Priston Tale

Priston Tale

18.10.2013 05:08:18
Priston Tale
PC Version
Atalanta Specific Guide v1.0
by Rodrigo Ishizaka Ciarlini

This document is Copyright 2004 Rodrigo Ishizaka Ciarlini

This guide should not be altered in any form, nor it should be used for
anything other than private and personal use. It's free and should be
redistributed only with my express written permission.
Anyone interested in using this guide for anything other than just reading
should contact me, Rodrigo Ishizaka Ciarlini , by

Priston Tale is Copyright @ 2000-2004 TRIGLOW PICTURES Ltd. All rights Reserved

-= INDEX =-

UPDATE INFO.............................. 0.0

INTRODUCTION............................. 1.0

GAME BASICS.............................. 2.0
Creating an Atalanta Character...... 2.1
Game controls....................... 2.2
Mouse.......................... 2.2.1
Keyboard....................... 2.2.2
Chat commands.................. 2.2.3

ATALANTA CLASS........................... 3.0
Atalanta attribute points........... 3.1
Attributes explained........... 3.1.1
Spending attribute points...... 3.1.2

ATALANTA SKILLS.......................... 4.0
1st tier Skills..................... 4.1
Shield Strike.................. 4.1.1
Farina......................... 4.1.2
Throwing Mastery............... 4.1.3
Bigger Spear................... 4.1.4
2nd tier Skills..................... 4.2
Windy.......................... 4.2.1
Twist Javelin.................. 4.2.2
Soul Sucker.................... 4.2.3
Fire Javelin................... 4.2.4

ATALANTA STRATEGIES...................... 5.0
Ranged Combat....................... 5.1
Melee Combat........................ 5.2
Party Combat........................ 5.3

ATALANTA EQUIPMENT....................... 6.0
Equipment statistics........... 6.0.1
Specialized Itens (Spec.)...... 6.0.2
Weapons............................. 6.1
Javelins....................... 6.1.1
Protective Gear..................... 6.2
Armors......................... 6.2.1
Shields........................ 6.2.2
Gauntlets...................... 6.2.3
Boots.......................... 6.2.4
Armlets........................ 6.2.5
Extra gear.......................... 6.3
Rings.......................... 6.3.1
Amulets........................ 6.3.2
Sheltons....................... 6.3.3
Item Mixing......................... 6.4
Item Aging.......................... 6.5

EXTRAS................................... 7.0
Terminology Dictionary......... 7.1
Hints and tips................. 7.2
Links to useful sites.......... 7.3
Special Thanks................. 7.4

-= 0.0: UPDATE INFO =-

2004-03-16 v1.0 released.
????-??-?? v1.1 - I'll probably include how to handle mules, bridges and a lot
of changes due Age of Renaissance update.


Recently, I've been playing the open beta of this game quite a bit. The open
beta status means that the game is currently free to download and to play, but
that may change at any time to Pay to Play (p2p) status.
The game is made by a korean company called TriGlow Pictures and their main
effort so far is on the korean version of the game (it's at v2.9.0 while the
english one is still at 2.3.0), which is already p2p. But since I cannot
understand a thing in korean nor have the money to pay for those things (hey,
I'm still with a Matrox Millenium G400 here, a video card released before
nVIDIA's GeForce256 or Matrox's G450) I'll be writing based on my experiences
with the english 2.3.0 version, even tough some things are dated (comparing to
kPT) or simply not implemented.

The english game also suffer from a somewhat inconvenient problem: bad
translation. While the game is perfectly playable, somethings are misleading.
This affects both the game and the official site (
A good example of an inoffensive mistranslation is the "Matal Javelin", which
probably should be "Metal Javelin", but an example of a misleading one is the
"Willpower" requirement present in some weapons, which should be "Spirit" or

-= 2.0: GAME BASICS =-

Altough the game can be played with just point'n clicking and understanding
of terms are not totally vital, you shouldn't neglect this, or you may just
have some trouble doing exactly what you want or take too long to use potions.
But I'll leave the installation steps and such to the discretion of the player
or to the official site.

2.1: Creating an Atalanta character

Once the game is good to go and you connect to one of the servers, it's far
easy to figure out how to create your first character, if not, the official
site has a step-by-step guide on doing this. What can be tricky is creating a
second character, since it won't have a billboard class "CREATE CHARACTER"
sticking on the screen, you should move the cursor to the symbols on the top of
the fountain behind your already created character(s).
When you finally enter the world of Priston, you'll be at Phillai. Since you
begin without any money, the best thing to do is head to south to teleport to
Road to the Wind to earn money and experience points.

2.2: Game controls

Using a ranged attack character will require that you use camera rotation
frequently. There's a in-game help, but it's incomplete. Anyway, be sure to
memorize at least the basic of these ones:

2.2.1: [Mouse]

Left-button - Basically do almost everything. Commands character to walk/run,
attack, follow a person, talk to NPCs, pick-up itens, use skill assigned to
left-button etc. It's worthy mention that you just need to hold the button to
keep attacking a monster.

Right-button - Use skill assigned to the right-button.

Wheel(scroll)- Change camera up/down angle. Won't work if camera is set to Zoom

Wheel(press) - Change camera side angle and zoom in/out.

2.2.2: [Keyboard]

Esc - Close last opened window or display Help/Quit menu (if all windows are
already closed).

F1-F8 - Change currently selected skill. One of the most useful shortcuts in
the game if you ask me, since this allows to switch from Shield Strike to Windy
and then back very fast, which can be vital. To assign a skill to one of the Fn
keys is tricky, tough, and not properly explained in the game help. You need to
open the skill window, click and hold the mouse button you want to tie with the
skill you're clicking over then press the Fn key you want to assign. E.g., if
you want to assign Farina to the mouse's left-button with the F5 key, you need
to open the skill window, left-click and hold over Farina skill and press F6
key, then you may just release the left-button, after that, if you press F6,
the left-button will be changed to Farina. Don't forget that not every skill
can be assigned to the left-button (e.g. Shield Strike), but all can be
assigned to the right-button. Also, it's a good idea to assign a Fn key to
Default Attack if you choose to assign some skills to the left-button, since
you'll probably want to change it back to preserve mana/stamina (I do it so I
can use Shield Strike on an emergency).

1-3 - Quickly use itens at quick-item slots. You'll use it a lot with healing

Tab - Open/Close Map Window. You may want to close it when you're camping in
some spawn.

Q - Open/Close Quest Window. Not very useful, since you won't be on quest

W - Toggle your equipment sets. You may have two equipment sets, that are
effectively weapon and shield slots. This may be useful if you want to keep
both melee and ranged sets. E.g., you could have a javelin and shield within a
set and a two-handed pike within other, so it's possible to quickly switch to a
heavy melee weapon once an enemy has closed.

E - Toggle your inventory screens. You have two, and this is useful when
one is without enough space to pick-up something or just keep thing organized.

R - Toggle Run/Walk. While walking, you recover some stamina, running waste
it. At any rate, you probably won't be using walk mode very much.

S - Open/Close Skill Window. If you're using Fn shortcuts, you probably
won't see this window frequently.

D - Open/Close Party/Friends window.

Z - Change camera modes. Can be set between Manual, Auto and Fixed.
Personally, I prefer Manual setting.

X - Open/Close System menu. You can get help or quit the game from here.

C - Open/Close Character Information window.

V - Open/Close Inventory window. If you pick-up something when this window
is open, you'll need to allocate the item, while it'll auto-allocate if closed
(but it won't automatically use the other inventory screen if the first is
already full and the item will be dropped back to the floor).

Space - Close Inventory/Character Information/Skill window.

Ctrl - Allow mouse buttons to be used on others characters. If you hold Ctrl
and left-click someone, you'll attack/use skill on that person. So far, since
player-killing is disabled, you won't hurt anyone by doing this.

Up - Camera zoom in

Down - Camera zoom out

Left - Camera pan left

Right - Camera pan right

Ctrl+Up - Camera tilt down

Ctrl+Down - Camera tilt up

Enter - Open Chat window enabled to type. Enter again without nothing typed
will leave the window opened but disabled to type. Be aware that you won't be
able to use any keyboard shortcuts while Chat window is enabled to type
(including those healing potions in quick-item slot).

2.2.3: [Chat Commands]

/:character_name - Display online status of character_name
/:character_name Message - Send Message to character_name
//party character_name - Request a party to character_name
Up/Down key - Repeat last commands (like /:character_name or
//party, but nothing after the first space, like Message in /:character_name


Atalanta is a class specialized in throwing javelins and, sometimes, shields
too. They cannot cause as much damage as melee types, but do decent damage from
a good distance and have good defense.
The Atalanta class, so far, isn't one of the most popular ones. One thing
that might contribute to this is the fact that the Morion tribe was only
introduced in the 2.0.0 version of the game, it's expected to have more
Tempskrons than Morions. Also, even among Morions, the class is less unique
than others, since Atalantas mainly deal ranged damage and Archers already did
that, while Priestess and Magician are classes with more unique abilities. You
could even say that the class is less specialized than others.
But an Atalanta has good points too! Using the javelin and shield setup,
they're usually more resistant than a Magician, Priestess, Archer and Pikeman.
Among the skills, the ability to stun a group of enemies is a popular one and
add even more to their capacity of survival (altough Fighter's Roar does this
too), while Windy can be handy when you trap Skeleton Archers and Rangers (so
you can hit them without being hit). And, so far, Soul Sucker is the only skill
the allows some healing capacity for any class other than Priestess.
All in all, I would say they excel in solo or in teams full of melee
characters against lots of monsters (probably not very useful in a party with 5
magicians :P).

3.1: Atalanta attribute points

Attributes define most of the variables of the character. There are five of
them, namely: Strength (Str), Spirit (Spi), Talent (Tal), Agility (Agi) and
Health (Hea). Personally, I think that Str, Tal and Agi are the most important
ones for an Atalanta, but that may vary according to each player's discretion.
All Atalanta characters begin with the same basic attribute points:

Str 23
Spi 15
Tal 19
Agi 19
Hea 23

That's the most averaged beginning stats of all the 8 classes, nothing being
too high or too low. That leaves thing very open for the first levels. You
won't need to spend all your points for some levels in Spirit just to equip a
better ring/amulet/sheltom, you'll have a decent starting HP and every weapon
and protective gear will be close by in requirements.

3.1.1: Attributes explained

In Priston Tale, all the attributes affect more than one or two of the
character's stats. Even Spirit and Health do more than just make MP and HP go
up. So it's important to know what they affect before deciding the priorities.

Strength: Attack, Stamina recovery rate, Carry Weight, Absorb, and Stamina.
Spirit: Stamina, Mana, and Mana recovery rate.
Talent: Accuracy, Attack, Defense, Stamina, and Speed.
Agility: Accuracy, Projectile Damage, and Defense.
Health: Stamina, Carry Weight, Speed, Health, Health regeneration rate, and
Mana recovery rate.

That's straight from Priston Tale official site. Attack is Attack Power.
Accuracy is Attack Rating. Defense may be both Defense Rating and Absorb.
At any rate, together with what I've gathered paying some attention in my
own level ups and information around the Internet, for an Atalanta that means:

Attack Rating (ATK RTG): Determines your chance to actually hitting something.
Agility affects it a lot, Talent affects it by a moderate ammount.

Attack Power (ATK POW): Tells how much damage you deal with landed hits. For
javelins, Agility is the main factor (of course, along with the weapon own
stats) while Talent and Strength affects it by a lower equal ammount. Also,
Throwing Mastery comes into play here.

Defense: Determines how frequently you won't be hit. Agility affects it a lot,
Talent affects it by a moderate ammount (about half the ammount).

Absorb: This is how much damage you'll ignore from received hits. Strength and
Talent seems to affect it equally (since the total Absorb is a small number,
it's not that noticeable). Also, Defense seems to affect it by a lesser
ammount, so Agility ends affecting it too (tough by a very small rate).

Speed: This is how fast you move around. Talent affects it. It's hard to tell
the impact of anything besides it and equipped boots because the value is so

Hit Points (HP): Used when receiving damage and you'll die if it gets below 1.
Greatly affected by Health, but also affected by Strength too (at a way lower,
but noticeable, rate).

Mana Points (MP): Used when doing Skills. Spirit affects it directly and almost
without interference.

Stamina (STM): Used when running and doing Skills. Health affects it a lot,
Spirit a bit less, Strength and Talent affect it too (but less than Spirit,
probably the sum of
both affects as much as Spirit).

Carrying Capacity: Says how much weight you can carry. Strength affects it
directly by a great ammount (at the same rate of level) while Health does it
too (smaller, but not much smaller rate).

All of the stats are also affected by character level and equipment. Well,
maybe not Speed (this seems to be solely affected by Talent, Health and
equipment). And while there isn't an item that affects Carrying Capacity
maximum, it's obvious that carried equipment will leave less room to carry more
things. :P

3.1.2: Spending attribute points

Every time you level up, you'll receive 5 attribute points to spend in
whichever of the 5 attributes you want. You can do that from the Character
Information window and, altough you do not need to do it immediatelly, you
probably won't want to leave it without use for long since you'll be leaving
your character subpar while it's that way.
While you're with the Character Information window open, you may allocate
all but one point and then take it back (e.g., if you just gained a level and
have 5 points left, you may distribute up to 4 points and then take them back).
This may be useful to study their impact on each attribute and then making the
real distribution. Be warned that you may not take the points back if you
allocate all of them or switch to another window while points are distributed
(if you leave a point in some attribute and change, let's say, to the Inventory
window, that point will be locked at that attribute forever).
Atalanta Spec. equipment requires more Agility, while requiring less
Strength and Spirit (futher explanations are present at the Atalanta Equipment
section), so you probably will have to pump a bit more of Agility even if you
plan to take a melee approach favoring Strength and Health, or else you'll be
unable to use better gear and that's not a good idea. Due equipment
requirements, a tendency is spending a lot of points in Strength, at some
points maybe even more than Agility, while making Talent resonable and leaving
Spirit the lower of those four (Health, while interesting, is not in any
equipment requirement, so you only make it go up if you really want to).
A regular javelin-user Atalanta usually need as high as possible Agility,
high Strength and Talent, with Spirit and Health left to the player's


Skills are what really makes classes different and what may make you choose
one weapon instead of other. An Atalanta usually favors javelins because 6 out
of the 8 Skills currently present works with javelins (and 5 work with javelins
only), and the other 2 need a shield. So, while making a pike user Atalanta may
be doable, she won't be able to use most of her Skills.
Skills can be either timed, permanent or one-shot. Timed and one-shot use
STM and MP with each use. Timed ones are those which benefits will last some
time once activated and you cannot benefit from it twice at the same time at
the same target. Permanent ones are those which benefits are always accounted
and you don't need to activate, nor waste STM and MP. One-shot ones have
instantaneous effects, needs to be activated and waste STM and MP.
At the Skills window you can see two bars at the side of each Skill. The
green one (Mastery Gauge) increases with the Skill use and affects how fast the
orange one (Recharge Gauge) recharges, and you can only use a Skill when the
orange is at 100%. Permanent Skills don't have a progress meter in either of
the bars.
You get a Skill Point at 10th level and every 2 levels after that. To spend
them, you need to talk to Skillmaster Dallas in Phillai (no, you cannot do this
at the skillmaster in Ricarten), choose one Skill and pay some money. You
cannot get a Skill if you don't have at least 1 point at the previous ones
(e.g., you need to have at least 1 point in both Shield Strike and Farina
before being allowed to put a point in Throwing Mastery).
Once a Skill point is spent, you cannot change it to another Skill, except
when you complete a tier quest. At that time, you'll be give the option to
reallocate all your Skill points so far (but you'll need to pay for them all
again if you choose to do this).
A tier quest is a quest you do to enable the next tier Skills. At first, at
Atalanta level class, you'll only be able to put points in the so called 1st
tier Skills (Shield Strike, Farina, Throwing Mastery, Bigger Spear). To access
the 2nd tier Skills (Windy, Twist Javelin, Soul Sucker, Fire Javelin), you need
to complete the 2nd tier quest (to begin it, you need to be at 20th level at
least, have at least 1 point in Bigger Spear, and talk to Skillmaster Dallas,
then clicking in CCS icon). So far, only the 2nd tier quest is available and
the other 8 Skills are still unknown.
Each point spent in a Skill makes it go up a level, making it more powerful
and MP/STM consuming. All Skills can go up to 10th level.
It's worth mention that if you don't have any interest in the 2nd tier
Skills, there's no need to make the quest. The only thing a tier quest does is
to enable new tier Skills and add a nifty tiara in your Atalanta's head (at
least for the 2nd tier quest). And that's not so hard to happen... there's no
"must have" 2nd tier Skill, and it wouldn't be strange at all wanting to
maximize Throwing Mastery before even getting Bigger Spear (so you could get
10th level Throwing Mastery by 32th class level).
To use a Skill, you can either use the keyboard shortcuts or change manually
in the Skills window. If you click with mouse's left-button, you'll choose the
skill to use with the left-button, same for the right-button. Not all skills
can be set to the left-button, and all (but permanent ones) can be set to
activate with the right-button.
Note that all Skill levels marked with a * are just extrapolations over the
confirmed levels and may be wrong, except for the cost at Skillmaster, which is
based on a fixed formula and it's equal for all classes. The error may induced
by the fact that some skills progress less when at higher levels, as it can be
seen in Throwing Mastery (which progress at a minor rate after 6th level).
Until now, even in KPT, Atalanta's available Skills are:

4.1: 1st tier Skills

These are the 4 Skills available by only meeting the level requirement,
without any need for quests.

4.1.1: [Shield Strike]

Level requirement: 10
Skill type: One-shot, attack, enemy targeted, right-button only
In-game description: hurls a shield to attack enemies.
Equip requirement: Any shield
Effects: The Atalanta will throw her equipped shield at medium range (don't
worry, it returns :P), causing damage and stunning all enemies (for a few
seconds) around the shield trajectory.
Comments: Altough it's debatable the usefulness of putting more than 1 point at
this Skill, this is one of the most useful Atalanta Skills. Even tough it's one
the few ways for an Atalanta to cause area damage, the real deal here is that
it can stuns some enemies for several seconds. The attack always strikes and
with this is somewhat easy to control a mob, either to kill one by one or to
run. Putting this Skill to a higher level mastery would prove useful to cause
decent area damage, but the increased consume of STM/MP could be troublesome
when there's the need to use it several times in a short period.

Skill Level|Attack Power|MP Usage|STM Usage|Cost@Skillmaster
1 | 4~20(+LV/5)| 16 | 23 | 500
2 | 5~25(+LV/5)| 18 | 25 | 1000
3 | 6~30(+LV/5)| 20 | 27 | 1500
4 | 8~35(+LV/5)| 22 | 29 | 2000
5 |10~40(+LV/5)| 24 | 31 | 2500
6* |12~45(+LV/5)| 27 | 33 | 3000
7* |14~50(+LV/5)| 30 | 35 | 3500
8* |16~55(+LV/5)| 33 | 37 | 4000
9* |18~60(+LV/5)| 36 | 39 | 4500
10* |20~65(+LV/5)| 40 | 41 | 5000

4.1.2: [Farina]

Level requirement: 12
Skill type: One-shot, attack, enemy targeted, either button
In-game description: throws a spear that creates illusions
Equip requirement: Any javelin
Effects: A javelin will be thrown the regular way (just with some special
effects), just a bit faster.
Comments: It has its uses, but I wouldn't put more than 1 Skill point at it.
Sure the ATK RTG bonus will guarantee a greater chance to hit, but it's only
for one hit. So, unless you want a futher Attack Speed increase, there's little
reason to invest on this one. This is useful to kill one enemy with low Absorb
(or even with high ABS if you've got a high ATK POW), since you'll throw
javelins more accurate and faster, but it'll drain MP/STM quickly enough to
keep using it in many enemies at a short time.

Skill Level|ATK RTG Bonus|ATK SPD Bonus|MP Usage|STM Usage|Cost@Skillmaster
1 | 30+LV | 1 | 17 | 26 | 1000
2 | 40+LV | 1 | 19 | 28 | 1600
3* | 50+LV | 1 | 21 | 30 | 2200
4* | 60+LV | 1 | 23 | 32 | 2800
5* | 70+LV | 2 | 26 | 34 | 3400
6* | 80+LV | 2 | 29 | 36 | 4000
7* | 90+LV | 2 | 32 | 38 | 4600
8* | 100+LV | 2 | 35 | 40 | 5200
9* | 110+LV | 2 | 38 | 42 | 5800
10* | 120+LV | 2 | 42 | 44 | 6400

4.1.3: [Throwing Mastery]

Level requirement: 14
Skill type: Permanent, attack
In-game description: train javelin attacks to increase damage permanently.
Equip requirement: Any javelin
Effects: Each regular attack with javelins will deal more damage, already
figured in ATK POW. There's no visual effects.
Comments: A must for every javelin-user Atalanta. It doesn't look cool as other
Skills, but each attack you make you'll be powered by this Skill, affecting
both minimum and maximum ATK POW. Since javelins are one of the least damaging
weapons, this helps a lot to make sure you get past enemies' Absorb and deal
some real damage. Since it doesn't consume MP/STM, the only thing preventing
you to maximize this as soon as possible is the taste for other Skills or the
lack of a javelin, because even the money cost is kind of cheap. Still, I think
that Atalantas kind of get the shaft here, since similar Skills for other
classes give better bonuses (Archers get a boost of 40% at 10th level). Well,
at least it isn't some lame Attribute Resistance.

Skill Level|ATK POW Bonus|Cost@Skillmaster
1 | 4% | 1500
2 | 8% | 2200
3 | 12% | 2900
4 | 16% | 3600
5 | 20% | 4300
6 | 24% | 5000
7 | 27% | 5700
8 | 30% | 6400
9 | 33% | 7100
10 | 36% | 7800

4.1.4: [Bigger Spear]

Level requirement: 17
Skill type: One-shot, attack, enemy targeted, either button
In-game description: attack an enemy with holy javelin.
Equip requirement: Any javelin or any pike
Effects: An attack will be done the regular way (with some special effects).
Comments: Personally, I don't think this one is that great either, but it seems
more useful than Farina. Instead of adding Attack Speed and ATK RTG, this one
adds a bonus ATK POW. You can use this to quickly overcome a foe with a high
Absorb, but you won't be able to keep using it a lot in a short time unless
you're burning some MP and STM potions. Getting this at a higher level may be
very useful to hit and run tactics, since you can deal more damage with the
same number of hits before running, but it'll reduce the times you can use, or
you can use it to kill monsters faster. Also, because of the in-game
description, there's a unconfirmed rumor that it gets a damage bonus when
damaging undeads.

Skill Level|ATK POW Bonus|MP Usage|STM Usage|Cost@Skillmaster
1 | 4~10 | 19 | 32 | 2000
2 | 6~15 | 21 | 34 | 2800
3 | 8~20 | 23 | 36 | 3600
4 | 10~25 | 25 | 38 | 4400
5 | 11~30 | 28 | 40 | 5200
6 | 12~35 | 31 | 42 | 6000
7 | 13~40 | 34 | 44 | 6800
8* | 14~45 | 37 | 46 | 7600
9* | 15~50 | 40 | 48 | 8400
10* | 16~55 | 43 | 50 | 9200

4.2: 2nd tier Skills

These are the 4 new Skills available after completing your first quest (2nd
tier quest).

4.2.1: [Windy]

Level Requirement: 20
Skill type: Timed, attack, right-button only
In-game description: Increase distance and attack rating of javelin.
Equip requirement: Any javelin
Effects: With a move, sparkles will be around head of the javelin, showing that
the Skill is active. All your attacks within the duration will have a slightly
longer range and better ATK RTG.
Comments: While it's debatable is it's worth or not to take this Skill to
levels higher than 1, it'll have its uses at any level. The ATK RTG bonus works
only over the base javelin ATK RTG, so a 10% bonus will give only a 5
enhancement if the javelin has 50~59 ATK RTG, but the Range bonus is fixed and
useful. The Range bonus makes you to hit from a farther distance, allowing to
outrange Skeleton Archers and such, so you can hit them before they can hit
you, or even kill them without getting hit if they're trapped. Taking this
Skill to higher levels would also increase its duration, so it's not a matter
of STM/MP, since you'll recover them before the time runs out, but if the
points can be used at another Skill. A 6th level Windy could grant a 60% ATK
RTG improvement, and together with the bonuses from Skill like Twist Javelin,
you could end up with a decent ATK RTG enhancement.

Skill Level|ATK RTG Bonus|Duration|Range bonus|MP Usage|STM
1 | 10% | 40s | 30 | 24 | 34 | 3000
2 | 20% | 50s | 30 | 26 | 36 | 4000
3 | 30% | 60s | 30 | 28 | 38 | 5000
4 | 40% | 70s | 30 | 30 | 40 | 6000
5 | 50% | 80s | 30 | 32 | 42 | 7000
6 | 60% | 90s | 30 | 34 | 44 | 8000
7* | 70% | 100s | 30 | 37 | 46 | 9000
8* | 80% | 110s | 30 | 40 | 48 | 10000
9* | 90% | 120s | 30 | 44 | 50 | 11000
10 | 100% | 130s | 30 | 48 | 52 | 12000

4.2.2: [Twist Javelin]

Level Requirement: 23
Skill type: One-shot, attack, enemy targeted, right-button only
In-game description: Throws javelin with more spin to increase damage and
Equip requirement: Any javelin
Effects: An attack will be done the regular way (with some special effects).
Comments: I don't know about the stackability of the ATK POW with Throwing
Mastery (if it increases a % over the base with Throwing Mastery already added
or not, but I'd say that it's not), but it's surelly better than its 1st tier
counterparts, since it adds both to ATK POW and ATK RTG. Of course, the ATK RTG
bonus of Farina will be, probably, always better (and with the ATK SPD bonus to
boot) and the ATK POW bonus for Bigger Spear will be better for javelins
without a good ATK POW by themselves, but you're getting both with only one
Skill. As like the rest of the Skills, the % bonus is over the javelin base
stats, so don't expect you will begin to hit all your attacks with a extremly
high damage. It's recommended to take this over the 1st level if you intend to
keep using it, since the percentile increase progress at a good rate.

Skill Level|ATK RTG Bonus|ATK POW bonus|MP Usage|STM Usage|Cost@Skillmaster
1 | 10% | 10% | 20 | 36 | 5000
2 | 22% | 22% | 22 | 38 | 6200
3 | 34% | 34% | 24 | 40 | 7400
4 | 46% | 46% | 27 | 42 | 8600
5 | 58% | 58% | 30 | 44 | 9800
6* | 70% | 70% | 33 | 46 | 11000
7* | 82% | 82% | 36 | 48 | 12200
8* | 94% | 94% | 40 | 50 | 13400
9* | 106% | 106% | 44 | 52 | 14600
10* | 118% | 118% | 48 | 54 | 15800

4.2.3: [Soul Sucker]

Level Requirement: 26
Skill type: One-shot, attack, enemy targeted, right-button only
In-game description: Absorb enemie's life.
Equip requirement: Any shield with mixing or aging
Effects: The Atalanta will throw her equipped shield at medium range (don't
worry, it returns too :P), causing damage to all enemies around the shield
trajectory (but not as wide area as Shield Strike) while increasing yours by
the same ammount. It won't affect undeads nor monsters with less than 50% hp.
Also, it isn't sure striking, you'll usually miss if you try to use it on a
monster running away and at the limit range.
Comments: Some people like this one, some don't. Particullary, I do like it,
but it isn't a vital Skill. At any rate, if you plan on using this one, take
it, at least, to level 2, since it seems to existe a bug that makes the 2% of
the 1st level to drain less than it should, or it could be due some other
factor... maybe monster's ABS kicks in, so it would prevent draining any
noticeable ammount. A mid-level Soul Sucker used on a high HP group of valid
targets could easily recover all your HP, but don't try to relly only on this
skills to keep you alive, since you could die before the shield returns with
the stolen HP. A higher level of this Skill would drain a good ammount of HP,
recovering most of your HP while making a decent damage on the monster, and
since even 100% mastery at this still means a few seconds before it can be used
again, MP/STM would only be a issue if you plan to keep using it nonstop.

Skill Level|Drained HP|MP Usage|STM Usage|Cost@Skillmaster
1 | 2% | 25 | 42 | 7000
2 | 4% | 28 | 44 | 8400
3 | 6% | 31 | 46 | 9800
4 | 8% | 34 | 48 | 11200
5 | 10% | 38 | 50 | 12600
6 | 12% | 42 | 52 | 14000
7 | 13% | 46 | 54 | 15400
8* | 14% | 50 | 56 | 16800
9* | 15% | 55 | 58 | 18200
10* | 16% | 60 | 60 | 19600

4.2.4: [Fire Javelin]

Level Requirement: 30
Skill type: One-shot, attack, enemy targeted, either button
In-game description: Attack enemie with power of fire.
Equip requirement: Any javelin
Effects: An attack will be done the regular way (with some special effects).
Comments: This skill isn't very popular in english PT by now. At any rate, it's
very useful to deal with undeads and other fire weak creatures. It adds a nice
ATK POW bonus, but since it's fire based, some monsters may ignore most of it
(Figon, a fire elemental monster, comes into mind). Taking it to high levels
would add a great deal of damage, but would also consume a lot of MP and STM,
and may not be useful at every ocasion.

Skill Level|Fire ATK POW Bonus|MP Usage|STM Usage|Cost@Skillmaster
1 | 10~20 | 25 | 40 | 9000
2 | 15~25 | 27 | 42 | 10600
3* | 20~30 | 29 | 44 | 12200
4* | 25~35 | 32 | 46 | 13800
5* | 30~40 | 35 | 48 | 15400
6* | 35~45 | 38 | 50 | 17000
7* | 40~50 | 41 | 52 | 18600
8* | 45~55 | 44 | 54 | 20200
9* | 50~60 | 47 | 56 | 21800
10* | 55~65 | 50 | 58 | 23400

* Skills levels marked are just derived from the confirmed levels coupled with
info gather on sites, so they may actually differ.


Atalanta is a naturally strategic class. They have a good number of Skills
used for something other than causing more damage, their main weapon is ranged
(meaning you aren't required to simply close monsters and keep the mouse button
pressed until they are dead), you can access a good range of different weapon
types with Atalanta Spec., and the class isn't either too fragile not a total
tank. You're almost required to employ some strategies to keep advancing in the
A given strategy is always better with the right attribute points
distribution. If you want to tank with a claw and a shield, it's better to
spent a good ammount of points into Strength and Health, since you'd need the
Str for dishing out extra damage and both Str and Health for more HP, lessening
the chances of death from massive damage before being able to use a healing
potion. While a ranged strategy is better with extra Agility, so you can deal
extra damage from distance.

5.1: Ranged combat

This is the usual style for Atalantas, since they usually can deal the most
damage with javelins and can't stand damage as well as a typical Mechanician.
You just kill monsters in a way they don't even get close enough, and you won't
even waste much gold on healing potions.
The most basic part of this style is the "hit and run" routine. You just
need to hit the enemy as many times as possible and move before it reachs melee
range. If you're doing this right, you'll be able to land multiple hits on the
enemy and it'll hit air one time where you were before moving again, and those
attacks will always miss because you're not there anymore. The number of times
you can hit your foe before moving boils down to your ATK SPD and the enemies'
speed. A javelin with 8 speed hitting a slow monster like a Zombie can safely
hit 4 or 5 times (sometimes even more) before you need to make a small move
away from it, while a 7 speed one versus a fast monster that can make area
damage (like a Slaughter) can only hit two times, and even a small delay would
be risky.
For "hit and run", you could also make use of offensive Skills like Farina,
Bigger Spear, Twist Javelin or Fire Javelin. They could ensure a faster kill
rate, but you need to keep an eye on your STM and MP.
A good trick for ranged combatants is using cover. Monsters' AI usually tell
them to get to you in a straight line, so you can use a fence as a barrier
(they usually allow shooting over it) or, sometimes, you can even shoot thru a
wall. Some rocks and corners may work finely as well.
One of my favorites is trapping monsters. For this, you need to attract
monsters to certain areas that they won't be able to escape or simply won't
reach you (and taking a while before deciding to walk away). You may use those
moats in wasteland maps like in Castle of the Lost (you attract them down and
be on upper ground shooting down, but this requires you to get used to find the
right spot to hit without getting to close), shallow holes like those in Cursed
Land (they only trap Leeches, tough, and not every time), ruins in desert maps
like in Forgotten Land (groups of fallen collumns are nice since they allow
hitting and surround the monster enough to do not allow escapes), ramps,
platforms, torch holders and so on. My very favorite place for this is the
group of platforms in Oasis (at south, past the lake/oasis), since it's easy to
lure monsters down and keep them there, plus there's a good spawn in that
place. Atalantas have the upper hand in this kind of strategy because Shield
Strike allows you to avoid monsters following you, since you can take them to
the desire spot, stun, and move to where you want, also you can push monsters
with it.
Shield Striking a whole pack of monsters and deal with them one at a time is
an Atalanta basic too. You should take out ranged foes first, since they won't
move to the rest of the pack, thus being hard to keep stunned with the rest.
Then you should move to the ones with lower HP, since you'll quickly end up
with less creatures to control. Then go for the ones who keeps stunned for a
shorter time than others. Finally, just take out the lasting ones one at a
time. It saves you from spending a lot of potions and reduces chances of death.
Shield Strike is also useful if you want to deal with a single creature and
you don't want to run or something is rendering "hit and run" rather useless or
impossible. Usually, you can hit 3 times safely after a stun before needing to
Shield Strike again. Doing this right can make you kill the monster without
losing a single HP. It's not very usual combine this with offensive Skills,
since it'd drain your STM and MP too fast.
Making the move I've personally created is another favorite of mine (but I'm
pretty sure some other Atalantas devenloped this too without copying me or
anything like that). For this, you need Shield Strike and at least two enemies
(and at least one that can be stunned). Once you can stun both of them, just
move around until you form a straight line with them (giving prefence to be
closer to the one who's weaker or is stunned for more time). Then just begin to
hit the farther one, so it'll begin to move again but will move towards the
other, having its path blocked. You just need to keep out of the hit monster's
range (usually you don't need to be so away from the stunned one, but once you
begin to face things with long reach as Head Cutters, there'll be a need to use
the Shield Strike's range better) and keep the other stunned with ocasional
Shield Strikes (if you have a good timing, just restun when it's about to move
again), until the other is dead. Then deal with the one lasting the way you
want. If there's more than 2, it may be even easier, since you get more things
to block the path, but you have to keep them packed together. If one of them
cannot be stunned, you just need to move fast enough to put the stunned one
between you and the other. This may be more difficult and less efficient than
actual solid cover or trap, but can be used in virtually any place.

5.2: Melee combat

This style, altough not as good as with pure melee classes (namely Fighter,
Pikeman, Mechanician and Knight), it's doable since Atalantas have decent HP
and good protection from gear.
The usual set for this is claw+shield, since you'd get the highest defense
possible and could use Shield Strike to stun extra monsters, so you don't
actually need to get hits from everything in sight. This is useful when you're
in a party full of Archers, Magicians and Priestess, since they are not as
tough as a typical Atalanta.
Good two-handed weapons are good if you want some melee action with some
actual benefits. With good Atalanta Spec. two-handed weapons with perfect or
near perfect damage (most melee weapons have Atalanta Spec. too, and they're
usually cheaper than the same one with Spec. for a pure melee class), you may
cause more damage than with javelins. Be aware that you won't be able to use
Skills with this style, unless you've got a pike, then you can use Bigger Spear.

5.3: Party combat

Atalantas can be very useful coupled with any other class. But it's better
if the party knows how to work together with an Atalanta. If every time you
stun a group of monsters, each member of the party hit a different monster, it
won't do much good, so it's better to talk out if this is happening. Just keep
in mind that not everyone knows what an Atalanta can do, so some even think
that hits don't unstun a monster.
In a group with both melee characters and ranged/magic users, an Atalanta
can be a second line of defense, stunning extra monsters around the melee ones
and protecting the back row. The same goes for others kind of party, but you
can end up doing one thing more than other, like just stunning extra monsters
around the tankers and helping in kills. If you're in a all ranged party, you
can stun extra monsters while everyone tries to kill a single monster at a
time, so you can be in front line while no one is threatened (just beware if
you're in a place with very strong monsters and with a party where everyone
tends to fall back leaving you in front a lot and don't let you stun with
efficiency; it's better to keep falling back together with them, just throwing
javelins and occasionaly using Shield Strike).
A good technique when you have many area damage capable companions is using
Shield Strike nonstop on a great mob. If you manage to gather a great group of
monsters, you can keep them pinned with Shield Strike while everyone else make
their best to cause area damage, quickly killing every monster. No one will
take damage and it's very useful to take out many monsters fast. Just keep an
eye on your MP and STM.
Taking the role of monster controller is an efficient way to keep everyone
from taking too much harm and deal with monsters in a rate that's possible for
the group. For this, it's good to talk to everyone first, so they know they
should concentrate on one creature at once. Then you just need to stun every
monster that's not being hit and keep them that way until the other members can
take care of them. In the meantime, you can also happen to kill the creatures
too. Try to keep the stunned monsters together, so you'll need to spend less
time, STM and MP with Shield Strike, and also it's easier to keep all of them
controlled than if you have to run around to keep one monster stunned at each
Killing ranged monsters is an useful thing to do too. Usually, ranged
monster have low HP, so you can take them out fast. This helps to keep a melee
line while the melee combatants won't have to run around so much, concentrating
on melee monsters, usually the ones with higher HP. This is very appreciated,
unless it's the kind of monster that is so weak for the group that it won't
cause much harm. But if it isn't the case, people always like when you take out
those pesky Skeleton Archers, Skeleton Rangers, Webs and similar stuff.
If you got Soul Sucker, it's useful to keep your HP full and don't waste so
many healing potions (plus, keeping the HP bar full, you won't die so easily if
you get surprised by a sudden spawn of some powerful creature). You can try
this everytime you're not overloaded with Shield Strike, or else you'd end up
without STM and/or MP for more stuns. This routine is usually easier when you
are behind a melee line, so you may do this just for ocasional hits you get
instead of trying keep you alive on this (then potions would be better).


I'm not going to list every piece of equipment here since some aren't suited
to Atalantas, while others just aren't worth the trouble. While most weapons
indeed have Atalanta spec., most won't be a good deal once you start pumping
Skill points into Throwing Mastery, non-javelin weapons will just deal equal or
less damage than javelins (and javelins are ranged one-handed weapons to boot,
allowing you to use a shield) and won't allow most Skills (see 4.0 section).

6.0.1: Equipment statistics

Not all pieces of the same equipment are made equal. It's possible to have a
lower level javelin better than a higher level one, and that happens with all
types of equipment.
Not every statistic on an item is variable. So, in the list below, it's
possible to know what a statistic do, if it may vary or not and which kind of
equipment has it.

Absorb Rating: Single number, variable. Adds this number to your Absorb. Found
on armors, robes, shields, orbs/beads, gauntlets, boots.
Add. HP: Single number, variable. Adds this number to your maximum HP. Found on
amulets (some types), rings (some types).
Add. MP: Single number, variable. Adds this number to your maximum MP. Found on
weapons (just some specific types), amulets, orbs/beads.
Add. STM: Single number, variable. Adds this number to your maximum STM. Found
on rings.
Attack Power: Two numbers, the first (and smaller) being the minimum damage for
that weapon, the later (and higher) being the maximum damage. Variable. Base
for your ATK POW. Found on weapons.
Attack Rating: Single number, variable. Adds this number to your ATK RTG. Found
on weapons, armlets.
Block Rating: Single number, variable. Equipment's chance to block enemies'
attacks. Found on shields, two-handed weapons.
Critical: Single number, fixed. Percentile critical hit chance for that weapon.
Found on weapons (except wands/staves).
Defense Rating: Single number, variable. Adds this number to your Defense.
Found on claws, armors, robes, shields, orbs/beads, gauntlets, boots, armlets.
HP Regen: Single number, variable. Adds to HP regeneration rate. Found on
Integrity: Two numbers, the first being the current Integrity, the later being
the maximum integrity. Variable. So far, Integrity isn't really implemented in
the game. Found on weapons (some types), armors, robes, shields, orbs/beads,
gauntlets, boots, armlets.
MP Regen: Single number, variable. Adds to MP regeneration rate. Found on
Potion Storage: Single number, fixed. Maximum stack of potions to be available
in each quick-item slot. Found on armlets.
Range: Single number, fixed. Base range for that ranged weapon. Found on ranged
Req. Agility: Single number, variable only if with spec. Required Agility for
Req. Level: Single number, fixed. Required level for equipping.
Req. Strength: Single number, variable only if with spec. Required Strength for
Req. Talent: Single number, variable only if with spec. Required Talent for
Req. Willpower: Single number, variable only if with spec. Required Spirit for
Speed: Single number, variable. Adds to Speed (running). Found on boots.
Type, [element]: Single number, variable. Adds to Elemental resist vs specified
elemental type. Found on armors, robes, shields, orbs/beads, gauntlets, boots.
Weapon Speed: Single number, fixed. Attack speed for that weapon. Found on

6.0.2: Specialized Itens (Spec.)

Plus, the equipment may also have a specialization, which can give extra
power to a specific class. This also change requirements for the itens.
For Atalantas, requirements changed due spec. are Strength reduced by
15%~20%, Spirit reduced by 10%~20%, Agility increased by 15%~25%. That means if
a Holy Javelin (Req. Level 50, Req. Strength 55, Req. Spirit 40, Req. Talent
70, Req. Agility 55) is Atalanta Spec., it'll have a bonus to ATK POW, ATK SPD
and RNG, and Req. Strength will be a 44~47 value, Req. Spirit 32~36, Req.
Agility 63~68 (while the rest of requirements will stay the same).
The possible spec. bonus (and effects if not obvious) values and variations
are listed below:

ABS RTG (Absorb Rating): Single number, variable.
ATK POW (Attack Power): Level fraction, fixed. Adds your level divided by a
number (like per 5 if LV/5) to your maximum ATK POW (minimum ATK POW does not
ATK RTG (Attack Rating): Level fraction, variable. Adds your level divided by a
number (like per 3 if LV/3) to your ATK RTG.
ATK SPD: Single number, fixed.
BLK RTG: Single number, fixed.
CRIT (Critical): Single number, fixed.
DEF RTG (Defense Rating): Single number, variable.
HP Recovery: Single number, fixed.
Magic APT: Single number, variable. "Increase all magic skill lvl by x" (taken
from PT Site, unsure what it does exactly).
MP Recovery: Single number, variable or fixed.
RNG (Range): Single number, fixed.
SPD (Speed): Single number, variable.

6.1: Weapons

I'll be listing only javelins. All javelins are one-handed and may have
Atalanta Spec.. Javelins bought in Blacksmith NPCs always have Atalanta Spec.,
and requirements are all before any it's applied. Info between () are variable
by the ammount shown, while those between [] are additions due Spec. (if the
javelin has it).
It's good to pay attention to the next available javelin's requirements, or
you risk meeting the level requirement and missing something else. Also, you
should know that the next one won't be necessarilly better, as you may get one
with lower ATK POW, not to mention that the highest level javelin won't beat
others in every field, only in the ATK POW (and some even lack a ATK POW
Spec.), so Fatal Javelin has the better CRIT of all javelins (13%) (until
Wyvern Javelin, at least), while Winged Javelin has the better RNG (240) and
Holy Javelin has the better ATK RTG (70~80) (and is only beaten by Twisted
Javelin, which nobody has managed to see in ePT yet to this date). ATK SPD can
go up to 8, and the difference of even 1 point is very clear in the game, so
you may want to stick to 8 ATK SPD javelins.

6.1.1: [Javelins]

ATK POW: (1~2)-(3~4)[+LV/3]
ATK SPD: 7 [+1]
RNG: 180 [+20]
ATK RTG: (25~34)
CRIT: 2%
Price: xxx @Phillai or Ricarten

War Javelin
ATK POW: (2~3)-(4~5)[+LV/4]
ATK SPD: 6 [+2]
RNG: 185 [+10]
ATK RTG: (30~38)
CRIT: 3%
Price: xxx @Phillai or Ricarten

Edged Javelin
ATK POW: (3~4)-(5~6)[+LV/4]
RNG: 190 [+10]
ATK RTG: (36~45)
CRIT: 4% [+3%]
Req. Talent: 26
Price: xxx @Phillai or Ricarten

Steel Javelin
ATK POW: (4~5)-(6~7)[+LV/4]
ATK SPD: 5 [+2]
RNG: 195 [+10]
ATK RTG: (40~48)
CRIT: 4% [+3%]
Req. Level: 6
Req. Strength: 30
Req. Talent: 26
Price: xxx @Phillai or Ricarten

Double Javelin
ATK POW: (5~6)-(8~10)[+LV/4]
RNG: 200 [+15]
ATK RTG: (46~52)
CRIT: 5% [+3%]
Req. Level: 11
Req. Talent: 37
Req. Agility: 37
Price: xxx @Ruinen Village
Weight: 5

Elven Javelin
ATK POW: (6~7)-(9~11)[+LV/4]
RNG: 200 [+15]
ATK RTG: (48~52)
CRIT: 5% [+3%]
Req. Level: 16
Req. Spirit: 30
Req. Talent: 53
Price: xxx @Navisko

Fatal Javelin
ATK POW: (7~8)-(11~13)
ATK SPD: 6 [+1]
RNG: 200 [+15]
ATK RTG: (60~65)
CRIT: 6% [+7%]
Req. Level: 22
Req. Strength: 45
Req. Talent: 54
Req. Agility: 40
Price: xxx @Navisko
Weight: 6

Matal Javelin
ATK POW: (9~11)-(13~16)[+LV/5]
ATK SPD: 5 [+3]
RNG: 205 [+10]
ATK RTG: (52~58)
CRIT: 5% [+3%]
Req. Level: 30
Req. Strength: 50
Req. Talent: 55
Req. Agility: 50
Price: xxx @Navisko

Cobra Javelin
ATK POW: (10~12)-(15~18)[+LV/5]
RNG: 210 [+10]
ATK RTG: (54~62)
CRIT: 6% [+3%]
Req. Level: 37
Req. Strength: 55
Req. Talent: 60
Req. Agility: 60
Weight: 5

Winged Javelin
ATK POW: (11~13)-(16~19)
ATK SPD: 7 [+1]
RNG: 220 [+20]
ATK RTG: (60~68)
CRIT: 7% [+4%]
Req. Level: 44
Req. Strength: 65
Req. Talent: 70
Req. Agility: 70

Holy Javelin
ATK POW: (13~15)-(19~23)[+LV/5]
ATK SPD: 6 [+2]
RNG: 215 [+15]
ATK RTG: (70~80)
CRIT: 7%
Req. Level: 50
Req. Strength: 55
Req. Spirit: 40
Req. Talent: 70
Req. Agility: 55
Weight: 5

Throwing Trident
ATK POW: (15~17)-(22~25)[+LV/5]
ATK SPD: 6 [+1]
RNG: 220 [+15]
ATK RTG: (60~72)
CRIT: 8% [+4%]
Req. Level: 55
Req. Strength: 70
Req. Talent: 74
Req. Agility: 84
Weight: 9

Wyvern Javelin
ATK POW: (16~19)-(25~28)[+LV/6]
ATK SPD: 6 [+2]
RNG: 225
ATK RTG: (64~80) [+LV/(1~3)]
CRIT: 10% [+5%]
Req. Level: 60
Req. Strength: 70
Req. Talent: 80
Req. Agility: 90

Twisted Javelin
ATK POW: (18~22)-(27~31)[+LV/6]
ATK SPD: 7 [+1]
RNG: 225
ATK RTG: (70~96)
CRIT: 9% [+7%]
Req. Level: 65
Req. Strength: 70
Req. Talent: 80
Req. Agility: 100

6.2: Protective Gear

All itens listed here have the main purpose of pumping up DEF RTG. Most also
boost ABS RTG and change Elemental Resistance, but for the last, itens can
actually make it worst instead of better, specially for Lightning. And some may
affect other things, like SPD, ATK RTG and such. None of the following can be
bought with Spec. at NPC stores, but it's possible to find them, by killing
monsters or dealing with other players, with Spec., so their requirements may
change accoding to the class.

6.2.1: [Armors]

Armors are the most important gear for both DEF RTG and ABS RTG. It also
changes Elemental Resistance, but I really don't have much info on how that
varies in any gear, so it'll be missing. Also, Spec. bonus will be missing,
altough armors have bonus to DEF RTG and ABS RTG. And armors are less likely to
have a higher level item being inferior to a lower level.
This kind of equipment is usually the main reason to Atalantas rise their
Strength, since they are the most Strength demanding. And in ePT, there are
visual changes on the character every three armors. So, there's the 1st without
any armor equipped, the 2nd with Battle Suit~Brigandine, the 3rd with Steel
Armor~Breastplate, the 4th with Ring Armor~Synthetic Armor, the 5th with Full
Plater Armor~Supreme Armor, the 6th (and final one in ePT so far) with Spiked
Armor~Titan Armor.

Battle Suit
DEF RTG: (8~12)[+(5~10)]
ABS RTG: (0.3~0.6)[+0.1]

Leather Armor
DEF RTG: (10~20)[+(6~12)]
ABS RTG: (0.5~0.8)[+(0.1~0.3)]

DEF RTG: (16~38)[+(14~18)]
ABS RTG: (0.7~1.0)[+(0.2~0.3)]
Req. Level: 10
Req. Strength: 52
Req. Talent: 30

Steel Armor
DEF RTG: (35~54)[+(23~26)]
ABS RTG: (0.9~1.2)[+???]
Req. Level: 17
Req. Strength: 60
Req. Talent: 30
Weight: 22

Rounded Armor
DEF RTG: (52~70)[+(20~26)]
ABS RTG: (1.1~1.4)[+(0.2~0.4)]
Req. Level: 22
Req. Strength: 66
Req. Talent: 44
Weight: 33

DEF RTG: (62~84)[+(25~30)]
ABS RTG: (1.3~1.7)+(0.2~0.4)]
Req. Level: 29
Req. Strength: 74
Req. Talent: 30

Ring Armor
DEF RTG: (70~100)[+(29~35)]
ABS RTG: (1.6~2.3)[+0.3]
Req. Level: 35
Req. Strength: 80
Req. Talent: 54

Scale Armor
DEF RTG: (80~120)[+(24~36)]
ABS RTG: (2.2~2.7)[+(0.3~0.4)]
Req. Level: 39
Req. Strength: 90
Req. Talent: 60

Synthetic Armor
DEF RTG: (110~140)[+(20~31)]
ABS RTG: (2.6~3.2)[+(0.5~0.6)]
Req. Level: 43
Req. Strength: 102
Req. Talent: 62
Weight: 64

Full Plater Armor
DEF RTG: (130~160)[+(30~36)]
ABS RTG: (3.0~3.6)[+(0.5~0.8)]
Req. Level: 47
Req. Strength: 110
Req. Talent: 65
Weight: 73

Full Metal Armor
DEF RTG: (150~180)[+(30~36)]
ABS RTG: (3.5~4.1)[+(0.7~1.0]
Req. Level: 51
Req. Strength: 120
Req. Talent: 70
Weight: 75

Supreme Armor
DEF RTG: (170~190)[+(34~40)]
ABS RTG: (4.0~4.6)[+(0.6~1.0)]
Req. Level: 55
Req. Strength: 135
Req. Talent: 70
Weight: 78

Spiked Armor
DEF RTG: (170~210)
ABS RTG: (4.6~5.1)
Req. Level: 60
Req. Strength: 145
Req. Talent: 70

Titan Armor
DEF RTG: (220~260)
ABS RTG: (5.0~5.5)
Req. Level: 65
Req. Strength: 160
Req. Talent: 70

6.2.2: [Shields]

Shields are the second line for your defense, granting second best DEF RTG
and ABS RTG. Plus, shields grant BLK RTG, which may simply make you ignore some
hits. Also, after you get skills, an Atalanta without one is surelly crippled,
since two Skills require one equipped and Shield Strike is one of the
trademarks of the class.
As in the case of armors, I won't make any remarks about Elemental Resists
(other than saying that Claw Shields are known to have good Lightning
Resistance and usually the main reason for wanting one) and Spec. bonus will
stay blank. Shields get Spec. bonus for DEF RTG, ABS RTG and BLK RTG.

Wooden Shield
DEF RTG: (4~7)
ABS RTG: (0.3~0.6)
BLK RTG: (6%~9%)

DEF RTG: (6~13)
ABS RTG: (0.4~0.8)
BLK RTG: (8%~11%)
Req. Strength: 36

Steel Buckler
DEF RTG: (14~30)
ABS RTG: (0.5~0.9)
BLK RTG: (9%~13%)
Req. Strength: 44

Kite Shield
DEF RTG: (25~45)
ABS RTG: (0.6~1.1)
BLK RTG: (8%~14%)
Req. Level: 9
Req. Strength: 50
Req. Talent: 30

Tower Shield
DEF RTG: (35~55)
ABS RTG: (0.8~1.3)
BLK RTG: (10%~15%)
Req. Level: 16
Req. Strength: 62
Req. Talent: 36

Metal Shield
DEF RTG: (40~70)
ABS RTG: (0.9~1.5)
BLK RTG: (10%~14%)
Req. Level: 22
Req. Strength: 74
Req. Talent: 40

DEF RTG: (55~70)
ABS RTG: (1.2~1.8)
BLK RTG: (11%~17%)
Req. Level: 30
Req. Strength: 78
Req. Talent: 42

Blaze Shield
DEF RTG: (60~84)
ABS RTG: (1.5~2.2)
BLK RTG: (13%~19%)
Req. Level: 37
Req. Strength: 82
Req. Talent: 46

Claw Shield
DEF RTG: (70~90)
ABS RTG: (1.7~2.0)
BLK RTG: (13%~17%)
Req. Level: 44
Req. Strength: 88
Req. Talent: 50

Winged Shield
DEF RTG: (62~88)
ABS RTG: (2.1~2.5)
BLK RTG: (15%~19%)
Req. Level: 50
Req. Strength: 94
Req. Talent: 56

Great Shield
DEF RTG: (70~95)
ABS RTG: (2.3~2.8)
BLK RTG: (17%~20%)
Req. Level: 55
Req. Strength: 105
Req. Talent: 56

Spiked Shield
DEF RTG: (76~100)
ABS RTG: (2.6~3.0)
BLK RTG: (16%~18%)
Req. Level: 60
Req. Strength: 112
Req. Talent: 60

Titan Shield
DEF RTG: (80~112)
ABS RTG: (2.8~3.2)
BLK RTG: (16%~19%)
Req. Level: 65
Req. Strength: 120
Req. Talent: 64

6.2.3: [Gauntlets]

Gauntlets are the 3rd most important itens when it comes to DEF RTG and ABS
RTG. The only special thing about them is that they grant a good ammount of
both things, but still less than shields (but they can be equipped even if the
case of two-handed weapons, but this is not the usual set of an Atalanta).
Again, no info on resists or Spec., but they get bonus for DEF RTG and ABS

Leather Gloves
DEF RTG: (3~5)
ABS RTG: (0.2~0.3)

Leather Half Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (6~10)
ABS RTG: (0.3~0.4)

Steel Half Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (12~23)
ABS RTG: (0.4~0.6)
Req. Strength: 30

Clamshell Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (20~32)
ABS RTG: (0.5~0.7)
Req. Level: 9
Req. Strength: 40
Req. Talent: 30

Finger Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (26~40)
ABS RTG: (0.6~0.8)
Req. Level: 16
Req. Strength: 50
Req. Talent: 40

Gothic Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (30~46)
ABS RTG: (0.7~1.0)
Req. Level: 22
Req. Strength: 60
Req. Talent: 50

War Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (40~52)
ABS RTG: (0.7~1.2)
Req. Level: 30
Req. Strength: 70
Req. Talent: 50

Metal Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (45~58)
ABS RTG: (0.9~1.3)
Req. Level: 37
Req. Strength: 80
Req. Talent: 50

Holy Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (50~62)
ABS RTG: (1.0~1.4)
Req. Level: 44
Req. Strength: 60
Req. Spirit: 30
Req. Talent: 50

Great Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (50~70)
ABS RTG: (1.1~1.5)
Req. Level: 50
Req. Strength: 70
Req. Talent: 50
Req. Agility: 50

Brass Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (54~74)
ABS RTG: (1.3~1.5)
Req. Level: 55
Req. Strength: 85
Req. Talent: 50
Req. Agility: 50

Giant Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (60~80)
ABS RTG: (1.3~1.5)
Req. Level: 55
Req. Strength: 80
Req. Talent: 55
Req. Agility: 65

Titan Gauntlets
DEF RTG: (64~86)
ABS RTG: (1.8~2.1)
Req. Level: 55
Req. Strength: 90
Req. Talent: 60
Req. Agility: 60

6.2.4: [Boots]

Boots only fail to top gauntlets in DEF RTG because they lack a Spec. bonus
for it. At any rate, they provide almost as good DEF RTG and ABS RTG as
gauntlets, and they also are the only itens that grant SPD bonus.
No info on resists and Spec. again, but some boots have good Lightning
Resistance (the most difficult kind to make high) and they get Spec. bonus to

Leather Boots
DEF RTG: (4~6)
ABS RTG: (0.1~0.2)
SPD: (0.4~0.6)

Elven Boots
DEF RTG: (6~9)
ABS RTG: (0.1~0.4)
SPD: (0.5~0.8)
Req. Spirit: 24

Steel Boots
DEF RTG: (9~15)
ABS RTG: (0.2~0.3)
SPD: (0.7~1.0)
Req. Strength: 34

Long Boots
DEF RTG: (12~21)
ABS RTG: (0.2~0.4)
SPD: (0.9~1.2)
Req. Level: 9
Req. Strength: 40
Req. Agility: 30

Chain Boots
DEF RTG: (17~28)
ABS RTG: (0.3~0.5)
SPD: (1.0~1.3)
Req. Level: 16
Req. Strength: 55
Req. Agility: 40

Plated Boots
DEF RTG: (23~36)
ABS RTG: (0.3~0.6)
SPD: (1.2~1.5)
Req. Level: 22
Req. Strength: 60
Req. Agility: 50

Brass Boots
DEF RTG: (28~44)
ABS RTG: (0.5~0.8)
SPD: (1.4~1.6)
Req. Level: 30
Req. Strength: 65
Req. Agility: 55

War Boots
DEF RTG: (36~52)
ABS RTG: (0.5~1.0)
SPD: (1.6~1.9)
Req. Level: 37
Req. Strength: 70
Req. Agility: 60

Mechanic Boots
DEF RTG: (40~60)
ABS RTG: (0.6~1.1)
SPD: (1.8~2.0)
Req. Level: 44
Req. Strength: 70
Req. Agility: 65

Chaos Boots
DEF RTG: (38~70)
ABS RTG: (0.6~1.5)
SPD: (2.1~2.4)
Req. Level: 50
Req. Strength:60
Req. Spirit: 35
Req. Agility: 65

Holy Boots
DEF RTG: (50~75)
ABS RTG: (0.9~1.5)
SPD: (2.3~2.5)
Req. Level: 55
Req. Strength: 60
Req. Spirit: 56
Req. Agility: 55

Spike Boots
DEF RTG: (58~74)
ABS RTG: (1.1~1.7)
SPD: (2.5~2.8)
Req. Level: 50
Req. Strength: 87
Req. Agility: 80

Grand Boots
DEF RTG: (58~85)
ABS RTG: (1.4~1.9)
SPD: (2.8~3.1)
Req. Level: 65
Req. Strength: 96
Req. Agility: 82

6.2.5: [Armlets]

Armlets are quite unique because they also raise ATK RTG along with DEF RTG.
To tell the truth, they raise ATK RTG a lot more than DEF RTG. Plus, equipping
one makes possible to put more than 2 potions per quick item slot, so having
even a low level, low stat, with no Spec. is useful.
There's no info on resists again, but this time it's because armlets don't
grant any. :P As for Spec., it's available too, but there's bonus only to ATK
RTG (altough a very nice one, even for Atalantas, who don't lack ATK RTG so
much). In my opinion, having a Spec. bonus of LV/1 is more important than
having a higher level one with a LV/3 bonus.

Leather Armlet
ATK RTG: (10~16)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (3~5)
Potion Storage: 20

Long Armlet
ATK RTG: (12~20)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (5~7)
Potion Storage: 22

Wide Armlet
ATK RTG: (16~24)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (6~9)
Potion Storage: 24
Req. Agility: 20

Fold Armlet
ATK RTG: (20~28)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (8~12)
Potion Storage: 26
Req. Level: 9
Req. Strength: 40
Req. Agility: 22

Scale Armlet
ATK RTG: (24~30)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (10~17)
Potion Storage: 30
Req. Level: 16
Req. Strength: 48
Req. Agility: 26

Elven Armlet
ATK RTG: (20~34)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (16~22)
Potion Storage: 34
Req. Level: 22
Req. Strength: 52
Req. Agility: 30

Solid Armlet
ATK RTG: (28~40)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (20~24)
Potion Storage: 34
Req. Level: 30
Req. Strength: 54
Req. Agility: 34

Mechanic Armlet
ATK RTG: (32~46)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (23~27)
Potion Storage: 38
Req. Level: 37
Req. Strength: 58
Req. Agility: 40

Winged Bracelet
ATK RTG: (36~50)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (26~30)
Potion Storage: 36
Req. Level: 44
Req. Strength: 62
Req. Agility: 42

Great Bracelet
ATK RTG: (40~56)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (32~36)
Potion Storage: 38
Req. Level: 50
Req. Strength: 66
Req. Agility: 48

Grand Bracelet
ATK RTG: (46~60)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (35~40)
Potion Storage: 40
Req. Level: 55
Req. Strength: 74
Req. Agility: 52

Magical Armlet
ATK RTG: (50~65)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (40~45)
Potion Storage: 42
Req. Level: 60
Req. Strength: 80
Req. Agility: 56

Spiked Bracelet
ATK RTG: (54~70)[+LV/(1~3)]
DEF RTG: (42~50)
Potion Storage: 44
Req. Level: 65
Req. Strength: 85
Req. Agility: 56

6.3: Extra gear

Itens in this category are rings, amulets and sheltons. The three can be
equipped too, and they deal with HP, MP and STM instead of offense or defense.

6.3.1: [Rings]

Rings deal with STM. Some higher level ones also give a small ammount of HP,
but I'm not fond of them since they give a lot less STM.
All kind of rings have more than one version, so it's possible to find 4 Gem
Rings, all different in appearance, and also in bonus and requirements. For
Round Rings it's a bit difficult to tell which type you have without seeing
images or having descriptions such as color, but Gem Ring and above have
different level and Spirit requirements per type, so you can tell if a 7 STM
Gem Ring is a good one from the 1st type or the worst kind of the 4th type.

Round Ring
Add. STM: 0

Round Ring (blue)
Add. STM: (1~3)

Round Ring (golden)
Add. STM: (2~5)

Round Ring (green)
Add. STM: (3~7)

Gem Ring
Add. STM: (4~9)
Req. Level: 5
Req. Spirit: 20

Gem Ring
Add. STM: (5~11)
Req. Level: 7
Req. Spirit: 23

Gem Ring
Add. STM: (6~13)
Req. Level: 9
Req. Spirit: 26

Gem Ring
Add. STM: (7~15)
Req. Level: 11
Req. Spirit: 29

Magic Ring
Add. STM: (8~17)
Req. Level: 15
Req. Spirit: 32

Magic Ring
Add. STM: (9~19)
Req. Level: 17
Req. Spirit: 35

Magic Ring
Add. STM: (10~21)
Req. Level: 19
Req. Spirit: 38

Magic Ring
Add. STM: (11~23)
Req. Level: 21
Req. Spirit: 41

Rune Ring
Add. STM: (5~10)
Add. HP: (1~3)
Req. Level: 25
Req. Spirit: 44

Rune Ring
Add. STM: (6~13)
Add. HP: (2~5)
Req. Level: 30
Req. Spirit: 47

6.3.2: [Amulets]

Amulets deal with MP. Some higher level ones also give a small ammount of
HP, but I'm not fond of them since they give a lot less MP.
All kind of amulets have more than one version, and they vary just like

Round Amulet
Add. MP: 0

Round Amulet (blue half-circle with red gem)
Add. MP: (1~3)

Round Amulet (double blue circle)
Add. MP: (2~5)

Round Amulet (golden spiral)
Add. MP: (3~7)

Gem Amulet
Add. MP: (4~9)
Req. Level: 5
Req. Spirit: 20

Gem Amulet
Add. MP: (5~11)
Req. Level: 7
Req. Spirit: 23

Gem Amulet
Add. MP: (6~13)
Req. Level: 9
Req. Spirit: 26

Gem Amulet
Add. MP: (7~15)
Req. Level: 11
Req. Spirit: 29

Magic Amulet
Add. MP: (8~17)
Req. Level: 15
Req. Spirit: 32
Weight: 3

Magic Amulet
Add. MP: (9~19)
Req. Level: 17
Req. Spirit: 35
Weight: 3

Magic Amulet
Add. MP: (10~21)
Req. Level: 19
Req. Spirit: 38
Weight: 3

Magic Amulet
Add. MP: (11~23)
Req. Level: 21
Req. Spirit: 41

Rune Amulet
Add. MP: (5~10)
Add. HP: (1~3)
Req. Level: 25
Req. Spirit: 44

Rune Amulet
Add. MP: (6~13)
Add. HP: (2~5)
Req. Level: 30
Req. Spirit: 47

6.3.3: [Sheltons]

Sheltons are nice since they increase HP and MP regeneration rate. While HP
Regen won't help much in the heat of a battle, a good MP Regen allows some
extra Skills use in some seconds, and this very useful to keep an Atalanta
using Shield Strikes.
Lucidies, Sereneos and Fadeos are pretty cheap, and even perfect stats one
with Spec. aren't expensive. Sparkies is a bit more expensive, specially a very
good one. Good raidents with Spec. are somewhat rare and can easily go for the
same price of a typical 40th level item. But transparos and murkies are simply
extremly expensive, and are tipically used as currency for acquiring high level
itens from other players.
This all happens not because high level sheltons are ubber powerful and a
complete must have, but because of avaliability and item Aging. Sheltons up to
Fadeo can simply be bought in any Merchant. Sparkies cannot be bought that way,
but are easily found by 3X and higher characters, but sometimes you may have
trouble finding someone wanting to sell because they are used in somewhat high
quantities in both Mixing and Aging. Raidents aren't very common, but with
luck, even 1X characters may find them, and they're not used in very high
ammounts in Mixing, while Aging takes less raidents than sparkies. Transparos
are a bit rare, and only luck 4X or higher usually find them, and even some 5X
may not find one at all, plus it's used in higher level Agings, specially in
those levels that make itens glow. Murkies are simply the higher level sheltons
available in ePT, they're rarer than Transparos (but not all that impossible to
find), but needed to the highest level of Aging available, so very high level
characters usually offer a lot of spare money and high level equipment for
them, so they can give the ultimate boost for their personal equipment.
All that said, sheltons level and Spirit requirements increases a lot from
one to another. While the Spirit requirement is usually just a number in ocre
for a Magician or Priestess, they may require quite an unintended investment
for an Atalanta. A Fadeo may have its requirements filled if you went for an
Elven Javelin, but Sparky and above usually don't have their Spirit requirement
met by their level, unless you went for a heavy Skill user Atalanta path. By
level 50, you may have Sparky's Spirit requirement met because of Holy Javelins.

HP Regen: (0.1~0.2)[+0.1]
MP Regen: (0.2~0.3)[+0.1]
Req. Level: 5
Price: 1000 @Phillai, Ricarten, Ruinen or Navisko

HP Regen: (0.2~0.3)[+0.1]
MP Regen: (0.2~0.4)[+0.1]
Req. Level: 12
Price: 2000 @Phillai, Ricarten, Ruinen or Navisko

HP Regen: (0.3~0.4)[+0.1]
MP Regen: (0.2~0.5)[+(0.2~0.3)]
Req. Level: 20
Req. Spirit: 30
Weight: 3
Price: 3000 @Phillai, Ricarten, Ruinen or Navisko

HP Regen: (0.3~0.5)[+0.1]
MP Regen: (0.3~0.6)[+(0.2~0.4)]
Req. Level: 30
Req. Spirit: 40
Weight: 3

HP Regen: (0.3~0.6)[+0.1]
MP Regen: (0.4~0.7)[+(0.2~0.4)]
Req. Level: 40
Req. Spirit: 50
Weight: 4

HP Regen: (0.3~0.6)[+0.2]
MP Regen: (0.5~0.8)[+(0.3~0.6)]
Req. Level: 45
Req. Spirit: 65
Weight: 4

HP Regen: (0.5~0.9)[+0.3]
MP Regen: (0.6~0.9)[+(0.4~0.8)]
Req. Level: 50
Req. Spirit: 80

HP Regen: (0.6~1.0)[+0.?]
MP Regen: (0.8~1.1)[+(0.?~0.?)]
Req. Level: 55
Req. Spirit: 90

6.4: Item Mixing

At Ricarten, it's possible to use different sheltom combinations to give
extra power to your gear. You'll need to talk to Alchemist Marx, the item to be
mixed, gold, sheltons, and a sheltom formula.
Altough it's possible to find new sheltom formulas, so far not many people
tried it out, since you'd lose the sheltons and the gold if the combination is
invalid, but you keep the item. Once an item is succesfully mixed, a windows
will show the changes, the bonus will be immediatly applied, but it cannot be
mixed again or aged.
Avoid using it to make very low level equipment better, since it's easy to
level and find updated equipment while you're below 2X. I'd say even to avoid
Mixing any item below 30th level, unless you're pumping Soul Sucker and need
that special shield, then you can pick a less greedy sheltom combination for
it. Also, even for higher level ones, unless you're planning to Age itens past
+2, it'd be a better choice to Mix weapons and shields, since the right
combinations could give better bonuses and consume less sheltons and gold, plus
its benefits are instantaneous.
So far, it's only possible to make mixing on weapons, armors, robes, shields
and orbs/beads. It's possible to place others kind of itens in the item slot
such as boots, but so far it'd plainly fail. Probably it'll be available for
other kinds of itens in the future.
Mixing is also known ingame as Gemming. So, if someone says that an item is
gemmed, that's just a mixed item.

For mixing tables, you can look at the official site for some combinations.
But the most used are those three:
For weapons - 1 lucidy, 1 sereneo, 2 fadeos, 4 sparkies, 1 raident - +1 min
ATK POW, +4 max ATK POW, +10% ATK RTG;
For armors - 3 sereneos, 3 sparkies - +30 DEF RTG, +0.2 ABS RTG;
For shields - 3 sereneos, 1 fadeos, 1 raident - +15 DEF RTG, +0.3 ABS RTG.

6.5: Item Aging

At Phillai, it's possible to "level" itens thru Aging. You'll need to talk
to Arcane Baul, the item to be aged, gold and the right sheltons.
Aging has the same objective as Mixing, that is making itens better, but
works slightly different. Altough you still need sheltons, there are fixed
combinations, it's impossible to put a wrong set of sheltons and you'll need to
use the item for some time before it gains an increase. When you put an item on
the item slot, the sheltom window will automatically show the required sheltons
and it's impossible to use a different combination other than the one shown.
It's possible and wise to Age itens multiple times.
Also, you can age again an item already aged. In truth, you should, since
you cannot choose to age an item directly to +5. You need first to age it to
+1, then to +2 and so on.
This process is costly and should be only applied to high level itens. Most
of the time, unless you have plenty of Transparos and Murkies to burn because
you have a very high level character patronizing you (like a friend or a
previous character that you have), or you're really lucky in getting high level
sheltons, it's a better idea to Mix itens below 50th level instead, except,
maybe, for armors. Since you need a Transparo for +3, and those are currently
costly in ePT (usually you can trade one for most 50th level itens), only
taking weapons and shields to +2 is useless because there are Mixings that
consume less Raidents and give better bonuses. You may want to Age armors from
Scale Armor and better to +2 because it'd grant a nice extra 1.0 ABS RTG and a
minor increase in DEF RTG, instead of using the Mixing that gives a good bonus
to DEF RTG and minor in ABS RTG.
At any rate, personally I'd Age only 47+ level armors (maybe a Synthetic
Armor if it has almost perfect or perfect stats), 50+ level javelins (and,
particullary, I'm not very fond of Throwing Tridents) and 50+ level shields.
Another nifty feature of Aging is that itens begin to glow in a particular
color from 4th Age and later. The bad thing is that from 4th Age and later,
there's a chance that the item simply breaks, so you'd end without the item
plus the sheltons and gold used in Aging.

Aging gives:
Javelins - +1 min ATK POW, +1 max ATK POW, +0.5% critical for each aging;
Armors - +10% DEF RTG, +0.5 ABS RTG for each aging;
Shields - +0.2 ABS RTG, +0.5% BLK RTG for each aging.

Also, each 2 aging levels (+2, +4, +6) incrases level requirement by 1. So,
a Holy Javelin +2 would require level 51 to equip instead of 50. Each aging
also reduces item integrity.

Aging requires:
+1 - 2 fadeos, 2 sparkies, 1 raident;
+2 - 2 fadeos, 2 sparkies, 2 raidents;
+3 - 2 fadeos, 2 sparkies, 2 raidents, 1 transparo;
+4 - 2 fadeos, 2 sparkies, 2 raidents, 2 transparos;
+5 - 2 fadeos, 2 sparkies, 2 raidents, 2 transparos, 1 murky;
+6 - 2 fadeos, 2 sparkies, 2 raidents, 2 transparos, 2 murkies;
+7 - 2 fadeos, 2 sparkies, 2 raidents, 2 transparos, 2 murkies, 1 devine;
+8 - 2 fadeos, 2 sparkies, 2 raidents, 2 transparos, 2 murkies, 2 devines;
+9 - 2 sparkies, 2 raidents, 2 transparos, 2 murkies, 2 devines, 1 celesto; *
+10 - 2 sparkies, 2 raidents, 2 transparos, 2 murkies, 2 devines, 2 celestos.

* Celestos are not into the game yet. To tell the truth, even devines remain
currently unfound, altough rumoured that in.

-= 7.0: EXTRAS

This section will be used for things like the dictionary, which isn't fitted
to other sections. Altough things here are more optional in benefit than other
sections, it's still recomended that you take a time to read this.

7.1: Terminology Dictionary

Specially on online games, people tend to create other names for certain
things, either to make it short or to make it more interesting. New people may
be confused by reading things like "S> ATA SB - 100k", so this little
dictionary may prove useful. Keep in mind this is neither complete nor perfect.

AS - Archer Spec..
ATA - 1. Atalanta Spec..
2. Atalanta
ATS - Atalanta Spec..
B> - Buying.
BB - 1. Bye bye.
2. Bone Bow.
Clay - Claymore.
Claw - Often used to refer to Claw Shield, not Claws (weapons).
Dc - Disconnection (from the game). Can be used as "Dced", usually referring
to someone who was disconnected from the game.
DHA - Double Headed Axe. Also known as Shovel (that's how I call them).
Diax - Diamond Axe.
EPT - English Priston Tale.
Fifi - Figon.
FS - Fighter Spec..
Full - Generally used to answer a "Party?". Note that this can mean that the
party is full (already with 6 characters, even if one of them is elsewhere),
they're saving a spot for someone (that was disconnected or is still to
come/login), or there's enough characters to deal with the current flow of
monsters (like 2 or 3 characters in a small spawn).
G> - Give.
Gem - Item Mixing.
Gemmed - Mixed (item).
Giga - Gigantic Sword.
HC - Head Cutter
KPT - Korean Priston Tale.
KS - 1. Kill steal. Act of killing a monster which is currently being
handled by another character/party, either by being already attacked, attacking
someone else or simply is in an area handled by another character/party.
2. Knight Spec..
Kser - Kill stealer. Someone who KSes.
MGS - Magician Spec..
MHXB - Metal Hand Crossbow.
MS - Mechanician Spec..
N> - Need.
NPC - Character controlled by computer. Usually said referring to those
computer characters who buy/sell itens.
NS - No Spec..
Party? - Used by someone asking if he/she can joins the party.
Pot - Potion.
PRS - Priestess Spec..
PS - Pikeman Spec..
Raid - Raident.
Regen - Regeneration. Commonly used when someone has to wait for HP, MP or
STM bar to refill (mostly MP and STM).
Repot - Restock potion supply, usually said when someone has to go back to
shopkeeper and buy more potions.
S> - Selling.
SA - Skeleton Archer.
Sagi - Sagittarius Bow.
SB - Silver Bird.
SG - Stone Giant.
SL - Slaughter.
Solo - Said of someone who's in no party and generally wants to stay like
Spawn - An area where monsters appear continuosly.
SR - Skeleton Ranger.
Tnl - To next level. As in "10k tnl" (10000 experience points to next level).
Trans - Transparo.
WH - Warehouse. Or the area around a Wareskeeper/Warehouse Keeper.

7.2: Hints and tips

Take those either as my personal hints based on my point of view,
troubleshooting due bugs, or things that should've been explained ingame, but

- Don't avoid getting the first skills to spend all points in a better one once
you have sufficient level (like waiting until 14th level with an Atalanta to
put 3 points in Throwing Mastery), it won't work. You need to have at least one
point at the first skill to get the second and so on.

- If you plan on doing the quest so you can get 2nd tier skills (Valkyrie
skills like Windy, with an Atalanta) as soon as possible, get the 4th skill
until or before 20th level. You cannot do the tier quest without having all the
4 skill.

- After completing the quest, you'll have the option to rearrange all your
skill points. But if you accept, you'll have to pay all the cost of learning

- To use all the Atalanta skills properly, you'll need to go with the
javelin+shield configuration. Until 10th, tough, since you cannot use skills
anyway, you can pick the weapon you find most suitable without any problems.
Just be sure, however, to pay attention on weapons stats requirements. If you
plan to rely on skills that only work with javelins, then it's better to not
stray too much from the stats you'll need to equip better javelins.

- Don't try to stand taking hits from tough monsters too much. Atalantas have
decent HP and defense, but they can't last as much as a Mechanician.

- When using ranged weapons and alone, hit and run tactics can be very useful.
Most of Atalanta skills can be used to maximize this kind of approach, since
most of them deals 1 hit only.

- Sometimes you may get stuck in a place. If there's no object surrounding you
(you're like stuck in an invisible barrier), just move left or right (but
there's one time this happens that isn't a bug, at east of Navisko, since it's
a barrier to prevent people below level 55 to go into Ancient Battlefield). If
you get stuck in some object, you can try moving left and right quickly towards
the direction you want to exit, then you may escape, but if you cannot, there
are two solutions: either use a core or quit the game and relogin (and you'll
spawn in the same map, but in a fixed location that all maps have). This is
usually a bug.

- If you get monsters without texture, invisible windows and such, try changing
graphic settings. The most common setting to be changed is switching Resolution
(in settings) to low. Also, graphic detail misadjustment may cause things to go
wrong (just lower it until it's ok).

- Servers may get unavailable or full from time to time. Server full just means
that that particular server is currently with its limit of simultaneos people
online already, but people are always logging in and out, so you can just leave
your mouse button pressed to keep trying (or just find a somewhat heavy object
to put over it, so you won't even need to touch your mouse) until you can log
in. If servers are unavailable, they can be either lagging, in maintenance or
planly down. Try a couple of times again, if it persists, isn't lag, you may
try looking at PT official site for more info (also, maintenances are usually
on wednesdays by korean time).

- It's impossible to lose itens you're currently equipping. If this happens,
the most common problem is just that you switched your equipment set by
accident, so just press W key and see if they're in the other set (this is the
case only when the only things missing are weapon and/or shield). If this isn't
the case, you may just be lagging when logging in (see below), be a victim of
bug (you may try reporting this at the official site) or you were hacked (yes,
it sucks, it happens, and even reporting may not help).

- Just when you log in, if you're lagged, your character inventory may be
completly empty, your statistics will show you're level 1 and so on. Don't
panic, this will go away in few seconds, by either lag allowing those to update
or by getting disconnected.

- Due hacker activity, you can do some things to avoid getting hacked. First,
when creating your account, try making an used id there's nothing to do with
your real name or character name, nor something you already used at other
place. Don't make an easy password (put some numbers mixed in if you can).
Don't give away even your user id, since this is already enough for some
hackers. Likewise, don't post at PT official boards with your real account, or
your user id you'll be listed there. For the e-mail address needed for password
retrieval in the official site, try creating an account solely for that, and
make it something there's nothing to do with your PT used id nor anything else
you use elsewhere. Finally, when registering in foruns like PTProphecy, don't
make an used id that gives away your PT user id, nor use the e-mail address you
used for password retrieval. And, altough this usually goes without saying,
avoid accepting files from strangers, since they may have keyloggers hidden.

7.3: Links to useful sites

There are a lot of useful places on the web to visit for more PT info or
options. Some of those places are listed below:

- Official Priston Tale site ( )
Here you'll be able to register for an account, download the game, read
official announcements, get a lot of info and so on. Try to check this place at
least sometimes. Also, an usually neglected section by users is their Guide
section, which brings a lot of useful info.

- Valhallan Sentinels ( )
Home for this great Atalantas-only clan. Even if you don't plan to join any
clan (or is already set with another clan), try looking at the forum. You'll
find a lot of useful hints in the Strategies Section, and may find useful
equipment for sale in the Trade Section.

- PTProphecy ( )
Probably the biggest community for EPT. The main course here is the forum.
Like most PT foruns, they have sections for strategies, chit chat and trade.
Since they have a lot of people, this is a great place to buy and sell itens.

- PTXChange ( )
Another nice place to visit. Similar in content and use as PTProphecy.
Altough they have less members, their trade section is more well organized, so
you may find this a good place to buy and sell itens.

- PT Guide ( )
Very good site for info on the game and all classes. Brings Skills tables
for all classes, equipment listing and much more!

- GameFAQs ( )
A great database for game faqs. Probably the main place where this FAQ will
be hosted.

7.4: Special thanks

I'd like to thank everyone that helped me in the game and this FAQ so far.
This includes my real life friends (thanks for creating and maintaining my
interest in the game!), Valhallan Sentinels members (they're a really really
great clan and helped me in more than one way), some people at PTProphecy and
PTXChange, players like Nakoruru-san (she helped me do to the tier 2 quest
without even the need for me to ask or know her), dead sites like PTInfinity
and Primrose Path (they were of great help for info), and everyone else who
know that deserve my sincere thanks. ^_^
I only regret I cannot list character name by character name of all those
deserving thanks. ;)

(c) 2004, Rodrigo Ishizaka Ciarlini


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Magician Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Survive or Die In-Depth Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Atalanta Specific Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Октябрь 2013
Pikeman Character Class Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013
Archer Class FAQ
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Fighter FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
25.Июнь 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Сентябрь 2015