These are the non-regenerating minotaurs by the way.

There will be a large onslaught of skeletons to kill. Every once in a
while, when you see your supplies depleting, go down into the center of
the arena, to replenish, then jump up on a trampoline, to go past the
columns on either side. After the last skeleton dies, and a message
tells you that a door has opened, come out into the arena, and check
all the nooks and crannies, to replenish your supplies.

Now head up the stairs, and step onto the trampoline, to be hurled back
to the roof above where you first entered this arena on the other side,
to restock your mini gun. Jump down off the side, and head back up the
steps, this time going around the trampoline, and thru the door. The
game will reload to end the level.



No Secrets

As you go thru the next door, two knife throwers will pop up on the
outer sides of the farthest columns. Use the front wall for cover, and
let them come to you, then shotgun them, and move on. As you go back
into the four column room, three more knife wielders will pop up this
time. Machine gun them and again, move on.

Proceed forward and make the next door stay open, but don't go in yet.
Arm your crossbow, and zoom in to find the archers located around the
center structure, straight ahead. You should see at least five archers.

You're going to be going in a counter-clockwise pattern around the
room, to each alcove. Start by going to the right, and watch the
pattern of the stompers, to determine the best way thru. The safe areas
of the floor, have the tiled pattern on them.

For the first one, just go along the outer wall, as the closest stomper
starts to rise. When you reach the tiled area, stop, and turn to the
left towards the center structure, and take out two more archers. You
will need to move to the right on the tiled floor, to spot the second
one. Now turn around and enter the 1st room, pick up the goodies and
quicksave. Jump up on the pedestal to get the treasure, and stay there
to kill the skeletons that pop up with your pistol.

Hop down, and head out the door. Move to the edge of the tiled floor
to the right. And while the nearest stomper is down, run into it, so
that when it raises, you'll be moving forward. Just before you reach
the tiled area, jump forward onto it so the stomper will miss you, then
run behind the first column. Peep out toward the center structure, and
kill the next archer with your crossbow. Now move to the right, behind
the fourth column, and kill another archer. Equip your machine gun and
enter the room. As soon as you enter the room, a couple of mace
throwers pop up, so back out, and shoot them when they come out the
door. There will be two waves of them. Quicksave afterwards. There is
no treasure in this room, so come back out, and proceed to the next

There is no stomper, in the slot next to the right hand side of the
tile, so when the nearest one to you and the wall comes down, run into
it, and be moving forward as it rises. In the third room, get the
shotgun ammo, then facing the door, jump up onto the pedestal, to get
the get the treasure, then run out the door, as mace throwers pop up.
Turn around outside, and mow them down with your machine gun as they
come out the door. Quicksave and head for the next door.

This time, when you stand at the right edge of the tiled floor, the
nearest stomper will stay up there making you think that it is broken.
But don't be fooled, if you so much as stick your tongue out under it,
you will be smashed and mashed. So instead, start out by running into
the one to the left of it. And when it rises, run forward, and jump
your way to the next tiled area. Check for archers near the central
structure. The next door is locked, until you get the third and final
treasure, to unlock it.

Move to the right on the tiled floor, near the closest stomper to the
wall, and notice, that it doesn't stay down but a mere fraction of a
second. So run into it just as it comes down, then run forward and jump
past the next one, to reach the safe tile area and quicksave. At the
final door, arm your medusa gun, get the acid gun and medusa gun ammo.
Jump across the pedestal to get the Shield Treasure facing the door and
run outside. Turn around, and kill the minotaurs that come out, with
your medusa gun.

Now head back clockwise, to the door that is now opened. It's the same
with this first stomper, it only stays down a second, so quicksave
before you try to go under it. Run into it, and jump your way to the
tiled area. Kill the two waves of archers that pop up inside the room.
There are two to the left, and one to the right. Go thru the hallway
in the back right corner until the game reloads to end the level.



1 Secret


Go thru the door, and down the stairs and stop as soon as you see the
edge of the barrel. Shoot it from a safe distance, as you move back up
the steps. Continue down, to find SECRET AREA #1, and get 30 Pieces of

Walk forward, and look out the doorway to the right and shoot the two
archers-one is behind and across from you, and the other one is behind
and below, then turn left and shoot the archer below on that side. He's
about three levels down. Go forward, and look down two levels, and
shoot the mace thrower with your shotgun.

Now running-jump the gap and keep going to the wall inside the alcove.
Quicksave, then notice the three boards sliding in and out of the wall.
Boards one and three move together, in opposition to board two. When
board one starts to come out of the wall, jump to it and as it is going
back, down to board two, then to board three. Then down to the alcove,
and move inside and quicksave. Look out and shoot the two archers and a
mace thrower who are below on the right. Now jump the gap, to reach the
middle section.

Grab the 10 Pieces of Gold, then go to the right, and running-jump the
gap back to the outer wall. Now jump to the closest plank, just as it
comes out of the wall, and on the second plank, HESITATE and wait for
the third plank to start to come out of the wall before jumping to it.
Then down into the alcove, and quicksave.

Now hop down the single plank from the far left side of the ledge that
you are now standing on, just as it is just about all the way extended
out. Now to the top of the column and get the crossbow ammo there and
quicksave. Now down to the next plank, and then the alcove below.
Quickly turn to the center, and shoot the archer, then quicksave.

Running-jump the gap to the center area, grab the 10 Pieces of Gold,
and proceed straight ahead and thru to the next area, and running-jump
the gap here. Now jump down to another single plank on the left, then
on top of the column, quicksave, then to the next single plank, and end
up in the alcove below, shooting the archer that pops up in front of

Head thru the two doors towards the ALTAR, as you equip your mini gun,
to take out a bunch of minotaurs, archers, and mace wielders. Use your
immortality powerup. If you don't have immortality, run to the right
side(with the picture of the shield) and get it. Even though your
enemies are attacking, they can't hurt your while you're getting a
powerup. Then go around taking names with your mini gun. Shoot in a
sweeping pattern as you turn. Guess what, when your immortality runs
out, go to the altar and get another dose. You'll still be invulnerable
while you are getting it. Equip it, and clean house. Afterward, stop
at the ALTAR again, to replenish your powerups, then replenish your
supplies, and head out the door on the other side, to end the level.


There are 360 Pieces of Gold

1 Secret

Start off by moving to the side wall before the second door, to avoid
the archer's arrows. Stay in the area between the two doors, and take
out three waves of archers in a row. Be aware, that they will stand
behind the columns, to try and make you think that they aren't there.
Next switch to your mini gun, and when the minotaur come up the steps,
let loose and stay close to the front wall to avoid splash damage from
the back wall.

You'll take some damage, but at least they'll only be coming at you
from one direction, as oppose to being surrounded and getting hit in
the back of the head a lot. Just keep the doorway and steps riddled
with bullets and you should be okay. The tigers roaming around are
easy targets for your pistol, as long as you stay behind the columns
and run out onto the dirt to trigger more before returning back behind
the columns. They're even nice enough to come running over the hill
straight at you, until they realize that they can't get at you while
you're behind the columns. But of course, it's too late for them by
then. Use your shot gun on the mace throwers as they come over the

Then begin to move forward, up the hill and along the wall on the
right. Shoot the minotaurs from a distance, and when the skeletons and
spear chuckers start coming, back up behind the columns to give
yourself some distance and use your machine gun. Let the skeletons come
inside the doorway before taking them out. The fireball launcher fired
from behind the columns, will put the dogs to sleep with one shot.
Watch where their green acid spit is going, then strafe away from it,
and as soon as you see them, shoot then move to the side quickly.

After they are all dead, from the starting point, head straight
forward, over the hill towards the building. Ahead on the right is the
battering ram, and on the left is a lowered drawbridge to a door.
Crouch under that bridge, to reach SECRET AREA #1, and get 30 Pieces of

Now go to the back of the battering ram and walk up the ramps on the
right, to use the switch, to knock a hole in the wall. Jump up onto the
shaft, and kill the flying babies that come out of the hole. Then
carefully WALK along the shaft of the battering ram, and jump down into
the hole. Back into the 10 Pieces of Gold on the right, and shoot the
skeletons that thought they were going to ambush you from behind.
Afterwards, move down the corridor, and out the door at the end for the
game to reload, and to end the level.



1 Secret


Arm your medusa gun and move forward a couple of steps, to make the
door open. Shoot the mace thrower ahead, diagonally to the right.
Without going outside, aim outside to the right, and shoot the minotaur
statue besides the door. Look outside ahead and to the left, and shoot
the atlas statue. When you move into the doorway, you should trigger
some skeletons who might hide behind the door on the other side. Keep
making them come inside to you.

After a while, a couple of minotaurs will come to the door. By this
time, you've probably already figured out, that there is another atlas
statue to the right of the door-since he's been continuously hurling
globes at you. When you think all the skeletons are dead, ease out and
shoot him. Guess what, there are more skeletons. When you stand in the
doorway to trigger them, stay there long enough to trigger several from
different locations in the outside area.

After they are finally all dead, two discus throwers will hop down off
of their pedestals, and come to the door. Blast them before they can
attack. Come out and go to the right where the atlas statue pedestal
is, and go left. As you pass the corner of the broken building on your
left, a minotaur will jump down behind you. Quickly turn and shoot him
before going around the corner.

Peek around the corner to the right, until you can just see the gold
plate on top of the sphinx statue. Shoot it before he sees you. Go in
and collect the grenades and 200 Point Health Kit.

Go back to the door at the starting point, and look straight ahead at
the pile of rubble. Arm your medusa gun, and go to it. Jump up onto the
wall behind it, and turn right, and shoot the two minotaur statues
before they come to life. Turn around behind you, and shoot the tall
statue with blue current going up its body.

Go back to the wall where the starting point is, and look above the
barrels, and shoot another statue with blue current going up its body.
Continue on along the starting point wall, and go in the alcove, to get
some machine gun ammo.

On this side of the wall, near where you just shot the statues, is a
collection of barrels. Shoot them, to knock the column against the
wall. Stand behind the piece that is still standing, and jump onto the
leaning column and quicksave.

Jump to the top and on the other side and immediately equip your
immortality and Titan Damage power ups. Shoot the atlas statue, who is
ahead and to your left, and the two discus throwers in the alcove to
your left. Run past pedestal where the atlas statue jumped down from,
and shoot two statues to the right, and one in the corner to the left.

Go right at the corner where you shot the three statues. At the far
end, use your acid gun on the two minotaur statues, since you just
passed thru a whole mess of acid gun ammo. Jump up on the rubble to
your right, and go to the ALTAR in this room, to replenish your power

And shoot the archers to the left, and the mace thrower behind them.
Shoot the barrels that the other archers are standing on to take them
all out. Shoot the discus thrower along the left wall. From this
position, look over the wall ahead, and shoot another statue with blue
current going up its body.

Move forward towards where the minotaur statues were, and get the armor
between the pedestals. Jump up to the area where the archers on the
barrels were, and run forward past the10 Pieces of Gold, and look thru
the hole in the wall, and kill the knife thrower in here. Grab the
gold, then jump down into the knife thrower's room, and head to the
left. As you approach the rubble in the corner, rats will pop over the
wall behind it, so machine gun them. Afterwards, jump up the rubble,
and go to the right. Run forward across this room to the right front
wall. Mace throwers popped up ahead in the second floor windows, so
kill them.

Go back to the wall above the rubble, and jump to the room on the
right. Now go to the window on the right, and shoot the sphinx to the
left if it is still there-you may have already shot it. If the sphinx
is still there, there is a 200 Point Health kit where the sphinx was.
If not, go to the *** to continue on.

Jump down to get it, then come back out of this corner, and go left to
be back in the starting area. Go right, then right again near the end,
and jump up the column again.

Go forward to the wall of the altar room and go right. At the end, go
left, and jump back up to were all the archers were on the barrels. Go
right and jump down into the next room. Go left and jump up onto the
rubble in the corner where the rats came from, and*** go forward this
time, to the room ahead.

Go to the room ahead, and turn right, to be in SECRET AREA #1, and
immediately, several flying babies will pop up above your head, so back
pedal, and take them out with your machine gun. There will be a couple
of waves of them. Now go back into the secret room, and go to the
right, to get 50 Pieces of Gold.

Come back out of here, and go to the hole in the right wall and shoot
the barrel that the archer is standing on to kill him. Peek around the
corner to the left, and shoot the sphinx statue as soon as you see the
golden plate on its head. Jump down, and get the 10 Pieces of Gold
that's in front of its pedestal. Now jump up the rubble on the other
side, to get out. In this room, move to the other side of the pedestal,
and look to the left, to see the altar. Go there if you are missing
any power ups, because once you continue on, you won't be able to get
back to it.

From the pedestal, go right, and jump down where the fountain is. At
the fountain, turn right, and shoot the row of four Atlas statues and
single archer in the far right corner with your crossbow. Then stand
behind the columns on the left, and shoot two more atlas statues, which
will open the door behind you. Go thru the door and the game will
reload to end the level.



1 Secret

In this level, a lot of your time will be spent under water, so keep an
eye on your oxygen level. Walk forward and down the steps, and arm
your mini gun and Make Sure You Have A Full Cartridge In It. Quicksave,
then step into the water, move around, and kill the alligators that
come for a bite. Then jump back out to get some air.

From the starting point, Walk to the near right corner of the pool, and
jump in backwards, and swim down to the left. Swim thru the opening,
and in the next room, swim up thru the hole in the floor. Here you'll
find SECRET AREA #1 with 50 Pieces of Gold. After you get the treasure,
retrace your route back out to the surface to get some air.

From the starting point, go to the far left corner, jump in backwards,
and swim down and thru the hole in the wall in the corner. Then thru
the hole in the ceiling, to be in a room where you can get some air.
Get the 10 Pieces of Gold here and arm your machine gun.

Walk past the crypts thru the hole in the wall, and head thru the
tunnel. Trigger a couple of rats here, then back out as you shoot. At
the end of the tunnel, run forward and jump on top of the crypt ahead,
then turn and shoot the rats that approach. Quicksave. Jump down into
the water in the broken crypt that is farthest to your right. Then
thru the hole back at the other end of the room in the next floor, to
get some more treasure. Throw the nearby switch, to open the gate.
After you swim thru, blast the alligator that appears-probably from
above you, then continue to the surface of the pool.

Now go to the far right corner from the starting point and jump in
backwards. Swim down forward, and to the right and thru the raised gate
in the corner. Swim thru the hole in the floor, and turn around behind
you and swim thru another hole in the wall, and throw the switch in

Now swim back thru the hole in the wall, thru the hole in the ceiling.
Turn and swim thru the gate, and kill the alligator on the way to the

From the starting point, swim down to the right side of the temple in
the middle of the pool, and enter. Swim down into the crypt, and flip
the switch. A hole will open in the wall behind you. So after the
cutscene, quickly turn behind you and shoot the alligator that is
coming thru it. Then swim back up thru the crypt, out the door, and
back to the surface for air.

The switch that you just pulled, opened the left door of the underwater
temple. Head for the door on the other side of the temple, and swim
down thru the crypt. Swim thru the tunnel at the bottom, then to the
connecting one below and to the left of it. Then thru the transporter
which will cause the game to reload and end the level with you still
under water.



3 Secrets


From the transporter, swim thru the tunnel behind it, which connects to
another one above and to the right of it. At the break in the tunnel,
you can swim up for some air so quicksave. Swim back down to the lowest

Swim thru, and up at the end to find SECRET AREA #1 with 50 Pieces of
Gold. Quicksave, then return down thru the tunnel, and when you head
up, go into the tunnel where you see the waterfall, to continue on.

Swim up to the surface to get some air. Quicksave, then with the
waterfall on your right, swim down thru the other tunnel. At the end
turn right along the right wall, and climb out onto the bottom of the
stairs for some air.

Jump back in the water and swim along the surface against the left
wall, to the corner at the other end. Take out your acid gun, and shoot
the discus thrower above as you move to the side to avoid his attacks.
Now head back to the stairs, move up near to the top, and peep over the
side and shoot the barrels to kill the archer and quickly run back down
the steps.

Arm your crossbow, and run up to the wall where you shot the barrels
and into the back corner. Look past the far wall, to see a tall guy
hurling discuses at you, zoom in, and take him out. Also the knife
thrower below him and the atlas statue ahead. Then take out the discus
thrower around the corner to the left. Shoot the statue with current
going up his body that is near where the last discus thrower was. On
the other side of this fountain, in the room behind it, is another
discus thrower to take out.

Go past the fountain, to the left, and at the end, will be a atlas
statue to shoot. Look over to the left, to kill a sphinx. Look up in
the room ahead on the left, thru the broken arched shaped window, and
kill the minotaur statue.

Go back to the right side, and go forward, and at about halfway down,
look diagonally to the left, and shoot the atlas statue half hidden
behind the wall. Move forward to the wall at the end, and go left. Peek
around thru the hole in the wall, and shoot the barrels, effectively
killing the archer that was on top also. Keep heading towards the left,
and kill the minotaur statue in the corner.

Go to the middle, and get the 200 point health bonus in such a way,
that you can run over the side and back into the water. Several archers
will appear on top of the columns surrounding the health bonus, and
will try to take it away from you. Come back up the stairs, and run to
the right, into the corner, and turn towards the center area. There's
one on top of the double connected columns straight ahead, but he can't
see you now. So ease to the right, and take out the ones on the left
columns first. Or if you wanna take your lunchbreak in the corner, they
will dissolve all on their own. Of course you know, that a second wave
of archers will pop up on top of the columns just as you start to move

As you move across the middle health bonus area again, several waves of
knife throwers will pop up. Retreat back to the barrel corner, and let
them come to you to be killed with your machine gun. As per usual,
there will be a several waves of them also.

After Will says 'ya like movies about gladiators, that should be the
last of them. Move forward to the far wall, and go thru the opening,
where you shot the barrels under the archers. Move thru the opening,
and the one ahead on the right, where the ammo is. Look left and shoot
some more barrels with some mace throwers on them.

Move into where the mace throwers were, and kill the flying babies that
appear in the air on the right. After will says, 'guns don't kill
babies, I do', a door will open to exit. Go around the wall to the
left, and climb the steps to the top. This walkway will take you
across the water. On the other side of the water, drop down to the
ledge in front of two openings. Enter the doorway, to be in SECRET AREA
#2. Collect the 200 Point Armor, and 50 Pieces of Gold.

Exit the room, and swim along the surface and climb out at the steps.
Go back across this large room where all the statues were, and thru the
hole in the wall ahead. Go right around the pedestal, and into the next
room. Go thru the hole in the wall on your left and thru another hole
in the wall, diagonally to the right. Go left around the wall ahead,
and up the steps, and enter door that opens. Around the corner to the
left, will be a mace thrower, so shoot the barrel that he is standing
on. Replenish your ammo supply.

Arm your machine gun. At the end peek around the corner, and shoot the
barrels at the far end, and also the one at the top of the steps at
this end. Then run down the steps, and straight ahead to the end, and
go right thru the hole and into the room. Turn around and shoot the
skeletons that spilled out of the trojan horse and followed you. You
are in SECRET AREA #3, so after the skeletons stop coming turn and pick
up the 20 Pieces of Gold, and buy any needed powerups at the ALTAR,
then quicksave.

Come back out of here, and trigger some more skeletons, then jump back
into the altar room go near the altar, turn around, so that you have a
straight shot at the hole. Then kill any spear chucker stupid enough to
come thru the hole. After them, will come the centaurs. Since your
pistol fires more shots before reload, use that against them. They'll
romp around in the middle, but won't come back into this corner, so use
them for target practice.

After them, will be some minotaurs-medusa gun will work just fine,
just stand in the back corner, and when the one that comes down the
steps ahead reaches the bottom, fire. And if one should peek around the
corner to the left, get him also.

After everyone is dead, head straight, and back up the steps. Look to
the left and spot the battering ram behind the trojan horse, then spot
the three discus throwers to the left of it. If necessary, use your
zoom on your crossbow to find them. From here, shoot all three, then
go back down stairs. Along the left and right walls, there are 200
point armors and 200 point health kits in three places. Go along the
left wall to the end, and go thru the gate and up the steps. Get the
20 Pieces of Gold at the top, then go to the battering ram.

As you approach it, kill several sets of birds that appear overhead. Go
inside it and use the switch up on the right, to nudge the wooden horse
in the ass. Then jump down to the ground and head down into the hole
that the horse was covering. Go down the steps to the first landing,
and shoot the barrel ahead. Then turn right and head down the next set
of stairs, and when the archers pop up, shoot the barrels behind them.
Don't go thru the door way yet, because there is a sphinx statue to the
right. Go down the steps sideways, facing the right. When you can see
just a little bit of the golden plate that sits on its head, shoot the
plate to kill it. Continue on down the hall, and the game will
reload, to end the level.



1 Secret

Look down the hallway, and shoot the archer straight ahead. Then move
forward up the ramp, and stop when it levels off. Look ahead and below
the beard of the Zeus face on the wall, and use your crossbow's zoom
feature, to take out the mace thrower. There's an archer down the left
and right hallway. Strafe out and shoot one, then strafe back, turn
around, and strafe out again, and shoot the other one. Now move thru
the left hallway, and shoot the mace thrower below and to the left.
Now go out the right hallway, and turn half left, to kill the knife
thrower in the next tower.

Notice the wooden trap door next to the ramp, this is where you're
going after you come back down. From the right hallway, go up the
series of ramps to the top. Position yourself, so that you are just
peeking over the top at the barrel. Shoot it as you strafe away from
the explosion. Now go back down to the trampoline that's been

You're getting ready to jump and rebound to a number of different
walkways and places scattered around the caves in this level. After you
land on each new spot, and are ABSOLUTELY SURE you are where you are
suppose to be, quicksave-but only if you're sure.

Face the Zeus face in the rocks, and walk backwards onto the
trampoline. It will propel you to where you shot the knife thrower. Go
right, then left down the long walkway. Four mace throwers will pop up
on the walkway below on the left. Use the column at the corner you just
passed, for cover and kill them. Afterward, move along this walkway,
and jump down to the walkway on your right. Use the trampoline to
propel yourself to where the four mace throwers were.

Move forward thru the ammo, and an archer will pop up at the end. Kill
him, then jump down to the walkway on your lower left. Go straight
ahead, then left, and then to the trampoline on the right. This will
propel you to the tunnel above and to your left. Arm your machine gun
and kill two waves of skeletons that pop up. Around the tunnel corner,
above and to the right, is a mace thrower to take out. Below, behind,
and to the left of where he was, is another mace thrower.

As you approach the end of the tunnel, shoot any visible enemies that
you can see. Then go along the ledge along the right wall. Wait for the
square blocks in the wall to shoot out as you walk into them, then run
past them one at a time, when they retract. Do the same thing again at
the bottom of the ramp. Have your machine gun armed, quicksave, and use
the trampoline at the end to propel yourself forward. As you land, kill
the skeleton in front of you, and the archer overhead first. Quickly
move next to the pillar on your right, for cover from the knife thrower
above and to the right. After he throws, strafe out, and kill him.

Walk forward and then to the right, to use the next trampoline, then
quicksave. This one has a strong bounce, so you may have to guide
yourself into the little house like structure above and to your left,
to keep from overshooting. Try to steer Will into one of the columns.

Turn around behind you, to get to the next trampoline. Arm your
fireball launcher, and step onto it. While in the air, three minotaurs
will pop up where you're going to land. There will be one below and
behind, one ahead, and one to the right. Take them out before they
knock you into the lava. Take out the one in front first, quickly turn
behind you, and take out the second one. Use the nearby pillar to your
right to protect you from the one on the right. After he throws, strafe
left and shoot him also.

Move straight to where you killed the first minotaur(not where the ammo
is), then to the left, and jump down and use the trampoline there. This
one will propel you to the building to the right. Go forward, and use
the trampoline straight ahead. Turn around behind you, while in the
air. This will propel you up above, and a mace thrower that should have
been behind you, will now be in front of you when you land.

Afterwards, turn back around, and go to the right, and just walk onto
each swing, when the are aligned directly in front of you. Be sure to
stand in the middle at the front edge of each swing. You don't need to
jump, and quicksave after each one.

In order to unlock the door, and exit the next room, you've got to kill
all the enemies that appear. Your main weapons should be, the acid
gun, fireball launcher, and medusa gun. Stand at the doors at the
starting point, to trigger smaller waves of enemies. Use the fireball
launcher relentlessly. Oh, and I probably shouldn't tell you this, but
this might be a good place to use your Titan Damage and Immortality
power ups. Especially if you decide you can't stand to stay in one
place all the time.

Quicksave with your pistol armed, and move into the room. Shoot the
discus thrower on the left first, then turn to the right, and kill the
atlas statue. Equip your fireball thrower, and move forward towards the
center of the room, to trigger the mace throwers and minotaurs and
skeletons. Stay back near the starting point doors, and try to take out
one or two just as they are beginning to form.

Let the rest come around the corners to you, and blast them before they
have a chance to attack. Then go out and trigger some more. Aside from
strafing to the side when the skeletons jump at you, disregard the
skeletons, and concentrate on taking out the minotaurs and mace
throwers. A good time to shoot them, is when they are just popping up.

After a while, you get a message saying that a door has been unlocked.
Climb up the ramp, and get the helmet treasure that was under the
trapdoor. Then go back down the ramp and use one of the statue
pedestals for cover. Then the flying babies will appear, so use your
machine gun to kill them. They will have to fly at you over the top of
the pedestal, making them easy targets.

Afterwards, one of the doors will open, so go thru and get the
grenades, then step back as enemies pop up below. This is a good place
to use your crossbow-especially with the zoom feature. All you need to
see in the scope, is just a piece of the attacker. Take cover on the
left and right sides of the doorway, but never in the center of the
doorway. Move forward enough, to see exactly where their projectiles
are coming from, then when you jump out the next time, aim for that
spot. Try to take out those throwing from the farthest away first. This
will allow you to be able to move farther and farther forward. You'll
need to trigger several waves on enemies.

When it's quiet again, run forward and jump off the front edge of the
ledge that you are on, to land on the walkway below. Then go left, and
drop down onto the walkway on the right. Follow it to the right thru
the ammo, and right again. At the end, jump down to the walkway below,
then go left. Use the trampoline, to reach the tunnel. Arm your machine
gun and kill the rats as you go thru.

This appears to be another cave with the Zeus face on the wall. Move
out onto the ledge, and jump down below. Arm your fireball launcher,
as you head for the next trampoline to the right. Mace throwers will
pop up on the bridge ahead and above. Fire between the two on the
right, and you use the column for cover, then take out whoever remains.

Arm your shotgun and use the trampoline to propel yourself to where
they were. This one has extra boosters in it, so be careful not to
overshoot. Turn left and shoot the archer, then move behind the pillar
on your left, and strafe out and kill the other archer diagonally to
your left. Get the shotgun ammo on your left.

Move forward to where the archers were, and go left, then left again.
Drop down to the walkway below. Head forward, then left, and onto
another trampoline. This will propel you up and to the left. When you
land, birds will appear, so use your pistol. The bearded face of Zeus
in the rock wall, will be on your left. The birds will appear directly
overhead, so run forward, to see where they are.

Move forward, and just before the end, go left towards Zeus, and jump
down to the right. Kill the skeletons ahead. Walk along this walkway
about halfway, then turn right, and drop to the one below. Arm your
fireball thrower, and move forward onto the trampoline, and bounce up
to the walkway above.

A mace thrower and knife thrower will pop up in front of you, and
another pair will pop up to the right. Shoot the ones in front first as
you move forward to the cover of the pillar on the right. Strafe out
and kill the pair on the right. Go to the right, where the second pair
were, and turn right into the concrete structure, and in the middle
turn left, to find SECRET AREA #1 with 40 Pieces of Gold.

Head up the series of ramps to the top, then across the concrete
bridge, and into the caged elevator. It will take you up, and the game
will reload, to end the level.



1 Secret


Save you Fireball Thrower and Atomic Gun ammo as much as you can, for
when you fight Medusa. Open the door, and use your crossbow to kill the
cyclops ahead and above on the bridge. After you fire a couple of
shots, strafe to the side, so his spitballs won't hit you. Then take
out as many of the statues out front as you can from inside the room,
without stepping across the doorway. There are about 10 statues, mostly
of Atlas. Your pistol, shotgun, and machine gun may not give you the
green targeting icon because you may be too far away. But the zoom on
your crossbow will work.

When they start to come out of their statue form and come for you from
the right, stay in the room and take out the minotaur, mace thrower,
and the big dude with the hammer using your medusa gun. He's too tall
to come thru the door, and his attacks home in on you. So try to stone
him just as he comes around the corner.

The attacks that he throws, home in on you. If he gets close enough,
he'll slam his hammer on the ground, greatly damaging you if you don't
know how to fly. Also your acid gun and crossbow work on him also.
There'll be more than one of these big dudes. Also when you come out,
watch out for the other cyclops up on the bridge to the right. Finish
off the Atlas statues also.

When all are destroyed, come out of the room, and follow the building
all the way to the right, and get the helmet treasure. Arm your mini
gun and step onto the trampoline, to be hurled way up high on one end
of the bridge. Grab another treasure up here, and when you step onto
the bridge, a string of enemies will appear on it and the next one. Run
forward as you shoot the mace thrower that pops up in front of you.
Head to the left side of the building protrusion. Quickly turn around
and shoot the other mace thrower that popped up behind you as you ran.
Now peek out and take out the other enemies on the other bridge,
starting with the rightmost one.

After you shoot as many as you can without going past the protrusion,
arm your mini gun and make sure you have a full clip in it, and face
the bridge that you just crossed. Move left to trigger a line of
enemies on the bridge that you just crossed, then move back in front of
them, and mow them down one after the other.

When all are dead, turn back around, and walk around the building, to
the other bridge. Arm your machine gun, and as you cross it, archers
will pop up in front and behind you. Start firing at the one in front,
as soon as he is triggered, the quickly turn behind you and get the
other one. At the end of the bridge is another helmet treasure to get.

A lot of enemies will pop up down below, so stand in the center of the
platform, and face the building. When you get the helmet, quicksave,
turn around and run back to the building, and all the way to the left
side. Walk down the steps, along the wall, to reach SECRET AREA #1, and
50 Pieces of Gold. Continuously press the right direction key as you go
down, so that you don't get knocked off, and make each step, to get all
the gold.

When you reach the ground, avoid the enemies, and run around the
building toward the starting point, to the next door. Enter and jump
onto the circular platform in the middle of the floor, and run to the
edge as it raises you above your enemies.

As you're riding up, quicksave, and at the top, run behind the wall
protrusion on the left to avoid being taken back down. Quickly move
around to the left, so that no stray attack from below hits you. Pick
off the two atlas statues ahead to the left and right. Look to the left
of the building where the atlas statue was on the right, behind the
broken upright column, and use your crossbow to take out the archer
there. Then move around the right side of where you are, and drop down
onto the walkway, and look around the corner of the building, to see a
mace thrower near some barrels. Shoot the barrels, to take him out.
Down below, close to the wall beneath you, may be some discus throwers.

Return back to the left side, and continue forward, replenishing
supplies as you go, until you come to some barrels in front of a hole
in the wall on your left. Turn to the right, and use your crossbow's
zoom, to shoot the barrels under the archers across on the other side.
Now use your pistol, to shoot the barrels that are to your left. You
can go in and buy some powerups at the ALTAR, if you are missing any.
When you come out of the altar room thru the hole in the wall, and go
straight and step down into the lowered area, a bunch of enemies will
pop up. Duck behind the left wall, and let them come around the corner
to you.

Alternate between your machine gun for the archers, mace and knife
throwers, and your medusa gun for the minotaurs. Repeatedly step onto
the lowered area to trigger more waves of enemies, then duck back
behind the left wall.

When you hear the sound of birds, retreat back into the altar room, and
mow down the flying babies that come in after you. Then go to the hole
and take out the birds first, then the lions and tigers. There is some
fireball ammo by the big brown doors on the left of the center area.

After you've killed your last enemy, and just when you think it's safe
to come out and work on your tan, guess what? She's
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!! And she's highly pissed about that can of
whupass that you opened up on her last time. But you've got the home
court advantage. You've got your own handy dandy altar waiting in the
back room with immortality for days.

Medusa will appear in the middle area, so whatever you do, fight from
the room with the altar. Go to the hole in the wall, and let her see
you. As she starts to attack, equip your fireball launcher, and your
immortality and titan damage powerups. Then lay into her, disregarding
her minions. When your powerups deplete, run over and buy some more,
and remember, nothing can hurt you while you're purchasing power ups.
Now go back and finish the job. After she dies, a door opens up on the
left, where you go the fireball ammo.

Replace any used up powerups, then come out of the altar room, kill any
leftover minions, and replenish with whatever is laying around-be sure
to check every nook and cranny that you can get to, then head out the
door on the left to reload the game, and end the level.



1 Secret


Head out the door, and use your pistol to take out the Atlas statues
that are on both sides of the ramp that you can see. Take whatever
pickups that you can. Then move over to the ramp, and kill those that
you couldn't see before. Shoot the exploding balls that the statues
send rolling down the ramp, before they reach you. When you round the
right turn, take out the skeletons that pop up. If there is a globe
near them, shoot that to kill any that are near it.

After the left turn, look along the left wall, and enter the tunnel and
take either opening. The right fork is better, because the opening
into the room is larger. They will take you to SECRET AREA #1. As soon
as you step into the room, the skeletons will suddenly be ready to
party, so quickly jump backwards into the tunnel for distance, and see
if your machine gun can make them dance. Now collect the 50 Pieces of
Gold in two locations in this room, so check it thoroughly.

Come back out, and continue up the ramp. This is a good time to equip
your Immortality and Titan Damage power ups, as you run up the ramp,
getting as far up it as you can, before the powerups run out. After it
runs out, use your machine gun to clear your path of skeletons and the
exploding globes if it seems like they are going to hit you, as you
keep running up the ramp. When you reach the fountain-you'll know
that you are there, by the running water that you hear, turn around and
kill any skeletons that followed.

Be aware, that the statues will only throw the globes down the ramp.
So once you're past a statue, you don't have to worry about him turning
around and throwing a globe at you from behind. Not that you've
reached the fountain, turn around, and use your pistol to take out all
the atlas statues by shooting them in the back until they shatter as
you head back down the ramp. When you get to the tunnel where the
secret was, turn around, whistle a happy tune, and casually walk back
up the ramp.

Just before you reach the hexagon shaped structure in the middle of the
ramp, there is another tunnel on the right wall. It is booby trapped
with rats. At the end is a plank that goes only part way across a pool
of lava, which means that you'd need to run and jump at the end, to
reach the other tunnel. This other tunnel will just lead you back to
the ramp, but on the back side of the hexagon shaped structure. This
means just one thing, it's not worth bothering with cause there's
nothing in there to get. When you reach the fountain, get the pickups
on the back side of it.

Move forward from the fountain, to where solid ground stops being there
for you. When you get to the end, stone steps will pop up for you. Kill
the atlas statues on the other side, before climbing them. Use your
pistol and shoot anything that makes your targeting icon turn green.
You may need to move back towards the fountain, to get a lock on some
of them. Jump from step to step, quicksaving after you safely land on
each one. After you reach the next step, the previous one is destroyed.
When you reach the other side, quicksave also. Follow the ramp upward,
and kill any atlas statues that you might have missed. When you reach
the top, grab the 200 Point Health Kit and 200 Point Armor. There is an
ALTAR here, so buy any powerups that you don't have, and proceed thru
the door. The game will reload, and the level will end.



No Secrets

This is it, the final level and the final boss. Dig into your arsenal,
cause it's time to use the good stuff. As soon as you regain control,
run up the ramps until you get under Zeus's tunic, then go around
behind his left foot and stand a little to the left, before his minions
pop up and start looking for you. In this location, maybe only a few
will find you, but you're relatively safe here. And if Zeus doesn't
like it, then tough. What's he gonna do, pass gas or something. Will
will put a bull's-eye on his butt, and give him a fireball enema.

Just continuously fire your shotgun into his heel at point blank range.
His fireballs and the quake effect from his staff can't hurt you while
you are underneath him. His health will slowly start to decrease. After
you run out of shotgun shells, switch to your acid gun and aim at the
other foot, and his health will decrease faster. You might as well use
up everything, since this is the last battle.

When his health gets to 50%, the targeting icon will turn yellow. When
it gets to 25%, it will turn to red, which means that he's on his last
leg. Continue with the acid gun, or switch to a more powerful weapon
such as the mini gun and add a little titan damage just to be mean, if
you want to finish him off quicker. If his lackeys happen to notice
where you are, turn on immortality, and keep firing into Zeus. After
you defeat Zeus, you free your girlfriend Emma. That's it, game, set,
and match. Zeus is just another useta be. Time to do your Happy Dance.
Yea! You!

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Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Secrets

18.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Gesundheit, Schutzschild und Munition

16.Октябрь 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.2)

16.Октябрь 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.1)

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Level spielbar

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Gesundheit, Munition und Armor

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Сентябрь 2015
07.Июнь 2019
30.Июнь 2014
04.Март 2019