Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds Saga

Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds Saga

18.10.2013 02:46:26
|Game: Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds |
|Format: PC |
|Type: FAQ/Strategy Guide |
|Version: 1.17 |
|Created By: Ryan Gillam |
|E-Mail Address: |
| |
| |
| |


Ok, you can use this guide, but if you do use it you must do the following:

- E-Mail me so I can add you to the list of websites.
- Also have the updated version.
- Give credit where it is due.
- Do not change the guide in ANY place.

My e-mail address:

Sites that can use the guide:

Sites that cannot use the guide:


Version 1.17 - Updated email address.

Version 1.16 - Upgraded Contents, Added Mini-Contents for each Section.

Version 1.15 - Added a new Webpage that can use the guide.

Version 1.14 - Updated my E-Mail address.

Version 1.13 - Thats the end of the guide, I only wanted it to be a basic
strategy guide, thank you for all the e-mails, watch out for my Scenario
Editor FAQ coming soon.

Version 1.12 - Added a site that can use the FAQ. Added site that cannot use
the FAQ.

Version 1.1 - Not much added, corrected a few spellings and added a new boxed
in information box at the top.

Version 1.10 - Changed Legal Section and changed all dividers. Also got rid
of the ACSSI at the top and replaced it with a simple info box. Changed the
introduction to take away the "how to use the guide" piece.

Version 1 - All planned sections complete.

Version 0.8 - This really is the final version, there was a problem
with contents, so I have now re-alligned it left, for ease of use.

Version 0.7 - Fixed problem with the siege section appearing under the
multiplayer section, added the multiplayer section.

Version 0.6 - Changed contents around and edited the legal stuff. Also added
some ACSII Art at the top.

Version 0.5 - Completed all except the multiplayer guide.


Here is the main section headings, mini-contents can be found in each section,
the % is how complete the section is.

1. Introduction..........................................................[100%]
2. The Civilizations.....................................................[100%]
3. The Basics............................................................[100%]
4. Building List.........................................................[100%]
5. Unit List.............................................................[100%]
6. Use of Formations.....................................................[100%]
7. Defending the Base....................................................[100%]
8. Sieges................................................................[100%]
10. Playing Multiplayer..................................................[100%]
11. Credits/Conclusion...................................................[100%]


Hi there, welcome to the final version of this guide, if you are reading this,
there will be no more updates unless they are needed, if so e-mail me with the
additions needed and I will give full credit.

This guide is for the game Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, this is a great
game and my FAQ for scenario editor should be up soon, any way good luck with
this game and I will see you online.



The list of civilizations show the unique units for them, the unique
technologys. The bonuses to them and the units that are unavalible, if I have
made a mistake, e-mail me so I can sort it out and give you appropriate credit.


2a) Galactic Battlegrounds...............................................[100%]
2b) Clone Campaigns......................................................[100%]



*Unique Units*
Dark Trooper Phase 1, Dark Trooper Phase 2, Probot

*Unique Technologies*
Walker Research - AT-AT's have a decreased minimum range and have Anti-Air
Altered Bargains - Reduces trading fee to 15 percent of the original cost.

*Civilization Bonus*
Aircraft cost 5 percent less, Upgrades for mechs cost 10 percent less.

*Team Bonus*
Mech Factory Units are +10 percent faster, Fortresses build 10 percent faster.

Aircraft take 5 percent longer to build and are 5 percent more expensive.

*Unavalible to the Civilization*
Advanced Mounted Trooper, Explosive Yield Increase, Advanced Cruisers, Faith
in the Force, Jedi Mind Trick, Reinforced Frame, Advanced Flight School, Shield
Modifications, Armored Plate work, Advanced Propulsion, Redoubled Efforts.


*Unique Units*
Famba Shield Generator, Hvy Fambaa Shield Generator.

*Unique Technologies*
Far See in Binouculors - All troop center units now have a +2 Line of Sight and
+2 Range (Except Mounted Troopers).
Gungan Creature Armour - All Mech Factory units now have +10 percent HP.
Creature Training - Pummels are now twice as strong against walls.
Mobile Anti-Air heavy weapons are better against Air now, and Artillery is
now better against buildings.
Faster Growth Chambers - Ships are build 20 percent faster and are -20 percent

*Civilization Bonuses*
Can Build Prefab shelters underwater, Buildings now have self regeneration for
HP. Mine ore 10 percent faster in Tech Level 3.

*Team Bonus*
Shipyards cost -15 percent less , Shield Generators cost -10 percent less.

*Civilization Weakness*
Aircraft take 5 percent longer to build and are 5 percent more expensive.

*Unavalible to Civilization*
Droid Assistants, Integrated Range Finder, Explosive Yield Increase,
Advanced Redesign, Jedi Master, Force Strong, Jedi/Sith Concentration,
Jedi/Sith Purge, Force Influence, Jedi/Sith Perception, Jedi Mind Trick, Shield
Modifications, Armored Plate work, Advanced Scanning.


*Unique Units*
AirSpeeder, Armoured Air Speeder.

*Unique Technologies*
Tougher Armour - Troop Center units have +20 HP.
A-Wing Research - Allows you to construct A-Wings.

*Civilization Bonus*
Farm Droids carry +1 food.

*Team Bonus*
Farm Food maximum raised by +35 food.
Fortresses have range, line of sight and search radius increased by +1.

*Civilization Weakness*
None Listed in Game.

*Unavalible to the Civilization*
Heavy Strike Mech, Advanced Generator, Advanced Redesign, Technicians,
Advanced Frigate, Advanced Cruiser, Jedi/Sith Purge, Force influence,
Heavy Artillery, Heavy Pummels, Reinforce Frame, Anti-Air Retrofit, Mechanics,
Redoubled Efforts, Heavy Weapons Engineers.


*Unique Units*
Royal Crusador, Elite Royal Crusador.

*Unique Technologies*
Advanced Engines - All aircraft are +10 percent faster.
Battle Armor - All fortress units, except the Air Cruiser, gain +25 percent
more HP.
Taxation All military units are now -10 percent cheaper.

*Civilization Bonuses*
Nova collection is 10 percent faster; Holocrons gives more Nova.

*Team Bonus*
Air Cruiser speed is increased by +10 percent,Increased attack against Mechs and
Heavy Weapons

*Civilization Weakness*
None Listed in game.

*Unavalible to Civilization*
Advanced Mounted Trooper, Repeater Trooper, Integrated Rangefinder, Dexterity,
Explosive Yield Increase, Heavy Assault Mech, Heavy Mech Destroyer, Advanced
Generator, Technicians, Force Strong, Jedi/Sith Purge, Heavy Artillery,
Reinforced Frame, Anti Air Retrofit, Mechanics, Heavy Armor, Heavy Plating.


*Unique Units*
Destroyer Droid, Heavy Destroyer Droid.

*Unique Technologies*
Fusion Extractor - +50% Ore Collecting Rate.
Insider Trading - All technologies cost 10% less.
Market Control - There is no resource Trading Fee.
Neimoidian Endorsement - All buildings cost 5% less.

*Civilization Bonuses*
Prefab Shelters are not necessary

*Team Bonus*
Heavy Weapons Factory units gain +15% speed, Fortresses gain +3 Anti-Air Range.

*Civilization Weakness*
Carbon Collectors work 20% slower, Start with -25 carbon, Aircraft take 5%
longer to build and are 5% more expensive.

*Unavalible to Civilization*
Droid Assistants, Repeater Trooper, Integrated Rangefinder, Sith Master,
Force Strong, Jedi/Sith Concentration, Faith in Force, Force Influence, Jedi
Mind Trick, Advanced Flight School, Efficient Manufacturing, Shield
Modifications, Armored Platework, Bacta Tanks.


*Unique Units*
Berserker, Advanced Berserker.

*Unique Technologies*
Self Regeneration - +50% Ore Collecting Rate.
Jetpacks - All technologies cost 10% less.
Forest Vision - There is no resource Trading Fee.
Wookiee Ingenuity - All buildings cost 5% less.

*Civilization Bonuses*
Carbon Collection in Tech Level 3 and above is 5% faster.

*Team Bonus*
Troopers gain +2 Line of Sight and +2 search radius
Fortresses gain +5 Line of Sight and +10% Hit Points

*Civilization Weakness*
None Listed in Game.

*Unavalible to Civilization*
Heavy Strike Mech, Heavy Assault Mech, Advanced Generators, Advanced Redesign,
Technicians, Advanced Frigate, Advanced Cruiser, Heavy Destroyer, Jedi Master,
Force Strong, Jedi/Sith Concentration, Jedi/Sith Purge, Force Influence,
Jedi/Sith perception, Jedi Mind Trick, Bacta Tanks, Anti-Air Retrofit,
Efficient Manufacturing, Targeting Sensors, Advanced Propulsion,
Redoubled Efforts.


Note: These Civilizations are only avalible with the CLONE CAMPAIGNS expansion
pack or the pack where both games are combined called STAR WARS GALACTIC


*Unique Units*
Jedi Starfighter, Advanced Jedi Starfighter.

*Unique Technologies*
Kaminoan Refit - Animal Nursery generates food +20% faster.
Air Cruiser Boost Air Cruisers are now faster with +10% speed.
Upgraded Med Droids - Medical droids move and heal +20% faster.
Sight Beyond Sight Jedi - Troopers and Jedi Starfighters now gain +6 Line of
Kaminoan Cloners - aser troopers are now built +50% faster.

*Civilization Bonuses*
Prefab Shelters hold one more population unit, Holocrons give more nova, Jedi
and Jedi Temples are cheaper.

*Team Bonus*
Med Droids Heal twice as fast, Jedi gain +10%, Fortresses heal garrisoned units
33% faster.

*Civilization Weakness*
None Listed in the Game.

*Unavalible to Civilization*
Heavy Assault Mech, Advanced Generator, Advanced Redesign, Technicians,
Advanced Frigate, Advanced Cruiser, Heavy Destroyer, Heavy Artillery, Heavy
Pummel, Reinforced Frame, Anti Air Retrofit, Advanced Propulsion,
Redoubled Efforts, Advanced Scanning.


*Unique Units*
Genosian Warrior, Elite Genosian Warrior, Reek, Aklay, Nexu.

*Unique Technologies*
Geonosian Diligence - Workers work +10% faster, and now have a +2 attack
against troopers and buildings, and a +4 attack against Turrets.
Droid Upgrades - All troopers have +25 HP and attack is increased by +3.
Geonosian Engineers - Heavy Weapon Factory units gain +10% speed; lowers the
reload time (except for Pummels) by a quarter of a second per shot.

*Civilization Bonuses*
Workers gain basic training upgrades automatically,Predators can be produced at
the animal nursery.

*Team Bonus*
Cargo Hovercraft returns +25% Nova.

*Civilization Weakness*
Aircraft take 5% longer to build and are 5% more expensive.

*Unavalible to Civilization*
Heavy Strike Mech, Advanced Redesign, Advanced Frigate, Heavy Destroyer,
Advanced Cruiser, Sith Master, Force Strong, Jedi/Sith Concentration, Faith in
the Force, Force Influence, Jedi/Sith Perception, Jedi Mind Trick, Reinforced
Frame, Advanced Flight School, Efficient Manufacturing, Shield Modifications,
Armored Plate work, Advanced Power Pack, Advanced Propulsion,
Redoubled Efforts.

NOTE: The Story behind each civilization will come in next update.


This section will introduce you to the main aspects of playing the game, even
if you are already familar with most aspects of play I still suggest you read
here first as it will give extra details that you will not read elsewhere in
this guide such as when to harvest resources, and what basic things to do
when building the base.


3a) The Resources........................................................[100%]
3b) Building the Base....................................................[100%]
3c) Scouting.............................................................[100%]
3d) Attacking............................................................[100%]
3e) Tech Levels..........................................................[100%]
3f) Standard Mode Game...................................................[100%]
3g) Hotkeys..............................................................[100%]


There are 4 resources that you need to collect in order to suceed in this game,
each resource is important to building up your armies and defenses, or if you
are playing a monument game they are needed for building a monument in vast
quantities, below I will give a description of when to harvest them and how
many workers you should have on them.


This is absoloutly vital for your civilization, without it you cannot build
troops or workers, so the civilization fails easily. There are many sources of
food in the game, the most common is muja fruit bushes, although you can get it
from hunting, fishing, farms and animal nurserys.

The thing that I do when I first start a map is to get the scout out looking
for Nerfs and Banthas which you can store in your animal nursery so that you
have a steady supply of food coming in, this will also allow you to have more
workers gathering other resources due to not needing a lot to gather food as
Animal Nurserys do not need a worker near them. I do not hunt much at the start
of the game due to the risk of death to workers although if there are some
docile creatures near your base you can start to kill and gather these, but
remember as soon as an animal is killed the meat starts decaying so it is best
to build a Food Processing Centre close to the main food source and have lots
of workers on one animal. If you workers start getting attacked by animals send
some troops out there to kill it, although if you have aircraft avalible send
them out as the animals cannot attack them. When you run out of natural sources
of food you should build farms, although you can only build them if you have a
food processing centre.


Ore is a crystal type thing that comes out of the ground, you will notice them.
Ore is used for defending the base such as building walls and turrets so it is
absoloutly vital that you begin to mine it as soon as possible if you are
playing on hard difficulty modes as you will always be attacked, so it makes it
easier to defend your workers and buildings. I suggest that you start mining
this is in tech level 2 so that you can get the most amount of ore possible to
start building walls and turrets to destroy the attacking enemy.

Nova Crystals

There are two main sources of Nova Crystals, Holocrons and Nova deposits. I
will go into detail on them both in a minute. Nova Crystals are used for making
aircraft, researching some advanced technologies and building Jedi. Therefore
it is vital if you are going to make the most advanced and powerful
civilization to crush your opposition.

Nova Deposits which are the green crystals that stick out of the ground need to
be gathered by workers and either deposited at the command centre or at a Nova
Processing Centre.

Holocrons on the other hand need to be picked up by Jedi or Sith and then
stored at the Jedi/Sith Temple, these will generate a steady supply of Nova
Crystals, roughly 45 per minute for each Holocron stored. One of the ways to
win the game is to have control of all Holocrons on the map for a certain
amount of time. Like the ore you should begin to gather this around Tech Level
2 so that you have a good supply


Carbon is an vital resource that you should begin gathering straight away, it
is used to build almost all buildings and new units. There are two sources for
it and they are Trees and Carbon deposits, each gives the same amount of Carbon
but it depends on what map you play on. If you play on a forest map you will
gather carbon from trees and on a desert map you will gather from deposits.

You should build a carbon centre nearby your main source of carbon to research
carbon gathering technologies and to speed up the process of gathering carbon.
In my experience if you have an Animal Nursery it is best to have more workers
gathering carbon than any other resource as it is needed a lot more.


The first thing to do is to start scouting the area for possible entrances to
the base so you can defend it when you reach Tech Level 2, you also want to
start building prefab shelters once you have enough resources. This things you
should build is a Carbon Processing Centre, you should also build an Animal
Nursery if you find between 8-10 Nerfs or Banthas.
The most important thing you should build in the early stages of your base is
a Power Core, this will allow you to power your base and allow your buildings
to produce at 100% efficiency, unpowered they would only work at 25%. You will
not need to build a Troop Centre early on if you are on easy difficulty
settings, if on harder difficulty settings it should be one of the first
buildings as it is vital to protect your base early on.
Once you are in Tech Level 3, you can build the buildings you don't currently
have because they are good for building up forces, there are some buildings you
should build depending on how you will attack see the section on sieges.


Scouting the area should be the number 1 thing you do when your workers
are gathering resources when you start out a new map, it should be done
at the start otherwise it will be too dangerous later as there will be
lots of enemy troops in the area. The main things you are looking for
are all ememy command centres, possible ways into your base, holocrons
and resources for when you expand.
If you are on an island explore your entire island first, then build a
dock and use the utility trawlers to scout around the other islands and
see what Islands are inhabited and ones that are not but rich with
As long as you do not attack any enemies during scouting at the start
of the map, you will not be attacked back. But if you attack someone
by the command centre you have lost a scout.


There is a lot of detail on this in the section on sieges. This section will go
through the basics of attacking.
You won't need to worry too much about assigning groups on simple difficulty
sections, but it is important once you are more experienced in the game. To
find out how to assign units to groups go to the Hotkey Section which can be
found below.
To attack a unit select your unit and then right click on the building or unit
that you want to attack, there is not much to it. There are lots of different
types of attacking units and they each do different jobs.

Troops - Good for attacking enemy troops.
Heavy Weapons - Good for demolishing Walls and Buildings.
Air Craft - Good for taking out buildings and units. Can only be damaged by
anti air craft devices.
Mechs - Some are OK for attacking but not overly powerful.
Ships - Good for scouting and attacking docks and other ships.


Tech Levels, the most important thing for advancing in the game, well not
really the resources are but this is second most important. Advancing a Tech
Level basically gets you lots of new technologies and buildings which basically
gives you the edge over your enemy, for example if you had an Advanced Mounted
Trooper from Tech Level 2 and your enemy had a normal Mounted Trooper you would
win the fight due to having the most powerful unit. Therefore you must always
research a new tech level when you have the resources, click the Command Centre
to view what the specifications are, and click the Research Tech Level (Insert
Number Here). Its also very enjoyable when you are on Tech Level 3 and the
enemy is on Tech Level 1 and you just attack them with your air craft as they
have no means of protecting themselves.


The following are descriptions from the game manual on what different modes are

- Random Map, The terrain will be randomly generated, and standard rules will
apply unless you dictate otherwise.

- Terminate the Commander, Each player begins with a fortress and commander,
the object of the game is to eliminate the opposing commanders so you can rule
the map.

- Death Match, You begin with plenty of resources and can begin building an
army and attacking straight away.

- Commander of the Base, Capture a central monument and hold it for a period of
time, the gain control of the monument all enemy units within range of the
monument must be destroyed.

- Monument Race, Be the first to build a monument, no military action is
allowed in this mode of play.

- Defend the monument, You begin with a monument and well defend it which is
obvious really from the title. *Bit of humour there for you*


Hotkeys are a faster way of doing things on STAR WARS GALACTIC BATTLEFIELDS, I
will list the main ones below that are good for the standard mode of play.

Cycle through Idle Workers - (,) key
Cycle through Troop Centres- Mech Factories or Air Bases - CTRL+A,CTRL+L,CTRL+T
Cycle through resource buildings - (/) Key
Centre view on selected Unit/Object - SPACEBAR
Assign Units to groups - CTRL+1-9
Select Assingned Groups - 1-9
Select all onscreen units of one type - Double Click Unit
Go to Command Centre - H Key
Garrison Units in Selected Building - G or Alt+RIGHT-CLICK BUILDING
Display Technology Tree - F2
Save Game - F9
Speed up Game Speed - + key on numpad
Slow Down Game Speed - (-) key on numpad


This at the moment is a basic list of all buildings in the game, and what each
building does, in the next update it will show the HP for each building along
with attack power, if it is a turret etc.


4a) Economic Buildings...................................................[100%]
4b) Military/War Buildings...............................................[100%]
4c) Research Buildings...................................................[100%]


Prefab Shelter

Prefab Shelter's allow you to house extra units, this is the way to
expand your population. Each prefab shelter allows you to build 5 extra
units, unless you are the Galactic Republic which means you get 6
units. Gungans can build them underwater and Trade Federation do not
need to build them at all.

Power Core

Vital to your economy, without it buildings will only work at 25%
efficiency. So everything will work 75% slower such as when you are
researching new technologies and building units. The command centre is
self powered. You can tell if a building is powered by looking at the
lights, if they are green it is powered, if red they need to be

Ore Processing Centre

The ore Processing Centre should be built near your main source of Ore.
Without this your workers will carry all ore back to your command
centre, this will make your workers less efficient.

Nova Crystal Processing Centre

Nova should like the Ore Processing Centre should be built by your main
source of Nova, you can research Nova gathering upgrades here.

Command Centre

The basis of your whole base. This is where you research new technology
levels and build workers, if you have no dedicated resource centres
this is where your workers will bring gathered resources. If there is
an attack you can garrison workers here to fire out of it.


One way to win the game, it takes a lot of resources and a long time to
build, doesn't have much use, so avoid building one if you are going
for conquest.

Carbon Processing Centre

This is used to gather carbon, build near your main supply of Carbon.

Animal Nursery

Garrison Nerfs and Banthas here so that you can can get a steady of
supply of food coming in every minute, only build if you find 8-10
Nerfs or Banthas or otherwise it is pointless. It is also needed to
build Mounted troopers at the troop centre.

Food Processing Centre

Build near main supply of food, needed for a farm, not much use
although you can make a queue for farms so that they are built


This is used if you have run out of natural resources, it should be
built near your food processing centre and all upgrades for it should
be purchased as soon as possible.

Aqua Harvester

This is like a farm, except it is built in the water and trawlers
collect from it.



This is used to build your civilization specific unit, it can also be used to
expand your population by 20 units, it can also be used to build a cannon
later on.

Troop Centre

This is the basic military building. You can building the staple of any army,
the infantry such as mounted troops and ground troopers, also grenade troopers
and anti-air troopers.

Mech Factory

This building is used to create mechs such as the AT-AT's and Scouts which you
can use if your first scout is killed.

Ship Yard

Used to build ships to transport, attack, scout and to collect fish for you.
Building ships will give you an edge on your enemies.

Medium Wall

This will be your first type of wall that you should build, it is both strong
and a good defensive.

Heavy Wall

This is a very strong wall and will give a lot of defensive for you, there is
hardly any chance of a small army without artillery and heavy weapons.

Shield Generator

This will give extra protection to all your buildings in range, it is good if
you are being attacked a lot as while the enemy are taking extra time to attack
your buildings you can destroy them with aircraft etc.

Medium Turret

This is a ranged tower that will allow you to destroy attacking troops with in
range, this is perfect defensive for early invasions, watch out for the enemies
ones as well.

Jedi/Sith Temple

Store Holocrons and build Jedi/Sith here, they are a powerful battlefield force
but you do not want many of them.

Light Wall

I don't suggest building this wall, it offers next to no protection and will be
destroyed quite quickly, it is basically a waste of resources.

Advanced Anti-Air Turret

This will attack on-coming enemy aircraft, this is vital if playing on a hard
difficulty setting as you will be constantly attacked by aircraft and this is
one of the only ways to destroy them.

Light Turret

This is a ranged tower that will allow you to destroy attacking troops with in
range, this is perfect defensive for early invasions, watch out for the enemies
ones as well.

Air Base

Build and upgrade aircraft here, this is good if you want to destroy the enemy
quickly with next to no damage, unless they have anti-air defences.

Sentry Post

This can be used to give extra view of surrounding area, apart from that it has
no attack capabilities, so useless once you get turrets.

Anti-Air Turret

This will attack on-coming enemy aircraft, this is vital if playing on a hard
difficulty setting as you will be constantly attacked by aircraft and this is
one of the only ways to destroy them.


Once you have built a wall you will want access for your troops, so build one
of these otherwise you will be stuck in your base.

Shield Wall

This is the strongest type of wall avalible, and should be used if you have the
resources to buy it.

Heavy Weapons Factory

Build Heavy weapons here such as artillery and pummels, this is good if you
have walls to penetrate and buildings to destroy that have anti-air defences.



You to buy, sell and trade resources. You can build trade routes here which
will bring back Nova Crystals from every journey.

War Center

You upgrade various things about your military units here, it is good if you
want to make the most powerful fighting force, and lets face it who does not
want to.

Research Center

Research upgrades to ranged units and buildings here, not really useful unless
you want to upgrade the defence of your buildings.


Each unit/s is listed with where they are madwe and a basic description of the

Mounted Trooper, Heavy Mounted Trooper, Advanced Mounted Trooper.

This mounted unit is used for melee attacks and can detect concealed Jedi and
Sith units. Its best use is to attack Mech's although it has an attack bonus
against Buildings so useful when attacking a base, it is made in the troop

Trooper Recruit, Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Repeater Trooper.

Early on this is the most powerful unit in the game, but you will gradually need
it less when there are mechs and more powerful units, these are quick to die.
They are made in the troop centre.

Anti-Air Trooper, Heavy Anti-Air Trooper.

These are weak units with a powerful attack against aircraft, they are only
needed when your enemy has reached Tech Level 3 as they cannot attack ground
units. They are made at the troop centre.

Grendade Trooper

This is a powerful unit although very expensive, when you are attacking troops
make sure your ones are out of the area before launching a grenade as it will
damage your troops as well, made in the the troop centre.


They are very weak but they are quick, they should only be used for scouting not
for attacking as they will be killed quickly. Made in the Mech Factory.

Strike Mech, Heavy Strike Mech

This are good for taking out infantry, these are made at the Mech Factory.

Mech Destroyer, Heavy Mech Destroyer

These are capable of destroying strike mechs, they are good when you troops are
being destroyed and you need to attack them quickly and get rid of the enemy.
It can carry 1 unit in it which will make its attack more powerful. It is made
at the Mech Factory.

Assault Mech, Heavy Assualt Mech

An very strong unit made at the Mech Factory they delivers powerful attacks and
can damage severely anything in its blast radius, it can carry some units. Made
at the Mech Factory.

Utility Trawler

A worker that fishes and can construct aqua harvesters, it makes underwater
prefab shelters if you are a Gungan. Made at the Naval Yard.

Transport Ship

This carries units from one part to another over water, it has no ttack
capabilities so if it is attacked you will lose all units on it, so it is best
to send an attack ship with it or at least an aircraft to defend it. Made at the
Naval Yard.

Light Frigate, Frigate, Advanced Frigate

This ship is very fast and is equipped with a basic weapon and should be used
for defending and scouting. It can also detect hidden sea units. Made at the
Naval Yard.

Destroyer, Heavy Destroyer

This unit is specifically suited to destroying other sea units, such as
transport ships. Made at the Naval Yard.

Anti Air estroyer, Heavy Anti Air Destroyer

This is used to protect your units from air attacks, although they cannot fire
at land or sea units, made at the Naval Yard.

Cruiser/ Advanced Cruiser

These are a bit like the artillery of the sea, they deliver powerful attacks
and are good for coastal attacks, they are very weak against air units, made
at the Naval Yard.

Air Transport

These carry units through the air, ideal if you want to get your units to an
inland destination over the sea which you cannot reach with sea transport. Made
at the Air Base.

Bomber, Enhanced Bomber, Advanced Bomber

Bombers cannot fight air to air but are very powerful against buildings and
stationary ground units. Made at the Air Base.

Fighter, Fast Fighter, Advanced Fighter

It is quick and can attack all units, should be used to attack units that cannot
return fire. Made at the Air Base.

Artillery/Heavy Artillery

Used to attack from a long distances with powerful attacks, good for attacking
units in formation and taking out walls and turrets. Made at the Heavy Weapons

Anti Air Mobile, Heavy Anti Air Mobile

Can attack air units but not ground units, made at the Heavy Weapons Factory.

Pummel/Heavy Pummel

This is an attack unit, must be close to the building, good for attacking
buildings and walls, made at the Heavy Weapons Factory.

All Jedi and all Sith

They are very powerful and collect holocrons from around the map and garrison
them at the Jedi or Sith temple, made at the specific temple depending on the

Unique Units

They are different for each civilization, see the civilization guide above,
made at the Fortress.

Bounty Hunter

They are trained killers of jedi and are very powerfull against them. No Jedi
can match the skill of the bounter hunter, made at the Fortress.


This is a slow moving unit and is excellent at taking out buildings from long
range although they are very weak from close attacks, this can be made at the


Very small section here on Formations and can sometimes give you the tactical
advantage over other players.

Line Formation, This is the default formation, all units are put into a line.
It is the most common formation in the game and should be used if you want all
your units in one small place.

Staggered Formation, Spaces your units out, it is good if you are under attack
from artillery fire as the units are in a wider area so the damage to each unit
is reduced.

Box Formation, This should be used if you want to protect weaker units such as
artillery when you are attacking a base.

Flank Formation, Splits the units selected into two groups so that you can
attack from two seperate sides.


Defending is a very good thing to do early in the game, at all times you should
have a good set of units left at your base to defend from surprise attacks.
When you first reach Tech Level 2 begin to mine Ore so that you can build some
Medium Walls. While you are mining send your scout out to look for all possible
entrances to your base. These are the areas that you need to wall up.
Once you have enough ore, start building walls with as many workers as possible
so that it is built quickly. After the wall is built you should build turrets,
there is no need to build anti air turrets until your enemy is on Tech Level 3,
as that is when they build aircraft. Build the turrets near the gate as this is
where you will be attacked by the enemy, if they start attacking walls get your
workers to repair it.
If they destroy a turret or wall get your aircraft out there to kill them, if
you have no aircraft get your troops to destroy them, if worse comes to worse
and you are over run garrison workers in your command centre so that they can
attack back.


These if you aiming to be a more military based civilization and to crush all
your enemies this is what you should do.

The first thing you should do is build up your army depending on how you are
going to attack. If you are going to go long range but strong build up
artillery and some ground units to protect them. For close range use Pummels,
Mounted troopers, Assault mechs and troopers. For long range and a ram attack
stock up on both, I will now go into detail of what you must do for each attack
to get you a win.

Long Range Attack

Set up a line of artillery and cannons far enough away from the enemy so you do
not get attacked but close enough so you can destroy buildings, this means not
placing them near Command Centres, Turrets and Fortresses. If everything in the
range is destroyed move them closer. Once you are in the Base things get more
complicated set your army out so that the cannons are on the front and the
artillery weapons are on the two sides, troops should go in the middle. Once
you have destroyed a good amount of the base send your troops in.

Attacking Up Close

Bring a lot of troopers, these are for defence and distraction. Bring the
troopers forward distracting all enemy that fire, bring the pummels forward and
attack the buildings, this should work throughout the whole attack but a lot
of planning will need to be put into it.

Attacking with both attacks

Start by using the long range strategy and then move pummels in to take out
buildings, have cannons and artillery stay at the entrance with some troopers,
while pummels take out buildings, if there are no anti air defence take in some
aircraft as well which will make the job easier.


Multiplayer is basically the same as single player, except you are playing
someone over the internet. To access multiplayer mode click the option
"" on the main title page. Then go through the options, installing what
they tell you until you find either Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds or Clone
Campaigns, depending on what game you want to play. Make sure you choose the
right room for you, as if the room is labelled "Experts Only" do not enter it
and ruin other peoples games. When the game is launched you will be at the
civilization select screen, do that. You can also chat in the lobby here to
the other players. To complete it select "I am Ready" and the game will begin.
Basically use the tactics I have outlined before and you can't go far wrong.
Good luck.


Well, that took a long time to write, any way if you want to contact me send
me an e-mail at and put SWGB in the subject. Ok thanks,
and you will get credit.

Happy Gaming,

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