SWAT 3: Elite Edition

SWAT 3: Elite Edition

16.10.2013 16:26:02
SWAT 3: Elite Edition (PC)
Full Walkthrough

Document written by PyroFalkon (pyrofalkon@hotmail.com)
Current Version: 1
Latest Update: 17 April 2004


v1 (17 April 2004)
First release of the guide.


1. Intro
2. Game Basics
a. Elements and Call Signs
b. Rules of Engagement
c. Stealth and Dynamic
d. Your Role As Leader
e. The View Port
f. Miscellaneous Notes
3. Original 1-Element Campaign Walkthrough
a. Mission 1: Army Ranger Wannabe
b. Mission 2: Gatts to Get Going
c. Mission 3: Who Carved the Turkey?
d. Mission 4: The Mansion Family
e. Mission 5: Holy Crap
f. Mission 6: The Sky is Falling
g. Mission 7: Overdrawn Account
h. Mission 8: Oprah Gets Spanked
i. Mission 9: Beat Down the Flaming Bird
j. Mission 10: Penthouse Follies
k. Mission 11: Urban Shield
l. Mission 12: ATC Gone Horribly Wrong
m. Mission 13: "We Don't Anticipate Problems"
n. Mission 14: Mushrooms, Anyone?
o. Mission 15: Stinky!
P. Mission 16: It All Comes Down To This
q. Epilogue
4. Elite Edition 2-Element Campaign Walkthrough
a. Mission 17: Donna Springer
b. Mission 18: More Dopeheads
c. Mission 19: Banks a Lot
d. Mission 20: Where Did That Scratch Come From?
e. Mission 21: A Murderer in LA... What Else Is New?
f. Mission 22: Holy Crimson Flag, Batman!
g. Mission 23: The Lakers Did It Again
h. Epilogue
5. Version History
6. Copyright Info
7. Contact Info

||1. INTRO||

This past weekend, I watched SWAT, the movie based on the 70s TV show. After
that, I got the itch to play the game. There was one mission I never could pass
well, so I jumped on GameFAQs to see if I could get help. This FAQ is the
fourth one I've started because I saw a lack of help online. Every game should
have a complete FAQ, shouldn't it?

This game is a little unusual in that there's multiple ways to solve levels.
Unlike Rainbow Six 3, enemies' and hostages' locations may jump around quite a
bit inside the level. Due to this, the FAQ reflects the possibilities. As early
as the first mission, the suspects may lay down for you or get hostile, AND
IT'S RANDOM. If things ARE in the same places mission to mission, I'll tell

Okay, first, let's get to the basics of the game.


This section deals with how to proceed when playing. This will NOT have the
controls of the game in it. If you need help with that, check the manual, or
just head into the options screen and check the key config.

|2a. Elements and Call Signs|

SWAT is divided into teams called elements. You take the role of a sergeant
with eight men under your command. You will be in every mission, and you'll
have two two-man elements with you dubbed red and blue. In the missions, you'll
command them by calling their element color, and they'll refer to you as
element or team leader.

The exact officers in the elements, and to what elements they are assigned,
seems to be random. In any event, you can't choose them, but it doesn't really
matter because everyone seems to have the same stats.

You can usually rely on your elements. They always follow the rules of
engagement, and they are extremely accurate. In about 25 missions I've run,
they've only opened fire on each other once, and that was because we faced
about four enemies in surprise.

Your allies have instant reaction too, so if you're not a big FPS player (like
me, who only likes tactical shooters), you may want to send in your teammates
before you go in, and take more of a passive role. I'll talk more about that in
a second.

The main dude of SWAT is a lieutenant called 10-David. He's going to be at
every mission site, and you will report directly to him. The six sergeants
under his command are 20-David, 30-David, 40-David, 50-David, 60-David, and 70-
David. You will take the role of one of the 20- through 70-David's.

|2b. Rules of Engagement|

The mantra of SWAT is that it's a life-saving organization, not a life-taking
one. SWAT officers don't go around and randomly shoot up people; this ain't
Operation Desert Storm.

In fact, if you've played the prior SWAT games, you'll know all that goes on
prior to combat. When SWAT is called to the scene, they first try to talk the
suspect into submission. After enough time, or if any shot is fired, then
combat becomes the only option left. SWAT 3 assumes that contact has failed or
a shot has been fired, so it bypasses all that peaceful stuff and goes right to
the action.

Despite all that, again, this isn't Rainbow Six. You cannot just charge in and
open fire. As the manual says, you are not judge, jury, and executioner. When
you encounter a suspect, you can only open fire if the enemy fires on you
first. You must give them a chance to surrender by shouting compliance. By
default it's the 7 key on the number row, but I find that too out-of-the-way. I
put compliance on the middle mouse button as well, so I've always got a finger
near it.

You need to shout compliance to everyone, not just suspects. Everyone, hostages
too, is considered "dangerous." After all, a freaked out hostage may pick up a
suspect's weapon and start firing it at SWAT or other hostages or something. In
other words, everyone who can stand needs to be handcuffed. If someone is
wounded or dead, they can't be handcuffed, but it's okay because they're no
longer a threat.

When a person is secure, whether that means cuffed or no longer a threat, they
must be reported to your sergeant. Read the next sentence carefully...


One of my friends who played this game had that problem. He cuffed the suspect,
but didn't report it, and the mission never ended. You must report every single
person you come across. In addition to that, you must report them accurately.
You can't say "Suspect" when you mean "Hostage," and you can't say "Wounded"
when you mean "Dead."

If you think this all doesn't matter, think again. When in your missions, you
have a stat called your Leadership Rating. This goes down every time you make a
mistake, from misreporting something to whacking a hostage to capping someone
who wasn't firing on you. If your Leadership Rating dips too low, you're
considered unfit for the job, and you're fired... in other words, game over.

|2c. Stealth and Dynamic|

There are two movement modes in missions: stealth and dynamic. In stealth mode,
your officers move slowly, peak around doors, pick locks, and otherwise try to
do the James Bond thing. In dynamic mode, officers run, doors are blown open
with C4, and shells fly.

Stealth mode is great in theory, especially if you're used to Rainbow Six, but
I find it a little useless, especially in late missions. See, if there's ANY
suspect within visual range, stealth mode breaks and everyone goes into
dynamic. (The reason is because, technically, you're not supposed to fire shots
from stealth mode. It doesn't count as a mistake, but stealth mode is supposed
to be nice and quiet, and gunshots are not nice and quiet.)

In the early missions, initially going into a building in stealth mode may be a
good idea, but it won't be long before everyone has to go dynamic. Remember,
you can switch modes any time using the Page Up and Down keys. You are the
element leader, and can do what you want.

|2d. Your Role As Leader|

Prior to a mission starting, you can review all available information on the
site. You can get a view of the probable suspects and what they're armed with,
how many hostages and such are planned, and any other general information that
might help you. Note that no matter how much information 10-David may have for
you, there's always a chance that there's a surprise or two waiting for you,
and you have to be ready for it.

As team leader, you will outfit all five men in the element how you want. The
selection of weapons and things are limited... as one reviewer put it, SWAT
isn't a military organization, so they don't have the same funding and access
to equipment that, say, Team Rainbow does. Anyway, after outfitting your men,
you will select one entry point and the starting mode. That's all the planning
you do, though; every step of the way will be planned on the fly.

Once inside, there's really two ways you can do things: passive or active. If
you're a passive leader, like me, you send your computer-controlled elements
into most situations. You serve to cover their backs and "clean up the trash,"
as well as report suspects and such. If you're an active leader, you go through
doors first and fight most of the time. Make sure that compliance button is
close by, because you'll be on it a lot.

Either method is fine. Just pick which one you're more comfortable with, but
note that you may have to temporarily switch if things go wrong.

|2e. The View Port|

The view port is probably the best tool you've got, but it's a little weird to
use. Its purpose is to see what your allies are seeing no matter where anyone
is. A little window pops open in the top-right corner when activated.

You can even send commands in the view port. By holding the T key, you make a
little red cursor appear in the view port. While it's active, you can't move or
shoot, so don't do it if you're under pressure.

Now, here's the weird part. There's a toggle that basically turns the view port
on or off. Unfortunately, THERE'S NO WAY TO KNOW WHETHER IT'S ON OR OFF. Here's
what you do... The Insert, Home, Delete, and End keys correspond to specific
members on your team. Hitting Insert *should* bring up the red member #1's view
port. If it doesn't, then the view port is off. Hit the Backspace key, THEN hit
Insert again. You won't need to hit Backspace again for the rest of the

The first time I use the view port is mission 4. You can use it before then,
but it won't really be necessary.

|2f. Miscellaneous Notes|

Pistols are not worthless. If you're in a tight area, you may want to use your
pistol instead of your main firearm. If you're using an automatic, it may be
way too easy to hit someone who doesn't deserve it. If you're in a large area
though, you'll need to use your main weapons.

You can give most of the weapons non-lethal ammo. That's fine and all for the
first few missions, but that ammo doesn't penetrate body armor, which most of
the suspects in the later levels wear. I'll make notes about that in the
walkthrough, though.

The F key activates your gun's flashlight, and works with pistols and firearms
alike. Use it whenever you can.

You don't have frag grenades, but you do have teargas and flashbangs. Tear gas
works fantastically in this game, and all SWAT members automatically have gas
masks, so you won't have to worry about breathing the fumes. Just look away
from flashbangs if you throw one.

The Wave (F7 by default) is your all-purpose tool for everything from doors to
bombs. You'll be using it often.

The four primary weapons are the MP5, MP5SD, M4, and M1 Tactical Shotgun. The
MP5 and its silenced cousin are good for most situations. The M4 is good for
extra firepower or range. The M1 is fantastic for door breaching, making it
perfect for close quarters combat, especially inside buildings. It's normally a
good idea for someone to have it unless you know you'll be outside. I'll
recommend a gear setup before each mission, but you're free to do what you

There is only one secondary weapon.

If one of your team members KILLS a suspect, they'll report it for you. If they
only wound a suspect, you have to report it for them.

You'll not have a count on ammo or anything, so you'll just have to "feel" when
you're close to the end of a clip. Reload often, between every firefight.

When I mention "take red" or "take blue," you can swap the colors. I just tend
to make blue the cover team and red the assault team. But, that's just me.

If a mission doesn't end even though you think it should, that means there's
probably someone who wasn't reported. Remember, if someone is wounded, you have
to report that they're down, AND you have to report to evacuate them. If
there's still no apparent end and you've checked everything, then you can
always end the mission early. That may result in a failure, but remember, you
can always ACCEPT a mission failure and go on anyway, until the last few


Okay, let's fire up the game! I'll lead you through the first couple screens,
then we'll get to the first mission. As always, check over your options before
doing much else, but when you're ready, head into Career Mode. This walkthrough
covers the original 5-man missions.

Once you start the campaign, you'll be asked to put in info. I love putting my
real stuff, so let's see... Last name Falkon, first name Pyro, nickname PF,
years in SWAT 1 (because I've gone through the whole campaign once so far),
race white with brown eyes (that's the closest anyway), personality operator.

After that, you can pick your squad. Again, this is purely aesthetic. Basically
what you're doing is replacing one of the team leaders and taking his people.
Pick carefully, because it's permanent. You can read the officer bios in case
you have any particular preference. For this FAQ, I'm taking squad 3, the one
led by Carpenter and Dunn.

You get one final confirmation screen now. Make sure everything is good to go,
and click "Confirm." Now you can click "Metro" or "Call Up." Metro leads to the
map, where you can look around. Call Up leads to the first mission right away.
Either way, when you're ready, click "Pre-Assault" to go.

By the way, there is an overall storyline. A conference is being held in Los
Angeles because an international treaty banning nuclear weapons is going to be
signed. Terrorist activity and general crime rises because of this, so SWAT
gets a bunch of missions. The missions aren't as related to each other as a
Rainbow Six game, but the later ones have some significance.

Oh, and the names given to the missions in the walkthrough are mine. You won't
find the names in-game, they're just what I call the missions. That way you can
tell at a glance which mission is which, and it provides me an opportunity to
spread along some lame humor.

|3a. Mission 1: Army Ranger Wannabe|

A guy named Martin Brenner is holed up in his house near the highway. For some
reason that no one can figure out, he's randomly shooting at people and cars.
Some think that he's just off his medication, but either way, we need to get in

Martin Brenner's house. This is just a small two-story thing with an attic.
It's really tight, so go with pistols.

For you, I'd suggest the M1, but you shouldn't need it. For everyone else, go
with the MP5SD.

Occasionally an unknown woman is in the house. She's presumably Martin's
girlfriend, but either way, she's not a threat.

There are very few missions where I suggest going into the building in stealth
mode, but this is one of them. There's only a maximum of two people inside, and
there's no reason to go running through it.

Due to the constriction of the building, I recommend going in with only ONE
element. Leave blue or red outside (by telling them to cover the front door),
and tell only the other one to enter the house. First have them search the
first floor. You probably won't find anything, but you might find the
girlfriend or a couple weapons.

After that, slowly head upstairs. Martin himself is usually in one of two
places: the second room to your left on the second floor, or the attic. There's
a THIN chance he'll be wandering the halls. What I do is cover my element while
they search that first room. If he's not there, they search the next room.
Repeat for the third if you still haven't found him. (The third room, by the
way, is the bedroom, and it's where the woman normally is if she's there at

If he's still not found, head upstairs to the attic, because he's definitely
there. Go dynamic if you're still in stealth, and tell your buddies to breach,
bang, and clear. Whether you've found him or not, though, you need to go to the
attic to confiscate the sniper rifle.

|3b. Mission 2: Gatts to Get Going|

An arrest warrant was issued for Victor Gatts, but he's now barricaded himself
in the house, so he has to be dug out. His son, Alan, lives with him and is in
the house as well, but Alan is not wanted. Victor Gatts is into bombs, and
there are probably a bunch in the house that should be confiscated.

Victor Gatts's house is a one-story house, which is a little roomier than
Martin Brenner's house. There's also a garage, and a basement in that garage.

Same as the last mission. You should take the M1 shotgun, and have everyone
else take MP5SDs, but you should be using your pistol for most of this.

Alan Gatts is always in the house, but his role changes. I've found him totally
unarmed and cooperative sometimes, and completely hostile with a handgun other
times. Both Gattses move around a bit too; I've found them in the hallway, and
Alan sometimes hides in the hall closet.

Don't worry about stealth here. Go into the house through the front door (side
1, level 1) in dynamic mode. Breach, bang, and clear the living room with
everybody because Alan might be there. Tell your boys to search the place for
illegal weapons. Tell blue to cover the door to your left, then send red into
the hallway.

If the hallway is clear, check the closet, then go room by room down the
hallway. Be careful about the first door away from the closet, because it's
booby trapped. To disarm it, use the big tool to on the black box to the right
of the door. Otherwise, just make your way down the hall.

After red checks the master bedroom, go back to the living room and tell blue
to go through their door. They'll be in the kitchen. Clear it, then tell them
to go again. The next door leads to the garage, and there's ALWAYS someone
there, whether it's Alan or Victor. Clear that too. Have Red finish the rest of
the house, and have everyone meet up in the garage.

Tell the whole element to go downstairs and search. The bomb is down there, but
it's disarmed. Your team will pick it up automatically, and that will be the
end of the mission.

|3c. Mission 3: Who Carved the Turkey?|

The Turkish embassy was bombed, and the ambassador was kidnapped. The
kidnappers took him to an export garage. The FBI wonders if this has happened
because someone wants a special Russian-made suitcase nuke. In theory, they'd
use the Turkish ambassador as a bargaining chip to get one. But, the nuke
situation isn't an issue at the moment. You just need to worry about rescuing
the ambassador.

The River Tigris Import/Export store is a fairly small building. It's very
linear on the upper floor, and then you'll descend into a basement. The
basement has a few turns, but nothing big.

Same as the last two missions, and again, you probably won't need anything more
than your pistol.

On the upper floor, in the second room, the store owner is freaking out. He
poses no threat, but he's not a suspect. Everyone else on site (aside from the
ambassador in the basement) carries weapons. Despite the mission taking place
in the day, you'll be dark rooms all the way through, so hit that F key as soon
as you're in.

There's only one way in. Take it in dynamic mode. You may need your shotgun
here for the first room... for that matter, you may need to open fire before
even entering the building! Anyway, once you're in, switch to your pistol and
head into the back.

There's a small room where normally the shop owner is. Even if he's there,
don't worry about him just yet. Keep going further back, because there are
normally a couple of threats in the farthest room. With that clear, tell blue
to back off (again, tell them to cover a door several rooms back), and tell red
to proceed through the short door to the right. Then tell red to go into the
next door, which leads down the stairs to the basement. Follow them down, then
tell everyone to fall in.

Now that you're in the basement, you need to be really ready. Keep your pistol
out, but you probably won't have any problems here. The Turkish ambassador has
a black sack over his head, so he's easy to spot. Everyone else who may be down
there is a threat, so do what you need to. (Occasionally, there's NO ONE down
aside from the hostage, so it could be really easy.)

|3d. Mission 4: The Mansion Family|

Around seven enemies went into the home of CEO Donald Foreman. Something went
wrong, and shots were fired. A neighbor heard the noise and saw Donald's wife,
Linda, bleeding. Not only are those two hostages, but so are their two kids.
The enemies are in full body armor.

Donald Foreman's mansion is a little more open than the other buildings, but
it's still a little tight. There are three floors, plus the yard. The first
floor is the largest, holding the living room, kitchen, and a couple small
rooms. The second floor holds a few bedrooms. The lowest floor has a few small
rooms as well.

Everyone needs to take MP5s with zero clips of the Jacketed Hollow Point ammo,
and several clips of the Full Metal Jacket ammo. Body armor will block the JHP
ammo, so don't even bother with it. With hostages around, you need MP5s over
M4s to have better control of your shooting, and you'll need a punch that the
MP5SD doesn't provide.

There's more than five enemies here, and at least three are outside. Anyone
outside can shoot you when you get inside since most of the windows are pretty
large, so be very careful. Linda Foreman is hit, but not dead, and she's still
on her feet. You'll have to cuff her.

Sierra did not want to show children being dead or wounded, so no matter what
you or anyone else does, the children WILL BE ALIVE AND UNHARMED. They cannot
be cuffed, but they have to be reported to "evacuate" anyway. They won't be
moving, they'll only be lying in one place.

This mission steps up the difficulty quite a bit from your last three. Side 1,
level 1 leads to the living room, which is WELL guarded. Enter from Side 3,
basement level, if you want keep your entire team alive. Go in dynamically,
because the bullets will be flying in an instant.

Clear the yard. Send blue up the stairs to cover the door by the pool, then
take red and go into the door at the bottom, which leads to the housekeeper's
apartment. Ignore the stairs on the left for now, then enter the next door.
Turn right, into the small living room. Continue into the small bedroom, then
go into the bedroom at the end. With the whole thing clear, tell red to fall
in, then go back to the stairs. SLOWLY go up it, and keep your Optiwand out to
make sure there's no one around the corner. When it's safe, tell red to cover
the landing, then head back outside.

Go back to where blue is, then tell them to enter the house via the poolside
door. Occasionally, the daughter is laying on the red sofa just inside that
room. Tell blue to cover the double doors, then open the single door on the
wall opposite the TV, but DO NOT ENTER. You are looking at the same kitchen red

Fire up the view port, and send red into the kitchen. Have them search the two
rooms on the other side of the kitchen form the stairs, and cover the double
doors in the kitchen while they do. Issue your commands from the view port so
that you can keep your crosshairs where they need to be. When they're done with
the utility room and bathroom, tell them to check the closet in the kitchen.
When all that's clear, tell them to cover the double doors in your place, then
return to blue, but leave the red view port open.

Enter the next room with blue. Proceed carefully, as this is the big living
room. There's a guy outside the house who WILL shoot into it as soon as he sees
you. As blue and you clear this area, use the view port to tell red to enter
their double doors, which leads to the same room. Let both teams clear that
room and the enemy outside, then regroup everybody.

Tell blue to cover the single door adjacent to the living room, and tell red to
cover the hallway that leads to a single door and a set of double glass doors.
Then blue to open their door and clear it. Inside is a bathroom, and usually
Linda is there. With red still covering the hall, tell blue to search and clear
the room through the double glass doors.

Take the lead and turn the corner of the hallway. Head up the stairs carefully
to the first landing. If it's clear, tell red to cover it, then head back down.
Tell blue to bang and clear the single door that you passed to get to the
stairs. That door leads to a large garage, and you may want to help out blue if
things get rough.

Turn on the view port for red and tell them to continue moving up to the second
floor. Once you're on the landing, tell red to go room by room searching. Cover
them while they do so, and soon the mission will be over.

|3e. Mission 5: Holy Crap|

A bunch of armed guys have taken a church. They arrived during a prayer
service, but allowed the churchgoers to leave. They've taken the clergy, which
number around seven, as hostages.

A defector gave LAPD and SWAT some additional information. The main target of
the kidnapping was Alexy III, a very high-ranking religious official. The
kidnappers were paid by some guy named Rick "Dog," with no known last name.
Rick was paying quite a bit of cash to get Alexy, but only wanted him alive.

Also, there's a third force involved in this mess. We have the good (SWAT and
the hostages), the bad (the suspects), and the... questionable. The church
hired a private security force to protect them. Fat lot of good that did, huh?
Either way, they're in the church, but it's unknown what their role is.

Saint Dimitri's Holy Trinity Church has several floors. What's even more
annoying than that is the fact that there are actually a bunch of secret
passages and back doors. Plus, the church is anything but linear, so it may be
tough to figure out how to take it.

Due to the enemies having body armor, you need the same stuff you had last
time. That is, an MP5 for everyone with nothing but the FMJ clips.

The private security force, which contains roughly four people, has a random
role. Sometimes they'll be in on the kidnapping, and they'll actually try to
shoot you and your officers. Most of the time, they're neutral because they
didn't anticipate this problem, so they'll be cooperative but nothing else.
Very rarely, they'll actually ASSIST SWAT and shoot at the baddies. No matter
what their role is, though, you have to cuff 'em.

There's only one entry point, so take it dynamically. Your team will go through
the courtyard by themselves and enter the church, but will hold at the side
door. Tell red to enter the door. You'll see a spiral staircase going up, which
red will probably immediately explore. Once they do, tell blue to cover the
door at the bottom of the stairs, then follow red as they ascend.

At the top of the stairs, go along the balcony to the next door. Tell red to
get in there and clear it. Cover the hallway, then send red up the stairs. Use
the view port to tell them to clear the entire upstairs. When done, tell them
to return to you. Assist them in clearing out the rest of that floor.

Once it's all clear, go into the back room at look carefully at the wall.
You'll see a door-sized split in it. That's a secret passage that goes down
into the back rooms of the worship room, but more on that in a sec. Tell red to
go first down that passage. Go into that room, then hold at the single door.

Now, open the blue view port and tell them to enter the door they've been
covering all this time. Meanwhile, tell red to enter the door you're near, and
follow them in. It all goes to the same large worship room, and that's where
most of the enemies are. Remember to go in with gas to give all your guys a
chance at capturing the suspects instead of just capping them all.

With the worship room clear, there's only two more rooms to hit. Tell the whole
element to fall in, then face the worship room from the view of the pews. On
the far right is the door you used to enter. On the far left is another room
similar to the one you went through. In the center is a hidden door that leads
to a smaller room. Clear the room on the left with red, and clear the center
room at the same time. Follow whichever team you want, and be sure to report
the captured and casualties. That should end the mission.

|3f. Mission 6: The Sky is Falling|

At a water treatment plant, terrorists have setup AA missiles, and have shot
down one passenger plane that was carrying the Algerian president and some of
his ruling party, along with other civilians and the flight crew. Everyone's
dead, and somebody's gotta pay. SWAT's been called in to fix the situation.

The water treatment plant where the missiles are is large and open. There are a
few buildings around, but for the most part it's just one huge area with a
couple of things lying around for cover. The place is still under construction,
so open pipes and pieces of metal are everywhere.

There are no hostages here, and the place is open, so we're going full power
this time. Have everyone take M4s with nothing but the Hollow Point ammunition.
The non-lethal Atlantic Arms Punch ammo just won't cut it. Oh, and this time,
don't worry about your pistol.

Despite what 10-David is telling you, before and during the mission, THERE IS
NO TIME LIMIT... at least none that I can find. No matter how long I've taken,
the terrorists have not shot off another missile. Still, that doesn't mean you
should just stand around and take in the sights.

There are three missile launchers around the complex. When you find a missile
launcher, just use the Wave to disarm it.

With enemies covering both entry points, it's pointless to go in with stealth
mode on. There's a missile close to the entrance of side 1, level 1, so enter
from there.

You'll probably be under fire immediately. Clear the area, then turn left
immediately. You'll pass a yellow forklift to your left, and right next to it
is a door leading into a concrete building. Head down there, and disarm the
missile launcher, then go back up via the other ramp.

Proceed forward at a run, but slow down as you get to the next corner, which is
about halfway along the wall to your left. Bang the area, then run in and clear
it and the area below you to your right. This might be a big firefight
depending on how many tangos are there, so be ready to help your guys. When
it's clear, run down that area to your right and disable the missile. (To reach
it, you'll have to take a small path that goes under the pipe.) Two down, one
to go.

Gather up your team, then send them THROUGH the pipe near the missile launcher.
That'll take them to a similar area, also below ground. When you pop out of the
other side of the pipe, look to your left, and you'll see the last missile
launcher. Disarm that pup, and now you only have to worry about cleaning the
rest of the place of tangos.

Head up the ramp of this small area, then turn right twice. Clear the area up
to the corner, then turn around and head back. Go through the small "room"
where the two yellow construction vehicles are. Clear it, then head left around
the corner. Personally clear the two portable bathrooms to the left, then take
red with you into the gray stone building by them. Have blue covering the door
to the other, brown stone building while you do this.

Help red clear the building, then join up with blue. Using the whole element,
enter and clear the first room of brown stone building. Tell blue to fall in,
and have red hit the smaller side room with gas. Clear it, then tell the whole
element to fall in and exit the building the same way you came in.

If the mission is still not over, there aren't too many other places the enemy
can be. Once out of the building, turn left twice. Proceed down this "hallway"
until you reach the corner. Once there, turn left, and keep going. You'll soon
find yourself back at the forklift near where you found the first missile. Turn
left as soon as you can, and look to your left. There's a chain-link gate that
leads to a final "room" of the area. Breach, gas, and clear. After that, 10-
David should call you back.

|3g. Mission 7: Overdrawn Account|

A bank is being robbed. Real original, huh? We've already got one officer down,
who is on the floor and bleeding in the lobby.

The California Security Bank is only a couple floors, and it's tight. You'll be
entering via helicopter and rooftop.

Okay, here's an interesting set of options. The enemies are not wearing body
armor, and the halls make it too tight to use the M4 anyway. However, they've
got rifles, so you may not have the time to use the pistol strategy and "bang
bang bang" people... More likely, you'll have to "rata-tata-tata-tata-tata"
your way through this one. The problem, however, is the close quarters.

Give your computer teammates MP5s, not silenced. Trust me, you don't need to
stealth your way though this one. The problem now, is you personally. Are you
good with your pistol? If you are, take the M1 shotgun with a balance of
shells, and use your pistol once you're inside. If you're not good with the
pistol, take an MP5 with you too. Either way, make sure everyone has JHP
rounds, which kill more than injure, but will bring a quick end to this.

There is OCCASIONALLY a baddie or two in the space between the roof and first
floor. I don't know what the hell he's doing up there, but just be ready for

The woman who made the cell phone call that 10-David told you about is
sometimes hiding in the bathroom. Sometimes, she's somewhere else.

The officer who's down is always in the lobby, just in front of the barricaded
front door, but he's sometimes dead before you get there. Either way, he's at
least wounded, so you won't need to cuff him.

The hostages are USUALLY in the vault, but occasionally they're spread

Even though 10-David says that there's four entrances, there's really only two,
because each door leads to another one. You'll need to clean out the whole
thing anyway, so start by turning right and going to door B. If you've got a
shotgun, switch to your secondary ammo and blast the door open. Send in the
element, and wind your way through the maze to clear it. You should arrive at
door A. Blast it too to return to the roof. Head to door C, clear the whole
thing, and pop out of door D simply to make sure you've got everything, then go
back in.

Now, at least one of your guys is looking at the door to head down into the
bank, so use the view ports to figure out how to get there. If you can't find
how to get there even if you see it in a view port, find another member of your
team, then use a view port command to tell the whole element to enter the door,
then follow you guy to it. If you CAN see it, only tell red to go down, since
it'll be a tight fit. Once you're in, have the whole element fall in.

Now, most of the baddies are in the lobby, but you may encounter some already.
Take the lobby last if you have a choice. If the door to the lobby is already
open, then hit it first. If it's closed, clear all other rooms before the lobby
using only one color. Once you clear that floor and report everyone, it's over.

|3h. Mission 8: Oprah Gets Spanked|

Terrorists have taken over a TV station during a live broadcast of a talk show.
They think they're still on the air and have been doing the political
propaganda thing, but they're really just preaching to SWAT. They've got a
bunch of people as hostages, to the point where the terrorists are almost

The DBN TV sound stage is pretty open, but not as much as the water treatment
plant. It's basically only one floor, although the producer's booth at the
sound stage proper is upstairs.

The place is tight enough to make the M4 a little tough to use. With all the
hostages running around, I feel that any automatic is dangerous, so I recommend
that EVERYONE takes shotguns, and have a healthy balance of shells for door
breaching. Just be sure not to use slugs when attacking the enemies, because
you don't want to nail a hostage accidentally.

None, really. The hostages and terrorists move around a bit from mission to
mission, but there's no major weird thing that happens.

The two entry points are a staircase that will lead you to a skywalk and
building, or a parking lot leading you somewhere else. Going to the skywalk
makes the mission linear, so that's the one I'd suggest. Go to side 1, level 1,
in dynamic mode. You're all using shotguns, so why bother with silence?

Charge up the stairs, blast open the door to get into the skyway, and turn
left. Tell your boys to cover the door, then blast it open for them. Anyone
inside will be instantly dropped. Tell your guys to enter and clear, especially
the left side where all the props are.

Now, tell blue to cover the far door (the one with the "On the Air" sign above
it), and tell red only to breach and clear Studio C. It connects into Studio D,
so clear the whole thing and pop out the other side. Tell red to fall in, then
blue to go through their door, and follow them in.

Tell red to cover the opening to the right (between the black curtains), then
send blue down the hall on the left. You'll alone take the three small rooms on
the left. Just open the door a crack, toss in a gas grenade and bank it off a
wall or something, and start issuing some compliance.

Head over to where blue is, turn left, and go near the door that's marked
"Exit." Toss in a gas grenade again like you did the last three rooms, then run
in and clear it. (This is where you would have started if you picked the other
entry point. See how much easier it was?)

Now, go to blue, who should be standing by the stairs. Tell them to head up the
stairs and start clearing out those booths above you. Don't enter Donna's room
until the rest is clear. Once you do enter Donna's room, be sure to drop a gas
grenade beside the closet before opening it... There's no room for a bank shot,
and trust me, sometimes there's a tango in there.

Okay, this whole area is clear. Gather up blue and head back down to red, and
send them in. You're going into the most open area, the audience part. It's too
big to make gas effective, so bang it, then enter. There's probably going to be
an assload of hostages here, mostly studio audience members, and several might
be wounded. Be sure to report everybody, and that should do it.

|3i. Mission 9: Beat Down the Flaming Bird|

A nightclub has been targeted for a search and seizure for dope, but that's
only one part of it. It's owned by that Rick "Dog" dude from the church
mission. Apparently he works for someone who's interested in the suitcase nuke
that's floating around, and he was hoping to get some cash for that. "Dog"
(whose last name is Peters) also tried to get into the Foremans' home back in
mission 4, for the same purpose. SWAT needs evidence more than anything.

The Phoenix nightclub is pretty small overall, but open. It's a little dark, as
nightclubs are, but it's nothing you can't handle.

The people inside don't pose much of a threat. It's wide enough to use M4s, but
there's no need to go postal. Send everyone in with M4s, but only use the AAP
ammo. Don't bother with actual rounds, there's no need for fatalities here. For
best results, if you're willing to take a little gamble, send everyone in with
NO PISTOL CLIPS AT ALL. It's a challenge, but there won't be any blood
spilled... well, no enemy blood anyway.

The only real surprise is a new objective, for this mission only. You're
supposed to locate and secure ALL WEAPONS. If all suspects are cuffed and
reported, then you're probably just missing a weapon somewhere. Search VERY
carefully. The place is pretty small, so it shouldn't be too tough. Oh, and
it's nearly impossible to get Rick "Dog" Peters alive. He'll do everything to
avoid being arrested, so you'll probably have to cap him.

Take the back (side 3, level 1), and do so in stealth. We can keep quiet
through some of this mission. (If you encounter any enemies for this part, go
back into stealth once the action is over.) Pick the lock and enter with some
gas. There's two openings, one left and one right. Pick up any weapons lying
around before moving. Tell red to clear left, and take blue to clear right. You
should be in the bedroom. The last door in that direction leads to the
bathroom. Clear it, then return to red.

Enter and clear the next room with the whole element. You're in a storage room,
and there's only one door other than the one you came in. You can't get cover
around the door, so go dynamic here. Tell the element to breach, bang, and
clear through that door. Enter the room after them, and help them secure the
area. This is the main room, and it's pretty damn big, so do what you can.

There's a set of double doors on one wall, between the two bars. That leads
outside, and it's where you would have entered if you when through the front
door. Go ahead and clear it, then turn your attention to the opposite wall,
where there's an opening. That leads to the bathrooms. Stay in dynamic, and
tell red to gas and clear the women's bathroom while blue gases and clears the
men's. Cuff anyone you see, and that should do it. Again, if the mission still
is on, then look for any weapons you may have missed.

|3j. Mission 10: Penthouse Follies|

Terrorists involved in the AA missiles from a prior mission have taken a few
political people hostage in the penthouse suite of a hotel.

The hotel, at least the part you'll be working with, is fairly small. There are
only a couple floors, but it's really tight.

M1s all the way. The place is way too tight for automatic fire, so shotguns are
the thing here. Again, if you're good with a pistol, you may want to use that

Usually, all the hostages are in the penthouse itself, or at least that floor.
There's always terrorists everywhere, but otherwise there's not much out of the

By land or by air? Well, everyone who's ever handled a gun before will tell you
that it's always easier to shoot down than up. Besides, the priority is the
hostage rescue. Enter dynamically from the roof. I hate to repeat myself, but
with nothing but shotguns, it's silly to go in quietly.

Enter the door there, but don't use gas or a flashbang because that first area
is rarely (if ever) guarded. Once you go down the stairs, it'll be too tight to
enter the next room with a bang or gas, so into that one without flair too.

Okay, now you're going to be splitting up. Tell blue to cover the stairs, then
send red into the other door. Again, go without gas or bangs. Now tell blue to
cover the hallway while red goes to gas and clear the room to your immediate
left. Work with red to secure the entire penthouse level. Blue needs to stay
still and cover the hallway during this whole thing. Be sure to check the
balconies, too.

Once it's secure, tell everyone to fall in. Return to the main room with the
elevator, and send red down the stairs after gassing the room. Follow them
down, reporting the whole way. When you get to the bottom, gas and clear the
area, then have everyone fall in.

Have the entire element enter the main area of the basement. Use gas the whole
time while you're at it. Now, this place is one giant circle, and there are
tangos absolutely everywhere. Your best bet is to pick a direction and clear
the place room by room. It's tough to do this in any organized fashion, but try
to work slowly. Pretty soon, the mission should be over.

|3k. Mission 11: Urban Shield|

All the dignitaries from around the world are meeting at the LA Convention
Center for the treaty thing. This is only a preliminary tour, and not the
actual treaty signing itself. SWAT is escorting the dignitaries to make sure
nothing goes wrong.

The LACC is really large and open. It's only got two floors, but you can see
for miles. There are a bunch of rooms, so you'll have to take most of those
with one team, but the whole element will be needed in the main halls.

It's large enough that automatic fire will be good, even with hostages and
civvies all over the place. Go in with MP5s, not silenced, for optimal

None. Everyone who's a threat will make themselves known, and everyone who's a
hostage will be easy to identify.

The bus is really cramped, so don't worry about it. Escort the Humvee, and do
so dynamically, because you will be under fire within seconds of being there.

You're thrown into the hell almost instantly. From the Humvee, move forward.
One color will probably check out the bus on their own. After they do, tell the
whole element to enter the main part convention center. You need to finish up
anything in the bus, including reporting. While you do so, all hell will break
loose in the convention center. Resist the urge to help the team for now. Mop
up the buss (make sure to check the bathroom), and join your team.

For some reason, there's A LOT of people who surrender here, most civvies. Cuff
everyone, but be careful doing so. Your team is guarding the prisoners, so you
won't have much backup if you find someone hostile. CUFF AND REPORT EVERYONE

When everyone is cuffed and reported, send the element into the cafeteria and
kitchen. While they clear that, you should single-handedly clear the bathrooms,
which are on the other side. Don't head into the bathrooms until you know the
rest of that wing is clear, though, you may wind up with bullets in your back.
With the whole first floor clear, return to the center, and tell everyone to
fall in.

Near the escalators is a single door. That leads to a stairwell, which goes up
to the second floor. Tell red to take it, while you and blue head up an
escalator. Clear the balcony, then regroup everyone.

The rest is pretty straight-forward and easy. As an element, clear meeting
rooms A, B, and C. Then, head to the other side of the floor and clear D, E,
and F. It's that simple. Just make sure that when you take the rooms, ALWAYS
only go in with one team. The whole element is too large for the little rooms,
so just head in with red.

|3l. Mission 12: ATC Gone Horribly Wrong|

Terrorists, the same ones responsible for all this mess, have taken over Los
Angeles International Airport. They've made a couple planes crash already, and
they may have missiles ready to blast the other planes out of the sky.

Luckily, you won't have to go through the whole of LAX, just the tower. It's a
little tight, and it's more vertical than horizontal in parts.

Due to the fact that you're not supposed to be noticed, use MP5SDs.

Despite what 10-David says, the aircrafts are safe. They may be shot at, but
the tangos will always miss. Still, when you find the missile launcher, disarm
it with the Wave.

There's only one way in, so take it with stealth. If at any point you need to
go dynamic, drop back into stealth once the action calms down. The first
priority is stopping the aircraft from being shot down, so that's what we're
doing first.

Don't breach the first door yet, or an alarm will be set off throughout the
airport, making this much tougher than necessary. Instead, use the Wave on the
electronic control panel by the door, then enter. The first hallway is linear,
so do what you need to.

At the next door, enter it slowly. Turn left immediately, then enter the set of
double doors marked HVAC. Go through the next set, and clear the HVAC room. Pop
out of the other exit door, then stack up at the door marked Compressor. Open
that door and clear that room. Once inside, enter the door marked Hydraulics.
Turn right, go through the "Restricted Area" door, and proceed down the red

When you get to the end of the hall, go dynamic and hit the stairs hard. Clear
the whole stairwell as fast as you can, then charge to the top of the stairs.
Tell red to breach and clear the topmost "Restricted Area" door (the one marked
Big Top). Keep them moving, and secure the tower as quickly as possible. The
missile launcher (and probably at least one hostage) is up there. Disable that
bad boy, then slow down your pace back to stealth.

Return to the stairwell, and go to the next set of doors down from the tower,
the ones marked Operations. Tell red to stack up on the right door, and have
blue cover the left door. Tell red to enter their door and clear it. If there's
any enemy, and he tries to run, blue will have your back.

When that's done, proceed down the stairs to the doors marked Flight Deck.
Again, have blue cover the left door while red enters and clears the right.
After that, head down another floor and set up the teams again for the doors
marked Big Red. Clear that one the same way. After that, head down again and
stack the whole element at the next door, called Kitty Hawk. Again, enter and
clear that pup. Then, stack the element at the single door inside that room,
then enter it.

Although High Ground says you're exposed, you've already cleared out everybody
above you, so you're okay. Stack everyone up on the glass door on the other
side of the bridge, enter, and clear. Tell blue to cover the right side, then
take red around the left. You'll probably encounter hostages here, so cuff 'em
and report 'em. When the circle is made, stack everyone up at the door to the
stairwell. Go dynamic, then enter and clear it at full speed like you did the
last one.

When the whole stairwell is clear, slow yourselves down back to stealth mode.
Tell blue to fall in, then stack red up at the topmost door aside from the one
you entered. Enter and clear it, then follow red in. Have blue cover the door
to the right, then tell red to further into the lobby. Turn left three times
from the door to the stairwell, and you'll find the door opposite the one blue
is guarding. Enter and clear those offices, then have the entire element secure
the rest of the lobby.

With the lobby secure, head to the bottom of it, where there are three doors.
Again, tell blue to cover the left set, and help red enter and clear around via
the right set. Again, have red enter and clear any door you come to in this
area; however, ignore the stairwell for now. Once you're back in the lobby,
have red clear the double doors, the ones marked "Elevators."

Once that is clear, tell the element to fall in, then head to the stairwell
door I just told you to ignore. You've already cleared this stairwell; in fact,
you're only one door below where you entered this whole lobby area from. Just
enter the stairwell, then head down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs is the last door. Tell red to stack, enter, and
clear. You'll be back to where you started.

Now, hopefully, you've completed the mission by now. If not, you've probably
missed one of the hostages, or someone isn't reported. Go dynamic and do a full
search again if you have to. Find that missing guy!

|3m. Mission 13: "We Don't Anticipate Problems"|

SWAT has been attached to a few VIPs in a hotel. 10-David says that a perimeter
has been set up, and he doesn't anticipate any problems happening to the VIPs.
Yeah, right.

The Ventura Hotel is a pretty nice structure. It's a little tight, but it's got
a big size overall.

MP5SDs for everyone. The place is too tight for M4s, but large enough to allow
automatic fire. The close range you'll be to the baddies allows you to trade
the power you lose compared to the MP5 standard without repercussion.

Even though your boss says everything will be okay, it really isn't! Wow,
shocking, huh? Otherwise, there's not much in the way of surprises. When you
see the waiters and other hotel employees, sometimes they'll be armed threats,
sometimes they'll just be civvies. Keep your gun and handcuffs ready either

There is one little thing worthy of mention though. There are A LOT of unknown
suspects, civvies, and hostages. Even when 10-David says the mission is
complete, continue it anyway, because chances are there's still someone around
who's unreported. For a better score, stay in and make sure you've cleared

One entry point. Start it in dynamic. Hang out in the opening room until you
hear shots being fired. Take red into through the double doors, but have blue
back covering the door to the stairwell. Let red explore and clear the whole
hallway. While they do, you enter and clear the men's bathroom just to the
right of the entrance. When done, come out and turn right twice to find the
women's bathroom. Clear that too.

Tell red to fall in, then head over to the elevators on that floor. There's a
set of double doors across from them marked Whitney. Have red enter and clear
that room while you cover the other set of double doors leading to the same
room. When it's clear, head back near the women's bathroom, and have red enter
and clear the room marked Shasta. That room doesn't have any alternate exits,
so you can charge in with them. Then exit that room, turn right, and have red
charge into the room marked Sierra. This room does have an alternate exit, so
guard the hallway while red clears out both Sierra rooms.

With the whole second floor clear, send red down the nearby staircases that
lead into the lobby. While they do so, bring up a blue view port and give the
order to send them down the stairwell they've been guarding. Also send them
through the door at the bottom of those stairs.

Follow red when they go into the lobby. Like you did upstairs, personally clear
both bathrooms. They're small, so gas them to give yourself a chance. When
they're done, go behind the registration desk and have red breach and clear the
room behind it. In the next room, take the door on the left first, as it leads
to a small room. Clear that, then hit the other door in that back office. That
will lead to a hallway where blue is hanging out. Go through the hall and clear
every room you come to, as you have.

When that hallway and all its rooms are clear, there's only one more room left.
Return to the lobby, and take red with you. Breach and clear the set of double
doors near the elevators. After that, the mission should end.

|3n. Mission 14: Mushrooms, Anyone?|

The leader of one of the terror organizations has taken the top three floors of
the city hall in downtown LA. He's got intel about the suitcase nuke that's
floating around, so SWAT is going to go in and get him.

The LA city hall is pretty large and open, plus it's four floors tall. You'll
need to make good use of the cover command, as most rooms and halls can only be
taken by one team. As I've done, I'll be sure to tell you when it's best to go
in with just a color, or the whole element.

It's too tight for M4s, so take MP5s. You'll need the extra punch that the
MP5SDs don't give.

The suitcase nuke is not onsite, but there is a big bomb that needs diffused.
It's in the precise center of the room at the top of the complex, and it's well
guarded. You need to disarm it, but you have to do so in stages. The device is
on a table surrounded by lasers, and if you break those beams (by touching the
nuke or trying to disarm it), it'll go off, and that'll be it for the mission
and your life. You need to disarm the lasers first, then disarm the bomb, but
you'll be using the Wave for both. Still, that all won't matter until the end.

10-David says that you need the leader, Tobias Storm, to be taken alive. He's
unarmed in the mission, so as long as you don't leave weapons lying around, he
won't pose a threat. Just round him up like you do hostages and civvies.

Don't bother being quiet here. Enter the sole entry point dynamically. Your
team will head up the stairs and stop at the first door. Enter it with red
only. Turn left and go down the hallway. Take the turn, and tell red to cover
that whole hall. Now go back and get blue. Tell them to take the door to the
right of the stairwell exit. Clear that little room (the one with office
cubicles), then proceed to the next one. Keep it going, and you'll soon pop out
into the hall that red is covering.

Tell the element to breach the next room, marked Law Library, together. It's
huge, so you'll definitely need everyone for it. Once the library is secure,
tell blue to cover the stairwell, then take red and clear the little rooms
adjacent to the library. Once it is, send blue up the stairwell they're
guarding, then take red back to the original stairwell.

Tell red to enter the next floor, the 25th, which is the one at the top of this
stairwell. Turn right, and tell them to clear the rooms to your right while you
cover their backs. Keep this up, room by room, until you get to the hallway
intersection. (The fourth room red should take is on the left side of the
intersection, with the elevators in front and blue's stairwell to the right.)
Once the room there is clear, tell red to clear the part in front of the
elevators. Now turn down the hall toward blue's stairwell, bang and clear the
last room, then regroup with blue.

This is the only stairwell in the equation now. Proceed up the stairs and have
red enter the 26th floor. Stay in the stairwell and tell blue to cover the
door, then follow red in.

Now, there's a hidden passage in this huge room. It's to the right of the
double doors. You need to cover it while red bangs and clears the room through
the double doors. Once they do, tell them to continue into the next room, which
is the mayor's office. Have them hold there, and you need to take the secret
passage. Bang and clear it, then go to the next wall, which also has a hidden
door. This leads to the bathroom, which is adjacent to the mayor's office where
red is. Take the bathroom together, then return to the big area.

Tell the element to fall in. Send blue one set of stairs, and send red up the
other. The bomb is up here and it's WELL guarded both in and out the building,
so watch your fire and secure the area before tending to it. Once everyone is
down or on their knees, don't worry about cuffing or reporting, just
concentrate on disarming the bomb.

Okay, on one side of the table below the lasers is a small silver box. Use the
Wave on the silver box to shut the lasers off, then use the Wave on the
suitcase itself. That will properly disable the bomb. After that, mop up what
needs to be done on that top floor, and that should do it.

|3o. Mission 15: Stinky!|

There's been suspicious activity along a parade route, so it needs to be
checked. Apparently some crews were working on the sewer, but the city reports
that there are no crews in the area. Hmm.

The LA sewers is a very twisty, grimy place. There's a new challenge, by the
way. In some areas, there will be highly explosive gases. I explain those

The place is JUST large enough to take M4s, so use them. Take nothing but the
hurtful ammo.

There are seven bombs onsite that can nuke the city. And guess what? THEY ARE
SET ON A 45-MINUTE TIMER. If you take too long to disarm them, you WILL lose
the mission and the city, even on the Easy difficulty. Luckily, the bombs never
move, so the map is actually really useful. Speaking of that, the maps given to
you prior to the mission are almost entirely accurate, but there is one passage
not marked on the map that is in the sewers, and a couple barricades that
restrict movement.

The bombs are pretty small and look like little radios. They can be disarmed
easily with the Wave, just like you did with the suitcase nuke in the last
mission. As you get near them, you'll hear them beeping and humming, so keep
your ears open.

I've made JPG copies of those maps, and I marked that passage and locations of
all the bombs on them. Hopefully, GameFAQs will allow them to be posted, but if
not, or if you're viewing this FAQ on another site, head to my website located
at the following address:


You can download and print out the pictures there. I strongly recommend you
keep the maps on you for this mission. By the way, something about the map is
backwards. According to the compass, north is at the bottom edge of the map.
However, when you enter the west campus, you're on the LEFT side of the map, as
if north is up. I won't ever give cardinal directions, though. Instead, I've
marked the bombs with numbers, and I'll refer to those. Note that you can take
the bombs in any order you wish, but they're numbered the way I take them, and
that's what my FAQ reflects.

Finally, the gases. If you fire a single round with any weapon or throw any
canister while inside a warning zone, you WILL set off a fire storm that will
take out not just you, but the rest of the city. Your teammates and even the
enemies won't fire in those areas, so don't worry about them. When you're in
one of those areas, you'll get a visual and audible alert, and it's pretty hard
to miss. Note that it's okay to fire INTO an area like that, just not FROM an

Oh, one more thing. There's a homeless guy living somewhere in the sewers, and
his location jumps around a bit. He poses no threat, but you still need to cuff
and evacuate him.

Time is of the essence for this mission. Start at the west campus dynamically.
Bomb #1 is right there nestled among the red barrels, so disarm it, and you're
off to a good start. 1 down, 6 to go. Breach the door, then charge all the way
down the stairs with the whole element. Behind the stairs and under a piece of
wood is Bomb #2. 2 down, 5 to go.

Continue down the next set of stairs. Take the first right, and follow the big
room as it turns left. You'll pass through a metal gate, and on the other side
of it is a shopping cart with Bomb #3 inside. 3 down, 4 to go.

Continue moving and exit the room from the other side. When you reach the next
room, check the very corner farthest from you. Bomb #4 is laying among some
debris. 4 down, 3 to go.

Now, this part is a bit tricky to describe in text. In that room, face the wall
that has two paths. Enter the path on the left, and count the number of turns
you take. When you count to three, look to your right. Bomb #5 is sitting on
the corner of the wall. 5 down, 2 to go.

Continue down the path and turn right. Go back up the short flight of stairs
(but not the spiral stairs), and turn right. You'll pass through a metal gate
if you're in the right place. Now, Bomb #7 is closer, but there's a trap.
You'll be standing in the hazardous gasses, so you won't be able to fire.
However, there will be enemies on the other side of the barricade who CAN fire
at YOU. If you try to get Bomb #7 now, chances are you'll be ripped to shreds.
So, you need to secure that side first. Luckily, it's not too out of the way,
and Bomb #6 is en route anyway.

Okay, you just passed through the metal gate. Turn left. You'll pretty much be
in the gases for a second or two before returning to normal. At the first
intersection, go straight. You'll take a tiny turn right, and then you'll find
the second intersection. Go straight again. You'll follow the hall as it goes
right, left, right, and left. Keep an eye on the wall to your right. The next
opening there is the unmarked passage. Take it, and when you exit from it, go
left. You'll find the tangos who are indirectly guarding Bomb #7. Roast them
all, then continue down the path. At the edge is a dead-end catwalk, but Bomb
#6 is to the right on the catwalk itself. 6 down, 1 to go.

Go back through the unmarked passage. Once you're through, turn left. The hall
will bend right, left, right, left. At the next intersection, go straight.
It'll make a tiny turn left. Ignore the next intersection and continue
straight. You'll be back at the metal gate and gasses. Proceed down the path,
and you'll find Bomb #7 near the barricade in the middle of all the sewer stuff
at your feet. 7 down, none to go.

Now comes the annoying part. The time limit is no more, but you have to sweep
the ENTIRE sewer as you look for baddies. Luckily, the mission may end at
anytime. There have been times where all the baddies were on the bottom two
floors, so it didn't take too long.

Anyway, what I suggest is that you go back down to the bottom floor via the
tiny stair case again. You've already cleared a bunch of this floor, so I'll
give you intersection directions.

At the first one, turn left. (The first time through, you went right to find
Bomb #3.) Inside the small room, where you found Bomb #4, go to the path on the
opposite wall from where you pop out. Follow that path bearing right, and
you'll eventually hit another, different barricade. Turn around and take the
first right, skip the next intersection for now, then take a left before
reaching the stairs. Clear that hallway, and you'll be back in the room of Bomb
#4. Turn around and check out the stairs you just skipped. Clear it, then turn
around again and go to the intersection I told you to skip. This time, take the
other path (it'll be to your left now).

You'll come to a big room with a catwalk in front of you. Ignore it and turn
right twice. Follow that path, and you'll reach the other side of the
barricade. Turn around, and turn right when you come to the next hall. Follow
that hall, as it's very linear. The first intersection you come to leads to a
staircase. Go up it just to clear it, then head back down and continue your
path. Ignore the next intersection and follow that path. You'll find the other
side of the catwalk. Go along it just to clear it, then turn around and head
back the way you came. Take a left at the next intersection, and the hall is
linear. You'll soon end up back in the Bomb #4 room. Again, face the wall with
two openings, and take the one on the left. Follow that path around, and turn
right when you can. You'll go back up the stairs, and be at the second floor
again. Whew.

Okay, the second floor is a lot shorter. Pass through the metal gate on your
right, then turn left, as if you're heading to the unmarked passage. This time
when you pass the stairs to your right, take it just to clear it. Keep going
along the path, and again at the next intersection, ignore it and go straight.
The path will bend right, left, right, left. Continue down that path, ignore
the unmarked passage, and continue as the hall bends left. Turn right at the
intersection, and go up the little stairway just to clear it. Turn back around,
and at the same intersection, go straight. You'll see a spiral set of stairs to
the left. Clear it, then go back down and continue among the path. It's linear
for a long while. Eventually you'll have a staircase to the left. Go up it to
clear it, then head back down. You'll soon be in another room, so turn right.
Follow that path around, head up the next stairs to clear it, but this time
STAY UP THERE. Welcome to the first floor.

Okay, we're almost done. From this staircase, the path is very linear. You'll
eventually pass the spiral stairs you took from the entry point to the bottom
floor on the left, through a metal gate. Keep following the path around... It's
REALLY long, and REALLY linear. At the first intersection you come to, turn
right. At the next one, go straight. You'll pass through a pipe and go into a
small room. Turn to your right, and you'll see a pipe on the opposite wall.
Take that pipe. The next intersection isn't really one, because the right path
ends after about four feet, so turn left. From there, the path is linear, and
you'll come to a spiral staircase. Clear it, then go back to the small room.

Okay, now look at the far end of the room. There's a metal gate, and through it
there's a path to the left. Take that route. The path is linear for awhile.
Ignore the next intersection, then go on. (To your immediate left is the other
entry point. I have NEVER seen an enemy there, but you may want to clear it
anyway just to make sure.) Keep going, then follow the path as it goes right.
At the next intersection, go straight. The path is linear here and leads
outside. Clear it the whole way, then turn around. Now when you come to the
intersection, turn right. At the next intersection, go left. At the next, go
straight. You'll pass through a small room. When you come to the intersection,
LOOK left, and if it's clear, TURN right, and follow that path until the next

You have now walked the entire sewers. If the mission is STILL not done, you
misreported or outright missed somebody. Sweep the sewers again and again as
you need to. Told you it was annoying.

|3p. Mission 16: It All Comes Down To This|

SWAT is back at the LA Convention Center, because the treaty signing is taking
place now. It's at night, which is a change, but the building will be well-lit.
The mission takes place before the actual signing gets under way, but there are
a bunch of dignitaries here. You'll see a bunch of the same people you've seen
before, from the Russian President to His Holiness Alexy III. The big problem
for this one is that the big suitcase nuke we've all heard about "may or may
not" be here.

The LA Convention Center is a little different than the first time you came
here. Obstacles are in the way, some doors lead to places they didn't last
time, and so on.

Like last time, have everyone go in with MP5s.

The suitcase nuke is onsite. You'll need to use the Wave to disable it, but it
shouldn't pose a threat.

Only one way in. For this last mission, go ahead and enter it dynamically.
You'll start in the same place you did last time. Follow your element as they
automatically go to the front door, then open, gas, and clear. Go up to the
second floor, then turn left toward the first three meeting rooms. Have blue
cover the right side, then take red around the left to clear each room.

With that finished, call in blue. Have them cover the escalator that you did
NOT take to get up to the second floor. Then, go to the other hall, and clear
meeting rooms D, E, and F with red only. When that's done, rejoin blue at the
top of the escalator.

Send the entire element down it, and be ready, because bullets are going to
fly. Turn left, then right to head down the hall with the bathrooms and office.
Like last time, clear the office first before clearing the bathrooms. Also, for
the bathrooms, either clear them personally, or only send in one team at a

With that wing secure, return to the central area. Turn around and tell blue to
cover the single door that leads to the stairwell, then take red and secure the
dining area and kitchen. When that's done, again return to the central area.
This time, take red through the open door near the escalators. This leads to a
stage at the front of the building. Clear it all, and look at the back of the
stage carefully. The suitcase nuke is there, under and behind the stage! Disarm
it, clear the rest of the area, then join up with blue back at the stairwell.

Now, the mission may end there after the nuke, but that's still only a partial
victory to me, because there's a whole floor to go. Send red first down the
stairwell that blue was covering. Tell blue to fall in, then follow red down
the stairs.

Now, for some reason, the AI always wants to left here. So, tell blue to cover
right, then send red in through the door to the left. Clear the basement room
by room until you meet back up with blue, then end the mission if it isn't

|3q. Epilogue|

On August 6th, 2005, all the nuclear nations of the world signed a peace treaty
abolishing all nuclear weapons. Thanks to the distinguished members of SWAT,
the world is safe.

The final "score" is really your leadership rating. The manual says anything
over 70 is good, but I don't settle for less than 80.


A SWAT officer's job is never done. New missions, designed for two elements
(that's ten officers) at a time, is now available thanks to Sierra's free

The 2-element campaign offers a unique twist. You can let the computer be in
charge while you follow orders as a red or blue officer. If you do that, then
the walkthrough is simple: follow orders. The following walkthrough assumes
that you're taking the lead as one element leader, leaving the other nine
officers up to the computer.

The problem is coordination. You can't talk to the other team, although you CAN
view the other team's view ports by hitting the right bracket key, by default.
That's ] ...which is right next to the backslash key. In fact, I recommend that
you always have element 2's leader on your view port unless there's something
specific you need for your team. To do that, turn on a view port, then switch
to element 2 with ] (right bracket), then hit \ (backslash) to view the leader.

Since this campaign features new weapons, I'm going to be more general with my
recommended gear. Uniforms are up to you, but I recommend that you make sure
the two elements wear different colors.

By the way, I'll refer to the computer-controlled element as element 2, and
your element as you, or us, or something like that.

There are no surprises in these missions, so I'm not even including that part
of the walkthrough.

One more thing. The "Apply to All" button works a little differently here. If
you're selecting weapons, then "Apply to All" affects ALL TEN officers.
However, if you're choosing uniforms, "Apply to All" only affects the current
element. That way, you can easily make one whole element a certain color, and
the other element another color.

All right. Let's head back out there!

|4a. Mission 17: Donna Springer|

During an episode of Donna's talk show at DBN TV, a guest got pissed and
whipped out a gun at another guest. He's got at least two hostages, Donna and
the other guest, although he let everyone else go. However, it's suspected that
the producers are still around.

The DBN TV studio from mission 8 is the setting again. It's totally unchanged.

Use short weapons that are silenced, like MP5SDs. For your pistol, take the
silenced SOCOM.

Start your element at the loading dock in dynamic mode, and the computer's
element at the skyway entry in stealth mode.

When the mission commences, simply run into the building. Turn right and clear
out anyone in the immediate area. Tell red to clear the small rooms to the
right while blue covers the stairs leading up to the booths. When the rooms are
clear, take red up to the booths while blue covers the black curtain. By the
time you totally finish off the booths, element 2 is probably in the same area
and checking out the audience area, so that should do it.

|4b. Mission 18: More Dopeheads|

An arrest warrant has been issued for a dude named Ken Mars. He's in his
mansion, probably with some other armed people. You need to pull his carcass
out of the house and send him to jail so he can get a human booster shot from a
guy named Molly. (Thanks, Family Guy!)

This is the same map as Donald Foreman's residence in mission 4. Either Donald
moved out, or they employed the same architect.

Go with submachine guns that are not silenced, like an MP5 or my personal
favorite from my Rainbow Six 3 days, the UMP. Oh, and go with the 1911 pistol
for everyone.

While element 2 does the sneaky thing and checks out the back of the house,
we're kicking down the front door and spraying bullets. Have element 1 go to
the front side in dynamic, and have element 2 take the side hedge in stealth.

Once you're inside (and the going may be tough since you'll probably have to go
through people), take two quick right turns. Ignore everything on this floor
and head up the stairs. Secure all the bedrooms and attached bathrooms up
there. By the time you're done, element 2 will have cleared the whole bottom
floor and are on the first floor. Send your element back down to secure the
garage, and element 2 will take care of the bathroom that's off the living
room, and the office.

|4c. Mission 19: Banks a Lot|

The bank is being robbed, again. Luckily, these robbers aren't too bright, and
they've robbed it on a Sunday. There's no employees, so you don't have to worry
about hostages.

The map for this one is the same bank you rescued earlier. However, you're
starting in the storage closet, so you won't have to worry about getting off
the roof.

Choose any firearm, then remove all ammo from it. It's cramped, so just go in
with nothing but pistols.

Everyone starts in the same place, but it's REALLY cramped. You may want to
just leave element 2 out of it, but either way, make sure everyone is in
dynamic mode when you start. Since you're already on the first floor, this one
is easy. Just clear the offices in the back first, then move on to the lobby.

For some reason, the computer element, if you insist on taking them, will head
up to the roof. Whatever. Let them do their thing, and you do yours.

|4d. Mission 20: Where Did That Scratch Come From?|

Another warrant has been issued, and this guy is holed up in autobody shop. We
are to extract his sorry butt.

Finally, a new map. The auto shop is large and tight.

M1s all the way.

Both elements start on the roof, but there are two entry doors. Put element 2
in stealth and your guys in dynamic to start. Once the mission starts, hesitate
long enough to see which door element 2 wants to enter, then send your guys
dynamically in through the other one.

You can do most of the fighting from the roof before even entering the
building. Shout compliance through the skylight, and open fire if you need to.
Once you get inside, they'll come from absolutely everywhere, but between the
two elements, you'll probably have this mission beat in literally a minute or

|4e. Mission 21: A Murderer in LA... What Else Is New?|

A man on a manslaughter charge escaped custody and is now in the Regency Hotel.
You need to fish him out.

The Regency Hotel is the same one as mission 10.

Same as above. Shotguns for everyone.

Send both elements into battle dynamically. Element 2 will probably take the
stairs, so you need to head down the hall. Start going through the penthouse
like you did last time, with blue covering the hall and red (and you) doing the
room clearing. Just as you and red finish dealing with the whole upper floor,
element 2 should finish up with the basement, and the mission will be over.

|4f. Mission 22: Holy Crimson Flag, Batman!|

A terrorist group known as the Crimson Flag has taken over a cathedral. SWAT
has been called to, as they say, bring order to chaos.

The same cathedral used in mission 5.

If it's available on your computer, use G36Ks. If not, use MP5s.

Send everyone in dynamically. Get through the courtyard and first couple rooms
like last time, but this time you can send the whole element up the stairs.
When you're in the private room upstairs, element 2 will clear the bottom
floor, so you should take the top one. When that's done, head back down the
steps you used to get up this high, then enter the worship room via the single
door. Hopefully, element 2 has taken the secret passage down to the worship
room too, and all 10 of you can clean up anything down there. Easy as pie.

|4g. Mission 23: The Lakers Did It Again|

The Los Angeles Rioters won the American Basketball championship... in other
words, the Lakers won the NBA championship, but they can't use that name.
Regardless, riots are taking place everywhere in "celebration."

The streets of LA are littered with people with guns and debris, not to mention
a few buildings that must be breached.

M4s, not silenced, with C-Mags.

Send both elements in dynamically. Take the door nearest where everyone starts,
and send your guys down the fire escape. When you come to the first door, enter
and clear it. Once inside, take the rooms one by one, clearing the whole way.
It's linear, so don't worry about getting lost. Meanwhile, element 2 is
probably outside, wrecking havoc on the havoc wreckers.

When you reach the stairwell (which is through the laundry room), tell your
guys to fall in, then turn around and head back to the fire escape. Finish
climbing down it, and then enter the door there. Once inside, clear that room.
You can freely go to the next room, because element 2 has already cleaned it

If the mission isn't over then, exit the hotel, cross the street, and enter the
next building. Element 2 may need some help finishing off the suspects and
finding the hostages.

|4h. Epilogue|

Er... There really isn't one.

If you're still itching for some missions, head over to the official SWAT 3
site. You can download a few other ones that are not part of the campaign, but
the locations are pretty cool, like LA University and a parking garage.


v1 (17 April 2004)
First release of the guide.


This document is copyright 2004 for J. "PyroFalkon" Habib. If you plan to use
any of it as part of another FAQ, you need my permission first. However, if you
plan to post it on a website or e-mail it to someone or whatnot, you may do so
without my permission AS LONG AS IT IS NOT ALTERED IN ANY WAY. I'd like you to
drop me an e-mail so I know where you're going to take it, but I will not
require you to do so. You may download it or print it at your leisure.

The most updated version will always be found at these sites:


Other sites may have up-to-date versions, but check GameFAQs or IGN first.


If any information is incorrect, or you wish to submit something, please e-mail
me. My address is found on the bottom of the FAQ. Credit will be given where
it's due.

If you submit something to me, I will credit you by the name you signed in the
message body or by the name attached to your e-mail. I will also post your e-
mail address unless you specifically tell me not to.

If you wish to be e-mailed when this FAQ is updated, send your request to me.
If you have a junk mail protector on your e-mail program, make sure you put my
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Good luck in SWAT 3: Elite Edition, and may you take all the credit for the 2-
element missions.

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